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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  June 6, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT

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front street, and they're going to be performances each thursday of this month at different locations downtown. >> i'm this is like a carmen sandiego outfit gone mad. >> it really is, and i love it. and where in the world is she? >> apparently, harrington. >> they found her founder, carmen sandiego, in san francisco. >> wow. >> who knew she's been traveling the world, getting up in a little world? little kitten heel . >> robin: good morning america for our viewers in the west. president biden one on one as we mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. an abc news exclusive. president biden in normandy for the 80th anniversary of d-day. >> what it says to me is how critical alliances are. how critical alliances are.
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>> robin: david muir one on one with the president, as leaders from all around the world gather, to honor the heros who helped end the war. >> george: terror attack thwarted. a russian ukrainian man taken into custody in paris with severe burns from an explosion. the investigation into a possible terrorist conspiracy. >> oh my god. >> whit: tornado outbreak near our nation's capital. >> get back down! get back down! >> whit: plus the deadly twister in michigan, and the dangerous heat zone putting 30 million on alert. sam champion is tracking it all. >> george: the major ruling in donald trump's georgia election interference case. what it means for possible trial before november. >> robin: embassy shootout. the investigation into who was behind the attack on the u.s. embassy in lebanon. five more people are taken into custody. >> whit: in the neck of time. a giraffe picking up a toddler at a safari.
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what the 2-year-old and her family are saying about the wild moment. >> george: face time. are you staring at your phone? how your own scrolling is impacting your kids. we break down the impact on kids and screen time. >> whit: one on one with travis kelce. >> good morning america! >> whit: the football star talking about his life on and off the field. you an actor now? and he's soaking it all in. >> trying to find the emotions in everything. ♪ more than a feeling ♪ >> robin: all the feelings. >> hello! >> robin: the joy behind joy. amy poehler is live in times square. >> it's go time! >> robin: and it's go time on the court. who is taking home the title? the nba finals tips off tonight. and these guys have more than a few feelings about it. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> george: i don't think we have ever packed so many good mornings into an open.
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[ laughter ] i'll add one more. good morning america. we are going to begin with d day. president biden is in normandy to commemorate d-day. >> whit: the president greeting the veterans one by one this morning. >> robin: david muir just sat down with the president in normandy for an exclusive interview. good morning, david. >> reporter: robin, good morning from normandy american cemetery right here in france on the 80th anniversary of d-day. the bravery of thousands of young american sons who land here on the beaches 80 years ago. i spoke with president biden before his speech here. we started with that bravery. it's not lost on us where we are today, what these brave young american sons did 80 years ago. we know what we're witnessing in the world right now. the war, the deep divisions at home. what do you think these american heroes can teach us right now about meeting this moment? >> stand up, tell the truth,
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serve your country. imagine what they had to go through. i was here 30 years ago. came in on a landing craft. you could see from out there what they saw here. the idea that they got off those boats, they got off those landing craft, many of them died, sinking. come across that beach. just astounding. astounding. but what it says to me is how critical alliances are. how critical alliances are for our security. >> reporter: the president's speech here honoring our heroes and defending democracy. i asked him about ukraine and the u.s. now authorizing the use of american weapons inside russia. and vladamir putin's warning about this overnight. i'd love to ask you about ukraine. i know for years you've resisted the idea of american weapons being used for any sort of direct strike inside russia. but we did witness a shift in recent days authorizing american
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weapons for limited direct strikes. are american weapons being used right now inside russia? >> they're authorized to be used in proximity to the border. we are not authorizing strikes 200 miles into russia. we're not authorizing strikes into moscow, on the kremlin. >> reporter: let me ask you about what putin said about this authorization of american weapons inside russia. he said the supply of high precision weapons to ukraine for strikes on russian territory is direct participation in this war. he went on to say that this is the way to serious problems and again talked about russia's nuclear capabilities. does that concern you? >> i have known him for over 40 years. he's concerned me for 40 years. he's not a decent man. he's a dictator. he's struggling to make sure he holds his country together while still keeping his assault going.
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we're not talking about giving them weapons to strike moscow or the kremlin. just across the border where they are receiving significant fire from conventional weapons used by the russians to go into ukraine to kill ukrainians. >> reporter: the president there on ukraine. we also asked the president about donald trump's guilty verdict, about his own son hunter biden on trial and if he's ruled out a pardon for his son if convicted. i asked him about the first debate which is three weeks from today. that's all later on "world news tonight." a profoundly moving day as we honor the heros who stormed the beaches here 80 years ago. robin. >> robin: thanks to you, david. as david said, you can see much more of his interview tone on world news tonight. george? >> george: we're going to stay in normandy. chief white house correspondent mary bruce is there. what do we expect to hear from the president this morning? >> reporter: well, george, good morning. the president, of course, honoring today the more than 70,000 americans who took part in the invasion nearly 80 years ago today. and the 2,500 who lost their
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lives that day, many of whom are buried here behind me. this cemetery just takes your breath away. it stretches as far as the eye can see. but what is especially remarkable is the attendance of many who valiantly fought here. the president greeting them one by one today. this is likely the last major anniversary that many of those veterans will be able to attend, and the president spent one on one time with them, telling one of them, you saved the world. the president is focused on honoring their sacrifices and their duty to the world, but he also under scored the importance of american leadership and challenged the next generation to continue to protect democracy. it comes as biden is trying to rally allies to defend ukraine against russia. biden will meet with president zelenskyy while he is here. the president's remarks were not a campaign speech but he has put preserving democracy at the center of this race and is making clear this is a stark
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contrast with donald trump. the president invoking the lessons of 80s years ago to highlight what's at stake in this election. >> now an alleged terror plot foiled overseas. a russian national was taken into custody at a hotel outside paris suspected of participating in a terrorist conspiracy and bomb plot. foreign correspondent tom soufi burridge is in paris with more. tom, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. yeah, france's internal security agency holding and questioning the 26-year-old suspect. the russian ukrainian national found with products and materials intended with the mask and manufacture of explosive devices. u.s. officials briefed on the alleged bomb plot amid media reports that the intended target could have been french military equipment destined for ukraine. the man reportedly from the russian occupied part of eastern ukraine arrested monday night is thought he mistakenly triggered an explosion in his hotel room. french first responders treating
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him for burns before he was detained. this alleged plot coming within worsening french/russia relations. with french president macron considering sending military instructors to ukraine so russia, in his words, does not win the war, robin. >> robin: all right, tom. thank you for your reporting. now the tornado outbreak in maryland, near nation's capital. a deadly twister striking in michigan. sam is in for ginger standing by with the big picture. but first let's go to elizabeth schulze with a glimpse of the damage. good morning to you, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, robin. we are in a dense residential area 30 miles west of the nation's capital. cars are trapped, power lines are down. if you look over here, you can see this tree has been completely split in half, fell onto that house. this is one of several homes encased by fallen trees and debris after the tornado tore through the neighborhood. >> get back down! get back down! >> reporter: overnight, multiple tornados touching down in maryland. >> there's two! there's two!
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>> reporter: injuring five after a night of severe weather. >> this is the first time i have seen a tornado. >> reporter: the first right next to a middle school. >> oh my god. >> reporter: before moving east to the city of gaithersburg, hurling debris through the air. falling trees blocking roads and damaging several houses, including one that collapsed and trapped five residents inside, all injured but remarkably expected to survive. >> the tornado hit, i just hear loud thuds and i just go in my bathtub, hide there. >> reporter: authorities urged residents to take cover immediately. >> we never had nothing like this before. >> reporter: mean time outside detroit, a deadly ef-1 tornado killing a 2-year-old after a tree crashed into the bedroom of this home. >> this was a tough day. >> it's heart breaking. something that's hard to take, hard to swallow. probably many, many sleepless nights. >> reporter: and the canopy of this gas station toppled over, as drivers were filling up.
