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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  July 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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spotlight at the republican national convention from trump's running mate to san francisco, trash talk elon musk threatening to move his businesses out of the state of california over a history making new law, and the new push to tackle the cost of housing and brutally rising rents. >> good afternoon. thanks for joining us. >> i'm larry beil and i'm kristen z. we are tracking day two of the republican national convention. with lots of excitement still over the former president's running mate, jd vance, and his appearance last night. >> multiple sources tell abc news that vance spoke with vice president kamala harris today. the sources said vance and harris are looking forward to debating, but no specifics yet. >> trump's vp pick is putting silicon valley right in the spotlight. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn joining us live now with a look at the impact of tech in this upcoming election. suzanne. >> larry kristen sze, tech experts tell me jd vance is a very interesting pick for trump's vp, and it underscores the amount of money and power in
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the tech industry. donald trump's election of jd vance as his running mate is sparking conversation about vance's ties to the bay area. vance spent several years here as a venture capitalist and lived in this house near bernal heights park before moving to ohio and becoming a u.s. senator in 2022. wired reporter victoria elliott covers platforms and power. she says vance's ties to tech industry run deep, especially his ties to billionaire tech pioneer peter thiel, formerly of paypal. he worked with peter thiel at mithril capital and obviously peter thiel has been a really long time supporter of donald trump. back in june, a fund raiser in san francisco raised $12 million for trump's presidential campaign. that big money event was hosted by billionaire david saxe and his wife. saxe is a prominent gop donor and venture capitalist. saxe spoke at the first day of the republican national convention in my hometown of san francisco. >> democrat rule has turned the
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streets of our beautiful city into a cesspool of crime. homeless encampments and open drug use. >> senator jd vance, who is friends with saxe, spent months getting silicon valley's biggest players to support trump. >> so i think we see his connections to silicon valley money really tightly intertwine. >> elon musk, the ceo of tesla and spacex, says choosing vance for vp was an excellent decision. >> i think that we've seen this sort of right movement in tech over the past several years, and i think really a great exemplar of that is elon musk, who just launched a pro-trump super pac. >> musk says he plans to donate $45 million a month to that super pac. vance says the vp could significantly impact the tech industry. >> i think we're really going to see him maybe shape trump's posture towards the tech industry and tech experts say having vance as a vp candidate means that technology and tech
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companies may play a bigger role in the white house. >> some political experts argue that billionaires and corporations are rooting for vance, saying that a trump vance win could be extraordinary for startups and capitalism as a whole. live in the newsroom suzanne phan abc seven news. suzanne. >> thank you. trump's campaign says he'll hold a rally on saturday with jd vance, one week after the assassination attempt. yeah that home video new view of the frantic moments after bullets started flying at the former president on saturday. video from a private call with robert f kennedy this weekend, by the way, junior shows trump saying the bullet quote sounded like the world's largest mosquito. we're learning more about changes to trump's secret service detail before the assassination attempt, three officials tell abc news the secret service had increased his security weeks ago because of intelligence about a possible iranian threat to assassinate
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the former president. there's no sign that's related to the shooting. pennsylvania state police say they provided all the resources the secret service asked for. they say they were not responsible for securing the building from which the shooter fired. >> abc news now reporting that mr. trump has spoken to a family member of the firefighter who was killed at the rally during saturday's assassination attempt, and that a member of mr. trump's family will be at the funeral of 50 year old corey comparator tomorrow. comparator is survived by his wife and two daughters. our sister station in la spoke to tom fuhrman. he is comparators step uncle lives in menifee in riverside county and is calling for political civility. >> this is a kind of a hateful campaign going back and forth, calling each other names, which i think that's got to change, we got to we got to come together and campaign like like we shoul.
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>> there is some positive news about one of the two men wounded in the attack, 57 year old former marine david dutch was taken out of a medically induced coma after being shot in the chest and liver. >> president biden made his first public appearance since the assassination attempt on former president trump. biden appeared at the naacp convention in las vegas. he energetically and angrily called for a ban on assault weapons like the one used in saturday's shooting. and they ar 15 was used in the shooting. >> donald trump just it was an assault weapon to kill. so many others, including children. it's time to outlaw them. i did it once and i will do it again. >> biden also repeated his message to tone down the political rhetoric. he also indicated he plans to stay in the presidential race. but there is a new effort by some democratic politicians to prevent biden from locking up the presidential nomination before the democratic conventio.
