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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 22, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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amy poehler. hope you have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight -- amy poehler. patton oswalt. and slash. with cleto and the cletones. and now -- jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome. very nice. hi, everybody. appreciate that. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us here at our studio in beautiful los angeles, california, where we are joined once again by the guitar phenom slash, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] how are you, slash? this is night three of slash's miniature residency with the cletones. it's a good night to be here. you don't want to be out there tonight, or really ever. [ laughter ] the world health organization is warning that sexually transmitted infections, stis as they call them, are on the rise in a big way. they went down, way down, during covid but people are back out
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doing filthy things. [ laughter ] they're up again. four stis -- simple less, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. something like that. each one, nearly impossible to spell, are accounting for a million new infections a day. even the rate of babies born with stis has shot up, which is the worst. i mean, is there anything creepier than getting syphilis from your mom? [ audience moaning ] and also, what happened to monkey pox? where is that hiding? [ laughter ] i think it's coming back. that was supposed to be the next big thing. that was like the segue of diseases. but it is important to spread -- the word. [ laughter ] maybe instead -- a press release is great, but it would be better if they share this information in places where the people most at risk for stis would be likely to see it. like the side of a bottle of mountain dew or something. [ laughter ] sexually transmitted infections have been around for a very long time.
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in fact, researchers from brazil just released newly discovered evidence. they tested bones from skeletons and found that neanderthals had an ancient form of herpes. either that or the nightwatchman at the museum has some serious explaining to do. [ laughter ] neanderthals are an extinct group of humans that lived until about 40,000 years ago. this is what they looked like. this was taken at the exact moment they found out they had herpes. [ laughter ] the neanderthal on the right, the female, looks familiar to me, right? [ cheers and applause ] yes, that explains a lot. marjorie taylor greene is part of -- this would be funny if it wasn't so stupid and dangerous. yesterday, files were unsealed in the trump stolen documents case. they revealed that when the fbi searched mar-a-lago in 2022, the agents were authorized to use “deadly force” if necessary. which is standard operating procedure whenever the fbi executes a search warrant. but in the magaverse, it's a plot to kill donald trump!
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[ laughter ] klan mom led the charge, she wrote, "the biden doj and fbi were planning to assassinate president trump and gave the green light. does everyone get it yet? what are republicans going to do about it?" what a rich imagination this woman has. [ laughter ] you'd almost think she has the brain of a child, you know? [ laughter ] so the fbi felt the need to put out a statement saying, the fbi followed standard protocol in the search, as we did for all search warrants. nobody ordered additional steps to be taken, and there was no departure from the norm in this matter. but did that stop the right-wing outrage machine from spinning like a top? of course it didn't. >> the fbi authorized the use of deadly force. >> the department of injustice effectively put a shoot to kill order on the corrupt raid of mar-a-lago. >> so they were, in essence, prepared to shoot and kill former president donald trump? >> are democrats trying to kill our president?
