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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  July 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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♪ ♪ -- captions by vitac -- news and that breaking news a fire sparking in the berkeley hills. multiple fire agencies have jumped to an area of grizzly peak as a red flag warning for local fire danger has just gone into effect. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm julian glover. >> those firefighters, they are swarming into the winding hills behind uc berkeley, knowing just how quickly a fire can jump in that area. >> some started seeing flames around 930 on grizzly peak boulevard and centennial. now it's just a short way up from the lawrence hall of science. >> abc seven news reporter j.r
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stone is live on the scene there, where firefighters are trying to get a handle on this fire. j.r. how's it looking out there? >> well julian and ama, dozens of firefighters are still out here at this hour and they have been out here for the last hour and a half or so. you've got multiple agencies that are out here. and the reason for that is on this side of the road you have orinda, and right now you have crews that are up in those hills and they're cutting back some of the brush because they have gotten control and they have put this fire out. then i want you to walk with me here. at first, you get a sense of all the firefighters that are out here, and you can see them beyond me, because on this side of the street, this is oakland. i want to show you in the distance there near that yellow tape. that is what they found when they got here. those are fire fireworks. that is, they got a report that there were fireworks going off up here. they responded. nobody was up here when they arrived, but there was fire on both sides of the road. and i don't know if we
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could pan to the right a bit. and you can see all of the crews that are out here this evening. they've got control of that fire. that was on this side of the road. they got control of the one that was on the other side of the road, and then they went to work in cutting back some of this brush here. and you can see all of those folks, they have those lights on their helmets right now because it is very dark in areas. so many different fire trucks up here. and it's a good thing because they are using those lights to really light this area up as they try to really get this brush down into the area. uh- when we got here, there were a number of police officers who were up here as well, but as i said, when they got on scene, nobody was here. uh- i want to show you some of the video because we do have some pictures and some video of what it looked like earlier, and you can actually see the flames and some of those shots. after those shots, you'll see some of the work that was being done by some of those crews. but the exact cause of this is up in the air.
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but as i said, and like we know that they did get those reports of fireworks going off in this area. and when they responded, there were flames on both sides of the road. even as i'm talking right now, i can hear that chainsaw in the distance as they try and cut away that brush. now, this is one of those spots where they put logs so cars can't sit out here. but that hasn't really stopped folks. according to the firefighters from coming up here and really just having a good time with friends. but obviously something got out of control tonight and it created this kind of response. and this is a live look of some of those crews on the hillside on the oakland side here, just working at getting that brush down. so we'll continue to follow the situation up here in the hills. and i say hills because this is the borderline of two different counties and two different cities. but they are busy and they did get it under control. so that is certainly the good news. julian and nomar now back to you in the studio. >> yeah that is great to hear.