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a letter circulated by san rafael congressmember jared huffman seeks to stop a virtual roll call among delegates planned for next week. the point of a roll call is to select biden as the nominee several weeks before the actual convention. it was originally scheduled to qualify the democratic candidate for the ohio ballot, but that's actually no longer necessary, the letter says. an early roll call before an open debate at the convention would undermine morale in the party, a spokesperson for huffman told us. it's not a call for biden to step down. >> onto other news. now the mother of a three year old girl who was found dead on saturday has shared more details about this case in a statement, crystal obi says she feared for her daughter ellie lorenzo's safety. any time that ellie visited her father, jared lorenzo obi even took action trying to protect the young girl. the statement reads in part, quote, i want to desperately for her constant supervision and safety. each time she was with him for court ordered visitation last week. on
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tuesday, i finally received confirmation the courts would allow me to move with ellie out of state, of which he also became aware. ellie's mother dropped her off for her final court ordered visit with her. lorenzo with lorenzo thursday morning and early friday morning, san jose police say lorenzo drove to san jose from his home in fremont and put ellie's body in a trash bin and then drove to san francisco, where he died by suicide. >> elon musk says he's moving the headquarters of both x, formerly known as twitter, and spacex, from california to texas because of a new state law. that law will make the state the first in the nation to ban school districts from requiring that parents be notified if their child changes their gender identification. abc seven news reporter tim johns has been following the story and has more on both the support and the backlash. >> california is set to become the first state in the country to ban local school districts from requiring staff to notify parents if their child decides
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to change their gender identity. the move, which came after intense debate in the state legislature, has been welcomed by many. that includes daisy gardner, who herself has an lgbtq child. >> this past year, parents of queer kids have seen our children used as political footballs. >> gardner says the sometimes fiery debates in school districts around the state have created a hostile environment for many trans and gender nonconforming students. she hopes with the new law school districts can focus more on education as opposed to culture wars. >> basically, there's been this boogeyman of the schools are going to trans your kid or the schools are going to make your kids gay. and we have finally said unequivocally, schools cannot make a kid gay or trans. >> similar feelings were shared by tony huang, the executive director of equality california. huang tells me the law will help protect queer kids safety, especially those who might come from unwelcoming households. >> we want them to be able to have those conversations at their own time, at their own
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pace, on their own terms, not everyone agrees with this new law, though. >> some opponents say it reduces school transparency and also infringes on parents rights. one of the law's most vocal opponents is elon musk, the father of a trans child. musk tweeting on tuesday that the law's passage was the final straw and that he'd be moving both x and spacex out of california to texas. others, like jonathan zachrisson, the president of students first california, also opposed the new legislation. >> it's never a good idea to have policies where schools keep secrets from parents. uh- bottom line that's never a good policy. it erodes the trust between schools and parents. it undermines the parents fundamental right for the upbringing of their children. >> zachrisson says the new bill was a case of government overstep. he thinks that while it only applies to public schools, the backlash over its passage will continue to grow. >> on top of that, there's going to be litigation. there already is litigation, and this will become part of that litigation. the new law is set to go into effect in january in san francisco.
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>> tim johns, abc seven news. >> a man on california's death row will be released next year after a review of 35 death penalty cases in alameda county, district attorney pamela price says a review of ernest dykes's case found trial misconduct that she called racist. notes by the prosecutor in the case indicated which potential jurors were black or jewish, and none were selected for the trial. dikes is being resentenced for the fatal shooting of a nine year old boy during a robbery that took place 31 years ago, when prosecutors or courts discriminate in jury selection, it is well settled in our laws that not only are you violating the rights of the defendants, but you are violating the rights of victims to a fair trial. >> you are violating the rights of jurors. >> two more death penalty cases are also being resentenced. one person will be eligible for parole next year. the other was sentenced to life in prison, building a better bay area. that's our focus here at abc seven news. and rising rents are
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a big challenge. the white house is now pushing for changes that would cap rent increases by big corporate landlords. abc seven news reporter ryan curry asked renters groups and landlords about the impact. >> there is a new effort to try and stop housing from getting more expensive. president biden is calling on congress to install a nationwide 5% rent cap. >> this is a step in the right direction. >> anthony chagoya is with the law foundation of silicon valley. her group represents tenants facing eviction. the proposed plan would only apply to landlords with 50 or more existing units, and they could risk losing tax breaks if they don't comply. but still, chagoya says it would help a lot of people stay housed. >> unfortunately, you know, they'll get hit with that unexpected rent increase and it's at 10, 15, 20% an amount that they just frankly cannot afford. and the consequence of that is it causes displacement. >> however, some don't think this is the best way to keep housing costs from rising.