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>> i nearly lost my life. >> reporter: the national weather service will be here today to investigate the damage and assess exactly how many tornados struck the area. robin? >> robin: so much damage there, elizabeth. thank you. the dangerous weather is on the move this morning. sam is in for ginger. you're tracking it all for us? >> sam: we are. good morning everyone. that tragic death in michigan was an ef-1 tornado. that just reminds us that even a low category tornado is dangerous. we got to take them all serious. this rough night, this deadly dangerous night of weather left us with about 19 tornado reports. let's concentrate what was going on in maryland, virginia, west virginia area. about 17 reports. now, we'll get in there later today and look at the damage and see, is this all coming from one storm? this was a lot of damage reported in this area. these storms are kind of like a one-two punch. they were along the warm front. now the cold front is coming through the exact same area. can we see more dangerous storms
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develop around the baltimore/washington area? yes. keep an eye on them. look at this area popping up in central new jersey, also close to new york city. some of this north of albany as well. with the cold front, we could continue to see rough storms this afternoon. we've got major heat, dangerous heat in the country. we're gonna talk about that when we come back. >> george: also the georgia election interference case. the court has put the case on hold pending appeal from donald trump. rachel scott has details. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: hey, george, good morning. the georgia election interference case against the former president is grinding to a halt. it was already very unlikely that this was a case that would go to trial before the november election. but now this move is making that more of a reality. donald trump and 18 other defendants were indicted in august, accused of participating in an elaborate scheme to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election. georgia court of appeals putting this case on hold while it reviews a low r court decision to let district attorney fani
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willis to stay on the case. for months trump tried to get willis removed arguing her romantic relationship with special prosecutor nathan wade created a conflict of interest. back in march a judge did allow willis to continue to lead the prosecution as long as wade resigned. trump appealed that decision. now matter could take months to resolve. of course, it was just last week the former president was found guilty, convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records. his sentencing in that case is set for july 11. that's four days before he is supposed to be accepting the party's nomination. he is also facing charges in two federal cases, one mishandling classified documents and another about overturning the 2016 election. both of those cases now facing significant delays also making it less likely either of those would go to trial before the election. >> george: okay, rachel. thank you very much. we have new details on the shootout at the u.s. embassy in beirut. the gun man who opened fire had isis insignia written across his
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vest. they took five other people into custody. chief global correspondent martha raddatz tracking the story. >> reporter: good morning, george. americans have been warned of potential terror attacks in lebanon, but those warnings became reality with the u.s. embassy the target. this morning officials are widening the net to see who was behind it. this morning the u.s. embassy back in operation after that terrifying attack in the middle of the day. lebanese officials confirming this video shows the gun man armed with an automatic weapon moving between cars within yards of the embassy's entrance. sound of gun fire reverberating throughout the neighborhood. onlookers calling for help, but within minutes the gun man was down, shot and then arrested by lebanese soldiers. the suspect a syrian national, according to lebanese security officials. the state department investigating this picture
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showing isis clearly written across his tactical vest, though isis has not claimed responsibility for the attack. >> the individual who was arrested was wearing what appeared to be isis insignia but we are conducting a full investigation with the lebanese authorities into the actual motivation. >> reporter: lebanese authorities conducted numerous raids after the attack, taking into custody five additional people, including members of the suspect's family. now no americans were injured or involved in the shootout, but a lebanese guard was seriously injured. whit? >> whit: martha, thank you. new concerns this morning over bird flu. a man in mexico infected with the virus has died. trevor ault is here with that story. >> reporter: we know there's been cases of bird flu in humans including a few recently in the u.s. this is the first human case of this strain of bird through h5n2. officials in mexico say a
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59-year-old man was infected. some important things to know. officials say this man had multiple underlying medical conditions. he'd been bed ridden for three weeks before the onset of the bird flu symptoms. they also said he had no reported contact with animals a virus spreading in poultry, so it is possible he had contact with infected poultry and just didn't remember. here in the u.s. though, there have been three recent reported cases of h5n1. that's a different strain. we've seen that go back years. it has recently been spreading among animals, including live stock. big picture here, the experts still stress the risk to the public is still low. there's been no evidence of this virus spreading from person to person. this new development in mexico reiterates the need for surveillance. the experts say this is important we need to keep monitoring these cases. guys? >> robin: we do. trevor, thank you. now the starliner spacecraft getting ready to dock with the international space station today after its historic long
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delayed launch. our transportation correspondent gio benitez was there for the launch. good to have you back. >> gio: good morning. just like a rocket, i came back. [ laughter ] it was a picture perfect launch. many people, especially at boeing, they were breathing a sigh of relief. the boeing starliner is orbiting the earth right now and it will be docking at the international space station today. the commander and pilot sunny williams. sunny williams is now the first woman to test a new ship in space. starliner launching after four years of delays that cost boeing $1.5 billion. there were several technical issues that came up along the way. another company, space x, is test launching its starship for the fourth time from texas. it's the next step in eventually using it to transport humans to the moon and back and eventually even to mars. as for astronauts butch and sunny, they're expected do spend about eight days in space before flying back to earth. so far this test is a success. >> robin: what's the feeling
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like to launch? >> gio: it's unbelievable. you feel the vibration come up. it's unbelievable. it makes you feel emotional because you have it so much. >> whit: you still have that emotion? [ laughter ] >> robin: all right. coming up the wild moments at a drive thru safari. a toddler picked up by a giraffe. what her family is saying about it this morning. >> george: plus what putin is saying about efforts to free evan gerskovich. back to sam first. >> sam: let's go back to heat. this is a big one. you see temperatures in california, texas and florida but not this early. punta gorda, florida, 101. their earliest june 101 ever. as we look at the heat dome that's been building in the west, look at vegas number, 112, phoenix 111. and by the way, this becomes their earliest june, 112, if we get that. fresno about 107. that heat is starting to move east. that's the weather around the nation. here's what you expect this morning.
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here we go. three, two. i'm abc7 news meteorologist drew timm with your accuweather forecast. the heat begins to ease today, but we still have our heat advisory for one more afternoon by tomorrow. temperatures are closer to average overnight tonight. patchy cloud cover along the coast, clear skies away from the coast, and overnight lows, mainly in the 50s. accuweather seven-day shows you we're going to find temperatures back to average tomorrow. we have a very nice weekend on the way. and then a minor warm-up arrives early next week
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>> whit: the nba finals tip off tonight. will reeve right there in boston talking to the stars. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte.
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wednesday. that's about 17,000 more than required. mayor tao released a statement saying in part, we will not be distracted by the politics of out of town billionaires or special interests, and i will continue to work every day for oakland's interests. i know we are stronger together. checking in with amanda for a look at traffic. >> hi kumasi, we're keeping our eyes on a three car crash with injuries in san francisco. the two left lanes on northbound 101 before alemany boulevard are blocked by fire crews. it is slow moving from candlestick. speeds are down to 31mph. take 280 to get around it. >> thanks, amanda. meteorologist drew tuma has a quick look ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ what could go wrong? ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. ♪ do what you want, yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ find your way
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>> the lehman trilogy is a masterpiece, so epic, so thrilling it surpasses all praise. limited run begins may 25th at the american conservatory theater. you dare not miss it? >> it's time to remodel your bathroom, but you don't want the hassle or the worry of getting it finished. you just want to pick a style and relax, knowing that it'll be wonderful when it's done. is that too much to ask? no, actually it's re-bath from start to stunning. call us or visit re-bath .com and save $1,000 off your complete bathroom remodel. >> tv's biggest morning party live with kelly and mark >> we still have our heat advisory for one more afternoon, but we are almost done with this excessive heat. we will find some relief today. here's a live look at the tam cam showing you
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some hazy conditions out there. numbers. right now we're in the 50s and 60s currently, and today it's about a 10 degrees temperature drop in daytime highs compared to yesterday. yesterday inland we're 102 104. today will be in the low 90s for daytime highs around the bay shoreline. we'll find those daytime highs in the mid 70s to the lower 80s. and then along the coast we have a little bit of cloud cover, some fog with highs in the 50s. a beach hazard statement is still in effect for the increased risk of rip currents throughout the afternoon. kumasi. >> thank you, drew. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else. gma >> let's see if a-a-a-ah can take us somewhere fun. let's go somewhere. sandy let's go somewhere magical. but first let's get this fixed. triple a your membership to go. >> when you're sick, you can't even be bothered to get up to throw up. which is why you're currently looking at your
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>> george: the president is trying to rally allies to help defend ukraine. he is supposed to meet with president zelenskyy on this trip. the governor of new york postponed congestion pricing in new york city just weeks before it was set to begin. it would charge drivers entering manhattan's business district $15. she cited the financial impact on working middle classworkers. wal-mart has a new bonus program for workers. they will offer eligible part time and full time employees annual bonuses for up to $1,000. the longer the worker days with the company, the larger the bonus will be. >> whit: in sports possible big news for lebron james, lakers fans and huskies fans. after back to back national titles for the university of connecticut. the lakers are eyeing coach dan hurley as los angeles' next coach. sources told espn this could be a big big move. we'll see what happens. >> robin: leaving uconn? >> whit: big changes. we've also got more ahead, including the new warning from the better business bureau on ai and phishing scams. you will hear it first on gma.
