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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  July 24, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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to talk perspectives and politics on the presidential race. plus promenade down the river to the river. >> protests in the streets of san francisco as israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu addresses congress and some local activists traveled to washington, d.c. to make sure their message was heard. >> spencer christian, the bay area's heat advisory expires tonight, and the cooling begins right away. i'll have the forecast. >> and new at six. a new effort to retain san francisco police officers and delay them from taking retirement. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> i've given my heart and my soul to our nation. like so many others, i've been blessed a million times. in return, the love and support of the american people. i hope you have some idea how grateful i am to all of you. >> for the first time, president biden addresses the nation on his decision to step down from the upcoming election. good evening. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. president biden wrapping up that speech, a short time ago in the
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oval office for the first time. >> in his own words, he told the american people why he decided to end his bid for reelection. >> i believe my record is president. my leadership in the world, my vision for america's future all merited a second term. but nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. and that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. that's the best way to unite our nation. >> the president passing the torch to vice president kamala harris, he told america why he thinks harris is the best person to lead the democratic party and the nation. >> i would like to thank our great vice president, kamala harris. she experienced she's tough. she's capable. she's been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country. >> and president biden went on to say the choice is yours and
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encourage people to vote. this november. he said he remains committed to finishing his term, focused on growing the economy and doing right by american families. all right, so let's dive a little deeper into what the president had to say tonight. yes. joining us now, abc seven news insider phil matier historical moment. phil, give us your first impressions. >> without a doubt, an historical moment in unprecedented times. and what we saw tonight was a president that was very i would say he was calm. some would say slow. he was reading from a teleprompter. at times. he stumbled. okay, let's be honest about it. he did not look at top form, but he what we got was what were one of the intentions. at least i would think with all the network coverage was to reassure the american people and the world that things are okay in america and in the white house and although he's leaving the race, he's in command of his faculties and he's commander in chief. i didn't hear a lot of that about, you know, how i'm here and where we're going. that way. what we got was we're here. and then a
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political stump speech, right? largely a stump speech about the upcoming election. but that's what he decided to deliver. it was a political statement because it was a political decision from him to withdraw. yeah. right. >> but and he did say, i will spend the next six months running the country and also campaigning gets here a little bit more about what the president had to say. watch this. >> the great thing about america is here, kings and dictators do not rule. the people do. history is in your hands. the power is in your hands. the idea of america lies in your hands. >> again, casting this race as between two very, very different approaches to running america. what wasn't in this speech, phi? >> well, didn't he say, let's take a look. first of all, we didn't get a reason for him stepping aside. we said he's passing the torch on. but why? >> he did not address his capabilities, obviously on purpose. >> right. or the polling or the movement from party leaders and such like that. okay. we can
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understand that. why go over that? that's what it's done. it was interesting he didn't mention the democratic convention and he didn't also mention the assassination attempt on donald trump. i mean, this is what america has seen. we've seen we saw the debate. we've seen an assassination attempt. we've seen an unprecedented transfer of attempted power. you know, to vice president kamala harris. they take it take the torch. we didn't hear that either, that this is we've never seen this is very brief. and none of that was addressed there. he made reference to trump being, you know, and we heard about dictators and such like that and political violence, but we didn't hear about how did the secret service get a 20 year old allowed on a roof and get a clear shot? these weren't addressed. so, you know, the good news is that americans are okay without that, we're going about our daily lives. we're watching tv tonight. we came home from work, we're going to have dinner. we're going to go to work tomorrow. we are a remarkably calm country for what's going on. >> well, and a lot happened all
