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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 15, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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the song somewhere out there from american tail. >> yes. >> oh yes we did. >> and the song. did you see that in chorus to you? >> did we sang the same songs in chorus. that was such a bop for me as a child. i love that song and that movie. little fable. >> yes. >> he had that big blue hat out there. >> there, i don't know, i just remember jerry brown and linda ronstadt for a long time here. >> so that's you always bring the tea with the tea, lisa, because we need to everybody. >> details. yeah >> well, linda, i'm sorry that we butchered your songs, but i hope that you're going to have a great day. >> yes. happy birthday, abc seven and seven is right after this if you stream us. >> otherwise, it's good mor >> george: good morning america. the investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump, as republican national convention begins.
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donald trump arrives in milwaukee with the rnc set to go ahead as planned, just a day after trump's ear was pierced by a bullet at a rally. >> take a look at what happened -- >> george: questions this morning about security surrounding the event. >> let me get my shoes. hold on. >> george: how did the gun man get a clear line of sight of the former presidented from 200 yards away? what fbi found in his car and home. homeland secretary mayorkas joins us live. plus president biden addresses the nation overnight. >> politics must never be a literal battlefield, a killing field. >> george: calling for unity. >> robin: beverly hills 90210 and charmed star shannen doherty passing away at 53. >> i'm brandon's sister. >> robin: after her nearly decade long valiant fight with cancer. >> michael: the heat is on as more than 100 million americans
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are on alert as scorching temperatures hit the i-95 corridor. >> george: fallout from the alec baldwin rust trial after the judge dismissed the case. could the star now sue the prosecutors? >> robin: remembering richard simmons, turning his own weight loss into a business empire. the man who made fitness fun. what we know about his final days. >> michael: chaos at the copa america. huge crowds at the gates of the hard rock stadium in miami, fans climbing walls, even going through vents. >> george: and celebrating dr. ruth. >> hello. >> george: the pioneering sex therapist who broke the taboo topic. >> robin: all the love on center court. in her second public appearance since her cancer diagnosis, princess kate crowning the wimbeldon champion.
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>> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> robin: it was great to see her looking so well. good morning america. we want to get right to our top story, the assassination attempt on president trump. the investigation intensifies. overnight, president biden addressed the nation. he urged americans to, quote, lower the temperature in our politics and to remember, while we disagree, we are not enemies. >> george: former president trump arrived last night in milwaukee for the republican national convention. he insisted on the event going on as planned, saying he won't allow the shooter to force any changes, that this act of violence will surely change the convention in what has been a volatile race to reclaim the white house. questions are growing about how the gunman was able to get on that roof with a clear line of sight to the president and to fire off multiple shots before being taken down by a sharp shooter. >> michael: take a look at this photo showing the path of a bullet appearing to be captured passing right by donald trump's head. we have coverage starting with rachel scott who was at the rally saturday.
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she's on the scene again for us. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: good morning, michael. one of the most pressing questions here in pennsylvania this morning is how a gunman was able to come so close, within 400 feet, of a former president. an attempted assassination that is now casting a long, dark shadow on this country, the election and republican national convention. donald trump touching down in milwaukee for the republican national convention just one day after surviving an assassination attempt telling "the new york post" i'm not supposed to be here. i'm supposed to be dead. authorities say the gun man, thomas matthew crooks appears to have acted alone armed with a semiautomatic rifle and several possible explosive devices found in his car and at home. gun fire ringing out just 8:30 after trump took the stage. the first assassination attempt of a president in decades. >> if you want to really see something that's sad, look at
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what happened -- >> reporter: trump grabbing his ear, ducking behind the podium as secret service members quickly rushed onto the stage to shield him. the crowd screams as they duck for cover. >> we're good. we're good. >> reporter: agents confirm the shooter is dead. >> shooter down. are we good to move? >> we're clear! >> reporter: trump's microphone picking up those frantic moments with secret service as they lift the former president to his feet. >> reporter: blood visible down the right side of trump's face, as he's hurried away, trump pumping his fist in the year shouting, fight! his supporters erupting in cheers as he's whisked away. >> usa! usa! usa! usa! >> reporter: trump later writing that he was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. the trail of that bullet circled in red appeared to be captured by new york times photographer
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doug mills in this extraordinary image. trump's life saved perhaps by this simple turn of his head. >> we are all in shock. >> i watched mothers shield their children from bullets. >> reporter: authorities say the gunman fired as many as eight rounds from a rifle perched roughly 400 feet from trump on a rooftop just outside the event security perimeter. as he began firing, a secret service sniper positioned just behind the stage taking aim and firing on the gunman, killing him. some witnesses trying to warn police moment befores the shooting. >> he's got a gun! >> reporter: mike and his wife amber were standing nearby. >> we noticed the guy shimmying up the roof and then we realized that he had a gun. and then everybody started screaming to law enforcement. >> reporter: shots then ringing out. then in the stands, urgent calls for a doctor.
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authorities say two attendees were critically injured and one man was killed. seen in this family tribute posted online. james sweetland, an er doctor, jumping in trying to save him, performing cpr, but it was too late. >> i saw his wife, one of his daughters look at me. i'll never forget that look. >> reporter: 50-year-old father of two, hailed as a hero by pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. >> corey was a girl dad. corey was a firefighter. most especially, he loved his family. >> reporter: officials say he dove on his family to shield them from the gun fire. his friends, rich and jess james, remembering a fearless firefighter and a dedicated family man. >> i'm numb. the only thing i can think of right now is his wife and two children. >> reporter: hours after the
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shooting, trump and president biden speaking by phone. sources say the call was short, respectful and good. biden addressing the nation three times in the after math, denouncing political violence, and promising a thorough and swift investigation and enhanced security for trump. in only his third overoffice address ever, the president calling for unity. >> politics must never be a literal battlefeel, god forbid a killing field. >> reporter: trump saying by luck or by god he survived that attempted assassination. he said if he did not turn his head just lightly, it would have been a totally different story. we were just about 100 feet away from the former president as those gunshots erupted at that campaign rally. we heard from governor josh shapiro talking about the victim corey, a girl dad who loved his community, who loved his family, who shielded his family, protecting them as the shots were fired. robin, i could not help but think of all the other families we saw doing the same,
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protecting their loved ones as those shots erupted. those family, of course, made it home last night. corey died a hero, robin. >> robin: he certainly did. rachel, thank you so much. the assassination attempt is raising important questions about the security for donald trump and how the shooter was able to get into that position in the first place. chief justice correspondent pierre thomas is in washington with the investigation into the security breach. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: good morning, robin. no doubt that law enforcement on the scene acted heroically when those shots were fired. news spl report. >> hi, i'm diane macedo. we are coming on the air with breaking news because the federal classified documents case against former president trump has now been dismissed. judge aileen callinan made that ruling, saying the special counsel's appointment, the appointment of special counsel jack smith, was unconstitutional. i want to bring in our senior investigative correspondent,
