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tv   America This Morning  ABC  July 19, 2024 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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♪♪ ♪♪ center stage. >> i proudly accept your nomination for president of the united states.
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>> thank you. >> donald trump speaks for 92 minutes at the republican national convention, the longest of any presidential nominee. the former presidents minute by minute recap of the assassination attempt that almost took his life, and how a speech widely expected to focus on unity took a more divisive turn. >> under pressure, president biden reportedly more receptive to hearing out calls to end his candidacy. what we're learning about private conversations he's had with top congressional democrats. >> tel aviv explosion a blast near the u.s. embassy. one killed. at least ten others injured. what witnesses on the ground are saying? >> breaking overnight grounded in outage. being linked to microsoft is being blamed for disrupting flights for travelers, along with software users on the ground. >> plus, more changes coming for netflix customers and the new list of the top athletes of this century. >> the espn rankings number 1st may surprise you. >> from abc news this is
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america, this morning. >> good friday morning, everyone i'm andrew dymburt. >> i'm andrea fujii in for rhiannon. we begin with breaking news major computer issues causing problems for the airlines and for hospitals and police across the country. >> overnight airlines, including american, united and delta grounded planes because of computer issues. the problems came hours after a problem was reported with certain microsoft software, which first affected smaller airlines, including frontier airlines. we're also hearing of system outages across major hospitals in new york and california, as well as 911 outages here in new york. >> abc transportation reporter sam sweeney spoke to us a few moments ago about the problem with the airlines. >> well, guys, good morning. certainly a serious issue for a number of these airlines across the country. fortunately, this is happening in the overnight hours when there aren't too many flights taking off. but as you can imagine, the airlines now working as quickly as they can
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so they can begin their mornings as smooth as possible. but right now, certainly issues for american, delta, united and allegiant as they work to get these computer systems resolved. any of these planes that are already in the air will continue on to their destinations, but no new airplanes will take off. of course, as we get new information, we'll pass it along. guys, our thanks to sam sweeney for that report. >> microsoft has said there were issues with cloud services and now cybersecurity agency crowdstrike says it has identified the issue behind the global outage with workarounds now being sent out to affected users. >> the issues also affecting banks, and even tv newsrooms. sky news in the uk, for example, was knocked off the air. we'll bring you more information as it becomes available. >> well, we now turn to former president trump accepting his party's nomination for president. >> the speech lasting more than 90 minutes. he spoke about unity and went into detail about the assassination attempt against
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him. then he turned to some of his more familiar rhetoric on border security, crime and inflation. >> in the meantime, abc news is learning that president biden has now become more receptive to hearing calls for him to step aside. abc's perry russom begins our coverage from milwaukee. perry. good morning. >> andrea, good morning to you. it was trump's first speech since the assassination attempt over the weekend. he was expected to focus on unity, but things went awry as he kept going off script. >> i proudly accept your nomination for president of the united states. >> thank you. >> overnight, former president trump delivering the longest televised nomination acceptance speech in history, speaking for 92 minutes, trump beginning the speech with a commitment to uniting the nation. >> i am running to be president for all of america, not half of america, because there is no victory in winning for half of
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america. >> then, giving a minute by minute recount of his assassination attempt, describing the moment a bullet grazed his right ear. >> there was blood pouring everywhere and yet, in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side. i felt that. >> thank you. >> the now famous photo of his fist raised skyward, projected into the large screens on stage, trump paying tribute to the man who was killed that day, bringing his firefighter uniform on stage, kissing the helmet and holding a moment of silence. the highly choreographed sequence of events soon taking a turn, the rnc stretching into a fifth day as trump spoke past 12 a.m. eastern time, often going off script, falsely accusing democrats of stealing the 2020 election. >> they used covid to cheat. you're never going to let it happen again. >> touching on what could be considered divisive talking points and you know who's being hurt the most by millions of people pouring into our country? >> the black population and the
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hispanic population, and using a term some have criticized as anti-asian hate. but i don't even talk about it because of covid. i don't even mention it. frankly because of what happened with the china virus. >> the former president also mentioning his rival's name despite previously saying he would not. >> if you took the ten worst presidents in the history of the united states, think of it the ten worst added them up. they will not have done the damage that biden has done. >> the biden-harris campaign. reacting to the speech calling trump's agenda the single biggest attack on our personal freedoms and way of life ever proposed in modern american history. in washington, d.c, just hours before trump's remarks, the department of homeland security announcing a third investigation into the secret service. this time focused on security at the former president's butler, pennsylvania, rally. abc news also confirming new details about the shooter, sources say thomas matthew crooks had two cell phones and an individual using his name signed up online to attend the trump rally, one week ahead of time. and then
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back to the speech last night, trump was blaming an increase in violent crime on illegal immigration. but fbi stats show that violent crime is down 6% this quarter, and there is no evidence linking border crossings with a rise in violent crime. andrew. >> all right, perry, thank you. now to president biden facing new pressure overnight to step aside this morning. president biden isolating at his beach house recovering from covid as another top democrat calls for him to exit the race overnight. montana senator jon tester, facing a tough reelection fight, adding to the chorus of voices now up to at least 23 congressional democrats encouraging the president to bow out, sources now telling abc news the president has grown more receptive to hearing out calls for him to end his candidacy. >> there's been a clear change. the president, i am told by multiple people close to him, is listening to the arguments of democrats who say that he cannot win and that he should get out of the race.
