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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 9, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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slovenia were greeted by this dog that was ready for its close up. it really showed off. really? why they took all those photos? the dog's owner posted the video on social media with the caption who wants a polygraph? get it? autograph polygraph? >> i mean, you said strike was immediately madonna just started playing in my head. it was just like. >> and then i was gone. come on. >> and then it's like, what's in that picture? i have no idea. >> yeah. me either. >> well, he's giving out photographs. >> okay. >> for that pup social media influencer. all right, get that money. >> watch 77 or watch good morning america. >> it's your choice. for our viewers in the west in the last 24 hours, at least 13 reported tornadoes and six states. a path of destruction
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americans wake up. >> why the georgia election interference case could now be pushed past november. as stormy daniels returns to the stand in new york and donald trump's criminal trial. >> president biden's warning to israel threatening to cut off israel threatening to cut off >> u.s. weapons >> abc news exclusive with the parents of the american soldiers arrested in russia facing up to five years after his russian girlfriend accused of stealing money from her. >> dea sounding the alarm. >> within two or three clicks on a smartphone people are having pills delivered to their front doorstep like they get pizza delivered. >> has social media made it easier to get illegal drugs? >> the ugly truth, miss teen usa gives up her crown just days after miss usa sent down. >> regulate. >> i like a challenge.
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>> speaking about yeah. and he was saying you weren't going to be successful without it, is what he said to me really? >> only on gma. >> blades of glory. the daring helicopter rescue on the high seas. how an air force team got a mom and son off a cruise ship hundreds of miles from shore for medical emergency. your whole gone for one more day and knicks fans holding on crying. >> vincenzo, a three pointer is gone. >> devincenzo delivers again. >> new york putting on a magical show at the garden, and little movie magic could reunite these two speed stars on the big screen. hold on for sandra and keanu live in times square this is good morning america. >> yeah. >> hold on. indeed and how about
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the knicks somewhere? will reeve is smiling. >> yes, he is having a good run as our the next. we have a lot coming up including the latest on the breaking news overnight about a cyber attack impacting about 140 hospitals across 19 states. we also have an exclusive about how tiktok is taking on ai to help users separate fact from fiction. >> but we begin with the latest round of tornadoes. in the last 24 hours, at least 13 reported twisters in six states overnight, the severe weather turning deadly. alex perez has the latest. >> hey good morning michael. yeah, some terrifying moments for residents here. i want you to take a look behind me. here you can see authorities are gathering to create a perimeter around the damaged area. some homes were completely destroyed. and. this morning, deadly tornadoes leaving a path of destruction in the mid south as more than 60 million americans brace for severe weather consolation. >> oh my gosh, john. oh, there it goes. there it goes.
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>> in tennessee, an observed tornado hit south of nashville. officials there say at least two people were killed and many more left injured near columbia. across the region, widespread damage to power lines and trees knocked down homes completely destroyed. >> out here, community is so strong, like neighbors help each other. >> emergency crews on interstate 65 where vehicles were tossed around like toys. and in northern tennessee, golf ball sized hail pounding. this fire station in clarksville in alabama, a possible tornado sweeping through madison county are good samaritans jumping into action, helping to clean the roads, and authorities are just now beginning the process of assessing the damage. the long cleanup process only just beginning here, robin and our thanks to alex perez. >> ginger is just back from that region and is here now where the threat is headed next.
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nashville. that's a flash flood warning. some places had up to eight inches already, and you've got another couple coming your way. this is this week so far. 53 plus tornado reports, at least 460 wind reports. look at how many people impacted from michigan all the way down to the gulf coast. and then last night we also had damaging wind. it's not just tornadoes fatal, damaging wind events where a tree fell on a home and killed someone. a large damaging wind threat. some of those thunderstorms will blow through tyler, texas mississippi, meridian here have two ways of getting warnings especially in the late night and early hours. montgomery all the way to south carolina. even the florida panhandle will be involved. i don't see many states getting away without severe weather. may is performing as may does.
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>> think to. the latest on donald trump's trial. stormy daniels is set to retake the stand in new york and it's all but certain to be terms only trial before november after ruling in his favor in the georgia election interference case. at the courthouse in downtown manhattan. >> stormy daniels is back on the witness stand for more cross-examination and what is the only active criminal case that the former president is facing. this morning, donald trump returns to his criminal trial in new york after a legal victory in georgia that could push his election difference case that past -- fulton county district attorney, saying they should be disqualified over her role with the former prosecutor nathan wade. >> you think i am on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020.
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of classified documents is indefinitely postponed. judge aileen cannon, a trump appointee, has spent months considering legal questions without ruling on them, and she said she needs more time to resolve myriad and interconnected issues. the new york case charging trump with falsifying business records tied to a 2016 hush payment to adult film actress stormy daniels, may be the only one that reaches a verdict before the election. daniels testified in explicit detail about an alleged sexual encounter with trump that he said never happened, down to the silk or satin pajamas she said he wore and the imbalance of power she said, existed between them. we won't see any pictures of donald trump in the courtroom. the judge kicked out the photographers, but he is there with stormy daniels as her cross-examination now continues for a second day.
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>> george aaron, thank you. let's bring in our chief legal analyst, dan abrams. let's start with georgia. almost certain that the that this will not take place now before november. what does it mean for fani willis. >> well, look, i don't think that the georgia court of appeals is ultimately going to decide that she ought to be disqualified. right. remember, we're just talking about the georgia court of appeals deciding to hear the case. but i think even that is a little controversial, right? i mean, look, i've been very critical of fani willis and some of what she's done here that doesn't necessarily mean that that the legal level of disqualification has, has been met. and i think that this judge actually issued a pretty tough decision on fani willis. the fact that the appeals court is considering an even tougher one, i think is surprising, although not shocking. but in the end, i would be very surprised if the appeals court or another appellate court would rule that she actually gets disqualified from the case. >> how about the classified documents case? judge cannon has made a series of rulings in trump's favor. clearly delaying the case. does the special
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prosecutor have grounds to try to remove her from the special prosecutor? >> could try. the standard is so high to remove a judge from a case that i don't even think he's going to try. now, he might he might reach the point where he says, i'm so frustrated, but remember, just being a bad judge doesn't get you disqualified. just being a wrong judge doesn't get you disqualified. appellate courts reverse judges all the time who were wrong or bad. the level to get a judge disqualified is so high that i think even jack smith is going to recognize the cost of that with this judge is probably not worth the tiny chance that he could actually get her dismissed. >> cross-examination of stormy daniels today. what do you expect? >> it's going to be tough. it's going to be tough. they've got a lot of fodder to go after. she's been inconsistent in her accounts of exactly what happened. she's got a lot of animus against donald trump. she's had lawsuits with donald trump. there's a lot of material there for them to go over. and, you know, i think that she is going to certainly be a wounded witness by the time that they
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they finish with it. >> dan abrams thanks very much, robin. >> we'll see what happens today. george. okay. we're going to turn now to breaking news. overnight, a major health care network reported a cyberattack. eva pilgrim is here to break it down for us. and eva, we know that this impacted 140 hospitals across 19 states. good morning. good morning. >> that's right. robin, this is a national nonprofit care system with locations all across the country. ascension reporting it detected unusual activity with some of its technology forcing its systems offline. they've told their partners to disconnect while this is being investigated. so what does this mean for patients? there are reports that the charting, scheduling and prescription systems are down, slowing down patient care. some patients have been diverted to other hospitals for the time being, and they are looking into if any patient data was compromised. now, this isn't the first time a health care company has been attacked. just this past february, a subsidiary of united health group, the largest insurer in the country, was the victim of a ransomware attack. now, meanwhile, in this case, ascension has hired an outside third party to
