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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 6, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> whit: good morning, america. breaking overnight, the abc news exclusive interview. president biden one-on-one with our george stephanopoulos.
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>> i don't think anybody is more qualified to be president or win this race than me. >> whit: his first televised interview since that poor debate performance against donald trump. the future of his campaign and the democratic party at stake. >> are you sure you're being honest with yourself when you say you have the mental and physical capacity to serve another four years? >> whit: what he said about his mental fitness, his ability to defeat donald trump, and growing calls for him to bow out. >> unless the lord almighty comes out and tells me that, i might do that. >> whit: now this morning, the political fallout overnight with reaction coming in from capitol hill and the campaign. our political team is here live breaking it all down, and the big question, how will voters respond? >> gio: beryl moves towards texas. coastal residents brace for life-threatening storm surge and up to 15 inches of rain after leaving a path of destruction in the caribbean. plus, the summer swelter in the west, record heat fueling wildfires. our weather team tracking it all. >> rhiannon: travel crush.
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millions of americans heading home from the july 4th holiday. the best time to hit the highway. plus, christmas in july. the deals to lure you away from the beach. "gma" is tracking down the savings. ♪ oh, my god ♪ >> whit: and "omg." mets' infielder jose iglesias hitting it out of the ball mark and hitting the top of the charts. ♪ inspiring the team with his energetic anthem. ♪ oh, my god ♪ >> whit: and good morning, america. it's so great to have you with us on a saturday. good to have rhiannon in once again. >> rhiannon: thank you. >> whit: we do have a lot to cover here as beryl takes aim at texas after that destructive journey through the caribbean and yucatan, and so much of the country under oppressive and dangerous heat. >> rhiannon: but, let's get
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right to our abc news exclusive interview with president biden. his campaign reached out earlier this week and agreed to sit down with us on friday in madison, wisconsin, for the president's first broadcast interview since last week's debate. >> gio: george stephanopoulos taping the interview yesterday airing in primetime with no cuts, no edits. the interview lasted 22 minutes, and in case you missed it last night, in our abc news special, here are portions of that conversation as it aired. >> mr. president, thank you for doing this. >> thank you for having me. >> let's start with the debate. you and your team have said you had a bad night. >> i did. >> but your friend, nancy pelosi, actually framed the question i think is on the minds of millions of americans. was this a bad episode or the sign of a more serious condition? >> it was a bad episode. no indication of any serious condition. i was exhausted. i didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing, and i had a bad night. >> you know, you say you were exhausted, and i know you've
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said that before as well, but you came -- and you did have a tough month, but you came home from europe about 11 or 12 days before the debate, spent six days in camp david. why wasn't that enough rest time, enough recovery time? >> because i was sick. i was feeling terrible. matter of fact, the docs with me, i asked if they did a covid test. we were trying to figure out what was wrong. they did a test to see whether or not i had some infection, you know, a virus. i didn't. he just said a really bad cold. >> and did you ever watch the debate afterwards? >> i don't think i did, no. >> well, what i want to get at is, what were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? did you know how badly it was going? >> yeah, look, the whole way i prepared. nobody's fault, but mine. nobody's fault but mine. i -- i prepared -- what i usually would do, sitting down as i did come back with foreign leaders or the national security
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council for explicit details, and i realized about partway through that, you know, all the -- it was quoted, "the new york times" had me down 10 points before the debate, 9 now or whatever the hell it is. the fact of the matter is that what i looked at is that he also lied 28 times. i couldn't -- i mean, the way the debate ran, not -- my fault, no one's else's fault, no one else's fault. >> but it seemed like you were having trouble from the first question in, even before he spoke. >> well, i just had a bad night. >> rhiannon: you hear the president there saying no one else was at fault for his debate performance. george then questioned the president about his ability to serve another term and also the polling numbers. >> let me ask you a tougher, more personal question. are you sure you're being honest with yourself when you say you have the mental and physical capacity to serve another four years? >> yes, i am, because, george, the last thing i want to do is
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not be able to meet that. i think as some senior economist and senior foreign policy specialists say, if i stop now, i go down in history as a pretty successful president. no one thought i could get done what we got done. >> but are you being honest with yourself as well about your ability to defeat donald trump right now? >> yes, yes, yes, yes. >> you say that, and let me move challenge you, because you were close but behind going into the debate. you're further behind now by any measure. it's been a two-man race for several months. inflation has come down. in the last few months he's become a convicted felon, yet you're still falling further behind. >> you guys keep saying that. george, look, you know polling better than anybody. do you think polling data is as accurate as it used to be? >> i don't think so, but i think when you look at all the data
