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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 8, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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more shade from the summer heat. the first 29 will be planted in the willow business district at number five. >> it's a warm day today. get ready for temperatures in the 70s and 80s away from the coast and a sigalert in antioch eastbound for before 160 due to a big rig crash. >> instead, exit off lone tree way. take davidson road to hillcrest avenue to laurel road to get back onto for number seven. >> all right, i love this. a tennessee woman surprised her husband for his 27th birthday with a party at his favorite store, right on costco. i love that's clint, who ran into several friends and family into the store. and honestly love costco. big costco girl. >> i'm probably going to costco >> george: good morning america. testimony that captivated a courtroom. could it shape the white house race? stormy daniels on the stand. the adult film star at the center of the criminal trump trial testified about their encounter. why she said the payoff was the
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best thing that could happen. dan abrams breaking down how it could impact the trial. >> michael: 57 million people in the storm zone. 20 reported tornados across five states. a state of emergency in michigan, with their first tornado emergency on record. oklahoma hit hard again. ginger's on the scene and tracking the new threats. >> robin: tik tok block? the social media platform fighting back saying the u.s. ban is unconstitutional. >> michael: air scares. passengers evacuating a plane after landing. >> you could see the fire burning in the cockpit. >> michael: close call on another runway. >> robin: a security guard shot at drake's home in the middle of his public feud with rapper kendrick lamar. >> george: breaking her silence. a former roommate of the idaho college murder victims speaks for the first time since they were killed.
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>> i feel like right then and there i kind of knew something was wrong. >> george: sharing the last message she sent them. >> michael: targeting the so called hunger hormone. a first look at the experimental procedure. could it be a new weight loss game changer? >> george: ai job overhaul? >> rebecca: what are people to do when they hear ai is changing the world and you're going to need an entirely new skill set to do your job in a matter of six years? >> george: rebecca's exclusive. why you might want to learn more about ai tools for your job. ♪ sunny day ♪ >> robin: can you tell me how to get to sesame street? elmo, hi there. >> miss robin, hi! >> robin: i found it and our friend elmo. >> elmo is feeling happy. >> robin: i just want to check in on you. i'll tell you what the sesame work shop is working on, as we say -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america.
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>> robin: do you know how many little ones are so excited that elmo said good morning from there. >> george: how do you think elmo? >> robin: i know everybody. it's not just you. [ laughter ] i can't wait for you to hear more of my check in with elmo. it is mental health awareness month. >> michael: also ahead, we are tracking a tornado emergency. you're looking at a hard hit fedex facility in michigan. we'll have more on the weather alert coming up. >> george: we're going to begin with a remarkable split screen day. former president trump hearing stormy daniels hear about their encounter and his hush money payment, as president biden took the podium at the holocaust museum in washington with a speech taking on anti-semitism. we're going to cover it all this morning. aaron katersky starts us off from the courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning. the trial is not in session on wednesdays but the jury has a lot to think about after stormy
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daniels described in rather explicit detail her alleged sexual encountser with donald trump back in 2006. these are the details prosecutors said trump paid to bury pwfrb voters went to the polls in 2016. she captivated the moment, not done up like in photos of the adult film actress but in a black cardigan and glasses. she described the 2006 encounter in donald trump's suite that she said didn't. her details were vivid. from the black and white tile floor and the gigantic flower arrangement in the foyer to the silk or satin pajamas trump was wearing. i told him to go change. at one point she asked him, what about your wife? he said, don't worry about that. we are actually, don't even sleep in the same room. another point she said trump was talking so much about himself she said, are you always this rude, arrogant and pompous? her testimony similar to what she told 60 minutes. >> he quit talking about himself and he asked me things.
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i asked hip things. it became more appropriate. he's like, wow, you are special. you remind me of my daughter. >> reporter: she later went to use the bathroom. she recalled peering into trump's toiletry bag. when she emerged she testified mr. trump had come into the bedroom and was on the bed in his boxers and t shirt. she said she felt the room spin in slow motion and thought, oh my god, what did i misread to get here? as her testimony became more graphic the defense objected again and again. this was the first time trump had been faced with daniels in a decade. the exchange made him angry. during a break the judge telling trump's lawyer he is cursing audibly and he is shaking his head visually. but the judge also said, i think the degree of detail that we are going into is unnecessary. the defense sought a mistrial, calling her testimony extraordinary irrelevant to this
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case. prosecutors say this is what would have been told to the votesers had trump not paid the hush money. less than two weeks before the 2016 election. daniels called the payoff the best thing that could happen. i would be safe and the story wouldn't come out. why didn't you ask for more? she said, because i didn't care about the money. on cross-examination, the defense insisted you've been making money by claiming you had sex with donald trump for more than a decade. trump's attorney asked the whole story was made up, wasn't it? daniels answered, none of it is made up. the defense pressed on. you were looking to extort money from president trump, right? false, daniels answered. stormy daniels will return to court tomorrow for more cross-examination. george? >> george: part of his legal strategy is delay. looks like that's what he'll get in the classified documents case. >> reporter: sure does. the trial over classified documents was never going to start this month in florida as scheduled. the judge has now formally scrapped the may 20th trial date but said she's not going to set a new one until she resolves all of the legal issues she's let pile up.
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it makes it highly unlikely there will be any trial in florida before november. >> george: thank you very much. let's bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams. this manhattan trial is about falsified documents. stormy daniels testimony may have been interesting but why is it important? >> she was involved in the negotiations for the $130,000. right? technical legal matter, that's the most important part of her testimony. what did she know about why the deal was being made? about how the deal was being made? that is specifically relevant to the motivation here. was it to try to impact the election? but there's a secondary factor here. that is donald trump and his team are denying that it ever happened. i think that does make that an issue in the case. why? because when you're talking about the negotiations surrounding the $130,000, it's relevant whether it happened or not. does it mean the deal wouldn't have been made one way or the other? no.
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but in terms of understanding the context of the deal, if he would have just said yes, this happened, i think it would make her testimony more irrelevant. i think the defense would have a better argument that so much of her testimony wouldn't have been admitted. the minute he denied that, he makes it an issue. >> george: the judge did not like hearing the details. did not like seeing donald trump's response. >> no one liked hearing the details. right? i mean, this was very specific stuff. but look, there's a difference between saying i think we went too far here and saying i'm gonna grant a mistrial, right? yeah, i think everyone agreed there was probably too much detail. she didn't need to get into the specifics of the sex, etc. but when the defense then said this is overtly prejudice and we think there should be a mistrial that's a very different standard. much much higher there. i'm not surprised the judge said no. >> george: what does it mean for the case?
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>> down the line it's not going to be the most important witness. right? she's certainly the most salacious. i'm sure the jurors were fascinated to some degree. whether it comes to whether there will be a conviction, i think it won't come down to stormy daniels. there will be more questions as to whether the jurors believe her account. >> george: dan abrams, thank you very much. robin? >> robin: now president biden condemning what he falls a ferocious surge of anti-semitic surge in the u.s. increasing pressure over the administration's policy towards israel. >> people are already forgetting, they are already forgetting that hamas unleashed this terror. i have not forgotten, nor have you. we will not forget. >> robin: our chief white house correspondent mary bruce joins us now and has the latest from d.c. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, robin.
