tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 11, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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must. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel, donald glover and maya erskine. >> have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- donald glover and maya erskine, jesse plemons, and the national spelling bee champ. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. thank you, thank you.
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thanks. very nice. thank you, cleto. hi, i'm jimmy, i'm the shows of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us here in hollywood, the show business capital of the world, home to many of your favorite courtroom dramas. but the one that got all the attention today was in delaware, the high-profile trial of hunter biden ended badly for hunter. he was found guilty on all three counts. his father did a terrible job of rigging this. [ laughter ] hunter was convicted on three felony gun charges. when which means he's now only 31 felonies away from being the republican nominee for president. [ laughter and applause ] there is bad news for the bidens. the president put out a statement that said -- "i am the president, but i am also a dad. i will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will ever change that."
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same thing trump would say about eric. [ laughter ] in this situation, you know? hunter now faces up to 25 years in prison. the sentencing date has not been set. you know what, they should let trump and hunter sentence each other. [ laughter ] wouldn't that be fun? i've got a number am my hand, you've got a number in your hand. they did others get in trouble for the same thing. they both filed phony paperwork. hunter lied on his application to buy a gun. trump falsified business records. the only difference is one of them was on crack when it happened. [ laughter ] at the white house yesterday, the bidens hosted a party in honor of juneteenth. and i think it's important to remember that not only is joe biden the oldest president we've ever had, he's also the whitest. ♪ there is no sunshine ♪ ♪ it feels like a cold night ♪
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♪ today's a new day but where are my blue skies ♪ ♪ this is a black party i'm gonna crash ♪ ♪ i need to see ♪ >> jimmy: maybe he thought he was dancing? [ laughter ] maybe he was doing the mannequin? [ laughter ] it looked like the edible just kicked in really hard. [ laughter and applause ] fox news, of course, had a field day with that video. here's the thing about fox news. when biden behaves like a mummy, it's because he's too old and feeble. but when he's sharp, it's because he's on drugs. sa same thing trump does with the election. he lays the groundwork for losing. so that when he loses, it's not his fault. now fox is using the same formula to tee it up for when trump loses the debate. >> i think we'll see the return of jacked-up joe. whatever joe drank, ate, took before the state of the union,
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maybe it was just red bull and caffeine pills, i don't know. whatever it was, that was not the normal joe. we never saw it before, and we haven't seen it since. but we will see it for the debate. >> jimmy: right, and trump will have his usual predebate meal of chicken and adderall. [ laughter ] can you imagine, this idea, that somehow red bull gives you super mental acuity? if that was true, every guy working overnight security at a carnival would be in mensa. [ laughter ] our form president, you know, the orange one, had a virtual meeting with the new york city department of probation yesterday. a absorbs described it as uneventful and lasting less than 30 minutes. the same way stormy daniels described sex with him. [ laughter and applause ] these interviews, they're standard for every criminal in new york. they typically ask basic questions about where they live, their employment history -- which must have been funny, trump explaining his resume? "let's see, i bankrupted a few
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casinos. i hosted a game show with meatloaf. oh, and i was president of the united states!" [ laughter ] in case you haven't already received an unwanted email or text from me, i should inform you that on saturday, i am interviewing presidents biden and obama, together, at a fundraising event here in l.a. [ cheers and applause ] which as fact that has made the team at fox news very upset. they had a "beach bash" this weekend outside a martell's lobster house in point pleasant, no one. they all had thoughts on this subject, including judge jeanine pirro, who weighed in on what i think is a very interesting idea. >> your thoughts on whether or not president trump -- you think he would accept jimmy kimmel's invitation to debate joe biden in a late-night setting like that? >> donald trump would go into the lion's den and poke the lion. he's willing to go anywhere,
