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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 16, 2024 7:00am-8:59am PDT

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going to be out and about. so be aware. >> yeah, you all have a bike. >> it's bike to nowhere today for me because my bike is a stationary bike. >> good for you. >> still got that exercise in get those pedals. >> does that count? it counts right. >> no. count it, no count it. >> you know, go to go to one of those like nice little european videos. imagine you're biking to the alps. >> there you go. okay. goo >> robin: good morning america for our viewers in the west. a dire situation with global implications and a president's plea to the world. an abc news exclusive inside a hospital in ukraine with president zelenskyy. >> how serious is the situation right now? >> robin: with ukraine's second largest city now in russia's cross hairs. >> but now the world can help. >> george: head to head. president biden and former president trump agree to two
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debates. how they're breaking tradition in their one on one showdowns, as trump returns to court. his former fixer, michael cohen back on the stand for a second day of cross-examination. >> robin: breaking overnight. dozens of arrests on a california college campus at uc irvine, as law enforcement cleared out a pro palestine encampment. >> george: wild tale. one family comes face to face with a cougar in their own back yard. how they channelled cat like reflexes to get to safety. >> robin: kansas city chiefs kicker facing backlash for his commencement speech remarks on gay rights, abortion and women's role in society. >> i think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lie told to you. >> robin: what the nfl is saying this morning. >> michael: abc news exclusive. one on one with olivia munn. when you heard the word cancer, what went through your mind speaking about her fight right now with an aggressive form of breast cancer.
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>> if i didn't make it, i wanted my son to know they fought to be here. that i tried my best. >> michael: the risks she took and how she hopes her story helps others. >> robin: mother's day trip gone wrong. now an american mom arrested in turks and caicos as a u.s. senator calls on the state department to take action. >> michael: over the edge. newly released video the moment that left a semitruck dangling from a kentucky bridge leading to the driver's dramatic rescue. >> george: uber bringing shuttles to concerts and games. we'll tell you all about it on gma. ♪ tell me what i want what i really really want ♪ >> robin: and the celtics want to be champions. >> the boston celtics have punched their ticket. >> robin: boston moving on to the next round. plus you might want to stick around for this. okay.
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you definitely don't want to miss david beckham live in times square. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. kind of kicks it off right, this song? right? tell me what you want. what do you really really want? >> robin: what do you really want? >> george: david beckham. [ laughter ] also there's some dangerous storms right now. hail the size of golf ball shattered car windows in oklahoma. ginger tracking where we could see more tornados and who's at risk of flash flooding. >> robin: we're going to begin with our exclusive interview with ukraine's president zelenskyy. our foreign correspondent james longman spoke with the president inside a hospital on the dire situation his soldiers are facing. good morning to you, james. >> reporter: good morning, robin. missile strikes hit kharkiv almost every day. it had been successfully defended, life slowly has been coming back to normal. but now russian troops
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are bearing down on this city. it's amid that danger that president zelenskyy visited. yes, to spread morale, but also to sound the alarm. this morning president zelenskyy speaks exclusively to abc news in kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city. more than 1 million people affected. the situation is so serious he had to cancel a foreign trip to rush here despite the danger. we joined him as he visited some of the men injured. it's a desperate effort to protect the city, awarding them medals of valor. president zelenskyy has had to cancel his foreign troops to come here and meet the men who are fighting to defend this city. he's been the back bone of this war effort. and it means a lot to them. >> 500 have been wounded. some guys gave their lives. they're soldiers, but mostly they are from this region. they have been born here. it is very important to support them to come and to save us.
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we recognize their bravery. they are ready to give their life for the lives of others. it's very normal that the president has to deal with soldiers. >> reporter: how serious is the situation right now? >> it's difficult. it's here. brigades are not totally equipped because of the package which we waited through eight months. >> reporter: what's happening now in kharkiv, is it america's fault? >> it's the fault of the world. the world gave possibility of putin to occupy it. i think so. but now the world can help. >> reporter: do you feel secretary blinken's visit went well? did you get what you wanted? the president repeats his thanks to the united states for aid but there's a sense of frustration about delay and especially the air defenses to keep them safe. >> really, if we are thinking about this region, russia can't occupy if two systems stay in this region.
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just two systems. >> reporter: you are frustrated that you make these requests to the world but don't feel there's action. >> now it's looking like more that we're important. i am raising the question of this. >> reporter: it's clear from talking to the soldiers just how intense the fighting has become. i'm honored to receive this medal, said this man, who dearly died yesterday. it should go to my comrades who saved my life. as president zelenskyy tries to get help for his country, putin has arrived in china to shore up support for his war effort. this is truly a conflict of global consequences and it will be an issue come november. george? >> george: no question about that. now the race for the white house. president biden and former president trump have agreed to hold two debates. they're not going to be traditional debates. chief white house correspondent mary bruce in washington with details. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning. we knew that this election would
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be anything but ordinary. now president biden and donald trump are shaking up the debates. they won't even be their party's official nominee when they take the stage next month in atlanta the earliest general election showdown in history. this morning the dates are set. >> make my day, pal. >> reporter: president biden and donald trump up ending the traditional presidential debates agreeing to two one on one face-offs. their first june 27 on cnn before the convention. the second, september 10 here on abc news. just weeks before voters head to the polls on election day. for months trump has been taunting biden. >> we have an empty podium right here to my right. do you know what that is? that's for joe biden. i'm trying to get him to debate. >> reporter: but it was the president who challenged trump in a surprise announcement wednesday, even mocking his criminal trial in new york, referencing the one day a week he's not in court. >> let's pick the dates, donald trump. i hear you're free wednesdays. >> reporter: trump immediately accepting saying let's get ready to rumble.
