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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  June 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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five, now at five, a wildfire burning in the hills of wine country. well known vineyards threatened by the flames. firefighters working through 100 degree heat today. but the work done overnight and dru is tracking the conditions crews could see today. >> donald trump coming to town. the former president said to be greeted by protesters and supporters when he lands in san francisco later today. what we know about the high dollar fundraising event he is set to attend pro-palestinian demonstrators reach a boiling point at stanford. >> the damage done on campus that led to some students getting arrested and finding a way to fund the pandas. >> today's vote in san francisco that could help to pave the way or create a big roadblock. >> good morning to you. it is thursday, june 6th, to start the check of our forecast. >> yes, yesterday was the peak of our heat wave. today we start to feel that heat ease a bit in
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the afternoon outside this morning from sutro tower. all of our reporting stations show clear skies out there. it will be another sunny day, but temperatures not as warm as yesterday. yesterday our hottest cities hit about 102 104. today we're staying in the 90s and most of our warmest areas right now. temperatures are in the 50s and 60s, so it does certainly feel mild out there this morning. we continue to have that heat advisory in effect for one more day. today is the last day of above average temperatures. so we do have the increased risk of heat related illnesses. so we take a look at our inland temperatures today. it is warm, just not as hot as we have been the past couple of days. we'll have daytime highs going into the 90s around the bay shoreline. you will notice the cooler weather today. we're in the 70s and low 80s for afternoon temperatures and along the coast we will have bright conditions and highs upper 50s to the lower 60s. let's check in with amanda and see how that commute is going. >> yeah. good morning drew a look at drive times here. at the top of the hour you can see
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tracy to dublin. that's going to take you about 37 minutes, 17 minutes from san rafael to san francisco. and then a 13 minute drive to get from antioch to concord. and then a look at the commute on bart, caltrain and ace. nothing in your way this morning. back to you at the desk. >> thanks, amanda. this morning, the bay area back in the spotlight for the 2024 presidential race. the two leading campaigns making fundraising stops here in just two days. today, it is former president donald trump who will look to the bay area's wealthiest residents for a new infusion of cash. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is live in san francisco's pacific heights neighborhood, where today's fundraiser is going to happen. gloria >> a good morning, reggie. yesterday former president donald trump will be here in pacific heights as part of his fundraising tour. tech billionaire david sax and his wife are co-hosting the event here. and you know, even in deep blue san francisco, this could be a solid atm for republicans. on the other side, organizers behind the inflatable trump chicken are bringing the bird
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out for the former president's visit. this is video from 2018. we talked to one of the organizers who said that the group was inspired after former president trump was convicted of 34 felonies last week. >> we thought, hey, hey, we're in a unique position. >> we have a chicken that's really large and we have a prison shirt. i think it's time to bring it out. so i just actually today, because we're doing a test, inflation went down into the basement where it's being stored on a pallet to sort of take a look at it and see, does it have holes in it? has the shirt been covered in mold? and i'm happy to say it's ready to go. >> organizers of the anti-trump inflatables say they'll set sail with the bird from fisherman's wharf, passing by alcatraz and marina green and trump supporters plan to gather today at marina green, even though there is no official event scheduled for there today. live in san francisco, gloria rodriguez, abc seven news thank you, gloria.
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>> donald trump's visit to san francisco comes just a day after vice president kamala harris was here in the bay area. she made campaign fundraising stops in oakland and in san francisco, where she was met by protesters. we demand a cease fire. this demonstration was outside of an event in the mission district yesterday. protesters voiced their opposition to the biden administration's support for israel and its war with hamas, hoping that more and more people each day will realize that it is not only unacceptable and will be met with disruption. >> when you support and try to fund, raise for an administration facilitating a genocide. but you're also on the wrong side of history. >> both events, attended by vice president harris, were private. she didn't take, did not make any public statements. media was not allowed inside in the north bay, cal fire crews worked all night on a fire that burned close to some well known napa county vineyards. >> this is the first significant fire in wine country this year. and amanda, it's also near the
