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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  May 28, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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>> oh gloucester double gloucester cheese. >> is it worth your life. >> because. >> do you see what's happening at the bottom. i was just reading about this. those are a local rugby players who catch you. >> oh that's nice. >> which, you know, depending on the rugby player. double win. that's double glass of cheese and double win. i mean i don't get it, but if it's for you, it's for you. you know, i guess sea lions, seven and seven. >> exactly. the swimmers. otherwise it's good morning america >> robin: good morning america. dangerous storms and a holiday travel nightmare for millions. memorial day washout. severe weather striking the northeast. >> there it is! oh, no! it just hit a house. oh, no. >> robin: a deadly tornado outbreak in the heartland. we'll hear from a family inside a gas station when a twister came through.
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plus, hundreds of flights cancelled, thousands delayed. >> four-hour trip ended up becoming 13 hours. >> robin: and a jet engine catching fire on the runway as it prepares for takeoff. ginger and gio are tracking it all. >> michael: deadly air strike. dozens of civilians killed at a refugee camp in rafah. the reaction from the israeli prime minister and around the world. the urgent search for suspects behind the killing of former general hospital star johnny w wactor as we hear from his family. >> robin: an abc news television exclusive. the sisters of nicole brown sitting down with diane sawyer 30 years after she first met them following nicole's death. how did you live with 30 years of rage and outbreak? what the sisters said about nicole's life and what they know about the cycle of domestic
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abuse. >> why did it have to take nicole for people to understand that domestic violence can kill? >> robin: their grief and o.j. simpson's death. diane is here live. >> michael: back home. the american father who was detained in turks and caicos for carrying ammunition in his luggage tells his story. >> i feel like i could not breathe for 3 1/2 months. >> michael: only on gma. ♪ >> whit: springsteen side lined. overnight the boss with a message. >> unfortunately, i could not sing for you. >> whit: what we know about his health. >> robin: remembering an all-around all-star. nba hall of famer and broadcasting great bill walton passing away at 71, honored by the celtics overnight. >> this is dedicated to bill. >> robin: and boston punching their ticket. >> it's over! the celtics are headed back to the nba finals!
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>> robin: who will take on the celtics for the title? >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> michael: good morning america. the game kept me up a little late last night. who is going to take on the celtics for the title? we'll find out tonight. >> whit: absolutedly. good to be with you both. we have a lot to cover. closing arguments set to get under way in donald trump's criminal trial after the former president lashed out at the judge and prosecutor on memorial day. rachel scott and aaron katersky both standing by. >> robin: whit, we're going to begin with the brutal weather across much of the country over the holiday weekend. gio is tracking the travel mess. but first ginger starts us off with the severe weather striking the east coast and the destructive tornados in the heartland and texas. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: good morning, robin. more than 1,330 severe storm reports in just the last four days. and this morning, just moments ago dallas ft. worth saying they had a 77 mile per hour gust. folks there waking up with a big
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day of severe weather ahead. severe storms tortured the country this memorial day weekend. >> oh, no. >> ginger: heavy rain plaguing holiday travel for the mid-atlantic and northeast. winds over 70 miles an hour in north carolina monday night, the end of the same system that triggered a tornado outbreak from the midwest to texas, leaving at least 22 people dead and damaging hundreds of homes and businesses. >> there it is! debris, oh, just hit a house. oh, no. >> ginger: at least 76 reported tornados. listen as an ef-2 shreds this gas station in valley view, texas. >> careful! >> ginger: for the first time we are hearing from one of the families who survived. >> it's okay. it's okay. the bolden family was driving down the family when they got a tornado warning so they pulled over at the gas station to find shelter.
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>> we got out, went in the store. five minutes later the power went out. when the power went out, i went to the bathroom and hid under the sink in the bathroom. i was scared for my life. i have never experienced that before. >> my ears was popping. you couldn't even focus on anything because everything was just moving. people were screaming. babies crying. all you have to do is just wish that it was over. >> ginger: angelique was in the women's bathroom while her husband and son took cover in the men's bathroom. the roof collapsing on them. >> i already had replayed many scenarios where either the building ripped the walls off and it could have sucked a lot of people out, or the ceiling collapse or anything like that. and we would be stuck under there. >> ginger: the family taking away an important lesson. >> the only thing i would like to tell our viewers is, whether you believe it or not, hurry up and get to cover.
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>> ginger: and getting to cover is critical right now there's a tornado warning just east of dallas that's along that line of 70 to 80 mile per hour gust. the same town valley view got hit with just an hour ago. severe thunderstorm watch extends all the way south to waco. this is not the last of the day. what will happen, this line will keep moving through then the atmosphere will settle then reignite along the dry line in west texas. from west to east we'll have a severe threat. you'll have some embedded tornado action and flash flooding. easily 1 to 3 inches with locally up to 5 inches possible with this line through today. that is on top of the 200% of normal that parts of texas have already had year to date. michael? >> michael: this weather has been tricky, ginger. do not wait, go for cover immediately. thank you for that, ginger. the weather has caused a real travel mess on the roads and in the air. our transportation correspondent gio benitez is at la guardia airport. lot of people trying to get home right now.
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>> gio: that's right, michael. people who were on cancelled flights yesterday are trying to get on new flights today. we are seeing a lot of that happen here at la guardia. this is where we had the most cancellations in the country. of course here in the northeast, we're talking about huge airports. there was a ripple effect that was felt all across america. overnight long lines and frustrated passengers as memorial day weekend travel shatters records. >> i may have to live out of my carry-on. i have an extra pair of socks in my carry-on. >> i'm adjusting. trying to find other ways to be productive. it's not much of a holiday. that's safe to say. >> gio: more than 5,000 flight delays and 430 cancellations. storms across the east coast causing a ripple effect across the country, derailing plans for thousands of passengers like bradley waite, whose travel time more than tripled because of a weather related delay. >> the four-hour trip ended up becoming a day, 13 hours.
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>> gio: passengers traveling out of new york, atlanta and florida airports experiencing some of the worst delays on memorial day. and in chicago, a scare on the runway. >> all aircraft on this frequency hold position. >> gio: flights out of chicago o'hare coming to a halt after an engine fire on this united airlines flight as it prepared to take off to seattle. >> we've got a fire on the airport. hold position, please. >> gio: the air bus never taking off. all 148 passengers safely getting off the plane, with no reported injuries. all right. so we've been looking at flight delays and cancellations all morning long. let's update you and show you where we are right now. more than 500 delays across america, and more than 100 cancellations so far. i want to say so far, because as weather moves in, those numbers could rise, michael. >> michael: lot of patience today to travel, gio. thank you very much for that. we're going to turn to the criminal trial of former president trump. on memorial day, he lashed out at the judge on social media
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ahead of closing arguments which are set to begin this morning. rachel scott will have more on that, but first aaron katersky is at the courthouse. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, michael. the closing arguments in this historic first criminal trial of a former american president follow a week's hiatus. the jury spent five weeks hearing testimony from 22 witnesses who spoke a lot about sex and money. but really what the jury will decide is whether former president trump committed an accounting crime to keep a lewd story from his past from hurting his chances in the 2016 election. from david pecker the jury heard about tabloid tactics of burying damaging stories, stormy daniel described a sexual encounter with trump that he denied occurs and michael cohen said he paid daniels hush money that he made trump repaid disguised as legal payments. cohen said he spoke to trump 20 times about the hush payment. he is expected to be a focus of the defense, which will call him a liar whose testimony cannot be trusted.
