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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  June 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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seven news deep dive at 11 san francisco sets a new standard how the city is taking the lead for transgender people and one of the first in the u.s. to do so. a class of their own a group of high schoolers telling their story. the day before they graduate, having come a very long way since december 14th, 2012. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> tonight, it's a fight over the future of pandas in san francisco. it's become a flashpoint in local politics and even part of this city mayor's race. but after another big step in bringing those lovable animals back to the zoo, some wonder if the pandas are really
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worth all the money and effort. good evening, i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. we followed the pandemonium back and forth for months. it all goes back to november of last year when china's president met president biden here in the bay area for the apex summit. it was then they agreed to restart the panda diplomacy as a sign of friendship. >> but then fast forward to now, and it's been a tricky and costly task for the city of san francisco. abc seven news reporter tim johns is here in studio with how officials are planning to cover the costs. tim. >> yeah. dan i'm a san francisco is closer than it has been in decades to once again being the home of some of those pandas. earlier today, the board of supervisors approved a plan that allows city departments to fundraise all of the money they need to bring the pandas here to san francisco without having to use taxpayer funds. it won't be cheap, though, and the city says it's trying to raise at least $25 million in a 9 to 2 vote. on tuesday, the san francisco board of supervisors approving mayor london breeds plan that will
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hopefully help make the bay area the home of giant pandas. once again. the board specifically giving the go ahead for city departments to begin collecting donations to cover the cost of a new exhibit for the pandas at the san francisco zoo, a move that has the zoo's executive director, tanya peterson, ecstatic. >> i've been working on this for ten years. it's the i think the game changer that the zoo needs. our city needs this symbol of hope, peterson isn't alone. >> during tuesday's meeting, one person in the chamber even wearing a panda costume to show their support. excitement that was also expressed by some on the streets of the city. i think it's great. >> sure. why not having them back? >> i feel like a lot of families the zoo is a very popular spot here in the city, but there's more to the panda push than just their cute faces. >> mayor breed has touted the huge economic impact she expects pandas to bring, drawing in tourists and money not just from the bay area, but from around the world. >> when we start to look at our economic recovery here in san francisco, you know, pandas have an opportunity to draw large
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crowds and a consistency of support and will be an attraction here in san francisco. >> not everyone is excited, though. supervisor asha safai, who is running against breed in november's mayoral election, says while he supports the pandas coming, he thinks the money could better be spent elsewhere. he points to city programs that have recently faced budget cuts and wants the mayor to raise money for both pandas and programs like those, we can be all about the pandas, but kids are more important kids every day of the week over pandas. >> you've got to put the money in while there's no concrete timeline at this point, the zoo says the pandas could arrive as early as next year no matter when they come, though, peterson says they'll be ready. >> we will send folks over to china, and then we will host chinese experts here. we've already started to do that since december. uh- bringing in chinese experts to make sure we choose the right place, have the right staff, etc. now if the pandas do arrive, it will be the first time since 1985 that any
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have called san francisco home. >> in the studio tonight, tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right. tim thanks very much. all right. time to get into tonight's abc seven news. deep dive at 11. it's designed to give you a thoughtful, expanded perspective on the issues that matter. tonight, we want to spend some time and focus on crime in the bay area. it's back in the headlines again after a deadly weekend in oakland and sideshows in san francisco. so we examine the data for a more complete look at public safety and how our leaders are addressing it. in oakland, governor newsom is touting a significant drop in crime thanks to help from the california highway patrol. overall, numbers show crime is down by 33% since the beginning of the year. mayor shengtao says this is reflective of an overall trend in the city. >> what we're seeing is that we have the lowest numbers of crime right now for the past, what, three years? it's easy to say, look, this window broke right? we see the glass here. it's easy to say, well, this business is closing for whatever the reason may be, but the oakland police
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officers association sees things a little differently. >> it says while the numbers may be impressive right now, the bigger picture should be taken into consideration. >> we should compare our number to a lengthy amount of time, not just the difference between this year and last year. we have to bring our number down to a level where our community feel that there's a sense of safety under a budget proposal, it's possible the city will not fill positions in the police department. >> but the mayor says there's more to a comprehensive strategy. she says the cease fire program, adding more foot patrols and weekly data analysis are all playing a role in the declining crime rate in san francisco. leaders are taking next steps in the way of public safety today, the board of supervisors gave final approval to install speed cameras throughout the city to reduce accidents and to protect pedestrians. it's something we've covered quite a bit here for you. at 11, there are at least 33 locations where these cameras could be installed. they are deemed high risk corridors.
