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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  June 16, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> gio: good morning, america, and breaking news. mass shootings. a gunman opening fire at a splash pad outside detroit. at least nine people injured including children. the suspect barricading himself inside a nearby home before police moved in. plus, gunfire at a juneteenth event outside austin.
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at least two people killed. others wounded when a shooter opened fire inside a park. >> whit: also breaking overnight, a california wildfire exploding in size north of los angeles, fueled by high winds shutting down a freeway and forcing evacuations as a heat wave stretches across the country. 265 million americans bracing for brutal temperatures that could shatter records. >> janai: campaign blitz. donald trump in the midwest courting black voters while president biden appears at a star-studded fund-raiser in hollywood. the stark contrast to their messages. >> gio: sidelined. a major league baseball umpire disciplined for allegedly violating gambling rules just days after a player gets hit with a lifetime ban. >> whit: "inside" favorite. >> you can't just bottle us up. >> we are suppressed. >> whit: "inside out 2" proving to be a box office smash as hollywood looks to kick start the summer movie season.
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♪ i want to thank you ♪ >> janai: and hero dad. the off-duty firefighter who sprang into action after a man collapses at a graduation ceremony. >> he was not breathing so i just went into cpr. >> janai: racing against time to provide life-saving help. the humble hero getting some father's day love this morning. >> gio: cannot wait to meet him. good morning, america. happy father's day, and true to form, whit, you have been busy being a dad that you forgot it was happy father's day. >> whit: i did this morning. i walked in and gio's, like, happy father's day. i'm, like, oh yeah. check my calendar. thank you very much. >> janai: to you and all the dads. >> gio: absolutely. we have a lot to get to including that wildfire
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in north los angeles county, that's burned at least 10,000 acres forcing evacuations. right now it's 0% contained. >> janai: also ahead, overseas in israel, announcing what it called a daily tactical pause in fighting along a route in southern gaza in order to free up a backlog of humanitarian aid. we'll get there in just a moment. >> whit: but we do begin here with the mass shooting in michigan. this is north of detroit at a spot popular with families. abc's alex presha is in rochester hills with more on that. alex, good morning. >> reporter: hey, whit. yeah, the sad reality this morning is there are dads in this community that are waking up this father's day in the hospital because of the violence that happened yesterday. now on a normal hot day, the brooklands splash pad is a place for families to cool off and police say that's exactly what was happening yesterday before that alleged gunman came through and opened fire, seemingly randomly. >> it's going to be at the brooklands splash pad. >> reporter: this morning, authorities investigating the terrifying moments in michigan after a shooter opened fire at a
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splash pad park injuring at least nine people including children. the shooting happened in rochester hills saturday afternoon, roughly 25 miles north of detroit. the oakland county sheriff says it took less than two minutes to respond, and in that short time, deputies arrived to multiple victims. >> under no circumstance in this country, particularly in rochester hills, should fathers be spending father's day in a hospital. >> reporter: the youngest, a 4-year-old boy. his 8-year-old brother and their mom also hurt, both in critical condition. the oldest victim, a 78-year-old man wounded in the abdomen. police say the suspected gunman unloaded three magazines firing at least 28 times from a semiautomatic handgun before running away. >> it appears like the individual pulled up, exited a vehicle, approached the splash pad, opened fire, reloaded, opened fire, reloaded, left. >> reporter: deputies used drones to find the alleged gunman barricaded in a home, eventually breaching it, where they found what's believed to be
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an ar-style weapon on the table. that suspect, a 42-year-old man who officials say lived with his mom also found dead inside that house. authorities say he had no criminal history or connection to the victims. >> it's an absolute tragedy for rochester hills. we're going to be in mourning for a long time. >> reporter: now the community reeling from what authorities say was a random attack. >> this is just something you just don't feel overnight. >> reporter: the oakland county sheriff has called this shooting a, quote, punch in the gut, and as his investigation continues, there are several key questions about those firearms and then also, janai, were there any warning signs? >> janai: alex, i just spent a day with my kids out in the summer sun. so when i read this after putting them to bed about a splash pad, i know so many parents are just, like, devastated hearing that. thank you for that update. and sadly, there was another mass shooting overnight. this one in texas during a juneteenth event. abc's melissa adan is here now with those details.
