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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 14, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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all the tesla charging cables. >> now, if i have a tesla super charging station vandalized in vallejo, the growing problem across the country, how bay area drivers are reacting, including the man behind a now viral video you may have seen on tiktok. >> just cutting us out and like that and without any notice in the middle of finals week is insane. >> and the concerns about the safety of artificial intelligence action being taken locally and on the world stage
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today, a first of its kind meeting to figure out the future . >> it's very sad to see so many of these hungry, weak birds. it's kind of affecting the whole coast. >> we don't really know what the deal is yet. >> plus, the growing mystery along the california coast, hundreds of starving and stranded brown pelicans. how a local bird rescue is stepping in to help. good morning to you. welcome to tuesday, may 14th. >> let's check on your forecast that may gray really linger. >> yeah it's back again. and this morning we'll find a little bit of a thicker layer of cloud cover overhead. here's a live look outside from the exploratorium camera showing you like stephanie just alluded to. we start out with cloudy skies out there. we're going to have fog first thing this morning, and it is reducing visibility just a little bit in parts of the north bay right now, santa rosa, we're coming in at three miles visibility elsewhere. we're doing just fine. it's another day where those clouds will break down very slowly throughout the morning as they pull back to the coastline. right now, underneath the cloud cover, basically in the mid 40s
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to the low 50s, as we get you out the door on this tuesday. so live look at sfo with the cloud deck upstairs. here's how it shapes up your sunrise at exactly 6 a.m. this morning. we'll have that may gray early on. those clouds will clear like they did yesterday for mostly sunny skies. the coast is still cool in the 50s and low 60s around the bay shoreline. the first half of our day is pretty chilly. the afternoon that sunshine warms us up into the 70s and then inland. today, just like yesterday, we'll get you into the mid 80s for daytime highs. let's see how the commute is going on this tuesday. amanda good morning. >> yeah good morning drew. it is 501. and look at your overall map shows a lot of green which is the good news that typical slowdown through the altamont pass is the only thing we're really seeing. this morning. but that's to be expected. back out green nothing in your way. let's send it back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. this morning, a growing problem that we've seen across the country is now here in the bay area. vandals targeting tesla supercharger stations. they cut and then take off with these thick charging cables. more than a half dozen
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were hit outside a target store in vallejo over the weekend. abc seven news reporter j.r. stone explains what the thieves might be really after cut all the tesla charging cables. >> that's joshua beckler, who recorded that video in vallejo sunday, monday, tesla crews could be seen fixing the stolen nozzles, the supercharger location behind the target. >> i went to go to the gym with the wife i went to, parked the tesla to charge it while we were inside, and found that the majority of the tesla cables have been cut right before we walked in. >> as to how many nozzles were cut and stolen, there's one, two, three. we'll speed it up. since so many were hit seven, eight and nine that were head yes, nine charger nozzles cut and stolen, nine others untouched along with generators that were untouched. >> it's crazy stupid. like i don't know, why would they do
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that now that i hear it from you , i'm shocked. >> we broke news to some tesla drivers and even showed them the wires that had been cut after crews replaced them. this is what they cut here on the wire. what is your thought looking at this wire that was cut, well, x amount of things i mean, is there copper in there? somebody do it at a frustration with the mass layoff that's been going on left and right? >> beckler's belief about what happened here echoes the talk online and in light of recent incidents similar to this one across the country. >> well, i used to run investigations for quite some time, 17 years for local retailers. and so it was a common sight to see generators stripped in the back of local retailers, often for the copper. and so seeing that there's a ton of copper in those cables and seeing that they had removed the cables and taken them with them, as well as a junction box that had a ton of copper in it, then it's pretty obvious that they went to go scrap it. >> these charging stations are
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in view of a parking lot surveillance camera, but it's unclear at this point if that camera captured any images to help in the investigation. vallejo police tell me they are looking into the online reports submitted. no arrests have been made. sources tell me at least one other non-tesla charger has been hit in recent weeks in this area too. we also saw a case last week in houston, texas. tesla did not return my emails in target, did not get back to me regarding possible surveillance video. j.r. stone, abc seven news on the peninsula. >> now there's a lot of pressure to approve farmworker housing at tonight's planning meeting in half moon bay, governor newsom has called on the city to expedite those housing plans or face legal action. amanda is at the live desk with the timeline. >> yeah, stephanie, there's been growing focus on this issue after a mass shooting at two mushroom farms last year put a spotlight on poor living conditions. a big project has
