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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 29, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- ke huy quan. bobby cannavale. and music from niki. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very nice. very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. please, relax, relax, relax. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us here in hollywood, where we are back to work after an extra, extra long holiday weekend. we spent most of it at children's hospital. our son billy had an open-heart surgery. he is doing very well. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for your good wishes. thank you for your thoughts. cleto, thank you for the edible arrangement. let me tell you something. if there's one thing a 7-year-old boy loves, it's an edible arrangement. [ laughter ] >> cleto: we do what we can. >> jimmy: this edible arrangement, you know what happened, somebody got a flower arrangement, they're like, "oh, these are beautiful, you know what would be better? if we could eat them."
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[ laughter ] >> cleto: that's what i figured. >> jimmy: we went in the hospital thursday morning. we got home monday. not an hour after we walk in the house from the hospital with our son, this happens. >> oh my god, okay, that is a hawk. that is a [ bleep ] hawk. >> jimmy: that's me with the broom. >> oh my god. he's going to get it out. it's going out the window, okay? [ laughter ] come on, buddy. go, go, go. you're so close. you were right, there's two of them. there's one on the carpet. it's dead. no looks like a bird the hawk may have killed.
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[ audience moaning ] billy, just chill, okay? oh! oh, god. >> billy, go. go upstairs. get me a box or something. >> jimmy: oh, it's out. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, that will wake you up. billy and i were sitting there playing video games and he says "dad, there are two birds in the house!" what we didn't show you was the bird the hawk killed and brought in the dining room as a little welcome home gift. and this was weird. i don't really believe in this kind of stuff, but on the day of billy's surgery, my wife saw a mourning dove on the ledge outside his bedroom. which, she looked up and is apparently an omen of death. she was very freaked out by it. she didn't tell me. it's mourning with a "u." which i didn't know. and then we get home from the
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hospital and a hawk flies in and kills the mourning dove. kills the omen of death! [ cheers and applause ] you want to know another thing about doves? they're pigeons. [ laughter ] they're pigeons with a publicist. that's all they are. [ laughter ] speaking of pigeons, in new york, the jury is out in the criminal trial of former president donald joanna trump. [ laughter ] the jury deliberated for several hours today and will pick back up tomorrow. trump is not allowed to leave the courthouse while the jury deliberates. today, he had to sit there for hours, farting next to the vending machine. [ laughter ] trump is hoping for a hung jury. of course, he was also hoping for a hung mike pence and that didn't happen. [ laughter ] there are 34 charges, the jurors will rule on all of them. they have to be unanimous on each charge to convict or acquit. trump knows he has no chance of acquittal. mostly because he did it. [ laughter ] he did the crimes. so, his move, and the move for all those who suckle at his
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considerable teat, is to claim the whole deal is rigged against him. >> mother teresa could not beat these charges. these charges are rigged. the whole thing is rigged. the judge is so conflicted, he can't breathe. he's going to do his job. it's not for me, that i can tell you. it's a disgrace, and i mean that. mother teresa could not beat these charges, but we'll see. >> jimmy: that's right. even if mother teresa herself had sex with and paid off a porn star -- [ laughter ] [ applause ] after a round of golf, even she would have trouble getting away with it. mother teresa. mother theresa has been dead for 27 years. [ laughter ] thanks to the corrupt new york attorney general! [ laughter ] as the prosecution was making their final case, trump posted, "boring!" [ laughter ] as if they're supposed to be entertaining him. and then, because everything in his mind is stacked against him, he seemed conveniently confused about standard courtroom
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procedure. "why is the corrupt government allowed to make the final argument in the case against me? why can't the defense go last? big advantage, very unfair. witch hunt! djt." [ laughter ] i don't know, because that's how it works? you don't need to be a legal scholar to know that. literally, all you need is to watch the last ten minutes of any episode of "law and order." [ laughter ] and you know they go last. yesterday, things got exciting because robert de niro showed up. robert de niro had a little press conference outside the courthouse -- [ cheers and applause ] at which he lambasted trump quite spectacularly. and that didn't sit well with our former president. >> then they have a protest of robert de niro yesterday, a fool, a brokendown fool standing out there. he got -- he got maga'd. he got maga'd yesterday. got a big dose of it. >> jimmy: yeah, he really got a big dose of maga. which consisted of three
