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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 13, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. and truly, this is a berkeley degree. we're extremely saddened. >> pomp and protest now at five berkeley's commencement interrupted by pro-palestinian demonstrations. the reaction from frustrated students and parents on both sides as more local universities prepare for graduation this week, and we're checking in on ucsd's decision to disband its police force and instead implement violence interruption teams as the innovation and campus safety working and new. this morning,
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after 15 months with no permanent police chief, oakland's top cop is now on the job. good morning. it is monday, may 13th. >> let's check on the weather with drew. yeah. >> good morning. so we start out with our marine layer out there. we have a lot of cloud cover to begin our monday. here's a live look at the exploratorium camera where you can see those overcast skies. it's going to be one of those afternoons where we have that cloud cover pull back to the coast, and a pretty wide range of temperatures later on today. looking at numbers right now, we have our typical chill for the first part of the morning. our coolest spots right now are in the 40s like san rafael, cloverdale, vallejo at 49, some low and mid 50s around the immediate bay shoreline. so outside we go. here's the tam cam. you can see that marine layer here as it pushes in from the coast. we'll have that morning fog early on our sunrise almost at 6 a.m. this morning. we will have brighter skies as we head throughout the afternoon, but by 4 p.m. we'll keep those clouds along the coast. it's cool there in the 50s around the bay shoreline.
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it's a mild day, will be in the low and mid 70s and inland. we'll go into the mid 80s for daytime highs. so just a little bit above average for this time of the year. we'll go to 68. in oakland, 63 in the city near 80 in san jose amanda good morning. >> drew here at 501. really nothing in your way as you look at this overall map of the bay area. but we do want to zoom in. so you can see that typical slowdown across the altamont pass. something to keep in mind. dense fog on your drive. this includes places like gilroy, hollister as well as pacifica and daly city, something we're keeping our eye on this morning. let's get back to the desk now. >> amanda. thanks. happening today, oakland's new police chief takes the reins after more than a year without a chief floyd mitchell is officially on the clock today. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here with a look at his first order of business. and, gloria, we are. will be hearing from the chief today. >> we will. stephanie. he is expected to make a brief statement to the media this morning, but we're told he will
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not be taking questions from reporters today. chief floyd mitchell comes to oakland at a time when the city finds itself with many concerns over public safety. back in march, when his hiring was first announced, he said in his first 100 days in office, he plans to meet with key community stakeholders, city staff and the police department. key to his agenda are what he called data driven, proactive policing and high visibility community leaders are hopeful the city can move forward under his leadership. >> during the time of the firing of chief armstrong, and until now, it's just been a lot going on, and we're hoping that he comes in and focuses on the real issues, the things that need to be done in his interaction with the actual community. >> recent data from the city shows overall crime is falling in oakland through the start of the year, but one type of crime, robberies, is shown to be worsening. chief mitchell believes he is up for the task and says he and the police department can't accomplish this monumental task alone. but we'll
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have to work together to solve these issues, live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. thank you gloria. >> this morning, a major milestone is set to take place in the effort to demolish baltimore's francis scott key bridge. amanda crews are going to blow up a portion of that collapsed bridge. >> reggie aqui. this explosion was supposed to happen over the weekend, but had to be postponed due to lightning. this work is really a key moment in the cleanup. once it happens, crews will be able to use cranes to remove the collapsed portion of the bridge. then the cargo ship that hit the bridge will be able to move. that will allow them to reopen the shipping channel that leads to the port of baltimore, officials say today's explosion will be done in an extremely precise way. >> there's not going to be a big fireball explosion or an explosive type of an effect. these are very discreet, highly focused pressure charges that will be cutting through the steel and what you might see are these poofs of smoke around the wreckage. >> and this morning we're
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expecting a news conference with maryland governor wes moore and congresswoman nancy pelosi. i should say, while the house committee on transportation and infrastructure is planning to hold a hearing on the investigation on wednesday, back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. part of building a better bay area is following up on ideas that have been implemented in the community to see if they're actually working. it's been four years since the oakland unified school district voted to disband its police department in the aftermath of george floyd's murder. now, the district is sharing how safety has changed in 2022, oakland unified added violence interruption teams to deal with problems at schools instead of police, the district tells the oakland city council. since those teams started, suspensions for physical violence at school dropped 10. but they say there's more work to be done. police data showed hundreds of violence suspensions , plus 67 shootings that injured people last school year. school board members want to expand the violence interruption teams to every ousd school safety is