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>> they were thinking of using deadly force? >> it's pretty extraordinary, deadly force. >> to shoot to kill over paperwork? >> what was life-threatening about pieces of paper? >> maybe they wanted the engagement of physical force. >> they are showing up as though they're drug dealers who are armed. >> treating him the same way they would if they were going into a drug den. >> these people are sick. it's crazy. >> it seems so crazy. >> seriously, jim, this is crazy stuff. >> this is crazy. this is wild. this is dangerous. so dangerous. so, say a prayer, all right? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we will pray that you are someday able to experience an emotion called shame. [ laughter ] because this is -- the diabolical mastermind, joe biden, sent an elite team of ultra-liberal fbi agents s s t assassinate donald trump. but somehow he slipped out the backdoor. somehow they missed the fact that the loudest and most famous man in america and all 15 of his
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secret service agents were in new jersey at the time that they raided mar-a-lago. but of course trump was screaming about this too. "wow, i just came out of the biden witch hunt trial in manhattan, the ice box, and was shown records that crooked joe biden's doj unconstitutional raid of mar-a-lago authorized the fbi to use deadly lethal force. now we know for sure that joe biden is a serious threat to democracy. he is mentally unfit to hold office. 25th amendment!" [ laughter ] the 25th is the amendment many of his fellow thought about using against him. as far as this ice box claim he keeps making about the courtroom, that it was freezing? by every account other than his, they warmed the place true that weeks ago. a reporter brought a thermometer to the courthouse yesterday. it was 79 degrees in the hallway and 76 degrees in court. it's not just him. these hysterical, dishonest stooges he has jockeying for lip
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space on his big pink ass -- [ laughter ] they're so dramatic. when it comes to the temperature in the courtroom, a freezing ice box, recovering stolen documents is an assassination attempt -- but this? >> jimmy: that's just tourism. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that's just a friendly group of out of towners learning about about democracy firsthand. we got a few other bits of tid. turns out the special counsel believes trump did even mere to obstruct the investigation than we'd previously known. looks like trump moved the boxes of classified documents out of mar-a-lago, then realized he had to move them back in without it being captured on security cameras. this is trump's right-hand man,
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walt nauta, moving some large boxes, although in fairness this could have been trump's burger king order that day. [ laughter ] we also learned that mar-a-lardo had stolen documents in his bedroom, in his bathroom and scattered around on the floor. basically, he had documents everywhere shaggy got caught having sex in the song “it wasn't me." [ laughter ] the judge wrote, “notably, no excuse is provided as to how the former president could miss the classified-marked documents found in his own bedroom at mar-a-lago." i know how. they were on the floor. the man can't see his feet, of course he'd miss them. [ laughter and applause ] who knows, he might not ever be tried for this. of all the cases against trump, the documents case is the most open and shut. but it has been delayed indefinitely by a judge who was appointed by donald trump, in case you're looking for "conflicted." judge aileen cannon is playing prevent defense while the supreme court is still rubbing their chins over trump's
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ridiculous argument that he has total immunity from prosecution. that's a toughie. justice alito has been thinking about it so hard he accidentally flew his american flag right side up today. [ laughter ] meanwhile, trump picked up a bigly endorsement this afternoon from one of his most bitter opponents. >> so i will be voting for trump. >> jimmy: oh, she really is a bird brain, he was right. [ laughter ] nikki haley says she's voting for donald trump. and after all the nice things they said about each other, why not? >> donald trump's not watching out for the republican party. he's not watching out for america. he's watching out for himself. >> does anybody know who bird brain is? >> if you mock the service of a combat veteran, you don't deserve a driver's license, let alone being president of the united states. >> she's not tough enough. she's not smart enough. and she wasn't respected enough. >> i mean, when he goes off the teleprompter, he's unhinged.
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he's totally unhinged. >> she's very, uh, rude. do you notice that? >> he is unhinged. he is more diminished. >> bird brain. nikki bird brain. >> he's just toxic. >> and when i watched her, the fancy dress that probably wasn't so fancy -- >> chaos follows donald trump. >> bird brain, that's nikki haley. >> everything he touches is chaos. >> kooky nikki. >> we can't wait if donald trump is the nominee. i will say this till my last breath. >> jimmy: i guess it must be her last breath, then, i don't know. [ laughter ] she is going to vote for him. [ applause ] she's blubber, he's glue, i guess. and then we have rudy giuliani who, i mentioned last night is $150 million in the hole and doing his best to chip away at that debt. by selling beans >> it's the very best beans that you can get. arabica rather than robusto.
