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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  June 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! she asked me, why did the big white dog hurt me? i absolutely broke my heart because it didn't do anything wrong and he didn't understand. he's just an innocent little boy. >> tonight, parents of a four year old are speaking out after their son was attacked by a dog in the middle of a san francisco sidewalk. and the worst part, the most shocking part is that
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the dog's owners simply just walked away. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. >> now, the parents are hoping those dog owners come forward. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena spoke with the boy's mother, who says her son is traumatized by the attack that sent him to the hospital. >> it was unprovoked and unexpected. these are the seconds leading up to a four year old getting attacked by a dog while walking home with his nanny in san francisco, all in a sudden appeared out of nowhere, charged towards him, chased him and pinned him down and bit him really viciously. the nanny called the mom frantically as the four year old screamed and bled on the sidewalk. the dog owners can be seen blocking their unleashed dog from continuing to attack the boy as they tried to get the dog under control. the nanny says the couple went back to their table to finish their meal. didn't apologize, and didn't leave their contact info.
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>> yeah, i couldn't believe this happened to my son and was shocked and i was heartbroken and i wish it happened to me instead of him. >> it's been almost two weeks since the attack. the family wants to keep their identity private but decided to speak out, hoping to find the couple in the video. what's your message to the dog owners? >> this just cannot happen again. >> like it's not acceptable and these people need to be held accountable. >> a day after the attack, this mom went back to the area, searching for answers. finding the surveillance video, she turned to police. >> when i filed a police report, we didn't have anything, any information on the owner and i think they made it clear to not have high expectation with the investigation, an sfpd said the attack is being investigated by the vicious and dangerous dog unit dogs that are that confident to chase run up to and bite without any provocation whatsoever are dogs that have
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aggressive propensities and have demonstrated them in the past. >> usually the executive director of the san francisco animal care and control described the couple's actions as illegal. >> we have a leash law in this city, the dog should have been on a leash. second, the owners of the dog are legally obligated to give the victim or in this case, the nanny contact information name, phone number, address. that's the law you have to give that information up. >> if the dog owners are found, the city will decide the dog's fate. in the meantime, this mom is hoping her efforts will protect others as she tries to explain this to her son, he asked me why did a big white dog hurt me? >> and he absolutely broke my heart because he didn't do anything wrong in san francisco. >> luz pena, abc seven news in san francisco's union square, mayor london breed talked about her plan to draw more money businesses and people to the struggling area. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn was there for the
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mayor's announcement, and joins us live in the newsroom with the details. suzanne umma, mayor breed says she wants to set aside millions of dollars from her new budget to help boost business along. powell street in union square and yerba buena district. now, the mayor says even more money can help revitalize the broader downtown area if voters approve her november bond measure. >> we are back, folks. we're not coming back. >> we are back. >> san francisco mayor london breed says there are some exciting changes in store for union square and the yerba buena district. the areas have been hit hard by vacancies and retail store closures as part of her budget, the mayor says the city will invest $15 million. my budget investments include more activation, more nightlife downtown, more opportunities to turn areas of downtown and entertainment zones. >> the vacant, a vibrant program in downtown san francisco, where property owners offer the space and free rent to pop up businesses for several months. >> the mayor wants to expand
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that. we're going to be doing more of that along powell street and making more and more investments. >> we are really excited in the investments that the city is making to support this, to try to revitalize this, just even these three city blocks. >> the mayor also wants to make holiday plaza a destination. >> i introduced a bond that will be before the voters in november that will provide $50 million to invest in holiday plaza to make it more of an attractive destination. support this bond. >> imagine housing above holiday plaza, imagine music, hear. >> the mayor also wants to expand cultural experiences like night markets, and bring a mixture of art, culture and commerce into union square and yerba buena district. >> so we know that we have the cultural cachet to help turn some parts of soma downtown into the next cultural attraction for san francisco. so with these investments, the mayor breed is
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going to be giving to the filipino community. we want the world to start to think about soma pilipinas on the same vein as japantown and chinatown. when you come to san francisco. >> finally, mayor breed is talking about free parking on weekends, maybe even on some weekdays at various parking garages like ellis o'farrell. free parking is something this san francisco resident supports. >> yes, it's difficult to park here and it is expensive, so i think that would help. >> and the mayor hopes that things like free parking pop ups , even investing in a filipino cultural zone could help revitalize san francisco, supporters say it might even help bring new life to emporium center mall. that's all hinging on the san francisco city budget being passed. now, some of those changes could start this year live in the newsroom. suzanne fan abc seven news. >> all right, suzanne, thanks very much. commuter confusion today in the east bay, smoke billowed from the caldecott tunnel when a pickup truck inside the left bore went up in flames just before 10:00 this morning. the chp says the fire
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was inside, bore two, and it backed up traffic on 24. drivers were forced to turn around as a result. no one was injured. the border was closed for just under three hours. no word yet on what caused the ford f-150 to catch fire. >> we're learning more today about that eight alarm fire that destroyed a building in unincorporated redwood city. today we're hearing from the developers, abc seven news reporter zach fuentes also spoke with neighbors. finally able to return to their homes, a frightening eight alarm fire tore through this building monday. >> that building considered a total loss high wind, not only made it a difficult firefight, it also led to separate spot fires. now, i want to give you an idea as to just how far some of the embers traveled from this fire. this is obviously the building behind me. the wind carried some embers as far away as this field right here, where right now you can still see scarring and debris from the fire. on monday, neighbors and fire officials telling us some of those embers traveled even farther than this. we had debris all the way down into palo alto.
