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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  June 7, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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ann glover. today newsom help launch the effort here in northern california to win support for the ballot measure. >> abc seven news reporter luz pena was there. joining us now live in the newsroom. luis, some people may be wondering why the governor feels like he needs to do this, since gay marriage is already legal in the state of california. >> yeah, larry, gay marriage is legal, but many people may not remember that in the california constitution, marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. that wording was a change made by prop eight, which also banned same sex marriage in california until the u.s. supreme court overruled it. but now, as the supreme court becomes more conservative, there's concern that decision could actually be revised. and that's why governor newsom is pushing for this amendment. 20 years ago, then san francisco mayor gavin newsom ordered the city to begin issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples in what became known as the winter of love. now, newsom is back in san francisco as the state's governor to expand on that pledge, we have a special role
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and responsibility to lead, and that's what this initiative is all about. governor newsom, along with several california political leaders, are supporting assembly constitutional amendment number five, or aca five, an amendment that would change the wording of what the state's constitution defines as marriage. >> this is so important and timely, especially during the month of pride, that when we celebrate, we oftentimes need to reaffirm our commitment. >> assembly member evan lowe views the amendment to the constitution as vital, following the ruling by the us supreme court on abortion overturning roe v wade, two justices specifically cited the two court cases loving interracial marriage and obergefell. >> same sex protections that that is next on the chopping block. they weren't done with just reproductive freedom. they are coming for us. >> the california constitution was amended in 2008, stating that marriage was between a man and a woman. in 2008, the voters
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in california passed proposition eight, which put this discriminatory language into the california state constitution. >> but we know that the tide has completely shifted in california. >> the california family council was behind the passing of prop eight. now they categorize this ballot measure as deeply concerning, completely abolishes the traditional definition of marriage, not just repealing the definition of prop eight as between one man and one woman, but there is now no limit to the number of people that could get married the age of people that could get married, or the genetic relationship their concern goes beyond the california constitution. >> tragically, if we begin to abolish marriage in the state of california, we are opening pandora's box. >> now. california voters will decide when they vote this november in the newsroom. love pena, abc seven news. >> luce. thank you. black community leaders are speaking out today against vandalism at san francisco city hall. the took place earlier this week and mayor london breed says she was
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the target of that racist, sexist graffiti. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn with more now on what some local leaders are saying. >> the word is sheer. there's two vulgar, vicious. that's right. and vile. >> amos brown, the president of the naacp, is disgusted by the graffiti found at city hall. mayor london breed has not shared exactly what it said, but she says it's directed at her on friday, black community leaders said the words out loud and denounced them. >> it's a racist slur. yeah, it's an offensive word. yes, it hurts. it's hurtful. racial slur . >> today i think they crossed the line. i think the words they use was very egregious. i think it was very harmful and hurtful. and it's not about politics or protest. it's personal. this is disgusting. >> yes. >> there's no reason why our community, our mayor, our city
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workers have to walk by that. yes we are more we are more than that. >> multiple city employees who came into work early wednesday discovered the graffiti. they quickly removed it. the san francisco sheriff's office says it's launched an investigation and is reviewing video surveillance footage, and it has increased foot patrols in and around city hall, various community leaders are speaking out to voice their frustration. this is the mayor of our city. >> she is a black woman. it is an assault on her and all black women. we don't take it lightly. we can't take it lightly. we can't let whoever did that get away with it, in the sense that we are going to be quiet about it. >> supervisor catherine stefani released a statement saying, quote, i'm disgusted by the racist and sexist graffiti at city hall this week. this crime is reprehensible and i hope the perpetrators are found and held accountable to the fullest extent possible. in san francisco, suzanne phan abc