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now, it shows he's certainly ahead in the popular vote, probably even more ahead in the battleground states, and one of the other key factors there is it shows in many of the battleground states, the democrats who are running for senate and the house are doing better than you are. >> well, that's not unusual in some states. i carried an awful lot of democrats the last time i ran in 2020. look, i remember them telling me the same thing in 2020. i can't win. the polls show i can't win. remember 2024 -- 2020 -- the red wave was coming. before the vote i said, that's not going to happen. we're going to win. we did better in an off year than almost any incumbent president ever has done. they said in 2023 all the tough races, we're not going to win. i went into all those area, all those districts, and we won. >> all that is true, but 2020 was a close race, and your approval rating has dropped significantly since then. i think the last poll i saw was about 36%. the number of americans who think you're too old to serve
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has doubled since 2020. wouldn't a clear-eyed political calculus tell you it's going to be much tougher to win in 2024? >> not when you're running against a pathological liar. not when he hasn't been challenged in a way that he's about to be challenged. not when people -- >> you've had months to challenge him. >> sure, i had months to challenge him, but i was doing a hell of a lot of other things like wars around the world, by keeping nato together, working to -- anyway, but, look -- >> do you really believe you're not behind right now? >> i think it's -- all pollsters i talk to tell me it's a toss-up. it's a toss-up. >> gio: president biden giving his take on the poll numbers there and the state of the race and george pressing the president about his support on capitol hill. >> if you can be convinced that you cannot defeat donald trump, will you stand down? >> well, it depends. if the lord almighty comes out and tells me that, i might do that. >> on a more practical level
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"the washington post" just reported in the last hour that senator mark warner is assembling a group of senators together to try to convince you to stand down, because they don't think you can win. >> well, mark is a good man. we've never had -- he also tried to get the nomination too. mark is not -- mark and i have a different perspective. i respect him. >> and if chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi come down and say, we're worried that if you stay in the race, we're going to lose the house and the senate, how will you respond? >> i'd go into detail with them. i've spoken to all of them in detail, including jim clyburn, every one of them. they all said i should stay in the race, stay in the race. no one said -- none of the people said i should leave the race. >> but if they do? >> well, it's like -- they're not going to do that. >> are you sure? >> well, yeah, i'm sure. look, i mean, if the lord almighty came down and said, joe, get out of the race, i'd get out of the race, but the lord almighty is not coming
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down. i mean, these hypotheticals, george, if, i mean, if all -- >> it's not that hypothetical anymore. i grant that they have not requested the meeting, but it's been reported -- >> i met with them. i met with a lot of these people. i talk with them regularly. i had an hour conversation with hakeem. i had more time than ever with jim clyburn. i spent time with -- many hours off and on the last little bit with chuck schumer. it's not like -- i had all the governors, all the governors. >> i agree that the lord almighty is not going to come down, but if you are told reliably from your allies, from your friends and supporters in the democratic party in the house and the senate that they're concerned you're going to lose the house and the senate if you stay in, what will you do? >> i'm not going to answer that question. it's not going to happen. >> whit: and we should point out that abc news also offered a one-on-one interview to donald trump after the debate, but he
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declined. let's get some reaction and analysis with abc's rachel scott and our political director rick klein. good morning to you both. rachel, let's start with you because the big question here, did this interview do enough to ease fears of democrats and major donors? >> ease concerns, barely. erase them, absolutely not. i was talking to several democratic lawmakers, who were watching this interview in realtime, and responding to me with their reaction. they said that the president seemed like he was in denial about the state of affairs. one democrat telling me that if the bar was for the president to do only slightly better than what he did on that debate stage, it shows just how low the bar is. another democratic lawmaker telling me that the common denominator between all of these concerns is something that the president cannot change, no matter how many interviews that he does, no matter if he does another debate, no matter how many campaign rallies, and that is because they say this has to do with what happens with age,
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when you start to decline. another democrat saying that this notion that only i alone can fix it, that the president may have conveyed there, was a line from trump's playbook, and, of course, it is not just democratic lawmakers. it's also donors. i had one donor in california write to me overnight, he attended the president's fundraiser just last month, and he said, if the president believes that only the lord almighty can convince him to step aside, he says that we better start going to our mosques and our churches and start praying, whit. >> whit: strong words right there. rick, as we heard there in that exchange with george, biden also dismissed the recent polls. so, give us a reality check right now in terms of where things stand in the race. >> he is losing. make no mistake about it. things were getting closer right before the debate, right after donald trump was convicted, donald trump was falling behind even a little bit to joe biden. but right now, biden trails by about 2 1/2 points in the fivethirtyeight national polling average and in every single battleground state he is behind donald trump. these are publicly available