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the cameras will automatically ticket you for speeding at least 11 miles an hour over the speed limit, with tickets starting at 50 bucks. installation is expected to happen later this year, and now california voters will get to have a crucial say on crime coming up on the november ballot. proposition 47 has been really at the center of debate over the rise in retail theft and the fentanyl crisis, and now there's initiative, an initiative to amend it passed in 2014. it reduced certain low level crimes to misdemeanors and set a threshold of $950 or less for misdemeanor shoplifting. the ballot measure would undo some of those changes, including making a third conviction for retail theft, a felony. big change. it would also increase penalties for dealing fentanyl, but add incentives for people who seek treatment. remember, we give you the power to look at the full public safety picture where you live. it's through our abc seven neighborhood safety tracker. you can check a wide
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range of data for oakland, san francisco and san jose as well. you'll find it right on the front page of our website. just go to abc seven >> a toasty day, but we may have finally hit the peak as we look out live from our emeryville camera tonight. the cooling relief is moving in overnight, so for tomorrow. abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel is getting us ready for what to expect in our 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandhya >> umma, those temperatures are coming down tomorrow. so today we had triple digits from fairfield to concord, livermore, 101 degrees, 42 degree difference in half moon bay where it only got to 59 degrees upper 90s in places like santa rosa 92 san jose. you will notice right now that it is still warm inland in the 70s and 80. that's all changing overnight tonight. temperatures dropping tomorrow morning, coastal fog, temperatures in the 50s and 60s. it's going to be sunny skies by noontime, but the heat really eases at 4 p.m. we're only looking at upper 50s
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to low 90s and then breezy and cooler later on this evening, i'll be back to let you know if this trend is going to continue through the weekend. coming up ummah. >> all right. we'll check back with you. thank you. sandhya, tonight, an urgent effort to build a better bay area in the south bay, san jose, tasked with combating homelessness or risk environmental repercussions. tonight, the city passed a budget including a major change in priorities in hopes of seeing immediate change. abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez explains this important new roadmap despite a tough fiscal year, the san jose city council unanimously passed a multi-billion billion dollar budget. >> mayor matt mehan is calling it one of the most important votes of the year, the most significant and strategic investment in addressing unsheltered homelessness in the history of our city. roughly six months ago, the city was told to clear homeless encampments near its waterways or face hefty fines from the regional water quality control board as part of
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tonight's vote, the council also approved flexible city with measure e funds, funds from the property transfer tax were slated to be for affordable housing. some will now go to more immediate solutions. >> we have a pathway now to being in compliance with with our stormwater permit and the clean water act, but to do that, we have to follow through on the investments we've outlined in this budget over the next year, it's estimated 1200 people will be moved off the streets and into alternative sleeping sites, 600 into temporary shelter, 500 to new safe sleeping sites and 100 to new safe parking spots. manage locations with sanitation, security. some basic case management. >> homeless advocates tell us they're not a fan of congregate shelters, but are glad to see more transitional housing options. >> we've got six teams going out to about 20 different encampments. it's a lot of hot
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food, clothing. >> todd lincoln is the executive director of the nonprofit agape silicon valley. >> a lot of my colleagues and peers that do advocacy work don't agree with me on this. they want the money earmarked solely for permanent housing. and my philosophy is, is if we don't get the people off the streets, out of the fields immediately, they're not going to be alive long enough to get the permanent housing. if and when it does come out of the $5.3 billion budget, 120 million is earmarked for homeless solutions in san jose. >> lauren martinez abc seven news. >> tomorrow is a special, bittersweet high school graduation as first graders who survived the 2012 sandy hook shooting will be a part of the newtown high school's commencement ceremony. >> you have this connection that's never going to go away, but it's still even you know, over ten years later, just so
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difficult to try and dig up those memories because of how traumatic and painful it is. >> sandy hook, of course, is one of the deadliest school shootings in u.s. history. 21st graders died along with six educators. many of the survivors are advocating for change when it comes to gun laws. some of them met last week with vice president kamala harris at the white house. >> we don't want, you know, i'm sorry and you know, this is so terrible that happened to you like it's past that, you know, it's happened too many times. your prayers honestly don't mean anything. it doesn't help me. i've had to deal with this for ten years. it'll never get easier, no matter how many times i talk about it. >> there are plans to honor the sandy hook victims during tomorrow's ceremony. >> tomorrow also marks eight years since the pulse nightclub mass shooting in orlando, florida. the city will honor the 49 victims killed that night with a community remembrance ceremony. the shooting is america's deadliest attack on the lgbtq plus community to date. a memorial will be held in
