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tv   America This Morning  ABC  July 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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i'm ken jennings. thanks for joining us today. we'll see you tomorrow. [applause] ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. tuesday. this morning, former president trump's first legal move after the supreme court's landmark decision on presidential immunity. what trump's lawyers are now requesting and how president biden is responding. >> the white house under pressure, a top democrat now asking whether president biden's
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debate performance last week was an anomaly or not, how the biden campaign is trying to reassure supporters. >> hurricane barrel growing into a category five storm overnight, widespread destruction being reported in parts of the caribbean. why this storm is making history and where it heads next travel trouble a shortage of air traffic controllers blamed for delays at a major airport, plus the severe turbulence on a cross atlantic flight. >> one man is seen wedged inside the luggage bin. >> new concerns in the search for an american missing in the bahamas for nearly two weeks after a yoga retreat. why? her mother says her visit to the area was deeply unsettling. >> actor jamie fox gets personal now, shedding new light on his medical emergency and later the ufo pulled over by police on a midwest interstate. >> from abc news this is america this morning. >> good tuesday morning, everyone. i'm andrew dymburt. >> i'm andrea fujii in for
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rhiannon. we begin with new fallout from the supreme court's landmark decision on presidential immunity. >> the court ruled that former president trump has immunity from prosecution for official actions he took in office. and last night, we learned trump is now making his first legal move. in wake of that decision. this morning, just hours after a supreme court ruling outlined presidential immunity for official acts committed in office, former president trump has moved to overturn his recent hush money conviction in new york, citing yesterday's supreme court decision. trump's lawyers are now asking the judge to allow them to challenge the verdict, which, if allowed, would delay trump's sentencing set for next week. although the case centered on business records allegedly falsified while trump was a candidate in 2016, prosecutors built their case using evidence from his time as president. >> today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what the president can do. >> president biden last night condemned the supreme court's ruling and quoted justice sotomayor's scathing dissent. >> the president is now a king
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above the law with fear for our democracy. >> i dissent sotomayor, in her dissent, claimed that a president could now conceivably order an assassination without consequence, writing if he orders the navy seals team six to assassinate a political rival immune organizes a military coup to hold on to power. immune takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon. immune immune, immune, immune. in his speech, biden promised the public that he will not abuse the powers of the president, but asked voters if they believe trump will do the same if reelected house speaker mike johnson quickly denouncing the president's speech. >> what we're seeing tonight is despicable, and it is dangerous. now he's trying to undermine the supreme court itself. it truly is an unprecedented moment in american history, and it's at a dangerous time. >> the question now, can trump still be prosecuted for his role in the january 6th riot and the alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election? chief justice john roberts, writing for the
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majority, gave the office of the president broad protection, declaring the president may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers. those include, roberts wrote, the president's commander in chief, powers pardon power, hiring and firing federal officials, and more. roberts went even further, saying he is entitled, at a minimum to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts, and adding that in dividing official from unofficial conduct, courts may not inquire into the president's motives. trump has long said everything he did as president was an official act, and now a lower court must separate trump's official acts from unofficial conduct and see if prosecutors can overcome the presumption that presidents are immune from prosecution. >> prosecutors may make the argument that in this case, prosecuting the president for these acts would not impinge on any executive power that would hurt future presidents ability to execute their job. it looks like many of the charges against donald trump related to january
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6th would move forward. under that standard, although those charges may move forward, the case is all but certain to be pushed back beyond the november election. >> the supreme court decision is raising questions about how watergate may have been handled. former nixon white house counsel john dean claims this immunity ruling likely would have saved president nixon from having to resign. >> meanwhile, in the race for president, more democrats are questioning whether president biden needs to be replaced at the top of the ticket after his debate performance last week. abc's em nguyen has the latest am. good morning. >> hey, andrea. yeah? the white house is facing new pressure this morning from democrats to prove that president biden is up to the job of campaigning for reelection this morning, more top democrats are openly voicing concern about president biden's future as the party's nominee. >> i think, like a lot of people, i was pretty horrified. >> rhode island senator sheldon whitehouse, now seeking reassurances that the biden campaign is being forthcoming
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about the president's mental acuity. >> i think people want to make sure that this is a campaign that's ready to go and win, that the president and his team are being candid with us about his condition that this was a real anomaly and not just the way he is. these days. >> oh, the debate performance was rough. it was a very bad night for the president, but he is still the candidate. only he can make decisions about his future candidacy. >> first lady jill biden, speaking to vogue magazine about the debate, said they will not let those 90 minutes define the four years he's been president. we will continue to fight, adding that president biden will always do what's best for the country. the campaign trying to shut down any talk of the president dropping out, saying that would lead to chaos. the campaign also sharing internal poll numbers with donors claiming to show the president's favorability ratings in battleground states unchanged after the debate, the white house said the president will be