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been in talks for years. the proposed location is at 555 kelly avenue in half moon bay. mercy housing and the nonprofit alliance want to knock down a vacant house and replace it with a five story senior housing complex for farm workers. but there have been disagreements over the size of the building and parking. there have already been two meetings to move forward with a vote. earlier this month, governor newsom threatened legal action, accusing local officials of stalling the project. abc seven news reporter luz pena asked half moon bay's mayor about the situation. >> do you think the process is taking too long, adequate time? >> it feels really interested in building farmworker housing. give us funding will make a good use of those fundings. >> the planning commission meeting tonight starts at 7 p.m. governor newsom wants a decision this week to be in accordance with state housing targets. reggie >> all right. thanks, amanda. san francisco could be facing more budget cuts. a new detailed report is due out today that will inform the mayor about what
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steps to take based on the latest data, san francisco is facing a projected budget deficit of nearly $800 million over the two upcoming budget years. the controller's office, now digging deeper into every city department's expenses and the revenue coming in one of the biggest red flags so far, office vacancies. >> what are you looking into for this report? so we're looking at the general fund, and we're looking at all the tax revenue. >> so there's sales tax and hotel tax. we're definitely seeing that. not a lot of commercial buildings are selling. so we are taking a hit in our real estate transfer tax. >> ahead of the latest budget review, mayor breed asked city departments to propose 10% cuts for the next fiscal year. by june 1st, the mayor is set to submit a full proposal for the budget to the board of supervisors. >> i safety will be the topic of discussion today during a first of its kind meeting between the u.s. and china. doctor nolan higdon from cal state east bay, explains why both countries have
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an interest in working together on ai security. >> these nations, like china and the united states, are competitors against one another, so it behooves them not to work together in this space. but on the other hand, you know, they're both leaders of countries, and they fear about the security of their country. they fear about their ability to control information. and so in that sense, they kind of have a joint interest as well. >> the meeting in switzerland was first agreed to when president joe biden met with china's president xi jinping, here in the bay area during apec last november. the topic of safety with ai also prompted a brief hearing at san francisco city hall yesterday. supervisor dean preston is pushing to add safeguards over false and misleading ai generated material, particularly its role in city elections. some examples were given of material being circulated right now, we believe strongly that the threat of election disinformation turbocharged by ai is too grave.
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>> we can't just go with business as usual. we need to take real proactive steps forward to ensure that our elections are not subverted. >> currently, four bills centered on ai protections are making their way through the state legislature. hi, drew. >> hey, stephanie 5-08 this morning we're in the south bay with a live look at our san jose camera, where you can see that marine layer overhead. there's the airport in the background, the official reading at the airport, 57 degrees. with those cloudy conditions, relative humidity is high. visibility is good with a light wind. right now at six miles per hour. we're basically waking up in the upper 40s and mid 50s this morning. here's live doppler seven along with satellite low pressure, basically centered over southern california is allowing that marine layer to deepen once again this morning. it's clouds up and down the entire california coastline. so we'll have that may gray for much of the morning. here's the out the door forecast. pretty cloudy for the next several hours. we'll start to see that sunshine breaking out between nine and 10 a.m, but throughout the morning,
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temperatures do stay in the 50s for the most part. so here's a look at the forecast today. inland we have a lot of sunshine. we warm fast there into the low 80s by noon, and we'll sit there throughout the afternoon around the bay shoreline. it is a cloudy morning giving way to sunshine this afternoon. we'll stay in the 60s, if not near 70 for daytime highs, but the coast. it's a cloudy start and a cloudy finish with a little bit of sunshine in between, with temperatures staying in the mid and upper 50s today. so a cool high of only 61 in the city, 64 in oakland, 79 in san jose, 80 in santa rosa. the same in concord. but the coast is cool in the 50s and 60s, from half moon bay to santa cruz, you look at the next three days, some minor ebbs and flows when it comes to our temperatures, but expect clouds each morning at least through thursday. >> reggie drew, thank you. major airlines taking legal action against the biden administration. coming up, the new policy over fees. they're pushing back on i'm abc's perry russom in washington michael cohen on the stand and former
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president trump's hush money trial. >> how he says it all happened. that story coming up and this week is the deadline to get a tax refund. >> still ahead. we'll explain why and what stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears.
