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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 7, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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disneyland attraction. the disney treasure set sail on its maiden voyage in december. disney, of course, is the parent company of abc seven. >> i'm here for this. >> yeah, if it works, i hope they bring it to the parks then. yeah, make it something at the parks. we can do. >> people can, like take off from there. yeah. >> this is very cool. yeah it looks neat inside. you get the whole picture behind them of the ghosts. >> they do you notice that? >> oh, yeah. >> yeah. >> nice to have a ride. >> oh, also, rumors are there's going to be a change to those ghosts when they reopen the haunted mansion later this summer. oh, no, that's a rumor. >> i don't know, is that rumor start? >> yeah. right here. ghost host >> robin: good morning america for our viewers in the west. relentless dangerous weather in major cities in the path. breaking overnight, deadly tornado outbreak. >> the power went out.
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large tornado. tornado! tornado on the ground! >> robin: at least 16 twisters reported in six states leaving a trail of destruction, as storms slam the heartland. ginger is on the scene for us and tracking more severe weather on the move. >> george: new hope for a cease fire? hamas said it has accepted a proposal. israel said there's no deal yet, as it launches dozens of attacks in rafah. what the white house is doing this morning. >> rebecca: new fallout from the pro palestinian protests nationwide. dozens arrested in california, as columbia university cancels its main graduation ceremony for security reasons. will other schools follow? >> george: new warning. the judge in donald trump's criminal trial threatening to throw him in jail after he was held in criminal contempt again. >> rebecca: an american soldier accused of stealing. this morning why his mother said he was in the country. >> robin: giving up the crown. miss usa giving up the title for mental health reasons, raising
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questions about the culture of the prestigious pageant organization. >> rebecca: vacation alert. a michigan woman's warning and a new lawsuit after her husband died while snorkeling in hawaii. >> george: hard lessons for new college grads. >> i felt like my trust had been completely shattered. >> george: the new way criminals are targeting students with fake job offers. ♪ dancing queen ♪ >> robin: and we're dancing into tuesday morning with an a + surprise on this teacher appreciation day. plus the man who surprised all of these queens. >> hey, who's ready for breakfast in bed? bam! >> robin: it's all about mom. and this mom, our lara, is cooking with emeril. look who is ruling the carpet. >> good morning america. wake up. >> robin: reawakening fashion at the met gala with j. lo, kim k, ariana grande's performance had everyone dancing.
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zendaya with a double take. our fashion queen, deb robert, in her glory. but was the carpet missing someone? >> hi, george, hi, ali. where are you? >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: where were you? >> george: we were not there. my daughter was there. she may have been there when she did that. she was working yesterday. she had a great time. as i said, yesterday, this is her super bowl. it was a big night for her. >> rebecca: you were eating pop tarts somewhere. [ laughter ] okay, george. we have a very busy tuesday morning ahead. new headline for the 70 million americans who rely on social security. >> robin: we're going to begin with the severe weather outbreak overnight. 16 twisters reported in six states. ginger is in hard hit barndall oklahoma. >> ginger: we arrived here just about an hour ago.
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you can see that wall down. they're doing some searches out here. that car flipped behind us. trees crashing into this house. debris field as far as the eye can see. we have more severe weather coming. >> the power went out! tornado! tornado on the ground! >> ginger: overnight, violent storms sweeping across the great plains. >> highway 123, a tornado hit there. >> ginger: in barnsdall, oklahoma, one person was killed and several injured after a tornado ripped through the town north of tulsa. >> are you okay? >> ginger: the sheriff telling us many buildings were destroyed. this family with a baby and dog having to be rescued from their badly damaged home. >> it felt like forever. it felt like a long time. it probably wasn't. >> ginger: this is in the northeast. chaos at a hampton inn. authorities say they rescued
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several people trapped in that hotel. emergency crews urging people to stay off the roads after a twister left significant damage. we were chasing the destructive tornados hours earlier, northwest of oklahoma city. we're about six miles from a tornado warn storm just to our northwest. it is rain wrapped, meaning the rain is obscuring the actual tornado. it already shows debris on the radar so we know it's in there. >> you can see where the tornado just went through in smithville. >> ginger: severe storms also pounding tennessee. a tornado tearing through smithville just outside nashville. >> out of nowhere the wind started picking up and i saw the debris flying everywhere. >> ginger: we have active warnings and the map right now. you're going to see more action today. the enhanced risk includes cincinnati, columbus, lexington. this is not it. this threat comes with a new storm wednesday and thursday. it is a huge area, days in
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advance. kind of focused on little rock and memphis there. we'll have more coming up. >> robin: so much out there. all right. ginger, thank you. now the latest on the push for a cease fire in gaza. hamas announced it has agreed to a cease fire proposal, but israel says there is no deal yet and it is ramping attacks up in rafah. we'll get reaction from the white house, but first marcus moore is there on the ground in israel. good morning. >> reporter: robin, good morning. we are at hostages square where memorials pay homage to those being held captive in the midst of this war. while the idf said their latest operation in rafah is limited in scale, the relatives of some held hostage fear what the outcome could mean for their loved ones. overnight the idf saying it killed 20 members of hamas and found three operational tunnel shafts. they have taken control of the critical rafah crossing. video shows israeli flags flying on the palestinian side of the border.
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this as hamas says they are willing to accept a new cease fire proposal. the deal, a different agreement than the one proposed by israel, includes a permanent end of military operations and a withdraw from inside gaza. israel now reviewing the plan, but has yet to agree to these terms. prime minister netanyahu saying hamas' counter offer is, quote, far from israel's core demands which included a six week cease fire and releasing some palestinian prisoners for up to 33 hostages. despite the uncertainty, crowds in gaza celebrated hamas' announcement. while in tel aviv today, relatives of hostages demonstrated in front of the u.s. consulate, demanding the israeli government accept the deal. do you worry that this operation in rafah will affect the efforts to release the hostages? >> yes. i'm afraid they will all be dead. >> reporter: the family of hersh goldberg-polin, who's been held
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by hamas since october 7, speaking to us this morning. >> it's been 214 days. we need to be reunited with our loved ones. we're not going to solve everything in the middle east right now today. let's get our loved ones out. let's bring calm to the region. >> reporter: it is apparent that both israel and hamas are open to a prisoner exchange. the exact details, how many people and when, is where the gaps have been. delegation from all sides will head back to cairo. they will continue talking soon. george, egyptian authorities are warning that the current operation in rafah, they say, threatens the efforts to reach a cease fire agreement. >> george: that's complicated. let's bring in mary bruce. the white house in the thick of these negotiations. >> reporter: they certainly are, george. the biden administration is heavily invested in these talks which they see as the best way to ease the humanitarian aid crisis in gaza. and also defuse this crisis abroad, but also here at home as the president continues to face growing political pressure and these protests.