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polls. i know the biden campaign has put out memos cherry-picking some pieces to say things aren't as bad, but to suggest things have gotten better or that this is still a tight race is not accurate. so, joe biden is either too cloistered to be seeing the reality or is in outright denial. >> whit: that's fueling a lot of these fears. rachel, what about former president donald trump and his campaign, how are they responding to all of this turmoil? >> well, his campaign advisers were closely watching this interview live as well, and, of course, they railed against president biden, but what is notable here is that former president donald trump has been unusually quiet as all of this chaos has been playing out within the democratic party. he has not wanted to step in and steal any sort of this spotlight. they are preparing, sources tell me, for all types of scenarios. but, of course, they have been preparing for months to face off against president biden, so ultimately, they want him to stay on the ballot here. they believe they do have the best chance at defeating him and throwing another wild card
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simply in this race, but the former president will have to start to change the focus a little bit. yes, he is just weeks away now from the republican national convention where he will need to pick a running mate, whit. >> whit: rick, speaking of those scenarios, if, and that's a big if, biden were to drop out, how would that play out? give us the timeline. >> the clock is ticking for democrats, rachel mentioned. the democratic convention is not till the middle of august and you've got six weeks or so, and before there is a vote to make someone a nominee. but the democrats are starting to vote virtually on the nomination just three weeks from now, so that's one of the deadlines that starts to come in, and if you're going to replace someone on the ticket, it's far easier to do that before you have the nominating convention. if you do it afterward, it becomes a very closed off process, so that's part of the pressure right now. it's not just that the electoral calendar you see november looming for so many democrats, it's that right now is the best and maybe the only clean opportunity that democrats have to make a change before november. >> whit: we'll see what happens in the coming days and weeks ahead. rick klein and rachel scott,
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thank you so much. we appreciate it, and we'll have much more from the interview in our second hour. plus, we'll air george stephanopoulos' interview with president biden again on sunday on "this week" along with more analysis from our powerhouse roundtable, the reaction, and what comes next. gio? >> gio: all right, whit. a big show tomorrow. now to beryl. the massive storm now on its way to the u.s. with the texas gulf coast in its sights, and abc's melissa adan joins us from galveston, texas, with the latest on the storage's trail of destruction. melissa, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, gio. look, hurricane beryl, this is -- tropical storm beryl is expected to intensify to a hurricane, and that is what the people here in texas are preparing for, urging people, if you're in the bull's-eye for the storm, to heed those warnings. don't ride it out as this storm is intensifying. overnight, texas residents bracing for beryl, now a powerful tropical storm that came barreling through the caribbean in mexico, leaving
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behind a trail of destruction. residents in south texas boarding up as the storm is expected to re-intensify as it takes aim at the texas coast. hurricane watches issued in several counties as the storm is expected to strengthen to a category 1 hurricane later this weekend. >> the storm surge along the coast could be devastating. >> reporter: in corpus christi, residents lining up for miles hoping to get their hands on sandbags, only to find out the county ran out after distributing 10,000 bags earlier in the day. communities along the texas coast bracing for a dangerous storm surge, flooding and forceful winds. beryl now moving through the gulf of mexico. overnight, the storm slamming popular mexican destinations on the yucatan peninsula as a category 2 hurricane bringing heavy wind and pounding rain. nearly half of the resort city of tulum is without electricity. earlier in the week, at least 11
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people were killed following beryl's violent path through the eastern caribbean. shredding roofs off in homes in jamaica, beryl decimating entire neighborhoods in the islands of grenada and in st. vincent and the grenadines. >> everything was just flying all over the place. i mean, looking at a town full of water, and this thing is lifted up and to have it strewn into the air. i've never seen anything like this in my life. >> reporter: now, officials here in texas already warning people of the serious rip current and strong surf that is expected to happen just this weekend. all of this, rhiannon, as beryl is right now refueling in these hot gulf waters. rhiannon? >> rhiannon: our thoughts with everyone in the storm's path. melissa adan, thank you for that. out west the heat and dry conditions are helping to fuel hundreds of wildfires that are burning all across california. shocking video as thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes.
