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tv   America This Morning  ABC  June 24, 2024 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. right now on america. this morning, the heat dome baking much of the country, bringing record breaking temperatures to millions of americans with no relief in sight.
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>> it's so hot. it's so wet. >> an entire community is evacuated due to flooding, a bridge even collapsing into a river. at least six tornadoes reported in wisconsin. we're tracking it all breaking overnight news of a shark attack in hawaii, killing a well-known surfer and actor. >> new details just coming in from witnesses. >> the hiker rescued after spending days in the northern california mountains. dramatic images showing his appearance as he emerged from the forest to hug his family. >> plus, a cyber attack crippling thousands of car dealerships across the u.s. the ransom demand behind the attack and who's to blame? >> the wild weekend for swifties in london. travis kelce hitting the stage with taylor swift. >> what happened next and the beauty queen contestant making history proving that age is just a number. >> from abc news this is america this morning. good morning
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everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> good morning to you i'm rhiannon ally. we begin with the dangerous conditions facing americans all across the country this morning. >> dangerous levels of heat are expected across many areas of the u.s. >> that heat is fueling heavy rain in the midwest. the resulting flood water caused a collapse of a train bridge between south dakota and iowa. but we want to begin this morning with the oppressive heat this morning, no relief for more than 100 million americans as scorching heat stretches from coast to coast. baltimore hit 101 on saturday, the hottest june day there in over a decade. in washington, d.c. yesterday, tying its daily record high of 98 degrees with barely any relief at night. the low temperature just 81. but those d.c. temperatures are a welcome relief for galen clark, who's visiting from las vegas, where the daily high is expected to hover around 110 for the next seven days. >> it's so hot, it's so wet that
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you can't breathe and everything is sticking to you. >> no escape in the middle of the country either. with temps in the high 90s or even higher from omaha to laredo, that heat fueling torrential rainstorms in the midwest, a state of emergency declared in iowa after flood waters forced evacuations in parts of the state. the national guard deploying helicopters to the city of rock valley to rescue people from their rooftops. >> the devastation is severe, and it's widespread in southern wisconsin. >> at least six tornadoes touched down saturday, ripping through trees and buildings. >> how precious did it in the city of argyle? >> service was still held sunday at the site where the apple grove lutheran church once stood. that building, now barely more than a pile of rubble. >> god isn't just a building. god is its people. >> we know that we have that. that firm foundation of hope here at this church.
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>> and for anyone escaping the severe weather with a trip to the beach, the rip current risk remains high on parts of the atlantic and gulf coast today in florida, at least five people have died in rip currents, including a couple visiting with their six children. a really tragic story there, and experts say if you do get caught in a rip current, do not try to swim directly back to shore. instead, you swim parallel to the shoreline until you're free of the current. the life saving advice there. >> all right. the fbi is now offering up to $10,000 for information about two wildfires in southern new mexico. full containment of the fires is not expected until mid-july. two deaths have been confirmed since they ignited last week, and now the fbi is asking for help in identifying what sparked the fires. now to a story we're following out of hawaii. a surfer who gained fame as a lifeguard and actor has died in a shark attack. this morning. a shark attack in hawaii claiming the life of a world renowned surfer. >> we can confirm that it was
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one of our own city and county of honolulu lifeguards. north shore lifeguards. tamayo perry, honolulu officials say professional surfer and lifeguard tamayo perry was killed in a shark attack just before 1 p.m. yesterday off the north coast of oahu. myo perry was was a lifeguard loved by all. tamayo's personality was infectious, and as much as people loved him, he loved everyone else more. >> lifeguards recovering perry's body by jet ski. after a caller told dispatchers his body appeared to have suffered more than one shark bite, perry was known as one of the greatest surfers in the world and even appeared in movies and television, including blue crush with kate bosworth, maya. hey, how's it, girls? >> how's it out there? >> oh, it's pretty nuts. broke my bird. >> perry's death marks the second shark attack on the island this month, but just the ninth fatal shark attack in hawaiian waters since the state started keeping records in 1995. >> perry is survived by his wife, amelia. he was 49 years
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old. >> our thoughts are with his family turning to washington now. today marks two years since the supreme court overturned roe v wade. the biden campaign is turning the spotlight on the anniversary with events from coast to coast ahead of thursday's big debate. abc's perry russom joins us now from washington with more on this good morning perry. >> rihanna, good morning to you. >> the biden campaign continues to use the decision to rally support ahead of november. over the weekend, former president trump once again taking credit for helping overturn roe. this morning, the second anniversary of the landmark decision overturning roe v wade, the ruling leading to abortion restrictions of some kind in 21 states today, dozens of events across the country, including a protest outside the supreme court by abortion rights activists, the biden campaign planning more than a dozen events of its own, including in swing states wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. >> if we have the trifecta, the house, the senate and the white house, then we are going to make