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that's coming up. >> robin: right now the long island serial killer suspect new in court where he is expected to be hit with new charges. our senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky is at the courthouse in riverhead, new york. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the alleged gilgo beach killer rex heuermann walked into court with his hands cuffed behind his back. he was charged with two additional murders, jessica taylor and sandra castilla in 1993. significantly expanding the timeline during which rex heuermann was allegedly killing women that he had solicited for sex. authorities were able to link heuermann to these two additional deaths through dna evidence and eyewitness testim testimony, witnesses who reported seeing a vehicle very similar to the distinctive suv prosecutors said heuermann was driving at the time of these murders.
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he has already pleaded guilty to killing four women. the remains of the women were found in 2010, along the atlantic coast where six other sets of remains were discovered in the same general vicinity. heuermann's defense attorneys said he would be pleading not guilty to these new charges of murder that prosecutors said were the painstaking work of investigators piecing together clues unearthed from heuermann's home and also two additional locations here in eastern long island. guys? >> george: thank you very much. we'll get the latest on evan gerskovich. he has wrongly been detained in russia for over a year. putin spoke about the deal to bring him home. lama hasan has details. >> reporter: president putin was asked about evan's case, saying the biden administration is pushing hard for a deal to free
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him but putin is digging in, making clear any argument must benefit russia. this morning russian president vladamir putin speaking out about efforts to secure the release of the wall street journal reporter evan gerskovich. putin saying i know the u.s. administration is taking energetic steps to secure his release. it's true. putin speaking with reporters during the st. petersburg international economic forum. he said talks behind the scenes are on going. such issues are decided by a mass media, he said. they prefer dialogue between special services. and a discrete approach. but also making it clear if gerskovich were to be released he'd want something in return. he said they should be decided only on the basis of reciprocity. russian security services arrested the 32-year-old on a reporting trip a year ago
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accusing gerskovich of trying o obtain classified information about russia's missile complex. allegations the u.s. says are fabricated. gerskovich seen only in rare court appearances has plead not guilty. in april, gerskovich had his appeal denied and remains in pretrial detention in moscow. his parents sitting down with our george stephanopoulos in march. >> he really cares. he wants to thank people for their care about him, for keeping his story front and center. >> george: sounds like evan does everything he can to keep your spirits up. >> yes, yes. he says that he's fighting. he's fighting. >> reporter: the fighting continues. evan will have a court hearing june 30 which is expected to prolong his pretrial detention again. experts say that any hope in freeing him will have to come through a deal. guys? >> whit: thank you, lama hasan, for us. coming up a wild moment on one family's trip to the zoo.
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>> whit: back with a heart stopping moment caught on camera. we're hearing from the family about their wild visit to a texas wild life center when a giraffe lifted their little girl into the air. erielle reshef joins us with their story. erielle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. this is truly terrifying. the incident only lasted a couple of seconds, but the family said it was like time suspend.
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little paisley pulled up by her shirt by that giraffe as she tried to feed it. the family grateful that she's okay. >> do you want to see the giraffe? >> reporter: harrowing video of a toddler hoisted into the air by a giraffe at a safari zoo in texas. >> feed him. look. feed him. >> reporter: the family driving through the fossil rim widelife center. 2-year-old paisley in the bed of the pickup truck as they stopped to feed the giraffe, which the center does allow. >> come here. look. look. oh, oh. >> reporter: but terror struck. the giraffe biting down on pacesy's shirt, lifting her above the truck. >> by the time i looked back over, she was gone. it was really shock. adrenaline sets in. >> reporter: the little one dangling for just seconds but her parents said it felt like a terrifying eternity. >> my heart just stopped. >> reporter: the animal letting go. paisley dropped into her mom's arms. unharmed.
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>> her falling to me was a blessing. >> this is a giraffe that's used to eating from visitors. a toddler was holding that bag of food really close and the giraffe leaned in, something it normally does, and by getting the bag of food, it accidentally grabbed the toddler's shirt. >> reporter: the wild life center telling abc news the safety of our guests and animals is always of utmost importance adding, although an incident like this has never occurred like this, we are taking immediate action so it won't happen again. effective immediately, fossil rim will no longer be allowing guests to ride through the park in truck beds. the totens have no bad feelings and plan to return to the park. >> the giraffe was just trying to get food. it got a little more than it bargained for. >> reporter: as for paisley the 2-year-old is taking it all in stride. >> you like giraffes? >> yeah. >> yeah. show her your toy you got after
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the giraffe. >> her parents say she still loves giraffes. our expert said this facility is highly reputable and has one of the highest standards. but it is a reminder to research any zoo that you visit, especially if it allows that interaction with animal. you should know the guidelines of any place you visit. >> robin: most importantly, she's okay. >> george: with her sense of humor. >> robin: coming up will reeve is our all star this morning. his exclusive with travis kelce. that's in our next hour. coming up next, he's live in boston for the nba finals. hey, will. >> reporter: what's going on? [ cheers ] we are so excited for the nba finals. it is loud in here. it's only going to be louder later on tonight. 8:30 eastern the nba finals. i sat down with all the stars for the celtics, for the mavericks and they're only here on gma. that's coming up in just moments.
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we'll be right back. & flux pavi♪ ♪ [bird caws] commuter: “whoa” ♪ siri: “continue straight." [bird caws] [commuter groans] siri: “you're still on the fastest route.” [commuter groans] [bird caws] commuter: “aghhh” [music stops] [debris crashing] [debris crashing] [phone thuds] ♪ [bird caws] ♪ “oh, come on!” best food's real mayonnaise it makes any bbq delicious it's so rich and creamy mmmm. irresistible! best food's mayonnaise missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks.
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fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) [♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles, by penetrating the skin, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay.
7:45 am
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♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪ >> robin: we are back with nba finals fever. game one tips off tonight as the boston celtics host the dallas mavericks. will spoke with the stars before it all gets going. good morning to you, will. >> reporter: good morning. we are so excited to be here in boston. got some friends with me. how are you feeling about the finals?
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[ cheers ] they're excited. so are we. celtics and their fans expected to be here. they were the best team in the league. their opponents, the mavericks, had to run a gauntlet to make to it the finals, but they're not surprised they made it here. i think it will be a great series. so do these folks. so do nba fans. it's got some serious star power. >> three! >> reporter: this morning the nba finals are here. >> the legs, the energy. >> it's exciting. i don't know how else to describe it. >> reporter: 17 time champion boston celtics back in the finals for the second time in three years hosting game one against the dallas mavericks. it will be a battle of super stars. luka an kyrie taking on jalen brown and jason tatum. what does the team need from you in order to win the title? >> they need me to be myself, to dominate the game. >> reporter: doncic just 25, arguably the face of the nba.