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melissa, good morning to you. >> reporter: janai, good morning to you. such devastation over at a juneteenth celebration. this one happening in round rock, texas. that's just outside of austin. this is where officials say two people were killed, six hospitalized including two children. now overnight, this is what we're learning from police. they're sharing that a deadly fight broke out. police alleging that at least one suspect took out a gun and fired. police say multiple victims were then struck by gunfire including bystanders. now two people dying from their wounds. the shooting happening at the old settlers park near the concert stage. this was with a packed crowd where the community of round rock, texas, was actually hosting their second annual juneteenth celebration. now at this point of the investigation, it is early on, and police just do not know how many shooters were there because all of those suspects at this point are at large, but this morning, we're talking about
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those six people that are hospitalized. officials there saying that all are facing possible serious injuries including those two children, whit. >> whit: we are thinking about them and their families. melissa adan for us, thank you. turning now to those dangerous wildfires breaking out in the west forcing more than a thousand people to evacuate as an intense heat wave is about to sweep across much of the country. abc's zohreen shah is joining us from southern california where thousands of acres have already burned, zohreen. good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning. just a few years ago, that fire was raging behind me. you can still see a series of fires dotting the hillside right behind me. the wind is really what's driving this. in fact, you can smell this fire over an hour away, and there is a larger fire nearby as well. that one is called the post fire. two buildings were damaged in that one, and 1200 people under evacuation orders.
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60-mile-per-hour winds making that fire explode to 10,000 acres, it is 0% contained. another nearby fire grew to 1,100 acres, only 5% contained. the wind really driving that one too, and there are multiple small fires popping up throughout this state. across the country, heat is a major concern, potentially very dangerous as well. gio? >> gio: all right, zohreen shah, in a very smokey southern california. thank you, zohreen, stay safe. and let's get the forecast with somara theodore. good morning, somara, and this heat is a very serious situation. >> somara: yes, absolutely. right now we know that they have been sweltering in the southwest for a couple weeks. excessive heat warnings remain in place. temperatures in the triple digits out there, but the heat is now expanding to the east, right? this afternoon, temperatures will jump into the 90s for places like atlanta, montgomery, alabama. during the week ahead, this moves into the northeast, 95 to start the week in chicago. pittsburgh, look at this. every red box you're seeing is a potential for record-breaking
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heat, and you will rival the all-time longest stretch of high temperatures like this set back in 1988. you'll be rivaling it this week, so make sure you're staying extremely hydrated living in the northeast. that's a look at the forecast. back to you, janai. >> janai: all right, stay hydrated for sure, somara. thank you. turning to politics now as president biden and former president trump both hold major campaign events this weekend. biden in california with some hollywood stars and trump in michigan trying to woo conservatives and black voters. abc white house correspondent maryalice parks joins us now from detroit with the breakdown of the contrast of the two. maryalice, good morning to you. >> reporter: yeah, janai, good morning. former president trump campaigning here in michigan alongside a few potential vice presidential picks while president biden overnight with president obama at that mega fund-raiser in california. he said the next president could make more appointments to the supreme court, and that that was reason voters should re-elect him.