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roe versus wade law of the land again, abortion rights is a major issue for voters. >> in november. it's on the ballot in at least four states over the weekend, former president trump taking credit for appointing three of the justices who helped overturn roe thanks to these justices, we have also achieved what the pro-life movement fought to get for 49 years. >> and we've gotten abortion out of the federal government and back to the states. >> trump saying some states will be more conservative than others. republican governor of south dakota kristi noem on nbc. >> every state will look different. i think that's appropriate. so i know that every state will have different laws. and what we need to do is continue to talk about what we can do to help women who are in crisis. >> the anniversary comes more than a week after the supreme court rejected a challenge to mifepristone, keeping the abortion drug available for women to use under current fda guidelines. >> we are looking at the fact that two thirds of women of reproductive age in america live in a state with a trump abortion ban. this ruling is not going to
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change that. >> anti-abortion rights groups remaining hopeful after that decision. >> obviously we were disappointed that was what we expected, and we're going to be back. >> and the supreme court could rule this week on another case about abortion rights is about whether a federal law on emergency care protects access to abortion at hospitals when a woman's life is at risk. >> andrew barry, thank you. the israeli defense minister is meeting today with us officials in washington. it comes as prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced the current phase of the war in gaza is winding down. but netanyahu suggested the next goal is to bring an end to hezbollah's attack from inside lebanon. netanyahu also doubled down on his allegation of a dramatic drop in us arms shipments, a claim the white house denies. at least 15 police officers and a priest were killed in a series of attacks in the russian region of dagestan. the gunman opened fire in two cities, targeting two orthodox churches and a synagogue and a police post. several civilians are among the dead. authorities
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say six gunmen were also killed, calling it a coordinated terrorist attack. >> back in the us, a crippling cyber attack has caused major disruptions at car dealerships. all across north america over the past week. here's abc's alison kosik with more. >> this morning, a nearly week old cyber outage is plaguing car dealerships across the u.s. and canada, many sharing their feelings about it online. >> it's been an absolute disaster for a lot of dealerships. if you need parts at a body shop to fix a car, guess what? you can't get right now? parts to fix a car cdk global, a major player in the auto sales industry, was hit by back to back cyber attacks last wednesday, crippling business at roughly 15,000 auto dealerships. >> the company provides the software that handles a range of dealership functions is significant because once again, these cyber criminals have managed to attack a essentially a supply chain industry. several
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major auto companies, including ford, stellantis and gm, confirm the hack is not just disrupting car maintenance and repairs. it's left thousands of dealers unable to process appointments or complete sales transactions, some turning to pen and paper for prospective car buyers. it may mean delays with no immediate end in sight. >> these criminals know that if they're able to take down an organization, a software company like cdk, they take down the critical operations at these auto dealerships. and so by doing this, they figure there the chances of getting paid are much larger. >> in a statement, cdk saying it promptly launched an investigation, adding we have begun the restoration process. it will take several days to complete. earlier this year, a ransomware group disrupted payment and claims processing for unitedhealth's change health care. it was reported they ultimately paid the ransom about $22 million. >> everyone needs to be vigilant
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and people are fooled to giving up their information and that is very, very dangerous. and that's what most likely happened here and certainly happened with united healthcare. >> as for the cdk cyber attacks, it's unclear at this point what, if any, consumer information has been compromised. bloomberg is reporting the hackers are demanding tens of millions of dollars in ransom to restore operations, and that cdk intends to pay it, though discussions are subject to change. rhiannon andrew allison, thank you. >> time now for a look at your morning weather. now we're going to see a relocation of the heat as we work our way throughout this week. and you'll start to notice again some changes into the northeast with some cooler intrusions. not cool per se, but cooler than where we've been. and those temperatures have been up there, but definitely a relocation of the core of the heat in a westward fashion. record high temperatures being challenged as we work our way throughout the day into
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oklahoma, kansas and into arkansas. for accuweather, i'm justin popovic for abc news still to come, the american tourist attraction reopening after months of maintenance. >> also ahead, the hiker rescued after spending ten days in the northern california mountains. how he says he survived and the close encounter with a bear at
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morning america. every day of your life. >> go back now with a close encounter in tennessee. a black bear got loose at a theme park in gatlinburg. even grabbing a bite at a concession stand. i don't think he paid for it, though at one point it does make a move toward a worker who made a quick move to get away. no one was injured. >> now to the incredible
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survival story from california. a man lost in the mountains finally found after ten days. here's danny, new on his emotional reunion with his family. >> this morning, a man who was stranded in northern california mountains for ten days is talking about how he survived. >> i'm sure a little tired. i lost my voice. >> 34 year old luke mcclish set out for a hike on june 11th in the santa cruz mountains, where he says he got lost. >> mcclish was declared missing five days later on father's day, when he didn't show up for a dinner. rescuers finally found him last thursday. i left with, just a pair of my pants and my pair of hiking shoes and, and the hat i had a flashlight and a pair of folding scissors like a leatherman tool. >> and that was about it. >> the sheriff's office says they deployed drones and a team from california state parks, including rescue dogs, during the search. witnesses reported hearing someone yelling for help, leading officials to mcclish, who says he lost 30 pounds over the ten days.
