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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  May 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> it happened yesterday afternoon in an east sanose neighborhood on coleman drive. >> now, police just gave us an update on the suspect's condition a short time ago. >> abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes joins us live from the san jose bureau with the new details. zach >> yeah. that suspect is still hospitalized in critical condition. no one else was injured in this shooting that police were called to just after 410 yesterday afternoon. now, san jose police say they were responding to a call that a man was actively shooting a gun from a vehicle behind an apartment complex. the video, released just this afternoon, shows what police say is the suspect shooting at two officers who responded. and they say he then reloaded his firearm and went to a different area of the apartment complex. the officers were still hearing gunfire and then encountered him once again. they say he pointed the gun at an officer and aggressively walked towards him. that is when a separate officer fired at him. the suspect had multiple gunshot wounds. abc seven is not naming that suspect until he's formally
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charged. police say he has an extensive criminal history and convictions that prohibit him from owning firearms. >> this includes a prior conviction where the suspect was sentenced to ten years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon on a peace officer, while also in possession of a sawed off shotgun and a stolen vehicle. the suspect is currently on active felony probation out of santa clara county for a different offense. >> police have not been able to interview that suspect, who again, is still in critical condition. they say right now his motivation is still not known. three officers have been placed on paid administrative leave while this is under investigation. this is the third officer involved shooting in san jose this year. last year there were two. this most recent one is going to be investigated by the department's homicide unit and the santa clara county district attorney's office. right now live in the south bay bureau. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> all right, zach, thank you so much. oakland police are searching for the person responsible for a deadly shooting overnight. the victim's body was found in the area of
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washington and 14th street downtown around 2:00 this morning. he was taken to the hospital where he died from his injuries. the victim has not been identified. police say it's unclear what led to the shooting. >> an oakland man missing in the wilderness between sunol and livermore was finally found today. the hiker got lost on the trail with his dog and was missing for nearly 48 hours. a lot of people worried about him. abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley is live in pleasanton, outside the hospital where the hiker was taken to be treated. leslie >> uh- the hiker along with his dog. we were told by east bay regional park district are both okay, but this 54 year old hiker, uh- did take off with overnight gear, expecting to spend one night in the wilderness, which turned into three unexpected nights in the wilderness before he was finally rescued. this is 54 year old alex stecker and his trail companion apollo, a bull terrier cattle dog mix. it's the same
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outfit stecher was wearing when he was dropped off at sunol regional wilderness on friday morning for an overnight 20 mile hike on the ohlone trail to del valle in livermore. he didn't show up for his ride at 5 p.m. saturday, and was reported missing by 830 that same night. >> it's a large wilderness ohlone wilderness area, so we utilize everything we could we drones, helicopters, we brought in the east bay regional park police helicopter, the california highway patrol helicopter, and the national guard national guard helicopter, we requested assistance from the alameda county fire department, east bay regional park fire department, alameda county search and rescue, 100 people searched on foot and with eight all terrain vehicles. >> yet all day sunday, they couldn't locate stecker or his dog. the search resumed again this morning, when a san francisco water district employee came across stecker way off the trail in the remote,
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rugged wilderness. >> all things considered, he seems to be doing pretty good. the dog's doing pretty good as well. it is. >> you're assuming he got off the trail and got lost? >> yes, it looks like, he probably went the wrong direction instead of going to delval and wound up at the san antonio reservoir, medics were flown in and stecker was taken as a precaution to a nearby hospital. >> as the search was called off, helicopters were used to gather the search and rescue personnel, all scattered across the vast wilderness. officials say that if you're going to go out hiking into wilderness areas, especially if you're going solo, it's always a good idea to carry some kind of a gps device with you. reporting live in pleasanton. i'm leslie brinkley. abc seven news. >> thank you. leslie in the north bay, there is incredible video of a rescue off the sonoma county coast this weekend. emergency crews hoisted a man to