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investigate what happened and next steps. michael. >> yeah, definitely something they want to solve there. eva. thank you so much. now to president biden delivering a warning to israel, saying he'll stop some weapons shipments as israel invades the city of rafah. our chief white house correspondent, mary bruce, has the latest for us. good morning mary. >> good morning michael. well, this is president biden's most direct warning to israel since the start of this war. and it could set up an historic clash with this critical ally, president biden, now threatening to halt the shipment of additional u.s. weapons to israel, which he acknowledges have been used to kill innocent civilians. this morning, president biden is calling out the israeli government. >> it's just wrong. we're not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells used. >> making it clear in his sharpest criticism yet that the u.s. will not provide israel with weapons to attack rafah. >> i've made it clear to bibi and the war cabinet they're not going to get our support if in fact they go in these population centers for weeks, biden has
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warned israeli prime minister netanyahu not to invade rafah, where over a million civilians are seeking refuge. >> and he's already taking action, halting a shipment of 3500 u.s. bombs. fearing american weapons could be used against civilians, something biden now concedes has already happened. >> civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centers, biden's stark warning comes as he faces growing criticism at home over his steadfast support for israel. >> our latest poll finding voters now trust donald trump more to handle this war, as some republicans now accuse biden of undermining israel. >> this is obscene. it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war they can't afford to lose. >> but ben, insisting that u.s. support for israel remains ironclad. >> and we're not walking away from israel's security. walking away. israel's ability to wage
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war in those areas. >> now, the president says the u.s. will still continue to provide for israel's defense, like the iron dome missile system. but after months of urging israel to do more to address the humanitarian crisis in gaza, president biden is adamant if netanyahu invades rafah, the u.s. will not supply offensive weapons to israel. robin. >> all right, mary, thank you to you. and we're going to stay in washington to capitol hill. and the failed attempt to oust house speaker mike johnson, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle shot down the motion brought by republican marjorie taylor greene. our senior congressional correspondent rachel scott is in washington there for us with more. good morning to you, rachel. >> hey, robin. good morning to you. look, it is rare to see a vote to try to oust the speaker of the house, but we have never seen this many democrats step in to save a republican speaker of the house. and johnson could not have survived without it. overnight. mike johnson,
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surviving a push to oust him as speaker after right wing congresswoman marjorie taylor greene forced a vote to remove him >> this is the uni party for the american people watching. >> gentlelady will suspend. >> greene had been threatening this move for weeks. outrage that johnson worked with democrats to approve new funding for ukraine. >> speaker johnson is not lived up to a single one of his self-imposed tenants, but she had little support among her fellow republicans, sources tell us. >> even former president donald trump urged her to call it off. >> this is like the congressional version of a temper tantrum. >> is this the type of fight that republicans really should be having in an election year? >> you know, i think i think you see from everyone from donald trump on down, nobody thinks this is productive with the razor thin majority. >> johnson could only afford to lose one republican vote. 11
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voted against him, which means democrats had to step in and save him. and they did. >> it was overwhelming. it was decisive, and we need to move forward as a congress. >> johnson ready to turn the page. >> hopefully this is the end of the personality politics and the frivolous character assassination that has defined the 118th congress. it's regrettable, but another republican could still try to force a vote down the road. >> looking at this vote tally, was this all worth it? >> i don't want to be plunged into chaos, but that's what mike johnson has done to us. >> sources tell me that trump called congresswoman marjorie taylor greene over the weekend. he told her to back off of this effort. she went forward with it anyway. minutes after the vote, the former president said that disunity could be portrayed as chaos. and that's the last thing that they need in an election year. and george, democrats are making no promises to save johnson. if this comes up again george. >> okay, rachel, thanks. we're going to turn now to tiktok. the company has rolled out a new
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feature to label ai generated content. chief technology correspondent rebecca jarvis is here with this broadcast exclusive. good morning rebecca. good morning george. >> and guys we've seen this. it's becoming harder and harder to know whether you're looking at a real or an ai generated picture or video. but today tiktok is announcing that change that could help users spot the difference on their platform. this morning, tiktok announcing new efforts to advance transparency online by automatically labeling ai generated content created using certain platforms. >> we want to make sure that people have that ability to understand what is fact and what is fiction. >> tiktok is using a technology called content credentials. it's like a digital nutrition label that lets users access the history of a piece of content, and whether or not it was created using an ai tool. >> they tell you who made it when it was made, the edits that were made, whether i was used or not. and then you can decide for yourself whether you want to trust it or not. >> with presidential elections
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right around the corner, calls to detect ai generated content online are growing more intense by the day, with images of politicians like these fabricated shots of president biden and military uniform, and these of former president trump. with black voters. this move by tiktok is an attempt to increase trust online in the age of generative ai. >> this is one additional step so that content that is being generated using ai on other platforms will be labeled as ai when it's posted to tiktok. the hope is that as many platforms as possible will implement this technology, and this digital nutrition label is rolling out today. >> it should apply to all users globally in the coming weeks. and guys, i do think it's a sign of what's to come elsewhere too, because this isn't just a tiktok thing. all social media apps, the entire internet is filled with these images. >> that's true. all right, rebecca, thank you. you said something else. >> no, i was just going to say we even saw the met gala. the
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pictures, some of the pictures that came out of the met gala like a katy perry picture that wasn't real. even her mom thought she was at the met gala. she wasn't because of an ai generated photo. wow goodness. so pretty wild. >> that is pretty wild. thank you as always. rebecca coming up just days after miss usa resigned. why miss teen usa turned in her crown. >> also had our exclusive with the parents of the american soldier arrested in russia and the daring air force helicopter rescue on the high seas. >> when a 12 year old needed to get off a cruise ship due to a medical emergency, that story is just ahead. first, let's go back to ginger. >> up to 29in of snow in the colorado rockies. this is big. they've had huge spring snow events. and this is also why we've had such severe weather. copper mountain staying open later than they have in nearly 30 years. so they got in the latest of about 14in. and then there's quite a dynamic difference when you look at the gulf coast, because laredo will go for another record today at 108. new orleans could tie or break one at 91, and orlando will be at 97. you imagine what
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that feels like. it'll have the feels like above 100. and i know we were quite warm yesterday. you felt that summer like that touch. yeah. well that's not going to last. we're going to be rainy and cool as we go into the weekend. the morning temperatures back in the 50s and in the great lakes back into the 30s. your local weather now in 30s. i'm >> are gonna be right. are gonna be right. you are gonna be right
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(♪) ask your doctor about hormone—free veozah... and enjoy more not flashes. >> you can get energy without the upsell. hello chloe, it's bobby from iron flask. >> can we interest you in upgrading to muscle elite for 99.99? no, thank you. i just got the go ahead from my manager to double upgrade you for 149 .99. comes with a mini neck fan. >> this is better. >> get a membership that fits your budget. never pushy, always free fitness training equipment for every workout. join the judgment >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc. seven mornings happening today. california utility regulators are set to make a big decision about our electricity bills.