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common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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amanda. they say new rules to help improve transparency is actually going to end up confusing people. yeah. >> stephanie, you might remember the biden administration announced these new rules last month. they would require airlines and travel agents to disclose any charges for luggage or canceling or changing a reservation up front, right on the same page where they quote a price for a flight. but a group of airlines and the lobby group, airlines for america are claiming the department of transportation is exceeded its authority. with that rule, they argue the rule will complicate the ticket buying process and create confusion. the transportation department says it will defend the rule in court. >> this isn't just about enforcing when something goes wrong, it's making it less
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likely something would go wrong in the first place. this will build confidence in air travel at a time when airlines need to do more to secure passengers trust. >> of the six biggest airlines in the country, southwest is the only one that did not join this lawsuit. it argued these rules don't apply since they're passengers already get two free bags. depending on how this legal fight plays out, airlines have six months to put these new rules in place. >> reggie. thanks, amanda. a win for the a's and their effort to relocate to las vegas yesterday in the nevada supreme court struck down a proposed ballot measure that would have allowed voters to repeal public funding for the project. lawmakers approved the $380 million last year. supporters of the ballot measure say they're going to try again to get this onto the 2026 ballot. >> the supreme court has denied california's plea for immunity for covid deaths at san quentin prison. that means several lawsuits can now move forward. back in may 2020, staff at the
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prison in chino tried to stop an outbreak by sending more than 100 inmates to san quentin, san quentin had been covid free at the time, but after the transfer, hundreds of people got sick and more than two dozen died. state lawmakers later blasted the decision, calling it the worst prison health mistake in state history. >> the battle over public access to martins beach in san mateo county will go to trial again, according to sfgate, a judge has ruled the state's case against the billionaire property owner can go forward. vino khosla has kept martins beach closed to the public since buying 89 acres of property there in 2008, much multiple lawsuits followed, including 1 in 2020 filed by california's lands and coastal commission. that is the case that is now moving forward again. it is set to go to trial next year. >> a sonoma county judge has dismissed multiple felony charges against an animal rights activist who set chickens free from a petaluma slaughterhouse.
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uc berkeley student zoe rosenberg is an organizer with the animal rights group direct action everywhere. the group posted videos claiming to have found evidence of animal abuse inside perdue poultry slaughterhouse. rosenberg still faces one felony and three misdemeanors, and she could face up to five years in prison if convicted. >> we're following up on a story we first told you about last week on abc. seven mornings, a surge of starving pelicans along the southern california coast. now we've learned the birds are also showing up here in the bay area. two weeks ago, the international bird rescue center in fairfield started treating about a dozen pelicans. now that number has jumped to 130 birds in distress. one of these pelicans showed up at saturday's giants game. during the fifth inning, we showed the video to bird experts and they seem concerned. >> that's definitely not normal behavior. that was a young bird, so he was probably just starving and looking for whatever, whatever place he could find food. >> it's not clear why this is
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happening. caring for the birds is expensive, and the rescue relies heavily on donations. it is costing them $1,000 a day to keep these pelicans fed. experts say if you see a pelican in distress, call your local animal control. >> may is asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month in the south bay. members of the vietnamese community have been calling for better representation of their culture. yesterday, the community gathered to welcome the development of the vietnamese heritage garden in san jose. >> this moment, not merely about digging soil, laying bricks. it is a celebration of our heritage , our collective identity, our enduring spirit. >> the centerpiece is a statue depicting an american and vietnamese soldier standing side by side. construction on the statues will start immediately
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and finish in july. city leaders ultimately envision a community center for performances and educational programs. all right. the giants have a new tribute to the say, hey, kid, just one week after the hall of famers 93rd birthday, the team opened a museum all about willie mays. across the street right from oracle park. and inside there are projectors showing hundreds of shots of mays life and career with memorabilia lining the walls. >> the time to honor him is long overdue, so we're excited and thrilled that we can do this for him. >> the museum will open on days with home games three hours before a first pitch. it's free to visit and runs through the end of the season. the giants say mays hasn't seen it yet, but they're looking forward to his feedback. that's exciting right on. he's one of 30 players of all time to have 50 home runs in a single season. it's incredible. he's amazing. >> look at you with the stats.
