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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  August 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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programs in dealing with our homelessness crisis, particularly our street homelessness crisis. >> san francisco responds to a new but controversial directive addressing the growing
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population of unhoused individuals coming to the city from out of town, the city prioritizing buying them bus tickets to go home. but how does it work? and will people eventually, eventually, and actually benefit? we get the answers. plus a court victory for residents of this marin county homeless encampment, preventing a tire shop next door from blasting music all night. >> i'm cornell bernard. that story coming up. >> good evening. thank you for joining us. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm kristen z. we have team coverage tonight as cities work toward building a better bay area by trying to solve the homelessness crisis in the north bay. there's a legal victory for an unhoused man who pushed back against a tactic to keep people like him away from a local tire shop who are trespassing. >> please leave the area. this area is under video surveillance and you have been recorded. >> that loud message was meant to stop residents of an encampment from sleeping outside a san rafael business. but now
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one of those residents has the law on his side. and in san francisco, we're learning more about that controversial push to get the city's unhoused population out of town. >> abc7 news reporter luz pena kicks off our coverage with that story. luis. >> yeah, that's right. that relocation assistance program has been around for 20 years in san francisco, but it's had different iterations throughout the years. the latest version launched in 2023 with the name journey home, and since then it has contributed to the city's overall operation, leading to the relocation of close to 300 homeless individuals this year alone. a bus ticket out of san francisco before shelter or housing. that's the new order. city workers are mandated to follow as encampment resolutions or sweeps continue. >> this is our van. >> cheryl fields works with the city's homelessness and supportive housing department. her job is to transport homeless individuals to shelters, housing options or greyhound stations if they have a family member outside of the city ready to
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welcome them. how often are you driving people to greyhound, >> it varies on a it varies week to week, sometimes we may do to 3 in the week. >> this week, san francisco's mayor, london breed, made an executive order to offer a ticket out of the city before shelter if homeless individuals are from outside the city. this after the latest survey of homeless individuals showed 40% of people on the streets are not from san francisco. the mayor's executive order also requires first responders, including police officers, firefighters and paramedics, to give out fliers that provide information on the city's relocation services. >> really saying to the individual, you know, look, it's going to be very hard to get a shelter bed in the city. it's going to be even harder to get a housing unit. but since you're from somewhere else, we can give you, provide you transportation back home, relocation assistance
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programs have been around for decades. >> san francisco's human services agency executive director has been leading this effort with an intervention that costs literally less than, $300. >> right? versus, you know, shelter beds that cost $15,000 a year. we're ending someone's homelessness by reconnecting with their families throughout the years. >> these services have proven to be effective. earlier this year, supervisor asha safai authored legislation to expand the city's program. >> two thirds of 13,000 people never came back to san francisco. >> cheryl says her team doesn't just drop off people and leave. they stay throughout the process. >> we usually have really deep, engaging conversations with people, and just, you know, find out what their plans are for when they do get home. >> and the city says that before sending a homeless individual out of the city, they verify that someone else will be at their destination to receive that person leaving san francisco. now, even though the
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mayor made the announcement yesterday, the san francisco human services agency said it will take time to train the streets team with this new focus. >> it'll be interesting to see how many take up that offer of the bus ticket. first and foremost. >> if not, then shelter. thanks, luis. >> yeah, now to a story we've been following in the north bay. there's another chapter today in the battle over a loudspeaker message that pits a business owner against a homeless encampment. today, a marin county judge stopped the business from blasting that message and music to annoy unhoused residents. abc seven news reporter cornell bernard has more from san rafael. >> yeah, that is loud. >> earlier this year, the sound of classical music was blasting from this security camera pole in the direction of this san rafael homeless encampment where bruce gaylord lives. they played 36 hours of music, gaylord said. the decibel levels were too high to sleep. >> the first night. i got half a night's sleep. the next two nights i couldn't sleep at all and ended up in the hospital.