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absolutely no robusto, all high-quality beans. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's right. the best beans. not a robusto in the bunch. [ laughter ] yesterday, giuliani was arraigned over zoom in arizona. he is charged with election crimes there. and when they went to him, listen closely because it sounds like he was in the bathroom, doing a livestream of his own. >> number 66 on today's calendar -- [ indiscernible noises ] 66 is cr-2024 -- [ indiscernible noises ] >> is that me? >> yes, it's you, mr. giuliani. cr-2024, 006 -- >> jimmy: get that man some flomax! [ laughter ] his prostate is the size of a snow globe! [ laughter ] there's so much madness out there right now. fox news, all i can figure is they must think joe biden is doing a good job because they're now at the point where they're
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just completely making stuff up. >> when he puts out these videos his social media team puts it out of him, there should be a stroke warning for how many jump cuts they have. i imagine it takes 20 to 30 takes to get one sentence at a time. this is embarrassing. the left knees this, and that's why i firmly believe joe will not be the nominee in november were there all of this is testing the waters for when they swap him out for gavin newsom. wait and watch. the calls for him to step down are going to intensify in the next couple of months. >> maybe joe should identify as gavin newsom. >> jimmy: good one, j.w. [ laughter ] but conspiracy or not, this is an interesting theory. one that seems to be shared by many in the republican party. even though it makes almost no sense. it would give newsom almost no time to campaign. hundreds of millions of dollars spent promoting biden would be wasted and not least of all, gavin newsom, is very focused on running our state. >> a message from the 40th governor of california.
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>> sup, guys? it's your loving' govin here prop some knowledge. a butt-ton of underfunded sectors in our great state. like renewable energy. cali leads the nation in solar power, which is rad. what about lunar power? i believe the moon is capable of so much more than just controlling your anti-aunt's ovulation cycle. take it, take it, take it. thank you. let's put the moon for us. you know we crush it when it comes to whatever, bruh, drug laws. allow californians to keep up to seven ounces of hallucinogenic toad venom for personal use. crypto off the dark web. 83 incentivizes the best and brightest in tech, to live and work and silicon valley by
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making vaping in offices, hospitals, and ferrari dealerships mandatory. did i hit that? sure, but i only vape merlot. >> mer who? >> prop 83, everybody gets a black friend, like my man -- >> nate. >> nate here. nate and i love hanging on the weekends, doing stuff nate loves to do. >> i like bird watching. >> whatever. prop 83 gets binoculars for all. especially the blind. and earmarks $200 million to build a museum at zac efron's birthplace. so future generations can learn about "the high school musical" franchise, his nutritional regimen, zac's ab routine as well. lost another black friend. 99 -- 100 -- hey, brother. can i get a squirt of that good stuff? so do me a solid to ensure a bright future for all stater
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skaters. vote yes on prop 83. you watch birds? >> paid for by the middle-aged woman rooting through zac efron's trash. [ applause ] >> jimmy: we have some funny people on the show for you tonight. patton oswalt is here, and we'll be right back with amy poehler.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: he's the host of a new game show called “the one percent club.” a very funny man, patton oswalt is with us. [ cheers and applause ] also tonight, sitting in with the cletones, a gentleman with one name only, slash is here. [ cheers and applause ] slash's summer tour is called "the serpent festival." it starts july 5th in bonner, montana. his new blues album is called "orgy of the damned." do you have to have the blues to play the blues? >> yeah. everybody has the blues in some shape or form at some point or another, yeah. >> jimmy: you have a great lineup. billy gibbons. iggy pop. demi lovato. it's quite a lineup. congratulations. been great having you here. i don't want you to leave. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you for giving me a job. i'm going to stick around. >> jimmy: you hired slash? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: great, excellent, all
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right. wonderful. you know our first guest tonight from many, many funny things. she is the voice of joy in the beloved disney/pixar movie "inside out." the sequel, “inside out 2,” opens in theaters june 14th. please welcome amy poehler. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hi, jimmy! >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm great, good to see you. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. we just hired slash. >> i saw that. you know, i have a slash story, i have a story. >> jimmy: oh, good. >> i have a question to ask you. >> jimmy: oh, good. oh-oh. >> it's not a bad one. >> jimmy: okay. >> i was working on a film with billy bob thornton. and i was invited to a listening party for some music that he was making. and when i arrived, he said, "we're in slash's house right now." >> yeah. >> is that true? >> yeah, that was my house. i sold it to billy.