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overnight, president joe biden at his star-studded california fund-raiser alongside former president barack obama and hollywood a-listers. blasting the supreme court as the reason voters should give him a second term. >> the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. >> reporter: biden traveling straight from italy and his meeting with g7 leaders where he advocated for u.s. leadership on the global stage, especially in support of ukraine's fight against russia's invasion. >> and we'll be with ukraine until they prevail in this war. >> reporter: that message, a stark contrast from former president trump who tried to block more aid to ukraine and last night, was campaigning in michigan. >> i think zelenskyy is maybe the greatest salesman of any politician that's ever lived. >> reporter: the event in downtown detroit hosted by far-right activist charlie kirk who this year said martin luther king jr.'s legacy was, quote, a myth. outside the event, supporters of trump as well as white nationalists, nick fuentes gathered in the streets. but in this diverse, democratic
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stronghold, trump making a direct pitch to black voters who in 2020, helped deliver the state to biden. trump leaning largely on his anti-immigrant message. >> they're coming into your community and they're taking your job. >> reporter: he again, promised mass deportations on day one should he take back the white house, and dr. ben carson and florida congressman byron donalds making appearances both on his short list of potential vp picks. now trump last night was speaking at the same convention center here in detroit where in 2020, his supporters tried to stop the counting of absentee ballots. he repeated his false claim that the election was stolen, but it's worth remembering that here in michigan, they did over 250 audits after the 2020 election confirming the vote. whit? >> whit: maryalice parks, thank you so much. we appreciate it. let's bring in abc's chief washington correspondent jonathan karl who will be hosting "this week" later on this morning. jon, good morning. always great to have you. >> jonathan: good morning. >> whit: let's go ahead and start with the potential running mates for former president donald trump.
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you're talking to senator tim scott this morning who of course, is on that list. what are your sources telling you about the timeline and what trump is actually looking for? >> jonathan: well, scott's on that list. i think right near the top is doug burgum, also marco rubio, j.d. vance, two republican senators. as for the time line, trump has been pretty explicit. he says he's going to make the announcement during the republican convention and i spoke to one of those names i just mentioned, not tim scott, another of the others who said that he truly has no idea what direction trump is going in and wouldn't be surprised if sometime between now and the convention he goes in an entirely different direction. as far as my sources have told me, trump isn't personally engaged that much in this search yet, but his campaign has already begun the vetting of potential candidates. >> whit: he's definitely been praising all of those candidates on the campaign trail. that's for sure. let's go to the other side here. we saw president biden rushing back from the g7 summit to attend that massive star-studded
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fund-raiser. how is his campaign hoping to rally support over the next few months? >> jonathan: well, they know that one of the things they need to do is to improve the way voters view joe biden's handling of the economy. they think that the economy is moving in the right direction, unemployment is down, growth. there's economic growth. inflation, the rate of inflation is down. i'm going to be talking to the treasury secretary exclusively on this, but whit, the thing that's really the major focus for now -- between now and the end of the month is that first debate. the first debate between biden and trump. you're going to see for much of the next week and a half or so that what joe biden is going to be doing is a very intensive effort to prepare for that debate because they know that that will be by far the most important moment of this campaign at least so far. >> whit: truly a pivotal moment
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in the campaign. jon, thank you so much. we appreciate it as always, and tune into "this week" later this morning. jon speaks as we noted, exclusively with potential republican vp candidate, senator tim scott. gio? >> gio: all right, whit. we're going overseas now where israel is announcing a tactical pause in the fighting in southern gaza to free up humanitarian aid as we learn about the deaths of eight israeli soldiers. abc's tom soufi burridge is in tel aviv with the latest. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning, gio. yeah, the idf this morning announcing a tactical military pause in southern gaza, a recognition that not enough aid is getting in. this morning, for the first time since it launched a controversial ground offensive in rafah in southern gaza, the idf announcing a tactical pause so more humanitarian aid can enter the strip. the israeli military saying it will cease fighting along a key access route for aid trucks from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. every day until further notice.
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this top official from the world food programme in gaza days ago. now sounding the alarm about the rising threat of disease and malnutrition for hundreds of thousands of displaced people who lack clean water and sanitation in the south. >> the conditions are just absolutely abhorrent, and so there needs to be a shift in the level of assistance there. >> reporter: it comes a day after eight israeli soldiers were killed, the idf says, when hamas hit their armored vehicle in rafah. overnight, tens of thousands rallying in tel aviv calling for a cease-fire deal, but with u.s.-led talks stalling, lee siegel, brother of american hostage keith siegel, fighting on, but struggling. >> we are tired. we are broken. >> reporter: and guys, that push to get more aid into gaza coming after the u.s. military said bad sea conditions meant it was suspending its operation in that floating pier off the gaza
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coast. janai. >> janai: tom, thank you for that update. we're staying overseas now with the new details we're learning about a u.s. air strike that may have killed a top isis leader in somalia. abc's marcus moore joins us now with the latest. marcus, good morning to you. >> reporter: well, janai, good morning. the u.s. carried out this strike in somalia about two weeks ago, but we are just learning details about it now. several u.s. officials tell abc news that abdulqadir mumin was the target of the strike, but it's not been confirmed yet if he's been killed. he is believed to be the new global leader of isis, a group that has thousands of members around the world, mainly in iraq and syria, that's according to the national counterterrorism center. now news of this u.s. strike comes amid heightened tensions across the middle east over the war in gaza. just last week, a gunman suspected of ties to or inspiration from isis attacked the u.s. embassy here in beirut. the alleged gunman was in a shootout with security teams before being wounded and captured.
