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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  May 14, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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now at six protesters ready to demonstrate at google's headquarters. this comes after dozens of employees were fired. we're live with the details.
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>> could san francisco be facing more budget cuts? what new data is revealing? >> and there is a lot of talk about ai lately, locally and internationally. what's being done to safeguard the technology? >> good morning. welcome tuesday, may 14th. >> let's check on your forecast. >> yeah. so we'll take you outside the sun. it is up here. you wouldn't know it though because you got a lot of cloud cover out there. here's a live look from the tam cam showing you that sun is above the horizon. but we are dealing with a lot of cloud cover out there. this morning, and you will find temperatures to begin. or basically in the 40s and in the mid 50s out there right now. so let's break it down region by region. right now you will find along the coast we're pretty cloudy throughout the day. the afternoon maybe between about 11 and four, may get a little poke of sunshine breaking through, but temperatures mainly staying in the mid 50s for our daytime highs now around the bay shoreline, we're bookended by clouds. that means we'll start the morning and we'll end the
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day with that marine layer. but in between, we get some bright sunshine and that will warm us up later on. today into the upper 60s and lower 70s for daytime highs. now inland, you don't have the marine layer, so you have sunny skies from the get go. clear skies all day long and it will be a warm afternoon with temperatures topping out in the low and mid 80s. let's see how that commute is going with amanda. good morning. >> yeah good morning drew. well the overall map showing things are starting to fill in. still pretty green. so really nothing in your way around the bay area. but if we take you to the bay bridge, there was a two car crash that has just been cleared. things are still a little slow as you approach the city. you can see speeds are down to 30mph. that two car crash was just before fifth street. it is commute directions, so be alert, especially for those heading into the city. back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. today's a big day in silicon valley. google is kicking off its biggest event of the year. thousands of people expected for the i o developers conference, and they will be greeted by protesters. abc seven
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news reporter gloria rodriguez is live in mountain view with what we can expect today and how it ties into the war between israel and hamas. >> a good morning, reggie. yeah, today google is having that annual i o developers conference , and they're planning to reveal cutting edge ai tools. but a pro-palestinian group is threatening to shut down that conference. and today's rally is once again seeking to stop google's so-called project. nimbus is an ai surveillance software that protesters allege is being used by the israeli government to target civilians in gaza, demonstrators had a similar rally at google headquarters last month, where some were arrested and 50 were even fired as a result. but as far as google's i o developers conference today, experts tell us that privacy and data security may be big topics. one analyst tells us this is going to be the summer of. >> i think you'll see more intuitive ways to search. for example, they have they've talked about a capability around
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circle to search where you can simply circle an image, and this is really handy, by the way, when you're on a cell phone, on a smartphone or a tablet where you have that ability to do that, that's a really intuitive way. that kind of breaks through that 20 year, 25 year habit. we have of just using alphanumeric text to search on something. >> more than 10,000 developers from all over the world are expected to come here today for the conference, and you can see they are setting up for that conference behind me. we're seeing a lot more activity as more people get here. for the conference, we did reach out to google for a comment about the protests, but we have not heard back yet. live in mountain view gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> gloria, thank you on the peninsula. >> now there's a lot of pressure to approve farmworker housing. at tonight's planning meeting in half moon bay. governor newsom has called on the city to expedite those housing plans or face legal action. amanda is at the live desk with the timeline. and, amanda, this is a long time coming. >> yeah, stephanie, a big
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project that has been in talks for years. the proposed location is at 555 kelly avenue in half moon bay. now, mercy housing and the nonprofit alejo's want to knock down a vacant house and replace it with a five story senior housing complex for farm workers. but there have been disagreements over the size of the building and parking. there have already been two meetings to move forward without a vote earlier this month, governor newsom threatened legal action, accusing local officials of stalling the project. abc seven news reporter luz pena asked half moon bay's mayor about the situation. >> do you think the process is taking too long? >> it's adequate time. it feels really interested in building farmworker housing. give us funding. we'll make good use of those fundings. >> the planning commission meeting tonight starts at 7 p.m. governor newsom wants a decision this week to be in accordance with state housing targets. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. this morning, vallejo police are looking into vandalism at a tesla supercharger station that put
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more than a half dozen chargers out of service. you may have seen this video that went viral on tiktok over the weekend. it shows the chargers, which are in a target parking lot with the charging cables cut and stolen. abc seven news spoke with one driver, who believes the cables may have been targeted for the valuable copper they have inside. >> i used to run, investigate for quite some time, 17 years for local retailers, and so it was a common sight to see generators stripped in the back of local retailers, often for the copper. >> there are security cameras located near the chargers where they were stolen, but it's unknown if those actually captured the incident. >> san francisco could be facing more budget cuts. a new detailed report is due out today that will inform the mayor on what steps to take. based on the latest data, san francisco is facing a projected budget deficit of nearly $800 million over the next two upcoming budget years. the controller's office is digging deeper into every city's department expenses