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that in just ten days. >> don't forget, he was secluded for covid as well. that's right. so like i said, to come out of that and address the world in the country we're doing, i think, okay, where do we go from here? remains to be seen. >> i mean, we have, what, 100 plus days to the election? >> exactly. we do. and this was clearly a stump speech to put kamala harris in in the forefront and to be honest about it, most bay area democrats and stuff are already listening to her. they've already moved on to that. >> and he's made it very clear he will support her fully. campaign for her absolutely, 100% support. >> it is. and like i said, for i know that we're democracy is being tested, but i think so far we're doing okay on our day to day lives. all right. >> all right. thanks, phil, very much. >> all right. thank you. phil. abc network coverage of president biden. the decision addressed to the nation will air at 10 p.m. that is tonight, followed by abc seven news at 11. >> right now, let's focus on the upcoming election a little bit more. new cnn poll shows vice president kamala harris doing
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better against former president trump than president biden did earlier this year. trump holds a three point lead over harris in the poll. now keep in mind the same poll conducted in june showed trump with a six point lead over biden today. harris spent the day trying to mobilize black women voters, delivering remarks to the historically black sorority zeta phi beta in indianapolis. donald trump, former president, handpicked three members of the united states supreme court because he intended for them to overturn roe v wade. >> when i am president of the united states and when passes a law to restore those freedoms, i will sign it into law. >> a massive crowd showed up at bojangles coliseum in charlotte, north carolina, today to see former president trump. this was trump's first public rally since the assassination attempt, also his first event since vice president harris became the presumptive democratic presidential nominee three and a half years. >> lion kamala harris has been
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the ultra liberal driving force behind every single biden catastrophe. she is a radical left lunatic who will destroy our country if she ever gets the chance to get into office. we're not going to let that happen. >> mr. trump watched biden's speech tonight while on a plane after his rally tomorrow. trump is speaking at a conference in nashville, and there are new details out tonight about the actions of the accused shooter. in the hours and minutes before the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. tonight, officials say the gun seen in the officer's helmet video had a collapsible stock, making it easier to conceal and carry. also fbi director christopher wray told the house judiciary committee today the gunman flew a drone near the rally before mr. trump took the stage, was flying the drone around the area, not over the stage, i would say about 200 yards, give or take away. the
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fbi director also revealed the gunman had looked up how far? lee harvey harvey oswald was from john f kennedy. tomorrow the members of a bipartisan task force created to investigate the shooting will be revealed. also there's encouraging news about the condition of two men who suffered gunshot wounds during that attack. david dutch has been discharged from a pennsylvania hospital and james copenhaver remains in serious but now stable condition. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is trying to shore up support for his country and the war against hamas. netanyahu addressed a joint meeting of congress today. he made an impassioned speech but made no mention of a ceasefire. the prime minister was invited to capitol hill by house speaker mike johnson and senate republican mitch mcconnell. dozens of democratic lawmakers skipped the speech, expressing their disapproval over the civilian deaths and the humanitarian crisis in gaza. >> when we stand together, something very simple happens we win, they lose, netanyahu
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to meet privately with president biden and vice president harris tomorrow. >> he travels to florida to meet former president donald trump. on friday, outside the capitol, thousands of protesters made their presence known amid tight security. netanyahu had strong words for the largely pro-palestinian demonstrators. he said. they were being manipulated by iran on the streets. the visit ignited a new call for a cease fire. abc seven news reporter anser hassan spoke to some bay area activists who are in washington and others who rallied in san francisco to lock him up, lock him up as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addressed congress, protesters took to the streets of san francisco. >> we are outraged that our tax dollars are funding the genocide of gazans. and it's being done in our name as jews and against, a defenseless palestinian population. >> at the same time, thousands
