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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  June 3, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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this one, reggie, because a lot of us may have the wednesday, the thursday, the friday off. >> and you know why? because cyndi lauper is a queer ally. >> and we appreciate that. we here tuesday. initially we are like okay, yeah. >> all the girls come here on tuesdays and wednesdays, but now it works. >> a nice little lead into the holiday season, and if the girls want to have fun for a world tour is happening, does that mean that fun is also leaving the building? >> never, never. >> okay, that's still alive and well. miles from san francisco hundreds of firefighters battling the flames. we're on the scene as the major heat risk is expected to rival records. plus, more severe weather in the heartland. ginger is tracking it all.
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>> george: the republican party falls in line behind donald trump after his historic conviction. as trump attacks the judge and michael cohen. what he said about retribution and our new poll on the impact of the conviction on the election. >> michael: turning up the pressure. president biden endorsing a cease fire plan to end the war in gaza. the reaction this morning. how will israel respond? >> robin: the trial of hunter biden. jury selection set to get under way on three federal gun charges. the first time ever the child of a sitting president has gone on trial. >> george: growing danger in the water. 46-year-old swimmer beaten by a shark, shutting down beaches near san diego. why shark encounters could become more likely. >> michael: push for protein. how a popular drug for weight loss, changing the way we eat. dr. ashton breaks down the big concerns. >> robin: the foul on caitlin clark that has many people talking. >> unnecessary. >> robin: and what kennedy carter is saying this morning.
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>> michael: final spin. >> pat sajack and vanna white. >> michael: after 40 years, pat sajack saying good-bye to wheel of fortune. >> we have a million dollar winner. >> michael: we're behind the scenes with an exclusive first look. ♪ give me a higher love ♪ >> robin: all the love for this caddie dad. the emotional father/son moment on the green after a big win. and no one flies higher than -- >> she looks good this weekend. >> robin: nine-time u.s. all around champ, simone biles, officially paris bound. ♪ higher love love ♪ >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: we do say good morning america. simone biles, amazing. >> george: also rebecca is going to be here with a look at the risks and rewards of 0% mortgages. important news for possible home buyers. >> michael: we begin with a wild fire in the west that forced
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people from their homes. hundreds of firefighters were deployed. our mola lenghi is on the scene in tracy, california. good morning, mola. >> reporter: good morning. firefighters making significant progress containing this fire but not before some severe damage done at home. homes, or at least the home that used to be there completely destroyed. you can see fire officials still working there. about 100 homeowners had to be evacuated, and two firefighters were injured. wild fires that started near the lawrence livermore national laboratory 50 miles east of san francisco, scorching over 20 square miles over the weekend are finally starting to subside. several homeowners in san joaquim county were forced toe vac wait. >> my husband came home and said you have five minutes. you need to get out of here. >> reporter: the corral fire began saturday afternoon, flames spread quickly. fueled by dry grass, high winds and high temperatures.
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>> we saw how catastrophic it was. the whole hills were burning. >> reporter: kelsey alvarez was on a road trip from florida when she was caught on a highway. >> the fire to my left was right by the highway, median, maybe 500 yards ahead. by 7, 7:05 the fire seemed to have jumped the highway. >> reporter: more than 400 personnel from the state responded. two firefighters injured while battling the blaze. cal fire posting a video of a home they were able to save, surrounded by torched grass. this morning officials say the blaze is 50% contained. >> it's just a good reminder to be vigilant. this is your opportunity to focus on that defensible space around your home. take that preparedness very seriously. >> reporter: evacuation orders on homeowners have been lifted, allowing folks back into their homes. meanwhile, robin, the cause of the fire still being investigated. >> robin: thank you for reporting. ginger tracking the fire threat
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and the record heat that's coming to the west, ginger. >> ginger: right. winds were the problem over the weekend. we're still going to see gusts to 30 miles an hour, today and tomorrow. we're going to take the temperatures and make them rise dramatically. by tuesday tracy could see 102. when you keep the dew point in the same place that will be a difference between how much moisture is in the air and how hot it is meaning relative humidity will drop to as low as 20%. that is not good for fire behavior. still a problem potentially for tomorrow afternoon. but excessive heat warnings and watches are up from tucson, reddy, las vegas could see their earliest 110 on record that they have ever seen. usually that's more an average of july 1st. we're about a month early. looks like we'll do it and stay above 100 in nevada. this heat, get used to it, george, because we're going to see all the way through midjune, this areas rockies, pacific northwest, above average.
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>> george: lot of red out there. ginger, thank you very much. now the political fallout from the historic guilty verdict from donald trump's criminal trial. top republicans lined up despite his status as a convicted felon. as trump continued to lash out as the judge and key witness, michael cohen. rachel scott is tracking trump. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. former president trump is spending his time between now and his sentencing attacking the key witness in the case, going after the judge that will ultimately decide his punishment. now demanding that the u.s. supreme court intervene. this morning the republican party is rallying around donald trump after the former president was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. >> we're gonna show them that -- we're gonna fight. >> reporter: trump defiant as he awaits sentencing saying he's okay with potentially being sentenced to house arrest or jail time. >> i'm okay with it. i saw one of my lawyers on television saying, you don't want to do that to the president. i said, you don't beg for anything.
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it's the way it is. >> reporter: the former president slamming the verdict as rigged, and going after the judge who will decide his fate calling the judge a devil and even attacking his former fixer, michael cohen, calling him a sleaze bag, possible violation of the gag order still in place. the former president also struggled to say whether he would pursue revenge against his political enemies if elected claiming it's a tough question. >> my revenge will be success. and i mean that. it's awfully hard when you see what they've done. >> reporter: president biden slamming his rival and gop allies for attacking the justice system. >> it's reckless, dangerous, irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. >> reporter: but republicans quickly coming to trump's defense. >> this verdict has actually brought unifying our party. >> donald trump has said so called retribution will be success. >> reporter: as his lawyers now prepare to appeal. >> we plan to vigorously defend
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president trump's rights up to the supreme court if necessary. >> reporter: trump also suggested there could be a, quote, breaking point for the public, depending on the outcome of his sentencing. this morning democrats are calling that a dangerous appeal to political violence and a reminder sentencing is set for july 11th, that's just four days before the republican national convention, where the former president will formally accept the nomination. >> george: thanks, rachel. let's bring in our political director rick klein. we have some initial indications in the new poll. >> like so many else in politics, this is deeply dividing the american people. 50% of americans still say they this this is the right verdict. only 27% saying they don't think it's the correct outcome. almost half of the country think trump should end his campaign based on this. it is more striking if you look at those who dislike president-elect joe biden and president trump. the so called double haters who
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could be so critical in this election. among those voters 65% think is the right verdict. two-thirds think he should end his campaign. of course, that's not going to happen. those are big big numbers. >> george: those double haters are critical. so are independents. >> there's another poll out from reuters that looked at the actual political fallout. get this. this is a big number. among independents, 26% say they are less likely to vote for trump. that's a big chunk of the critical voters and among republicans it's a smaller number, 11%. if you think about it one in ten republicans saying they are less likely to vote for donald trump. that's a big chunk of voters. the kind of losses you can't afford in an election that's going to be close. >> george: this will all happen in the margins. thank you very much. robin? >> robin: now president biden, endorsing a cease fire plan for gaza. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is now under increasing pressure to take steps to end the war. our chief white house correspondent mary bruce has more for us in washington.