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burn scar from the 2020 glass fire. >> yeah, reggie, the crystal fire has burned 60 acres and is 65% contained. it started around 145 yesterday afternoon during the bay area's heat wave. crews battling the flames faced temperatures of more than 100 degrees. five firefighters had to get medical attention. four of them were taken to the hospital. cal fire says the heat, combined with the steep terrain, made the fire fight difficult. but one napa county resident says she saw a wall of flames heading in her direction. she got in her car and went to pick up. her parents, who live nearby, drove up the hill to get them and then called the neighbors that live up there and then stopped by another neighbor that i knew was home that i don't have their number just to say, get out now. >> everything's drying out. we started to see the end of may in the north bay at least hear that fire activity really start to pick up now. >> crews were able to make fast progress yesterday and forward progress was stopped last night. overnight, cal fire said crews
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would focus on expanding their containment lines around the fire. the cause of the fire is under investigation. kumasi back to you. >> thank you. amanda. developing news investigators in san francisco are working to find the person who vandalized city hall. mayor london breed says she was a target of racist and sexist graffiti. this is not unfamiliar year to me. >> i do deal with this every day, whether it's, you know, things that have said on social media as well as emails that i receive that describe me as exactly what was on this wall or even in front of my own home. >> the mayor says employees found the graffiti yesterday morning. the department of public works was quick to respond as well as the sheriff's office. sfpd says they do have surveillance video of this event . san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins taking an innovative approach to prevent crime. last night, jenkins announced the new access to hope initiative. this fellowship offers young people mentorship and resources for career and professional
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development. jenkins says her office has seen a rise, particularly in juvenile victims, in this past year, and she is placing some of the blame on the drug crisis that's plagued the city. >> my goal is to hopefully empower our our young adults and our youth to never have to come in contact with this system, not as a victim and not as a perpetrator. >> the initiatives include. the initiative includes a partnership with the sojourn project. it takes students to the deep south to learn about some of the key moments in people in the civil rights movement. access to hope is open to anyone between the ages of 14 and 24. you can apply on the district attorney's website. >> happening today a crucial vote on san francisco's effort to bring a pair of pandas to san francisco zoo. the board will take on whether to allow private groups to fund this project. this vote comes after supervisors voted down mayor london breed's public fundraising plan. the zoo is going to need some significant
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upgrades in order to host the pandas. the mayor made a deal with china in april, but not everyone is thrilled about the pandas coming here. a group is planning a protest because it says the zoo is, quote, crumbling and has other issues. >> 507 on the accuweather forecast this morning, we'll take you to san jose with a live look outside. we do have clear skies once again, a current temperature of 63 degrees in san jose with a light wind. the 24 hour temperature change is really telling the story. today we're starting off cooler in most areas compared to this time yesterday and today, we'll start to feel that heat begin to ease in the afternoon. yesterday was certainly the hottest day with our heat wave. we had temperatures well above 100 degrees in many cities inland. today we're getting those temperatures more. in the 80s and 90s for daytime highs. you look at highs versus average. today we'll go to about 93 in livermore, which is 13 degrees above average. we're about ten degrees above average in concord. but yesterday concord we hit 102 for a daytime high. so we're about ten degrees
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cooler today, 89 in san jose and 94 in santa rosa. about 11 to 14 degrees above average for this time of the year. so here's future weather. we have clear skies out there this morning by 9 a.m. we're in the 60s and 70s. here's your lunch time temperatures. you'll notice around the bay shoreline. it doesn't feel quite as warm as yesterday, but inland we will go back into the 90s for daytime high. so today it's the final day of our heat wave, 77, in oakland. but 97 in antioch. we'll go to 89 in san jose, 85 in napa. but a warm 94 in santa rosa. it is cool across the city today, a high of only 68 degrees. we still have our beach hazard statement along our entire coastline through this evening. breakers possible up to 20ft with the risk of sneaker waves coming up. we'll preview that all important weekend forecast. reggie, in just a few minutes. thanks >> true. today marks 80 years since d-day, a pivotal moment during world war two. still ahead, how president biden is commemorating that anniversary. >> a former employee suing meta. why he claims the social media giant's content filters are biased.
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>> one teenager's dreams of being a drag queen played out on stage. we hear from some of the stars of everybody's talking about ja stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation.
