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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  May 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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today we bear witness to the price they paid. today we join that grief with gratitude. gratitude to our fallen heroes. gratitude to the families left behind. and gratitude to the brave souls who continue to uphold the flame of liberty. >> and with that, we say, good afternoon. this memorial day, i'm kristen sze and i'm dan ashley. >> thank you for joining us. president biden marked memorial day with events at arlington national cemetery. >> and here in the bay area, the solemn day was marked with remembrances from those who lost friends, family and fellow service members in san francisco . >> a special tribute on this memorial day to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. silent service is how they serve. better known as the submarine veterans. abc seven news
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reporter cornell bernard was there. >> a solemn service on board the uss pampanito, a floating piece of history, docked at pier 45 at fisherman's wharf. she served six deployments during world war two, but on this memorial day, the submarine hosting a ceremony to honor those who never returned to port. >> we shall never forget the ultimate sacrifice they made so that we all here right now, can enjoy the fruits of freedom. >> the lost boat ceremony, remembering all who made the ultimate sacrifice, including submariners who served during world war two. >> today we remember those submariners who never returned to the surface, their final resting place, and the vast, beautiful, full expanse of the ocean they once patrolled. >> retired navy officer jill james now serves on the sausalito city council.
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>> think about the age of the kids on these on these boats right there. you know, 15. some of them right, 15, 16, 17 lied about their age to sign up and fight. >> this memorial day tradition started after the war, when 52 submarines were lost, along with 3000 crew members, each of the subs getting a special tribute. >> uss amberjack ss 219. 16th february 1943 with all hands, 73 men. >> just days ago, the navy announced it had located the wreckage of the uss harder, relatively intact, 80 years after its last patrol in the south china sea. veteran christopher walker calls that amazing. >> it's important for us to know the history of all these submarines that were lost during world war two and before and after memorial day, a time to honor and reflect not just the sailors, but all the military personnel that lost their lives
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to protect our country in san francisco. >> cornell, bernard abc seven news. >> i'm zach fuentes in san jose, where hundreds gathered here for a special memorial day event. organizers say they hope that the lives honored here will be remembered long after today. >> for many americans, this last monday in may marks the unofficial start of summer a long weekend with backyard barbecues. but for those who served in our military, their loved ones, our gold star families, and those of you gathered here today, memorial day takes on a much greater significance. >> a powerful ceremony at san jose's oak hill memorial park. dozens coming together to honor and sit alongside the graves of men and women who served the country in the us military since world war one and had family members in the military in war. >> every one of my family came
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home so i need to be here for everybody else. >> wreaths representing the many wars that tragically took lives were displayed at the ceremony, and though there were reminders of a time when conflict divided civilization, the unity that's developed since dark times like world war two was also represented. >> reconciliation uh- forgiveness. because we both of us made a mistake eight years ago, but because of that, we now enjoy this global partnership between the united states and japan. so i'm so honored to be a part of this ceremony today. >> major robert adam patterson has served with the united states marine corps and cia and gave the keynote speech. i rehearsed it so many times because i broke down every time, he said. giving the speech is an honor, humbling and also challenging some some emotion would catch me as i remembered a particular event or a person, a shared experience. >> and i remembered their sacrifice, he said. >> he encourages others to take some time and remember those who
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sacrificed everything, not just this memorial day, but throughout the year to say their names, to remember them, to remember their sacrifice, even for just a minute. in san jose, zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> dignitaries joined families of the fallen for a poignant memorial day ceremony at the san francisco national cemetery in the presidio. speaker emerita nancy pelosi spoke to the audience, telling them she would lead a bipartisan congressional delegation to normandy next week to mark the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasions. >> our purpose is to say thank you to our veterans. and, of course, every five years, the list gets smaller of the veterans who are there >> at the ceremony and the presidio was just one of many
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organized by the department of veterans affairs nationwide. >> mountain view cemetery in oakland held its 100th memorial day commemoration event this morning. the cemetery recently restored a civil war era plot and debuted it today. the event brought together veterans, families of the fallen and a local scout troop from piedmont that presented the colors a quintet from the us air force band of the golden west serenaded the audience during a service in vallejo. the solemn tribute was held at the mare island naval cemetery in the east bay, a touching service in san ramon, where a mother who lost her son in 2008, in afghanistan, spoke today. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez has the story >> a solemn tribute to those who've given their lives in service to our country. dozens
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attending this memorial day ceremony at san ramon memorial park over time. gold star mother yolanda vega performing the star spangled banner and speaking about her son, senior airman jonathan vega gellner, who was killed in afghanistan in 2008. >> we hear the saying freedom is not free. >> it's not marshall berman placed a flag in honor of his friend he served with, who passed away recently. >> he loved this kind of thing. he, ron, loved to uh- he loved the military, but he would actually feel really good to be see the show of this. he enjoyed it all. he enjoyed every piece of it. so it's respect. it's not just ron, it's everybody else that it's some of the bravest people in the world that you can imagine that have lost their lives. and that's what the gathering is here today about in san ramon. >> gloria rodriguez, abc seven news.