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the president stressing his steadfast support for israel, even says when they disagree. this morning a sign of the growing rift between the u.s. and israel over the conduct of this war. abc news confirming the biden administration is pausing 3500 bombs to israel. over concerns that they could be used in rafah. this is a major shift in policy, the first time we know of that the u.s. has denied israel access to military aid to try to influence this war, concerned how these weapons will be used. we are told the administration is reviewing whether to with hold future weapons transfers as well. all of this comes as for weeks the president has been warning israel and netanyahu not to invade rafah. over 1 million civilians are there now seeking shelter and seeking refuge. but so far these warnings have largely been ignored. a senior official telling us the israelis have not addressed our concern about protecting palestinian civilians. this also comes as the white house continues to
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express optimism that a cease fire deal here is still achievable and is possible. all of this is going to be top of mind in washington as the defense secretary and chairman of the joint chief of staff face questions on capitol hill. michael? >> michael: definitely top of the line there. thank you very much for that. we're going to turn to the latest round of storms battering the country. 20 reported tornados across five states. take a glimpse of the devastation in michigan. there's a state of emergency there. their first tornado emergency on record. ginger's tracking that and much more in hard hit oklahoma. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: hey, good morning, michael. we're still learning more about what we know now was an ef-4 peak winds preliminarily up to 140 miles per hour. that's no surprise. that's a foundation. this home was moved off of it. that is a piece of an rv wrapped around a tree. there were more than 290 severe storm reports in the last 48 hours. we've got two days left of very active weather. this morning damage from michigan's first tornado
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emergency on record reporting at least nine tornados. the governor declaring a state of emergency. about 50 people were trapped in this fedex facility after it was gutted by the tornado. >> fedex, entire building collapsed. >> this is a brand new building. just got finished i'm going to say two to three years. >> ginger: at least 21,000 customers left without power. the tornado damaging homes and a strip mall. some taking shelter in the library. >> the man in charge of the library let everybody come in that wanted to come in. >> ginger: amanda miller was working at this barber shop when the tornado came through. >> i'm pregnant right now so really i was just thinking about my baby. >> ginger: finding knee deep insulation. >> the whole back wall of the salon was removed, the bathroom was like completely exposed. >> ginger: damaging winds taking down trees and causing significant damage in kalamazoo.
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in ohio this tornado forcing power flashes as tornado sirens ring out. all of this as we learn the tornado that ripped across barnsdall oklahoma was an ef-4. we were right there the morning after and met billy. >> both of my vehicles are destroyed. my house. all paperwork. i haven't found any of that, my file cabinet. >> ginger: about a month ago this same town, this same path got hit. billy had just repaired his roof from the last tornado. now his home is gone along with at least 40 of his neighbors. the stained glass and doors at st. mary's church blown out but the candles stayed lit. >> our goal, father mention dz in the parking lot, we're going to get this clean and have mass. >> ginger: everyone we spoke to had gone in their cellar an survived. we're going to need more sheltering today. lot of it starts in the afternoon.
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damaging windses, but also giants hail and yes, tornados. anybody in orange. little rock, memphis, paducah. lot of this gets going after dark like we've seen the last couple nights. so have two ways of getting highlights. we'll have another stretch coming up. back to you, robin. >> robin: thank you very much, ginger. now to tik tok suing the federal government over the law that would force its chinese owners to sell the video sharing app. our senior congressional correspondent rachel scott has the latest. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning to you. tik tok is taking on the federal government, setting up a showdown in court over free speech and national security. it has been two weeks since the president signed that bipartisan bill into law that forces tik tok's chinese parent company to either sell the app or face a total ban in the united states. this morning tik tok's parent company is making it clear they cannot and will not be selling the platform.
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on one end of this you have a bipartisan group of lawmakers, even the president, they are arguing that tik tok poses a national security risk and that by using the platform the chinese government could have access to your data, including your browsing history, even your location. tik tok denies those allegations. they say it would take years for them to find a new set of engineers to program the platform and that it would force a shutdown of the app here in the united states by january of next year. they also argue a ban infringes on the rights of 170 million americans who use the platform here in the united states. in this lawsuit, tik tok also points out that the biden campaign continues to use the platform even after the president signed that bill into law. they insist that completely underminds their argument that it poses a risk to the u.s. tik tok will be available in the united states until this plays out in the court. michael? >> michael: rachel, thank you very much for that. now the latest scare at american airports. in seattle smoke coming from a
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delta jet minutes after landing. in orlando, a near miss on the runway. transportation correspondent gio benitez joins us with details. good morning, gio. >> gio: michael, good morning. it was a scene straight out of a movie. the passengers getting out of the plane through the emergency exits. this morning delta is looking at the ground power as the problem here. this morning dramatic video showing passengers evacuating a delta flight in seattle. flames and sparks coming from the plane's nose after landing from cancun. the chutes deployed, passengers going down those emergency slides. others climbing on to the wings to it go. all of them running from the plane once they were on the ramp. >> once i got out of the plane, you could see the fire burning. right under the cockpit. >> gio: seattle tacoma airport telling abc news, after plugging into electric power, sparks caused apparent fire inside nose area. no major injuries were reported. meanwhile, we've learned at
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orlando's airport monday, air traffic control cleared a frontier jet to cross where an american jet had already been cleared for takeoff. now the faa is investigating that. guys? >> george: gio, thanks. we're going to switch gears. now will reeve is here. we're gonna get him an extra cup of coffee. >> george, my eyes are as red as my tie. it was a late one watching the rangers game. we'll get into that because if you're looking for a thrill, you don't need to go sky diving or rapel off a building like gio benitez. just watch stanley cup playoff overtime, double overtime at madison square garden. it was game 2 between the carolina hurricanes and new york rangers. back and forth all game. the garden going nuts with 13 minutes left in the third period, chris kreider from boston scores off a rebound. that's an all american connection. we are all tied. it would stay that way through the end of regulation and the first 20 minute sudden victory overtime and into the second.
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carolina firing 57 shots on net. throughout the nearly 90 minutes of hockey. that's almost a full game and a half. everybody is almost completely gassed. rangers goalie saving 54 shots. that is incredible. and then, guys, 7 minutes and 24 seconds into the second overtime, trocheck, whose grandma cooks the team chicken parm when they play games in pittsburgh, ends it. jubilation in the heart of new york. the rangers go up 2-0 in this series. maybe you have to tune in to the espn double header tonight 7:00 p.m. eastern. stanley cup playoffs. always a thrill. >> michael: you think you're tired. imagine those guys. >> gio: trocheck played 35 minutes. that's inconceivable. now the knicks get ready to play at the garden tonight. fun time to be in new york. >> robin: it is. coming up, could your job be entirely different in six years? rebecca has an exclusive with the ceo's of microsoft and linkedin. >> michael: plus our first look at the potentially game changing procedure targeting the so
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called hunger hormone. >> george: and we hear from the former roommate of the murdered idaho college students. first back to ginger. >> ginger: not just hail, damaging winds, tornados, but also flash flooding. we'll be watching for it, 1 to 3 inch, 4 inches in some places. your local weather now in 30 seconds.
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with elmo, mickey guyton and a mother's day surprise. we'll be right back. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma.
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serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm stephanie sierra from abc. seven mornings. hundreds of people gathered at uc berkeley's sproul plaza yesterday to protest israel's actions in rafah. the plaza has
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served as the site of an encampment for the past two weeks. students continue to push the university to divest from companies that do business in israel. a spokesperson for uc berkeley says it will not divest . how's it looking on the roads, amanda? >> well, that sig alert in antioch is still there. a big crash on eastbound four. between 160. the three left lanes are blocked. diesel fuel is leaked onto the road. crews are on scene, though. getting around it. take lone tree way to davidson drive, hillcrest avenue and then take laurel road back to highway four. stephanie. thanks amanda. >> meteorologist drew tuma has a quick
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$6,000. when you bundle solar plus a tesla powerwall three and a new roof, you can save an average of over $15,000. switch to solar, get two tesla powerwalls and a new roof, and you could save over $18,000 powerhouse savings. the more you bundle, the more you save. protect you and your family from outrageous electric bills this summer. go solar plus batteries and get a new roof from semper solaris. call now when rideshare companies don't hold themselves accountable for injuries caused by their drivers, we will. >> justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk, a personal injury law. call 866. walk up law >> our east bay hills camera showing us a sunny morning out there. we have temperatures a wide range, our coldest areas in the 40s, but some areas starting out in the 60s. part of the reason why we have a wind
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advisory in effect for solano county, parts of napa and sonoma county, where winds this morning have been elevated in areas we're seeing winds gusting 20 to 30mph. and it's that offshore wind direction this morning that is keeping temperatures elevated in some spots, like saint helena right now is at 63. we're at 60 in the city, 62 in san mateo. but some areas sheltered from the wind. it is a lot colder this morning. concord and danville at 49 degrees. we have a lot of sunshine on the way today. regards of where we start today. we end on a warm note across the region. temperatures about ten degrees above average. stephanie. >> very nice drew. thank you. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it's gma exciting and. award >> we're expecting you the love boat soon will be making another
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are the sweater vest? no, my super soft skin. see, jergens original cherry almond lotion. >> smooth. >> mom will be so proud. >> you're like one big baby butt and happy mother's day. >> jergens tobacco companies target people like me with their menthol, cigaret marketing. >> realizing this made me angry enough to quit. my tip is this should make everyone angry. you can quit. call one 800. quit now for help getting free medication at tj maxx. >> you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression with the quality styles ♪ >> robin: back here on gma. if you didn't have that song stuck in your head already you might now. the elmo slide.