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and the revenues that are coming in. and one of the biggest red flags so far is office vacancies. >> what are you looking into ■fr this report? >> so we're looking at the general fund and we're looking at all the tax revenue. so there's sales tax and hotel tax. we're definitely seeing that not a lot of commercial buildings are selling. so we are taking a hit in our real estate transfer tax. >> ahead of the latest budget review, mayor breed asked city departments to propose 10% cuts for the next fiscal year. by june first, the mayor is set to submit a full proposal for the budget to the board of supervisors. i safety will be the topic of discussion today during a first of its kind meeting between the u.s. and china. doctor nolan higdon from cal state east bay, explains why both countries have an interest in working together on ai security. >> these nations, like china and the united states, are competitors against one another, so it behooves them not to work
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together in this space. but on the other hand, you know, they're both leaders of countries, and they fear about the security of their country. they fear about their ability to control information. and so in that sense, they kind of have a joint interest as well. >> the meeting in switzerland was first agreed to when president joe biden met with china's president xi jinping, here in the bay area during apec last november, where the topic of safety with ai also prompted a brief hearing at san francisco city hall yesterday. supervisor dean preston is pushing to add safeguards over false and misleading ai generated material , particularly its role in city elections. some examples were given of material being circulated right now, we believe strongly that the threat of election disinformation turbocharged by ai is too grave. >> we can't just go with business as usual. we need to take real proactive steps forward to ensure that our
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elections are not subverted. >> currently, four bills centered on ai protections are making their way through the state legislature a win for the a's in their effort to relocate to las vegas. >> yesterday, the nevada supreme court struck down a proposed ballot measure that would have allowed voters to repeal public funding for the project. lawmakers approved the $380 million last year. supporters of that ballot measure say they're going to try to get it onto the 2026 ballot. >> the supreme court has denied california's plea for immunity for covid deaths at san quentin prison. that means several lawsuits can now move forward. back in may 2020, staff at the prison in chino tried to stop an outbreak by sending more than 100 inmates to san quentin. san quentin had been covid free at the time, but after the transfer, hundreds of people got sick and more than two dozen died. state lawmakers later blasted the decision, calling it the worst prison health mistake in state history. >> the battle over public access
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to martins beach in san mateo county will go to trial again, according to sfgate. a judge has ruled the state's case against the billionaire property owner can go forward. vino khosla has kept martins beach closed to the public since buying 89 acres of the property. there in 2008. multiple lawsuits followed, including 1 in 2020 filed by california's lands and coastal commission. that is the case that's now moving forward again. it's set to go to trial next year. >> coming up, recession concern is why financial regulators are sending out warnings to some mortgage companies. >> with all the talk of businesses leaving san francisco , new numbers show that is not the whole story and just when you thought transparency with airline tickets was going to be required, well, airlines are
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against the federal government. amanda, they say these new rules are to help improve transparency, but it's actually ending up confusing people. >> yeah. so, stephanie, you might remember the biden administration announced these new rules last month. they would require airlines and travel agents to disclose any changes or charges, i should say, for luggage or canceling or changing a reservation up front, right on the same page where they quote a price for a flight. but a group of airlines and the lobby group airlines for america are claiming the department of transportation exceeded its authority with that rule. they argue the rule will complicate
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the ticket buying process and create confusion. the transportation department says it will defend the rule in court. >> this isn't just about enforcing when something goes wrong, it's making it less likely something would go wrong in the first place. this will build confidence in air travel at a time when airlines need to do more to secure passengers trust. >> of the six biggest airlines in the country, southwest is the only one that did not join the lawsuit. it argued these rules don't apply since their passengers already get two free bags, depending on how this legal fight plays out, airlines have six months to put these new rules in place. back to you, stephanie. >> thank you. amanda, a sonoma county judge has dismissed multiple felony charges against an animal rights activist who set chickens free from a petaluma slaughterhouse. a uc berkeley student, zoe rosenberg, is an organizer with the animal rights group direct action everywhere. the group posted videos claiming to have found evidence of animal abuse inside
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perdue poultry slaughterhouse. rosenberg is still facing one felony and three misdemeanors, and she could face up to five years in prison if she's convicted. >> it's a sign that san francisco's downtown could be recovering at least a little from the pandemic. an office building that was totally empty as recently as last september is now attracting new tenants, according to the chronicle. a large discount on rent is definitely helping out. a total of nine new leases has been signed at 550 california street, the building's new owner tells the paper. another two leases are expected to close in the next two weeks. that would bring the building's occupancy from 0 to 17. >> okay, when you think of space travel and meals, you might think of powdered food. well, space travel, startup space perspective wants to change that. they've actually hired a danish michelin star chef to make space dining and experience with a meal themed innovation in
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which you can see here. six people will be heading to the boundary of earth's atmosphere on spaceship neptune, which is more like a balloon and it's not cheap. the cost for dinner and a space show for $195,000 per ticket. >> is this actually happening? like they have the ability to do this? >> i think this sounds like it's an idea, but i love a simulation with screens maybe costing me $45. >> you can do that, say 495,000. >> that's a lot of money. insane >> you can do that at epcot. >> yeah, they have a restaurant where they simulate you going to space. there we go. then you get up there and it's all screens and you see out into space. that's cool. and you eat your food and then you go back to earth, and then that's it. >> sign me up for that $45. >> no. you want to bring that up to a 75? we can talk. okay? >> okay. all right, i'll do that . >> a half a million.