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really a community effort where you wrap your arms around the incident and finding support in a holistic sense. the district is expecting more data this summer and how well the program is working to take us down. >> you must be an urgent man. >> the university of san francisco says its commencement is still on for this week, despite protests on campus. students held a pro-palestinian rally at the encampment set up at usf over the weekend. they're calling for usf to divest from israel and calling the war in gaza a genocide. the student group says usf's president visited the encampment last thursday, but they would not agree to their demands. the school told abc seven news they're keeping lines of communication open with protesters open. >> in southern california, hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters tried to disrupt the graduation ceremony at pomona college. los angeles police say protesters tried to block the entrance to the shrine auditorium as people arrived
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last night. at one point, the protest was declared an unlawful , unlawful gathering and officers began trying to disperse the crowd. police say one person was arrested after trying to hit an officer. administrators had already been forced to move the ceremony from campus after a group of pro-palestine activists set up an encampment in front of the original graduation stage last week. protesters continue to demand the school divest from companies tied to israel. >> i think it's sad, and i think it's, it's a really bad way to end your college career. and i think it's showing exactly where pomona is headed as our university celebrate, we should also be extremely critical of their involvement that that has led to the decimation of entire educational infrastructure in palestine. >> school officials say despite delays, they were able to honor nearly 400 graduates. than two dozen graduates walked
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out of duke university's graduation ceremony in north carolina over the weekend, just as comedian jerry seinfeld began his commencement speech. some were waving palestinian flags. seinfeld has publicly expressed his support for israel since the deadly attack on october 7th by hamas. >> back here in the bay area, uc berkeley's big commencement ceremony got interrupted by protesters who wanted to send a message to the crowd. the graduating students are the same students whose high school graduations were impacted, or even canceled because of covid 19. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard spoke with them and some of their parents, who were upset by the interruptions >> cal's commencement, honoring nearly 7000 undergraduates began peacefully inside memorial stadium, but minutes later, the occupation has got to go. the ceremony, disrupted by several
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dozen pro-palestinian protesters shouting from the stands. the protest was so loud the ceremony was delayed at times, speakers forced to wait it out without a protest. so i get it. some students in the stands displayed the israeli flag. the chants got louder as more pro-palestinian students joined in. some of the demonstrators then walked out of the stadium protesting outside free palestine. >> as a berkeley student, we have a long history of protesting and we did the same for apartheid south africa. it's not any different. in 20 years from now. the university is going to recognize it as that. >> some universities across the country have changed or canceled commencement in the wake of campus encampments protesting israel's war with hamas. but berkeley's graduation went on as planned. chancellor carol christ attempted to speak over the crowd, calling for tolerance and understanding. >> we have lost the ability to
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talk with one another. i feel passionately that we must work to regain this capacity, whatever our beliefs and perspectives, not everybody in the crowd supported this protest. >> they say it was drowning out their big day. student michaela falzon says she had no high school graduation due to covid, and now her college graduation is being disrupted. >> i can hear the speakers at all. and, you know, we worked hard for four years and truly, this is a berkeley degree. we're extremely saddened. i've waited for this day for a very long time to see my son graduate. he's the first in our family to do so, and it's really disturbing because i understand their feelings. but it's not the appropriate time or place. >> you know, our son is a he came here to study engineering, not idiocy. >> in a statement, the university said while today's
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commencement was at times, unfortunately disrupted, it did not prevent us from honoring the hard work and accomplishments of our students. saturday's protest was peaceful. no arrests were made at uc berkeley. cornel bernard abc seven news. >> thanks, cornel 5-10, this morning we're taking a look at sfo, where we have that morning marine layer with us. a lot of cloud cover. the only areas that are not seeing the fog this morning, well inland eastern parts of contra costa and alameda county. but for a lot of us, we start out gray, but we'll find sunshine this afternoon. so the big headline today is that we have that morning cloud cover. we'll have a pretty wide range of afternoon temperatures. you could call it a summer spread later on today and get used to that pattern. it's really going to for the week ahead. so looking at our highs versus average we have a little bit of a mixed bag. most areas will be a few degrees above average later on this afternoon. the only exception is the city because that fog is pretty persistent all day long, so it'll be a little bit below average in the 60s later on
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today. here's the forecast region by region. inland we have a lot of sunshine, temperatures and the upper 70s and lower 80s around the bay shoreline. we start out with a lot of cloud cover, burn off that fog for sunnier skies, get highs into the upper 60s and lower 70s, but the coast is cloudy all day long. a little bit of sunshine, maybe in the afternoon, but temperatures are chilly in the mid 50s, so a high of 68 in oakland today, 63 in the city will have a high near 80. in san jose, 77 in napa, concord, up to 80 degrees. but half moon bay only 58 later on. today it's a really steady pattern here. the next several days, not much change in our temperatures. we'll have that morning fog giving way to afternoon sunshine through wednesday. reggie. >> thanks, drew. coming up, honoring the longtime leader of a san francisco landmark, his way of living life ripples out and continues to impact every person he touched with his presence and his vibration. the powerful tribute to the man who built glide church, reverend
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cecil williams, and it was the breathtaking story of the weekend. >> the scenes from across the bay area and the cou norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that.
