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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  July 26, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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i hit the corner trying to go to my friend's house and there's a coyote right there, and i didn't do any of that. i just looked at it and it looked at me, stared it down, and it left. and i said, thank you, thank you. >> why am i yelling at a coyote who's not yelling at me? like, if that coyote just was doing its own thing, like living its life? >> i know, but what if it was coming towards you? you might have to do something if it gets really close up to me, fine. >> but otherwise, that's what i did. >> i'm not yelling. i just looked like i would yell. >> naturally, though, if it's coming toward me, i'd be like, oh, it's c >> rebecca: good morning america. wildfire emergency. nearly 100 large fires burning in the west, including the largest of the year in california, forcing thousands from their homes. a suspect in custody, accused of igniting the massive fire. >> we're standing on the only
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road in and out right now and we're getting covered with smoke and ash. >> rebecca: ginger and kayna are tracking it all. >> whit: breaking overnight. kamala harris getting a big endorsement from barack obama and michelle obama. >> we want to ban assault weapons and they want to ban books. >> whit: what donald trump is now saying about debating harris, and the new focus on j.d. vance's comments made about people without children. >> gio: french train lines targeted ahead of tonight's olympic opening ceremonies. >> whit: two top leaders of a notorious drug cartel arrested, responsible for the majority of drugs, including fentanyl killing americans. >> rebecca: justin timberlake's dwi case. his team in court. reports of teflon flu cases on
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the rise. the symptoms to watch for and how to cook safely with nonstick pans. ♪ >> gio: start your engines. the cast is zooming by! we're revving up our efforts to help you. >> show me the money! >> gio: as team usa's women's soccer team races away with a big win, plus cocoa goff set to make olympic history. >> i haven't met lebron yet. i'm excited to meet him and stand alongside him. >> gio: the world is waiting to see if celine dion and lady gaga will take the opening ceremony stage. ♪ i'm on the edge of glory ♪ >> whit: and right now our gold medal worthy duo is taking over paris. we can't wait to see where la lara and james are going. >> lara: cheers. >> james: cheers, everyone.
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>> whit: just when you thought they were done, jackman and reynolds with another surprise for you, on what ryan called the greatest night of my life. >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> whit: good morning america. so great to have you with us on a friday. >> gio: it is a good friday here. take a look at that crowd in central park ready to rock with green day on this summer morning. look at that. so many people excited there. >> rebecca: we're having some really nice high school flash backs with green day coming up. lara, meantime, is live in paris this morning ahead of the olympics opening ceremony, looking beautiful in front of that eiffel tower. lara and james will take us on their tour of the city. you do not want to miss it. plus, the latest on team usa and the security concerns with the opening ceremonies just hours away. >> whit: first though a busy morning. we begin with the wild fire emergency in the west. nearly 100 large fires are burning, forcing thousands to flee their homes.
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a suspect is under arrest after authorities say the largest fire burning in california this year was deliberately set. let's get to kayna whitworth in chico, california. good morning. >> reporter: whit, good morning. it has been chaos ever since. beyond this road block, there are downed trees and power lines hampering this fire fight. one cal fire official told me not only is this fire burning aggressively, but it's angry, in all the right places. it's burning part of the forest it hasn't burned in decades, tripling in size, and is now the largest fire in california. this morning at northern california ablaze. the aggressive park fire burning 145,000 acres. homes engulfed in flames, gas tanks exploding, creating pillars of fire higher than the tree line. another home violently exploding, cars on fire. look how high those flames are. they are hundreds of feet in the air, just climbing those trees.
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then when they get to the top of the tree there, it starts to blow embers and ash. that's how spot fires start. we're standing in the only road in and out of the area right now and we're getting covered with smoke and ash. this is dangerous. >> reporter: the initial spread unrivalled, burning 4,000 acres an hour. >> hey, watch your back! we're getting flames again! >> reporter: more than 1,000 firefighters on the attack, from the air and the ground, trying to save the town. >> we can't! we won't make it through! >> reporter: thousand forced to flee their homes with almost no warning. some trapped, sheltering in place. >> we said a prayer over our house and we just prayed to god. >> reporter: paul and janet mallory made it out and learned their home is still standing. >> we're happy that we're out and we prayed over it and i believe our house is standing today because of a miracle.
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>> reporter: and this morning cal fire investigators say they've arrested 42-year-old ronnie dean stout on suspicion of arson. the district attorney said he was arrested after a man was seen pushing a car in flames down a 60 foot embankment. authorities aware of this video posted to tik tok by someone who says they saw it happen. >> i watched the guy blow up his car and then put it in neutral and roll it down the hill. >> reporter: authorities say he then tried to blend in with citizens in the area who were fleeing the rapidly evolving fire. now this is certainly a community that is on edge. we know of one couple that lost their home in the campfire that destroyed the town of paradise. well, they lost their new home yesterday. for many of them, the worst part is they know this is far from over. this fire continues to burn in favorable conditions. gio, we are now under a red flag warning. >> gio: just an unbelievable
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story for so many reasons. thank you very much. the wild fires are causing smoky skies and poor air quality, so let's bring in ginger who's tracking that and the red flag warnings. >> ginger: good morning. the air quality alerts are calling for burning eyes, noses that will be running, unhealthy air for your lungs and heart. and it's saying don't take children outside if you see the smoky air. denver, colorado had unhealthy air quality. there are more than 100 uncontained wild fires burning. we'll see the red flag warnings up today and tomorrow at least around chico, from washington state down through oregon and idaho into western nebraska because the smoke's gonna get all the way there. canada has more than 950 large wild fires burning. that unhealthy air makes it to the ground. that deep red is the stuff you want to look out for. we're also going to see that heat bubble start to subside a bit. it's still plenty hot to keep things kind of dry. >> rebecca: you were out in all
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of this experiencing it yesterday. >> ginger: yes. >> rebecca: great to have you back. we turn to the race for the white house. vice president harris picking up a big endorsement from former president barack obama and michelle obama as she goes on a campaign blitz. four states in just four days. our senior white house correspondent selina wang is tracking the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. vice president kamala harris is racing to rally support across the country, with the election now just 100 days away. she is aggressively going after donald trump and hitting that campaign trail. >> hi. >> hey there. >> reporter: this morning vice president kamala harris getting a major endorsement to her campaign. >> we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> reporter: the former
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president and first lady throwing their seismic weight behind harris as she finishes her first week as a presidential candidate, hitting four states in four days. >> bring it on. bring it on. >> reporter: sharpening her attacks on trump as an enemy of the middle class. >> donald trump and his extreme allies want to take our nation back to failed trickle down economic policies. back to union busting. back to tax breaks for billionaires. >> reporter: overnight harris rallying one of the nation's largest teachers unions in houston, texas. >> we want to ban assault weapons and they want to ban books. >> reporter: the vice president dropping her first campaign ad featuring beyonce song "freedom." ♪ i need freedom ♪ >> the freedom not just to get by, but get ahead. >> reporter: harris said she's ready to debate donald trump.