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derrick barnes, with the east bay rental housing association, says the focus should be on building more units, not capping rent. >> we have a supply demand issue here and we've had that for decades, and so we haven't really cracked the code on building the amounts of housing that we need, especially here in the bay area, he fears a rent cap would deter developers, even if there is an exemption. might very well, create a situation where they pull out of the market, which is what we certainly don't want them to do, especially if they're a legacy owner operator. >> the white house says this is about getting corporate landlords to stop price gouging. chagoya says that would help many bay area residents. this is really an effort to get control of those big corporate landlords who are imposing substantial rent increases to working families who, frankly, cannot afford to pay a 10% rent increase, a 20% rent increase. barnes says any bill that gets passed should include incentives for developers to build more
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housing. >> but i think we need to think more creatively, with, you know, legislative tools that provide incentives for owners to bring units back into the market. the president is calling on congress to pass this bill as soon as possible. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> a warning for pet owners with coyotes on the prowl. the series of sightings now turning deadly. california is a covid hot spot. once again, the concerning signs compared to the rest of the country and celebrating a boost for affordable housing in a community that needs a win
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♪ bmo ♪ in the deaths of his wife laci and their unborn son, connor. peterson was sentenced to death, but that was later overturned and he was resentenced to life without parole. >> abc seven news melanie woodrow was in court and looks at the legal fight over the future of this case. >> scott peterson followed along over zoom while his defense attorneys asked for more than 600 pieces of evidence from the modesto police department dating back to 2002. it's part of peterson's ongoing fight to clear his name of murder. peterson was convicted in 2004 of killing his pregnant wife, laci peterson, and their unborn son, connor. a new team of lawyers with the la innocence project took up peterson's case.
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peterson's defense has argued that he is entitled to all of the prosecution's evidence, even if it wasn't presented during the original murder trial. prosecutors have called it a fishing expedition, and said the defense has not met their burden and is attempting to take another bite of the apple. legal analyst steve clark says the proceedings are reopening wounds for laci's family. >> this case has been litigated throughout the court system for 20 years, and nothing new has established anything other than scott peterson. is guilty, and i think that's why the prosecution is starting to get very frustrated with the continuing of these appeals, clark acknowledges peterson's advocates believe he is innocen, but many of scott peterson's advocates are saying he may be a scoundrel, but he's not a murderer. and they're trying to say, we need a new trial here to demonstrate that scott peterson was wrongfully convicted. >> on monday, the two sides agreed on a lab to conduct dna testing on a piece of duct tape
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found on laci peterson's pants. prosecutors also read a victim impact statement from laci's mother monday in part saying, when will this end? in redwood city? melanie woodrow abc seven news. >> the owner of a san francisco bicycle store posted these heartbreaking photos of his shop. john mcdonnell says a vehicle doing donuts early monday morning crashed into his store on market street, wrecking the security gate and storefront of market street cycles. the driver was treated for minor injuries. as for the bike store, the owner says he's still figuring out if he will be able to reopen. he fears people will take advantage of the wreck to loot his merchandise. >> well, our wild four-legged neighbors are causing problems all across the bay area. warning signs are going up in parks across san francisco after incidents involving coyotes and dogs. and now we have a warning in the east bay specifically for cat owners. abc seven news reporter lena howland spoke with wildlife officials about the newest concerns when it comes to
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coyotes and pets. >> wildlife officials say it's just not worth the risk. >> bring pets inside, you know, lease your pets while you're walking. remove access to anything that might attract a coyote. coyote sightings are forcing the temporary closure of parks in san francisco, including saint mary's rec center field and presidio's mountain lake park dog area. >> it comes less than three weeks after a five year old girl was attacked by a coyote in the city's botanical garden at golden gate park in the east bay. pleasanton police are advising people to keep their pets indoors after receiving multiple reports of dead cats due to coyote attacks. >> coyotes can be denning and rearing pups through august, so that could be a factor. you know, you might want to avoid dawn, dusk, or nighttime walks. these are when coyotes are more active on social media.