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san francisco as well. this is video from last year's event. tomorrow's tribute will be held at 5 p.m. at jane warner plaza in the castro, and it's also a time to celebrate pride, though we do it year round. >> here at abc seven news this month, we're seeing the bay area once again prove itself as a leader for lgbt q plus rights. >> and today, the san francisco board of supervisors reaffirmed its support for the community through the passing of a new resolution. >> yeah, it declares san francisco as a sanctuary city for those who identify as transgender, non-conforming, intersex, and two spirit. >> it's the first major city in the country to do so, following in the footsteps of sacramento, which took a similar action in march. as well as west hollywood, it comes at a time when there is an increasing number of legislation across the country targeting the transgender community. celebrate pride with abc seven news all month long and join us for the exclusive live coverage of the 54th annual san francisco pride
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parade on june 30th. streaming everywhere you watch abc seven. >> be sure to join us for that, but stay here with us. the argument over i. why elon musk is now choosing to pick a fight against apple. >> plus, watch where you swim the area of santa cruz beach that experts are now referring to as shark park. >> and the beef over beef. the san jose local joey chestnut shakes up the internet by getting banned from the july 4th hot dog eating contest. but now the champ has something to say. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live! right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy. >> thanks, dan and ama tonight show is big. >> i got him, jimmy. >> you got who? >> matt damon. he was trying to sneak into the show. i told you, i'm not matt damon
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tony hale live. plus, get ready to say yes, chef with the bears. iowa debris. >> definitely. >> you got to see this on gma >> developing news with what is now a battle brewing between elon musk and apple over its partnership with openai. musk is threatening to ban all apple devices at his companies if the cupertino company integrates the technology into its operating systems. apple revealed the partnership yesterday during its worldwide developers conference. we reported that to you at the time. musk calls the plan, quote , an unacceptable security violation. today, musk dropped a lawsuit against openai after the company published his emails. musk is a co-founder, a
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migration that's been developing for nearly a decade is turning part of santa cruz beach into a shark park. >> so cal cove is home to dozens of juvenile sharks. this year. shark experts say these small sharks began migrating to the area around 2015, but they say there's are more now compared to the past two years, the cove has earned the name shark park. >> right now, uh- two dozen is one of the reports i got. we haven't seen that many, but there's a lot of pilots and other drone pilots, scanning around. and those are some of the reports. >> so cal cove has also been known for larger shark sightings. back in 2020, well-known surfer ben kelly was attacked there and killed by a shark. the goal of building a better bay area drives what we do here every day, and highlighting those breakthroughs is what we try to do every night. >> at 11:00 tonight, our first breakthrough we found is a unique bay area program to help teenage addiction. it's an
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inpatient detox treatment run by santa clara county at valley medical center. the program is designed for patients 20 years old or younger, struggling with opioid addiction. >> we manage their withdrawal symptoms and safely start them on a medication called suboxone or buprenorphine, and this medication prevents cravings, decreases withdrawal and saves lives. >> patients can, as young as 16, can admit themselves to the program without parental consent. here's another look at the phone number for that program at santa clara valley medical center. it's (408) 885-5255. young people or their loved ones can call at any time of the day or at night to discuss admission. you need to ask for the pediatric hospitalist on call. we will also post that number on our website. abc seven all right. our next abc seven building a better bay area breakthrough has to do with a new building, adding local jobs for the new expansion project of
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oakland's children's hospital. we're on hand to hear what the key agreement making sure local workers are being employed for that job. $1.6 billion project will modernize the hospital's campus, while the main building on mlk and 52nd will stay. several older buildings behind it will be replaced. those date back to the 1920s, so they're pretty old. the emergency department will also double in size. that's critical. the hospital is the only level one pediatric trauma center in the region, so it'll be seven stories. >> uh- will include a new neonatal intensive care unit, two new medical surgical units, and inpatient psychiatric unit, which will be the first in the region for kids here in the bay area. >> the trade agreement ensures at least 30% of the workforce is alameda and contra costa county based. the upgrades are set to be completed by 2030. >> new at 11 california's first partner, jennifer siebel newsom is back with her annual summer book club. it encourages kids to
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read while school is out. siebel newsom announced the book club list today. it includes several themes like navigating mental health struggles, identity and belonging, and the importance of exploration and curiosity. the list is divided by age and grade level. librarians across the state helped the first partner put that list together. >> a good way to spend the summer if you're a kid, right? all right, let's turn our attention now to the weather forecast. hot today. but will that ease? >> yeah, let's get to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. she's got that answer for us. sandhya >> yeah. ama and dan. temperatures are going to back off tomorrow and i kind of like that idea. give kids something to do during the summer, by the way. so let's take a look at live pictures right now. unlimit visibility from these vantage points. but but half moon bay is reporting fog right now. so it's not exactly perfectly clear. although these views sure are 11 degrees warmer right now in concord, compared to 24 hours ago. same thing for santa rosa. it's running eight degrees higher in terms of temperatures in san jose. we're going in the