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>> i think the voters deserve to see the split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage, and so i'm ready. let's go. >> reporter: but trump now backtracking on his pledge to face off on stage. his campaign saying it would be inappropriate to schedule things with harris because democrats very well could still change their minds. harris quickly pitting trump's words against him asking, what happened to any time any place when the nominee was president biden? this morning previous comments from trump's vice presidential candidate j.d. vance first reported by abc, calling for people without children to be taxed more. >> we need to reward the things that we think are good and punish the things we think are bad. you talk about tax policy. let's tax the things that are bad and not tax the things that are good. if you're making $100,000 a year and you've got three kids, you should pay a different lower tax rate than if you're making the same amount of money and you don't have any kids. it's that simple.
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>> reporter: the comments resurfaced after a clip of vance questioning the leadership abilities of people without kids was already getting blow back. >> we are effectively run in this country, be it the democrats by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices they made so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too. it's just a basic fact. look at kamala harris, aoc, the entire future of the democrats is controlled by people without children. >> reporter: actress jennifer aniston sharing vance comments with her 44 million instagram followers writing, i truly can't believe this is coming from a potential vp of the united states. and the former wife of harris' husband doug emhoff coming to her defense, saying harris co-parents their two children. writing for over ten years since cole and ella were children, kamala has been a co-parent with us. she is always present. i love our blended family and am
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great to have her in it. ella adding, how can you be childless when you have kids like cole and i? i love my three parents. time is running out for harris to pick a running mate. she's still considering a pool of about a dozen people. on monday, governor shapiro and whitmer are both campaigning for her in pennsylvania. both are considered possible running mates. whit? >> whit: all eyes on that decision for sure. thank you. vice president harris met in washington with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. president biden also met separately with the israeli leader. our chief global affairs leader martha raddatz joins us now. martha, these talks come at a critical time in negotiations on a possible cease fire and release of hostages. >> reporter: this is one of the most delicate foreign policy issues any politician faces. it is the first one that kamala harris has had to take on as the democrats presumptive nominee. the meeting followed a lengthy meeting between president biden
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and netanyahu. biden pushed to end the war humanely and bring the hostages home. but it was harris who took center stage after her 40-minute session with netanyahu, strongly backing israel's right to defend itself, but saying bluntly that far too many innocent civilians have been killed, calling the situation in gaza devastating. at the same time, criticizing protesters who burned a flag and shouted anti-israel slogans here in washington. later today netanyahu will meet with donald trump at mar-a-lago. trump told fox news israel should end this war quickly because it has been decimated by the publicity. gio? >> gio: martha, thank you very much. now a stunning headline. the french train lines targeted ahead of the olympics opening ceremonies. james longman is there for us in paris. james what do we know about this attack? >> james: yeah, good morning, gio. details are pretty scant but authorities are calling this a
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massive coordinated attack on this country's rail way system. three fires were set along rail lines to the north and east of paris. could be that with so much security in place here in the capital, that the attackers found easier targets elsewhere. it's caused massive delays and cancellations. nearly 1 million people will have been affected through the weekend. fires were set in signal boxes. lines were cut on high speed rail lines. it even affected the euro train that connects the u.k. with france. no word on who carried this out, but intelligence services are involved in the investigation. it is clear this was an attempt to sabotage the opening ceremonies tonight. rebecca? >> rebecca: james, thank you. we turn now to the arrest of two leaders of the notorious sililoa drug trial who are facing prosecution in the u.s. for drugs and other crimes. overnight attorney general garland made a rare video
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statement on the arrest. >> the justice department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable. >> rebecca: a significant move so we bring in now chief justice correspondent pierre thomas to break it down. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: rebecca, good morning. this cartel is one of the most prolific and violent drug organizations responsible for shipping thousands of pounds of cocaine, methamphetamine into the u.s. every single day, making billions in profits. fentanyl is killing americans every year. ishmael garcia known as el mayo, one of the most wanted men on the planet, now in u.s. custody. son of the notorious el chapo also being brought to justice. the men were arrested and placed in handcuffs by homeland
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security and the fbi following an operation culminating at an air strip not far from el paso. sources say el mayo, the co-founder of the cartel, was lured to what he thought was property in mexico. it's like something out of a movie, rebecca. >> rebecca: it is. some of the most wanted men on the planet, as you say. okay, pierre. thank you. we go back to paris as we count down to the highly anticipated opening ceremony. we hear this is going to be unlike anything we have ever seen. >> lara: and, rebecca, that is what we are hearing. good morning. at every olympic games up until now, the opening ceremony featured athletes entering a stadium parading around a ring proudly carrying their flag. the french have a different idea. how about a parade down one of the famous places in the world. the countdown is on. opening ceremony of the summer
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games just hours away. but this year is going to look a little different. a historic twist. instead of proudly representing their country from inside a stadium, this year for the first time ever the parade is heading outside and on the water. over 10,000 athletes from 206 countries will be cheering their hearts out on board 90 boats traveling down nearly four miles of the famous sienne river. traveling past the notre dame, waving to an anticipated 300,000 fans. one of the biggest honors of the night? the flag bearers. out of the 590 athletes representing team usa, this year lebron james and tennis phenom cocoa goff were given the honors. cocoa clearly surprised by chris eubanks in this video team usa shared online.
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>> oh. >> you will be the flag bearer with lebron james. >> i had no idea. it was definitely very shocking. i haven't met lebron yet, but i am excited to meet him and be a flag bearer alongside him. >> lara: this is her first olympic games and, at just 20 years old, she is making history as the youngest american to carry the flag at this event. it's not just playing tennis she's looking forward to. >> i would love to maybe try to see gymnastics or i saw soccer, rugby. >> lara: the u.s. women's soccer team already dominating the field, beating zambia 3-0 under their new head coach. so team usa will be the second to last boat heading down the sienne tonight before host france and the parade and the torch is officially lit. we will be back in the next half hour with some surprises planned for the opening ceremonies including who might be performing.
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i hear it's big. >> gio: it is. it is, lara. all right. thank you very much. coming up here show me the money. the surprising places your money could be hiding. >> whit: justin timberlake legal team set to face a judge as they fight his dwi charge. first ginger. good morning. >> ginger: let's get your weather in just 30 seconds.
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>> rebecca: green day's in the park. stay with us.
