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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  August 6, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> honestly. and that's always such a fun celebration. last year it was in oakland. it was great. so i know this year it looked really fun too. >> i need to get involved in these restaurants. yeah, i go to the same four places over and over again, you know, in healdsburg. yeah. yes, yes. but i still haven't been to their number one restaurant either. >> >> drew is a fancy restaurant person at this dice i do. >> it's one of the things i do like eating can get under my belt. so thank you i like it. >> our streaming newscast seven at seven >> george: breaking news for our viewers in the west. vice president harris makes the biggest decision of her campaign, poised to pick retired school teacher, army national guard veteran minnesota governor tim walz, as her running mate.
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>> michael: the deadly storms battering georgia and south carolina right now. flash flood emergencies in florida, towns swamped. at least nine reported tornados in 48 hours. travel disrupted nationwide. ginger leads our team in the storm zone. plus, the fast moving brush fires forcing families to evacuate in southern california. >> this is all that's left of that rv that caught on fire. they're digging up the ground to try to turn off the gas line because it's still burning here. >> michael: as neighbors join firefighters trying to protect their homes. >> george: bouncing back. markets overseas recovering after the worst day on wall street in almost two years. what's behind the wild swings? and what it means for your money. >> robin: we're caught up in all the panda-monium. the first giant pandas to come to the u.s. about to take center stage. will reeve is there for us live at the san diego zoo, with his new friend. and overnight team usa caught up on gold medals.
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stars and stripes surfing into a big win on the water, with a surprise guest watching. plus one of gma's own battling for the bronze on the court. and our gymnasts taking a bow. biles and chiles making history with this unforgettable moment. this morning jordan joins us live on gma. disneyland paris after an emotional roller coaster. >> announcer: from abc news this is the western edition of "good morning america." >> robin: jordan chiles, you just won your first olympic medal, where are you going? disney paris! [ laughter ] >> michael: not a bad place to be. >> robin: her reaction, she said this is crazy. we cannot wait to catch up with jordan live. >> george: we are looking forward to that. right now breaking news. vice president harris has picked minnesota governor tim walz to be her running mate.
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want to go straight to selina wang. >> reporter: we are learning that vice president harris has finally chosen her vp pick. it's minnesota governor tim walz. he sky rocketed in popularity on her short list. he's known for having a folksy vibe. he has a back story. he's a former high school teacher, high school football coach, national guard member and six term member of congress. he has a back story the harris team believes will appeal to battleground swing state voters. his actual policies have been very progressive, as the popular minnesota governor, he's enacted and championed a bevy of progressive policies, including free school lunches. this is going to excite vice president harris' very liberal base. there are questions about how this will broaden her appeal. he's not from a swing state like mark kelly was from arizona or josh shapiro of battleground
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pennsylvania. but he does have that midwestern vibe the harris team believes is going to make him a very effective messenger. part of the reason we've seen him grow in popularity tphrb recent days he has been hitting the networks and cables making the case for why americans should choose democrats over republicans. he's been labeling republicans as, quote, weird. that's a catch phrase that's caught on with the harris campaign. he has very quickly shown he can effectively go after republicans without changing the vibe into a negative mood, showing he can be unique and different in that way. this is unprecedented, the speed with which vice president harris made her choice. i was told as of last night she still had not made her decision, and that her team had printed signs with harris and various different candidates to be prepared to go the minute she made her decision. i am told she values chemistry and somebody she trusts, in addition to finding someone who will help her win.