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thank you j.r. let's bring in abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel because we do want to look at the conditions in that area. >> speaking of that there was a red flag warning that just went into effect as we came on the air. uh- sandhya, tell us more about what we can expect tonight. yeah, absolutely. >> julian and ama, it's a good thing, like j.r. said, that they got it under control. because when you take a look at the current conditions near the fire, it is warm. it's 83 degrees. the biggest thing that we're noticing is the relative humidity. i've been watching it. it's coming down. it's 28% right now. winds are pretty light at this hour. the winds in the surrounding areas mount diablo 25 miles an hour. oakland hills 11 miles an hour. so those winds begin to increase. that red flag warning just went into effect up until 5 p.m. wednesday. that's the north and east bay hills, the santa cruz mountains humidity down to 11, north northeasterly winds, which are very dry, and winds gusting to 35 miles an hour raising that fire danger. now the other big story is the heat wave. it begins tomorrow. and that's when
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that excessive heat warning goes up for inland areas. at 11 a.m. it's up until saturday night. areas shaded in orange, which is the bay shoreline and san francisco under a heat advisory. here's a look at the scorcher we are facing tomorrow at least away from the coast. 110 in fairfield, 109 in concord, 108 in livermore, 106 degrees in santa rosa. and you will notice it's going to be pretty hot, even in places like san jose, oakland, 83 degrees in san francisco, this is a multi-day heat wave. i'll be back with a full look at the forecast coming right up ama. >> all right. thank you. sandhya. we will check back and you can always keep an eye on the heat and weather where you live using the abc seven news bay area app, it gives you access to the same live doppler seven tools our weather team uses. download the app wherever you stream abc seven news bay area, and be sure to turn on those notifications. >> skateboarders cruising along dolores street, down one of the steepest hills in all of san francisco, a skaters call it the
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dolores hill bomb. the unsanctioned event has been happening for decade. we've been following it for years, and it's set to happen again this saturday. police are hoping things don't get out of hand this year. after last year's event ended in one of the largest mass arrests in the city's history, abc seven news reporter tim johns was at tonight's meeting with skaters, community members and police uh. >> dozens came out monday night for a special community meeting hosted by the san francisco police department. the meeting, which got heated at times, was called in advance of the dolores park hill bomb on saturday. an annual skating event that normally draws hundreds. but after years of frustration for neighbors and the arrest of almost 100 people, many of them teenagers, last year, some in the area are calling for the police to put an end to the unsanctioned event. >> people running through the park throwing bottles and throwing other items, jumping on the street car, stopping it, spray painting it. >> caroline kennedy was one of many neighbors who spoke monday night. she believes the city should stop the event this week until it can find a way to have it safely.
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>> who shows up to an event that's supposed to be fun and peaceful with what the police found when they confiscated things from people they arrested knives, guns, you know, spray, pepper spray, pepper. >> many in the skater community, however, want the event to continue. they say it's a minority of people who are actually causing trouble. >> i think when you make a space safe and welcoming, crime is less likely to happen. crime is a symptom of broader social unrest. >> erin breit, war is a skating advocate. he says he's been trying to work with city officials on the event for months, but has gotten nowhere. whitworth tells us it's frustrating that the city is having this community outreach event now merely days before the hill bomb is set to happen. >> i have not seen evidence that we are engaging in that comprehensive set of questions tonight or prior. the city has had plenty of notice and opportunity to conduct outreach no matter what happens this year, police say they'll be ready in case things get out of control. >> and chief scott says they
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won't hesitate to make arrests for illegal activity. but with no formal organizers and planning for hill bomb, what happened saturday is anyone's guess. >> i would encourage people not to show up while we sit down and try to figure this out, you know, these things pop up online and then all of a sudden we have to respond to them. >> the city is also still dealing with last year's hill bomb. it's currently facing pending litigation over the arrest in san francisco. tim johns, abc seven news. >> it's the supreme court ruling a member of president biden's campaign described as handing donald trump the keys to a dictatorship. the high court's decision today shields trump and other presidents going forward from criminal liability for official acts taken while in the white house, as trump's rival biden himself is now reacting. tonight, abc's zohreen shah has details. >> major reaction coming in after the bombshell supreme court decision that will have major consequences on the future of the american presidency. the supreme court, ruling 6 to 3 that former presidents are protected from prosecution for