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abc's jaclyn lee is in los angeles with the latest on this. good morning, jaclyn. >> reporter: hey, rhiannon, good morning to you. wildfires are a huge concern right now, more than 232 wildfires erupting on thursday alone across the state of california. let's talk about the most pressing wildfires and the first start off with the lake fire in santa barbara county, that one has already burned more than 4,600 acres. outside of fresno, we also have the french fire. that spread so rapidly it shut down the highway going into yosemite national park temporarily. more than 1,000 people were evacuated, and according to cal fire, more than 900 acres burned, and that one is only 20% contained. outside sacramento, we also have the thompson fire. that one has burned more than 3,800 acres, more than 28,000 people evacuated, and it's injured at least two firefighters. now, of course, when you think about all the factors that go to these large-scale fires, you have several things, the record heat, you have the wind, and you have the low humidity in death valley this weekend we are expecting temperatures to get as
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high as 129 degrees. that is just a few degrees shy of the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth, 134 degrees. whit? >> whit: wow, truly incredible. jaclyn lee, thank you so much. we turn to the big trek home after the holiday weekend. abc's morgan norwood is at new york liberty airport with what you need to know if you're hitting the roads or skies. morgan, good morning. >> reporter: hey, whit, good morning to you. that's right. the post-holiday travel rush is on with millions of americans making their way home from their july 4th destinations. tsa expects to screen more than 3 million passengers tomorrow. that's going to be the peak travel day, and, look, we're already keeping an eye on cancellations and delays. so far it's looking pretty good. but with storms looming in the forecast in parts of the northeast that number, of course, could change. for now we know airlines are getting ready. american is looking at tomorrow as the busiest day of the summer for them with more than 6,500 flights taking off. going to be busy for delta and united as well. but far more travelers, more
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than 60 million, will be taking that road trip over this holiday stretch, up 2.8 million more than last year, which, of course, means you'll have to plan around traffic, right? i always say up early, leave late. morning is the best time to get going. before 10:00 is ideal. 7:00 p.m. or later is also a safe bet. just know this, whenever you hit the road, it won't cost any more to fill up. the national average for a gallon of gas, 3.51. just about what it was this time last year. gio? >> gio: all right, morgan, a lot of travelers out there right now. thank you so much for that. time now for the weather now, because, of course, that will play into all of this travel. brittany bell from our abc station here in new york, wabc is here. you, of course, are tracking beryl. >> brittany: yes, a busy weather day with a lot to talk about, so let's start with beryl right now. it is a tropical storm. when you look at this satellite image, it's just not that impressive, but that will likely change. currently sustained winds around 60 miles per hour, but that will get stronger intensifying to a hurricane as it approaches portions of south texas.
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this is why we already have a storm watch that includes galveston bay and also more of the same for that hurricane watch. the latest track has it making landfall on monday as a category 1 hurricane with max sustained winds around 80 to 90 miles per hour. still, weakening slowly to a tropical storm as that moves farther inland. one of the main threats, heavy rainfall. we could see rainfall totals ranging from four to eight inches. that's what's happening across the country. here's what's
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>> brittany: and today really is the day to prepare, because they could start seeing impacts across texas as early as tomorrow afternoon. >> rhiannon: all right. thank you, brittany. now to wimbledon where three american women have been making their mark. number two seed, coco gauff, will play against american and number 19 seed emma navarro tomorrow to see who advances to the women's singles quarterfinals. this will be the first quarterfinals for either of them at wimbledon, and american danielle collins heads into her third round of the tournament today. >> whit: excellent. looking forward to that. still ahead here, reaction coming in overnight to george stephanopoulos' interview with president biden. abc's maryalice parks and rachael bade join us with more analysis. >> gio: and christmas in july. prime day coming, and plenty of deals from the big box stores too. what you need to know to get the best of them. >> rhiannon: and musical inspiration on the baseball field? the surging new york mets and their infielder with a hit song. it's started. it's... the side hug.