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the closing arguments starting with the defense are expected to take all day. so, whit, the jury is not expected to begin deliberating the 34 felony counts oven falsifying business records until first thing tomorrow. whit? >> whit: a pivotal week ahead. thanks. in the race for the white house over the holiday, former president trump taking aim at his perceived enemies as president biden spoke at arlington national cemetery. rachel scott has more for us from washington. rachel, good morning. >> reporter: hey, whit, good morning to you. former president trump is clearly frustrated heading into this pivotal week and that hush money case. the former president spent the memorial day weekend lashing out at various judges overseeing the criminal and civil trials against him. just hours after posting to social media to honor our fallen veterans on memorial day the former president quickly turned to attacking the, quote, human scum claiming they are destroying our country. he then proceeded to attack the judge who oversaw his civil business fraud trial, calling
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him a whacko. he went after the judge presiding over the criminal hush money in new york. in sharp contrast president biden visited arlington national cemetery laying a wreath down at the tomb of the unknown soldier and delivering remarks honoring the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect american democracy. all of this, of course, offering up quite the split screen of these two candidates less than six months out from the election. whit? >> whit: rachel scott, thank you very much. robin? >> robin: thanks, whit. now the latest on the deadly israeli air strike in rafah that killed dozens of civilians. our foreign correspondent britt clennett is in israel for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, robin. yeah, condemnation is growing following israel's strike in western rafah that set fire to a refugee camp, killing dozens of people. israeli prime minister netanyahu admitted that there was a technical failure. he called it a tragic mishap saying they are investigating
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the bombing that targeted two senior hamas leaders. horrifying pictures show a burning inferno, people trying to douse the flames and pull survivors out of the blaze. the strike is adding to israel's growing isolation on the world stage. it came two days after a top court ruled against its offensive in rafah and a spokes person calling the images devastating, heart breaking saying israel must protect civilians. president biden himself, he's previously voiced opposition to israel. he even suspend a shipment to israel over concerns on how the weapons might be used. global pressure mounting. today ireland, norway and spain will formally recognize the state of palestine. michael? >> michael: brit, big news there. thank you. now the manhunt after the fatal shooting of a former general hospital star. we are hearing from his family this morning. our chief national correspondent matt gutman is in los angeles for us. good morning, matt.
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>> reporter: good morning, michael. johnny waktor's family saying they are just desperate for answers. the l.a.p.d. telling us they have now begun their homicide investigation, trying to get surveillance video from nearby streets to try to piece together the narrative of how this murder happened. >> we have time to figure out a lot of things. >> reporter: this morning the family of johnny wakter desperate for answer with the suspects behind his tragic killing still at large. >> they took a wonderful person. >> reporter: police say early saturday morning he was leaving his bar tending shift walking to his car with a female co-worker in downtown los angeles. >> he saw the car kind of jacked up to one side and said, hey, hey, man, you're towing my car. >> reporter: the three suspects allegedly trying to steal the catalytic converter. >> john immediately stepped in front of the co-worker. either put his hands up, backed up or both and the person shot him point blank.
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>> reporter: the 37-year-old was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. his family now grappling with that devastating loss. >> one of the worst parts is just not being able to have a conversation with him again. he's one of my best friends. >> reporter: best known for playing brando corebet on "general hospital." >> i'm done. i'm done with this bullying and threats. >> reporter: the avid outdoorsman's resume included appearances on other tv shows including ncis and station 19. >> what do you mean? he was the best captain i ever had. >> reporter: his family remembering him as hardworking, generous and loving. >> he always was kind to people. >> without him, there's going to be emptiness that doesn't get filled. >> reporter: the family telling us they are more sad than angry. of course, the theft of catalytic converters nationwide has become an epidemic because of the
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precious metals they contain. the l.a.p.d. telling us at this point they have made no arrests and have no suspects. guys? >> robin: all right, matt. thank you. we are certainly thinking of johnny's family. thanks. we're going to celebrate the life of bill walton now. chris connelly joins us on the basketball player colorful analyst with an electric personality. good morning, chris. >> reporter: good morning, robin in the '70s he was a college sports super star and cultural icon. then when he finally finished playing basketball, bill walton began to talk about the game. everyone who heard him didn't want him to stop. a two-time champion as a college basketball player and as an nba pro. both fierce competitor and a free spirit. hall of famer bill walton was a dominant force on the court and then a cherished figure at the mic, overcoming a stutter to find his voice. >> party on. let's go. >> reporter: at ucla in the
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early 1970s, two seasons after kareem abdul-jabbar emerged walton led the bruins to a pair of undefeated seasons. in the 1973 ncaa final, he'd make 21 of his 22 shots. number one overall pick in the 1974 nba draft, walton's passing scoring in defense would bring the portland trail blazers their only nba championship in 1977. beset by injuries his entire career, he'd come off the bench to help the boston celtics win the 1986 title before retiring the following season. walton talking to our robin roberts in 2016 about his devastating injuries and the comebacks that followed. >> to sit here with you and know your story and how my story all played out, and the roller coaster ride. we all think we're just going to be able to go right on through, but that's not the way life works.
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>> reporter: it wasn't the basketball commentator for espn and others that fans came to know bill walton. the one who understood the game inside and out. >> getting the wildcats -- we're going to pound on that drum all day long. >> bill is taking his shirt off. >> reporter: who also loved bob dylan and the grateful dead. whose fresh takes, frequent laughter and flights on on air fancy earned him such devoted viewers. beloved beyond measure by colleagues. >> just an amazing, warm, genuine, kind, sincere person. and people saw how much fun bill could have on the air. that's how he was off the air. >> reporter: kareem abdul-jabbar saying on social media, i had to say good-bye to a great friend that i will always miss. overnight the celtics honoring one of their own after winning the eastern conference final. >> bill walton one of the greatest celtics of all time, this is dedicated to bill! [ cheers ] >> i'm not into being remembered.
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i learn from yesterday, i dream about tomorrow but i try to make today my master piece. i'm the luckiest guy in the world. >> reporter: bill walton died of cancer on monday at the age of 71. if you saw him play, if you heard him speak, you knew bill walton was ageless, timeless and, in bob dylan's words, forever young. guys? >> robin: so incredibly kind, as you know, chris. thank you very, very much for that. coming up our television exclusive with the sisters of nicole brown, 30 years after their first interview with diane sawyer. they sat down again. what they are saying now about the signs of domestic violence they didn't know then. also talking about the death of o.j. diane is here live in the studio with us this morning. >> michael: bruce springsteen's new doctor's orders. but first back to ginger. hey, ginger. >> ginger: michael, that heat was no joke for memorial day weekend. look at memorial day. felt like 111 in new orleans.
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all-time may record of 98 at ft. pierce, florida. baton rouge also had a record of 98. let's get your local weather now in just 30 seconds.
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high school. police say they got a call about a possible shooting at the home just after 6:00. for 2.5 hours, they negotiated with the suspect, who was barricaded inside. the suspect was taken into custody around 830. a man is standing by with a look at our traffic. >> yeah, reggie, our richmond cam showing stop and go traffic on westbound 580 between cutting boulevard and the tolls. and then our bay bridge cam metering lights remain on with stop traffic from the maze. and we should note traffic is slow across the span into the city of san francisco. >> reggie, we're going to
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not leaving memories behind. we're adding them to new memories up ahead. buying >> selling. dreaming. who's your realtor? what happens when ordinary becomes extraordinary? >> find out this summer at the exploratorium. nine artists make everyday stuff into incredible
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art. explore stunning installations made out of lego pieces, string shoes, saxophones, and more. see the ordinary transform. maybe you will be. >> we are 100% committed, focused and determined to get our clients the best result possible. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion. walk up personal injury law. call 866. walk up law. >> star wars the acolyte to episode premiere june 4th only on disney plus. >> you're looking at our east bay hills camera this morning where you can see we are dealing with our morning marine layer current sky conditions across the region. most of us, you can see, have that cloudy icon. the exception concord right now is actually seeing some pretty clear skies. we will all see that sunshine later on today.