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u.s. officials remain on high alert across the region. whit? >> whit: marcus moore, thank you. we do want to shift gears, turn to the nhl now, as the oilers live to fight another day forcing game five in the stanley cup final. abc's ashan singh is in edmonton, canada, with much more, and some very happy hockey fans. ashan, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. that's right, and there will be no sweep here in edmonton as the oilers fight with their backs against the wall for a massive 8-1 victory against the florida panthers. it was on the back of captain connor mcdavid who netted his first goal of the series early in the second period and notched three assists as well, breaking the stanley cup playoff record for assists, but guys, i got to tell you about the energy in this arena last night. it was unlike anything i have ever experienced before. these oilers fans have been waiting since 2006 for another stanley cup final on their home ice, and they were not going to take a sweep laying down. game five of the stanley cup
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finals air back. florida right here on abc at 8:00 p.m. eastern on tuesday night. but guys, don't look now, i their we've got a series on our hands. >> whit: yes, we do. >> gio: we do, and the energy in the arena, and the energy of ashan singh. thank you so much, my friend. appreciate you. time now for the weather. somara theodore is back with more on that. tornadoes now. >> somara: don't look now. i think we got a tornado in battle creek, nebraska. check this out. so yesterday we actually had eight tornadoes reported in nebraska. wind gusts reaching 80 miles per hour, and the threat for severe weather persists. all right, so here we go. timing it out, sunday you can see by the overnight hours into monday, we've got a threat stretching from the dakotas into minneapolis, down to sioux city, in north platte, damaging winds, the threat for tornadoes, but also we could see some significant rainfall which means flash flooding. over the next three days, heaviest rainfall really hitting minnesota just south of benson there, and to the west of minneapolis, 5 to 8 inches of rain, so be careful and mindful commuting on the roads. that's a look at the forecast
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>> somara: and that's a look at your forecast, my friends. back to you. happy father's day to you. >> whit: thank you so much. a good-looking father's day too around here. weather-wise. >> janai: good-looking father's day. that's right, whit. that's right. go ahead. dapper daddy whit over here. >> whit: don't start. >> janai: to father's day now. i have to say happy father's day to my husband too, good old eli, and one special dad being hailed as a hero.