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so tonight we are going to see harris here with her choice of governor tim walz. they will be taking the stage together for harris' biggest rally yet. i'm told to expect more than 10,000 people in the arena tonight. >> michael: we are tracking the latest on tropical storm debby. it is moving slowly over south carolina/georgia. 30 inches of rain expected in some parts with the threat of catastrophic flooding. our team is following the latest travel chaos, as charleston gets slammed with heavy rain. victor is standing by. ginger leads us off in savannah, georgia, where the mayor there said to hunker down. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: great advice, michael, because we've had flooded roads like this all over savannah. you see that abandoned car behind me. there's another abandoned car. we've seen people turning around, which is a great idea. we had 8.25 inches already. i said already because this storm has three more days, all the way through friday before it exits south carolina. overnight debby slowly swirling across the southeast, dropping
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life threatening rain in georgia and south carolina. in edisto beach, south carolina, a tornado on the outer bands of debby tearing homes apart. in debby's wake, flash flood emergencies in florida, leaving towns swamped. five people have been killed including two children. a 13-year-old boy died when a tree fell on this mobile home while he was inside in levy county, florida. in horse shoe beach where they took on that eye wall, they had strong winds tearing up trees. more than 16 inches of rain fell near sarasota. as the water rushed in curtis silver and his family were forced to run to the top floor. >> the water wasn't just coming in through the front door. it was coming up through the floor boards, through the walls to the outside. >> ginger: in lake city, this woman was lucky to make it out alive. >> we had absolutely no time to react. it was right on us. all we had time to do was just look at each other and say, run.
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>> ginger: so we tracked this storm from tampa bay and we got ahead of it before it really hit last night here in savannah. you can see, we've now made it onto the outside of the center of what's left of debby. we're in that lighter part of southeast georgia. that pummelling part right on top of charleston. charleston has a threshold of about 16 inches where they see major flood problems. that is, unfortunately, a real possibility as we go through today, tomorrow and friday. we see right there, we're still in a flash flood warning. that's the type that when you get it, if you have a choice to not drive, don't. here's the timing and the big problem. it doesn't move. that's wednesday, thursday and friday. you see how columbia, the a there of columbia? that's friday morning. the center of the storm still hanging out in south carolina before it starts to jet out through the mid-atlantic. north carolina has been extended into that significant or even potential for some elevated flash flood risk. i want to make sure to point that out.
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as much as we've been talking about savannah, charleston, but robin, up into wilmington and the mideast. we could track this all the way home, robin. >> robin: we will be checking back with you. the coast bracing for life threatening conditions. victor oquendo is there for us. good morning to you, victor. >> reporter: good morning, robin. from downtown charleston, where the rain has been relentless and we have not seen the worst of it yet. here in the beloved city, the streets are already flooded. you can see some business owners taking precaution. they put these sandbags out for good reason. as i make my way onto the street, you'll see it's already up to my knees. this flooding has been the concern all along in charleston. it could have been catastrophic. charleston is surrounded by livers. with all of this rainfall, it can't drain into the atlantic the way it's supposed to with all the water debby is pushing in off the east.
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we could be looking at storm surge of two to four feet. the mayor saying pumps have been brought in. they are ready, if necessary. same with high water rescue vehicle. a curfew was put in place in charleston last night. city leaders meeting again to assess the plan moving forward as we brace for more of this rain through thursday. george? >> george: okay, victor. now the travel trouble caused by debby and the other storms. thousand of flights have been cancelled or delayed. trevor ault is at la guardia airport. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, george. we've now had back to back days with well over 10,000 flight delays and cancellations across the country. this is a huge burden for air travellers during a time when a lot of people are trying to head out on vacation. today we will be battling more travel impacts. >> no answers, you know? i have been sitting around waiting. >> reporter: this morning frustrated travellers facing delay after delay, dealing with the ripple effects from tropical storm debby and a seery of summer scattered storms across the midwest and northeast. nationwide more than 23,000 flights cancelled or delayed since sunday.
