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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  July 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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a look at this breaking news right now. firefighters are trying to get a handle on a new fire in lake county. it broke out in the past hour. firefighters say it's approximately five acres and is quickly spreading. structures are threatened and the lake county sheriff has issued evacuation orders. this is happening on main street near highway 29. we will, of course, continue to keep an eye on this situation. we'll bring you any updates as we get them. good
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evening. thanks so much for joining us for abc seven news at five. i'm julian glover and i'm ama daetz. >> this fire comes amid extreme fire danger and the conditions firefighters are facing include triple digit temperatures really sweltering out there. >> for the very latest. let's get right to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. sandhya yeah, you can definitely feel the heat, especially away from the coastline. >> julian and emma, let's take a look at the coast. this might be a place you want to go to escape the heat. a live view from santa cruz, where it is not quite as warm as it is elsewhere. santa rosa, the high so far 103 degrees. you can see 108 in livermore. these are not the official highs yet, just the highs so far. concord 106. in san jose 101 degrees. right now it is still pretty hot. saint helena 108. you will notice 105. cloverdale 107 degrees in concord. excessive heat warning for inland areas. heat advisory for the bay shoreline. both got extended until 11 p.m. next wednesday. the risk of heat
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illnesses will remain elevated as we head into the middle of next week, look at the hourly temperature forecast as we go into 7 p.m. tonight. still going to be hot inland 9100. the coast gets that cooling effect of the marine influence in the 60s inland areas at 10 p.m. still in the 80s and 90s by tomorrow morning you drop off into the 60s and 70s, and then temperatures will rise once humidity down to 11% and critically dry fuel. keeping that fire danger up. i'll be back with a look at the fireworks forecast. coming right up ama. >> all right, sandhya, thank you. the extreme heat is now impacting 4th of july plans, including forcing the city of antioch to cancel its parade tomorrow. abc seven news reporter ryan curry talked to the mayor, who says the heat is dangerous. reporter >> there's a reason this playground is abandoned on a
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sunny day. it's too hot outside for children to use it. temperatures in the east bay are in the triple digits for a second day, and the heat will continue for another week, forcing the city of antioch to cancel its 4th of july parade. >> it's too hot and it's dangerous and the last thing we're going to do is put uh- people's, health in jeopardy. we're here in antioch. >> and look at the temperature gauge already. it's past 100 degrees, and conditions on thursday will be about the same. the mayor says asking people to be outside in the middle of the day was just not smart to have people out at such dangerous temperatures would be foolish of the city. >> and then i've put out a call for folks to, you know, cancel activities if they're out and about. and we need to practice what we preach. >> the antioch parade usually takes place in the late morning to early afternoon, when temperatures are expected to be some of the hottest. the neighboring city of brentwood, however, is ready to let the good times roll. decorations and signs are up downtown. >> i would say definitely bring, you know, bring your chair, bring water, bring bring some
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sunblock. >> amy tilley runs the downtown brentwood coalition. she says since the parade starts and ends in the morning, it's cooler than later in the day. >> i'm very pleased. i know our residents are super pleased that our event begins early. begins at 930. we have seen some cancellations in nearby cities because their parades were going to be later, so ours is at 930. it's not very long. >> as the city prepares for the holiday, the heat is already keeping some hard at work. >> oh my gosh, it gets really busy, especially in the evening when there's lots of events downtown. a couple weeks ago there was a car show and we were so packed. >> pacific scoop ice cream has been slammed all week, and on thursday they expected to be even busier. >> tomorrow's 4th of july, which is actually our busiest day of the year. so we're going to have like a couple stands like around town. so it's not like super, super busy because we often have like a line out the door. it's crazy. >> a holiday heat wave that will make everyone try to stay cool in the east bay. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> and stay with abc seven news. as we continue tracking the heat wave, we'll have more updates on the fires and a list of cooling
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centers across the bay area. to get the latest, just go to abc seven or the abc seven bay area app. >> 13 senior citizens reported being brutally attacked and robbed in just one week in an oakland community, but the number might be much higher. now these elders are saying enough is enough. abc seven news anchor dion lim joins us live with the latest on this investigation. in this story, you'll only see on seven dia. >> julian, this is shocking. >> police say there is no sign the victims are being targeted because of their race. but this is a majority asian american community. so now they are banding together and speaking out in order to stay safe. >> i was just horrified. >> there is no shortage of terrifying stories from residents of a senior living facility who have been attacked in recent days. >> it was happening every hour on the hour. >> sister marie taylor is president of the westlake christian terrace resident council. she says she's counted nearly 30 violent attacks and robberies on elderly asian residents in a span of less than
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a week. police say about a dozen victims have reported the crime. >> not only do you just grab their purse, but then you beat them brutally. we have several that were had to be taken to the emergency. one broke their wrist. we had police on saturday almost seven hours uh- filing reports, residents filing reports, and then it continued on sunday with more multiple residents being attacked. >> this block of 28th street, north of lake merritt, is home to more than 700 elders, with an average age of 85. many walk along nearby valdez to get to the grocery store and run errands. >> one of the victims on saturday is an alzheimer lady, so she couldn't even quite remember what happened. >> these crimes are why more than 50 residents gathered on wednesday to show support for one another, and to tell the city enough is enough. >> this is serious and needs to be addressed most aggressively.
