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tv   Nightline  ABC  May 7, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PDT

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wish you were here ♪ ♪ [ cheering and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, the pomp and pageantry of the met gala. >> straight ahead! >> celebrities in full bloom embracing this year's theme, the garden of time. the ensemble that turned a lot of heads. we're with zendaya, j. lo, jeff bezos, and bad bunny, all coming together for the annual fundraiser chaired by "vogue's" anna wintour. plus -- ♪ with a rebel yell she called more, more, more ♪
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>> celebrating the anniversary of rebel yell, and spilling the bourbon on an inspiration from rock royalty. >> it was mick jagger, keith richards and vonnie woods drinking a bottle of this stuff called rebel yell. >> known for his cameo in "the wedding singer". >> you better get out of my way, billy. you're going to get hurt. >> going deep about his rock star lifestyle. >> why aren't you dead? you lived on the edge of the edge for a long time. and -- ♪ blackbird singing in the dead of night ♪ >> the classic inspired by little rock nine. beyonce introducing the song to younger generations. ♪ waiting for this moment to arrive ♪ . >> now nearly 70 years later, the civil rights pioneers opening up about the song and their new battles for equality. ♪ waiting for this moment to arrive. >> "nightline" will be right back. (vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just's a choice
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to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way. you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition.
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>> reporter: it's fashion's biggest night. >> zendaya! >> sydney! >> the met gala is the party of the year. >> reporter: the met gala, the annual celeb-studded fundraiser held to benefit new york city's metropolitan museum of art. >> finally, i'm here, and i'm ready to enjoy it. >> reporter: the super bowl of red carpets. it eclipses the oscars in terms of cultural significance. >> reporter: the main spectacle, a parade of stars in glamorous costumes. >> a worldwide celebration of celebrity and culture and fashion, the craziest fashion. >> reporter: with actors like nicole kidman. musicians like cardi b, and other headline makers like kim kardashian posing on the steps of the met's red carpet. >> who is there? who is there who might not have been there before? what that says about us
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culturally, who has influence. >> reporter: my colleague deborah roberts reporting from the gala. >> i'm here on a very crowded carpet where a parade of actors and musicians and who's who in all kinds of categories are making their way up the stairs to pose for the camera. >> i feel very grateful to be invited again. i think anna does an amazing job. all the motivation behind doing this is really like a huge amount of support to the fashion industry. >> reporter: this year's ethereal nature theme in full bloom. the dress code inspired by the 1962 book "the garden of time." the night's four celebrity co-chairs, actress zendaya in a vampy poison ivy style gown, singer and actress jennifer lopez wearing a sheer silvery leaf dress, chris hemsworth relaxed in a tan garden suit. >> we're amazed to be here to have a fun night. >> reporter: and bad bunny sporting a renaissance inspired outfit. at the center of it all, the
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queen of fashion herself, "vogue's" editor-in-chief anna wintour. >> many people know her from "the devil wears prada", character based on anna wintour. >> for spring, how groundbreaking. >> reporter: however, that is really a superficial look at a woman who many source told me is really complicated. >> in the world of fashion, she is the person who effectively tells all of what's we should be wearing. >> reporter: wintour personally approving every flourish, including who graces the red carpet and who gets in. >> the met gala is the ultimate representation of who anna thinks is in. the people walking up those stairs on the first monday in may are people who she has hand-picked to be there and people she thinks are in and are vogue. so it doesn't matter how much money you have, you cannot buy your way in. >> one woman has transformed this party into is effectively a
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business. it is unlike any other gala, any other fundraiser that i can think of in the world. >> reporter: those making the cut this year, actors like mindy kaling and oscar nominee coleman domingo. some making their debut appearances at the met ball, like musicians tyla, serving a sands of time look, and karol g, sparkly and elfin. and tech titan and amazon founder jeff bezos, with fiancee lauren sanchez. then there are those with more unique costume choices. >> it is truly like a cocktail of power players in the culture. >> reporter: the black tie event held each year on the first monday in may is the soul fundraiser for the museum's fashion wing, the costume institute. this year's exhibit themed sleeping beauties: reawakingen fashion, spotlights 250 rarely seen designer pieces.