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talks will now continue. the white house hopes a deal will be done. but the back and forth over the last 24 hours goes to show how fluid this situation is. all of this coming as the u.s. continues to urgently warn israel not to invade rafah. the president reiterating that message directly in his 30 minute phone call with prime minister netanyahu. the white house deeply concerned that an operation like this would only exacerbate the humanitarian crisis. so far netanyahu doesn't seem to be heeding biden and the u.s.' warning. the big question then what comes next? how does the administration respond? i have asked the white house if they would limit or condition aid to israel? their response was, let's see what happens. >> george: mary bruce, thanks. president networking the situation. donald trump back in the courtroom. criminal trial in manhattan. the judge warned him he could face jail time if he keeps violating the gag order. while the jury saw the ledger for the payment to stormy daniels. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. >> reporter: good morning,
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george. stormy daniels will be the day's second witness. the defense is trying to limit the scope of her testimony saying this is a case about documents and records, but prosecutors say it is important to understand stormy daniels and donald trump had sex and that precipitated a $130,000 hush payment. for a tent time donald trump has been held in contempt and slapped with a fine. the judge conceded monetary fines have not and will not deter trump so the judge warned future violations could land trump in jail. >> this judge gives me a gag order and says you'll go to jail if you violate it. >> reporter: trump is on trial for falsifying business records to keep an adult film actress long denied claim of a second sexual encounter from voters before the 2016 election. his fixer at the time, michael cohen, wired daniels the money. when trump paid him back, trump illegally characterized the monthly reimbursements as legal expenses. for the first time the jury is seeing the invoices cohen sent that asked for payment pursuant
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to the retainer agreement. did you see a retrainer agreement? the answer, i did not. jurors also saw the hand written notes that worked out the monthly reimbursements and the checks trumped signed while at the white house. on cross-examination, the defense asked him, payments to lawyers by the trump organization are legal expenses, right? the answer, yes, sir. prosecutors say they will rest after about two more weeks of testimony. that includes testimony from stormy daniel, who's going to tell the jury about a sexual encounter donald trump said never occurred. robin? >> robin: all right. thanks, aaron. now an american soldier arrested in russia. officials say staff sergeant gordon black was stationed in korea and traveled to russia on his own. he is accused of stealing. chief global affairs anchor martha raddatz is tracking this story from washington. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, robin. this is a very different kind of detention. this soldier was in russia without permission, seemingly ignoring every warning to
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americans about travel to russia, especially members of the military. even his mother told him not to go. this morning 35-year-old staff sergeant gordon black behind bars in the eastern russian city of vladavostar. arrested there late last week, charged with criminal misconduct. his mother telling us her son met a russian woman tending bar near his army base in south korea who was later deported back to russia. she said her son was visiting the woman when arrested, describing the relationship as volatile and the woman as someone she suspected might be a spy. >> i knew something was going to happen. i felt like he was being set up by her. that she caused the argument. that she started the fight. to get him arrested. >> reporter: russian television saying the charges against sergeant black are for beating a woman and stealing money from her.
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sergeant black was on temporary leave while transferring from the u.s. base in south korea to an army base in texas. u.s. officials say the enlisted soldier traveled to russia on his own without permission. all americans have been warned to avoid travel there and advised to leave if they are already in russia. black's arrest also comes as the u.s. is working to receive and free wrongfully detained journalist evan gershgovich and business man paul wheelman. black's case very different from those. the u.s. is seeking to make sure black gets legal representation. a second american has been detained. this one a moscow court saying was found drunk and naked in public. rebecca? >> rebecca: thank you. we turn now to the new report on social security and medicare, warning the two programs could
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become insolvent in a decade. >> this is a sobering new government report for the 70 million americans who rely on social security. the social security trust funds are set to be depleted by the year 2035. at that point the government would have to start cutting benefits that are critical to so many retirees and disabled americans. medicare is set to be depleted a year later in 2036. more than 67 million older americans rely on medicare for their melt insurance. good news, these deadlines are later than the previous forecast. congress would need to act to keep these programs solvent. this is already a key issue on the campaign trail. former president trump suggested he would be open to making entitlement cuts, president biden saying in a statement, i will always fight for america's seniors and prevent republicans from cutting social security or medicare. but the bottom line is it's been almost four decades since there
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was any social security reform on capitol hill. this makes it clear the time is starting to run out. george? >> george: we turn now to the campus protests. more than 100 arrested at the university of california campuses yesterday. columbia cancelled its main commencement. other schools could soon follow. stephanie ramos confirming protesters at the university of chicago? >> reporter: that's right. police are trying to remove pro palestinian protesters at an encampment ats the university of chicago in hyde park. police moving in around 5 a.m. trying to remove tents and science. we're also seeing tensions at mit. pro palestinian protesters broke through barricades to retake an encampment there, holding up traffic for hours. at the university of california san diego police in riot gear arrested at least 64 people as they cleared a pro palestinian encampment. columbia's main graduation ceremony here cancelled. the university saying it is for security reasons. other colleges adjusting their plans as well.
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usc offering an event after scrapping their graduation. emory in atlanta moving commencement over safety concerns. overnight protesters also gathered near the met gala to protest the war in gaza nypd trying to create space between the protesters and the event. guys? >> robin: you speak about the met gala. thank you so much, stephanie. now to fashion's biggest night. deborah roberts was there looking gorgeous. oh my goodness. >> you're too kind. too kind. but, robin, what a night it was. you have to step up. turning out for that first monday in may to pay tribute to fashion. this year it was all about reawakening beauty through the eyes of time. overnight the super bowl of fashion kicking into high gear. >> good morning america. wake up! >> reporter: this year's theme, the garden of time. >> you have gardens and the sea and a few birds and bees and some snakes.
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>> reporter: the event co-chaired by bad bunny, jennifer lopez, chris hemsworth and, of course, zendaya. the fashion icon stepping out in a blue and green dress. >> four butterfly wings. >> reporter: shakira glimmering. what was the hardest getting dressed or navigating the stairs? >> standing for a bit over there. so many people. these heels are quite high. >> reporter: even the men stepping up, way up. you're slaying it tonight. you're both fashionistas. what is it about this theme you like? >> everything, everything. everybody is clean and scrubbed and deodorized. everything they are wearing is brand new. they'll never wear it again it's one clean night. >> reporter: kim kardashian showing off her cinched waist.
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athletes like serena williams showing she isn't afraid to strike a pose, or angel reese flying in straight from wnba practice in chicago making her first appearance. tyla transforming into the sands of time, carrying an hour glass and wearing literally sand. so snug she had to be lifted up all the steps. in a jaw dropping surprise, zendaya shutting down the carpet with a second look. a black 1996 gown complete with a floral head piece. they just defied reality. so many people waiting for rhiannah. we were told she has the flu. >> robin: you will be back in our next hour with more. >> we have more. >> robin: also ahead, new questions after miss usa gives up her crown. >> george: and a woman suing a hawaii tourism board after her husband died from snorkeling. let's go back to ginger. >> ginger: may is most prolific
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when it comes to tornados, as far as the united states is concerned. lot of people will get that shot with a new storm. you see little rock and memphis in there. that's a huge area that could see severe weather. all along the gulf, even up the east coast as we start the weekend. let's get your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> rebecca: coming up the new way scammers are targeting college graduates with fake job offers. we'll be right back. sfx: [email notification] ♪ ♪ rich, indulgent chocolate with a luscious caramel filling. discover ghirardelli caramel squares. in a bag and a bar. makes life a bite better. dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment
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city. that's a 41% decrease from last july, when there were more than 600 tents in encampments. san francisco has moved 460 people who were living in encampments into shelters so far this year. the survey also found there were no encampments, with ten or more tents and only nine with five or more tents. how's it looking on the roads, amanda? >> well, we have a slowdown to tell you about a major slowdown on the benicia-martinez bridge. this is southbound 680 at the mid-span. two left lanes are blocked because of a solo motorcycle crash. and traffic is stopped from parish road with over an hour delay. speeds are down to three miles per hour. stephanie >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has a
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temperatures. currently we are in the 40s and low 50s, but we are several degrees warmer right now compared to this time yesterday and later on this afternoon. it will be a warmer afternoon. pretty close to average for this time of year. looking at our highs today inland will be in the mid 70s with lots of sunshine around the bay shoreline bright with upper 60s to near 70 degrees and then along the coast we will keep total sunshine and temperatures in the upper 50 so close to average for this time of the year. we get even warmer here in the next couple of days. by thursday, feeling more like summer than spring. stephanie. thanks, drew. >> if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it's gma over here. >> yo what's up everybody? how i doing? >> kev. kev, can i get a response to the trade rumors? >> trader trades means moving. man we're talking about moving. moving means contractors, inspectors, strangers. judging my carpet. what are we talking about? staging. we're talking about a faux ficus. a faux
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cans of lighted salt mixed nuts. the products were produced at one facility and sold at publix and dollar tree stores in five states. you can find more information on our website about that. san antonio spurs phenom victor wembanyama has become rookie of the year becoming the sixth unanimous winner ever, the first overall pick in the draft
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averaged more than 21 points, 10 rebounds a game. he's also one of three finalists for defensive player of the year. oh, yeah. robin, i was just remembering your interview with him. >> robin: oh, yeah. >> rebecca: you were looking up the whole time. [ laughter ] >> robin: he has delivered. >> rebecca: he really has. it's incredible to see. we are looking forward to seeing more. we've got more ahead including the new warning for college students searching for their first job. that is coming up. >> robin: right now the surprise from miss usa. the young woman from utah announcing that she is resigning her title saying it's the best decision for her mental health. erielle reshef is here with the story for us. >> she's only worn the crown since september but she said she knows her decision may come as a shock. it's a major shake-up. it's raising new questions about the culture at one of the most prestigious pageant organizations in the world.