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long ago, cecil williams brought his heart to san francisco. >> powerful words. american businessman and close financial friend of glide memorial church, warren buffett, paying tribute to a pioneer. people from all walks of life coming together to honor the late reverend cecil williams. williams died last month at the age of 94. over the course of his trailblazing lifetime, he fought for the poor and the hungry, founding glide church and turning it into a worldwide brand. >> the church he founded 60 years ago was standing room only for the celebration of life. >> yesterday i was a person who grew up in the bay area and you know, as a as a gay young person, it was really wasn't
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okay. and cecil just, shared his liberation theology with me, and it's been with me all my life. >> community members and local pioneers joined together to honor the legacy reverend williams left on the city of san francisco. his activism reached beyond the church doors. reverend williams was recognized as a national leader who stood up for social reform and civil rights. >> cecil's essence and his love, his teachings, his way of living life ripples out and continues to impact every person he touched with his presence and his vibration. >> no word yet on who will succeed reverend williams. our coverage of reverend williams continues right now on our website. you'll find even more on his life and legacy. it's all there for you at abc seven >> a weekend solar storm offered up some stunning nighttime images, depending on where you live. abc seven news reporter j.r. stone is hearing from some in the bay area who got a good look. >> this image of the northern lights was taken along the side of a vineyard in yountville
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friday by margie verdin. >> i was just so jazzed. i was so amazed at how beautiful the showcase of colors were. >> margie couldn't see these images with her eyes. she put her iphone in night mode, hit the shutter and took the picture. then she saw this. >> it was just in my backyard. other people had to fly to ireland and norway or alaska. just to see those beautiful colors. and i saw it and while many could only see the northern lights in their pictures, some like kitty nikolai, who were far from city lights in paradise, california, could see them starting around 1030. >> we could literally see it with the naked eye. the photos were just absolutely fantastic. so we got the we got the purples and the pinks and the greens. >> i thought i saw a pink hue in the sky. and i you know how sometimes you question yourself and think it's because you want to see it and i close my eyes and i open them again and i'm
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like, no, i see pink. >> we reached there at around 1:15 a.m. and at least for the first half an hour, we could very clearly see them with our eyes. >> stanford scholar sushant mahajan took these images from an area near the lick observatory in mount hamilton. early saturday morning. >> we got a g5, which is why, like aurora were visible in all 50 states, even hawaii g5 was the highest level solar storm of the weekend. >> saturday night was a g3 and sunday night was a g3, possibly g4, depending on what expert you talked with. all of these images though, were taken friday night and early saturday morning. you had to have it on night mode and like my husband's got the, he's got the x, the iphone x, he doesn't have night mode, so he couldn't see it at all. >> visually or on his phone. >> so in the newbies would come in and say, oh, i can't see anything. and, you know, somebody would always run over to them and help them with their
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phones excitement and gratitude. >> i was awed because of being able to see it. >> jr stone, abc seven news. >> wow. so beautiful. >> yeah, it was really cool. i saw a little bit of green friday night in the city and i was like, that's amazing. and then the next morning, all everybody's pictures came in. i was like, that is beautiful. incredible. i mean, people spend their whole life chasing this. and then it just like showed up. it just came to our backyard. someone needs to keep tabs on like the northern lights industry. like, is this going to either decimate it because everybody's like, oh, well, it's already solid. like i need to see more like people get like the thirst for more of them. oh, wow. who knows, this morning though, we are dealing with fox, so visibility is not great in a lot of areas because we have that morning marine layer. here's a live look from the tam cam showing you those low level clouds right now a lot of areas are reporting these cloudy skies first thing, but we'll break it down for some afternoon sunshine today. here's a look at temperatures right now. pretty much on either side of about 50
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degrees in most areas. we're at 49. in cloverdale, but 50 in sonoma a little bit colder in mill valley right now. coming in at about 42 degrees. look at the pollen forecast. we just got the latest numbers in this morning and it continues to show that trees and grasses remain at high levels. will likely see little change over the next several days. weeds and mold at low levels. your main offender with the trees are oak and pine trees right now. so taking a look at our future weather map showing you by 10 a.m, you can see the outline of the fog still around a big portion of the bay shoreline. we're seeing some sunshine and our farthest cities inland as we head into the afternoon, we'll break that cloud cover down even more, except along the immediate coastline will stay foggy all day, and that will create that summer spread. we talked about 50s along the coast, 60s and 70s around the bay, shoreline or warmest areas today like fairfield, antioch, even cloverdale. getting into the low 80s. so highs today we'll hit about 79 in san jose, 68 in