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erin katersky, for more on the judge's ruling. and, erin, this revolves around the constitution's appointments clause. where did the judge find this legal argument? >> the judge fully agreed with former president trump's defense attorneys that the appointment of special counsel jack smith by attorney general merrick garland was unconstitutional. they said only congress should be allowed to authorize the appointment of someone of smith's stature, and only congress is allowed to authorize the funding for an investigation led by someone like special counsel jack smith. judge cannon, writing in her in her decision, diane, that special counsel smith's prosecution of this action breaches two structural cornerstones of our constitutional scheme the role of congress and the appointment of constitutional officers and the role of congress in authorizing expenditures by law. this means that the prosecution of former president trump, she said, over his handling of classified documents, cannot go
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forward. and it now means the former president will not be prosecuted over his efforts to allegedly hoard classified material at mar a lago after leaving the white house and his alleged efforts to obstruct the government's investigation to try and get those documents bac. >> and i want to bring in our senior reporter, katherine faulders, who broke this story for us. katherine, what does this mean for this case going forward? can this still come together with a new special counsel, or is this case now over? >> well, it is pretty much over. and of course, there will be some appeals here. i can imagine by special counsel jack smith. we haven't heard from him yet, but what this means are the 40 counts that donald trump was facing. this was for the mishandling of classified documents and obstructing the government's investigation. 40 counts there in florida. he no longer faces totally dropped. we'll have to see how the special counsel reacts to this. i'm told by multiple sources that trump has been made aware of this, that he was made aware of this pretty immediately. they are drafting a statement either
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from the former president himself. so we should get that soon. but what this means is the case is over. this also means his co-defendants won't face any charges. his valet, while now the property manager of mar a lago, carlos de oliveira, also facing charges for allegedly obstructing the government's investigation. that's gone too. they were supposed to be down in court later this month on july 22nd, for a status conference in the case that will no longer happen. they essentially this is this is totally done. we will see appeals waiting. we're waiting to hear on what the special counsel, diane, ultimately says. i'm sure we will hear something soon. >> and i want to bring in our chief washington correspondent, jonathan karl, on the timing here. john, just months before the election, two days after an assassination attempt on former president trump and the day the republican convention starts, what do you make of that? how big is this impact on former president trump and the trump campaign? >> well, first of all, trump's allies are absolutely ecstatic about this. as soon as the news
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broke, i talked to one of the one of his close advisers, somebody who has been intimately involved with with trying to appeal this case, trying to stop this investigation, who referred to judge aileen cannon as justice cannon. in other words, she has done such a solid for the former president that she'll be on the short list for supreme court should he get back to the white house again. i mean, look, let's be clear about this. this was a long, long, long shot of an effort by the trump legal team to get this case thrown out by saying that special counsels are not constitutional. i mean, we've had special counsels for, for years, including special counsels that have been cheered on by republicans like special counsel durham, who was investigating the orithe russia investigation. so the idea that special counsels are not, authorized by the constitution because they weren't authorized by, by
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congress, is a, let's say, somewhat of a far fetched legal opinion, certainly outside of the mainstream. but the trump legal team made this case. they were throwing everything at the case, trying everything to get it thrown out. and here you have a judge cannon issuing this shocking order effectively killing this investigation on the first day of the republican national committee. it's really quite amazing. and by the way, let's not forget, this is the special counsel investigation into the classified documents case, but it's not. jack smith's also got a separate special counsel investigation into january 6th. and judge cannon has no authority over that. but by this reasoning, if you were to buy into this reasoning, that would be, also an illegal, unauthorized special counsel investigation. look, there's no real time to appeal this. and trying to go through an appeal just, you know, days after an
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assassination attempt is going to be optically difficult, but but i would suspect this would be this would be strongly appealed. >> and i want to bring that point to our chief justice correspondent, pierre thomas. pierre, we're still waiting. comment from special counsel jack smith. but what does this now mean for the january 6th case, which he is also overseeing? and what do you expect to hear from the justice department on this? >> first of all, i just spoke to a senior justice department official who basically said they are scrambling trying to understand this ruling. we're expecting to get some sort of comment from the special counsel, jack smith, forthcoming. clearly this is a stunning, development. i can tell you an appeal is something that definitely going to be considered, this special counsels have been a linchpin for the justice department in
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investigating politically sensitive cases. so rights was perhaps the most important case. the justice department ever brought. and this was brought first, is now in jeopardy. we're waiting for the special counsel to respond. we expect doj will be responding very soon. >> and aaron, what are you hearing in your reporting about the larger impact here? >> well, there is a line in the decision from judge cannon that says that this does not apply to other jurisdictions. so the implication seems to be that while she found the appointment of special counsel jack smith in the classified documents case to be in violation of the constitution, she does seem to suggest that it doesn't necessarily apply to the january 6th prosecution. so it's possible that that case could move forward unimpeded should the presiding judge, tanya chutkan, disagree. even though
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trump's lawyers may try the same tactic, this long shot tactic, which has succeeded now in florida and it comes after a concurring opinion by supreme court justice clarence thomas in the recent supreme court opinion about presidential immunity. there was nothing in that opinion that was supposed to address the appointments of special counsel, but justice thomas went out of his way to question the legality of appointing special counsels. and that seems to be where judge cannon down in florida, has gravitated to. it could be ripe for appeal by special counsel smith and the justice department. those pierre notes. diane, we have not heard from the special counsel yet, and we haven't heard yet either. >> from former president trump on this. but our executive editorial producer, john santucci, has spoken to sources close to the former president. john, what are you hearing about his reaction? >> diane? diane, diane, i did just speak to multiple sources
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close to former president trump. they tell abc news shock. incredible. one person calling me saying, did you guys see this? we can't believe it. you know, i think this is just an unbelievable moment, obviously, because of the last couple of days for former president trump. but, you know, this is the one case out of the four that because of judge cannon, they had a bit of optimism. they had been saying repeatedly the hearings, the comments the judge was making in court, sources telling me they leave court. and former president trump was in the best mood. our katherine faulders has observed that in first person multiple times. i know she was just on with you, but i can tell you that for folks around donald trump, you know, they have said this has been a year that has rocked this former president. obviously between the seven weeks that he spent in that manhattan court, the shooting that happened, the assassination attempt this past weekend. but the fact that this came, i mean, as one person said to me, what happens tomorrow, it seems every day has just been something for this former president and really a lot of luck on his side. as one person
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observed to me, diane and katherine, you were in the courtroom for most of this trial. >> what does this mean now for trump's legal team? >> i've been to literally every single one of these hearings. what does it mean for trump's legal team? it means that they no longer have work in this case. now, i will tell you from sitting in cannon's courtroom, special counsel jack smith has been there often. it's quite a different vibe than many of these other courthouses that trump has so used to sitting in. this is a judge who trump appointed to the bench, who has ruled in his favor, who he likes, in fact, very much. and you can see from sitting in that courtroom, there's an adversarial relationship between the judge and the special counsel's team. judge cannon has multiple times during these proceedings, had to tell prosecutors with the special counsel's office to calm down. they're getting too worked up. at one point during during one hearing months ago, she said, she essentially said that they were being disrespectful and kicked everybody out of the courtroom. so this is certainly