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good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, robin. president biden is extremely eager to end this eight month war that's rocked the region and created a foreign and domestic crisis for him. he's blowing these negotiations wide open, detailing publicly what is on the table, with the hopes it will pressure hamas and israel to agree. this morning benjamin netanyahu is facing fresh push back that's putting him in a very difficult position. look, president biden outlined a three part plan that could ultimately lead to a permanent cease fire and the release of all hostages. biden saying bluntly that hamas has been significantly degraded, that they aren't capable of carrying out another october 7 attack and it is time to end this war. the white house is adamant insisting this was the israelis' proposal. while they aren't rejecting it, they say their conditions have not changed. they want to see hamas military and governing capabilities completely destroyed. now two far right israeli leaders say they will bring down netanyahu's government if he agrees to this deal, meaning the israeli prime minister is being
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forced to choose between a deal that could end this war and the future of his own government. >> robin: does seem that way. mary, president biden, we know he's heading to france tomorrow. >> reporter: he heads to france tomorrow. he will be there to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the allied forces d-day invasion, a critical turning point in world war ii. french president macron is hosting an official state visit for president biden. robin, just another busy week ahead. >> robin: it is. michael? >> michael: thank you, robin. jury selection in the hunter biden case. the unprecedented trial on a president's son on felony gun charges could impact the race for the white house. our senior white house correspondent terry moran is at the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. good morning, terry. >> reporter: good morning, michael. this is a historic case, but it is a sad and sordid tale of drug addiction and its consequences and the biden family, a in so many families. it carries the very real potential of political pain for the president. this morning the trial of hunter biden begins at the federal
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courthouse in wilmington, delaware, the first time in u.s. history that the child of a sitting president has gone on trial. jill biden arriving at the courthouse as jury selection gets under way, showing support for her son. president biden's only living son faces three federal gun charges for allegedly obtaining a firearm while he was addicted a drugs. for years hunter biden has spoken publicly about his struggles with addiction. >> i have made mistakes in my life and wasted opportunities and privileges i was afforded. for that, i'm responsible. >> reporter: prosecutors say that in october 2018 during a time they say hunter biden was addicted to drugs, he purchased this colt revolver and allegedly lied on a federal form that he was not addicted to drugs. in his memoir "beautiful things" biden writing in the fall of 2018 he had hopes of getting clean through a new therapy. through it all, president biden has stood by his son.
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>> i have great confidence in my son. i love him. he's on a straight and narrow and has been for a couple years now. i'm just so proud of him. >> reporter: the trial is expected to be deeply personal and potentially embarrassing for the first family. prosecutors are relying on photos and text messages from hunter biden including this one allegedly sent just two days after purchasing the gun. i was sleeping on a car smoking crack on 4th street and rodney. biden's own attorney general appointed as special prosecutor, david white to oversee this case. white's reached a plea deal with hunter biden last year, but during a hearing in july that deal fell apart after tough questioning by the same federal judge who will now oversee hunter biden's trial. this trial is expected to take a couple of weeks and hunter biden could face serious prison time if convicted, although that would be unlikely with a first offender. then hunter biden faces another
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federal trial on tax evasion charges in the fall. full swing of the presidential campaign. michael? >> michael: all right. thank you so much, terry. george? >> george: breaking news from mexico where voters have elected a woman to be president for the first time ever. matt rivers in mexico city with the details and how it could impact relations with the u.s. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, george. this was an historic victory for claudia sheinbaulm who rose to prominence as mayor of mexico city and will take office as mexico's first ever female president. no matter your politics this is a monumental moment for this country, where women were not even granted the right to vote until 1950s. she is also jewish, another first in this extremely catholic country. her closest challenger conceding overnight 30 points. the question now how does she govern amidst a myriad of challenges? first among them will be public safety as we saw during this election cycle.
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more than 230 people killed in election related violence according to a mexican consulting firm. also, how does she handle the united states? her mentor and current president has a famously prickly relationship with the u.s. does she follow in his footsteps or chart a different path? that will be the key question on everything from trade, migration, to drug trafficking. robin? >> robin: matt, thank you. all right. now to nine time -- that's right. nine time u.s. all around champ simone biles, officially bound for the paris olympics after competing at the u.s. olympic championships. morgan norwood, got all those highlights for us? good morning. >> reporter: they call her the goat. she absolutely proved it yesterday. let's talk about it. from the beam to the bars, the floor, simone biles dominating it all at the u.s. olympic championships and cruising her way into paris 2024. this morning simone biles is flying high ahead of paris.
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>> man, she looked good. ♪ winning ahead of the summer games in paris. the seven time olympic medallist dominating the floor exercise. >> look how high she gets. >> it's ridiculous. >> reporter: uneven bars. >> smooth release move. >> reporter: and balance beam. >> three right in a row. boom. >> reporter: the veteran stumbling on the vault while attempting a trick known after her known as the biles 2. shaking it off, biles saying i'm not mad, referring to her performance. >> i'm not mad, is that what she just mouthed? >> reporter: still, she sailed to victory, taking top spot on the podium. her closest compete tore almost six points back. her family beaming with pride as the veteran battles back after
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withdrawing from some events during the tokyo olympics in 2021, citing struggles with her emotional health. >> i think that was the hardest part after tokyo, i didn't trust myself to do gymnastics. i knew it would come if i started training again, but it was really hard to trust just myself. >> reporter: biles took a few moments to encourage others. suni lee took a turn on the vault. she continues to complete as she battles two forms of kidney disease. she's truly a class act on and off the floor. simone biles is incredible. just to see her supporting her fellow teammates. >> robin: i like it. i'm not mad. [ laughter ] >> that says confidence to me. >> robin: that's it. that's it. okay, morgan. coming up, our first look at pat sajack, just days away from his final spin on "wheel of fortune." >> michael: plus this foul on caitlin clark making head lines. what both players are saying about that moment? >> george: and chad daybell has been sentenced to death after he was convicted of murdering his first wife and two of vallow's children. first back to ginger.
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>> ginger: everybody is saying, okay, is may over and tornados are done? sadly the answer is no. june is quite prolific. we've had second most tornados since modern history 1980. this weekend we saw more. sanderson texas this tornado did some damage. injured one person. took roofs off, walls out. they will be out doing surveys but we will, unfortunately, see more of action today. the red river, the western red river, see the tornado threat, dallas ft. worth, up to spring field, missouri. another damaging wind threat from rockford, illinois, madison. we're keeping an idea on primarily the big line of wind that comes through and knocks down trees. can go into cars, power lines, into homes. those can do as much damage as a tornado. tomorrow we open up again. des moines, kansas city, all on the lookout for big threats for severe storms. your local weather now in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: coming up, the shark attack that forced officials to close down beaches. we're going to have much more on how life guards are keeping you safe this summer. we'll be right back, so stay right there for more gma. depression is a journey. i'd made some progress on my antidepressant... had some daily wins in reducing my symptoms. but i was still masking my depression. so i talked to my doctor. she told me i could build on my wins, without changing my antidepressant. rexulti, when added
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been lifted. lifted. now they're downgraded to warnings. the fire started saturday afternoon east of a lawrence livermore lab site near tracy. more than 400 firefighters responding. two alameda county firefighters were hospitalized for treatment of minor to moderate burns on saturday. the cause is still being investigated. >> amanda in the same area on the altamont pass in the counter commute direction, a major crash before grant line road is blocking the three left lanes with stop traffic from north flynn road. fire crews are on the scene this will put you back about 40 minutes with the speeds down to four miles per hour. back to you, kumasi. thanks amanda. >> meteorologist drew with a new parade. so, join the party, now through august 4th, 2024. visit the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time.
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temperatures at or slightly below average, thanks to a cold front that's slowly progressing through northern california. 50s and 60s out there right now. so today, just expect partly sunny skies, daytime highs, mainly in the 60s and 70s. but then tomorrow it's all about our first heat wave of the season arriving heat advisories and excessive heat warnings begin tomorrow morning. kumasi >> thank you drew. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else, it's gma . >> in comes company, the smash hit broadway musical company. we a winner of five tony awards, including best revival of a musical company, is a hilarious musical masterpiece about life, love and good company. >> critics give it five stars, saying yes, it's really that good. playing june fifth through 29th at the orpheum theater. >> tickets at broadway, s.f.