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>> on the peninsula, the burlingame high school marching band led this to this morning's memorial day parade through hillsboro. the parade ended with a music festival and a carnival. ride >> in the north bay, the turnout was strong for mill valley's annual memorial day parade. the vibrant parade featured local organizations, north bay veterans, and the community groups that support them. >> now to the tail end of the holiday weekend travel rush. still not a great time to drive. according to triple a, it's expected to be busy until about seven, but as we take a live look at some of our bay area traffic cameras, you can see it's not bad at all right now, everywhere we're looking. >> yeah, this is true. an estimated 38 million drivers hit
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the road this memorial day weekend. >> looks pretty good now. yeah, may get busy later tonight as people come home, very specialized burglary to tell you about. in san francisco, a small business owner is trying to rebuild after someone stole more than $300,000 worth of clothing and office equipment. a dare fashion specializes in goth style occasionwear designed and made in san francisco on may 1st, owner ben wang discovered his office and storage facility along market street was broken into and countless dresses and accessories simply gone. the shop was gearing up for san francisco's world goth day festival. ben and his team still attended the event and are now determined to move forward past this crime. >> i give myself 15 minutes to feel sorry for myself and then i say, okay, now we got a deal. what i'm really trying to do is turn this around and say, how do you make the worst thing that's ever happened to you? the best thing that's ever happened to you? >> wang says he has a $1 million
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insurance policy on his business, but did not realize it was for liability only. he warns others to look closely at your insurance coverage. he has set up a go fund me to help recoup some of his losses. >> in oakland, firefighters were back on the scene of a fire at a lumber yard in the fruitvale neighborhood. the fire began sunday evening just before eight at economy lumber. smoke could be seen for miles. crews today worked to make sure hot spots that could rekindle the blaze were out. still no word on the cause of the fire. >> uh- big bucks bond to improve local school facilities. but where did all the money from past bond measures actually go? we do some digging into this alcatraz breaking point. the employees who say they've just had enough. we'll explain why. and the 88 year old with a fitness routine that puts a lot of 20 year olds to shame. stay with us. >> i'm spencer christian. this memorial day is ending on a cool and breezy note, but there is some warming in my accuweather seven day forecast coming
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>> that's right. the alcatraz city cruises workers tell me they're reaching their breaking point. they've been negotiating this contract for over two years. alcatraz island attracts more than a million visitors to san francisco every year, a dream destination for many tourists like shawn thompson from maryland, who waited decades for this. >> probably 25 years. >> we met jennifer scott from florida right after she made that dream a reality with her family. >> and this is kind of like one of our family. like bucket list trips that we wanted to do. >> brian is one of the captains for the cruises. he says he loves his job, but after two years of failed negotiations with the company that owns the cruise line, he and 93 other union workers are running out of patience. >> we're just asking for, fair wages, throughout the bay. most of the other ferry companies are represented by unions, and they all have a decent pay. and we'd
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like to maintain or keep up with what their other companies are getting paid. >> on saturday, these workers went on a four hour strike to push alcatraz city cruises to listen to their demands. >> we've had our economic proposals on the table literally for months now, and they were supposed to bring an economic response to us on the 23rd, and they did not. combination of things between wages, benefits, you know, medical and simple things, just like scheduling these these folks here don't know what their schedule is a week in advance. they can't plan their lives. they can't take vacations. >> in a statement, the general manager for alcatraz city cruises said in part, we're disappointed the union would threaten our passengers, partners and the community with a potential disruption of those services. supervisor aaron peskin represents the district where the cruise line operates. he views these negotiations as vital for san francisco tourism, and it is time for alcatraz cruises to stop stalling and to enter into a contract.