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a case where the trump lawyers were thrilled to have cannon assigned as a judge and clearly has worked in their favor. i was just on the phone with a couple sources close to trump's legal team who have informed, obviously, the former president about this, and they told me that this is a quote that they hope and expect. the same logic will apply to the dc case. now, what does that mean? we know the special counsel was overseeing two cases, the federal case in washington, d.c, of course, the classified documents case, they hope that the federal case, of course, also gets thrown out, too. we know those proceedings have been paused. they will resume eventually here in the coming days. so that's at least what we're hearing so far from the trump legal team. no comment right now from special counsel jack smith. i can imagine that we will be hearing from him soon either publicly or in a court filing. diane. >> john, what does this mean now for trump going into the republican national convention without having to worry about this case? and what are you looking to hear from him on thursday? >> well, look, this just adds to that air of triumphant that he's going to bring into this leading
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in the polls, surviving the assassination attempt the way he did in pennsylvania, coming in as you talked to delegates already here at the convention, you get the sense that they they're treating him as already the president elect. obviously, there's four months of campaigning to go, but there is a real sense that he's got it all going for him. and this certainly plays into this. and i have to say that there's something else about the timing here. look, you know, judge cannon has already been overruled on matters and including, you know, by the by the 11th circuit, which is a conservative circuit. so there is little doubt that, that an order like this would be ripe for appeal. and she would quite likely be overruled on something like this. but coming when this has come so late in the process, in a case that has been delayed over and over and over again, i mean, there's no time. there's just no time. there was already
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highly, highly unlikely that this case could have come to trial before the election. in november. but, i mean, this is now i mean, there's just absolutely no way. and, you kno, judge cannon, as aaron pointed out, saying this doesn't necessarily affect other jurisdictions. well, of course it it doesn't because she has no jurisdiction whatsoever over that january 6th case. and i would see zero possibility that judge chutkan in that case would agree with this highly unusual reading of the special counsel, statute to, to, you know, to throw the case out on the grounds that the judge cannon has. but no, this is a this is going to be a triumphant donald trump. the one thing that he has signaled about his speech, he has said that he has completely rewritten his speech based on what happened in pennsylvania, making it a speech that is now aimed at national unity, we'll see how this impacts that. but
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but certainly republicans are feeling like they've got the wind at their back right now. >> all right, john. catherine. erin. pierre, john, thank you all. and again, that federal classified documents case against former president trump is now dismissed. we will have much more tonight on a special edition of world news tonight with david muir live from milwaukee, and continued coverage on abc news live. i'm coverage on abc news live. i'm diane macedo now we'll return looking for a sm r way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. i'm
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kumasi air and crews are fighting. multiple fires sparked by lightning this weekend across california. firefighters in yosemite are putting out nine new fires, all started by lightning. thankfully, they're small firefighters in the tahoe national forest counted 127 lightning strikes saturday into yesterday. starting four fires and containment is improving on all of those. you can see on the cal fire map which fires are actively burning. fortunately, the lightning sparked fires have not exploded in size as we've seen in the past. cal fire says lightning caused four of our state's most destructive wildfires, and traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza has been backed up into the maze because of an earlier crash, so the san mateo bridge is a great option for you. >> westbound on the right hand side, drive time toll plaza to foster city is 13 minutes, but it is an exceptionally slow ride on northbound 680 as you make your way from 84 up towards 580 because of roadwork. so that's a
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stretch to avoid right now. also sluggish in the southbound direction. >> kumasi thanks, francis. meteorologist lisa argen has a quick look surge, o city by the bay. >> let hope renew. >> brilliant minds set us apart
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five out of the top 50 settlements came from sweet james call, the firm awarded best attorneys in america. call sweet james what's my name? >> what's my name? >> good morning to you monday morning. look at all the cloud cover here. our exploratorium camera temperatures are in the 50s to near 60, so perhaps it's a light jacket out there, then. breezy, with sunny skies away from the coast, some upper 50s inland, now getting a little su, their upper 80s in our warmest locations. kumasi >> thank you lisa. if you're streaming on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else. gma magic cauldron it's time to brew a happiest halloween with so much to do. >> just a pinch of pumpkin. a dash of vat, a sprinkle of joy from my witch's hat.
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convention. donald trump arrived in milwaukee overnight. he insisted on the event going forward as planned. >> george: highest level of skurlt designated by the government. there are thousands of law enforcement officers including secret service snipers on rooftops. trump's rally was the first time a sniper killed an assassin. major cities such as washington, d.c., baltimore and philadelphia under excessive heat warnings. that is the highest level of heat for heat. plus houston temperatures soaring texas governor abbott is demanding an investigation of the utility. they are still without power a week after hurricane beryl hit. >> michael: a hacker who claimed to have stolen customer data from at&t was reportedly paid by the company to delete it. the telecom giant said to have paid nearly $400,000 in bit coin in may. at&t said the hackers stole data from nearly all of its wireless
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customers. we've got a lot more ahead including alec baldwin's involuntary manslaughter case thrown out in court. dan abrams is here with what could come next. >> robin: right now remembering shannen doherty. she rose to fame with roles on 930210 and charmed. she passed away at the age of 353. 2020 co-anchor deborah roberts joins us with a look at her life, legacy and tributes that are coming in. good morning. >> reporter: so many remembering this actress who left quite a mark not just on hollywood but life. shannen doherty left memphis tennessee and took hollywood by storm head strong and talented she shot to fame, fell from grace, reinvented herself, unapologetic and always the picture of a survivor. >> they look like they just
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stepped out of a music video. i don't have the right hair. >> reporter: she shot to fame portraying a captivating teen living in a world of privilege, angst in beverly hills 90210. >> i'm brandon's sister. >> reporter: years later then took a super natural turn in "charmed." >> the spell was only supposed to work on me. >> reporter: this morning shannen doherty's spark has dimmed, gone as age 53. her publicist telling abc news she lost her battle with cancer after many years of fighting the disease. the devoted daughter, sister, aunt and friend was surrounded by her loved ones, as well as her dog bowie. her talent was undeniable from the age of 10 when she landed a role in the popular tv show "little house on the prairie." >> who's good at this game? >> reporter: but it was the run away success of 90210 that made her a household name. >> i can be remember.
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i can be somebody. >> reporter: with her signature dark hair and raspy voice, doherty left her mark on the big screen as well in movies like "girls just wanna have fun." and heathers. >> i'm failing miserably. >> reporter: in 2015, doherty shocking fans with news she had breast cancer, leading to chemotherapy, radiation and mastectomy, sharing with robin roberts that her cancer was in remission. >> everything is going well. you hear remission, it's a rush of emotion. >> reporter: then 2020, a sad update. >> i have stage 4. my cancer came back. >> reporter: last year the cancer spreading to her brain and bones. she had surgery to remove brain tumor. yet doherty refused to give in to the disease show casing her trademark tenacity last november. >> you have to dig deal. that well is there. you just keep digging to the
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well for the strength and hope. >> reporter: this morning her 90210 co-stars paying tribute to their beloved brenda. jason priestly posting on instagram, she was a force of nature and i will miss her. brian austin green writing, shan, my sister, you loved me through everything. i'll miss you more than i know how to process right now. to many, doherty will be remembered as a the ultimate fighter who stared down cancer and fought it every step of the way. the mourning goes on for her co-star, former co-star jenny garth writing our connection was real and honest and tory spelling broken hearted saying, i don't have outward words yet, but we knew and that's what matters. doherty will be remembered for her strength, as we said, in the face of pain. often sharing her thoughts about death, saying she didn't fear it. you guys remember, she was very open and candid until the very end. symbol of resilience and strength.