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right now temperatures we're in the low and mid 50s currently as get you going this morning. so again the coastal forecast cloudy right now. it's a blend of sun and clouds with mid 50s for daytime highs. this afternoon around the bay shoreline we'll have sunny skies highs in the low 70s and inland. today we will find warm temperatures, maybe 1 or 2 degrees cooler than yesterday will max out in the upper 70s. reggie jr, thank you for joining us on the abc seven bay area app. >> abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america. summers here. >> and with a new toyota you can capture all this summer fun. whoa. my favorite party trick get low 3.99% apr on highlander or choose a low lease on rav4. >> toyota. let's go places. >> we fight for the rights of riders every day. we give back millions to support the motorcycle community because we are riders and motorcycle law is
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so proud now. >> like one big baby butt and energizing citrus body butter. >> jergens. >> there are many ways to dress your mcdonald's hot, crispy fries, but which is best? is it with ketchup and sour? and dare i say, unnatural? bottom bubba >> i wouldn't ♪ ♪ come take my hand to chase the promise land ♪ >> michael: welcome back to gma. bruce springsteen doing what he does best, performing live. now, for the second time in less than a year, the boss postponed concerts on doctor's orders. we'll have the latest on his
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condition just ahead. >> robin: but right now our abc news television exclusive with nicole brown's sisters 30 years after nicole was killed. she sat down with them again. diane, the way the sisters shared the pieces of the puzzle they discovered about their sister's life with o.j. >> as they were discovering it along the way and still are. hard to believe 30 years ago that i first met these three sisters. the family broken by the savage murder. nicole brown simpson, mother of two children with o.j. simpson. the children are now grown and, for most of us, it's just a potent memory, this murder. but for nicole's family, it's a searing reality of waking up every day. once upon a time there were four beautiful sisters. smart, confident, no idea one of them would end up teaching the world about the terrifying trap of domestic violence.
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it's been 30 years since nicole brown was murdered, and i walked into the living room where her family had gathered. three sisters in shock and anguish, denise, dominique and tanya. and now the three sisters walk into the room today. >> hi. beautiful lady. >> 30 years. >> yeah. can you believe it? >> i wondered all this time, how do you live with 30 years of rage and heartbreak? >> a lot of therapy. >> yeah. >> it was rough. unresolved grief. everything bit me hard ten years later. >> sometimes i think, gosh, just staggeringly sad today. i would realize that it was the day she was murdered. or it was her birthday. or it was something or some memory would come up. >> the pain doesn't go away. it doesn't get easier.
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but you do the best you can and you move on. one step forward. >> a new lifetime documentary has unearthed pictures of their radiant sister nicole, with all her vitality and warmth. a loving mother. >> i love you. love you. sydney when you watch this tape when you get older see that quilt you're laying on? yeah? you see it? mommy made that for sue. >> it's the voice of nicole that we wanted to hear. so many people said, we don't even know what her voice sounds like. who is nicole? so i hope they get a true sense of who nicole is in in documentary. >> she was only 18 years old working as a waitress in the hope of studying photography when a glamorous customer fastened on her. he would charm her into his life and what denise says is a pattern of domestic abuse inflicted on so many women
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across this country. >> you're stupid, you're ugly, you're fat, you're worthless, nobody's gonna want you. i'm the only one who can put up with you. that escalates into that physical violence. and that's the hitting, kicking, punching. >> at the time, their sister didn't tell them the truth of his brutality. >> i saw a picture, you know, very young polaroid picture of nicole. i found that in her bathroom drawer. i said oh my god, nic, look at that black eye. she said, no, no, it was the makeup artist at the studio. because he was shooting films at the time. i said, oh my god, it looks so real. i threw it right back in the drawer. i didn't know it was a real black eye. i had no idea. >> later, they were stunned when they read nicole's chilling secret diaries. dominique found them. >> i found her will, her diaries
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just stacked in a box underneath the kitchen cabinet with the kids' artwork and bunch of other stuff. >> she was trying to hide it. >> yeah. >> it wasn't next to her bed where she night write or you might look. it wasn't under her mattress. it wasn't anyplace obvious. >> from her grave, the truth. the attack the first year they met. he threw a fit, chased me, grabbed me, threw me into walls. another time a possible skull fracture, but she tells doctors it was a bicycle accident. when she's pregnant he claims she's a fat pig. disgusting. i want you out of my house. at one point she called 911 and runs for her life into the bushes. years later a policeman would testify about how brutally she had been beaten. >> she was beaten up. she had a cut approximately 1 inch i believe on her left upper lip, swollen right forehead and her right eye was starting to blacken. it was swollen. she had a hand imprinted on her throat.
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>> simpson's hand print on her neck. the bruise he inflicted under her arm. the first time police would actually arrest simpson, but he got off lightly. it was a moment nicole finally confided in denise. but denise says back then, like so many people, she didn't understand the complicated quicksand of domestic violence and said the wrong thing. >> i said, why don't you just get out of this relationship? why don't you just leave him? those are things you don't say. i didn't realize that at the time. i was just like, why are you with this person? so i asked her all the whys that you don't ask. you are supportive and you just let them do the talking. >> i just warned her if i could have done more to help her, to listen to her, to try to dig into her heart, to -- it's the worst thing in the world. >> when nicole finally moves out of simpson's house, her husband doubles down on her jealousy and rage.
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you can hear it in this 911 call. >> he just drove up again. can you send somebody over? >> what kind of car is he in? >> he's in a white bronco. >> just stay on the line. >> i don't want to stay on the line. >> just stay on the line. >> o.j., the kids are sleeping. could you just please? o.j., o.j. >> june 12, 1994 she had been to dinner with her family. a young waiter named ronald goldman came to her house to return some eye glasses that they left behind. someone was watching, lurking. ron goldman would be stabbed at least 15 times. nicole stabbed seven times in the neck and scalp alone. for the past 30 years the brown sisters have fought for the protection of women in abusive situations.
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>> this is denise brown, sister of nicole brown simpson. >> denise helped secure funding for the violence against women act. >> we are going to stand up and say no. >> and has traveled the country using the power of nicole's story. >> i sit there and i go, why did it have to take my sister? why did it have to take nicole for people to understand that domestic violence can kill? >> and now, after all the long decades of anguish, last month o.j. simpson died from prostate cancer. did that have a profound change on you immediately? >> it's very confusing. it's very complicated. but i have a relationship with the kids that means everything to me. i was just very, very sad for them. very, very sad for them. >> i think back to that haunting prediction, nicole told denise long ago. >> o.j. is gonna kill me and he's gonna get away with it.
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>> her words to you? >> her words exactly. >> he's gonna kill me one day and he's gonna get away with it. yeah. >> and tomorrow we'll tell you about the trial and what the sisters think went wrong, and their relationship with nicole and o.j.'s children. but most of all they want you to hear nicole's voice in every sense of the word across the country. >> robin: they are speaking with her. when denise said what so many people do, the why. ask why. for her to be so honest about that and helping people that that's not what you want to do. >> when you think of her story and if she couldn't find her way out, really all have to learn what we do for the people we know or may know in our lives. >> michael: absolutely. >> whit: powerful conversation. diane, thank you very much. we'll have much more of diane's interview with nicole brown's sisters tomorrow, and the life and murder of nicole brown simpson premieres june 1st on
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lifetime. if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence and need help call the number on your screen. or you can go to the website. the michael? >> michael: coming up next, bruce springsteen's health, forcing him off the stage again. what we know about his condition, when we come back. condition, when we come back. mat to dick's this week. have you heard of have i heard of girl: let's go! let's go! have i heard of (screaming) whoa. don't overthink it. let's go shopping. actually what i need are some cleats. how about one of these? great. done. anything else? no. golf clubs? not for me, for a friend... yeah, yeah, of course... anyone impressed with how fast that was? yeah, totally! i know, i went to dicks... my cleats! thank you! i love you! wha... i-i went to ever heard of it? girl 2: yeah, i told you about that. ( ♪ ) if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control,
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i got rapid relief... and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check. when flares kept trying to slow me down... i got lasting steroid—free remission... with rinvoq. check. and when my doctor saw damage,... rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid—free remission... and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc and crohn's in check... and keep them there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. so rich. so indulgent. it's new olay body wash. silky indulgent moisture. bye bye, dry skin.
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hello glow in just 14 days. indulge. with olay body wash. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen. there's an uncommon risk of heart attack
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or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections. >> whit: back now with doctors benching the boss.