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it had a studio in it and all that. him and angelina bought it. >> and were you upstairs at the time the party was happening? >> i don't think so. did he say that? >> no, but we assumed you were. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: where were you guys -- >> there was like a -- >> a basement, a studio basement in l.a. >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, wow. >> hollywood, a hollywood story. >> jimmy: hollywood's something else, it really is. >> hollywood is something else. >> jimmy: by the way, i have something that one of our staffers brought in today. this is exciting. the band yola tango. >> yes, great band. >> jimmy: this is from about the year 2000. >> wow. >> jimmy: and this is none other than amy poehler on the cover of their cd. >> that is a relic. that's the first -- the first and only time i've been on the cover of a record. that's called -- for those of you -- that's called a cd. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: uh-huh. look at it, yes, it's shiny. >> they were really shiny. you could put your coffee cups
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on them and stuff. >> jimmy: is this blood? >> no, that is a sketch i did with ucb, my sketch group, called spaghetti jesus. and i think the premise of the sketch was a woman -- there was the face of jesus found in a bowl of spaghetti. then someone ate it. and you panned around to see who it was, then that lady. [ laughter ] so i guess the fine people of yola tango thought it would be a great album cover. i'm so proud you found that. >> jimmy: they saw the sketch and said, yeah, we want you with the jesus spaghetti face. >> you know, at what is a different time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. well, you must know a lot of bands and stars and such. >> oh, man. >> jimmy: especially from "saturday night live." >> i'd like to think i do. i don't, but i'm a huge music fan. with "snl," we got to meet a lot of people. >> jimmy: who's the biggest one at "snl"? >> other than slash's basement, i did get a chance to meet prince once.
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[ cheers ] >> jimmy: that's a big one, yeah. >> big one. >> jimmy: was he friendly? >> well, i'll never know. [ laughter ] because i really blew my chance. because he came offstage during the sound check and walked past me and i said -- and he just kind of gave me a little eye contact and said hello and i said, "how was your summer?" that was my question to prince. "how was your summer?" that's what i said. >> jimmy: and he didn't -- >> he just floated away. [ laughter ] into the elevator and? a lavender haze of talent. >> jimmy: he just went -- >> he's like, we're not of the same species, you and i. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we're not going to be doing this, yeah. what is your plan for summer? >> oh my god, i'm going to continue this journey that i'm on, jimmy, thank you for asking. i'm trying to learn a new thing a month. >> jimmy: oh, your life journey, okay. >> my life journey, yeah. >> jimmy: what do you mean, a new thing a month? >> basically a new skill or a new game or a new -- i'm trying to keep my mind, you know, sharp. >> jimmy: just like somebody who decided -- i like that when
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people do that. >> right? >> jimmy: i never -- i never think to do anything like that. >> well, i'm only two months in. so it will probably stop. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you've done two things? >> i've done two things. i learned tai chi. >> jimmy: you did? in a month? >> are you impressed? i should say, i'm studying it. and by studying it, i mean i've done it twice. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you did it twice. will you continue, or is that it? just that month -- >> i don't think that's what it's about, jimmy. [ laughter ] i think it's about the flow. like, will it -- >> jimmy: yeah, the flow is the whole thing. i see people in the park doing it. from what i understand, and you know more about it than i do, it's supposed to be some kind of self-defense. but it seems like the only way you're going to be able to fight somebody off is if they also are fighting in slow motion. [ laughter ] >> slow motion. >> jimmy: or underwater, something like that. >> yeah, we have to start to cultivate stuff that we can do when we're older. we have to go a little slower. >> jimmy: okay. >> so i also learned mah jong. >> jimmy: oh, that's fun, the