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forms. engineer faris hamad said that he was assigned to review instagram content filters related to the wars in gaza and ukraine. he claims the company wrongfully terminated him after he raised concerns about metas bias against pro palestinian speech. meta says hamad violated company data access policies, which called for immediate termination on. we've been closely following the student protests and demonstrations at college campuses across the country. at stanford, 13 current and former students were arrested, taken to jail after taking over the school presidents office. officials claim the building sustained extensive damage, including inflammatory graffiti on the walls. they say protesters shoved and injured a public safety officer. yesterday, demonstrators rallied outside
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the jail, calling for the release of those arrested while back on campus. others blasted the university for removing their pro-palestinian encampment . >> i think that it's cowardly. they're retaliating against the entire encampment, even though they already arrested the students. so obviously it's a retaliatory action. >> the university issued a statement saying they're appalled by the actions of the group, adding that if any of the students arrested were seniors, they won't be allowed to graduate. >> today, the state supreme court is expected to deliver its decision on housing at people's park in berkeley and amanda. the ruling will likely end a years long battle over that area. yeah, kumasi. >> it has been a three years long legal battle that led to protests at the park. earlier this year, university of california regents are accused of violating the california environmental quality act, which plans to build student housing and low income housing on people's park now. in april, the state supreme court made it clear the $312 million project
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will get the approval it needs. it would accommodate about 1100 students and more than 100 unhoused people who had been camping at the park. people who oppose the project want to preserve the park as a site for political activism. the park has been closed since early january. shipping containers have been blocking it, and surveillance cameras surround the park. back to you, reggie. >> thanks, amanda. new developments. the world health organization confirms the first death related to bird flu happened in mexico. it's the first human case of the h5 n2 strain of bird flu. this strain is different than the strain currently circulating in livestock in the us, which infected three dairy workers, the w.h.o. says. the mexico patient was a 59 year old with no history of exposure to poultry or other or other animals. the source of the person's infection is unknown. >> the marine mammal center, investigating a dead gray whale that washed ashore in richmond. the center shared a video before
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it was taken to angel island state park. this whale is a female. it's about 30ft long. it was first spotted in the bay on monday. this is the second dead gray whale in the bay area that the center has responded to this year. back in april, a 40 foot whale washed at crown beach in alameda. scientists determined it likely died from injuries. it suffered when a ship hit it. ship strikes are the leading cause of death for whales, according to noaa. those earthquake alerts that we get on our cell phones are getting better. the u.s. geological survey says the shakealert system will now use gps data science ists say incorporating satellite data and using 1500 seismic sensors will give people more opportunity to drop, cover and hold on. these sensors measure how far the earth has moved, either up, down or left and right, and tells us how fast the ground is moving. i think it's very exciting because it's bringing in a whole new kind of observation that we didn't have
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available in the system before, and improving its functionality for the very large earthquakes that eventually we will encounter. the shake alert app sends alerts to people via a cell phone app. you can sign up for that one by going to site that is on your screen there. shake well, the question is, are you ready? if an earthquake were to hit, you need a kit. you need to make a plan and you need to be informed. and if you need help with any of that, you can go to abc7 norcal. >> now let's talk about our show running in san francisco for the next few weeks. everybody's talking about jamie. it's a musical based on the real life teenager in england who dreamed of becoming a drag queen. he has to overcome a lot of things that our community faces every day discrimination, bullying. i spoke to some of the cast members about the play, including the drag queen that mentors jamie in the musical. she even helped me into a pair of high heels. >> take a look at 16 years old, he decided to come out as a drag
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queen. he made it happen. he went and found a producer, got his story told, and that that story inspired the musical. phenomenal that is. everybody's talking about jamie and katya. >> let's face it, it's your story. >> it is. you know, you know, once upon a time, there was a boy that did everything ten times faster and ten times louder than everybody else. and he was fearless and terrified and a genius and an idiot and a star and yes, i am talking about myself, but i'm also talking about about the star of our our show romelo, who is a generationally gifted talent. i feel like every night we're up there on that stage, we are watching a young barbra streisand, in bigger heels, in stilettos, flopping around and finding herself. it's absolutely magical. >> so then i was, subjected to volunteered, i volunteered, i
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haven't actually worn heels before, so it was okay. >> you did well. >> you know what? >> for your first time, i was worried about twisting an ankle. >> but look at her go. >> they told you that you had strong ankles. >> they complimented your strength. that was, that was like the timothy with the feather in dumbo. that's what i needed when i. when i spun. have we. have they shown that yet? >> friend, when you hit that spin. yeah. i said okay. >> i don't know if we saw it, but i did spin around and i didn't fall. no. >> and they said, well, it's all about the balls of your feet. yeah. keeping it nice and stable. will we see you in some heels in pride? >> i don't know, no. >> okay, i don't know. >> no, i just thought about it and. no funny quiet is enough with your with the flats on. >> honestly, the way you gallivanting around. yeah >> gallivanting to here, to there, to and fro. honestly to and fro. >> you have to prepare the shoes for the beginning of the day. >> to the end. >> it's true, go see everybody's talking about jamie. it's at the