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>> i know i'm you know, 40 every once in a while. wow >> good for you i love it. >> we've got a giants game today i mean it's going to be foggy later this evening. we have that fog out there right now this morning. here's the tam cam sunrise is getting earlier and earlier. it's only 518 but we can start to see the first hues of that sun getting up on our horizon. the sun rises exactly 6 a.m. this morning. taking a look at your weather wellness today. little change from yesterday. air quality remains good to moderate across the region. our pollen levels, they are high. grass pollen is high. tree pollen is high as well. those trees are oak and pine. those are your top allergens. still and the uv index eight out of 11. once again today that is very high. so here's future weather. we'll stop this clock right before 930 this morning. and you can still see that contour of fog is pretty much hugging the entire bay shoreline. we are seeing sunshine inland at that hour. we'll continue to chip away at that fog throughout the morning into the afternoon. we'll keep those clouds right along the
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coast, just like yesterday, where temperatures stay in the 50s for daytime highs. but inland, it's another warm day. we'll get those numbers into the 70s and 80s later on this afternoon. so almost a carbon copy forecast to yesterday. dress accordingly. whatever you wore yesterday, do it again today. layers close to the coast, lighter layers inland. as we see that wide range of temperatures 58 for half moon bay, a chilly 61 in the city, 64 in oakland, much warmer inland, 84 in antioch, warm in the north bay, 80 in santa rosa. a similar story in san jose coming in at 79 degrees. speaking of the giants, oracle park tonight, game two with the dodgers in town, a first pitch temperature of 58 degrees with mostly cloudy skies, and by the ninth inning, the fog is rolling in overhead and the winds are picking up. we're turning chilly with temperatures in the mid 50s. the evening planner will show you where we have those clear skies inland. early on. the marine layer rolls back pretty fast this evening through about 8 p.m. we'll start to see those clouds move back in from the
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coast. so overnight tonight we'll redo it again. it's just the may gray pattern we are in. we'll turn to overcast skies and temperatures in the 40s and in the 50s. accuweather seven day forecast showing you there's little change over the next 5 to 7 days. we have a little bit of a cool down heading towards the end of the week, but the weekend is looking very nice with morning clouds, afternoon sunshine and temperatures pretty close to average for this time of the year. guys. >> very nice. 80 on saturday. all right. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> deja vu on wall street. some early signs. the meme s
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our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ half moon bay planning commission could vote on a long delayed housing project for senior farm workers. today, governor newsom has threatened legal action if the project doesn't move forward. this week. >> number two, president biden announcing new tariffs on chinese goods this morning. it includes quadrupling tariffs on electric vehicles made in china from 25 to 100. the administration argues the taxes will level the playing field and protect american businesses. >> number three, secretary of state antony blinken arrived on an unannounced visit to ukraine overnight. he met with ukraine's
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president, telling him part of a major u.s. aid package has arrived and more is on the way. >> number four today, san francisco mayor london breed is set to receive recommendations to balance the city's budget. the city is facing an $800 million deficit over the next two years, and number five, mayor gray does continue for another day. >> so we start out with mainly overcast skies. we'll get sunshine building in throughout the day. a pretty wide range of temperatures cooled along the coast, with warm temperatures inland and number six overall map looks good. >> other than that typical slowdown at the ultimate pass. but if we bring you in a little closer, you see that big rig crash on eastbound 580. traffic is backed up from greenville road. fire crews are blocking the right lane. there but there are no issues or delays at the moment. really just be aware of the fog advisory also in that area. >> number seven, the portola music festival returns to san francisco in september and the lineup has just been released. rufus diesel is set to headline on saturday and then french duo
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justice headlines on sunday. tickets go on sale this friday at noon. okay, we can all relate to this. it's no secret that living in the bay area is expensive, but a new uc berkeley report finds it may be worse than we think. researchers measured how affordable a county is based on the percentage of current california residents who could financially manage to live there, their study found. just 35% of californians could comfortably rent in san francisco county. that's the lowest share among any of the bay area's nine counties. contra costa county fared the best. 50% of californians could afford to rent there. based on this report, financial regulators are raising the alarm about certain mortgage companies they say could make the next recession worse. >> they're worried about mortgage companies not tied to banks. that includes rocket mortgage, pennymac and mr. cooper. they don't face as much regulation and they don't have a safety net of stable deposits like a bank would. regulators
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want lawmakers to create a backup fund to help if one of those companies were to go under, if you're a fan of red lobster, you may have to drive a little farther to get a cheddar bay biscuit. according to the chronicle, a wave of more than 50 lobster red lobster restaurants across the country abruptly shut down yesterday. that includes two locations in rohnert park and fremont red lobster has not commented. the company's website shows a message that the locations are, quote, temporarily closed. this comes as a seafood chain is reportedly on the brink of filing for bankruptcy. >> the stock trader, who helped ignite the meme stock frenzy has done it again. sunday night, keith gill made his first post on x in years. then on monday, gamestop stock spiked more than 70. remember this you might recall the same thing happened back in 2021 when gill started posting about buying stock in gamestop and amc theaters. >> melinda french gates is stepping down from the bill and melinda gates foundation. she and her ex-husband bill gates
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founded that nonprofit 20 years ago with the goal of improving health care and equities across the world. they've turned it into the second largest charitable foundation in the world. ceo mark suzman says french gates will now focus on her next chapter of philanthropy, particularly strengthening women's rights. her last day at the foundation is june 7th. the organization will now change its name to the gates foundation, coming up at 530. >> google's i o conference kicks off from mountain view today, but a planned protest this morning is threatening to shut down its flagship event right now. >> this live look outside at 526. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. live in oakland. yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you
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are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching.