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on public more and will give more interviews this summer. although at the white house last night, he did not take any questions from reporters. andrew. >> all right. thank you. 30 people have been injured after a frightening flight over the atlantic. severe turbulence rattled an air europa boeing 787 heading from spain to uruguay, forcing it to land in brazil. video showed one passenger wedged inside a luggage bin after others were thrown toward the ceiling. seven passengers are in serious condition back in this country, a shortage of air traffic controllers is blamed for major delays at one of the busiest airports in the northeast, newark airport. the shortage was not at newark's tower. it was at a facility on long island, new york, that manages the region's airspace. the faa wants to relocate controllers there to philadelphia, but the controllers oppose that move. >> new concerns this morning about the search for an american woman missing in the bahamas. for nearly two weeks now, the family of a chicago woman missing in the bahamas is now
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pleading for more support from the u.s. government. 41 year old taylor casey was last seen june 19th while attending a yoga retreat on paradise island. >> a young lady called me and said, have you heard from taylor ? and i'm like, i'm looking at the phone because i know this. she was from the yoga retreat. and then she said, taylor hasn't showed up for yoga classes. >> casey's mother traveled to the retreat last week, and now says her visit was deeply unsettling. she says she had to beg to talk to students at the retreat, and says it felt like the students were told what to say and what not to say. and seymour says she saw no missing persons posters, despite authorities saying they've spoken to a number of people and deployed drones, divers and a k-9 unit. seymour says i felt like the police did the bare minimum. without u.s. government support, we may never find out what happened to my taylor. police were able to find casey's cell phone in the ocean last
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week, but the family says authorities refused to turn over the phone. >> we need taylor in our lives. we miss taylor. we need taylor home. that's the bottom line, please. >> and the family says taylor, would never just take off without telling them. >> hurricane beryl has become the earliest ever category five storm in the atlantic, with winds of 160mph, it's blamed for at least one death, and that number could rise today as crews surveyed the damage in grenada, saint lucia and other islands. experts say beryl's intensity is due to the warmer than usual water in the eastern caribbean. it's expected to impact jamaica tomorrow as a category two storm. with that, let's check your tuesday forecast >> good morning. on another warm and stormy day, we're going to be dealing with more severe weather in parts of kansas, nebraska, iowa and missouri, especially with damaging wind, hail. the risk for flash flooding, and even isolated tornadoes. some of these nasty storms in the evening will be a big end to a hot day in kansas
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city. we have some big time heat in the interior southwest. some of you are making a run at 110 degrees. here's a list of some cities that will make a run at record highs for hottest july. second. for accuweather i'm jeff cornish for abc news. >> coming up, a mega merger in the amusement park industry. >> also ahead, new data on the effect that covid pandemic lockdowns are now having on young children. what experts are seeing when it comes to their social skills. >> and later, what happens when cows break into the local
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across the country this week on good morning america. >> good morning america, good morning america. >> back now with what just became the nation's largest amusement park operator, six flags and cedar fair have completed an $8 billion merger. the combined company will be called six flags. it will run 42
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amusement and water parks and nine resorts across 17 states, canada and mexico. >> doctors have known for quite a while now that the covid pandemic has had a lasting impact on children and their academic performance. but this morning, new details on the effect of pandemic lockdowns on the youngest of children now falling behind. here's abc's lionel moise. >> this morning, experts are citing new data showing the pandemic has hindered the learning and development of the youngest americans. the new york times reviewed several studies and interviewed teachers who say young children are now far behind in some of the most critical areas. >> so holding a pencil correctly, opening your milk right when you go through the lunch line, tying your shoes. those used to be expectations for kindergarten that teachers you didn't have to help with, and they're doing a lot more of that. >> many are entering school lagging in the basics, like being able to identify shapes and letters or being potty trained. and another concern social skills. with pandemic era
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babies now often struggling to solve problems with peers, communicate needs or manage emotions, covid lockdowns meant kids spent more time on screens and lost critical play and imagination time, which is how they learn. >> that meant disrupting social interactions, which we know are the foundation of brain development for little kids. so much brain growth happens in the first four years, particularly in the first two years, and we basically said, put on a mask, stay away from grownups, don't talk to other kids, researchers say black and hispanic children were left most behind and boys were more affected than girls. >> the good news young children are resilient. so can you talk to me about the positives of realizing that there's an issue now, and knowing that there are ways to intervene? and what are some of those interventions that can be done? >> it's rich environments with lots of language, the back and forth where a child says something and a parent or a caregiver responds. that's how
