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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  June 8, 2024 1:06am-1:42am PDT

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♪ >> andrew: finally tonight, welcome to retirement for a longtime dinner partner. after more than 40 years on "wheel of fortune" -- >> whole of fortune! >> andrew: one final spin for pat sajak. beginning in 1981 -- >> my name is pat sajak, and i've been fortunate enough to wander onto the set -- >> andrew: the show watched by generations of families every night at dinner. >> we have a million-dollar winner. >> andrew: longtime partner vanna white with a message for pat from us all. >> what an incredible and unforgettable journey we've had. >> andrew: happy retirement, pat, you will be missed. that's "nightline." you can watch all of our full episodes on hulu.
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we'll see you right back here at the same time monday. thanks for staying up with us. good night, america.
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a sudden about face at stanford, students who want admission will have to do something. the renowned school hasn't required since the start of the pandemic, and not everyone is happy about it. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley. a big change tonight to the admissions process at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. stanford is going to once again require applicants to take the sat or act. the requirement was dropped four years ago. stanford, now following the lead of other
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elite schools like harvard and yale. new at 11 abc seven news reporter lena howland spoke with students about a decision getting mixed marks. on friday, stanford following suit behind harvard, yale and dartmouth, deciding to reinstate standardized test score requirements during the admissions process, the pendulum has swung all the way the other direction and the narrative once again, is, doggone it, i guess we need these tests. >> that's adam ingersoll, co-founder of compass education, a national provider for test prep and academic tutoring. he says the school first went test optional in 2020 because of public health concerns, the university said in a statement on friday. the renewed testing requirement will allow stanford to consider the fullest array of information in support of each student's application. they add a review of their policy. also found test scores are an important predictor of academic performance at stanford. >> they're simply saying that we think more information is better
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, and we want to be trusted to consider everything that is available about a student's academic preparedness. >> though many students say that explanation isn't good enough. >> if you're mad because, like, you think that the quality of student is getting worse, then like you can say that and say why you think that a lot. >> delaware is a first generation college student coming from a low income family. he was part of stanford's first class of students that weren't required to submit test scores. >> you don't really need to do good on that test to be able to do good in school. >> i don't see that there's like this huge like need for it. given that like the classes that have been here afterwards, like with no requirement, are clearly like very capable, very smart. >> carmen davalos was part of the last class of students required to submit test scores. still, he doesn't think it's fair to add the requirement back in. >> i'm pretty confused about it, to be honest, because i. i have heard a lot of like the criticism that sat and act as act as like for their barrier of
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entry for like certain like populations, like people of color. >> stanford says this applies to all students currently finishing 10th grade and going into 11th grade in the fall. they will continue to be test optional for the future class of 2029, applying this fall at stanford. lena howland, abc seven news. >> more news from higher education tonight. an orange county judge is putting an end to a strike involving academic workers at six university of california campuses. the uc system sought a temporary restraining order against the workers, claiming the strike was causing damage to students. education uaw workers began striking over the university system's response to pro-palestinian protests on campus tonight. the union president is vowing to continue with this legal battle in the east bay. a brush fire near brentwood is 95% contained tonight. it started at around 11:00 this morning near albers court and deer valley road, and quickly grew to just over 20
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acres. firefighters eventually got a handle on it about an hour later and stopped the forward progress. a no injuries reported, no structures were lost, so that's all good. the cause, though, is still under investigation. all right, let's turn now to the weather because we are getting a break from the heat wave that heat and the wind the last few days made some difficulty on the fire lines on a number of fires. but meteorologist francis dinglasan is here with your 24 hour accuweather forecast. >> francis. yeah dan, the heat is gone, but the winds will still pick up tomorrow afternoon. we'll show you a live look outside from emeryville there and we can see the low clouds filling into the bay right now. here is your 24 hour planner, your day planner. so tomorrow morning, most temperatures generally in the 50s to near 60. for the inland areas, we could see some coastal drizzle during the early morning hours. and then by the afternoon we'll get some breaks in the cloud cover. but because of the breezy and windy conditions, temperatures will still be on the cool side for inland areas. gone are the 90s. we'll see low
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80s and upper 70s around the bay near 70 degrees and at the coast near 60 degrees and high. clouds will be passing through. little change for sunday, but we do have a little bit of a warm up coming up for the early part of next week, and i'll show you that with the accuweather seven day forecast. dan. >> great, frances. thanks. we'll touch base again in a few moments. new at 11 first fridays took on a different meaning tonight in oakland. the monthly street fair that highlights art and culture celebrated juneteenth. juneteenth, of course, commemorates the effective end of slavery in the united states. the national holiday is in two weeks. abc seven news reporter tara campbell hit the streets tonight and found energy in the air that put smiles on many faces. >> come on down. enjoy this on first friday. >> from the music to the meals. the mood celebratory in downtown oakland friday. i hope that it brings the community together because i think we're more alike than we are different. >> when people come out to celebrate juneteenth and they don't look like me, it just means the world to me.