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they are scheduled to vote on a proposal that would change the way privately owned utility companies like p-g-and-e's can bill customers. if approved, most people would notice two changes a $24 per month flat rate and a lower electricity usage rate. that flat rate fee would be used for things like grid maintenance and wildfire mitigation, which are currently included in the usage rate. if this proposal is approved, the new billing structure would take effect next year. now let's check in with sue for a look at traffic. good morning amanda, we've got a beautiful sight of the golden gate bridge and traffic is flowing nicely. >> just a spectacularly clear morning. we have the usual slow spots, and here's a look at some of your drive times. yep. it's slow. westbound 580 up and over the altamont into dublin 101 and highway four continues slow. thanks you. >> meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look at t
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i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. a life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins and he'll heal our hearts. >> and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart and take
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that that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior and i pray this in jesus name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone i'd like to speak with you and pray with you. god bless you. >> in the next 30s 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery. 26 people will go all in. this family will get two bathrooms and finally one vacationer will say, yeah, who? >> i'm gonna live here. >> but as the euphoria subsides , as the realization hits, i gotta sell the house. don't worry. just sell and buy in one move. when you start with open door. wow. oh, yes. start with an all cash offer at opendoor. com.
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tower. >> this morning it is sunny out there. it is also warm. warm already in many cities. look at these numbers right now into the 60s across much of the region. it's currently 67 in sonoma. and vallejo, 64 right now in the city in oakland. so it is warm, but it's also pretty windy in our hills right now. we have this offshore breeze that is giving us the warm warning that will eventually lead to a very warm afternoon. some of the warmest air since last october. amanda. oh, wow. drew. >> thank you and if you're streaming on the abc7 bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next for everyone else, it's good morning america . hmhm. to far >> how do you sleep that night? >> four oh, a ton of corn mattresses there actually norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better!
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pretty girls feeling the breeze instead of feeling congested. fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion so you can breathe better. claritin plus decongestant live claritin clear what if you could wash and dry in one machine? your fridge could recognize your groceries, your range could suggest what to cook, do less, live more. welcome to bespoke. i samsung >> versace >> versace. bright crystal at macy's. the fragrance destination. >> so you're a >> you are a cop, right? >> that's right. >> i should probably tell you i'm taking the bus because my driver's license is revoked. >> what for? >> speeding.
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>> that was a great line. back on gma keanu reeves and sandra bullock ride the bus to superstardom and speed now three decades later they have the need for more speed. going to tell you what they are saying about teaming up for a new movie. layer will have that in pop news. >> george: a lot of headlights right now after widespread damage after 15 tornadoes in six states it's a fourth straight week of tornado outbreaks as 60 million americans brace for weather. and changes to asylum classes allowing federal officers to determine earlier in the process whether asylum-seekers are a security and risk can stay in the u.s. under pressure to do with the migrant crisis but it is only going to affect a small number of asylum-seekers. >> and right now show a otani's former interpreter reached a plea agreement after stealing nearly $17 million.
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in gambling debts. he will plead guilty to felony bank fraud after submitting a false tax return he may get a reduced sentence. he must also pay otani back in full. and the countdown has begun. the olympic flame reached france yesterday after beginning the trip in greece ill be carried on a 79 day journey across france until it reaches paris for the start of the olympic games on july 26th. i wish i could get a trip across paris and take that long it would be fun. and then if they could carry me too that would be good but that's a lot of carrying. we have a lot of head and the family of the u.s. army staff sergeant arrested in russia coming up. >> georg>> george: an air force pulled off the complicated mission to get the 12-year-old to the hospital. trevor ault is at the cruise
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terminal in new york city where that ship eventually dr. good morning, trevor. >> good morning, robin. this is one of the worst places to have a medical emergency. this 12-year-old boy sick on a cruise ship hundreds of miles from land but this air force rescue crew flew in in a surprisingly public in an operation to get him the help he desperately needed. this morning a massachusetts mother speaking out after her 12-year-old son was part of a high-stakes air force rescue on a cruise ship hundreds of miles offshore. >> we were standing there watching the whole time and screaming and crying over the helicopter. blades. it was very scary. >> angela bridges her son, aidan, and their family were all aboard the venezia, a carnival cruise ship when aidan fell seriously ill. the medical team on board concerned by what they saw. >> she said we will do an x-ray and they did that and it looks
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like she has a perforation in his ball. and she said you know, basically, the next thing we need to do is get them off the ship. >> then they were about 400 miles from land in the air force rescue team journey so remote it required three air to air refueling's. >> the amazing thing is how smooth it went we went from zero notification to having aircraft ready to having aircraft in the air and the young man in the hospital and just a matter of hours. >> other cruise goers watching on as the rescue workers lowered it down grabbing aiden and then his mom. katie reed filming this video. >> after that the holes ship cheered and was screaming and yelling it was really cool to witness and see this kid got another chance at life because
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of that team was phenomenal. >> aiden is now recovering in ar north carolina hospital his mother grateful for the rescue crews as well as the shipmates that cheered them on. >> i i feel so gratefulness toward all the people who have been integral to my son's recovery. it's not just the coast guard or the air force or the doctors or the nurses, it's all of those people. >> no aidan has a long recovery ahead but his mother, angela, says he is arty making really good progress and she also says he is fairly calm going into surgery because that wasn't nearly as scary as seeing her son get hoisted in the basket up to a military help mike helicopter. >> george: thank you very much we will turn to a up to five yes staff sergeant facing years in
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prison good morning, martha. >> good morning, george. staff sergeant's gordon's parents have heard nothing since the arrest and they were not pleased he had a russian girlfriend. this morning the parents of the soldier arrested in russia late last week telling a bc he had been dating the russian bartender he met near his base in south korea for years. a woman they say changed him. >> he seems a little more distant, he didn't really want to talk too much about her. he didn't ever want to talk about it with pressing more details. >> and we learned about their son's unauthorized visit to the woman in russia they warned him not to go. >> we were trying to talk him out of it. their relationship was definitely volatile. that's why we were always against it. we try to tell them to stay away. >> recent videos obtained by radio free europe from that woman 'a tiktok account. one showing sergeant black in
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uniform calling nato pretty aggressive and expressing sympathy from russia's point of view but today sergeant black sits in a prison in the eastern russian city of vladivostok facing up to five years charged with theft, with major damage after his girlfriend accused him of stealing money from her. the parents with the message for black. >> we love you, we are not ashamed of you. we hope you come home soon. >> just stay safe. >> i am pfc gordon black. >> a pentagon official saying they are looking into the possibility black was lured by russian intelligence. the army has many questions of how all of this happened and is doing its own investigation. meanwhile the state department is trying to get consular access to black but so far no luck. guys? >> michael: so many questions, martha. coming up with team usa giving
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up her crown stay after t stepped down. >> we are watching this closely with people taking off the air tr as they are facing the questions about possible toxic environment behind the scenes we will have that for you coming up. the test of time. hings should stand long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters.
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(♪) ♪ you must know what it's like ♪ ♪ to love somebody, to love somebody ♪ ♪ the way i love you ♪ (♪) >> people say anil on x is the perfect path. italian stainless steel protects the nonstick surface anil on x is the only pan that keeps oil in the center . patented sear tech surface and x sears like cast iron, ultra thick base towards heat like cast iron for great even sear. there's harmony and these carefully constructed pieces carefully constructed pieces anil dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe.