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7:29 am
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right for you. hey, it's your dry skin. >> every day we lose ceramides. i need to seal in moisture. survey delivers three essential ceramide days to help restore my barrier so i can lock in moisture, feel hydrated and look healthy. sara v facial moisturizing lotions. >> you never know what surprises you'll find with kinder joy. a yummy treat and new toys from illuminations. illuminations. >> despicable kinder joy, open a world of surprise. >> wheel of fortune. >> now here's your new host, pat sajack. >> hello, everyone. welcome to "wheel of fortune." >> robin: oh my. that's pat's first ever "wheel of fortune." now 41 seasons later. yeah, 41. it is time for his final spin. he's retiring with his last show
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coming up on friday. coming up we have a first look at sajack talking about why now is the right time to say good-bye. >> george: we are looking forward to that. but following a lot of headlines including the waging wild fire in northern california. hundreds of firefighters were deployed as officials say the fire is 50% contained. also in atlanta, a two day water outage that left faucets dry. much of the city remained under a boil water advisory this weekend but officials say one of the two water mains that has been affected has been repaired. >> michael: the edmonton oilers are headed to the stanley cup final. edmonton is looking to raise the cup for the sixth time in franchise history, and the first time since 1990. they face off against the florida panthers, who are skating for their first title. we have a lot more ahead including why 0% mortgages are making a come back and why some people are concerned.
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that is all coming up, george. >> george: now to chad daybell, the husband of doomsday mom lori vallow has been sentenced to death. erielle reshef here with the story. >> reporter: after nearly two months of testimony, it took an idaho jury just nine hours to recommend the death penalty for convicted killer chad daybell. prosecutors saying he concocted a conspiracy that motivated the triple murder of his ex-wife and stepchildren. >> the court has directed that the defendant would be sentenced to death on those counts. >> reporter: this morning chad daybell sentenced to death for the chilling murders of his first wife and his second wife's children, 16-year-old tylee ryan and 7-year-old joshua jj at trial, stoic, motionless as he learned his fate. convicted on all counts. >> guilty.
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guilty. guilty. >> reporter: dramatic end to a twisted five year odyssey that began when jj and tylee were first reported missing by family while their mother, lori vallow, evaded authorities, marrying chad daybell, mere weeks after his wife tammy's sudden death. investigators finding tylee and jj's remains in a shallow grave on daybell's property ten months later. prosecutors claim their killing spree was fueled by power, sex, money and apocalyptic spiritual belief. the pair claiming lori's children were zombies, conspireing with her brother, alex cox, to kill them. >> three dead bodies. and for what? >> reporter: since last year lori serving a life sentence without parole for the three murders. for kay and larry woodcox, the children's grandparents, chad daybell's sentencing finally bring some closure. >> we saw justice, equal, honest and righteous. >> in a statement tammy daybell's family saying to law
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enforcement, we can start to heal from the terrible losses we have suffered. they have set up a foundation in tammy's honor. guys? >> robin: erielle, thank you. it was a rough night for caitlin clark and the indiana fever. last night she only scored three points in a blowout loss to the new york liberty. but it was the game saturday between the fever and chicago sky that had a lot of people talking. fans were so hyped for caitlin, angel reese and camilla cardoso to be back on the same court. the moment that made headlines this right here, the hard foul involving clark and kennedy carter. eva pilgrim has that story for us. >> as you know, there is no love lost between these two teams. people were excited to see those rookies on the court again. but all the players on that court giving fans a show. this morning this physical moment involving the wnba's most high profile rookie raising questions. >> clearly unnecessary.
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>> reporter: kennedy carter shoulder checking caitlin clark, knocking her to the ground. school knocking her to tk ground. the call initially deemed a common foul by officials. >> a little surprised that it's nothing more than a common foul beyond that. >> reporter: shortly before that moment what appears to be an exchange of words on the other end of the court. >> they were jawing back and forth the last few possessions. >> reporter: clark addressing the crowd. >> i wasn't expecting it. it's just -- just respond. come down, let your play do the talking. it is what it is i guess. i don't know. >> reporter: while carter refused to talk about it during the post game press conference. >> i ain't answering no caitlin clark questions. >> reporter: but defiant on social media posting i love the hate more than the love. i'd rather you hate me than love me. >> any time you have a high profile rookie who comes with a lot of hype coming into the league, there are veterans who are gonna want to send a message that this is still their league. this is something caitlin's
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going to have to work to become a star in this league. >> reporter: on sunday, the wnba upgrading carter's foul to a more serious flagrant one violation but has not announced any plans to respond or fine her. her coach expressing frustration. >> we just keep sending all these clips into the league. they keep telling us that's not right, but we're going to keep doing it. >> reporter: physicality of the league receiving more scrutiny. fellow high profile rookie angel reese was on the receiving end of this blow recently. knocked to the floor by alyssa thomas. thomas thrown out. >> thomas gets ejected from the game. >> wow. >> as for clark the former iowa hawkeye said it all comes with the territory. >> i grew up with two brothers. things were very, very physical. lot of blood. lot of tears, whatever it is. i'm definitely prepared for it. >> as you mentioned the liberty with a blowout win over indiana. clark and boston both left early
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with injuries. there's lots of pushing going on. >> robin: it's a physical game. it's the pro level. >> michael: that was unnecessary. it was a cheap shot. >> robin: it was a cheap shot. but i love how -- many people appreciate how caitlin responded to it going, hey, i have brothers. she wasn't whining about it. the public seemed to have more of an issue with it than the players. >> and everyone is talking about women's basketball this morning. [ laughter ] >> michael: that is true. brings them in. whatever brings them in. maybe it's something with these young rookies coming in that they're showing them, hey, this is a different league. i don't know. >> robin: what was it like when you were a little kid? [ laughter ] >> michael: i can't discuss it. i can't use the language that we used and i can't do the actions that we did. all right. don't get me in trouble, robin. coming up we're gonna tell you how life guards are keeping you all safe this summer and the shark attack that closed beaches when we come back.
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this is our new friend. we'll talk about it later, ok? what does a cat need? chewy's here. no, no, no, no. is that good? hey, wait! come back! is this normal? ask the chewy vet team. how much is too much catnip? for everything you need and everything you need to know. find it at chewy. introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> michael: back now on gma with a shark attack in southern california that forced officials to close down beaches and sent a 46-year-old man to the hospital with serious injuries. kayna whitworth is in santa monica for us. good morning, kayna. >> reporter: michael, good morning. life guards say in a sense that man was very lucky because he was swimming with a group of other people right in front of a life guard tower when he was bit. they also say a surfer initially came to his rescue, loaning him his board, allowing fellow
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swimmers to get him to shore. this morning shark attack, closing beaches north of san diego. >> we heard some screaming. you could tell it was serious from the tone in the screams. >> reporter: a 46-year-old man bit by a shark off the coast of del mar, sustaining injuries to his torso, left arm and hand. >> there was an initial bump. then a bite. then shark still in range potentially coming back toward him. then having to reach out and kind of defend. that's where the hand and arm lacerations were sustained. >> reporter: around 9 a.m. sunday, the man was swimming roughly 100 yards out with a group of a dozen other swimmers. >> a surfer came over and gave us his board. put him on the board. i jumped on top of him and started paddling in. >> reporter: they bought the injured man to shore, where life guards jumped into action. >> after that emergency care was delivered. medics were on the scene less than four minutes after that. >> reporter: later taken to a nearby hospital and in stable condition.
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across the country experts say the likelihood of an encounter is low but sharks are coming closer to shore because of cleaner waters and booming bait fish population. >> the closer sharks come to shore the more likely they are to overlap with human activities. >> reporter: some life guards are using new technology, things too keep people safe, like drones, to monitor shark activity in the water. in this case, they closed the water a mile in each directions for swimmers and surfers until at least tuesday morning. it's important to keep in mind the life guard towers need to be staffed when you're in the water. in this case they had just arrived on scene and were still setting up when that bite happened. guys? >> michael: good point. >> robin: very good.. coming up the last spin on wheel of fortune for pat sajack. he's talking about stepping away from the game show. we'll be back. (woman) with purina one true instinct, her true instincts really came alive. from day one, it's the high-protein nutrition
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she instinctively craves. it's making a real difference, supporting healthy energy and strong muscles. purina one true instinct is the food she was born to eat, helping her live the life she was born to live. (vo) purina one true instinct. a difference from day one. ♪ greatness... hurts. ♪ but with care... you can keep chasing it. ♪ that's tylenol. that's care without limits. what's up, auntie? did you get the basketball shoes i need for tryouts this weekend? - oh, dude. - that's okay. i'm not going to be able to make it to dick's this week. you can just click on oh, dicks dot... hi. welcome to wow, they're beautiful. let's go shopping. are you kidding me? i'm in ball heaven. i like you. look at all these cups. i really like you. i don't even live near water. whoa, these arrived so fast.
