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tv   America This Morning  ABC  July 17, 2024 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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ings. we'll see you tomorrow on "jeopardy!" ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. >> right now on america this morning. new details overnight on the trump assassination attempt. investigators revealing how the shooter got access to
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that roof, what he was wearing and why trump's secret service detail was ramped up before saturday's rally. >> meanwhile, night two of the republican convention, trump's former rivals taking center stage while outside the convention. anger on the streets after police fatally shoot a man during an argument. what we're learning changes at the supreme court. >> word this morning that president biden will announce support for major reforms to the court affecting the justices. what he's proposing plus, biden facing new divisions in his own party, a new plan to delay his virtual nomination, state of emergency, the deadly storms hitting the northeast, the destruction in upstate new york after tornadoes and flooding in the midwest. >> what to expect today caught on camera, the dramatic efforts to rescue a girl buried deep in the sand at a popular beach. a big move by elon musk, the billionaire saying he's moving his company's x and spacex out of california, blaming in part a
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new gender identity law and later the new survey results on facial hair. >> what a beard reveals about a man's long term priorities. >> from abc news. this is america this morning. >> good wednesday morning everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> happy wednesday i'm rhiannon ally. we begin with new details overnight about the assassination attempt against former president trump. >> we're learning new information about how the shooter got onto the roof, climbing over an air conditioning unit next to the building. we're also learning that the secret service had already boosted trump's security before the rally. >> meanwhile, trump, at the second night of the republican national convention, heard from two of his primary challengers, who were among the most critical of him. abc's perry russom begins our coverage now from milwaukee. perry, good morning rhiannon. >> good morning to you. trump's former rivals taking center stage here last night including nikki haley, who had previously called trump unhinged and unstable. former president trump entering night two of the
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convention with that large bandage on his ear, watching his former political rivals embrace him, donald trump has my strong endorsement, period. nikki haley, whose invitation to the convention was announced after saturday's assassination attempt taking on the role of unifier. >> you don't have to agree with trump, 100% of the time to vote for him. >> florida governor ron desantis, striking a different tone while slamming president biden. >> america cannot afford four more years of a weekend at bernie's presidency. >> much of the night focusing on border security, crime and the economy. trump's daughter in law lara, co-chair of the rnc, speaking to trump's toughness millimeters separated him from life and certain death and yet it was in the midst of it all as he was jostled off stage by secret service that he knew how. >> defining that moment would be
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for our country. and he hoisted his fist in the air. >> meanwhile, this morning, new details from the investigation into saturday's shooting, according to officials familiar with the matter, the secret service had increased trump's security detail after intelligence indicated there was an iranian plot to assassinate him. officials say there is no indication the shooter had any connection to that plot. authorities now say they believe the shooter was able to access the roof by climbing over an air conditioning unit next to the building, only adding to questions about how he was able to get so close to killing a former president. despite stepped up security from the secret service. >> should that roof have been secured, period. >> that building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point, the secret service director suggesting to our pierre thomas that the shape of the roof played a role. and so you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. and so you know, the
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decision was made to secure the building from inside. >> investigators now revealing they found a remote transmitter in the suspect's pocket that may have been intended to set off suspicious devices found in his car. the viability of those devices still unknown. investigators say they also found a tactical vest in his car. it's unclear why he did not wear it. some officials wondering whether he anticipated dying in the attack. the fbi has now unlocked his phone, but says it has not found any significant information about the shooter's motive. and then back here at the convention tonight, j.d. vance, the now vice presidential candidate, will be taking center stage. and tomorrow we are learning melania and ivanka trump will be here. rhiannon. >> all right, perry, thank you. independent candidate robert f kennedy has apologized after a call he received from trump was posted online. trump can be heard asking kennedy to endorse him. trump even shared some misinformation about childhood vaccines with kennedy. the video was posted by kennedy's son. >> a vigil was held in milwaukee
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last night, hours after a homeless man was fatally shot by police from ohio in town to help with convention security, body camera video shows the officers telling the man to drop two knives during a fight with another man, who was unarmed. they say they opened fire when he charged toward that man. surveillance video shows him being shot from a distance. all this unfolding about one mile from the convention site. >> now to president biden back on the campaign trail. and there is word he is now ready to make changes to the supreme court, even though any reforms would need congressional approval. here's abc's lana moise to explain. >> this morning, president biden is reportedly planning to endorse major changes to the supreme court, including term limits for justices and an enforceable ethics code. that's according to the washington post, citing two people briefed on the plans. reproductive rights have been a major focal point of biden's campaign since the supreme court overturned roe v wade. >> there's going to probably be two more appointments to the