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the father of three, an off-duty firefighter stepping in to save a life during a high school graduation. when off-duty firefighter jayce pickle was watching his two nieces accept their diplomas at cornersville high school in tennessee, he would have no idea what was about to happen next. >> the next thing you know there's a large thud, and i look and a gentleman had hit the ground. >> reporter: that's jayce in the pink shirt running to help a 74-year-old man who collapsed from cardiac arrest. >> i knelt down on the ground. i felt for a pulse. i did not feel one. he was not breathing so i just went into cpr. >> janai: jayce, a veteran firefighter and advanced emergency medical technician, says his 20 years of training took over. >> we got the pads on. this whole time we were doing chest compressions. we had a faint pulse, so obviously if we had a pulse, we had a heartbeat, so compressions
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were no longer needed. >> janai: jayce and others carrying the man to a waiting ambulance rushed to a nearby hospital. back at the graduation, a round of applause. >> i have been a part of a lot of hero-like things. a hero is a nice title, and, you know, i don't think i deserve it. >> janai: but that's not all for the married father of three. 12-year-old colin says -- >> it was pretty awesome. >> janai: and a special message from those who love him the most. >> all: happy father's day. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> janai: oh, that little voice. jayce telling us the man they rescued was in the hospital for a few days and then later released. according to the american heart association, the chance of survival after a cardiac emergency decreases by 10% every minute without cpr. >> gio: wow. >> janai: yes. so we were just talking about it during the piece. you want to know cpr, at least what to do. >> whit: absolutely. >> janai: and one thing that i
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keep in mind is i did see that -- "break my soul" by beyonce, that is the beat. look. whatever keeps it -- >> whit: whatever it takes. ♪ you don't break my soul ♪ >> gio: that's a good way to think about it. >> whit: cpr certification extremely important, for sure. we have a lot to cover this morning. coming up on "gma," baseball's new alleged gambling scandal? this one focusing on an umpire. >> gio: and we've got a new cdc alert as many patients struggle due to the shortage of adhd medications. >> janai: and the turnaround at the box office as "inside out 2" has a blockbuster opening weekend. what it could mean for hollywood this summer. stick around. we'll be right back here on "gma." if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest
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to get up to an $800 prepaid card call today. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> balwani i'm gloria rodriguez. a man was rescued after a pickup truck smashed into a tree overnight. contra costa county fire say paramedics found the crashed vehicle in flames just after one this morning. it happened on sunset road near sellers avenue in brentwood. first responders pulled the man from the driver's seat of the truck and began immediate aid. the man was taken to a hospital. his condition and the cause of the crash is not known right now. let's get a check of your father's day forecast with lisa. rj good morning lisa. >> hey gloria, good morning to you. a break from the june gloom with the clear sky. here you can see the golden gate bridge, 59, in san jose. san francisco's 53 is sunny view of the airport. breezy winds on the peninsula gusty at the coast. 60s. there mid 80s inland. >> gloria lisa, thank you so much and thank you for joining us. the news continues right now
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the animated movie filled with emotions, triggering envy as it's expected to set a new box office record. coming up, how the new blockbuster could relieve some of hollywood's summer ticket sales anxiety. we have been talking about it because you guys love the movie. i still have to see "inside out," but it's doing bang up. >> gio: $145 million so far. >> janai: you don't have to wait anymore. >> gio: oh, right. it'll probably do more. >> janai: it's done really great. >> gio: we have more on that story. let's look at some of the other stories we're following on this sunday morning. happening right now, two overnight shootings leaving their communities devastated. a shooter opened fire on a splash pad park in michigan injuring at least nine people. the youngest victim, a 4-year-old boy. the 42-year-old suspected shooter was found dead, and police in round rock, texas, they're looking for a suspect who opened fire during a juneteenth celebration killing two people and injuring multiple others. >> whit: also right now, american swimmer katie ledecky has a ticket to paris. the seven-time gold medalist is heading to her fourth
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olympics after winning the women's 400-meter freestyle during the first night of the qualifying trials in indianapolis. on the men's side, 19-year-old aaron shackle also won his race and a spot on the u.s. olympics team. >> janai: and broadway's biggest night is upon us. oscar winner and tony nominee, ariana debose will host the 77th annual tony awards tonight. the musical "hell's kitchen" and the play "stereophonic" lead the nominations with 13 each. that's followed closely by "the outsiders." which has 12. good luck to all. gio is our broadway know-it-all. >> gio: "hell's kitchen." >> janai: my mom and sister are in town. we're seeing it on tuesday. i can't wait. >> somara: it's so good. >> janai: they could win a lot tonight, we'll see. >> whit: we'll see how it all plays out. first, let's start with major league baseball's crackdown on alleged gambling violations. a top umpire is now off the field at least temporarily and that's after the first active
