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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  July 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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right now in fairfield and livermore. but san francisco you're at 66 degrees. so the entire bay area, with the exception of san francisco and the coastline under an excessive heat warning inland or a heat advisory shaded in orange until friday night, the risk of heat illnesses remains elevated as we go hour by hour, triple digits later on today. you will notice in the evening it's still pretty warm inland to hot 90s there, but along the coastline, cooling rapidly as it hasn't been that warm. 10:00 tonight. 50s coast side 80s inland, those temperatures dropping off some more. we do have a spare. the air alert that got extended. it's not just for today, but tomorrow as well as the air quality will continue to suffer as the heat builds. we are looking at poor air quality for santa clara valley and the inland east bay moderate elsewhere. i'll be back to let you know exactly how hot tomorrow. coming right up, larry. kristen. >> all right. thank you. sandhya. >> in the south bay, there have
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been at least 14 heat related deaths in santa clara county, and that number is expected to rise. >> abc seven volunteers are handing out water to the people who need it most. as the heat returns to parts of the bay area trying to hand out more water, the bay area is now in its second heat wave of the month, the first sending temperatures soaring over the 4th of july holiday, contributing to at least 14 deaths. in santa clara county. and the county medical examiner's office says that number could grow with more deaths overnight. still under investigation. in a statement on the deaths, they confirmed two individuals were unhoused and one individual was enrolled in a transitional housing program. >> i could see them, you know, having a lot of death involved in that because it's just body can't withstand the temperatures and these cars and vans, you know, and there's going to be people who just don't make it through this. >> sean cartwright is an advocate with the unhoused response group. >> but people are just in a state right now. they're hungry,
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they're extremely thirsty, and they're in a point where they can't just go and help themselves. it needs to come to them. they are just so depleted and really on the edge right now. >> as the heat continues, the county's office of emergency management is keeping more than 20 cooling centers open, some with extended hours. the vta is providing free rides to the centers through friday. >> if they need to have a safe space to go to get out of the hot weather and find water, you know, charge up their devices that is available to them. >> their office of supportive housing was also out doing outreach and handing out water to encampments on wednesday. for the meantime, they're encouraging everyone to check in on loved ones that don't have ac, making sure that they have enough water, that they have enough food, that their ac is working, and if they don't have ac, if they can be transported to a cooling center in san jose. lena howland abc seven news. >> well, the heat certainly is not helping the more than 20 wildfires that are burning across the state in the past 12
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months, there have been 3500 wildfires in california. it's about 500 more than at the same time last year. this year's wildfires have burned five times more acreage on average. governor newsom is blaming the intense heat as well as climate change because of the rains. >> those late rains in particular, a lot of grasses turning into brush fires. so these tend to burn out. but move pretty quickly. >> one positive thing wildfires this year haven't killed anybody, and only 128 structures overall have been destroyed. newsom credits a larger firefighting force. california has increased its cal fire personnel by 30% in the past six years. >> an emotional memorial service for young oakland firefighter who drowned last month in san diego. the casket of 25 year old caden laffin was loaded onto a fire truck and driven to alameda, where he passed under a giant american flag hanging down from fire engine ladders during a ceremony inside the uss
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hornet. laffin was remembered as a natural athlete who worked hard to follow his dad into the fire department, becoming a paramedic and learning chinese. his brother, who is now a firefighter cadet, said laffin became an important figure in his life after their father died of a heart attack. >> as a firefighter, he embodied the very essence of bravery, selflessness and devotion to duty. his empathy always astounded me. he saw people not just as they were, but as he wanted them to be. >> lavin drowned in san diego while relaxing before the start of the firefighter olympics. >> we have developing news now on australian ceo is in san francisco general hospital in a coma. but how he ended up there is a complete mystery at this point. colin bettles shared this photo to his facebook account. this was on july 4th, showing he was in california along highway one. then hours later, he shared a video showing waymo cars in san francisco. and that's where his trail ends. his family told an australian newspaper that
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bettles wallet and phone were both missing. san francisco police are looking into what happened, but they say no. police report has been filed. >> san francisco police could soon have more leeway in chasing crime suspects. tonight the police commission will consider allowing police chases for any felony, including drug sales or burglary. chases could also be authorized for violent misdemeanors like sexual battery. police may also be allowed to use drones, and they could be allowed to chase someone whom they think may be about to commit a serious crime. >> san francisco's vision for a citywide bicycle network is now raising some concerns for a specific group of residents, as well as merchants. >> that's right, abc7 news reporter luz pena went to north beach, where, of course, the city's transportation agency presented their plan and luis joins us now with the concerns. luis. >> yeah. what i kept hearing from residents and merchants is that they don't want north beach to face the same issues. merchants on valencia street in the mission district have faced because of a center bike lane.