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rodriguez. we now know which bart stations will be next to get new faregates. civic center will be first in line, followed by fruitvale, then 24th street and richmond. eight more stations are scheduled to swap out their old gates starting this year. the new fare gates are taller and harder to get through without pain. bart estimates that fare evasion costs them more than $15 million every year. now let's get a check of your saturday forecast with lisa argen. hi, lisa. hey, gloria. good morning to you. you can see the fog here. quarter mile visibility, santa rosa, half mile, half moon bay.
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>> not a lot of it, but it's going to keep the coast comfortable. 66 in san jose. we've got even hotter temperatures today inland already. it's in the upper 60s in livermore, as hot as 107 inland. >> thank you lisa. thank you for joining us. the news continues right now w
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and the decision has been passed down to make veronica our co-anchor. >> no! no! ♪ carry on my wayward son ♪
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>> rhiannon: welcome back to "gma" on this saturday morning. that is, of course, "anchorman: the legend of ron burgundy." can you believe it's celebrating 20 years? >> gio: what? >> rhiannon: it's widely considered to be one of the greatest comedies, one of, of all time opening in theaters july 9th, 2004. i think it stayed classy all these years. >> whit: competitive and rich. >> rhiannon: i'm rhiannon ally. >> gio: this is whit's favorite. >> whit: your uvulus connects to your upper dorsimus. it's boring, but part of my life. happy 20-year anniversary to "anchorman" and ron burgundy. let's get to our top stories. texas bracing for beryl. now a powerful tropical storm that left a trail of destruction through the caribbean and mexico. this as california is dealing with a historic heat wave that is fueling hundreds of wildfires throughout the state. >> gio: also right now, chicago's mayor is beefing up security citywide after a recent
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rise in gun violence. so far over the long holiday weekend, at least 11 people have been killed, and dozens more injured in separate shootings. the mayor calling in police officers, who were scheduled to be off to, quote, maximize presence and ensure prompt incident response. >> rhiannon: also, federal road administration personnel are on the scene after 29 railcars carrying hazardous material derailed and then burst into flames in a remote area of north dakota friday morning. transportation secretary pete buttigieg says, authorities are monitoring air, soil, and water quality. he also added that there are no known risks to the public at this time. >> whit: and she is being called the double-double queen. wnba chicago sky rookie, angel reese, posted her 12th consecutive double-double on friday while playing against the seattle storm. 27 points, 10 rebounds. that ties her with wnba legend candace parker for the most over multiple seasons. reese also hit her first career
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three-pointer during the game. some amazing rookies making it happen, yeah. >> rhiannon: they are really changing the game. >> gio: she is absolutely incredible. all right. we're going to start this half hour here with reaction to president biden's exclusive interview with abc's george stephanopoulos. and joining us now are abc news white house correspondent maryalice parks and contributing political correspondent rachael bade. welcome to you both. maryalice, you're always at the white house. what is the white house's reaction right now especially to those on the democratic side who are calling for him to drop out? >> they've been incredibly dismissive. i mean, they've gong as far as to mock some of these house members that called for him to step aside basically teasing them as being low level. it is never a good look when you are making fun of your own friends. i mean, these are democrats. these aren't people that want to see donald trump get elected. these aren't people that want to help donald trump get elected. these are people that know that biden was already down in the polls and now feel like it will be impossible for biden to make this election about trump, and there's also democrats who are just feeling so betrayed. they feel like for so long the white house shot down any conversation about the
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president's aging and that that made things worse now in this moment, and the last week, the response has been awful. i've heard from so many democrats that feel like they've made it worse by sort of keeping the president away from the press days after this botched debate. i was really struck, too, by the statement from massachusetts governor maura healey. she wrote yesterday that she urged biden to carefully evaluate whether he remains the best hope to defeat trump. what was interesting to me is she wrote that after she traveled to d.c., to the white house, she sat there with the president. she was not convinced. >> rhiannon: wow. rachael, let's talk about the latest from capitol hill. she just mentioned that some feel betrayed. did this do enough to calm any democrats' jitters? >> yeah. let me just give you a flavor for some of the text messages that i got during this interview. he's done. pack it in. for those of who are you "game of thrones" fans, one member texted my colleague, we've got a mad king here.