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>> robin: we always enjoyed when she joined us, absolutely. >> george: thank you, deb. up next, the prosecutor on the case against alec baldwin before it was dismissed. why the star could now sue. case. why the star could now sue. ♪ big smiles guys. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ whaaat?? it's super hero day at school... ♪ tiktok song ♪ sfx: [tea kettle] sfx: [ding!] ♪ l'eggo with eggo. can we... herbal essences is packed
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severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. >> george: we are back now with the dismissal of the involuntary manslaughter case against alec baldwin. we are hearing from the special prosecutor who quit the case. mola lenghi is in california. good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, george. yeah, the judge dismissing the case against baldwin with prejudice, meaning the state cannot refile these involuntary manslaughter charges against baldwin. this is the moment actor alec baldwin, charged with involuntary manslaughter, learned he was a free man. >> the defense is not in the position to test the state's theory as to the source of the live rounds that killed ms. hutchens. >> reporter: covering his mouth in disbelief as the judge read her decision. >> your motion to dismiss with prejudice is granted. >> reporter: sobbing and hugging his wife. he faced up to 18 months in prison if convicted. a judge ruling to dismiss his case after learning potentially key evidence was withheld by prosecutors. >> they buried it. they put it under a different case with a different number. >> reporter: this morning we are hearing from one of the special prosecutors, telling abc news about why she abruptly resigned from the case over that withheld evidence brought to the judge's
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attention by baldwin's attorneys at a hearing on friday. johnson leaving hours before the judge's demiss to dismiss the case. >> i don't believe it was untensional. i think it was unfortunate that this evidence was deemed to not be relevant. when i saw the bullets come out, i noticed three of them resembled the ammunition found on "rust." my thinking was this should have been turned over. >> reporter: the bullets turned over to new mexico investigator. they could be from the same batch that killed hutchens. the lead detective with the santa fe sheriffs office taking the stand asked if the prosecutor was involved in the decision not to enter that ammo into evidence. >> was ms. morrisey part of that discussion? >> yes. >> reporter: then taking the stand as her own witness. >> i was not aware at that point in time that a dock report would
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not have the same case number as rough. i was not aware that it would not be linked to the rust case number. >> the prosecutors owe a duty to defendants to ensure all the cards are on the table and that a litigation is done fairly. >> reporter: baldwin breaking his silence, thanking supporters, writing on social media in part, to all of you, you will never know how much i appreciate your kindness towards my family. the hutchens family releasing a statement of their own saying in part, they look forward to presenting all evidence to a jury and holding baldwin accountable still, guys. >> george: okay, mola, thank you very much. let's bring in dan abrams. judge acted swiftly and decisively. was the decision that clear cut? >> it was a stunning move. the judge did not have to dismiss the case based on this. there are other potential remedies that the judge co-use. the judge could have said certain evidence will be
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excluded from the case. prosecutors can be sanctioned in some way. but the fact that the case was dismissed to me says that the judge had some other concerns about the case. think about it this way. if this had been a premeditated murder case, right, and there was an enormous amount of evidence against the defendant, wouldn't a judge have dismissed the case for this violation? i don't think so. so i think the judge incorporated other concerns about this case in saying, do you know what? this case has been a mess from day one and as a result, i'm gonna dismiss it although that's not what she said. >> michael: could there be an investigation into misconduct by the prosecutor? >> there could be. certainly the baldwin team wants -- look trb baldwin team has been furious at these prosecutors for months. there may be a civil lawsuit in connection with that. we shall see. it's tough to sue prosecutors. the question becomes how did this happen? why did this happen? that's why the lead prosecute eur wanted to take the stand, to defend herself and say, look.
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you may think this was bad or wrong, but it wasn't done on purpose by phep >> robin: the armorer's attorneys want her case dismissed. any chance of that happening? >> i think she's the most interesting thing. the question of how did the ammunition get on the set? how were these ammunition filed, etc? isn't that relevant to baldwin's case, yet his case has been dismissed. to her case, it's incredibly relevant. her case was all about, how did this ammo get on the set? who was responsible for it? i got the believe you're going to dismiss alec baldwin's case and not hers is tough. the response would be, well, this is for actions taken after her case was over. yes, that's true. but if you're going to say this was such a fundamental violation, i don't see how it impacts her case. remember, alec baldwin's defense was with regard to what he was supposed to do on set as an
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actor. it wasn't about how the bullets got there. for her case that was the key question. >> george: you mentioned possibly a civil lawsuit. can baldwin sue? >> he can sue. he may sue. whether he wins is a separate question. it is tough to sue prosecutors and win a case. alec baldwin is facing his own civil lawsuits. you saw family saying they are looking forward to laying the evidence out. they're talking about in a civil lawsuit against alec baldwin. that's another factor in him deciding whether to file his own civil lawsuit. >> michael: dan abrams, thank you, as all. stay right there. when we come back, the play of the day. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. dawn powerwash has 3 cleaning boosters not found in traditional dish soaps that remove food and grease 5x times faster. and, because it cleans so well...
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>> michael: back now with our play of the day and all the highlights in wimbeldon's second. laras that winners and a big surprise. >> lara: it was a great weekend. that's wrap from the all england club after an incredible weekend of tennis, strawberries and cream and some big wins. on the women's side 32nd ranked barbora beat the better seeded 28-year-old italian jasmine perolina to take the women's singles title. there was one american winner. taylor townsend. the mom of a 3-year-old grabbing the doubles title with her partner. and then on the men's side there was just no stopping the spaniard carlos alcarez winning
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his second straight wimbeldon title beating novak djokovic and denying djokovic what would have been a 25th grand slam. it was a rematch for the ages. just last year alcarez won his first wimbeldon in a nearly five hour match. this was a very different story. novak, just off knee surgery, could not keep up with the 21-year-old, losing the first two sets 6-2, 6-2. he gave everything he had forcing a tie break in the third. it was not enough. alcarez did the unthinkable, beating djokovic in straight sets. alcarez said, i did my part, team. now it's your part. sure enough the footballers would go on to bring home a win over england in the european championship. prince william and prince george were on hand for that final. and speaking of the royals, one more very special moment at wimbeldon. princess kate on hand to hand
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out the trophy after the match. she received a massive standing ovation as she came to center court with princess charlotte and her sister pipa. this was just her second appearance since her cancer diagnosis. we'll have more coming up. we will be right back. when the music stops grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form. i don't see you. -oh, come on. this one's perfect for you. but you. love it. i told you we should have done a piñata. i explained it so many times. um-hum. they're not sitting. -and it rocks... you need to sit down. ♪ wayfair. every style. every home. ♪ [introspective music] recipes. recipes written by hand and lost to time. are now being analyzed and restored
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♪ dsg family clothing and gear priced to win. only at dicks >> ginger: one of the large wild fires burning in california, in the bay area, it's destroyed one home. we've got pretty high fire danger. it's gonna come from these dry, gusty winds and thunderstorms where the water doesn't make to it the base. you could have lightning and those gusty winds spreading the wild fires still in place. the heat dome was build back by
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this weekend. even though things were parched and the vegetation is perfect fuel, you're going to get more of that. coming up bon jovi's key boardist and his daughter are here. they're going to talk about their fun self-help podcast. then lori bergamotto is here with the early prime deals you a team can help you plan for your dreams. so your dream car, and vacation home, may be closer than you think. ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo. it's time to get away outn and cash in at cache creek casino resort. with four stars and rising stars. northern california's
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premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cash in at cash creek casino resort. >> fargo is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. oh, come on, come on. fargo lets you do this. >> fargo, turn off my debit car. i found it, i found my card. >> and also this fargo turned all my debit card. >> do you? >> fargo. you can with wells fargo. >> former president trump, the assassination attempt, the shooter and at least one bystander confirmed dead. stay with abc news and david muir reporting live on world news tonight. and with special coverage of the republican national convention tonight on. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's frances now with a look at traffic. >> all right kumasi. there's a really slow spot through this. an old grade, but it's in the
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northbound direction because of roadwork. traffic is crawling there. as you can see, six miles per hour. it's also slow in the southbound direction because of an earlier accident. and here's northbound 680 at koopman. a live camera shot where it's also pretty breezy. and you see that slow drive time. southbound 680 highway four to walnut creek, 13 minutes. lisa. >> okay, frances. we are starting out with a lot of cloud cover around the bay with upper 50s to low 60s in oakland, but starting to brighten up in our inland valleys. 60 in concord later on. today it's still a further cool down with some mid 80s inland 70 in oakland, 65 san francisco near average today, some low 80s in the south bay, and the accuweather seven day forecast. slightly cooler for your tuesday beginning to reverse that trend on wednesday and then getting hot inland. the end of the week. >> thanks, lisa. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else, it's gma. >> when such powers i you
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solutions, fun rugs and accessories ensure it all comes together in style. get everything they need fast with free shipping as soon as next day. start creating only at living spaces. living spaces this is monster jam as big gets. >> coming to oakland arena august 3rd and fourth and sap center august 9th through the 11th. great seats are still available at brought to you by bkt tires and great clips. >> when data turns into action, you don't have to wait for the world to turn. you can drive. it's motion elastic. the search i company tv's biggest morning party live with kelly and mark >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. the investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. the republican national convention getting under way. donald trump arrives in
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milwaukee just a day after trump's ear was pierced by a bullet at a rally. questions this morning about the security surrounding the event. how did the gun man get a clear line of sight from over 200 yards away? homeland security secretary mayorkas joins us live. >> michael: overnight chaos at the copa america. fans climbing walls, fences, even going through vents, as mesi and argentina miss the trophy. plus shakira's stunning halftime performance turning up the heat. >> george: princess kate at wimbeldon. gets a huge standing ovation as she attends the finals. and just her second public appearance since her cancer diagnosis. >> robin: remembering workout guru richard simmons, who turned his own weight loss into an empire. >> let's do that again, come on! >> robin: making fitness fun. >> thank you very much!