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protested netanyahu's visit in washington, d.c, among them oakland resident liv kunis berkowitz. >> netanyahu denigrated protesters as iran's useful idiots, and it's an utter insult to our movement for collective freedom, collective liberation and safety for all human beings. this is his fake news and his pro genocide agenda. talking >> samir arabi is with the arab resource and organizing center in san francisco, which also protested in d.c. i've been dreading this. you know, the fact that this war criminal is here speaking to congress, getting standing ovations, uh- asking for another round of weapons and financing to continue this genocidal war. it's a horror. it's absolutely a horror, he says. the protesters are also trying to seize on big shifts in american politics. >> mood is rage, but it's also, i think people feel like it's an opportunity, an opportunity to send a message to vice president kamala harris. >> they point to the undecided voters angered by the war in
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gaza, whom they think can still sway the election against democrats. and i think those people's position still holds right. and their ask is very clear, which is that the nominee for the democratic party should embody the values of that constituency base, realign herself with what the people of her party want, and the mass majority of americans want, they add. if harris plans to run as a prosecutor president against former president trump, they hope she applies the same standard to international law in san francisco, anser hassan abc seven news. >> this is the third and final day of the heat wave. the inland parts of the bay area have been dealing with this week, as that old ad campaign used to say, you deserve a break today and you get it. >> spencer christian is here with the forecast. >> that break is right around the corner and i appreciate the emphasis on final day. we still have our heat advisory in effect for parts of the bay area until 11:00 tonight. that would be the east bay hills and interior valleys, the santa clara valley
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and the east santa clara hills. but again, this is going to expire at 11:00 tonight. and the cool down begins tomorrow. right now we're looking at very warm conditions still in our inland areas, but tomorrow we'll see high temperatures in our inland areas that have been in the triple digits the last three days in the mid to upper 90s, in the warmest spots. further cooling will follow on friday and on saturday, with temperatures finally dropping below average for this time of the year over the weekend. all good news and i'll have more good news in my accuweather seven day forecast. a little bit later. >> dan and ama okay spencer, thanks so much. they say actions speak louder than words. how walking lake merritt could mean building a better bay area for oakland. >> plus, i don't know, like where to start because every day i was just fighting with them for adequate care for my father. >> the i-team with one family's story of leukemia. love and loss
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hearing from the family of a man who died while in the care of a nursing home in east oakland. i-team reporter stephanie sierra has their plea for justice tonight. she is in the newsroom with the story. stephanie. yes, dan. >> the story told in this complaint is sadly a familiar reality among low staffed nursing homes. the allegations accuse this local facility of chemically restraining a man for, quote, convenience without any consultation from his doctor. and this lawsuit does claim it was a substantial factor that caused his death. >> i was hurt, i was scared lik,
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for him, it was just bad. >> kiyomi williams admitted her father orlando into windsor health care center of oakland following his leukemia diagnosi. now she's suing them. >> it was a horror movie. >> less than a month after his admission to the facility, her father was found dead in his be. after what this complaint alleges was reckless overmedication with sedatives and narcotics. williams allegedly faced untold pain, suffering and injury as a result of the reckless neglect and abuse from staff at the facilit, according to the complaint filed in alameda county, superior court. >> i was under the impression that it was a 4.5 facility, but when i got there, it was just totally unacceptable. >> on december 14th, 2022, several days after being admitted, the complaint alleges williams reportedly eloped from the building and his daughter
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found him by a nearby crosswalk. >> i made a big fuss about it. that's when you know, they start medicating him and every time i come there he was unable to talk. >> the facility allegedly never reported that incident to state regulators, which the complaint claims is required by state law. instead, the complaint alleged the facility secured a physician's order for ativan, a sedative and morphine narcotic, to prevent him from getting away. >> that's basically chemically restraining someone, but it's a it's a very, in compassionate way to deal with people, and it can be deadly, as it was in this case. >> the legal document also claimed during her father's entire stay at the facility, unqualified staff heavily dosed him with sedatives and narcotics without directly consulting with his doctor, which was required by the facility and the physician's order. >> large doses of ativan that was the ultimate cause of his his death and that's a horrible way to die. >> the i-team reached out to