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>> the labor folks have been extremely reasonable. we need peace on our waterfronts. >> concerned that there could be another strike. >> yeah, i'm very concerned. it's not good for the workers. it's not good for the tourists. it's not good for san francisco's economy. >> and he asked if there's going to be a second strike. they said that's not off the table for now. they're hoping to reach an agreement by june 4th in san francisco. luz pena abc seven news. >> luis thank you. this week, some workers at uc davis and ucla will begin to strike over how the uc system handled pro-palestinian protesters. it's an extension of a union strike that started at uc santa cruz earlier this month. they're asking the universities to drop disciplinary and criminal charges against its members. the uc system argued the strikes violate the union's contract. >> san jose leaders want to improve downtown, and this week, they're using a splash of color to make that transformation come to life. here's abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey
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. >> the city of san jose wants downtown to feel like the community's downtown. and what better way to make something yours than to have a role in creating something special and unique? >> we have a giant paint by number, a big coloring book. it's been fun out here so far. public art is one of the things that connects people to place and this is going to connect a lot of people to this place. >> 1250 in fact, volunteers that is their task to transform san pedro square, 12,000ft■!s, long and about 30ft wide, with ten colors. the largest community canvas in san jose. designed by local artist jimmy paints. >> i wanted to represent the different cultures and communities of san jose. so start off as a linear pattern that kind of morphed and evolved into different shapes intersecting and overlapping and kind of merging into something new. >> a mural made for the community by the community, the call for volunteers went viral, and all of the painting shefs 50
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an hour, made up of 250 people a day, were filled instantly. everyone eager for the opportunity to literally make their mark because it's my community and if it's my community, i want to have a part of it that's mine. >> i've lived here 15 years and i've. i just love being able to walk everywhere and so many places to eat and things to do. >> i think it's special to be part of it for everybody in the whole city, to be part of it, because downtown is everybody's neighborhood. >> and at its center, san pedro square, this street became a pedestrian mall in january to help accelerate one of the nation's most successful downtown recovery efforts post covid, downtown association ceo alex satinsky says this mural is more than just paint on the ground. it represents the next step in creating a vibrant and thriving entertainment district for all, bringing this type of vibrancy in uh- and make the experience really unique to people that come to downtown, makes a difference and will attract more people to downtown. that is once the painting of this massive mural wraps up at
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the end of this week in downtown san jose, dustin dorsey, abc seven news. >> it's just so inviting, right? it is. >> it's lovely. i loved what that volunteer said downtown is everybody's neighborhood. >> absolutely. >> philosophy on it. >> and no better day than to hang out downtown or just outside. it's just lovely. >> spencer christian is tracking our weather. what a glorious day it really was. >> pleasant weather in all of our neighborhoods today. even at the coast where the low clouds lingered during the morning hours. here's a look at the satellite radar, composite image and very familiar pattern an onshore flow of cooling, onshore flow. and right now it's pretty breezy out there. we have a surface wind speeds up to 33mph here in san francisco. gusts to 31 down in san mateo and even across the bay and farther inland, we've got 15 to 20 mile per hour wind speeds in most locations. but even with that wind, the good news, pollen wise, is that the pollen count is low for tree pollen, low to medium i should say grass, weeds and mold quite low. so you can breathe that air. it's a bit
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cool out there though, compared with this time yesterday. about seven degrees cooler now in san carlos and hayward than at this time yesterday. eight degrees cooler in napa and four degrees cooler at peace in san francisco and oakland. so let's take a look. in fact, i'm going to move along and give you a different look at our current temperatures as the sea lions are enjoying the sun and the partly cloudy skies down at pier 39, 57 degrees in san francisco. right now we have low to mid 60s at oakland and hayward, low 70s at san jose and redwood city, 54 at half moon bay. nice view of blue skies over san rafael as 101. traffic is flowing both nicely in both directions. north and south, 75 degrees in santa rosa right now. mid to upper 60s at napa and petaluma 80. concord 81 at fairfield, 76 at livermore and as we check out the view from our emeryville camera looking toward the golden gate, these are our forecast headlines this evening and early tonight. mostly clear, breezy and cool. the next two days will be mild inland, cool at the coast and then on thursday and friday it really warms up to summer like