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>> miss uta utah! >> reporter: this morning that surprise move by miss usa, saying she's stepping down to protect her mental health. the pageant queen announcing on instagram, i have made the very tough decision to resign from the title of miss usa 2023. >> how's your spirit? how are your nerves? >> i am feeling so at peace. >> reporter: captioning the post in part, never compromise your physical and mental well being. our health is wealth. miss usa's former social media director claudia englehart who worked with voigt speaking to gma, claiming there was a toxic work environment at the miss usa organization including disrespectful and aggressive behavior. >> there was a series of aggressive behaviors toward title holders and also the employees. i think for me personally, it came down to a lack of respect for the job duties.
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as management one would assume you're letting your team do their job, making sure you are giving them the best advice, the best support and especially the best mental health support as well. that was not given. >> reporter: the miss usa organization firing back telling abc news we are troubled to hear the false accusations made by a former miss usa employee. miss usa is committed to fostering a safe environment and we take these allegations seriously. indeed, we have and will continue to prioritize the well being of all individuals involved with miss usa. and voigt thanked her supporters and said that she hopes to inspire others to priority their mental health, advocate for themselves and use their voices. the miss usa organization said they are reviewing plans for the transition of a possible successor and will announce the crowning of a new miss usa. this is raising questions. lot of people are talking about. >> george: sounds like there might be more to the story. >> there might be.
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we'll follow it. >> george: okay. thank you very much. now one woman's warning after her husband died after snorkeling in hawaii. she's filed a lawsuit. trevor ault here with details. >> reporter: this couple, patty and ray, had been to hawaii several times and ray went snorkeling several times. this final trip proved both fatal and bizarre, with ray drowning, even though he was seen walking to shore. this morning a michigan woman with a warning heading into summer after her husband died while snorkeling on a hawaiian vacation. >> there's barely a minute that goes by that i don't think about him. >> reporter: patty johnson said her husband of 38 years ray was snorkeling with friends when suddenly something wasn't right. the 64-year-old was keeping his head above water heading to shore but he was out of sorts. >> they started yelling call 911 that's when i ran to the beach. i ran. i got onto the beach. they were pulling him out. his head snapped back. i believe at that point he was gone. >> reporter: medical professionals unable to
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resuscitate him. the family saying the autopsy ruled ray's death a drowning. >> it didn't make sense when i received the autopsy report that said drowning. i was watching him come in when you're drowning, i don't think you are making your way in. >> reporter: patty believes her husband died of a little known medical condition rapid on set pulmonary edema. it can happen when air is restricted with fluid building up in the lungs causing a lack of oxygen sometimes leading to consciousness. >> people out snorkeling will notice an increase in shortness of breath. that's one thing. but then they'll also become confused. >> reporter: patty is now suing the resort where she and her husband were staying along with state and local tourism, saying they failed to educate the public about the potential dangers of snorkeling. all of those organizations declined to comment. a 2021 study suggests rope might be to blame for some snorkeling deaths.
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with people dying due to lower than normal levels of oxygen, rather than drowning. experts say more research is needed to fully understand if this is the case. but even beyond rope, the case is shining a light on snorkeling safety. drowning is by far the most common cause of death for hawaiian tourists. majority of those deaths happening while snorkeling. >> i don't want other people to go through what we have gone through. to lose a family member, to lose your husband in this way is just heart breaking. it's avoidable. just please be aware, make people aware. >> some medical experts have said outside factors could increase your risk of rope, even poor heart and lung health, even going to high altitudes after a recent flight. we still don't know a lot about it. general snorkeling tips, good idea to buy your own gear so you can make sure it fits you and you can breathe. always have a buddy with you. if at any point you aren't breathing well, you gotta stop. >> robin: tragic story, but bringing awareness, too.
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trevor, thank you. coming up next, it is graduation season. elizabeth schulze has the latest scam targeting graduates. >> it is a time when so many college grads are trying to land that first job offer. now they are facing new hurdles in this process. we'll tell you about the devious way criminals are making fake job offers look real. real. my t. i chose kesimpta because it works for me and my schedule. kesimpta is a b-cell treatment for rms that had powerful results. a reduced rate of relapses... lesions... ...and slowed disability progression. i take it myself once-a-month, at home, or on the go. when i'm ready, treatment time is less than a minute. so more of my time, is up-to-me time. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections. while no cases of pml were reported
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or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. >> rebecca: we are back now with scam u.
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just in time for graduation, a new warning about elaborate job scams targeting college students looking for that first big break. it is a story we first saw in "the wall street journal." elizabeth schulze is back with details. good morning. this would be terrible to face. >> reporter: it would be. landing that first job out of college is already stressful. recent college grads are facing this added on stress from these elaborate job scams. scammers might try to impersonate college professors to have students apply for fake positions before stealing their personal information or money. this morning new grads looking for that first job out of college have something to worry about. scammers. the ftc telling us it's hearing from its partners of an increase in job scams, specifically targeting new graduates. and the wall street journal reports scammers are using information available online to claim a professor the student knows has recommended them for a specific job.
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>> everything will seem very believable but at the end of the day it's just scammers trying to get personal information or money from these students. >> reporter: recent grad jorge roble said he applied to more than 400 software jobs with little luck. in january he found this in his inbox. >> the e-mail said we would like to interview you. i was very happy because that was the first time i received something positive from a job application. >> reporter: he said after answering some questions through e-mail the next day he was offered the job. when he called the company to confirm -- >> they told me, no, this was not a legitimate offer. >> reporter: job scams come in many forms. in 2023 miranda owens said she was sent a check to cover office supplies after a scammer offered her a job. when she cashed it, they told her she needed to return the money. so she did. later the check bounced and she was out nearly $5,000.