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i mean, no, this didn't calm the waters is the short answer, but i do think a lot of democrats were shocked by the state of denial that joe biden is in right now. he dismissed the polls. he insisted he's the best person to beat trump. he suggested that most democrats are not in this camp of wanting him to step aside. earth to president joe biden, that is not the case. i talk to democrats all the time. almost every single one of them to a tee on capitol hill thinks he's probably going to have to step aside, and so i think, you know, this is all going to come down to next week, right? lawmakers are back to capitol hill. they've been out on recess. what are they going to do about it, right? i mean, a lot have not come out and said anything publicly, but i think there is this realization, if they want him to step aside, they'll have to go on the record and say so. >> whit: rachael, you touched on this, but what is the biggest complaint among democrats about how the president and his inner circle are responding to all this criticism right now? >> yeah, it's very much two things, the lack of communication, the fact that it took him almost a week to call congressional leaders to see,
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you know, what are you hearing from members? what's going on? i'm okay, i can do this, but also again this denialism, this sort of lack of reality and him being in this sort of bubble. i do think one thing from the interview that is particularly interesting that is getting glossed over a little bit, folks are looking at the fact that he said, only the lord almighty would be able to tell him to step aside, right, but he also didn't answer a question from george stephanopoulos about whether he would step aside if people like nancy pelosi, hakeem jeffries, and chuck schumer came out. he kept dismissing it. >> whit: he said it's not going to happen. >> yeah, he said it's not going to happen. well, let's see, because these leaders are hearing from their members who are very frantic right now, and, look, they're worried about their own jobs. they want to be re-elected, and there's a real concern biden will be a drag on them right now. >> gio: to that point, maryalice, what does it say about the campaign, even the administration? is the president isolated right now? >> i've talked to a lot of former white house staff and current campaign staff that say absolutely, they think the inner
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circle is too small. it has gotten even smaller, that the information is not getting to the president. that he is too guarded. to rachael's point i've heard this over and over this week, and especially after last night, they think the president is in denial about his own health and especially about this political crisis, and they are worried about who is giving him advice. is anyone giving him honest feedback? that's especially concerning when you're thinking about the president's health. is anyone giving him honest feedback about his health? i do think this point about could anyone change his mind, though, is really important. we heard the president say he's not going anywhere. a lot of democrats, a lot of power players in the party are telling me, that's weighing a lot on those elected officials, because if they really believe he's not going to change his mind, no one in his inner circle is going to change their mind, then what is the point of coming out publicly? then they've only damaged his campaign. so, i do think that they're going to have to see some sign that he will be willing to step aside before more, and more of them are willing to come out and say he should. >> whit: a critical moment and the clock is ticking until election day.
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maryalice park, rachael bade, as always, thank you so much. we appreciate it. we do want to turn now and get another check of the weather. brittany bell is here from wabc. we're tracking beryl. we also have this extreme heat across the country. >> brittany: yes, that is the other big story. we had multiple record highs broken yesterday. palm springs, an all-time record high of 124, and my friends in raleigh, 106, and for charlotte, north carolina, 101 degrees. that was the record, and the heat, the dangerous heat continues today. these are real-feel temperatures that could climb well over 100 to 105 degrees, and we have heat alerts stretching from new york state all the way down towards florida. more of the same as we move out west, and we have all of these alerts too, including most of the entire coastline including an excessive heat watch. over the next few days, this long duration heat wave will continue, so we're talking about temperatures, actual high temperatures climbing well over 100 degrees. look at sacramento today, a high of 113. also for las vegas, 115.