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oakland, 63 in the city, certainly have several layers in the city today, 80 in santa rosa, 83 in antioch, 58. the high for half moon bay. looking at the evening planner, we'll have that marine layer coming back in from the coast right around 6:07 p.m. and a lot of cities that will cool us off into the 50s. pretty quickly this evening. overnight tonight, similar to where we are right now, we'll have those temperatures bottoming out in the upper 40s to the lower 50s. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. we have a pretty steady pattern coming. our way for the next 5 to 7 days. we'll start out each morning with that morning marine layer. we'll get sunshine in the afternoon. and in most cities away from the coast will be a few degrees above average, with a little bit of a breeze picking up by the end of the week. guys >> thanks, drew. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> another major achievement at the age of 102, the honor just bestowed on
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♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. mitchell. he comes here from texas as the city has been without a chief for more than a year. >> number two, donald trump's former fixer, michael cohen, is set to testify against trump in his hush money trial today. the
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defense says cohen is a liar who is obsessed with trump. >> number three, israeli forces have pushed deeper into rafah, ordering new evacuations overnight. the israeli military also carried out new attacks in the northern part of gaza. >> number four, today's san francisco election officials will update city supervisors on what they're doing to combat ai generated disinformation in local elections. they've been working with state and local officials on protocols and protections, as the use of ai has surged. >> and number five, we start out with a lot of morning cloud cover. our marine layer is overhead. we'll break it down for sunshine in most areas except along the coast where we stay foggy pretty much all day long. temperatures are slightly above average for this time of the year, or six. >> a commuter alert. there is no green line service this morning, so san francisco bound riders. you can take the orange line richmond train and transfer to a blue line daly city train eastbound riders or east bay bound riders i should say take a blue line. dublin train and
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transfer to an orange line berryessa train number seven. >> a new rule to limit credit card late fees to eight bucks has temporarily been put on hold . banks are now suing to stop the rule, claiming it's unconstitutional. >> one major highlight at cal state east bay's commencement was the huge honor received by a local legend, 102 year old betty reid, soskin received an honorary doctorate. she was the oldest ranger for the national park service. she worked at the rosie the riveter world war two home front park in richmond until she retired at age 100. soskin was also a singer, songwriter and civil rights activist. >> in recognition of her exceptional accomplishments and contributions, especially right here in the east bay, the board of trustees of the california state university and the california state university, east bay are proud to confer upon betty reid, soskin, the honorary degree of doctor of humane letters. ms.
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>> soskin has lived in the east bay for 90 years. >> amazing possible anger on the deck. coming up at 530. a climate study aboard the uss hornet is shut down over a controversial experiment. we dive into the possible health and safety concerns. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. live in oakland? yeah >> you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. here we are, we are, we are we are, we are, we are where you are never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. >> download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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$36,000 worth of merchandise was stolen in san francisco. now a 530. we hear from the small business owner who says she's considering leaving the city. >> i'm abc's perry russom in washington. the star witness and former president trump's hush money trial is expected to take the stand. >> and getting more value out of your fast food meals. the options now being considered by major chains that will help save you money. good morning everybody. it's monday, may 13th. >> we start with a check on the forecast. hey, drew. hey. >> good morning. we'll begin here in san jose in the south bay. a live look from our san jose camera this morning. we have a fair amount of cloud cover up above. it's a mostly cloudy start as our marine layer is overhead. we're in the mid 50s right now, but we have good visibility out there. at ten miles area wide it is slightly cooler this morning thanks to a steady push of onshore flow, giving us those temperatures about 2 to 4 degrees cooler compared to this time yesterday.