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opposite direction tomorrow. so take a look at your cooler weather for tomorrow. going from 97 today in santa rosa to 88 tomorrow. san francisco 10 degrees drop from 74 to really patchy five miles right now. those temperatures are still up there. pretty mild to warm for most areas in the 60s to the 80s. a live view from our exploratorium camera looking at coit tower. a lovely view there tomorrow and thursday. breezy and cooler friday. temperatures rebound just slightly a what's e stage for cooler weather. onshore breezes will be picking up a little bit at 11 a.m, 20 to
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26 miles an hour, but even stronger winds are expected later on in the afternoon and evening, 30 to 36 miles an hour. this wind direction will transport higher humidity and as well, and certainly will remain gusty through the evening hours. along with that, we'll have some patches of fog to start the morning off and then the fog will be around near the parts of the coastline into the afternoon. and the evening hours. so your morning numbers in the 50s and 60s pretty comfortable. i don't think it's going to be a chilly start to the day tomorrow afternoon. it's a cooler day. 83 in san jose, 79 in los gatos in the south bay. pretty nice looking day on the peninsula as well. upper 70s redwood city, 59, in pacifica, 58, in half moon bay, downtown san francisco. coming down 64 degrees and in the north bay upper 70s from san rafael to vallejo, 88 in santa rosa. these temperatures a little more in the comfort zone and the east bay. 71 oakland 78. fremont had inland, and it will be in the low 80s to the low 90s. antioch
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90 degrees 86 livermore 82 walnut creek. here's your accuweather seven day forecast. it's breezy and cooler tomorrow. cooling continues thursday down to the mid 80s and then a minor bump up on friday. but at least it's going to be in this typical spread. still above average going into father's day weekend. pretty pleasant. and then next week temperatures will come down a and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars.
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dynasty, that is, joey chestnut. the bay area native is not eligible for nathan's hot dog eating champ competition that's traditionally held on the 4th of july. joey signed a deal with impossible foods, which makes plant based hot dogs not beef. major league eating says he can't participate because he's representing another hot dog brand. chestnut has won the nathan's competition 16 times and holds the record, too. he posted this response on social media, quote sadly, this is the decision nathan's and major league eating are making and it will deprive the great fans of a holiday, usual joy and entertainment to my fans, i love you and appreciate you. rest assured that you will see me eat again soon. stay hungry, says
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joey chestnut. major league eating who knew there was an association we know now? >> well, the nba finals are back tomorrow night, but with some big injury news. abc seven sports anchor chris
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but entering play tonight, san francisco has won four of their last five with a win over the astros. they get back to 500. now this is how you eat some pizza. this young giants fan getting his grub on. and this ball dude showing off the glove. oh nice play. bottom three. giants down one. nothing brett wisely nobody's going to catch that ball. second homer of the year. and all of a sudden we're tied at one in the fifth. same score houston born jordan hicks on the mound trying to get out of a jam. but alex bregman a little chopper. that's trouble matt chapman barehands it. throw gets away. tough play there. two runs score three one houston and the giants bats go silent. just three hits san francisco loses three one rubber match tomorrow with ace logan webb taking the hill. a's in san diego. this fan showing some flair with the hair . very first pitch of the game. abraham toro lead off homer to
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right center, his sixth of the year one nothing. a's as early as you can do it. top eight down three one tyler soderstrom from turlock. how about his second straight game with a homer two run shot. and we're tied at three. but bottom of the ninth same score kyle higashioka takes scott alexander deep to left. and that's your ball game. padres win four three. they'll go for the sweep tomorrow afternoon. celtics center kristaps porzingis is questionable for game three tomorrow night in dallas. the team calling it a rare left leg injury which he suffered in game two sunday night. celtics have a20 series lead, and kristaps says he's ready to try and give it a go. i'm optimistic and as i said, i will do everything i can to be out there tomorrow. >> nothing's going to stop me unless, you know, i'm told not to or not allowed to play. so that's the only reason i will not be out there. i'm here to be a soldier and to try to help this team win. so, you know, i
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cannot trick them into making me, you know, allowing me to play. but but i will try. >> abc seven is your home of the nba finals. coverage begins tomorrow at 5:00, followed by after the game. and stay tuned with special guest valkyrie's president jess smith scheduled to join us for niners. star running back christian mccaffrey is this year's madden cover athlete. now, for a while, there's believed to be a madden curse, with cover athletes having a down year when they made the cover. however, that's been broken numerous times. cmc not superstitious. he is the first 40 niner to grace the cover sp on abc seven, sponsored
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must. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel, donald glover and maya erskine. >> have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- donald glover and maya erskine, jesse plemons, and the national spelling bee champ. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. thank you, thank you.


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