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tv   Nightline  ABC  June 19, 2024 12:37am-1:06am PDT

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for it, darling i'll take on your responsibilities ♪ ♪ and you've got everybody calling but i know that you're calling after me ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you're calling after me mm-mm ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight -- ♪ i'm bringing sexy back ♪ >> byron: pop star justin timberlake arrested in the hamptons. what the "sexy back" singer told police. plus, inside the tread wives
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trend. >> i recommend putting on an outfit before you see your husband. >> byron: stay-at-home mothers for fitting a career, profiling their lives. >> i think for women, work is not necessary, it's a preference. >> byron: women weighing in after nfl star harrison buckner's controversial speech. >> it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. >> i loved what he had to say about motherhood. >> byron: the growing backlash and the dark side of engaging with the trendy hashtag. and one on one with joseph gordon-levitt. growing up in front of the camera in hits like "third rock from the sun." but rejecting the fame game that came with it. >> i think fame is a monster, an insidious monster. >> byron: eddie murphy's sidekick in "beverly hills cop: axel f." >> i crashed the [ bleep ] helicopter, okay? >> byron: what he says about working with the comedic legend. >> what's it like to improvise with eddie murphy?
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>> byron: and celebrating label with eddie murphy? >> byron: and celebrating label legend willie mays dead at 93. to giv ur teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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♪ >> byron: good evening. thank you for joining us. pop star justin timberlake was released without bail today in the hamptons after facing a judge for charges of driving
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while intoxicated. here's abc's controversial all with the story. >> reporter: tonight, pop superstar justin timberlake accused of driving while intoxicated, held in jail overnight in the hamptons, the aflaunt beach community on long island, new yorkthis photo showing the 43-year-old in handcuffs. police say timberlake was behind the wheel when he ran a stop sign and swerved out of his lane. this surveillance video shows justin timberlake's gray bmw driving down main street shortly before his arrest. according to the criminal complaint, when an officer pulled him over, he had "bloodshot glassy eyes, slowed speech, and was unsteady on his feet," performing poorly on a sobriety test. this morning the pop star arraigned and released without bail. >> byron: our thanks to trevor. we turn to the controversial trad wives trend on social media. stay at moment-mothers amassing
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big followings posting about their, quote, traditional lives. here's my "nightline" coanchor, juju chang. >> juju: trad wives living traditional lives. i recommend doing some makeup, putting on a cute outfit before you see your husband. >> my brand is embracing motherhood and enjoying motherhood. >> juju: if you've been on social media, you've probably seen the hashtag. beautiful women cooking, cleaning, embracing life as stay at moment-moms. life seemingly plucked out of history. >> the definition of a trad wife is not merely someone who stays at home, but who romanticizes it in a retro nostalgic way, where we're looking back not only to the way things worked in the '50s but the values that families had in the '50s. >> juju: the unofficial queen of the trad wife movement. nerah smith. the 22-year-old former model and
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mother of three followed by millions. other tiktok stars like estee williams also proudly tagging their content. it's a trend launching think pieces and op-eds all around the world. >> there's a new generation of young women, proudly embracing this label of trad wife. >> this trard wife, i guess it's a gen-z thing. >> i'm sorry, 50 years ago is not a place i ever want to be back. >> exactly. >> juju: but there could be more at work here. a recent study found that trad wife content on less-regulated platforms like youtube and x, formerly known as twitter, could steer social media users down the rabbit hole of radical far-right content and misinformation. something podcasters and youtubers are picking up on. >> whether trad wives intend to or not, their politics serve as a starting point for alt-right radicalization. >> juju: as the trend rises, american women are trying to avoid a new culture war pitting moms who work against the moms who choose to stay home. >> i think for a lot of women,
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work is not necessary, it's a preference. >> juju: what do you say to the comment hoarse say, you're setting women back 50 years? >> i just disagree completely. >> juju: do you ever get criticized for being a working mom? >> on social media, there's a lot of criticism of, who is raising your kids right now? >> juju: the trend hit a boiling point after kansas city chiefs kicker harrison butker said this in a commencement speech last month. >> i think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. >> i loved what he had to say about motherhood. i didn't find issue with it at all. >> juju: how does that work in modern society where more than 50% of american women are in the workforce? significantly more than in 1950? >> it's such a simple little toy, but it's really educational. >> juju: ivy says she always wanted to be a mom. when you were in college studying broad call journalism, did you have a dream job?