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court. there's probably two people going to resign or resign retire. just imagine if he has two more appointments on that. what that means forever. >> biden returned to the campaign trail yesterday visiting las vegas, speaking to the naacp. he took jabs at a comment trump made during last month's debate about migrants taking black jobs. >> folks, i know what a black job is. it's a vice president of the united states. >> a new national poll taken after the assassination attempt on former president trump shows it remains a tight race. trump leading biden, 43, to 41, still within the margin of error. but biden faces more challenges within his own party, unhappy with his debate performance, some lawmakers have now drafted a letter calling on the democratic national committee to delay a virtual roll call for biden's nomination in the coming days, arguing it would shut down the possibility of picking another candidate. in audio
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obtained by abc news, california congressman adam schiff privately warned donors he thinks democrats could be wiped out in november if biden is at the top of the ticket. >> i do not think he is the best person to go into this election. i think if he is our nominee, i think we lose. >> but biden says he's reluctant to walk away when the country is so divided. >> i didn't anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. and quite frankly, i think the only thing age brings a little bit of wisdom. and i think i've demonstrated that i know how to get things done. >> biden has a sitdown radio interview in las vegas today, where he hopes to reach latino voters, and polls show biden has lost ground among latinos due to factors including border security and the economy. rhiannon. andrew. all right. >> lionel, thank you for that. senator bob menendez is facing calls to resign after being convicted of corruption. prosecutors said the new jersey
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democrat abused his power as chairman of the senate foreign relations committee by doing favors for egypt and several businessmen as part of a scheme that involved extortion and bribery. those bribes included gold bars, a luxury car and hundreds of thousands of dollars. menendez is vowing to appeal. >> turning to the weather now, a state of emergency has been declared in parts of upstate new york after storms left a trail of destruction around the city of rome. at least one person was killed and a curfew was in effect overnight. earlier, some residents in southern illinois had to evacuate when floodwaters topped a dam. the area got five inches of rain in six hours north of the border. toronto saw flash flooding that swamped highways and created a waterfall at the city's main train station. let's check your wednesday forecast. >> once again, we find the area of thunderstorms back into the northeast. as we work our way through the day into the overnight, heavily populated zone, as well from our nation's capital northbound to boston,
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numerous severe thunderstorms that are capable of producing flooding, downpours, hail and damaging winds. in the meantime, extreme heat, relentless heat continues all throughout this week, with high energy demands and an expanding drought for accuweather. i'm justin povich for abc news. >> coming up, what nasa is now saying about the loud boom heard in part of the country yesterday. >> but first, the dramatic efforts to rescue a girl who was buried in the sand at this popular beach and later the boy born with one hand, who dreams
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(woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. when he addresses the convention? good morning america tomorrow we are back now with dramatic moments on the beach in southern california. >> a teenager trapped beneath the sand. rescue crews say the 16 year old was digging a 6 to 8
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foot hole in the sand when it collapsed, trapping her neck deep. >> that foot traffic up top around the outside was causing sand to fill in slowly to where it got too deep. >> dozens of people quickly gathering around. >> it was 20ft from the water, but there was the concern of the tide coming in. >> rescuers dug for about 15 minutes. lifeguards, park rangers and firefighters eventually helping lift her out of the sand as they carried her off the beach. she flashed a peace sign at least once or twice a year. >> there's some kind of similar event where a child or a person is in a deep hole on the beach, and then it starts to cave in or collapse. >> earlier this year, a seven year old died after getting buried in a hole in a florida beach. >> just everything happened so fast in my mind. i had her in my hands, but the weight of the sand was too much. >> officials reminding beachgoers do not dig deeper than your waist, and lifeguards urge anyone who is digging to
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please fill in the holes before you leave the beach. >> we turn to billionaire elon musk saying goodbye to california once again. he says he's relocating to more of his companies, in part because of a new law concerning kids and gender. this morning, elon musk, pledging to relocate the headquarters of two of his companies, space x and x, from california to texas, the billionaire father of 12 says the move is in response to a california law just signed by governor gavin newsom. it bars school districts from requiring staff to notify parents if their child changes their gender identity. musk, calling the law the final straw. >> moving because of this is a bit of a head scratcher. i think it's been piling up in terms of musk wanting to leave california. >> critics say the law undermines parents ability to guide and protect their kids. but a newsom spokesperson argues it protects the child parent relationship by preventing politicians and school staff from inappropriately intervening in family matters. the governor