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anytime, anyhow, okay? so jimmy kimmel's the least of his worries. >> jimmy: you know, he is stupid enough to go into a lion's den and poke a lion. [ laughter and applause ] so, i mean -- let's do it, i would love to moderate. we don't even need joe biden. it could just be me and trump. i mean, i never thought i'd say this. i like the way you're thinking, judge jeanine. [ laughter ] let's make this happen. question number one. "mr. former president, what is melania's middle name?" [ laughter ] this is pretty great. dr. phil, who on our show at least, described trump as a liar, who is probably a pathological narcissist, for some reason is now buddying-up to him. or maybe he isn't. maybe he's secretly screwing with him, because listen closely to the name of the researcher he mentions while he is trying to convince trump not to be a vengeful dictator. >> this revenge thing is -- there's a lot of research, and dr. james kimmel at yale has done this research --
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[ laughter ] and seen neurologically in the brain that there's an addiction to revenge, just like to opioids or whatever. >> jimmy: he's like -- did he just say what i think he said? [ laughter ] not many people know this, in my free time, i do research at yale. [ applause ] this, by the way is the yale doctor, dr. james kimmel. everything dr. phil touches turns bald. [ laughter ] trump was here in southern california this weekend, shaking down the maga faithful, some of which lined up to watch him go by in the wealthy little town of newport beach. >> we don't want our government to decide who we want to vote for, we want to decide for yourselves. you're in a country where the people want a certain person, they try to impersonate him. that's a red flag. >> jimmy: that's right. you can't imprisonate a guy who's running for president. for god's sake, it's not even a word! [ laughter ] fiberace was in las vegas this weekend, where he said many incomprehensible things, including this diatribe about
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sharks, which you've probably seen. but this time, pay attention to the guy on the left side of your screen as trump tries to make a connection between shark attacks and the batteries on electric-powered boats. >> i say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery's now underwater. and there's a shark that's approximately ten yards over there. by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? a lot of the shark -- i watched some guy justifying it today. "well, they weren't really that angry, they bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were not hungry but they misunderstood who she was." >> jimmy: he's like, am i having heatstroke? [ laughter ] and if there's anything that voters in the middle of the desert in las vegas are worried about, it's electric boats and shark attacks. [ laughter ] trump famously watched "shark
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week" during one of his interludes with stormy daniels. she said he is obsessed with sharks. and so, we thought, why not give the little ones a treat and do this? ♪ shark do do do do ♪ ♪ baby shark do do do do ♪ ♪ shark do do do ♪ ♪ shark do do do ♪ mommy ♪ ♪ daddy ♪ ♪ bing bing bong bong ♪ ♪ daddy shark ♪ ♪ stupid shark ♪ ♪ loser shark ♪ ♪ sleepy shark ♪ >> jimmy: it's the song of the summer. [ cheers and applause ] that could replace "ymca." one of my favorite traditions here at the show, something i look forward to all year, is something that we're going to do tonight. less than two weeks ago, a new champion was crowned at the scripps national spelling bee.
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>> your first word is brouette. adelantado. hypercochime. >> jimmy: [ laughter ] that is 12-year-old bruhat soma. bruhat is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] look at him. that's a stone-cold killer right there. when we come back from break, bruhat better be able to spell like hell because he's about to do battle with me in the 18th annual "jimmy kimmel live spelling bee." we will be right back with that.
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back. donnie glover, maya erskine, and jesse plemons are all on the way. first, it's time for the 18th annual ""jimmy kimmel live" spelling bee." tonight, he is formidable indeed, he is also 12 years old. please welcome the winner of this year's scripps national spelling bee from tampa, florida, bruhat soma! [ cheers and applause ] bruhat, come out here. how are you? how are you feeling right now? [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm feeling excited. >> you feel good right now? >> yeah, definitely. >> jimmy: you've been practicing, i was talking to your parents during the commercial break. >> yeah, definitely. practicing a lot. j >>immy: you're taking this seriously? you're not look at me going, oh, i can beat this guy, no problem? >> well, sure. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how much did you win?