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victoria theater in the mission and it goes through the 23rd. >> fantastic. a lot of fun. it's cool, this morning we're finding relief from the heat starting to move in here. a live look from the tam cam this morning. we do have clear skies, but modern air quality does continue when we look at the heat risk map today, more of us are in that minor risk category. that yellow you see on your screen. if you remember yesterday, most of us were in the moderate to major category, so we are seeing some relief start to move in here today. temperatures in most areas about 5 to 10 degrees cooler compared to yesterday afternoon. so looking at the forecast today, lots of sunshine inland yesterday we surpassed 100 degrees in our inland cities. today we'll stay in the 90s around the bay shoreline you will feel cooler weather will stay in the 60s through the morning, and then by the afternoon we'll get you into the upper 70s to the lower 80s. around the coast, we will find bright conditions and temperatures again in the mid 60s, so the heat begins to ease. highs in the south bay. more of us staying in the 80s today 85 for cupertino, 89 in san jose along the peninsula, 81 san
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mateo. but redwood city, 84. that's about a 10 degrees drop from yesterday's highs across the city. you're going to feel that cooler air around today, mainly in the 60s for daytime highs across san francisco and the north bay. some pockets of hot weather like cloverdale at 101 92 in calistoga, but 84 in san rafael. much cooler in sausalito. today at 76 degrees the east bay, it's mid 70s to lower 80s. 77 in oakland, 83 in fremont and then inland. we're no longer seeing those 102 104 readings. we'll stay in the 90s for the most part. 90 in walnut creek, 98 in brentwood overnight tonight, we'll keep those clear skies and overnight lows, mainly in the 50s as we head into friday. now friday, we're calling it back to reality. this is where temperatures should be for this time of the year. and then over the weekend we do expect sunny skies in the afternoon both saturday and sunday, and both days temperatures are very pleasant in the afternoon. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. heat begins to ease today. we're back to average. tomorrow we'll have some morning fog reappearing saturday. both days
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we have lots of sunshine in the afternoon and then next week we will see temperatures start to warm up, but no indication that it was anywhere near as hot as we were yesterday, guys. >> all right. thanks, drew. coming up, the seven things to know this morning basketball fan are not we have a good reason for you to watch tonight's game. >> one of
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(vo) cinnamon toast crunch. blasted with cinnadust. starting with drew. yeah. >> number one, the heat is going to begin to ease today. we still have heat advisories in effect this afternoon, but we're about ten degrees cooler today compared to yesterday. tomorrow temperatures go back to average number two. >> cal fire crews spent the night fighting a fire that has burned at least 60 acres in saint helena. it's 65% contained this morning. this is the same area burned by the glass fire back in 2020. >> number three, former president donald trump is headed to san francisco today. he'll be here for a fundraiser at a home in pacific heights. >> number four today, the california supreme court is expected to issue a ruling on building housing at berkeley's people's park. this decision will likely end a three year legal battle over the future of
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the park. >> number five this morning, veterans are gathered to mark 80 years since d-day, the day that would liberate france and become pivotal in defeating hitler and the in world war two. president biden is in normandy with other world leaders ahead of his state visit number six a look ahead to caltrans weekend service shutdown. >> this is going to impact service between san jose and san francisco on saturday and sunday for electrification testing, important to note limited bus service will be provided. >> number seven, walmart says it will start paying bonuses to hourly workers in the u.s. about 700,000 workers will be eligible. the bonuses will be up to $1,000, but will be tied to store performance that's happening today as san francisco sports bars long legal battle with the nfl is heading to court. the owners of mucky duck are suing the league over the nfl's sunday ticket tv package. the lawsuit was filed back in 2015, and since then, it's become a class action case. the mucky duck and the other plaintiffs claim the nfl engaged
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in a price fixing scheme that limits fans ability to watch out-of-market games by inflating the cost of sunday ticket. now, if the nfl loses this case, the league could have to pay out $21 billion. >> former stanford women's basketball star cameron brink is headed to the olympics. >> oh my god, oh my god you. >> all. that's the emotional reaction as she got the news yesterday. she's been selected to represent the u.s. and three on three basketball in paris this summer. brink currently is a rookie with the los angeles sparks in the wnba. she'll be part of a four person team that already won a gold medal at the 2023 fiba world cup. the three on three game is played on a half court, with a ten minute clock and 12 second shot clock. the us won the inaugural three on three title in the tokyo games in 2020. >> tonight, the boston celtics
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taking on the dallas mavericks in game one of the nba finals. and no matter who you're rooting for, chipotle is giving away free food for the whole series. any time a player makes at least two free throws after being fouled, the company will release a text to win code on its x account. then the first 500 people to text that code to 888222 will get a free burrito or other entree. you can use the code in store online or on chipotle's app through july 6th. of course, abc seven is your home for the nba finals coverage of the game. tonight starts at 5 p.m. then we'll have after the game hosted by abc seven news sports director larry beil with a very special guest, warriors guard brandon pick pisemsky. that's going to be followed at nine by wheel of fortune and jeopardy! and then we have a special edition of abc seven. news at ten, followed by abc
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seven news at 11. >> what did you just say? listen >> i have to do what? when? >> eight, eight, eight. two. two. >> two to where? >> get fouled. make two free throws? >> jump over the moon, then right around the block. >> go to x and you got to be the first 500. >> put the code in. >> put the code in, get the lock unlocked and then take me when you get the burrito. >> okay. >> a tool straight out of the comics coming up at 530. how soon? some san francisco police are going to be armed with bolo wraps. >> but first, this live look outside and you take the one, and you carry it. divide by two. >> make sure you carry the one. yeah >> this is abc 724 seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi stadium in san jose. live in oakland. >> yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime,
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anywhere. we are, we are, we are, we are we are we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching clif bar is made with organic oats. but you're made for the climb. clif. the most important ingredient is you. (♪) these feet are hustlin' for customers.