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>> we are out here. we are celebrating black love and juneteenth all together. >> vanessa mckee is with oakland first fridays, the hope is that we will continue to provide a positive, safe space in oakland and we'll have a lot of people come out, patronize these businesses and we'll just be able to showcase the district. and joyce goode is one of those business owners. >> first friday means a lot to me because this is where i make my sells and hopefully i can reach out to the community and sell some of my services. >> there's everyone out here, old, young kids, like, it's a beautiful thing. >> taiwan davis also owns a small business and says on this day it's about more than sales. >> it's not about even if we don't even sell anything, it's just about getting out and being in front of everybody. it's all walks of life out here. we don't get a chance to do this. >> meanwhile, james adams and his daughter jazzy are feeling proud to support. >> i think this is a time for all cultures to, acknowledge it and recognize it and, see that, you know, as african americans, we do positives, have done positive things for america.
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>> it makes me feel like they're special and included to be a part of this. and about my people's culture and everything. >> the evening's energy also a reminder of pre-pandemic days. >> it's awesome, i think, especially after the pandemic and not being able to do things like this for so long. being outside, enjoying live music. >> and that's exactly what event organizers are aiming for. >> it is important to the community to have spaces in oakland that they can come where they feel safe, where they can have a good vibe and just be able to just enjoy the positive things that oakland has to offer. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> across the bay, san francisco will hold its second annual juneteenth parade tomorrow. it starts at 11 a.m. at market and speer and ends at fulton plaza, which is on fulton. between hyde and larkin. there's also going to be a celebration at civic center plaza that goes until 6 p.m. a number of streets will be
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closed and muni service will be rerouted, so be aware of that. all right. time now to get into tonight's abc seven news advance here at 11. it's our way of trying to keep you on top of the headlines. you'll hear more about in the days to come. this is the last weekend for horse racing at golden gate fields and berkeley's mayor, jesse arreguin, is thinking ahead. he says it is a huge opportunity to develop one of the most prized properties in the bay area in collaborative collaboration with albany, the two cities are working on a joint redevelopment plan. it could include open space, housing and commercial development, maybe even a hospital. now it's 2024, we're going to take a fresh look. whatever the cities decide, they will need voter approval. any development faces challenges, including rising sea level. even if it goes according to plan, it could be five, maybe as long as seven years before construction actually begins. all right. it is a big weekend in wine country. all the hype of nascar has made it to the sonoma
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raceway. supercharged stock cars are hitting speeds of 160 miles an hour on a track just full of twists and turns, and everyone is stoked to see it. >> we are expecting a full house this weekend. we've got a lot going on. three days of racing for races. >> we've been coming here since 2003. we camped right over the 50 acres. i bring the whole family and then all my friends and my son's bringing his friends now, so there's like eight, ten of us. we just have a good time and enjoy. enjoy the race weekend. i mean, come on, this is perfect. >> all right. if you're planning to go, remember your sunglasses, sunscreen and ear protection because those warring engines can get loud. days of thunder. after all, nascar weekend culminates with the toyota save mart 350 race, which is on sunday. all right, moving on. after an fda vote shot down the authorized use of mdma for therapeutic purposes, california lawmakers are taking another route to make psychedelic treatment possible. they've introduced a bipartisan bill on this issue. they want to decriminalize the medically facilitated use of psilocybin
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found in psychedelic mushrooms. the legalized use would only be for military veterans and first responders in just three counties san francisco, santa cruz and san diego. the goal here is to treat work induced post-traumatic stress disorder. there is a growing battle at the state capitol over the best way to tackle rising retail theft. there are dueling plans in the works, a proposed ballot measure and a package of bills, all designed to crack down on theft. the bill package would toughen penalties for certain crimes and make it easier for law enforcement to arrest and to charge suspects. the ballot measure would do a lot of the same things, as well as change prop 47. that's the landmark criminal justice reform act passed a decade ago. the ballot measure has the support of republicans and a democratic big city mayors in san francisco and san jose. but democrats at the state capitol are not sold on this. they've now changed some of their bills, adding a poison pill that would repeal the