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but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪) (♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection, active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor.
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>> robin: we are back now with the end of a game show era. pat sajack has spent 41 seasons spinning the wheel of fortune. but he is retiring this friday. janai is here with an exclusive first look talking about that final spin. >> that final spin. 1981 was the first one, guys. do you know what you were doing in 1981? you two were tearing it up in college. you just moved to germany. and pat sajack was named host of wheel of fortune. four decades later and
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friday not only marked the 41st season finale, but pat sajack's final show. >> here's your new host, pat sajack! >> thank you. thank you, jack clark. morning, everyone. welcome to "wheel of fortune." >> reporter: after 41 seasons and more than 8,000 episodes behind the wheel -- pat sajack and vanna white! >> reporter: pat sajack preparing for his final spin. >> hang on. that means time is running out. i'll give the wheel a final spin. >> reporter: on the wheel of fortune this friday, the show he helped make must watch family tv. >> we have a million dollar winner! >> reporter: gma getting an exclusive first look as he sat down to talk retirement with his daughter maggie, the show's social correspondent. >> thanks for giving me this exclusive interview. >> my daughter is going to interview me. don't be too hard on me. >> i'll try my best. >> okay. >> well, here we are. the last week of shows for you on "wheel."
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how do you feel? >> surprisingly okay. this was announced a long time ago, almost a year ago. so i have had time to get used to it. it's been wistful and all that. i'm enjoying it and taking it all in and reflecting on the great run. i do know somewhere along the line we became more than a popular show. we became part of popular culture and more importantly we became part of people's lives. that's been awfully gratifying. >> from behind the puzzle board and look who i found. >> reporter: maggie posting behind the scenes videos like these, showing the man behind the magic. >> lot of people are asking what behind the puzzle board is like. school the puzzle board is like. >> we can't tell you a lot. >> reporter: pat reflecting on why he's ready to leave the hit show behind. >> what made you decide that this is the right time for you to leave the show? >> i have always said, you heard me say this dozens of times. i'd rather leave a couple years too early than too late. could i still do it? yeah. i think i could for awhile. there's also some other things in life we'd like to do. i'm enjoying this last year.
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it's been a great 40 years. i'm looking forward to whatever's ahead. >> while he says he's open to new projects, he's looking forward to the simple life. >> i'm happy if it just means i'll continue with my cross word puzzles and play with grandchildren. hint hint hint. no pressure. >> the show means the world to us. it's been a gift. you have made this into a phenomenon. >> this is worth a hug. thank you. >> who's driving home? in 41 years wheel of fortune has given away 600 cars, 5,000 vacations, $324 million. vanna white has walked the
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equivalent of two marathons. >> robin: come on. >> 52 myles. i didn't measure it. >> michael: 41 years ago you were not even thought of being born. >> i was a twinkle in my daddy's eye. [ laughter ] >> michael: that's what you wanted. >> i googled everybody this morning to double check where you were in '81. >> robin: thanks saying we were tearing it up in college. you're the best. the best. coming up lori bergamotto has you covered for father's day gifts. come on back. ♪ >> it's monday. >> monday means a new start to a new week. this week we can do anything and be anybody. >> i think that's overstating things a bit. >> totally right, yes. >> cut the buts. >> it's just a little but. >> we're gonna take that but and turn it into a what are we doing to kick the week off right? >> whatever you say. you're the boss.
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(♪) is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of allergies with nasal congestion, so you can breathe better. claritin plus decongestant. live claritin clear®. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ >> ginger: coming up 0 down mortgages making a come back. local news and weather next. >> george: good morning america.
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what to expect. thank you we'll be making another one. it's. one.
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america is sponsored by liberty mutual insurance. >> only pay for what you need for free. >> welcome to our annual gathering, the nba finals. >> here we go. >> at the center of it are two exceptional teams. >> and yet you're all a part of it. but remember, no one sips the champagne into a champ. is crowd. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. >> going to check in with amanda for a look at traffic. >> hi, kumasi to livermore, eastbound 580 after north flynn road. the good news the two car crash that was blocking the three left lanes has been cleared. there are some minor delays in the commute direction. things were a bit slow moving, but speeds are back to about 64mph. good morning drew. >> hey amanda, to the exploratorium camera. it's a cloudy start to a new week. june gloom is with us today is going
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to be the coolest day of the week. also the claudia. so temperatures right now. i mean, we're mainly in the 60s. it feels a touch humid out there as well as a cold front progresses through northern california. so today it's just a partly sunny day. we'll have temperatures in the 60s and 7070. in oakland, 76, in san jose, 65 in the city. but get ready. our first heat wave of the season arrives tomorrow. heat advisories and excessive heat warnings will last through thursday. our hottest cities in the 90s, if not exceeding 100 degrees in the afternoon. kumasi >> thank you drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else, it is gma. >> experience the magic and share the joy at disney's frozen. the spectacular new musical from the producer of the lion king and aladdin, this beloved story comes to life on stage in an unforgettable theatrical experience. yes, you've never seen frozen like
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this. disney's frozen comes to san jose center for the performing arts for two weeks this august. don't be left out in the cold. get tickets at broadway san my name is sandy cooler. >> i'm the ceo and founder of warrior foundation freedom station, which is a firestorm of giving by san diego. so we're very honored to have our 20th anniversary this year. >> this is the biggest project we've ever taken on. what we're doing here is we're reroofing ten buildings, all with the help of volunteers and beacon distributors who are here with a bunch of deserving vets. >> this is the largest donation we've ever done. they gave what they gave to their country, and we're just giving back because we're lucky enough to get back. >> we've got a new roof that was put in by semper solaris, and i am telling you, when the roofs went on, the cottages came to life. they really started to breathe and look like they're going to look for our warriors. we want our warriors to have some place beautiful to live, some place to have pride in and
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we want to give them purpose. we want them to go from barracks mentality to civilian mentality . listen to the updated mix of 96.5 coit now with more songs that pick you up and make you feel good while you work. >> today's hit, yesterday's favorite little red starts your day with a 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday. kickoff my baby feel good 90s. long as you love today's hip and yesterday's favorites while you work. 96.5 k.o. it out right now. >> pet dander, skin cells, molds , spores, pollen, and dirt are being sucked into your air ducts. >> get cleaner air and system efficiency. now with stanley steemer, for over 75 years, we've continually engineered our equipment and processes to deep clean your entire home. your air
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ducts aren't clean until their stanley steemer clean, 800 steemer stanley steemer gets your home cleaner. >> alameda county fair is back in pleasanton june 14th through july 7th. catch that summer feeling with amazing fair food, exciting carnival rides, fireworks at live horse racing and a big old tires concert series by early and safe through june 13th. scan qr or head to alameda county tv's biggest >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. a wild fire forces evacuations burning just 50 miles from san francisco. hundreds of firefighters battling the flames. a major heat risk is expected to rival records. plus more severe weather in the heartland. ginger tracking it all. >> robin: jimmy kimmell's 7-year-old son billy. >> our son billy had an open heart surgery. he's doing very well. >> robin: now billy's lead surgeon
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speaking exclusively with gma. >> it's got to be the most scary thing a parent goes through. >> robin: sharing new details about his heart condition and recovery. >> michael: new diet boom. >> what to eat when you're not hungry on ozempic and monjouro. >> michael: how the popularity of weight loss drugs are changing how people are eating. plus everyone pay attention to this one. ♪ i'm the man i'm the man i'm the man ♪ >> michael: plus everyone pay attention to this one. we've got great gift ideas for dads this morning. let's see what lori bergamotto has up her sleeve. >> robin: get ready. the very funny marlon wayans is here talking about his new standup special, as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: this is gma. we are counting down to father's day. lori b has gone shopping for
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you, finding the perfect gift for the special dad on your list. that's coming up. >> michael: also ahead, 0% down mortgages being offered again for some buyers. rebecca jarvis is hire to tell us who is eligible and what the risks are. >> george: first we start with the record heat and the wild fire in the west that scorched more than 14,000 acres in northern california, forced people from their homes. hundreds of firefighters were deployed. ginger is tracking it. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: good morning. the fire danger is still up with 50% of that coral fire contained. this is tracy, california. we'll still see gusts up to 30 miles per hour today and tomorrow. but tomorrow the temperatures are going to hike up to around 100 degrees. humidity will fall so it will end up being much dryer. then the winds really subside as we go through the week. it's still hot. excessive heat watch is up from tucson, phoenix, up to redding, california. las vegas could end up with excessive heat warnings, with their earliest 110 degrees on record.