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as sfmta is still in the early stages of a citywide plan. but many in north beach are saying these plans are concerning. a neighborhood meeting with san francisco's municipal transportation agency has left north beach residents and merchants concerned. >> we're asking questions that were not answered. >> sfmta is holding community outreach meetings to present their vision for a citywide bicycle network. north beach was the first in line. >> i'm not anti bike like. i think it's great. people ride bikes and use that as an alternate form of transportation, but this particular high density area, i see it as, as a as a difficulty to restrict traffic flow. >> we also met dan macchiarini. he has been at multiple sfmta meetings, including the last one, i'm part of the north beach business association and they came to our meeting. >> we said, we do not want columbus avenue turned into another valencia street. stay off of columbus avenue that will negatively impact our merchants for months, merchants on
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valencia street have voiced concerns over the center bike lane and the way it's impacted businesses. >> now. north beach merchants are also concerned, even though the sfmta's plan for this area does not include a center bike lane. >> valencia was a really complex project and there were really complex needs, so we have responded accordingly with this. >> this is more of a planning effort, it's more long term. >> we spoke to sfmta's, project manager for the citywide bicycle network, the community driven initiative to build a long range citywide biking and rolling network in the city. ossorio said they're hearing from merchants before finalizing a proposal, and columbus won't be part of it. >> columbus avenue is one of those complex corridors where there's already a lot going on. >> for now, they have three scenarios scenario a really presents a highly protected network, so these are uh. >> these are bike lanes that are protected with permanent barriers. and some of the trade offs with a network like that is
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that there's a lot of parking removal. >> sfmta says scenario b would be less safe for cyclists. >> area b, where we bring forward painted lanes and scenario c would not include a bike lane. >> sfmta is planning to hold more community meetings, and not just in north beach. the plan is for the bicycle network to be throughout the city, so there are ten more districts. this will impact sfmta's meeting is happening tonight in oak valley, where they're going to speak about their plan at the rec center. their goal is to have a set proposal by early next year. luz pena, abc seven news. >> all right, luz, thank you. ev charging stations. you see them everywhere here in the bay area. and with them come large fans that are used to help cool that equipment. but one station in san francisco appears to be pushing residents out because of too much noise. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra has the story. >> imagine waking up, going to sleep, or working from home to this noise all day, every day.
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that's the reality for residents living on clara street in san francisco's soma district. after this ev cooling fan was installed. evs are the future. but is this fair to residents? wilma parker de pavlov is an oil painter. when she creates her masterpieces, all she asks for is peace and quiet. >> as i was explaining, no rock bands, i never dreamed that a fan could upset us all. >> and it's not just any fan. electrify america, an electric vehicle charging company, opened a station across the street from her home and with it came giant fans used to cool the ev equipment. >> we didn't know what it was until it started spinning and we started hearing this really loud. hum. so our reaction was really negative. like, we hope this is temporary. >> neighbors say it's been there around 6 to 9 months now, making it hard to work or even sleep.