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brains learn. high quality early childhood education. >> doctor peterson also noted early intervention and working with teachers and your pediatrician on an individualized plan for your child can help them get on track. andrew andrea. >> lionel. thank you. doctors are praising a potential breakthrough for amputees. its bionic leg controlled by the brain. researchers at mit say the prosthetic allows amputees to walk more naturally and move 40% faster. they can also flex, point and navigate stairs easier . patients in the trial said the leg felt like a part of their body. surgery to reconnect residual muscles is required to use the bionic leg, it reads. the activity in those muscles and sends signals to the electronically powered ankle. it could be available to the public within five years. >> coming up, new documents released in the jeffrey epstein scandal. what they reveal also ahead, actor jamie foxx shedding new light on
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call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off. and i'm lowering my cv risk. that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. care professional about wegovy. >> a brush fire that spread to 900 acres just three hours forced the evacuation of a vacation resort near san diego. the flames are blamed on a car that crashed and caught fire. meanwhile, people in parts of northern california are being warned about possible power outages through tomorrow because of wildfire concerns. >> new details about how wealthy financier jeffrey epstein avoided serious jail time for years. a florida judge has released transcripts from a 2006 grand jury showing prosecutors
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knew that epstein sexually assaulted underage girls two years before he was offered a plea deal, and alleged victims were accused of prostitution and other crimes. the girls, as young as 14, said they were also paid to recruit other girls. epstein took his own life in jail in 2019. >> now to actor jamie foxx shedding new light on the mystery illness that's had so many fans concerned. this morning, jamie foxx is sharing new details about the medical emergency that landed him in the hospital last year. april 11th last year. >> bad headache. >> that's my boy for abu. gone for 20 days. >> i don't remember anything. >> he told a group of fans in phoenix how doctors treated him during his health scare. >> so they told me, i'm in atlanta. they told me my sister, my daughter took me to the first doctor. >> wow. yeah. then the. next doctor said, stop going on up there. i won't say it on camera. >> fox was in atlanta last year
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shooting the upcoming film back in action, when he experienced what his daughter called a medical complication. the cause of that complication still not revealed publicly. >> he scared a lot of people in this industry and really all over the world. if you include his fans with what was going on with him and he's really aware of how how that scare impacted people. >> fox made this emotional appearance at the critics choice celebrations in december, thankful to his fans and thankful for life. >> so it feels good to be here. i cherish, every single minute. >> fox is promising to reveal more details about the medical emergency he suffered at a later date. >> glad he's doing well. coming up, the new historic contract in pro sports and who's getting it? >> plus, the nine year old who >> plus, the nine year old who demanded change in his local missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks.
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across the country. this week on good morning america, good morning america, good morning america. >> time to check the pulse. and we begin with a record breaking contract in pro basketball, espn reports the boston celtics have agreed to give jayson tatum a five year extension worth $314 million, on the heels of the team's 18th nba title, and talk about selling high, the team's majority owner is now putting the celtics up for sale. the team is valued at around $5 billion. all right. next, the first millennial saint in the catholic church, pope francis has now approved his canonization. >> carlo acutis was called god's influencer and the patron saint of the internet for spreading catholicism online. he died of leukemia in 2006, but during his short life he worked with the homeless and is credited with two miracles. next, the ufo pulled over on a missouri highway. >> check out this traffic stop on interstate 44. sheriff's deputy pulled over this ufo for
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speeding, but the occupants of the custom made vehicle were not traveling out of this world. they were headed to roswell, new mexico for an extraterrestrial festival. >> i wonder if they got a pass. >> all right. next, a city in arizona is cracking down on street racing. all thanks to a young boy who took a stand. >> nine year old william miller was fed up after his grandmother nearly got hit by a car in the phoenix suburb of goodyear. he met with the mayor and police chief and voiced concerns to the city council. and now the city has added a crosswalk and a traffic light. after william's passionate plea, me and my grandma would would walk to sonic to get some ice cream. >> and there's. it's very dangerous because of all of the street racers that there is. i wonder if you guys have any solution to fix this. >> are so cute. william thanked city officials for taking him seriously. and finally some cows causing chaos. call it a sister version of a bull in a china shop. >> in this case, it was cows
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crashing through a convenience store. these bovines trashed the store in columbia, knocking over everything in their path before eventually walking out. locals didn't say why the cows were so interested in shopping. i feel like this has happened before. or maybe i'm just having deja vu. >> are i think so, well, closer to home, this alligator was ready for some grocery shopping. it was lurking under the shopping carts at a supermarket in south carolina. yikes. other shoppers gave it plenty of distance. see you later, distance. see you later, alligator. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis
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live growing tensions between san francisco skaters, police and other community members. now at five. why? some are calling for the annual dolores hill bomb to be stopped just days before it's supposed to return. >> more arrests after a sideshow in the south bay turned violent, police revealing how they used social media to track down those involved. the warning for other people this morning. >> an important day for oakland city council. the approval of the city's budget, and a decision on the mayor's recall election both on the agenda and a live look outside this morning


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