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county. you can track every wildfire with this interactive map on our website. it also lets you see the air quality around you. just go to abc seven map. how is our friday morning traffic? >> well, we'll take you to novato, reggie aqui southbound 101 before roland boulevard. a two vehicle crash is blocking the two left lanes there. the backup is to san marin drive. there is a 17 minute delay. speeds are down to 30mph. an alternate route would be redwood boulevard. back to you, reggie. >> if you want to cool, cooler, cloudier weather, then lisa has th
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refreshes. don't wait macy's one day sale and sunday. >> are you ready? let's go. go go go go back. in civilian life, i wear a toupee. nobody knows everybody knows. >> rated r. gotta believe me. >> when i tell you i like it like that. i like it like that. i like it like that. >> tv's biggest morning party live with kelly and mark >> happy friday to you from mount tam, you can see the low clouds and fog obscuring some of the view there, but it's a sunny day on the way, much cooler. and right now we've gained a degree in san jose at 6656, san francisco 61. in oakland, and looking at upper 50s redwood city, it is clear on the
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peninsula. but can you see that it's a little bit hazy. the fog is going to be increasing throughout the day. 64 by the delta, and 24 hours ago, obviously we were much warmer. so this morning, five degrees of cooling already in these numbers are really going to go up for a big cool down. this afternoon. 83 livermore, 80, in san jose with 72 in richmond and the accuweather seven day forecast. the coolest day with low clouds and fog, mist and drizzle is saturday. reggie, lisa, thank you for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. >> abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> no matter how long your journey to recovery may be, we'll be with you 100% of the way. justice takes more than a fighter. you need a champion walk. a personal injury law visit. walk up magic cauldron. it's time to brew a happiest halloween. >> with so much to do. just a
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>> she won't eat anything she doesn't want to eat. >> there's no faking it with her. >> we sent you blue, tasteful, dry food. she loved it. what's for dinner tonight? >> it's tasteful. from blue buffalo for this little girl. >> pick a blue taste. bulls today. mom, i like a notebook that inspires me to chase my dream of being like a jedi, >>. pretty good, >> looking for a reason to go to the movies? here are four legendary ones. cheers. i can see susan sarandon, bette midler, megan mullally, sheryl lee ralph. what >> i have waited a long time for this. deadpool and wolverine. >> rebecca: welcome back to gma. guess who's waited a long time? mcu fans and deadpool and wolverine are finally in theaters. even taylor swift is raving about it.
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much on marvel surprises coming up in our next hour. >> whit: so many excited especially this one. my daughters got to meet them monday. special day. >> rebecca: lucky girl. >> whit: yes indeed. first top headlines including the wild fire emergency in the west. nearly 1,000 fires are burning forcing thousands from their homes. a suspect is under arrest after authorities say the largest fire burning in california this year was deliberately set. also right now in the race for the white house overnight, vice president harris rallying one of the nation's largest teachers unions in houston texas and getting a major endorsement from former president obama and michelle obama. >> gio: and billy joel is moving out ending his msg run. the record breaking run lasted ten years with the new york native playing in front of 2 million fans. they all -- axle rose made an
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appearance. >> rebecca: what a run he's had. amazing. >> whit: we've got a lot more ahead including gma at the summer games. lara and james longman live in paris. they have the latest on a potential olympic dream team. >> whit: we do turn to justice timberlake's dwi case. the singer was charged last month after allegedly going through a stop sign in the hampton's. this morning his legal team is due in court. aaron katersky is here with details. >> reporter: good morning. justin timberlake is on tour in poland but his attorney will be in court just a short time from now. ♪ this morning the case of pop super star justin timberlake will be called in court in sag harbor where timberlake was arrested last month for allegedly driving while
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intoxicated, his mug shot going viral. >> this is a procedural hearing. they'll discuss all preliminary motions. whether there are any motions to exclude evidence. whether or not there could potentially be a plea deal being offered by the state. >> reporter: his lawyer said he will vigorously defend timberlake who is performing in krakow. in june, timberlake was out with friends at the american hotel before he played two nights at madison square garden. surveillance camera captured his gray bmw. police quoted him saying i had one martini and i followed by friends home. an officer said timberlake's eyes were blood shot and glassy and a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath. police say timberlake was unsteady on his feet and performed poorly on a sobriety test. he refused a chemical test. >> in the state of new york when you refuse a chemical test for a dwi, it's an automatic revocation of your driver's license for a period of one year. this is not withstanding what happens with any additional
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criminal charges or traffic charges that may ensue. >> reporter: photos showing timberlake led to court in handcuffs after he spent the night in jail. timberlake spoke on stage about his arrest just days after, thanking his fans for their support. >> i'm hard to love but you keep on loving me. >> reporter: police all over new york have been cracking down on intoxicated driving after a spate of recent dwi deaths. justin timberlake denies he was drunk, he hurt no one. if he is found guilty, he could probably end up paying some fines. >> whit: aaron, thank you. >> rebecca: now to the deadly police shooting of sonya massey in her own home. we are learning new details about the illinois sheriff's deputy who shot her. alex perez is in chicago with that story. good morning, alex. >> reporter: hey, good morning, rebecca.
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we're learning a lot more about former deputy shawn grayson, including that he worked at six different police departments within four years. warning, that video is tough to watch. >> what do you need help with? >> nothing. i just wanted to see if i could help. >> reporter: new details about the deputy charged with the killing of illinois mother of two sonya massey, after responding to a 911 call at her home. abc news learning shawn grayson, who pulled the trigger, was discharged from the u.s. army for serious misconduct in 2016 after less than two years of service. and held six different police jobs in the last four years. >> sheriff's office! >> reporter: body camera video showing grayson and his partner at massey's home after she reported a prowler. after the deputies entered the house, massey struggling to answer their questions. >> what is your last name? >> huh? >> shouldn't have to think about your last name. >> reporter: the situation
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quickly escalating when massey is asked to remove a pot of boiling water from the stove. >> i rebuke you in the name of jesus. >> you better not. >> oak. i'm sorry. >> drop the pot! drop the pot! drop the -- [ gun fire ] >> shots fired! shots fired! >> reporter: grayson, who did not turn on his body camera until after shooting massey explaining the situation to responding officers who asked, where's the gun? >> where's the gun? >> no, she had a boiling water and came at me with boiling water. >> you shot her? >> yeah. she said she was gonna rebuke me in the name of jesus and came at me with boiling water. >> reporter: grayson fired from the force and indicted on three counts of first degree murder for the july 6th shooting. he has pleaded not guilty. and authorities are expected to release massey's autopsy report later today. grayson remains in custody.
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guys? >> gio: so tough to see that video. alex, thank you very much. coming up later a ground breaking heart transplant. what we know about the total artificial heart. we track down missing cash and valuables from rebates to safety deposit boxes. show me the money is coming up next. stick around. next. from the best, like nike, jordan, on, and dsg. plus, score fresh styles from adidas and fp movement. don't have time to get to the store? visit for fast shipping, one-hour pickup, or same-day delivery. plus, with our best price guarantee, if you find a lower price, we'll match it. with looks this good, it's never been easier to win your year. ♪ stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists,
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most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won't let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. happy kids heal faster. >> rebecca: we are back now with show me the money. gio, i love when you do this. >> gio: thank you. this one is really exciting
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because we met nascar fans who were fueled up, combining fast cars with finding cash. their stories help all of us cross that finish line and go straight to the bank. out on the raceway and into your pockets, cash is zooming by! show me the money! our show me the money booth making a pit stop at pocono race way, about an hour outside allentown, pennsylvania. it's the nascar xfinity series. with help from the treasury, we are racing to find some unclaimed money. 79 bucks it was just missing and you had no idea. >> no idea. show me the money! >> gio: if your finances could use a tuneup, look at unfound money, like security deposits, old or unused bank accounts, even overpayments on utility bills.
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this man finding $229, a refund from a department store dating back to 2013. >> i feel great. how would you feel if you got back $229? >> gio: sometimes stores can owe customers money from items purchased that have a rebate, but those rebate checks could get lost in the mail. >> what am i gonna do with the money? i'm gonna spend it on all my kids here! show me the money! >> gio: and this nascar fan driving to the bank after finding nearly $3,000 from an insurance refund. >> i really did noted think i had any money, seriously. this is sawsome. what a great day! >> gio: pennsylvania treasurer stacy gary tells us it's not just money. >> it could even be tangible items that we get from safe deposit boxes. we get a ton of military decoration. as a veteran myself, returning those military decorations is near and dear to my heart. >> gio: turns out our series even making an impact off the race way.