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game. >> the game. >> jimmy: you learned -- somebody came and taught you how to play? >> yes, someone came and taught a bunch of us. i'm learning it again. i've only played once. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> but it's a new thing that i learned. and so i'm two months in. >> jimmy: that's this month's, may's, mah jong may, tai chi april. what will we do for june? >> this is a great question. i'm open to suggestions. >> jimmy: you are? >> i was thinking about something that had a cool name. like parkour or something. [ laughter ] then i realized it's so tiring. >> jimmy: and seems dangerous, also. >> it does, and i'm not going to be able to do it. >> jimmy: jumping from building to building, running up the side of a wall, you don't want to do parkour. >> what, hacky sack? >> jimmy: are people still playing hacky sack? they probably are. >> i don't know, i have a hacky sack in my car. >> jimmy: no, you don't. >> i do. >> jimmy: do you really? >> i just realized i have it in my glove compartment. >> jimmy: just in case? >> just in case.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: is it from the kids? >> a way to make friends, dude. >> jimmy: how do you get a hacky sack in your glove box? >> i don't know, i'm just now visualizing that i have a hacky sack in my glove box. >> jimmy: that's a great title for an album. [ laughter ] >> yes, that's yola tango's fourth album, "i have a hacky sack in my glove box." >> jimmy: would you take suggestions? collision grief? >> i would love to do -- that sounds very easy. >> jimmy: frisbee golf? >> too much activity, i think. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. >> calligraphy sounds nice. you can sit down. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: balloon animals? >> i don't like the sound of the squeak of the balloon. it gives me the chills. >> jimmy: okay. >> anyone else? you know, like nails on a chalkboard. no offense to all you balloon artists. >> jimmy: as we get toward the holidays, maybe something like wreath-making could be a skill that might be fun? >> i mean -- sure. [ laughter ] no, no -- >> jimmy: do you cook at all?
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>> i love to cook. >> jimmy: that's one you have already. >> you love to cook. let me ask you this. what is your food that you are working on right now any know you cook a million things. >> jimmy: working on? >> what is something that you're like, i'm getting better? >> jimmy: i don't get better, i just try it. here's what i do. i'll make something up. then -- like last night. i made -- my wife said, "make me dinner." she said it just like that, too. [ laughter ] "make me dinner." i got up, and i went in the kitchen, and i looked around, and i got some garlic and oil and tomato paste and cannelloni beans and some chicken broth. and i put some pasta in it. and i made it up. she's like, "oh my god, this is great." she goes, "you have to give me the recipe." i said, "i've already forgotten the recipe. [ laughter ] >> that's a good cook. that's the dream. you find what you have. >> jimmy: what do you make? >> i'm really excited about my cole slaw right now. >> jimmy: really, cole slaw? >> i love fermented, pickled things. >> you do? how jer ran of you.
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[ laughter ] >> i thank you, i think. and i'm really into getting the right cole slaw. and i've been bringing it into my office. and i'm realizing it's become an hr violation now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why? >> i'm forcing the people i work with to eat my cole slaw. >> jimmy: do they eat the cole slaw? >> they don't, no. [ laughter ] when their sandwiches come out at lunch, "you know what would be really good with that is my four to five-day-old cole slaw." but cole slaw gets bettering the longer it's in the refrigerator. >> jimmy: yeah, until it gets soggy. >> did i hear a groan? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we've got a guy who's been fishing cheetos out of navels here in the audience. [ laughter ] there's a lot of weird stuff happening. >> no, yeah. >> jimmy: let's take a break. amy holer is here. "inside out 2" is her movie. it opens june 14th. we'll be right back. (♪)
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orange? >> do i look orange? >> i didn't touch it. >> not me. >> hello, everybody. oh my gosh, i am just such a huge fan of yours. now here i am, meeting you face-to-face. ha ha! okay, how can i help? >> uh -- >> i can take notes, get coffee, manage your calendar, walk your dog, carry your things, watch you sleep. >> wow, you have a lot of energy. maybe you could just stay in one place. >> anything. just call my name, and i am here for you. >> okay, love that. and that was your name again?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was "inside out 2" starring amy poehler. it opens in theaters june 14th. the sequel to "inside out" which won the oscar for best animated feature. >> i know. i just saw the movie last night, it's so good. >> jimmy: the new one? i was told it wasn't ready to be seen. >> i was given a little bit of a private -- >> jimmy: i see. >> because i have to start talking about it. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> so i have to know -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: to know what's in it? >> to know what's in it. it's so good. >> jimmy: my kids are dying to see it. the first one was ten years ago? >> ten years ago. yeah, we started working on it -- i started getting ready to talk about it in 2014. and i was looking back at 2014, and it was a very different time. >> jimmy: you looked back at the year 2014? >> i looked -- >> jimmy: why? >> because i -- because things are kind of coming full circle. the movie's coming out again. a lot has happened. i looked back to think, what was going on in 2014? do you remember what was going on in 2014? >> jimmy: god, no.