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levels. so let's move along and take a look at tonight's conditions. as the clouds thicken near the coast and push across the bay and locally inland, overnight lows will be mainly in the low 50s. so pretty mild overnight. a little cooler up in the north bay where napa, uh, santa rosa, lakeport, vallejo will have high lows rather in the upper 40s, and tomorrow's highs 56 degrees at half moon bay 61 here in san francisco around the bay shoreline. most locations will top out in the upper 60s tomorrow. inland areas mainly upper 70s, so a bit cooler than today. we'll have 83, though, up at santa rosa looking for some warmth. that will be the place to go tomorrow. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. after a one day cool down tomorrow, temperatures rebound several degrees on wednesday and then the big warm up comes our way thursday and friday. inland. highs around 9092 degrees, upper 70s to near 80 around the bay shoreline. saturday. temperatures moderate june 1st and going into the weekend we'll have a seasonal range of temperatures mid 80s inland, mid 70s around the bay shoreline but
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all sunny days ahead. wow. >> all right. thank you. okay well, san francisco schools are asking voters to approve a new bond, but what happened to the millions they've gotten before? >> when is enough? when are you going to stop asking for money? and i would always say never. when are you going to stop fixing your house? >> we dive into decades of spending to see where the money went. >> building a better bay area one step at a time. the senior who's walking goals put the when your dream becomes a pursuit. and with vitiligo, the pursuit for your pigment is no exception. it's time you had a proven choice to help restore what's yours. opzelura is the first and only fda-approved prescription treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo. proven to help repigment skin over time. restoring what's yours. it's possible with a steroid-free cream that you can apply yourself.
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bill walton, the hall of fame center and two time nba champion, passed away today after a long battle with cancer. reporter josh haskell from our sister station in los angeles has a look back. >> bill walton touched so many from ucla to the nba as a hall of famer to his work as a broadcaster, a one of a kind ambassador for the sport of basketball. the 71 year old passed away after a prolonged battle with cancer. >> take the headset off during a commercial break and just say to me, i love you, but don't tell anybody because i think he he just enjoyed the fact that i was a sparring partner. >> he was therapy in his own way , meaning if you were having a bad day, a sad day. he was the person that you wanted to be around because it was nothing
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negative about him. right? he would brighten up your day and i remember when i was drafted to the boston celtics, i remember sitting down with him and he asked me, do you know what it mean to be a celtic? and i was like, no, i'm from beaumont, texas. i don't have a clue. and he said, down. he talked to me literally for about an hour and a half on the history. >> at 611, bill walton was one of the most skilled big men to play basketball at ucla. walton, guided by his mentor, legendary coach john wooden, won two titles and walton led the bruins to 230 and zero seasons, earning him the most outstanding player in both final fours. he was dominant in almost every game he played. >> uh, a voracious rebounder and perhaps the finest passing center. not only of his generation but of all time in the nba. >> walton was the number one pick in the 1974 draft to the portland trail blazers, where he won the 1977 nba championship and finals mvp, and walton would win another nba championship
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before translating his enthusiasm for the game into a successful broadcasting career, delivering colorful commentary that made him a favorite among fans. mick cronin, ucla's men's basketball head coach, said in part, as a passionate ucla alumnus and broadcaster, he loved being around our players, hearing their stories and sharing his wisdom and advice. for me as a coach, he was honest, kind and always had his heart in the right place. i will miss him very much. it's hard to imagine a season in pauley pavilion without him. our athletics department, our team and this university will miss him dearly. josh haskell, abc seven news in a statement on x, warriors coach steve kerr wrote in part bill walton was a legendary player, a hilarious, colorful broadcaster and a wonderful person. >> i fell in love with basketball watching bill dominate at ucla in front of packed crowds at pauley pavilion. most of all, i will cherish getting to know him when he would visit the warriors,
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when his son luke was on our coaching staff, his incredible energy, passion, love and zest for life was never turned off. our hearts are broken today as we mourn bill's passing and grieve with his family. bill walton was 71 years old
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i'm a veteran of 23 years. i served three overseas tours. i love to give back to the community. i offer what i can when i can. i started noticing my memory was slipping. i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point.