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you won money? >> $50,000. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you won $50,000. and i read that you said that you were giving the money to charity? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's very nice of you: [ cheers and applause ] what charity are you giving it to? >> i don't know yet. >> jimmy: you don't know yet? >> i need to decide. but it's going to be a good charity. >> jimmy: see, now i admire that, but also it's the kind of thing i pray on. [ laughter ] that kind of soft-mattered weakness. [ laughter ] you understand? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you ready to do this? >> yeah, sure. >> jimmy: okay, great, all right. i won my school spelling bees in the seventh and eighth grade. [ cheers and applause ] there i am. let's meet our bee team! our judge tonight is my cousin, sal. but the fact that he is my cousin will not affect his judging in any way. right, sal? >> sal: that's right, no one is above the law, we learned that this morning. >> jimmy: i know you know about this. our official pronouncer every year for the spelling bee is our
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very own spelling bee, guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo, come on in. >> guillermo: how are you? >> jimmy: guillermo, do you promise and swear to do the best of your ability to pronounce these words correctly? >> guillermo: i promise, jimmy. >> jimmy: okay, thank you. [ laughter ] bruhat, are you ready for this? >> yep. >> jimmy: let's begin. the 18th annual "jimmy kimmel live spelling bee!" [ cheers and applause ] >> sal: all right, here's how this is going to go. i want a clean bee. the rules are simple. guillermo will pronounce a word and you will have an opportunity too spell it. if you spell it incorrectly, your opponent will get to steal it, basically. got that? >> jimmy: got it, yes. >> sal: i need a verbal, like the exit row stuff. >> got it. >> sal: first up, our champ. from turner/bartels k-8 school in tampa, bruhat soma. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo, please read our first word.
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>> jimmy: good luck, bruhat. >> thanks. >> guillermo: yeah, good luck, okay? ready? balala. [ laughter ] >> okay. ba balala? >> guillermo: that's what i say, balala. >> um -- okay. can i have the definition? >> guillermo: i think it's something good. [ laughter ] >> oh. balala? okay, can i have the origin? >> guillermo: someplace weird. [ laughter ] >> oh. okay. can i have it in a sentence? >> guillermo: i love balala. [ laughter ] >> balala. okay. balala. hm. b-a-l-a-l-a? balala? >> sal: no, sorry, bruhat, that
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is not correct. jimmy gets a chance to steal, if you want. >> jimmy: maybe i might know this. would you say -- what him again? give me the origin of the word? >> guillermo: someplace weird. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, right. >> guillermo: balala. >> jimmy: i think i know this because of marvel comics. but i think it's the home of thor. i think it's >> guillermo: wow, wow, that's great. >> sal: jimmy's on the board. wow. all right. you get your turn, jimmy, you go again. >> jimmy: oh, i get to go again. sorry, bruhat, i get to go again, i guess i'm in the lead. [ laughter ] >> sal: guillermo, what is jimmy's word? >> guillermo: askeytees. >> jimmy: can you use it in a sentence, please? >> guillermo: you cannot spell
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askeytees. [ laughter ] askeytees. >> jimmy: say it again? >> guillermo: askeytees. >> jimmy: can you say it slower? >> guillermo: askeytees. askeytees. >> jimmy: can you say it in english? [ laughter ] >> guillermo: askeytees. [ applause ] >> sal: no badgering the bee, number 13, we need an answer. >> jimmy: i'm going to pass on this one. [ laughter ] >> sal: okay why are you want to bruhat, you get a chance to steal. >> guillermo: askeytees. >> okay.
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h-o-u-s-e-k-p-i-n-g? >> sal: that is so close. sorry, it's aset simple. aset simple is the word. >> what is it? >> jimmy: aset simple. you probably feel dumb. >> guillermo: you go again, all right. this one is real, real, real easy, all right? deboatnose. debownose. depotnose. >> sal: he said it five different ways, you should be able to get it. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: depawnose. depownose. >> depownose? definition? >> guillermo: oh, definition? oh. okay. [ laughter ] >> oh, okay. what's the origin? >> guillermo: maybe asia. [ laughter ]
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>> depownose? >> guillermo: yeah, depownose. >> depownose? >> guillermo: yeah. >> sal: good as it's going to get. >> okay. can you say it in a sentence? >> guillermo: you are so depownose. [ laughter ] i'm going to repeat it. you are so depownose. >> um -- okay. um -- >> sal: no, that's not right. i'm sorry, bruhat. that was a good attempt. go ahead, jimmy. you know this. >> jimmy: yeah, i'm going to pass on this one too. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> sal: step up, you get a fresh word here. all right, guillermo.