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♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ in piggy bank. both democrats and republicans. >> donald trump set to visit san francisco today with hopes to raise big money for his campaign. now, at 530, what some protesters are planning for the former president's arrival and the former president keeping busy on the campaign trail, trump now ramping up his search for a running mate who is rumored to be on the short list. new this morning an international call to end the war in gaza. the joint statement, just released by 17 nations, including the u.s. >> good morning everyone. it's thursday, june 6th.
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>> we start with a check on the weather. hi, drew. hey, good morning guys. >> we are going to get a bit of relief from the heat today. our heat advisory. it does continue for one more afternoon today, but temperatures are going to be about ten degrees cooler today compared to yesterday. yesterday was the peak of our heat wave. hello sfo this morning a live look outside current conditions. you can see all of our sites are reporting clear skies right now. and we will have a sunny day. but temperatures will be cooler than yesterday, 50s and 60s as we get you going right now. so still some mild air out there inland. highs today will stay in the 90s. yesterday we had many cities 102 104 for daytime highs. you will feel that cooler air but it's still a warm afternoon today. lots of sunshine expected inland now around the bay shoreline. you will notice that cooler air as well. we're getting a little bit more of that marine layer influence today. mid 70s to the low 80s for daytime highs. and along the coast. hello amanda delcastillo. we will find cooler conditions upper 50s to the
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lower 60s. just be aware along the coast we still have that beach hazard statement in effect today. let's say hi to amanda see how the commute is going right now. >> hi drew. yeah. drive time is ticking up here at 531. if we want to get to some of my graphics, we're just checking up on drive times. as i mentioned, 43 minutes from tracy to dublin, 19 minutes to get you from san rafael to san francisco and then antioch to concord is going to take you about 17 minutes. let's get back to the desk. kumasi. >> thanks, amanda. developing news. more than 30 people have died after an israeli airstrike hit a united nations run school in central gaza overnight. hospital officials say the school was housing displaced palestinian civilians. the israeli military says a hamas compound was operating inside the school. this morning, the white house released a joint statement with other world leaders calling on hamas to close a cease fire deal. in hostage deal, it says in part, quote, we call on the leaders of israel as well as hamas, to make
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whatever final compromises are necessary to close this deal and bring relief to the families of our hostages, as well as those on both sides of this terrible conflict, including the civilian population. it is time for the war to end, and this deal is a necessary starting point, end quote, with a little more than a month to go until the republican national convention, donald trump's so-called veepstakes is heating up. >> amanda has more on potential running mates now. >> reggie. sources say the trump campaign has formally requested vetting information from potential running mates. that includes north dakota governor doug burgum. ohio senator j.d. vance and florida senator marco rubio. if rubio is chosen as trump's running mate, he may have to move out of florida. that's because a provision in the constitution potentially bars the president and vice president from sharing the same home state, sources tell abc news. campaign officials intensified their outreach last month while trump was on trial in his criminal hush money case. other candidates are likely to
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be considered for the job. trump's campaign officials have also requested information from senator tim scott and congress members elise stefanik and ben carson. it's unclear how extensive the requests to those candidates were. back to the desk, kumasi. thanks, amanda. >> new developments. the effort to recall current oakland mayor shengtao is getting closer to reality. members of this group called oakland united to recall. shengtao announced that they've submitted more than 41,000 signatures on wednesday, which is about 17,000 more than required. organizers say their effort received support across oakland. >> they are tired, tired, tired, exhausted from this incompetent, dishonest mayor who's driving oakland into the ground. >> yes. >> mayor tao released a statement saying in part, we will not be distracted by the
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politics of out of town bills, mayors or special interests, and i will continue to work every day for oakland's interests. i know we are stronger together. >> california has secured a landmark settlement aimed at curbing the sale of ghost guns. ghost guns are untraceable, homemade weapons that can be built with kits sold online. attorney general rob bonta announced yesterday three ghost gun manufacturers are permanently banned from selling ghost guns. the ban also applies to parts that can be used to make ghost guns, and under the settlement, the companies must also have their staff do firearms training. >> a new tool described as flying handcuffs will be soon used by the san francisco police. >> put your hands behind your back. you're going to get rapped. no. rap. rap rap. >> well. oh. got rapped. abc seven. >> oh, it's just startling. that's all it is. >> i think it's safe to read now . abc seven news first