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prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. facilities. it is the costliest bond ever to go before voters in the city. $790 million this as the school district is in the midst of a financial crisis. >> abc seven news building a better bay area reporter, lyanne melendez, is here with
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information that raises some serious questions about how the school district has spent money from past bond measures. a lot of money. >> that's right. and we know so. and a lot of people asking, is this the right moment to put a bond measure, given the financial situation that the district is in now? meanwhile, the school district says it will decide which schools need to be closed or consolidated over the summer. then they will decide which schools will see those renovations. let me add that the school district has never lost a bond measure. it only requires 55% voter approval. but this time, because there is weak voter confidence, it is not a slam dunk. bonds to renovate school facilities are and always will be a never ending cost. >> when i use the campaign for these bonds, people used to always say to us when is enough? when are you going to stop asking for money? and i would always say never. when are you going to stop fixing your house? >> the longest serving school board commissioner now retired,
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recalls the track record of some of these bonds. it hasn't always been stellar. in the 1990s, under then superintendent bill rojas, there was a history of improper spending practices with bond money. here's what the incoming superintendent at the time, arlene ackerman, told the chronicle in may 2000. basically, there were no control systems in place. documents had been destroyed or were missing. decisions were made that were clearly outside of what voters had approved. since then, the bond expense pitcher process has been more transparent until 2016, when voters passed a $744 million bond in that bond, school modernization projects and kitchen upgrades were promised, and for the most part, successfully delivered. but some of those promises failed. supervisor shamann walton, who represent the bayview district, was a school board commissioner at that time.
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>> there was talk about a new school in the southeast sector of san francisco, because we have all the development and all the new housing coming. so there are things that were in that bond that we don't see coming up as a priority anymore. >> in 2016, voters also liked that the ruth asawa school of the arts would be finally relocated to the heart of the performing arts district, $100 million was set aside while the district attempted a now unsuccessful fundraising campaign. bond money was even used for the architectural drawings of the new school. the district was supposed to start a campaign to raise money. >> yes. >> did they drop the ball? was the effort not there in your opinion? >> they. did not have the either the administration or the development people or the fundraising capacity to do that. >> phil halperin is the co-chair of the proposed bond measure. how are people going to trust you this time around? >> i think the school district
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acted very fiduciary and fiscally intelligently by not investing so much money in one particular school. >> instead, the money for the ruth asawa school was used to fund other projects, including the construction of a new school in mission bay that wasn't even included in the initial 2016 bond. susan stoter is the school district's former artistic director. i don't know as a voter how i feel about voting over and over again for something and being told it just disappeared. >> it just went away. it becomes a trust issue. abc seven news also discovered that there was little oversight of how the 2016 bond money was being spent. >> because of the pandemic, it was nearly impossible to recruit people who would serve on the citizens bond oversight committee, known as sybok, and required by law. it wasn't until the summer of 2021 that a new