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we're testing the decibel rating right outside your apartment and it says it's 70. >> yes, it's crazy. >> according to san francisco's noise and sound code, assuming the minimum ambient noise is around 45 to 55db outside a residential property, five decibels over, that is considered past the acceptable limit. >> it's like 27 on stuff. >> we checked all areas inside wilma's house and found the decibel reading was over the required limit on each floor and room of her home, reaching decibels in the high 50s to the high 60s. electrify america sent us the following statement, saying while our charging station meets all the city permit requirements, we have tried several options to mitigate the complaint of one resident regarding fan noise. >> electrify america told us they had fixed the problem. they had not. they didn't even attempt to fix the problem. they just let two days pass and turned it back on, electrify america added they're exploring
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an option of relocating the fan exhaust, but that requires a new permit and review. >> are you considering moving? >> oh, i'm actually considering. after my leasing. >> it's a permanent thing that is going 24 seven. that is driving everybody crazy. >> stephanie sierra abc seven news. >> coming up on abc seven news at four, a new wave of concern about the november election and democrats chances of winning again with president biden. the road to success with artificial intelligence. we'll talk ai with the salesforce chief digital evangelist and author vala avshar, and a big change that's coming to hotel rooms.
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station are staying busy while they wait to come home. astronaut sunita williams and barry wilmore arrived at the space station on june 6th. they were supposed to return a week later, but mechanical problems with the boeing starliner left them stranded for one month. >> so i have confidence shefs confidence. we're here on the space station with our safe haven of starliner. >> no return date has been set as engineers troubleshoot problems with the starliner, nasa says there are plenty of supplies in orbit to keep the astronauts safe. >> all right, now to a bright
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spot on twitter or x, whatever you're calling it these days, posts like this from today sharing stories of wisdom and success on x coming from salesforce chief digital evangelist. best title ever follow offshore. welcome back. thank you sir. yes thank you for having me. so last time you were here, i think it was for dreamforce. yes. and for the first time in recorded history, an author came on television live and did not want to talk about his book. so we specifically said, let's talk about boundless. and you said, no, i'm not talking about the book now. we're talking about this book. thank you. so you put out a boundless with henry king. it talks about business and how to break down the silos and the lack of communication, all that type of thing. and also the ai revolution that's coming now. it seems like you're optimistic about artificial intelligence while other other people are petrified. so why are you so optimistic? well, throughout my career, i've learned that the pessimist may sound smart, but it's the optimist that build the
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future. >> i like it, so i am optimisti. you know, us leads the world in terms of ai, innovation and investments. san francisco leads the us. in fact, san francisco is the capital of ai. 42% of all ai investments come from the bay area. salesforce is the largest employer in san francisco, and an ai crm company, the number one ai crm company. so as an employee of salesforce, i have the privilege to work with the best and brightest, most optimistic business leaders who are growing their companies, delighting their stakeholders. and we all recognize that this is electricity for the 21st century. the technology ai will have profound impact in terms of how we grow and compete in this hyperconnected knowledge sharing economy. >> if you want a couple of pessimists to join your meetings, kristen and i will come on in. we'll be happy to help. kind of show you the other side of this, which is the fear
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that ai is going to grow so smart. and we joke around here about you know, what happens when they realize that we are the problem. like the ai says vala. larry, one of you has got to go. i don't like my chances on that. so you know, we joke about activating skynet and, you know, the terminator and all that. so you have no fears about that? sure >> well, you know, any time we have new technologies, there's uncertainty and critical thinking and room for pessimism. but, you know, i'll give you an example of salesforce use of ai. we work with our ai council and employee feedback and our incredible cio, and we decided to activate 50 ai applications throughout salesforce. wow, those 50 applications in the last 90 days, larry has helped us save 50,000 hours of work. that's 25 man years of efficiency, productivity in just 90 days, across 50 apps. why this matters is this year, we believe 80% of employees across