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i had a chance to visit sesame street. you'll see that coming up. >> michael: will we see a slide? >> robin: i don't know. i don't know. maybe so. i can't give it all away. [ laughter ] >> george: following a lot of headlines including severe weather. 57 million people in the storm zone. there were 20 tornados reported across five states. michigan governor declared a state of emergency with first tornado emergency on record. also right now, more arrests on college campuses due to protests over the hamas/israel war. dc metropolitan police said there was a gradual escalation in the volatility at george washington university this morning. they went to break up the encampment there. >> michael: and no more security lines for wnba players. the league said it plans to commit $50 million to provide full time charter flights for teams during the regular season and hopes to launch the charter program as soon as possible. i know they're going to be happy about that. >> robin: absolutely.
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>> michael: we got more ahead including the latest on panera pulling their charged cafeinated drinks. >> robin: right now the idaho college murder case. we are hearing from a former roommate who lived at the house where the killing took place. kayna whitworth is here for us. >> ashlynn couch moved out of king road months before her friends were murdered. this morning she shares the memories happy and haunting including the moment she got that vandal alert that changed everything. >> i couldn't even walk to my car in the dark for months after it happened. >> reporter: fear lingering after her friends were stabbed to death in their home, a home where she, too, once lived. >> it crosses my mind more that that could have happened while i was there. and, you know, you never know how long someone is watching your house. >> reporter: the sixth bedroom on king road was hers.
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now this morning she's speaking out for the first time on camera since her friends were murdered in november 2022. ashlynn initially signed the lease to live in the popular off campus home telling kxly that she moved out in 2022 after graduating the semester before. but she stayed close with the girls, especially maddie, sharing the last message she sent to her after getting an alert from the university of idaho that there had been a suspected homicide. >> i texted our group of friends. i said, has anyone heard from maddie? i remember my last text message to her was, are you okay? i feel like right then and there i kind of knew something was wrong. >> reporter: the man charged with their murder, bryan kohberger. a judge entering a not guilty plea on his behalf, as his defense team said he was out driving that cold november night
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as he often did to hike or star gaze. prosecutors allegedly links him to dna. dna was left on the strap of a knife sheath found underneath maddie. >> you wish you could just say good-bye. that's one thing that i just wish i could do at least one more time. just give her one more hug, just to be able to say good-bye. >> the home they shared has torn down. the next hearing is may 14. kohberger's attorney said she will deliver a witness list and exhibits she said will support his alleged alibi. you guys might remember, they also said they will rely heavily on expert testimony from cell phones to prove what they say he was doing that night. >> robin: chilling. just chilling. >> it certainly is. >> michael: thank you, kayna. glad to have you here. >> good to be here. >> michael: now investigation after a security guard was shot outside rapper drake's home. victor oquendo has the story.
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this happened in the middle of the grammy's public feud with kendrick lamar. >> reporter: that's right. good morning, michael. this feud has gotten very personal. kendrick lamar even using the image of drake's home where the shooting took place in a recent album cover. at this point police say it is unclear that the shooting has anything to do with their public beef. this morning the investigation into the shooting at music super star drake's home. it left a security guard wounded. authorities saying the hip hop artist is cooperating. ♪ bad things lot of bad things that they wishing ♪ >> reporter: early tuesday morning toronto police responding to what they say was a drive by attack outside the gates of the rapper's mansion. >> police were called to a shooting at the residence behind me here. when officers arrived they located a male who was suffering from an apparent gun shot wound. >> reporter: that security guard now hospitalized with serious, but nonlife threatening injuries. the suspects are still at large. no word on whether drake was
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present at the time. this comes on the heels of the grammy winner's public feud with former collaborator turned foe, kendrick lamar. ♪ i'm kendrick lamar ♪ >> reporter: the two dropping multiple diss tracks over the past two week, throwing jabs at one another. about their families and lifestyles. ♪ kendrick's latest, not like us. ♪ accompanied by cover art of what appears to be drake's mansion where the shooting took place. the sprawling 50,000 square foot property has been featured by drake on the may 20 cover of architecture digest. and in his music videos. ♪ authorities are aware the drake verse kendrick lamar beef but say it is too soon to draw conclusions. >> i cannot speak to a motive at the time. >> reporter: and there are
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dozens of cameras in the area around drake's home. police have video of the incident and are reviewing it to try to track down those responsible. guys? >> george: thank you very much, victor. now to panera bread. they have pulled the charged line of caffeine drinks since the company faces wrongful death lawsuits involving the beverages. stephanie ramos is here with details. >> reporter: they are discontinuing the drink after it was tied to a couple of wrongful death lawsuits. the st. louis based company introduced the charged drink 2022 and just two years later they will no longer be on the menu. after a number of lawsuits by people who claim their caffeine drinks caused health problems including two deaths, panera now pulling their charged lemonade and charge dz sip drinks from the menu. lawsuits include one filed by the family of sara katz, a 21-year-old student who drank the beverage which the suit alleges led to cardiac arrest. take us back to that day, september 10 of 2022.
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what happened? >> it was one of sara's friends saying that sara had just arrived at a restaurant and collapsed. >> reporter: sara had a rather heart rhythm disorder called long qt syndrome. she had been diagnosed years before. but just days before her parents could figure out what they believe caused the sudden cardiac arrest. >> her roommate told us that she had had a drink from panera charged lemonade drink. the reason why the roommate brought it up to us is she had known about some of the dangers in these excessively caffeine drinks. >> reporter: now they're suing panera for wrongful death, negligence and several other counts, claiming the company failed to properly warn consumers of their dangerous product. in panera's answer to the suit, the company denies any liability. >> a large amount of caffeine, in addition to other stimulants to the heart in a small window
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of time could have an effect on someone with an under lying genetic disorder. >> reporter: according to the lawsuit the charged drink can contain more caffeine than some energy drinks. >> i have seen a lot of patients not just with genetic cardiac issues come in with symptoms and abnormal heart rhythms after the drinks. >> reporter: in a statement to abc news, the company said it plans to introduce new beverages in the next two weeks after expressing sympathy for the passing of sara katz, panera had previously said it stood by the safety of its beverages and enhanced their existing caffeine disclosures for the drinks. but now we know the drinks will no longer be available on the menu. we want to express a sincere thank you to the family of sara katz for sharing their beautiful daughter with us. >> robin: you're right about that. thank you, stephanie. >> michael: all right. coming up, we have the new procedure that could a probably break through for weight loss.
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it targets the so called hunger hormone. we'll break down how it works and also the potential risks when we come back with more gma. . ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness.
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♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ target manager hailee! listen, i wanted you to be the first to know... target now has unlimited same-day delivery with target circle 360? how'd you know that? let's just say a little bird told me... hey lady, did you hear the news? get the fastest delivery to your door, with target circle 360.
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(vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. ♪ stay ahead of your moderate—to—severe eczema, and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain,
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or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. >> michael: back with an abc news exclusive. doctors in north carolina studying a potentially game changing procedure that targets obesity at a hormonal level. they're due to present their findings later this month but we have a first look.