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you were watch gma and you went online and found how much? >> 328 bucks from college from 2008. >> gio: you always knew you paid too much for college. >> exactly. >> gio: after seeing one of our story, this woman looked up several members of her family and got multiple hits. >> wow, there's money here. there's money there. you put it all together and voila. >> gio: you did it. >> thank you. >> gio: nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> gio: and crossing the finish line strong, pocono raceway itself finding more than 2,600 bucks. the fox accepting on the track's behalf and doing a well deserved victory dance. the pennsylvania treasurer told me just a few months ago they returned more than $1 million to a single person. it was a widow whose husband owned a number of local businesses. that million came from more than 500 different sources. you never know. >> rebecca: gio in the cat bird seat.
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it's nascar talk. look it up. how do people look for this cash? remind us. >> gio: you want to go to your state's website or you can go to missing you're gonna find all of that. wherever you live, you can find it all on missing be sure to check all the addresses where you have ever lived not just your current one. remember that. and remember, this is all completely free. if you're asked for a fee or percentage, you not using a legitimate site so be very careful. check over and over and over again. they constantly update these. >> whit: we're still trying to track down mine. [ laughter ] >> rebecca: you remember the addresses? >> whit: we're on it. we've got the gma investigative team all over it. thanks, gio. up next the olympics duo that has everyone talking. lara and james, of course. celine dion and lady gaga also getting some attention, too. we'll be right back.
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[window slamming] woman: [gasps] [dog barking] ♪ woman: [screams] ♪ [explosion] [explosion] ♪ [lock clicks shut] shop the july summer sale at sherwin-williams and transform your space with color. get 35% off paints and stains, with sale prices starting at $31.84. find your new color july 26th through august 5th. shop online or visit your neighborhood sherwin-williams store. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong.
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supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. (vo) you might be used to living with your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it's a bit of a dinosaur, nature's bounty. because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there's a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections.
7:47 am
welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. (ethan) is that the one? (janet) so much space! that open kitchen!
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(tanya) that a walk in closet? (ethan) i want those tiles! (intercom) boosters engaged. (ethan) wait! we've got a problem! (janet) problem?! (ethan) how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (tanya) no, no! bad timing, janet!!! (janet) but that was the one!!!! (brian) no, no, no... opendoor!! (tanya) don't open the door. (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (all) really? (brian) yea!!! (intercom) we have liftoff. (janet) nice! (janet) houston we have a playroom! >> rebecca: we are back now with a summer games dream team. celine dion and lady gaga possibly gearing up for a duet at tonight's opening ceremony. we're going to go back to lara in paris with what we know. hello, lara. >> lara: hello, rebecca. yeah. talk about a gold medal worthy olympic dream team, celine dion, gaga. everybody in paris hoping it's true, that two of the biggest stars in music will kick off a duet heard around the world.
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♪ all by myself ♪ >> lara: this morning, with just hours to go until the olympics opening ceremony, reports that super star celine dion won't be all by herself performing on stage. ♪ . instead, word is she'll be teaming up with lady gaga for the ultimate duet. ♪ can't read my poker face ♪ >> lara: the super stars keeping a poker face, if you will, about the claims, sparking a fan frenzy as they're spotted taking paris by storm. multiple outlets claiming the two super stars will sing a french classic. ♪ ♪ it was a song gaga belted out in
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"a star is born." ♪ french president emanuel macron playing coy about dion's appearance saying only, it would be great news and i would be immensely happy if she could be at this opening ceremony. the chance to perform at the olympics monumental, and makes for an incredible comeback. ♪ 2012 you'll remember the spice girls reunited for london's closing ceremony. if celine does take the stage, it would mark her first live performance since announcing her diagnosis of stiff persons syndrome. it would be nearly 30 years since she brought down the house at the olympics in 1996 singing "the power of the dream." ♪ the power of the dream ♪ >> lara: come on. what a stage for a comeback. celine dion knows how to make a
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statement. just like a athletes here in paris, show knows what it means to be resilient. this morning account for the olympic games tweeted a throw back at celine's performance at the olympics. could that be a clue? feels like one. people in france have been telling us celine's return to the french stage would be so poignant. guys? >> rebecca: that would be truly incredible. c'est magnificent. thank you. we can't wait for more spencer and longman coming up later in our program. coming up later, we are also live in central park with green day. stay with us. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: coming up gma's summer concert series is sponsored by wayfair the destination for all things home. every style every home
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is formulated to give your dog the energy they need to take on the wild with you. blue wilderness. stay wild. blocked from watching the big match? [referee whistle] save the day by using the bank of america customized cash rewards card and choose to earn 3% cash back on online purchases. like live streaming. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness.
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migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. for less than the big box stores are a handyman in just a few hours, a nice interior door just elevates the house. right now with our buy one get one event. when you buy five doors, get five doors free, call 84451 day.
7:56 am
>> are you ready to make junk disappear? >> i am so looking forward to this. we make junk disappear. >> all you have to do is point. call one 800. got junk or visit one 800. >> got >> we'll be there before you hang up the phone. as the fire of love grows i am falling. >> i'm falling for you. an old flame could burn it all down. oh, what's going on? >> i can't do this. new bachelorette monday on abc from abc. >> seven mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui with abc. seven mornings. here's traffic. how's it going, amanda? hi, reggie. >> it is slow moving through nevada. this is because of a two vehicle crash that's closing the two left lanes. this is southbound 101 before roland boulevard. the backup still to san marin drive. a 17 minute delay. take redwood boulevard
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instead. you can see speeds down to six miles per hour. >> all right. good morning, mother nature's free air conditioner today. this morning, we're sunny in the city. it is 71 already in san jose, 56 in san francisco. we had some 40s up in the north bay earlier. and you can see there is some haze in the distance. fog will be building throughout the day, the winds as well. so temperatures low to mid 80s at our warmest locations, but lots of 60s and 70s around the bay. the winds are going to kick up to about 30 miles an hour through the delta. then that marine layer into the east bay valleys tomorrow and the coolest day saturday. reggie. >> lisa, thank you for streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching good morning america >> last year in california, there were 200,000 car crashes when a car crash happens, it's important to have an experienced attorney on your side. the barnes firm has years of
7:58 am
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january 17th, 1820 fourth and 25th. tickets on sale friday, july 26th. go to now for presale, sign up and to access ticket hotel packages. the eagles when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. . only get the fastest connection of paris with xfinity . let's see if triple-a can take us somewhere fun. let's go somewhere, sandy. let's go somewhere magical. but first, let's get this fixed. triple-a
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your membership to go bring your child's dream room to life at living spaces where our kids and teens collections help unlock their potential and unleash their personality. >> build a space that allows room for them to grow, learn, and play with beds that offer true comfort, desks that inspire their best work and storage pieces that provide organization solutions, fun rugs and accessories ensure it all comes together in style. get everything they need fast with free shipping as soon as next day. start creating only at living spaces. living spaces. >> the disney plus >> whit: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. wild fire emergency. nearly 100 large fires burning in the west including the largest of the year in california forcing thousands from their homes. a suspect in custody accused of igniting the blame. ginger is tracking it all.