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brain-damaged goombas and these very stable women. [ crying and muttering ] >> jimmy: it's weird. they seem even sadder than medical lean melania. [ laughter and applause ] melania did not show up for any of the trial. it's too hard for her to keep a straight face. [ laughter ] but the kids were there. don jr. put on his fighting chin to defend his dad against mean old bobby de niro -- they bring in robert de niro, he needs attention, it's been awhile since he cranked out a good movie. think about it. they bring out one actor. remember in 2020 when every a-list actor in the world showed up for joe biden? they lined up one by one. now they get one person. >> jimmy: all right, well. first of all, robert de niro was
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nominated for an oscar two months ago. [ laughter ] and secondly, your father also had one actor at the trial, and that actor was joe piscopo. okay? [ laughter ] even joe piscopo would tell you, "you lost that one." [ laughter ] junior sat behind his father in court today, next to his brother, tweedle dummy, who gave a rousing speech in daddy's defense. >> i cannot wait for the day that we win, we will, we're right, the entire country knows this is nonsense -- >> jimmy: did he just say they'll win pbecause they're white? [ laughter ] >> we'll win, we will, we're white -- >> jimmy: some of you are white, one of you is orange, i don't know. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it's cute, though, that eric -- it's kind of adorable that he still has that little-boy lisp. "i want a wed wobot." [ laughter ] and then, this is interesting to me, eric has been at the trial a lot, like every day. whereas his other siblings have not. and see if you read anything into the subtext here.
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>> i'm just proud of the toughest person i've ever met in my entire life for having the backbone and fortitude to go through this whole mess, as uncomfortable as it's been, and i'm proud to have stood there every single second by his side in that freezing-cold courtroom. he's an inspiration to me every single day, and he'll be vindicated. >> jimmy: in other words, "daddy, i was there, don jr. wasn't." [ laughter ] and he's proud to be there. imagine being proud to be at your dad's porn star trial? [ laughter ] "good job, dad." it was a tough weekend for trump. someone in his camp thought it would be a good idea to have him speak at the libertarian national convention. turned out, it was not. >>. [ cheers and boos ] >> jimmy: despite the fact that they tried to sneak a bunch of maga-hatters into the room, trump got booed mercilessly.
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they yelled "liar," "panderer," "wannabe dictator." but he did his best to try to sell them on all the sack wa assesses he's made for liberty. >> anybody can talk about defending freedom, but i've actually put everything on the line to resist these despots -- [ boos ] >> jimmy: wait, wait till you hear my windmill jokes, you're gonna love them! [ laughter ] >> "donald j. trump will address the libertarian party at its national convention on saturday." the libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states, whoa. [ boos ] [ cheers ] that's nice, that's nice. only if you want to win. if you want to lose, don't do that. keep getting your 3% every four years. >> jimmy: that's fun. i'm sure that was a pleasant plane ride back to mar-a-lago.
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[ laughter ] whoever came up with that idea. but the big story this weekend had nothing to do with trump or even politics at all. the big event happening on my phone, maybe you got this video too, was this. >> right in the butt? >> no. >> this is the best? >> yeah, that's it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "this is the best" was the correct answer. his answer was "right in the butt." that gentleman is tavaris williams. he is from port st. lucie, florida. and he so captured the nation's imagination. we tracked him down, and he's joining us live from his brother's house in pflugerville, texas. [ cheers and applause ] hello to tavaris williams. >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you for joining us. first of all, i don't care what
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pat sajak says, that was a great answer. [ laughter ] >> that was the best, he made me feel so great about that at the break. >> jimmy: what did he say to you in the break? >> he said, "you know, we'll find a tactful way of editing it, i don't know how, but we'll do it." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how did you wind up on "wheel of fortune" in the first place? >> i have kids. your kids remember everything you say. my boys dared me to apply because we played during the week. i applied, and they called me. >> jimmy: how long ago did you tape that game? >> that was the first week of april. so about april 5th. >> jimmy: and have you been worried since then about that guess being on tv? [ laughter ] >> i told my wife immediately after. "i will keep everything a secret except this, this you have to know about." [ laughter ] "they said they might edit it, i don't know what it was going to look like." then out of sight, out of mind, until the world reminded me of what i said. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the clue was "phrase."