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notice in the middle of finals week is insane. >> a bay area women's water polo team, now being told they're finished. now, at 530, the school's reason for suddenly dropping the sport. >> hey, chatgpt. i'm mark, how are you? >> oh, mark, i'm doing great. thanks for asking. how about you and another leap forward for artificial intelligence? one bay area company showing how its technology is getting more realistic as another is preparing to face hundreds of protesters today for one of its projects. >> taking an aggressive stance against china when it comes to tariffs, the major increase
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being announced today by president biden. >> good morning everybody. >> it's tuesday, may 14th a check in the weather now from drew. >> hey good morning. so we are seeing may great continuing for another day will begin at sfo this morning where you can see that cloud cover is overhead. most of us reporting cloudy skies alone. exception are furthest inland. cities do have clear skies this morning. temperatures right now we're in the mid 40s to the mid 50s. as we start the day. so let's break down the forecast region by region. we begin along the coast this morning. we find those temperatures right around 50 degrees. you can see it's a lot of cloud cover throughout the day. maybe some peeks of sunshine later on this afternoon . temperatures staying basically in the mid 50s now around the bay shoreline. we will start and we will finish the day with cloud cover, but in between we will get some sunshine this afternoon. it's bright around 3 p.m. those temperatures in the upper 60s to around 70 degrees for daytime highs. now inland we don't have the fog this morning. we have a lot of sunshine and that means temperatures warm
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pretty fast today. you can see by 3 p.m. underneath that sunshine we'll get temperatures in the low 80s and we'll keep those clear skies even through the early portions of tomorrow morning. so a wide range of temperatures today. let's see how the commute is going with amanda. good morning. yeah. good morning drew. >> that early morning commute looking pretty clear except for the typical slowdown that we see at the altamont pass. and then we're also continuing to follow a big rig crash on eastbound 580. traffic is still backed up from greenville road. be alert. fire crews are blocking the right lane there, but there are no real issues or delays at the moment. there is a fog advisory in that area as well, so heads up back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. happening today. google's biggest developer conference of the year will get underway in just a few hours. protesters are promising to disrupt that event. they want to stop $1 billion ai contract the company has with the israeli government. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is live at google headquarters in mountain view. gloria, there was a similar rally last month.
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>> there was reggie in today's pro-palestinian protests, is expected to start here at 9:00 in the morning. google is having its annual i o developers conference. you can see the setup behind me right now, and they're planning to reveal some cutting edge ai tools. but the group is threatening to shut down that conference. check out this footage. demonstrators had a similar rally at google headquarters last month where some were arrested and 50 were even fired as a result. and today's rally is once again seeking to stop google's so-called project nimbus. it's an ai surveillance software that protesters allege is being used by the israeli government to target civilians in gaza. experts tell us that privacy and data security may be big topics at google's announcement today. so far, the company's gemini assistant has struggled with accuracy, but experts at abc seven talked to hope to see more today. >> google have got access to the world's data uh, and technically, they should be better than anyone else at
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artificial intelligence because artificial intelligence needs that data to be good. and i think we'll see them, just gradually getting better at this and announce a new features. >> and more than 10,000 developers from all over the world are expected to come here today for the conference. we did reach out to google for a comment, but we have not heard back yet. live in mountain view gloria rodriguez, abc seven news gloria, thank you. >> while lawmakers work to regulate ai, tech companies are pushing forward in advancing the technology. just yesterday, san francisco based openai came out with a new version of chatgpt. gpt four will use text and vision. it can view screenshots, photos, documents or charts uploaded by users and have a conversation about them. >> it's basically listening and can see through the camera and can give answers. it's another step, you know, towards, something we call as the, the
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perfect ai, which is basically the ai will have all the five senses of human. >> dozens of demonstrators were outside openai's headquarters in the mission yesterday. they want companies to hit the pause button on ai. so more research on superhuman intelligence can be done. it is arguably the biggest sports focus of the year . the buzz around women's basketball. and today, the wnba will tip off a highly anticipated season on our sister station, espn. two young stars like caitlin clark and stanford's cameron brink are joining the ranks this season. google trends show searches about the league are sky rocketing, along with ticket sales and social media interest. clark is already selling out games with the indiana fever. her regular season debut against the connecticut sun will be that team's first sold out home opener in more than 20 years. stanford star cameron brink will open her season on wednesday, with the los angeles sparks. now
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we want to get to amanda for some breaking news about the warriors new wnba team. >> amanda, this piece of information we've been waiting for months. >> no kidding. now, moments ago on gma, the team announced the new name the valkyries. here's their logo in purple and black. we want to get right to it. the team says the name originates from norse mythology. valkyries are a host of warrior women who are fearless and unwavering, flying through the air and sea like. this brand is golden state's modern interpretation of a valkyrie strong, bold and fierce excitement continues to build for the arrival of the warriors wnba team. fans are invited to a valkyries block party at thrive city this saturday. that's may 18th at 2 p.m. the valkyries will begin to play at chase center in 2025, so fitting warrior women. exciting news this morning and they're already having a party. >> yes, i like the way that that time is happening. okay, amanda. thank you. happening today a meeting that could indicate if