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>> michael: celebrating the life and legacy of dr. ruth, the beloved second therapist bringing humor and straight shooting. >> it's a perfectly way of doing sex education. >> michael: she never held back. >> robin: and every day greatness tapping into your potential to make your dreams come true. >> be intentional about what it is that you want and go aeufrt without apology. >> robin: this morning good american's ceo shares the secrets to her success. the mindset you need to get what you want. as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning, america. >> michael: glad you're with us. i'm excited for this new series. i really am. >> robin: we got a dozen dose of robin. robin arzon going to join us. every day greatness, how to tap
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into your inner strength and achieve your goal, how to let go of your fear and retrain your thoughts. >> george: first we start with the investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. trump arrived last night in milwaukee for the republican national convention a day after gun fire erupted at his rally in pennsylvania. i want to go back to rachel scott who was at the rally. >> reporter: good morning. one of the most pressing questions here in pennsylvania this morning is how that gun man came so close, within 400 feet of a former president. the attempted assassination casting a cast on this country and election. president trump touching down in milwaukee, just one day after surviving that assassination attempt. he told "the new york post" i'm not supposed to be here. i'm supposed to be dead. authorities say the gun man, thomas matthew crooks, was armed with an ar-15 rifle and fired as many as eight rounds into that rally. officials say he was perched
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roughly 400 feet away from trump on a roof top just outside the event security perimeter. that gun fire rang out eight minutes after trump took the stage. the former president could be seen grabbing his ear, ducking behind the podium. secret service members rushing the stage to shield him. blood was visible down the side of trump's face as he was hurried away. he then puts his fist up in the air shouting fight, fight, fight. he later revealed he was shot by a bullet that pierced his right ear. a secret service sniper took aim at the gun man killing him. two attendees were critically injured. one man was killed. governor josh shapiro said corey was a girl dad, that he loved his family, loved his community, that he died a hero shielding his family from that gun fire, george. >> george: okay, rachel. thanks very much. we're going to be joined now by the homeland secretary mayorkas. i believe. there he is. thank you for joining us.
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we just heard about the investigation. i think lot of people are having questions about how a gun man could get up to the roof with a clear line of sight on the president. you oversee the secret service. what went wrong? what's being done about it? >> george, let me at the very outset echo president biden's important words of yesterday evening. we are so very grateful that former president trump is okay. our hearts are with the compentour family, who lost a father and a husband. we are praying for those injured for a full and speedy recovery. george a direct line of sight like that to the former president should not occur. that's why president biden directed tpha an independent review of the incident occur. that will be done in close coordination with the fbi, which is conducting a separate criminal investigation the importance of which cannot be overstated.
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we have to learn everything about the assailant who, of course, the secret service neutralized. we are going to really study the event independently and make recommendations to the secret service and to me so that we can assure the safety and security of our protectees which is one of our most vital missions in the secret service. the department of homeland security and across the government. >> george: what do you mean independently? >> it is very important that the facts be learned by an independent body outside of the department of homeland security so that the integrity of the investigative process and the conclusions reached and the recommendations made have the full confidence of the government and the american public. and we intend to be transparent with respect to the findings and recommendations of the independent review. >> george: you also received a letter from the chair pan of the
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house homeland security committee suggests the department may have rebuffed multiple requests from president trump's security detail to increase protective resources. how do you respond to that? >> that is a false assertion. we keep very close watch on a very dynamic threat environment. the president, the former president, are commonly consistently under threat. we take every single threat seriously. we make security adjustments as are warranted. we had enhanced security for the former president, beginning in june. we had not received any requests for additional security measures that were rebuffed. that is false. >> george: you're confident the republican national convention is now secure? >> we have been planning for the
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security of the republican national convention for 18 months. it is a national security special event. we work very closely not only with our federal government partners, but with state and local authorities to ensure the safety and security of the rnc. >> george: mr. secretary, thanks for your time this morning. michael? >> michael: thank you so much, george. we're going to turn to chaos outside hard rock stadium in miami last night before kickoff of the copa america finals. fans without tickets stormed the stadium, some climbing to get in delaying the start of the game. victor oquendo is in miami with the story. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning. those chaotic scenes playing out behind pups that dangerous crush of unruly fans pushing past security overshadowing the final and historic night for argentina.
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overnight chaos at the copa america finals. ♪ fan excitement reaching a fever pitch as argentia and columbia prepared to face off. the crush forcing children to be passed over fences for their own safety. the start time of the game nearly pushed back hour and a half. teens and teams were pulled. fans climbing walls, fences, even going through vents. many were without tickets according to the venue. law enforcement surrounded the area, eventually removing those without tickets. game itself tense. neither team scoring in first 90 minutes after that delay. argentina, heading into overtime without their star lionel mesi, who left at the 64 minute mark. mesi seen burtsing into tears on the sidelines.
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argentina's martinez finally scoring a goal, leading argentina to its 16th copa america title. and in a statement miami dade's mayor saying in part, this situation should have never taken place and cannot happen again. she promises a full review. keep in mind hard rock stadium will host world cup games in 2026. guys? >> michael: victor, boy, that was a scene right there. thank you for that. congratulations to argentina. coming up in our gma morning menu, stunning performance at the copa america final by shakira. >> george: also princess kate received a standing ovation as she attended wimbeldon. second time we've seen her since her cancer diagnosis. >> robin: plus celebrating richard simmons and dr. ruth. how these icons blazed new trails. lara, you're with robin arzon for something we are very
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excited about. >> lara: yeah. me, too, robin. i love this. we're kicking off our new series with robin, making your aspirations a reality. how great is that? it all starts right here with your mindset. we'll tell you how to do it coming up on "good morning america." up on "good morning america." ♪ ♪ lvi helps us push back against bipolar 1. once-daily prescription lybalvi is proven to treat manic or mixed episodes of bipolar 1 in adults, to help you push back. elderly patients with dementia have increased risk of death or stroke. do not take lybalvi if you are taking opioids or are in opioid withdrawal. the samidorphan in lybalvi can cause severe opioid withdrawal that can lead to hospitalization or increase risk of life-threatening overdose. get emergency help if you have trouble breathing, become very drowsy with slowed or shallow breathing, feel faint, very dizzy, or confused or have a fever, stiff muscles, rash, swollen glands or problems with your liver, kidneys, heart, or lungs. other serious side effects may include high cholesterol,
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♪ ♪ >> george: time for our gma cover story. we told you about the chaos outside the hard rock stadium last night. erielle reshef joins us. >> shakira taking the arena by storm, her first halftime appearance at the copa america. dazzling fans on the pitch, reaching fevered pitch.