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>> coyote sightings have been reported recently in the pleasanton valley neighborhood and even on main street downtown pleasanton. police did not elaborate, but the department's advisory says wild animals, including coyotes, are our neighbors and learning to coexist with them is important. the california department of fish and wildlife says. if you encounter a coyote, take action. >> try to scare the coyote off. you know, wave your arms, make noise. be big, bad and loud, we say, uh- you want to, you want to. don't you know, make the coyote feel trapped? you always want to allow an escape route. >> if the coyote makes contact with you or one of your pets, you are asked to call animal control or 9-1-1 right away. in pleasanton. lena howland abc seven news covid is surging and california is one of the hot spots. >> the most recent analysis of wastewater shows california's viral levels are about twice as high as states in the northeast
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and midwest, the centers for disease control says covid levels in the bay area are comparable to the most recent winter surge. health officials blame the new subvariant flirt. >> progress today in the push to build a better bay area. oakland now celebrating a brand new housing complex dedicated to people who are very low income. the apartments are on seventh street in west oakland, down the street from the west oakland bart station. >> doing it for the people in old town. this is how we getting down with the brand new sound. and i know. >> music and a ribbon cutting ceremony helped celebrate the opening of 79 much needed, affordable housing units for the neighborhood. the force behind the project was the former chairwoman of the black panther party, elaine brown. the complex not only includes housing, but also space for a market restaurant and an urban farm. >> all right, well, enjoying this coolness out there, i got pop quiz. >> yes. would you prefer extreme
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heat or extreme cold? >> oh. extreme cold. >> well, you're going to get extreme heat, so why don't you walk right into it? >> you ask me like sandy, a false choice. well, i'm sorry, it's what i do. you what? >> larry just wanted to do that to you. kristen. you realize that, right? >> which one do you want, >> you know what? we're not expecting anything excessive, okay? but it is going to heat up around here. good afternoon to all of you. let me show you a live picture. right now from our sutro tower camera. that camera is just bouncing around as we look towards the golden gate bridge. the marin headlands, as we do have a stiff sea breeze right now, gusting to 32 at oakland, 26, san mateo, 25, in hayward, even out towards the delta. a good sea breeze. 26 miles an hour. so as we go, hour by hour, this evening at 5:00, 20 to 30 mile an hour winds will remain with us still breezy at 8:00, although not quite as windy. and then the winds drop off tomorrow morning and then pick it right back up again tomorrow afternoon. and evening.
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but the biggest difference is going to be we're expecting a warm up. so as we look at live doppler seven, the clouds have pulled away. as you recall, we had plenty of them this morning. as we take a look at what's happening. temperatures have been either near or slightly below average because of this area of low pressure that brought the cooling the last couple of days. it's also been providing us with the steady sea breeze and some isolated thunderstorms once again up to our northeast right now. a live view from our san rafael camera blue skies out there 65. in the city. it's in the low 70s from oakland to hayward, 77 in san jose, and it is 63 in half moon bay. look at this. clear skies from our south beach camera as we look across the bay. mid 70s for napa and santa rosa. our warmer spots in the mid 80s like fairfield and upper 70s in concord and livermore. there you can see the breeze from our sfo camera this evening. breezy to gusty tomorrow warming trend starts and on thursday and friday it's going to be heating up inland, so be prepared for it tomorrow. it's just easing you into the warm up. uh- 5:00 this
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evening 80 inland 60s coast side. as we head towards a 7:00 hour. still pretty breezy so the clouds will be slow to regroup and move back, but by late night you're seeing more of the low cloudiness across the region. 50s 60s tomorrow morning, waking up to some of that cloud cover. and then tomorrow afternoon, 90 showing up in our warmest inland valleys. so first thing in the morning, upper 40s to the low 60s, there will be cloud cover to start the day. tomorrow afternoon we get you up to 92 in fairfield, 91 in antioch, getting warm out there along the coastline in the 60s, and everyone else pretty much in between. a look at the accuweather seven day forecast and that warming trend starts tomorrow. it's going to get hotter inland thursday, friday, upper 90s to low 100 seconds. don't worry, the coast is going to remain in the 60s and then those temperatures will moderate just for a day, then right back up again sunday through tuesday with those triple digits showing up again. kristen, larry uh- sandhya kristen changed her mind. >> she can't wait for 1020 good
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good good. >> not well. >> you know, i misinterpreted the answer. >> again, again. >> thank you. sandhya. major makeover could be coming for the stonestown galleria transformation on the table. if san francisco gives the green light and do you work with a coffee badger? do you even know what that is? the hybrid work trend that has bosses scratching their heads big yellow and i made. yeah, is there any way that i can make it up to you? actually, you could help me promote my new $6 big deal meal. you think i could be bought, you son of a— hello. this is only showing in japan, right?