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is that a phrase that you use frequently? [ laughter ] >> i have never used those words in sequential order a day in my life, jimmy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how has this affected your life? are people recognizing you? i would imagine you're hearing from people? >> i am spreading a lot of smiles around the world. i go to random people now, "hey, do you want a laugh? google tavaris williams on wheel of fortune." they break out laughing, it is great. >> jimmy: have you thought about merchandising opportunities? [ laughter ] i could see "right in the butt" t-shirts, boxer shorts, colonoscopy awareness, that kind of thing. [ laughter and applause ] >> i thought about all those, out i'm really trying to get into the commercial game, this is my in. >> jimmy: you won $9,500 on the show, right? >> that's what most people will never know, they just see the clip. i had to main in there, i thought i made a good showing of it. >> jimmy: did you put that money in the bank or right in the butt, where did it go? >> it's en route. you have to wait. they haven't arrived just yet.
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>> jimmy: i want to give you a chance to redeem yourself. here it is. can you solve this puzzle? the category -- [ laughter ] is "phrase." i'm going to give you 11 minutes. [ laughter ] >> you're the worst, jimmy. "all hands on deck," my friend. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "all hands on deck," all right. well, thank you, tavaris. congratulations. we really needed this, tavaris, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me, and continued prayers for you and your family. >> jimmy: thank you, my friend, i appreciate that. [ cheers and applause ] tavaris williams. we've got a fun show for you tonight. bobby cannavale is here. we have music from niki. and we'll be right back with ke huy quan.
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>> jimmy: tonight, his new movie, also starring robert de niro, rose byrne, and our very own guillermo, is called "ezra." bobby cannavale is with us. [ cheers and applause ] and then, a multi-talented artist based here in l.a. her album, "buzz" comes out august 9th. niki from the don julio stage. [ cheers and applause ] you can see niki live at the greek theater october 11th and october 12th. tomorrow night -- oh, our old pal sofia vergara will be here with her son, manolo gonzalez vergara. we'll have a 12-year-old art prodigy, this kid, he's 12, his paintings are unbelievable. his name is andris valencia. music from st. vincent as well, so join us for that. our first guest's career spans time and multiple multiverses. he went from short round in "indiana jones" to oscar winner
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for "everything everywhere all at once." you can see him now in season 2 of "loki" on disney plus, please welcome ke huy quan. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, how are you? >> hello, hi, everybody! >> jimmy: it occurs to me that most of the time i see you, you're in a tuxedo. >> yes, yes. oh, jimmy, i got to tell you this. >> jimmy: what? >> when i got here today, i was so happy. i remember the first time i was here. i walked down your hallway. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> and i saw all these wonderful, wonderful pictures of you and your -- you know, all of your guests. >> jimmy: right, right, yeah. >> i remember thinking at that time, wouldn't it be great if one day i came here and i saw my own picture with you up on the
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wall? well, i got to show everybody this. this is the coolest thing. >> jimmy: i walked by you today, as a matter of fact. oh, yeah, i'll hold it up, yeah. yeah, there we go, okay. there you are. with your own picture. [ cheers and applause ] that's right after you won the oscar. >> yes. >> jimmy: can we -- now what we'll do is maybe we'll print this and put it in a frame, and next time you come -- [ laughter ] you can do another one, like looking into infinity, you know? >> i was hoping that now i took a selfie with it and i have proof that it's up on the wall, that the next time i come, i want to see a little plaque that says, "do not remove." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, why. do you mind if i go through the rest of your pictures? [ laughter ] >> i have a lot of -- >> jimmy: no one should ever hand me their phone, all i have is bad thoughts. [ laughter ] last time i saw you, it was about midnight. i was leaving a party after the oscars, going home. you were just arriving at the