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>> i felt like my trust had been completely shattered. i just started bawling. >> people need to be on the lookout. they also should not feel ashamed if something like this happens to them. >> reporter: linked in warns be weary of jobs that ask for personal details early on in the process. >> if something is feeling off don't be afraid to call the company. just verify, say i just wanted to make sure this is legitimate. >> some job websites are trying to crack down. linked in just added a feature if you get a message from a legitimate recruiter it will include a check mark to show they are professionally identified. that could help job seekers apply for a job. if it turns out to be a fake, they'll know if it is actually real. >> robin: do you remember how anxious you were to get that fired job out of college. >> you want to know you put all the effort in and you want it to account for something. >> robin: that's right. thanks so much, elizabeth. next our nba playoffs fever play of the day. come on back. back.
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hey! asthma's got you going through it? grab nucala for fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you.
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(grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. back paihi baby!atigue. (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. (oldest girl) someday, i'll be the first female president. of the universe. (middle boy) someday, i'm gonna marry my baseball glove. probably in vegas. (youngest girl) someday, i'll help all balloon animals roam free. (vo) there are a lot of miles between today and “someday”. your long-lasting three-row subaru ascent will get your family there. ninety-six percent of subaru vehicles sold in the past ten years are still on the road. (middle boy) someday, i'll be able to read dogs' minds. he's thinking squirrels.
7:47 am
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>> robin: back now with our play of the day and the nba playoffs. the fever. the second round is under way. give us some highlights will. >> all right, robin. good morning. appreciate the color coordination here. we are talking about the new york knicks. it was a tale of two games. a blow out and a nail biter. this morning knicks fans enjoying the game 1 win in the big apple as a '90s rivalry is reborn.
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>> game one belongs to the new york knicks. >> new york holding on in a thriller beating the indiana pacers 121-117. >> brunson flies! brunson makes it a two point game. >> jalen brunson exceptional once again scoring 43 points. this deep buzzer beater ended the first half. >> oh! >> the teams trading baskets for most of the frenetic game. >> three pointer, down it goes! >> knicks fans ecstatic on the streets of new york post game. even the empire state building celebrating overnight. nike unveiling a new billboard near madison square garden for brunson, who becomes the first player since michael jordan to score 40 plus points in four straight playoff games. >> i'm not going in thinking i need to score 40. that's not my mindsset.
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just want to be aggressive, make plays for myself and others. >> in the west minnesota dominated the defending champion denver nuggets. 26 point win over denver in denver. champions are on the ropes. george, teams down 0-2 have come back only about 7% of the time so we could be seeing a new champion in the nba. minnesota playing out rudy gobert who was awaiting the birth of his child. playoffs are rolling on. very excited. >> rebecca: you brought something for everyone. minnesota, knicks. stat for george. >> exactly. there you go. >> robin: you can do it all, will. >> i try. all right. >> robin: coming up it is teacher appreciation day. becky worley is helping us celebrate with a great story. hey there, becky. >> robin, good morning. we are here in minneapolis. we are at north high school ready to celebrate a teacher. i have the university of minnesota dance team with me.
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we are going to surprise a great dance teacher. she has no idea what's about to happen, guys. it's all when gma continues! shows. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that.
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7:53 am
and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. depression is a journey. i'd made some progress on my antidepressant... had some daily wins in reducing my symptoms. but i was still masking my depression. so i talked to my doctor. she told me i could build on my wins, without changing my antidepressant. rexulti, when added to an antidepressant, significantly reduced depression symptoms more than an antidepressant alone.
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and less depression... that's a win. rexulti can cause serious side effects. elderly dementia patients have an increased risk of death or stroke. antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts and actions and worsen depression in children and young adults. report new or sudden changes in mood, behavior, thoughts, or feelings, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions. report fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, which can be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar which can lead to coma or death; weight gain; increased cholesterol; low white blood cells; unusual urges; dizziness on standing; falls; seizures; trouble swallowing, or sleepiness may occur. keep moving forward. ask your doctor about rexulti. >> ginger: the sun is just coming up. so much more visibility and all of the impact of the tornado here in barnsdall, oklahoma.
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>> hi, i'm andy and i'm sabrina, and we're moms juggling tons of stuff every day. like all you moms out there. and you know what we love? really love pop culture. so what happens when being obsessed with pop culture collides with being a mom? you get us. so listen now to our new podcast, pop culture moms, available ad free on amazon music, eastern front and russian mom threw down in a big way. >> we are looking at a full out gang war. good officers down, repeat officers down. >> the rookie all new tonight on. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning i'm stephanie sierra from abc seven mornings. let's check in with amanda. hi, stephanie. >> there's a traffic alert slowing things down for those using the bay bridge into the city. the backup is due to a stall near treasure island. you can see the tower cam showing you things really filling in
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there just before the tunnel. it should take you about 27 minutes from the toll plaza into the city. >> thanks, amanda. we'll take you to the tam cam this morning. a live look outside, and we do have clear conditions in most areas reporting fair skies, temperatures. right now we are in the 40s and mid 50s. currently we're already running a few degrees warmer compared to this time yesterday. and later on this afternoon it will be warmer than yesterday. highs today inland will go into the mid 70s with bright skies. sunny around the bay shoreline upper 60s to near 70 degrees for our afternoon temperatures and then along the coast will keep those bright skies with us and numbers in the upper 50s thanks to a bit of a sea breeze. so our ocean water temperature right now is 57. that's why we have 50s along the coast, 60s and 70s for everybody else. stephanie. >> thanks, drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues, our world is constantly changing, and every day stanford medicine advances our understanding, our world
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8:00 am
>> get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> when it comes to life, golden one credit union sees you're crushing it. you nailed that audition. you perfected that play. your team's inspired. whether behind the scenes or center stage, you've never chosen the easy path. instead, you make your own golden one. checking works for you with everyday simple checking so you can keep shining no matter what season of life you're in. golden one checking life is a journey best celebrated together tv's biggest morning >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. deadly tornado outbreak. 16 twisters reported in 6 states leaving a trail of destruction. storms slam the heartland. ginger's on the scene tracking more severe weather on the move.
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>> rebecca: new faa investigation for boeing. did employees falsify aircraft records? and what boeing is doing about all dream liners. >> robin: don't miss the news because the met gala is reawakening fashion. for the industry's biggest night, from zendaya's surprise double look to our deb roberts at her first met gala ever. >> there was so much to see. everybody was bubbling over. what a fun night. >> rebecca: whoopie goldberg is here sharing bits and pieces of her life. how her mother and brother inspired her new memoir. and could we finally be getting sister act 3? ♪ walking on sunshine ♪ ♪ oh yeah ♪ >> george: and we're celebrating 25 years of breakfast in bed with the man who helped us start it. >> do you know why i'm here? you have won my breakfast in bed contest. >> george: emeril lagasse and his most memorable moments over the years.
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how he finds inspiration from his own mom and sharing one of her favorite dishes. >> good morning america! bam! >> robin: plus it's teacher appreciation day. we're celebrating with a special ray of sunshine. the dance teacher who brought music to the halls of her school while inspiring her students along the way. >> she makes me feel like i'm able to respect my creativity. >> robin: this morning we have a big surprise for her. as they say -- >> good morning america! [ cheers ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: big crowd out there. good morning america. great to have you with us. get ready for a ray of sunshine. becky is in minnesota. oh, yeah. got the moves. got the moves. check out those moves. >> rebecca: cue the line dance. it is teacher appreciation day. we want you to meet miss noble and her dance team. she's inspired so many students over the years.