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usually that happens july 1st so we are quite above average or earlier than average. we'll stay there until tend of the week. boise and redding both amove average but not quite into record territory. that's going to continue. but this big department in jet stream starting to develop. that makes us cooler than average here but sometimes comfy for golf or whatever you want to do. >> michael: i like that, ginger. all right. thanks for that. now the housing market and the return of 0% down mortgages. one company is offering them to some home buyers, bringing back memories of the mortgage crisis of 2008. chief economics correspondent rebecca jarvis has details for us. good morning, rebecca. >> rebecca: good morning, michael. this is a new program launched by one of the largest lenders called united wholesale mortgages. it's being marketed to first time home buyers who have solid credit scores, dependable incomes and reliable jobs but can't make the payment up front. you get a first mortgage that
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covers 97% of the first price and second mortgage for the 3% that doesn't accrue interest but school in full when the home is sold or you refinance. let's say you're buying a $400,000 home. you get a conventional home for $388,000. then you take that second loan out for $12,000. it doesn't cost you any interest or need to be paid back until you sell or refinance. financial experts believe these loans can make sense for some potentially credit worthy buyers who just haven't scraped together a down payment. say you lose your job or you get sick or need to relocate and you need to sell your house. the risk is that then immediately you're on the hook for that 3% balloon payment, that $12,000 in our case. if home values fall, you may not be able to sell the home for as much as you bought it for, but you'll still have to come up with that cash or default and
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face foreclosure or damaged credit. there are some conditions here. the maximum amount allowed for that 3% is $15,000. you have to be a first time home buyer and your income has to be no more than 80% of the area's median income, michael. >> michael: we sure don't want history to repeat itself like 2008, rebecca. but are there safe alternatives for first time buyers? what about those without money for a full 20% down payment? >> rebecca: one of the biggest lessons of the 2008 financial crisis, the housing crisis, is if it sounds too good to be true, it is. with that in mind, it's important to remember that a product that works for your neighbor might not be right for you. today there are many state run down payment assistance programs. they typically offer grants to cover part of your down payment. in addition to comparison shopping for your home, it really pays to comparison shop for your mortgage and how you're going to make that down payment, guys. >> robin: some good advice. thanks, rebecca, as all.
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now to the 80 anniversary of d-day. more than 630 world war ii veterans arrived in france over the weekend for ceremonies. the group ranges from 96 to 107 years old. lara is all on her way to normandy right now. going to be live there with some incredible stories from american vets headed back to france. >> george: looking forward to seeing them. >> michael: that's amazing. do you know what else is amazing? it was all about the caddies. one had three different caddies plus a fan. >> robin: a fan? >> michael: a fan. that happened during the final round at the rbc canadian open. father's day coming early for another duo. robert mcintyre made this beautiful shot on the final hole. george, that looks just like whenever you swing. >> george: yeah, sure. >> michael: same result. made that beautiful shot final hole. needed this putt to win his
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first ever pga tour event. and he did it, of course. first to congratulate him, his dad dougie, who also happens to be his daddy. he also happens to be his caddie. mcintyre said he was speechless afterwards explaining i'm crying with joy, but i'm laughing because i didn't think it was possible. my dad taught me the game of golf. i can't believe i have done it with him on the bag. dad is like, i'm so proud of you, son. i'm glad you did it. where's my 10% caddie cut? there we go. [ laughter ] >> george: coming up in our gma morning menu, the lead surgeon for jimmy kimmell's son billy. that's a gma exclusive. >> robin: why popular medications used for weight loss are leading to a boom in high protein products. dr. ashton breaks down what you need to know. >> michael: plus the perfect gift for every dad in your life. and live in times square we have marlon wayans. jodie turner-smith on her new
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star wars show. and ashley graham on her new children's book. that's all coming up right here on gma. on "gma." on "gma." ♪ ♪ in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. fruit flavored snacks. what's wrong with these people? there's barely any fruit in there. ahh! now, welch's are made with whole fruit as the main ingredient. holy... fruits. get the one with whole fruit. get welch's fruit snacks.
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visit the disneyland resort with a special 3-day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time. >> watching you work -- >> i imagine it's like being inside that documentary watching paul mccartney write "get back." >> that's why they call us the rolling stones of true crime. >> thank you for yesterday. >> michael: welcome back to gma. that is one of the many funny moments from "only murders in the building." tomorrow we are on the set with steve martin, martin short and selena gomez as they shoot the new season. we are looking so forward to
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that, george. >> george: we are looking forward to that. right now jimmy kimmell recently revealed his son billy underwent his third open heart surgery. this morning we are hearing exclusively from the surgeon leading billy's care since he was a baby. he sat down with matt gutman. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, george. dr. starnes has performed all three of those open heart surgeries on billy kimmell, the first when he was just 3 days old and his heart was about the size of a walnut. ahead of this latest surgery, the doctor said molly kimmell was a rock, jimmy kimmell a bit of a mess and billy responded almost immediately to that new valve in his heart. this morning the lead surgeon behind jimmy kimmell's son's heart surgeries sharing details about billy's heart condition and his recovery. dr. starns has performed all three surgeries on billy's heart including the first one when he was just 3 days old. when jimmy kimmell was born, did his parents know that he was going to have this defect?
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>> no. it caught them by surprise. they thought billy would be perfectly normal, and was until two or three hours after delivery. that's when the nurse noted that the child was somewhat blue and sounded the alarms. >> reporter: the defect that he has is tetralogy of fallot, which prevents the heart from pumping properly. >> he had a very severe form. >> reporter: this surgery was about life and death? this is about ensuring this infant survives? >> correct. >> our son billy had an open heart surgery. he's doing very well. thank you for your good wishes. >> reporter: his latest surgery over memorial day weekend required implanting a valve that could help him live normally. but it wasn't without risk. what was the mood like going into this surgery for the family? >> i would say that molly's a rock. jimmy's a mess. [ laughter ]
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all kidding aside, jimmy was very emotional. molly was, obviously, emotional, but more in control of her emotions. >> reporter: dr. starnes said it was instantly successful. jimmy sharing this video home. billy running from a hawk that had gotten into their house. were you surprised that he was able to be so active right after coming home from the hospital? >> i knew after putting the valve in there he would improve. i did not expect he'd improve that fast. >> reporter: dr. starnes saw the kimmells again last week. what does it feel like when you see a kid, who was really struggling before the operation and then post op he's a different child. >> it's the greatest joy that i have. after 30 years it never gets old. >> reporter: dr. starnes said that billy is expected to have no limitations going forward. he might not recommend billy play contact sports but other physical activities are par for
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the course. the best news for the kimmell parents is that billy is not expected to have to undergo any additional heart surgeries. guys? >> robin: matt, thank you. now the science of you. the rise in medications used for weight loss means the people who take them may need to make serious changes to their diets. a growing area of concern is protein intake. becky worley joins us with a closer look. good morning to you, becky. >> robin, good morning. whenever you losing weight, the goal is to get rid of fat. along the way some muscle may be lost. how much depends on a few factors. one of them, your protein intake is being marketed like crazy to those on prescription medications like ozempic and zepbound. >> what to eat when you're not hungry on ozempic and mounjaro. >> reporter: high protein products are all the rage. standard protein bars. but protein chips? protein pastries? donuts? >> there's even some waters that have added protein in there,
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now. >> reporter: this push for protein is likely attributed to the rise in obesity drugs. vernesha from texas said she lost 76 pounds on mounjara and says her doctor told her to increase her protein intake to prevent muscle loss. >> in the beginning it was super hard because she had wanted me to get 90 grams. i was like, that's so much protein. >> reporter: the marketing push to people on weight loss drugs so intense that gnc launched a glp i support section in all its stores with protein products. nestle announced a new line of $5 items like frozen pizzas and protein enriched pastas hitting shelves in october. others offering high protein prepared meals. when someone is on these medications, do their dietary needs change dramatically from, say, someone who is not receiving medication for weight loss?