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party with like 100 family members, it seemed like. >> wow, jimmy, you remember that? >> jimmy: i do remember that. >> great memories, yeah. i do have a big family. >> jimmy: it was only two months ago. [ laughter ] >> yeah. yeah, i have a big family. my parents have nine kids. you know, and i have more than 20 nieces and nephews. >> jimmy: wow. >> more than 20 grand nieces and nephews. i was an uncle when i was 10 years old. so, you know -- when loki season 2 came out on disney plus, and it was one of the most-watched shows on disney plus -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> well, i got to tell you, my family is responsible for a lot of those views. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see. and the younger ones must be especially excited to have you part of a marvel -- the marvel universe? >> i'm a cool uncle now. >> jimmy: i would think so. >> when i see them, i get big hugs, which is great. >> jimmy: you were already a cool uncle. where do you draw the line as far as like the family goes?
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as far as who gets to come to the parties and stuff with you? is it -- because nine siblings, that's too many for any vehicle. >> yeah. [ laughter ] you know, it's -- the benefit of having a big family is that, you know, they're very supportive of me. >> jimmy: yeah? >> in fact, let me tell you, i just did a movie. and it doesn't come out until next year. well, my family is already in line buying all the tickets. [ laughter ] but it's really cool, it's really cool. i love my family. >> jimmy: you show the little ones "goonies"? "wait till you see me as a kid." do they understand that's you? >> you know, for a long time, they'd only seen two movies in their lives. "independent joens" and "goonies." [ laughter ] now they've seen "everything everywhere all at once." [ cheers and applause ] they've seen "loki." >> jimmy: another kid thing. you had just been on the -- you posted from disneyland from the "indiana jones" ride. which you'd never been on before? >> i have, but it was when --
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you know, we were celebrating the success of "everything everywhere." my "goonies" brother, jeff, who is a member of the exclusive club 33, and he wanted to take me there. and celebrate. and of all the rides that we could go on, he picked the "indiana jones" ride. >> jimmy: "goonies" brother jeff who? >> jeff cohen, aka chunk. >> jimmy: he played chunk. [ cheers and applause ] now he's a lawyer, right? >> he's a lawyer, and he's my lawyer too. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: chunk is your lawyer? >> yeah, he's my lawyer. he's a great lawyer. he does all my deals. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's like corey feldman, your doctor? [ laughter ] so he -- wow, that's something. is he -- when did -- how long between working together and that happening -- how much time elapsed? or did he pick up right there as a 9-year-old lawyer? >> yeah, i mean -- he was always, like, great at, you know -- >> jimmy: the law?
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>> yeah. [ laughter ] i mean, negotiating. >> jimmy: he was? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: really? you noticed that even as a child that he was good at negotiating? >> yeah, yeah, hi always was going to get himself out of trouble. >> jimmy: i see. i see. like, who gets the most skittles at the craft service table? >> yeah. >> jimmy: so when you go to these parties -- well, like even just at the oscars, you run into steven spielberg. this is a guy you worked with, he was an adult when you worked with him, you were a kid. it must be -- how does it feel to see somebody that you worked with when you were a child, an experience most of us don't get, someone like spielberg or harrison ford? >> well, you know, it's great. i mean, you know, i'm an actor because of him. >> jimmy: uh-huh, right. >> so, you know, one of the most memorable nights of my life, you know, the oscar night, when we won -- you know, i could not have asked for a more perfect night. because my family, my own family was there. my brother, my wife, my "goonies" brother, jeff cohen.