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ed with debby's winds and rains hitting florida airports hard. >> our flight was supposed to leave at 11:40 a.m. we're not leaving until about 8:30 p.m. tonight now. it's quite the adventure trying to keep my downone occupied. >> reporter: travellers trying to head south were also struggling. >> i have been trying to get down there for two days. it's just frustrating. i get the weather is the cause, but, hey, give me some better information so i can plan. >> reporter: american airlines, which has hubs in miami and charlotte, has been hit the hardest, 412 flights cancelled yesterday alone. all the big airlines are allowing customers to rebook without change fees. and so the faa is now once again warning of disruptions up and down the east coast, especially because debby is not the only issue for travel. we are expecting thunderstorms in the midwest and northeast. michael? >> michael: thank you for that. now the markets rebounding after a selloff yesterday that sparked
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fear of an economic slowdown. rebecca jarvis is here to break it down. good morning. >> rebecca: good morning, michael. let's start with the numbers. it was the worst day on wall street in nearly two years. you see it across the board. s&p500 down 3%. and the nasdaq, that's the tech names, those high flying tech stocks attached to artificial intelligence. they were hit the hardest, but as you see, michael, the markets have been rebounding overnight. >> michael: despite that, we are hearing the r word, recession, being thrown around again. can you give us a reality check on that? >> rebecca: this is really important. you take the stock plunge, coupled with friday's disappointing jobs report. that has put this recession talk back on the table. and no doubt there are people who do not feel great about this economy. in fact, many people do. consumer confidence is mixed. inflation though, this is important. it's much lower than it was a
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year ago. while the chance of a recession have gone up, economists do not believe we are in one now because jobs are still being added in the economy. 114,000 jobs. unemployment at 4.3%. that is very low historically. and wages are still rising. that does not happen in a recession. and this is important because it means there's still time to steer clear of a severe downturn. it really comes down to what the fed does next with interest rates, then how investors, consumers and employers react. there's conversation about the fed perhaps cutting interest rates before it meets in september. it will very likely cut in september. that means credit card bills, your apr's go lower, mortgage rates if you're trying to buy a house, car loans, those get less expensive. >> michael: that's something i think everybody would be excited about. for those people are concerned about their money, what do they do now? >> rebecca: look, you have to look at history. historically, when we hit rough patches like this one, they take sometime to work through.
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the so called market corrections. that's when stocks fall 20% on average. they last four months and take four months to recover from. we're nowhere near correction territory at this point. each of the big three indexes are up for the year. the other thing that you can do is if you have savings in the bank, lock in a cd before the feds cuts rates. it is the difference between getting paid 5% for your money as opposed to 0 .5%. >> george: overnight vice several u.s. personnel were injured from a rocket attack at an air base in iraq. concerns grow in the region that iran will retaliate against israel. our foreign correspondent tom soufi burridge has the latest from tel aviv. >> reporter: two missiles striking that u.s. base in iraq
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days targeted militants. this as we wait for an iranian strike on israel. several personnel injured after a rocket attack in iraq. this morning several u.s. personnel injured after a rocket attack in iraq. officials say two missiles were launched. it follows a strike last week which targeted iranian backed militants who pose a threat to u.s. and coalition forces according to u.s. officials. as tensions in the region intensify, all eyes on iran, as it vows revenge on israel following the assassination of a top hamas leader in the iranian capital. president biden huddling with his national security team in the situation room, briefed on efforts to defend israel. with u.s. diplomacy working round the clock and urging restraint. >> all parties must refrain from escalation. all parties must take steps to ease tensions. escalation is not in anyone's interest.
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it will only lead to more conflict, more violence, more insecurity. >> reporter: in anticipation of an iranian attack, the pentagon moving more military assets to the middle east. including more destroyers and an additional squadron of fighter jets. the u.s. asking arab allies to rejoin a defensive coalition which downed hundreds of iranian missiles and drones in april. but u.s. diplomats say they are facing a steeper hurdle this time, as many partners view israel's actions last week as, quote, unnecessarily provocative. >> it's very important that there's a quiet set of allies that israel has that will help knock down any of the incoming cruise missiles, drones and missiles that are shot ballistically. >> reporter: guys, back to that tact on a u.s. base in iraq. the white house saying in the situation room, president biden and his team discussed steps to defend u.s. forces in this region and respond to any attack in a manner and place of their choosing. george?