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>> i want to debate. i want a debate. then you can't make a deal with the guy. let's see if he shows up to a debate. >> reporter: the two campaigns bucking the nonpartisan commission on presidential debates which has organized general election debates since 1988 including their last go around. >> i'm not going to answer the question. >> why not? >> the question is -- >> this radical left. >> would you shut up, man? >> reporter: the biden campaign arguing the commission debates have become an entertainment spectacle, the commission unable to enforce their own rules. instead the campaigns opting to square off in a studio with no live audience, just the two of them face to face. now the stakes here are massive and the campaigns know it. both men are confident and adamant they can outperform the other. trump adamant that biden will falter. biden is eager to give voters a jolt and show the stark differences between them. preparations are under way. i'm told the president is bringing back his former chief of staff to help lead his debate
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prep. michael? >> michael: stakes are big. thank you for that. now donald trump's criminal trial. his former fixer, michael cohen, set to return to the stand this morning for a second day of cross-examination. aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, michael. michael cohen is back here in court for another day of cross-examination which so far has focused on michael cohen. his obsession with donald trump. his desire to see him convicted. and how he has made money by bad mouthing trump. the defense asked nothing about the most damaging testimony cohen delivered, cohen testified trump knew about the $130,000 payment to stormy daniels and made a plan to pay back the money. cohen said he sent monthly invoices but told the jury he performed no services. the checks, trumps signed, he
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said, was the reimbursement of the hush money meant to silence daniels. the defense cast cohen as a spurred underling whose testimony cannot be trusted. todd blanche said he expects to keep cohen on the witness stand all day for cross-examination, robin. >> robin: we will see what happens today. thank you. we're going to turn to the dozens arrested on a california college campus at uc irvine overnight as law enforcement cleared out a pro palestinian encampment. morgan norwood is here with the latest. good morning, morgan. >> good morning, robin. yes, tensions have been building for days leading up to this. overnight the university's president authorizing police to take down an encampment. we have dozens of officers in riot gear making arrests overnight. let's take you there. pro palestinian demonstrators started rallying at the school's lecture hall yesterday afternoon putting up tents and building these massive encampments, much like the ones we've seen at college campuses across the country. now the group demanding the university divest from israel
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over the war in gaza. their encampment blocking entry to the hall. in a statement, the university's president saying he's broken hearted that it had come to this. saying the group had several warnings and wanted to allow the group to have a peaceful encampment. classes are remote for the day and employees are being urged to work from home. michael? >> michael: morgan, thank you for that. now the temporary pier in gaza receiving its first ship of humanitarian aid. matt gutman is there with the latest. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this has been in the works for months, cost millions of dollars, thousands of military personnel involved. u.s. officials said they have not allowed any u.s. troops to enter. they have anchored that pier just off the coast of gaza. the general concept is to allow aid, significant amount of aid to be delivered directly into gaza. there are already two inbound ships carrying aid. the choreography here is incredibly complex. it involves the u.s. military
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but also the israeli military, which will handle logistics and security. the u.n., which will receive the aid and palestinian subcontractors who will then distribute the aid. the u.s. says the pier could be operational in the next couple days. but u.n. officials tell me they still haven't managed to hammer out the agreements here. security remains an issue. you may be able to see the columns of smoke behind me. that's where israel re-entered areas it had cleared months ago, where hamas has regrouped. this is happening across gaza. george? >> george: okay, matt. thanks. we turn now to the super bowl kicker from the kansas city chiefs getting backlash after his commencement speech he made. stephanie ramos has the story. good morning, stephanie. >> good morning. harrison buckter delivered his address at the private christian school near kansas city. he hit on a number of topics including roles of men and women, the covid response and president biden's policies. he kicked the longest field goal
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in super bowl history to lead the kansas city chiefs to victory over the 49ers. >> that is now nine consecutive makes from outside 50. >> reporter: but this morning he is making headlines for remarks off the field during a commencement address at benedictine college in kansas. a conservative catholic liberal arts school. >> it is safe to say that over the past few years i have gained quite the reputation for speaking my mind. >> reporter: sounding off about working women. >> i think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. how many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? some may go on to lead successful careers in the world but i would venture to guess a majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. >> reporter: he then referred to pride month, which celebrates the lbgqt community as a deadly sin. >> not the deadly sin pride that
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has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true god centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him. >> i couldn't believe it was such an outdated antiquated view on lgbtq people, and women. and using religion in a way. >> reporter: he also mentioned priests who have become too familiar with parishioners illustrating his point by borrowing a line from a song written by a certain famous teammate's girlfriend. >> as my teammate's girlfriend says, familiarity breeds contempt. >> reporter: that line from taylor swift drawing the ire of swifties. one writing i don't think you grasped the message of the taylor song you quoted. go listen to her albums as homework. the nfl reacting saying -- harrison butker gave a speech in his personal capacity. the views are not those of the nfl as an organization. the nfl is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which
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only makes our league stronger. there were apparently some mixed reviews in the crowd. but in the end he did receive a standing ovation from the graduates, for many graduates and some attendees there. >> robin: usually the commencement address is about the graduates not about your personal views in that. >> right. i think it's important to remember also that the school did invite him and he's made his catholic conservative views very well known. you're right, uplifting, right? was it an uplifting speech? i don't know. >> robin: he got a standing ovation after that. all right, thank you. we have dramatic dash cam video showing the moment a semitruck crashed out of control and was left dangling off a bridge in louisville. alex perez has the story for us. good morning, alex. >> reporter: hey, good morning, robin. this is one of those videos that just makes your heart race. now that semitruck driver was just crossing the bridge when suddenly she and the truck almost ended up in the river. this morning our first inside
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look at the harrowing and heart stopping moments that led to this semitruck precariously dangling on this bridge over the ohio river in louisville with the terrified driver still inside the cab. >> two trucks just got into an accident and a semitractor trailer is hanging over the bridge. we need people right now. >> reporter: cameras from multiple angles capturing the moment the driver of this pickup swerved to avoid a stalled car, slamming into the semitruck driven by 26-year-old sydney thomas. she's left hanging nearly 100 feet above the river. you can hear the horror in her screams. more than 40 louisville firefighters working for nearly an hour. finally with precision and focus, those teams able to rescue the semitruck driver. >> she was thanking, you know, thank god. that's what she kept saying, thank god. >> reporter: the video is now evidence presented in court wednesday in the case against that pickup driver who has been charged of four counts of wanton endangerment and operating a
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motor vehicle with a suspended license. he has not yet entered a plea. in a statement his attorney telling abc news in part, mr. branham feels terrible for the truck driver and the trauma she suffered and sincerely thanks to brave individuals who risked their lives to save her. and that semitruck driver was, thankfully, not injured. a grand jury is set to hear the case against the pickup driver next month. guys? >> michael: how scary. glad she's okay. thank you so much for that. coming up we have my exclusive with actress olivia munn on her cancer fight and the risk she took to grow her family. >> george: plus a family coming face to face with a cougar in their back yard. >> robin: oh my. how uber is looking to shake up shuttle. but first let's go to ginger. good morning. >> ginger: good morning. parts of texas and louisiana are preparing for life threatening flash flooding today. there's an area from dallas, who's had their third wettest
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year of the season, even jackson mississippi under flood watch. it is the piney woods of texas and louisiana where we're really concerned about the flash flooding later today because this area has had up to 600% of their normal rainfall just the last two weeks. they are swollen. those creeks and rivers can't hold anymore. the soil won't be able to handle 2 to 3 inch per hour rainfall rates. we're talking about locally up to 9 inches of rain. high risk days don't happen often. they only account for about 4% of the flash flood risk from the wpc. it's rare to see this. we know it causes deaths and dangerous destruction. we also will see hail with some of these storms. we saw it already in oklahoma. up to softball size hail. on top of all that flash flood threat, you also have damaging winds that will blow through san angelo, waco, austin, south of dallas and ft. worth. a lot going on in texas and louisiana. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> robin: a lot more ahead here on gma. we're live in indiana ahead of
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caitlin clark's home debut with a game changing coach and some rising stars. boy do we have a slam dunk surprise for them. same-day delivery with target circle 360? how'd you know that? let's just say a little bird told me... hey lady, did you hear the news? it was judy, wasn't it? she told you! actually his name was howard! from chicago! get the fastest delivery to your door, and more, with target circle 360. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
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t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. (vo) you were diagnosed with thyroid eye disease a long time ago. and year after year, you weathered the storm and just lived with the damage that was left behind. but even after all this time your thyroid eye disease could still change. restoration is still possible.