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(woman) i've got this dream... and you're all in it!
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(banker 1) let's hear it! (vo) with wells fargo premier a team can help you plan for your dream. (woman) i have this vacation home... (banker 2) so, like a getaway? (woman) yeah, but... it's also an eco-friendly artist retreat. (banker 3) so, you're expanding your business... (woman) ...and our family! can you help me plan for that? (banker 1) yeah! let's get started. (vo) ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo. everyone's favorite curly fries, one of my famous tacos, a drink, and your choice of sandwich — all for $6. grab my big deal meal and go see marvel studios' "deadpool & wolverine," in theaters july 26th. welcome to jack in the box!
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reading of a redevelopment ordinance is supposed to happen today at the board of supervisors meeting. the second reading is set for next tuesday. now, this would approve an agreement between the city and the county and a developer that would reshape the entire area around that shopping center. the main addition would be housing, along with more open space. the plan also includes more shops and restaurants, a new way to travel between oakland and alameda debuts tomorrow, with a little yellow shuttle named woodstock. >> in 15 minutes, it'll get you between fifth street in alameda and oakland's jack london square. it's an alternative to the posey tube for pedestrians and bicyclists service on the water shuttle is free and will operate wednesday through sunday. >> woodstock is a cute name for that. >> i know it looks like a woodstock. >> it does. i don't even know why. i don't even know what that is, but i mean, i know, i know
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snoopy's woodstock. >> oh, okay. >> i mean, i like the yellow little bird, right? i was thinking woodstock from the music, but that was before your time. yes. of course. all right. lots of san francisco bashing at the republican national convention. yeah. a big silicon valley investor rails on safety. >> we're getting the san francisco mayor reaction to the trash talk and trying to revive downtown by putting pedestrians first. >> some streets are going car free, but businesses still are
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities.
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republican national convention with donald trump jr by his side. vance is expected to deliver a speech to the convention tomorrow, with former president trump due to speak on
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thursday night. now, tonight, some of mr. trump's primary rivals are expected to speak, trying to capitalize on calls for unity. >> nikki haley and florida governor ron desantis are on the schedule for the evening. >> reporter liz nagy with our sister station in chicago, is at the convention, and she has reaction to the former president's vp pick, as well as his emotional appearance last night with the top two spots on their ticket. >> now firmly locked into place, republicans spent much of the day today in some smaller sideline events, but much of the talk of the town is still donald trump's big surprise. dramatic entrance last night, like a boxer parading out to the ring, a bandaged former president trump strode onto the floor of the fiserv forum monday night. his loyal masses raptured by the moment. >> he is tough, and he'll fight for every american with his ears still wrapped from a bullet fired at him just 48 hours earlier, the eternal showman seemed uncharacteristically
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emotional for the first time. >> the republican nominee joined his newly named running mate, ohio senator jd vance. jd jd, the 39 year old senator will now share the ticket with the man he once called america's hitler. >> i was certainly skeptical of donald trump in 2016, but president trump was a great president and he changed my mind. >> president biden isn't holding back. >> he's a clone of trump on the issues. >> republicans are now trying to change the minds of black voter. featuring internet star amber rose in prime time. >> american families were better when donald trump was president, but the black mayor of the convention's host city is urging voters to think critically. >> when you listen to the words from the podium at fizer forum, the podium at the republican national convention, be objective, be objective. what's the spin? what's real? >> that was liz nagy reporting san francisco is a frequent target of republicans. of cours, and the city got bashed last