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>> i've always wanted to be a mom, to be honest. that doesn't sound like your classic dream job, but i did just want a family. >> juju: now mom to two boys, she juggles snack time and craft time with content creation. what does being a trad wife mean to you this. >> obviously just a traditional wife. i think a lot of people, unfortunately, kind of have &his negative view of the way people used to live. i was really close with my grandma and with both my grandmothers and even my great grandmother, and they were the coolest women. when i hear homemaker, when i hear traditional woman, i think of really amazing women. the trad wife lifestyle is sold as one that is relaxing and beautiful for the people who participate in it and for the husbands and the families who benefit from it. it is a vision of a lifestyle that is not really attainable. >> juju: now adyes it's often a privilege to have a single income sustaining an entire family. government statistics show more than half of all u.s. households, 54%, have two
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incomes. that's more than double the number from 1955. not to mention more than 80% of all single parents are moms. >> there's an economic impact. and giving up that financial independence is actually putting not just you but your kids' future at risk. >> i have a degree. i have things i could do. win like me have thought about that. we know that things can go wrong. the pros for me outweigh the cons. the reward outweighs the risk. >> juju: yet research shows as women get older, they bear a heavier financial burden, especially after death or divorce. the average age of widowhood is 59 years old. women on average live decades longer. ivy says she and her husband choose this life knowing the financial sacrifices. >> i will make a list at the beginning of the week of what we're having for dinner. the list is based on the ads from the grocery stores around here. it's all electronic. i have all my grocery apps. it takes so much time and so much planning. i feel like i do a good job of pretending like i have new
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things, but it's all thrift stores. it's all facebook marketplace. this is goodwill. my other dresses are goodwill. >> i do not call myself a trad wife, i call myself a classic wife, a classic mom. >> juju: for abby roth, social media has allowed her to share her conservative views, including strong opinions on the roles of men and women. >> men are definitely in a position to protect and make sure that mom can do what she needs to do so the kids get nurtured. that's the thing that really breaks my heart is the women who would love to stay at home but just feel like they can't. feel like they shouldn't. feel like they have too many other obligations to their potential. >> juju: the orthodox jew and opera singer stepped away from her life on stage and often talks about the expectations women have about career and family. >> a lot of women are told that they're going to find their fulfillment and they're going to fulfill their potential by --
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through their careers. and then it's harder and harder to meet men. and then they find themselves alone, and it's hard. if you look at somebody's tombstone, that's what it's going to say. "wonderful daughter, wonderful mother, wonderful wife." it's not going to say, "wonderful ceo." >> juju: abby says she's not against moms who work. she understands single moms and two-income households are a reality. but -- >> women have always had a role economically. it's just -- needs to be put in its proper place. i think for a lot of women, work is not necessary, it's a preference. even though there's this narrative that being at home means you are giving up your career, giving up your dreams. when you have children, children become your dream in a lot of ways. >> juju: but many women think you don't have do choose. dr. karen tang is a board-certified ob-gyn, surgeon, and book author. she's also been married for nearly 20 years and is the proud working mother of three kids.
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do you ever get cite sized for being a working mom? >> it's not just myself but on the record women fits i know on social media. there's a lot of criticism of, who's raising your kids right now? why did you have kids if you can't raise them? no one would say that to a man. >> juju: you're a bit of a tiktok sensation. >> oh my god. i joke that i'm a geriatric tiktoker. age-wise, i could be the mom of pretty much everyone on tiktok. >> juju: as a parent, specifically a working mom, karen worries that the trad wife trend leaves out the important and often difficult parts of parenthood. >> almost more of an aesthetic. i think a lot of people who see trad wives on social media know it's a little bit of a performance. >> juju: some of the criticism of the trad wife movement is that it pushes women back to not just the ai '50s aesthetic, but a '50s mindset. >> women didn't have rights. you couldn't have a credit card or bank account. i think romanticizing this idea of going back to time but not
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remembering the realities is dangerous. >> juju: what do you make of the fact that when you start engaging with the trad wives hashtag, you start getting things like misinformation and conspiracy theories on your page? >> exactly. it's no longer just that this is a wonderful way to choose to live your life. it's become associated with misinformation. >> juju: being so busy means dr. tang and her husband share the household duties. how untraditional are the gender roles in your family? >> i don't know, i definitely have had people tell me that i'm a full-time dad. which i think is kind of a funny way to put it. yeah, i take on a lot of things that i think people might assume are a woman's role sometimes. >> juju: for example? >> i do almost all the grocery shopping. a good deal of the cooking. we get a lot of help from karen's parents. dads are missing out if they're not having these experiences. i think we should re-examine what it means to be a man. >> juju: what would you say to
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somebody who went on your wife's page and said, you're not a good mom? >> i would invite them to come and see how hard she works and how much she does. >> juju: karen says the trad wives trend should not be mommy wars part 2. >> women should have that freedom to choose. the problem is those that say you shouldn't have a choice that all women should do this, this is the ideal situation for everyone. >> juju: do you consider yourself a good mom? >> oh my god, that's a great question. and i think my initial response i think says so much. because my honest initial response was like, i'm okay. but i think if you ask my kids, i think they would say i'm a really good mom. when it comes to feeling like my kids -- that they feel supported that they're happy, they're healthy, you know -- i revise my answer. i say, i think i'm a really great mom. >> juju: that message of choice and tolerance is one ivy agrees with. what would you say to women who wee say to you, i love my job, i love my career, i don't love my kids any less than you do?