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bruce springsteen postponing some european shows over what's being called vocal issues. it's the second time in less than a year that health problems forced springsteen to delay shows. trevor ault is here with more. trevor, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. if you know anything about bruce springsteen, it is that the guy gives 100% at every single live show. now just a few months after fighting off an ulcer that side lined him, he said doctors are telling him to take another short break for his voice. ♪ ♪ baby we were born to run ♪ >> reporter: they call him the boss, but this morning he's taking orders from the doctor. bruce springsteen and the e. street band postponing several shows in europe, as the musician recovers. the band posting on instagram that further examination and consulting has led doctors to determine bruce should not perform for the next ten days. >> this is bruce springsteen. i'm in marseilles. unfortunately, i could not sing for you. >> reporter: overnight springsteen posting this video
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to his instagram after postponing shows in marseilles, prague and milan. >> his shows take a lot roff energy, effort and vocal power. it's not surprising that, for a 74-year-old man, he might need more of a break once in awhile. ♪ >> reporter: known for his high intensity, high endurance performances, springsteen's vocal issues come less than a year after the band postponed some other shows. springsteen saying at the time he couldn't sing because of pain from a peptic ulcer. >> you sing with your diaphragm. my diaphragm was hurting so badly that when i went to make the effort to sing, it was killing me. >> reporter: all those shows have since been rescheduled with more shows added. springsteen posting this video for his plans. >> we plan to rock you into the ground. all right. be seeing you soon. >> that first show back in madrid set for june 12. not too far.
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not too much of a long time away. the average bruce springsteen show, he and his band perform for three hours. the average show. it is a marathon for any musician, especially for a 74-year-old. >> robin: we want him to make a full, full recovery. get back out there. >> it won't be long. >> robin: thanks. coming up next the road to the nba finals. (♪) the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward. the further we'll all go. (♪) these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches
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and salads, more in every bite, and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time. hey! it's your dry skin. every day we lose ceramides i need to seal in moisture. cerave delivers three essential ceramides to help restore my barrier, so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated, and look healthy. cerave facial moisturizing lotions. bounty mega roll lasts longer so you can tackle: ♪ applesauce and avocado, ♪ ♪ berries, butter, coffee, cream, ♪ ♪ drippy fingers, deviled eggs ♪ ♪ and empanadas (red and green). ♪ bounty mega roll lets you clean spills without running out. ♪ and mommy's glass of zinfandellll! ♪ bounty. the quicker picker upper. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪
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♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ [ upbeat music ] - [ singing ] ♪ and when i see these pots ♪ ♪ i'm a gardeneer ♪
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♪ a gardeneer ♪ [ upbeat music ] ah bite, bite hard. (brass band plays) got it? (family dancing) >> michael: back now with our
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play of the day. boston celtics are headed to the nba finals again. will reeve is here with the highlights and who to watch tonight in the big game. >> that's right. good morning, michael. good morning, all. the boston celtics were the best team in the nba this year. folks had them pencilled into the finals. now you can write it in pen. get out the broom, the celtics sweeping the pacers 4-0 to make it back to the finals. last night the pacers playing without their star for the second game in a row. didn't go down without a fight. it was tight all game. but this corner three here from derek white, bang, was the dagger. the celtics win 105-102. jason tatum becoming just the fifth player to lead his team in assists and rebounds. speaking of finals, we could find out the celtics opponent tonight. kyrie irving and the dallas mavericks are on a sweep of their own. they play tonight at 8 p.m. eastern.
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there's never been a double sweep in conference finals history. they've had eight or nine days off until the start june 6th. on abc. >> robin: yes. right here. as always, will, thank you. coming up richard gere is here live in our studio. come on back. at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression. with the quality, styles, and prices you love.
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♪ ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪ show off to the world.
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ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. no, my denture's uncomfortable! dracula, let's fight back against discomfort. with new poligrip power max hold & comfort. it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with it's pressure absording layer. time for a bite! if your mouth could talk it would ask for... poligrip. t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke.
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report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements, which may be permanent. high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, weight gain, and high cholesterol may occur. movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. stomach and sleep issues, dizziness, increased appetite, and fatigue are also common. side effects may not appear for several weeks. i didn't have to change my treatment. i just gave it a lift. ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. >> ginger: a >> ginger: a different way of spending the holiday weekend. skiing in colorado. they hope to stay open for nearly two more weeks which would put them at their latest on record. meanwhile in vermont, killington had that one run they try to keep open and they utilized it for the holiday weekend. i'll have a lot more coming up on the severe storms. coming up, the latest on jimmy
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kimmell's son after a third open heart surgery. our gma grocery challenge, tips and tricks to save big on your food bill. plus, just in time for summer, lori bergamotto here with great back yard updates. local news and weather next. or visit and save $1,000 off your complete bathroom remodel. >> is that your new nissan rogue? yeah. >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event, taking a test drive when dave the sales guy is like, you're gonna love this. he shows me the best in class fuel economy and lets me know it's recommended by
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consumer reports. when dave says these cars are going fast, i knew i had to have that rogue hurry in for memorial day savings, get 0% apr financing for 36 months on the rogue platinum or get a low 2.99 per month lease on rogue. >> where's my husband? >> he's on a ventilator. >> are you saying you may already be lost? >> the 9-1-1 season finale always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. >> i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here is traffic with amanda. >> hi, reggie. straight to the san mateo bridge. cam. traffic is slow across the span to mariner islands boulevard. mariners island boulevard drive time from the toll plaza to foster city is 18 minutes, and the san rafael cam traffic is slow. from highway 37 to lincoln avenue with a 25 minute delay. drew. >> hi, amanda. we'll go to pier 39 this morning where the sea
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lions are awake. we have cloudy skies out there across many cities right now. we will see our marine layer break down for sunshine between 9 and 11 a.m. this morning. it's a bright day, but it's also going to be gusty. winds will be between about 20 and 40mph. if you look at the wind speeds, you can see later on this afternoon they are active. so just be aware that it will be a breezy day. temperatures today are a couple of degrees cooler than yesterday. we'll go to 61 in the city with those afternoon winds. about 66 in oakland, 73 in san jose, warmer in santa rosa at 83. >> reggie, thanks for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues next. everybody else is watching good morning america. >> in comes company, the smash hit broadway musical company. he winner of five tony awards, including best revival of a musical company, is a hilarious
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musical masterpiece about life, love and good company. >> critics give it five stars, saying yes, it's really that good. >> playing june 5th through 29th at the orpheum theater. for tickets at broadway sf. com covid at the door means you made the smart call. >> did you know that the average home has over 9000 types of bacteria and fungus, called the procercoid, to save 35% on a deep clean of your carpets, floors, air ducts, dryer vents, countertops, tile and grout upholstery, and window treatments. we'll get your services clean as new for a beautiful, healthy home. pretty smart right? scan the qr code or call 804 koi today to save 35. the people you trust. >> trust, called the barnes firm, has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. >> we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. even injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> have the kardashians slowed
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down? >> no. nothing can stop me. >> i'm all the way. >> over here! yo, what's up everybody? how you doing? kev? >> kev, can i get a response to the trade rumors? >> it's crazy. it's crazy. means moving, man. we talking about moving? moving means contracters, inspectors, strangers judging my carpet. what are we talking about? staging. we're talking about a faux ficus. a faux ficus? nobody's gonna be a faux ficus in my house. you could use open door. >> sell your house directly to them. it's easy. >> i guess we're moving, kev. kev, you gonna ask me about next man practice? >> it's time to get away and cash in at cash creek casino resort to rock and to roll go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars, northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect
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place to do as much or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cash in at cash creek casino resort. >> your emblem of devotion. have your engagement ring custom made by the jewelry exchange. choose a one carat lab grown diamond for 5.99 or a natural gia for 1990. 18 k mounds are 4.99 thousands of choices. always the best deal. the jewelry exchange redwood city fc's clipped, streaming june 4th only on hulu >> robin: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. memorial day washout. severe weather striking the northeast. >> there it is, debris! it just hit a house, oh no! >> robin: on the heels of a deadly tornado outbreak in the heartland. plus hundreds of flights cancelled, thousands delayed. ginger and gio are tracking it all. >> whit: jimmy kimmell sharing
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an emotional update about his 7-year-old son's third open heart surgery. >> michael: abc news exclusive. with the american arrested in turks and caicos for carrying ammo in his luggage. what he says about his time behind bars and his emotional return home to his kids. >> whit: supermarket savings. we're kicking off the gma grocery challenge, seeing how some store brands stack up against national brands. plus, ways to save on popular items, as prices have all increased over the past year. >> michael: we're putting your back yard front and center with up grades from serving food to serving up fun and games. ♪ a lovely day ♪ >> if i forget to tell you later, i had a really good time. >> robin: we would never forget to tell you that richard gere is here live, as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times
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square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. we're going to have a good time with richard gere. looking forward to talking to richard later on in the show. >> whit: robin, you something special for us today. >> robin: i teamed up again with the history channel. i'll share part two about world war i the heroes whose names you may not know but whose bravery changed history. it's called the great war. this morning going to introduce you to some of those extraordinary men. >> michael: we saw the first part the other day. really, really fantastic work. thank you for that. looking forward to that. first a look at top stories breaking at 8 starting with the brutal weather across much of the country over the holiday weekend. ginger is tracking it all, including the destructive tornados. good morning again, ginger. >> ginger: michael, it has been the most severe season to date in 13 years. at least 22 people were killed in tornados over the holiday weekend. all the way from the midwest to texas. we've got the latest pictures. some from missouri there.