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>> gio: and how to cook safely with nonstick pans. >> rebecca: gearing up for the games. we've got the right stuff to help you go for the gold from home. ♪ >> james: come on! >> lara: i'm coming. >> whit: gma is jumping right into the summer games. our gold medal team is getting into the swing of things. >> lara: ready? i can take it. i have never seen anything like that. >> whit: and saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> gio: we do say good morning america or bonjour. there's our paris dream team lara and james. guys, how are you doing out there? looking pretty good. >> lara: thank you.
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it has been exactly 100 years since the last olympic games was held here in paris. so much has changed but the sense and true meaning of the games remains the same. we are ready to cover it all in our team gma jackets. let's go! we have been all over this beautiful city, experiencing all that paris has to offer. right? >> james: right. we'll show you the best mustard in the world, the most famous french perfume and the famous beret. that's just a good start. >> rebecca: you're like the good morning america griswalds. we love it. we're all live in central park. there's a huge crowd for green day. we can't wait for their performance. >> whit: all getting our '90s flash back. looking forward to it. first starting with the wild fire emergency in the west. nearly 100 large fires are burning. ginger is here. >> ginger: good morning.
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more than 164,000 acres in the park fire alone. biggest in california so far this year. thousands of people are evacuated. the images are just stunning to see. at one point this was growing at 4,000 acres per hour. they're still in a red flag warning around chico, where that red flag is burning. you're going to look at red flags through parts of western states like utah up to montana. the heat has been around baking things, drying things out. the smoke from more than 100 wild fires in the u.s. is all the way to western nebraska. they are warning about burning eyes. if you have is a runny nose get indoors and get children indoors. guys? >> rebecca: pay attention to those warnings. thank you. we turn to a major medical first. doctors in texas removing part of a human heart and implanting a temporary singular completely artificial heart in a patient while he waits for a heart transplant. erielle reshef is here to
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explain. >> this is truly remarkable. during that ground breaking procedure in houston, surgeons implanted a new device total artificial heart, the first of its kind to be transferred into a patient. this 57-year-old man with end stage heart failure was awaiting a human heart transplant. doctors removed the bottom half of his heart and completely replaced it with this artificial device. the surgery took place as part of the fda's early feasibility study. now, the device is made of titanium and it pumps blood and replaces both ventricles of a failing heart. it's durable, resistant to wear and reliable. if it is proven to be safe and effective, this tah could possibly be a permanent solution in the future to cut down on the depend dense on donors.
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heart failure is a leading cause of death. this is offering a beacon of hope to any patient waiting a new heart. the patient had a successful heart transplant and celebrated his 58th birthday this week. so happy birthday. >> gio: what an incredible break through, erielle. thank you. deadpool and wolverine hit theaters overnight. just hour before it did, marvels studio president was honored with a star on hollywood's walk of fame and had a surprise for fans. trevor ault has more on that. >> good morning. he was a huge super hero nerd before he helped make it popular to be one. he is in charge of overseeing all the marvel movies. he's the most successful movie producer ever. his movies will gross about $30 billion total after this opening weekend of deadpool and wolverine. the stars of that movie, they were there for his star ceremony yesterday.
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and then the three of them made a trip, a surprise, to comic con for a screening of the movie. they also did bring with them giant names. we're not showing them or naming them. we don't want to spoil it. we can show you an incredible drone show that happened outside comic con. deadpool and wolverine is the main event. on top of being a huge movie, the swifties are on board. it is well known taylor swift is friends with ryan reynolds and his wife. taylor posted he's created the best work of his life and this film feels like a joy portal arch wild escape from reality and an ab sandwich. but that's just hugh for you. the other randoms crashed the photo and we were too polite to ask them. ab sandwich is what they call it when gio fills in. >> gio: can sell a few tickets with that post.
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>> i would say. >> whit: thank you, trevor. coming up dr. sutton tells us about a potential danger in your kitchen and how to stay safe. >> rebecca: this is the real ab sandwich between whit and gio right here. also ahead, lori bergamotto has the right stuff so you can work out so you can get your own ab sandwich. >> gio: plus the crowd in central park rady to rock with green day. and lara and james are in paris for all the excitement. hey, guys. >> lara: hi there, gio. we're gonna bring you along as we explore this wonderful city while we're here covering the olympic games. a member of team usa, med student by day, ping pong champ by night. she'll show us what the competition looks like here at the paris games coming up on gma live from paris. ♪ ♪ orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant..
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that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. for moderate to severe crohn's disease, skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. (vo) at dog chow we believe helping dogs live their best life...
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should be simple. that's why dog chow is made with high-quality protein and no fillers. purina dog chow. keep life simple amazon has low prices on everything kids need. like a fifth new water bottle. really? when you smell the amazing scent of gain flings... time stops. (♪) and you realize you're in love... steve? with a laundry detergent. (♪) gain flings. seriously good scent. ok, with me. ♪laalaalaalaalaa.♪ ♪loolooloolooloo.♪ [piano key sounds] sniffs [shake] [crash] oooops. froot loops. find the loopy side! i always wanted to know why i am the way i am. my curiosity led me to ancestry.
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it was amazing to see all the traits that i've gotten from my mother in my dna. it's a family thing. it's a family thing. (vo) you've had thyroid eye disease for a long time. and you've lived with the damage it caused. it's a family thing. but even after all these years, restoration is still possible. learn how at (marci) so, how long have you lived here? and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm sorry. (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. [marci screams] (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (marci) ding dong (luke) homes-dot-com. ♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate-to-severe eczema. and they can show off clearer skin
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and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ you gotta believe me when i tell ya ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪
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♪ que rico ♪ ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i've got the soul i've got the soul ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ >> whit: a health alert about so called teflon flu. a report of cases on the rise in the u.s. if you use nonstick pan nurse kitchen, you could be at risk. dr. sutton is here. good morning. >> the technical term is polymer flu. poison control centers are reporting an up tick in illness. last year alone they've got more than 250 cases, whit. that's the highest number since 2000. what seems to be happening is at high temperatures these nonstick cookware teflon pans are releasing chemicals, those forever chemicals. that's what seems to be causing illness.
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>> whit: what are the things to look out for? what are the risks involved with this? >> it seems to happen most often at high temperatures. the presentation can look very similar to an infection. it's just a reaction to these chemicals. fever, headache, trouble breathing, chest tightness and cough. it seems to resolve within two to three day. we don't know the long term effects. we know they are associated with health conditions like thyroid abnormalities, infertility. it is important to be safe with these product. >> whit: so many people have these pots and pans. if they do, what's the advice how to use them properly? >> when reviewing the information, check your cookware. if it's got a lot of wear and tear on it, if you've had it longer than three to five years, you probably should replace them. turn on that ventilation. you want to avoid burning these pans. avoid temperatures.