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demonstrated the bolo rap last year, so the chronicle reports that specially trained san francisco police officers are going to be equipped with these lasso like restraint tools in the coming months. it shoots out a 7.5ft cord that then wraps around a person with two anchors that replicate fishing hooks. this is a non-lethal alternative to tasers, guns or batons. the makers of bolawrap says it is used now by more than a thousand law enforcement agencies across the country. happening today donald trump bringing his presidential campaign to san francisco in hopes of getting big bucks from some of the city's wealthiest residents. he's coming just one day after vice president kamala harris made a similar stop for the biden campaign. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez live in pacific heights, where this fundraiser is taking place later today and gloria, the former president, will be met with supporters and protests. >> that's right. kumasi today,
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former president donald trump will be here in pacific heights as part of his fundraising trip, and tech billionaire david sax and his wife are co-hosting the event here today. but previous bay area campaign stops have not gone, according to plan for the former president. you may remember his trek through fencing and dirt to avoid protesters during a 2016 campaign stop in burlingame. he says they went under and through a fence and compared it to crossing the border. tickets to today's fundraiser ranged from $50,000 to half $1 million. abc seven news insider phil matier says even deep blue san francisco can be a solid atm for republicans. >> people forget that about, you know, a third of the california voters are republican. there is a substantial number. they are in san francisco. they're not vocal about it because it's such a heavily blue area. but whether they are red or blue, their green speaks loud. and that's what we're going to be hearing g
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>> chicken are bringing the bird out of retirement for the event. back in 2018, the chicken circled alcatraz wearing a prison shirt. organizers of the anti-trump inflatable are planning a set s gathering at the marina green todayn 2018, tn
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circled alcatraz wearing a prison shirt. organizers of the anti-trump inflatable are planning a set s gathering at the marina green todayn adjustment period with raymond park, specifically where more people want to be there. that's going to create more traffic, that's going to create more noise, that might disturb some people. and i think that's just going to need to be an ongoing adjustment and conversation process. >> the ball has a long stretch of away games while their field was getting prepped. so the team's next ten games are actually going to be played here at home. >> in today's gma first look, travis kelce talking about living the dream. in an interview this morning on good morning america. here's abc news reporter will reeve. >> hey man. hold on bro. man nice to meet you. >> in this morning's gma first look one on one with travis kelce. we're sitting down with the three time super bowl winner to talk all about his whirlwind life off the field. from his
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visit to the white house. >> president biden called me up this time. i didn't have to sneak around him to get to it. >> to his new foray into hollywood. are you an actor now? >> i guess you could say that i've been on a few shows before, haven't. i've only played myself in those shows, though it's definitely different portraying a character and trying to find the emotions in everything and understanding of a script and the scene. but, it's a challenge. i feel like an amateur right now, but, it's definitely a fun challenge and i'm coachable. that's one thing i know from being in sports. i am a coachable guy. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have much more with travis kelce and why he says he's living the dream with your gma first look i'm will reeve, abc news and a traffic alert here at 540. >> we're going to take you live to the bay bridge toll plaza where metering lights just flipped on. you can see things are slowly starting to fill in, but it's not too bad. it'll take you almost 40 minutes to get from highway four into the city. >> thanks, amanda. a flagship
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university here in the bay area now at risk. coming up, why cal maritime in vallejo could soon cease to exist. >> but first, a check on the weather with meteorologist drew tuma. >> hey there, ag 540 this morning. our okay camera right now reporting clear skies. the current temperature of 56 degrees. the winds out of the northwest right now at about 12mph. the 24 hour temperature change map is really telling the story for the rest of today. we are past the peak of our heat wave that occurred yesterday afternoon. later today, temperatures are about ten degrees cooler compared to yesterday's highs, so you will feel some relief from the heat. our heat advisory does continue for one more day today, but the heat risk is more in the minor category. yesterday it was in the major category for some of us future weather showing you we will warm pretty slowly compared to the past couple of days. by noon we're mainly in the 60s and 70s around the bay shoreline 80s to low 90s inland, and today we're no longer seeing any 100
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degree readings for our daytime highs. our warmest cities will stay in the 90s, so we take a look at our weather wellness. today, our air quality fluctuates between good and moderate. pollen levels have not changed. we're still at moderate for our olive pine trees and grasses. the uv index is a ten out of an 11, so highs today we start to feel some relief from that intense heat. yesterday especially inland 92 in concord, which is ten degrees cooler than yesterday, 89 in san jose, a cool 68 in the city today. the past couple of days we have spent our afternoons in the 70s, 77 in oakland, 94, in santa rosa, along the coast. we do still have that beach hazard statement that continues through this evening. breakers as high as 20ft with the increased risk of sneaker waves. we'll preview