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>> i'm hearing this morning, which is amazing. >> still, that fire was most dangerous to those who lived right next to it. >> when i evacuated the flames were already over and the heat was so intense and embers falling. i was i was for sure like, we're going to lose the house. >> james and michelle smith finally able to go back into their home tuesday morning after an overnight evacuation. michelle telling us that they moved fast to protect their home. he ran out with a the water hose and he started just basically watering our backyard and our neighbor's yard, their house. thankfully spared, though the backyard is torn apart, the downed fence revealing more of the extensive damage done to the building. >> we are currently under investigation for the cause of that fire. >> the affordable housing project was planned to have 179 units. it was a joint effort by san mateo county and mercy housing. tuesday we heard from the contractor on the project, roberts obayashi. it said in a statement. we are devastated that building b 104 of the units
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was destroyed by fire down to the podium slab. the fire started on the fifth floor and workers attempted to put the fire out with nearby fire extinguishers, but it grew too quickly and within three hours the entire building was gone. the statement went on to say that no hot work was being done on the site, and they too are waiting to find out the cause. mercy housing said that it's fully committed to rebuilding fire. crews continue to monitor hot spots more than 24 hours after the fire was contained, and said they'd stay in place for as long as needed. in san mateo county, zach fuentes, abc seven news all right, let's give you a live look outside. >> and the heat has officially arrived in the bay area. the details on that. let's go to abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel. very steamy in some spots. sandy. yeah. >> bay area is baking in the heat inland at least. and let me show you those temperatures right now it is close to 100 degrees in brentwood. >> 87 in san jose, 76 in oakland, 72. in the city. as we look at the north bay, 101 in fairfield, 97 degrees in santa rosa. heat advisory remains up
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the area, shaded in orange. all inland areas, until midnight thursday. we do have that excessive heat warning for solano county until 8 p.m. thursday, so the risk of heat illnesses is elevated and significantly in that excessive heat warning area and also parts of the inland valleys. now we look at a live picture from santa cruz camera. it is so beautiful and you may want to go there to escape the heat, but keep in mind that we do have some beach hazards to talk about . tomorrow morning at 8:00 until midnight friday a rough northwesterly swell heading in our direction. breakers of 15 to 20ft, bringing the risk of rip currents. so be careful out there. i'll be back to let you know how long this hot weather is going to stick around. ummah. all right. >> thank you so much, sandhya. a man allegedly connected to the fatal shooting of an armored truck guard is now in custody. police say 28 year old artemio torres drove the car used in the robbery and shooting of 60 year-old john mendez at kaiser hospital in san leandro in
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september of 2022. >> authorities in southern california arrested torres last week. he faces felony robbery charges. the man accused of killing mendez was arrested back in october of 2022. >> he reportedly worked with mendez and was familiar with his route. >> san jose police say they've arrested dozens of people accused of sex crimes over the last five years. these arrests came as part of the department's annual warrant sweep. police say they arrested 46 suspects with outstanding warrants from february through april. they're all accused of sex crimes ranging from misdemeanors to felony sexual assault of a minor . >> a lot of these sexual assault survivors, obviously, are going through a lot of trauma, dealing with trauma. and so the healing process will be a lengthy one. so hopefully with our detectives work with the sexual assaults investigative unit, they will have some closure and peace of mind. >> the 46 arrests announced today are more than double the number of arrests they made in last year's warrant sweep. >> the government just rested its case after four days of
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testimony and david depapes, state criminal trial for the attack on paul pelosi, the defense will begin arguments on friday. >> abc7 news reporter stephanie sierra was there today and has the latest from the courtroom. >> a jury of seven men and five women listened to a revoice transcript of david depape being questioned during his federal trial. in the transcript, an admission of the many targets the 44 year old had on his so-called hit list after his planned kidnaping of then-house speaker nancy pelosi. some on that list included adam schiff, mike pence, bernie sanders, hunter biden, gavin newsom and george soros. cross examination from the defense revealed an article was found in the pabst garage titled is george soros carrying all the work of hitler? it also detailed his online history leading up to the attack, which included searches of brutal crime scenes, including the grisliest crime scene photos from 1920 new york city legal expert adam gassner