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also responding, posting an old tweet from former president trump denigrating musk. newsom adding the caption you bent the knee. the news comes one day after the wall street journal reported musk plans to donate $45 million per month to a pro-trump super pac. >> i think it's political. i mean, it's happening during the republican national convention. must clearly put his support behind trump. musk previously moved tesla from california to texas and relocated his own residence to the lone star state, where there is no personal income tax. >> it's still unclear how many jobs could be affected. as of last year, space x alone had more than 13,000 employees nationwide. >> coming up, a reason to think about changing your workout routine. >> but first, the mysterious boom rattling part of the northeast
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is serving 18 months in prison for the shooting death of a crew member. her attorneys filed their motion yesterday, days after the case against baldwin was thrown out due to evidence violations by prosecutors. no response yet from prosecutors. >> we're learning more about an unusual sight in the sky yesterday right here in the northeast. this is the moment judah bergman says he saw a fireball shoot across the sky in new jersey. >> it was long and really, really fast. looked like a flaming long rod or something like on fire and flying through the sky. >> nasa now confirming a fireball flew over the new york city area yesterday morning. a small meteor traveling 38,000mph and something. >> when it's moving that fast of course, heats up and it begins to ablate. you know, just like a spacecraft reentering the atmosphere. and it produces a lot of light and it generates what we call fireball. >> nasa says the meteor
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originated above new york city and passed over the statue of liberty before disintegrating above new jersey. >> you expect to see a meteor at night, not during the day. so this was a rare daylight fireball. >> although bergman didn't hear a loud boom when he saw the fireball, others did. stephen bradley was with his cat and dog. >> it was the initial boom. and then, like less than a second after that, there was a tremble of the house. i have a dog, a golden retriever and a cat, both of which the golden retriever jumped out of his skin, and the cat just darted under the sulfur. >> but nasa says the loud noises and the shaking people heard may have been related to military activity in the area, not the meteor. >> baseball's all star, all star game came down to one swing last night. boston's jarren duran blasted a two run homer in the fifth inning. it broke a33 tie and powered the american league to a53 win. the al has won ten of the last 11 all star games.
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>> incredible. >> coming up, what researchers are now saying about exercising right before bed. >> also ahead, adele announcing >> also ahead, adele announcing her next dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. blocked from watching the big match? [referee whistle] save the day by using the bank of america customized cash rewards card and choose to earn 3% cash back on online purchases. like live streaming. (♪) (♪)
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it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. when he addresses the convention? >> good morning america tomorro. he's help me baby. >> time to check the pulse. we begin with an admission by adele. >> the singer wishes fame was more fleeting. the 16 time grammy winner told german media i don't like being famous, adding that she misses who she was before she became a star. >> she plans to take a big break from music after her las vegas residency ends, and says she may pursue other creative projects. all right. next, a reason to change your workout routine? try some exercise right before bed. >> yeah, a new study found that a small burst of activity before bed may actually help you sleep better. researchers have linked working out between 6 p.m. and
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midnight to a lower risk of premature death. now, the results assume, though, that you have a normal sleep schedule, so it does not apply to andrew. next, a weightlifter who says he's getting stronger, not older. >> paul topham is 74, but he just benched 210 pounds and deadlifted 386. he's the new u.s. powerlifting record holder for his age and weight. he's hoping to represent the u.s. in a world competition later this year and next. a remarkable sixth grader with big dreams. >> yeah, he's a great example of really focusing on what you have instead of what you don't have. christian camposano was born without his left hand, but the 11 year old from new jersey has not let that stop him from competing in a variety of sports, including his biggest love of all, baseball. >> i don't let things down easy, like it's always hard work for me. >> every single thing that he set out to do, he would do with ease in his own special way. he would figure it out. >> he is not letting anything
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stop him. christian's idols include one handed former big leaguer jim abbott, who had a great career with the yankees. finally andrew, a man's facial hair may be an indicator of his romantic intentions. >> that's not according to us, but according to a new study by polish researchers, they say men with beards are likely to be seeking more long term relationships, and men with less facial hair tend to have more mate seeking motivations. >> this is their words, the researchers say. beards signaled that a man is organized with a disciplined nature, and therefore he's more likely to be the marrying kind. is it true, andrew? >> i was not surveyed for this >> i was not surveyed for this research. top headlines next getting older is part of the journey, even with worsening heart failure. so when i had carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back pain, and shortness of breath, i thought that's what getting older felt like. thank goodness... i called my cardiologist. i have attr-cm, a rare but serious disease... ...and getting diagnosed early... made a difference.
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headquarters. this is just ellen and ellen, a threat to leave california and take his business to texas now at five. >> why? elon musk says the governor's latest actions have gone too far, and we are learning more about the person killed during the assassination attempt at donald trump's rally last weekend. >> we also have updates on the two victims who survived. they're still recovering this morning. >> a new wave of su


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