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>> it comes as we learn more about closed door meetings between the president and top democrats. senate majority leader chuck schumer presenting biden with polling data showing he could drag down the party in congress, and former house speaker nancy pelosi bluntly expressing her concerns about the president's chances. in november. biden, now confronted with the very situation he recently told our george stephanopoulos, would never happen. >> and if chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries and nancy pelosi come down and say, we're worried that if you stay in the race, we're going to lose the house and the senate, how will you respond? >> we're not going to do that. are you sure? well, yeah, i'm sure. >> but overnight, a top white house communication official dismissing one report that biden could drop out as soon as this weekend, calling the report fan fiction. if biden were to step aside. vice president kamala harris is a leading contender to replace him on the ballot. a senior biden administration official says. president biden has asked for polling on how harris would fare against trump if kamala harris ends up at the
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top of the ticket, that will completely change the dynamics of the race, and we will see a campaign waged over different issues, and we may ultimately see that. >> that campaign brings harris's numbers down, analysts say. >> while harris is the front runner to replace biden, if he steps aside, there could still be a shortened primary type process behind the scenes before the convention. stay with abc news on air and online today for the latest on biden's next move. >> an explosion has rocked central tel aviv, killing one man and injuring at least ten. witnesses say the blast, not far from the us embassy, felt like an earthquake, but did not trigger. air raid sirens. abc's britt clennett is there still tension here at this busy intersection in the heart of tel aviv, where, reportedly a uav exploded just above here, shattering glass in the area. >> we understand that there might still be a threat. that's why police are searching to find out exactly what happened. they've cordoned off the area. now we're just yards away from the us embassy. now. reportedly, this was a low flying drone. one
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person reportedly has died, several people injured, four patients immediately came to us suffering from penetrating trauma, >> and from, like a blunt force trauma. all of them were immediately, evacuated to the hospital. now, there have been threats since those october 7th attacks, but this, this very much shattering a sense of security here in the heart of tel aviv. >> britt. thank you. and we've learned yemen's houthi rebels backed by iran, have now claimed responsibility for the attack. >> time now for your friday weather forecast the way throughout the southeast on this friday, stretching from charlotte toward atlanta and jacksonville to the north. what a treat around chicago, new york city in the 80s with low humidity and bubbling heat building into boise all the way up to 105 degrees, the heat
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continues there this weekend, comfortable throughout the northeast, but a continuation of storminess and storminess into the southeast for accuweather. i'm justin povich for abc news coming up, a hotel is ordered to pay millions for a shower that was too hot. >> also ahead, the murder for hire plot involving a wealthy real estate developer. how he allegedly tried to kill his wif, and what happened when the plan failed. >> and we hear from the family on a dream cruise who got left
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(banker 1) let's hear it! (vo) with wells fargo premier a team can help you plan for your dream. (woman) i have this vacation home... (banker 2) so, like a getaway? (woman) yeah, but... it's also an eco-friendly artist retreat. (banker 3) so, you're expanding your business... (woman) ...and our family! can you help me plan for that? (banker 1) yeah! let's get started. (vo) ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo.