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tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. . >> michael: pack with turmoil in the pageant industry. team usa now resigned after miss
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usa step down from her role. erielle reshef is there with the latest. >> good morning, guys, this is creating a lot of buzz and other major registration that my resignation in a week now under fire facing allegations of a toxic work environment. the shake-ups sending shock waves through the pageant world and raising questions about what prompted these two women to step away from their coveted crowns. >> new jersey! >> this morning trs an end turmoil. ms. team usa of new jersey just days after miss usa did the same. writing in part her personal values were no longer aligned with the direction of the organization adding this is not how she saw her rain coming to an end. >> the fact it has reached a point they chose to make an unprecedented move in the history of the organization and step away is making a huge statement.
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speak of the miss teen usa organization responding to the news by saying we respect and support her decision to step down from her duties the well-being of our titleholders is a top priority. >> miss usa 2023 is... utah asked mark >> all of this happening just two days after miss usa, noel he avoids, resigned herself citing mental health writing never compromise your physical and mental well-being. our health is our wealth. respected pageant coach tom who worked with voigt saying the miss usa had a situation where they cannot advocate for themselves. >> i've had six of my clients in the last 48 hours back out. they canceled any further training they were planning. >> fans online noticing a cryptic pattern in voigt's with
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the last letters saying "i am silenced" in the majority of the final class members saying they asked the miss usa urbanization to release her from an nondisclosure agreement in the goal being to give voice back. >> she didn't have mental health problems leading into miss utah or miss usa so what happened during this time? what was different after eight years of pursuing she said i can't do this anymore? anymore? >> pageant insiders told us these resignations could be a sign of a larger breakdown. >> these are two of the most prestigious titles in the united states. instead of resignations what i think we will see is a drop in contestant numbers or participation. >> the ceo of the miss usa organization saying in a
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statement our all-encompassing goal at miss usa is to celebrate and empower women she added i take these allegations seriously please be assured of the well-being of all individuals associated with miss usa is my top priority. it is unsure how or when they will name a miss usa or miss teen usa we have talked to insiders saying this is far from over. >> michael: it seems to be just beginning. >> we will follow it. to be when i know you will, coming up next we have our thursday play of the day. you don't want to miss it. ladies and gentl which you do you want to be today? at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression. with the quality you deserve, styles you crave, and prices you love. ♪
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>> michael: back now it's our play of the day the nba playoff leading up in the new york knicks are on fire with a hard-fought win overnight. and will reeve is here after he was up last night watching the game. >> yes good morning to all. knicks in the second quarter were like kevin from home alone. because jalen brunson the best and most important player on the team was out with a sore right foot and what had been a solid knicks lead turns tenuous and evaporated. new york was down ten points at halftime. pacers starting tyrese, there he is, draining three pluralists but then bronson came back and so did the knicks. they won by nine, now two wins
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away from the first conference appearance at 25 years. a quick shout out to knicks super fan spike lee who had a funny and thoughtful gift for pacers lesson and villain reggie miller who was there to call the game. signing those infamous "new york post" covers, all in good fun. >> michael: armor all those back in the day that there is more nba action to look forward to. >> there certainly is, two games, celtics-calves and mavericks-thunder and the minnesota timberwolves on friday night as well as the knicks. can the two wolves go up 3-0 in the series against the defending champs and nicole kill which was named league mvp the first time in years? that'll be a great game on espn end to the people of minnesota who have dm to me saying why are you about the timberwolves, they need some love i hear you and to make it up to them i will get od go to minneapolis. i'll be there tomorrow for gma
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i'm bringing some surprises with me so minnesota, get ready i'm coming your way. i have heard you. i'm on my way. >> michael: they will take it all personally. >> robin: safe travels, will. coming up. coming up deals and steals from these moms running their own small businesses with big bargains starting at just $6. >> michael: $6? >> robin: that's it! >> coming up on to her on gma is sponsored by live nation. live nation presents concert week. $25 tickets to over 5,000 showse on, get busy. >> go see john paul jones singing and dancing. >> greatest tour 2024 and get ready. >> for $25 tickets during live nation's concert week on sale may 8th through 14th at metzdorf.
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winds but flash flooding's look at the rain, coming up on gma the dea administrator sounding the alarm raising the question has social media made it easier than ever to get illegal drugs? also ahead the stars of the new kingdom of the "planet of the apes" movie are here alive. at night when the matches from my phone sleep. i experimented easy to find the right one. plus they have a low price guarantee. so if i see cheapest somewhere else, they match the price. so i sleep all night long.
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>> all night long. >> get matched at mattress firm, sleep at night nine. >> when you've been hurt in an accident, hiring the right attorney can mean the difference between winning $10,000 or $10 million. call the firm that wins big paul sweet james >> is this the sunset hotel? ma'am, you've dialed 911. i would like to book a room. take it you're not able to speak freely. we have a room here, don't it? >> be advised. >> abduction in progress >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm amanda delcastillo from abc seven mornings. let's check in with sue for a look at traffic. good morning sue, and good morning. we have got slow and go traffic on 280. we had an accident that, uh, headed towards 101. um. pardon me. headed towards 1780. that's blocking a lane of traffic. and you are stacked up
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on 280 all the way back. two and through san jose. look at all the slow traffic in the south bay. drew. >> hey, sue, look at these numbers already into the 70s right now in santa rosa. lots of 60s around the bay shoreline. it is a warm morning. part of the reason why we have these gusty offshore winds, which are very active right now, but they are going to back off as we head deeper into the afternoon. so strong winds right now, lighter winds today. but it's a warm day. these temperatures are some of the warmest since last october 81st. in the city, 84 in oakland, 87 in san jose. going to 88. in santa rosa. guys >> all right. thanks, drew. and if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven continues next for everyone else, it's gma stop your search for the one and find your perfect mattress match at mancini's sleep world. >> save up to $1,000 during our memorial day sales event. get the tempurpedic adapter mattress
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free attorneys. >> call. one 808,0 >> listen today while you work. it's an updated mix of today's hits and yesterday's favorite like uber and the car like staff . >> start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free. >> what to kick off stand. on at 4.559. >> number one for listening while you work. >> today's hits and yesterday's favorite 96.5 k.o. it yo, what's up everybody i doing over to kef? >> kef can i get a response to the trade rumors? that's right, it's res means moving man. >> we're talking about moving. moving means contractors, inspectors, strangers. judging my carpet. what are we talking about? staging. we're talking about a faux ficus. a faux ficus? nobody's going to be in a faux fight. gets into my house. you could use open door.
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>> sell your house directly to them. it's easy. >> i guess we're moving cats. should you go ask me about next man practice chrysler pacifica is the most awarded minivan seven years in a row. >> and it's all thanks to parents like you. mother of four, boys under ten. you do all you can to keep these will to be safe. the chrysler pacifica plug in hybrid, the most awarded minivan with the most standard safety features in its class right now, get 2.9% financing for 72 months. >> plus, you may qualify for up to a 7500 federal tax credit on the 2023 chrysler pacifica plug in hybrid >> dua lipa. >> the time 100 gala sunday on >> the time 100 gala sunday on >> george: "good morning america" 8:00 a.m. the path of destruction. deadly tornadoes in the south and tennessee plus the training the watch right now.
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>> robin: ricky lake is speaking for the first time an exclusive interview about her weight loss shedding 35 pounds without medication in spite of a doctor's recommendation. >> i like a challenge and i like proving people wrong. >> robin: how she and her husband work together to change their lifestyle. >> george: we have a need for speed three what keanu reeves and sandra bullock are saying about teaming up again. getting back on the bus. ♪ applause applause applause ♪ >> robin: let's hear from him after we treat a very special mom to breakfast in bed. [screams] >> robin: treat yourself to deals and steals all from mom owned small businesses and they are here alive and saying -- >> "good morning america"! >> announcer: live in times square this is gma.