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>> does that cost to go up and do the. yeah. like, probably like 75. yeah. oh, yeah. >> it's not bad. >> worth it. yeah. >> let's do it right now. here's live. look outside. if you go upstairs right now you see a lot of cloud cover. here's the exploratorium camera. we have our may gray to start out another morning where we have those clouds dotting many of our cities. as we get you out the door on our tuesday. here's a look at your weather wellness today. air quality. good to moderate out there. pollen levels unchanged from yesterday. we are still seeing high levels of grass pollen and tree pollen, mainly oak and pine trees. your uv index an eight out of an 11 today that is very high. here's future weather as we plan out your day. the gray contour you see on your screen here at 930. that's still the marine layer overhead across a huge portion of the bay shoreline. as we go deeper into the day, you can see that cloud cover. it breaks down in all areas except the immediate coastline where we do stay pretty cloudy all day and pretty chilly in the 50s. but away from the coast you got a lot of sunshine and warm temperatures in the 70s and in
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the 80s. but as you go deeper into the afternoon, the winds will pick up today that onshore flow turns breezy. you can see those gusts between about 15 and 25mph. later on this afternoon. so just like yesterday, a wide range of temperatures warm inland 80 for concord, 81 in livermore, 80 in santa rosa, ukiah, up to 89. it's warm in the south bay, 79 in san jose, 74 in palo alto. but the coastline and parts of the east bay shoreline will stay in the 50s and 60s. thanks to that marine influence across the state. it's a cool coastline, the 60s and 70s, 71 in la today with afternoon sunshine. our valleys are quite warm in the 90s and our deserts are getting hot. palm springs approaching 100 later today. back here at home, the evening planner showing you will have that marine layer surging back in throughout the six, seven, 8 p.m. hour. and we'll have those temperatures cooling off pretty quickly back into the 50s. so overnight tonight we'll turn to overcast skies once again. and overnight lows in the 40s and in the 50s. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. the next 5
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to 7 days. little change when it comes to our sky, morning clouds, the afternoon sunshine a bit breezier to end the week, but the weekend looking very nice. guys >> drew thank you. good morning america is coming up at seven right here on abc seven. >> ginger zee has a look at what's ahead. >> reggie and stephanie it's great to be with you this morning. coming up here on gma. we are following the latest on donald trump's criminal trial. michael cohen will be back on the stand as the former president's lawyers prepare for cross examination. plus, we have an exclusive with the duty officer that was in the situation room on january 6th. just how close, he says, that we were to losing vice president pence and the mothers of miss usa and miss teen usa on why their daughters gave up their crowns and what they'd like to see happen next at the pageant organization. and it is always sunny in times square when rob mcelhaney is here. he is talking about the new season of welcome to wrexham. also he has a big announcement. plus we're going to tell you how to take a high flying adventure in canada without 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours
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see berkeley report finds it may be worse than we think. researchers measured how affordable a county is based on the percentage of current california residents who could financially manage to live there, their study found. just
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35% of californians could comfortably rent in san francisco county. that's the lowest share among any of the bay area's nine counties. contra costa county fared the best. 50% of californians could afford to rent there, based on this report. >> financial regulators are sounding the alarm about certain mortgage companies, they say could make the next recession worse. they're worried about mortgage companies not tied to banks, including rocket mortgage , pennymac and mr. cooper. they don't face as much regulation. they don't have a safety net of stable deposits like a bank would. regulators want lawmakers to create a backup fund to help if one of those companies goes under? >> may is asian american, native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month in the south bay. members of the vietnamese community have been calling for better representation of their culture. yesterday, the community gathered to welcome the development of the vietnamese heritage garden in san jose. >> this moment, not merely about
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digging soil or laying bricks. it is a celebration of our heritage, our collective identity, our enduring spirit. >> the centerpiece is a statue depicting an american and vietnamese soldier standing side by side. construction on those statues will start immediately and finish in july. city leaders ultimately envision a community center for performances and educational programs as okay, this is exciting. the giants have a new tribute to the say hey kid. just one week after the hall of famers 93rd birthday, the team opened a museum all about willie mays right across the street from oracle park. inside, there are projectors showing hundreds of shots of mays life and career, with memorabilia lining the walls. >> the time to honor him is long overdue, so we're excited and thrilled that we can do this for him.