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he's making his first finals appearance. do you see yourself as the best player in the league? >> that's for others to decide. i have my confidence, what i can do on the floor. just to win a championship in the nba would be such an unbelievable achievement for me. >> it's over! >> reporter: irving, already a champion with the cleveland cavaliers in 2016, played two seasons in boston. it was an acrimonyious split but on the eve of the final, irving -- >> i'm in a great place. mentally, physically. emotionally, physically. >> reporter: you're returning to boston. what are you expecting from the fans? how will you experience it? >> expect a warm reception. i would not be here without boston. obviously, the fans are gonna do what they do. my family will be right there. that's all that matters. >> reporter: the celtics coach joe mizzula taking on a unique challenge of his own. as 35, he's the youngest head coach to make the finals since bill russell in 1969. do you stop and think about that?
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or it's all business? >> definitely. i don't think you -- can't be all business if you don't understand that. one of the more critical moments in franchise history. >> reporter: they beat the pacers in a four game sweep, the celtics have had over a week off. the players spending their down time differently. >> i have been watching harry potter. >> reporter: which harry potter character do you most identify with? >> there's a lot of great characters. i think hermoine. she's also the one that keeps everybody on track. she's the one that gets stuff done. >> reporter: jalen binged harry potter. what did you do away from practice? >> jalen doesn't have kids. i have kids so i have been to soccer games, i have been to basketball games. been a cool break trying to be a normal dad. >> reporter: but when the ball is tipped tonight, everyone on each team will be locked in, with their eyes on the ultimate prize. >> all the blood, sweat and tears that i put into this game from as early as i can remember. it's like, that's what it's for. >> that's the journey, the ups and downs.
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there's no better feeling than being able to hold that trophy. >> reporter: great to get into the minds of those stars and coaches from both teams on the eve of the finals. i wanted to single out derek lively. a rookie, 20 years old. for the maverick. he's been crucial to their success. he's been playing with a heavy heart. his mom died of cancer recently and derek told me when he's on the court, he takes all the grief and all the joy that he thinks about when he thinks about his mom and he channels that onto the court. hard not to root for a story like that. the nba finals tip off tonight right here, at this very spot, 8:30 p.m. eastern tonight on abc. >> whit: we are very much looking forward to the series. will is back in our next hour with a very big surprise for a special nba fan. >> robin: he's also going to give us an interview with travis kelce coming up. also amy poehler, she's live here in times square. come on back. , amy poller, live here in times
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square. come on back! ♪ ♪ thiseve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acid-related damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. voquezna is the first and only fda-approved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. of those healed, 79% stayed healed. and voquezna can provide heartburn-free days and nights. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. don't take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b-12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won't go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. ask your doctor about voquezna.
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serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. >> sam: everybody is talking about the high heat and humidity in florida. there's more coming. it's 80 in tampa. good morning, tampa. the heavy humidity makes it feel like 85. yesterday's ft. meyers at 98, punta gorda the warmest in june or tied it at 101. the reason we say there's more heat coming, look at this heat dome that moves east. that drives the main center of the heat. by the time we get to saturday and sunday in orlando, miami, saturday/sunday we're already back into 90s. coming up the better business bureau report on how ai is helping send the number of phishing scams soaring. this story is a gma exclusive. plus, we have your father's day covered. have you been shopping for dad yet?
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card call today. >> sweet james is not a typical name for a law firm, but we don't deliver typical results. if you've been hurt in an accident, you deserve the best, the best care, the best compensation and sweet justice that sweet james grandest stage. >> when a situation gets real, the real one is going to show up. these two teams decide who will be the nba champion. tip it off. set it off. the nba finals game one on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's amanda now with a look at traffic. >> hi, kumasi. that three car crash scene at northbound 101 before 280 has cleared. though there are residual delays, traffic is heavy and there are reports of a grass fire on the northbound 101 and northbound 280 connector ramp right there as well. >> hi, amanda. we will look at
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the heat advisory that continues for one more day, but the headline is we are getting some relief from this heat. the tan cam showing you some hazy sunshine out there with some moderate air quality. we're in the 60 right now for most areas, and later today we'll see about a 10 degrees cooldown in her daytime highs compared to yesterday. so it's warm, just not as hot as we were yesterday. we'll go to 92 in concord today, 94 in santa rosa, 77 in oakland, 68 in the city, 89 in san jose. we still have a beach hazard statement along our coast today for breakers up to 20ft and the risk of sneaker waves kumasi. >> thank you, drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. everyone else, it's gma. >> everyone's favorite scottish nanny is headed to a stage near you. mrs. doubtfire is the smash hit musical comedy based on the iconic film starring two time tony nominee rob mcclure as daniel, a father who will do
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your dog stay happy during stressful situations. thundershirt. the number one vet recommended brand is drug free, has a 60 day satisfaction guarantee and has helped over 85% of users. thundershirt find at retailers like petsmart and petco. buy now before july fourth. >> fireworks drop your jaw and jump for joy. pixar fest is here with a new parade, so join the party now through august fourth, 2024. visit the disneyland resort with the special three day disneyland ticket offer for a limited time. >> star wars the >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. president biden in normandy as leaders from around the world gather to honor the heros who helped win the war. >> robin: weight loss drugs and heart health. how the popular medications go far beyond the positive health benefits expected from weight loss alone, and who should be using them.
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>> whit: one on one with travis kelce. >> i don't think i could even fathom where i'm at right now in life. >> whit: talking about hollywood, his brother jason, life on the super bowl stage and the world stage, only on gma. >> good morning america. ♪ that don't impress me much ♪ >> robin: bridgerton scene stealers. >> read it to me. >> robin: luke thompson is here, too. let's see what they have to say about part 2 of season 3. ♪ i get so emotional baby ♪ >> george: time for joy. >> it's go time! >> george: amy poehler live in times square. >> riley has gotten so big, she's officially a teenager. >> george: gearing up for "inside out 2." you'll meet the new emotions, as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma.
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>> robin: little whitney on this thursday morning. good morning america. will reeve is on the court in boston for the nba finals. game 1 just hours away. one of those fans there is in for a big surprise. you do not want to miss it. >> whit: very much looking forward to that. an alert for parents about screen time and how your own scrolling is impacting your kids. we will break that down in a new study ahead. >> george: we begin with a look at top stories starting with president biden in normandy to mark the 80th anniversary of d-day. let's go back to mary bruce. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning george. president biden is honoring the tens of thousands who took part in the invasion here 80 years ago and spending time here this morning with those who fought valiantly, telling one veteran here, you saved the world. this morning president biden honoring the americans who stormed normandy 80 years ago today, greeting veterans one by one. >> on behalf of the american
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people and as commander in chief, it's the highest honor to be able to is a lite you here in normandy once more. >> reporter: the president also sitting down with our david muir. >> it's not lost on us where we are today, with these brave young american sons, what they did 80 years ago. we know what we're witnessing in the world right now. the wars, the deep divisions at home. what do you think these american heroes can teach us right now about meeting this moment? >> stand up. tell the truth. serve your country. imagine what they had to come through. i was here 30 years ago. came in on a landing craft. you could see from out there what they saw here. the idea that they got off those boats. they got off those landing craft, many of them died sinking. come across that beach. just astounding. astounding. what it says to me is how critical alliances are. how critical alliances are for our security.
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>> reporter: david also asking him about ukraine. the u.s. authorizing the use of american weapons inside russia. and vladamir putin's warning overnight. >> i know for years you've resisted the idea of american weapons being used for any sort of direct strike inside russia. but we did witness this shift in recent days, authorizing american weapons for limited direct strikes. are american weapons being used right now inside russia? >> they're authorized to be used in proximity to the border. they are not authorized 200 miles into russia. we're not authorizing strikes on moscow, on the kremlin. >> let me ask you about what vladamir putin said about american weapons inside russia. said the supply of high precision weapons for strikes on russian territory is direct participation in this war. he went on to say that this is the way to serious problems. and again talked about russia's
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nuclear capabilities. does that concern you? >> i have known him for 40 years. he's concerned me for 40 years. he's not a decent man. he's a dictator. he's struggling to make sure he holds his country together while still keeping his assault going. >> reporter: and while today is about honoring the past, the president is also underscoring the importance of american leadership and protecting democracy as he now tries to rally allies to help defend ukraine. the president today invoking memories and lessons of 80 years ago to underscore and highlight what is at stake in this election, robin. >> robin: all right. mary. our thanks to you. wow. now the record rise in phishing scams. a new report finds they nearly doubled last year. and ai is partially to blame. >> how many times have you heard do not click on a link?