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all industries will face burnout and stress. employees are tasked with doing work that's not meaningful, that doesn't bring joy to them. so one of the beauties of ai is it will give us opportunities to be more creative, to reflect more, and to create real value for ourselves and the communities that we serve. it's not the technology. technology over history has helped humankind achieve more. and we believe that, you know, with the right core values. this is why trust is our number one core value. at my company customer success is our number two. innovation is number three. we have guiding principles that ensure that new technologies does not take away the purposeful work that we have, the joy that we have, and the ability for us to create value at the speed of need. that's how you stay relevant and grow as an individual and as a company. >> okay, you know, the alarm bell goes off for me when i hear all the man hours saved, which is great, but that also could represent lost jobs for people
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because suddenly, you know, the ai is going to do it. we don't need you to do it. >> most of the research we have at salesforce and companies that we advise with, we believe i will create more jobs, more opportunities. think about all of the jobs that exist today that didn't exist, perhaps 15 or 20 years ago. uber driver, drone operator, cloud computing architect, social media managers. these didn't exist 20 years ago. you know, when we work with some of these incredible companies that are part of our ecosystem and the shared success core value that we have, where we ensure that when we introduce technology, it's guiding us to create an opportunity for us to create value. we believe business is the greatest platform for change and technologies like ai will not help have us drift away from our mission of creating a better quality life and workplace for ourselves and our customers. >> okay, only a little bit of time left. i really like one of the proposals that you have of giving various ais a score like
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accuracy score, kind of like yelp for artificial intelligence. is that being implemented in any way? >> absolutely. the language models that are used to power ai algorithms are being modified on a daily basis. as part of our ai research. again, salesforce has been on this journey for ten years. we were one of the most active companies investing in a. so and because trust is our number one core value, we're always looking at grading and identifying which technologies are helping us get to the grounded truth. we launched a $500 million fund last year to invest in startups who are building these technologies so that we can align these companies to our core values and our objective of using technology to create value. we'll continue to create we'll continue to assure accuracy and trust is our number one purpose and guiding principle moving forward. >> well, you make it sound exciting. it's great to have you back in. thank you so much. even
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though he's a celtics fan, you know, i didn't realize that until we started. but you know, it's nice to have you here. anyway. thank you so much. november 2022 steph curry and the warriors. >> yes, i do i do keep that in your mind varla. >> thank you so much for coming in. >> my pleasure. >> forgive him for being a celtics fan. >> yeah i know at least he reassured us that ai is not going to take our jobs.
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fifty years ago, i prayed this prayer, and it changed my life, and it can change your life. you see, i was just sick and tired of being sick and tired, and my life was in a mess. i just got on my knees one night and i said, "god, i've sinned against you. i'm sorry, forgive me." i said, "i believe jesus christ is your son, i believe that he took my sins to the cross and he died and shed his blood for my sins, and that he was buried and that you raised him to life, and i'd like to invite him to come into my heart right now."
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i prayed that prayer and god heard my prayer, and he forgave me. and he will forgive you, and he will cleanse you and change your life starting today. just pray this prayer. just say, "god, i'm a sinner, i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior and follow him as my lord, from this day forward, amen." if you prayed that prayer, i want you to call right now that number that's on the screen. call that number and may god bless you.