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seven news. >> a new development that a series of racist threats that were sent to a popular dog walker in san francisco, police released video and screenshots of a person of interest today, and they say that person may have some information about this case. terry williams says two threatening packages were sent to his doorstep near alamo square back in april, and in may, a fire destroyed the home that he shares with his parents. police say the fire investigation is separate from the racist packages in the east bay. >> over 60 firefighters in contra costa county battled a three alarm grass fire near brentwood today. the blaze took off around 11 a.m. near albers court and deer valley road. it quickly went to three alarms, fire officials say, burning dangerously close to at least one property there. the flames charred 22 acres before its forward progress was stopped. cal fire says it's now 95% contained. good news there with no injuries, no structures lost. the cost. the cause, rather, is still under investigation. meanwhile, crews continue to put
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out some hot spots in trenton, strengthen containment lines at the crystal fire in napa county that fire broke out between saint helena and calistoga yesterday afternoon. it scorched 60 acres and is also 95% contained. one outbuilding was destroyed but no homes burned. four injured firefighters were treated at a local hospital. they've since been released and fire season is definitely here and weather conditions can often dictate what happens and the spread of these fires. thankfully, those temperatures a little bit lower today. we want to check in now with francis lawson. yeah, julian. >> larry. so it's the temperatures and the wind that will impact the firefighters and here's a look outside at the golden gate bridge. you'll notice there are hazy conditions. so some of this this is due to the particulate matter. but some of this is also due to the sea spray with high pressure above us right now it's trapping some of the salt particles in the air. so we'll take a look at winds. they are gusting up to 30mph in the napa area, and also 30mph in san francisco. and as we track the wind over the next 24 hours, which you'll notice it, it will
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still be pretty breezy this evening. it will start to die down tomorrow morning, but then it will pick up again tomorrow afternoon and evening. so pretty gusty, especially in the north bay coast and in calistoga, near 30 miles an hour. also that in livermore. but the wind has brought temperatures down. the cooling will continue. gone are the 90s that we saw yesterday. today, inland areas are mainly in the 80s and 70s, and the cooling trend will continue compared to 24 hours ago, we're almost ten degrees cooler in many inland areas like concord, livermore, santa rosa and fairfield. i'll let you know how much cooler it's going to be this weekend and when temperatures will rebound. larry, all right, francis, we'll see you with the seven day forecast in a few minutes. >> don't run. that is the advice from san jose park rangers. after several mountain lion sightings south san jose residents shared these pictures of a mountain lion in a yard. santa clara county is prime mountain lion habitat. if you encounter one, they tell you stand tall, face the puma and make noise. make yourself bigger by waving your arms back away
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slowly, but don't run. that may trigger a chase. response from the mountain lion and call 911. if the animal shows any aggression. wildlife officials have confirmed the first documented death of a person in california caused by a black bear. this happened last november in downieville. that's in rural sierra county. officials say the bear entered the home of a 71 year old woman and mauled her to death. originally, investigators thought the bear had mangled the woman's body after she had already died. that bear has since been euthanized. wildlife experts say black bears typically avoid confrontations, but encounters with humans are on the rise. >> the mayor of berkeley says the city is ready to financially back the university of california and its plan to build housing at people's park. this has been years in the making. yesterday, the state supreme court ruled the university could move forward with its construction plans. neighbors had sued to block the project, saying it would create too much noise. but the court said the argument had no merit. the plan is now to build housing with 100
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beds for cal students. >> berkeley has the lowest number of beds per students of any campus in the entire university of california system, and the shortage of student housing impacts our entire housing market. it constrains the ability of other people to be able to live in our city. >> berkeley will fund part of the project, which will also include 100 beds for homeless residents, two acres of the site, about 60, will remain open space. >> there's a new wrinkle in the war on junk fees here in california, a law passed last year to tackle the problems actually ended up hurting an important industry that would be restaurants. but now lawmakers are trying to make things right. abc seven news reporter tim johns explains why this change is so important to restaurants in the bay area. >> a new law banning so-called junk fees across the state july 1st could soon be getting modified. on thursday, two bay area state senators introduced a new bill that clarifies how restaurants would be required to deal with the junk fee ban in the new bill, restaurants will still be able to charge things like service fees to customers,