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>> michael: "good morning america" we are celebrating mother's day with tory johnson and boss moms here in times square and they have some wonderful products as deals and steals discounts starting at just $6. >> robin: can't be that. >> michael: can't be that coming up. >> robin: and the warning about social media and access to illegal drugs. one dea administrator comparing it to ordering a pizza. >> george: looking at the top stories breaking today the latest in tornadoes in 24 hours 13 in six states. >> day after day does not feel repetitive almost? we don't want anyone to burn out because we have a whole of the day with a heat large area that needs to be on alert so let's start with springhill, tennessee, one of those tornadoes ripping across the land there and tennessee picked up quite a few of the tornadoes and you can see the damage in columbia taking the roofs off, walls down they will take the surveys today but it does not matter what rating you have and if it's damaging when we will see more today and it can do
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great damage and take trees into cars and power lines and easily can be fatal. you are in a tornado watch, back to two below this line has been going all night has also reined a tonsil flash flood emergencies in northern tennessee eastern tennessee with flash flood watches and warnings. if you have one of those warnings people say the authorities always say don't drive if you don't have to because that's where people get in trouble. today is about the highest tornado threat right there in northern louisiana. parts of mississippi this line that is going to go through late tonight a possible austin, dallas, and one more thing i wanted to tell you up until weeks ago ohio was leading with tornado count but now they are back in the lead with 25. >> robin: not a lead you want. administrator singh has social media made it easier than ever to get drugs? >> within two or three clicks on
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a smartphone people having pills delivered like uber eats to the front door like they get pizza delivered. we cannot allow the speed of crime to move faster than the speed of government. we have to be agile. >> robin: we certainly do our senior national correspondent terry moran has more for us, good morning, terry. >> good morning, robin. that warning rings so true at people get everything with their phones. illegal drugs too. and they say teenagers are especially at risk because they are always on their phones and because the drug to rate there. the most dangerous place in the world for access to illegal drugs officials say might just be your own home. the cost of this plague is staggering. every single week according to the dea 22 teenagers in america between the ages of 14-18 die from drug overdoses. and the toll continues. it's not just how easy the drugs are to get it's how potent they are as well. the dea says seven out of every ten illegally made pills they have seized contain a lethal
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dose of fat known. rings so true. people get everything with their phones illegal drugs too fentanyl with how manyugs too lost a parent to drug your own d the cost of th is an ongoing multigenerational crisis. >> michael: an issue that definitely needs to be addressed. now to the reported cyber attack in a major health care network importing so many across 19 states eva pilgrim is there with the latest good morning. >> good morning this is a nonprofit care system with locations all across the country essentially reporting it detected unusual activity with some of its technology forcing its systems off-line they told their partners to disconnect while this is being investigated so what does that mean for patients? there are reports charting and scheduling and prescription systems are down slowing down patient care. some patients have been diverted to other hospitals for the time
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being and they are looking into if any patient data was compromised. now this is not the first time a health care company has been attacked. just this past february a subsidiary of unitedhealth group the largest insurer in the country was the victim of a ransomware attack. meanwhile in this case, ascension has hired an outside third party to investigate what happened and what the next step should be, michael. >> michael: coming up our gma morning menu ricky lakes weight loss journey how she did it without surgery. >> robin: and what keanu reeves and sandra bullock say about a possible speed 3. >> george: and kevin rent is here alive and with tory johnson and special guests. >> we are here with some momtrepaneurs. we have stuff for the moms in your life and your whole family for that matter all coming up on
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"good morning america." . >> hello, chloe, it's bobby from iron flag. >> can we interest you in upgrading to muscle elite for 99.99? no thank you. i just got the go ahead from my manager to double upgrade you for 149 .99. comes with a mini neck fan. >> this is better. >> get a membership that fits your budget. never pushy. always free fitness training equipment free fitness training equipment for every workout introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment.
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ask your doctor about otezla. some people just know there's a better way to do things. like bundling your home and auto insurance with allstate. yeah, she knows. and some people... don't. like... come on. yikes! ughh... no. you know, there's a better way. save time and money by bundling your home and auto with allstate. you're in good hands with allstate. these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera.
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(terrie) if you're a smoker. i have a tip for you. make a video of yourself... before all this happens. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. at westminster dog show. as long as we have joint health comes first and it starts with cosequin for athletes in the ring and at athletes in the ring and at home. trust cosequin cosequi if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ perfect family adventure.
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>> michael: back with our gma cover story regulates speaking for the first time about her weight loss journey how she did it without medication. dana went where sat with her for these schools of interview. >> good morning, she opens up about the decision to bet on herself in transformation and for anyone else looking to make a change she says start from a place of positivity and gratitude but you have to follow it up with hard work. >> she may be best known as
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tracy turned gladly pleasantly plump teen with the big heart and hair spray. ♪ ♪ or for her wildly successful talk show. >> i know what it's like to be made fun of and it doesn't help anybody lose weight. >> now media mogul ricky leak opening up for the first time about her recent weight loss and newfound happiness. >> i feel the best i remember feeling in my life. i have this new marriage and i was so blissfully happy with this amazing man my perfect man. if i pinpoint one thing that was not working in our lives as we were carrying this extra weight. >> throughout her career she has been an open book with her weight to challenges in health struggles but in the last seven months she and her husband teamed up to shed the pounds and sharing their story on instagram. but not the details. this morning she opens up exclusively to gma about how she did it. >> it has been a financial commitment. it's been a time commitment.
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but it's awesome. i am just so happy and proud of us. >> i 55 years old she says that she is perimenopausal and a doctor suggested a medication to lose weight. >> the doctor was pushing you to use ozempic? >> yes he said he won't be successful without it is what he said to me. >> really? >> i like a challenge. i like proving people wrong. it pissed me off area i husband you want to go on this ride with me and he said sure. >> together they dove in charting intermittent fasting with a keto diet, exercising including pilates and sleep tracking. it all paid off. lake losing 35 pounds since october. >> it's on flickr commitment level was different how you weren't looking for a crash diet or quick fix but a lifestyle change. >> yes this is a lifestyle change. i made this my job and it has become my joy. i love it.
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i think it same to same in the best shape of my life. >> you are glowing. >> i say this is what happy looks like. like i could cry. i am so happy. i'm so happy. >> she is even donning this famous red to swim suit she wore on the cover of "us weekly" in may of 2007. ross, her husband of two years, losing nearly 40 pounds himself. >> the dedication and like a dog with a bone. she is tenacious. when she decides she is going to do something she is all in and goes after it. it is inspiring. >> with her newfound energy and vitality lake continues to pour herself into helping others. in the order of her late husband kristian evans who died by suicide after battling mental illness, lake works with community access and organization providing job training and housing assistance to those struggling with mental illness. >> i think he is magic out there and he is watching over me.
