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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 31, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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at your local audi dealer. disgrace. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted judge who was corrupt. the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury . >> and the jury has spoken. >> donald trump is waking up a felon. the first president in history to be convicted of a crime. he's expected to address the public just hours from now. first, now, you will not be arrested overnight. >> police moving in on an encampment at uc santa cruz. officers dressed in riot gear confronting protesters who've been blocking entrances to campus for days. >> good morning. welcome to the last day of the month. it is friday, may 31st. yes.
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>> we're going to start with a check of our forecast with lisa. >> hi there. good morning to you. good morning gorgeous out there. we've definitely had some of that warm weather inland. but if you've been at the coast barely cleared there. and just in the upper 50s. so today a bit of a repeat performance with high pressure in control and clear sky to start out in fremont 56 for you, half moon bay. check it out 46. and we have a little bit of fog here. the san mateo coast 59 in hayward. looking at the numbers in the north bay, they're cool with the clear sky. 50 sonoma a lot of stars out there. 53 in santa rosa. so compared to 24 hours ago, it is a little bit milder, 2 to 6 degrees milder for most of you. east bay and south bay. and what a view outside right now from our sutro tower camera looking at actually that's our exploratorium. it's one of the cameras out there. we're looking at temperatures coming up from the 70s 80s to 90s from this afternoon, and then by the bay shore looking at mid 70s, a beautiful day out there. but we're going to keep the fog at the san mateo coast. we have changes for the weekend.
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they include breezier conditions, cooler conditions and more low clouds and fog. but we're going to talk about a heat wave as well after that. good morning amanda. >> yeah good morning lisa i wish i could tell you that this was a clear commute here at 501 on a friday morning. that is not the case because of a sig alert in palo alto. this is a deadly crash. we're learning. two vehicle crash at northbound 101 between san antonio road and oregon expressway. you'll see purple on the map here, and that indicates a full freeway closure in the northbound direction. i ran into it on my way up from san jose. it is a mess. if you are heading this way, just take 280 if you can to avoid this altogether, or else you can take el camino. you can even exit san antonio road, take bayshore to embarcadero. but this is going to be in place for several hours with no estimated time of reopening. back to the desk. >> okay, thanks for the heads up, amanda. developing news now. it's a first in america. a former president convicted of a felony. the historic criminal conviction of donald trump
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making headlines across the world. here's a live look in new york city this morning. that is where trump plans to hold a news conference at trump tower starting at 8:00 this morning. we'll bring that to you live wherever you stream abc seven news, the verdict and the hush money case against trump was announced yesterday afternoon, shortly before court was set to wrap up for the day. the jury convicting him on all 34 counts after about ten hours of deliberating, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict, in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors, by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor. sentencing is set for july 11th, just days before the republican national convention, where trump is expected to become the official republican nominee for president. it's unlikely he'll face any jail time because he's convicted of low level felonies, and this is his first conviction. >> cameras were not allowed
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inside the courtroom, but sketches show the former president closing his eyes as the verdict was read. a short time later, he addressed people outside the court, vowing to keep fighting and turning his attention to the election. >> this was a rigged, disgraceful trial that the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. but this was a rigged decision, right from day one with a conflicted judge who should have never been allowed to try this case. never. and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over. thank you very much. why should voters go? >> the former president's motorcade traveled to trump tower, where he's waking up this morning. a crowd had gathered outside. their trump, wh gave fist pumps to the crowd.