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as long as they're clearly explained to diners ahead of their meal. >> that sb 478 was not intended to affect the restaurants, bars and food service providers that had a clearly listed, transparent service charge or surcharge or additional fee. >> the original bill was passed last year, but concern over restaurant fees started just a few weeks ago. i'm here at the palette tea house at san francisco's ghirardelli square, where they already include verbiage about service charges on their menus. however, they do tell me that the new law has still caused confusion among them and their staff. >> we know about it for a while, but exactly where do they apply to a restaurant or not? it's you know, nobody really knows for certain. >> dennis loooooong is the palettes general manager. he believes the new legislation is needed. dennis says restaurants like his rely on service fees to make ends meet, and the possibility of getting rid of them would have been detrimental. he also tells me the money collected directly benefits his staff in a more
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equal way. >> so if a charge is considered a restaurant income and we can distribute that at our discretion, so we were able to tip our dishwasher, our line cooks, and everybody in the restaurant will get benefit from it. >> and given the difficult time many restaurants have had recovering since the pandemic, thomas says she too, is thankful lawmakers are stepping in to make things clear once and for all. >> we just don't want to leave a law up to having it to be litigated to figure it out, lawmakers say they hope to pass a new bill on an accelerated timeline in san francisco. >> tim johns, abc seven news. >> a's fans are conducting yet another reverse reverse boycott. next up, a live report on what they've cooked up this time. also, it is the end of an era. the last weekend of racing at golden gate fields. not everyone is sad to see it go though, and later we investigate why it's taken 24 years to renovate harvey milk plaza in
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join the millions who're feeling the power of osteo bi-flex®, the #1 pharmacist recommended joint care supplement. (♪) find our coupons in sunday's paper. post moved to las vegas. they are at it again tonight. abc seven sports anchor casey pratt out at the coliseum to show us what they're up to now. casey, what's going on? >> yeah, larry, it's a little quiet out here, right now. parking lots are not open yet, but yes, they are staging
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another reverse boycott. they're never going to be able to duplicate what they did last year. that was to make a major statement. this one is more about just giving fans an excuse to go to the coliseum one last time, and not feeling guilty about giving a's owner, john fisher, their money beforehand. they have thrown an event at a local brewery called line 51. i was there earlier because that's where all the fans are. they know how to throw a party and they're getting all set up, prepped for this big night. but what's interesting is people are a bit conflicted about how they're going to handle this evening. >> my wife, who's here with me, she said, well, we should go one last time. and i was like, i it's hurt, but i didn't want to. and then this whole reverse boycott came along as well. let's might be the last time. so let's do it. and so here we are. >> it's a chance for you just to feel somewhat okay being there for a lot of people. this could be their first game of the year, their last game of the year, their only game of the year at the coliseum. >> but i'm done with the a's. i
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truly am like, you know, for someone that wants to be here. >> so you heard a varying bit of opinions there. one fan came all the way from winnipeg to go to this a's game. you heard the oakland 68 president, george leon, say at the end, he's not going to go inside. he's going to head over to raymond park and check out the ballers. so that's the interesting thing about tonight. it's not about attendance. it's not about a show of force. it's about enjoying oakland baseball any way you would like. and no one wants to tell anyone how to process the grief of potentially losing your major league baseball team. so yes, a bunch of fans will be here tailgating in this parking lot. some will go inside and then some will get in a car and head to raymond park. and that's what i plan to do too. >> all right, well, if somebody's flying in from winnipeg for this, that's true commitment. there also true commitment by you. suffering through going to a brewery with all that beer to get those interviews. casey >> yes. and i couldn't have any beer. that's the saddest part about all of it. but you do see
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the black suit is on. so, i mean, business. >> larry black funeral suit for the a's. thank you. casey, we'll check back with you this afternoon. later on. >> well, it is the end of an era for horse racing. golden gate fields the last remaining year round racetrack in the bay area, shutting down for good this weekend. abc seven news reporter ryan curry has reaction from people already thinking about the future of that site. >> just a few races remain at golden gate fields before it closes for good. since 1941, horses have raced along this mile long track. >> golden gate fields is a huge property that's not being utilized for basically anyone that actually takes part in our community. >> samantha fay has spent many days at the track, but she is happy to see it closing. her great grandfather was a former mayor of albany and says this track is ingrained in the bay area's history. however, she says part of that history has meant the death of many horses, so golden gate fields routinely will kill over 20 horses a year, and today, this weekend, i'm thinking about them. >> the track owners announced it