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so right now we have our starting temperatures in the upper 40s, lower 50s. it's 53 in palo alto, a little cooler in san rafael. at 48 we're at 50 in napa. good morning oakland. you're coming in at a temperature of 52 degrees. a look at the day planner ahead. it's almost a summerlike pattern we have here. we have a lot of cloud cover this morning. our sunrise here just after 6 a.m. and then we'll break that marine layer down as we head later into the afternoon. but the coast stays pretty cloudy today. we'll keep those temperatures cool in the 50s around the bay shoreline, low 70s and inland. our warmest areas getting into the mid 80s. hi amanda. >> good morning drew. for those who rely on bart a few issues to get to this morning. the first big headline no green line service because of an equipment service. so that's something to plan for. separately, the downtown berkeley station is going to have one of its entrances and exits closed for maintenance. you'll notice that as you head out this morning, and then passengers traveling between union city and warm springs station today, you must transfer to a free bus while
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crews make extensive track upgrades, so expect delays of 30 minutes on your trip there. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. happening today, the expected star witness and former president donald trump's hush money trial is set to take the stand. michael cohen , his former fixer and self-described attack dog, will testify against trump. he's expected to talk about his role in paying stormy daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about an alleged affair. abc news reporter perry russom has the details on the man prosecutors say was at the center of a scheme to deny voters information in the 2016 election, is set to take the stand this morning. >> michael cohen prosecutors say cohen was the one who fronted the money to pay off stormy daniels. so voters would not hear her claim of a sexual encounter with former president trump, an encounter trump denies. the key element of his testimony is linking donald trump to the direction to pay off stormy daniels and to falsify the business records to
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hide those that pay off and pretend that it's an actual, legal expenses. the jury has seen the wire transfer invoices prepared by cohen, the monthly checks from trump to reimburse him, and the ledger entries where trump called the payments legal expenses. and the jury has heard this recording of cohen talking about trump. >> i can't even tell you how many times he said to me, you know, i hate the fact that we did it. and my comment to him was, but every person that you've spoken to told you it was the right move. >> trump denies all wrongdoing. trump with a rare campaign rally on saturday mocking the prosecutor who brought this case. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg, carried out by radical democrat district attorney. >> you know who he is, fat alvin . >> after hearing from stormy daniels last week, cohen is expected to be the star witness in this case. the defense has
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called cohen a liar with an obsession to get trump. perry russom abc news, washington. >> this morning, israel is pressing further into rafah, issuing new evacuation warnings for people sheltering in the southern gaza city. amanda this is happening as there is now new criticism from u.s. officials. >> u.s. secretary of state antony blinken has reiterated concerns that israel lacks a credible plan to protect the more than 1 million palestinians who have taken refuge in rafah since the war began. it comes as a new report from the biden administration finds it is, quote, reasonable to assess israel used u.s. weapons in ways that are inconsistent with international law, but that report also says there isn't enough information to verify whether u.s. weapons were specifically used in those alleged violations. investigations into potential violations of international humanitarian law are ongoing. some lawmakers are now intensifying their debate over whether israel deserves more u.s. aid. >> any objective observer knows
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uh- israel has broken international law. it has broken american law. and in my view, israel should not be receiving another nickel in u.s. military aid. >> there is no evidence that israel is violating international law. all civilian casualties in gaza are solely the responsibility of hamas. >> israeli officials have vowed to expand their operation against hamas fighters in rafah until the hostage deal is reached. there are no signs that a deal is imminent, though talks still have resumed. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> amanda. thank you. journalist killed while covering the war in gaza are being honored in san francisco. a ceremony was held saturday in front of the ferry building, followed by a procession to rincon park. an estimated 141 journalists and media workers have been killed since the war started. october 7th. journalists are considered protected citizens under international law as long as
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they're not partaking in the conflict. the family of a bay area doctor who went on a medical mission to gaza, now relieved to be making contact again. we first told you about doctor haley islam departure to gaza last month. she is usually a family physician at sutter health in san carlos, but she made the trip over to provide medical care to primarily children in the war torn region. however, since the border in the city of rafah between gaza and egypt closed, humanitarian aid has not been allowed in or out of gaza. after days of no contact, we've now just learned the family got word last night that the doctor is safe. the family believes more u.s. doctors are also stuck with her group. their point of contact says the earliest the border will open is wednesday. >> here in the bay area, we saw protesters and counter-protesters go face to face on the campus of stanford university. >> we can bring them home, bring them home. >> yesterday, a pro-israel group