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>> the museum will open on days with home games three hours before first pitch. it's free to visit and runs through the end of the season, the giants says mays hasn't seen it yet, but they're looking forward to his feedback. >> if you're a fan of red lobster, you may have to drive a little farther to get a cheddar bay biscuit, according to the chronicle, a wave of more than 50 red lobster restaurants across the country abruptly shut down yesterday. that includes two locations in rohnert park and fremont. red lobster has not commented, but the company's website shows a message that the locations are temporarily closed . this comes as a seafood chain is reportedly on the brink of filing for bankruptcy. >> have you had a cheddar bay biscuits? >> i've never even been to red lobster, so i guess i don't know what i'm missing. >> i know i've never had a cheddar bay. >> i hear they're delicious. next is 630, the moment we've all been waiting for. at least the moment that i've been waiting for. we know the name of the new bay area women's professional basketball team. they did not go with drew's idea
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. >> plus the advancement that chatgpt just took and how you can use it right now. >> hey, drew. drew, do you want to say what your idea was? yeah, i was thinking the bay area baddies, the bay area baddies was genius. >> genius. but i'm still gobsmacked. you have had a cheddar biscuit. i know right? >> they're delicious. deal with me. >> i have to every day outside this morning. here's a live look at san jose. we'll break down the day you find cloud cover. this morning we'll get a bright afternoon on the way. a wide range of temperare cool along the coast, but warm areas
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now at 630, we are live outside google headquarters, where a large protest is expected this morning, just as google holds its annual developers conference. >> and remember this video of a waymo driverless vehicle breaking some traffic laws this hour. we're learning about an investigation by federal officials, and california restaurants are facing a surcharge ban, but the service industry is arguing they shouldn't be classified as a service. good morning everybody. it's tuesday, may 14th. >> we're going to start with the check on your forecast. hey, drew. >> yeah. good morning. so we begin with cloudy skies out there. we'll take a high above the clouds with our tam camera.
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right now you see the marine layer down below but above the clouds. we are dealing with a lot of sunshine out there, but underneath the cloud cover right now, current temperatures. as we get you out the door on this tuesday morning, you can see we're mainly in the 40s and mid 50s as we start the day. here's a look at the forecast. we'll break it down by regions the coast. it's just pretty cloudy all day long. you can see later on this afternoon we could see a little peeks of sunshine here and there. but all in all, temperatures are going to stay cool in the mid 50s. now around the bay shoreline. we are starting out with that cloud cover. this morning. that's what you see here at 7 a.m. but we will get sunshine breaking out later on this afternoon and temperatures warm pretty nicely. we'll go into the upper 60s and lower 70s later on this afternoon, but that marine layer surges on back later on this evening. now inland, we don't have the cloud cover to begin the day. we have sunshine out there right now starting temperatures in the mid 50s later on this afternoon. it will feel warm inland. we'll have those highs in the low 80s. let's see how that commute is going with amanda. good morning.