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that's two passes, i don't know how many he gets. >> all right. oh, this is real easy, jimmy. beseetutay. beseetutake. >> jimmy: can we say it again, please? >> guillermo: beseetutae. beseetutate. >> jimmy: you've lived in this country since you were a teenager. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: you too, and you cannot spell beseetutate. [ cheers and applause ] >> sal: b-u-r-n. >> jimmy: all right, use it in a sentence, please. >> guillermo: i never say beseetutate. >> jimmy: okay.
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v-i-c-i-s-s-i-t-u-d-e. >> sal: oh for god's sakes, that's right. [ cheers and applause ] come on. i'm so sorry you had to endure this. we're going to call it a tie here, i think. because bruhat, well, listen, listen. he's 12, i'm 56. i've got -- i'm like twice as old as you, i'm not good with math. [ laughter ] bruhat, you did a great job. well, no, you didn't do a great job, but you know what? he's incomprehensible. can you spell incomprehensible? >> incomprehensible. >> jimmy: exactly right. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i heard that in addition to being a great speller, you play the drums in the school band? >> yeah. >> jimmy: but i heard that you do not have a drum set? >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, guess what, we got you a drum set of your very own. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you want to play a little bit? get in there, give it a try.
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[ cheers and applause ] there you go. and i also want to apologize to your parents for what's about to happen in the house. [ laughter ] go ahead, give it a try. let's hear you do it. bruhat, everybody! thank you, guillermo. thank you, bruhat. we'll be back with donna glover and maya erskine! with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling. it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there. welcome back to the show. jesse plemons is on the way. this week, we have new shows with sean penn, draymond green, lupita nyong'o, and sean penn. plus, music from tinashe, lucky daye,e and the avett brothers. please join us for that. our first guests tonight are multi-talented, multi-hyphenate stars with a whole lab full of chemistry. season one of "mr. and mrs. smith" is on prime video now. say hello to donald glover and maya erskine. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you for coming. >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: now, i'm told one of you is pregnant? [ laughter ] >> yes, donald? >> uh -- it's coming along, coming along. i thought i'd bust out the suit for it. >> jimmy: congratulations, by the way. >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's great, that's terrific. [ cheers and applause ] you have a kid already, right? >> i do, yes. >> jimmy: this will be number two for you, yes. donald, how many children do you have? >> three. >> jimmy: three kids. you have all boys? >> yeah. i'm going to steal this girl. >> that's what he says. >> that's what i tell -- i was so upset when she told me. i was like, wow. you got -- you did it, you got both, and i'm here just broken heart. they know us by first name at the e.r. >> jimmy: yeah, what -- why wouldn't it -- why wouldn't you give donald your baby? seems like a nice thing to. >> i might. it is the weirdest thing because most people are like, "oh, congratulations, oh my god, a boy and a girl." his literal first sentence to me was, "i'm going to steal your baby." [ laughter ]
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first thing he said to me. >> jimmy: your show, by the way, it's so good. it's really great. it's based on the movie brandt and angelina jolie starred in during happier times. [ laughter ] and this -- by the way, i assume going into it, you didn't mind being compared to brad and angelina? because that was going to happen. >> yeah. >> yeah, i mean, it's like pretty -- we're kind of exactly like them, right? [ laughter ] exactly like them. the only thing -- i mean, there's like a sex scene in the show that i like hate just because of my feet. >> jimmy: really? >> he's very self-conscious of his feet. >> they look like two irons. [ laughter ] i hate them. >> jimmy: are they pointy at the top like an iron? >> they're gross. >> no, there's nothing -- it's just weird because there's a close-up of his feet during a sex scene. >> i'm like, why did you do that, hero? you're supposed to be my friend. i was like, yeah, that's the only thing where i was like, i'm