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summer concert series sponsored by wayfair. >> welcome back. the estate of a tennessee man has been awarded $2 million in a wrongful death case stemming from a hot shower. the 76 year old died after being burned by water that was 150
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degrees at a kentucky econo lodge. a jury found the hotel's owner didn't use proper care in inspecting and maintaining the room. >> an oklahoma family is sharing their story about how a dream cruise ended with them stranded in remote alaska. nine members of the galt family were aboard a norwegian encore cruise to alaska, and stepped off the ship for an excursion. they say when they tried to get back to the ship, the local tour operator told them there was no more room on the bus. >> i wasn't shocked, like utterly shocked because i knew that we had paid for the guarantee through the cruise line. so my initial i are they really doing this right now? >> the gaults say they had to pay for their own food and hotel and pay for travel back to oklahoma. they say norwegian is now working with them to make it right. >> we turn now to south florida and new details on a stunning murder for hire plot. this morning, the fbi has charged nine suspects in a murder for
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hire plot involving a miami real estate developer with more than $150 million. sergio pino allegedly paid two groups of hitmen to kill his estranged wife, tatiana pino. >> these efforts were thwarted. she is safe and she no longer needs to live in fear for her life. >> the couple were embroiled in a contentious divorce. a criminal complaint says his wife wanted half of what pino owned and would not settle for the offered $20 million. authorities say the first group of hitmen, including a man who worked on pino's yacht, obtained the fentanyl pino allegedly used to poison his wife and were later seen here ramming her car with a flatbed truck outside her home. but she survived. >> mrs. pino had to die before their next divorce proceedings. >> officials say pino then hired a second group, including one of his roofers, and when tatiana pino was pulling into her driveway last month, they say a gunman was waiting for her, but her daughter was there and intervened, pointed the gun at the daughter's head. >> literally. she was looking at
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the barrel of a gun. ultimately, he decided he was not going to kill the daughter. i was not the contract. >> investigators say pino had offered $300,000 to carry out the hit agents finally raided his mansion this week. pino found dead. they say he had taken his own life. as for those nine suspects, they have not yet entered any pleas. >> coming up, remembering a controversial cable news host. >> also ahead, the debate over school dress codes. why some schools are planning to crack schools are planning to crack down this fall ♪ hey! i'll give you $574 if you switch. for an ice cream? okay. so, what about $574 for switching your home insurance to allstate? tempting. but that's way too much of a hassle. actually, it's not. allstate can handle the switching for you. just call 'em. so, it's easy and i could save? and you get allstate. huh, like a cherry on top. oh, you brought your own. check allstate first and you could save hundreds. you're in good hands with allstate.
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you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. we're all creatures of habit. we've always had our bran flakes with plump juicy raisins and we probably always- ooh, frosting. kellogg's frosted bran. more delicious ways to bran. (♪) ♪ live in color, we're living in color yeah ♪ (♪) bring color to life with the very best paint, only at sherwin-williams. looking for a reason to try the new
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$5 meal deal at mcdonalds? here's one, two, three, four and the price makes 5. that's everything you get with the new $5 meal deal at mcdonald's. strong enamel is your best defense against acid erosion and cavities. that's why i recommend the pronamel active shield because it will strengthen your enamel and create that shield around it. i'm excited for this product. i think patients are really going to like it. dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. >> bring it out again. >> now with a pretty frightening boat ride in georgia, couple out for a peaceful cruise. was suddenly surrounded by a herd of alligators, but they decided to forge ahead anyway. and when they did, the gators thankfully all dove underwater. >> terrifying. >> well, we turn now to the new debate over school dress codes. just weeks before the start of school, some parents and teachers alike are calling for change. it may be mid-summer, but schools across the country are debating new dress code rules for fall in suburban pittsburgh, students in one district will now be required to wear solid colored tops and bottoms. the goal to bring back structure in el paso. some kids will be banned from wearing all black out of concern. the color increases depression, and in the nation's largest school district, new york city, making sure that it's inclusive to, you know, represent different cultures, body types and gender. concern about discrimination
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against some students. right now, each school in the city makes its own rules. so what's allowed? >> at one school, i wasn't allowed to wear crop tops or like shorts up to the knee. >> could be against the rules. >> at another, they were strict on uniform, like extremely strict. so certain colored shoe, shirts and critics say its students of color and those identifying as lgbtq who are most punished for violations. >> so the city is now demanding more consistent rules across all schools. bullying is one reason why more schools nationwide are choosing to require student uniforms. 1 in 5 public schools now require them. supporters say they're cost effective and reduce distractions, but they're far from a perfect solution. a recent study found girls are nearly 10% less likely to get enough exercise if they wear uniforms, because the formal outfits can be physically limiting in the wake of the pandemic, some districts, including indianapolis, have gone the other way. relaxing dress codes supporters say kids
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shouldn't have to miss class because they're wearing the wrong outfit. >> coming up, the top athletes of this century, the rankings from espn and who topped the list, plus more changes on the list, plus more changes on the way for netflix subscribers missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) (♪) to stay on top of my game, i need to keep up my energy. clif bar is purposefully crafted with 10 grams of protein and organic oats. because the more good you put in, the more great you get out. clif. the most important ingredient is you. time to press rewind with... neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair.