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now she has no idea this morning that this is all about her. >> george: that is going to be fun. let's start with a look at top stories. severe weather outbreak overnight. 16 twisters reported in 6 states. back to ginger in oklahoma. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: the damage is striking and much more clear now that the sun is up, y'all. you can see that wall down here. the debris onto the bed, that afghan just sitting as they would have been sleeping. hopefully, these folks are okay. we know this tornado was severe. this goes for half a mile this debris field. this is just one side of what was a fatal tornado here. there were many tornados embedded in those damaging wind segmentes. we are still seeing it this morning. parts of missouri, st. louis county. they have had tornado warnings. today's forecast includes more of the same. it's columbus, cincinnati, indianapolis. that circle of enhance is not the only thing. if you're anywhere in the highlighted area you could see damaging winds.
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and a whole lot more. we've got a whole other storm coming, but for now back to you. >> rebecca: stay safe out there. we turn to the faa opening a new investigation into whether boeing employees may have falsified aircraft records. trevor ault is back with that story. this is extremely disturbing, trevor. good morning. >> definitely, rebecca. good morning again. we know boeing was already under faa scrutiny over its production and inspection record, but this is a brand new investigation. boeing facing questions able potentially falsifying safety records. according to the faa, in april, boeing came to them to report that some employees may have skipped some required inspections on 787 dream liners and then falsified the records to make it look like the inspections had been done. these inspections were related to bonding and grounding where the wings join the fuselage on some planes. in an e-mail to all employee, boeing's manufacturing chief described this misconduct, said this was reported by another employee and that this did not
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create an immediate safety or flight issue. it also said they took swift corrective action against the employees responsible. the faa said boeing now has to create a plan to address the in service fleet and reinspect all dream liners in production. the faa has been looking into boeing since the midair blowout of a door plug. that was on an alaska airlines jet. course, they had already been facing concerns over safety heading into the summer. robin? >> robin: thank you. now we have an exclusive announcement about a major new study from the american cancer society. for decades black women have been dying of cancer at higher rates than other people. now the acs is trying to figure out why. doctors are calling it a major step that will look at possible explanations including the potential hidden role of chemical hair straighteners used in black communities. another possible factor, racism, which causes stress, leads to physical wear and tear on the body. this study will approve 100,000 cancer free black women and is being compared to the ground
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breaking study in the 1950s, the one that helped make the connection between cigarettes and lung cancer. the american cancer society says they hope this effort will help future generations. they are urging women 25 to 55 to sign up for the new study called voices for black women. you can learn more by heading to our website at good morning >> george: important mission. >> rebecca: important and giant undertaking on their part. robin, thank you. coming up the best moments and the hottest looks from fashion's biggest night. we were on the met gala red carpet. actually, it was a green one and our own style icon deborah roberts was there. >> george: also celebrating 25 years of breakfast in bed with emeril lagasse. sharing his all time favorite surprises. >> robin: and lara is with a special guest. hey there, lara. >> lara: so happy to say whoopie goldberg is here. she'll tell us all about a wonderful new memoir. our pal country star dierks
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bentley in the house performing his brand new song called "american girl." it's live and is coming up here on good morning america. big show. coming up on "good morning america." big show. ♪ ♪ there are many ways to dress your mcdonald's hot, crispy fries. but which is best...? is it with ketchup? sweet 'n sour? dare i say au naturale...? ♪ ♪
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missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
8:09 am
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8:10 am
with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪) (♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor.
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>> robin: our gma cover story. the super bowl of fashion, the met gala. deb is back with more details on those show stopping moments from the green carpet. good morning again, deb. >> good morning. i have a good cover, let me tell you. zendaya, shakira, kerry washington. the list goes on and on. the high wattage looks captivating everyone as the stars made their way up that
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scarecase to celebrate the world of fashion. on fashion's biggest night, stars gracing the green carpet, lined by live foliage. garden inspired looks on full display, right in bloom with this year's dress code, the garden of time. >> i want to be my own rose garden. >> my mother passed in 2006 and she was my angel so i always would bring flowers to her. flowers are for mama. >> reporter: other stars interpreting the theme with larger than life sculptural dresses. another trend, celebs sporting short dark hair like sydney sweeney and kerry washington and academy awards stunner michelle yow. make some room. fashion's it girl cardi b coming through. the grammy winning rapper needing not one, not two, but ten men to help wrangle her captivating dress. while she went long and dark, nikki minaj went bright and short with florals.
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many leaning into the barely there dress trend like j. lo. >> this is 2.5 million bugle beads. 800 hours of work. a true coture creation. four butterfly wings. >> reporter: greta lee and rita ora. >> i think we are seeing a new generation of celebrities. that is reflected in the fact that zendaya and bad bunny were co-hosts along with jennifer lopez, classic met attendee, and chris hemsworth. you see this constant evolution. that's what makes this party so exciting to watch. >> reporter: the men. the bling didn't stop there. sparkles, sequins and glitter. kim k, shakira posing to catch their balance after a misstep in her towering heels. the glam night a fund-raiser for the met museum costume institute.
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a ticket to get you in the door this year, $75,000. and invite only by ms. wintour herself. what do you hope this will do tonight? so much going on in our world. >> i hope everybody comes and has a wonderful time and celebrates andrew's amazing work and the great work that the museum does. also, it's very important for the economy of the city and for the visitors here at the museum. >> reporter: if i was to describe my very first met gala in one word it would be effervescent. there was so much to see. everybody was bubbling over. what a fun night. just inserting myself on the carpet. [ laughter ] it was my first time covering the met and what a night. you both know. it's a lot, standing, looking, watching. but what a perch, right? >> george: full contact sport. >> it definitely is. >> robin: what do you remember the most? you were gorgeous. can you talk about your dress?
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come on. >> shiela bridges and mark ingram collaborated with her harlem design. it goes back to 18th century france but with a modern touch and with black characters in it. i just thought with the garden idea, popping out with garden stuff. that's it. just seeing that fashion show, right? the respect for fashion. i feel like i got to go up the wardrobe. >> robin: you? come on. i want to raid your closet. [ laughter ] >> it was a lot of fun. >> lara: great job. so great. >> robin: thank you, deb. i get to throw the weather, so i'm going to channel your guy. it's great here in new york but
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>> george: here with us whoopie goldberg first made her mark in the color purple 40 years ago. now she has a new memoir out called "bits and pieces" my mother, my brother and me. welcome back to gma. >> thank you, thank you. >> george: this is a love letter to your mother and brother? >> yes, it really is. i miss them. i kept trying to get to that place where i was, where i would be in that angst thing. it's been 16 years. i realize the reason i haven't been able to get into it because there was nothing left unsaid. this is why i wasn't taken aback or felt that thing that people sometimes feel when they're in grief. i realized that i had no
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questions. i had all the answers that i needed. they had all the answers they needed when they left. they left in love. >> robin: what a gift. >> yeah, yeah. >> robin: okay. 2007 that's when you started on "the view." >> i think so. [ laughter ] >> robin: i used to always go back and call my mom right after gma. she would give me a critique. you said the same thing about your mom. >> she would call and go, what is wrong with your face? you need to watch your face. i was like, okay. [ laughter ] >> george: she didn't like the resting face? >> lara: not smiling or? >> no. she was concerned that my face comments when i don't mean to comment. and she was just making me aware. >> george: good observation. >> yeah. and it was true. [ laughter ] >> robin: and your daughter does it now. >> yeah, yeah. >> lara: talk to me a little bit about your brother clyde. >> greatest. >> lara: such a great relationship with him.
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when he worked with you, he helped you on movies? >> he was my driver. always bless the teamsters for bringing him in and letting him be our driver. my brother's the kind of guy, when he passed, we had three memorials in three different cities because he drove, loved to drive. in each city, two or three women would come up and say -- i don't know if you know, this but your brother and i were thinking about moving in together. [ laughter ] after the fourth or fifth one you're kind of like, okay. [ laughter ] you know? they didn't know each other. but he was the kind of guy that when he talked to you, it was you. you were all there was when he spoke to you. look at that face. i'm being told that he was a good looking guy. i never saw him as a good looking guy. >> robin: he was your brother. >> he was my brother, exactly.