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safety after his car went flying off a cliff landing. hundreds of feet below. abc seven news anchor dion lim spoke with several of the people involved in saving the driver's life, and she joins us now with the story. dion yeah, this is truly remarkable. >> this was described to me as a needle in a haystack kind of search effort. and one of the most challenging searches conducted by a sonoma county sheriff's office pilot and deputy. take a look. the vehicle went off the cliff on highway one just after seven on sunday morning near the jewel gulch area, south of fort ross. you can see from this helmet cam rescue crews arrive on the scene, and because of this terrain, the h-1 chopper was forced to land on the highway. from there, pilot nigel cooper, deputy larry martelli also locate the vehicle about 200ft down that cliff. a tree is actually what stopped the car from tumbling even further down. you can see the windshield there was totally smashed and there is no driver in sight due to this thick brush and terrain. cooper and martelli grew concerned when they couldn't locate the male
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driver, but nearly an hour later they spotted a deer trail and something promising. >> all i could see was a guy's hand. he was wearing green clothing, so he blended right in with all the all the brush. >> larry is saying a phantom, a phantom. i'm like, point and he's pointing and i put larry right over, over the top of him. and from 100ft above, i still could not see the person. that's how buried he was in there. and camouflage. and he was he was about 350ft down from the car and he survived. >> the driver didn't know his name or where he was, but was transported and is in serious condition. both cooper and martelli say this was one of the most challenging searches they've worked on together, and they credit multiple agencies for making it happen. i also spoke with michelle friess, the emergency dispatcher, who told me she could hear the driver breathing over the open phone line and then not hearing him anymore, was extremely emotional , she says. knowing each team worked together to rescue this man made the stress of her job
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so worth it. glad this had a positive outcome in the end. back to you. >> absolutely, dion. thank you. well, this could be an unpleasant week in richmond as crews try to fix a smelly problem at a wastewater plant. the richmond fire department says the veolia wastewater treatment facility on canal boulevard is having maintenance work done this week. now, the plant's facing scrutiny from the city after some odor releases late last year that lingered in the area for days. people did not like it. the fire department says the work should be finished by friday, and their creating an odor complaint hotline for neighbors. if there's a problem. >> home depot has agreed to pay $1.3 million for fire code violations in its stores. the violations came to light after a home depot store in san jose burned to the ground two years ago. investigators say the automatic sprinkler system at the store was disabled, even though home depot had been warned about it. firefighters also reported they had trouble getting to water sources because pallets were blocking their access. >> it was just a breakdown in
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many different aspects of the home depot store from employee training all the way to the monitoring all the way to the notification of home depot. >> investigators later found fire code violations at 13 of the 14 home depot stores in santa clara county. home depot is implementing new training and tracking methods to ensure compliance with fire codes. >> all right. coming up, business owners and community groups across san francisco are trying to oust the city's transport director. the petition now being circulated. and what they say he's done wrong. >> plus, an international prosecutor is taking action against hamas and israeli leaders and now seeking arrest warrants. now how officials around the world are reacting. abc seven
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crackdown on pro-palestinian protests. the uc system says the
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walkout violates the union contract. union leaders say the strike would disrupt classes and possibly grading in the final weeks of the school year. they also say they will hold rolling strikes at other campuses. uc santa cruz said classes are being conducted remotely today. >> overseas, a prosecutor for the international criminal court says he will seek arrest warrants for hamas and israeli leaders, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the warrants are for what he calls war crimes and crimes against humanity, tied to the war between israel and hamas, which has now raged for seven months. abc news reporter perry russom has more. >> reporter the prosecutor with the icc is accusing israeli leaders of starvation of civilians and then willfully causing great suffering and other inhumane acts. the prosecutor says this is part of a widespread and systematic attack against palestinians. the two names being mentioned on the israeli side are prime minister benjamin netanyahu and then the minister of defense, yoav galant. netanyahu calls the move
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by the icc a disgrace. the icc is also accusing three hamas leaders of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza, and israel. hamas issued a statement saying it equates the victim with the executioner. three judges will now decide whether to issue the warrants. it could take up to two months for a ruling to be made. but even if the warrants are issued for the israeli leaders, israel is not a part of the icc, so they do not face any immediate risk of prosecution. but it could make it harder for netanyahu and galant to travel abroad. president biden is calling the application for the warrants for the israeli leaders outrageous. he says there is no equivalence between israel and hamas. perry russom abc news, washington. >> coming up, hundreds of san franciscans are now calling to oust the city's transportation director. why they claim t