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committee was finally formed, and for several years this bond program not only did not have a sybok as required by law, it was not producing annual audited annual reports, which is the absolute bare minimum, not merely required by law, but that any reasonable person should expect would be provided for the blic. last year that committee found that the school district used 2016 bond money to defend against a lawsuit. after the school board voted in 2019 to cover up murals at george washington high school. what is known is that sfusd faces a financial crisis not seen in years. the state has warned the district that schools may have to close or be consolidated. this leaves voters with the obvious question you're in a crisis. >> you can't afford things. why
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are you asking us to do this? and they need a good answer for that. >> the good news is, is that the school bond program operates alongside the rest of the school district's finances. it is managed separately, both from an operational perspective and financial perspective. >> the regarding that 2016 bond measure nothing. the district has done has been illegal, except that voters have told us that when they vote for something they trust that the district will be true to their word and they believe they haven't always been truthful. >> well, let's talk about that word trust, because at the core, if you're not, they haven't apparently been as accountable as one would like. you know, opening the books, explaining how the money was spent to the public trust becomes really important if you keep going back to the same. well, over and over again. >> that's right. and i think you hit the right note there. many people are mad and they vote no most of the time because in this
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case, they didn't even really have an oversight committee. and for several years. so that's something that the, you know, the voters say, okay, if i voted for this, i want to see the results. i want to see that school there. you want to know the money's being spent absolutely right. and then when they discover that, you know, the money isn't being spent the way they thought it was going to be spent, then they say, well, this is i don't trust you anymore. >> i can't keep doing this. >> that's right. and it's a vicious cycle because of course, they need the money so much right now. >> that's right. and let me just add that in 2028, they have decided that they will put another bond measure. oh really? 2028? >> thanks, liane. sure >> well a little on the job. knapp and jason kelce on his wife and why he doesn't consider
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after this year's edition of bottlerock napa valley wrapped up, you can already get tickets to next year's festival. a limited number of pre-sale tickets are available on the event website. the three day festival will once again take place over memorial day weekend, may 23rd through the 25th, 2025. next year at the napa valley expo. who's ready? well money down. >> i'm okay. i went on saturday because i wanted to see pearl jam and i've been to bottlerock
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several times. i will say i'm one of those people who is not going to pay until i know who's playing and know that my money is going to go towards somebody i actually want to see. i was telling my friend who came from new york, i remember when i could wait until the lineup is released, buy my ticket, and then, oh, let me get a little bed and breakfast in napa. but now good luck. you've got to buy the tickets as soon as they come out. so we didn't even stay in napa. we stayed in sausalito because i didn't want to make a long drive, but there's nowhere to stay in napa that weekend because everybody books it the second they know that there's going to be a bottlerock and it's annoying. >> how was pearl jam? >> amazing. and t-pain was good, too. who knew? he was so entertaining? he's funny. it was great. it was great. >> how was the bed and breakfast in sausalito? the inn above tide was amazing. >> cutest little place ever. have you been there? oh it's great. >> yeah, it really is. it was worth it. a success all the way around. >> it was. but getting out of napa to sausalito after the concert was quite the trek because of traffic.