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windsor health care center of oakland, along with some of its parent companies, for further comment, including the parent company's ceo, billionaire businessman shlomo rechnitz, who owns dozens of nursing home facilities across the state. but we have yet to hear back. the facility is part of a larger network of nursing homes that have been scrutinized in recent years, the complaint alleges. the company presents false representations and manipulates that five star rating system with respect to staffing and quality of care, according to care compare, a federal oversight arm for nursing homes. the facility has a four out of five star rating on medicare's website. >> we've got five current pending cases against him and his facilities, and that's one hallmark in all these cases is that they are significantly understaffed. >> now. there was another case out of sacramento county in 2020 that involved the use of ativan and the drugging of a patient. and while that particular lawsuit did not involve any of the defendants in this case, the
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outcome did result in a $42 million verdict. so we'll of course, be following this case closely. >> all right. thank you so much, stephanie. and we are following the story of a topic stephanie reported yesterday. oakland is now a step closer to a $6 million upgrade to a critical police department system. the city council's public safety committee did approve the plan to replace the police department's record management system with modern, cloud based software. the new system is being heavily vetted after oakland was hacked last year, the full oakland city council will take up the contract on tuesday. all right, let's go to the weather. >> it will not be the big chill. exactly, but it is cooling off a good bit. >> we'll take any chill. spencer >> compared to the heat we've had, it might feel like a big chill. here's a look at our satellite radar composite image. you can see the shifting of weather systems. high pressure to our east is moving away a trough of low pressure to our north, bringing us a cooling onshore flow. and we're feeling that breeze right now with wind speeds at the surface generally about 20 to 25mph, that will be
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a big contributing factor to the cool down over the next several days. in fact, it's already cooling down despite the heat that lingers in the inland areas. you can see the 24 hour temperature change shows most of our inland areas anywhere from seven to about ten degrees cooler than they were yesterday, which indicates just how hot they were yesterday. 67 degrees in san francisco, right now, 73. in oakland, we have 81 at hayward, upper 80s at san jose and redwood city, 64 at half moon bay. looking northward, san jose center, san jose, santa rosa right now 82 degrees, 79 apiece at petaluma and napa, 94 at fairfield and right around 90 at concord. and livermore. so on we go to this heat advisory, which has been in effect since 11:00 monday morning. it expires tonight at 11 p.m, and there's still a risk of heat related illnesses in with overexposure to this kind of heat. but again, that threat will diminish as and disappear actually as that heat advisory is lifted overnight. look for low temperatures mainly in the upper 50s to low 60s near the coast in bay, mid to upper 60s in many warm inland areas.
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and highs tomorrow well still pretty warm inland. we'll see some mid to upper 90s in places like concord, antioch and livermore, but generally the cool down will be underway tomorrow and here is the accuweather seven day forecast. notice. the drop in temperatures on friday and saturday only mid 80s inland in the warmest spots on friday and saturday only up to about 80 degrees or lower, which is quite a bit below average for this time of the year. so cool for july going through the weekend. minor warming will occur early next week, but only bringing temperatures back up to the normal range for this time of the year, but nothing extreme at all. and no heat wave again for a while. yeah, a nice weekend. oh, yeah. thanks, spencer. >> all right. how much longer until delta airlines gets back to normal? following last week's crowdstrike outage
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nasdaq had its biggest single day loss since 2022. the nasdaq dropped 655 points. the dow plummeted 504. the s&p 500 is down nearly 129 points. the so-called magnificent seven tech stocks lost more than $750 billion in market cap today apple, alphabet, amazon, meta, nvidia, microsoft and tesla make up that group. >> tough day on the market. still tough for delta airlines