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not going to beat brad pitt because of these ugly feet. >> jimmy: have you seen brad's feet? >> i'm sure his feet look amazing. >> jimmy: they probably do, yeah. now i'm dying to see your feet. i don't know what it is. >> it's a close-up. >> please don't. [ laughter ] please don't do that. >> you make fun of my feet because -- because we would do a lot of intimate scenes, and i have, like, dinosaur feet. there's a lot of scales on the back. and when i would touch him, he's "aahh! cutting me! ". >> she cut my calves open. "i'm bleeding out!" that kind of thing. it was fun. >> jimmy: you seem to really get along. i would assume that's the case. if it wasn't, you probably wouldn't tell us. [ laughter ] it does seem to be a real affection going on here, yes? >> i don't know, i feel like -- >> yeah. >> she gets mad at me. >> no, he's like my older brother. and that's the dynamic. he makes fun of me a lot on set. that's where -- >> she had this hair. >> hold on. >> she had this hair that like -- she got really mad at me. i'm seeing her get her hair
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done. there's this white hair that came out -- >> no, no, don't -- if you're going to tell it, tell it right. >> pull it out like, do you have a white six-foot hair coming out of your face? >> i don't like that he's telling it -- let me tell my side of the story. in the fifth episode f. you watched it, my hair is glued down like a helmet. and basically, like, the glue -- like, the gel got -- another stray hair just happened to be right here. when he was doing touch-ups he went like that. and donald was like, "what the -- did you just pluck a long, gray hair out?" "no, no, it's thar that moved on my forehead --" >> i know what i saw. >> we fought about it for five hours, that was our biggest fight. >> she was really mad at me. >> jimmy: what, that he didn't know -- >> that he didn't believe me. >> she's mad that i saw her witch hair. [ laughter ] >> i don't have witch hair growing out of my forehead like that. you think whiskers grow here? like, it doesn't make sense. >> jimmy: well, yeah, that's i
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think what he was saying. [ laughter ] it doesn't make any sense. >> that's my point. >> jimmy: maya, you put your mom in "pen15," your show, which is another great show. [ cheers and applause ] that was something that she was enthusiastic about? >> i mean -- yes. i had to put her through a rigorous audition process to get the part. but yeah, she was. >> jimmy: were there other moms that auditioned for that part? >> yes. >> jimmy: or just her? >> it was other moms in the beginning, but a lot of them would cancel their audition as soon as they read the sides. because it was like, you know -- about like a 13-year-old [ bleep ]. they're like, i don't want to be a part of this. we had no choice, really. my mom was like -- i was like, i think she would be authentic, let's try it. and it was like 50 takes later, i think we got, you know, a good audition. >> jimmy: got what you needed, yeah. donald, you put your mom in this show? >> yeah, she talked me into it. francesco, who also, you know, created the show, like, she was like, "i think she would be
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great," you know. and i brought her -- i kind of left her -- i didn't do any prep. i gave her like, "here you go, see you on monday" kind of. and she killed. she was really great. >> jimmy: she'd never done any acting before? >> never done any acting before. but she was killer. she really killed the role. i was really happy about that. really surprised. >> jimmy: she was fine with the lines that she had to deliver? >> she was fine. she didn't, like, have -- there was nothing -- i mean, like the baby story that she tells is kind of me. so i feel like she was very, very good at embarrassing me. like, you know -- so, like, "oh, that's easy." all the other stuff she kind of filled in and improved. it was really great. >> she was so good. >> really sweet. >> jimmy: season one ended. i want to say to people who just started watching the show, turn off the tv right now. turn it off. you can come back in three minutes or something like that. but i don't want to ruin anything for anybody, okay? so i'm going to just preface it with that. there's a cliffhanger at the end
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of the first season. and we have a clip of the ending. i'd like to show that. >> you just stay there. you breathe. and i'll shoot her and we'll get out. is that a good plan? yeah? you okay? count of three. okay. i'm going to do it and we're going to get out of here. okay. count to three with me. one. two. three. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a great scene. really a great scene.