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some people were yelling at him, jailbird. others yelling. i love you! >> the biden-harris campaign released a statement soon after the verdict. it reads in part, quote, in new york today, we saw that no one is above the law. donald trump has always mistakenly believed he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain. reaction to this verdict has been highly partizan, with many republicans continuing to defend the former president and democrats praising the decision made by the jury. amanda, the big question what this impact will have on the campaign. >> yeah, well, reggie, according to national polling done by abc news, donald trump continues to have a narrow lead over president joe biden in the presidential election. >> he's leading by about 2. he's maintained that lead for much of the trial. among republicans, about 80% have said they would continue to support them, no matter the income. the outcome, i should say many saying they believe this whole trial is politically motivated. >> this verdict is a disgrace
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for the american legal system. it was rigged from the beginning by a biased judge who should have recused himself. there were flawed jury instructions, improper evidence, improper denial of the admission of relevant evidence. >> california congressman adam schiff, who is a democrat and was the lead prosecutor in trump's impeachment trial, focused on sentencing for this new case. >> he says this verdict proves that no one is above the law. >> i think the judge will look at, you know, similar crimes in new york, what kind of sentences have been applied? so he'll be guided by by what generally takes place. now, this is obviously an exceptional circumstance where the president united states, but i don't think that factor should weigh in. >> a bay area law professor explains the verdict will not prevent former president trump from campaigning for reelection. >> this is not a crime of a century uh. this is this is treated as a misdemeanor, other than the fact that it was done
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to influence an election, which makes it a felony. i would be very surprised if there were any other sentence other than probation. he'll be allowed to travel. he'll be allowed to campaign. >> trump's legal team says they will appeal the conviction. and we've mentioned this before, but it's worth mentioning again. no matter what happens if donald trump is reelected, there is no law that says he can't become president again, even though he is a convicted felon. back to you at the desk, reggie. >> amanda. thank you. we've been on the news since the verdict was read. stay with abc seven all morning. we'll bring you donald trump's news conference live when it happens again. that's around 8 a.m. you can find it streaming on the abc seven bay area app. download that and watch wherever you stream. >> breaking overnight pro-palestinian protesters were met with a massive police presence at uc santa cruz. new video this morning shows dozens of officers in riot gear face to face with chanting protesters! police are also seen trying to take down a barricade set up by protesters yesterday. it blocked
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the entrance at coolidge and high streets. officers were heard on video telling students they'd be arrested if they didn't disperse. at this point, it's not clear if any arrests were made in the east bay. >> classes resume as normal today for california high school students in san ramon. students and staff were on lockdown most of the day yesterday after a bomb scare. authorities say a person called and threatened the campus, saying that explosive devices were placed throughout the school. he also said someone would shoot up the school. police did not find a bomb, but they're continuing to investigate the origin of the call. >> in the south bay tonight, the city of mountain view, facing some difficult choices that could affect the police department and other key projects. it points to the likely budget cuts coming from the state that will trickle down locally. abc seven news south bay reporter laura martinez went to a public forum where people got to weigh in on their priorities. >> efforts to address community safety are underway in mountain view on thursday. mountain view
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police and members of the public safety advisory board hosted the first of three forums. >> my hope is they feel better connected to the police department. >> officers answered questions and addressed crime trends. >> we're suffering from a rise in property crime. we're seeing a lot of package thefts and catalytic converter thefts, a lot of auto break ins, auto burglaries. >> when it comes to safety and maintaining local services, the city is hoping to hear from residents. they sent out mailers and put an online form where residents can rank what are their key priorities. >> we want to make sure that the things that we invest in are the things that the community most values. >> on tuesday, the city posted. we must make difficult choices about investing in local services soon, but as we plan for our future, we want to hear from you. it felt like i my voice will count. mountain view resident jeannie palmer filled out the survey she received in the mail. the feedback form lists essential services. it allows residents to rank them one through six, with one being the most important. palmer's
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number one pick was fixing potholes, but she said maintaining emergency response was important too. >> i've just survived breast cancer and i was having some issues and the medical response paramedics were right there when we called them and they were right there, and i was just so relieved. i didn't have to wait 30 minutes or anything like that. >> over on castro street, we spoke with robert eckert, who lives in belmont, but visits the pedestrian thoroughfare at least once a week personally and selfishly, would like for this area to be maintained in a very sustainable and like quality way. mountain view resident brian lou would like the city to lean in to technology. >> i think it's really important for cities to do is get data so the cities can know where it's best to apply resources like for policing or looking for problems, you know, in the neighborhood in mountain view. >> lauren martinez abc seven news. a lot of other. >> all right friday morning. good morning to you. a look at our satellite and radar composite. and you can see high
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pressure is in control. looking at the wind barbs here that show you know we're in a typical pattern here. in fact it's been a little bit warmer than average. it is 60 in concord right now, 56 in danville. we are clear a little fog has been trying to form along the san mateo coast, but right now it's clear around half moon bay and chilly in the 40s. there we're looking at another warm day inland. we saw some low 90s yesterday, and as we look at our weekend weather, we are going to see the temperatures drop more of an onshore flow. and we're looking at a system pushing into the pacific northwest, allowing for temperatures to drop off right on through monday, so it will be breezy and cooler the next several days. but then by the middle of next week, we have a summer like sizzle on the way. temperatures could be reaching 100 degrees inland. there's a look at our satellite picture and our low cloud deck. you'll notice that it kind of fades away throughout the day, but we could see some patches around half moon bay pacifica into your into your saturday. i should say we get more of that onshore
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flow. so we'll be looking at those breezy conditions, fog at the coast and temperatures in the 80s today. how about that summer spread with upper 50s, half moon bay, mid 60s downtown looking at 73 in oakland with upper 80s to near 90 from walnut creek. and those breezy winds throughout the afternoon notice up to 20 and 30 miles an hour. but that's nothing compared to what happens into your saturday. we're up to 30 and 40 miles an hour at the coast, so a preview of monday, another cool day. and then look at that. tuesday, wednesday time frame. so we'll talk about a little bit more about that in detail. >> reggie kumasi thanks, lisa. disrupting disinformation operations. coming up, the covert campaigns launched by foreign countries is another delay in reopening the capitola wharf. >> what you can expect the next time you go and pride month begins tomorrow. >> but one bay area city kicking off it's never too late to try something new or pick up an old pastime.