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>> good morning drew. we are going to start you off in the east bay if we can. >> things are just beginning to fill in here at 630 in the morning. you can see from a look from our richmond camera, you can tell things just slow moving traffic is slow from castro street to the tolls. and then we want to get to our bay bridge toll cam traffic is stopped between the maze and the metering lights. northbound 880 is backed up from the diamond split. delays continue across the span to fremont street, back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. happening today, google's biggest developer conference of the year gets underway this morning. protesters are promising to disrupt the event. they want to stop $1 billion ai contract the company has with the israeli government. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez is live at google headquarters in mountain view. and, gloria, are you already seeing people behind you there? >> we are. reggie you can probably see all the activity behind me. these are mostly employees who are here. they're getting set up for the conference today. and of course,
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google is planning to reveal some cutting edge ai tools today during the conference. but a pro-palestinian group is threatening to shut down that conference. we have some video from a similar protest at google headquarters last month where some were arrested. about 50 were even fired as a result. today's rally is once again seeking to stop google's so-called project nimbus. it's an ai surveillance software that protesters allege is being used by the israeli government to target civilians in gaza. google has refuted that allegation. experts tell us that privacy and data security may be big topics at google's announcement today. so far, the company's gemini assistant has struggled with accuracy, but experts at abc7 talked to hope to see more. >> google have got access to the world's data uh- in. technically, they should be better than anyone else at artificial intelligence, because artificial intelligence needs that data to be good. and i think we'll see them, just
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gradually getting better at this and announcing new features. >> more than 10,000 developers from all over the world are expected to come here today for the conference, and behind me again, you can see people setting up for that conference today as far as the protests, i'm told that protesters will be gathering nearby and they're going to start that rally today at 9:00 in the morning. and we did reach out to google for a comment on the rally today. we have not heard back yet. live in mountain view. gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> gloria, thanks for the update. while lawmakers work to regulate ai, tech companies are pushing forward in advancing the technology, just yesterday, san francisco based openai came out with a new version of chatgpt. the gpt four will use text and vision. it can actually view screenshots, photos, documents, or charts uploaded by users and have a conversation about them. >> it's basically listening and can see through the camera and
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can give answers. it's another step, you know, towards, something we call as the, the perfect ai, which is basically the ai will have all the five senses of human. >> dozens of demonstrators were outside open ai's headquarters in the mission yesterday. they want companies to hit the pause button on ai. so more research on superhuman intelligence can be done. >> happening today, a meeting that could indicate if and how pro-palestinian protests on uc campuses are making a difference. the university of california regents investment committee will be meeting to discuss the university system's financial performance for the third quarter of fiscal year 20 2324. as you know, protesters have been calling for uc universities to divest from companies tied to israel. in-person classes have resumed at ucla. students went back yesterday. some were welcoming a sense of normalcy after on campus protests and the removal of a pro-palestinian encampment. >> i just hope that everything continues to stay in person
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after this. i just wish things were back to normal. >> a small group called students for justice in palestine at ucla picketed outside two parking structures yesterday on social media. the group said it will not allow business as usual after ucla brutalized students. and they said is complicit in palestinian genocide. some expressed concern with the university's response, particularly its inaction when counter-protesters attacked people in the encampment for hours april 30th. according to the daily bruin, ucla's academic senate will resume its consideration of a vote to censure or a vote of no confidence in chancellor gene block. later this week. >> now to a big economic announcement from president biden. $18 billion in new tariffs on chinese imports amanda is at the live desk now to explain the impact on all of us. >> yes stephanie. the administration argues it will level the playing field and protect american businesses, specifically, carmakers now a targets everything from
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semiconductors to medical equipment, steel and aluminum, and even solar cells. it will also quadruple taxes on electric cars imported from china from 20 to 100. there are not very many chinese made electric cars sold in the us right now, but china makes a lot of very cheap evs that could pose a major challenge to us automakers with relatively modest investments. >> they most likely could, and it could become a competitive threat. here i think it's a clarion call to the industry. it says this is the benchmark. this is what we have to look at. >> the new tariff rates will take place over the next two years. china's foreign ministry says it opposes the tariffs and will take all necessary actions to protect its legitimate rights. and we should note that studies have shown it's u.s. consumers who bear the brunt of the cost of tariffs. back to you, reggie. >> in the south bay, four people have been displaced after a fire
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tore through a buddhist temple in san jose. you may have seen e smoke if you are on 680 near the alum rock avenue exit before six. last night, the fire burned on foss avenue for people living in a unit above the temple were able to get out safely. firefighters tried their best to put out the flames, but it quickly jumped to three alarms. the cause is still under investigation, but officials say they don't believe this fire was intentionally set because it's a place of worship. >> you know, there's always a possibility that there's some kind of nefarious element to it. this does not appear to be that. >> fire officials say the four people who were displaced opted to get services from another buddhist temple nearby. >> happening tonight, a crucial vote expected by the san francisco board of education that aims to help aging school facilities. board members are likely to approve a resolution to place a $790 million bond measure on the november ballot. the bond would also pay for a new central kitchen where meals would be made. the effort comes
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as the district faces a $421 million budget shortfall. that meeting is set for 5:00 tonight. abc news has learned house speaker mike johnson is going to criminal court in new york with former president trump this morning, johnson will commute with trump in his motorcade from trump tower and is expected to be in the courtroom for the morning. the former president is expected to face his one time fixer in court again today. abc news reporter perry russom has the details. >> former president trump's fixer michael cohen telling the jury before the 2016 election, trump warned him be prepared. there's going to be a lot of women coming forward. the first was karen mcdougal, a former playboy model. trump denies having an affair with her. cohen, testifying the national enquirer bought her story at trump's direction. the jury hearing the secretly recorded conversation where the two allegedly discussed the deal. >> when it comes time for the financing, which will be what financing we'll have to pay you.