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the microclimates, are in full effect today. >> absolutely. and kristen and larry, we have a wide range of conditions as well. so let's take a look at a live picture from pier 39 camera. good afternoon everyone. we are seeing a mix of sun and some low clouds as well. take a look at the satellite picture this morning. many of us, including the inland valleys, woke up to gray skies and the fog took its sweet time, pulling away from our inland valleys. eventually pulling away. and it is still sitting along parts of the coastline. although that marine layer is beginning to compress. certainly seeing the bigger picture here, high pressure is coming in, and as it does, we've noticed that the temperatures have come up across the region by 16 degrees in livermore, up
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17 in santa rosa and 17 degrees, 12 degrees warmer in san jose. tomorrow, inland areas are going to notice an increase in those temperatures even further. so we are expecting major heat risk inland. isolated spots shaded in purple extreme. so be careful out there even though there isn't much heat around the coastal areas and the golden gate, you can see it is pretty socked in right now. 68 in the city, 77 in oakland, 91 degrees right now in san jose. a live view from our walnut creek camera, and we are seeing plenty of sun out there. 95 in santa rosa. it is in the 80s from petaluma to napa, but triple digits fairfield and livermore right now sfo camera showing you the sun and a little bit of a breeze tomorrow. hotter day. inland coastal areas will remain mild and mainly sunny for a change, and we are expecting the weekend forecast relief from the heat arrives. one thing i do want to show you is our smoke forecast. while we're not expecting the smoke to reach the
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surface, certainly in the upper parts of the atmosphere, you may see some haze from time to time and some smoke at 7:00 tonight as smoke from the fires burning to our south starts to move in tomorrow morning could be a little bit heavier with the wind coming in from the south, so keep this in mind going into the evening hours. and speaking of evening tonight, temperatures are not going to fall very quickly inland. still in the 80s and 90s at 815. but along the coastline 50s and foggy as we head towards the late night hours, still warm inland. and then tomorrow morning the fog footprint is going to be mainly at the coast and just parts of the bay, not all the way into the valleys. quick clearing, temperatures rising by noontime. we are looking at even hotter weather for our inland communities, but along the coastline. don't worry, we'll keep you in the 60s. your temperatures first thing in the morning, 50s, 60s tomorrow afternoon in the south bay. we are looking at a hot day 99 in san jose, 106 in morgan hill on the peninsula, 95, redwood city, 66. half moon bay, downtown san
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francisco 77 degrees. these temperatures above average triple digits. santa rosa, calistoga 99, and san rafael in the east bay 85, oakland 95, fremont. head inland and it's going to be baking 107 in concord, 108 in livermore. your accuweather seven day forecast. here's the silver lining. tomorrow is the hottest day. after that, the heat eases friday and then by the weekend we will get that cooler weather coming in, especially sunday. low 90s inland, low 60s, coast, closer to where we should be. larry and kristen. all right. >> thank you sandhya. >> well, we are seeing firsthand dangers of illegal fireworks. a man is in the hospital at santa clara valley medical center with burns after he was hit by a large firework on the 4th of july. his legs are now wrapped because of the severity of his injuries. and there's a large wound on his arm. the victim says he was in the alviso area with his wife when he saw the fireworks. >> we saw that they were working on pretty big things, right? so we started to go on the side to
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pass it and just just walk away. right and then in a in one second, that was it. you know, we were on the floor burn. i just i just looked at my wife. her skin was falling from her legs, wow. >> this is some of the video of the illegal fireworks. the victim says when they asked to call 911, people told them, quote, we don't do that around here. >> well, all right, coming up, the democrat dividing lines, i want him to do whatever he decides to do. >> donald trump is on track, i think, to win this election. >> i think i've amply answered my support for the president. >> the high stakes question should president biden run for
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november. >> this is really a high stakes week for the president. all eyes focused on tomorrow. his first news conference in months. abc news reporter perry russom has the latest. >> reporter, democratic donor and actor george clooney now calling on president biden to drop out of the race with an opinion piece in the new york times. clooney, who hosted a fundraiser for biden last month, writes, most of our members of congress are opting to wait and see if the dam breaks. but the dam has broken. we can put our heads in the sand and pray for a miracle in november, or we can speak the truth. the biden campaign not directly responding to clooney, but pointing to biden's comments that he's not leaving the race. today more democratic lawmakers speaking out, worried about biden's electability. >> i am deeply concerned about joe biden winning this november
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because it is an existential threat to the country. if donald trump wins. >> new york congressman pat ryan posting on x joe biden is a patriot, but is no longer the best candidate to defeat trump. this morning, former house speaker nancy pelosi on msnbc. >> it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run. we're all encouraging him to make that decision because time is running short. >> the president today at the nato summit. president biden, is nancy pelosi still behind you, sir? biden with a fist pump with his health being questioned. the president joking about his age today while meeting with union leaders. >> lot of you were there with me all the way back when i was a kid, and i'm only 42, but house minority leader hakeem jeffries asked if biden's decision to run is final. >> that's the question that you have to ask president biden. his decision has been well articulated in a variety of different ways throughout the last two weeks and new.