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good morning. >> this is a limited study but it is still exciting. the team behind this procedure said it has been successful for patients in a preliminary study, with most experiencing weight loss. the doctors hoping to broaden the scope of the trial and touting the procedure as a new and potentially ground breaking advancement in the fight against obesity. this morning the medical team behind a clinical trial for a possible new weight loss procedure said it has the potential to be a game changer. >> for patients who might be afraid of surgery, this may be more successful. >> here's how it works. the doctor inserts a camera into the stomach while the patient is asleep. fluids are administered to protect the underlying stomach tissue before a tiny device ablates, or burns, the lining of the upper portion of the stomach that produces the so called hunger hormone that can trigger appetite. dr. mcgowan said in a limited study of ten patients, it has resulted in decreased appetite and weight loss.
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>> we do have patients who are a year or more beyond their initial procedure and what we are seeing is that they continue to have decrease in hunger, continue to report greater control over eating. >> brooke nelson said the results have been nothing short of remarkable. >> the constant just wanting a food has drastically decreased. there's still moments where i want a chocolate chip cookie, but there's a lot more moments when i find myself wanting something like greens. >> nelson losing 26 pounds over six months. dr. mcgowan said the results of the study indicate on average patients reduce their overall weigh by 7%. >> today i'm at 183. >> while the new procedure offers a nonsurgical alternative to gastric bypass surgery in which portions of the stomach are reduced in size, like any
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procedure, it does come with risks. >> risks could include ulcers, bleeding, somehow injuring the stomach. these were things we were really careful about. in this case everything was mild. cramping, nausea. things you expect when you perform a procedure on the stomach. but there were no complications whatsoever. >> nelson said this procedure is not a shortcut, it's just a tool to help. it is still very far from being approved for wide use. this study was limited and at this point there's little known about the long term safety and results. it's also unclear if it would be like a one and done solution or if you would have to repeat this over time. certainly, we see this ever changing landscape for weight loss. it's very exciting. >> robin: it is ever changing. all right, erielle, thank you very much. coming up next, it's our "play of the day." day. and i'm goin' cuckoo. what the heck. what you got larry?
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may the best bird win. brick. you may be a legend on the court but you're an amateur up here. heads up lar. so get allstate... save money and be protected from mayhem... me. now you're the bird stuck in the attic. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and blurry vision, you need clear answers.'s to now. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups.
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trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night.
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>> robin: back now with our play of the day. women getting in formation. record attempt. tell us about that, lara. >> lara: i sure will. good morning. the sky is no limit for these fearless women. they are the sky dive ramblers. they're an all-female group of 24 sky divers in queensland, australia, taking the leap into the record books with a special formation. they did it from two planes, guys, from 14,000 feet, coming together midairso beautiful to look at. then they release and build a second formation while in free
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form. that sealed the deal and earned the women a spot in the record books for number of sky divers and number of formations. we want to say thank you for the beautiful video and congratulations to these 24 brave women. >> robin: sky diver, anybody? >> lara: not a chance. >> robin: no? how cute would that be if we did that? [ laughter ] we have mickey guyton performing live in our next hour. come on back. have mickey guyton performing next hour so come on back. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: on tour with gma is sponsored by live nation. live nation present concert week. $25 tickets to over 5,000 shows.
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guess it's time to paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ what is going on next - ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪
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- no, no. - sorry... exclusively at the home depot. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? trust safelite. this customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from home... he scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to his house... then we got to work. we replaced his windshield... ...and installed new wipers to protect his new glass. >> customer: looks great. thank you. >> tech: my pleasure. >> vo: we come to you for free. schedule now for free mobile service at ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,... ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ ...the monthly one-and-done you want. ♪ mom genes. she passed them down to you. but who passed them to her? those mom genes helped make her who she is.
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>> ginger: not only do we have the threat today but we're looking ahead to tomorrow. large hail from austin up to dallas. then damaging winds along the gulf up to washington, d.c. we'll get to all that and more. your local news and weather are get matched at mattress firm. sleep at night. >> create lasting memories at cirque du soleil kooza in san jose. join us under the big top to share unforgettable moments with your loved ones, and be
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amazed by astonishing acrobatic feats santa clara county fairgrounds, kooza thanks its official partner, air canada. buy tickets at cirque du >> things you'll hear on jeopardy! masters this season quiz aquinas. what is cuneiform? what's potty training? >> dick's all time greats? >> one incredible tournament i'm the final boss. >> this is what i do. >> jeopardy! masters prime time event continues. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everybody. i'm stephanie sierra from abc seven mornings. let's check on that commute with amanda. hi, stephanie. >> that sig alert in antioch is still there. a big rig crash on eastbound four before 162. right lanes are now open after diesel leaked onto the roadways. crews are still on scene, seen
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sweeping the lanes, getting around at exit lone tree way to davidson. drive to hillcrest avenue and then take laurel back to highway four. amanda, thanks. >> and if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, don't worry, stephanie, i'll take it for a second. take it over from here. >> yeah, we'll take a live look at our east bay hills camera where it is sunny out there. we do have a wind advisory in effect until 8 a.m. tomorrow, where we have winds in parts of the north bay gusting 20 to 40mph. so that has led to a mild morning in many spots. i mean, look at the 60s already from oakland to the city to napa at 64. it's 61 in san jose. so get ready for a warm day today as we look at santa cruz, sunny skies, temperatures in the 70s and 80s away from the coast. stephanie, thank you, drew. >> and if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next. for everyone else, it's gma. >> every baby deserves a happy start. join mancini's sleep world and the ticket to dream foundation in providing everything a baby needs through
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donations of baby essentials, drop off your donations at any mancini sleep world location or donate online at sleep >> i'm franklin graham, the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands, hate uh- the world at that time hated him and he still hate him today. but you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on the cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins and he'll heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart and take that that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus name. if you prayed that prayer,
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call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone would like to speak with you and pray with you. god bless you. >> last year in california, there were 200,000 car crashes when a car crash happens, it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side. >> the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. if you are injured in a car crash, call the barnes ferm now for your free consultation. the barnes burn injury attorneys call million. >> you made a cow. >> actually, it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. >> how about a more solid way to save? >> i'm listening. >> well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month. you save cash reward, and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow.
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>> anything you can't do. >> mugs. bmo couples will need to make room for a nursery. >> 26 people will go all in. this family will get two bathrooms. and finally one vacationer will say, yeah, who? >> i'm gonna live here. >> but as the euphoria subsides, the realization hits. >> i gotta sell the house. >> don't worry. just sell and buy in one move. when you start with open door. wow. oh, yes. start with an all cash offer at open door. com tv's biggest morning party. >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. stormy daniels on the stands. the adult film star at the center of the trump criminal trial testifies about their encounter. why she said the payoff was the best thing that could happen. dan abrams is here breaking down how it could impact the
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trial. >> michael: prince harry back in the u.k. why he won't be seeing his father, as king charles fights cancer. >> robin: emma heming willis opening up about needing support and the decision to reveal bruce's dementia diagnosis to the world. >> i could breathe. you know? i could exhale and sort of just feel this weight sort of lift from my shoulders. >> michael: that dress. designer zac posen created that jaw dropping met gala gown worn by davine joy randolph. he tells us how he's bringing glamour to the met. ♪ sunny day ♪ >> robin: my visit to see elmo. elmo, hi there. >> miss robin, hi! >> robin: when one of the sunniest faces on sesame street asks, how's everybody doing, the post going viral. >> elmo knows you don't know how anybody is doing unless you ask them. >> robin: how sesame street is answering the call. and elmo's here to say --
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>> good morning america! [ laughter ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: when he says, hello, miss robin, my heart just felt it. i gotta say. good morning america. such great time with elmo. his post asking how everyone was doing was seen and responded to by millions. opened the door for some real discussion on mental health. we'll have our own discussion coming up. >> michael: looking forward to that. also ahead, could your job look entirely different in six years due to ai? rebecca jarvis has exclusives with the ceo's of microsoft an linkedin. >> george: first we start with former president trump in a courtroom hearing stormy daniels testify about their encounter and hush money payment. want to go back to aaron katersky at the courthouse. >> reporter: good morning again. stormy daniels had never described her alleged sexual encounter quite the way she did
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on the witness stand. jurors were rapt. trump was just furious. the judge told his lawyer he could hear him cursing loudly while daniels recalled vivid details, like the hotel room, three size the size of her apartment. she remembered the old spice and pert plus in his toiletry bag. her description of sex so explicit the defense objected and the judge agreed some details would have been better left unsaid. but he rejected the defense request for mistrial. during cross-examination daniels conceded she hated trump and wanted to sell her story but denied it amounted to extortion. the judge allowed daniels to testify so the jury could understand the basis for the $130,000 hush payment that is central to the case, not about sex, but about the falsification of business records. michael? >> michael: aaron katersky, thank you very much. now to prince harry back in london to celebrate the anniversary of the invictus games. he won't be seeing his father, king charles. foreign correspondent james longman is in london for us. good morning, james.