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>> i just make sure that i drank at least a gallon of water every day. but then after, like getting close to the end of it, i was just my body needed food. he and his family expressed gratitude for all the first responders leading the rescue effort, but hiking might be out of the cards for the next few months. i did enough hiking for probably the whole rest of the year. me too. >> we've all hiked a lot and mcclish says that he became lost in the mountains, partially due to the destruction of local landmarks in recent wildfires. >> rhiannon andrew. >> wow, what an incredible story of survival. danny. thank you. chicago's popular bean sculpture is now open to the public. once again, the 110 ton structure was blocked off last summer for renovations, which include new stairs and accessible ramps. it has been one of the most popular attractions in the midwest since opening back in 2004. >> love the bean. >> i haven't been yet, and i've been to chicago and i haven't seen the bean. >> you got to go. coming up, the new tactic taking down pork
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pirates. >> also ahead, hear from the father back with his family after he was arrested in turks and caicos with ammunition in and caicos with ammunition in his bag if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. that's a 45% savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network. at t-mobile, customers 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited for only $30 bucks a line. switch today! wanna know a secret? more than just my armpits stink. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant... everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant.
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and more new options under $10. enjoy free drinks all summer when you join panera's unlimited sip club today. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪ ahh, yellow! didn't pass the tissue test? buckle up! whoa! there's toothpaste white, and there's crest 3dwhitestrips white. whitens like a 400 dollar professional treatment. pilot: prepare for non-stop smiles. crest. >> prepare for nonstop smile crest. >> we're back now with an abc news exclusive with an american father reunited with his family in oklahoma after being arrested in turks and caicos, ryan watson was taken into custody back in april when authorities found four rounds of ammunition in his bag. he called it an honest oversight, but he was facing 12 years in prison.
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>> i would lay awake at night if things did go sideways, what my kids would look like whenever i finally got to come back home. as a parent man, that's just not not an easy thing to think about. last week, a judge gave watson a suspended sentence and a fine. >> more of his interview later on gma. >> now to police taking new steps to crack down on porch pirates disappearing. deliveries are costing companies and their customers billions. you've seen the videos porch pirates stealing packages. sometimes even with the delivery person still there, and they've become even more brazen. just last month, this man disguising himself as an amazon delivery person, stealing this package in gardner, massachusetts. and last week, this video from a philadelphia suburb showing two porch pirates nearly coming to blows over a package that was dropped off just moments before. it's a problem experienced by
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more than 40% of americans, and last year alone, there was an estimated $8 billion worth of stolen packages. >> but every time we went to meetings, no matter what else was going on, there would always be people complaining about packages. packages being stolen from their porch. all right, we're in the neighborhood. >> abc news riding along with members of washington, d. c. s metropolitan police department as they use packages equipped with tracking devices hoping to catch thieves red handed. we have a list of people we can't even get to because there's so many people volunteering their porch. >> just because package theft is such a huge problem for them. >> since the pilot program started in february, the fifth district has seen a 17% reduction in theft. >> people knowing that this is happening in its own way, keeps people from doing this because they're afraid that that package might be the one that was dropped off by the police department. >> correct. and that's really the main goal. it's really
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looking at behavioral changes as opposed to punitive change. >> delivery companies are also stepping up security. they are starting to use unmarked vehicles. >> coming up, taylor swift's big weekend in london and the home listed for an incredibly low price. price. >> but it comes with a nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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tournament. >> a group of protesters ran onto the 18th green at the travelers championship as scottie scheffler and others were getting ready to putt. the protesters were arrested and scheffler won the tournament, his sixth victory of the season so far. and now to san francisco, where a home, a good home could come to a patient person. >> check out this three bedroom, two bath house in the russian hill neighborhood. it's going for just under $500,000, but you have to wait until 2053 to move in. that is when the lease of the renter living there runs out. >> finally, timeless beauty 71 year old marissa tejo is now the oldest person to ever compete in the miss texas usa pageant. >> she competed against nearly >> she competed against nearly 100 other why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget-you-get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta®.
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without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. tsingtao, where tsingtao. >> still no word from oakland mayor shengtao now, five days since their home got raided by the fbi, some residents are demanding to hear directly from her. >> chaos on the bay bridge. more illegal sideshow activity over the weekend. stopping traffic


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