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(mmm) (mmm) (hmm) (mmmhmm) ♪ milk chocolate beyond words. classic recipe by lindt. series sponsored by wayfair. >> lou dobbs the conservative political commentator who hosted lou dobbs tonight on cnn and fox business network, has died. dobbs began working for cnn at its inception back in 1980, hosting moneyline, which was later renamed lou dobbs tonight. former president donald trump announced dobbs is passing on his truth social account. dobbs was 78. time now to check the pulse. we begin with netflix. >> it's scrapping its cheapest ad free subscription plan in the u.s. after doing the same thing in canada and the u.k, customers
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now paying 11.99 for the basic plan will have to pay at least 15.99, or they can opt for a 6.99 subscription that includes ads. >> change is coming as netflix reported nearly 280 million subscribers, a record high after cracking down on password sharing. >> well, next, espn ranking the top athletes of the century. >> many sports fans are surprised by some of these picks. seven time super bowl champ tom brady landed at just number five on the competitive leaderboard. >> serena williams outranking him. the 23 time major champion, took the second place spot on the list, and the number one top athlete of the 21st century is michael phelps, the 28 time olympic medalist ranked above all else according to espn. >> it's pretty solid, i think. >> i think that's a very solid list. >> all right. next, the fast food world is buzzing over a surprise upset on the list of favorites. >> chick fil a has been unseated from the top spot. what del taco was america's best fast food
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chain for 2024, according to usa today's ten best readers choice awards, editor's credited its dedicated breakfast menu as well as vegan and vegetarian choices. they do have some good tacos and guacamole. >> i still haven't been to one yet. >> i've seen them on here on the east coast and now what used to be the most popular beer. >> bud light has dropped to number three, in part because of a consumer boycott over a transgender promotion campaign last year. so now stealing the top spots are modelo and michelob ultra, which moved up to the number two spot this year. beer drinkers rejoice. beer tacos. it all (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way. and having someone who can help you get there.
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the key to being rich is knowing what counts. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. (♪) with wet amd, i worry i'm not only losing my sight, but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. (♪) vabysmo is the first fda-approved treatment for people with wet amd that improves vision and delivers a chance for up to 4 months between treatments, so i can do more of what i love. (♪) (♪) vabysmo works differently, it's the only treatment designed to block 2 causes of wet amd. vabysmo is an eye injection. don't take it if you have an infection,
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active eye swelling, or are allergic to it. treatments like vabysmo can cause an eye infection or retinal detachment. vabysmo may cause a temporary increase in eye pressure after receiving the injection. there is an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye can occur. most common eye side effects were cataract and broken blood vessels. open up your world with vabysmo. a chance for up to 4 months between treatments with vabysmo. ask your doctor. (nicole) welcome to blue buffalo's one taste is all it takes. (jeremy) she won't eat anything that she doesn't want to eat.o. there's no faking it with her. (nicole) we sent you blue tastefuls dry food... (jeremy) she loved it. (nicole) what's for dinner tonight? (jeremy) it's tastefuls from blue buffalo for this little girl. (vo) pick up blue tastefuls today. >> what's for
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better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better?
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this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma.
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live look at sfo because passengers are still stranded this morning after a global it outage knocked businesses around the world offline. we're talking about everything from banks to hospitals, even here at abc seven news, what we know about the problem as systems slowly come back online this morning, i am running to be


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