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>> you are trespassing. please leave the area. >> the sound coming from nearby east bay tire shop. some believe it was a way to get people to leave the encampment. >> yeah, peaked out at 118db. >> gaylord went to court in may and was granted a temporary restraining order to stop the music. >> and on friday, a marin superior court judge granted gaylord's request for an injunction until a trial date, which says defendants are not to play music from any speaker or sound system outside their store. between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. >> it means that that business owners cannot break the law to harass unhoused people here in marin. >> east bay tire declined to speak to abc seven news on friday, but told us last may the sound machine was a way to deter activity spilling over from the camp from illegal drug use to prostitution, managers said the music was not intended to drive out camp residents. instead, it was about keeping employees
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safe. >> we have guys get here at 530 in the morning. they're all by themselves. we do 24 hour roadside service, so technicians show up in the middle of the night to grab a tire. it's three in the morning. they're alone. >> in the wake of governor gavin newsom's executive order directing state agencies to clear homeless camps, it's unclear what the future of this camp and others will be. for now, bruce gaylord says he's staying here, looking forward to some quiet nights ahead. >> the judge, doing a nine page statement. uh- was very thorough and i appreciated him very much for what he did in san rafael, cornell, bernard abc seven news. >> two people have been arrested for an alleged arson fire at a homeless encampment. the fire on tuesday displaced several people camping at lee gerner park in novato. no one was hurt, but the camp was destroyed. evidence indicates the fires started inside a tent. the suspects were occupying a nearby vacant home when they were arrested. this camp was authorized and regulated, so the city is
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deciding whether to rebuild. >> three alameda police officers were in court today charged with the death of a man in their custody. demonstrators held up signs outside an oakland courtroom prior to the arraignment of officers james fisher, eric mckinley and cameron leahy. they are charged with involuntary manslaughter for the death of mario gonzales, who died while being restrained on the ground, with one officer kneeling on his back. gonzalez's family wants harsher charges against the officers. >> the facts are there and, we want to see them charged with murder. you know, they killed somebody. >> use of force never looks pretty by way of body cam, but that's more often than not. does not yield it unlawful. and so is the case. >> the defense attorney personally attacked the district attorney for charging the three officers who did not enter a plea. today, all three are on administrative leave from alameda police. >> a berkeley nonprofit is recovering after thieves broke into its offices wednesday nigh. surveillance video shows a man kicking down the front door to
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the multicultural institute on seventh avenue near university. a second person also broke in taking computer equipment, petty cash, office items and food from the pantry. no one was injured, but the office was closed yesterday to clean up the mess and repair the door. the multicultural institute serves immigrant families in berkeley, richmond and redwood city. a significant new development related to the prosecution of crimes in alameda county. state officials have reached an agreement with the department of justice that allows california national guard attorneys to prosecute cases in alameda county. it comes after the arrests of 562 suspects in a six month enforcement surge. governor newsom has criticized alameda county da pamela price for not accepting help. earlier in a statement, price said her office welcomes the help even though there is no record of a large number of cases from the chp surge coming to her office. she wrote. since march of this year, the alameda county da's
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office has received only 11 cases identified as chp surge cases. >> sky seven was over the hills south of livermore where a small plane crashed this morning. the single engine cessna landed upside down. as you see, this is near the alameda santa clara county line off mines road. officials say they got a 911 call from the pilot of the plane, which took off from concord. the faa says the plane went down around 915, landed upside down. the pilot walked away. abc seven spoke to him by phone, and he told us he's okay. another pilot we met was amazed by that. he told us he was in a small plane crash 45 years ago and uses a cane to this day. >> just amazed you know, most crashes don't don't end that wa. mine, i was i was knocked unconscious. i broke my back. i had to be transported by ambulance. he he's able to walk away. that's pretty amazing. >> yeah, it really is. the pilot was the only person on the plane. both the faa and the ntsb are investigating this incident.