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>> it's important to remember that when you lose weight, you're losing both fat mass and muscle, right? >> reporter: specialists say one way patients taking weight loss medications can try and maintain muscle mass when losing weight is by making sure they eat enough protein. >> it has definitely helped with just me building muscle. >> reporter: a focus that's better for those on weight loss medications and for many of us just trying to eat a healthier diet. talking to your doctor about what's right for you is key. one thing to consider, some preliminary studies suggest that protein should be consumed consistently throughout the day. so try and avoid eating just one high protein meal at dinner, for example. remember that one of the most important aspects of maintaining muscle mass is resistance exercise. lifting is key. robin, it's a leg day for me. can't cheat leg day. >> robin: no, you cannot. becky, as always, thank you. we're going to speak to our doctor, dr. jennifer ashton.
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help walk us through the different ways to get protein, that intake. why is this so confusing to so many of us? >> it is confusing because it's complicated. i'm glad we're talking about it because we have to distinguish between media or marketing head lines or a medical headline. it is not one size fits all. there is a big difference between muscle mass and muscle function. so people with obesity have more muscle mass at baseline but they have poor quality, poor functioning muscle. when they lose a significant amount of weight, more is likely to be from muscle mass when they take the glp i, but that does not, i repeat does not, adversely affect how their muscles that remain function. so i think when you talk about the average person, you have to really ask, what's average? are you post menopausal woman? are you an elite athlete? are you a person with obesity? then you have to go through a calculation. the overall weight based calculation.
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get out your calculator. we'll put this on the website. take your weight in pounds divide that by 2.2 and then multiply that by 1.5. that is the daily amount in grams of protein that you should strive for. >> robin: how much for you. >> i weigh 122 pounds. i strive for 80 grams day. if you look at these props, here is 80 grams. that seems doable if you have a protein smoothie, some eggs, some salmon. if you weigh 150 pounds you'd need around 100 grams of protein a day. >> robin: that's a lot. >> that's a lot of food. it's just about being mindful of what you're eating. look at those labels. measure out the foods you like and how much protein is in them. it's a rough approximation. remember more is not always better. >> robin: got to be mindful. so if you are wanting to lose weight, protein isn't the only factor, only thing you should be thinking of.
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>> 100% not. when you talk about fitness, remember about the muscle function. it's not just about what you are eating and protein synthesis. it's about how those muscles are moving. for exercise you need resistance training. women as well need to lift weights, resistance bands. you need cardio for endurance. you need balance. it's a holistic approach to fitness. >> robin: follow dr. jen. >> i'm trying to work on my little chicken wings. i'm going for strength, not thinness. i think that's the key. fitness and power. >> robin: not one size fits all. what is it that you are trying to get out of this? all right. see you on gma3. >> yes, you will. >> robin: now to ginger. >> ginger: we have to talk about spring. new york city had our fourth warmest spring on record. that would be march, april and may. if you look at the sites that had their top five warmest,
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we're talking all throughout the great lakes, down to texas and along the gulf coast. certainly in florida up to the mid-atlantic. those yellows represent places that had their number one warmest includes ft. lauderdale, even up to pittsburgh. >> michael: father's day is just around the corner. gma lifestyle contributor lori bergamotto is here with great gift ideas. all of these products are shopable. good morning, lori. first one is for the dad who is
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a little bit of a jokester. >> happy early father's day to you, by the way. >> michael: thank you very much. >> this is harry and david. it's seven days of dad jokes. would you do us the honors of maybe reading that one for us. >> michael: why don't eggs tell jokes? >> why? >> michael: they crack each other up. >> good one. good one. so there are -- the set's just dying here. there are lots of really fun, corny, hilarious tv dad jokes. >> michael: what do you call a fake noodle? >> what? >> michael: an impasta. >> all right. that one killed. there's lots of fun things. there's great sibling gift if you want to send to dad if you can't be with him. little humor, little thing to nosh on. >> michael: that's nice. all right. what about the father who is a fashionista? >> this is great for a dad on the go. i don't know if you know about this brand. >> michael: i do. very comfortable. >> softest fabric on the planet.
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they have a t-shirt, a hoodie, a polo. there are joggers and shorts. it is anti-odor. got to keep dad smelling fresh. it has upf. it's great for working out or wearing. if dad likes to golf, he can wear that. this all starts around $54. really comfortable and looks fantastic. >> michael: all right. chill, dad. >> chill, dad. everybody knows and loves yeti for its performance. really durable. >> michael: i have never seen this one. >> we actually have one customized for you right here, michael, with your name on it. it ends today, ladies and gentlemen. today you can get it monogrammed for free. >> michael: really? >> you have to order it today, otherwise you have to pay for it and might not get it in time. these start at $20. they have french the rambler on up. that one is for you.
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>> michael: i need it. got to make sure i get my water in, hydration. >> all right. controversial, the croc. right? this is for the trendy dad. >> michael: okay. >> if he likes practicality, fashion, function, this is where it's at. these we got on zappos. lots of different colors. they start around $40. these might look different. they don't have the holes. more mature dad. >> michael: doesn't want to show the toes. >> and they are easy to clean. they have a heel cut for comfort. real can attach it to your boat. you can attach it to your kayak out for your friend and mine. gary, our head of props. he actually used this this weekend. he put it on his kayak there he is riding a bike and he put on his kayak that was in his swimming pool by the way. >> the water was too clear. that's that's definitely not. come on gary. >> oh we love gary so much. this is around $50 at walmart. it's a
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great value and it can do so many cool things. and speaking of new dad things, this is really cool. everybody was very excited about the dad hoodie. so what this is, is a really comfortable tri fleece hoodie. but inside it has all these different pockets so you can fill it with everything you need to keep your person free. no diaper bag. some of the producers were like, oh, can i actually use this on remotes? because it's you can just put everything in there. it's so great, michael, we're going to get you in a dad hoodie yet. yeah. >> tell you i'm i'm done with that part of my life. but i'll take the hoodie and put something else in it. i'll put my yeti over there with my water in the hoodie. >> happy father's day, friend. >> thank you. yeah. don't forget your dads out there, okay? take care of them. father's day and all of these items are shoppable on our website. lorie b, thank you so much for making a lot of dads happy. and coming up, our guy marlon wayans is here live this week. >> where's the best place to start your day? good morning
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america with selena, steve and martin plus travis kelce. and you know he has a lot to talk about this week on good morning america. he said i live dream. >> but an argument. against the dream. >> star wars the acolyte two episode premiere tomorrow. here's the nba finals. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. good. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. let's see what traffic is doing this morning. hi, reggie. >> we are keeping our eyes on a three car crash. this is over in mountain view and northbound 101 before ellis street. you can see speeds down to about 42mph. that crash has been moved to the right shoulder. this is in the commute direction, so expect delays from matilda avenue.
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reggie, back to you. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma for a look at your forecast. when we come back. flex alert a power outage is looming. >> that's just alert. he's always getting worked up about something. >> flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way, we always know when to help. stop one. >> okay, flex. just drop some knowledge on me again, okay? >> i will, i'll turn our thermostat to 78. i'll unplug the blender, the hair dryer, my blankie. >> yeah. let's talk about it. no, we can save the laundry till the morning. oh, yes. >> please. oh, little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages with flex alerts. the power is ours. learn more at power is ours .org. >> is it possible to be more capable and more practical? be able to perform here and here. >> make a statement while barely making a sound and command the road as well as what lies ahead. >> how do we get there? >> matters.