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which is now apologizing and offering to reimburse customers caught in that travel nightmare caused by last week's crowdstrike i.t. outage. delta says it will reimburse travelers for flights booked on other airlines during the meltdown. it also is promising 10,000 bonus miles for each ticket purchased. while most airlines were affected by the it outage, delta was hit the hardest by far. in a company memo, delta says it is working to reposition planes and people and expects to return to normal operations by the end of the week. an estimated half million people have been affected by delta's delays. >> what will it take to keep san francisco police on the job? one option delaying retirement. new at six tonight. the incentives that could keep them on the force. >> the gun was about three feet away from me, so i pushed the gun away. and i have a full metal door where my office is in the back room. so i try to run to the metal door and shut the door. >> you're going to hear more
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from this shop owner on how he survived an armed robbery
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what's the solution? >> sfpd will offer generous payments to some officers to delay retirement. retirement. abc7 news reporter luz pena spoke to the mayor and the police chief about it. >> as the san francisco police department celebrated the promotion of a group of officers outside the venue. mayor london breed and police chief bill scott defended the need for a program that would pay officers more to postpone their retirement. >> we can keep those members around a few more years as we fill the ranks of incoming officers. then the department will grow with a 500 officer shortage. >> the san francisco police department's staffing crisis is leading to increased overtime. we're about 800 or so in operations, and those officers and operations almost top to bottom or doing overtime daily. the chief is hoping that deferred retirement option
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program, also known as drop, will help. this week, supervisor matt dorsey introduced a charter amendment breaking down how drop will work. eight out of 11 supervisors voted to send it to the november ballot to convince officers to stay. >> you know, a few extra years, up to five extra years, provided that they work in patrol or investigations. and if they do that, their retirement will be paid into an interest bearing account that will earn 4% interest rate. >> the program could cost anywhere between $600,000 to $3 million a year. supervisor hillary ronen voted against it. >> it would info in their last five years of employment, officers to earn practically double their salary. they would earn their salary with that 20% pay raise bonus, which we already agreed to last year to retain those officers. on average, an officer that's enrolled in the drop program
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would earn 40 $437,000 a year. the president of the police officers association said. >> officers won't be making that much. >> you got to work a lot of hours to earn that much money and it's not like we're taking home three, 400, $500,000, right? you get hit with a tax bill. >> a san francisco faces a nearly $800 million, two year budget deficit. the mayor said retaining officers longer is just one strategy using 21st century technology. >> in addition to having community ambassadors, retired police officers. all of those things are helping to see one of the lowest crime rates we've seen in ten years. >> voters will decide in november in san francisco, luz pena, abc seven news. >> all right. to the south bay now, where a small business owner is recovering after a violent store robbery. he's determined to get justice. and as abc seven news south bay reporter zach francis shows you, he's sharing some key evidence in the case.
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>> the video is terrifying. the owner of dab society smoke shop and cbd pharmacy, shot by masked robbers in his san jose business. his injuries were potentially life threatening. >> about roughly 80 stitches on my body currently and broken bones, of course, my artery was the main artery was shot at, so there was. i lost a lot of blood, about 35 pints of blood. >> jay patel said it happened around two in the afternoon on july 6th. a man who made him uneasy came into the store. >> i guess that he had seen the watch, the rolex on my wrist based off of the built in clothing. >> patel believes that same person was one of the masked robbers who came to the store just a couple of hours later, they said, let me get your rolex, and i had long sleeves on that day, so my watch was covered. >> i looked down and i'm like, how do they know i have a rolex on? >> it was just seconds after that a gun was pulled out. >> the gun was about three feet away from me, so i pushed the gun away. and i have a full metal door where my office is in
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the back room. so i try to run to the metal door and shut the door. he ended up actually just shooting me on the side of my hip, and a shot that patel said glass worth thousands of dollars. >> those suspects got away with the watch. smoke shops have been a target in san jose. just over a year ago, san jose police made an arrest in connection to burglaries at more than ten, the suspects taking stolen cars and crashing them through the exteriors to break in. san jose police tell us that the investigation into what happened at patel shop is still being investigated, and detectives are still following up on leads. patel is hopeful someone will come forward with information. i want these guys caught and i'm very concerned about all the neighboring businesses around me or any other smoke shops. back at the store, patel and his manager have already made changes, started to immediately box off the area more, make it more secure, make it visible to people outside. >> what's happening inside? >> while patel is still on the mend, he has at least a six month recovery ahead of him, including physical therapy in san jose. zach fuentes, abc