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legislation if voters pass the ballot measure in november, governor newsom said today the legislative approach is more thorough. >> it's just i don't think there's a need to have it on the ballot. i have something on the ballot that doesn't actually achieve the goals that are intended. i do something that can't be done legislatively with more flexibility. i think it's a better approach to governing. >> if passed, the bills would kick in immediately. the secretary of state's office is verifying signatures for the ballot measure, which will likely be up for a vote in november for a new development in a series of racist threats sent to a popular dog walkers home in san francisco. we've been following this story very closely. this is video and a screenshot released by police just today. it shows a person of interest who may have information about this case. terry williams says two threatening packages were sent to his home near alamo square in april. in may, a fire destroyed the house he shares with his parents. police say the fire investigation is separate from the racist packages. the san
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jose police officer is now on the road to recovery tonight, after five weeks and three life saving surgeries, mayor matt mehan and the police department celebrated officer jaime arredondo as he was discharged from the hospital. a happy day to be sure. arredondo is credited with saving a mother and her children. last month, he and another officer were shot as they tried to stop a man trying to break into a room at a hotel that other officer has only minor injuries, and the suspect was arrested. all right, a lot more to come. someone pulled off quite the heist. the search for the person who swiped an $82,000 nugget of gold. we'll have that story and it might look like movie, but this little stunt landed a youtuber in big trouble with the feds. we'll explain the charges. he's facing. >> it's been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade. >> oh, what a change. pat sajak
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says goodbye. we'll have farewell as wheel of fortune host moves
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photo sadly has died in a plane crash. the plane he was flying went down in the waters off the san juan islands in washington state today. anders was part of the historic apollo eight mission. in 1968, it was the first crew to orbit the moon. the earthrise photo shows the earth rising over the lunar horizon. during that mission. you've seen this photo. of course. william anders was 90 years old. the coast guard and the national transportation safety board are investigating the crash. new at 11, a thief managed to swipe a gold nugget worth more than $80,000 from a collectibles show in long beach. the owner is now offering a $10,000 to catch this thief. he has someone in mind, but we're not going to show the face because police have not yet
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confirmed that he's a suspect. but here's tim caputo from our sister station in los angeles. >> on a busy first day of the collectibles show at the long beach expo, someone sneakily pocketed a nearly 2 pound piece of metal. but this wasn't just any nugget. it's a precious metal, both figuratively and literally. a gold nugget with an estimated value of about $80,000 was swiped. >> yeah, it's worth more than the gold because it's a collector's item. they're actually rare. >> the gold nugget belonged to bob campbell, who's been coming to the long beach expo multiple times a year for events like this. for the last 40 years, we've lost similar things. >> this magnitude of this is a different level entirely. you know, the person doesn't really probably fully understand what he has. >> the gold itself is worth tens of thousands of dollars, but the history of this specific nugget makes it even more valuable. it's linked to the gold rush in northern california, apparently discovered in the mid 1800s and preserved for more than 150 years in the same form as it was first found. >> it's exactly what it looked like, and it hasn't been altered. this is what it would have looked like. i mean, it
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might be a little bit more shiny. >> campbell believes the man in the black and gold shirt in the middle of your screen is the person who took the nugget. >> you can see the guy reaching into the case. you can see him grabbing the nugget. you can see him putting it in his pocket, and we can see him putting away. it's very good pictures. i know there's somebody out there that knows this guy. >> long beach police were called to the expo but haven't publicly said the man in the black and gold shirt is a person of interest, only telling us they're investigating a theft. i'm willing to pay $10,000 to somebody that knows this guy. >> return the nugget, turn him in, get $10,000. 10,000 reasons to do it. >> tim caputo, abc seven news. >> we'll follow that story. it might look like a hollywood movie, but it wasn't. and it's landed a southern california man in a whole lot of trouble. it's a helicopter shooting fireworks at a lamborghini sukamon choi, who goes by alex choi on his youtube channel, posted the video and now faces federal charges for this, we can all agree that putting explosives on
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an aircraft is extremely dangerous. >> think about a tsa uh- every time you go through tsa at a airport, you're not supposed to bring anything that can cause a fire. it's similar situation here. >> choi faces one count of causing the placement of an explosive or incendiary device on an aircraft. if convicted, he faces ten years in prison. all right, now to a nutty story. frankly, a cold stone creamery is facing a new lawsuit claiming the ice cream shop doesn't use real nuts in its pistachio ice cream. a judge in new york is letting the class action go forward. the lawsuit takes issue with a whole bunch of flavors on the menu, from pistachio to mango, coconut, orange, mint and butter pecan. the plaintiffs claim none of those ice creams contain what they're named for, amounting to deceptive practices for its part, cold stone tells the court it doesn't claim the flavors are made with any specific ingredient. well, big