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the tools are used to swing the public opinion and geo political campaigns. as amanda, what can you tell us about this? who's behind these campaigns and how the deception impacts civilians? well, reggie open i execs identified five total covert campaigns used by private companies in russia, china, iran and israel. >> researchers say it's the first time an ai company has revealed how its specific tools were used for online manipulation. the companies used the technology to produce social media posts, translate and edit articles, write headlines and debug computer programs. all this in an effort to manipulate support from the public in geopolitical conflicts. though the company's generative ai tools were used online, officials say it never gained much traction. it comes at a time when researchers question how the rise in technology could spread misinformation. in november election, the new york times sued open ai and its partner microsoft, claiming copyright infringement of news content related to ai systems.
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back to you, the desk kumasi. >> thank you amanda. more money for police, less money for everybody else. that is the overall message. when san francisco mayor london breed unveils her latest budget plan today, she has some tough choices to make to close a projected $790 million deficit over the next two years. but the mayor's proposal calls for increased spending on police, 9-1-1 operators and sheriff's deputies. breed wants to hire 200 new officers by 2025. now the mayor has told other city departments that they need to prepare for 10 to 15% in spending cuts. san francisco's annual budget is about $14 billion. former san francisco mayor and current candidate for mayor, mark farrell is revealing a plan to subsidize child care and expand child care facilities . farrell is challenging mayor london breed for her seat in the november election. he says voters approved a tax in 2018, and so far it's collected $400 million that's gone unused.
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known as baby prop c, it was designed to provide early care and education for kids up to five years old whose families are low income. >> we will offer subsidies to help low and middle income parents and guardians afford local child care services. we will also provide low interest loans and reduce taxes and fees for property owners who repurposed their existing spaces, so we can create and expand existing child care facilities. >> the mayor's office says the mayor has used prop c funds. she's doubled the number of children receiving early care and education subsidies, cut the wait list for care subsidies by more than 70, and built or renovated 40 early care and education facilities. over the past five years, mayor breed's campaign spokesman said, quote, mayor breed is taking the next step in her budget through a landmark policy to provide child care vouchers to middle income working families, cementing san francisco's position as a
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national leader in child care and early education. >> happening today, the city of oakland is kicking off pride month community leaders and officials, including mayor shengtao, will raise the pride flag at city hall. that event starts at 1130 this morning, and in san francisco, pride month officially begins tomorrow with the new purple pride block party. the san francisco lgbt center in the castro is hosting the event. that party starts at 10 a.m. it goes to 4 p.m. it's on market street with activities set up along waller street. i talked to the director of cultural programs and the creator of the event, timothy hampton, during our abc seven at seven streaming show, we have walnut street cut off. >> we also have like 15 to 20 vendors on walnut street, as well as two food trucks. we'll also have a community resources and our rainbow room. we'll have fierce fat flea catering to our larger community. will fierce fat fleas. you better say it three times. fat flea yeah, i love it. yes, yes, yes. and we'll also have non-gender
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conforming haircuts and hair styling from head print shops. >> and i only said it twice. fierce fat flea. that's the third time. okay, done. i like to follow instructions. celebrate pride with abc7 all throughout the month of june. this is the first time i've seen this graphic. that's nice. we have exclusive live coverage of the 54th annual san francisco pride parade on june 30th, which i will be co-hosting. if you can't join us in person along market street, you can watch live wherever you stream abc seven. and lisa, i know the weather is going to be beautiful because it always is, isn't it though on pride sunday. >> and you know, we are getting set for a early season heat wave. so next week we're getting in some warmer weather and, you know, it's kind of been a roller coaster. it was certainly cool. on memorial day we warmed up and now unfortunately we are cooling down for the weekend. but as you look at live doppler seven right now, the storm track well to the north. and with that 549 sunrise already looking gorgeous here from mount tam where
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temperatures are ranging from the mid 40s with clear sky, half moon bay to the upper 50s and low 60s from hayward to san jose. so really running the gamut here. 56 in oakland and from our exploratorium camera looking at temperatures ranging from the low 50s in the north bay with santa rosa, there. check out petaluma 46 degrees. so all night long, no insulation there with the low cloud deck. and we are chilly 60 in concord, though if we look at san jose today, we will be once again enjoying a warm afternoon. if you like it. warm 86 today mid 70s saturday, sunday and monday are cooler days and then look what happens on tuesday and wednesday. yeah, we are bringing on that summer heat. so today the rest of the south bay enjoying low 80s from milpitas to sunnyvale 88 in los gatos, 70 in santa cruz on the peninsula. a little bit of patchy fog here, only going to manage upper 50s to near 60 from half moon bay to pacifica. redwood city a warm day at 8077 palo alto downtown, mid 60s a beautiful afternoon and as we head up to the north