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>> george: it is a tense time. okay, george, thanks. now the fast moving brush fire in southern california that burned several homes, forced families to evacuate. kayna whitworth is on the scene. good morning. >> reporter: george, good morning. fast is an operative term. i spoke with some firefighters and they tell me they've never seen the flames move that quickly. the family that lived here had just moments to escape. they told me they tried to save as many of their animals as they could, and sadly not all of them made it out alive. this morning residents east of los angeles left to pick up the pieces after a fast moving brush fire tore through this san bernardino neighborhood. >> we were so grateful for this house. i can't believe it's gone. >> reporter: flames erupting monday afternoon, leaving people just minutes to flee the edge hill fire. >> get outta there! go, go, go! >> reporter: 200 firefighters racing to the scene. >> about five acres, rapid rate of spread moving uphill. >> reporter: you've fought fires on this hilltop before and you
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say you've never seen one move as quickly as this one? >> no, this thing moved very quickly. >> reporter: winds pushing the fire through dry brush in triple digit temperatures, and right into people's homes. this outdoor garden area first catching fire before spreading to the house. and an rv seen bursting into flames. this is all that's left of that rv that caught on fire. you can see behind me they're digging up the ground to try to turn off the gas line because it's still burning here. immense destruction for a fire that burned only 54 acres before its progress was stopped. now, we've learned this morning that one firefighter was injured. investigators will be back out on the scene early this morning. but this area will be in an excessive heat warning throughout the day today. you guys, while this fire has been stamped out, we still have at least 17 other fires burning in the state right now. guys? >> robin: so unbelievable.
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all right, kayna, thank you very much. coming up the emotional roller coaster on the final day of gymnastics. jordan chiles joins us live. there she is. disneyland paris. she's gonna tell us all about it live. can't wait. >> michael: plus we'll meet the two pandas before their official first day at the san diego zoo. we aren't going to interview them but we'll be there live. [ laughter ] >> george: we can try. and we are tracking hurricane debby. want to go back to ginger. hey, ginger. >> ginger: hey, george. while all of this was happening we were seeing the images of that tornado in buffalo. this is the 25th confirmed tornado for the state of new york which means a record for a year. and we're on in august, so we could easily smash that record. you can see the debris flying there. incredible video up there of just the damage and nobody injured. let's look at what the serious weather threat today is along that stationary front. anywhere from cleveland, ohio, right through pittsburgh and
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state college to just west of new york city. much of new jersey will have to be on the lookout. let's get your local warning now in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: will reeve is standing by on panda watch. there he is. we'll be right back. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) (buzz) look whose joining us for my favorite part of the day! as(leslie) cheerios are hisht love language.ou. (buzz) well, yeah. they can help lower cholesterol. (angela) ok. i love it. (phyllis) my love language is portuguese.
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announcement comes just weeks after elon musk announced that he was moving the company's headquarters to texas. we reached out to x to get a comment. we have not heard back. amanda has our traffic this morning. >> hi reggie, our overall map colors on it showing just current conditions for the commute. we'll take you to san mateo southbound 101 before hillsdale boulevard. there is a two car crash blocking the right lane there. the backup is to third avenue, but still no real major delays. then to sunol southbound 680 before highway 84, a two car crash is blocking the left lane. there, the backup is two 580. you can see speeds down to three miles per hour, and there is a 22 minute delay. reggie. >> amanda. thank you. we're going to
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going to see sunshine develop close to about 9 a.m. this morning. so sunshine faster than yesterday. we do have heat advisories in effect. this kicks in at 10 a.m. it's just for the south bay today. it's just a one day spike in our temperatures as some warm air moves in from the south. so looking at your highs today, it is quite hot inland, even warm around the bay shoreline. but this heat doesn't linger all that long. the three day forecast. we get cooler weather moving in quickly by the end of the week. >> reggie drew, thank you. you're streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> are you ready to make junk disappear? >> i am so looking forward to this. >> we make junk disappear. all you have to do is point. call one 800. got junk or visit one 800. >> got >> we'll be there before you hang up the phone. >> when your garage door breaks. it doesn't care whether it's the night or the weekend at precision garage door. we know
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scored the top spot in the floor exercise. jordan is gonna join us live from disneyland paris just ahead. but that was quite a moment when they did that. >> george: sure was. it was fantastic. following the pat of tropical storm debby. the storm has slowed down over georgia and south carolina bringing a major flood threat to the southeast. all right now executives from boeing and spirit aerosystems will testify at a two day public hearing starting today in washington. the ntsb is investigating the january incident where a door plug came off an alaska airlines flight shortly after takeoff. boeing has been under scrutiny following a series of incidents that raised questions about quality control. >> michael: major anti-trust ruling has come down against google, the judge found they illegally used power to cause a monopoly. the ruling could lead to wide ranging changes to the way google conducts business.