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night tonight for a new documentary about some iconic stars of the 1980s. the world premiere was held for bratz at the tribeca festival in new york city. andrew mccarthy, one of the members of the brat pack, brought his fellow young stars together for the documentary among them jon cryer, who was on the red carpet tonight. >> being a teenager is when you make mistakes and you're going to have regrets about them the rest of your life, but you can look back at them and, and re, reacquaint yourself with your, your younger self and forgive yourself. and that's one of the things that i love that andrew does in the movie. andrew mccarthy, who directed it, is that he he looks back at his life and he realizes maybe i didn't need to feel the way that i felt really irritated, compelling. >> bratz will premiere only on hulu on june 13th. hulu, of course, is owned by the same parent company as we are here at abc seven. all right, let's go back and talk with frances dinglasan about the weekend weather and beyond. frances. >> yeah, there's some relief in sight for some inland
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neighborhoods. the 90s are gone. we're going to see 80s, even some upper 70s. we're starting off with live doppler seven, and the low clouds are filling into the bay right now, as you can see here. and it is getting cooler out there. lots of temperatures, especially around the bay in the mid 50s for the most part, but it is milder in san jose at 62 degrees and also farther north, 68. in ukiah, winds have died down. they were gusting to up to 35 miles an hour in some spots, although it is still very breezy in napa, 20mph and gusts up to 20mph in concord. they will pick up once again tomorrow afternoon. here are the weather headlines. so overnight we'll see the fog that's going to bring us some mist and drizzle, especially near the beaches and the coast. then tomorrow the cooling will continue, but mainly for inland areas. we're going to hold fairly steady already at the beaches and around the bay for tomorrow, and then next week we'll see some warmer days return monday and tuesday with 90s coming back into the forecast, and i'll show you that
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with the accuweather seven day forecast. so futurecast shows by midnight and tomorrow morning the clouds will fill in. we've got some little bit of possible drizzle there near san francisco and some of the beaches. and then the high clouds will continue to pass through throughout the day. so cloudy conditions and even some hazy skies, especially near the coast. lows tonight will drop into the 50s for the most part. san francisco 53, san jose 57 degrees cooler in santa rosa at 51. and then tomorrow look for temperatures to range from upper 50s like half moon bay, 58, san francisco 64. but notice the inland areas upper 70s like concord, livermore 78. they're coming down by about 5 to 6 degrees compared to today. and then in napa, it's going to be about 77. if you're headed to the sonoma raceway, look for upper 70s tomorrow and to monday . i want to jump ahead to show you how the 90s returned to the forecast. tuesday will be the warmest day of the week, where we see some mid 90s and some of
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our warmest spots. even san francisco possibly getting up to 71 degrees. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. so hazy and breezy tomorrow. notice a little change for sunday. in fact, some areas might come up a degree or two, so partly cloudy skies temperatures start to bounce back. we have more sunshine. tuesday will be the warmest day. that's when things get hot. dan in the 90s for those inland areas. then we start to cool down with sunshine. continuing breezes will pick up and that's why temperatures will come down towards the end of the week. all right. >> it looks really nice
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peregrine falcon toppled out of its nest in san jose. uh- lucia is a member of the much loved city hall falcon family. we talk about this occasionally. she was rescued unharmed and reunited with her family earlier this week. another peregrine falcon plunged from its nest in san mateo county. the bird was
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dehydrated and had to be revived by the peninsula humane society. caltrans workers helped to put the youngster back in its nest, 100ft above the ground. as far as we know, everybody is doing okay. well after 8000 episodes, believe it or not, wheel of fortune host pat sajak says goodbye. he signs off. after 41 seasons, millions of homes reached in a career that lasted for decades, pat holds the guinness world record for longest career as a game show host for the same show. >> we've laughed, we've cried, we've celebrated. oh gosh, what an incredible and unforgettable journey. every time we taped a show, i met three new people from all parts of this wonderful country and the world who were kind and considerate, who rooted for each other, who took great pride in talking about their family, their hometown, their their friends, their schools, their jobs, even their pets. >> in the end, they were the
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real stars of the show. >> a very final spin. tonight he retires after 41 years at the wheel. what a career. all right. the giants visited an old friend tonight. sports director larry beil is here. larry >> dan. the giants greeted their old skipper, bruce bochy, tonight, and they greeted him with a barrage of blasts. the giants muscling up d