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player in a century just received a lifetime ban. abc's ike ejiochi is here with more on that story. ike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, whit. pat hoberg was considered one of major league baseball's best umpires, but he's been held out every game this season while he appeals disciplinary action related to gambling. the second betti scandal tarnishing mlb in month. this morning, major league baseball disciplining pat hoberg for allegedly violating the league's gambling rules. the league opening an investigation on hoberg during spring training for a potential violation of mlb's sports betting policies. >> only hit fastballs. we've got a breaking ball and the astros waste no time. >> reporter: league officials say there was no evidence that games worked by hoberg were compromised or manipulated in any way. it was still determined that discipline was warranted. if found to have bet on baseball, hoberg would be in
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violation of mlb's rule 21 which could result in penalties like year-long suspensions or even lifetime bans. hoberg is appealing the discipline saying in a statement, the integrity of baseball is one of the utmost importance to me. i look forward to the appeal process. >> these are supposed to be the neutral arbiters. if there's any question about legitimacy, about viability when it come to an umpire or a referee, it's the sort of thing that the league very quickly needs to handle and handle sternly. >> reporter: since the supreme court's 2018 decision striking down the federal law prohibiting sports gambling, its rise in popularity continues to tarnish a league no stranger to scandal. earlier this month, mlb banning san diego padres infielder tucupita marcano for life after a sportsbook informed league officials that he bet on games as an active player. oakland athletics reliever michael kelly and three minor league players were also suspended for a season for allegedly betting on major league games while in the minor leagues. none of the players played in
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any game on which they placed a bet, and all have denied having any inside information according to the league. the league also saying the betting data does not suggest that any outcomes in the games allegedly bet on by these players were compromised, influenced, or manipulated in any way. >> it's been something that all professional sports leagues have been anticipating. if gambling is as easy as it is, then people are going to gamble and hope they can get away with it. >> reporter: now again, mlb has not announced the exact nature of its discipline, but hoberg has yet to umpire a game this season. all this as that massive scandal involving shohei ohtani's interpreter continues to unfold as he pled guilty to one count of bank fraud and falsifying a tax return that could subject him to more than 30 years in prison. guys? >> gio: a fascinating story. ike, thank you so much. now to the trend being called "quiet vacationing." if you think that a coworker is just working from home, they might be a lot farther away than you imagine. abc's will ganss, he is not
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quiet vacationing. he joins us now. you have been looking into this, will? good morning. >> reporter: it's fair to say i'm not quiet, period. i think it's interesting that i was assigned this story, but let's move on anyway. a recent study found that about half of american workers are not using all of their vacation days possibly because they're afraid of being perceived as lazy or unproductive, but now there's a workaround that has people working from the beach. >> is this your current work location? but your company doesn't know about it? >> reporter: shh, we're quiet vacationing. >> you just got to keep living, man. l-i-v-i-n. >> reporter: it's the trend that has remote employees working not from home, but from the beach, the pool, the ski chalet, or wherever their hush-hush holiday takes them. >> americans say they feel vacation-deprived. people may be trying to fight that vacation deprivation by sneaking in more trips away. >> reporter: instead of taking paid time off, quiet vacationers
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are keeping their employers in the dark and clocking in poolside. >> it's absolutely no one's business. if you see a virtual background, it's no one's business what room of your house you're in, what state you're in. >> reporter: it's the latest in a shift away from hustle culture, following quiet quitting which has workers doing the bare minimum at work and nothing more. but experts warn your quiet vacation might be louder than you think. >> your manager and your coworkers are noticing that conference call camera off and other clues so you really need to consider the risks, the rewards, and the ethics of taking down time on the downlow. >> reporter: while working from the beach may sound like the best of both worlds, experts say a loud vacation is better for your mental well-being. they say you're better off being fully present when you are on the clock and fully absent when you're on vacation. which is why i would like to say, i will not be on any zoom calls for the rest of the day. so don't even try, gio. >> gio: we're zooming out.