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attorney general garland called it a historic win for the american people. and we've got a lot more ahead, including a sneak peek at the two new stars of the san diego zoo, the giant pandas. that's all coming up. but first let's go to paris. gymnast jordan chiles making it onto that history making podium. we cannot wait to hear all about the fun when she joins us live in just a moment. but first janai norman is tracking all of team usa's golden moments. good morning, janai. >> janai: good morning, michael. the u.s. tied with china with 21 gold medals each, but dominating with 79 total medals. boy, oh boy, it was high drama for the high flying gymnast just 24 hours ago bringing home more medals on the final day of competition. the final day of gymnastics ending in dramatic fashion. simone biles and jordan chiles
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scoring medals once again. the competition starteding with a stunning upset on the balance beam. biles slipping off during her routine. >> i have accomplished way more than my wildest dreams not just at this olympics, but in the sport competing and then walking away with four medals. i'm not mad about it. i'm proud of myself. >> reporter: suni lee also taking a tumble. neither medaling. suni opening up to abc news about battling kidney disease. >> i'm a little bit disappointed because that's not how i wanted to end my olympics, but i'm superproud of how i was able to overcome everything. >> janai: the pressure building for the floor exercise. simone and jordan the on americans competing. biles soaring through her signature event but stepping out of bounds twice. the difficulty so high she still scored silver. brazilian rebecca androge barely
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edging out biles for gold. in a dramatic moment, chiles, finishing in fifth, romania celebrating the bronze. in a wild turn, the u.s. challenging the score. the points tallied again. chiles winning bronze. jordan jumping for joy, then breaking down in tears. >> i was like, it was my first event final and my first event medal. like, this was crazy. >> janai: and this sweet moment on the podium. simone and jordan bowing to andrage. the first three black athletes to share a podium in gymnastics. >> it was an all black podium which was exciting. jordan was like, should we bow to her? i was like, absolutely. it was the right thing to do. >> janai: to track and field. american and defending champ valerie alman taking home gold in women's discus.
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noah wiles, the fastest man in the world, breezing through round one of the 200 meters scoring an automatic bid in the semifinal. and three americans gabby thomas, mackenzie long and brittany brown all qualifying for the women's 200 meter final. and caroline marsh bringing home gold for the women in surfing. a surprise guest at the surfing semifinals. look at that. a whale popping up to get a sneak peek during the competition. in an op ed, christine brennan writing about how the u.s. female athletes are on fire, on pace to win more medals than the males for the fourth consecutive summer games, robin. ♪ these girls are on fire ♪ >> robin: i'll leave it to alicia keys. i promised i wouldn't sing. when she said these girls are on fire. thank you. one of team usa's biggest stars who gave us one of the most exciting moments in olympic history, jordan chiles is there. she is fresh off her big bronze medal win.