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>> reporter: good morning. prince harry is back in the u.k. he's here on the for a few days to mark ten years since the beginning of his invictus games. despite the cancer diagnosis that have rocked the family he will not be there to see them. his team has tried to get out in front of this. they said that king charles is too busy to see his son but harry hopes to see his father soon. buckingham palace is not commenting on any of this. it serves to deepen the speculation that there's a real rift at the center of the family. earlier this year when harry spoke to our will reeve, he told him he hoped to see much more of his family and hoped the sicknesses would bring people together but that is clearly not the case on this occasion. no senior member of the royal family will be at the invictus event. though on monday, william and charles will have a joint event. this afternoon, beautiful sunny afternoon in london at buckingham palace, king charles will return to the garden party.
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first time he's been back at that event since his return to public life. robin? >> robin: james, thank you. big question surounding ai and your job. questions like, will my job look different in a few years? or will it even exist? our chief technology correspondent rebecca jarvis sat down with the ceo's of microsoft and linkedin to learn more. do tell. >> rebecca: yes. robin, those are some big big questions. we keep hearing ai is going to change everything. companies are investing billions of dollars. i sat down with the heads of these two massive organizations leading the way to understand what this really means for jobs, and just how they're using it to make their jobs easier. where are we in this ai journey? if this were a baseball game, what inning would it be? >> i'd say it's 2nd inning, early 2nd inning. >> rebecca: this morning microsoft and linkedin's ceos speaking
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exclusively to good morning america about artificial intelligence. what it means for your future jobs and how it's already impacting the way we work. >> i have never seen anything like this. something gets built and comes to the united states and instantly it's available everywhere in the world. people are using it everywhere in the world. >> rebecca: linkedin and microsoft releasing their latest work trends report, revealing ai is projected to change most job skills by nearly 70% by the year 2030. what are people to do when they hear, ai is changing the world and you're gonna need an entirely new skill set to do your job in a matter of six years? >> it's more about how do use the new tool to use your job more efficiently. bringing these tools into work, using it to do everyday tasks. >> you're entering a labor market that is brimming with change right now. in that change, while it can be
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daunting, there's also tremendous opportunity to shape the future of the world. >> rebecca: the new report showing three in four people are using ai at work, but many, about half, are reluctant to admit using it for their most important tasks. how concerned are you that ai, while it will eventually create some jobs, it will also decimate some jobs right now? >> if you think about your job as a set of tasks, and then you look at which tasks have high probability of being automated by ai, you can start to make better sense of your job and your role. it turns out the large majority of jobs are both -- can be automated and a set of human paths that can't be. it is incumbent upon everyone to start to better learn the ai tools. >> rebecca: and they've certainly learned to use them at microsoft and linkedin. both of those ceos are using it to write e-mails.
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go over faxes before getting into meetings. how do you learn to use this new tool? well, first, ai is already part of many things you are using, siri, alexa. this next generation can really act like an assistant, but you need to know how to speak to it. we've learned to use key words blue, flower, spring, if you were searching for a flower on google, for example. now you need to put the whole thing into a sentence. if you open linkedin or co-pilot or chat gpt, these are just some of the things powered by ai. you just have to start working in full sentences. i can't stress this enough. a lot of it is just about familiarizing yourself with these things. it is scary. it's daunting especially when you think about your job. but the more you play around with the tools, the better you get to know them and understand how they can be helpful to you. >> robin: we have sometime to do that because early 2nd inning. i'm glad you asked that question. >> rebecca: i also asked the question, what are they not allowing employees to use ai for?
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the biggest thing they said was, make sure it's an assistant, not the whole thing. you're not taking ai and doing the whole e-mail. use your own sensibility there, too. >> robin: okay. >> george: that was interesting. thanks, rebecca. coming up in our gma morning menu, emma heming willis opens up about needing support and the decision to reveal bruce's dementia diagnosis to the world. >> michael: designer to the stars, zac posen, making a splash at the met gala, now bringing his red carpet style to the gap. >> robin: plus three moms to be are here for our big breakfast in bed week. we have a few surprises up our sleeves with them. lara is with two special guests. hey, lara. >> lara: get up here, robin. we're having such a good time. oscar winner jennifer connelly is here talking about her new tv product that is very intense. and country star mickey guyton is here. she's going to perform a brand new song for us live on good morning america. "good morning."
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(♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (♪) (restaurant noise) [announcer] introducing allison's plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved
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to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. in 16 years, greg gerstner will land the perfect cannonball. with friends he's already meeting now. at aarp volunteer and community events. to help make sure his happiness lives as long as he does. the younger you are, the more you need aarp.
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whoah, woah, woah, woah. i have a delivery for athena. - do you know any athena? - i don't know any athena. - twist on it? - yeah. crème on the right, we let him in. ohh! welcome to troy! open the gate! thank you. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare-ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it.
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don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. are you happy? of course i am. i love you. (echoing) jason: what's happening? how did you get in here? i live here with you. jason: i was abducted from my world... and brought to this one. i need to get back to my family. i hope you find them. ryan: wait! ♪ jason: i just wanna be home. dark matter. on apple tv+. ♪
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>> george: we are back with a gma cover story. emma heming willis opening up saying everything changed for the better once the family disclosed her husband's dementia diagnosis. lara, you have the story. >> lara: i do. emma sharing insight about what it's meant to her to find a caring community as they face a new diagnosis for her beloved husband. this morning bruce willis' wife is opening up about needing support in the wake of his dementia diagnosis. >> i have a lot of hope. i really do have a lot of hope.
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hopefully, all of you have some hope as well. >> lara: emma heming willis has been candid about the struggles that she and the family have faced since the initial diagnosis. >> i don't want it to be misconstrued like i'm good 'cause i'm not. i'm not good. but i have to put my best foot forward for the sake of myself and my family. >> lara: emma often taking to social media sharing updates for the star since he stepped away from public life. >> hoorah! hip hip hoorah! >> lara: his family saying bruce has since been given a more specific diagnosis frontotemporal dementia. known as ftd. heming willis speaking at an education conference about the family's decision to reveal bruce's health battle to the world. >> i wanted to do something good out of something that was just plain awful. everything changed for the better once we were able to disclose his diagnosis.
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>> lara: and describing her journey to finding a community. >> i was able to seek the support that i so desperately needed for my husband, for our whole family. i was able to take some power back. >> lara: indeed. emma says her mission now is to raise as much awareness of ftd as she can, in hopes of one day seeing a treatment and a cure, guys. >> robin: so good of her. >> lara: not easy. >> robin: helping a lot of folks. all right, lara. sesame street brings so much happiness to our lives. you know that. i recently took a trip to sesame street to speak with elmo about his recent viral tweet checking in on everyone's emotional well-being and the importance of mental health awareness month. ♪ sunny days sweeping the clouds away ♪ >> robin: for over 50 years, sesame street has been educating generations with invaluable life long lessons.