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some, but not all, actions. the ruling will affect whether the federal criminal case against trump for his alleged conspiracy to overthrow the 2020 election, including january 6th, would go forward. hours after the ruling, president biden, delivering remarks at today's supreme court decision on presidential immunity that fundamentally changed for all. >> for all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what the president can do. this is a fundamentally new principle, and it's a dangerous precedent in the majority decision, chief justice john roberts saying the president may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, which include commander in chief powers, pardon powers and hiring and firing federal officials. >> former president trump immediately reacting on social media, writing, a big win for our constitution and democracy. trump had previously said a
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president has to have immunity. >> if you don't have immunity, you just have a ceremonial. >> president and president biden's campaign with the major warning just four months from the election, they just handed donald trump the keys to a dictatorship. the case almost definitely pushes trump's january 6th case and his classified documents case until after the november election. special counsel jack smith, not commenting but now tasked with having to make the case that trump's actions in office were unofficial acts. zohreen shah, abc news, los angeles. >> now, in light of today's supreme court ruling, former president trump is already looking to get his may conviction thrown out. trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records about a hush money payment to an adult film star. sources tell abc news trump's lawyers say the verdict should be tossed because they believe the jury saw evidence that would now be protected by presidential immunity. >> it is july 1st, and the rent is due, but half a million
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californians somehow don't have access to their bank. the fears and frustrations from bay area customers, and the effort to get the cash flow back, plus calling out the boat brigade. >> the reason behind this graveyard of boats and how it's building a better bay area. >> and corn dogs, carnival games and some fireworks shows. a bay area county fair that's just days away. and the fair's poster is w
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and based credit union, says patelco experienced a ransomware attack, patelco told abc seven news the incident is impacting their operations, including online banking for half a
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million customers. branches are open, but services are limited. outside one branch, customers told us they were unable to cash checks. >> did you check your account? if your money's there, you can't look at your account, can they? look at your account? no. >> you know, they give you a paper receipt. >> so in the paper receipt they show that your money is there. >> no, they couldn't cash the checks right now because something was wrong with the system. >> patelco confirmed that balance inquiries are unavailable at the moment, but customers can still make withdrawals and deposits at atms. >> our work in building a better bay area means not shying away from the big challenges we face. >> this is why we focus on sharing meaningful breakthroughs here on abc seven news at 11. we start tonight with san francisco's attempt to meet california's housing target. >> today, mayor london breed and state senator scott wiener found a silver lining to the city's recent failure to meet the state's mandated construction goals. >> state senator wiener pointed out. this failure means the city
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will get the benefit of a new state law allowing a streamlined construction process for most housing projects. advocates say the new law is a game changer. >> the only way that we're going to be able to achieve those ambitious goals is by having a process that we can get out of our own way, and this bill really allows san francisco to meet the moment and to build the housing that we need. >> under the new law, san francisco will now be obligated to process housing permit applications within 180 days. it used to be 26 months. >> let's jump over to oakland, where our sky seven was flying overhead to catch our next abc seven news building a better bay area breakthrough, a bunch of old boats. you see him right there, just scooped up in the estuary as a part of a cleanup project. 17 abandoned boats were hauled away in the area of union point park. they had been sitting and clogging the waterway between alameda and oakland mainland. oakland police teams loaded them up to be taken away for proper disposal. >> and our final abc seven news
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building a better bay area breakthrough is the new upgrade for a hospital in fremont. >> we're talking about washington hospital health care system. it's now officially certified a level two adult trauma center. the designation took effect today. >> the level two trauma centers are supposed to be able and are equipped to be able to take care of just about every injured patient that comes through the door well before here, if patients got injured, they had to go up to the level two trauma center, eden medical center at the castro valley, which was, you know, a significant distance away. >> it is the first trauma center upgrade in alameda county since 1987. >> okay. we want to get you back to our breaking news. a fire that sprung up on grizzly peak. >> abc seven news reporter j.r. stone is live in the berkeley hills with brand new information for us tonight. jr >> i'm a julian. the good news right now is that this fire is under control. and i'm glancing back because the crews have been directly behind me and they've been spraying down some of those