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>> so cohen, testifying. he then heard stormy daniels was trying to sell her story. another affair trump denies. cohen testified that trump ordered him to make sure daniels story did not get out, saying push it out past the election because if i win, it has no relevance. and if i lose, i don't care. cohen telling the jury trump told him to pay daniels to keep her quiet so cohen says he took out a loan to cover the $130,000 payment, got final approval from trump, then wired daniels the money prosecutors say trump paid cohen back, then falsified business records to cover it up. >> breaking the law got no evidence, and i'm innocent. >> prosecutors have said they could rest their case this week, meaning cohen could be one of the final witnesses. perry russom, abc news, washington. why buy a house when you can buy an entire town? >> details on the california location that's for sale.
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>> i like the stock. those four words change everything. now, the man who led the charge against gamestop short sellers is back and so is the stock price. here we go again. >> and you're looking live at the big board at the new york stock exchange. you see the dow is up about 65 points. >> it's a big day for the wnba. the highly anticipated season kicks off and we know the name of the new bay area team. the colors, the logo. we're going to show it to you. but first here's drew. >> hey, reg, we'll take you to san jose this morning. a live look outside. we have those clouds with us in the airport is reporting overcast skies right now. current temperature of about 56 degrees. really light winds out there and high humidity to start our day. here's the out the door forecast. you do notice we have a lot of cloud cover. at least through 10 a.m. this morning around the bay shoreline. then after that we'll see that sunshine start to break out in those temperatures, beginning to climb into the low 60s right around lunchtime. here's live doppler seven along with satellite low pressure over
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southern california is supplying us with that deep marine layer up and down the entire state's coastline this morning, and we will have a wide range of temperatures again later today. so let's break it down region by region, inland in our warmest areas, we have a lot of sunshine today. temperatures going into the low 80s around the bay shoreline. we have that cloud cover right now. sunshine later today, those temperatures in the upper 60s and lower 70s now along the coast, we have a mostly cloudy day. we'll find temperatures on the cool side in the mid 50s later on today. so high of 58 and half moon bay a cool 61 in the city, 64 in oakland, which is below average for this time of the year. but you hop inland. concord, antioch warm in the 80s, 79 with sunshine in san jose. we'll hit 80 for a high in santa rosa. looking at the next three days, we'll keep this pattern of morning clouds, afternoon sunshine, and little change to our day to day temperatures. we'll preview the weekend
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self-driving vehicles. amanda. it's the second investigate this week into robo taxis. >> yeah, that's right. stephanie. it's just a day after the national highway traffic safety administration started a review into foster city based
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self-driving company zoox. and now they are announcing a probe this morning into waymo. it also comes after 22 reports of waymo vehicles either crashing or doing something that may have violated traffic laws in those crashes, the vehicles hit stationary objects like gates, chains or parked vehicles. some of the incidents happened right after the waymo driving system reportedly behaved unexpectedly near traffic signs and cones, the agency said it understands that waymo's automated driving system was engaged in each incident, or in some cases, involving a test vehicle. a human driver disengaged the system just before an accident happened. now, the company said, it makes more than 50,000 weekly trips with riders. waymo is based in mountain view and has been operating robo taxis without human safety drivers in arizona and california for including here in san francisco. back to you. the desk reggie. >> thanks, amanda. now it's time for your morning money report. time is ticking to claim your 2020 tax refund. the deadline to
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file is this friday. the reason for the unusual deadline the pandemic. abc seven talked with a spokesperson for the irs. he says most of the people who are eligible are workers who didn't make enough to be required to file a return, but still had taxes taken out of their paychecks, he said. in that case , go ahead and file. >> you had a part time job. you had some withholding. you should file that return to get that withholding back. and that's part of what's in this pot of money, if you will. >> more than $94 billion in unclaimed tax refunds is up for grabs. >> all it took was one social post of a cartoon to send shares and game stock skyrocketing. sunday night, keith gill made his first post on tax in years. then on monday, gamestop stock went up more than 70. keith gill, who helped ignite a frenzy three years ago, returned to social media. and you may recall this actually happened back in 2021. the video game store saw its value temporarily soar after gill set off the so-called meme
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stock craze. and here's a live look at the gamestop stock right now. you see, it's up about 67 points. >> taking a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway this morning. and we are up about 50 points. there's a unique real estate listing on the market in socal, a town named campo is up for sale. >> it's located in san diego county, just about a mile away from the us mexico border. and it's going for $6.6 million. >> the sale includes 21 residential buildings, seven commercial properties, a post office, lumber yard and thrift store. it's currently owned by a las vegas investor who has previously failed to sell the town. there's approximately 150 residents in campo, california. restaurants have found a clever way to possibly get out of the surcharge ban. senate bill 478 is set to go into effect july 1st. that requires businesses to disclose any extra fees that they're going to charge. customers who are receiving