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>> get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? where you need them. that's wall to wall wi-fi with xfinity. >> hey. bay area live with kelly and marcus. >> coming up, we'll chat with leslie odom jr. plus, eric dane from bad boys. ryder dye is here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you very shortly. here's a look at the exploratorium camera. you can see it is very cloudy out there as we watch a cold front move through. over the next 24 hours, temperatures were mainly in the 60s. also feels a little muggy
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out there as well. some increased humidity along with that increased cloud cover. get used to the partly sunny skies. those clouds are going to hang with us all day long today is going to be the coolest day all week. you can see 65 the high in the city, 70 in oakland, 76 in san jose, about 79 in concord, 80 in santa rosa. but our first heat wave arrives here tomorrow. heat advisories and excessive heat warnings will last through thursday. reggie kumasi thanks to another abc7 news update in aboutupdate in about 30 minutes, you can always catch us >> our next guest is an actor writer producer director and comedian. what can't he do? he's from one of the most talented families in hollywood. now he has a new standup special coming up called marlon wayans
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good grief. >> thank you. i appreciate it. that's a lot of titles. i'm just trying to make money like you, mike. that's all. you know what i mean? [ laughter ] let's talk about the money, man. >> michael: we want to talk about you. >> you are wearing green. that's money mint green. you got the socks with the match. look, i ain't got no socks. i can't afford socks. that's why i got so many titles. you look good, mike. >> michael: thank you. >> i noticed you slimmed down since your playing days. i often sit there when i see you out. i'm just like, i can take him. [ laughter ] you and tedy bruschi. i will like, i can take him, too. >> michael: i'm still mean when i gotta be. let's talk about you. let's talk about "good grief" your new special. it's about your own personal journey, navigating a lot of things you've gone on, dealing with grief. you use comedy to get through it.
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how does that work out for you? >> figure out why pay a therapist $250 an hour when i can have the audience come see me and they pay me and i cry on stage and give them -- i cry more on stage than i do in my therapy sessions. my therapy should pay me. i'm helping him out. what is going on with your life? but for me, humor has always been my saving grace. my mother told me you take your broken heart and turn it into art. that's what i do. i feel like everybody needs a smile. we have all been through so much in the past four years with quarantine, all this, depression is real. we are, as a society, you got social media, got wars going on. there's so much depression. i rescue myself every day with laughter. so i learn to laugh at everything especially my pain. >> robin: how has your comedy evolved as you have matured? >> i think it's better because, you know, before you talk about the world.
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talk about pop culture, hip hop. those are easy things. you get good when you start talking the about your pain. when you start talking about you. when you start talking about the things that hurt you. start talking about the tragedies in your life. and say, what's funny about the worst thing that ever happened to me? then it becomes good because it's about you. >> george: let's see you in action. >> robin: wow! >> i said mama, you made five millionaires and you only made one crack head. i said, woman, your crack head to millionaire ratio is unparalleled for a black woman in america! [ laughter ] >> michael: there we go. >> you got to watch the special for that. >> michael: doesn't it get uncomfortable talking about this stuff in front of so many people? >> no. i swear to you, i don't know why, but on the stage, i'm my most vulnerable. i cry more on stage.
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literally, i remember i performed. i was in -- 15 minute before i performed, my dad died. i had two shows. flat bush. i was working out material. and my dad died. i did my hour and a half on the stage. it was hilarious. got standing ovation. then i just broke down and cried and told the audience what happened. it's funny because when you allow yourself to be vulnerable like that, the support you get from your fans, i don't think even us as celebrities, we don't realize how you feel the energy and the support and the love and the hugs. and they're rooting for you. that energy helps you. it helped me stand up and walk off the stage and be able to do it again, you know? >> george: you shot it at the apollo theater? >> my mother and father grew up in harlem. that's where they fell in love. my mother performed at the apollo with her sisters. they won three times before sand man dragged their ass off.
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[ laughter ] that was okay the first time, little girls. get off. so now that was a very special place. i'm happy that i'm finally, i'm putting this special out. it was my sendoff to my parents. now i can move on with other things, other things in my life. i know they're with me. now i have wings. >> robin: all that you've been through in recent years. but you grew up with this special. >> i'm still here. look at us, girl? look at us. sitting there going, how do they look so young? [ laughter ] you're rubbing off on me, man. i love it. >> robin: you say -- i hope so. you will be dropping a special, one a year. >> one a year. >> robin: what's the next one, next subject? >> i'm not gonna say what it is, but i'm gonna embark on a tour.
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it's called skittles. i thought this was my best work. this is even better and more personal. i think it's life and life's transitions. >> robin: good tease. that's a good tease. >> michael: great tease. your family, all funny, all comedians, all harsh critics. have they seen it? what do they think? >> they crazy. [ laughter ] they are all different. keenan gave me advice. it's all come together. i showed it to him. i'm like, yeah, it's gonna come out on amazon. he goes, i got some notes for you. it's too late! [ laughter ] damon goes, you know, as a comedian i thought it was funny. you had good moments. i said, well, did you laugh? i smirked. [ laughter ] what? >> you're getting better. >> michael: smirks from them and notes means everybody's gonna
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love it. we love having you here. always good. can i get a loan now? >> i get some socks and a tower tie, brother, and a mint shirt, then i'll lend you some money. [ laughter ] michael is the hardest working man in show business. >> michael: we got to tease your program. >> sorry. >> michael: enough about me. we got you, man. it's all about you. marlon wayans "good grief" premieres tomorrow on prime video. >> can i borrow some socks? >> michael: i got you. coming up jodie turner smith talking about her new star wars show. we'll be right back. show. we'll be right
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livin' large!
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>> robin: we are back with one of the brightest new stars to join the star wars universe, you know jodie turner-smith from queen and slim and white boys. now she's in the acolyte. jodie, so wonderful. you're a show stopper. i gotta say that. >> thank you. >> robin: oh my gosh. were you a fan of star wars growing up? >> star wars was such of the huge part of the culture back then. i had a heavy awareness of it as a child but i didn't really get into it until i got older. i wasn't as into it as i am now. >> michael: definitely one of the biggest franchises in history.
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how do you prepare for something you know is so legendary? >> well, i feel like there's no real way to prepare yourself for something that feels so much bigger than you are. it means so much to so many people and you really feel that. i was definitely nervous about it, you know? people take it really personally, if it's not what they wanted it to be. i had the advantage of playing a character that hadn't been portrayed yet. it wasn't existing. i got to originate a character. that made it kinder for me. no one has anything to compare it to. >> michael: and the trailer -- speaking of your character. your character says in the trailer, this isn't about good or bad, this is about power and who is allowed to use it. how does your character use her power? [ laughter ] >> robin: that laugh.
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>> michael: i'm like, whoa. >> do you know what? obviously, without getting into details. you know, she uses her power to protect. she is protecting her community, her family. that's the main thing, her objective. she's got some other things going on, too. really, i think, that power, she's wielding it order to protect her kind and their way of life. >> george: let's give everybody a look at the clip. >> don't be afraid, oshi. >> ascension is about walking through fear. it is about sacrificing part of yourself. the power of many instead of the power of one. you think you want something different than life in this covet but it is because you are young. >> george: you also have a young daughter at home.
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what did she think of the trailer? >> okay, look. listen, in my defense, my daughter, any time i'm doing anything, she loves movies. she's like, even from when she was much younger, she will sit there watching something. so when the trailer, you know, when they sent it to me i was like, i need to watch this immediately on the television, on the biggest screen i have available to me. i put it on. i was with my daughter. i was so excited, look, it's mummy. she loves this little star wars cartoon. it's mummy. she was like, scary! i was like, oh. [ laughter ] i was like, oh, sorry. there's a lot of light sabres going off. i was like, wow, okay. i was so excited, i wanted to see it. when i saw it, i was so excited. i have never been so excited to watch myself in something. >> robin: really? >> yes. i literally, when i saw the
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trailer for the first time, i jumped in the air. i was like zendaya. come on! [ laughter ] i was so excited. so thrilled. >> robin: we hope that you always have that feeling, always. remember that. remember that feeling. you are a delight. star wars the acolyte series launches tomorrow. the first two episodes exclusively -- are you ready, michael? you keep checking in on this. on disney +. okay? now ginger. >> ginger: your key west had their warmest spring on record. more where that came all the way back up the pacific northwest. let's get a check now closer to home.