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i believe he handpicked ross for me. i have a deep, deep knowing that he left his mark with me. >> she says her best days are now head of her. >> i have been famous since i was 18 years old from hair spray and yet these are the sweetest of days. >> community access is celebrating 50 years with their good neighbor gala tonight and you can learn more tonight on "nightline" but i want to share with you she said one of the reasons she is able to be so transparent is because she is inspired by you, robin. you are one of her heroes. >> robin: wow, you caught me off guard there. first of all, cana, thank you for sharing that. so happy for ricky. she has been here many times and to see her happy makes us happy. >> indeed she looks great. pop news. >> let's do it pop news time let's go. so we will begin with a 90s movie favorite i could get another scruple in 1994 keanu reeves sandra bullock
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asked on my action thriller baco its stars who appeared on the 50 mph podcast which is a show dedicated to all things need. the host and super fan chris tapley with his dream guests asked the stars about a possibility of speed 3 and here's what they had to say, guys. >> before i leave this planet i do think a key on need to do something in front of the camer. somebody write something brilliant it puts us in the right place at the right time. >> it does feel like there is a siren call to it. there is something let wasn't done. >> let's do it. reeves and bullock is going to open up about the filming experience in the 90s reeves saying we played off each other and i think it was just fun. bullock adding a level of trust they shared was very rare as actors.
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speed became a 1 of 1994's biggest blockbusters raking in nearly $350 million and with two academy award nominations, i forgot that and consider one of the best action films of the decade. now we just need a script and a studio and we have a movie. >> robin: that's all? >> george: i mean you can get a script in the studio. >> michael: i think at this point they would probably be driving wouldn't be a bus, what it? >> i would like to see what they do. >> michael: i'm curious. >> it is out there, everybody. speed 2 came out it was only with bullock, reeves did not like the script it's considered not a great one. they call it one of the worst sequels ever made. bullock and says she regrets making its own speed 3 could be a great way to tie a gorgeous bow. also this morning robert downey jr. adding a career first to his resume brushed off his oscar win of
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oppenheimer, rd jay will make his broadway debut in a show called "mcneil count me in" he is starting as a gifted novelist with a potentially problematic interest in ai. he has one other stage credit and off broadway show called "american passion" which opens and clothes on the same day and i did 83. >> robin: you had to mention that i'm sure he hates that. >> he wrote about it he said it's been 40 years since i was last on the boards. hopefully i will knock the dust off quick and he adds he was drawn to the project because it is a very timely and important story about the future of creative's. mcneil will open to the public the september previews set to begin september 5th, september 30th is opening, put under counter he is so talented and get ready to say move that bus, extreme makeover homeo our television screens 20 years after the original debuted right here on abc. this version will be produced by reese witherspoon's production company and will star of woman
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behind the very popular lifestyle brand "the home edit" the reimagined series maintains its roots in building or renovating homes for deserving families but the home edit duo will also work with the family to evaluate the inside of their homes transforming the way they live. extreme makeover: home addition returns to abc this fall. >> robin: i hope they still say move that bus! >> it is catchy. it is catchy. finally this is the last thing for today's last but certainly not least here she is, the concert will be trend continuing with lady gaga. allowing the world to experience her concert film at dodger stadium in of 2022, gaga writing to her fans no matter where micro has taken me at my time with you is always a path back to a powerful part of myself. gaga posting a couple behind-the-scenes photos of the editing process calling the movie a gift to fans.
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gaga taking a different approach than taylor swift or beyonce, going straight to streaming. the concert film begins streaming on max may 25th and that's all i've got, guys. >> george: that is a lot. let's go to ginger. >> that's how i like to take and concentrate on my couch i love this trend, please keep it up, everybody. fort lauderdale, florida, this morning starting off with a little breeze there. we see record heat del rio broke a record at 106 yesterday, dallas at 95 the first 95 of the season and north carolina today laredo, new orle
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>> now we have a very special deals >> robin: now i very special deals and steals in honor of mother's day tori is here with some moms who are all small business owners. ladies, good to have you with us on "good morning america." >> we are so excited. because we love that. self-care. >> this is a gma favorite a celebrity favorite, do help really supercharge your self-care routine. >> our red light ace mask and neck and decolletage it's amazing. there our number one best-selling product and it's really great because as a busy mom i don't always have time for self-care. just in 10 minutes you get built in college and reducing fine lines and wrinkles boosts mood and helps with sleep but leaves your skin so dewy and beautiful. >> as evidence. >> pretty fabulous.
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and lauren is taking care of us because we have a higher assortment not just a mask all 50% off starting at $19.50. >> lauren thank you and your skin is beautiful. this will make us smile. >> this is. dr. crystal here is a dentist and she is on a mission to help us rethink flossing. >> i discovered most people don't floss. >> true. >> i brought joy to flossing with colors, fragrance, and a material that is four times more effective than your standard slippery loss because it scrubs plaque paired we call it your daily head of dental dopamine. your mouth will smell better with this loss. >> smell this. did we do strawberries? you want to use it for the scent but you are happy you did because of the result we have all the best sellers today half off starting at $7.50 a set. >> this is going home with me. that's my favorite color right there. >> lalas beauty the owner, and
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he wasn't able to be here today but i've to tell you this forgot the filler is a fan favorite of mine. i borrowed it and i've been at a mission to get it on gma it is clinically proven to make lips look filler almost instantly. they have to have a signature ingredient called maxi lip which boosts college and see you get smooth land, amazing hydration, high shine, it's one of elena's favorite she is adding it to her cart right now and the same exact thing for your face it makes you look fabulous. having slashed and have starting at $11. >> robin: and check our lips perhaps in a mirror? >> mandy and i bonded over really bad lighting over makeup you are like oh, my gosh, you know when you leave the house and you don't realize your face and neck don't match or you have on way too much blush? you solved for that. >> i did. when you look in fancy mirrors it's like wearing a pair of glasses for the first time. you can see every thing. we use natural daylight l.e.d.
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lights with a color reflection so you can feel confident with your luck. we have the regular mirror on that side, the ten times magnification on that side. you see everything. plus these mirrors are perfect for travel and touch ups on the go. >> just the right size, fabulous right assortment slashed in half and $24.50. >> robin: i like the size because sometimes they are too small perry one of these shower caps? >> baby number four is in here. finally a girl. look how gorgeous this model looks. super model for years, mom almost of four, you care about beauty and function at the same time. that's why these shower caps, robin, were chosen as an oprah favorite and a gma favorite too. >> absolutely functionality is he hear it whether you preserve your blowout or over watching or prevent hair breakage this shower cap is completely waterproof on the outside and blocks humidity on the inside.
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for a swim and it elevates our everyday routine. we can all show up looking and feeling our absolute best. >> robin: they look so beautiful too. >> you said to me even when no one is looking i want to look beautiful. that's what you said to me and it makes so much sense, right? >> it does. >> this is your day to stock up because they are $18 and fabulous. >> you are a supermodel i can see that. everybody here. >> all supermodels. this is so cool, robin. you will love when you hear about this. >> robin: i love candles. >> looking for something to put for your assistant on a does he look familiar? you can even add your pet's photo if you want to make it extra special. you can add a message to the top of the lid and don't worry about burning them. we use 100% soy wax, nontoxic fragrances, and
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essential oils. >> they smell so good they're the most thoughtful. could smell it. i'll take the whole thing. oh no. no not sorry. and what i love about these is the big sizes we got. we were kind of like stocked up here for our gift closet. we could put these away for when we need something for michael. we need something for lara riva. >> enzo, you got everybody taken care of here. >> this is a gift that nobody will ever see. today's your day to buy it because they're all slashed in half starting at 1450. >> these are all great. great products. thank you so much. and it's about self care. but we have to do that especially for mother's day. thank you all. thank you very much. and all of these products are on our website and we have more great deals, more great business owners who are moms that's coming up. going to be back in just a little bit. yes. tori. yes. all right. so you come back as well. wonderful. thank you. >> gma monday it's a party when kidz bop takes center stage. then tuesday morning it's train and reo speedwagon performing live. >> said i'm gonna keep on doin
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on tour on gma. >> sponsored by live nation. >> tomorrow. it's gma's biggest ever breakfast and bad mother's day surprise. >> so whose door will we be knocking on this friday morning? >> yeah, we'll be somewhere in america. but where? where? okay, guys, this is going to be the mother of all surprises. >> nba finals starting june 6th on abc. you know, i even got our heels. >> we got a call about smoke. just stop. ma'am, if you don't get out of our way, we're going to have a big problem about this blow.