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weighs in. >> i mean, the facts are actually pretty clear. so i think that they they really need to have something that a juror can hang their hat on. >> testimony also included depapes admission that he planned to use nancy pelosi to lure his target, won a university of michigan professor who he falsely believed was, quote, turning schools into molestation factories. it also revealed depape did extensive research on nancy pelosi using sites like spokeo, and admitted to an sfpd lieutenant that he would break the house speaker's kneecaps, to, quote, teach her a lesson so she would be wheeled into congress, adding there is a consequence to being the most evil thing on the planet. gassner says despite the extraordinary amount of evidence, it's unlikely to. papp will get life in prison if convicted. >> in all likelihood, if you were to receive a sentence in this state case, it would be consecutive or on top of the 30 years he's already received the judge allowed jurors to ask questions. >> today, one of which asked
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about the atm receipt depape had for $7,000 worth of supplies he purchased leading up to the attack. for the i-team. stephanie sierra, abc seven news. >> coming up, they're calling it a new chapter of baseball, beginning today in oakland. we're going to take you live to raymond park as the ballers get ready for their home opener. abc seven news at
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ballers. yeah. tonight they make their highly anticipated home debut at their newly renovated richmond park. >> but the excitement is already building. abc seven news sports anchor casey pratt is there and joins us live. hey, casey. >> yeah, dan and ama. could you believe that? in march, they started construction on this
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ballpark? at the time, the field wasn't even playable for little leaguers. now they're going to have 4100 people here packed, chanting let's go, oakland at first pitch around 630 tonight. and just check out this transformation here. the first image there on the left is the picture of the park in march when they started working on this field. and then on the right is today captured by sky seven. it's an unbelievable scene out here. people are still running around getting everything done. i'm joined by austin davis, now one of the outfielders for the oakland ballers. and austin, you're no stranger to history. you played in the first ever oakland ballers game. now you're going to play in the first ever game in oakland. so just how exciting is it to know you're about to play in front of your home fans for the first time? >> oh, i think it's very exciting. you know, we got the community of oakland to 5.10 is what they call it community oakland behind us. i think it's going to be exciting. it's going to be a lot of fun, and i hope we get the fans something to cheer for. >> you went five for six in your
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first ever ballers game. if i remember correctly, you've stolen nine bases, you're hitting 367. i know you didn't even want to know those stats because they're so good. i don't want to jinx you, but what do you have in store for tonight? what are you going to do for these people? >> i'm gonna put on a show. i'm gonna play my defense. i'm gonna let the bat do the rest. and god's gonna give me my ability to do what i do, and we're gonna ball out. >> yeah, i mean, how cool, though is it, though, really, to think about, like, you see some of these fans coming in right now to know that they put all this together in the span of about two months, and now you're about to be on that field. what's that mean for you? >> it just shows the dedication that oakland has and the support system that we have. so it means a lot that's coming from the heart because we have people come out here and volunteer for us, you know, not even pay to do it. they just came out to volunteer. so it just shows the heart that they put into this. so the only thing we can do is return the favor by balling out and do what we do. >> for sure. now, austin, i know you're from florida. it's not always this hot out here, i promise. it's blazing hot out here guys. i'm going to let austin go because he's got a game to play. and dan and i just think the atmosphere out here is it's exciting. you see the owners, the founders of the team
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running around trying to cobble together the last touches of this ballpark. i mean, it's coming down to the wire. they're still putting up lights. they were finishing the bullpen as the pitchers were arriving. but there will be a game here tonight. >> that is fantastic. tell austin thanks and good luck for us. we're glad to have him in town. that's great. what a nice guy. all right. thanks. thank you. >> coming up, temperatures heating up around the bay area. and is only the first day of this heat wave. we'll check back in with meteorologist sandhya patel for the