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marched to white plaza to protest directly against the pro-palestinian encampment. one of those involved is a young israeli woman who is able to escape. when hamas attacked a music festival in israel back on october 7th. >> october 7th, i survived with five friends of mine. we ran for 11 miles, along the whole way. when they were shooting at us. i came here because we have a peace rally. every college has an encampment. everyone has something to say. everyone has a lot of money going through this encampment, and israel stands for himself. it's self has nothing to do with it. and we are trying to bring justice into this place. >> pro-palestinian students came out and gave their own speeches throughout the afternoon. both demonstrations remained peaceful. >> and here at 536, we're taking you straight to the bay bridge toll plaza, where metering
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lights were flipped on at around 532 this morning to get from highway four to the city. it'll take you 41 minutes, but there's nothing in your way. after the metering lights. back to the desk. reggie >> thanks, man. if your commute takes you through the north bay, highway 37 is back open after a partial closure over the weekend for road work. the work actually wrapped up many hours early. the partial closure from sears point going east of vallejo was supposed to end at five this morning. it ended around seven last night. another closure is planned for next weekend, which will hopefully finish that project. you may have seen this massive plume of smoke over the port of oakland area. it ignited yesterday around 3:00. oakland firefighters tell us the fire burned through a pile of lithium batteries. that kind of fire can be tricky to extinguish. fortunately, the fire was out and the smoke appeared to be clearing about an hour later. firefighters are still investigating the exact cause. >> a small clothing shop in san francisco was broken into over
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the weekend. the store owners say the thieves got away with about $36,000 worth of merchandise. surveillance video from bacana and kaholo shows these two people seen breaking a window and entering the store early yesterday morning. now the owner tells us this was the first time the shop has been broken into. >> my question was why? why, why me? and why the store? why a small business? i'm glad for my friends here. they are the one to help me because i was crying here by myself. i didn't see no police. they show up here, they take a report. but i didn't see nobody help me emotionally. she worries she will be forced to leave san francisco if the issue happens again. >> happening today. it's the beginning of a new era in oakland. it's the first official day on the job for the city's new police chief, and his first order of business is focused on reducing crime. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is here. gloria. >> yeah. you know, mayor qingtao appointed floyd mitchell as police chief in march, and today he will be in the office ready
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to assume his responsibilities. chief mitchell officially started as oakland's new police chief on saturday. he most recently served as police chief in lubbock, texas, before that, he was chief in temple, texas, and a patrol officer in kansas city. and he now takes on a department at a time when oakland finds itself with many concerns over public safety. recent data from the city shows overall crime is falling in oakland through the start of the year, but one type of crime, robberies, is shown to be worsening. back in march, chief mitchell said his plans include sitting down with a federal monitor to craft a strategy to get opd out from under federal oversight. right. working with the community is also top on his agenda. >> i'm truly honored to be given this opportunity to serve as oakland's police chief. i'm here to work with the citizens of oakland. i believe that when you're actively engaged, you become aware and hyper sensitive to the slight changes in neighborhoods and within the organization.
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>> he's a smart crime fighter who delivers results, and it is what i demand. >> community leaders are hopeful the city can move forward under his leadership. and this morning, chief mitchell is expected to make a brief statement to the media. but we're told he will not be taking questions from reporters today. live in the studio. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> gloria, thank you. up next, a star is born. the full story behind this black bear in southern california, now becoming a social media sensation. >> he's a big boy. he's a big star. >> he sure is. right now we have a check on the weather with drew. hey. >> good morning, 540. we'll take you to the travel forecast. l.a. it's a similar story. like us this morning. we'll have that morning marine layer in southern california. but a lovely afternoon. chicago is going to see some afternoon thunderstorm later on today. that may impact o'hare and midway. and in the south, atlanta will be dealing with some heavy rain throughout the day, a high of only 67
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degrees. back here at home, we go from morning cloud cover to afternoon sunshine and daytime highs in most areas. we will be a few degrees above our normal highs. the lone exception is the city where that marine layer is going to stay on top of us almost all day long, and that will keep us cooler than average by about a degree or two. looking at your weather wellness today, air quality good to moderate, but our pollen levels they are high grasses and trees, specifically oak and pine are your main offenders. that uv index is an eight out of an 11 that is very high. here's the forecast. region by region inland. lots of sunshine today. not impacted by those overhead clouds this morning. upper 70s to the lower 80s. but we do have that cloudy start around the bay shoreline giving way to afternoon sunshine. upper 60s to lower 70s. along the coast it is pretty cloudy all day long and cool in the mid 50s. so looking at the pattern over the next several days, it's very steady morning cloud cover, afternoon sunshine and temperatures just