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i want to point out las vegas starting tomorrow, you could challenge an all-time record high of 117 degrees, and the heat for the west, that will continue as we head into the middle of next week. that's what's happening across the country. here's wha >> brittany: and we're feeling that heat cranking up too all across the northeast. back to you guys. >> rhiannon: brittany bell, thank you for that. coming up right here on "good morning america," christmas in july. reasons to shop. we love that. all the ways you can save at the stores and online. "gma" running down the best deals for you when we come back. (♪) you really think you can get me to like dark chocolate? without a doubt. won't it taste bitter? not this dark chocolate. (♪)
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now what? we wait. (♪) i can't... (♪) mmmm... it's delicious! mhmm. i told you it wasn't bitter. [laughter] from the lindt master chocolatier. discover excellence. expect delicious. you are bountiful. your hair can grow 590 miles over your lifetime. it's in your nature to grow. grow thicker fuller hair with one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. i know. did you think i wouldn't see it? go in the house and take it off. give me the spatula. alright. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. no dad jokes! ♪ when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch.
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because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. if you don't stain your deck, it's like the previous owner is still hanging around. so today let's stain, with behr, the #1 rated stain.
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and make your deck, yours. behr. exclusively at the home depot. (♪) (♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪)
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>> whit: welcome back to "gma" with a look at the sales that are as hot as the temperatures right now. abc's alexis christoforous has been hunting down the deals. tell us more. how hot are they, alexis? >> oh, they are burning hot. they're sizzling. >> whit: there you go. >> so, if you missed out on july 4th sales, not to fear.
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there are still plenty of deals out there, so here's what you need to know. target circle week kicks off tomorrow. it runs through the 13th with up to 50% off thousands of items like toys. sales also include up to 30% off back-to-school essentials like uniforms and backpacks. then on monday, walmart launches what it calls its largest savings event ever running through july 11th. doorbuster deals include more than 30% off this dyson vacuum that is a $200 savings. amazon's prime day, well, it's now a 48-hour event, july 16th and 17th, but some deals are already live like 100 bucks off this apple watch 9. by the way, it's its lowest price ever on amazon, and for the first time, amazon jumping into the world of travel for prime day offering members discounts on summer vacations like up to 40% off select sales with sailings on carnival cruises and up to 30% off avis
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car rentals. plus an amazon gift card. amazon joins costco and walmart who already offer travel deals for their members. now, you can add to your discounts by signing up for a retailer's loyalty program for exclusive discounts and rewards. consider using a credit card that gives you cash back for a little added savings, and don't forget to search for a promo code before you buy, gio. i know you've never met a promo code you didn't like. >> gio: you know i love searching for that promo code, alexis. thank you so much. and coming up here on "good morning america," the pro baseball player batting a thousand with a hit song to galvanize fans and his team. come on back. you're watching "gma" on a saturday morning. ♪ and his team. come on back. you're watching "gma" on a saturday morning. e now through july 7th, you can save up to 70% on everything home. yes! save on finds for indoor and outdoor, and get surprise flash deals you don't want to miss. and get it all with fast shipping straight to your door. save up to 70% off with wayfair's fourth of july clearance now through july 7th and amp up your summer with savings!
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♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ ( ♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪ ) why do dermatologists worldwide recommend la roche-posay? effective skincare like la roche-posay double repair face moisturizer delivers double-action to help repair skin's barrier and provide 48-hour hydration for healthy-looking skin. la roche-posay. looking for a reason to try the new $5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5.