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waste buried beneath the grass that you're looking at. regulators are rejecting the city of berkeley's plan to test for dangerous chemicals. back in january, the city learned cesar chavez park near the berkeley marina, was built right on top of an industrial waste dump. it's possible cancer causing radiation and banned pesticides are down there somewhere. san francisco bay water board is giving the city less than a month to make a better plan to test the surface of the park for
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radioactivity. >> all right, let's get to our weather. because you could feel that heat up today. >> are you sure? >> could pushing 100 degrees in many spots. abc seven news meteorologist sanjay patel is here. sandy. >> yeah, and dan and anna, we've got double digit gains across parts of the bay area. look at these numbers. 24 hour change, up to 23 degrees warmer in novato, up 22. in fairfield, 21 livermore concord, 12 degrees warmer in san jose in oakland and 13 in san francisco. as we look from our east bay hills camera towards mount diablo. certainly blue skies right now close to 100 in santa rosa at this hour, 94 in napa, it's 102 in fairfield, in the upper 90s in concord. and livermore is at 94 degrees. sun is shining over the golden gate bridge. it is way more comfortable in the city. 72 degrees 76 in oakland, 80 hayward, san jose, redwood city, half moon bay, 68 degrees, as we had expected, didn't get out of the 60s there in half moon bay. high pressure in control of our weather brought
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us the rapid warm up today, and as we head into tomorrow, the heat risk will remain in that moderate to major category for parts of our inland areas. so keep that in mind, especially if you're particularly sensitive to heat. that's something that you'll want to take precautions for. sutro tower camera it's a little breezy out there tomorrow . hot inland again. fire danger remains elevated. beach hazards, rough surf and dangerous conditions expected. so if you are going to the coast, keep that in mind. and thursday and friday the heat is easing so we will get some relief, but not immediately. as you will notice, it's still going to be hot this evening in our inland areas. at 620 in the 90s, as we head into 825. still some warm weather inland 50s coast side though. and then we go into the 10:00 hour. we're going to retain some of that heat, which is why it is so taxing on the body, because you don't have enough time to cool off completely. and so as we head into tomorrow, you start off on the mild side and then really rapidly warming once again in our inland communities,
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getting up into the 90s and even some low one hundreds later on in the evening, we will hold to on that heat once again. so your morning temperatures beginning in the 50s to 70s, most areas will be clear, but there will be a few patches of fog that will try to develop along the coast. tomorrow afternoon, 93 degrees in san jose, 96 in gilroy, on the peninsula, you're looking at 84 in palo alto, 65 in pacifica, downtown san francisco, 73 degrees, so still above average. and in the north bay, 99 in santa rosa, 94 in vallejo, 91 in san rafael, heading into the east bay, a warm 182 oakland, 89, in fremont, inland areas, you'll be sizzling again 100 degrees in fairfield and 100 degrees in antioch as well. 98 in livermore. the accuweather seven day forecast bringing the heat once again to our inland areas tomorrow summer, like coast, will be in the mid 60s. the temperatures begin to moderate on thursday. we get out of the 100 seconds. we're in the
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90s and the break from the heat on friday is very noticeable. when you're in the 50s to 80s range. similar readings over the weekend. a slight bump up in the next week. we bring back that hot weather ama and dan will bring it up into the 90s again. >> all right. thanks, andy. well, still ahead, renaming a bay area intersection for martial arts legend bruce lee, the city leaders
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yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching. >> and intersection in oakland will soon be named in honor of martial arts icon bruce lee. it would come with a plaque as well at broadway and garnett street. the city council is taking up the resolution, and at its meeting today, lee opened up a martial arts school in oakland.
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in 1964. at that intersection, it's considered the birthplace of his martial art form, jeet kune do. lee's bay area roots are extensive. he was born and raised in san francisco. >> what an honor. all right, we have much more news ahead at 530 on abc seven, bay area streaming tv. >> and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel. all of us, we appreciate your time. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. we will see you again at 6:00 with join jr. right now on the stream at 530.
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