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goods and services. the law was introduced by state attorney general rob bonta. however, the california restaurant association argues they should be exempt from the law, claiming their menu items are not goods or services. this will likely end up in court. >> the full schedule for the nfl season will be announced tomorrow, but we just found out the first monday night football game the san francisco 49 ers are taking on the new york jets. that announcement coming down this past hour aaron rodgers of course is expected to start for the jets. he grew up here in northern california and he was a big 40 niners fan and has had a chip on his shoulder because the 40 niners did not draft him. that game will be played at levi's stadium, and it's one of several expected prime time games for the nfc champion. 40 niners. of course, that game will be right here on abc seven on september 9th. well, it's arguably the biggest sports focus of the year. the buzz around women's basketball. and today the wnba will tip off a
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highly anticipated season on our sister station espn. two young stars like caitlin clark and stanford's cameron brink are joining the ranks this season. google trends shows searches about the league are skyrocketing, along with ticket sales and social media interest. clark is already selling out games with the indiana fever, her regular season debut against the connecticut sun will be that team's first sold out home opener in more than 20 years. stanford star cameron brink will open her season on wednesday with the los angeles sparks. >> new this morning a very big announcement about the name of the warriors new wnba team. a man is at the live desk. amanda, i'm not going to steal your thunder. what is it? >> it's go. >> valkyrie. i looked over there because that's where they're sitting. but i'm looking straight at you because this morning on gma, the team announced the new name, the golden state valkyries. the team also released this video saying this is where legends take flight. but our story has yet to be written. you'll notice the
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purple and black. those are the valkyrie colors. the team says the name originates from north norse mythology. valkyries are a host of warrior women who are fearless and unwavering, flying through the air and sea alike. this brand is golden state's modern interpretation of a valkyrie strong, bold, and fierce. here's the big announcement on gma release that banner. >> lily. let's see it. >> yeah! the bakery's golden state valkyries. >> i like that name. jess thank you. oh my goodness. right. >> when you think of the bay area, you think of the region that leads the world and being innovative and progressive at the same time. and we think about what's happening in women's sports and being able to marry those together. it's going to be really powerful. this ownership group likes to win in everything they do, but with intention, you know, and that's how we're going to build the valkyries and build this brand. >> that's amazing. so the merch is now available. golden state
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valkyries president jess smith presented robin roberts with some personal gear. excitement continues to build for their arrival. fans are invited to a valkyries block party at thrive city this saturday. that's may 18th at 2 p.m. the valkyries will begin play at chase center in 2025, and i did. i know that we've been posting this on social media, getting feedback from a lot of people in the bay area. everyone seems to be unfamiliar with valkyries, warrior women is a great way to put it, which is so fitting considering golden state warriors. a lot of people are thinking or commenting. well, what's gold about this? why do the colors match sacramento? that i don't have the answer to? but i hear you. it's grown on me though. >> seeing the merch has changed things for me because it's a lighter purple than i expected it to be. yeah, so i like it. and i also really like that she was wearing those those purple
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nike's to it. you know what? it's cute. >> yeah i'm into it i agree i think it's growing on me. i do understand you know the questions about where's the golden and the golden state. >> yeah. but i think, you know for a women team for you know, its warrior women. i think that's a beautiful theme for it. yeah, certainly. >> now where my jersey at i know i saw that purple sweater. >> i know it's like i might need some right now. can i go get it? >> go at the part at the party saturday. yeah. >> i was going to say the block party. party. >> yeah. the weather's gonna be good. >> it will be. and we'll find that the fog is here this morning. sunshine breaks out this afternoon. a live look outside our east bay hills camera showing you that fog rolling down the hillsides. really pretty picture this morning. we will find sunshine breaking out throughout the day. we'll take a look at your weather wellness uh- pollen index. no change from yesterday. you can still see grasses tree pollen at high levels. it will remain there through the next couple of days. weeds and mold still at low levels. so here's future weather as we go. hour by hour. you notice this gray contour on your screen. that is