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>> bringing bart to silicon valley today. the project took a big step forward thanks to some help from the federal government. more on that next on abc sev discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death
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>> people can get all around the region, know they have a reliable way to get there, and have a transportation so you can live in the south bay and work anywhere else in the region, and you can get jobs to your jobs in silicon valley. >> but the road to finishing the project has been bumpy. that includes delays and increasing costs, all while bart expects to run out of $1.9 billion in federal and state assistance by april of 2026. but friday, local leaders got a call from the federal transportation administration. billions in funding is being granted to help finish the project. >> $5.1 billion. this is the second largest investment that the federal government has made in any single transportation project in the country's history. >> vta had to compete with other transit agencies across the country for the funding. local leaders say multiple factors played into what set the project apart, including the amount of tax dollars that helped fund it through voter approved measures. >> we taxed ourselves more locally than any other region to make this project possible, so
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it's really the sacrifice and leadership of the residents of our community who have made this possible. >> still, there's a $700 million gap to close. we're going to have to work with our contractors to get really confirmed that what we're spending and how to shave that down to the to the best that we can to make sure we're living within our budget. >> it may mean rescoping parts of work officials say has to happen fast, since projects this large see costs escalate at least 5% every year, we're going to have to be ruthlessly disciplined about watching the taxpayers dollars every step of the way. >> the bart silicon valley extension is expected to be completed by 2037. in the south bay, zach fuentes, abc seven news contra costa county is losing one of its biggest employers after chevron announced it's moving its headquarters to texas. >> chevron has had its main offices in san ramon for decades now. most of those jobs are being transferred to houston. it's something chevron has been hinting at for years. some blame regulations in california. others say chevron has benefited
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from being in the bay area. >> they have fully embraced some of our most stringent clean air requirements in the bay area. our safety requirements in contra costa county. >> the company took on the progressive values in many ways that the bay area had. chevron offered domestic partner benefits to same sex couples before the state of california did. >> the move doesn't affect the richmond refinery and its 3000 employees. the president of the bay area council blames state lawmakers for chevron's move. in a statement, jim wunderman says, quote, it's an embarrassment for california that we've lost so many global companies because of misguided policies that make it incredibly difficult to do business here. >> oakland is welcoming 33 new firefighters today, a graduation ceremony this morning honored the new recruits. they're completing their 20 weeks of academy training at the afd training tower. >> they're the best of the best. you know, we interviewed every one of them. we picked them out of a robust group of candidates.
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and it's one of the few times that we've had almost our entire uh- academy class graduate, 33 new members starting their career for hopefully a 30 year, very decorated, long career. >> mayor shantel gave remarks to congratulate these individuals starting their career of servic. this is the result of a $27 million grant, which the department received to pay for 35 new recruits. up next, it's official vice president kamala harris is gotten enough delegates by virtual roll call to be the presumed democratic presidential nominee. and there's a new poll just in on how she stacks up against donald trump. abc seven news at f
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a happiest halloween with so much to do. just a pinch of pumpkin... a dash of bat... a sprinkle of joy from my witch's hat. potions keep stirring... mix halloween flare. now, add some friendly spirits... that haunt the air. put magic and treats at every corner to be seen... come alive my cauldron... brew the happiest halloween. (vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on!
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(vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. votes to secure the nomination. the announcement came after she secured 1975 votes from
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convention delegates in a virtual roll call. the search for her vice presidential pick is entering its final phase. the shortlist includes pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, along with several others. >> mark kelly, democratic senator of arizona. also on that shortlist, tim walz, governor of minnesota. also on that list, jb pritzker on the list. >> meanwhile, president biden says he has spoken with the vice president about her search, but he deferred to her decision when asked about the qualities of vp should have. harris is expected to announce who her vp pick will be on tuesday. as the race narrows, former president trump is looking to gain ground in the swing state of georgia. the republican nominee appears to be wavering on whether he will debate vice president harris after telling his supporters he would take part. trump is now questioning whether he should do the debate when he says he is leading in the polls. >> a new poll of polls shows the presidential race in a virtual dead heat averages collected by 500 or 538, which focuses on