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this is why. >> janai: hey, knees. hey, knees. >> gio: oh, boy. i feel like will has filed a report from a mexican hotel. >> janai: he has. he has. >> reporter: that was the quiet part of my vacation. this is the loud part. >> whit: loud part, okay. perfect. right. >> gio: thank you, will, as always. so much fun. let's go to another person who's not quiet vacationing, somara theodore. >> somara: no, i'm not. we are headed to hotlanta, baby. atlanta, georgia, good morning. the sun is coming up and since we're in the state of georgia, how about we hit the road, head down south to macon and say happy father's day to my dad. temperatures in macon, dad, around 100 degrees. i know you love that, and up in raleigh, 90 degrees for our fathers out there. little rock, that's going to be hot. sunday, 100 degrees. something else we're monitoring is the threat for tropical developments. 60% chance now. we've seen this rise for development over the next seven days. this is sitting right off the yucatan peninsula, right next to
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mexico, and the southern tip of florida we're watching for a chance of development over the next seven days as well. the tropics are alive and waking up. that's a look at the forecast across the country. let's see what's going on a little closer to home. >> somara: and that is look at your local forecast, my friends. back to you. >> janai: we know that water temperature is heating up so you'll be watching that. thank you, somara. coming up here on "good morning america," why the shortage of drugs to treat adhd may be suddenly getting worse and the advice for those taking them. you don't want to miss that. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain,
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worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. (grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. without talking to your doctor. hi baby! (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. it's the birthday girl! let's invite jacques! let's not invite jacques. whoa!! sure, he struggles on conference calls. but he's such a dedicated employee. you're right. hey jacques! come join us! ohh! hm, some strong winds (♪) this is steve. steve takes voquezna.
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>> janai: welcome back to "gma." it is a joy sitting here with the three of you. it truly is, and the urgent new alert issued by the cdc warning against buying adhd medications outside the health care system in the middle of ongoing shortages. so joining us now with more on this, abc news medical correspondent, dr. darien sutton. thank you for being here, darien. break this warning down for us. >> dr. darien: so this is a big problem. an estimated 9 million people
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living with adhd are paying attention to this. this is due to a large shutdown of a large telehealth company by the department of justice. it has added more limitations in terms of access to these needed adhd medications. again, more than 9 million people are estimated to have this diagnosis, and it's leading many understandably to desperate measures which is why i think it's so important to take a moment and to remind about being cautious. a lot of these counterfeit medications that people are seeking out can look identical to the regular medications. it's incredibly dangerous. they can sometimes have contaminated substances. for example, fentanyl, and they can also be variable doses and so you might not know what amount you're taking and it can expose you to the risk of overdose. >> whit: what can parents do if they find themselves in this situation to make sure they're getting the medication that their kids need? >> dr. darien: this is an ongoing problem. the shortage has been going on for two years. medications like adderall, ritalin, vyvanse, have been very difficult to get, and many people do not know this
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diagnosis is debilitating. so for parents, i would recommend you get a close relationship with your pharmacist. also remembering that pharmacies have different wholesalers or different pharmacy chains so make sure in your community that you're aware of all the different pharmacies because they might have variable supply, and then also checking with your insurance company because in light of this shortage, some insurance companies have added brand names to their formulary, and you might have that added benefit and might not know. >> gio: if you can't get the drugs, are there any alternatives here that are available? >> dr. darien: there are non-stimulant alternatives. there are generic options, and then also understanding the lifestyle changes that you can do and working with your doctor. for example, making sure you're getting regular activity, if you are an adult dealing with adhd, limiting alcohol, and for both adults and children, making sure that you're getting enough sleep, and then also beyond that, many parents asked the question of, it's summertime. can my child take a break? when i've consulted many of my friends who specialize in this, many say it can help for some
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and it can harm others. make sure that you're working through that with your physician. >> gio: it's such an important topic. so glad that you're here to talk about it. thank you, dr. darien sutton. coming up, box office comeback. the movie scoring with audiences this summer. stick around. >> sorry. we wanted to make such a good first impression. to make such a first impression. ith how a journey full of emotions is burning up the box office. "inside out 2" leading the ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me ♪ (♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and skyrizi is proven to help deliver long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease.