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oh wow. welcoming gma to his sunny neighborhood, our friend elmo. elmo, hi there. >> miss robin, hi! >> robin: how are you doing? i just want to check in on you. >> elmo knows you never know how anybody is feeling unless you ask them. >> robin: this viral moment, elmo asking the simple question, how is everybody doing? garnering more than 217 million views and counting. were you surprised? that's a big reaction. >> i was real surprised. some people were really really happy but some are having a hard time. >> robin: sparking an honest conversation about how people are really feeling. one user responding, honestly, elmo, i need a hug. another writing, i shouldn't have rushed wanting to be an adult. i need a break, big guy. you know, elmo, i was really hoping to meet your friend, dr. trulio. >> elmo loves doctor trulio.
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>> hi. >> robin: hi. how are you? what is it about sesame street, all these decades later, it just resonates with people in ways we haven't seen before. >> we know there's a mental health crisis. it's important for us to express our feelings. we're meeting the needs of kids today. we wanted to make sure that our stories and our resources are there to help children and their circle of care. >> robin: sesame work shop now offering new emotional well being resources with hands-on strategies. >> what's therapy? >> when i go to therapy, i talk about my feelings. >> robin: aimed for children who feel overwhelmed, but helpful for us all. you also have another technique that elmo is going to help you with. >> you are going to love this. >> everyone can go to our website. make a glitter jar. glitter represents all the big feelings that we have inside. it gives us something to focus on as we're taking the deep breaths.
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>> robin: elmo, a breath of fresh air for those waiting for him to check in again. >> have a good day, everybody. elmo and miss robin love you very, very much. >> robin: we certainly do. can i just say, that just made my day when i was with elmo. to share more tips with us for mental health awareness month we are joined by dr. thema bryant licensed psychologist and best selling author. >> thank you for having me. >> robin: this is a discussion that we need to have. i was alarmed by this. cdc says more than one in five adults in the u.s. have issued with their mental health. now what do you believe is behind that? >> people are feeling overwhelmed and distressed for many reasons. there's the economic reality, political divisions, the rise in hate crimes, trauma, which is both local and global, as well as i believe we're still feeling the collective loss of all of the losses both recognized and unrecognized. so many people feel like they have to handle it alone and
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don't know it's a strength to ask for help. >> robin: vulnerability is a strength. it's not a weakness. your book "reclaim yourself." i love the title. reclaim yourself. you want to help folks. you got some tips. >> that's right. in order to reclaim ourselves we have to recognize we often abandon, neglect and don't really serve our true needs. to reclaim myself in part is to think about telling my friends the truth about how i'm doing instead of just being the strong friend of, i'm fine or, i'm blessed. but to be able to say what i'm carrying in the midst of it all. in addition to social or community support, gratitude helps. gratitude helps us to push back on despair. so at the end of each day to journal about what went right today? what am i grateful for today? instead of just seeing what went wrong. >> robin: having that gratitude journal, just jotting down a few things. i do that in the morning and in the evening. >> i love it. for people who don't want to write, i tell them you can record a voice note. >> robin: sure. >> whether it's written or verbal, it helps us to remember what's good.
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>> robin: it is. we're not elmo, but we did reach out to folks on our social media platforms. we were asking them, what's going on? how are you feeling? and so many use the word nervous. they are nervous. >> yes. >> robin: how you respond to them? >> a lot of times we get immobilized or stuck when we're nervous. i encourage people not to not only soothe yourself, but have problem solving coping. to address the issues i can address so i don't feel overwhelmed by them. we also want to recognize things out of my control. so practice we can do is write a letter to the thing you want to release, whether a person, josh habit or mind set to say bye bye to it. >> robin: a person or place or a thing. >> let it go. >> robin: also when we were asking folks they said they just feel, dr. bryant that the world is caving in on them. an overwhelmed single mom said,
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i can't seem to get it together. what's your advice there? >> first self-compassion. we are carrying a lot. it's not some strange reason why people feel overwhelmed. and then i would say bless your life with boundaries. the gift of no. many of us are people pleasers and we say yes to everything and everyone. it's not sustainable. so what do i need to say no to so i can say yes to my mental health? i also have to have realistic goals. some of us set ourselves up for failure by signing up to do too much. i say if you had fried chicken last night, don't say today i'm going to be vegan. it's just not gonna work. you can have a meatless monday. so we want to stretch ourselves, but be able to reach the goal. >> robin: it's okay to say yes. it's also okay to say no. and to know no is a complete sentence. >> love that. >> robin: we can use that. you can use that. dr. bryant, "reclaim yourself" comes out in june. thank you very much. let's go now to ginger in oklahoma. >> ginger: robin, i'm so grateful that we have so many people staying in shelters and
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safe in kalamazoo michigan where that tornado ripped through, homes wrecked there but thankfully they said everybody is okay. also today we're going to have to do it again. two ways of getting warnings, if you're in nashville, clarksburg, hendersonville, tennessee. all going to be included. damaging winds and tornado >> michael: now to davine joy randolph's moment on the met gala carpet. rebecca jarvis spoke with the designer of her look, zac posen, about bringing glamour to the
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gap. >> rebecca: zac posen is in his element. the newly appointed creative director of gap inc and chief creative officer of ole navy is fresh off the met gala green carpet where he designed a custom gown for oscar winner davine joy randolph. >> pretty amazing moment in my life and career. >> rebecca: he exclusively took us behind the scenes of his process inspired by the san francisco bay. >> i was looking at the movement of the bay and the water and looking at different interpretations. i mean, denim and water and indigo and this theme went together. >> rebecca: from the mood boards and the sketches -- so this is the dress? >> that's the dress. just talk about detail of an element. that's the brains of the gown. >> rebecca: to the pattern an, of course, the denim. posen and his team putting in weeks of work to make it in time for the first monday in may.
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>> zac posen, honey. >> rebecca: how have you decided each step of the way, now it's the right time to do this? >> i think in life, you need to feel the weather. you feel the winds and where they move. that's instinctual. >> rebecca: known for his glamorous red carpet designs, posen is hoping his new role at gap will help honor the company's denim legacy and innovate for today's customer. tell me about your new role. >> i am helping design these brands and take gap inc and all their brands, across all creative. >> how do you take something that iconic? how do you make it relevant for today? >> well, you have to make new cultural moments. you obviously have to perfect the product, right? that's really important.
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looking at the consumer today, making trends and being kind of ahead of the curve, surprising our customers with exciting collaborations and collaborating beyond product. >> i am curious what it means to you. it might have been with your original label that what you produced was out of reach. now a team can save up and can buy something like this. like what? divine. >> well, i don't know if they can more what? divine? more. not that maybe we'll see. you know, you never know. there might be a version of it coming soon. >> really? >> really. you know, a few things up my sleeve. >> you know, a guy who knows a guy. i know a guy. >> know a guy, know where to get a denim dress made. i'm playing with a few exciting ideas. it's incredible to be able to bring uh- the knowledge and care that i've had with construction, with fit and work, with the teams and the creators and the designers across all brands, and bring that expertise to each one of them. >> and one piece of wisdom zac
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posen left us with is be open to learn something new every day, and then give something every day. great conversation. michael. >> yeah, it sure was. rebecca. thank you for bringing that to us. and coming up, jennifer connelly is here live in studio. cannot wait to talk to her about her new project. when we come back with more gma. attention everyone. happy early mother's day. >> when i was a kid, i always made sure i did just enough to stay in my mom's top five. >> top five? how many siblings do you have? yeah, abc, home of the nba finals one. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's traffic with amanda. yeah. >> reggie still a mess in antioch because of that sig alert that happened earlier this morning. it was a big rig crash
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on eastbound four just before california. 160. the two right lanes are open, but the two left lanes remain blocked due to that big rig crash and diesel fuel leaking onto the roadways there. crews are on scene, and to get around it, just make sure that you're taking hillcrest avenue reggie aqui if you like summer like warmth, you're going to get it today. >> meteorologist drew toma has a forecast after this. >> how do you sleep at night on a mattress from mattress firm? >> so i sleep at the memorial day sale. save up to $1,000 norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more.