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>> the ice bucket challenge. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, that was a big thing, yeah. >> idina menzel became adele mazine forever. pharell started wearing really crazy hats all the time, everywhere. giant hats. >> jimmy: big, big, big hats. >> big hats. obama was president. [ cheers and applause ] exciting. >> jimmy: hold on, i'm going to cry. [ laughter ] >> i know. it was a different time. seth rogen almost got us in a war with north korea. >> jimmy: that was ten years ago? >> that was ten years ago. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that story is undertold, you know? [ laughter ] >> it is undertold. it should be a hulu limited series. >> jimmy: it should be. >> and then there was a famous oscar selfie. >> jimmy: oh, right. >> with host ellen degeneres. and that was before -- i don't know if you know this. the oscars existed before you hosted them. >> jimmy: i don't believe that at all. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yes. >> jimmy: they existed, yeah, in kind of a hypothetical way -- >> they actually, physically --
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>> jimmy: they held a ceremony? it's rude is what it is. [ laughter ] will you now go on a tour around the world? >> yeah, we're heading out to australia and the uk at the end of this week. >> jimmy: so you go to the countries where english is spoken because it will be dumb for someone who did voice-over to go to mexico where you're going to be redubbed by someone who speaks spanish? >> it's very cool to meet -- i've had the pleasure of meeting a few people who have dubbed in different countries and it's very, very cool. >> jimmy: if i were to walk up to you -- somebody were to walk up to you, a guy who pulls cheetos out of a belly button. [ laughter ] "i live in hungary, and i voice your character." you would automatically believe them, right? >> well, why are you asking? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: because i'm the voice-over artist -- >> oh, yeah,. >> jimmy: excited to meet you because i do your voice. >> if they came up to me on the street i'd be like -- i guess i'd probably say, "prove it."
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: you would? >> that's just my personality. >> jimmy: you -- maybe you whip out a little tai chi. [ laughter ] >> real slow. really slowly. i just change their energy really slowly. >> jimmy: by the way, patton oswalt is here. >> i know. >> jimmy: we were talking today about -- >> i love pat. >> jimmy: on "parks and rec," you and patton had this scene -- >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that has now been viewed a zillion times on youtube where patton was talking about -- well, he was filibustering. >> i'm sure he'll speak better on it when he's out here if he wants to. but his character was a local character who had to filibuster during a meeting and just talk nonsense to waste time. and patton decided to talk about the "star wars" series and franchise and what he thinks other movies should tackle. and he spoke for 10, 15, 20 minutes, incredibly
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specifically, about the "star wars" universe combined with the marvel universe. and how those two could then go on -- and i think, and you can check with him, i think every single thing he said came true. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think you're right. a lot of the things did come true. >> yes. >> jimmy: we'll find out when he comes out here. >> he's so funny. that was such a great time. he just went off, and we were all staring and watching it all. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. congratulations on all your new skills. >> thank you, yes. ly come back, i want -- i don't want to come as an actress promoting a film, i want to come as just a person of the world. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know what i mean? >> jimmy: if you come back in one year, it will be fun for you to do all 12 things you learned. [ laughter ] in a row. >> perfect. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: amy pohler, everybody. "inside out 2" opens in theaters june 14th. we'll be back with patton as walt. ♪ [song playing - here comes the hotstepper by ini kamoze] ♪ man: ooh!