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bay, getting warm in calistoga at 89, look at that. 91 in lakeport, sonoma 87. and then on the east bay looking at temperatures quite comfortable with 73 for you in oakland that 80 in union city head out to castro valley, 82 there and inland once again it will be toasty about 90 in pittsburg, 88 in livermore with mid 80s for you in pleasanton. the accuweather seven day forecast. we've got the warm weather inland cool at the coast today. the 50s there, mid 70s around the bay, 90 inland starting the new month off with a cooler regime taking us into the weekend with low to mid 80s inland. so that's pleasant. but if you're around the bay it's breezy, it's cooler and then into monday a foggy start, another slightly cool afternoon for some of you. and as we look at tuesday and wednesday, temperatures coming up all around the bay into the triple digit mark by the middle of the week. and at this point we could see some of that warmth head to the coast, but we'll have to get back to you on how widespread
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that warming trend is going to be. back to you. >> thank you lisa. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> carbon neutral in the next six years. that's the goal of east bay municipal utility district. why they believe and i'm ready for a rematch.
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game on. i've been practicing. what the cello? you want me to lower the hoop? foul! what? you going to tell on me again? foul yah? foul bro! here take a free shot go ahead knock yourself out. your about to get served. seriously? get allstate, save money, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. love you mom! wait till your father gets home. frustrated by skin tags? dr. scholl's has the breakthrough you've been waiting for. now there's an easier-to-use at home skin tag remover, clinically proven to remove skin tags safely in as little as one treatment.
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donald trump is planning a news conference at 8 a.m. to discuss his hush money conviction. he is vowing to appeal, sentencing his july 11th order to all lanes of northbound 101 in palo alto are closed because of a deadly crash near san antonio road. >> there is no estimated time of reopening, but this will be a mess as the morning commute gets underway. the crash happened just before three. consider instead taking 280 or el camino to get around it. the picture showing the bottom of the screen as the northbound lanes. >> number three. overnight, pro-palestinian protesters at uc santa cruz were met with a big police presence. officers were seen trying to take down a barricade and were heard telling students they'd be arrested if they didn't disperse. >> number four, the state trial against david depape continues today in san francisco. he's the man already convicted in federal court of assaulting the husband of speaker emerita nancy pelosi.
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today, we're expected to hear from paul pelosi himself. he's expected to testify about the 2022 hammer attack. >> number five, starting out with clear and cool conditions this afternoon, it's going to be a nice day away from the coast. temperatures warming up to near 90 inland. >> number six today, san francisco mayor london breed will present her plan to balance the city's budget and includes more money for law enforcement, but cuts to other departments. the city, facing a $790 million deficit over the next two years. >> number seven instagram is expanding its limits feature to teens. it allows users to only see comment stories, replies, and other interactions from their close friends. the feature was originally designed to help creators avoid harassment. this morning, san francisco based salesforce is hoping for a rebound after its stock suffered its worst day since 2004, the company's value plummeting 20% yesterday, a loss of $50
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billion. this came after salesforce announced its first quarter earnings. the report showed $9.13 billion in revenue, just shy of the 9.17 billion that analysts projected. ceo marc benioff also projected the slowest quarterly sales growth in the company's history. >> east bay municipal utility district is trying to get carbon neutral by 2030. new solar panels should help. the agency just unveiled 12,000 panels on 12 acres in the hills of orinda. it predicts the panels will cut energy costs by 10, or about a million bucks a year. >> we hope that this shows the way and sets an example for other large scale landowners to do the same, to think big about what they can do on climate change. >> the project's been in the works for ten years. the panels will be up and running by this summer. >> after 16 years on the run, a man convicted of rape finally found coming up at 530 how authorities were abl
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paul pelosi expected to take the stand today testifying against the man who attacked him back in 2022. now at 530, what jurors have already heard in a dramatic recording played in court. >> i'm abc's perry russom in washington. trump's legal team is vowing to appeal his guilty verdict. that story coming up. >> this is life saving technology that people can use. >> a teenage girl rescued from human traffickers. how she was able to communicate with 9-1-1 without her captors noticing >> katina. >> c i x i and ke ramoneur ramoneur ou. >> the rules of the spelling bee have certainly changed. coming up, we're showing you the lightning round that resulted in a 12 year old being crowned