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will be cleared of the protest hours. let's see what traffic looks like. hi, amanda. hi, reggie. >> i will take you into hayward. this is a trouble spot specifically to get out of the way and get some audio for you. >> here we go. trouble spot hayward, this is southbound 880 after winning avenue, a three car crash has been moved to the shoulder in the last few minutes. traffic was already heavy because of earlier incidents near whipple road. there is stopped traffic from 238 reggie. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to
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quickly. once again, temperatures a little bit cooler today will stay mainly in the 60s around the bay shoreline. now inland, we have that brighter sky early on. we'll get you into the 70s by noon, but instead of the 80s like yesterday, we'll stay in the 70s for daytime highs. reggie. >> thanks, drew. another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and abc7 and we're on the air every weekday from 5 to 7 a.m. the news continues now with good morning america. >> how do you sleep at night on a mattress from mattress firm? >> so i sleep at the memorial day sale. save up to $1,000 and get a free adjustable base. get matched at mattress firm. sleep at night. >> we fight for the rights of writers. every day. we give back millions to support the motorcycle community because we are writers and motorcycle law is all we do. so if you're injured in a motorcycle accident, don't fight the insurance companies with just
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every day we lose ceramides. i need to seal in moisture. serevi delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions me. me. >> when (♪) ♪ >> robin: welcome back to gma. that's friend like me from aladdin on broadway. this morning we are celebrating 30 years of disney on broadway with one of our biggest performances ever here in the studio. you do not want to miss that. >> george: president biden former president trump have
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agreed to debate. their first face-off will be june 27. second one will be september on abc. just weeks before voters head to the polls on election day. also right now another american was arrested in turks and caicos. she was traveling with her daughter from mother's day. she is in custody for possession of ammunition. now senator scott is demanding they help bring the americans home from turks and caicos. this is the fifth american arrested this year alone for unlawful possession of ammunition. >> michael: pfizer has reportedly agreed to pay up to $250 million to settle more than 10,000 u.s. lawsuits over cancer risk associated with its discontinued heart drug zantac. the boston celtics are headed to the eastern conference finals for the third year in a row. they beat the cavaliers in five games and will face the winner of the knicks/pacers series. in the west, dallas is one game away from advancing. they won over oklahoma city. a triple double, that's another day in the park
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for you, robin. dallas returning home looking to close it out. >> robin: he is a beast. >> michael: he is unstoppable, yes. we have is a lot more ahead including why not everyone is loving to $5 meal from mcdonald's. that is coming up. >> robin: but now an abc news exclusive. we know you sat down with olivia munn. >> michael: i sat down with olivia. it is her first on camera interview since revealing her most recent surgery in her breast cancer battle. we discussed everything from treatment to fertility to her hopes for the future. she wants to share her story to help others. >> you never know what's going on in someone's life. privately people are battling things that you would never know. >> michael: actress olivia munn opening up about the private health battle she's been fighting after an unexpected breast cancer diagnosis last year. >> clear mammogram, clear ultrasound, genetic testing, i had zero chance of having any cancer genetically. then my doctor said there's this life time risk assessment test. i took it for you.
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you were at 37.3% which puts me into high risk. she said i want you to get an mri. that's when they said, well, we found something. >> michael: when you heard the word cancer, what went through your mind? >> i mean, honestly, i just thought of my baby. cancer, that's the word you don't want to hear. there's a lot of other things that you feel like you can beat but, you know, cancer takes down a lot of people. i just thought about my baby. >> michael: last april she was diagnosed with stage 1luminal b breast cancer in both breasts. what did they explain about your prognosis? >> they said if i was extremely aggressive that i could fight this and win. but at the same time, once they started finding all of these little spots in my breast, there's another tumor, another. there was an urgency to it because we had to get in and make some really big decisions.
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>> michael: munn getting a double mastectomy just 30 days after receiving the diagnosis. in march, the 43-year-old decided to open up about her experience on social media. >> do it for your baby. >> michael: including this raw moment right before she went into surgery. >> i'm ready. >> michael: how did you know you were ready? >> i didn't. i just had to say it. sometimes you just say it and hope that your body will go with it. >> michael: why did you want to document this journey that you're on right now? >> well, because if i didn't make it, i wanted my son, when he got older, to know that i fought to be here. that i tried my best. >> michael: you're gonna make me cry. >> you want the people in your life. you want the people that maybe don't understand what's going on right now to know that you did everything you could to be here.
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>> michael: munn shared a 2 1/2-year-old son malcolm with her partner comedian john mulaney. how has it been having john there to support you? >> he's honestly just the best human being. he comes to everything in life with so much compassion and understanding. the one problem is that he makes me laugh so much. there's times i'm like, you have to leave the room. this is insane. >> michael: that's when you're with a funny man. >> i know. i just say leave the room. you have to leave. you're going to make me angry now. i'm going to literally pop a fist. >> michael: it's going to hurt. >> it's going to hurt. >> michael: because of the potential impact on her future fertility, she decided to under go egg retrieval. something munn had done twice before in her 30s. >> john and i talked about it. we realized we weren't done growing our family. right after the double mastectomy i went through a round of egg retrieval.
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that's scary. i have a cancer that beefs up with hormones so i knew there was a risk. our doctor said, look. we're going to get one for you and then we're going to call it. then doctor called and he said, hey, we got the results back. it's two healthy embryos. we just started bawling crying, both of us. >> michael: have you thought that far ahead about what the future of your family looks like? >> really just hope it works out for us to have another baby. we just want one more. i'm not going to ask for too much more in this life, i promise. i just want one more baby. >> michael: because luminal b is a hormone positive type of breast cancer, munn's treatment involves supressing production of the hormones that cause it to grow putting her body into medically induced menopause. >> the hormone suppression therapy is brutal. it gave me next level
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debilitating exhaustion. i was in bed all day long, all day long. my quality of life was so minimal. i wasn't able to be there for my baby. >> michael: did he notice a change? >> yeah, yeah. i mean, whenever malcolm would come home, he would run to my bed because that's where he knows i am. that's what he associated with me. that was just too difficult for me to take. i had to find out if there was another option so i opted to do the hysterectomy with the ovarectomy. almost immediately after that my energy just came back full force. >> michael: soon munn said her doctor wants her to start another drug that will stop her from producing the cancer growing hormones elsewhere in the body. >> i have been aggressive. i did everything they told me to do. i did all the big surgeries.