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weekend series against old friend bruce bochy and the defending world champion rangers. both teams actually hit the field under 500, and it was ten years ago. boesch led the giants to their last world series title. top of the second. here it comes and there it goes for wilmer flores solo homer off of michael lorenzen to make it one nothing. giants. that ball traveled 387ft. why am i telling you that? it's relevant? because in the fourth, wilmer does it again. also met measured at precisely 387ft. what are the odds? two solo homers, two zero giants, more long ball in the seventh. michael conforto back and healthy two run blast breaks a22 tie, his eighth of the year. logan webb's yeah, my guy webb went seven innings struck out six. allows two runs evening his record at five and five eliot ramos the hot bat, three for five rbi single and the giants win five two. how about oakland? i got it, i got it, i got it, i ain't got it. other than
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bruises. blue jays and a's tied one one. bottom of the ninth. the first pitch. the very first pitch jj bleday saw from chad green and he crushed it. good night. game over. drive home safely. a's victorious to won the stanley cup final begins tomorrow night here on abc seven edmonton against florida connor mcdavid trying to lead a canadian team to the cup for the first time since 1993. panthers lost to vegas in the finals last year. experience that might help them out now. >> it's kind of like a christmas eve feeling right now. so it's been a long week, trying to, you know, keep our mind off it as much as possible and just enjoy it. and i guess the warm weather be outside as much as you can. but it's hard not to think about game one. and now that it's, finally almost here, it's more exciting now than earlier in the week. >> you know, when you're going through that, you find out what your group's made of. and, i think we showed that we can go through adversity together and stick together and, and come out the other side. >> who will hoist lord stanley's
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cup? the panthers and oilers dropped the puck in game one tomorrow, 5 p.m. here on abc. seven. here is the caitlin clark effect. they had more than 20,000 on hand in washington to watch the fever and mystics largest regular season crowd in wnba history, and clark went off tying the league rookie record with seven threes on her way to 30 points as the fever win it, 30 points as the fever win it, 7573. sports bother the bugs, not your family. zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. try killing bugs the worry-free way. not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess . they were continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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great night right now on jimmy kimmel chi
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narrator: hey, bay area. it's time to share some amazing stories and feel good. we could all use some inspiration right now, and you've come to the right place. this show is all about good food, good people, and good living. on today's show, we're escaping to the aulani, a disney resort and spa for an unforgettable, magical experience. from culture to activities to relaxation, we've got you covered. meeting characters is always amazing. meeting the characters in hawaii, next level. i love you. [laughs] abc7's reggie aqui takes us on an adventure throughout the resort and shares the aloha spirit along the way. ♪ aloha ♪
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[singing in hawaiian] everybody say, ahh. -ahh. -ahh. ooh. -ooh. -ooh. la. -la. -la. nee. good. now everybody say ahh-ooh-la-nee. -ahh-ooh-la-nee. -ahh-ooh-la-nee. [speaking hawaiian] welcome to aulani on the island of oahu. this is a disney report and spa, and when i'm here, i feel more connected to my own culture as a person who was born here on the island of oahu. everywhere you look, there are stories about our people, and you're welcome to learn about us. i'm gonna show you what i mean. i got something that is a little unusual if you haven't been to hawaii a lot. it's called li hing mui, and it's basically like a sweet and sour plum.
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kanoa, i've been dying to meet you because you are the aulani ambassador. aloha. i know. thank you for being here with us. what a great title. tell me what that means. being the aulani ambassador, very special. i get to represent aulani. i get to represent disney. most important, i get to represent our hawaiian culture and share it with all who come and visit us here. through our story telling, through our music, through our hula and our dance, once you come into out maka'ala lobby area, you really get a sense of our culture and just from the murals, from the different artifacts. so all these stories to share about our gods and goddesses, it's really amazing. i love that we can continue to pass on those traditions to future generations. "aloha" is a very spiritual and very important word to our people. so if you take those five letters, a-l-o-h-a, "alo" announcing as face to face, and h-a enunciate as "ha," that breath of life. it mean compassion, it means forgiveness,
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it means grace. but most of all, it means love. i could listen to you speak about that all day long. i like to say that aulani is the most hawaii resort because it takes the time to share the culture, to know the culture, and reflect it, and that is unusual in hawaii. i don't know if people really understand that. yeah, i love that you share that, because what makes it so special is our cast members. because they are not just sharing the story, but they're sharing the story that they've lived because they are from the islands, they were born and raised, and they just add that special touch, that little extra magic. [blows note] you know, this two hour process can be expended, you know, five minutes in a blender. oh, right. or five minutes at the store, $12 a bag, you know, it's done. ancient hawaiians, though, no blender. -no blender. -no blender, yeah. no blender, no story, you know.


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