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and how pro-palestinian protests on uc campuses are making a difference. the university of california regents investment committee will be meeting to discuss the university system's financial performance for the third quarter of fiscal year 20 2324. as you know, protesters have been calling for uc universities to divest from companies tied to israel in person classes have resumed at ucla. students went back yesterday. some welcomed a sense of normalcy after on campus protests and the removal of a pro-palestinian encampment. >> i just hope that everything continues to stay in person after this. i just wish things were back to normal. >> three free palestine a small group called students for justice in palestine at ucla picketed outside two parking structures yesterday on social media. the group said it will not allow business as usual after ucla brutalized students and is complicit in palestinian genocide. that's what they said. some expressed concern with the university's response, particularly its inaction when counter-protesters attacked
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people in the encampment for hours on april 30th. according to the daily bruin. ucla's academic senate will resume its consideration of a vote to censure or vote of no confidence in chancellor gene block later this week. >> happening tonight a crucial vote expected by the san francisco board of education that aims to help aging school facilities. board members are likely to approve a resolution to place a $790 million bond measure on the november ballot. the bond would also pay for a new central kitchen where meals would be made. the effort comes as the district faces a $421 million budget shortfall. that meeting is set for 5:00 tonight in the east bay, a stunning blow for a top women's water polo team. >> cal state east bay abruptly announced it's discontinuing the program. we're learning disappointment is running high among the players after a successful year and making it to their conference championship just last month. they were told wednesday that that this season
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was their last. >> just cutting us out and like that and without any notice in the middle finals week is insane. >> but they have built an incredible culture, they have a really great bond with each other, with with me and our coaching staff. >> the university says it'll still support the athletes who are returning. that includes continuing to honor any scholarships or helping them find other schools to transfer to. if players want to continue their water polo careers. the university sent us a statement which reads in part, cal state east bay continues to take steps to make more efficient and to become more efficient, i should say, and implement cost savings across campus due to a number of factors, including enrollment shortfalls. >> we've been warning you about this time is ticking. if you still haven't claimed your 2020 tax refund, the deadline to file is this friday. the reason for the unusual deadline? the pandemic. abc seven's talked with a spokesperson for the irs. he says most of the people who
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are eligible are workers who didn't make enough to be required to file a return, but still hadn't had taxes rather taken out of a paycheck. he said. in that case, you should file. >> if you had a part time job, you had some withholding. you should file that return to get that withholding back. and that's part of what's in this pot of money, if you will, more than $94 million in unclaimed tax refunds is up for grabs. >> hi, amanda. >> good morning. a traffic alert for you here at 539. we're going to take you to the straight to the bay bridge toll plaza. we're metering. lights have been flipped on. things still not filling in yet. so that's the good news to get from highway four into the city. that will take you about 41 minutes. nothing in your way as you make your way into san francisco. so good morning drew. hey, amanda. >> we'll take you to oakland, where we're looking at 8-80 this morning. the current temperature right now coming in at 53 degrees. we have a lot of cloud cover right now. it's another gray start to our day, but we'll get some sunshine breaking out
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in the east bay. and for the most part, temperatures today will stay in the 60s. visibility is good and just a light wind right now. here's live doppler seven. we flipped it over into visibility mode. most areas are doing just fine. just a couple of spots in the north bay with lower cloud decks. not thick fog right now, but santa rosa is down to two and a half miles when it comes to our visibility. here's a look at the forecast. as we look across the region, we'll find lots of sunshine temperatures in the 80s later today. inland, it's a nice warm, sunny day. now around the bay shoreline. we start and we finish the day with clouds in between. we do get sunshine with temperatures in the 60s and low 70s, but along the entire coastline. we will find a lot of cloud cover today, and it is quite cool. temperatures staying in the mid 50s for daytime high. so just like yesterday we're going to have a wide range almost like a summer spread out there where there's nearly 30 degree difference from our coastal cities to our warmest cities inland. so we'll stay cloudy in half moon bay today with a high of 58, but we'll
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jump to 84. in antioch with a lot of sunshine today. in between, we'll hit about 64 in oakland with sunny skies today, 61 in the city. we'll find a lot of cloud cover today in the city. a little break for sunshine between noon and three. but all in all, temperatures below average there. 79 in san jose will hit 80. in santa rosa. so we look at the next three days, we have that may gray morning. right now it's a similar story tomorrow maybe we bump those temperatures up 1 or 2 degrees, but there's little change. even as we head into thursday. we'll preview that all important weekend forecast on the seven and cache in, at cache creek casino resort, to rock and to roll. to go all out or... go all in.