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the better business bureau still wants you to keep that in mind, but wants you to keep this in mind. scammers are getting smarter. since early 2021, the better business bureau has received 23,000 reports of phishing scams, a tactic people use to steal personal information. in 2023 alone reports more than doubled from the previous year, reaching more than 9,000. cyber security experts attribute this spike to the rise of artificial intelligence and text based scams. we've all received those, right? these scams are targeting consumers and businesses, resulting in losses of more than $300 per report to the bbb. scammers often impersonate well known brands like chase bank, wal-mart and state farm to lure in victims. they use various methods including e-mails, even phone calls to trick people into clicking on these links or sharing information. every phishing scam starts with a fraudulent outreach. be cautious and verify before you click.
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also stay informed and protect your personal information. guys, for more tips and updates, you can always visit whit? >> whit: important information. thank you very much. now an alert about children and screen time. a new study finds the more parents use their devices in front of their kids the more their children screen time increases. eva pilgrim is here with details. kids watch their parents and follow along. >> they do. the pressure is on us as parents. i know it's something you and me talked about. it's something every parent is dealing with, screen time and kids. a study finding, yes, our behavior at parents does impact how our kids interact with screens. a research team from san francisco followed 10,000 children 12-13 and found really interesting take aways when it comes to screen time. if you're worried about how much your kids are on the screen, one of the things you can do is limit your own screen time in front of them. kids who watch screens in their bedrooms and meal times were on screens longer. they also found offering screens as a reward or punishment wasn't
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really effective actually leading to more screen time. while it often feels like you have no control as a parent, this study found those decisions we make to restrict screens really do have a positive impact on our children. so if you're worried about it, there are simple things you can do. limit screens in bedrooms and meal times, model healthy practices yourself. just that can make a big difference. >> whit: meal times makes a big difference. that's an easy one. >> specific locations i feel like as a parent you're like, where, where. but having specific ones is helpful. >> whit: definitely. >> robin: see you on gma3. thank you, as always. coming up on our gma morning menu, heart health benefits of some weight loss drugs. one man shares his improvement after he started taking ozempic. >> george: travis kelce talking football, acting, working with his brother. whole lot more. >> whit: plus the magic of inside 2. amy poehler is taking over in
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times square, the control room. what could go wrong there? sam with some special guests. >> sam: i am full of joy. dearest gentle reader, we are here with scene stealers. queen charlotte, so happy to see you. >> night to be here. >> luke thompson is here. the middle bridgerton. i think there's some dirt coming for you in the show. i feel it. >> always. >> sam: we'll be right back on gma.
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[coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing]
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ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. (vo) on average, we spend 93% of our lives indoors. because breathing but can you imagine missing a moment like this? life happens out there. did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. (vo) struggling with moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? new dove talk to your doctor about #1 prescribed entyvio, offering two maintenance options, including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections.
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liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ it's time. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪ t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. ♪ greatness... hurts. ♪ but with care...
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you can keep chasing it. ♪ that's tylenol. that's care without limits. (♪) these new menu items at panera are perfect tens. they're also each under $10. more new sandwiches and salads, more in every bite, and more new options under $10. come taste the new era at panera and get a $0 delivery fee for a limited time.
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>> robin: welcome back to gma. tomorrow show me the money hits boston, as we try to score lost cash for some basketball fans. >> george: right now time for our gma cover story, the science of you. heart disease is the leading cause of death in the u.s. we're looking at how weight loss drugs may affect your heart health. becky worley has the story. good morning, becky. >> good morning. semaglutides were originally made for the treatment of diabetes. they're so good at reducing blood sugar. it makes sense these medications would also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. but only recently has that been proven in a very large scale study with the fda approving them as a cardiovascular therapy. lee thomas started taking ozempic a year ago. his doctor prescribed him the medication because he was prediabetic and had science of coronary artery disease. >> knowing the family history, there was basically no time to mess around. to have this tool to use so why not try it?
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>> the tool, obesity drugs. in march the fda approving wegovy for cases like lee's after a large study showed it reduced the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular death in adults with heart disease and have obesity. dr. martha gilotti, the director of preventive cardiology at cedar sinai say the drugs continue to surprise doctors. >> these medications have become interesting. we are finding that not only does it help patients lose weight, which is fantastic, but additionally we finally have a trial that shows that we improve outcomes. meaning we reduce the risk of dying from any cardiovascular causes and reduce the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. >> she said the impact of the drugs goes far beyond the positive health benefits you would expect to see from weight loss alone. >> it makes us metabolize food better. also reduce blood pressure. they are cardioprotective in the sense that they improve
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ventricular function and blood flow to the heart. they also act as a diuretic. >> it's been good. >> reporter: lee says his health has improved since starteding the glp1 drug. >> blood work is improved, my heart feels good. my goals are running related not weight loss related. the medication is doing its job. now i can focus on something like running a half marathon, which is my current goal. >> this is really good news. dr. galati said the big study showing that these drugs reduce the risk of heart tact, stroke and cardiovascular death in adults with heart disease who are also overweight or have obesity. that means insurance companies will have to take a harder look at the long term benefits of their members. she says she sees this usage of the drugs only increasing as drug makers are scrambling to keep up with the demand, george. >> george: bottom line, what are the guidelines on who should be using these drugs?
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>> right now it's only for people who have cardiovascular issues and are overweight or obese. dr. galati said there are other treatments for people who have cardiovascular problems with a bmi under 27. one thing she said that strikes me is the effect of these drugs continues to surprise people in the medical field. >> george: it sure does. >> robin: thanks, becky. appreciate you. now travis kelce, kansas city chiefs star talking about working with his brother jason, his acting career, life beyond football. what else could they possibly talk about? will reeve sat down with him exclusively. good morning, will. >> hello again, robin. it's been about four months since travis kelce won his third super bowl. in that time he's been doing a lotted. he's been shooting commercials. he was at the white house. he's been doing his podcast. he's traveled the world as a supportive partner. he's fully aware it's good to be travis kelce.
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>> you gotta fight for your right to party! >> reporter: it's travis kelce's world and he's living it up. >> i feel like i'm on top of the mountain even after winning the super bowl. having the off season that i'm having. living the dream, baby. >> reporter: the 33-year-old three time super bowl champion has been making up the most of it, hitting up high profile charity events. >> i have no kids. this is just what it looks like at 35. >> reporter: and the white house for a chiefs super bowl celebration. >> my fellow americans -- [ laughter ]. great to see you all again. all the secret service guys that were there made sure to let me know they got orders to keep me from the podium unless asked. i was like, yeah. i felt it. i felt all the taser guns on me when i walked up there. >> reporter: now he's making a forray into hollywood landing a role in ryan murphy's grotesquerie.
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>> guys, guess who i am working with on grotesquerie? >> reporter: you an actor now? >> i guess you could say that. i have been on a few shows before. i've only played myself in those shows though. it's definitely different portraying a character and trying to find the emotions in everything and understanding of the script and the scene. it's a challenge. i feel like an amateur. i'm coachable. that's one thing i know from being in sports, i'm a coachable guy. >> reporter: the newly minted actor sitting down with gma on a set of a commercial drink for the energy drink he invests in. >> it represents the us of a. i got lsu gymnast in the building. livvy dunn. just an awesome person. she's making us look amazing. >> reporter: talking sports and kicking back with his brother, former philadelphia eagle, jason kelce, has become a weekly passion. they co-host their hit podcast new highs now in its second season.