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opinion poll analysis, show harris leading trump 45% to 43.3%. the lead is within, what, 538 calls its uncertainty interval, essentially the margin of error. the polls show harris and trump virtually tied as well in key swing states. that's actually what's important, harris holds a slight lead in pennsylvania, as well as michigan, with trump still a bit ahead in georgia. >> okay, let's switch our focus here. the weekend is upon us. we want to check on the weather. >> some of you are going to get a little warm, hot under the collar san diego. >> yeah. when you have triple digits inland. definitely will be feeling it tomorrow. if you're not feeling it already in our inland communities, kristen and ama, let's take a look right now at live doppler seven. after we look at the live pictures, you will notice some fog from the golden gate bridge camera. also, seeing some mid and high level clouds from our other tower cameras as monsoonal moisture is moving in and we will look at the live doppler seven. right now you will notice the radar returns showing up
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right around the gilroy area. not any of this is hitting the ground just yet, but it is moisture up in the clouds. it's evaporating before it hits the ground. it is hitting the ground in the sierra. the monsoon flow, along with some thunderstorms developing all the way up towards northern california. and we will continue to see this moisture streaming northward. this is adding a little humidity to the air, but there is a threat of dry lightning, especially following a record hottest july ever. for many cities around the bay area and parts of the state. so we do have a red flag warning for parts of southern california, the sierra and northern california. just something to keep in mind. high pressure is in control of our weather. the monsoon flow is basically the circulation around the high. drawing up the active weather across our region. look at the dew points right now. it is feeling muggy out there. 62 degree dew point in fremont. some areas i should say 62 in sonoma, 63 in san rafael and 60 in san jose. so if it feels a little sticky, that's why
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temperatures in the 90s inland 60s coast side, as we look at the air quality, it's decent here. good to moderate, but not the case around the park. fire. we are seeing poor for sensitive groups and also unhealthy to the northeast of that major fourth largest fire in our state. as we look at our travel forecast, if you're flying out of okay, it is going to be 78 degrees tomorrow afternoon as we head towards the kona area, scattered showers, 73 and windy in kahului, 89 degrees. here's a look at the highlights tonight. tomorrow morning, slight chance of showers or a thunderstorm. it's a 5% chance this weekend. hot inland, comfy at the coast and early next week our summer heat continues. so looking at the monsoon flow it will continue to stream in. i would if i were you. just be aware that there could be an isolated shower or thunderstorm, but really, other than the morning hours, things start to quiet down. we'll have our stable fog layer along the coastline tomorrow morning. we have it right now, as you know. morning temperatures 50 to 70. afternoon highs in the south
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bay. it's going to get hot. morgan hill 9789 san jose 84 sunnyvale on the peninsula 86 in redwood city, 65 in pacifica, downtown san francisco 70 degrees north bay. numbers mid 90s from calistoga to santa rosa, 91 in san rafael heading into the east bay. 78 in oakland 83 fremont. inland areas it will get toasty. 101 in fairfield, 98 in livermore, 97 in concord. accuweather seven day forecast triple digits inland tomorrow 60s. coast side numbers coming down a little bit on sunday. and then next week we'll bring in those triple digits again early in the week before things level off back closer to average end of the workweek. and kristen nice. >> all right. thank you sandhya. >> and now here's you
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just search abc seven bay area and download it now. today is a landmark day for some san francisco icons. the cable cars
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151 years ago today, the first san francisco cable cars made their first trip. a man named andrew halliday introduced that first car. it ran down clay street in nob hill. the cable car system has survived closures, earthquakes and fires. there are three cable car lines, down from more than a dozen routes in the 1800s. >> my favorite is the california line. okay. all right. finally, today, a big win for the men's rowing team and the bay area. yeah, for men, us men's rowing team out of oakland took home the gold for the first time since 1960. >> it's incredible to think that i know eisenhower was the president when that last happened. you know, my father wasn't born yet. >> having 60, 64 years since the last time that this was brought home for the united states in the men's four event is just extra, extra sweet. >> i might be sort of overly confident in the middle of the race, but i knew within the
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first ten strokes, about 600m to go, you know, a little a little over a minute. >> 45 in the race left, i, i figured that the only way we wouldn't win is if we mess something up terribly. >> and you can see they didn't. yes. the team represents the california rowing club out of oakland. >> yes. the four men have been rowing together as a team for about a year. congratulations. i know, awesome. >> not since 1960. celebrate. >> all right. that does it for abc seven news at five. >> world news tonight with david muir is next for sandyha patel and all of us here. thanks for joining us. i'm kristen sze and i'm ama daetz. >> see you again at six.
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