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>> today, we are learning senate democrats are meeting tomorrow afternoon. they are meeting with biden's senior advisers and campaign chairwoman. that's before his news conference. perry russom, abc news, washington. >> joining us now with more on this topic. abc seven news insider film material. we heard a lot of hedging going on there. let's start with nancy pelosi. not exactly a rousing endorsement of the president. what do you read into that? well i read into that. >> we have a very prominent democrat publicly stating it's time for the president to make up his mind. she didn't say he's made up his mind. and we're already there. let's go forward. what's interesting about the former speaker, now, current speaker emeritus is that she is the one voicing this. we're not hearing anything from the senate president, chuck schumer. he says he's behind joe biden. hakeem jeffries is sort of soft on that as well. so there are democrats out there that i talked to today that said they hope that whatever nancy pelosi said gets louder and said more often in the next couple of days, other people are talking
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as well, hollywood heavyweights and certainly big democratic fundraisers. >> rob reiner and george clooney asking biden to step aside. and of course, abc anchor george stephanopoulos was apparently caught on audio saying something to the effect that he couldn't serve another four years. biden, how much weight do you think these comments carry with biden, with democrats and with voters? >> well, there's three different groups there and two different topics that you've managed to bring up, which crystallized the situation. three different groups. we have the biden administration. that is the ultimate, say, one way or the other. and how this is going to go. then we have the democratic leadership, which really is sort of, they don't have a lot of weight. they don't have the weight that people seem to think they do. it's a freelance organization. there's no party elders that are going to go to the white house, knock on the door and sit him down, unless it is barack obama and bill clinton. and that's not necessarily in the cards. the third thing is there's a difference between what the washingtonians are saying and the people. i mean, most people just saw the debate. they see joe biden. they're already
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concerned about that. that's what it is. you can't talk that away. it's you either address it or or you try to talk it away. right now, they're trying to talk it away. it's not going to go away. the interesting thing between the clooney and the stephanopoulos remarks, i found, was george clooney was talking about joe biden as candidate, beating donald trump. stephanopoulos was talking about joe biden, president after the election and being able to serve the term. if you ask, most democrats would joe biden be able to serve four more years? that's a different question than the ones being asked now. right now, they're concentrating on the november election. they don't even want to talk about the second part. >> yeah, i mean, it's obviously very complicated. but this morning, governor newsom was asked about his support for the president, as well as his thoughts on george clooney's comments. let's take a listen to that. >> i think i've amply answered my support for the president and the support i saw on the ground was demonstrable, and that's where i am, and that's where i stand. a lot of people expressing their opinion, and i respect people actively participating in our democracy
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by expressing themselves. but i don't have any comment as it relates to george, who i've known for years and years admire and respect. and he's been an incredible supporter of democratic causes, democratic candidates for years and years and years. >> gavin newsom is joe biden's leading surrogate. that is a role that he took on prior to the debate. it is elevated his national profile and he's going to stick with that. there's no way he's going to go against joe biden. he's going to let joe biden make the decision. he also knows that if joe biden decides not to run for reelection, the right of first refusal will go to vice president kamala harris. so even if there is some sort of exit, it will likely be people will turn their attention to kamala harris. gavin newsom knows that he's out there being a team player for now, and he still has his eye on four years from now, which is one of the undertones of all this. how badly do you want to win? does it really serve your best interest right now? >> well, it's a very big week
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for the president as well as the whole country actually. phil thank you. okay all right. coming up, sleeping separately from your partner and what it means for your health and your relationship. plus a little french fry comfort but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts,