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but it was also really cool to have my first movie family there with me. you know, steven spielberg was there, harrison ford was there. and i remember after i won, i went up to steven during the commercial break and i said, "steven, i hope i make you proud tonight." [ applause ] and he said something really sweet. he said, "ke, you have always made me proud." >> jimmy: oh, that's very sweet. >> brought tears to my eyes right away. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. are you a crier in general in. >> not -- not when i was younger. i think i've cried more so in the last two years than my entire life. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: from happiness? >> from happiness. those were happy tears. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, those are the best tears. we're going to take a look at a clip from "loki." it's on disney plus, season two.
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key hue kwan is with us. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by tillamook. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) no two bodies are the same. some pads, never got that message. but, always flexfoam did! it protects against different flows for up to zero leaks. and it flexes to fit all bodies,
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for up to zero feel. feel it yourself with always flexfoam.
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oh, hey, welcome to r and a. >> good, we're in the right place. we have a little bit of a situation we wanted to run by you. >> mobius, wow. great to see you again. >> good to see you too, yeah. i -- loki? i want to introduce you to --
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>> i'm moral boris. nice to meet you, loki. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is ke huy quan in "loki" on disney plus right now. this is not your first marvel comic, though technically it wasn't a marvel situation, this is your second time around? >> my first introduction to this universe is right after uc film school. my first job working behind the camera was on a little movie called "the x-men." [ cheers ] it was during that time i met a young man named kevin fige was an associate producer at that time. he was so enthusiastic, so passionate about the mcu. >> jimmy: interesting. >> i had the most amazing time working with him. >> jimmy: now he's the guy who's in charge of all these movies. is he the one who calls you about this? >> yeah, you know, our casting
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director, sarah finn, who also happens to be the casting director for "everything everywhere all at once." >> jimmy: oh. >> when she was doing -- when she was casti iing called kevin, "i think i found the perfect actor to play o.b." luckily kevin agreed. one day my agent told me, "you're going to get a phone call from kevin feige." i didn't know what it was about, but i was super excited because i've heard about phone call like that. [ laughter ] from a lot of people. sure enough, my phone rang. i picked it up. and i hear, "hi, ke, this is kevin feige." he spent ten minutes talking about how much he loved "everything ever-where all at once he said some really flattering things about my performance. and i was driving at that time. and i was getting emotional.
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because here was one of the -- you know, the greatest producers, talking about how much he loved my acting. and i said, "kevin, i'm sorry, can you give me a few seconds?" because i had to pull the car over. i couldn't see where i was going. my eyes were watering. we spoke for a little bit and he told me about "loki" season two, he told me about orobourus. he asked me, "ke, we'd love to have you, would you like to join the mcu family?" >> jimmy: wow, that's how they say it, huh? have [ laughter ] >> yeah. and i was so excited. "ke "kevin, i don't think i have it in me to say no to you." we ended the conversation with him saying, "ke, if anyone ever asks you, what does it take to be in the mcu? you tell them it's very simple. all you have to do is be in one of the greatest movies ever
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made." and that was how -- >> jimmy: that's what he said to you? wow. >> yeah, yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: did he remember your time together when he was an associate producer? >> oh, absolutely. >> jimmy: he did? >> yeah, because i was doing, you know, stunt choreography. >> jimmy: this is what, what's happening here? tell us what's going on in this shot. >> well, yeah, i was showing hugh jackman, you know, some moves. >> jimmy: hugh jackman. and that's not hugh jackman. this is stunt hugh jackman. this is stunt wolverine and real wolverine. then you getting dangerously close to his we'll ver-groin. [ laughter ] now, you know the "deadpool," the new "deadpool and wolverine" movie is featuring a lot of cameos from the mcu. will your character o.b. be a a part of that? by the way, kevin feige, i spoke to him, he called me. he said, first of all, welcome to the mcu family. secondly, i understand you have