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seven news we're following up on the clean out of a homeless encampment by the bay bridge toll plaza. >> crews from the city of oakland returned today for a second day to clear out the last of the camp. sky seven was overhead as the work was underway. oakland is providing people who live there with temporary shelter, although some advocates say that doesn't meet the legal requirements of providing adequate services. the urgency to clear out the encampment comes from the san francisco bay conservation and development commission, or bcdc, which oversees the bay front. the agency threatened to fine oakland $30,000 if the people did not leave. a new initiative by oakland community members aims to get more people to walk around lake merritt. they believe that would revitalize the area and help small businesses. abc seven news reporter ryan curry spoke with organizers about their message and how it can build a better bay area. >> a new push to polish oakland's crown jewel. this group is hoping to make lake merritt sparkle with something
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as simple as a walk. i really am interested in connecting with people and understanding how, as a community, we can make the lake a better place. it's part of the love lake merritt campaign, an effort from several oakland organizations dedicated to making this the cultural center of the city. karen boyd worked for the city for years and is helping organize this campaign. >> we wanted to bring joy and vitality to the lake this summer, and one of the things we thought would be great is for people to walk in community, to be together on wednesdays at lunch and after work. >> they will be walking around the lake and they welcome anyone to join them. they hope more foot traffic means more people getting to know each other, and more people shopping downtown. >> bring some opportunities lunchtime and after work to be together and celebrate what's beautiful about this town. >> it's a mission. business owners welcome kenneth tory runs howden market downtown. she says the crime has made people fearful to be in the city, and that means businesses suffer. >> if the street is all blight,
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there's no people, there's no business. >> business cannot survive without customer and customer wouldn't have anywhere to shop or hang out. >> the tory says if more people are out and about, it would change the look of the city. she is running for city council but supports any initiative to help the small businesses that have been struggling. i think what, you know, walk oakland's and, you know, lake celebrations and all these are happening. >> it's going to help with that. and we definitely need to amplify that voice, amplifying a voice and changing a tone about what they think can become a more vibrant and safer city in oakland. >> ryan curry, abc seven news. >> all right, coming up next. forget about counting bedrooms and bathrooms. it's all about medieval treasures in this san francisco home for sale. we'll take you through it it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor.
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. heart community services has one more week to get 1000 more backpacks for young students. the group's annual school supply giveaway is critical in a time of sky high prices. >> it is a big need because it helps parents families, not
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stress about it, and it helps them a lot in their financial because right now, everybody all a lot of families here in the bay area are struggling and us doing this, we'll lift a lot of stress from them and also get kids excited for the school yea. >> certainly will. their goal is to give away 4000 bags full of school essentials next tuesday and thursday. recipients must pre-register. we've put the url on the screen where you can get more information. sacred heart c s .org/ p a b 2024 >> that's pretty good. well, a one of a kind home is up for sale in san francisco. many say it's more like a museum, really, than a house. the home on portola drive was owned by a catholic priest and is really just chock full of all sorts of artifacts. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn is your guide. >> step inside this home on portola drive and you'll be utterly amazed, even overwhelmed, by an extensive collection. >> you like swords and dragons and basically anything medieval. when the auctioneer came by to