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agency to resign or be terminated. abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke with the group's organizer, who says sfwmd doesn't take merchants opinions into account and they want the mayor to take action. >> close to 400 people are asking san francisco's mayor, london breed, to fire the city's transportation director, jeffrey tomlin. >> he doesn't belong in that seat. you know, he's just created a disaster of the city. >> the petition was started by a group that represents merchants along valencia street in the mission district. >> it is somewhat of a breaking point. >> this year, merchants on valencia have filed claims against the city demanding the removal of a controversial center bike lane. they claim it's killing their businesses because it led to the removal of 70 parking spots, making it harder for customers to come to the area. the owner of yazmin went on a 30 day hunger strike in protest of the bike lane. >> they put in the bike lane because they they want to get
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rid of cars. >> sfmta responded to this petition saying in part the authors of this petition suggest that pedestrians and bicyclists safety and thriving commercial corridors are mutually exclusive. we do not agree, but this petition claims they're not the only area being hurt by projects approved by tomlin. >> merchants from hayes valley, they contact us and you know, they see us on the news and they know that we're fighting to remove this bike lane, and they made a mess out of hayes valley as well. >> the petition also lists an sfmta proposal for traffic changes in west portal after a family at a bus shelter was hit and killed by a driver. the proposal outraged many residents and merchants here. >> it didn't work for any of us and he was in charge of that, some saying they agree with the petition calling for tomlin's resignation. >> i think he does need to step down his leadership has shown that they don't actually care about san francisco. this isn't the first time that tomlin has
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been in hot water over his transportation visions. in 2013, tomlin was removed as a transportation consultant for the city of santaonica after city officials said he made comments online that nimbys used traffic fear as their primary tool for stopping development. in 2019, mayor breed appointed tomlin as sfmta's director after asking the former director to resign in san francisco. luz pena, abc seven news. >> several berkeley businesses now have to decide whether to pay an additional fee to continue using parklet seating privately. starting today, the city is implementing an outdoor commerce fee for restaurants and bars. those businesses can avoid the fee by using the parklets as public space, allowing individuals to use the seating even if they aren't patronizing the business. >> a new mural captures the rich history and legacy of the san francisco fire department. the artwork was unveiled today at the department's headquarters on second street. a carmen zhang, a
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student at academy of art university, created the mural. >> it was a great experience. i am honored to be able to design a huge mural like this is one of my first murals that is this big and leading a team of artists. it was really great to have a piece of history like this on the wall is incredible, and i think it's just amazing that carmen, who's 22 years old, did this like, wow, wow. >> indeed. the mural is 21ft tall and offers visitors a window into the fire. the fire department of the late 1800s. it's designed to be a visual welcome into the oldest standing firehouse that is owned by the department. >> all right, let's get a check on our weather. it's been nice and warm. >> it sure has. another week has begun. meteorologist sandhya patel is here. hi, sandy. >> hi, there. yeah, and dan and ummah warming trend is going to continue as we head into your tuesday. a live view from our sutro tower camera, san francisco. looking good. we've
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got sunshine for everyone today. and as we take a look at your holiday weekend, in case you're already making plans, a stronger marine influence will come in. it's going to be a cooler start to the weekend, with mild conditions inland and cool conditions at the coast. more in the accuweather seven day forecast in just a moment, a northerly wind flow developing today swept what little fog we had. this morning out of here. and you can see much of northern and central california coastline is clear at this hour. we take a look at our temperatures, and they're running a little bit higher than where they were yesterday by seven degrees in novato for most areas, up two in oakland, up five in san jose. a lovely day in santa cruz right now it is 62 degrees in the city. mid 60s around oakland getting you up into the 70s from san jose to redwood city, half moon bay, 55 degrees, blue skies. you notice that flag blowing around on the golden gate bridge? there is a little breezy santa rosa 76 degrees in the 60s. napa, petaluma, and our warmest spots like fairfield,