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hot spots, but they've been going from one spot on this orinda side to another spot, as they want to make sure that some of those hot spots in fact, i'm going to step out of the way because i can believe you could see one of the firefighters up there spraying down some of those hot spots. now, the call came in that fireworks were going off in this area. so crews responded. and it's a borderline area. you have orinda on one side of the road. you have oakland on the other. when they got here, there was fire on both sides of the road and we are way up on the peak here. uh- multiple agencies were up here and they were able to get control of that fire and get it in a timely fashion. i can tell you, as we took the bay bridge over here from san francisco, you could actually see some of those flashing lights from the bridge because they had already gotten some of those flames under control. uh. but certainly it is a concern when you have fire and flames in an area like this, especially amidst the weather that we're dealing with. right now. i want to show you one other thing, and that's
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those fireworks that they did find when they got here. crews did not find anybody who was still out here when they arrived , just the fire on both sides of the road and some of the remnants that fireworks had just been set off. so they are still out here. they are not only spraying down some of those hot spots, but they are also, sort of cutting away some of the brush in these areas. so when they do leave that this situation won't start back up. but again, it doesn't look like they're going to leave anytime soon. they're going to be out here for a bit, just mopping this situation up. julian ama now back to you in the studio. >> all right, j.r, thank you for that update. and we want to get an update on the weather. >> yeah. let's check in now with abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. sandhya, you've been warning us. triple digit temperatures on the way. >> that's right. that heat wave starts tomorrow. julian and ama temperatures will soar well above average. we are talking about days of triple digit heat inland, so definitely prepare high pressure is coming in and
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that's what's going to bring us the heat. today it warmed up but it wasn't intense like it's going to be tomorrow and wednesday. look at wednesday's high temperatures. this is really extreme. we're talking 110 degrees in places like fairfield and concord. which brings me to the heat risk for wednesday. it's going to go from moderate to high. and then eventually on wednesday, the shading there in red and purple major to extreme heat risk inland. so definitely take precautions and plan accordingly. right now it is still warm inland in the 70s and 80s along the coastline we have temperatures in the 50s. here's how it's all going to play out. so tomorrow a spare the air alert has been issued. as that heat builds, the air quality is going to go and decline. we're talking about poor air quality in the inland east bay and the santa clara valley moderate elsewhere. as we take a look at tomorrow's forecast in the morning inland areas, we'll start off a pretty mild at 8:00
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in the 70s, quickly rising by noontime to the triple digits and up to 110 at 5 p.m. around the bay in the 60s, at eight coming up into the 80s quickly. and then the 90s and along the coastline, upper 50s with some patchy fog, eventually getting up into the low 70s. there is a little bit of fog right now on the golden gate bridge. a little murky view, dangerous heat wave tomorrow through the end of the week. high fire danger with gusty winds and low humidity, and then that heat eases on sunday, which is what we want to see. but tomorrow, as you will notice, the winds coming out of the north northeast, and that's what's going to dry out the atmosphere even more, which is why that fire danger is there, particularly for the hills. you will notice a high to very high fire danger across parts of the north bay tomorrow morning, and then really moderate to high across many parts of the bay area. so remain vigilant. we also have a coastal flood advisory until 11 p.m. wednesday due to higher than usual astronomical tides, minor flooding is expected in the low lying areas tomorrow morning. we
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start off the day early in the morning, in the 40s to the 70s. you will notice the patches of fog right near the coast, but not everywhere else. tomorrow afternoon in the south bay, 103, in los gatos, 98. in san jose, 97 in santa clara on the peninsula. it is going to be well above average as well. 91 in palo alto, 97. redwood city, 74 degrees in pacifica, 83. downtown san francisco. getting you into the north bay. look at the triple digits 100 in san rafael, 106 in santa rosa, calistoga. heading into the east bay. berkeley oakland low 90s 95 union city inland areas 110 in brentwood 108 degrees in livermore 109 in concord. the accuweather seven day forecast. the triple digit heat will be most intense the next two days, still sizzling for the 4th of july, but not quite as hot. and then the temperatures continue to back off as we head towards the weekend. temperatures do moderate the second half into the low 100 sunday, and monday