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champion. good morning everyone. it's friday, may 31st. >> lisa, did you notice that he was doing this? i don't know if you saw that. >> no i didn't. >> he's air typing. what that's why he does that. isn't that fascinating? yeah, that is wild. >> my daughter was in a spelling bee. uh. it was neat. it was really neat. >> how did she do? >> she was one of the finalists. but didn't make it that far. yeah, okay. yeah, it was kind of fun. all right. good morning everybody. look at this gorgeous shot here from our sutro tower camera. sun coming up at 549. so we're almost there. and that's why we get these lovely pictures. 59 in hayward, 62 in san jose. but look at half moon bay, clear sky, 45. and you can see the golden gate bridge. no fog at all. 60 in concord, 56 in livermore. so compared to yesterday, at this time we are 2 to 6 degrees, milder for most of us, despite that clear sky as we go into the morning hours, notice how quickly we warm up through ten 11:00 inland. we're already in the 80s keeping it comfortable around the city. there and as we get towards the later afternoon, once again,
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it's a warm day with upper 80s to near 90 inland, mid 70s around hayward, upper 70s in fremont, 80 in petaluma, but still that fog at the coast. we're going to talk about a cooling trend just in time for the weekend. amanda. >> good morning lisa. we're keeping our eyes on that deadly crash in palo alto. it happened just before three this morning and resulted in a full closure of 101 for about two hours and 30 minutes. but we're learning in the last few minutes the left lane has been open. you still see the map, though, reflecting zero miles per hour as a speed limit. this is because of a two vehicle crash northbound 101 between san antonio road and oregon expressway. there is still no estimated time of reopening for the other lane, so keep that in mind because this is commute direction. instead, take 280 or el camino to avoid it. back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. this morning, the conviction being seen around the world donald trump's conviction on 34 felony counts tied to a hush money payment on the front page of newspapers from san francisco to europe.
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the historic moment is coming. after ten hours of deliberation. now, here is a look this morning. live at new york city. trump plans to hold a news conference at trump tower in just a few hours, starting at eight this morning, and we will be bringing that to you live. so what is next for donald trump? the former president will be sentenced in july. his attorneys say they will appeal. abc news reporter perry russom joining us live from washington this morning. perry, both republicans and democrats now trying to use this moment to gain support as election day gets closer. >> yeah. trump is getting support on capitol hill from other republicans, with house speaker mike johnson calling the verdict absurd and former president trump defiant in the face of his felony conviction. >> this was a rigged, disgraceful trial. but the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. >> after becoming the first former us president convicted on
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criminal charges. trump, heading to a fundraiser in new york city . never surrender, his campaign says their fundraising website was overwhelmed with donations, causing the site to crash. democrats also looking to cash in president biden posting a link to his fundraising website minutes after the verdict. yeah there were celebrations outside the courthouse as trump was found guilty on all 34 felony charges in his hush money trial over payments made to former adult film actress stormy daniels before the 2016 election. >> while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors, questions remain over how this will affect the race for the white house. >> an abc news ipsos poll from earlier this month finds 80% of trump supporters say they would continue to back trump if he's
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convicted, 16% say they'd reconsider for percent would no longer support reaction coming in from leaders on capitol hill. >> i said from the beginning that even the charges were a partizan exercise by a democratic district attorney. >> this is an affirmation that the rule of law works, that it can be applied to everyone, including a former president, trump's attorney on cnn saying they will appeal the conviction. >> at the end of the day, there were key decisions made before the trial started and during the trial that i don't want to use a fair or unfair, but that we think were not consistent with with the law. >> and trump is scheduled to be sentenced on july 11th, just days before the republican national convention in milwaukee. trump has a news conference in just about 2.5 hours. kumasi and reggie aqui, back to you. >> thank you. perry. well, we've been on this since that verdict was read. and stay with abc seven news all morning. we will be bringing you donald trump's news conference live when it happens. it's set for around eight this morning. you can find
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it streaming on our abc seven bay area app, downloaded wherever you stream. >> breaking overnight pro-palestinian protesters were met with police officers in riot gear at uc santa cruz. amanda officers warned them to disperse or they be arrested. >> reggie aqui a massive police presence at uc santa cruz overnight as officers approached pro-palestinian protesters on campus. new video from overnight shows officers in riot gear face to face with chanting protesters ! students tell abc seven news officers arrived just before midnight. police were also seen trying to take down a barricade set up by protesters yesterday morning. it blocked the entrance to coolidge and high streets. officers were heard on video telling students they would be arrested if they did not disperse. it's not clear if any arrests were made. this comes as uc officials are calling on the state labor board to end a massive strike underway by thousands of student workers. those students are protesting the ucs handling of pro-palestinian protests. back