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slightly above average for this time of the year. we'll take a lo teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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concerns about how artificial intelligence could impact our local elections with disinformation. during a hearing at city hall, the lay out steps they've taken to safeguard the voting system. they include working with state and federal agencies to defend against cybersecurity threats, developing protocols to monitor its own social media accounts, to identify and respond to false claims posted online, and reminding voters about the places they can go for accurate information before each election day. >> the future of ai is a worldwide concern, and tomorrow the us and china are set to hold a first ever meeting on how to address safety concerns on a global level. amanda is
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following that for us. >> reggie, the meeting tomorrow in geneva, switzerland will be between delegations from both countries, according to senior biden administration officials. the talks are just one of the outcomes following the conversation between president biden that he had with chinese president xi and woodside back in november. now the focus will be growing risks of ai technology. china has made ai development one of their priorities. officials say that could undermine u.s. national security. now the goal of this meeting isn't to lay out any particular goals, rather to start an exchange of views on the risks of ai. stephanie. amanda. >> thank you. in today's gma first look, abc's george stephanopoulos has an exclusive look inside the white house situation room. the most secure location in the white house. here's abc news reporter rhiannon ally in this morning's gma first look. >> an abc news exclusive. for the first time since its $50 million renovation, george stephanopoulos is taking us inside the white house's
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situation room with national security adviser jake sullivan. >> a lot of the history that is written day to day in american foreign policy is lived out in this room situation. >> room officers, the most apolitical men and women in the white house serving the presidency, no matter what their political party, what do you think the american people should know about this group of professionals that are brought in from every part of the government? >> this is a group of people who stand watch on behalf of the american people. >> and coming up at seven, a m, we'll have much more of george stephanopoulos exclusive access to the situation room with your gma first look, i'm rhiannon ally, abc news, new york. >> we've been talking for months about massive layoffs that could be coming to san francisco unified as it deals with a huge budget shortfall. school districts across the country, across the country could soon be facing the same struggle. $190 billion in federal funding approved during the pandemic is about to run out, and it happens
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in september. and ann arbor, michigan dozens of educators have been rallying, calling for the school board to reconsider cuts in a new york district. leaders have already approved a budget that includes laying off teachers in la, which is the country's second largest school district. cuts are also on the table. experts say. the end of that federal funding is just part of the problem districts are facing. >> another reason is increasing inflation costs and costs of things like health care and education. and another reason is declining student enrollments in our k-12 public school systems. >> the national education association is demanding federal, state and local leaders come up with a long term solution to keep educators. >> was happening tomorrow. contract talks are set to resume for las vegas hotel workers. more than 700 union hotel workers ended their strike sunday against virgin hotels. workers took to the picket lines on friday to join in a 48 hour strike. it comes after months of
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negotiations on a new five year contract. workers want better wages and benefits. well, if you think that fast food is getting too expensive, you aren't alone. now, some companies are responding. mcdonald's plans to add a $5 value meal to its menu. the chain has faced major backlash from customers due to rising costs of food items. the big mac meals reportedly cost $18 in certain parts of the u.s. a big share of mcdonald's clients are low income consumers, and so those people, low income consumers, are really feeling the pinch right now. >> and maybe they are not necessarily eating at restaurants. maybe they're just eating at home. >> applebee's and chili's are currently offering bargain burgers and other discounted food options to make up for revenue losses. fast food prices in march were 33% higher than in 2019. >> in the city of alameda is ordering the university of washington to stop a controversial experiment on the uss hornet. scientists were
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working on a marine cloud brightening program on the decommissioned aircraft carrier. it sought to find out if salt water particles can reflect heat back into space to possibly slow global warming. the city is now putting a stop to that, citing health and environmental safety concerns. after hiring a consultant firm for an independent review. it's unclear whether or not that research will ever resume. >> all right, the internet is going wild for a smiling bear captured by a wildlife photographer near la. >> find where i see animal tracks or animal activity happening, and a nice scene that i want to establish. and then i set the camera there and i need to leave it for several weeks, and then i come back and see what happened. okay here it is. >> this special shot was taken a couple of weeks ago, but took some time to discover. boy, he had a big grin on his face. she picked that spot in the mountains overlooking pasadena and set up her camera a year