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60s right near the coast. ama and julian, we'll b ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. cents a gallon? yes. six zero. filling up a 12 gallon tank will
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cost about an extra quarter. california already has some of the highest gas prices in the country, partially due to that fuel tax. it's also more expensive to formulate gas for the state due to pollution requirements. indiana, virginia and michigan also increased their states gas tax today. well, july 1st means a whole host of new laws go into effect in the state. everything from a ban on pesky hidden checkout fees to lowering security deposits for renters. we have a full list of all the newcomers in california. it's on the front page of our website at abc seven >> in the north bay, the marin county fair begins in a couple of days. the five day event at the fairgrounds in san rafael starts july third, and it's packed with art rides, fair food , delights and fireworks. musical performers include in vogue, los lonely boys and ziggy marley. this year's theme is make a splash. some of that unique fare, only fun, is captured in the fair's promotional poster, including pig races and a juggler who
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appears to be surfing? that's interesting. >> i'm loving the musical acts they're in vogue. >> nice. >> ziggy marley. yeah. all right, well, we've been talking about it all day. it's the end of an era for the golden state warriors. >> abc seven news sports anchor casey pratt is here. casey >> yeah, and julian the splash brothers, the big three. no more is klay thompson is on the move to the mavericks. we'll tell you how the dubs plan
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i'll never forget seeing this moment in person, a wall of confetti slowly clearing to reveal klay thompson in his captain's hat, carrying the larry o'brien trophy. no one's bust got swarmed like clays that day. the outpouring of love and support for the four time champ and five time all-star felt especially powerful after he battled back from two catastrophic injuries to become a champion once again, and shortly after agreeing to a three year, $50 million deal with the dallas mavericks, the warriors did right by their star working out a sign and trade that brought them back two second round draft picks. clay's final comments of the season feel even more meaningful months later, after today's departure to dallas. >> we've been through the
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highest of highs and lows. whether it's losing a championship, winning a championship, missing the playoffs, we've been through everything together, so that does mean a lot. makes me uh- grateful to have the times i've had with them, like done some pretty historic stuff. >> can never see myself, you know, not with those two guys. >> you know, the discussion of those three is to me, is a much easier discussion when they're still good, which they are, i think. i do think there's tremendous value in the three of them being warriors for life. >> now, the warriors issued a statement reading in part, clay's legacy will live on forever and we look forward to the day we can retire. his number 11 jersey at chase center. the warriors did make one key addition, agreeing to a one year, $12.8 million deal for guard de'anthony melton. the 26 year old is known to be an elite defender, but he was limited by back issues last season, averaging just 11 points in 38 games for the 76 ers. speaking
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of the 76 ers, they have agreed to sign paul george who many around here hoped would become a warrior. george gets a four year $212 million max contract. and fresh off a championship the celtics backed up the brinks truck for jayson tatum, giving the forward a five year, $314 million contract extension. the sharks also out here throwing some money around signing tyler toffoli to a four year, $24 million deal. believe it or not, it is actually the largest contract they've ever handed out to an outside free agent. toffoli had 33 goals last season for the jets. copa america 2024 usa, uruguay the americans, needing a win to advance out of the group stage, 66 minute uruguay with a free kick. mattias oliveira capitalizes and scores but was he on side? the replay appears as though he wasn't but the goal stood anyway. usa loses one nil and they are now eliminated. sports on abc seven sponsored by river rock
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boulevard and centennial just a short ways up from the lawrence hall of science in berkeley. the
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fire is now under control, but firefighters say they will likely be keeping an eye on the hot spots for hours. video right there from when the fire first broke out. 911 call came in as reporter fireworks, and our crews did see a firework packaging in that area. no one was at the fire location when the firefighters got there. a red flag warning went into effect for the east bay hills and other areas just at 11 p.m, and much of the bay area is expected to see some hot temperatures tomorrow for sure. >> all right. thank you so much for watching tonight. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm julian glover right now on jimmy kimmel larry david and cyndi lauper. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- larry david. cyndi lauper. and music from feist. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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