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and now i'm saying, do i have to do this extra drug? >> michael: after all the steps you've taken, why do you think that was the one thing you questioned? >> it's so tiring. it's so tiring. these drug are so tiring. i know that i'm going to stay aggressive. i know that i'm going to do it. i'm just surprised that i'm even asking for anything less than aggressive because as you know, it's nonstop. >> michael: it feels nonstop. >> because it is nonstop. >> michael: going through all of this, have you learned anything new about yourself? >> i have learned that i'm a lot braver than i thought i was. i learned that the most important thing to me in life is my family. everything else can go away. i don't have my career, i don't have my body the way that it looked before. but as long as the people that i
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love and care about are here and healthy and thriving, nothing else matters. >> mama. >> mama. >> michael: olivia is amazing. she is a fighter. she said she hopes other women will feel empowered about asking to have is a risk assessment done. olivia's doctor told her that she uses it on all of her patients because genetic screening doesn't fully capture a woman's risk of getting breast cancer. the score takes into account factors like weight, family history and the age you had your first child. and, of course, you always want to make sure you go over results with your health care provider. >> robin: that message from her is going to help countless people. you know first hand it's not easy to share and be as open as she has been. but she's gotten support. she talked to you about that? >> michael: she's gotten so much support. it goes to show how important support is. she was fighting this battle alone -- not alone, but privately with her family.
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but since sharing her story, she said the support from the public puts a smile on her face. she gave me something that was so inspirational. she told me the whole experience, it has made her be kinder to herself. she said all the things i regretted, all the other things. i let it go. i'm just kinder to myself. she's taking everything days, seconds at a time. just enjoying life. >> robin: thank you for sharing your conversation with her. >> michael: thank olivia for sharing it with me. and everyone. >> george: everyone can see it on nightline tonight? >> michael: yes. >> george: coming up next, how this family got away after coming within feet of a cougar in their backyard. backyard. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements.
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some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪as you go with austedo♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪austedo xr♪ what's a walt disney world thrill feel like? it's like... [howdy, partners!] and like... [laughter] ♪ and also like... [screams] and it feels even better together. ♪ and check this out! you can thrill with this special
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7:44 am
>> george: lara has joined us at the desk with a story about a cougar? >> lara: yes, george. imagine you are just hanging out in your back yard on a lovely spring day when a cougar appears. that's what happened to one family in monroe, washington. their home surveillance camera captured the whole thing. >> there's so many things going on i had to watch it over and over. >> lara: the moment a cougar comes face to face with a family's cat and 2-month-old puppy all captured on camera. >> i think it was just as shocked seeing us as we were by seeing it. >> lara: the cougar first seen sprinting across their back yard, giving the family the scare of a life time. >> took me a second to realize this is very large a cougar.
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>> lara: venturing two feet from mom april and her young daughter. the duo scooping up their new puppy and running to the house. >> looked like it wanted to have a snack. that's what it looked like, for just a second. >> lara: with no tasty treats left outside the cougar fleeing the scene. >> it was streaking away. all i saw was it didn't have anything in its mouth, everyone was okay. >> we lived to tell the tale and have a cool video to show, right? >> lara: they do. the dad greg said the family is on high alert. they'll be extra careful in case the cougar decides to return. wild life officials say cougars do tend to get scared off once they realize they are too close to humans. good news, they don't want to be near us either. [ laughter ] it's mutual. >> robin: they are afraid of us? >> lara: apparently. they say don't run. that you are supposed to do the same thing as bears. get big, get loud. >> michael: okay. >> george: i don't know. >> robin: i don't know. >> michael: the moment, you don't know what's going to happen. >> robin: thank you, lara. coming up later, sophie turner not holding back, speaking about what she calls some of the workdays of her life. mom guilt, dating, joe jonas and
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more. next is our play of the day. come on back. more. next hour play of the day, come on back like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network. at t-mobile, customers 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited for only $30 bucks a line. switch today!
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is it with ketchup? sweet 'n sour? dare i say au naturale...? ♪ >> robin: we asked lara to stick around for our play of the day. >> lara: thank you very much for allowing me to stay. i'm going to talk about graduates in washington state university. they got a treat when jennifer coolidge gave the commencement address taking a page from tonya
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from white lotus. she told the students to embrace the weirdness. take a look. >> i stand before you as a weird person. get to know yourself, accept who you are and love that person because this is the moment you already are everything you need to be, class of 2024! >> lara: jennifer also shared stories about her journey, saying she had a devastating rejection from saturday night live on her path to self-acceptance that landed her a string of unforgettable roles. she told graduates, quote, people wanted the real me, and people want the real you. >> robin: really a great speech. >> lara: yeah. >> george: good to see her like that. >> lara: as it should be. >> robin: coming up we're celebrating 30 years of disney on broadway with one of gma's biggest broadway performances ever.
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that's really saying something. all right. come on back. hing node-positive breast cancer. my fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence versus hormone therapy alone. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain and rapid breathing or heart rate,
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7:53 am
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normal for rainfall so far. we will get drying for early tomorrow, before saturday koeuplt comes back with another line of showers. coming up tory johnson is here, deals and steals with big
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savings on skin care products. meet the game changing coach getting young girls on the basketball court in indiana. great stuff there. we also have a big surprise for all of them like only gma can do. you'll want to stick around for that story and so muc a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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plaza to foster city. that's going to take you 21 minutes. as you can see, not all green. so not all clear. just take it slow on your roadways. richmond also showing some bumper to bumper traffic here on this cam. first we'll toss it to drew though. >> hey amanda. we'll go to the exploratorium camera where we're starting to break down some of that fog this morning. some peeks of sun breaking out. we'll take to the coast this morning, where we have a pretty cloudy forecast. temperatures mainly in the 50s. as we head towards the bay shoreline, we'll find our day starts with cloud cover. it ends that way too, but in between we have that sunshine. a little bit cooler today compared to yesterday into the 60s and inland today we'll have daytime highs, mild into the mid 70s. >> by drew thank you. another abc seven news updates coming your way in about 30 minutes. you can always find us on our news app and abc seven join us for abc seven mornings from 5 to 7 every weekday. now here's your gma. >> replacing your old ugly interior doors is the best whole home improvement, because it's the only home improvement that updates every room in the home and can be done quickly, easily,
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stuff into incredible art. explore stunning installations made out of lego pieces, string shoes, saxophones and more. see the ordinary transformed? maybe you will be too >> are nature. you always know the right time to call when life plays. dirty water wipes, water plays. dirty water wipes, water >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. abc news exclusive. inside a hospital in ukraine with president zelenskyy. >> how serious is the situation right now? >> george: ukraine's second largest city now in russia's cross hairs. >> now the world can help. >> robin: game of thrones star sophie turner talking about her
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divorce from joe jonas and why she says now is the happiest she's been in a long time. >> michael: it's time to bend it like beckham. the athlete is live on gma. all right. the super star athlete is here in times square talking family life, messi and this spice girl moment. >> robin: and feeling the fever. >> good look from three. she got it! >> robin: as excitement builds for tonight's home debut for caitlin clark. we're live in indiana with the game changing coach, helping young girls get in the game. >> good morning america! >> robin: and we've got a slam dunk surprise for them. ♪ you ain't never had a friend like me, no, no ♪ >> george: and we're celebrating 30 years of disney on broadway, with friends like these. ♪ taking you around the world to meet the stars of disney shows
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from london, paris, tokyo. and bringing you one of the biggest broadway performance gma's ever done. be our guest as we say -- >> good morning america! >> buenos dias, america. >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. that was great. i liked that. we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of disney on broadway. we're doing it all morning long with a musical trip around the world to visit disney musicals and meet their stars. lara's with our guy, the genie from aladdin on broadway. >> lara: the man who brought genie to life on broadway with over 3,000 performances. michael james scott is with us to show us the most amazing productions across the globe of these disney shows. he will help us give you one of our biggest broadway performances ever. are you ready? >> of course i'm ready.