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>> what an intense scene to show everybody out of context. >> jimmy: well, i don't know. many people think that you were killed. i mean, you had one bullet, right? and we saw three flashes there. and then we see this in i think yeah variety" magazine, says it's renewed but you will not -- are not expected to return to the show? >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: how would they do "mr. and mrs. smith" without mr. and mrs. smith? >> you know -- i don't know. i feel like everybody -- it's like christmas. it's like november 28th. >> jimmy: yeah? >> and the kids know there's a christmas present, and they're like, "mom, where's the christmas present?" we worked really hard on that. >> jimmy: it's not like that. it's like it's november 28th and the kids don't know santa's even coming. [ laughter ] that's what it's like. >> but if you tell them, "yes, santa's like -- here's what it
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is," you might ruin christmas. >> jimmy: telling kids santa's come would go ruin christmas? [ laughter ] >> we grew up in very different houses. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah because see -- >> i'm just realizing that, oh my gosh. >> jimmy: so you can't say. you won't say. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we'll just keep our fingers -- >> it will be more fun if you see the second season. you want to wait. >> jimmy: not if you're not in it, it won't be fun, it will be the opposite of fun. >> who says we're not in it? maybe we are, maybe we're not. >> jimmy: yeah variety" magazine says you're not in it. >> oh, that's a tabloid. >> jimmy: we'll just keep our fingers crosses. in any event, you guys did an absolutely fantastic job with the show. it's called "mr. and mrs. smith." [ cheers and applause ] it is on prime video now. watch it from the beginning to the -- end? we don't know. donald glover and maya erskine, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thanks for being with us. wee back with jesse plemons.
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kindness." it opens in select theaters june 21st and everywhere june 28th. please welcome jesse plemons. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: what's going on? >> guillermo: jimmy! jimmy! >> jimmy: oh, hey. [ laughter ] what are you doing? >> guillermo: i got him, jimmy! >> jimmy: you got who? >> guillermo: matt damon! he was trying to sneak onto the show! [ laughter ] >> i told you! i'm not matt damon. >> guillermo: nice try, you son of a bitch! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, that's not matt damon, that's our guest, jesse plemons. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: are you sure, jimmy? >> jimmy: i'm positive, yeah. [ laughter ] >> guillermo: i need to give him the matt damon test. >> jimmy: okay, go ahead. >> guillermo: what's two plus two? >> four.
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>> guillermo: wow, you're not matt damon, you're very smart. [ laughter ] okay, you can go. [ cheers and applause ] >> how do you like them apples. huh? go ahead. >> jimmy: all right. glad we cleared that up. one more time, please say hello to jesse plemons! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you know what? he's just doing his job, but i'm so sorry that that happened to you. i really am. >> i appreciate it. my god. >> jimmy: guillermo, shame on you. you've got to be more careful with the guests. >> i'm so sorry, you just look a little bit like him. [ laughter ] >> just enough. >> jimmy: again, i'm very sorry. do people say that to you often? >> it has somewhat been haunting me. >> jimmy: it has been haunting you. >> for a little while.
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there was an occasion at the toronto film festival, maybe ten years ago or so, where i was stepping into an elevator. you know, everyone at festivals, they're kind of looking around to see who they can spot. and this woman asked me, she's like, "are you matt damon?" i said, "no, i'm sorry, i'm not." and she looked at me as if, wow, matt damon is a liar. [ laughter ] and a [ bleep ]. and i felt bad. >> jimmy: no, no, you should never feel bad about that, it's true. [ laughter ] she was right. i mean, she may have arrived at that decision the wrong way. by the way, you and i could do a lot of damage together to his reputation, you know? >> could be the beginning of something really special. >> jimmy: get you one of those dunkin' donut suits. [ laughter ] you could run around kicking owed ladies and pushing children out into traffic. all the things he does regularly. [ laughter ] >> that's true, yeah.