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to you, kumasi. thank you. amanda >> happening today. it is day four of the state trial against david depape. you see here on your screen. he is a man already convicted in federal court of assaulting the husband of speaker emerita nancy pelosi. paul pelosi is expected to testify today about the day he was attacked with a hammer in his san francisco home. it comes after a dramatic recording from october of 2022 was played in court yesterday. depape explains why he broke into the pelosi home. now we can't play the sound of that police interview, but depape becomes angry and emotional because he believes nancy pelosi was a part of a conspiracy to steal the election from donald trump. adam gassner is a longtime san francisco defense attorney who's been keeping up on the depape trial. >> well, it's unclear whether he's going to testify, but if you hear his voice and you hear his ramblings or his rantings, the sheikh in his voice, the oddity of the way he speaks, it
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gives real insight into what he was like at that time. >> also in court yesterday, the neurosurgeon who operated on paul pelosi showed a dramatic cat scan that shows a dent in his head about the size of a silver dollar. all of this is setting the stage for the testimony that paul pelosi is expected to give today. things could change, though. late yesterday, attorneys for depape said he's not feeling well, and the judge said if he has covid, the trial would be postponed for a few days. >> a man convicted of rape across the country has been hiding in the east bay for 16 years. he's now set to be extradited. twin kit lee was convicted in 2007, in quincy, massachusetts. police say he was masked when he broke into the victim's house and raped her at knife point. the victim worked at lee's family restaurant. she was able to identify him by telling police a suspect had bad breath, like her boss, before his sentencing. lee fled the state. quincy's police chief
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says a tip led them to diablo, where lee was living under a fake name. the u.s. marshals service apparently had tabs on him for a while. they took him into custody on tuesday. >> he had a pretty regular routine, so they came up with a plan out there that, that they were going to basically affect a motor vehicle, stop and take him into custody. >> lee is set to be extradited back to massachusetts for sentencing. >> in today's gma first look, a new multi-million dollar plan to dive back down to the titanic. here's abc news reporter will reeve in this morning's gma first look inside the million dollar plan to dive back down to the titanic. >> the natural question is like, why? >> i think all of us have to decide, is this kind of exploration and this kind of research valid and important? >> wealthy entrepreneur and ohio native larry connor feels the trip can be made safely. and this morning he's speaking out to gma. what is then the purpose
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of this planned dive down to the titanic to demonstrate safety. >> if you look at submersibles that have been denve certified there's never been an accident. the oceangate vessel was not certified and would never have been. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have much more on this daring plan to return to the resting site of the titanic, and why larry connor believes it will be a success with your gma first look, i'm will reeve, abc news, new york a traffic alert here at 539, a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza as metering lights were just flipped on. >> you can see things are pretty uh- flow flowing really through the toll plaza there. it will take you 37 minutes to get from highway four into the city. at this hour. back to you, kumasi. >> thank you amanda. what a difference a year can make. up next, physical confrontation in has now resulted in an unlikely friendship. first though, a
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check of our forecast with lisa. all righty. >> happy friday to you. as we look at our satellite picture it's quiet. the storm track well into canada and we'll be looking at another nice day starting out with a clear sky. our exploratorium camera where temperatures are cold on the coast. 46 there, ten degrees warmer on the peninsula, 56 in redwood city with 62 in san jose, 53 downtown and a nice view here from our sutro tower camera. it's in the 40s up towards petaluma. 53 santa rosa and at 60 in concord. so we'll warm up quickly, but we have that sea breeze to look forward to as we go through the afternoon, especially around the bay in those areas where that fog clears and it will we're going to get that patchy fog just along around him. half moon bay, montara. otherwise, we've got the breezy winds at the shoreline time and the warm weather inland. this is a look at next week where we'll continue to see a slightly cooler pattern. this gets going saturday and sunday. the cooler pattern and monday follows suit. but then as we get into tuesday,