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are you ready? this is the thing. i'm here. i got to do this. ♪ good morning america ♪ >> lara: all day long. he's ready, george. [ laughter ] >> george: that was great. also this morning uber is announcing a new shuttle service. we have details on gma this morning. >> robin: and we have a look at the top stories breaking at 8, starting with our exclusive interview with ukraine's president zelenskyy. let's go back to james longman. good morning to you again, james. >> reporter: good morning again, robin. russian strikes hit kharkiv almost every day. it has been successfully defended. life was going back to normal. now russian troops are bearing down on this city. it's amid that danger that president zelenskyy visited here. yes, to boost morale, but also to sound the alarm. this morning president zelenskyy speaks exclusively to abc news in kharkiv. ukraine's second largest city, more than 1 million people directly threatened by rush she's advance. the situation is so serious, he had to
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cancel a foreign trip despite the danger. we join him as he is visiting those injured, awarding them medals of valor. >> 500 persons have been wounded, mostly they're from this region. it is very important to support them. >> reporter: how serious is the situation right now? >> it's serious. it's difficult. brigades are not equipped because of the package we waited for eight months. >> reporter: the president repeats his thanks to the united states for aid but there's a sense of frustration about its delay, and specifically the air defenses needed to help kharkiv safe. >> really, if we are thinking about this region, russia can't occupy this if two systems will stay in the region. just two systems. >> reporter: you're frustrated that you make these requests and you don't feel there are actions. >> now it's looking like more
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that very important dialogue. >> reporter: now president zelenskyy is asking for support for his country, but vladamir putin is in china shoring up support for his war. this is truly a conflict of global consequences and it will have a bearing on november's election. george? >> george: thank you. the economy and frustration over rising prices in the fast food industry. mcdonald's is responding but not everyone is satisfied. elizabeth schulze has the story. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: not everyone is loving this new $5 meal promo from mcdonald's. that's because it's going to come with a big catch. it's only available for one month. wall street journal reports this $5 value meal will include a choice of either a mcchicken or mcdouble, four piece chicken nuggets plus a small fry and drink. it will be offered at select locations starting june 25. mcdonald's says it's been laser focused on affordability and understands the need to offer meaningful value to its customers. we have seen it. consumers have been outraged over price hikes at many fast
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food restaurants. the government's inflation report shows the cost of going up to eat went up again last month. it's up about 4% just in the past year. good news. the cost of groceries overall did go down last month, including staples like eggs, milk, chicken and fruits and vegetables. many are hoping mcdonald's might extend that promo beyond one month to appeal to deal hungry consumers. michael? >> michael: elizabeth, thank you for that. now uber. the ride share company announcing a brand new way for customers to travel. our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis has some of the details you'll hear first on gma. good morning, rebecca. >> rebecca: good morning, michael. we were just talking about mcdonald's. same thing applies to uber. consumers are pulling back on spending because of inflation. this is a new way that uber is hoping to attract new customers, making it cheaper to get to and from the airport, concert or a game. the new uber shuttle will let you reserve up to five seats.
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it will cost a fraction of the price of an uber x, according to the company. it won't be impacted by surge pricing. you can book up to seven days in advance. the vehicle that takes you there will hold between 14 and 55 people. they're partnering with some local shuttle services with commercially licensed drivers to make this possible. it's going to launch in miami, chicago, pittsburgh, charlotte this summer. the company hopes to expand it more in the future. right now uber is sharing exclusively with gma that the concert shuttle planned for miami this summer will cost $15 to $25 a seat. that is a fraction of the cost of a regular uber during a big event, guys. and you can rate in the app. >> michael: great idea though. it's expensive sometimes to go back and forth from concerts. thank you very much for that. coming up, game of thrones star, sophie turner speaking about her divorce from joe jonas, mom guilt and more. >> george: david beckham is here
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talking about his soccer team, docu series and more. >> robin: and lori b is in indianapolis with some inspiring young basketball players counting down to caitlin clark's home debut tonight. we've got a big surprise for them. lara, i know you're with tory. >> lara: i would not miss this, robin. we have deals and steals on game gear. skin care. this is the day where you can look and feel your best, starting at just $3. i don't know how she does it, but she does. stay with us on "good morning america." america." ♪ ♪ believe it or not baby... at university of phoenix... you... you... you... you could earn your... master's... [ gasp ] for under 11 thousand! 11... yes! 11! master's degree for under 11k in less than a year. some things are too obvious to be a coincidence. earn your competency-based master's
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at university of phoenix. [ em beihold's "good day" begins ] meet the new target circle, the easiest way to get more target. that means automatic deals when you join for free. that's the new target circle. (gasp) more cookies! yeah! [ "good day" ends ] (mom) the moment i loved our subaru outback most...
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was the moment they walked away from it. (daughter) mom! (mom) oh, thank goodness. and that's why our family will only drive a subaru. (vo) subaru. more iihs top safety pick plus awards than any other brand. love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. (noel) did you know it's possible to have a heart attack at age 36? i didn't. here's a tip. if you smoke, it's totally possible. that's what happened to me.
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(announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. welcome to the new petsmart treats rewards™ collect points with every purchase. and right now, earn 2,000 points when you spend $20 or more on dog or cat toys. petsmart. anything for pets. t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis.
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♪ far-xi-ga ♪ nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. >> robin: we are back with our gma cover story.
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game of thrones star, sophie turner speaking to british vogue about her divorce from joe jonas and how she's moving forward. eva pilgrim has more for us. good morning, eva. >> sophie turner is being candid about the last year, admitting it has been hard for her. she said her family and friends really stepped in to help, calling taylor swift her hero. between her divorce, the mom guilt and working, she finally feels like she's in a much better place. sophie turner opening up about her very public split from joe jonas. >> certainly very glad i shot joan right before and during all that rubbish went down. because i think she gave me a lot of strength. i do. >> reporter: in 2023 while turner was in the uk shooting joan, jonas filed for divorce. >> i think there were moments on set that she was in pieces, you know? if you can imagine, she was away from her children.