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was closing in july of last year so they can consolidate operations. the california horse racing board announced in march plans to move races to alameda county fairgrounds later this year. other animal rights activists say this field should have been closed a while ago. >> we've been raising our voices and calling for the killings to stop for years. and finally, the death toll at this track is going to stop rising. >> since 2008, it has been the only thoroughbred racing track in northern california. the land is massive, 141 acres that sit right on the bay shore. those we spoke with say this land could be used for different things that could benefit the community. >> we could use this land in berkeley and albany for things that are so much more useful to the community. this could be permanent supportive housing. we could have a community garden. >> i'm really looking forward to what the people of the east bay, especially berkeley and albany, get to do with the 140 acres that's now becoming available to them. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> from horses to horsepower,
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some of the world's best race car drivers are in the bay area for the nascar cup series. it's the 38th year sonoma raceway is hosting the toyota save mart 350. the action got underway today with several practice runs. you see him right there on the two mile course. tomorrow is qualifying for both the nascar cup series and the xfinity series. the big race is sunday, with martin truex junior looking to defend last year's win, his fourth overall at sonoma raceway. you know, i had a chance to drive at the track. >> how'd you do? yeah, well, they said beforehand, don't pass anybody. we don't want any incidents. and what'd you do? well, yeah. you know you know sometimes you got to go. i have not been invited back on a strange coincidence, larry. >> need for speed. >> yeah, exactly. exactly. it's fun out there, speaking of which, it should be fun this weekend. hopefully not too hot. yeah. >> gorgeous weather around here. we check in now with francis lawson for a look at that forecast. hey, francis. >> hey, julian. hey, larry. in fact, the weather will be
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comfortable. if you are heading to the races. it will be closer to average. so the 90s are gone from the inland areas. we'll see more 70s and 80s. let's start off with live doppler seven and show you we have some clouds, especially along the coast right now. and here's a live view from emeryville, where we see some hazy conditions in san francisco. it's currently 61, oakland 66, hayward 71. san jose warmer at 78. and check out half moon bay only 59 degrees as we show you live shot from the east bay hills, you'll notice more hazy conditions and see how numbers are in the 70s and 80s. santa rosa 72, petaluma 73. napa 67. right now, but fairfield and concord are at 80 and livermore at 77. so we're seeing lots of cooling. the sea breeze is pushing that cool air in right now. gusts are strongest in napa at around 30mph in fairfield, 24 miles an hour. so that's not great news for firefighters. will continue to be breezy tomorrow. overnight we'll see some fog and low clouds return
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tomorrow. the cooling trend continues, but we're only dropping by a couple degrees. and so it's going to stay moderate through the weekend. and then next week if you want the warmer weather, it is going to return monday and tuesday. we'll see some 90s for their inland neighborhoods. here's a live shot of the golden gate bridge. it's a really interesting shot because we have some hazy conditions and this is partly due to the smoke, but it's also partly due to the sea spray and high pressure trapped above and keeping the sea spray trapped right there. so that's what's causing the hazy conditions at the golden gate bridge. is really interesting to see that. so tonight we'll see temperatures drop mainly into the low to mid 50s. once again, with the exception of lakeport, san francisco 53, san jose 56. but tomorrow, though, we'll see some high clouds passing through and temperatures will be more moderate. in san jose, look for a high of 80 degrees along the lower part of the peninsula. comfortable in redwood city at 74, and then at the beaches with that sea breeze and the low clouds, temperatures will stay
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near 60 degrees 64 downtown san francisco. so if you're heading up to the sonoma raceway up towards sonoma and napa, temperatures will be in the upper 70s and then look for 60s to low 70s generally in the east bay, the warmest spots will be in the inland once again, but only the 80s this time. in fact, some areas only in the upper 70s. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. so hazy once again breezy. and then temperatures will be just a little bit cooler. notice for the weekend, but actually closer to average. they start to bounce back monday. tuesday gets hot inland and then we start to cool down again thursday and friday as that sea breeze returns. >> yeah, really pleasant though. yeah, yeah. something for everybody there. >> yeah. >> there's a little bit of 60s cool and 90s inland. whatever you want. so we've got the pool weather coming back. >> all right. like that. appreciate it. thank you francis. well up next, the us economic report that defied the expectations of those so-called
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experts. and finally, some good news for san francisco's union square. we've got an update on a major business do you question the tradeoffs of treating? ubrelvy is another option. it works fast to eliminate migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,...