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appraise the home, he made a beeline for these two and said that these were the real deal. >> the three bedroom, two bath spanish mediterranean home is now for sale. >> it's listed at 1.2 $1,195,000. >> the home looks and feels a lot like a museum. >> some things are real treasures, others are just sort of appealing. >> check out the stained glass. >> this is a stained glass door. there's a cross here. >> the suits of armor, the goblets. >> this is pewter. i would not want to drink out of it. >> the bathroom fixtures. talk about a throne. >> all of his friends know about it. they all come and make a beeline, ask if it's still here. >> the home belonged to a priest, reverend guillermo rodriguez. reverend rodriguez died in his sleep back in april. according to rodriguez trust, all of the things inside his home are supposed to stay here until it's sold. >> he wanted the house when it sold, showing all of his possessions so people could see them. >> reverend rodriguez was a renaissance man who spoke six languages and was a master artist and painter. he served
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the archdiocese of san francisco for nearly 30 years. the archdiocese released this statement today saying, quote, father guillermo rodriguez lived an extraordinary life of service, extending the hand of jesus to the needy throughout san francisco until his death in april at 93, this remarkable priest had a wonderful sense of humor and live by the motto, the greatest sin of all is wasting time. reverend rodriguez's home is a reflection of his love for life and his sense of humor. >> there's a lot of whimsy in here that he wore a beret, drove a convertible. >> the one of a kind home is for sale, reverend rodriguez collection to be seen and appreciated and eventually donated or sold at an estate sale in san francisco, suzanne phan abc seven news. >> this is the third and final. did you hear me say final day of our heat wave? i hope that's a promise. spencer. yes, a look ahead at cooler
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california, raising money to care for a sudden influx of ducklings. the ducklings came from fertilized eggs that were supposed to be used to make
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balut, which is a filipino delicacy. the eggs, though, started to hatch after a shipping delay. there were 300 of them, about 100 survived. volunteers at the duck sanctuary are trying to raise 150 grand through a gofundme campaign. it had about $2,000 yesterday. now they are at nearly 9000. we have a link to this on our website, abc seven, and we have an update on yesterday's hydrothermal explosion at yellowstone national park. >> the big biscuit basin will be closed for the rest of the 24th season to protect visitors. the area about two miles north of old faithful looks very calm today, but yesterday visitors raced to safety as a blast ripped apart the boardwalk and sent boiling water, steam and rocks into the air. the national park service says no one was hurt. the usgs says there were no detectable precursors to this event, so it really happened without warning. >> crazy to see. all right, let's get to our weather. in the
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end of the heat wave. >> we are so happy this spencer christian is back going to cool off a good bit. yeah. >> i've never, never been so happy to say the end is near the end of the heat wave that is looking at the satellite radar composite image. you see low pressure digging southward into our area. that's going to provide a cooling onshore flow, which is evident already with wind speeds at the surface up to 2520 six miles per hour. and that will be part of the pattern of the cooling trend over the next several days. and even right now, you can see it is several degrees cooler, even in those hot spots inland than at this time yesterday. so on we go with a look at current temperature reading 67 here in san francisco. oakland 7380s, low and upper 80s at hayward and san jose, 90 at redwood city, 64 at half moon bay. other temperature readings right now looking northward, 82 at santa rosa, upper 70s at petaluma and napa, 94 at fairfield, and right around 90 at concord. and livermore. and of course, we still have this heat advisory in effect until 11:00 tonight for the east bay hills, the east bay, interior valleys, santa clara valley, and the east santa
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clara hills. and as we go into the nighttime hours with mainly clear skies, but some low clouds beginning to develop near the coast overnight lows will be mainly in the upper 50s near the coast and low 60s just about everywhere else. highs tomorrow not quite so high as today, but still warm inland with a few mid to upper 90s, but around the bay shoreline we'll see upper 70s to low 80s and 60s on the coast. and here is the accuweather seven day forecast. and although still warm inland tomorrow the cooling will continue. that starts tomorrow right on through the weekend. in fact, by saturday we'll see high temperatures below average, only up to about 80 degrees inland, about 70 around the bay. then there will be gradual warming going into early next week, but nothing extreme, nothing excessive, and certainly nothing out of the ordinary for this time of the year. very nice. >> nothing to complain about. >> i like that too. i like that, spencer. >> okay, anything to complain about on sports? >> larry no, everything's perfect. i really like your outfit with the paisley. the blue on blue. it's cold this morning. you look fantastic.