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i think it took a lot for her to hold it together. >> reporter: the split fueling headline after headline. turner telling british vogue those were the worst few days of my life. cameras capturing turner's every move. some critical of the mom of two for going out. i try and not be a mother in the public eye as much as possible. you get like the mum shaming what you're talking about where it's like, she's never seen with her children. that's the whole point that they're not seen. >> reporter: turner said her friend, taylor swift, was a hero to her during that time. i have never been more grateful to anyone than i have to her because she took my children and me and provided us with a hope and safe space. she really has a heart of gold. >> you're the strongest person i know. >> reporter: the two met in 2016 marrying in 2019. then just four years later going their separate ways. now living in the u.k., turner
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says she's the happiest she's been. she's back dating and says jonas and her are finding their way, to parenting. i'm confidence we can figure it out. joe is a great father to our children, and that's all i can ask for. i just want the girls to feel loved and have everyone show up for them. >> she's done a lot of work on herself. and that shows. she has a fluency when it comes to talking about her emotional life and her feelings. >> british vogue is on newsstands may 21st. you can hear more of turner on the podcast run through with vogue which is out today. >> michael: eva, thank you very much. let's welcome one of the most famous athletes in the world and co-owner of intermiami. please welcome david beckham! [ applause ] ♪ how ya like me now how ya like me now ♪
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>> lara: so happy to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> michael: you thought i was going to trip him? >> robin: i did. >> i don't need the legs as much anymore. [ laughter ] >> michael: welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> michael: inter miami, it has had such an impact. it's just been an incredible juggernaut. congratulations to you on that. how's it been to go from player to team owner? >> it's been incredible. firstly thank you for having me on. it's been incredible. to obviously go from being an athlete to owning a team. obviously it's a whole different feeling. when you're an athlete, you can do something about, you know, if you're losing. where as, if you're an owner, you're just there getting frustrated. [ laughter ] but in all honesty, to have built the club up to what it is now. to go through all the obstacles that i had. to then look on the pitch now and see leo.
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just an incredible thing. i always said that bringing leo to america wasn't just for miami. it was for america, for the league, for the sport. that's what i had really planned on doing. to inspire the next generation of kids that can now come to any stadium around america and canada and watch a talent like him and the other talents we've got. >> robin: he's one of the greatest. could you have anticipated the impact that he's been able to have? >> i think i always knew bringing someone like leo to miami and to america would be a huge impact. but i think obviously what he's done on the field and what he continues to do off the field as well. he's not just about obviously winning trophies, which he's still hungry to do. he wants the academy kids to get better. he wants to meet every young kid when he travels around america. that's the type of person he is. it's been incredible. but more than what i ever hoped. >> robin: wonderful.
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>> george: your docu series was so engaging. >> michael: no doubt. >> george: it was just fantastic. i imagine you've been approached many times before. what made you do it this time? >> to be honest, when i retired, i wasn't ready to do it. people wanted me to do it. it wasn't something that i wanted to jump into straightaway. but then after time i kind of looked towards my ten year anniversary of retirement and i thought, maybe this is the right time to do it. really, the only reason i did it was, it was kind of a love letter to my career and the sport. also more importantly my family. my family have been such an incredible support system throughout my whole life and my whole career. to have all of that archived and all of that footage in one place. i could go, there you go. that really was the only reason. >> robin: you and victoria have built a beautiful, beautiful family. >> thank you. >> lara: so lovely to see that.
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you were very open sharing your home and your children. how were they with the process? >> i think we were all nervous going into it. we are, even though we've been pictured all over the world and people know most places who we are. to let people into our home. but i also said if i'm going to do this, i'm going to do it right. i'm only going to do it once. so everyone got on board. the one funny thing was, we watched the premiere. we're driving back to the house my youngest son cruz turned around to me and said, dad, you were really good. i didn't know that. [ laughter ] >> george: brilliant director. >> he's a brilliant director. it took us awhile to find the right director. with fisher, he's so great. he made me feel so uncomfortable that i actually felt at ease sharing. that was a big thing for me. the whole of the team and
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netflix, my studio team and fisher did an incredible job. i think we look back on it now and are very proud of it. >> michael: you should be. i couldn't stop until it was over. i wanted more, by the way. >> lara: home base is now london, but i know you lived in the states. you lived in l.a. for awhile. what do you miss most about being here? >> i spend a lot of time here, obviously, in miami and different parts of the u.s. i miss everything about living in america. when i was a young kid, i'm from the east end of london. i always loved american sports. i always wanted to live in america. i always saw america as a place where people are so positive, people are so engaging. you believe that you can achieve anything. when i moved to america, it was the best six years for our children to grow up here, for us to be welcomed with open arms. it really was amazing. i miss everything about living in america. >> michael: i got to ask you about this video. we got this video. you're enjoying it.
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what a reunion. [ laughter ] >> robin: look at that face. >> michael: showing off their choreography. we've all tried that before. tell us about that night. >> the funny thing was, nobody could get the spice girls back together. so i kind of created a 50 year -- >> lara: you sure did. >> on the lead up to victoria's birthday, we did this party. my idea was to kind of, my idea was kind of to create the spice girls video with my own family and the kids. so we did that. cruz played the guitar up there to mama. all of a sudden all the girls got up. i'm the biggest spice girls fan, obviously. [ laughter ] all of a sudden all the spice girls are up. i'm like, oh my god. i was like, okay. to everybody around the world, you're welcome. [ laughter ]
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>> michael: i'm pretty sure the kids are going mom and dad were both really good. david, always great to see you. thank you for being here. beckham is available to stream on netflix. do yourself a favor, check that out. it's really, really good. now to you, ginger. >> ginger: thanks, michael. the city around awahu have seen flash flooding with 3 inches of rain falling quickly. this morning it started again. very showery picture. they're going to see that through the next couple days. we've got flood watches thanks to that low dragging the front across them. big time winds on the big island. kawhi will get into it later this w
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>> lara: it's time, everybody. tory johnson is joining me for deals and steals skin care biggies. you have so many clinically proven. >> yes. favorites. gma favorites. starting with number one selling neck cream, neck and dec from strivectin. this does literally everything. we've got the jumbo size today which i'm excited about. if you're concerned about slack, sagging, any of those issues in the neck area, this is for you. if you prefer to do it with a roller or you want an extra, this is an awesome one for the jaw line. that's a great one. tightening with peptide for the jaw line. pretty fabulous. everything today from strivectin 50% off plus free shipping. can't beat that. >> lara: i'm not only a fan, i'm wearing it now. >> lori gellar beauty.
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i know you love it. i saw you typing on your phone to start adding to cart. >> lara: best eye liners. >> best eye liners but we also have a couple of others that people really love. this is a color correct. >> lara: my favorite. >> what is awesome about this, there's the ease of a powder but you get the beauty of a cream. easy to blend. >> lara: not heavy. >> exactly. covers all the imperfections. just have a gorgeous glow. if you want to amp up the glow, use the blushes. the blush, the eyes. we know you love the blushes, too. the blush, the eyes. we love all of lori gellar. so do you. 50% off starts at $4. yes, please. introducing brand new to correct, prevent and protect against sun damage. this one right here. we're getting into summer, it's that's full size, daily defense moisturizer with broad spectrum spf. as we're getting into summer, but it is important all year around. you get two in one.