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this morning dallas ft. worth gusts up to 77 miles an hour. dallas airport was ground for awhile. lot of lightning, embedded tornado warnings, severe thunderstorm watch that extends all the way down to waco texas. very busy next couple of hours. then it will settle only for midday before the atmosphere reignites, starts to amp up again. we have this dry line, a big division between moisture and dry air. that's gonna kick off the damaging winds, waco, san antonio, dallas and ft. worth again included later tonight. look for damaging wind as the main hazard but you will see tornados and big old hail. also, 1 to 3 inches of rainfall really fast, locally up to 5 inches. this is a huge 24 hours ahead for this area that's just been tortured the last week. >> robin: thanks again. the weather caused a travel mess on the roads and in the air. let's go back to gio benitez.
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good morning again, gio. >> gio: robin, good morning again. airports were always supposed to be busy today because of the holiday yesterday. now you have people on cancelled flights yesterday trying to get on new flights today, so it will be very busy again. take a look at this. on monday, u.s. airports seeing nearly 8,500 flight delays and more than 580 cancellations. storms across the east coast causing a ripple effect across the country, just derailing plans for thousands of passengers. people traveling out of new york, atlanta, florida airports experiencing some of the worst delays on memorial day. let's show you now how the numbers look today. so far we are seeing fewer delays and cancellations, but will still cause headaches more than 130 cancellations. but again, those numbers may rise as that weather moves in so you gotta watch that. can't say it enough. get to the airport early. whit? >> whit: gotta be prepared. gio, thank you very much. now the latest on the health of jimmy kimmell's son. the late night host said 7-year-old billy had his third open heart surgery over memorial day weekend.
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will reeve is back now with that story. will, good morning. >> hello again, whit. billy kimmell was born with a heart issue. he's been fight an uphill battle his whole young life. his dad jimmy revealing jimmy was back in for surgery over the holiday weekend and said billy came out with a new valve, happy and healthy. overnight jimmy kimmell sharing an update about his 7-year-old son's health in an emotional post on instagram. our boy billy had his third of three, we hope, open heart surgeries. we went into this experience with a lot of optimism and nearly as much fear and came out with a new valve inside a happy, healthy kid. in 2017 kimmell tearfully recounted the terrifying moment he learned about his son's heart defect. >> they did an echocardiogram a sonogram of the heart and found billy was born with a heart disease. >> reporter: doctors diagnosing his condition and at just 3 days
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old he had open heart surgery to repair it. >> the pulmonary valve was completely blocked. he has a hole in the wall between the left and right sides of his heart. >> reporter: seven months later, after a second heart surgery, jimmy and billy giving the world an update. >> daddy cries on tv but billy doesn't. it's unbelievable. >> reporter: kimmell also recognized his wife molly for being quote, stronger than reasonable for any mom and thanking children's hospital in los angeles for their kindness and expertise. billy and the kimmell family have been dealt a tough hand but they're playing it well, robin. >> robin: they certainly are. we wish them all the best. thank you. coming up in our gma morning menu, our exclusive with the american father released after more than 100 days in turks and caicos. what he experienced and his emotional reunion. >> michael: our new series gma grocery challenge, looking at how some store brands stack up
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against national brands. plus ways to save on some of the most popular items on your list. lori bergamotto is going to show you how to upgrade your back yard game, from furniture to coolers to actual games. richard gere is here to tell us about his new movie and more. that's all coming up on gma. cot (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions.
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using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. shop the memorial day sale at sherwin-williams and transform your space with color! get 30% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $34.29 find your new color, may 24 - june 3. shop online or visit your neighborhood sherwin-williams store! (♪) (♪) (♪)
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(♪) alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice, and long-lasting gain scent beads. part of the irresistible scent collection from gain. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin.
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don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪ “watch me” by biig piig ♪ ♪ 'cause i feel it light up ♪ ♪ can you spark this fire? ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪ ♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ move ♪ ♪ ♪ move ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪ ♪ maybe you should settle down ♪ ♪ and watch me move ♪ [ upbeat music ] ♪ maybe you should - [ singing ] ♪ and when i'm checking out, ♪ ♪ i'm actually... ♪ both: [ singing ] ♪ checking out me. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> we are back with our "gma" cover story, >> robin: we are back with our gma cover story, an abc news exclusive with the pennsylvania father held for more than 100 days in turks and caicos over ammunition found in his luggage. he was released friday and is back in the u.s. with his family. he and his wife spoke with matt rivers, who joins us now. good morning, matt.
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>> reporter: good morning, robin. brian hegrich told me he had packed two suit cases before his sentencing hearing. one to go to prison and the other to go home. when he and his wife walked into that courthouse, they had no idea how the judge was going to rule. this morning brian hegrich is back home with his family. moments like this until, last week, he thought might never happen again. >> it felt literally like a dream come true. >> reporter: the american father of two detained in turks and caicos since february. airport authorities finding hunting ammunition in his luggage. he said he didn't even know he had it. that crime carrying a mandatory minimum sentence of 12 years behind bars. brian spending more than a week in jail before posting bail. >> it was dark. you no concept of time. i was in there with up to seven people total at times. side by side, you know, i was with three folks that were accused of murder. it was scary.
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>> reporter: he plead guilty and waited on the island, away from his family. three months before he would be sentenced. >> i truly felt like i could not breathe for three and a half months. >> as a wife, that's so hard. i could hear it on the end of every phone call. i could see it in his eyes at the end of every face time. when we were visiting, he would seem happy, but i knew he wasn't completely happy. how can you be when something is looming so prominently over you? >> reporter: then on friday, the hegrich's walked into court hand in hand to learn their fate. >> to give ashley what could have potentially been the last hug and last kiss that we get to share together for a very long time. it hurt so bad. so bad. >> reporter: but turks and caicos judge charging brian with only a $6,700 fine and granting a suspended sentence, essentially arguing a 12 year punishment didn't fit the crime.
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>> literally the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. for 101 days, finally it was over. it was over. >> reporter: emotional reunion at the airport. brian embracing his two young children. what are you gonna take away from this experience? >> there's so many things to take away from it. just to be with my family, you know? cherish every last moment, whether that's my kids jumping on me in the bed in the morning saying, daddy wake up. there are no wasted moments. it's precious time. >> reporter: now brian is completely free and clear. remember, there are four other americans still awaiting their sentencing on similar charges of illegal ammunition including 31-year-old tyler wenrich who will likely be sentenced by a different judge later this afternoon. guys? >> robin: we'll see what happens there.