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with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place... do as much -or as little- as you want. make your get away now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go.
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plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? you may have seen themoke if you were on 680 near the alum rock avenue exit before six. last night, the fire burned on foss avenue for people living in a unit above the temple. were
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able to get out safely. firefighters tried their best to put out the flames, but it quickly jumped to a three alarm fire. the cause is still under investigation. officials say they don't believe this fire was intentionally set because it's a place of worship. >> you know, there's always a possibility that there's some kind of nefarious, element to it. this does not appear to be that the fire officials say the four people who were displaced opted to get services from another buddhist temple nearby. >> now to a big economic announcement from president biden. $18 billion in new tariffs on chinese imports. amanda is at the live desk to explain the impact on all of us. >> yeah stephanie the administration argues it will level the playing field and protect american businesses, specifically car makers. it targets everything from semiconductors to medical equipment, steel and aluminum, even solar cells. it will also quadruple taxes on electric cars imported from china from 25 to 100. now, there are not very many chinese made electric cars
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sold in the us right now, but china makes a lot of very cheap evs and could pose a major challenge to us automakers >> with relatively modest investments, they most likely could, and it could become a competitive threat here. i think it's a clarion call to the industry. it says this is the benchmark. this is what we have to look at. >> the new tariff rates will take place over the next two years. china's foreign ministry says it opposes the tariffs and will take all necessary actions to protect its legitimate rights. and we should note that studies have shown it's u.s. consumers that bear the brunt of the costs of tariffs. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. ellen degeneres is returning to tv with an hour long netflix comedy special. the former talk show host says it will be her last stand up special. she plans to address the controversy surrounding her talk show and
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her departure. the daytime television star ended her show after 19 seasons back in 2022. it followed previous allegations from staff members who claim the set was a toxic environment. however, degeneres says that's not why she left the show. her new stand up is expected to be released later this year. >> in today's gma first look, the mothers of miss usa and miss teen usa are speaking about their daughter's resignations. abc news reporter ariel reshef has more on the abc news exclusive interview in this morning's gma first look. >> these girls need to be able to speak. they need to tell their own story because it's not right that they are silenced for the rest of their life. >> for the first time since their resignations, the mothers of miss usa, noelia void and miss teen usa umma sofia srivastava speaking out about what prompted their daughters to give up their crowns. they'd worked so hard for. the beauty queens, alleging a very ugly
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work environment that turned toxic. but they are bound by contracts which include confidentiality clauses. if your daughters were sitting here without an nda, what would they say? >> they will. >> the job of their dreams turned out to be a nightmare. yeah, they definitely. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have much more of our abc news exclusive interview with your gma. first look i'm erielle reshef abc news new york. >> 547 and we're going to santa cruz with a live look at the coast where we have those cloudy conditions. and it's this area that will stay in the cloud cover for much of the day. today we'll have some breezy conditions as we head throughout the afternoon. so take a look at your boat, beach and surf forecast. the winds out of the west will pick up later on this afternoon, likely gusting between 10 and 20mph. waves a little larger than yesterday, 3 to 5ft. your swell period is 12 seconds. and that ocean water temperature sitting in the mid and upper 50s, looking at the pollen index. i'm suffering just
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like you are allergy sufferers. trees and grasses still remain high. oak and pine are your top allergens when it comes to trees, weeds and mold are at low levels, and it looks like we'll stay this way through the next couple of days. here's future weather as we go hour by hour. you're looking at this gray contour that is the marine layer that we're looking at still overhead across many cities, around the bay shoreline. even by 9 a.m, heading deeper into the day, we'll see that cloud cover break down for more sunshine. the only area that stays in the clouds all day is the coast. away from the coast, we have warm temperatures, 70s and 80s inland later on this afternoon, but again, those winds are going to pick up. it's one of those days where we have those calm winds right now. then we get that daytime heating and that onshore flow really strengthens. so we see by 5 p.m. today, those winds likely gusting 15 to 25mph throughout the afternoon and into the early evening. just be aware of that. so today, just like yesterday, we have similar temperatures with cool coastline numbers. and
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then inland we're pretty warm 80 for concord, 79 in san jose, quite lovely in palo alto today, 74 we'll go to 76 in napa. the city. it's a chilly one today at 61 degrees. we'll go into the mid 60s for oakland and half moon bay. underneath the cloud cover will stay in the upper 50s across the state. the setup is pretty similar no matter where you are. the coast is pretty cool. 60s and 70s from santa barbara to la, but in our valleys we are warm 90 for fresno and bakersfield. our deserts are hot upper 90s to near 100 later on today, back here at home, we'll find any areas that do have full sunshine . we'll see that marine layer move in pretty swiftly this evening by about 7:08 p.m, we're seeing those clouds surge back in from the coastline. so overnight tonight, we do it all again. that may gray does continue. we'll turn to overcast skies with that fog overhead and temperatures in the 40s and 50s. here is the accuweather seven day forecast. you'll find that temperatures don't move all that much over the next couple of days. it's a breezy end to the
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week with a nice weekend on the way. guys >> thanks, jerry. you've heard all about the doom and gloom in san francisco. new at six proof that hope and help is on the way, but first san francisco drawing in major musical acts this fall, the list of artists making their way to the city in september and a live look outside. it is 550 and we're coming right back.