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>> yeah. all right, well, former eagles center jason kelce took to x to defend his wife. it comes after someone complained that kelce should have supported chiefs kicker harrison butler's statements about women being best suited for work in the home, because kelsey's wife is a , quote, homemaker. kelsey responded, writing i don't think if kelsey of kylie as a homemaker, i think of her as my wife. our marriage is a partnership. we are equals. he also added that he is not downplaying anyone who is a homemaker, writing that that is our, not our family dynamic. and of course, there's nothing pejorative if you work from home because you work awfully hard. if you work from home, that's a full time job in and of itself. anyone want to take a swing at this ama? what are your or. go ahead. spencer. >> oh, i'm sorry. no. >> go ahead. no, go for it. >> spencer. he is a smart and thoughtful guy. i like the statement he made and the way he made it. yeah, he's a cool dude. >> yeah, i agree, i thought what he said was appropriate. yeah. how about you, ama? >> any comment? i agree, i mean, you could say my husband is the
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homemaker because he does all the cleaning, i guess. i think like he says, it's a partnership. you know, i end up doing most of the cooking because i enjoy it a little more. i hate cleaning, my husband likes everything super clean, so he takes care of that. it's just we find our slots to make the household work. it's not, you know, we do the same. >> as you all know, angela, my wife loves to cook and she's great at it and i don't mind cleaning. i was a busboy in college. i have no problem. i love doing the cleaning part of it. yeah i'm with you guys. >> i don't like cooking, but my wife does, and she's great at it. and so the deal is, if she prepares the meal, i clean up afterward. and i'm happy to do it. exactly. yeah. >> eating and then cleaning in that. >> yeah. >> right. >> now to a story that's sure to be a bit hair raising recently, actress demi moore showed up on the red carpet with her iconic long hair pulled into a bun and people online had a lot to say. many says she looked amazing, but a lot also criticized the 61 year old for being too old for the long locks. give me a break. >> i'm confused. but it was back in a bun, so it's not even like
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you were seeing it long. but in this picture i'm seeing long hair, so i'm confused all around. >> yeah, this is just like the last story. >> okay, just random picture. i know, i know, if they're happy, so be it. >> she looks great. >> anyway. who cares what matter, right? yeah, it doesn't matter for her. >> people are so critical. >> if we could all look that great at 61, right? >> yeah. are >> yeah. all right, well, you might be tired, but would you fall asleep at work? in a survey by sleep wellness company sleep doctor, 46% admit to napping at work. and yes, some of those are hybrid workers. but 27% of in-person workers say they fallen asleep at the office, 33% say they nap at their desk and 9% say they snooze in the loo. what i know, i can't imagine that, but i think everybody has taken a little nap at work every now and then, even if it's for three minute snooze, you know it can refresh you. i think it actually can add to some productivity. ronald reagan famously took a nap every day, and research actually does prove that point. >> dan. and there are a lot of countries i know of, several in
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asia where there is not mandated, but the custom of everyone in the office putting their jacket over their heads. and it's quiet time, like right after lunch to get your 15 minutes, and then you get up and go, and you can work a lot longer and more productively. >> yeah, get that recharge. >> that's good. i like that a nap time every day. i'm all in, but i do think, you know, i don't know if some people are better nappers than others, but if you take that 5 or 15 minute nap, i find you do wake up with a lot of energy. just enough to just take a break for a few minutes. all right. >> i'm doing it. >> she's out. she might be back for after the commercial break with a lot of energy. >> that's the four at four christine. with more energy. i
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when they need it most. because happiness matters. east bay to get active, and it's his way of helping to build a better bay area. >> abc seven news reporter leslie brinkley joined him today for his 7000 step routine. >> my advice to younger kids is turn off the tv and get your up out of bed and go for a walk. >> walking is what keeps 88 year old veteran pete estabrook going , rain or shine. he leaves his senior apartment every day to hit local trails with a goal of 7000 steps. >> as age has got to me, i've gone from marathons down to this walking two miles a day.