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hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. of labor statistics says the economy added 272,000 jobs last month. way more than the 180,000
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jobs economists anticipated. job gains were mostly concentrated in fields like health care, government hospitality. the unemployment rate rose slightly to 4. americans paychecks also grew at a faster pace for the first time in months in may. workers made an average of almost $35 an hour, an increase of $0.14 an hour from the previous month, and up 4% in a year. economists worry all the great news for employees could also point to more pressure from inflation. higher labor costs, as we know, could lead to higher prices. >> the new nintendo store coming to san francisco will take up a prime location in union square. permit filings with the city indicate the store will be at powell street and geary, on the southwest corner of the plaza. it will be one of the street level retail shops of the western saint francis hotel. the nintendo store will take up 11,000ft■!s of space, close to e size of their flagship store in new york city, and that store is expected to open next year and
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heads up for caltrain riders. you may have to make some other arrangements if you have plans to ride this weekend. service between san francisco and san jose will be shut down so the agency can test can test its new electric trains. there will be some busses between the san jose diridon, palo alto and millbrae stations. the busses will not run into san francisco, though. the shutdown is part of caltrans work to electrify the railroad with trains that are supposed to be faster and cleaner and more efficient. the new trains are set to roll out in september. >> just ahead, it's supposed to be a tribute to an american civil rights icon. >> when visitors come here, it's a little bit underwhelming to come to harvey milk plaza and see this next. >> it's been around for decades, so why is it taking so long to renovate harvemilk plaza? lyanne melendez
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thousands of people all around the world descending on san francisco, in particular the castro district with harvey milk plaza, home of the rainbow flag, essentially a mandatory stop. >> the community has envisioned a more desirable plaza honoring the life and legacy of the late civil rights leader. abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez is here to tell us nothing is given, but they are a lot closer to finally making this thing happen. >> a few months ago, i think people would have said fat chance belly dance, but i think now they're saying it's getting a little bit closer, a lot closer. but i have to say, the renovation of that plaza has been controversial. some in favor, others not so much. not only will it be costly, but getting to this point has taken years. are you surprised? it's the san francisco way, 1961.
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president john f kennedy made a bold proposition to congress, landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. then in 1969, this happened. >> it's one small step for man >> you know the rest. so we have to ask ourselves, how is it that it took only eight years to put a man on the moon, yet it has taken more than 24 years to renovate harvey milk plaza in the castro district. >> you know how it is in this town, you know. i mean, everybody has an opinion about everything. >> as activist cleve jones and others reminded us, democracy is what defines us. but it often means delaying projects. in 1985, the castro muni station was named harvey milk plaza after the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in california. it wasn't until the year 2000 that there was a
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call to design a new plaza, but the on again, off again project never materialized. it's taken 24 years, 24 years. >> yeah, not continuous trying, but like efforts. but this effort that started in 2016 is certainly moved the farthest along. >> that's brian springfield of friends of harvey milk plaza, a group behind the most recent attempt to redesign the plaza. when muni announced it had to build a new state of the art elevator on the plaza that set the wheels in motion for the overall project. jones, who was at milk's side during the many rallies and marches, says the project is worthy of a trailblazer. this was harvey milk's neighborhood. >> harvey milk was part of creating what we know as the castro today, which is known all across the world. and when visitors come here, it's a little bit underwhelming to come to harvey milk plaza and see this. >> the design is intentional. here's what it looks like now as you enter the plaza. the updated
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version will have a pedestal at the entrance and a meeting place to encourage activism. which milk himself mastered. >> and at the other end of the site is the medallion that says hope. and that's in this park like setting. >> that area will be surrounded by 11 trees representing the 11 months that milk was in office before he was murdered. there will be a central terrace at the base of the rainbow flag created by the late gilbert baker, kathy amendola, who offers walking tours of the castro, says people from all over the world connect with that flag. >> it's such an iconic symbol globally and we just want to preserve that part of our history. >> the stairs that lead to the muni station will be pushed back, and once you enter the station, there will be an area honoring milk's legacy. this is what they have now. a few photos without any real context, as muni passengers seem not to notice. the new design will be