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i would be cautious above 400, but technically 500 is when you start to see them. don't preheat an empty pan. don't use broiler setting on these pans. that can increase your risk. >> whit: very important information. thank you. rebecca? >> rebecca: we turn to your gold medal summer games dream team. lara and james are taking paris by storm. take it away, guy. >> lara: thank you, rebecca. we came, we saw, we shopped! james and i found some truly special iconic french spots we want to share with you to eat and to learn in the spectacular city. >> james: so come along as we take on the sights and scents of this iconic city. ♪ >> lara: home to breathtaking architecture, famous monuments, museums and charming cafes, it's no wonder 37 million people visit paris every single year. ♪
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from the finest food to the most luxurious shopping, gma is hitting the city of lights ahead of the summer games. our first stop, the award winning bakery founded in 1859. hi. hi, chef benjamin. bonjour. master maker benjamin has the best recipe for croissants. you won some awards. >> the best croissants in paris. to make croissants it takes three days. we create -- >> james: do you have three days? >> lara: i'm gonna go get my overnight bag. ♪ >> you have flour, water, sugar, salt, yeast and milk. >> lara: and, of course, butter. pass the baton.
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my teammate. >> and then you rub. >> james: he's got to do it because i'm going to ruin it. >> lara: you won't ruin it. i have such faith in you. >> james: this is hard. no wonder you use the machine. this is the olympic croissants making. >> lara: perfection. >> james: it's the butter. that's the thing. >> lara: from croissants to the perfect spread, mustard. first used in dijon, france, has become engrained in french culture, if you will. we came to mustard headquarters the shop a staple since 1747. >> james: i have never seen anything like this. it's a mustard tasting bar. how do you take your mustard, lara? >> lara: i only know dijon mustard. >> do you like not too strong? >> lara: i have never had it with flavors except honey mustard.
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i don't like it too spicy. >> chardonnay and black truffle. >> james: how is it? >> lara: that's delicious. taken croissants, we've bowing mustard to take home. it's a vintage shop. i'm sorry. >> james: we've got to get going. >> lara: what's a girl to do? i'm in paris. now let's shop. what's more french than perfume? so for that we head the nicolai, because paris is the perfect fume capital of the world. damian helped us pick out the right scent. thank you for having us. is it true france is the perfume capital of the world? >> yeah. the queen brought to it the forefront. everybody wanted to putted perfume because everybody wanted to be noticed by the queen. that was very important at the time. >> james: there are all different families of there's citrus.
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>> lara: can we try? >> yeah. >> james: i like it. >> lara: do you like it? what's the best spot to put perfume on? >> cocoa chanel used to say put perfume wherever you want to be kissed. >> lara: oh my. now time to make our own gma scent. >> i love the way people did this. this is for you. musk, very strong to keep the smell, then orange flower essence. >> lara: ah. >> this is your creation, good morning america creation. >> james: it is fresh. >> lara: good morning america. ♪ >> james: the next stop is the oldest beret store in france. >> lara: they have been making the iconic felt chapeau since 1940.
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let's go. bonjour. ♪ >> the star of the day. the beret. >> lara: when i think of france, i think this is the most iconic thing. >> exactly. this is very french. >> lara: why is that? >> the workers and farmers used to wear the beret to protect themselves from rain or sun. >> james: you're going to measure my head? >> i'm going to measure your head. 59. not as big as you thought. >> james: still got to do more. much more snug. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> lara: ready for the next stop? let's go. >> james: cheese. >> lara: you had me at fromage. look at this. so charming. >> james: beautiful.
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>> lara: aurelien taking us on a wine and cheese tour in a private cellar dating back to the 17th century. let's talk cheese, fromage, everybody. >> james: how many varieties of cheese? >> there's about 1,200 varieties of cheese in france. >> lara: 1,200? >> no one is sure. many cheeses have no name. brie is produced just outside paris. >> lara: i had no idea. this is the cheese of paris? >> it's the cheese of paris. >> james: so many have a cheese plate. is there an order you should be eating the cheese? >> from milder to stronger. less salty first, less strong first, making our way to the sharp and salty. >> james: and the moldy. making our way to moldy with lara spencer. is there a way to cut cheese? [ laughter ] >> try to avoid that problem. >> lara: we have an expression in america. i'll tell you later. >> james: moldiest cheese
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imaginable for lara. >> lara: i'm eating it. actually very good. >> james: she's now pro mold. >> you can't have great cheese without great wine. >> lara: oh, of course. cheers. >> james: cheers, everyone. >> lara: to fromage. cheers to paris. we learned so much. like brie comes from just an hour outside of the city which is why it's called the cheese of paris. tastes so different than how brie tastes to us. if you come here you must try the real brie. >> james: perfume, we used a little vaseline. if you put it on, it will make it last longer. we also got mustard for you. it's made for over 300 years. you got some of the favorites. >> lara: you can just eat that with a spoon. one last bit of interest, the beret. they have a tail on top of them. it's so the farmers could move
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them to shield their face from the sun back in the day. as i am doing right here. >> james: she looks much better. i looked so stupid in a beret. you look incredible. >> gio: sam looks pretty good in it. >> sam: what do i do with the cabiu? >> whit: lean it. >> sam: i need to vaseline my neck to put perfume on it. >> lara: we're here for you. all of these tips and more. amazing olympic coverage right here starting tonight at the opening ceremonies on gma, guys. >> rebecca: so good. >> gio: cheese is so good. thanks for sending this over. let's go over to ginger in central park. >> ginger: thank you, gio. i need a beret to shield myself from this ray of sunshine. ray, i have to thank you. every time you've been in the park we've had perfect weather.
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what a gorgeous morning for green day. look at seaside park, new jersey, this morning. just brilliant. i mean, gorgeous beach forecast ahead for this weekend. it's like ray did this for us. then a quick look at those highs. we'll go to 87 today. all right. let's get a check now closer to home. ♪ oh oh oh the right stuff ♪ ♪ oh oh oh the right stuff ♪
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>> sam: time now for the right stuff. with the summer games on the way, you want to look sporty. you don't have to be sporty to look sporty, lori. tell me what do we got? what's going on with the right stuff? >> we are going to kick things off with track and field and running. team usa is in it to win it, so can you with these sneaker. these are their pegasus air zoom. >> sam: i wear these. i have lots of pairs of these. i just look sporty. >> they have been consistently a top seller since 1983. they've updated them. they're going to be really durable, comfortable. >> sam: you can get them in extra wide. >> synonymous with running. let's talk tennis. >> sam: i saw you playing. >> i was doing the wrong air guitar. >> sam: tell me more. >> i'm used to just playing tennis, sam champion. >> sam: oh, that's why. >> this is from wilson. this is from wilson. this is a great racket for beginners. why? you want something that's light that has power, control, maneuverability.
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you want something, this oversized head here. it will be easier for you to make contact with the ball. >> sam: you have a better chance of getting near it. robin roberts, look at me. i have got a tennis racket. >> good value from wal-mart. we love gymnastics, simone biles. you might not be able to do those tricks but you can do your yoga with this mat. it's under $100. incredible. >> sam: plus, they're beautiful. >> these are universally loved spin shoes. your own spin shoes. don't wear somebody else's. get your own. get your own. i know these are incredible, and they're really affordable too. they're under $70. get them weightlifting. you've got all these different weights. three, five, 8 pounds. this is under $45 biceps that. we're really getting into it. sam champion. but we want to get
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to table tennis on. team usa is going to be doing table tennis. we've got our amazing interns here doing good and nicole doing good. sam look how cool this is. any table can be a ping pong table, you guys. table tennis is where it's at. it comes with the paddles. it comes with the net. it comes with the balls. and you can do really anything for under $33. you can just take any coffee table, card table, make it into a fun table tennis look how easy that is to set it up. so easy and so fun. and it comes in this cute little portable case. yep. so you can look sporty like us. or you can be sporty like them. but all i want to say is go team usa, it's fantastic. >> and you can order all these things. we know how to do that. >> that's right. you scan the qr code. >> all right. so coming up, lara and james what it takes to go on the gold for the tennis table. we've got our table set up. they have their table set up. we'll be right back. we're ready. next friday it's a gma party in the park.