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check it out. we've got widespread 90s inland 70s and 80s from san francisco to oakland. and this is wednesday where we could see some significant heat. the first of the season inland, and it looks like it could last for a couple of days after the middle of the week. and we'll fine tune it as we get closer today. 73 in oakland, 86 in santa rosa. look for 81 in fremont and that warm weather east of the caldecott tunnel. the accuweather seven day forecast, the cool down with breezy winds and morning fog saturday and sunday. more news after the break. >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are we are we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start
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in northern california yesterday. representatives from the bureau of land management signed an agreement with tribal leaders to act as co stewards of the area known as mulluk-mulluk, effectively expanding berryessa snow mountain national monument, which is east of clear lake. this 13,000 acre area is home to 7% of the state's flora, including 43 rare plants. >> we're helping protect the natural beauty that makes california so unique, and to think that we're doing so while protecting tribal origin stories . >> now, this deal is a part of president biden's plan to protect 30% of the country from
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development by 2030. >> public safety power shut offs are coming to hawaii in response to last year's devastating wildfires. they're going to work much like they do here in california. the power company will be allowed to cut off the power in areas that could be at risk. the program will officially start july first and eventually cover every area that's deemed to be at risk of a wildfire. last year's fires on maui killed more than 100 people, and the local government sued the power company, accusing it of causing the wildfires. >> a former professor at santa clara university has been sentenced to five years in prison for setting fires during the massive dixie fire in 2021. federal prosecutors say gary steven maynard of san jose purposely set fires in the shasta-trinity national forest behind fire fighters, effectively surrounding them with flames. the dixie fire, east of chico, was the largest single wildfire in california history. a new civil grand jury
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report is critical of san francisco's efforts to curb the use of illegal fireworks. this report says san francisco has, quote, little to no coordination among city departments to prevent the use of illegal fireworks. last year, six people had to be treated for injuries related to their use around the 4th of july. the civil grand jury recommends san francisco create an illegal fireworks group within the department of emergency management. >> a celebration to mark the reopening of the capitola wharf is being postponed. the wharf was closed last year after a storm damaged the structure. work to repair the deck rail and pilings is set to be finished in june, but other items like new benches, trash cans and artwork won't be installed in time for the august celebration. while the wharf may reopen in august, the grand reopening event won't happen now until sometime in september. the first group of newly rehabilitated brown pelicans returned to the wild
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after receiving care in the north bay. so here's that moment . eight of the birds stepped out and took flight yesterday. hundreds were found starving beginning in late april up and down california's coast. many are still being treated at international bird rescue in fairfield. the rescue fitted the recently released pelicans with blue bands so experts can track their progress. >> it is the magic moment, honestly. you spend a lot of time watching every single bird, checking its abrasions, making sure it's eating blood values are good. to return them to the wild is really absolutely magical. >> this release is certainly good news, but there are still about 160 pelicans at the rescue center, and they are not doing as well. their rehab will take time. >> now a story of courage and forgiveness involving people who a year ago were on the opposite sides of a brutal crime. now they want to build a better bay area. >> so i'm kind of like defenseless because my hands are here and he just comes down and just like pops me like that.
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>> so this is peterson harder. who owns sandy muffulettas in san francisco's haight ashbury neighborhood. almost a year ago, he was assaulted by a man who was caught urinating outside of his shop. ten days later, irvine rivera was arrested and rivera served several months in jail for that attack. now we fast forward to this week. rivera paid another visit to the shop to apologize. peterson posted photos with irvine on social media, saying he is grateful for their latest encounter. >> i think it shows a lot of his character, and his rehabilitation. i mean, for me, in my mind, this was a moment that i was really excited about and looking forward to. yeah, it was just such an incredible moment and something i just never really expected. but i was so happy that i actually happened. >> peterson says their conversation was emotional, with irvine sharing details about his personal life and what led up to
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the incident last year. he said he's sympathetic because we are all human and we all make mistakes. >> kaikaina k, x, i and j ramona. ramona, you are aposiopesis aposiopesis ab sael abs e i'll pathology >> 89 words. >> wow, what a dramatic end to the 2024 scripps national spelling bee. you were just watching 12 year old brookhart soma from florida correctly spelling 29 words in just 90s. this was the second year in a row where the winner was picked by a spell off between the two top spellers. soma beat another 12 year old from texas, so he wins $50,000, a big trophy and a reference library from merriam-webster, among other prizes. here's the most incredible thing. he says he plans to donate the money so people who are less privileged than he is can feel happiness.