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>> it's called sleeping beauties because some of the gowns are so fragile that they have to be shown lying down in case. they can't even be hung on man kips. >> reporter: attending the gala can come at a steep price. >> it cost brands at least $350,000 per table. it costs individuals $75,000 a ticket. and you're also paying for a celebrity's dress, paying for hair and makeup, probably to stay in a hotel, to fly in, paying theriault epay ing their kent buck. >> those ticket prices were $75,000. and you have to be invited to pay that. >> reporter: still, what happens inside the ball is a bit of a mystery, with wintour also banning cell phone use. >> once guests go into the dinner, there is no social media and no journalists. >> reporter: in 2017, kylie jenner broke that protocol by posting this star-studded bathroom selfie on her instagram. >> the "vogue" cameras are allowed inside of there.
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but you cannot take photos or bum rush your favorite designer, your favorite movie star to get that photo. it's just not allowed. >> reporter: tonight's fashion choices and photos already going global. >> smile this way. >> reporter: but no matter who is chosen as best dressed, those lucky enough to be invited -- >> jennifer, that smile. >> reporter: have already made it. and for tonight, all eyes are on them. >> hold that right there, zendaya! when we return, my "nightline" co-anchor byron pitts sits down with rocker billy idle who reveal what's the rolling stones had to do with rebel yell. ♪ more, mo, more, more, more ♪ i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi, i'm on my way with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections
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♪ i'll be dancing with myself, oh, oh, dancing with myself, oh, dancing with myself ♪ ♪ if i had a chance i'd ask the world to dance ♪ >> byron: that's billy idol's "dancing with myself." we live in an age where words like icon, legend, or great are often misused and overused. tonight that's not our problem. those superlatives deliciously apply to our next guest. welcome to "nightline" rock great billy idol. welcome, sir. >> thank you. hi. >> we are here to celebrate 40 years since the release of your rebel yell album. what do you think when you hear 40 years? >> yeah, it's a little frightening, isn't it? but yeah, the music has held up. that's what's fantastic. i can still do those songs. i can still do "rebel yell." it never gets old. there is something about what we were doing back then, even
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though we were only doing it for that moment. ♪ in the midnight hour, she cries more, more, more ♪ ♪ with a rebel yell, more, more, more ♪ >> byron: one story that we tell, we love the elevator version of the story is the album title "rebel yell" involving a run-in with the rolling stones. >> yes. i went to -- i was friendly with ronnie wood. it was party, he was putting on a birthday party at his new york brownstone up on the west side for one of the stones. at one point, there was mick jagger, keith richards and ronnie woods standing in front of me all drinking this great big bottle of stuff that i kind of started to follow, wonder what it is? and it was called rebel yell. and i thought i could use that title. so i went i can take that song. i won't make it anything about the civil war. i'll just make it about a cry of love, sexual cry of orgasmic love. >> byron: oh, oh. >> but the songs have lasted.
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they don't seem to get old. >> byron: that's part of greatness, right? it always lives. it resonates for generations. as part of the anniversary, you're releasing a deluxe expanded edition of the album including never before heard demos and remixes of some of the classics. let's revisit one of the biggest hits from the album, "eyes without a face."" ♪ eyes without a face, without a face, ♪ >> i'm amazed by that babyface back in the day. so this song has gone viral again. what do you make about that? >> yeah, tiktok. it's my biggest song on spotify. it's fantastic. i think it shows what we were talking about, that it's there is something about the music. it still whatever we put into it back then, the ingredients still
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work, you know. >> byron: i just finished reading your memoir from several years ago that highly recommended for someone who wants to know about your life. for many, many ways it is a history lesson. the context of that book in your life, i asked this question gently in looking at the life of billy idol. why aren't you dead? you lived on the edge of the edge for a long time. >> yeah, i did. really, i'm lucky to be here in this state as well. i shouldn't really be here in lots of ways. but there again, whatever i did to myself, i never lost my belief in the music i was doing. and i think that keeps you young, keeps you alive. and i believe in it. i believe in it. it gave me a future. it gave me a life that i dreamt about, really, and a freedom, a sense of freedom. >> byron: you've always been open about your challenges, addiction, drugs, alcohol. how you right now? >> well, i've managed to -- i'm kind of california sober i
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suppose, that's what people say today. so i don't deny myself anything, but i just don't go there. because if i sort of deny myself something, i want to do it. i tell myself i can do everything. i just don't. >> byron: yeah, yeah. >> because you get a natural high from the show. the music is a high in itself. and you can repeat that every night. wherever you play. >> byron: yeah, yeah. >> that's become the high today, you know. >> byron: you've used the word "lucky" a few times. mindful of the definition of luck. you're someone who has worked his ass off, forgive me, to get where you are. so it was hard work, optimism, opportunity. >> yeah, and belief, you know. never lost the belief in the music and in the love of it, really. it's also the mostly being on the stage is the most incredible exercise. if anybody wants to do the exercise for this ages, being on stage, because you have -- just singing is an amazing exercise. >> byron: right? i like that.