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>> jackie from abc seven mornings. and now, here's a look at traffic. hi, sue. good morning. ricky. we have bumper traffic on the san mateo bridge . >> things were bad on the foster city side with an earlier crash that mayor island that's cleared. but look at the slow traffic all the way across the span. and now we've got an accident. 101 near 92 on the san mateo side. so yes, things are slow on the peninsula now. >> thank you. sue, we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma for that hot forecast. when we come back. >> find your perfect mattress match at mansfield sleep world. save up to $1,000 at the memorial day sale with tempurpedic starting at $27 per month and queen mattresses from 197. get the best prices free next day delivery and in-home setup at mancini's sleep world. >> they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. well, they are correct. mcdonald's equals breakfast bliss. >> get any bagel and for a dollar 69 at any size premium roast coffee. >> about a ba ba ba ba ba.
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>> are you ready for ultra reliable, ultra fast, award winning internet and better mobile experience? astounding service and savings tailored to your needs, all from astound. more value, superior customer service. get internet for just $20 a month and add unlimited mobile on one of the nation's largest, most reliable 5g networks. free for 12 months. be astounded and switched today. >> if you want to walk away with more money at the end of your case, choose jacoby myers at the start of your case. at jacoby and myers, we get our clients up to ten times the original insurance offer. choose jacoby and myers, celebrate her with emeralds, the mother's day stone, the jewelry exchange has diamond and emerald pendants for 79 rings, an ear rings to 49, or diamonds, one carat three stone rings and studs, 5.992 carat, 1490 by factory direct, the
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jewelry exchange, redwood city, hey bay area live with kelly marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with similar about his new film atlas. >> plus carrie preston is here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you in 30 minutes. all right. outside sutro tower, it is sunny. look how warm it is already. you are feeling that mild air, 60s and 70 right now. but we have some gusty winds currently in our hills. those will subside as we head throughout the afternoon. so get ready for the warmest day since last october. widespread 80s later this afternoon. reggie. >> thanks, drew. another abc7 news update in 30 minutes. you can always find us on update in. you can always find us on our news app and abc . . >> welcome back to gma live from times square. >> we are back with park two of
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our special deals and steals honoring mother's day with small businesses that are all owned by mom's. of course tori is back. tori, we will start with sunglasses. >> we are, tick tock by a realist sensation these were warned by, beyonce, and maybe now we will add the stray hand to that list. >> usher, usher, a short. there we. >> okay. so we are so excited because like you said so many profile celebrities are wearing us which is such a testament to our brand because they can wear anything and they choose to wear dezi. when i design every frame has their own personality it's about how you want to feel. we design premium eyewear at an accessible cost so everyone can wear them. >> how do you feel? >> you look good really do. >> michael: i feel like i could sing and entertain but i will spare america. >> what i love is dezi has brought a huge assortment of all the best sellers at 50% off starting at $37.50 great deal.
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>> you can keep those. >> michael: i like this. now we have makeup designed to protect your skin, right question mike >> clean skin care, you brought us all the sephora favorites. >> we sure did. all of our products are actually designed for sensitive skin and our number one best-selling product is the sos spray that calms and reduces redness and irritation it's great for acne and eczema, some people with sunburn so we have our sunny days sunscreen which is a two in one sunscreen and foundation. >> every skin tone needs that. >> every skin tone and it gives you some coverage with zero irritation and all of our products are actually 100% compliant with the national association. >> you can be confident it's good for your skin and be excited because everything is 50% off today starting at $6. >> great deal. >> really good deal. >> snacks.
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>> melt in your mouth puffed corn not to be confused with popcorn. >> exactly. it's better than popcorn. >> it does melt in your mouth. >> no holes. >> you need these these sweet ones. >> easy to digest, 50 calories a cup, gluten-free, allergy safe i say six months-6 years old. >> really with teeth issues and digestion if you can't have proper dell might popcorn you can have our snack. >> cinnamon bond that is fantastic. >> less sugar than kettle corn. it's amazing we work with a ch chef. >> wow. >> so good. we have all the different flavors you offer. big pack, single flavors by the mall today because they are 50% off starting a at now leggings. >> laura was sick of her leggings sliding down and you knew there was a better way and
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decided to create it. >> i created stay put leggings. they have silicone groups on the inside of the waistband to keep your leggings from sliding down. >> so smart. >> the fabric is buttery soft with slight compression great for that midsection area and of course we have pockets on both sides to carry your phone or your keys. >> do you want to know something, my question mike do you know who's favorite these are? our boss, simone. simone texts me all the time saying i got my love and deals and steals leggings on maybe one of your biggest champions biggest shopper too and you've connected us because i think it's the pockets. she carries two phones. i think it's the pockets it gets her. they are squat prove no matter how you move you are covered. you've given us all the best-selling colors, styles at half price. a gma favorite.
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our viewers cannot get 35,005 star reviews a gma favorite they cannot get enoug >> affordable luxury, softness and 32 amazing cover, colors for peach sheets. we won the good housekeeping award for best oversight comforter. >> michael: congratulations. >> it's one of the easiest ways to upgrade your bedroom. you change the entire look when you change the color of the sheets so it's an easy way to renovate without investing too much money so it gets softer with every wash but feel how soft they start. >> right out of the package. >> pretty amazing. >> i love the matching blazer. >> come on, 50% off starting at $57.50. and finally one of my absolute favorite go to gifts any time i have something for a little kid
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sweet wink is it. >> yes moms and kids love our three-piece dress-up kits because they encourage little ones to dream big through pretend play and they are a great alternative. made of supersoft tool which is so important. >> you can see on the end you see how soft those are? so soft. >> they don't scratch or itch which is important for little ones. >> so cute. and the matching mom. >> mom and me will love matching with our little one so we designed these super cute and trendy t-shirts that come in adult sizes, kid sizes, they make it so fun and easy to match. >> exactly. >> i love that come on mama and many. >> so sweet we have a huge assortment from sweet wink every kid is delighted when you open a box from sweet wink. we are delighted, you will be delighted because it's all 50% off today starting at $13.50. >> i will go out with my
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we partnered with these companies on these great deals the qr code takes you right to the website so check that out go on and on teague the star of "kingdom of the "planet of the apes"" they are i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts.
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and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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>> george: back with two stars of kingdom of the "planet of the apes"" that have everybody here.