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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pivotal in defeating hitler and the in world war two. 2500 americans died in the operation on june 6th, 1944. today normandy is hosting world leaders and survivors now ranging between 96 and 107 years old. president biden and the first lady attending the commemoration. >> he'll talkoration. >> he'll talk about the stakes of that moment and existential fight between dictatorship and freedom. he'll talk about the men who scaled those cliffs >> biden will meet with the ukrainian president zelensky in france. he and the first lady will also be honored by french president emmanuel macron and have a state visit found in nearly 100 years ago, cal maritime moved around the bay area until finding its permanent home during world war two at morro cove in vallejo and now the academy is facing yet another change. >> abc seven news reporter laura
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martinez explains the issues for cal maritime and what might be coming next. >> cal maritime, a nautical institution in vallejo, may have to merge with cal poly san luis obispo. the california state university announced a recommendation wednesday for the two institutions to integrate. csu executives cite financial challenges and declining enrollment at cal maritime. we spoke with congressman john garamendi. >> cal maritime is extraordinarily important for the san francisco bay area. >> they provide specialized programs in marine transportation and marine engineering technology. >> cal maritime has been unable to really advertise its attributes. they are very significant. i mean, you could go to that school four years later, you have $100,000 a year job on a ship or on the shore. >> according to the csu, enrollment at cal maritime has declined by 31% from 1107 students in 2016 to 761 students
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in 2023. >> cal poly, on the other hand, has more applicants than they can take, and so some of those students are going to see an opportunity. and there's more at cal maritime than just maritime. >> so out of all the csu's, why do you feel like cal poly is the right fit to pair with cal maritime? >> well, the title itself, cal poly polytechnic. well, cal maritime is polytechnical paula, meaning many technical obviously maritime technical issues. >> we spoke with vallejo mayor robert mcconnell. >> we had actually discussed the possibility of cal maritime being merged several months ago. >> as far as a name change, that's undecided for now. mayor mcconnell says cal maritime alumni are very loyal to the name. >> they would not look favorably, i think, upon a cal state vallejo identity. they will insist that the cal maritime name be preserved forever. the csu board of trustees will vote on the integration in november in the
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south bay. >> lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> an artist is sharing his skills as pride month, and you can wear a piece of his art. mike hobbs is a muralist based in la. he created a special pride month t shirt. he says he wanted to make something that celebrates pride's powerful impact of tolerance, inclusion and acceptance. >> with this color scheme, the pride logo of the rainbow uh- symbolizes radical acceptance and i wanted to include that. but bring a new energy to it. >> our sister station in la is selling the shirts from artist mike hab. 100% of the proceeds goes to support aids walk la. you can buy them by going to abc7 .com/ shop and our pride coverage continues all month long. it culminates with the 54th annual san francisco pride parade. sunday, june 30th. watch it live wherever you stream abc seven. >> saturday is the first day of oakland black music week, and i spoke with the co-founder
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musician kev choice on our streaming show, abc7 at seven about the festivities. >> and these are just all, you know, musicians from oakland doing things independently but making a great impact across the world. so it's still growing. it's still evolving. it's so diverse. and it's time to celebrate that and uplift that. and also just remind people like having live music is something that we should have at different events, different spaces. you go to so many different cities around the world. live music is a part of those cultures and communities. we want to make sure we have that here in oakland as well. >> there are so many events going on starting this weekend to celebrate oakland. black music week runs this saturday, june 8th to next sunday, june 16th, and you can find the whole lineup by going to oakland black music .com. i'm really excited about this. you know, i love live music and i was just looking at the lineup. they have so many like different like places you can check out different musicians like kev choice does so much like he's a pianist. he does spoken word, he
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does rap. he does all these things singing and all this. yeah. so i'm really happy that he's co-founded co-founded this and is behind this. i think i'm going to go see him at yoshi's. yes. >> do it. >> what is the weather going to be like for this? >> oh, fantastic. oh, good. yeah, yeah. not too hot. we're getting rid of some of that heat today. and then by the weekend temperatures are back to average. back to reality so to speak, over the weekend live. look at our walnut creek camera. yesterday we had areas well above 100 degrees. today not nearly as hot. we'll see about a 10 degrees drop in our daytime high, so the heat risk map today. most areas are in that minor risk. if you remember yesterday, a huge portion of the bay was within that moderate to major heat risk category. so we are seeing some relief today. highs in a microclimate starting in the south bay, 87 in santa clara, 89 in san jose. so it is warm, just not as warm as yesterday. 91 in morgan hill will hit 85 in cupertino along the peninsula will see 60s for the coast, but 84 in redwood city. that's about a 10 degrees drop from yesterday's high of