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>> janai: back now with how a journey full of emotions is burning up the box office. "inside out 2" leading the summer movie comeback. abc's morgan norwood is here with the story. people are loving this movie. >> reporter: people are loving it and it's such a cute movie. i cannot wait to see it. janai, the strikes really did a number on the box office, right? with studios forced to push some films to 2025 and beyond, and that is on top of what the pandemic did, but movies like disney's "inside out
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2" is bringing the summer box office back to life one emotion at a time. >> where can i put my stuff? >> a new emotion. >> i'm sorry. we wanted to make such a good first impression. >> reporter: the numbers are in, and the first impression for "inside out 2" is looking like the biggest box office opening day of the year. >> boy, are we so lucky we ran into you guys. >> reporter: the pixar movie bringing in a stunning $62 million on friday, and estimated to take in up to $150 million this weekend alone making it one of the top animated openings behind the "super mario brothers" movie and "the incredibles 2." >> he's in excellent health. >> reporter: more importantly, handing over the oxygen mask to the struggling summer box office. >> the yearly box office is down about 25% compared to last year this time, so we really needed something like this. >> reporter: with the movie industry still reeling from multiple strikes and the
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pandemic, experts are hoping that "inside out 2" helps get audiences to stay in those theaters, and next month -- >> i am marvel jesus. >> reporter: another film to shake up the summer box office, marvel cinematic universe's first r-rated adventure, "deadpool & wolverine." >> good slow-motion action sequence. >> reporter: and if predictions pan out, "inside out 2" will be the first release this summer to score a nine-figure opening in nearly 11 months. the last movie to have that number, "barbie." >> did you bring your rollerblades? i literally go nowhere without them. >> we do need to work a bit harder to get people out of their houses and to the theater, and you also have to un-train people from the pandemic time that not everything's on streaming. >> reporter: and so of course, disney is the parent company of abc, but again, a lot of people are talking about "inside out 2." a big weekend for that. >> janai: yeah. >> reporter: good father's day weekend to see that movie. >> janai: yes. >> gio: thank you so much, and we'll be right back with our "play of the day."
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that wins big call. sweetames >> and we are back now with our play of the day. and. oh, i am so glad that we text with your wife, andrea, because your family has a surprise for you. take a look. happy father's day, dad. >> thank you for coaching me in soccer. thank you for always making me laugh. thank you for being such a good dog, dad, we love you. >> oh, i love you too, girls. thank you for being such a good dog. dad a little calmer, better with the dogs and with the kids i'm working on. i'm working on now. if only i get to take a nap. there you go. dad wants happy father's. happy father's day to all the dads. happy father's day. >> our dads. >> my husband, eli. yes. happy fathers. >> happy father's day, everybody. enjoy the nap today, guys. >> with less than two weeks until they debate, the campaigns heat up. now, this morning, the
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new fivethirtyeight election forecast reveals who has the upper hand on abc. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning, i'm gloria rodriguez. happy father's day to all the fathers out there. there's new video coming into our newsroom this morning from the south bay. take a look. you can see the moment where a group of 20 violent broke into a sunnyvale jewelry store. it happened on wednesday at p and g jewelers. they smashed nearly every display case in 2.5 minutes. police pursued one vehicle and they caught five suspects inside despite their attempted ditch the car and run a warning from sheriff's deputies on the peninsula after a mountain lion sighting in millbrae, deputies rushed to an open space between vallejo drive and interstate 280 on saturday morning after a resident reported seeing a big cat. the sheriff's office says no injuries or incidents have been reported. deputies urged residents to be careful in the area and call 911 if they see the animal. now let's go to lisa
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argen with a check of your father's day forecast. hi, lisa. hey gloria, good morning to you. >> it is 61 on top of mount tam. this is the view. it's a little bit hazy. 27% relative humidity. so it's pretty dry out there. we continue with our offshore flow allowing for the lack of marine layer 60 in hayward, 62 in san jose, where it is nice and sunny. there a view of the shark tank upper 50s santa rosa, 58, in livermore and while the upper elevation winds are still quite breezy at the surface, it's still pretty calm, but that will change. the winds are going to kick up and we have a red flag warning from hidden valley lake, lake county here through the northern sacramento valley, where relative humidity will drop to about 20 to even 15. so around the bay area, the fire danger index is moderate to high with temperatures on the comfort side, but we will have the breezy winds, gusty winds at the coast. 70 bayside, mid 80s inland. gloria. >> thank you lisa, and thank you all for joining us this week with george stephanopoulos is next.
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