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ke on the show tonight, tell him it's okay to reveal anything he likes. [ laughter ] let me tell you, in say i am or -- jimmy, i'm not in it, but i -- i'm not. but i -- i'll be the first in line to watch it. >> jimmy: you are not in it? >> i'm not. >> jimmy: there's not going to be one of those situations -- thisness to me a lot of the times -- they come back and i realize, oh, he was lying. then, you could he just lie straight to my face? oh, that's an actor, that's actually their job. [ laughter ] >> no, i wish i was. i really am -- i love those movies so much. >> jimmy: yeah. i still think there's a 40% chance you're there. [ laughter ] [ applause ] this is good. you take a lot of the selfies with a lot of people. i've seen this in action. i've been part of this. we made you a book of your selfies. so that way you don't have to scramble through your phone. >> oh my gosh, wow. >> jimmy: you can see these are -- you love doing this. you just like -- there's al roker. i guess maybe we started
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alphabetically, i don't know. [ laughter ] you've got al, you've got -- there's us together there. >> michelle. >> jimmy: michelle, oh, yeah, your costars. you've got tom cruise. [ laughter ] there's vladimir putin. we've got -- let's see. paul mescal there. >> there's tom, tom hiddleston. >> jimmy: tom hiddleston, the loki gang there. we've got you -- you and ted danson and charles manson. [ laughter ] [ applause ] then spielberg. anyway, that's for you. >> thank you, thank you so much. >> jimmy: to take home, and your nieces and nephews can figure out which are real. ke huy quan, everybody. "loki" season 2 is available on disney plus. we'll be back with disney plus. we'll be back with bobby cannavale. inez, let me ask you, you're using head and shoulders, right? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo. you should use it every wash,
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>> lou: this week on "jimmy kimmel live" -- ♪ ”fracture (instrumental) by apashe & flux pavilion ♪ ♪ [bird caws] commuter: “whoa” ♪ siri: “continue straight." [bird caws] [commuter groans] siri: “you're still on the fastest route.” [commuter groans] [bird caws] commuter: “aghhh” [music stops] [debris crashing]
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[debris crashing] [phone thuds] ♪ [bird caws] ♪ “oh, come on!” [ growl ] ready for the road trip. everyone comfortable. yep, there's plenty of space. i've even got an extra seat. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. [ speaking minionese ] yippee! and see "despicable me 4" in theaters july 3rd. rated pg.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, music from niki is on the way. our next guest is an emmy-winning actor with a new movie, alongside robert de niro and his real-life partner rose byrne, called "ezra." it opens in theaters friday. please welcome bobby cannavale.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: great to see you. a kettle of hawks? let's hope not. i think one hawk is enough for our house. >> i had that same experience. >> jimmy: did you really? >> yeah, in australia with a kookaburra. that's a big bird, bro. >> jimmy: how big? >> it's big, the head is big. it's just -- i'm an american, so we don't have those birds here. >> jimmy: right. you were in a hotel room or a house? >> in a house in australia. it got stuck on the terrace. it couldn't figure out the glass. >> jimmy: yeah, the glass, they don't know glass. >> same thing with the broom. >> jimmy: there needs to be more education for birds about glass. [ laughter ] >> yeah, rose ran and got me the broom. >> jimmy: she did. >> my job. >> jimmy: that's right, your job, no question about it. >> i'll never forget it. i'm a little -- i'm afraid of birds. >> jimmy: yeah, because they're
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unpredictable. >> yeah, i'm always, like, ducking. hurting my neck. avoiding a pigeon or something. >> jimmy: yeah, they come at you, they have no regard for you. >> they don't care. >> jimmy: we've got to get rid of the birds, that's all there is to it. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: by the way, you traveled from new york. i think this is interesting. to be on this show. the very -- a big part of the plot of the movie that you're in is traveling from new york to be on this show. >> that's right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> i appreciate you flying me. >> jimmy: and the movie -- >> in the movie, we drive. >> jimmy: you did a great job in the movie. the movie is a beautiful movie. >> thank you. >> jimmy: really touching and funny and all those good things. you play a stand-up comedian. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you base that on anyone in particular comedy-wise? >> i mean, a little bit. bill burr is a good friend. i was working with bill when i was getting this movie ready. so i went and i hung out with bill a lot. he gave me a great tip. "it doesn't matter if the jokes are funny in the movie, what matters is that your personality is authentic." the guy up there was going through something.