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matt, thanks. ginger? >> ginger: you know, robin, let's talk about heat. tampa, florida, among cities that are going to bake midweek. they have a high today 91 but by tomorrow and thursday records are coming. speaking of records it was a record break weekend for so many folks. ft. pierce, florida, had their hottest may temperature on record. we've seen a lot of that throughout florida. even baton rouge was at 98. today and tomorrow we'll start to see those red circles around the numbers. that indicates you could tie or break a record easily for miami and tampa. tallahassee and orlando nothing to sneeze at. they are obviously the feels like will be in the 100s. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> michael: now to our new series the gma grocery challenge. with grocery price up 25% higher than they were four years ago, our team went through the aisles for you to look for savings. becky worley is breaking down the findings. good morning, becky. >> good morning. experts often say to save on groceries you should buy store brands. with more and more stores carrying their own brands, we wanted to know, how do they stack up? we grew up on the brand names. >> ho ho ho, green giant! >> what about the less expensive store brands that seem to be everywhere now? >> we have seen a number of items in store brands start to increase across the store.
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>> retail giant wal-mart just announcing the april they will start rolling out a new private label called better goods with 300 products ranging from frozen foods to coffee. the retailer saying most of the products will cost less than $5. >> store brands tend to be less expensive than the national brands. >> to see how the pricing compares my producer sara checked out four store brands all in the same area. wal-mart's existing great value label, target's good and gather, albertson's signature celebrity and trader joe's that predominantly features store brands. she found like to like item, tomato sauce, almonds, shredded cheese. as for pricing store brand tomato sauce was the least expensive at wal-mart. by $0.37. that's $0.76 less than the top selling national name brand. because of sizing difference, we broke down cost by price per ounce. the biggest savings on almond's was trader joes where they were $0.25 less than ounce than other
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store brands and $0.42 less than a popular brand. that's a savings of $6 on a one pound bag of almonds. for sharp cheese the least was at wal-mart by $0.17 and $0.19 than the national brand. it would save you roughly $3 on a one pound bag. what about taste? >> we wanted to compare nutrition, ingredients and taste. that's a stumbling block for people. >> in 2022 consumer reports did a taste test of 70 store brand products. >> we had our blind tasters taste a leading national brand against up to ten different store brands within a category. all blind. and out of the 70 products we found 76% were comparable in quality and flavor. >> and target just announced price cuts this summer on more than 5,000 products, some being their store brand products, good and gather. michael?
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>> michael: that's a lot of products there. becky, we have some popular grocery items with us. they have all gone up in the past year. but you have some tips on how to save on these right now. we're going to start with ground beef. according to the latest consumer price index, the cost of this has gone up 6% since last year. all right, becky, what kind of deal can we get on this? >> michael, at this point if meat just holds its price, it's a win. we did find some deals. one is a chain in the midwest and south. they've reduced the price from $4.99 to $4.88. not a huge discount, but those savings add up when it's a staple for your meal. >> michael: $4.88. good deal. there we go. any savings is a good savings, becky. and we have butter now. butter has gone up 3.5% since last year. what's the best deal we can get for getting cheaper butter? >> butter is one of those things
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that target has lowered the price on in its good and gather price line. it's now $0.20 cheaper, $3.79 a pound at most stores. couple other examples of price drops on good and gather items, baby spinach was $3.29, now $2.99. roasted nuts $5.29. and this target feels like it could be a tipping point on prices going up. this move may be a signal they received feed back from shoppers on prices, enough is enough. >> michael: enough is enough. high prices are a no go. we have something lot of people are eating right now as they watch the show for breakfast cereal. 1.3% more expensive than last year. where can we get a good deal on this? >> well, first of all, i have to remark how much i love the way you are treating this whole segment like a game show with the reveals. >> michael: i feel like it. price is right. >> you're bringing that. when it comes to cereal, you got
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it. an east coast chain, you can get several different varieties of their store brand cereals for just $1.99 a box. that's big savings. given the amount of cereal consumed in this house, with two teenagers, i feel like a winner when i can save even a penny on cereal. whoo! >> michael: great job. speaking of a game show, this is a cheap one because i have to do the reveal and commentary. usually you have an assistant or something. [ laughter ] >> you bring it all, bud. >> michael: we appreciate you, as always, helping our viewers save money, which is an important thing. thank you so much. now to you, whit. >> whit: michael, thank you so much. turning now to back yard barbecue season. our gma lifestyle contributor, lori bergamotto is here to help us boost our back yard parties. lori, good morning to you. >> good morning, whit. let's start with the food. this is the center of the party. we got to keep it fresh. >> i like that you have acknowledged that this is the center of the party. if you don't have good food, what are you doing?
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okay. when you go outside, a couple of things happen. one, if you have things that need to be chilled they can get a little slimey. that's kind of gross, right? if you look under here, you will see there's ice cubes underneath. that doubles as your lid. so you can, depending upon the temperature, flow of your party, you can keep things covered, keep bugs out, keep moisture away. you can keep it chilled also for longer. these are great. they come in a lot of different sizes. great for appetizers, great for desserts. and they are really affordable. you can get them on amazon around $30. >> whit: excellent. we're going to up grade from the plastic cups. >> this is top flair. for a couple of reasons. cheers to you, my friend. you want to make sure environmentally, you don't want to just keep buying paper or plastic cups and throwing them out. but you don't want to bring your breakable glassware outside. you have kids, i have kids. i also have a husband who is clumsy. >> whit: i know your husband,
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yes. not gonna say anything. >> no, he' great. but you want things that aren't going to break. it looks fantastic. shatter proof, pba free. you can use them all year long. these also come in flutes. you can do high ball. >> whit: just to test it out. nothing broke. there you go. perfect. >> really affordable. >> whit: mosquitos, always a pest. what's this? >> i am a mosquito magnet. >> whit: me, too. >> i have tried a lot of things. i'm a little tired of lotioning up with deet and all that. just doesn't feel right to me. this is fantastic. i came upon this last year. this is the patio shield. these come in different forms. basically, i'm gonna put my drink down so i can show you what goes underneath.
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this cartridge sticks in there. you're going to put the mat here. it uses heat to release the repellant. it takes about 15 minutes. it releases the repellant 15 feet around where you are. if you have a big back yard maybe want to stagger a few of them. it creates sort of like a fortress seal and mosquitos leave you alone. not only do they leave the whole area alone. you want that all to be bug-free and untouched. >> whit: spraying the bug spray around all the food always gross as well. now we need some good back yard games. what do we have? >> we know there's a lot of lawn games that are big and oversized. the thing with that, sometimes you lose them, they're cumbersome. this is the best of both worlds. bigger than your average indoor game but smaller so it's compact. this is stackable game. comes in a lot of different colors. i can see you are good at this, whit. >> whit: let's not get carried away. actually -- >> will he do it, ladies and gentlemen? can he pull it off?