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thank you, thank you. spencer so we expected brandon aiyuk would skip practice, but the 40 niners now have another star who is not on the football field. the man who protects brock purdy's blindside, trent williams. he's holding out. and w
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he's not doing any drills while he waits for a new contract. the surprise came when we learned that offensive tackle trent williams, perennial all-pro, he's a no show because of his contract. all right, here's the situation. williams is 36 years old, regarded as one of the best o linemen in nfl history. he's under contract for three more years, averaging about 25 million a season. he wants a raise to start with. and another big key here williams has no guaranteed money left on his deal. nfl contracts are not guaranteed. so you get hurt. and that's your problem. so this really does need to be resolved. let's bring in abc seven's chris alvarez. and to borrow a line from marshawn lynch ayaka's there so he doesn't get fined. but the tab for williams 50 grand a day. and that cannot be rescinded. chris >> yeah. larry i'm no mathematician, but stay with me here holding in. keeping your money is better than holding out, losing your money. that's that's a simple equation. uh-
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one guy that is here, brock purdy, the starting quarterback entering year three. he is fully healthy and he is ready to go. first day of training camp. hey, maybe his quads do look a little better. bigger. he's called mini bosa with the quads, at least from kyle shanahan this time. fully healthy, no rehab from injury. brock told us today he's gotten stronger physically in the off season, but has maintained a focus on his agility and ability to throw the football. that's number one. the niners have played a lot of football with deep playoff runs and two super bowl appearances in the last five seasons. the hunger to finish with the lombardi trophy remains the ultimate focus. >> we have guys in this locker room that taste it and they want it. and you know, coming back, you know it was a heartbreak man losing that super bowl and the way we did it. the overtime, all that and how badly we want it for this fan base and this organization man. like we want it. you know just the way fred's acting george juice like these guys that have been in the league for a while. man. they're back ready like hungry. and i'm going to my year three. so i'm hungry. but i did the same thing i walked in, i'm like, how are
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these guys going to you know like seem or feel and you can feel it, man. they're hungry for it. and we're ready to do it for this organization. and the fan base. >> if you were wondering if these guys are ready, larry, that week, one game against aaron rodgers and the jets on the ninth can't come soon enough. of course you'll see it right here on abc seven. >> i was having a flashback watching the niners walk off the field to us in vegas, standing next to them, going, oh, it's bringing back the feeling. so anyway, let's move on while you're there, we're going to see what the rest of the world calls football. soccer to us wrexham versus chelsea at levi's stadium tonight. >> yeah that's going to be a lot of fun. it's about to kick off at 7:00. so to avoid a little bit of the heat we're staying inside. we're going to talk with rob mcelhenney the owner. he's got pushed to half time so hopefully bring that to you at 11. but i did talk to some of the players on the team to talk about that whole phenomenon. the show. welcome to wrexham. >> yeah, i don't think we think of ourselves as celebrities as such. but you know, i was here before the takeover, in the
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academy. so to experience the whole change and sort of lived that it's been, it's been a bit of a whirlwind. >> when rob and ryan bought the football club, the one of the aim was to see, you know, could a successful team, you know, transform an area. and i think certainly it's along the way of doing that. you know, you really feel it in the in the town that, everybody's walking around with a smile on the face and enjoying being part of it because i think everyone is a part of it. >> such a cool story and such a cool show. it's actually very nominated with awards. they have a little bit of a sweep of some awards, and of course you can watch it on hulu, which is part of the disney plus package. larry, there's a lot of great content to watch there, why not? because disney is the parent company of abc seven, in case you didn't know already. >> thanks for squeezing the disclaimer into your report. enjoy the match on the pitch and your conversation with rob mcelhenney later on. sports on abc seven. sponsored by smart and final. back to the 40 niners for a second. different tactics
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brandon aiyuk all off season i you know i want more money. i want more money, want more money, want more money. not going to show up to camp. not going to show up. not going to show up, and hulking trent williams is just i'm not going to be there, never mind the social media, but they have to take care of both of them before the season starts. yeah, absolutely. thanks yeah. >> all right. well, tonight on abc seven at eight, it's who wants to be a millionaire? followed at nine by claim to fame, then at ten abc network coverage of president biden. the decision addressed to the nation. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for spencer, kristen, larry, bill, all of us here. >> we appreciate your time and hope you have a nice evening. we'll see you again at 11.
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from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is "jeopardy!" let's meet today's contestants... an actor and screenwriter from provo, utah... a mechanical engineer from seattle, washington... and our returning champion, a software engineer from lionville, pennsylvania...
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whose three-day cash winnings total $53,099. and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!", ken jennings. thank you to the great johnny gilbert, and welcome to "jeopardy!" our champion, neilesh vinjamuri, had to work a little harder for his third win yesterday, as it was his first that was not a runaway. thankfully for neilesh, nobody was correct in final, and he escaped with another victory. can he make it four today? let's start finding out as we welcome wendy and davey to the alex trebek stage. here are your categories in the jeopardy round, contestants... first... that's timely. then... we have... each response will also be a rhyming color phrase.


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