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♪ shakira making the crowd go mad in her copa america halftime debut in the argentina versus columbia match. ♪ the singer heating up hard rock stadium, complete with ai and pyro techics of mashup medley of tracks. her set opening with hits, then followed by songs off her newly released spanish album. ♪ tqg. ♪ fans fawning over her big stage presence in miami, which looked like a throw back to the super bowl's halftime show with j. lo in 2020 when the two latina super stars lit up the 50 yard
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line. her much anticipated return to the stage comes amid her legal woes. spanish officials allege the multigrammy winning artist defrauded the country out of more than $15 million in back taxes, reaching a deal last year, she accepted the charges and paid a fine half the amount, avoiding a three year prison sentence. her miniperformance in miami just a preview before the star tick kicks off her world tour in california this fall. what a performance. apparently not everyone embraced her performance. before the game columbia's coach reportedly slammed the star's halftime appearance saying it might distract his players. well, in the end, columbia fell 0-1 to argentina, so you be the judge. i think a lot of fans would say whenever, wherever. >> robin: what type of distraction? >> michael: i think it's
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fantastic. all right. thank you so much, erielle. now princess kate appearing at the men's wimbeldon final. watching the match,then presenting the winner with the trophy. it is just the second time we've seen her since her cancer diagnosis. james longman joins us with more. it was so good to see her, james. so good to see you. good morning, my friend. >> reporter: thanks, michael. it really was good to see her, wasn't it? the wimbeldon final always attracts famous faces. but those on center court were really looking forward to seeing one more than anyone else. princess kate. back for only her second public appearance since that cancer diagnosis. and she was treated to a royal welcome. princess of wales. standing ovation at wimbeldon for a very special guest. princess kate, with a rare public appearance. she was joined in the royal box by daughter charlotte and sister pipa. kate, who's still under going
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treatment for cancer, presented the trophy to the men's finals winner. he retained his title against novak djokovic. princess kate is an avid tennis fan. she's patron of the all england tennis and croquet club head quartered at wimbeldon. this was the first and on game she watched, making it just her second public appearance since her cancer diagnosis. she was last seen a month ago where she joined the rest of the royals on that famous balcony issuing a statement beforehand, explaining she had good days and bad days. on the bad days you feel weak and tired andio v to give in to your body resting. on the good days when you feel stronger you want to make the most of feeling well. the british public pleased to see their princess on a good day. >> when she appeared there was just this completely spontaneous
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standing ovation from the crowd. that feels really heartwarming. i think it's really reflective of the mood across the country. there's just been a huge amount of concern for her, huge amount of empathy. people are really happy to see her out and about. >> reporter: now the princess is not yet back full time. the palace has yet to announce an official date for her return to public life. she looks so good, so healthy. she looked incredible in that wimbeldon purple. guys. >> michael: we cannot disagree with you on that, james. she looked great. great to see her out. ginger, over to you. >> ginger: thank you. july is tornado season. northern plain throughs canada. it looked that way. this is richland county, north dakota. thankfully, just across the field there. we also saw big time damaging winds around chicago. this is joliet, illinois. they saw gusts of clearly 70 plus. tonight we'll do it again. from west to east you see that ba
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>> robin: now to remembering richard simmons. he turn chris connelly joins us with his nearly 100 pound weight loss into a sensational story. chris collelly joins us with more on this one of a kind man. >> reporter: good morning, robin. who el could turn a weight loss workout into a festival of fun? but richard simmons could be serious about helping his millions of fans live healthier lives.
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richard simmons was america's most popular fitness advocate. >> let's sweat! >> reporter: with his high energy videos like sweatin to the oldies and his mile a minute infomercials, to the wild talk show appearances. simmons built a business empire and became a buzzed about celebrity. >> i'll be the prop. >> reporter: on screen and loving it. >> this one wants more coins. [ laughter ] >> reporter: holding his own against improv heavyweights, bringing passion and pizazz to the weight loss workouts. >> he made people laugh. he made people feel good about themselves. he made exercise fun. even for me. >> time to boogie! >> reporter: richard simmons concern for the health of his public was real, born from his 250 pound teenage years. >> why didn't you like yourself?
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>> it seemed like i was to different from everybody else. >> reporter: even testifying before congress years ago. >> i do not want any child in america to have my childhood because it was taken away from me because i just wasn't good enough. i wanted to make sure they knew the other side of richard simmons. i put a suit on and i went to washington. people told me i looked good. that i sounded good and i made sense. that's gonna be my legacy for the rest of my life. >> he had the pure joy of helping people because he liked people. >> hi, everybody! >> reporter: he would be relentless about supporting those who needed it most. >> when will it be time to hang it up for you? >> never. i will never hang it up until -- yes, i will! i will hang it up when everyone
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is healthy! let's do that again! come on. when people don't need me anymore and when god has asked me to come back. that's when i'll stop. >> reporter: richard simmons died at his home in los angeles on saturday, the day after he turned 76. richard simmons had been reaching out recently to old friends and business associates. he was having so much fun, his brother lenny told us. as simmons put it, people treat me like family because i have always treated them like family. >> robin: so good. >> lara: what a very nice man he was. now a very special woman. we're going to remember the life of dr. ruth. she may have been small in size but she had a huge personality and never held back, bringing her straight talk and humor to a topic rarely discussed so frankly. >> hello. >> reporter: when dr. ruth westheimer spoke -- >> in order to have a good sexual relationship, you need to have a relationship built in.
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>> lara: we all leaned in to listen. >> i would like to see more men and more women to be what i call sexually literate. to really know what they need, what their partner needs. >> lara: while she famously stood at just 4' 7", she was a towering figure in tv and radio for decades. in the 1980s she made waves hosting a 15 minute radio show called second sexually speaking. talking out loud and out front became a main stay on her dr. ruth show. >> if you start to compete with somebody, you'll be in trouble.n into trouble. >> she was also a frequent guest on the late night talk show circuit. i was using contraceptives
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joining us several times on good morning america. >> doctor ruth, my boyfriend, spends more time on his smartphone than visiting with me, is it a fix or a nix fix or nix, guys? >> oh, mix it. nix, born karola ruth siegel in germany in 1928. she was an orphan of the holocaust who were rescued with a kindertransport going into switzerland, never to see our families again. doctor ruth, remembered by friends like alison gilbert, coauthor of doctor ruth's forthcoming book the joy of connections, and doctor ruth had that ability to make everyone that she knew feel like they mattered. >> she lived a life of connection, and the way she made her fans and friends feel was that we all are important to
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her, and that we belong. making sure people all felt that they had a seat at the table. >> let's agree to disagree and let's have good, terrific sex. >> doctor ruth was 96 years old. oh, we just loved her so much she would have the best giggle. i mean, the best. hey. coming up, robin teaming up with robin stars.and to bring us some everyday greatness. everybody don't want to miss that. coming up on gma. >> let's play the feud. don't they. says i'm a fan of you steve. >> oh we have my beautiful fiance kelsey. i'm so starstruck. >> i need a copy of that. >> twice the celebrities on a new season of who wants to be a millionaire. now f mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. francis, how's traffic today? >> it's pretty slow, especially
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on 680 because of road work. that's really tying things up northbound as you make your way through sunol, approaching dublin. traffic has been crawling there at eight miles per hour, picking up to 13. and also, here's a look at 680 in walnut creek, though this is looking good. no problems towards highway 24, but westbound 80 highway four to the maze has been slow because of an earlier crash almost 30 minutes. and then it's backed up to the maze to the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights a live look at 880 in oakland, though, shows things flowing really smoothly in both directions. reggie. thanks, francis. >> we're going to check in with lisa argen for the weather right after this. >> fargo is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. oh come on, come on, fargo let's you do this. >> fargo, turn off my debit card, i found it, i found my card, and also this. fargo, turn on my debit card. >> do you. fargo you can with wells fargo precision is an excellent company. >> we had an idea of what we wanted, but we weren't sure how to put it together. >> it's kind of one of those
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things that i personally take pride in making sure that the people make the right decision. >> we highly recommend precision precision door service, a name you can trust. >> hey, let's go somewhere fun with triple a! let's go for a night on the town. no kids. let's go for a weekend away. okay, let's bring the kids. but first, let's get this fixed. >> triple a, your membership to go. >> over the past 37 years, aids walk san francisco has raised vital funds for organizations across the bay area. and we are still fighting for a future free from stigmas and effects of hiv and aids. starts with you. don't let history repeat itself. by registering today, you take steps towards a better tomorrow. join us sunday, july 21st in golden gate park. to register, visit sfgate's waternet wit wells fargo premiere, a team can help you plan for your dreams so your dream car and vacation home may be closer than you think.