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ )
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ with former president trump this morning, johnson will commute with trump in his motorcade from trump tower and is expected to be in the courtroom for the morning. the former president is expected to face his one time fixer in court again today. abc news reporter perry russom has
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the details. >> former president trump's fixer michael cohen telling the jury before the 2016 election, trump warned him, be prepared. there's going to be a lot of women coming forward. the first was karen mcdougal, a former playboy model. trump denies having an affair with her. cohen, testifying the national enquirer bought her story at trump's direction. the jury hearing the secretly recorded conversation where the two allegedly discussed the deal. >> when it comes time for the financing, which will be what financing we'll have to pay you so. >> cohen testifying. he then heard stormy daniels was trying to sell her story. another affair trump denies cohen testifying trump ordered him to make sure daniels story did not get out, saying push it out past the election because if i win, it has no relevance. and if i lose, i don't care. cohen telling the jury trump told him to pay daniels to keep her quiet. so cohen says he took out a loan to cover the $130,000
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payment, got final approval from trump, then wired daniels the money prosecutors say trump paid cohen back, then falsified business records to cover it up. breaking the law got no evidence, and now ministers. prosecutors have said they could rest their case this week, meaning cohen could be one of the final witnesses. perry russom, abc news, washington. >> new trouble for former new york mayor rudy giuliani. his radio show has been canceled. the station owner says giuliani was taken off the air because he ignored orders to stop discussing false conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. giuliani responded on social media, claiming that he was fired for, quote, refusing to comply with the overly broad directive. >> donald glover, or sometimes known as childish gambino, has just announced a world tour. the rapper is heading back on the road in support of a newly released and reworked version of his 2020 album, alta vista. it
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kicks off in august, and you can see him right here in the bay area on september 21st at chase center. tickets go on pre-sale starting tomorrow and general sales starting on friday. it is the first time he has toured since 2019. >> the portola festival is returning to san francisco this september for a third year, and we now know wch artists will be performing. the official lineup released yesterday shows over 30 artists performing over the two days. rufus diesel is set toeadline saturday, while sunday features the french duo justice.riti rapper m.i.a will also be among the acts on sunday. tickets go on sale this friday at noon. the 23rd annual oakland art and soul festival has been canceled. organizers say it's due to a months long delay in funding from the city of oakland that was approved by the city council for last year's event. they're going to use this year to regroup and secure new funding. they say they hope to return next year, but only time will tell. >> we hope to see that.
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>> well, new at six. a just released full show. san francisco mayor london breed is the most unfavorable mayoral candidate. why? she's still in the lead to get reelected. >> and look at what happened at a bay area tesla charging station. details on the damage and an update on the investigation. >> plus, not so fast. us airlines are fighting back against the biden administration's plans to end so-called junk fees. >> and we'll take you outside a live look from our south beach camera pointed at the bay bridge. >> you see those overcast skies greeting us first thing. it's pretty cloudy in most areas. the lone exception are furthest inland. cities are seeing clear skies right now, so inland will have a lot of sunshine today it's quite warm. we'll get into the low 80s for daytime highs around the bay shoreline. we start and we finish the day with cloud cover, but in between we get sunshine and temperatures going into the upper 60s to near 70 degrees and along the coast. it's pretty cloudy all day today with some cool temperatures in the 50s, so a wide range of
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afternoon highs will keep that coastline on the cool side with cloud cover and inland. you'll you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪
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now at six protesters ready to demonstrate at google's headquarters. this comes after dozens of employees were fired. we're


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