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yes! amazing. >> whit: got one. >> that's pretty good. so this is that classic stackable game we love. you can also use it dominos, building blocks. because it's so colorful. that's under $25. >> whit: love that. now you need a place to relax. what's this all about here? >> whit johnson, we are marrying two trends together. bean bag chair and cabana strips. these things are trending on google, pinterest. you can get say i like it. yeah, it goes great with the with the mocktail . yeah. there you go. cheers. cheers, whit. yeah. enjoy the barbecue. all of these items, of course, shoppable on our website. laura thank you so much. we appreciate it. coming up right here richard, gear live in the studio. stay with us. >> gma's surprise people across
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the country helping find thousands in unclaimed money. this really is a big check. >> yes. and tomorrow morning, we're at it again. >> that's incredible. >> because nothing's better than hearing you say, show me the money on good morning america. >> i experienced a lot of heartache. it's taken me a long time to even get to this moment. >> and the cma award for entertainer of the year goes to lainey wilson. >> wow. >> if you were coming of age in the 1980s, the brat pack was near the center of your cultural awareness. but for those of us experiencing it from the inside, the brat pack was something very different. if you could have a brat pack may not exist. would you? i hated the brat pack. what a disaster! >> why did we take it as an offense? andrea, i'm never gonna say we were the beatles or anything, but we didn't sell shea stadium, 1985. i think we could have done so. >> what's good to read? and we
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mean really good to read right now. well that's where charlie and kate gibson can help. >> join us for the new podcast series. it is called the bookcase with kate and charlie. >> we will make sure you love what you read. >> listen wherever you get your podcasts. >> you went behind my back. give me one reason i shouldn't end your career right now. >> helicopter coming in with an injured firefighter. firefighter joe, who's coming down the line >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> hi, kumasi a live look at the eastshore freeway. this is in emeryville. headlights are heading westbound. you can see things are definitely filling in for people heading into the city. from highway four into san francisco. that drive will take you about an hour and 13
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minutes. kumasi. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has your accu weather forecast after the break. next, next stop. >> we got it. no keep going again. next. if you don't pick one, i. am i keeping you from your job? next stop. do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. >> your electric future customized the fully electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer . >> i think it's important that people get to know. >> my sister nicole is a nurturing, beautiful woman. >> the one thing i could not protect her from was the monster she was married to. >> one of the worst days i've ever experienced. >> we are here to vindicate her. don't get in our way the life
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and murder of nicole brown simpson premieres saturday, june 1st at eight. >> a limited commercial event only on lifetime. >> it's not just s and g carpet, its s and g carpet and more. m is for their magnificent selection of flooring and carpeting, o is for overall price, value and affordability, and outstanding warranties. >> r is for psg's reputation for a no surprise guarantee. >> they've been a respected leader for over 70 years and e is for exceptional quality and expertise and their experience. >> that's s and g carpet and >> we're quality is affordable >> hey. bay area live with kelly and marcus coming up. >> we'll chat with jonathan groff. plus adam rodriguez from criminal minds evolution is here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we will see you very shortly. we're going outside to the east bay hills camera, where you can see our marine layer is still breaking down for sunshine. you look at current sky conditions and you can see a lot of us dealing with that cloud cover
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from san jose to napa, half moon bay, oakland, san francisco where partly sunny, right now, concord is the sunniest spot we have on our map. currently, we're in the 50s right now and take a look at the coast. we will find those clouds giving way to partly sunny conditions, mid 50s for daytime highs around the bay shoreline we'll find temperatures getting into the upper 60s and lower 70s. that fog pretty much exits close to about 9:10 a.m. this morning. and inland it will feel nice and mild with temperatures in the upper 70s kumasi. thanks, drew. >> we'll have another abc seven news update in about 30 minutes. you >> announcer: welcome back to gma, live from times square. >> michael: nice shot here outside our studio in times square. we are back with golden globe winner richard gere, who is starring in "longing." all about the extraordinary twists that life can take. richard gere, welcome to gma. [ applause ]
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>> thank you. thank you. >> michael: we saw earlier this month, richard, you walked the red carpet at cannes with your oldest son. >> that was a few days ago actually. >> michael: you're all over the place. what was that moment like to be on the red carpet with your son? >> he 24. he just graduated from brown sunday. >> michael: congratulations. >> yes. so that's a milestone. but he, i never took him to anything like this before. he just wasn't -- we didn't live in l.a. i didn't take him to festivals. i just wanted him to be a kid. he thanks me now. he said, thank you for not doing this to me before. [ laughter ] >> michael: do you think he'll follow in your footsteps? >> i don't know. he's -- about a year ago, year and a half ago, he started acting in little films in school and making films and writing them and directing them and production designing them.
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he understands how much fun it is. it is kind of addictive. i love making movies. >> whit: let's take a look at your new film here "longing." >> why are you crying? i'm sorry if i hurt you. sometimes in the middle of very busy lives. >> when i moved back to canada, after we split up, i found out i was pregnant and i gave birth. >> whit: so many twists and turns in this film. something else, too, that a lot of people might not know. another one of your talents on display. you play the piano. something we have seen in other films. piano, guitar. >> i am always bringing the piano into these movies. i should apologize. >> whit: no. we love it. people want more. >> i just have fun doing it. yeah. we ended up playing around with that in this film, too.
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>> robin: tell us more about the film. >> this was an early scene in the movie, one of the first ones, actually. we are seeing the scene this guy and woman and they had an intense affair 20 years ago. haven't spoken since. she shows up. she's emotional. he's trying to figure out what's going on. turns out she was pregnant before they broke up and she didn't tell him. she had a 19, 20-year-old kid, which is his kid. then we find out a little more of what happened there. whole movie is really this guy coming to terms with the fact that this was his only kid. and who was this kid? we find out the kid passed away. so it's a bit of a detective story, but it's an emotional one for this guy, obviously.
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it's his kid. i think the film deals a lot with how does our world, what we think, what we do, what we touch, how does that resonate in ways that we don't even think about? but later on, 20 years, things come home to roost. there is a cause and effect to everything. we do. >> robin: all these twists and turns life throws at us. can i say the three of us were talking earlier amongst ourselves. that it is the 25th anniversary of runaway bride. coming up on 35 years since "pretty woman" one of our favorite movies. it comes on tv, doesn't matter where -- >> who's in that movie? [ laughter ] >> robin: doesn't matter where it is, you watch it. did you ever, richard gere, ever expect to have both those films, to have the lasting impact that they've had on
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folks? >> no. first of all "pretty woman" really charming, wonderful film. i'm proud of it. but when that was given to me originally, i didn't know. it wasn't the kind of movie i was making. i was making much more serious, young man troubled movies. here was a comedy. there wasn't even a character there. gary marshall came to see me. i like gary a lot. as i recall, we didn't even talk about the movie. we talked about life. i said, well, i like this guy. i can get along with this guy. then julia came to new york. i think she had made only one film at that point. i remember sitting in my office and gary introduced us and then he left. he went for walk. he got nervous. [ laughter ]
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julia was great. we got along great. she was sitting across from my desk. we were laughing. gary called up and said, how's it going? i said, all right. what do you think? she's terrific. i could see, she took a piece of paper and wrote a note on it and she passed it across the desk to me and said, please say yes. [ laughter ] >> robin: aw. >> michael: we're glad that you did. >> i was, too. that meant a lot to me. i have done a lot of different kinds of films. that one seems to have touched people all over the world. >> robin: if you didn't do it, it would have been a big mistake, big, huge! [ laughter ] huge! >> don't hurt your wrist, honey. don't do that. >> robin: i know. it would be worth it for this. >> michael: to add to your new movie "longing" is going to be released in select theaters june 7th and on demand everywhere june 28th.
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richard gere, everybody. coming up robin's new documentary on the heroes of world war i. we will be right back with more gma.
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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>> robin: we're back with a look at part 2 of the documentary "the great war." tonight's episode on the history channel looks at how american forces helped pave the way to a hard fought victory.
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>> you happy? >> yeah. we got what we need. >> robin: it's the story of a hard fought victory in part 2 of "the great war." >> there was a feeling that the bravery of american boys would turn the tide. >> robin: these american soldiers credited for their feats on the front lines of world war i. produced in partnership with my production company, rocking robin productions and through archival footage, expert interviews and recreations, the series highlights the bravery of 20th century soldiers. >> where are they? >> robin: like michael b. ellis. part of the soon to be legendary big red one regiment. >> michael ellis puts himself in the history pages by personally clearing six german machine gun positions and capturing over 50 of the enemy. >> robin: henry johnson fought
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off 40 germans and henry johnson part of the african-american regiment known as the harlem hell fighters earning france's highest battlefield award despite facing extreme adversity. >> hard hitting henry johnson. i want to talk about what you did out there. can't wait to make our mark, just like you. >> we all gotta do our part. sounds like i inspire you to do yours. >> at that time america had never fought in a war of that nature, so looked like the hail mary. today we wouldn't be sitting here as we know it had germany won. >> robin: the heroism of these men, helping pave the way to prevent the collapse of the allies. >> there's no other way. >> robin: setting the stage for the u.s. to emerge a global power. folks who are more familiar with ww ii as opposed to world war i. you have to remember, this was a time america did not
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want to go to war. it was reluctant to enter the war. general pershing pretty much had to put together a military because we didn't have one, so to speak. then couple decades later we are in world war ii. >> whit: extraordinary. >> michael: we became the world power. >> robin: the great war continues tonight 8 p.m. on the history channel. let's go back now to ginger. >> ginger: robin, we can't wait to watch. thank you. the desert southwest starting to heat up, sedona arizona looking pretty on memorial day. but today into the week we're going to see some numbers up to close to 105 for phoenix which would be their first for the season. that's the big picture. let's get a check closer to home.