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you have this popular podcast that's taken off to new heights, pardon the pun. >> nice. when i tell you i couldn't have imagined i'd get to the point i am today. i'm so fortunate that everybody kind of latched on to me and my brother's family dynamic. that's really what my goal was when we started the podcast. if you look at us on two different teams you really didn't even think that we were brothers. we just had the same last name. just because he's like the neanderthal that wears flip flops in the winter and doesn't care what he looks like. i like to throw on fashionable stuff and have fun. through the podcast we've been able to show everybody just how close we are as brothers. >> reporter: of course, he's made time to support his girlfriend, taylor swift, on the european leg of her world tour. ♪ your well talked about personal life. how do you stay true to who you are? >> when you have good family and friends around you, it makes that aspect of life that much easier.
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i have always been a very grounded guy, you know? might not come off like that when i'm playing football. but off the field i just want to be a genuine person. i try not to get too far down the road. you just never know what opportunities are going to present themselves. >> reporter: on a scale of one to ten, how good is travis kelce's life these days? >> man, 20? 100? man, i'm so fortunate and so grateful of everything that's come my way in life. >> reporter: amid all the chaos of his life, travis tells me that football still is the main focus. primarily and specifically winning another super bowl. i asked him if he has a detailed road map for the future. he told me he prides himself on staying present because you never know what opportunities are gonna come your way which, for travis kelce, is putting it pretty lightly, guys. [ laughter ] >> robin: lot of good stuff coming his way. he just seems very ground, very grounded, will.
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you got that impression, too? >> reporter: i did, yeah. he's well aware of the craziness of it all. i think he kept referencing his family and the people closest to him, how they keep him in the right place. >> whit: if only he would stop beating my 49ers. [ laughter ] >> robin: thanks, will, as always. have fun at the game. sam? >> sam: let's show you some drone video of some of the tornados we had yesterday afternoon, last night. i want to show you this. look at the connective, you can see that debris and mist, that vapor coming up from the ground. look at the fingers dropping out of the clouds as possible tornados. this is where you don't want to be, guys. even if it's a small swirl or spinoff. any time you get a watch or warning you need to get off the roads. look how dangerous that light pole is and all those power lines with the debris. we have more storms coming for the east coast as we go through the afternoon with a cold front. some storms could be strong again around washington, d.c.
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that's the weather and t here we go. three, two. i'm abc7 news meteorologist drew timm with your accuweather forecast. the heat begins to ease today, but we still have our heat advisory for one more afternoon by tomorrow. temperatures are closer to average overnight tonight. patchy cloud cover along the coast, clear skies away from the coast, and overnight lows, mainly in the 50s. accuweather seven-day shows you we're going to find temperatures back to average tomorrow. we have a very nice weekend on the way. and then a minor warm-up arrives early next week >> whit: deals and steals. with father's day around the corner, tory johnson with gifts for the dads. >> let's do it. this is the easiest way to help him hold his every day essentials from craighill. we've got these super sleek key ring. >> i like that. >> sam: that's beautiful. >> it's so sleek and easy, put the keys right on there. got great mesh. this is great for holding your eyewear. great mesh and silicone carriers
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for your eye wear. aviators look good, too. i happen to love this one. when you have a special key that dad can't forget what that key is, you can have this key made. it's pretty awesome. these are sleek every day essentials. this is what he's gonna use. 50% off starting today at $7.50. really affordable. >> sam: that's great. high quality. >> everything is high quality here. mee audio. i love this. this is their brand new speaker lantern for camping. you've got the light, the speakers as well as a power bank built in. sturdy fabulous. >> sam: good for storm outages. >> as a traveller, this is the product you need. this connect air. this is blue tooth capability to devices that don't have it. when you want to watch in flight entertainment on the plane you can keep in your own ear buds and use this. this is so smart. everything from audio is fabulous. today 50% off starting at $10.
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that's fabulous. >> sam: sorry this found its way into my pocket. >> mackenzie skin care. this is really fabulous. >> sam: that's a lot. [ laughter ] >> share. that's how close we are. >> sam: my hands have never been softer. >> plant based. it smells so good. coastal lifestyle inspired. the fabulousness in all these pieces -- >> sam: it's not cheesey guy smell. like a nice fresh clean kind of thing. >> you got it, baby. >> sam: so good. and it just makes you feel soft. but it takes the owner away to 4 to $10 with our deal. perfect, perfect, perfect. um. so camping. yeah camping. tinkering under the car hood. uh, digging around in a dark basement. this is a cap that has a really bright light on it. it's got three different lights. it's
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going to shoot the beam up to 50ft. so this is a really powerful one. it's not just sort of like an ordinary light. it's a spectacular light usb rechargeable with rtl 1650. you're keep it until you. this is like yeah, yeah. you're not. >> yeah i want this one i can't these are these are awesome. >> yeah. this is the easiest way to store and preserve photos, videos, all of those memories from either a computer or your phone. yeah. super easy. you plug it in, you're good to go. it does the loading for you. um, no. nothing to download, nothing complicated picture keeper today, 63% off and free shipping. that's fabulous. one for the family. you can save money on cloud. >> you don't have to hold it all like that day. >> we've got the thomas. we've got ribeyes always ordered the tomahawk, the burgers, the dogs, everything. last time we had a lemon pie that, um, gary ate. so this time we had to guard the chocolate lava cakes here. very make memorable meals for dad. these are all we've got. seven
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different packages from this company today. always a favorite. these are 50% off. all right, lori, what do you do this. >> we do the business. sometimes companies are on our website. good morning. can i eat this? really? really. yeah. go ahead. give right down on the side. grab the ball. get the code there right on the screen. we'll be back in a moment. eat your. i lived in a dream. >> put it. i 20. games the dream about star wars. >> the acolyte new episodes tuesdays. the nba finals. >> get. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. good morning. i'm reggie akie from abc seven mornings. >> here's a look at traffic. and amanda. >> hi, reggie. we're going to take you straight to the bay bridge toll plaza, where you can see cars are bumper to bumper and backed up to the maze. >> it continues to be slow into the city with, uh, drive time
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from the toll plaza into the city at 27 minutes. >> back to you, reggie. >> we're going to check in with meteorologist joshua for a look at a cooler forecast after the break. when lawyers who don't handle injury claims need help, they call us justice. >> takes more than a fighter. you need a champion. can walk up personal injury law visit, walk up do you like this one? >> i think this is my favorite. okay. huh? what do you think? >> this one. when it's time for an update or complete remodel revamp is with you every step of the way. >> is this going to be ready in time for the baby from design and products to removal and installation. oh, check it out. >> we handled the entire process to create a beautiful and functional bathroom for whatever your life needs. >> revamp with you every step of the way. call or visit a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet.
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we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! where you need them. that's wall to wall wi-fi with xfinity. >> when rideshare companies don't hold themselves accountable for injuries caused by their drivers, we will justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion. walk up personal injury law. call 866. walk up law. hey area live with kelly marcus coming up, we'll chat with method man from powerbook two ghosts, plus jordan davis perform. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see in 30 minutes. here's a look at our heat advisory. it continues for one more afternoon after today, we will find temperatures closer to average. to morrow it is sunny
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in the south bay is a live look at our san jose. that's 87 you see on the screen there. we are looking at temperatures right now where we have numbers in the 60 for the most part, and today will be about ten degrees cooler compared to yesterday. so we're starting to get some heat relief this afternoon. highs around the region. we're still above average 92 in concord, 89 in san jose, 77 in oakland, 68 in the city. we'll hit a warm high of 94. in santa rosa. reggie. thanks, drew. >> another abc7 news update at about 30 minutes. you can always catch >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> george: it is a special day on gma. our first visit from amy poehler. [ applause ] >> sorry that it's my first visit. >> george: why has it taken so long? >> robin: was it something we said? [ laughter ]
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>> george: we cannot wait for inside out 2. i bet joy must have been such a fun character. >> it feels like it adds years to my life, playing it. you get to jump around, be happy, motivate everybody. just being in a pixar movie in general is a dream come true. >> sam: because of this film you have access to all of your emotions immediately, right? they are readily accessible. so if you are in traffic and you're really, really angry, can you summon joy and be fine? >> no. [ laughter ] i really can't. i really can't. that's the difference. yeah. no. anger wins the day. [ laughter ] >> robin: just wondering. >> whit: the character riley is now 13 in the film. i have a 12-year-old daughter at home so this hits close to home. did you to tap into some cringey experience from your adolescence? >> oh, yeah. we all had those moments where
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we remember going from playing to hearing the sound of our own voice and thinking, does anyone like me? am i weird? am i sounding weird? everybody has crossed that threshold. this film deals with that moment when a young person and their friends become almost more important than family and there's a separation and a painful exploration of what kind of person you are. i don't think that ends at 13. that happens every ten years, if you're lucky. yeah, been there done that for sure. >> whit: let's go ahead and take a look at a clip. >> behold my super high projection system. don't look. it's fine. this is for all those memories that belong in the back of your mind like this penalty one. it's weighing on her so let's lighten the load. a one way express way to -- we're not gonna think about that right now. woo! >> wow. >> it worked.