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the marine layer. and it's still well overhead in a lot of cities around the bay shoreline, even through 930. now, we'll continue to chip away at that fog as we head deeper into the afternoon. and by 3:00 pm, you can see we do have that pretty widespread load of temperatures where the coast underneath the cloud cover remains relatively cool in the 50s, but you move inland and you have that sunshine and that warm weather in the 70s. and in the 80s. so take a look at the boat, beach and surf forecast along the coast today. it's really cloudy throughout the afternoon. we'll find winds picking up out of the west, gusting about 10 to 20mph, waves a little larger than yesterday, 3 to 5ft. your swell period is 12 seconds and your ocean water temperature is in the mid 50s. let's talk more about those winds as we get to peak daytime heating. here you have that hot air rising from the valley that brings in that breeze through the delta, and we'll find it gusting from time to time, about 15 to 25mph throughout the afternoon and the early evening. so today, a chilly high of 61. in the city,
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we'll go to 64 in oakland, which is below average for this time of the year, but warmer as you head south. san jose closing in on 80 degrees today. we'll hit 76. in napa it is warm inland from concord, antioch, fairfield to livermore. we'll go into the low and mid 80s for daytime highs. game two the dodgers still in town at oracle park tonight. very similar to yesterday. have several layers in that jacket on top because a first pitch temperature will be in the upper 50s. but that fog will continue to roll in overhead. the winds will pick up throughout the evening across the park. it does turn chilly by the ninth inning. those temperatures are dipping into the mid 50s. so overnight tonight we'll watch that fog surge back inland. overnight temperatures very similar to where we started out this morning. we'll get you into the mid 40s and mid 50s as we begin our wednesday. here's the accuweather seven day forecast the next seven days for you. morning clouds to sunshine. today it's a little bit warmer than yesterday. we'll continue that warming trend tomorrow through the end of the week. little change. breezier for friday, but that leads to a nice weekend. saturday and sunday. lots of sunshine and temperatures close to average
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for this time of the year. guys >> drew. thank you. the 23rd annual oakland art and soul festival has been canceled. organizers say it's due to a months long delay in funding from the city of oakland that got approved by the city council for last year's event. the balance of this year will help them regroup and secure new funding. they say they hope to return next year, but only time will tell. >> yeah, we will see. we hope they do. up next, the seven things you need to know this morning a reminder you can watch all of our newscasts live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. >> it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and start streaming. >> and as we head
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overnight. he met with ukraine's president, telling him part of a major us aid package has arrived and more is on the way. >> number three, the half moon bay planning commission could vote on a long delayed housing project for senior farm workers today. governor newsom has threatened legal action if the project doesn't move forward. this week. >> number four today, san francisco mayor london breed is set to receive recommendations on how to balance the city's budget. the city is facing an $800 million deficit over the next two years. >> and number five, mayor gray does continue today. we look at santa cruz this morning along the coast where you can see those overcast skies. let's look at the forecast as we break it down by the regions, the coastline. today you have a lot of cloud cover, some peeks of sunshine this afternoon. very similar to yesterday. it's chilly with highs only in the mid 50s below average now around the bay shoreline. we begin today with cloud cover. we'll finish the day with cloud cover, but in between you can see that sunshine. it is breaking out
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closer to 4 p.m. we'll have those daytime highs in the upper 60s to the lower 70s. now inland it is nothing but sunshine from the get go and that's going to warm us up pretty nicely already into the low 70s before lunchtime. then later on this afternoon we'll get those temperatures warm into the low and mid 80s. so a wide range of temperatures today pretty much a carbon copy forecast yesterday. so we had a lot of layers on yesterday. do that. if you had shorts and t shirts on inland that's a similar story today. 58 for half moon bay. we'll go to 80 in concord, 64 in oakland, 61 in the city, about 79 in san jose. >> and number six, it is slow moving for your tuesday morning commute. you can see tracy to dublin, 65 minutes at the typical slowdown, san rafael to san francisco taking up to 17 minutes, and then antioch to concord 44 minutes. >> number seven. we now know the name of the new wnba team that will soon be playing at chase center here in san francisco. the golden state valkyries. much more about the team coming up on good morning america. >> okay, so drew, guess what?
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you were right. you were saying that the bay bridge is in the logo. yep. it is. yeah. and the bridge tower doubles as a sword, a symbol of courage, power and authority. yeah. the bridge cable doubles as wings. the five triangles within the wings represent the five players facing each other on each side of the court. >> the warrior stands for royalty. >> oh, yeah. >> i'm liking it more. i like it as the morning goes on. >> i know, me too. me too. >> the symbolism is very cool. drew. look. look you know, i know my landmarks, the coating, everything. >> i love it, all right? >> jim >> george: good morning america. donald trump's former fixer back on the stand. michael cohen testifies that donald trump instructed him to pay off stormy daniels. now he gets ready for cross-examination. plus how the


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