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jordan, good morning to you. i'm going to say congratulations from all of us here in the studio. we saw your reaction when you took home the bronze. can you tell us what was going through your mind at that time? >> first off, good morning to you guys as well. thank you guys so much for having me. as you can tell, i'm here in disney. there were so many emotions, so many things going through my mind when i found out i got that bronze medal. i couldn't be more proud of myself. she's an amazing athlete. she's done amazing things within gymnastics. i'm proud of myself but also very proud of her as well. >> robin: you have a lot of reasons to be proud. can you just explain to people, how are you feeling? it has to be mentally and physically exhausting to go through what you all have done. what are your feelings right now? are you able to catch your
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breath a little bit? >> honestly, i'm going through a lot of feelings. i'm still on a high from last night. trying to get every moment in with my family, friends. i'm trying to relax as best i can. right now i have just been enjoying the time here at disney, really. >> robin: that will be a place where you can relax. and you talk about the moment. many people are going to be talking about that. the way you and simone, giving rebecca her flowers, as you said. everyone said it was your idea. tell us the reason behind why you wanted to do that. >> you know, a lot of people, they kind of put in a position to where you give somebody their flowers, you got to give them back. everything rebecca has done in her sport and everything she's done, i felt like it was needed. that girl deserved that gold medal. >> robin: so respectful, what
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you all did. again, it will be a moment people are going to remember. jordan, are you feeling the love from everybody back here? >> i am feeling it. yes, i am, 100%. >> robin: you've had so many people, beyonce, michael jordan, who i didn't realize you were named after, reaching out. what does it mean to know that you're touching so many folks? >> it feels amazing knowing that not only do i look up to these people, but all they're looking up to me as well. it's been an honor. i had the ability to talk to gabrielle union last night. it was really cool. she gave me some encouraging words. i wouldn't be more proud to get encouraging words from her, of all people. it's been really cool knowing that as much as i have been appreciative to them, they've done it back to me. >> robin: it's coming back to you ten fold. i know you a very special relationship with simone biles. what has it meant to be competing alongside her in paris? >> it's been an amazing
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experience. you know, this girl deserves the world. simone has done amazing things throughout her career. i couldn't be more proud standing by her side. especially for the last competition. i honestly can't thank her enough for everything that she's given me, the opportunity to express myself in different ways. i love her to death. you know, can't wait to see where life goes for both of us. >> robin: ah, yes. you got a lot of life ahead of you, kid. don't worry about that. if a young gymnast is watching this morning and going, wow, that's jordan chiles, i want to do that one day, what is your advice to young gymnasts who aspire to be an olympian? >> honestly, to anybody out there, whether you're a young gymnast, whether you're someone returning or trying to pursue something else. just go out there and be authentic to who you are. you're somebody god created to be on this earth, so why not embrace it in many different ways?
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i always say, have fun, believe in the power of your dreams. make sure you continue to dedicate yourself to whatever you want to accomplish. >> robin: well said. you're in the right place to have some fun. i'm gonna let you go. >> i am! >> robin: what are you gonna do there in disneyland paris? >> in disney, i'm a disney girl from ever since i was little. i'm just going to have fun. ride a bunch of rides and just enjoy the food. of course, be with family. >> robin: you are certainly deserving of that, and so much more. so please, thank you for taking the time. [ applause ] >> michael: congratulations. >> robin: give our best to everyone, jordan. >> thank you so much. >> robin: okay. take care. >> george: that was great. coming up next, getting to know our new panda neighbors. will reeve is live at the san diego zoo as they get ready to greet the public. why won't scout play with us anymore? he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time.
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come on, scout. now, there's librela. the first and only once-monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life! hey miss miller, so, to show their appreciation, which could cause allergic rtarget is giving teachers. 20% off storewide with target circle. and to show mine, i'll... grade my own homework. so, you can just relax. a plus plus plus plus plus! and squish, and squish... ok good. keep squishing! fingers relaxed... and squish. great! thank you, good job! squish the rainbow, taste the rainbow thanks to this stylish hotel on, even giants fans are loving la. no, we're here to mess with our rivals. uh... where'd they go? they were just here. it was full of rivals.
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>> george: we are back with the two pandas making their american debut. the first to enter the u.s. in more than two decades now at the san diego zoo. will reeve is there. good morning, will. >> reporter: good morning, george. so we've been asked to keep our voices down because just behind me through this bam boo are the giant pandas. they're sleeping, getting their beauty rest, ahead of their big public debut in just two days. meet the newest pandas on u.s. shores. 5-year-old male and nearly 4-year-old female sing bow taking up residence at the san diego zoo.