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>> i would say, i believe you. and so i wouldn't even challenge that. i know that moms love their children. i think a lot of people assume that i think i'm telling everybody, you need to do this, you need to live like me, and i'm not. but i think a lot of women should consider it. that's kind of my message is, that you can want this. >> byron: our thanks to juju. when we come back, one on one with joseph gordon-levitt, starring in "beverly hills cop: axel f." what he says it's like to play straight man to eddie murphy's comic brilliance. with our highest concentration of pro-vitamins yet, infused with ingredients like biotin & collagen. strengthens hair bonds and repairs as well as the leading luxury brand without the $60 price tag. for stronger, healthier hair. ♪ if you know, you know it's pantene.
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>> byron: welcome back. actor joseph gordon-levitt now starring opposite eddie murphy in "beverly hills cop: axel f." he says it's the dream of a lifetime. here's abc's rhiannon ally. >> we've really watched you grow up. we've seen you in so many wonderful things. "third rock from the sun." that was the first thing i remember seeing you in. "10 things i hate about you." "inception." 500 days of summer." the list goes on and on. >> we've had some disagreements, but i hardly think i'm sid vicious. >> no, i'm sid. >> so i'm nancy? >> reporter: you have such an impressive film grief. when you think back to the evolution of your career, how do you feel? how would you describe it? >> entirely dissatisfied. what have i been doing all this time with my life? no, i'm just grateful. i can't believe i get to do this. i love telling story. i love making movies. it's not something everybody gets to do. >> reporter: we've enjoyed watching you all these years.
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"beverly hills cop: axle f." this is the newest in the franchise 40 years after this came out. you're joining this iconic franchise. how does it feel stepping into that real? >> i remember not exactly when the first one came out -- >> reporter: you were a baby. >> i do remember the first one. my older brother was a big eddie murphy fan. eddie murphy movies, his stand-up comedy, his stuff on "saturday night live," all of that was, oh, this is the cool stuff my older brother likes. and so when i got the chance to play the new sidekick for eddie murphy in "beverly hills cop," this is sort of a lifelong dream come true. >> reporter: we have a clip of the movie that we want to share. >> what? >> you look nervous. >> i am nervous. >> why are you so damn nervous? >> i crashed a [ bleep ] helicopter, okay? it got in my head, that's why i left lapd. >> what? wait -- set it down! >> reporter: how was it to film
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that? >> oh, man, so fun. first of all, getting to sit with eddie and improvise this, because a lot of that scene -- there's a script, but we're sort of riffing. it was as thrilling as really being in the helicopter, in a certain way. >> reporter: what's it like to improvise with eddie murphy? >> as big and broad and hilarious he is, i think a lot of why people love him so much, there's something real about him. even in his most bombastic characters, there's a seed of true humanity in every moment. and so when i was improvising with him, i wouldn't be reaching for the gags or the laughs. i would always try to send back to him reality. and he really liked that. i think that's why we worked well together. >> reporter: you mentioned your older brother. i know he passed away are he was a huge eddie murphy fan, and you had a chance to share that with eddie. >> yeah, for sure. >> reporter: how did that feel? >> it's sort of surreal, to b honest. this is the thing where you -- if you lose a loved one -- i'm
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not necessarily a religious person, but i very much feel connected to those who are no longer with us by the impact that they've made. every time i get to tell a story about my brother, or certainly getting to do this, i definitely feel really strongly connected with him. for me, that is really what a soul is. >> reporter: you said you don't love the fame part? >> i privately wished that we could go on set and do the work that i loved but then burn the film afterwards. >> reporter: do you feel like fame is toxic? >> i think it can be. >> reporter: is that still true? >> no, all i care about is my followers, i watch my follower count. that's it. i think fame is a monster, an insidious monster. and it's not to say i'm not attracted to it. i certainly am. we all are. but i think now more than ever, i was joking a second ago, but now we all have these sort of devices in our pockets that can get us hooked on attention and fame. it's a recipe for unhappiness.
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we're in the middle of a mental health crisis, especially amongst the youth. and it's pretty widely recognized that the big tech platforms and social media is largely at fault. and they really need to do something about it. >> reporter: what do you think fans of the original "beverly hills cop" are going to feel about this new -- >> this movie does it. it's going to be the thing you want from a "beverly hills cop" movie. and honestly, if you've never heard of "beverly hills cop" and you just want to watch a really fun movie, this will do it. >> reporter: joseph gordon-levitt, thank you to much for being here. >> thank you. >> "beverly hills cop: axle f" streams on netflix beginning july 3rd. our thanks to rhiannon. when we return, celebrating a true baseball legend, willie mays. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3.
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♪ >> byron: finally tonight, baseball's oldest living hall of famer and one of the game's all-time greats, willie mays, has died. he was scouted by the new york giants while he was still in high school. he started with a team after graduation. willie mays was what's called a five-tool player, excelling at all areas of the game. he was inducted into the baseball hall of fame in 1979. his first eligible year. and said, "you have to sacrifice many things to play baseball, but i'm here today because baseball is my number one love." willie mays was 93. he helped change the


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