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>> out of the back of his car, he shared a photo of his late wife and five grandchildren as he showed off his progress. now on the trail, 1.2 miles so far today, it looks like on saturday you walked 9500 steps. last week he topped 12,000 in a day. he attributes his get up and go to his time serving in the korean war and the vietnam war. >> when i was discharged from the navy, i went to the merchant marine academy up in vallejo, and that's how i ended up in vietnam. >> he amazes the staff where he lives at the kensington and walnut creek. >> people tend to pull back from the things they can no longer do , and my lesson from him is to enjoy those things that you can do while you can. he's encouraging other people to do more, which is great because it's inspiring not only to his neighbors, but to us as well. half of us don't even walk the 7000 steps a day. >> i tell you, my favorite
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expression, and that is i would rather wear out than rust out. that's been my motto all my years. i'll keep going as long as i can. >> in walnut creek, i'm leslie brinkley, abc seven news. >> that is so great. >> and a reminder, at any age we can be as active as possible. so inspired. good for him. >> yeah. all right. we are loving this weather right now. this memorial. >> no excuse not to get outside. that's right. this weather is pretty inspiring too. let's take a look at our weather headlines. you can see what's coming our way now for this evening and the remainder of the remainder of tonight. this evening and tonight, mostly clear skies. it will be breezy and cool the next two days. tomorrow and wednesday will bring us mild inland weather. cool at the coast. thursday and friday we are going to have a summer-like warm up with high temperatures soaring into the low 90s in some inland spots. but for tonight, we'll see advancing low clouds and fog pushing across the bay and locally inland. overnight lows will be mainly in the low 50s, so pretty mild overnight, a little cooler up in the north bay where many locations will
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drop into the upper 40s and highs tomorrow under sunny afternoon skies. mid 50s at the coast, upper 60s to near 70 around the bay shoreline. upper 70s to maybe 80 in our inland area. so one day cool down by just a couple of degrees. but as you look at the accuweather seven day forecast, you can see temperatures will bounce back on wednesday into a more seasonal range. and then it becomes downright warm to almost hot thursday and friday inland. highs in the low 90s, upper 70s to about 80 around the bay shoreline. not much of a bump in temperatures on the coast, though. and then going into next weekend, june 1st. by the way, saturday we'll see temperatures moderating into a pretty seasonal range. kristin. >> all right, spencer, thank you. today marks the end of spring ski season at palisades tahoe resort. the resort is now shifting to summer operations for the second straight year. palisades has skiing later into the season, then all the other tahoe resorts, all the last year. the slopes remained open through the 4th of july holiday. that's pretty remarkable. >> well, now to a break in in a
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southern california home. but this wasn't your usual thief. security cameras caught the bear ransacking a fridge at a home in monrovia, apparently was looking for something sweet. the bear can be seen pulling a chocolate cake out of the fridge. later, it was caught on camera walking off with a packet of oreos. and if i was ransacking that refrigerator, i would have taken the exact same things. the chocolate cake and the sweet. all right, well, going back to the harmonies and the heartaches with the beach boys, these are family members. >> these are guys who grew up with i think it really comes across that there still is that love behind the scenes. >> with the new disney plus documentary next, this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we
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then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. a new documentary streaming on disney+ is
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highlighting the harmonies and headaches of the beach boys reporter george pennacchio, from our sister station in los angeles, sat down with the band. he knows what i'd be without you . >> the new documentary, the beach boys takes a trip down memory lane with one of southern california's most iconic bands. acclaimed director frank marshall put all the pieces together. >> it certainly was a story about a group that i grew up with and i was just fascinated about how they turned surf music into something that wasn't this little niche that we had, because they added lyrics and incredible harmonies, and so i wanted to discover how that all came together. >> at the film's premiere, founding member brian wilson earned a standing ovation from fans, beach boys bandmates al jardine and mike love said, this whole experience has been an emotional ride. >> to tell you the truth, it
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made me choke up because in two of my cousins are no longer with us and brian's had his problems. you know, all along, but recently as well. but you know, you these are family members. these are guys who grew up with i think it really comes across that there still is that love and will always be. and that's what gave rise to this world class harmony, action. be nice. >> i enjoyed watching the early the vintage film uh- the stuff you find in a shoebox under somebody's bed. yeah, just good stuff in there. this is us star story told of a very gentle boy it's all about the. the performances are the reward for the hard work we put in on the
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recordings. so to see some of that vintage film, it's really, really wonderful in los angeles. >> george pennacchio, abc seven news abc seven news is streaming 24 seven. >> get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that's it for abc seven news at four. abc seven news at five is coming up next
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it's hard to go sit and cry. but what are you going to do? i mean, i keep closing my eyes and expecting you guys not to be here. and why am i at the lumber yard on memorial day tonight? >> fire crews remain at a lumber yard in oakland, checking for hot spots. one day after a massive fire broke out. good evenin


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