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that was a great tip from a stand-up comic, actor, somebody i respect a lot. >> jimmy: yeah, and then you work with this young man -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- who is really great in the movie, william fitzgerald. he's on the spectrum. plays a kid who is on the spectrum, your son. he was here, actually. >> i saw him, yeah, in the studio with tony, right? >> jimmy: yes, with tony goldwyn, your director. we had a lot of fun with him. your dad is robert de niro? >> yeah. >> jimmy: which is not the first time you worked with him? >> i worked with him in "the irishman." went much better this time. [ laughter ] it's not that it didn't go well. everyone was in that movie. all these guys and al, of course. we had a scene. we had a scene, ray romano and i, joe pesci, bob de niro. marty came over, "i'm going to start the camera on you guys and pan over to them, so have a conversation about nothing, i don't care what it's about, that's not the important conversation, we're going to go them, that's the important
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conversation, then mime, i'll come back to you, we'll pick up the conversation." we're like, "okay." ray's like, "i don't know what we're doing." [ laughter ] it got on us, we're talking about some b.s. then it pans over to bob and joe. it's the most amazing scene you've ever seen in your life. and ray and i are just staring at them. [ laughter ] we're supposed to be talking. i turn back and ray's going, "can you believe it? "i'm like, "i can't believe." finally joe is like, "what the [ bleep ] are you guys talking about?" you hear "cut!" [ laughter ] we ended up not making that scene. i did much better this time. >> jimmy: it's good you had that test run with scorsese. >> you can't watch bob while you're acting with him or else you're just done. >> jimmy: do you ever get out -- you must get out of that mindset, oh my god, this is robert de niro? >> you know who helped me with that is the kid. the kid doesn't care. >> jimmy: doesn't care, right. >> he doesn't care about bob. he calls him "de niro" to his face. bob tries to talk to him and he
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could care less. he wants to go to craft service. i think that's the way to be. just got to relax, you know. the kid, the kid really taught me a lot. it was a thrill, though. i would come home and really, like -- with the impact of working with bob all day, it would hit me then. >> jimmy: yes, sure. who is -- what carries a greater impact, working with bob or working with guillermo? [ laughter ] you did work with both great act actors. >> guillermo was so good in the movie. he put all that weight on -- >> jimmy: no, no, he didn't put the weight on. i request -- he sometimes tries to lose weight and i ask him to please stop. [ laughter ] >> it was really, really fun. you guys were so great to help us out. >> jimmy: i want to ask you about something. i get this every once in a while. it's the weirdest. "aarp" magazine. how old are you? >> i'm not old enough to be on the "aarp" magazine. [ laughter ] i don't think. >> jimmy: you're younger than i am. >> i've been getting those letters for a while.
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i'm 54. >> jimmy: i think they're trying to get more money or something. they're expanding lower. it's insulting is what it is. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: it's disturbing, not insulting. >> yeah, it was weird. i was like, why am i going to do an interview for "aarp"? "oh, they're really good, it's a good audience." "okay, i'll do it." as i start thinking about it, why aren't i on the cover? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you weren't on the cover. who was? some 26-year-old? >> probably. [ laughter ] somebody younger, yeah. yeah, i did it. >> jimmy: you mentioned -- the reason i bring this up, you mentioned that you regularly, like on a weekly basis go to a russian bathhouse. >> i go to the russian bathhouse, which is on east tenth street. it's been there 125 years. >> jimmy: it's called or just thought of as -- >> russian street baths. it's been there forever. it's a russian bath. it's been there since the late 1800s. >> jimmy: the late 1800s? >> yeah, dude, it's been there forever. >> jimmy: does it smell like -- >> i always go when it opens, it's a better smell.