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he's at oracle. yeah, at chase center. right. chase center? yeah, exactly. no. chase >> chase center. right, right. chase center. >> yeah. okay, you guys, we can talk more about why you're there later, but this may make your skin crawl. or maybe slither. a man was captured trying to smuggle more than 100 live snakes in his pants. what? yeah. the man was stopped at a checkpoint between hong kong and mainland china. customs officers found six canvas bags filled with multiple live snakes in the pockets of his pants, assuming that he can make a lot of money off of selling those snakes, they could be exotic. they could be used for a variety of purposes. hey who's up for that? you know? hey, i'll be the carrier. i mean, there's some obvious jokes here that i am going to let go just to the wayside, but, but, chris, you don't see any any snakes at either oracle park or chase center, do you? >> no, larry. good good call on
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the no snake joke. yeah yeah, i would absolutely not. i would absolutely not do this. i started reading the scripts for this. this fought for and i saw nope, i'm just out. so i'm like, i hope you don't call me. my commentary is no snakes or no go for me. that's all i can say on this one. okay? >> i mean, i was going to turn it over to sandy. i figuring that was safe. but, kristen, i'm not as brave as you. we're out of time. >> we're out of time. >> i don't know, no snakes on the plane. >> snakes? i hate snakes. >> yeah. there you go. those mini bottles of shampoo and conditioner and hotel bathrooms will soon be a thing of the past. at least in new york, there's a law banning the plastic containers for hotels and motels with more than 50 rooms. and that goes into effect next january. the restrictions were supposed to start last year, but they were delayed, so hotels could use up their stock of bottles already on hand. i was at a hotel a few days ago and they already implemented that. it wasn't in new york, but you know, sandy, this is i mean, it just makes sense. you know what? you come home with all
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these little, you know, bottles of half used conditioner and shampoo and stuff. it just doesn't make sense. >> yeah, it doesn't make sense. and it's better that they get rid of them and then have, you know, they've got those pumps. yeah. right. larry. yeah yeah. >> with what? body shampoo and body wash. shampoo. >> conditioner gel. yeah. yeah. so i like that direction. yeah, i think so. >> chris. you like that better than the snakes and pants thing. absolutely >> absolutely. so it's interesting. yesterday i was talking to some people from the blue jays media and they said, there's a hotel in san francisco in union square. they're going to charge you $30 if you steal some of the shampoo. it wasn't the little ones, but it's the pumps. oh, yeah, that's a whole new thing i didn't even know was going on these days. >> yeah, don't do that. okay. i think our producer continues to try to get us in hot water trouble here today, because the next story is the key to a happy marriage. may be what's going on in the bedroom. oh, boy. wait it's not what you think. there's a new trend in sleeping separately. and experts say in addition to getting better sleep, there are actually
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relationship benefits. researchers say people who consistently experience poor sleep are more likely to experience conflict with their partners. so it all begins with good sleep. i think the royals do this right. the queen and you know, prince philip did. and i think they do that. >> i have comments dos can we go back to the snakes? there may be a tie in some way. i don't know, anyway, you know, look, you know, there's, there's a couple of things that that happen in the bedroom. one of them is sleeping, one of them is not. so i don't know if one impacts the other, but i do know sandy and you, you know, we've worked together a long time that if i don't get enough sleep, i'm even more irritable than normal. >> which is like you do know that it's a hard that's a hard barrier to clear to begin with. yeah. we don't want larry cranky here. i mean, he shows up with this sunny disposition. anyways, let me just say, you know, maybe it has something to do with, like, if one person snores and the other one doesn't. they just want better night's sleep. i don't know, i mean, i sleep through a train wreck, so which
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the segment is becoming actually, i know all right. >> there's a tasteful new pillow designed for get ready french fry fanatics. okay, check out the crinkle cut cuddler right there. you can put that in the bedroom if you want a fry shaped body pillow designed to help you savor every snuggle, a collaboration between shake shack and the blanket company bearaby and was created to celebrate national french friday, which i guess is friday, the crinkle cut cuddler is not cheap. it costs $149. that seems outrageous. and i also don't know who comes up with like, okay, friday is french fry day. chris i mean, who decides this? >> larry, it's written right there. it's fry day. i don't know who comes up with it, but it's not us. and, okay, if you're sleeping with one of those pillows, maybe that means you need to sleep separately. i