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8178, in concord. walnut creek camera showing you the sun and it is going to be sunny and summer-like warmth. tomorrow, wednesday the fog returns at the coastline and then your memorial day weekend will start off cooler. friday and saturday, but then those temperatures will recover. the second half of your weekend, although not completely where they should be for this time of year. so let's go hour by hour, 50s to 70s at 6:00 tonight. if you are stepping outside, maybe taking the dog out for a walk or just going to run errands, it's still going to be very pleasant. later on this evening at 8:00. and then those temperatures will drop tomorrow morning into the 50s and 60s, and then quickly rising in the afternoon into the 80s. while inland, 60 coast side, as we look at your morning temperatures in the 40s and 50s, it's going to start out pretty clear. there may be a patch or two of fog tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at 82 in san jose in the south bay. gilroy, 75, santa cruz on the peninsula, 78, in redwood city, 64 pacifica bright skies in downtown san
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francisco 70 degrees. if you like it warmer, it's going to really be a nice day in the north bay. 80 in san rafael, 80 for santa rosa, heading into the east bay 75. berkeley 76. oakland inland areas up to 88. in fairfield, 84 in livermore, 82 san ramon accuweather seven day forecast. we bring you the warmth that you would typically experience in the summer with upper 80s, inland, low 60s coast side and then mid to late in the workweek. we are going to notice those temperatures dropping off a few degrees each and every day. as that fog comes back into the picture. memorial day weekend is looking nice, but ama and dan not exactly temperatures that you would expect for the unofficial start of summer, right? >> as we always say, it'll be 100 before we know it. >> that's true. thanks, sandy. >> a long time tradition and a new honor today for retiring south bay congresswoman anna eshoo. she hosted her final u.s. service academies reception today. the event at moffett field celebrates local students selected for the u.s. military academy, the naval academy, the
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air force academy, and the merchant marine academy. su's district had a record 51 students admitted this year. >> these are all young people, their high school students that have this passion to serve. so it reminds me of all the good there is in america. >> the california national guard announced today they're naming a helicopter after su in honor of her retirement. the 129th rescue wing is dubbing the chopper the onorable anna. she told us she's looking forward to flying in it. >> i'll bet. well, still ahead, the nba's all rookie first team is announced and it includes a member of the warriors. we'll explain how abc7 helped break the news. stay with us. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are, we are, we are, we
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for the 19th time in franchise history, the golden state warriors have placed a player on the nba's all rookie first team. >> let's go abc seven news sports director larry biel helped deliver the news to pisemsky. >> he's been named to the nba all rookie first team. he averaged nine points and six rebounds per game in his first year in the league. >> credit to my work ethic, but also to my teammates and you know, the coaches and the front office for, you know, providing the opportunity. and then me just, you know, taking full advantage of it. but it means a lot. it's a something that i had on a, on a goal list of mine coming into the year. and i got to check that box. so it's pretty cool because you only can be a rookie one time. >> pisemsky was drafted out of santa clara, and by the end of the season was a part time
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starter for the warriors. >> good for him. off to a great start. all right, a group of elementary students in oakland now have a safer place to play thanks to stefan and ayesha curry. they're eat learn play foundation held a ribbon cutting today for their latest schoolyard playground rebuild at piedmont avenue elementary school. >> i am very grateful for the new playground. it's very inclusive and it looks very safe. >> i really like this playground because it's like it's made for everyone, because some people don't know how to like, speak like with their voice. but now there's like a sign language thing over there. and i just think like, this playground is like for everyone. >> listen to those sweet kids. fantastic. the curry started eat, learn, play in 2019 to support healthy children through nutritious meals, reading resources, and opportunities to play and to be active. >> nice. >> all right. we still have much more news ahead. >> we do. let's go to abc7 news anchor dion lim for a look at what's coming up at 530. dion. yeah. >> thanks, dan and umma. tonight
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we are looking into the physical impacts of the fentanyl crisis on the human body. it's something you may have even seen fentanyl users bent over, seemingly unable to stand upright. reporter lyanne melendez spoke with medical experts about it and will join us live to explain. plus, an adaptive golf clinic for golfers from 3 to 67 years old. we'll show you how organizers are making the sport accessible to everyone. so join us for those stories and more at 530. dan and ummah. >> okay dan, thank you and you can download the abc seven app or head to abc seven and join dion in two minutes. and if you're watching us here on tv we're in the middle of... seizing the date! ♪ in the middle of... trying new things!
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the drama inside the courtroom. what donald trump's lawyers got michael cohen to admit to. then, the judge furious with a defense witness, clearing the courtroom. also tonight, the hardline president of iran dead in a helicopter crash. what we know. and here at home, we're tracking new and severe storms moving in tonight, several states


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