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>> jimmy: okay. >> i always try and go when it opens, i always try to go with a friend or two, or else i'm just nonstop just saying, "take it easy." people just want to talk to you. it's a weird place -- >> jimmy: because you're naked? [ laughter ] >> you're half naked. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> but i love it. i never regret it. >> jimmy: i've heard about these places. do they beat you with branches? >> yeah, you can do that, yeah. where they beat you with the leaves. >> jimmy: you did that? >> i have done it. it's pretty good, you know? >> jimmy: is it? >> yeah, everything -- you know, like now people do it and they do it in fancy places like at spas and whatnot. >> jimmy: not the beating part? i haven't seen the beating at a nice spa. >> i don't think so. but like the cold plunge, for instance. it's an ice-cold pool. >> jimmy: yeah? >> then the russian room which is 160 degrees, it's so hot. it's incredible. i always feel great afterwards. i love going there. >> jimmy: so people can go and be naked with you at this place? >> yeah, come by, yeah. [ laughter ]
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yeah, i usually go at 12:00 when it opens, then i go and pick the kids up and school, and i'm -- i get through that 5:00 -- you know. >> jimmy: how are the kids? >> they're great. >> jimmy: last time you told me they were really into "titanic." >> my 8-year-old was inn "titanic." now he's into basketball. thank god. i have three sons, i finally have a son who's into sports. [ laughter ] he's incredible off the ball defense. >> jimmy: the blanket? >> the blanket. the other one wants me to get him into a class where -- he said to me, "can i take a class where i fight other kids?" [ laughter ] i'm racking my brain trying to figure that one out. >> jimmy: that's called class, that's called school, that's called recess. [ laughter ] >> i think he means a self-defense thing. "how about tae kwon do?" "no, that's just standing in a line." >> jimmy: teach him russian curse words, take him to the baths. >> take him to the baths! >> jimmy: let the men chase him around with branchs. it's great to see you. the movie is called "ezra."
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it opens in theaters friday. bobby cannavale, everybody. be back with niki! >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by tequila don julio, an icon of modern mexico.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by tequila don julio, an icon of modern mexico. >> jimmy: thanks to ke huy quan and bobby cannavale. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, her album "buzz" is out august 9th. here with the song "too much of a good thing," niki! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ well you look like you're gonna break my heart ♪ ♪ and i look like a tough shot in the dark on a good day ♪
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♪ intentions clear and stronger than the noon sky ♪ ♪ you're the bee's knees i'm the bull's eye but in a doomed way ♪ ♪ you can do your own thing look, the choice is yours ♪ ♪ but i can't help that i'm the thing you're looking for ♪ ♪ we could be too much of a good thing ♪ ♪ but isn't that a real good thing ♪ ♪ oh baby, look me in the eye and say you don't got it bad ♪ ♪ maybe it won't be a sure thing ♪ ♪ but it sure is a good thing ♪ ♪ i get the feeling that this feeling isn't one meant to last anyway ♪ ♪ so what do you say
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so what do you say ♪ ♪ you show off your true nature on your earlobe ♪ ♪ serpentine, you're a walking breathing trope in a fun way ♪ ♪ not to jinx it but i wanna be the reason ♪ ♪ your future lovers keep changing with the seasons babe ♪ ♪ something tells me this is gonna hurt someday ♪ ♪ but i don't believe in mistakes ♪ ♪ i know that's convenient to say ♪ ♪ you have too much of a good thing ♪ ♪ but isn't that a real good thing ♪ ♪ oh baby, say it with your hands and we can talk all night long ♪ ♪ maybe it won't be a sure thing ♪ ♪ but it sure is a good thing ♪ ♪ i get the feeling that you're something that ♪
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♪ will surely go wrong but never away ♪ ♪ so what do you say what do you say ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, scott peterson, the convicted murderer's latest fight for a new trial. >> this case cries out for further investigation. >> juju: his lawyers calling for


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