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night at the convention. tech billionaire david sacks, who is a resident of the city, was the latest to go after san francisc. >> in my hometown of san francisco, democrat rule has turned the streets of our beautiful city into a cesspool of crime. homeless encampments and open drug use. >> san francisco mayor london breed joined us today on abc7 news at three, and we asked her for a response to sacks comments. >> it's easy to bash san francisco and to use san francisco as an example. it's another thing to actually roll up your sleeves and do the work. and in fact, many of these people who continue to bash our city are not folks who are out on the streets every single day seeing it visibly for themselves. are there problems? yes. but to use san francisco consistently as an example, when this is happening in far worse than other cities around this country, is just wrong. >> the mayor also pointed to data that she says shows crime
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on the decline in san mateo. >> is one of many bay area cities trying to revitalize its downtown. >> while they're having some success not everyone likes the way they've gone about it. closing two city blocks to cars, city officials there say it's their way of building a better bay area. >> well, abc7 news reporter lyanne melendez is here now with more on the controversial move that might make this permanent. right? >> so it is actually permanent. but, you know, you've been there. >> the pedestrian mall. yes, the pedestrian mall. >> and actually very slow on mondays, but hopping on friday nights and weekends. so interesting what san mateo is trying to figure out is how to bring people in during weekdays, morning, noon and night. in the meantime, we wanted to know why some businesses love the pedestrian mall and why others say it's not working for them. it started out as a pilot program after the pandemic, pushing cars away from two city blocks in downtown san mateo and allowing pedestrians to be well
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in the driver's seat, so to speak. >> it'll be closed the next 3 to 5 years and making the best of it. >> mackenzie jakobek is with the downtown san mateo association. she oversees 550 businesses in the area. about 150 are food related services. most restaurant owners are happy having b street between first and third avenues, a pedestrian only experience. >> i don't know about everybody, but it's good for us and we like it. we want to keep it local businesses say they have seen fewer drivers speeding on busy third street. now you know you have parklets. i have one here. you know the other businesses have parklets on the same street. so it kind of slowed people down. but here are the people who don't like the closure. >> people in cars like delivery truck drivers who have to park several blocks away to then haul their goods. carolina valle of los amigos imports, says her 29
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year family owned business has suffered about 45. >> we've lost a lot of customers because customers they don't like to park far away, the owner of sage mediterranean wrote us an email stating some of the concerns from local businesses include lack of parking, operational challenges, lack of business and safety. >> he also says his takeout business has tanked because parking is nearly impossible to find. san mateo seems to be working on these issues by installing more of these green zones, with a limit of 24 minutes to allow for a quick pickup. the city council also recently approved designated parking spots for food delivery services like uber eats. that still doesn't help bay and the nearby shoe store. and unfortunately, restaurants have more say than the mom and pop shops and there's only two businesses that have been here for over 25 years, and we have no word and say we asked san mateo's mayor how the city expects to help them. let's talk
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about shoe repair. right. okay, so isn't he. isn't it better if he relocated somewhere else? i mean, how do you bring business to his place? >> well, what happens and what is already happening is that people who come wandering down the mall and they go, i didn't even know there was a shoe repair store in san mateo. >> wow. i'm going to come back. >> we'll check back in a few months to see if his situation has improved. >> we went from primarily a 9 to 5 economy to a afternoon lunch to evening economy. >> while the downtown area seems to be flourishing, it's the weekends that tend to bring the bulk of their clientele, like during the weekend. >> oh my god, you're going to see a lot of younger generation. they walk around, oh my god, feel. so i feel every business got a busy city. >> officials told us they're working to bolster the number of visitors during the week by offering something that other bay area cities struggle with.