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>> michael: it's june and we're kicking off our pride coverage with gma out loud. this morning it's all about ballroom culture and how it's helping people find communities on and off the dance floor. morgan norwood is back with the story. hey, morgan. >> have you heard this term? you know how to hit it. all right. somebody remembers some '90s song. the moves start back to decades earlier. it all started as a culture of resistance against hate. now it is a global genre that continues to thrive. from madonna's "vogue." ♪ to beyonce "renaissance" the ballroom scene has permeated pop culture for decades. kevin is a drag icon and was featured on beyonce album. paying homage to ballrooms
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radical freedom of expression and the houses that fostered a sense of belonging. >> a house is another form of a family that you are asked to be in or you create yourself. ♪ >> reporter: credited for paving the way for ballroom culture in the '60s was crystal, a black transgender woman and founder of the house of labega. featured in the iconic 1990 documentary paris is burning. fast forward to now, there's a new era of ballroom which is enjoying a renaissance of its own. meet the haus of silk. and the haus of zara. ♪ duking it out at the lgbt center in new york city. >> they come from many tough backgrounds. that's the glue that brought them to ballroom. >> reporter: showing us how it goes down inside the electrifying vibrant chosen family of art and fashion.
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of course, dance. >> it's a camaraderie. it's a collection of people getting together and celebrating each other. it's really incredible to see. creativity. >> reporter: the first category dance. [ applause ] next best runway. you better work it. ♪ and finally performance. there's usually just one winner but we're all winners, baby. >> it has to feel pretty special for queer communities of color to see their community and their expression of community really being embraced to know that you are really the people who are shaping culture.
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>> ballroom is more than just a competition. it is artistic expression that even today is woven into mainstream culture, from makeup, hair, even some common day slang. if you ever heard the words and said them, fierce, work, slay? that all stems from ballroom. one thing's for certain, michael, its legacy is here to stay. >> michael: great job. you slayed it. thank you. coming up ashley graham is here with her new children's book "a kids book about beauty." we'll be right back. there you go.
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it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> ginger: we are back with supermodel and mom ashley graham. she is out with her debut book "a kids book about beauty." welcome. we are so happy to see you again. >> thank you. >> ginger: we were just saying we are both boy moms. this is a book you wrote. it was for your 9-year-old self. >> i did dedicate a kids book about beauty to my 9-year-old self.
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i remember being 9 and thinking back to what i imagined my hair should look like or not having cellulite. oh my god cellulite, back fat. rolls, tummy. i want that 9-year-old girl, who is looking at herself in the mirror, to know that that's okay. it's your body. it's strong. it's the one you were given. embrace it, love it, cherish it. all the things i didn't do, i want her to remember to do it. that's what this book reminds her to do. and him, too. >> ginger: him, too, right. it's for everybody. the identity from that age is very important. but this is for adults, too. >> it is. it's very important. as i was coming up with the concept of what i really wanted the book to embrace, it went back to affirmation. so what my mom taught me growing up was just speaking well of yourself. that's why i say this book is for adults as well. what my mom instilled in me is that she never spoke bad about herself in front of me and my
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sisters. i will always do that in front of my boys. i will always speak kind words in front of my boys. when you say one bad thing about yourself in front of your kids, they soak it up. they know they are a product of you. they internalize that whenever you say something bad about yourself. that's really all what this book is challenging adults to do, to speak well of yourself. imagine that? >> ginger: right. that that's okay. in society, we were not trained that way. >> no. >> ginger: you have affirmations that you do. can you share those with us? i think everybody doesn't realize how simple it can be. >> yes, it can be. i think affirmations are always evolving. the ones that i started with when i first realized how powerful my words were is, i am bold, brilliant and beautiful. i am bold because i was walking into a whole industry that didn't understand who i was. i am brilliant because i was
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diagnosed with add and dyslexia at a young age. i needed to remember that i was smart enough to perform the way i wanted to. i am beautiful because i was breaking down norms of society's idea of what beautiful is. that's where i started. they have evolved and changed. each day my affirmations are a littedle different. that's the whole point of it. whatever is coming out of your mouth is what will be your reality. it's not weird, hokie. this is just the reality of what it is. i think that it's important that we just watch our words especially around our kids. >> ginger: we give them the language that they use for themselves. >> there you go, mama. >> ginger: thank you very much, ashley. so beautiful to have you here. i can't wait. going to show my boys the book. perfect age for it. not that there's a perfect age for it. a kids book about beauty is out tomorrow. we'll be right back.
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and when the bodies aligned, we can reduce the risk of injury and chronic pain. >> yo what's up everybody? how y'all doing? kev >> kev, can i get a response to the trade rumors? >> trader trades means moving, man. we talking about moving? moving means contractors, inspectors, strangers. judging my carpet. what are we talking about? staging. we're talking about a faux ficus. a faux
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ficus? nobody's going to be a faux ficus into my house. you could use open door. >> sell your house directly to them. it's easy. >> i guess we're moving. kev? kev, what you going to ask me about next, man? practice >> it's like playing a video game, but in real life, yes. >> when we bring a truckload of magic to your house, that magic is yours to keep. big open rooms without clutter and that feeling of fresh air. freedom. call one 800. got junk >> and before we go, we want to say thank you and happy retirement to andy lawrence. you see him right there. gma's london based cameraman retiring after 50 years in the business. his first assignment was charles and diana's royal wedding. he has been there for interviews with heads of state, sports stars, royal families. andy, you will be missed. thank you for everything we give you our best. >> yes we do 50 years. thank you so much sunshine. yes, without a doubt. thank you guys for watching. have a great day. >> before history is etched in
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silver, it's carved in ice. what happens next will last forever. the stanley cup final begins saturday on. locked down. >> but i won't take no show up. and i'm in the zone. can't get high till you bend down low. >> heavyweight champ i can hold my own. are you ready? >> are you ready? are you ready? let's go. ready? are you ready? are you ready? are you ready? let's go. >> what's the quickest, easiest, most affordable way to transform every room in your home? if you have old, ugly or cheap, hollow interior doors, one day doors and closets can replace them in just a few hours. with absolutely no messy construction at your home, something's not right. >> when your doors aren't nice, a nice interior door just elevates the house. >> and right now, with one day
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or changes. taking ozempic with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type two diabetes. >> ask about the power of three with ozempic, the tony award winning best play comes to san francisco. >> the lehman trilogy is a masterpiece. so epic, so thrilling it surpasses all praise. limited run begins may 25th at the american conservatory theater. you dare not miss it? >> always live abc7 news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's amanda with traffic. >> yeah, let's go to pleasanton. southbound 680 after snow boulevard. there was a semi truck crash. it is blocking the two left lanes. only one lane is getting through at this moment. traffic is backed up from stoneridge drive. use foothill road to get around. you can see speeds are down to seven and ten miles per hour. good morning. >> drew. hi, amanda to san jose. it is cloudy out there. it's
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also humid. you may feel that mugginess. it's all associated with a cold front that is slowly moving through here, bringing the cloud cover. also bringing temperatures mainly in the 60s and low 70s this morning. today is going to be a partly sunny day. we have a lot of cloud cover temperatures are slightly below average, so you can see a lot of 60s and 70s for daytime highs later on today. but prepare yourself for first heat wave of the year arrives tomorrow. this will last through thursday. >> thanks, drew. time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you againin on the air on the ar midday. today, stage and screen scar, leslie odom jr. plus, from the new film "bad boys: ride or die," eric dane. also, right here in the the scripps national spelling


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