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>> jimmy: slash sitting in with the cletones tonight. [ cheers and applause ] our next guest is another beloved pixar character, in his case, of the rodent variety. his new game show, “the one percent club,” premieres tomorrow on prime video and june 3rd on fox. please welcome the next patton sajak, patton oswalt. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> really good. your producer was walking me to the stage and he said, "hey, have you ever slept in slash's basement?" [ laughter ] which is a funny question. it also sounds like the weirdest sexual slang. [ laughter ] "how's the day go?"
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"well, i slept in slash's basement, leave it at that." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you? >> no, i haven't. >> jimmy: sorry, slash, never been to your house. maybe tonight. >> i'm free. >> jimmy: hey, you know what, they're doing an "inside out 2," why not a ratatouille 2" or something? [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. obviously i would love to do a "ratatouille" sequel. but i am of the mind of, i want to wait until brad bird gets an amazing idea for it. they took their time with the "inside out" sequel. it's amazing. they waited -- they had a really fantastic story to tell. they didn't just -- because "inside out," that was one of my favorite movies. >> jimmy: it's a great movie, yeah. >> my daughter especially, we watched it six times, every week, "let's go see inside out again." they didn't rush out -- they waited until an amazing story came along. so this sequel is like, oh, good, this was worth waiting for. >> jimmy: i have an idea for it. >> let's hear it. >> jimmy: ratatouille saves red
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lobster. [ laughter and applause ] i mean, not only is it a great idea, you could save an american institution, you know? [ laughter ] >> yeah. so he gets on a hedge fund manager's head? and is pulling the hairs and stopping him from short selling the entire company? >> jimmy: that's for you and brad to work out. i don't want to get into the details. [ laughter ] i'm an umbrella guy. >> spitballing. >> jimmy: we were also talking about -- the scene in "parks and rec" where you start talking about "star wars" and marvel. [ cheers and applause ] >> that -- that scene -- i love "parks and rec." that show was a perfect 22-minute short film every week. when they hired me on it, oh my god, i want to do a really good job. the scene was supposed to be, i announce i'm going to do this filibuster, then they were going to -- they cut to amy's character, leslie, going oh, dear god. that would be the joke. then the directors and writers
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said, let's not yell cut and see how long he'll talk. [ laughter ] i panicked. in my panic, it's this trivia dump. it's every single thing i know about -- and yeah, amy was right, some things weirdly came true. some on purpose, some by accident. >> jimmy: it's more than just a trivia dump. it is like -- it is the look inside of a very lonely boy's brain. [ laughter ] but also incredible. i watched it today. and you're right. so many of the things did come to pass. >> one point i mention the time gem from the -- they had not been "guardians of the galaxy." when i say time gem, they cut to chris pratt. this is way before he did "guardians." >> jimmy: wow. >> exactly. amy has the funniest line, "the female part's a little underwritten." [ laughter ] which is so exactly what those movies were. then when the disney channel --
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jon favreau confirmed this for me. they cut the opening shot to match my filibuster -- [ laughter ] you can sync them up time-wise. the hand comes up, hits -- no, hand's down from the twin suns, the hand comes out of the sand, you can match it to my filibu filibuster, they did it on purpose. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's thrilling, right? ♪ has your daughter, alice, taken on -- is she interested in the comic books and the music and this kind of stuff that you love? >> i've given her the foundation of things. and some of them she's rejected, some of them she's really embraced. movie-wise, eh. although she -- i just showed her "pulp fiction." she loved "pulp fiction." thought it was brilliant. >> jimmy: she's 4, by the way. [ laughter ] >> she's 4. but she really got the time switch stuff, oh my god. yeah, if i don't give her her mashed peas, she's going to go