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but he was extraordinary. i was really lucky. i was born into a family that was as strange as i was so i wasn't strange to them. and so it was a good thing. yeah. i asked my mother, i said, how weird was it? she said, listen, i'm weird and your brother is even weirder. how could we not expect you, too, to be weird? >> robin: what was not weird what you did a lot of us do. as a young child, put up a picture of you as a young child. you would practice your oscar acceptance speech. >> yes, yes. >> robin: what would you tell that little whoopie right there? >> hold on! [ laughter ] it's gonna be interesting. i don't always like it but it will never be dull. never will dull. i'm lucky for that. >> george: tell me about your mom meeting marlon brando. >> the greatest. so i get a call from my agent saying marlon brando wants to speak to you.
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i said, okay, have them call me. they did. we decided we were going to meet up and talk. we're going to do that on wednesday. i'm down in my canyon planting stuff. i hear the piano playing in my house. i know the only people in my house, well, the people who should be in my house, do not play the piano. i said okay, let me go up and see what's going on. i grab a little louisville slugger because i'm gonna beat whoever it is out of the house. i peek. it's brando. he's sitting at the phone. it was brando brando brando. i was like, hi. i thought we were meeting, like, wednesday. he said, i didn't want to wait. >> lara: oh wow. >> i said just out of curiosity, how'd you get in? [ laughter ] he said, the cleaning lady let me in.
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she recognized me. she knew you were talking to me, so he allowed me to come in. okay. okay. and he and i sat and talked. then my mother came in. i got up to walk over to say, listen, it's marlon brando. i want you to say hi to marlon brando who came over. she comes in like this. mr. brando, how are you? [ laughter ] where did she get that accent? [ laughter ] so they talk. it's wonderful. she's talking to him. he's talking to her. about an hour later my brother comes in. i say, clyde, marlon brando is here. come say hello. my brother comes in. he and marlon do this. i'm watching them and i'm thinking, how does marlon know that?
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but marlon was a brother. straight up was a brother. he knew it. they had a conversation. then they handshaked themselves out of it. it was great. >> george: that's the best marlon brando story. >> i know. >> robin: great story teller. >> he was wonderful. >> lara: that's the book, right? such a good story teller. before we let you go we have to know about "sister act 3." it's been a long time since you did the first one. >> no kidding. no kidding. >> lara: people cannot get enough. sister act 3 i'm told is in the works. >> yes. we are anticipating a script this week. >> lara: what's your involvement? >> i'm in it. [ laughter ] >> lara: okay. just wanted to get that out there. we were all backstage going -- we weren't sure. i don't know. >> she's gotten older. delores has gotten older. she's been very successful. changes are happening. they seem to be happening for everybody.
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so it may be happening a lot in rome. that would be wonderful. >> lara: were you involved in making that part of it? >> this has been up and going, what, three, four years, five? oh look, we have to make this movie. >> lara: let's go. >> my god, i don't know how long i'm gonna be here. [ laughter ] we want to put it back together. it's fun and it's a good story. it's part of the thing i like to do in the world. you all look terrific, by the by. i'm looking forward to your book. next week? i'm looking forward to it. >> george: thank you. you as well. >> lara: and you look fabulous. >> robin: you're doing good. i can tell. >> feeling good. my back is better. no more pain. no more, what do you call those things? not styrofoam. [ laughter ] >> george: thank you for coming in.
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everybody can get "bits and piece" at bookstores and online. we'll see you later on "the view." >> there's an audible that i read on it. >> great. >> lara: getting it for my mama. >> robin: rebecca? >> rebecca: we are looking forward to that. time to reveal our gma book club pick for may. juju chang has more. this debut is being called a joy ride. >> it is. that's exactly what it is. you won't believe it started out as an inside joke for some friends. kind of like fan fiction for some history buffs. now critics are calling it one of the summer's hottest debuts. here's the big reveal. the ministry of time. tada! by kaliane bradley. i spoke with her about her whirl wind adventure. what happens when you pluck people from history and bring them to a modern world? it's a question kaliane bradley raises in her novel the ministry
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of time an epic time travel spy thriller wrapped in a whirl wind romance. >> ministry of time in the book is drawing people from across history to test whether time travel actually works. i was really interested in exploring the idea of time travel, being brought forcibly from the past into the present day and forced to assimilate. they have to become good 21st century citizens. >> the novel centers around the dashing commander graham gore, who's transported from a doomed arctic expedition in 1847 to 21st century london and a female ministry worker designed to be his bridge. >> job of a bridge is to be literally that. bridge from the past t they live in the same house together, and the bridge's job is to monitor the expat to make sure that they're assimilating correctly and to report on them to the ministry. >> in the author's note, you wrote that you really only thought five people were going
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to read this book. it was originally written as a kind of literary parlor game, a joke just to entertain a small group of friends who i'd met online because basically you became obsessed with polar exploration. >> absolutely. i became obsessed with one man in particular, commander graham gore, who was a real historical figure. >> so let's face it, you fell in love with a historical figure. >> yeah, i fell in love with a historical figure. i went to his wikipedia page. >> that's all it took, because there is that very dashing, slightly flirtatiously, smiling photograph of him. and there's a wonderful description of him as this rather competent, calm, very charismatic man. really? that was all it took. >> while readers will delight in watching graham discover modern eccentricities like spotify and motorbikes, they'll also see him reckon with his imperialist past. >> graham gore has to confront the ways that his choices have shaped contemporary britain. i also think that britain maybe isn't finished grappling with its imperial legacy. so what would it be like if history was literally in your house? how do you face up to it?
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>> the other thing about the time travel is this idea that we can all change our future, that it's really a matter of action. for me, this is the most important thing about time travel. >> it's not about changing history. it's not about going back into the past. it's about the fact that we can change the future. decisions we make now are as powl as time travel. we can do it. >> yes, we can. thank you. we'll be right back. >> things you'll hear on jeopardy! masters. this season is aquinas. what is cuneiform? what's potty training? >> six all time greats. >> one incredible tournament. >> i'm the final boss. this is what i do. >> masters prime time event continues wednesday on abc. abc, home of the nba finals. always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. and here's traffic with amanda. hi, reggie. >> we have an update to that solo motorcycle crash on the benicia-martinez bridge that was stopping traffic. the good news
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is it has cleared. but the bad news is there are going to be some major residual delays. uh- eastbound 780 has stopped traffic from columbus parkway to 680. and just know traffic is still stopped from parish road. reggie. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast right after this. >> if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james. here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. call the firm that wins big. call sweet james >> it just keeps getting worse. the crack keeps growing. the doors and windows stick. >> it must be very frustrating. almost no one can ask that. these are telltale signs your foundation is shifting. but it's okay. we got it. >> oh, this is done. growing in this house. >> okay, we have answers to all your concerns at bay area underpinning, we'll do a complete home inspection for free so your home can stand
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strong all year long. schedule your free inspection today. >> this is jimmy butler and this is jimmy butler's butler. jimmy butler loves hulu plus live tv. it's got over 95 live channels, but jimmy butler's butler is old school for your media social, sir. >> he doesn't realize hulu plus live tv is like cable only better buckets. you get disney plus and espn plus all in one plan. >> indeed. >> watch live tv like jimmy butler. >> where are you going to cut the cord if you've been hurt in an accident and you need results, call sweet james here are just some of the recent wins for our injured clients. >> call the firm that wins. big call. sweet james. >> take a look at our camera from santa cruz this morning, a live look. it's nice along the coast. sunshine, temperatures. right now we are growing through
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the 50s currently and we're on our way to a warmer afternoon. we're already running a few degrees warmer right now compared to this time yesterday. so inland forecast mid 70s with sunny skies around the bay. shoreline will be in the upper 60s to near 70 degrees with lots of sunshine and bright along the coast. highs in the upper 50s to near 60 degrees. so we'll hit 65 in the city, 69 in oakland, 73. the high in san jose gets even warmer over the next couple of days. feeling like summer. by thursday, reggie. >> thanks, drew. another abc7 news update about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and abc7 the news continues right now with good morning america >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> george: this morning we are celebrating teacher appreciation day. becky worley is in minneapolis with a ray of sunshine. hey, becky. >> reporter: george, good
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morning. teacher appreciation day, teachers are the bedrock of our education system. and today we wanted to celebrate one in particular. ms. noble here and her dance class, she thinks this is all about performing arts classes around the country. but, it's all about you today. >> why? [ applause ] >> reporter: your students wanted the entire country to know what she has done for them, what she means for them. she wants -- they want you to hear about her story right now. for the dancers at north community high school in minneapolis, the studio is their happy place. and it's all thanks to karen noble, the teacher who took over the dance program three years ago. it has dwindled in numbers because of remote learning during the pandemic.