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>> oakland police tell me they've made several key arrests in these cases, thanks in part to residents reporting the crimes. however, they encourage even more people to come forward, and that's really what made a difference. >> on monday, i set my special resource section out by crime reduction teams and my community resource officers to go out and do operations. i haven't had any robberies in two days for that area, which is huge. >> while residents here say they're encouraged by the recent contact with oakland police, they are still afraid. caregiver katie pang says she was helping residents on sunday when she was groped, beaten and robbed me very scared, very upset every time. >> low sleeping scare but not afraid to be allies for each other in the fight to stay safe. >> we are here. we are paying taxes, we vote and we need to be recognized. >> they need to be recognized. oakland police say there was a spike in robbery citywide, with 83 between june 25th and july
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1st. however, there is no particular reason for the timing of the surge. they are urging these elders to walk in larger groups and to do so only during the daytime. julian and ama. >> all right. thank you so much, dion. new developments in the mass shooting that happened during oakland's juneteenth celebration at lake merritt, according to the east bay times, 23 year old joanne kelly of oakland is now in custody charged with four felony counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm. the report says police identified kelly through video and other evidence he suffered multiple gunshot wounds during the incident, where a total of 14 people were shot. kelly is being held on $1.6 million bail. >> one man is under arrest after the san francisco sheriff's department says he shot at deputies serving an eviction notice. it all happened at an apartment building near 14th in buena vista terrace around 1045 this morning. we're told the suspect shot multiple times through a door, but fortunately, no one was hit. residents inside of the building were evacuated.
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the suspect was taken into custody about three hours later in san francisco's west portal neighborhood. >> the community is responding after the city's district attorney announced charges against the driver, who crashed and killed a family of four earlier this year. abc seven news reporter luz pena was in the neighborhood and has the latest, still shaken by the horrific crash that ended the lives of a family of four. >> outside this library, many in the west portal community are still grieving something that's etched into this neighborhood in the community. just three months after the crash, san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins announced felony charges against the 78 year old driver that plowed into the family. >> these are felony vehicular manslaughter charges, which is the result of the gross negligence that occurred in causing this collision. >> after months of investigating, sfpd ruled out mechanical failure in this case. investigators believe the woman was driving anywhere between 65 to 72mph before crashing against
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the bus shelter. that was right here, where the family was waiting right after the accident, sfmta and city officials proposed changes to the street. community members rallied against those changes, worried it would negatively impact local businesses. the da's findings now confirming what many in this community have been saying, going at the very high speed on the wrong side of the street, there's nothing, nothing you can do about it. >> the cause was not how we operate here, but it was driver error and that has now been confirmed by the da. >> the supervisor for this district said traffic changes are still needed. the community is now working with the city to develop those changes. >> we do have to change the way that we use that intersection. we have been working with the merchants to come up with something that everyone can live with, and i think we're there. >> as for the driver, she was arrested on tuesday and released wednesday on a $150,000 bail. in a statement, her attorney said
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in part she continues to mourn while she learns to live with this unspeakable reality and added we will review the evidence and take it one step at a time. in presenting her defense. residents here view the charges as the beginning of justice for this family. >> what breaks my heart is the loss. i'm glad that they were able to hold people accountable in san francisco. >> luz pena, abc seven news. >> coming up, governor gavin newsom is at the white house right now. we'll tell you what he's doing there and what's on his schedule. the next few days. >> now, though, a live look outside at the conditions on the east shore are known as a trouble spot, but it may be even worse today as people head out of town for the holiday weekend. triple a predicts nearly 9 million ca discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it.