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>> you take such good care of riley. >> thanks. i try. okay. let's do a sweep. >> robin: priceless. just precious. introducing some new emotions, anxiety and envy voiced by ian from the bear. >> maya from "stranger things." >> maya hawk, paul walker houser play envy, embarrassment, anxiety and henri, the french word for boredom. >> robin: what's it like introducing these new characters? >> it's great. in the first film you figure out, okay, all these characters live inside our head. second film they come and smash the control center headquarters and they take over. that's what happens sometimes when you're growing up. >> george: what a cast. >> that's exactly it. nobody understands these new emotions. they're really complex. joy, you know, the message of
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the film in many ways is as you get older you have to make room for joy. it's not always easy. there's just beautiful stuff throughout. >> robin: this is a lesson for all of us. >> totally. this is not just for teenagers for sure. >> robin: we love having you here. we're going to have other cast members. io will be here. maya will be here. tony hale. >> tony hale! my friend. >> robin: what should we ask them? >> i would say ask them -- i like the traffic question. [ laughter ] i would like to know how they deal with traffic. yeah. >> george: you told our friend jimmy kimmell you are committed to learning something new every month. tai chi, mah-jong. what's next? >> i'm taking requests. it's the beginning of june. any thoughts on what i should learn? >> sam: roller dancing, roller blading. have you done that? >> that's so much activity. [ laughter ]
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>> robin: is that a hard no? >> sam, thank you for that suggestion. >> sam: roller dance. i can do a demo. >> remember that mah-jong is siting down and tai chi is very slow. >> robin: gotta say you were well worth the wait. >> thanks. happy to be here. my pleasure. [ applause ] don't wait so long. >> my pleasure. can't wait to come back. >> george: inside out 2 will be released in theaters next friday. coming up stars from bridgerton.
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>> robin: what a morning. back with a wildly popular show "bridgerton." got over 82 million views for season 3 part 1. we have two fan favorites here. golda rosheuvel who stars as queen charlotte, and luke thompson, who plays benedict bridgerton. good to have you here. you are on your best behavior? >> we are. >> robin: all right. i don't know. [ laughter ] what can you share with us about part 2? >> part 2. it ramps up, definitely. there's gonna be some interesting connections, interactions with the queen and her rival lady whistledown.
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yeah. it's still spicy, it's still sexy. we still have the costumes. we still have the wigs. it's gonna kick off. >> robin: okay. >> sam: it's amazing how you both come up with that fake accent so quickly. [ laughter ] we were talking about you haven't had scenes together. >> we haven't exchanged a word. >> this is the only time we have spoken, on "good morning america." [ laughter ] >> sam: have you figured out what scene you might like to do together? >> i think i'd like to think -- also the center of society but lifted out. he likes to be on the outside. i would like to think we'd have a lot to say together. i reckon she'd eat him for breakfast. i do. i do. >> it would be naughty. >> robin: let's take a look at a clip.
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>> now is the time to strike. what is your plan, your majesty? >> it is already done. my royal messengers are marching through the streets as we speak. >> oh, lady danbury, we are going to have so much fun. >> george: you own that role. i guess it comes naturally. >> she's great, isn't she? >> she's your mom? >> originally, yes. my mother is the inspiration of the original queen charlotte. charlotte has now taken on a world of her own which is great, you know? characters need to develop and need to expand. so, yes, at the core and the essence she is my mother. >> robin: and the series, it's just delicious. it is. can we talk about the wigs? >> yes. >> robin: we have one here in particular we want to show you. do we have it, lily?
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>> sam: i know what it is. she has to fully turn around. >> robin: how? how? how do you not, you know? >> that actually is not heavy. >> george: no? >> i'll tell you the story of this. it actually took about two years in the making. erika had this idea in the first season to have one of the queen's wigs mechanical, some kind of mechanical thing going on in it. it took two years to get that all signed off. obviously, you have red tape and safety. will it blow up in her hair? [ laughter ] will she be electrokited? how are we going to keep her alive? and my specification was i didn't want it to be heavy. i didn't want the mechanism to be in the wig. you've got the plate which is light where all the spans. all the wires go down the back of my neck to a pack that is harnessed to my leg.
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the pack, the battery pack is only about that big. >> sam: wow. >> and also the whole innards are hollowed out. i was pleased to be able to do that for erika. she's an absolute talent. her brain is sensational. to have that manifest itself to her, as an artist, was -- [ laughter ] somebody press play. [ laughter ] >> sam: while we're talking wigs, i haven't seen this, but you had a wardrobe malfunction. what was it? >> she's dealing with these huge things and i can't wear a bloody pair of trousers. no, basically -- more than once, yeah. also because luke, the other luke, it didn't happen to him. he said they were elastic.
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no, we tried on a pair of trousers for the balloon sequence in the first part. i said they feel snug. they always feel snug. so it will be fine. i did one of the most inelegant puller of the rope, crouching. the other luke is looking fantastic. it happened about three or four times in a row they ripped clean off. [ laughter ] the first time you sort of think, it's fine, doesn't matter. fourth time -- [ laughter ] >> he's showing off. showing off. >> robin: you both are so delightful. and thank you. thank you for the joy. i know we just had joy here. [ laughter ] but the joy that you bring us with the series. >> it's a privilege to be in this show. >> very lucky indeed. >> very very lucky. it changes people's lives and helps them through dark times. it's great. really great. >> robin: it does. season 3 part 2 of bridgerton is coming to netflix next thursday,
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june 13th. why am i talking like that? [ laughter ] >> you're channelling your inner queen. >> sam: robin [ british accent ] let's talk about this heat into the west. we've been talking about so much warmth and record warmth. i want to show you a little bit out of vegas. we like to show the vegas sign. i like it. the forecast is for 112. that would be the hottest temperature this early in the season. when you see these numbers you're thinking, no, we always see numbers in the 100s, particularly out west. not this early. so this is very early heat. to me it's a bad sign of where we're going with temperatures as this heat spreads east. it's not just the west coast it's fully into florida in the next couple days. three two i'm abc seven news meteorologist drew tuna with your accuweather forecast. a little bit of relief from the heat today. our heat advisory continues for one more afternoon. accuweather seven day back to average with our temperatures tomorrow. a nice weekend on the way before a
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minor warmup comes early >> whit: this morning we're shining a light on the lgbtq + community who have struggled with addiction in their journey of accepting who they are. will ganss is joining us. will, this is one very close to your heart. >> that's right, whit. substance abuse disorder disproportionately impacts the queer community. in this month of pride, as i celebrate my identity, not only as a gay man, but a person in recovery, i'm only able to do that because of the folks who stood firmly in those identities before me. this morning we are spotlighting some of those shining sparkling souls. in a sea of half priced vodka sodas you might think authenticity has always come naturally to fonda. for the drag performer known as eric dorsa, the path to pride never did run smooth. >> i just grew up being marinated in shame around who i was.