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you get your phenomenal moisturizer that has all the skin benefits, plus spf built in. we also have their advanced eye cream. i know this one's going to be a favorite around here, too. same kind of treatment for hands as well. kind of that crepe thin skin needs love, too. perricone has got us covered. everything 50% off today, plus free shipping. >> lara: free shipping. >> yes. >> lara: okay. let's talk. >> sometimes you've got hair you just don't want. that's where flamingo comes in. we've got all their favorites. we've got their disposable razor. this is awesome for face and peach fuzz. we've got their laser. and it has a little holder. >> it has a holder for the shower that you can suction it to the side in the shower. and then we've got the body hair removal cream. this one's great as well. lasts for up to like six days if you use that. great for legs. all of these 3 to $7.
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with our 50% off, i'm gonna get mario badescu, one of the most beloved skincare lines at, i think, an incredibly accessible price. i have been a fan forever of this. their drying lotion. this is my overnight zit zapper. it's a little pink powder that just. it's like a potion that is magical. this one is fabulous. plus, they're really like the og facial mist. smell this one. give a little i use it. >> i don't need to smell it because i use it every day. that has like this rose that is just delightful. >> everything for mario. but you can't go wrong with them. 7 to $22. really phenomenal deal on all of it. and then finally, beauty stuff. this is a cosmetic count chemist founded skincare line. we've got their brand new this one here peptide wrinkle relaxing moisturizer for uh- firms lifts smooth. and then what they're really also known for that they launch their universal c skin refiner. this is awesome for exfoliating it also comes with spf. everything from beauty at 50% off and free
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shipping. >> wow. this is like just it's too good to be true. thank you so much, tory. and thank you to the companies on the great deals. they're incredible. so do check out our website. and coming up we're celebrating 30 years of disney on broadway and a very special performance like you've never seen on good morning america. stay with us >> derek meredith. all year long . >> so who wants to make history? your person come to join us? >> forget the always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. and here's a look at traffic. >> good morning kumasi many slowdowns as we make our way into the eight 30 hour this morning. that commute really taking a toll. taking its toll.
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here's walnut creek, the usual slowdown on southbound 680 to 24. then in oakland, sluggish on northbound 880 as cars get past the coliseum and then to the south bay. maybe not. here we go . northbound 280 at the 17 overcrossing. traffic is filled as you head into the city. >> kumasi thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has your accu weather forecast after the break. >> at sutter, our 245 neurologists and 19 stroke centers never stop. and 37 clinical trials never stop. keeping minds strong. getting better never stops. >> it just keeps getting worse. the crack keeps growing. the doors and windows stick. >> it must be very frustrating. almost no one can next that. these are telltale signs your foundation is shifting. but it's okay. we got it. >> oh, this is done. growing in this house. >> okay, we have answers to all your concerns at bay area underpinning, we'll do a
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complete home inspection for free so your home can stand strong all year long. schedule your free inspection today. >> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes ferm. >> when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair, so i called the barnes ferm. it was the best call i could have made at the barnes ferm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. the bonds berm injury attorneys call one 808 million at 26,000 new arrivals never stop delivering joy and 352 obs never stop delivering moms more options and more support at getting better. >> never stops. >> we'll take you outside. here is a live look from our south beach camera looking at the bay
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bridge. as folks come into the city, we are seeing more and more sunshine over the last hour but still cloud cover ruling the sky. here's our coastal forecast. we're pretty cloudy all day today. we have some drizzle first thing. right now we're finding temperatures just steadily in the 50s. it turns windy today. gusts 15 to 30mph. we're increasing that sunshine around the bay shoreline. we'll see temperatures close to 70 today, but those clouds roll back in here pretty quickly this evening. and then inland we have those sunny skies, warm temperatures not as warm as yesterday, a few degrees cooler kumasi, but temperatures later today in the mid and upper 70s. >> thank you drew. we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: now to the 30th anniversary celebration of disney on broadway. usually aladdin's genie is busy granting wishes, but this time michael james scott was granted his wish to visit some of the 20
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disney musicals playing around the globe from london, madrid, hamburg, tokyo. michael james met some of his international co-stars and immersed himself into some incredible cultural experiences. michael james scott, the genie in aladdin on broadway set out for a tour on disney musicals. first stop, madrid, spain. home to the lion king. and aladdin. ♪ kicking things off with local aladdin cast mates. >> has there been a moment that has stood out for you being aladdin? >> the reaction every night. that's the greatest reaction. ♪ >> same thing happening here in spain that's happened in new york city on broadway. i hear that you have done some
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flamenco dancing in you. oh, yeah. >> michael: scheila told her mother she wanted to dance at just 2 years old. >> i'm ready for my flamenco debut. >> michael: scott braved the stage with the pros. ♪ next up, hamburg, germany, home to hercules, the lion king and frozen. >> i am on my way to musical boulevard. this is where you work? >> yes. >> where we work. >> you choose to come and audition for the disney shows. is there a reason you're like, i'm going for that one? ♪ >> i think the disney shows, they are not only for kids, but for the kid within you. ♪ >> here we are in iconic paris.
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what does it feel like to be part of this huge, amazing celebration? >> i'm humbled to put this show every day, with this amazing story. >> michael: also amazing paris' story tradition. >> it's france. you have to go to can can. it's important, the dress is really important. women couldn't go on stage like we are doing right now. >> we want to take you to a special place. >> a special place? >> yes. >> make sure you plie. and cross your feet. ♪ okay. so we hold like this. and then we spin around. >> yes! >> that's it. >> michael: in london, england's famous west end theater district. lion king and frozen.
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>> no. why is tea so important? why is it such a big part of the english culture? >> it's a hug. it's love. let's break this down. let's have a moment. take a second for ourselves. everything better after a cup of tea. >> what does that mean for you to be part of this 30 year celebration? >> it's beyond an honor. really, disney was my first way into musicals. i want to keep that. ♪ let it go let it go ♪ >> michael: tea time again. >> wow. >> happy to see you. >> you, too. >> michael: this time in tokyo, home to more disney musicals than any other city. where scott enjoys a traditional tea ceremony. >> you are my disney cousin. >> yes. >> right here, disney family. i would love to know what that
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means to you to, be a part of this huge beautiful family? >> michael: she said it's simply an honor that disney brings audiences hope and joy. ♪ to mark the end of an incredible journey, a farewell duet. ♪ wow, wow, wow! [ applause ] i got to tell you, that looked like an incredible adventure that you were able to take. what were the highlights for you? >> there were so many highlights. i have to say, being in tokyo was unbelievable. i got to be with the actress who plays belle. had a traditional tea ceremony. lot for me. like what's going on? then i got to see aladdin in japan. i got to meet the four actors who play the genie. it was like genie con.
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[ laughter ] just a beautiful thing. this is the true reach, the global reach of disney on broadway celebrating 30 years of being part of that was truly magical. >> michael: you're disney history, my friend. i was going to ask you to do a duet over commercial break, but i'm going to pass. [ laughter ] coming up we have a special performance from all over the world celebrating 30 years of disney on broadway. there we are, get everybody in there. there we go, get everybody in there. ♪ ♪ hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god.