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caretakers describe sing bow as inquisitive. >> he loves his bamboo. he's comfortable in his habitat. he explores and he's curious. >> reporter: boy can these two eat. the zoo growing eight different species of bamboo. >> we give each of the pandas a choice so they can tell us which are their favorites. we need to balance that with what are the most nutritious species of bamboo for the bears. >> reporter: how does a panda eat bamboo? first they snap the stalk. then they delicately use their teeth to get to the inner layer. and finally they use their muppet like paws to shove the leaves right into their mouths. bear in mind giant pandas can consume a giant amount of bamboo every day, 40 pounds of it. infants rely on mother's milk and, in some cases, panda baby formula.
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giant panda moms give birth to two tiny twins about half the time. but are only able to rear one of them leaving the second to be cared for by the zoo. >> so our team worked to develop a giant panda formula that increased the success rate for giant panda cub survival from 5% to 95%. so really an incredible function. >> reporter: tensions in u.s./china relations temporarily paused the panda lending program. this morning the rum shun of so called panda diplomacy is being celebrated in both countries. >> we have so many things we are discussing at the global political level that we see in the news. what's powerful is this is something we both share. we both see the importance of wild life conservation and understand it's important to the world. >> reporter: and there's a family legacy here for yun swan.
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his grandparents were cared for her, and his mom was born here. we are going to be quiet. >> michael: we appreciate you using your inside voice, will. [ laughter ] thank you so much. that's awesome. good to see that. can't wait to see them when they wake up. >> george: you don't have to use your inside voice. [ laughter ] >> michael: coming up next, it is our play of the day! thank you, george! [ laughter ] ♪ [window slamming] woman: [gasps] [dog barking] ♪ woman: [screams] ♪ [explosion] [explosion] ♪ [lock clicks shut] want a next level clean? swish with the whoa of listerine. it kills 99.9% of bad breath germs for five times more cleaning power
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>> michael: back with our play of the day and a big win for team usa and team gma. that's right. let's go back to janai. hey, janai. >> janai: hey again, janai. a big win for team usa three on three women's basketball team yesterday beating canada to bring home bronze. one of those u.s. players holds a special place in our hearts here at gma. cierra burdick a former gma intern. there she is on the olympic podium with her teammates and their medals. she said afterwards it was an emotional roller coaster, happy to be going home with hardware. lot of gratitude, lot of blood, sweat and tears were invested in this. robin, she was your intern. >> robin: yes, from the university of tennessee. so proud. they won the bronze. way to go, cierra. proud of you. we'll be right back. won. proud of you. we will be right back.
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(dad) sweet. (daughter) and salty! (vo) nature valley sweet & salty bars, in delicious flavors like dark chocolate, peanut, and almond. do you have a walt disney world moment? yeah i do. i've got something. let me pull it up here. let me see if i can find it. i took selfies with my daughter on my shoulders, and we were watching the firework show. i would always see these dads with the kids on their shoulders and almost like a full circle moment. now i'm getting to do this with my daughter, and it was just really special to share that moment with her, to see her face literally light up when there was a boom of the fireworks. it's something i'll never forget. to be a father that takes their kids to disney is so special to me. (cat 1) friskies world! (cat 2) come on - let's explore! (cat 1) that's made with real salmon! (cat 2) look what i found - lil'soups! - for cats! (cat 1) there's the delicious taste of tuna we treasure! (cat 2) mmm... definitely coming back tomorrow. (vo) friskies. always more to explore. with philips sonicare you can remove up to 20 times more plaque along the gumline versus a manual toothbrush.