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somewhat similar to what sfo has at the harvey milk terminal, but not everyone is on board. there's a small group that wants to make minor changes without demolishing the current plaza. >> our problem here in the city right now is too much money. we've had a doubling of the budget. we need. this money is. it's. yes. don't spend the money on this. it's not community led. what's community led is to preserve this. >> still, the money has been coming in from private donations and state and federal funds, but nothing close to the 35 million needed to complete the work until mayor london breed included the project as part of a much larger infrastructure bond. are you optimistic that it's going to pass in november? >> you never know. i mean, the voters are cranky and they have good reason to be cranky, but i'm certainly hoping they'll vote for this bond because it's really, really important. we i'm hopeful it'll get through the board of supervisors, but we're not there yet, so we can't take anything for granted. >> but the word hope seems to
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resonate with those behind the project who have already promised a delivery date 2028. >> i'll see you there in 2028. >> even jones remembers he was once told the project would never happen in his lifetime. >> well, cleve, this will happen eventually, but you probably won't be here to see it, >> so again, everything will depend on voters passing that bond in november, which includes not only that renovation, but other big projects. now, if it doesn't pass, i think it's back to the drawing board. and i'll tell you why. because there is also a school bond on the ballot in november. and that one, though, requires 55% of the vote in order to pass. because it's a school bond right now, this one, because it's not a school bond, requires two thirds. much harder to pass when it's 66. >> so 2028 projection keep that
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in mind. >> are you are you writing it down? >> are you down with 2028? are you going to say fat chance, belly down, belly dance? you like that? no, i love that. that's not that's my whole yeah thing made my day with that. all right. thanks, liane. >> i'll keep you posted. >> all right. >> well, hundreds of families are in need, and they're getting getting some food assistance in san francisco's chinatown. thousands of bags filled with groceries handed out today at an event hosted by the chinese newcomer service center. more than 100 volunteers worked so hard through the night to load up those bags, with about $75,000 in food donations, it's enough to feed 5000 families. >> this is a lot of bags. i mean, it's an incredible amount of effort to put all these bags together, and i just want to thank all the folks that so generously donated their money, their food, their time to make sure that those within our community who would otherwise go to bed hungry are not doing so. >> the chinese newcomer service center has been hosting the giveaway for more than 20 years, with help from the sf human services agency.
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>> up next, pat sajak's final spin on wheel of fortune and the zoo staffers and animals going all in on the tiktok trend down unde
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show history comes to an end tonight, with pat sajak hosting the wheel of fortune for the
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very last time. vanna white addressed it during last night's episode. >> i can't believe that tomorrow is our last show together. i don't know how to put into words what these past 41 years have meant to me, but i'm going to try. 8000 episodes went by like that. >> quite a run. sajak has hosted wheel of fortune for more than 40 years, and now he says he's looking forward to time with his crossword puzzles and family. you can watch pat's final spin tonight at 730 here on abc. seven ryan seacrest takes over as host starting in september. dan, you talk about any show. a 40 year run is almost unheard of . >> oh, it is, especially in this day and age. and of course, when alex trebek died, that's the reason he stopped us probably sooner than he would have, of course. but these are folks that have been in our homes for decades, and they really are part of our rituals. and it's hard to see him just choose to go, well, we'll miss him because he really was part of the fabric
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of american culture in a lot of ways. so many people watched that show every night. yeah. >> francis, were you in on that show? >> oh my gosh. i have been watching that show since i was a kid, so it's amazing. i think that everybody knows about wheel of fortune, even all my relatives in the philippines have seen it. you know, he's just so popular and you feel like you bond with you feel like you know him, you know? >> yeah. and for me, it's easier than playing jeopardy. >> i was going to say the same thing. i could win something, i could. >> oh, my god, i got it right. >> yeah. they take you down with jeopardy, then bring you back up with wheel of royal. right? it's like something i can get on here. yeah bear encounters on the rise, apparently. and sometimes in the most unexpected places. we got some video right here. taken during football practice in truckee at their high school. the players just stop and watch as this black bear just strolls through the football field. no blocking this guy, right? wildlife experts say many of the encounters involve young black bears getting more accustomed to humans. we are beginning to see this more and
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more. >> julian put some pads on this thing. right? >> right, exactly. put him in, coach. put him in offensive tackle right here. >> wow. i'm always amazed at how people look so calm in these videos. i would be just running the other way completely if i saw anything near us like that. >> but the bear looks pretty chill actually. just kind of minus. it doesn't look like he's being aggressive. >> yeah, the team name is the wolverines. that's why it's wolverines. meet bear and oh, and bear was unfazed by wolverines. >> yeah, we had the story earlier regarding the mountain lions. >> and i love, you know, the advice is always the same. stand still. make yourself big. oh, yeah. and make a lot of noise like the bear is going to go really? right. nice try. really. >> and also, larry, remember, you don't have to outrun the bear. you just have to outrun your friend. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> we see how dan is going to play, man. >> right? right, right. >> little trip here. >> right? fight to survive here, guys. oh, man. >> all right. oh, it's my turn