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>> get ready for carrie underwood live. >> the live concert event next friday on gma summer concert series sponsored by wayfair. america's most watched newscast abc's world news tonight with david muir is now available on youtube. man, i'm so excited right now. >> the greatest group of all time. >> name a musical instrument that might give you when you go to hell. bagpipes celebrity family feud, new tuesday on abc. >> twice the celebrities on an all new who wants to be a millionaire? >> wednesday. now from abc mornings. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic now with amanda. >> hi kumasi friday light as they like to call it. oakland 8-80 cam showing really nothing in your way for those driving on the nimitz. so that's the good news there. and then to the san
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mateo bridge where if you are crossing over into the west bay, you will have no issues. drive time from the toll plaza into foster city is just 12 minutes kumasi. >> thank you. amanda. meteorologist lisa argen has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> fargo is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. oh come on, come on. fargo lets you do this. >> fargo, turn off my debit card i found it, i found my card. >> and also this. >> fargo, turn on my debit card. >> do you? fargo, you can with wells fargo. >> first time we walked into ucsf, i wasn't sure what to expect. went into some of these kids rooms that are fighting cancer. can you play any sports? but i came to the realization that they needed a distraction and they wanted you there. and you always leave feeling good knowing that those patients are getting the best care that they can. i believe in the mission of ucsf benioff children's hospital's learn more at ucsf. benioff children's org slash care for kids.
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>> the barnes firm has years of experience handling thousands of car crash cases. we will give you the support you need and help to get the best result possible. >> a million more moments are made at home, so why not enjoy them with new flooring and countertops from the floor? store bay area flooring authority our sizzling summer sale is on now. >> save $250 off for every $1,000 spent, plus 18 months interest free financing >> with wells fargo premier, a team can help you plan for your dreams. so your dream car and vacation home may be closer than you think. ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo? >> hey, bay area live with kelly and marcus. coming up, we'll chat with kiernan shipka from longlegs. plus we wrap up fix it week. that's at nine on abc seven. >> happy friday to you. we are already pretty mild out there despite the building marine
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layer. in fact, check out all the 60s from hayward to oakland and look at that 71 san jose. while it's 58 downtown, that marine layer will become more of an influence throughout the afternoon as the breeze kicks u. livermore is 71, but we are cooler than we were yesterday at this time. four degrees cooler in concord. so afternoon highs today from the low to mid 80s and then the breeze will kick up through the delta mid to upper 60s, san francisco and oakland with about 80 in san jose now kumasi tomorrow is the coolest day with morning mist and drizzle. >> thank you lisa. we'll have he another abc seven another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes, >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> whit: we're back on gma as we count down the summer games in paris. lara and james always bring a lot to the table. this morning they're giving us a look at table tennis, also known as ping pong for us amateurs.
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>> lara: exactly. i see what you did there with those references. i'm here for it. let's talk sports, in garages, attics, basements around the country, millions of americans love playing ping pong. but to the rest of the world it is called table tennis. >> james: when you get to the competitive level of table tennis, it's serious. just ask our new coach, 17-year-old amy wang, from team usa. most people play ping pong. >> have your grandma pull the car around. >> james: table tennis, that's a very different story. the u.s. has two time singles winner amy wang is looking to change that. the 21-year-old is a table tennis prodigy. she began playing at just 4 years old and made her first u.s. nationals team at the age of 12. this will be her first run at
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the olympics. you could be the first american to win a medal at the olympics in table tennis. how does that feel? >> exciting. i do think we are the strongest u.s. women's team going to paris. >> lara: who's the big competitor for the united states? >> i think the top countries out there are the asian country. >> james: it's china's national sport, their official sport. >> yes. they are number one in the sport. >> lara: you are a student at ucla and premed. how do you juggle it all? >> definitely try my best. i think for the past two years i have mainly focused on trying to make the paris olympic team. i think after paris, i'm going to focus more on my school and trying to graduate on time. >> james: what's your best move? >> i think my best move would be my backhand. >> lara: that's my worst. we're going to have a lesson. what do you think? we are preparing for our own event.
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we heard there might be one spot left for a mixed team. we would like very much for you to be our trainer. >> of course. >> lara: are you up to the challenge? >> yes, i am. >> lara: show us an amy special. >> lara: ready? i can take it. okay. you win. i want to see the serve. like a real one. >> james: what was i supposed to do? >> lara: what the -- i have never seen anything like that. >> james: let's see that again in slow motion. >> lara: i don't even know what you just did. you hold it so gently, the ball. it's like a pet. >> it's the rule. >> lara: it is. you knew that? [ laughter ] >> one of the rules you have to lay your palms flat on the table. then wait and toss it. and then serve it. >> james: there are five table tennis events at the olympics, including mixed doubles.
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starting with the most important rule in doubles, the same player can't hit the ball twice in a ed row. >> lara: can you help with us the proper rules? i feel like we're doing a dance move. >> james: it would help if we had some sort of sense of coordination. >> one person here and one person back here. >> lara: good. >> lara: are we supposed to run that? it feels wrong. all right. >> lara: do we have this? [ laughter ] >> are you okay? >> lara: i'm okay. oh, shoot! >> that was really good. >> lara: really? is that how it's supposed to look? >> no. that's -- >> james: she can't keep a straight face. this is really good. i'm sweating.
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it's not just because it's 1,000 degrees. >> it's tiring. doubles is definitely tiring. >> james: it is more fun, doubles, right? >> it is. you're working together as a team. >> lara: does your serve have a name? >> james: the amy? i feel like we are destroying your chances at olympic gold. >> lara: we're getting a good workout. good hand/eye coordination. >> james: you beat me at kayaking. this is my revenge. >> one pointer i can give you, wherever you want to hit the ball, try to aim wherever you want to hit it and the ball will go there. >> lara: aim where you want to hit the ball. i am sad that you had to tell me that. [ laughter ] i'm aiming for you and it keeps going over there. there's something wrong. are you okay? i mean, darn it. always goes over there. that was the backhand. so fragile. you literally had a cocktail in your hand while you did it. >> people say i play really casually. >> lara: yes.
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you look so relaxed. >> james: we've been amid. >> lara: we've been aimed. thank you. thank you very much for putting up with us. we had a great time. and we will be cheering on amy wang tomorrow when she and team usa take to the table here in paris at the olympic games. guys? >> whit: she was an awesome coach, by the way. you get a 10 from us, a gold medal from us. >> rebecca: is that how it's supposed to look? >> lara: no, not even close. >> whit: we love you guys. coming up here, central park ready for green day, as they perform live. ♪ sometimes my mind plays tricks on me ♪ at all
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>> ginger: welcome back to good morning america. green day is about to rock us with one of the biggest hits ever, "basket case." one of my favorites, too. we cannot wait for that. we want you to check out gma's popup summer patio. it's all decked out by our sponsor, wayfair. we want to thank them for doing this. it's the destination for all things home. for inspiration to installation, there's something for everybody. yes, there is right here at home at wayfair. some of the hottest items for your summer spaces. bunch of concert goers are joining us.