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ago. >> camera is a handheld dslr, like a canon camera that you would normally use, but it's hooked up to a motion sensor, so when the animal comes by, it senses motion. just like your patio lights or your driveway alarm, and triggers the camera to go off. >> so her photos are for sale on get this cougar magico com. oh yeah, and some proceeds go towards animal conservation groups. now that's an awesome picture. interesting website though? >> you know listen, it goes good. good. cause the bear to me is more like shocked at the flash. more than, like, giving a smile, right? >> more than delighted. yeah, yeah. you know, if you if you take enough photos in a row, there's going to be a good one that because it probably went like, you know what i mean. yeah. yeah, yeah. i know like when you have the live photo and there's that one moment that
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works and the rest of it's like really awkward. yeah. yes. >> the group photo is like, okay, no one's blinking in this one frame. exactly you guys. >> right. >> if only we could get access to the ones before. >> right? right, right. >> not so great. >> you only need that one good one and you nail it. >> you know what? that's the cover. >> that's the cover. you can find that at cougar >> you just really wanted to say that name again. good to see you this morning. >> let's take you to our east bay hills camera. the fog is rolling down our hills this morning. we have our marine layer overhead in most areas except our inland cities where we're starting out with clear skies. their temperatures right now we're in the upper 40s to the mid 50s from danville to hayward. at 55, we're at 50. in livermore, under mainly clear skies in our areas inland, the north bay. it is foggy, 40s and 50s. you can see there. here's future weather as we go, hour by hour. we'll stop the clock here at ten this morning. you can still see that outline of the fog around the bay shoreline as we head later on into the
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afternoon. that cloud cover will break down. we'll find sunny skies, but a wide range of temperatures. today. the coast is cloudy and cool in the 50s and 60s, 60s and 70s around the bay shoreline, 70s and 80s in our warmest cities away from the coast. looking at the boat, beach and surf forecast. just a really cloudy day. winds out of the west, a persistent onshore flow about 5 to 15mph. waves are 2 to 3ft, and that swell period about 15 seconds with your ocean water temperature in the mid 50s. highs today will hit 68 in oakland, a cool 63 in the city, but much warmer in the south bay. san jose closing in on 80 degrees today. 77. in napa, we'll hit about 83 in antioch across the state. that coastline does remain rather cool with our marine layer banked up right along it. so 60s and 70s from santa barbara, la down to san diego. but we're hanging on to a lot of warmth in the central valley, 80s and 90s there, back here at home overnight tonight will repeat that forecast. we'll have that fog surging back in
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from the coast, turning to overcast skies and numbers in the 40s and 50s. accuweather seven day shows you it's a really steady pattern we have here the next 5 to 7 days. there's no heat wave coming. there's no rapid cooldown coming. we'll have that morning fog giving way to afternoon sunshine through friday. friday that onshore flows a little stronger. so we'll end the week with some breezy conditions. but the weekend the early call looking fantastic. bright little breezy but temperatures near average guys jrue thank you. >> and hbc you in san francisco. >> details on how close that is to becoming a reality at six. >> but first floods earthquakes and wildfires. the latest updates on response and recovery on a weekend filled
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300 people have been killed, according to the world food program. unicef reports 51 children are among the dead. hundreds of people are believed to be missing at this hour and in brazil, heavy rains, they're causing massive floods. at least 143 people have been killed in the southern state of rio grande do sul, according to local officials. hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and meteorologists say more rain is expected in the coming days. developing news now a strong earthquake shook the border of mexico and guatemala, according to the usgs. the 6.4 magnitude quake hit the area around six yesterday morning. there are no reports of damage as of right now, but the remote areas where there are more mountains are prone to landslides. >> thousands of canadians have evacuated because of a fast growing wildfire. it's called the parker lake fire, and it's continuing to spread throughout fort nelson, british columbia, and parts of its neighboring provinces. british columbia wildfire service says the fire
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has now doubled in size, reaching more than 4000 acres. canadian government officials warned this year's weather conditions could produce another severe wildfire season, as our insurance industry faces worsening wildfires, we're learning more about the toll on our forests. >> a new study says. our landscapes aren't recovering from fires as quickly as they used to. nasa researchers based in mountain view say severe drought is part of the problem. they looked at satellite images of our forests using computer models to track growth from 2015 to 2022, and they found plants didn't grow as much in years with intense drought plus big fires. new at six why gen z is apparently struggling when it comes to finances. >> and you've seen pro-palestinian campus protests across the country now. reaction coming in after protesters disrupted the commencement at uc berkeley. >> we're taking a live look outside from our south beach camera pointed at the bay bridge. you can see we have a
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lot of cloud cover out this morning. that marine layer breaks down for afternoon sunshine with a wide range of temperatures this afternoon. you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪
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seven mornings live. >> now at six, it's officially day one for oakland's new police chief. we'll look at his plan after the city spent a year without a leader and uc berkeley's commencement saw a major interruption from pro-pain


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