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>> rhiannon: back now on "gma" with the worlds of baseball and music colliding with hits on and
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off the field. abc's will ganss has more on this "omg" moment. good morning, will. the mets really having a moment. >> the moment is happening, indeed. good morning, rhiannon. yeah. jose iglesias is a cuban american immigrant who came to this country when he was just 18 years old to chase his dreams, and now he's watching them come true with the mets in citi field and on top of the music charts. talk about a home run. he's the mets superstar behind smash hits like this one. >> and it's out of here. >> reporter: and somehow this. ♪ oh, my god ♪ [ singing in a non-english language ] >> reporter: jose iglesias, the 34-year-old infielder known on the field for home run hits and turning double plays, but known on the music charts as his song "omg" hit number one on the itunes latin charts this week after an impromptu concert at a home game for 32,000 fans. >> let me see those hands, new york. ♪ oh, my god ♪ >> reporter: his game play, music to mets' fans ears. since he joined the
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mets on may 31st, the team is 19-8, the best record in the mlb over that stretch. >> beautifully done. >> reporter: jose thanking fans on social media for their support of his song. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> oh, my god. >> reporter: meanwhile his teammates have fully embraced their new anthem. it means a lot to their infield/superstar on the rise. >> it's a lot of fun. it adds a lot of energy to it, and the guys connected and click with it, and i'm humbled by it. >> reporter: as for what he hopes they take away from it, it's in the lyrics. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> okay. >> which would mean, fight for your dreams. it's possible. >> and "omg" fandom is reaching a fever pitch this weekend. just yesterday, new balance set the mets custom cleats with omg written on the side. see if they're as lucky. they have a game today against the pirates. >> whit: i love this story. right? >> gio: i love this story. >> i think i'm going to start playing baseball. [ laughter ] >> gio: oh, there you go,
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and a cuban american there. i love my cubans. >> whit: will ganss, your two favorites, music and baseball. >> and baseball, yep. >> whit: thank you. it's good to have you. we'll be right back with our "play of the day." >> i love baseball. we'll be right back with our "play of the day." including the entyvio pen. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. pml, a rare, potentially fatal brain infection cannot be ruled out. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, or are prone to infections. liver problems can occur. entyvio. relief. remission. for real. ♪ entyvio, entyvio, entyvio ♪ did you know that if you shave, 1/3rd of what you remove is skin? (♪) new dove helps repair it. so, if you shave it? (♪) dove it new dove replenish your skin after every shave. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy.
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7:53 am
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7:54 am
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across the street, or across the room, you have the power to make them feel right at home. ♪ ♪ ritz. a taste of welcome. ♪ ♪ >> gio: all right. time for our "play of the day" and the infant who bonded with his first best friend, okay? 6-month-old easton from columbus, ohio, was introduced to sherman, and it was all one big giggle fest after that. easton could not get enough of the pup who seemed excited himself to meet a human about his size. easton losing his balance for a moment there, but there it is. >> whit: timber. >> gio: he's got his buddy right there and delighting in the dog's attention. we predict lots more happy moments. >> rhiannon: best friends for life. >> whit: i love seeing dogs with little kids. copper was with a baby the other day. he was such a good boy. very proud of him. yep.
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coming up on "gma" in our second hour, we have more of president biden's interview with george stephanopoulos. >> rhiannon: our "gma" cover story. dr. sutton with advice on keeping your kids safe this holiday weekend. >> gio: and a voice you're going to know from the summer blockbuster, "inside out 2," joins us right here in studio. we'll be right back. >> announcer: tyler perry is not one to hold back on just about anything. and now this monday morning, he's live on "gma." >> are you ready to go? >> announcer: it's tyler perry live monday on "good morning america."
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today. a warning from police as people gear up for the dolores park hill bomb in san francisco last year, police and skateboarders clashed, resulting in more than 100 arrests, many of them teenagers and now police are saying do not show up today. or you could get arrested. residents are divided. some welcome the police and others wish that there could be a collaborative event done safely. also today, the fillmore jazz festival returns to san francisco. it's the west coast's largest free jazz festival, attracting over 50,000 people. if you go, you can groove to live music, enjoy tasty food and support local vendors. stages
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will be set up along fillmore street from jackson to eddie streets. more than 25 artists will be playing the jazz fest runs today and tomorrow from ten until six, and looks like it's going to be a nice day for that jazz festival. lisa. yes, especially in the city. this is day five though of our heat wave and you can see what's left of our marine layer. >> it's pretty diffuse, but it is allowing for those cool and comfortable temperatures at the coastline. 57 downtown 63. in oakland, 68 in san jose. and for our inland valleys, it's going to be an even warmer day today as the heat peaks. then we'll get some relief tomorrow. 71 already in livermore and fairfield, while we have 50s and fog up in santa rosa. visibility a mile here, as well as half moon bay. and so we're going to see the temperatures warm up quickly. even though we are a few degrees cooler this morning. so temperatures will range from the 60s at the shoreline with partly cloudy skies to 107 in concord. how about 101 in santa rosa with mid 90s again in san
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jose? gloria. >> lisa, thank you so much and thank you for joining us. the news continues right now with good morning america.
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>> whit: good morning, america. it's our second hour. president biden one-on-one. the abc news exclusive with our george stephanopoulos.


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