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yes, for the party. fans are having a good time. green day photo op. love that. and in our selfie station. we're making some custom summer swag. check out those pins. playing some fun outdoor games. ezra is on the jenga. having ice cold coffees. everybody having a good time? ready for green day? yes, we are. our thanks to wayfair for setting up our summer patio. this popup is everything. you can shop all the products and more by scanning the code on your screen. let's get a check now closer to home. >> sam: right now, you've been waiting for it, the gma summer concert series is ready to rock 'n' roll. green day is here. let's hear a little "basket
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case." here we go! ♪ do you have time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once ♪ ♪ i am one of those melodramatic fools neurotic to the bone no doubt about it ♪ ♪ sometimes i give myself the creeps, sometimes my mind plays tricks on me ♪ ♪ it all keeps adding up i think i'm cracking up am i just paranoid ♪ ♪ i went to a shrink to analyze my dreams, she said it's lack of sex that's bringing me down ♪
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♪ said my life's a bore so i quit my whining 'cause it's bringing her down ♪ stphoet ♪ sometimes i give myself the creeps sometimes my mind plays tricks on me ♪ ♪ it all keeps adding up i think i'm cracking up am i just paranoid ♪ >> get your hands up! ♪ ♪ grasping to control so i better hold on ♪ ♪
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♪ sometimes i give myself the creeps, sometimes my mind plays tricks on me ♪ ♪ it all keeps adding up i think i'm cracking up am i just paranoid ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> ginger: gma summer concert series is sponsored by wayfair. destination for all things home. wayfair, every style, every home.
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dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities.
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♪ wake me up >> sam: the action is already happening in central park. ginger and i are back with green day. five time grammy award winning rock and roll hall of fame inductees. they've sold millions of records around the world. they are about to perform one of their newest singles. but first let's have a conversation. i can't even believe -- i don't know if anyone will hear us over your fans. you've got the most amazing fan base, by the way. what is it, the 14th studio album? doesn't seem possible. this song is on it. i went back and looked at the words.
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it seems intensely personal. welcome to my nightmare where dreams go to disappear. tell me about it. >> it's a song about having too much of a good time. people think of having too much of a good time is wonderful. it's personal. it's about addiction and all that fun stuff. yeah. >> ginger: we can't wait to hear it. >> i'm alive. that's it. [ applause ] >> sam: it's been a long career. and in many ways you guys survived it in a way it's difficult to look back now and talk about it. >> now you can just fill up your cup with a delicious cup of coffee in stores now or online. it's up to you how you get it. >> ginger: also, the american leg of your worldwide tour kicking off in washington, d.c.
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[ applause ] i feel like, maybe this was just me, i feel like it was yesterday that i was playing the entire idiot album with my brother on our boom box. >> sam: she knows every word. >> ginger: the anniversaries, every song. tell me what you are most pumped about for this tour? >> we're playing dukey and american idiot in their entirety. [ applause ] yeah. then we're playing a bunch of -- we've been playing six songs off savior. yeah. we went to europe. it's been great. >> we'll be out with the smashing pumpkins, rancid. heck of a bill. >> sam: are you ready to have a little music now? are you ready? ready to go? [ cheers ] this is green day with "dilemma." guys, thank you so much. [ applause ]
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♪ welcome to my problems it's not an invitation this is my dilemma and it's my obsession ♪ ♪ i don't wanna be a dead man walking i don't wanna be a dead man walking ♪ ♪ welcome to my nightmare where dreams go to disappear ♪ ♪ sit around in rehab feeling like a lab rat ♪
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♪ strange days are here again and it's getting weirder here's to all my problems ♪ ♪ i just wanna drink the poison ♪ ♪ i was sober now i'm drunk again, i'm in trouble and in love again ♪ ♪ i don't wanna be a dead man walking i don't wanna be a dead man walking ♪ ♪ i was sober now i'm drunk again, i'm in trouble and again ♪ ♪ i don't wanna be a dead man walking i don't wanna be a dead man walking ♪ ♪ ♪ when i fall asleep tonight
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want to lay in bed all night for despair and obsession on you ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ i was sober now i'm drunk again, i'm in trouble and in love again ♪ ♪ i don't wanna be a dead man walking, i don't wanna be a dead man walking ♪ ♪ i was sober now i'm drunk again, i tphaoepl trouble and in
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love again ♪ ♪ i don't wanna be a dead man walking i don't wanna be a dead man walking ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this.
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mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. stay twice and get a $50 gift card when you book direct. >> ginger: we can never get enough of green day.
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thank you for watching. >> sam: thanks everybody for being here. how about we play you into the weekend with "holiday." here's green day! ♪ ♪ hear rain coming down like armageddon flame ♪ ♪ the same the ones who died without a name ♪ to missouri. bleed the company also audited what they teach in the personal life. that sister darling of the
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rest of my life. one are from the troc by the now to try one on the project. the rest cross the line. we find the monies on the other side and get another. and then the supply drops around us floor again. i get a plastic bag on the money. i beg to dream and get further from the hold. i reslience the timing of progress for the next friday. it's a gma party in the park. >> get ready for carrie underwood live. the live concert event next friday on gma summer
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concert series sponsored by way. >> tonight, susan powell was a young, beautiful mother. she just one night vanished. josh, did you kill your wife? i'll never forget the first time that i met him. a chill raced up my spine. i just shook the hand of a killer. >> 2020 tonight on abc. they come on, come on. >> what you want? >> getting to an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer. >> it just keeps getting worse. >> it must be very frustrating. almost no one can answer that. these are telltale signs your foundation is shifting. but it's okay. we got it. oh this is done growing in this house. >> okay, cracking drywall is just one sign. >> your foundation is compromised, but your home can stand strong with a free inspection from bay area. underpinning for a limited time.
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could have made at the barnes firm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. the barnes firm injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> say, come on, come on. what you want? >> getting to an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here is a look at traffic with amanda. >> hi, kumasi. we'll take a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights flipped off at about 843. really nothing in your way. the drive from highway four into the city that will take you 38 minutes. and then our south beach cam showing things are moving a little under
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the limit. this is after treasure island, but really no major delays. good morning lisa. hey amanda, good morning to you. >> check out the marine layer here from our sutro tower camera. it continues to strengthen and expand throughout the day, bringing a big time cooling trend. 67 in oakland, but it is 76 in san jose, so it is filling in. the winds are going to kick up. look at livermore already at 77. but highs today in the mid to low 80s inland with low 70s on the peninsula. kumasi thanks lisa. >> now it's timeor live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11:00 for midday live. have a great day.ay live. have a great. deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark. ♪♪ today, from the new thriller longlegs, kiernan shipka. plus, quick and easy fixes for your outdated kitchen. also, a delish fish dish, courtesy of brunch with babs star,


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