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don't know, it's just a lot. a lot of topics right here where we're just on the edge. very concerning, i know. >> yeah, i was going to say a king bed. a king bed is not big enough for that, right? like for two people to each have one of those or. >> yeah. no. or 600 snakes or whatever the number was, i don't i don't know, it's getting very crowded in that room, can we end this stick to sports? >> let's stick to sports. >> yeah. yes, yes. chase center summer league basketball. we'll have more at 6:00. trying to clean this up. safe? yes. safe and sane, broadcasting wrap. >> wrap. where's that wrap? when we need to hear that cue. >> so for the f
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start at $41 and free shipping on all of these trackers to save on these tech products, scan the qr code or head now to abc secret and get to shopping. >> yes, and you may want to do your shopping if not online at a mall the next few days, right? >> and maybe buy yourself a portable fan or something. yeah, that's handy. yeah, you're going to need a fan if you don't have the ac, and we know a lot of homes don't. larry and kristen, let's take a look at the temperatures for tomorrow. it's going to get hotter. 108 degrees in livermore. the good news is there's going to be a place to go 42 degrees cooler compared to livermore and half moon bay. 66 degrees. tomorrow's the hottest day after that, temperatures start to come down. still triple digits inland on friday. not as hot saturday. you're in the 90s for many of our inland east bay locations and by sunday you're closer to average with low 90s inland low 60s coast side. a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. two more days of this heat wave for our inland areas, and then temperatures trending down for the weekend
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for any of your plans, and then kind of in a holding pattern as we head into next week, larry. >> all right. thank you. sandhya. the city of berkeley is falling behind in its restaurant food inspections. a new report by the city auditor found nearly half of berkeley food facilities were not inspected last year. only a quarter of food illnesses in berkeley were investigated within a day. the report cites understaffing among berkeley food inspectors as the main problem. there. >> five bay area restaurants have been added to the michelin guide's california recommended selection. they are molti amici in healdsburg, burdell in oakland and three in san francisco. actually, as elena's tia and head 11 and they could earn bib gourmand or star wars at the michelin guide ceremony next month in half moon bay. so five more to try out. >> all right, who wants to be a millionaire returns tonight, this time with host jimmy kimme. >> i don't like games. i don't know, maybe i shouldn't be a game show host. >> the celebrities in the laughs
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be a millionaire? is hosted by jimmy kimmel, featuring celebrities kenan thompson, john mulaney and nick kroll. reporter george pennacchio from our sister station in la has our preview. >> this show is so much easier than my show. i mean, really
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like the amount of preparation is basically one minute of reading through pronunciations and then sitting down. >> let's play millionaire in the new season of who wants to be a millionaire? celebrities are pairing up to win money for their charities, including the stars of everybody loves raymond. >> you're going to get the highest score for the dumbest guest you've ever had. >> we got into neurosis. we get into all sorts of like, old wounds were opened. and this i didn't even want to ask any questions because it was so funny watching them sit there and talk. >> stars of scrubs, full house, kenan and kel and others hope to hit the jackpot. kenan and kel. for a certain generation, they were the superstars of their day. >> when kenan and kel walked out here, i'm not joking. the whole front row of the audience here started crying, but laughing was the overwhelming emotion. >> as in this moment with phone a friend, jon stewart, five
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seconds is so is. >> i don't have any idea >> we should have chosen trevor noah. >> it's been very fulfilling so far and people have made a lot of money. and you can tell when you talk to these people that all joking aside, all game show aside. these charities mean a lot to them. when you ask somebody, what is your favorite charity, it, you know, it hits home. >> people create fake freckles by applying makeup with what produce item. >> it's game night at the kimmel's. what are the games? >> i don't like games. maybe i shouldn't be a game show host, but i do love to play scrabble. unfortunately no one will play with me ever because i just don't ever lose. so i love to play scrabble. i like to play boggle sometimes by myself, but word games, i guess, are the games i go for. >> those are my two games i will be you. >> oh, i would love to play you and oh well, just pinocchio's like a thousand points in los
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angeles. >> george pennacchio, abc seven news. >> the challenge has been issued. abc seven news streaming 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app so you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. all right, that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry beil. abc seven news at five with dan and julian is coming up next. imagine checking your own heart
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