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to be in attendance, according to the governor's schedule. he'll be hitting the campaign trail and making stops for the president in michigan, pennsylvania and new hampshire over the next several days. also expected at tonight's meeting, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, who's name has been included in the discussion of people to possibly replace biden and this meeting comes as the biden campaign works to keep support from allies following his lackluster debate performance last week. >> now, the president is shooting down reports that he is considering dropping out of the presidential race. biden reportedly told campaign staffers today that he's running and he will not be pushed out as the party's nominee. today, the white house also addressed reports that the president has told allies that he is evaluating all possible options. >> absolutely false. that is absolutely false. i saw that reporting and we asked the president. the president responded directly when asked about this question and the president said it is no. it is absolutely false.
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>> however, sources have told abc news today that mr. biden has privately acknowledged that the next few days are critical to determining whether he can stay in the race for a second term. >> and abc news anchor george stephanopoulos sits down with president biden for an exclusive first television interview. since that debate. you can watch the 30 minute special this friday at 8 p.m. right here on abc seven. >> coming up, we're taking a closer look at this heat wave and what it has to do with climate change. what experts say about the intensity and duration of heat events like this. >> and let's take a live look at the conditions on the roads right now as people head out of town for the long holiday weekend. this is the san mateo bridge. triple a says between now and seven is the busiest time to
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how is climate change impacting
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the extreme weather that's hitting the bay area right now? abc seven news reporter anser hassan takes a look. >> summer is always hot, but experts say there's something important to understand about what's different about this current heat wave hitting the bay area. >> temperatures that you're about to experience this week and maybe next week in california, would have been made virtually impossible without human induced climate change. >> shel winkley is a meteorologist and the weather and climate engagement specialist at climate central, a nonprofit that studies climate science. he says july is always the hottest month of the year in the bay area, but the intensity and the duration of these heat events are signs of climate change. >> i think the excessive length of this is the biggest teller, right? you can have a heat wave where maybe it's 1 or 2 days. but when it lasts for weeks on end, that's not that's not normal. that's abnormal. >> the national weather service issued a dire warning. it calls
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this current heat wave an exceptionally dangerous situation, going to on say, quote, an event of this scale, magnitude and longevity will likely rival anything we've seen in the last 18 years. >> it's just barely hot events that we used to have 30 years ago will start to feel like, it's actually a little bit more than just a bit hot. it's actually a heat wave, right? >> the science suggests that the world is warming faster than at any other point in recorded history. greenhouse gas emissions, such as from the bay area's many refineries, trap in the sun's heat and are one of the leading causes of global warming and climate change. the hot temperatures pose big risks to human health and increases the risk of wildfires, but it will also impact infrastructure. >> we see buckling of roads, you see potholes in the wintertime, especially when you do these rapid shifts back and forth between hot and cold, winkley says. >> consumers can do their part by recycling and using renewable energy, and try to plant native plants to fight off co2
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emissions in the east bay. anser hassan abc seven news. >> lake tahoe is a popular destination for 4th of july festivities. look at all the boats out there. this is a live look from our camera at zephyr cove. i feel cooler just looking at that. >> i know that looks amazing. imagine being in one of those boats right now. okay, so lots of people already enjoying the long holiday weekend. how will the weather shape up to be? we check back in now with meteorologist sandhya patel. >> yeah, it is going to be sunny and warm to hot up there in tahoe as well. julian and ama, let's take a look at a live picture here. locally you can see from our east bay hills camera that there is some haze out there by the way, tahoe right now is 85 degrees. they're going under a heat advisory saturday morning to wednesday morning. next several days going from the upper 80s to the low 90s. all right. let's talk about our local weather right now. it is 107 degrees in livermore, 107 in concord. these are our hot spots, 106 in fairfield, 90
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petaluma and santa rosa from our exploratorium camera, you are seeing clear skies over the financial district 74 in the city. it is 87, in oakland, mid 90s hayward, san jose, redwood city, half moon bay is the place to be right about now 66 degrees. here are some important heat safety reminders as this heat wave continues into next week. drink plenty of fluids. wear lightweight clothing. definitely take breaks if you're going to be outdoors in the shade. obviously some kids have summer camps. that's important as well. know the signs of heat illnesses. try to find ac if you can never leave people or pets inside cars. obviously, if you have to work in it, you need to keep yourself hydrated, especially with this kind of heat. here is the heat dome. high pressure is overhead. it's not in a hurry to leave us. as a matter of fact, it is just going to sit here for days on end, which is why we're expecting this heat wave to continue into next week. one little hopeful sign is there is a little patch of fog right off the monterey