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>> we were looking at single digits in kids in a school with hundreds of children. but we couldn't break ten in getting kids to sign up for dance. >> reporter: that's when ms. noble opened the doors, literally. >> we'd play music in between classes. they would dance on their way to class. i think it helped for them to just be in front of the mirrors and see themselves in the space. >> her level of engagement and connectivity with the students, i want to say by thanksgiving we were pushing 40, 50, 60 kids who wanted to enroll in dance. ♪ >> reporter: ms. noble building a space for her students to feel safe. >> so a lot of our students come in either in the process of healing or in some kind of post trauma experience. it's hard to be a teenager in our society. dance is like the cool fun thing they get to do. >> pretty hard for me around here. so just, like, being wanted somewhere where i can be free
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with how i am, it's just so wonderful. >> she makes me feel like i'm able to express my creativity. >> reporter: and the kids wanted to send a special message to their favorite teacher. >> i love how you give us new opportunities to dance and all that. i just want to thank you for believing in me, believing my talent. >> reporter: that's why on this teacher appreciation day, ms. karen noble is our ray of sunshine. [ applause ] >> oh, man! [ applause ] >> reporter: did you have any idea this was about you? >> no. i believed all of you. i thought we were celebrating dance. >> reporter: we are. but you earned it. this school, you give them a space. there's always that one teacher that makes their room the place kids want to be. what do they mean to you? >> listen, i mean, this is north
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high legacy behind me. the north community high school is such a powerful place to be and i really feel honored to even be accepted in this space and in this community. they are like my children. they really are. >> reporter: you hear that, guys? we also have some other guests who want to help celebrate you. ray, come on. bring them in. right now. we've got -- [ applause ] what's the plan? >> we would like to offer you and your dancers a workshop with our team as well as invite you to perform with us at halftime at one of the games this upcoming season. [ applause ]
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>> reporter: they are excited about that. excellent. now there's one more special person here. where are you? come over here. this is ms. noble's daughter. she is 5 1/2. your students think you are the best thing that's ever happened. we know that comes with sacrifices for your family. so we want to do something special for you guys. we want to send you to disneyland! [ applause ] >> oh my gosh. >> i already been there. >> reporter: you've been there? did you love it? you're going back. this time it's for the pixar fest which runs through august. it's everything pixar themed. big time event, night time spectacular. they've got a parade. you are going to disneyland with your mom. [ applause ]
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excited? excited? yes. who is your favorite? you told me you like keana. who else? >> i also like jasmine. >> reporter: you're gonna see them. you are gonna see them. thank you for all you do for these kids. you've made a difference in their lives. so they want to send it back and thank you. let's hear it for ms. noble! [ cheers ] >> george: that was so great. >> robin: i love from the mouths of babes. they keep it real. [ laughter ] we were all talking about how we all had that teacher like ms. noble. >> lara: can really change your life. that's really special. >> george: coming up we share the best moments from 25 years of breakfast in bed. ares his fas
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>> george: abc news is on the ground in uvalde texas ever since the deadly school shooting. it took the lives of 19 students and two teachers. now as we are about to mark the second year, a book called one year in uvalde written by john quinones follows families and residents as they follow the shooting with resiliency and activism. "one year in uvalde" is available wherever you buy books now. rebecca? >> rebecca: we turn now to the 25th anniversary of breakfast in bed. lara, you sat down with the man who helped us start it 25 years ago. >> lara: i sure did. it was so good to see him, guys. our dear friend, world famous
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chef emeril lagasse has made so many deserving moms breakfast in bed. knocking on doors on live tv and giving them a happy and delicious surprise. we talked about some of his favorite moments with those moms and also about his own mother. take a look. 25 years of secret locations and that highly anticipated knock knock on the door. >> hopefully, we're not shut out. >> lara: recipients of our breakfast in bed. [ cheers ] >> say happy mother's day to mom. >> ya! >> happy mother's day! >> lara: you are this tradition, to me at least. >> thank you. it's been a lot of fun. i have met a lot of special people along the journey. >> lara: what was your most memorable breakfast in bed? >> there's been so many. mary tyson for sure.
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do you know why i'm here? you have won my breakfast in bed contest. the best reaction. she was so shocked when we knocked on the door. >> lara: she lost it. >> she lost her mind. then when her family started coming. the whole city is here. look at this. the whole city! come on, baby! come on! come on, baby! the military's here. your family, your friends, the whole city of albany is here! look at this! mother's day! oh yeah! >> lara: mary tyson a staple in her albany, georgia community. >> can we bring the bed in, please? come on, baby. you like strawberries i heard. >> yeah. >> oh baby. look at this. ah, yeah, baby. ah, yeah. >> bam, bam! >> go ahead. bring it in for her. i'm emeril lagasse. >> lara: who can forget little a in 2010.
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>> probably one of the most touching, emotional ones for me. she was a refuge from ethiopia. five children. and she was a cleaning lady at this hospital. when i entered to go find her, she froze. what do you have to say? come on, honey. it's okay. and what was special was her kids. she's a woman of the year for sure. all of her kids she put through college. your favorite cinnamon biscuits. i got goose bumps just thinking about her. >> lara: we've made some really, really special -- >> absolutely. >> lara: for emeril, he finds the inspiration to honor these moms from his own mom. tell me about your mom. >> pretty special lady. tough. she ruled the house. >> lara: did she love for her sonny boy to cook for her? >> yes, indeed. yes, indeed. >> lara: when you're in your kitchen prepping or cooking, is there ever a time where you're like, oh my gosh, i am my mother?