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>> ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo >> hey, bay area live with kelly and marcus coming up, let's chat with anna faris. >> plus kylie cantrell from descendants is here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> good monday morning. waking up to a pretty quiet view here. pier 39, right. a lot of cloud cover temperatures in the 50s and 60s. it is brightening up in our inland valleys, and this fog will retreat to the shoreline. it's 60 in concord, winds over 30 miles an hour. by the delta 60s at the coast, mid 80s inland. >> reggie thanks, lisa. another abc7 news update. about 30 minutes. you can always catch us on our news app and >> i am marvelous.d >> you are god's perfect idiot,
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aren't you? >> answer is yes. >> george: deadpool and wolverine coming later this summer. its stars ryan ja jackman will be with us monday. we are looking forward to that. now we're looking forward to robin. >> robin: r squared. our new series, every day greatness. i am teaming up with robin arzon to help you inspire you. help you find your passion, achieve your goals. we'll start with the leader sharing her tools for success. robin, we want to break down how you can do it. first up good america's ceo who said her thoughts are her super power. love that. emma greed's career has been defined by greatness. >> intentional about what it is that you want and go after it without apology. >> reporter: from building the breakout brand good american alongside partner khloe kardashian bringing in $250 million in global sales last
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year. >> the thing we do at good american better than anyone else is denim. >> robin: serving as founding partner of skims and share person of the 50% pledge. she's made her mark on "shark tank." >> i'm going to give you the $100,000 but i think i need 25%. >> robin: and roku's side hustlers. >> i'm proud of the things that i have done but equally proud the journey and all the things that came before. often we don't talk about the failures. i'm the opposite. i do it all the time because i know everything that i haven't done that hasn't work, i have taken those learnings and spun them into something new. i could do this all day make it look perfect. >> robin: emma, now sharing her secrets to success. first up, define a plan. >> i have been very very clear about what it is that i want and then i chart a path of how to get there. this is what will make me happy. this is the success i want. here are the steps i'm going to need to get there.
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>> robin: for emma, it's all about reframing her thoughts. >> start first thing in the morning. i wake up and my day is just chock full of problems. i can think, oh my goodness, i have so many issues today or i can think, i get to do this. >> robin: she reinforces that mindset shift every day while brushing her teeth. >> you can talk yourself up and into anything, or out of it. and so if you can start to change the way you think, you change the way you act. that's one of the keys to really, really changing what happens in a day. >> robin: finally emma says let go of fear and go for your goals confidently. >> you have to put your ambition ahead of your fear. you have to make sure that you can grab onto what it is that you really want and you really need. >> robin: robin is with me. lot of what you do is focused on boosting mental strength. yeah, you want to be strong. but up here as well. i often say you gotta change the
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way you think in order to change the way you feel. emma, her mindset is that as well. give people the tools. how can you unlock those thoughts to have that greatness that we know that's within us all? >> the conversation we have in between our ears is the most important conversation we're going to have. i like folks to tune in to that conversation and then remain action oriented by controlling the controllables. >> robin: you're all about manifesting. not just doing that. a vision board. i saw you do this on your social. i love to follow you. but there's some people who are not familiar with that. they need help. how do they go about establishing their vision board? what tips do you have? >> it's a vision of what our dreams and goals are. on my vision board was working with you, ms. robin roberts, on gma. here we are. tips for a vision board are to organize it themeatically, whether that's fitness, romantic relationships.
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something you want in your home or business. then play. who you follow on social media, what you're attracted to in a magazine, newspaper. you can cut it out and kind of play with that in a visual perspective. and then you want to write down things that inspire you, quotes, mantras. that's where you really get to put pen to paper and say, this is what i want for my life. then spend time with your vision board. screen shot it, use it as a wall paper on your phone, computer. put it in your office. so that's a reminder of, this is what we're inching towards. >> robin: you want to put it in a place you want to see it. it is about manifestation. we put out a call to our viewers to ask questions. sierra, i believe from new jersey, has this question for you. >> thanks. >> what tools do you have to stay positive and motivated when the going gets tough? especially at a time when you're met with a lot of no's. >> robin: everyone's always talking about how they have this
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vision and everything and that they, they don't want to talk about -- what am i trying to say. we always talk about successes. but failure. you can learn from your failure. >> failure is feed back. i think that we need that for the expansion. there are going to be closed doors, but it's important to remember your why and approach grit with a certain element of grace. >> robin: grit and grace. i like that. g&g. the f word. not that one. fear. fear. [ laughter ] i do listen to some of your classes. you do go there. fear, fear, fear. just takes the eye of a needle and keeps you paralyzed in a sense. >> yeah. >> robin: what's your advice there, going through fear? >> acknowledge that it's there. then we have an ability to reframe it, to zoom out. i think, you know, we can become the stories we tell ourselves. but when we couch it in something that's more expansive, we take the charge out of it.
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and then, take one step, one small step. action. action really, really dilutes that feeling of fear. >> robin: what's your call to action for our viewers who are listening? >> speak to yourself like you would a friend. that's the number one thing i would love viewers to take away. >> robin: because there's some things that you say about yourself that you would never say to a stranger, much less a friend. give us your mantra. what's your mantra? >> my mantra, as my baby boy is about to turn 1, is i'm not done yet. and it just takes one. one mile, one step, one pedal stroke. when we focus on just the next step, we really discover that forward is a pace. >> robin: secret to getting ahead is just getting started. i like to say, instead of one day, day one. flip it around. all right, robin. rub off on me. we're going to have much more on everyday greatness and emma's tools for success on good morning robin, you gonna come back?
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>> yes, i am. i'm going to be here tomorrow. >> robin: all right. she's going to talk about innovation and productivity. coming up the fun new podcast from bon jovi's key boardist and his daughter. they look good. they are here live. come on back.
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>> michael: we're back with one one of the funniest father/daughter duos around.
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one of the founding fathers of bon jovi is teaming up with his daughter for a new podcast called let me ask my dad. good morning to both of you. i have known you and your dad a long time. i'm afraid to ask you some things. i'm afraid of some of these questions. >> you should be. >> michael: do you know what i love about this best? no topic is off limits. you can talk about breakups, friendships, family, rock 'n' roll. was there one question that you were hesitant to ask your dad about? >> absolutely not. here's the thing. we have no boundaries. that's a beautiful thing. we're best friends first, father/daughter second. so i asked him anything. he told me everything. it's a scary situation. >> michael: it is a little scary. one thing you were hoping she wouldn't ask you about. >> you know what?
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i was open to everything. almost everything. can't ask me about the '80s too much. >> those ten years are off limits and then everything -- >> like '84/'90 she's not allowed to ask. >> michael: do you remember '84 to '90? >> i had to dust off that memory a bit. >> michael: this was your idea. what did you think when gabby came to you about this idea? >> she said i want to do this podcast, let me ask my dad. i said, great. what's a podcast? i didn't even know what one was. i'm like, okay. i'll do. it >> he kept asking me if he could text his friends the podcast. i said, you're going to love this. there's this thing called the internet. it's huge. >> michael: what's the best piece of advice your dad has ever given you? >> i think just follow your dreams, ultimately. he was so for me being a comedienne from the jump. we get to bond on rooms and
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touring and stuff. just all support. >> her job is to not let me die. [ laughter ] you're the funny one. don't hang me out to dry. >> michael: what's the most surprising thing someone has asked you about on the podcast? >> there's a lot of wild questions. this one woman said, i haven't dated in 20 years. how do i get back out there? and i'm only 20 and that's true. i had no idea what to say. >> she threw that to me. i said drink. go out there, drink, loosen up. then you'll lasten up. >> michael: you'll be more social. >> go to a bar. there's like 30 dating apps. the world is your oyster. >> go to a real bar, like in my day. >> michael: you don't have conversations now.