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doc? where you need them. that's wall to wall wi-fi with xfinity. >> river rock casino wants to help you gear up and win with our truck and cash giveaway. join us on saturday, may 25th for your chance to win cash or a new gmc canyon truck. the fun starts at 7 p.m. with cash giveaways. then, at 10 p.m, five lucky members will play for the grand prize. a 2024 gmc canyon club members start earning tickets now. gear up and win with our truck and cash giveaway only at river rock casino, just 20 minutes north of santa rosa. whoa! >> yes! how do you sleep at night on a mattress from mattress firm? >> i sleep at the memorial day sale. save up to $500 on tempur-pedic and get a $300 instant gift. get matched at mattress firm up at night. >> hey. bay area live with kelly marcus. coming up. >> we'll chat with riley keough
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from under the bridge. plus caroline reyes here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you in 30 minutes from our east bay hills. camera. it is sunny out there and we're warming pretty quickly. a wind advisory is in effect through tomorrow morning for areas shaded in tan. that does include a big chunk of the north bay for some gusty winds today. those winds kept temperatures elevated in the overnight hours, so that's kept us mild. and we're already pretty warm right now in the 60s. so later today, sunny skies, temperatures in the 70s and 80s away from the coast. >> reggie, you're wondering what that was on your screen. that is the edge of the piratee ship rie on ship ride on thehe santa cruz boardwalk. testing this morning. do not be alarmed. we'll >> announcer: welcome back to gma, live from times square. >> george: we are excited to be with jennifer connelly. she starred in top gun maverick and now has a new tv series dash matter. welcome back. great to see you.
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>> thank you. nice to see you, too. >> george: tell us about dark matter. >> it is a new show on apple. it is based on the novel science fiction novel by blake crouch of the same title. it's about a guy who is abducted into an alternate version of his life while someone else takes over the life that he had. and kind of a story about, you know, paths not taken and also kind of a story of marriage while doing this adventure. >> george: it is an adventure. let's give everybody a look. >> i quit my job today. >> what? >> i was standing up there looking out at the class. this one thought kept repeating in my head that i was meant for more than this. >> without talking to me? >> yeah, i know. sorry. but i just couldn't do it.
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[ laughter ] >> robin: i am intrigued with how do you prepare for a role like this? because you're in so many different realities, different versions of your character. >> it was so fun, to be honest with you. yes, they're different versions of the same character. so it is a wonderful exercise to think about, what were the characteristics that remained the same throughout all the different iterations? and how might she be impacted by different versions? like one version never gets married, never has children, doesn't suffer any particular loss. how might that affect the way she moves through space? it was really fun. >> michael: you saying that makes me go, hmmmm. [ laughter ] >> robin: exactly, right? >> that's what the show's about. it's fun. it explores it in a really fun way. >> michael: speaking of fun, top gun 3. you said you'd be up for another installment. >> are you kidding? of course i would. of course i would. i had such an amazing time. everything about it was just
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like nothing i had experienced before. i wouldn't hesitate a moment. >> george: such a good movie. >> lara: do you have a favorite memory from that time, from the set? >> oh my gosh. everything. well, just working with tom cruise. i'm a fan of the director. i worked with him on "only the brave." but, you know, tom cruise. there's just no one like him. >> lara: you were saying his energy is infectious. >> his energy is unparalleled. he's so skilled in so many ways. amazing acting partner. also got to fly in a plane with him that he piloted. >> lara: we want to see that. want to switch gears. you have a husband we love. paul benny. >> i love him, too. [ laughter ] >> lara: he's a wonderful actor. he's not the one you're reading lines with or being critiqued by at home. >> oh, yeah. we talk about work, but our daughter agnes is an amazing
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script buddy. so she often runs lines with me, helps me learn my lines. >> lara: that's nice. the family that acts together stays together. >> she has notes for me, too. >> michael: of course. [ laughter ] >> she often has a little feedback. it's very good, typically. she'll say you know that take put your hand on his shoulder? maybe don't do that. [ laughter ] >> michael: oh, wow. she's that detailed. >> very specific. often she's right. >> lara: yeah. >> george: she's nicer than my kids. [ laughter ] >> robin: do you think she'll follow in your footsteps? >> i don't think so. >> robin: no? >> no. i don't think any of the kids are really interested in doing what we do. our oldest is an engineer. our second is a musician. agnes, right now she loves soccer. >> robin: good, good. >> she talks about medicine, but loves soccer. that's her biggest passion right now. >> george: thank you for coming in. >> thank you. nice to see you guys. >> george: dark matter appears today on apple +. new episodes streaming every
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wednesday. coming up three moms to be are here for our breakfast in bed celebration. in bed
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♪ baby love my baby love ♪ >> michael: the perfect song for the occasion. welcome back, everybody. all week long we're celebrating the 25th anniversary of breakfast in bed. it is our annual surprise for a special mom. this morning it's all about moms to be.
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>> lara: specifically this morning expectant moms. we have three expectant moms ready to face off in our baby shower battle. the winner goes home with a bundle of baby products worth more than $3,000. michael, time to meet our competitors. >> michael: first we have trish our rookie, a first time mom. [ applause ] >> lara: here we go, trish. >> michael: trish is a first time mom. ob/gyn physician assistant who loves providing care to other women. she said she's in it to win it. she's got her husband here cheering her on. [ applause ] >> lara: that's so nice. trish, you say you're competitive. how competitive? >> guys, listen. it may be my first time being a first time mom but it's not my first time smoking out the competition. >> lara: like it. >> michael: whoa. okay. fierce over there. next up we have shulie. she's a veteran mom, already raising two daughters with baby number three on the way.
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she's a bedtime storyteller who likes to go vegetarian in the kitchen. her cheering section includes her husband and two daughters. [ applause ] >> lara: shulie i hear you like to make obstacle courses for the girls? >> that's right. at work, at home. >> lara: this should be right up your ally. >> right up my alley. i make them in my sleep. these other women are toast. >> lara: lots of talking. >> michael: i think the toast is burning. all right. here we go. our third competitor, vanessa, is already a mom to a 3-year-old son. she loves dressing up with her family. she's also no stranger to competition, winning the newlywed game with her husband on their honeymoon cruise. her husband and son are here to cheer her on. [ applause ] >> lara: all right, vanessa. are you dressed for success this morning? >> yeah. they said bring the competition so we came armed with dinosaurs this morning. >> lara: i love it. >> the most fierce and fearsome.
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>> lara: go get em. are you guys ready for this? >> michael: this is what's happening. you all will be competing to win this incredible bundle of baby products worth more than $3,000. thanks to our friends at juju bee, mockingbird. >> lara: here's what's happening. you have three missions. the first is a word search. got to find five baby related words. then you move on to our fast food section where you fill three containers of homemade baby food. then the last stop, diaper duty. nine baby dolls. you have to diaper them all. who ever is the first to shake that rattle wins it all. >> michael: i'm tired thinking of all that. >> lara: i know. exciting though. >> michael: competitors, get ready. on your mark, get set, go! >> go, go, go! >> lara: all right. all right.
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trish is done. trish is on to the second challenge. she is now filling her baby food. she's actually -- ladies are still searching for words. shulie done. trish is on to her baby food containers. shulie is struggling with the word section. you're going to have to make record time. trish, i like your style. >> michael: passionate. >> lara: go ahead. smash and burn. i believe trish might be done. she's now onto diaper duty. michael, remember trish is the rookie. she may have a little bit of a challenge here. >> michael: vanessa is on diaper duty as well. >> lara: but vanessa's got more experience. this is where it gets interesting. shulie is still doing her food. never count out shulie, remember. >> michael: come on, shulie!
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diaper duty and take care of her daughter. >> okay, okay. >> lara: extra point for shulie on that. trish is throwing the babies. >> michael: this is a doll, trish. that will work in this competition. after that when you get home, no more baby throwing. here we go. >> lara: we got shulie and tricia. oh, wow, vanessa still tossing babies. >> michael: we're getting close. this is getting close. vanessa's in the lead right now. vanessa is in the lead. >> mommy, mommy! >> michael: there we go. cheer your mama on. >> lara: are we going to have them do nine diapers? >> michael: they're getting it. lot of diapers. you're almost there. two more to go for vanessa. >> lara: i have to say, the experience may pay off here, michael. vanessa is coming in hard. >> michael: trish is coming on though. >> lara: i gotta believe vanessa is down to her last baby.