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>> the new businesses that i've seen coming in, i always ask them, you know, what brought you to downtown san mateo? and what i've heard over and over again is we feel really safe here. we've heard really good things about the safety. so happy. >> happy to report that san mateo city officials are also counting on a number of new housing developments nearby to help bring more business to the downtown area. but of course, it will take several more years to see that housing element come online. but san mateo says it's doing what it can to become the destination that go to place between san francisco and san jose. and, you know, i forget many times being a reporter out on the street constantly, how safety and cleanliness is so important to families, right? >> it's very clean there, very, very clean. >> i went to the i have to say to the walgreens and nothing was locked up. >> right. the thing is, it's so hard to legislate when you have some businesses that benefit from this, right? no cars and others that are hurt from it. so
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i'm wondering if there are any compromise solutions with regard to the opening or the closure or partial. i've got one. yeah. which one is that? >> okay. it's kind of a parking. you may hire you as mayor. well, i don't know that the existing mayor would like that, but like a park and ride, if you have an open lot nearby and you have the cars parked there, and then like a shuttle bus, like a cool electric vehicle, take them and drop them right off at the at the open space. >> and they do have a new parking lot. i will say that the shuttle though, well, leanne, can you bring larry's ideas to the powers that be later? >> yeah. >> thank you. said nobody ever. but thank you, thank you. leanne coming up, celebrities shelling out big bucks for a trending health scan. but this doesn't really pay off. plus, from quiet quitting to coffee badging the new way some remote workers are just phoning it in. >> and we're five days out to this year's aids walk san francisco. it's on sunday, july 21st at golden gate park. the annual fundraiser benefits local hiv and aids programs. abc7 news
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screen time and children's behavior. the study looked at about 90 families have limited screen time to three hours per week. the families that set those limits saw improved behavior. emotional scores and social scores. the study also found reduced screen time can boost a child's mental health within 15 days. i believe that sandya i believe it is. >> well, kristen. and you know, i think these days the kids are so attached to their cell phones that they don't want to put their technology down. you know, i think they need to. >> i am really passionate, actually about this issue because i think we are really doing kids a disservice. none of us grew up that way. we were outside playing in the street and in the yard and having fun using our imaginations. exercising kids are not meant to sit inside and be on a screen all day. i think it's terrible for them. i think we need to get kids outdoors again. yeah, having fun playing with other kids? >> yeah, you could say that of adults too. yeah that's true.
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it's good for everybody. absolutely. all right, growing list of celebrities are lining up to get mris, a medical scan that produces detailed images of the inside of your body. now, several companies sell these, and they've received a big publicity push from celebrities like kim kardashian, who posted about her scan last year. but the scans are they're not cheap. they can cost up to $2,500. and many radiologists say the likelihood of finding a serious health problem on an mri in somebody that has no symptoms is really pretty low. there's a whole new industries like concierge doctoring. if that's, you know, a proper way to phrase it. but, you know, sandy, all this stuff is out of pocket and, you know, you could pay it if you have the money. the problem is, if they think they may have found something, well, then what do you do? >> yeah. i mean, do you really want to find out? you know, and like you said, those that have the money can do it, but not
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everyone can. >> hey, you know, we should. if you can catch something early, it's better. but if you're getting false positives or false negatives, you know it's not necessarily helpful at all. and you can detect a lot of stuff, not everything, but a lot of things with your annual checkup and some blood work that's being done. and if that identifies something that might be of more concern, then take the next step. >> yeah, i agree, i mean, look, insurance companies never pay for the optional stuff, right? that they don't think you need. so if you want that, you do have to pay. but i do think, you know, whatever your insurance will pay in terms of annual physicals and scans do that. just just yeah, sure. a lot of people will. >> mri is no picnic. i had one a couple of months ago. as you guys know, i tore my rotator cuff and sitting in that little machine for half an hour is no fun. >> well, yeah, dan, that's what happens when you carry the station on your back. so you've told me i, i remember quiet quitting. >> you can add another term for the growing number of americans who just aren't happy on the job, or at least not in the office. this one is called coffee badging. going to work for a few hours to show your
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face, even if it's just for a cup of coffee with coworkers. and then you leave to work remotely. a recent poll shows about 58% of hybrid employees admitted to coffee badges. >> 58. >> wow. that's hardly worth the commute time just to pop in for a couple of hours just for the coffee. >> and then how do you feel good about that, you know, i mean, i think they feel great about it. >> sandhya, i don't know. >> that's why they're doing it. that's why they're doing it. >> but i mean, let's say you don't have like an hour commute or something like that for 15 minutes of coffee. i, i'm not going to name a name, but are you one of them sometimes not. >> no. not me. i have my own coffee. >> thank you. >> but i know of somebody that might do that. >> does that. oh, that shall remain nameless. yeah. oh, any badging it would do, so i mean, i don't i guess this is a real thing, i can't what are the bosses doing there? >> probably coffee badges. yeah,
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exactly. >> nobody does it here because our coffee is. let's just say i wouldn't drive 30 minutes for. yeah, you're not coming in for the coffee point. >> wow. >> we need a vending machine upgrade or a machine upgrade. >> wow. all right, all right. alert to slipping that in there? yeah. no, that's. >> i love the subtlety with which you deliver that. >> was that even subtle? yeah. kristen, you know, we're on television, right? >> yeah. >> well, it might be time to bring back those old school plastic couch covers. a new survey from allstate insurance reveals nearly 175 million americans admit to damaging a piece of furniture. so who's to blame for all this damage? well, 45% blame their spouses, while 34% said children were responsible. juice. but look out kid. oh my goodness. well, that's not damaging the couch. it's damaging his neck. >> exactly. >> anyway, number one, cause of stains, dogs twice as likely as cats to cause damage. i don't believe it.