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9481. in palo alto, 76 in millbrae, across the city today, you are going to feel that cooler air. we spent the past couple of days in the 70s. today will stay in the 60s for most cities, closer to average for this time of the year. now in the north bay we saw some pockets of hot weather 101 in cloverdale, 102 in ukiah, but 88 in petaluma, 84 in san rafael, 86 in sonoma. the east bay today 70s and 80s, 76. berkeley 77. oakland about 82. union city and hercules as well. and inland, we're still warm, but temperatures are cooler than yesterday. 96 in pittsburg, 89 in san ramon, 93. that high in livermore. looking at the evening planner. what? we'll see. we're likely going to see our marine layer start to reappear late tonight, first thing tomorrow morning. and our marine layer will bring us a widespread cool down to finish out the week on friday. overnight tonight we will have some coastal clouds, clear skies away from the coast. overnight lows in the 50s. now look at afternoon highs on friday. you
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can see we are getting relief everywhere inland. it's going to feel nice tomorrow. 70s and 80s. and then over the weekend we will find those temperatures close to average. it's going to look very nice both saturday and sunday. accuweather seven day. we see that heat begin to ease. today we're back to average over the weekend. next week we do start to see temperatures warm up a bit, but we're not finding any heat advisories for next week guys. >> drew, thank you. new at six how you can catch a series of pop up drag performances in san francisco this month to celebrate pride. first, though, we are continuing to follow developments out of the hunter biden trial, the shocking details revealed in court about with naturally derived plant based ingredients your hair will love and none of the stuff it won't. our sulfate free collections smell incredible and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth.
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new herbal essences.
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hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. could raise this case as early
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as today. in court yesterday, two of biden's exes testified about his drug use during their relationships. the president's son has been charged with three felonies from the purchase of a gun in 2018. prosecutors are trying to prove the president's son illegally purchased a colt revolver while he was allegedly addicted to drugs. they also say hunter biden lied about his addiction on federal paperwork. >> the senate has failed to advance legislation that would codify the right to access contraceptives nationwide. the right to contraception act fell short of the 60 votes needed to move forward. the bill was put forward by a group of senate democrats following the 2022 supreme court decision that overturned roe versus wade, republicans dismissed that legislation as a political ploy. >> we're going to see democrats engage in a show vote, and there's a reason for that show vote, because democrats in the senate, every one of them, their views on abortion are extreme and radical. >> this is not a show vote. it's a show us who you are. vote
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>> democrats are looking to put reproductive care at the front of their agenda leading up to the november elections, all but two republicans present voted against the measure. >> nvidia is now the second largest public company in the us, right behind microsoft. the company's value surpassed $3 trillion, inching past apple's $2.99 trillion market cap. nvidia makes artificial intelligence chips its headquarters right here in santa clara. the company's stock is up 147% so far this year, after soaring 239% last year. >> some state farm customers might be able to keep their home insurance after all, according to the chronicle. some homeowners received notice that they can keep their coverage, but the policy cannot include fire damage. customers reportedly must sign up for fire insurance through the california fair plan. it's a state created but privately run insurer of last resort. the company announced in march it would not
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renew some 30,000 policies, largely because of fire and earthquake risk. >> rubio's coastal grill has filed for bankruptcy. the chain is blaming decreasing foot traffic and significant increases to california's minimum wage. the news comes days after rubio's announced plans to shutter nearly 50 locations, 1111 of them in northern california. rubio said it plans to continue to operate 86 restaurants in california, arizona and nevada. >> new at six, a south bay community warned about recent mountain lion sightings, then a program in san jose that helps unhoused people find a place to live is set to expire, and now many are scrambling to figure out their next option. and the major online retailer no longer allowing you to pay with american express and in the accuweather forecast. >> half moon bay high school graduating this evening, they will do so under temperatures in the 50s. a mix of sun and clouds pretty comfortable along the coast. today we are getting relief from the heat this afternoon. our heat advisories
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do continue for one more day this afternoon, but highs are about ten degrees cooler compared to yesterday. even oler weather hits us tomorrow. the news at you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪
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conviction, former president donald trump in the bay area for a campaign fundraiser. >> the protesters and supporters he may face upon arrival. >> then the hunt isn


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