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on. australian zoo is joined in on the viral hands in tiktok trend. halls gap zoo in victoria shared this fun video of its zoo animals joining the party party party. you know, however you want to say party, the trend requires pet owners to stack their hands over each other. they're hoping for the animals to also join in. this zoo successfully got their tiger quolls, otters, a red panda to participate. oh that's adorable is the red panda. but the zoo's dingo decided to make a grand exit when its turn arrived. i actually saw this with some family pets. you know, people doing the same thing with their dogs. i saw that, and in a lot of cases, you know, the dogs would go for it and sometimes they would just do this. >> they would just put the head over top. this is just so cute. >> dan, you got a couple of dogs. you think how would they fare with this? >> actually, you know, both dogs are really they offer their paws even before we ask for them a lot. actually you know, i was just thinking, watching that we
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sometimes because obviously they don't have language skills. but as my wife angela often reminds me, animals are smarter than we give them credit for, you know? and even while not domesticated animals, it's just interesting the interactions that they can have with people sometimes. >> yeah, especially for treaters on the other side of that interaction. well that's true. >> that's a big incentive. >> yeah. it's just it's just fun to see some of these things. you wonder if you could only peer into the mind of some of these pets. what they'd be thinking. right. sometimes you may not want to know their opinion. >> actually. exactly. >> i should just eat this person. >> yeah, well, this guy ever leave the house, right? stop talking right. >> ready? set dough. a pizza chef from argentina has been crowned number one after the world pizza championship recently. we have a look at some of the winners moves right here during the acrobatics freestyle category. whoa, whoa. wow. more than 170 chefs from 14 different countries. is that on fire? >> he's on fire! one. wow >> they were all a part of this competition. the contestants cook pizza, and this guy's
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really cooking the pizza, right? they made empanadas, too, and they were tested on taste skills. creativity. looks like they got a lot of at least the last two. creativity and skills right there. look at this. >> oh, this is incredible. >> it looks like a sombrero. >> now this guy's blindfolded. >> i like cooking it while you spin it. that jobs combined into one. wow. >> and look at the crowd there too, right? like a lot of people actually turned out to watch them do this. >> this can't be that practice, does it? i was going to say, you know, 8.5 for that, honey, i've got to go practice my i'll be in the garage spinning. yeah, exactly. and where's where's that fire. where's that. where's that, gasoline i needed? wow. >> that's cool. oh, dropped one. >> yeah. >> well, that's going to be. >> oh, breakdancing and pizza spinning. >> there'll be a deduction, if any, if any dough is dropped. and i'm guessing taste is not a huge factor in that competition with things lying on the floor. dan, you got something to spin. yeah like the pizza.
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>> yeah. what's happening here? >> this is a i played a lot of ball as a kid. our producer steve handed me this on the way down. said, try to spin this. i've never done it on live television. let's see if i can do it. here we go. there we go. oh usually i can get it going for a while, but not so much luck today. oh, one more time. >> that's all right. we'll take it. oh here we go. dan, next stop for you is the pizza dough competition. >> you still got it? yeah. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business.
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tyria thrive in warmer temperatures. >> abc's jacqueline lee shares steps you can take to avoid food borne illness. >> whether you like to grill in the backyard or picnic in the park, the summer season is a popular time to gather and eat outdoors. >> something you have to keep in mind is that bacteria tends to grow faster in warmer and humid months. the cdc estimates there are about 48 million illnesses, 128,000 hospitalizations and 3000 deaths from food borne diseases in the u.s. each year. >> in order to stay safe and avoid food borne illnesses, follow guidance from the u.s. department of agriculture. the first step the usda recommends washing your hands ahead of preparing food, and again before and after handling raw meat. >> we recommend that you're washing your hands for at least 20s with warm water and soap, the usda says to beware of the danger zone between 40 and
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140°f. >> when bacteria grows, most rapidly, this means storing hot foods at or above 140°f by keeping foods on the grill and heated chafing dishes, slow cookers, or warming trays. and for perishables that are cold, store at 40°f or below so you're putting them in coolers. >> you're keeping them in insulated bags, you're using cold points like ice and gel packs, tri packing drinks in a separate cooler from food. >> since the beverage cooler may be opened frequently and could reach an unsafe temperature for perishable foods. and when foods are taken out to be served, follow the two hour rule. >> so we recommend that you don't leave your food outside for more than two hours. if it's over 90 degrees outside, we recommend you don't leave it outside for more than one hour. >> if food sits out for longer, consider it unsafe and discard it, the usda says. when in doubt, throw it out. jacqueline lee abc news, los angeles. >> just eat it as fast as possible, is the message that we're getting there. yeah, right. >> comes straight off the grill, put it on a plate.