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you just swipe then figure out the conversation later. i like that advice. i'm listening to your dad. i can't wait to be on the podcast. we've been trying to make this happen. who else is going to be on the podcast? >> we can't confirm anything quite yet. we have two dream guests. do you want to hear them? >> michael: yes. >> mike tyson. >> michael: he gives great advice. >> i have never seen him star struck until he met mike tyson. >> i went right up to him and hugged him. i said, i love you, man. >> michael: you better ask before you hug him. >> i just went right in. >> only he could go up to mike tyson and hug him without getting a punch in the face. >> michael: who's the second guest? >> dolly parton. she has no kids but she's everyone's mother. >> michael: she's funny, too. she would fit right in on a podcast. you go right alongside your dad touring around the world when he's traveling with bon jovi and doing all these thing.
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you're going on the road together. tell me about your standup tour. >> i'm doing a solo tour called gabby bryan is my best friend. i am your best friend, first of all. starting at edinboro fringe, then london, then i'm in america, hartford, boston, all over the place, running around. so come see me on the road. >> michael: gabby bryan is my best friend. i feel like we're connected and that close personally. >> we are. >> michael: david, for you. 40 years of anniversary with bon jovi. you're part of rock royalty, man. >> it's a christmas miracle. >> michael: your new album called "forever." they wrote that it is a very well deserved victory lap. how does it make you feel to be part and have this longevity in a tough profession? >> jon and i started out, i started in his cover band in the summer of '78. i was 16 1/2. so it's like 45 years and running.
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we still look at each other. we came from nowhere and made it to everywhere. we're such happy guy. this record was all about jon had the vocal surgery and it was coming back from a big injury like that. we were there to support him. kept doing it. kept doing it. good enough to play on the record, sing on the record. we still do rehearsals. hopefully, we can get out there next year. >> michael: hopefully, you get out there on tour. in the mean time, you're on tour as your best friend. you're on tour together doing this podcast. i love it. love you, both. i'll be on the show. we're gonna work this out. i'm afraid to be asked anything, to be honest. my kids don't listen to me. you listen. you can listen to let me ask my dad now wherever you get your podcasts. now let's go to ginger. hey, ginger. >> ginger: hey, michael. the twin cities had their latest 90 degree, yesterday, since
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1993. that summer they had no 90 degree temperatures. even though they had a much warmer start to the year summer's been cool. certainly july. we'll keep it that way. these are overnight low. mornings will drop in the 50s as far south as detroit. things are a little cooler. look at that. that's quite novel. haven't seen a big bulls eye. much colder average set for next week. >> lara: coming up, lori b is with us with early prime day deals you need to jump on right now. ready? jump. jump on. right now. ♪ ♪ that's why starlight children's
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macy's to nordstrom's offering big summer savings to compete with amazon prime deals. all eyes are on the best bargains live now before prime day officially kicks off. lori bergamotto is here to show us where to find the deals. they are all shopable. you can find them at amazon. >> prime day starts tomorrow, lara spencer. get excited. z >> lara: i am excited. >> we're going to show you some early ones. you want to strategize. remember when you're looking for deals, all about personal tech. so look for head phones, ear buds. amazon products. kindle, ring, those sorts of things. we picked some really good ones for you. >> lara: everybody take a look at this. >> this is a big air purifier. don't hide behind it, lara. this is a top performer has over 10,000 five star reviews.
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>> lara: that will purify a lot of air. >> it can do 1500 square feet in 30 minutes. removes 99.97% of dander, smoke, dust, mold. do you want to hear about this deal? original price was $349.99. new price is $290.44. 17% off. it is really big. if you just want one thing to really clean that air, this is the one. >> lara: roll it on out. come on in. what's next? >> we've got head phones. >> lara: these are wireless. >> these are from sony. so a name everybody knows. that's the thing you want to be looking out for, those name brands. they're going to be on sale. this is on sale today up to 50 hour battery life. it is quick charging. you can use it obviously for music. has great dynamic sound. all for phone calls. has the built in microphone so
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you can toggle back and forth. does come in four different colors. we have the black. that's another shopping tip. when things are in different color waves check the prices. some prices are lower. original price on this was $59.99. now price $38, 37% off. >> lara: that's a great gift. >> it is a great gift. speaking of great gifts, this is where prime day shines, lara spencer. ring. everybody needs one of these. so fantastic. discounts on anything amazon owned, that's what's going to go on discount. speak to anyone indoor or outdoor. battery operated through your phone, tablet. you can always know what's going on. the original price $99.99. 45% off. $54.99. >> lara: put that on the list. >> slime. we love this. from elmer's. i'll tell you as a mom, what i love, comes with this one liquid so you don't make a mess.
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this will be a great deal. we are going to see the original price $54.53. new price $38.66. almost 50% off. this one i'm so excited to get to. if you've been on the fence about getting a robo vac, get this one. from shark. it is incredible. it will clean your whole house. activated. smart through your app, your voice. it is a number one best seller. let me tell you about the price. it is 51% off. the original price almost $600. now you can get it for under $300. we can't forget about your teeth. we've got the phillip sonicare here. rechargeable. this is a best seller. you want to get this one. the price on this, we're going to scroll up and see the deal. original price over $100. 45% off. you can get it for under $60. >> lara: that's worth it, guys.
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last but not least. >> this power bank. you can charge up to five devices on this. original price $37.99. 10% off. you can get it for under $30. >> lara: great reviews. all right. deal drops on our website. >> coming up tomorrow. >> lara: you will benefit. we'll be right bark everybody.
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>> we are off and running on a brand new week. we sure are. have a great day everyone. >> more americans choose abc news, america's number one news source. stop boarding the court. >> he was cheating. >> you ain't never cheated. i'm marty. this is a weird case. what y'all want? if you only knew the lies i told to get the title judge. >> i think this is my favorite. okay, hun, what do you think of this one? >> from design and products to removal and installation, re-bath is with you through every step of your remodel. call us or visit re-bath dot com and save $1,000 off your complete bathroom remodel. >> hi, i'm dan ashley of abc seven news and i am so excited about this year's aids walk san francisco. sunday, july 21st in golden gate park. it is my 30th year hosting this very special and very important event. join me to remember those we've lost and to show solidarity and support for those who are still
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fighting. every dollar raised helps create a future free from hiv and aids. together, let's stride when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. xfinity, the network made for streaming and bring on the good stuff, introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. >> it's piled high with tender beef. it's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss, just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only at togo's. try one. >> today we fight for the rights of riders. every day we give
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back millions to support the motorcycle community because we are riders, and motorcycle law is all we do. if you're injured in a motorcycle accident, don't fight the insurance companies with just any lawyer. call one 800 for bikers. we ride, we care, we win. if you go down, call russ brown. motorcycle attorneys. >> so what do you think about these? >> we're going to take everything from design and products to removal and installation. >> re-bath is with you through every step of your remodel. call us or visit re-bath. dot com and save $1,000 off your complete bathroom remodel. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. francis, how's traffic this morning? >> all right, reggie, it is starting to improve, but there's always a wait at the bay bridge toll plaza, so traffic there is still backed up towards the foot
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of the maze, to the metering lights and the drive time from highway four to san francisco is 52 minutes. but once you get past the metering lights, it is looking good into san francisco and delays are starting to improve around the bay area. here's lisa with the weather. >> all right. good morning to you. looking at a cloudy start here in the city across the bay brightening up a bit. it is 65 in san jose 57 downtown. and today temperatures will be comfortable. we'll have that sea breeze with the clouds clinging to the coastline. 62 in livermore right now. and as we go through the afternoon, we'll climb through the 70s, reaching our mid and upper 80s throughout the afternoon. sunny in oakland, 70 for you and clouds half moon bay. >> thank you lisa. time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again on the air ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!"


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