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and you'll hear more from him this morning on gma. >> people from florida are just so kind, aren't they? >> you are. he is. we got to we got to. >> i'm so happy. >> it's how thoughtful of him to do that. >> it is so rebecca jarvis i was watching this live as she was interviewing him. i think that she truly did not understand that that's what he was going to do, because she said, oh, and i guess this money is going right into the college fund. he goes, nope, i'm actually going to donate it. wow. >> isn't that that is. >> that's a lot. $50,000 when you're 12 years old, you are going to have to fight me. >> at 33 years old, you're going to have to fight me. >> you probably got some scholarships in his future, though. >> i think he does definitely. >> yeah. >> congratulations. >> yeah. nice story. all right. good morning everybody. we're starting out clear and cold with 40s on the coast with high pressure in command. and we've got a pretty nice day ahead. it has been kind of warm in some
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parts of the bay area above average. there's a look at mount tam. the sun up about a minute ago, 53 in the city, 56. in oakland. it's 59. in hayward, 62 in san jose. look at half moon bay, 46 with a clear sky, 56 in redwood city. and from our exploratorium camera, a lot of sunshine on the way downtown that afternoon. sea breeze, mid 40s. petaluma is 60. in concord, so one more pretty warm day today before we get to the cool down for the weekend. so we've got the microclimates in full swing today from the 50s at the coast to low 90s inland. breezy and cooler with that onshore flow picking up over the weekend, that's going to take us into monday as well. but then as we get to tuesday, wednesday, thursday, it's going to be quite hot inland in san francisco over the weekend. having the cooler days with the breezy winds will enjoy a return to some 70 degree temperatures. some say tuesday and wednesday day, and we could see even some of the numbers come up through the 60s at the shoreline. so a lot of heat
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inland. but as for today, little change out there compared to yesterday 80 in sunnyvale. look for 81 in cupertino, mid 70s san mateo, menlo park as we get downtown. you saw those 60s will enjoy today up in the north bay. 86 in santa rosa, 83 vallejo on the east bay. how about that? 76 in san leandro, feeling pretty good with 82 castro valley and heading inland. upper 80s in concord, 91 in brentwood. the accuweather seven day forecast. so the cooler weather on tap for the weekend. pleasant though inland. low to mid 80s right on through monday and then the warm up really arriving tuesday with temperatures in the 80s around the bay to 90s and near 100 inland. still hot though into next thursday. inland. back to you. >> new at six. construction for a new costco after a lawsuit that stalled the project for nearly a year in east bay city, is getting a store and gas station when it could open. >> first, a 70 year old home safe in southern california after being rescued from a sex
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trafficker. how new emergency texting technology helped police track her down
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there 9-1-1 systems so they can receive text messages. this morning proof those systems are working in southern california. the ventura county sheriff's office says a 17 year old girl was just rescued from a person holding her captive in casitas springs. she's from mexico. she did not speak english. she was able to text 911, and the system automatically translated her message for help, allowing the dispatcher to respond quickly to save her text message allows for that silent communication. >> you know, if you have a situation where somebody has a prowler at their house and you
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can send the text messages and give updates and things like that without alerting somebody to your presence. >> if you face an emergency and can't call 911, texting is an option in much of the bay area, there are disagreements over how to tackle the homelessness crisis in san jose, and things got a bit heated when unhoused people and their advocates showed up at a news conference that two san jose city council members put on a nonprofit organization, including our county. >> a state audit released back in april found san jose was not doing enough to track the cost effectiveness of its homelessness programs. the city has until september to make changes. in the meantime, the two council members say they want updates. they're proposing legislation that would direct the city manager to provide status updates and accountability on the state audit. they are also calling for an internal city audit. part of that includes looking into effectiveness of how the current homeless programs compare to
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possible alternatives. one thing they proposed is the sj love program, which would be a large shelter with 1000 beds and services. >> the whole group here is mostly unhoused people, people with unhoused experience, and none of them want to be in a massive shelter. >> the proposal did not pass through the first committee, but the council members are still pushing for it. it goes before the rest of the council on june 11th and second to san jose. >> for a moment, they're asking its residents to help them build a better bay area. a new adopt a block program launched by the mayor is encouraging people to beautify their neighborhoods. san jose will provide volunteers with a litter kit, which is a litter stick, neon safety vest and gloves. if you'd like to take part, you can apply in person at merriman's. state of the city address tomorrow. >> new at six surveillance cameras in san francisco, the neighborhood police picked for the first set of devices to be installed, plus orange juice crisis. >> why prices are going up and the race to find an alternative
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now abc seven mornings live. >> now at six. convicted as charged. former president trump found guilty of all 34 felony counts. how he's reacting to that verdict and what comes next. >> breaking news in palo alto a deadly crash on highway 101. a man is tracking the


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