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know. well, anyway, larry just damaged the desk right now. >> yeah, right. >> and my hand. so there's a workers comp thing that's about to happen, too. >> true confession. yeah. angela, i, rescued a dog three months ago. fantastic dog. but to protect the sofa in the living room, we have a beach towel on there. some of the time when he's there. so it's very attractive, as you can imagine. but it is effective. >> it works. so. so my daughter has two cats, and when she goes on trips, she has to cover almost everything in plastic because they get upset that she's not there. and they do things that are not good for, you know, materials. so it's just, yeah. no kidding. yeah. no, these cats, they're, you know, well, and on a serious note, hey, furniture isn't cheap these days, so nobody wants to see it ruined. >> exactly. you pay a pretty penny. >> exactly. well, that'll never happen here, dan. >> better. coffee? >> yeah, yeah, immediately.
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that's it for the for. >> the idea is catching on. >> yeah
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hood of the car went right under the back of a semi with the windshield crunched. this happened on westbound 80
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yesterday in fairfield. fortunately, amazingly, the driver had only minor injuries. >> tesla is on a hiring spree after laying off thousands of workers earlier this year. a bloomberg analysis found tesla has 800 open job postings, many in artificial intelligence and robotics. that's still much less than the nearly 20,000 workers that were laid off this year. the job signal a shift for tesla, which founder elon musk says is expanding from electric vehicles to robots. tesla aims to sell its optimus humanoid robots by the end of the year. >> all right. you ready to cash in on the end of an era on the vegas strip? >> people are packing the mirage for one last jackpot with legally mandated winnings
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harvey at nine, then a ten and 1030. wheel of fortune and jeopardy! and then stick around for abc seven news at 11. today is the last day before the mirage hotel closes for good in las vegas. they're going out with a bang. the casino resort is legally required to pay out more than $1.6 million in unclaimed jackpot money before they shut down. abc news reporter melissa adan shows us the people trying their luck for one last time. >> the iconic mirage with its
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volcano show along the las vegas strip, is set to close its doors for good. the famed desert inspired hotel and casino that opened nearly 35 years ago, now shuttering after it was sold to hard rock international for more than $1 billion. >> it feels like it's been here forever. it's a landmark. >> visitors still hoping to cash in on the casino floors as nevada state law ensures casinos must pay out progressive jackpots from slot machines or table games. the mirage giving away some of that money with hourly drawings. >> it will be giving away about about $12,000 over nine drawings, just to create a little excitement and giving away those last dollars, ladies and gentlemen. siegfried and roy, the famed hotel recognized for its daring duo magic show and beatles cirque du soleil, now taking its final bow. >> thank you to the mirage has
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given us so many great memories and so many great experiences. >> this marks the second hotel in casino closure on the strip after the tropicana las vegas suddenly shuttered just shy of its 67th anniversary. to make way for a new baseball stadium tomorrow will be the closing ceremonies for the mirage. in its place will be the hard rock hotel, bringing its iconic guitar shaped hotel to the las vegas strip. melissa don, abc news, los angeles. >> a reminder abc seven news is streaming for you 24 seven. get the abc seven bay area streaming tv app and then you can join us whenever you want, wherever you are. that'll do it for this edition of abc seven news at four. i'm larry beil, abc seven news at five is coming up next. well.
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