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i'm doing exactly what she did. >> my wife tells me that all the time. >> lara: how so? >> she's like, you're just like your mom. i'm like, what do you mean? >> lara: because you're bossy? >> just the reactions. >> lara: the hands. aw. you miss her? >> yeah. she's special. we're still together. >> lara: is this sort of how your mom -- >> that's exactly what she would do. >> lara: to salute her, we head to the kitchen to make her favorite hash. chorizo potato hash. >> fry it. what i would do for my mom, i would plate it. then what i would do is put the fried egg on top. get a little taste. mm. that's good. happy mother's day, mom. i know you're up there. >> lara: yeah. happy mother's day, mom. happy mother's day to all moms. >> george: that was sweet. >> lara: i get emotional. i love emeril so much. he has made such beautiful
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memories for those ladies and for us, getting to be part of it. you can get his recipe. emeril's chorizo potato hash. it is so good, you guys. it's at good morning i did it and got rick approval. it's amazing that you guys remember 2010. all the stories that we do and you both saw it on screen and both said, yeah. >> robin: mary. >> george: that was incredible. put all her kids through college. incredible. >> lara: penn state, by the way. [ laughter ] let's go to ginger. >> ginger: tornados that do damage like this, you need four variables. one is spin in the atmosphere that we will have the next couple of days. also you need heat. there's been a lot of that. records possible in the 90s along the gulf coast into the southeast. let's get a check now closer to home.
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>> robin: we're righting over this man right now. coming up dierks bentley is here performing. mine, mine, mine! thank you! !
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>> robin: we're back now with country super star dierks bentley. country super star is back on the road bringing his gravel and gold tour to 30 cities this summer. you can scan the qr code on how to score $25 tickets through concert week. give it up again for dierks bentley! come on. got some super fans over there. you've been doing this for a minute. >> yeah, been doing it for awhile. we still, as a band, love being on the road. especially in summer. it gets more exciting every year you get another chance to do it.
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i don't take it for granted. love being out on the road. so fun. >> robin: what do you look most forward to? >> just summertime. playing music outside feels so good. seeing faces down there. lots we recognize and hopefully some new ones. just being part of the whole circuit in the summer. the band, our crew, our fans, just the whole thing come together. >> robin: we got some super fans out there right now. [ applause ] we did not make those signs. they brought their signs. >> they're the best. >> robin: hey, susan, do you have a question for dierks? >> i do. we were wondering how you choose the songs you sing on tour. >> well, we got to do the hits. got to get drunk on a plane. i love all the hits. i love singing all those songs. the song we're doing today, we're going to add it to the set. try to keep you on your toes. want to get to the songs we want to sing together. >> robin: american girl. tom petty classic. what do you love about it?
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>> what a great artist. what a great band. this song in particular, the one i was hoping to get to do. my buddy scott called me about this project. i love. we gave it the rock feel. we got charlie on the mandolin. dan on the fiddle. banjo. we get that country and western feel. >> robin: i love it when the drummer's not surrounded by plexiglas. >> no protection. he's out there running wild. [ laughter ] >> robin: it is -- it is the most added song of the week on country radio. here's dierks bentley performing "american girl." [ applause ] ♪ well she was an american girl
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raised on promises she couldn't help thinking that there was a little more to life somewhere else ♪ ♪ after all it was a great big world with lots of places to run to ♪ ♪ and if she had to die tryin she had one littedle promise she was gonna keep ♪ ♪ oh yeah all right take it easy baby make it last all night ♪ ♪ she was an american girl ♪ ♪ it was kind of cold that night as she stood alone on her balcony ♪ ♪ yeah she could hear the cars roll by out an 441
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like waves crashing on the beach ♪ ♪ and for one desperate moment there he current back in her memory ♪ ♪ god it's so painful something that's so close still far out of reach ♪ ♪ oh yeah all right take it easy baby make it last all night she was an american girl ♪ ♪
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♪ oh yeah, all right take it easy baby make it last all night ♪ ♪ she was an american girl ♪ ♪ an american girl ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> on tour on gma sponsored by live nation. live nation presents concert week, $25 tickets to over 5,000 shows. over 5,000 shows.
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save?
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i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> tomorrow you're gonna love gma when mickey guyton performs live. ♪ scary love ♪ >> tomorrow on tour on gma. sponsored by live nation. >> robin: i gotta say we're two for two this week. two great shows. thanks you, dierks bentley, for that wonderful performance. >> look who robin's hanging with tomorrow on gma. >> robin: hi 18 million views and counting. and now elmo's with robin checking in on you. america. miss robin, elmo is so glad that you came to visit elmo on sesame street tomorrow on good morning america.
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>> you heard elmo! woohoo! are you two doing. >> ricki lake, when she was told that using ozempic was her only option to lose weight, what did she do next that has her healthier, happier, and looking like this? thursday ricki's here to share her secrets of how she did it without ozempic on good morning america. >> so what's good to read? and we mean really good to read right now. well, that's where charlie and kate gibson can help . >> join us for the new podcast series. it is called the bookcase with kate and charlie. >> we will make sure you love what you read. listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> for 25 years, gma's breakfast in bed has supersized the joy of mother's day. >> oh my goodness. >> and for our 25th anniversary, we're making it the biggest surprise yet. >> and the countdown is on to the mother of all surprises. good morning america. >> right now there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake at the start of every morning, making sense of it all. >> that's not always so easy.
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>> and that's where we come in. >> good morning america. we want you to know every morning we're right here and we got you george. >> just look at that. look at it . >> michael should really be here to see this won't stop till we legend. >> the stanley cup final begins june 8th on abc in credible >> it's the $100,000 lucky lotus. all cash giveaway at grayton resort and casino. saturday, may 25th. one winner of 50,000 cash plus 100 winners of $500 guaranteed the $100,000 lucky lotus all cash giveaway only at grayton resort and casino. >> the feet have a really big impact on how the rest of the body moves. if the foot isn't properly aligned, that results in muscle tension and chronic pain. what i really like about the good feet system is the right arch supports can put the foot in its proper alignment, and when the body's aligned, we can reduce the risk of injury and chronic pain. >> let's see if triple-a can take us somewhere fun. let's go somewhere, sandy. let's go somewhere magical. but first,
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let's get this fixed at triple-a. >> your membership to go when you're hurt in an accident. >> results matter. at sweet james, our attorneys have participated in over 500 trials with a 98% winning record. we don't just win, we win the most there are plenty of personal injury firms, but we are one of the very few that deliver results like these. when your life has been impacted by an injury, there's only one firm to call sweet james. >> reignite your passion with custom anniversary bands from the jewelry exchange. two carat fancy lab bands, 1491 carat classic natural bands, 990 half carat natural 499 unlimited choices guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange, redwood city. >> stanley steemer is proud to be the leader in deep cleaning, cleaning over 1 million homes and businesses across america every year. using powerful
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equipment custom built by us, we'll remove the buildup of dirt, dust, allergens, grime, and contaminants seen and unseen from your home and business. america's professional deep cleaner for over 75 years. it's not clean until it's stanley steemer clean. stanley steemer gets your home cleaner. >> it's the $100,000 lucky lotus all cash giveaway at grayton resort and casino, saturday, may 25th. one winner of 50,000 cash plus 100 winners of $500 guaranteed the $100,000 lucky lotus all cash giveaway only at graton resort and casino. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> hi, reggie. we're taking you straight to the south bay in sunnyvale. a major crash to tell you about. this is a four car crash on westbound 237 before caribbean drive. you can see speeds are down to seven miles per hour. the two left lanes are
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blocked. due to that four car crash. traffic is stopped from 8-80 and there is a 42 minute delay. hi, amanda to the exploratorium camera we go. >> it is sunny out there. we're in store for a warm afternoon. temperatures right now we're pretty much climbing through the 50s already in the low 60s in parts of solano county, so today is going to be warmer than yesterday. expect a lot of sunshine here. sunset here. coming at 806 this evening. it's a warmer afternoon. temperatures pretty close to average. then later on this week filling summerlike by thursday. reggie. >> thanks, drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again at 11 for midday ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, tony, oscar, and emmy award winner, jessian


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