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trish, i am -- >> michael: vanessa! [ applause ] >> lara: rattle, rattle, rattle! >> michael: there you go. >> lara: this is where experience pays off. congratulations. you are going home with an amazing bundle, if you will, for you and your baby. i bet there's even something -- congratulations. >> michael: must feel good to be a winner. do you know what? no one's going home empty handed. here at gma everybody is a winner. [ applause ] you're all going home with all of these gifts. we've got beautiful flowers. beautiful flowers for all you moms to be. >> lara: everybody gets a bundle. >> michael: thank you for the support in the background. thank you, kids, for being here. >> lara: thanks, moms. >> michael: you can shop our baby products from our mom to be swag bag at good morning let's go to ginger in oklahoma.
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>> ginger: thanks, michael. one of the reasons we've had such violent weather is because it's been a warm and unstable air mass. but it's been record heat in parts of the deep south. look at the numbers. laredo is 107, tomorrow 109. 90 from new orleans to wilmington and jacksonville, too. speaking of warmth, the earth now officially 11th month in a row with record warmth. let's get a check closer to home. >> lara: all right. now to gma on tour. good morning, america. country singer mickey guyton is gearing up to perform for us in studio. i'm here with some of her super fans, this girl included. as we get ready. this segment is sponsored by live nation.
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we're kicking off their concert week may 8-14. you can get $25 ticket for 5,000 shows throughout the year. more being added every day until may 14th. you can even take a look at the full lineup on this billboard. it's right outside our door in the middle of times square. all you need to do is scan the qr code for more. guess what, guys? are you ready for this? i know you're excited for mickey's performance. first she has something to tell you. mickey, would you please, come on out. mickey guyton, everybody! [ applause ] >> she was my neighbor growing up. >> lara: no way? >> yes. how are you? i know you're going to share a special message with us. >> each one of you will get you plus one to come see my show
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anywhere you are in the country. we're going to hang out and have a good time. yes. [ applause ] >> lara: we're gonna let you get ready. coming up mickey guyton performing live on good morning america. ht her
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>> robin: i'll help you out. this is what i do. yes! [ applause ] we got it. we're back now on tour on gma. mickey guyton, y'all. mickey guyton celebrating the release of her new song "scary love." she gets ready to hit the road and be on tour. you can scan the qr code to get information, how to score $25 tickets through concert week. good morning to you again. so wonderful to see you.
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>> so happy to be here. here we are. >> robin: here we are. what excites you the most about being on tour? >> this is my first headline tour. that's something i'm really looking forward to. >> robin: i know. look y'all growed up. >> i'm grown. >> robin: i know you got all these super fans. >> i do. i love you guys. >> robin: who wants to ask a question? what's your name and what's your question? >> my name is unesa. you're amazing. my question is, how has motherhood impacted your artistic process? >> motherhood has changed everything for me. i look at everyone differently. i look at everyone that -- like, we all have a mom, you know? there's someone that cares about us and would do anything for us no matter what it is. when i'm writing, like my son is always my motivation for everything. >> robin: motherhood looks good on her. [ applause ] >> thank you so much.
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>> robin: it is time for some music. this is mickey guyton performing her new song "scary love." >> i'm gonna try not to cry. >> robin: okay. # ♪ i see pictures of my mama hanging on the wall she's never looked so happy and i have never looked so small ♪ now i'm holding you and i know what they say is true when a baby's born that's when a mother's born too ♪ time starts ticking and ticking don't want to blink or i'll miss it, i found my reason for living ♪ ♪ 'cause i felt it before but it wasn't like this ain't a thing i wouldn't do ain't a thing i wouldn't give ♪
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♪ it's the kind you fall into and never hit the bottom of it's a scary love ♪ ♪ driving to the store ain't just driving to the store anymore don't wanna imagine 'cause anything could happen ♪ ♪ i still can't phraoefrb just how often my knees hit the floor god i feel helpless but i can't really help it ♪ ♪ i'd trade my life in a second to save you there ain't no question yeah it's a curse it's a blessing blessing ♪ ♪ 'cause i felt it before but it wasn't like this ain't a thing i wouldn't do ain't a thing i wouldn't give ♪
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♪ it's a scary love ♪ ♪ i can't wait to watch you grow up, no i never wanted anything more ♪ ♪ but i know it's gonna kill me watching you walk out that door ♪ i have felt it before but it wasn't like this ain't a thing i wouldn't do ain't a thing i wouldn't give ♪ ♪ it's the kind you fall into and never hit the bottom of it's a scary love ♪ >> thank you. [ applause ]
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on a monday. it's a party when kidz bop takes center stage. then tuesday morning it's train and reo speedwagon performing live, and i'm gonna keep keep on goin on tour on gma, sponsored
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by live nation. we want to again thank mickey guyton for making >> before we go, an exclusive announcement about another incredible performance. kim kardashian's daughter, north west, will be making her stage debut live at the hollywood bowl in los angeles later this month. the ten year old will be performing as part of disney's special 30th anniversary of the lion king. the disney plus special begins streaming later this year for all to see. looking forward to that. sure are. >> have a great day everyone! >> ricki lake when she was told that using ozempic was her only option to lose weight, what did she do next that has her healthier, happier, and looking like this tomorrow? ricki's here to share her secrets of how she did it without ozempic on good morning america for 25 years, gma's breakfast in bed has supersized the joy of mother's day. >> oh my goodness. >> and for our 25th anniversary, we're making it the biggest
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surprise yet. >> and the countdown is on to the mother of all surprises. good morning america. >> hi, i'm taraji p henson. i'm hosting time 100, a celebration of the most influential people on the planet with musical performances from fantasia barrino and me, dua lipa. >> the time 100 gala sunday. >> a precision garage door. we come to your home fully stocked and all of the parts to fix your garage door fast. we only use high quality parts and at precision garage door we warranty all of our work so you get the ultimate peace of mind precision door service a name you can trust. >> i'm franklin graham. >> the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands, hate uh- the world at that time hated him and they still hate him today. but you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on the cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to
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life and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he'll heal our hearts and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart and take that that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now. that's on the screen. we have someone would like to speak with you and pray with you. god bless you. eyes on me. >> brand new drip is what they see. it's time. enzyme is on my feet. brand new whip is what they see in my bag. >> like a bunch of groceries. all this cheese and greens just come to me. freedom! you can't take your eyes off the new 2024 jeep wrangler and gladiator jeep . >> there's only one right now during jeep 4x4 season. well qualified lessees can lease the
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2024 wrangler sport s four by e for 389 a month. visit your local jeep dealer today. >> the lazy boy two great chairs event la-z-boy furniture galleries has a great selection of recliners. get two great chairs for one low price from 9.99. don't miss the lazy boy two great chairs event la-z-boy. live life comfortably. >> they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. well, they are correct. >> mcdonald's equals breakfast bliss. get any bagel and for $1.69 at any size, premium roast coffee, bottom of papa. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. a man is looking at traffic. hi, reggie. >> finally, some good news over in antioch that sigalert that we've been following has been cleared. this is because of a big rig crash on eastbound four before 160. the good news is, there's only a minor delay at hillcrest avenue. and then let's
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quickly get to the bay bridge. metering lights are still on. traffic is backed up to west grand avenue and minor delays continue across the span into fremont street. drew that's good info. >> okay, here we go. looking live from our santa cruz camera, the coast is soaked in sunshine. we do have a wind advisory in effect for parts of the north bay for gusts from time to time, 20 to 40mph. it's already mild out there. look at this upper 60s for oakland. concord right now. 60s for the city. we have a lot of sunshine today. it's a warm one, above average in the 70s and 80s for most away from the coast. reggie. >> thanks, drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again on the again on the ar ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the drama "under the
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