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coast, so not everyone is going to get some relief, obviously, but the coast will remain because of the marine influence. remain on the comfortable side if you want to get away from the heat. onshore breezes have picked up 29 in san francisco and that is reflected in the temperatures the last 24 hours compared to now. down ten degrees in santa rosa, seven degrees cooler in san francisco from our mount tam cam. the other thing we are noticing is this layer of haze and certainly smoke from that butte county fire. this spare the air alert is in effect for today, so there is some poor air quality across parts of the northern part of our viewing area. we do have good to moderate elsewhere. look at that. spare the air for toda. we go into tomorrow and the air quality goes to moderate. friday is good to moderate. a live view from san rafael camera a lot of sun out there. dangerous heat wave continues into next week. red flag warning the next several days and your 4th of july forecast is looking spectacular for the fireworks. so let's talk about the fireworks tomorrow night at 930. most areas are going to be
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clear. there will be a patch or two of fog right around places like half moon bay. that's all i'm expecting, so i don't think it's going to interfere with the fireworks viewing 71 in santa rosa. it's going to be warm in livermore in the 80s. oakland 69, san francisco 64, and in the 70s, from redwood city to san jose. tonight, still hot at seven 2590s and one hundreds. inland coast side is in the 60s. you will notice it's a slow drop off in the numbers tomorrow morning. some areas are going to wake up to really warm conditions inland and quickly heating up into the triple digits once again. by 9:00 tomorrow night, you're looking at a range of 60s to 90s coastal flood advisory going until 5 a.m. friday. this was also extended low lying flooding possible due to higher than usual astronomical tides. your morning temperatures anywhere from the mid 50s to the low 80s to start the day tomorrow afternoon, quickly warming up in the south bay 98 in san jose. triple digits morgan hill, gilroy on the peninsula 96. in redwood city, 70 for pacifica, 68, in half moon bay, downtown
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san francisco, 80 degrees. you look at the north bay and you'll see a lot of triple digit numbers. they're not 103. in calistoga, 100 santa rosa, 97 in san rafael, heading into the east bay 87, oakland 90, hayward 96 castro valley inland areas. it's sizzling 104 in concord and livermore. so backing off just a bit. 103 in pleasanton. but that's not going to last. look at the accuweather seven day forecast. 4th of july is sizzling heat wave continues for friday and saturday. we have dangerous heat once again spiking to 108 degrees inland. 60s coast side temperatures still in the triple digits all the way into early next week. by wednesday, when you see that 98, you're thinking, wow, we finally get some relief. well the temperatures yeah, moderate going from, you know, triple digits to the 90s. that's a big change. and julian hot hot hot yeah appreciate it. >> thank you sandhya. >> well today is only july 3rd. but in just a few hours the city
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of richmond is scheduled to host its annual fireworks show. the festivities are actually already underway, with live music, food and family fun. but the annual 3rd of july fireworks show kicks off at 915. this is all taking place at marina bay park. >> the oakland a's also have fireworks planned following tonight's game at the coliseum. now, you may have been hearing some illegal fireworks across the bay area as we get closer to july 4th. but tonight's fireworks, if you see him or hear him in the east bay at the coliseum, are planned, let's take another live look at the conditions on the roads. >> triple a expects this holiday weekend to set new records with nearly 71 million americans forecast to travel, including more than 60 million on the roads. keep it here. we'll be right back. >> this is abc 724 over seven. >> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. >> yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime,
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anywhere. we are, we are, we ar, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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i'm julian glover and i'm ama daetz. we will see you again at six.
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a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher
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that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. >> whit: tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the pressure mounting on president biden, as sources say he's keeping an open mind about the future of his campaign. hurricane beryl slams jamaica as a deadly category 4. and now on a path that could reach texas. first, all eyes on president biden. sources tell abc news the president has privately acknowledged the next few days will be critical in his campaign. meeting with top democrats, including the vice president. and tonight, with some of the nation's democratic governors. the white house insists biden is


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