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so what's next for you? >> we've got an album coming out in october, which i'm looking forward to. it goes on, basically. >> byron: nice. and you're touring again? >> yeah, we're doing a lot next year. we're doing a little bit in canada in the summer, and new zealand, australia with the new album in the november, december. but next year it's going to go crazy. >> byron: what is the one thing billy idol knows for sure for which you have no doubt? >> life is worth living. stay alive. it's worth it. it's worth it. it's worth going after your dreams. it really is. it pays you back. >> byron: i've been in this business for 40 plus years. you're the first rock star i've ever interviewed, and i hope and pray they're all as good and decent as you. >> cheers, yeah. it's a lovely thing to say, thank you. i'm enjoying it, you know. >> byron: we can see it. we can see it in your eyes. the legend, the icon, words my colleagues know i hardly ever use, those are words that are true of you. billy idol, ladies and
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gentlemen. the deluxe expanded edition of "rebel yell" is out now. >> juju: our thanks to byron. when we return, beyonce taking on the beatles' gentle ballad blackbird, and shining the lights on the civil rights struggle behind it. ♪ all your life ♪ and it changed everything. (♪) (silence) (♪) (♪) hey dave, don't knock it till you smell it. try the new luxurious scent of gain relax flings. try new gain relax scent beads too... for twice the vibes . for moderate to severe crohn's disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections
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or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. (vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just's a choice ♪ control is everything to me ♪ to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down... so you can lighten every day the metamucil way.
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come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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finally tonight, beyonce putting a powerful spin on a classic for a whole new generation of listeners. the women at the center of the civil rights struggle whose story inspired the beatles to write "blackbird." ♪ blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly ♪ >> from beyonce's new country mix, to the beatles' seminal recording, more than 50 years later, "blackbird" is a song rich with symbolism and history. ♪ blackbird singing in the dead
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of night ♪ >> little rock, arkansas and the first phase of trouble. the white population are determined to prevent black children from attending the school their children attend. >> inspired by a dark chapter in american history. >> i was scalded in the gym shower five times in a whole school year. being body slammed against the wall lockers happened every day. you just didn't know when it would happen or where. >> elizabeth ekford recently reflecting on the experience. she and eight others were tortured with verbal and physical assaults while integrating little rock high school in central arkansas. it was three years after the supreme court's landmark decision, brown versus the board of education, ordering the desegregation of public schools with all deliberate school. >> they walk in, we walk out. and it's not right. they have schools just as good as us.
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they have a choice. but we don't have a choice like they do. >> they can go to ours or go to our own, but we have to go white school. >> reporter: this iconic photo of 15-year-old ekfort's first day at little rock's central high school. that image and others the inspiration for "blackbird." paul mccartney revealing how the song came to be at a concert in little rock in 2016. >> in the 1960s, there was a lot of troubles going on over civil rights. particularly in little rock. it made me want to write this song ♪ blackbird singing in dead of night ♪ >> mccartney even invited ekfort and mother ware to the concert, posting this photo on twitter. the tune a favorite of melba, even before she learned of her connection to it. >> i noticed right away what the words of that were telling me how i felt and what i have to
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do. what is this white man halfway around the world, how does he understand how i feel? because that's how i feel. >> reporter: despite all that they endured, the teens knew they could not give up. >> martin luther king came to visit us. i ran my list to him. he let me finish. and he looked at me and said "don't be selfish, melba. you're not doing this for yourself. you're doing this for generations yet unborn." >> decades later, bronze statues of the little rock nine now decorate the lawn of the arkansas state capitol. they've been honored by a president and awarded the congressional gold medal. >> activism is a life sentence in that we have to speak up. we have to make demands of our society or else everything will stay the same. >> now beyonce is giving new meaning to the song and legacy of the little rock nine by adding the voices of four black female singers. ♪ blackbird singing in the dead
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of night ♪ now octogenarians, the work goes on for the little rock nine. melba petillo beals' book "warriors don't cry" banned in some states. >> it's a real tragedy. it's a social catastrophe. so go for it, people, and try to ban the books. the greatest singer in the world sings a song that talks about the very thing that you're trying to stop people from learning. >> so lock me in, do whatever you like, i'm still that blackbird, and i'm still going to fly with broken wings. ♪ you were only waiting for this to fly with broken wings. ♪ you were only waiting for this moment to arrive ♪ discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people


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