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>> yeah. it's going to be good grilling weather this weekend. yeah. you won't be sweating it out like you were earlier this week right. >> we check in now with frances. >> yeah that's definitely right. larry and julian more comfortable, especially for inland areas. temperatures right now already showing how much we've cooled down from earlier this week. some temperatures are in the 80s and 70s for our inland areas. fairfield 80 brentwood though still 87. but then check out how cool it is along the peninsula. san mateo 66 degrees tonight the low clouds and fog move in once again, and we'll wake up to temperatures in the low to mid 50s. so it's a good time to open your window and let that cool air in. tomorrow. temperatures will actually be a little bit cooler compared to today. we might be dropping a couple degrees in some areas, and it's going to be hazy with some high clouds. so we'll see temperatures near 60 at the beaches around the bay, upper 60s to low 70s, and inland areas in the upper 70s to low 80s. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. so we've got cooler, more moderate temperatures saturday and sunday. and then we start to rebound. the 90s return
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monday, tuesday will be the warmest day next week before we start to cool down again wednesday and towards the end of the workweek, julian. >> all right. thank you so much, frances. children's fairyland in oakland is kicking off summer with a big discount on admission. oakland residents can get into the amusement park on fridays this summer for only $10. that's almost 50% off, and children's tickets are only $5. that's down 17 bucks. there's no need to reserve tickets in advance. all you need to do is show your id with that oakland address. >> that's important. that's awesome. all right. he has enjoyed an amazing career. yeah. >> up next, actor tom selleck marks 50 years in the entertainment industry. he's got a new project a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body
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by 2020. and then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. tom selleck, he's one of hollywood's most familiar faces, with a career that spans really more than 50 years. and he's just added something new to his resume. author. here's abc seven news entertainment reporter george pennacchio with a look at the memoir entitled you never know. >> magnum, p.i. turned tom selleck into a television superstar. >> now i'm an author. i wrote a book. go figure. >> selleck's book includes the story of his unlikely career in show business. after growing up in sherman oaks and attending
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grant high, los angeles valley college and usc, he titled his memoir you never know because he calls his career accidental. >> i didn't plan any of this. i never studied acting. i never uh- in school. i never did plays. i never wanted to be an actor, and through the sheer serendipity of growing up in the city where the business is some unlikely events happened. and you never know. you know, he writes about his early days being in commercials. >> in his first one, he takes a shower with safeguard soap before running into teri garr and penny marshall. good morning. good morning. >> he smells just the way a man should smell. >> he did a deodorant commercial as well, and one with farrah fawcett for dubonnet. >> i smile at all that stuff. all the old commercials are. >> i mean, i don't hunt for
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them. >> good thing we did. >> does it whiten your teeth? white as they can be. >> the bulk of selleck's book, though, is dedicated to the magnum years and everything that meant it's not a play by play of magnum, but it's what it's like. >> having never had a regular job in the acting business to suddenly be the lead in a series, and what goes on inside your head and what you do with the opportunity. >> i had the opportunity to moderate a live talk los angeles q&a with selleck, where he reminisced with a theater full of fans and shared stories from the book, among them his friendship with carol burnett, who did magnum twice, and frank sinatra, whose last acting role was on the show. selleck is a pretty private person, and he would not write a tell all. that's just not who he is. but
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he would share some of his own private thoughts along the way. >> so i had to draw certain lines while at the same time, if you're going to do a book that's a memoir, you sure as hell better share with the audience what's going on inside your head in los angeles. >> george pennacchio, abc seven news. >> tom selleck has had an amazing career. abc seven news streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app. join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that's it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry beil. abc seven news at five is coming up next.
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5:00 pm
tonight, a new effort to prioritize safety in downtown san jose, including an influx of two dozen recent police academy graduates who will shadow patrol officers in that area and learn on the job


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