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>> not too far, right? >> i read you actually did get to spend some time in the role and connected to one named bentley? >> yes. i went to a sanction sanctuary in florida an hour from where i grew up called the center for great apes. and i spent a week just observing the chimpanzees there. and one who was this young kind of still finding his way chimpanzee, bentley, he had this look like he kind of knew more than anybody else. like he knew something about me that maybe i didn't know. there was this curiosity. it was the first part of finding noah. >> you look that way right now. [laughter] >> it's weird because no noah's eyes are my eyes. to the noah face really quick. >> robin: i'm telling you. >> michael: kind of freaking
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me out. >> robin: a little bit. we were talking about this in the break. many of us remember the original "planet of the apes" in 1960 you said that inspired you to be an actor? >> i used to beg my mom to put it on tv and she would be reluctant because she would know i would end up behind the couch hiding. i would be peeking over just kind of mom, the apes are talking again! and she finally says to me no, they are actors behind the masks and i was like... somebody does that for a living? and she was like yeah. and that's when i was like oh, my god, i could do that for a living? so here i am come 173 years later. [laughter] >> you look good. >> thank you, cold baths. those cold plunges. >> robin: i'm glad it inspired
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you. >> yeah. the whole time on this movie i think oh one and i particularly we met as apes. first. >> we did. [laughter] our first interaction was as apes. >> george: how do apes meet each other? >> i would love to see this. >> he came up to me and i was sitting there like i had only aped with one other person in the basement and i was very nervous about aping. and he kept putting his arm out and i was like [apes sounds] what is your name. >> noah. >> i am proxima's. i must tell you something and we went off on a 45 minute improv. speak to this is my favorite thing i've seen. >> we told each other things
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that really changed the relationship with that lived the script. >> yes so much. a lot of it became part of the movie. or pieces of it. because we found these true that really rang true with both of us. >> robin: as good as this was right here we're going to watch a clip. >> okay. [laughter] >> what a wonderful day! >> what a wonderful day! >> are we thankful for the words of caesar? >> we are thankful. >> say his words >> say. >> say his words! what a wonderful day!
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>> what a wonderful day! >> michael: that brings you proximus caesar! >> say his words! say his words! >> i am scared. [laughter] >> michael: you can tell you had so much fun with this. how did you come up with the boys? >> we started in the apes sch school. i forgot that's a funny concept barely started in apes school, ha ha ha, it's not funny, it's real, and then to work with us from cirque du soleil broke down the differences anatomically and physiologically between our specific apes. i was a bonobo and in real life i'm a french canadian lumber
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lumberjack. and we were like okay, how does my body move like this body? and so weeks of figuring out the body and character and all of sudden they asked me a question as kevin and [voice changes] all of a sudden proximus was born. [normal voice] and he videotaped it and sent it to the director that's it. it just felt good and now i can't stop. my wife is like can he go on vacation for a while and you can just for you for a while and i don't know how to. speed to the scoop on one of her upcoming projects my daughter was a production assistant at the film festival what about that? >> is a wonderful movie. it's very strange.
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it's about a 13 year old aspiring playwright. not me. who -- his mom is kind of, you know, struggling and need some help around the house. she hires this handyman who is an ex performance artist from new york city who is just a miserable human being. that's who i play [laughter] of course. and yeah. it becomes quite a disaster. >> george: you can see it first and "kingdom of the planet of the apes" in the theaters tomorrow. >> so .
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>> now to one of the best things about warm weather enjoying the warm weather with a cook out, starting in times square we have a bit of a party going on hello, will. i just need to know what is happening. >> don't cry for beans ♪ i've been waiting forever to do that, let's get our grill on. this is sponsored by bush's beans. they are celebrating the 30th anniversary of an iconic tagline it has been decades but it's a fan favorite let me do the honors "rolled up beautiful bean footage" >> it's showtime. >> jay bush and dupe the stars of some of the most enduring and quotable commercials in american pop culture history. how did the idea happen? that has you guys together? >> it came up in the spot the director said how will we make you a little more comfortable
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and i said well, having my dog here wouldn't hurt. >> 30 years later to the day our sponsor bush's beans is celebrated that legendary line. >> rolled out beautiful being footage. >> is there a favorite of yours question >> it's when pigs fly. it's due get his mischievous best. >> that should do it. >> the bush family has called home more than a century. >> my great grandfather in 1908 started bush brothers and company and he named it after his son's. >> is our superpower being able to have family in your business allows you to be able to make generational decisions. >> welcome to secret family recipe revealed 101. >> the secret family recipe what is it? >> come no. they usually had duke first because they know he is the weak link. >> recipe. >> duke! >> near the family home that you
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will find that the bush's. >> i have on candace 13 different ty unbeanlievable fun facts and they fill a thousand cans permitted. >> if a hundred 50,000 people who come through this place every year. they get to see my great-grandfather, a.j., at his original general store. >> we have a great cafe, we have a lot of activities within the museum and celebrate the beauty of the being. >> oh, no forgot the burgers and hot dogs. >> it happens every time. >> how are you guys celebrate and? >> we are celebrating the only way we know how, putting the being forward. someone win $80,000. >> the first step is to go to our website then you can enter the sweepstakes. we are giving away a prize a minute for 30 hours. we are definitely going big. speak of the grand prize by the
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way $30,000. that is a lot of beans. thanks to our sponsor, bush's beans. if you are in times where you can come celebrate right here. we have the billboard soaring high above this prize we'll end, guys, the crossroads of the world is all decked out you can get more information going to bush's beans sweepstakes all of it on gma social media. beanapetite >> thank you, bush's for the personalized add, . you
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>> michael: back with sean paul and his greatest tour you can scan the code right now to see how to screwing your stomach scorch when a $5 tickets we have some of your super fans in the studio with us glad you are here. [applause] >> thank you. >> the greatest tour is your
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biggest tour in ten years and tonight you will be performing in brooklyn, tell us what the fans can expect. >> it's going to be electric. i mean it has been a a while as you said since our tour of the states. we are here to bring back a good time and a feel-good moment. >> michael: i love that, straight up fire. they fire one more time. >> fire. >> michael: that's what i'm talking about. we heard you have a surprise for super fans. >> salud, i heard not all of you had tickets and we are giving everyone tickets. and not just -- [cheers and applause] it ain't regular tickets. it's full backstage pass. >> michael: wow! >> i appreciate the love and support over the years for my peeps. so we go. >> michael: we appreciate you, man.
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our greatest tour. and you can fill me in for a backstage pass i would appreciate that. everyone at home scan the qr code for more information on your tickets. go check out the greatest tour, sean paul, we will be right back. >> on tour on gma is sponsored by live nation. live nation presents concert week, $25 tickets to over 5,000
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$10,000 cash on may 25th and june 29th, twin pine casino and hotel in lake county, california, celebrating 30 years. >> stop your search for the one and find your perfect mattress match at mancini sleep world. save up to $1,000 during our memorial day sales event. give the tempur-pedic adapt mattress starting at $27 per month. save on avocado, helix and more, with queen mattresses starting at 197. take advantage of 60 month special financing and free next day delivery, removal and setup of your new mattress. your perfect match is waiting for you online or in stores at mancini sleep world. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's traffic with sue hall. >> good morning reggie. good morning everyone. we're going to take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza, which has not thinned out at all. coming into san francisco. we still have the metering lights on. you can see, overall, the typical areas of slow traffic. uh- san mateo
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bridge improving an accident on the peninsula though north 101 at third drew. >> off for a second. i'm going to borrow your mic. zoom sorry. that's okay. there you go. on your mike. sure. thank you. my friend. it is warm out there. we've got sunshine, 60s and 70s. it is going to feel mild with some gusty winds in the 30 to 40 mile per hour range. we get wart this. going into the 80s, the warmest since last october. >> guys rarely see that. okay. thanks so much drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again on the again on t1 fort 11 for ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the new film "atlas," simu liu. and start of


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