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>> michael: now to our celebration of aanhpi heritage month and how indian fashion is inspiring the world. zoreen shaw has a look. ♪ >> reporter: known for its elegant beauty, intricate designs and dazzling jewelry, indian fashion is rooted in thousands of years of tradition. now being reimagined with a mix of colors to create indo western fashion. >> if you think of what you see on runways like chanel and dior and then when you look at eastern runways. with all these intricate saris and embroideries. what indo western fashion is a fusion, bringing together both of these fun ways. >> reporter: megan row founded her business drawing from her indian heritage, american lifestyle creating beautiful designs like this pink embroidered outfit. >> this is designed to be worn in two ways, a blazer or dress.
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the work you see here is sari. of course these beautiful bold patterns at the bottom. >> reporter: indo western can be worn for any occasion. >> this is a perfect example of something that can be worn in so many different places whether yoga class or gym, errands, etc. >> reporter: celebrated by everyone. >> we added subtle indian elements like this silk arm band and this little broach. this has been a popular piece for both men and women. >> reporter: stunning pieces like these inspired by the indian city of jaipur. >> what you see is a traditional fabric taking inspiration from art and culture and can be worn by anybody. >> reporter: indo western shining bright on and off runways across the world. for good morning america zoreen shaw, abc news, los angeles. >> michael: joining us now with how you can incorporate these indian inspired pieces into your every day life, versha
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you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> michael: before we get to the look, tell us how people at home can support and incorporate and appreciate these looks. >> i think all you have to do is be respectful and intentional with your choices. we are going to talk about aapi owned brands from aapi designers and following their cues is what everyone at home can do. >> robin: let's cue these beautiful models. we have the first a tunic dress. >> she is wearing this beautifully embroidered dress. if you notice her neck line the embroidery is intricate. has a very rich history in india. the bracelets as well are bangle inspired bracelets which are very common to wear on both wrists in indian culture. what i love about this dress is it's flattering for all body types. very inclusive. it's made of silk which is a fabric very popular in indian fashion. >> robin: so gorgeous and looks so comfortable. >> michael: even for me it looks
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comfortable. we have a traditional look for men. comfortable as well. >> exactly. he is wearing a corsa, a very popular and common outfit in south asian culture. this is a great color. she has a big focus on ethical and sustainable production as well which is great. these come in all sorts of colors. you can wear it casually like this for everyday wear. he is wearing cotton pants but you can pair it with jeans, khakis, anything you have in your closet. his watch is a solar powered watch. it has hindu numerals. >> robin: i love the pairing. gorgeous. all right. go on with your bad self. looking good. [ laughter ] now kat can come out. this is what, a fusion outfit? >> yes. what kat is wearing is a great
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example of a fusion outfit. it's got this brocade pattern that is very common in our fabrics. the company is based in california and dehli. what i want to call attention to is her jewelry. you probably see the heavy indian jewelry people wear to weddings. it's becoming common to incorporate them into every day and evening wear. this is from another new york based jewelry designer. >> robin: i love the flats. >> the shoes are also indian inspired. i'm glad you pointed that out. it matches the skirt perfectly. little touches throughout the outfit of our heritage. >> michael: let's bring everybody back out. >> everybody looks amazing. versha, thank you for bringing this to us. >> thank you for having me. >> michael: i love it. be respectful. intentional. very beautiful. thank you all. you all look fantastic. take the rest of the day off. [ laughter ] coming up we have a performance
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by the cast of the tony award nominated sensation who's tommy when we come back.
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>> whit: we are back with a special performance from the exhilarating rock opera the who's tommy the broadway production nominated for tony for best revival of a musical. here is the cast with their medley of see me feel me and pinball wizard. ♪ see me feel me touch me heal me ♪ ♪ see me feel me touch me hear me ♪
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♪ ♪ ever since i was a young boy i played the silver ball from soho down to brighton i must have played them all ♪ ♪ but i ain't seen nothing like it in any amusement hall that deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball ♪ ♪ he stands like a statue follows the machine feeling all the bumpers always playing clean ♪ ♪ he plays by intuition that deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball ♪ ♪ he's a pinball wizard
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there has to be a twist a pinball wizard got such a subtle risk ♪ ♪ how do you think he does it i don't know what makes him so good ♪ ♪ hein't got no distractions can't hear those buzzers and bells can't see no lights flashing only plays by sense of smell ♪ ♪ that deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ he can't beat my best he just does the rest got crazy flipper fingers never see him fall that deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball ♪ ♪ [ applause ]
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cash rewards+ card lets you try the things you love with your true love. when you can enjoy the rewards of every experience that comes your way, what are you waiting for? dive right in. golden 1 member cash rewards+ card. life is a journey best dreamed together. financing on all 2024 silverado 1500 pickups, or get 5000 total value on this silverado. when you trade in an eligible vehicle that's 10% below msrp. chevrolet together. let's drive. >> it's not just shag carpet, it's shag carpet and more. m is for their magnificent selection of flooring and carpeting. >> o is for overall price, value
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and affordability and outstanding warranties. r is for smg's reputation for a no surprise guarantee. they've been a respected leader for over 70 years, and e is for exceptional quality and expertise and their experience. that's s and g carpet and more s and g more than carpet. >> we're quality is affordable >> you may surprise people across the country helping find thousands in unclaimed money. >> this really is a big check. yes. >> and tomorrow morning we're at it again. that's incredible. because nothing's better than hearing you say, show me the money on good morning america. let's hear it for the cast of the who's tommy? the sisters of nicole brown simpson. >> how do you live with 30 years of rage and heartbreak? their first tv interview in 30 years. >> our top story the death of oj simpson. >> does it change anything for you? >> tomorrow morning on gma
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>> i am so proud to call you my family. if we miss our mark. >> his fire hit seattle. we are down a firefighter >> is that your new nissan rogue? yeah. >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event. taking a test drive. when dave's like, these cars are going fast. >> hurry in for memorial day savings. now nissan offers six vehicles starting under $30,000. >> it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort to rock and to roll, to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cash in at cache creek casino resort.
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get tickets now at janet jackson with special guest nelly. for more, visit >> is that your new nissan rogue? yeah. >> crazy story. so this morning i'm at the nissan thrill of summer sales event, taking a test drive. when dave's like, these cars are going fast. >> hurry in for memorial day savings. now nissan offers six vehicles starting under $30,000. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven. here is a live look at traffic. >> yeah. good morning kumasi. >> our overall map showing you things are getting pretty busy across bay area roads, but we're going to zoom in specifically to this issue in pinole. this is a five car crash westbound 80 before appian way. you can see speeds are down to seven miles per hour there. there's debris reported across all lanes, but it is blocking at least one
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lane. traffic is backing up into hercules. expect a 20 minute delay there. good morning. drew >> hey amanda. we'll look at our east bay hills camera. you look at our current conditions right now. we're starting to see more areas getting some sunnier skies from san jose to concord right now, but still pretty cloudy over the city and napa. we will find that we get more sunshine as we head deeper into the afternoon. so here's a look at your day planner today. gusty winds on the agenda later this afternoon as well. kumasi thank you drew. >> now it's time for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back ay ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, tony nominated broadway star jonathan groff! plus, from the series "criminal minds," adam rodriguez. also, a performance from singer-songwriter


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