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medieval. no, this movie called "the nice guys" with ryan gosling. >> jimmy: that's a good one, yeah. >> why that movie didn't make $200 million. she's watched it three times now, the best movie. music-weiss, there's stuff i played when she was little, pixies and david bowie, the stuff i like. she has used that for a lunch pad for stuff like phoebe bridgers and boy genius she's obsessed with. they will she'll listen to a band like bleached, bleach will mention sabbath, "do you know what that means?" i played her black is an bath's "paranoid." now she loves sabbath and iron maden and zeppelin. [ applause ] >> jimmy: wow. you might want to rein it in a little, this could backfire. covered in tattoos, you'll be like, what did i do? [ laughter ] >> i love driving around. she'll play the music she likes. she's turned me on to a lot of artists i didn't know. >> jimmy: that's nice. >> again, like phoebe bridger is
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amazing, amazing lyricist. there are certain songs, especially when i'm driving around, me and her and my wife, my wife loves zeppelin. really loves zeppelin. alice loves zeppelin. but meredith, my wife, meredith salinger, if a zeppelin song comes on, she'll start singing along with it. alice goes, "no one sing, no one sing, i just want to listen to the song, please." she knows. alice wants it quiet. "let me absorb this music." >> jimmy: have you ever hosted a game show before? is this the first time? >> i've never -- i'd never even thought of being a game show host. they brought me this show. it's a british show. and they sent me all the episodes. i watched it, and it was fascinating how fun and cool the show was. i'm like, yeah, i'm definitely doing this. >> jimmy: i know you did well -- you and ike barinholtz were the final two on the
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>> beat me. no, no! ike barinholtz beat me by one dollar on. >> jimmy: "celebrity jeopardy!."" one dollar. if you don't think i haven't gone inigo montoya about that, someday there's going to be a reckoning for him. [ laughter ] although these a frigging genius. they put him on regular "jeopardy!" and he kicked ass. >> jimmy: he was on regular "jeopardy!" that's a whole different story there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so you're hosting this show now. tell me what the premise of the show is. >> the whole premise of the show is, it has nothing to do with what you've learned, what information is in your head. it's how your brain works. how you use reasoning and logic. what that makes the game kind of fascinating because the contestants are the audience, 100 contestants. and i talk to them. they have amazing stories about their lives. but there are people on the show that are ph.d. and
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nanotechnology getting smoked by someone who's like, i'm working as a ba ris that, i don't know what i want to do but they can put together the logic of the questions. how do you listen? >> jimmy: you can figure it out, i like that. >> some of the questions are -- again, they get harder. it's called one percent because we start off with the 90% question that 90% of americans got right. you work up to the one percent question. i'm listening to the questions, getting it right, it's amazing to watch it happen. >> jimmy: it sounds fun, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: the show is -- it premieres tomorrow, interestingly on prime video, on june 3rd on fox? >> it's -- it's that good, jimmy. [ laughter ] it is that good. >> jimmy: watch it tomorrow on prime video. then gather your family on june 3rd. and blow their minds. [ laughter ] blow their minds. >> that's a -- i wonder -- hang on, i wonder if there are --
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because the sportsbooks could make a fortune on this in vegas. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. you know what edit that out. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: we've got to make some money first. patton oswalt, everybody! we'll be right back.
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>> jimmy: i want to thank, first of all, slash for sitting in with the band. thank you, slash, for being here. thanks to amy poehler. thanks to josh myers, who played gavin newsom so beautifully. >> hilarious. >> jimmy: thanks to mr. patton as walt. you can see his new game show, "the one percent club" tomorrow on prime video, again with your family june 3rd on fox. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of him. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching, g ♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, new diddy allegations. the former model suing the music mogul for sexual assault. what we're learning about the lawsuit. plus reggie bush. the only player ever


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