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and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling.
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visit to learn more. doc?
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>> ginger: welcome back. football fans i want you to get excited. the schedule is out for the 2024 season. we want to highlight some of the matchups on "monday night football." the kansas city chiefs appear twice, taking on the saints in week 5 and bucs in week 9. and then the cowboys host two games. and battle of texas in week 11. and taking on the bengals in week 14. can't wait for kickoff. get a check closer to home. >> lara: and we will be right
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>> lara: all right. back now on gma celebrating disney on broadway's 30th anniversary with the world premiere of one of the biggest performance gma has ever done, spanning four continents, seven languages. seven productions. each cast member singing in their country's language. please, welcome disney's international musical casts from around the world. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ til we find our place in the circle the circle of life ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ever just the same ever a surprise ever a surprise ♪ ♪ ever as before ever just as sure and the sun will rise ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ a whole new world a license to pursue
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anywhere let me bring this whole new world to you ♪ ♪ a whole new world ♪ ♪ that's where i'll be ♪ >> i just love an anniversary! ♪ for you and me ♪ [ applause ]
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>> robin: all right. can we just say wow? >> lara: unbelievable. >> michael: amazing. >> robin: to everyone who was involved in that extravaganza, thank you so much. [ applause ] >> lara: bravo. >> robin: all right. the show must go on! indiana is anticipating caitlin clark's home debut tonight. we're going to go live to indianapolis in a moment. but first a look at how the wnba is inspiring a new generation of basketball stars. this morning the indiana fever red hot here in indianapolis. the hype for the wnba team hitting a fever pitch, as the city gets ready to welcome caitlin clark on home court. >> shre she's a generational talent. >> robin: an indianapolis artist spray painting a tribute to her with
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this super sized mural. >> i knew we had the number one pick. soon as she made herself eligible for the draft i started working on the mural. >> the indiana fever select caitlin clark, university of iowa. [ applause ] >> robin: at the field house, nearly 6,000 fans erupted in cheer during the fever's watch party. >> caitlin clark! caitlin clark! >> robin: in the crowd that night team members of the lady blackouts. >> it was super exciting. i kept on shouting "we love caitlin." >> bringing in a top player like that shines a light on everybody. gives everybody the opportunity to show up a their talents. >> reporter: the lady blackout players grades 2-8 embrace their skills, tricks and fierce athleticism. >> whenever i hear you play like a girl, i take that as a compliment. we play well. we win a lot of games.
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>> robin: the program led by father of three damone eubanks. he created the league four years ago. >> we got seven kids. seven kids turned into 50. 50 turned into 100. kept growing from there. huge family. >> robin: coach going above and beyond, and often out of pocket to ensure his players' success. >> we sponsor 100 plus kids. they play basketball for free. it cost a couple hundred, couple thousand to keep the kids off the street, keep them playing. we're willing to do that. >> he's able to arrange multiple gyms for multiple teams every night of the week. he's also there to support the kids. >> robin: as the young athletes shoot for the stars on and off the court. >> good morning america! we're the lady blackouts! lady blackouts! >> robin: we want to go live to
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game bridge field house, home of the fever, to meet some of those young players. our lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto is there with freddie fever the mascot, and some special guests. coach, damone, thank you. you and your lady blackout players. i know that your mother and your coaches inspired you. now you and your wife taylor are doing the same, coach, for the youth there. how satisfying is that for you? >> just to see what basketball has done for me. it's literally full circle. knowing that basketball put me through college, put my brothers through college. it's just amazing to see my community be able to do the same thing. blackout being able to be that platform to send these girls off to college. we're going to keep at it. >> robin: full circle indeed. lori, how is your morning going, being with everybody there? >> robin, my morning is
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fantastic. these ladies have been giving me some tips, which i desperately need. they're such a great group of girls. damone really runs an incredible program here. thank you to damone. this segment is sponsored by invisaline which is spotlighting women's sports around the world. the vice president of global brand and consumer marketing from invisaline heard about your program. she is here and wants to celebrate what you do. come on over here. why was it so important for you to be here today? >> the invisaline brands is partnering with overtime to launch team invisaline, spotlighting some of the top high school women's basketball and soccer players from around the world. using their liner, they'll share their impactful stories and we'll then amplify their voices across social media.
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we both believe in empowering teenagers to feel their most confident self, which is what we're excited to partner together. we're empowering some of the top female athletes around the world by giving them the smile that they can feel their best self there. today we're also excited to spotlight another group of female athletes with lady blackouts. >> that's right. incredible! that's right. [ applause ] i understand invisaline has something special for them? >> we are donating $25,000 -- [ applause ] >> this is amazing! >> that's amazing. we appreciate that. we really appreciate that. >> what does a donation like this mean to the lady blackouts? >> oh my goodness, it will mean so much. just being able to keep these girls in the gym, working on
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their craft, doing what they love to do. it will really go a long way. tournaments, gym time. man, that's amazing. we really appreciate that. thank you so much. thank you. thank you so much. >> you're so welcome. >> damone appreciates it. definitely a surprise. thank you so much. robin? >> robin: but wait. you know there's more. coach, you have been instilling the love of sports and team spirit in the kids you coach. so the fever, they wanted to give you all something special, too, right, lori? >> oh, you knew we had something else up our sleeves. you guys, not only do you get this donation, but, ladies, you he goes. that is go thought about that, but i think they're all really happy. robin i switched to invisalign.
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>> thank you so much to invisalign for supporting female athletes around the world. >> and thanks to the indiana fever for giving the lady blackout tickets to tonight's game. >> robin, i have caught the fever, let me tell you. so i'm going to throw it back to you guys in new york. >> oh that is i love that mascot. freddy the cheetah and that team and everyone. i mean, the $25,000. but when they got the tickets to tonight's game, that's what it was like. >> the money's cool, but whoa, whoa, that is a hard ticket to come by. >> we thank you all very much for watching. have a great day, everybody. yeah >> next week, where will chris hemsworth and anya taylor joy be first thing in the morning? >> get ready. jrmy >> we are coming your way. and lara and sam are taking you aboard the uss bataan live for fleet week only on good morning america. >> right now. there's just so much happening in our world, so much at stake at the start of every morning.
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traffic is sluggish across the span. drive time from highway four into the city is one hour and three minutes. >> hey amanda, here's the day planner. we're breaking down that fog as we speak for brighter skies. it's a cooler afternoon. it's also a windier day. those winds will gust about 15 to 30mph. our pollen count is high today. sorry. allergy sufferers. you can see those numbers cooler along the coast, but still rather mild inland. looking at the weekend forecast, we'll have a minor cooldown, but we'll have afternoon sunshine both saturday and sunday. kumasi. >> thanks. true. not signed for live with kelly and mark and we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a goodve. have a day. deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. today, actor and author, jessica biel. plus, from the comedy series, young sheldon, iain armitage. also, a performance from recording artist, phillip phillips


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