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>> jimmy: do you see a resemblance? >> it's hard for me to say. not -- not really. >> jimmy: right. >> no. but, you know. when i was -- when i was younger, my aunt watched "good will hunting." and for some reason called and told my mom, "this is what jesse's going to look like." >> jimmy: oh, she's so mean. that's really a mean thing to say. [ laughter ] >> i know. >> jimmy: i have an aunt chippy who's kind of like that, yeah. she does cruel stuff like that. you did play his character as a kid in a movie, right? >> i did. "all the pretty horses." billy bob thornton directed it. and at the time, it was the most exciting -- even with matt damon -- [ laughter ] it was the most exciting part that i had gotten. you know, a western. by the time the movie was premiering, my mom called our local theater and got them to do a special screening for us. i invited this girl that i had a
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crush on. and i was supposed to be the very first scene of the movie. we sit down. i'm not there. [ laughter ] we keep thinking, oh, well -- you know, could have changed it in the edit. sat through the whole thing. and i never showed up. >> jimmy: matt -- >> maybe it was him. >> jimmy: of course it was him. [ laughter ] billy bob would never do that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: of course it was him. oh my god. you know what i have to say -- i mean, i'm sorry that happened to you. but it confirmed my suspicions. makes me feel really good about myself. [ laughter ] >> yeah. i feel good, too. >> jimmy: usually i see you -- neither one of us are wearing suits. >> i know. >> jimmy: at circle time at our sons' school. your son and my son are in the same kindergarten class together. >> they are, they are. it's a very sweet group of kids. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i do have to tell you, the other day, we were talking, you know -- school just ended. we were asking him -- somehow it
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came up, who's the funniest kid in your class? and actually, he thought for a second. he's like, "billy." >> jimmy: oh, how -- >> you should know. >> jimmy: oh, thank you. you know what, we do tell him, "if you're not the funniest, don't come home." [ laughter ] grades, we don't care about. i just want to know -- >> a rigorous training. >> jimmy: i know they had a little dispute at one time over a chair, and there was a pencil sharpening incident. but they seem to have gotten over it pretty much immediately. >> no, giving him props for being the funniest kid. >> jimmy: speaking of props, congratulations. you got this best actor at the -- [ cheers and applause ] is it khan or can? >> i think khan, but think right pronouncing it like that. >> jimmy: your director is yergos. more crazy or genius? >> sometimes the two kind of go
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hand in hand, you know? but he's also -- he sort of exists in his own universe, you know? he's somewhat like his films, which sounds like it can be a scary thing. he's really into creating a troupe of actors and, you know, he's just as into finding talented people as he is good people that he wants to work with and spend a lot of time with and all that. >> jimmy: yeah, that's great. and it's interesting. he must be great to work with, because the actors who work with him seem to come back regularly. you've got emma stone in this movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: willem dafoe, margaret folly is in the movie. do you feel like you are part of the troupe? >> i guess i am. i'm going to do another one here at the end of the month. >> jimmy: then you're part of the troupe for sure. >> part of the troupe. >> jimmy: then will you be expected to do all of his movies? do you think he's going to want that? then will you feel like you have to do all of his movies? >> he's so good that i feel like
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there's some directors that -- without reading the script you're just like, i'll probably do this movie. >> jimmy: he's one of those guys. did you not read the script? >> no, i did. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you did read the script. >> it matters, yeah. >> jimmy: did you read the script for the next one? >> no. >> jimmy: you haven't read it. >> i have, i have. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. >> but yeah, it's just -- like i said, it's unlike any other type of experience you can have on a movie set where we do these -- at the beginning -- rarely there's a little bit of a rehearsal process. but his rehearsal process is sort of -- >> jimmy: i hear he makes you do -- i was reading something about -- acting like a fish or something like that? ridiculous stuff? >> yeah, i mean, the first few days, i was, you know, trying to, on an intellectual level, figure out what the objective is or what he wants to get out of this, what i'm supposed to get out of this. and by the second day, i
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thought, i guess i'm just supposed to feel lost and like i have no idea what i'm doing? [ laughter ] maybe that's the goal? because it's working. you know? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it does seem to be working. >> yeah. >> jimmy: his movies seem to come out great, somehow. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: he must know what he's doing. >> then you reach this place where it's just, like, silly abandon, and you kind of get out of your head. you know, it does bring you closer to the other actors and all of that. >> jimmy: the movie is called "kinds of kindness." it is opening in select theaters june 21st and everywhere on june 28th. jesse plemons, everybody. thank you, jesse. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back.
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♪ this is "nightline." >> juju: tonight, hunter biden guilty. three federal gun charges. what one juror says was the key evidence. plus, the brat pack. ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ >> juju: don't you forget about them. the hottest young actors of the '80s. >> hey, emilio estevez, this is andrew mccarthy calling you. hey, demi.
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