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i, like many others, found refuge in night life. i found a sense of community for the first time. i didn't have any of the tools that i needed to begin processing any of that shame. for a lot of us i think substances become a solution. >> reporter: members of the lgbtq + community are about twice as likely to face substance abuse disorders than their counter parts. >> what was a struggle for me is that isolation. >> reporter: housing works a new york city advocacy group offered programs including therapy, outpatient treatment for those dealing with alcohol and substance addiction. >> really, the aim of it is to meet people where they are, no matter what it is that's impacting them, trying to join with that person to really create an individualized style of treatment that works for them. >> this is rooted recovery story. >> reporter: 900 miles away in nashville, tennessee, patrick custer shining a light on what long time recovery looks like.
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>> i get to live a life full of happiness, joy, peace. all the things that are the antithesis of what it stole from me. >> reporter: what does it mean this month of pride? >> loving myself to the point where i can be honest and open with every single aspect of myself. >> it's taking pride in not only my identity as a queer person, but my identity as a person in recovery. >> you and i can be that pillar of hope to show other people that, no matter what certain voices are saying, they do not define who and what i am. >> reporter: and eric, another pillar of pride, will celebrate ten years of sobriety later this year. eric, what was it like performing as a sober queen for the first time? >> it was so exhilarating. the way i would describe it is almost like the excitement you feel before getting on your first roller coaster. it's like you're terrified, but
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you're also excited. to use drag is just the vehicle of celebration. >> i have tried to consider what message i needed to here as a queer person with substance abuse issues. i think it's this. for anyone out there struggling, it's not your fault, but it is your responsibility. the good news, you don't have to do it alone. there's a proud community of people ready to help when you're ready to ask for it. >> whit: powerful story. i'm proud of you, will, and everything that you've been through in your journey and recovery. thank you very much for that. we'l rht back.
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>> robin: we are back >> robin: we're back with more nba finals excitement. the celtics have home court advantage. let's go back to will at the garden in boston with something special. hey there, will. >> reporter: hey there, robin. we're very excited in boston. guys, how you feeling about the celtics tonight? [ cheers ] these are my celtics friends. we've got one person in the crowd in particular who is a real hometown hero. we want to tell you about her.
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is there a porshai peters in the house? hello. you're going to come right here, please. hello. >> hi. >> rebecca: i'm will. we've already met. great to be with you. we heard about what you do for your community. we want to show you something that celebrates you. take a look. >> okay. >> reporter: meet porshai peters. she's from boston and loves her hometown team. >> porshai loves the celtics. she has lived in boston her whole life. she bleeds green through and through. >> she loves jalen brown, jason tatum and derek white. >> reporter: her love for the celtics runs deep using curbside care during both pregnancies an initiative of the boston celtics shamrock foundation and boston medical center that supports women and infants during the first six weeks of life. >> she didn't have to get up, you know, lug the baby to the hospital to get care. the care came to her. it's had a tremendous impact on her life and well-being. >> reporter: the former
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elementary school teacher realizing a passion to serve women and their babies so she started a new career becoming a post partum doula and certified lactation counselor. >> she made me feel more confident in myself as a mom. >> there are so many women and families who are just so lucky to learn from you and receive support from you. >> thank you for all the work that you do to make our community healthier, happier place for us. >> i love that. [ laughter ] >> reporter: there's a lot of emotion on your face. so much emotion. what are you feeling and thinking? >> i'm so grateful for the opportunity to have been part of curbside care. it launched a new phase of my life. all my family and friends here, thank you all so much. it's amazing. >> reporter: we are thrilled to celebrate you. we're not the only ones who want to celebrate you. the celtics and espn heard about
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what you do, who you are and how you are a celtics fan. i feel like you should go to the game tonight. do you want some tickets? >> i would love tickets. [ applause ] >> reporter: porshai peters -- >> thank you! >> reporter: you and a guest are going to game 1 tonight. that's not all. if you look over your left shoulder, there's a jacket here. there's only 175 of those made. espn celebration of the nba finals on abc. the marriage of fashion and sport. so you get two of those. i'm going to try and snag one myself. before we get outta here, you got tickets to the game tonight. you got a jacket here. what do you have to say to your friends and family and to america at home? >> moms need more support. people and doctors and nurses like curbside care are exactly what we need. support your local doctors, your doulas, your midwives, nurses, lactation consultants. >> reporter: thank you very
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much, porshai. thank you. congrats. well deserved. one last round for yourself. [ applause ] back to you in the studio. >> robin: very impressive. very impressive. i love how she turned the attention to everybody else. immediately like that. you can watch game 1 of the nba finals tonight tonight tonight here at 8:30 p.m. eastern on abc. we'll be right back. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet.
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meyers, there was no fee. there was no upfront cost. i was able to get all my medical bills paid for my case was in the right hands because they're so experienced. what happens when ordinary becomes extraordinary? >> we find out this summer at the exploratorium. nine artists make everyday stuff into incredible art. explore stunning installations made out of lego pieces, string shoes, saxophones and more. see the ordinary transformed. maybe you will be too. >> it's the la-z-boy inventory. overstock sell-off event. we're clearing everything out. store wide. save up to 50% on closeouts, overstocks and floor samples. get our best offers on your favorite la-z-boy furniture la-z-boy. long live the lazy >> you. we thank. well, we thank the team in boston. have fun at
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the game. >> the stanley cup final oil country looks to celebrate for the first time since 1990. the panthers have waited a lifetime to capture their first stanley cup. >> the stanley cup final game one saturday on abc. >> yo, what's up everybody? how you doing? >> kev. kev, can i get a response to the trade rumors? it's frazier. >> trades means moving, man. we talking about moving? moving means contractors, inspectors, strangers judging my carpet. what are we talking about? staging. we're talking about a faux ficus. a faux ficus? nobody's gonna be a faux ficus in my house. >> you could use open door, sell your house directly to them. it's easy. >> i guess we're moving. kev. kev, what you gonna ask me about next, man? practice. >> shake up your night with jimmy kimmel live weeknights on abc. >> sponsored locally by ram. what season is it? it's the season to hurry into your ram dealership for great deals. start ram season with great
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deals going on now. >> are calling was to build trucks and that's why trucks are what we do. we put our everything into every truck so that when you find your calling. nothing can stop you from answering it. >> 96.5 quite. listen today while you work. it's an updated mix of today's hits and yesterday's favorite. girls like you run round with guys like somebody. start your day with the 7:30 a.m. commercial free workday kickoff. stand a little taller by by number one for listening while you work today's hits and yesterday's favorite 96.5 co. it >> if you've been hurt in an accident, who you choose to represent you matters. >> being part of your community matters. their winning record and level of care matters. the trial attorneys at sweet james
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are some of the best in the country, consistently delivering some of the top settlements in the state. not only do we win, we win big. so if you're injured in an accident and results matter, call a hometown firm that delivers. call sweet james. >> a precision garage door. our technicians can repair your door the same day or order you a new garage door. you can rest easy knowing it'll be done right with precision garage doors, as we've been around for over 25 years, precision door service a name you can trust. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's traffic with amanda. hi, reggie. >> so a trouble spot in san francisco. this is specifically northbound 101. the connector ramp to northbound 280. we're getting reports about a fire. fire crews are blocking the left lane in the northbound direction because of a fire. it is underneath the road is what we're talking, what we're
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hearing. and so you're going to see smoke in that area. you're going to see a lot of activity as well. it's impacting traffic on all sides of the road. drew. >> hi amanda. we have one more day of our heat advisory. this will expire later on this evening. we have full sunshine out there, but we will see some relief from the heat today. temperatures mainly in the 60s and 70s right now, so daytime highs about ten degrees cooler than yesterday. widespread relief tomorrow reggie drew thank you. >> now it's time for live with kelly and mark. we see you again kelly and mark. we see you again on the air at 11 for midday. deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. today from power book ii: ghost, cliff "method man" smith. and award-winning, best-selling author, james patterson. plus a performance from country star, jordan davis. ["say cheese" by paul russell]


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