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toss your basic toothbrush and make the sonicare switch today. if you thought one napkin for the quarter pounder with cheese was enough... ♪ ♪ it's not enough. dad, target school list assist finds my list. so i'm totally ready for class. which is great because we can both be forgetful. weird. i remember tying them. (vo) they're back! verizon small business days are here. august 5th to the 11th. get a free tech check. and special offers. like a free 5g phone, when you switch. don't miss out. get started today. this is what joint pain looks like. when you keep moving with aleve. (♪)
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just 1 aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted joint pain relief. aleve. strength to last 12 hours. >> ginger: much more get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪ z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security, all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited tim. games. only get the fastest
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connection at paris with xfinity. >> we could tell you what it's capable of, or you could find out for yourself. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer >> i'm a fan of you, steve >> my husband wouldn't want his wife bringing her work. husband where? home. celebrity family feud. >> new tonight on abc abc. seven mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui. let's see what's happening with traffic. hi, amanda. hi, reggie. >> we'll start on the san mateo bridge. you can see it was a bit crowded, but lining up now from the toll plaza to foster city. that drive will take you about 19 minutes. i do have to get through this mass transit. the capitol corridor is reporting that train 521 remains stopped in the area of fairfield and
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vacaville. this is because of police activity. and then train 523 remains stopped at davis because of an obstruction on the tracks. you're going to have some issues if you're either on the capitol corridor or caltrain this morning. >> drew. good info. amanda here's a look at the forecast today. we're heating up inland up to 100 degrees 70s and 80s around the bay shoreline along the coast. we will be in the 60s heat advisory in effect today just for one day in the south bay. it's just a one day spike in our temperatures. it gets hot away from the coast today. 98 in concord, 100 in antioch, 88, san jose, 94. in santa rosa, 70 for the city in oakland, 81. in palo alto. >> reggie drew, thank you for joining us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. for everyone else, it's gma. >> what happens when ordinary becomes extraordinary? find out this summer at the exploratorium. nine artists make everyday stuff into incredible
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art. explore stunning installations made out of lego pieces, string shoes, saxophones and more. see the ordinary transformed. maybe you will be too. >> is your home looking dated because of your old, cheap, hollow interior doors? no other home improvement can refresh the look of your home as quickly and affordably as new interior doors from one day. doors and closets. we'll replace your old ugly doors for less than the big box stores are a handyman. in just a few hours, a nice interior door just elevates the house. right now with our buy one get one event. when you buy five doors, get five doors free, call 8445. one day i've got this dream and you're all in it. >> let's hear it with wells fargo premiere. >> a team can help you plan for your dream. >> i have this vacation home that's like a getaway.
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>> yeah, but it's also an eco friendly artist retreat. >> so you're expanding your business and our family. >> can you help me plan for tha? >> yeah. let's get started. >> ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo. >> a breath of fresh air for your home. the new mariko collection from living spaces brings the serenity and versatility of modern scandinavian style to every room. designed and developed as part of the essentials line, which captures trends of the moment, these exclusive pieces are unique in their mixed material construction and functional, intentional details. by combining natural wood, textural rattan and warm vegan leather, you get to experience one of a kind beauty. discover the magic of mariko only at living spaces. >> living spaces. >> flight deck we are go for launch. >> is that the one? so much space that open kitchen? >> is that a walk in closet? >> all the tiles. wait, we got a trouble problem? >> how can you sell your house
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when we're stuck on a space station for months? >> oh, bad timing, that's the one. no no no no. open door! don't open the door. open door gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. >> really? yeah we have liftoff. houston, we have a playroom mega millions. >> a big reminder, tonight's mega millions jackpot is over 350 million. play now, whatever the weather >> george: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. breaking news for our viewer i the west. vice president harris picked minnesota governor tim wal saoefpl as her running mate.
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>> michael: the 10 million names project. pierre thomas takes us on his journey as he traces his genealogy back. >> it feels strange. >> michael: visiting the plantation where his great great grandmother was born into slavery. what shocked him about his family's past, and what they had to overcome. >> robin: plus tory's back for our deals and steals summer event with sizzling savings on smart solutions. must haves starting at just $5. ♪ it's gonna be a good good day ♪ >> robin: and it's a blue ribbon morning. sandra lee is here talking about her new baking show. >> this literally makes me want to cry. that's how good it is. it is the perfect cake. >> robin: and the cheese cake so good it moved her to tears, as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> robin: kesha in our studio, she makes some good cheese cake. we're going to have to try the cheese cake that brought tears to sandra lee's eyes. we cannot wait for that. there she is, upstairs waiting on us.
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>> george: breaking news. vice president harris has picked tim walz to be her running mate. want to go straight to selina wang. >> reporter: vice president harris has picked tim walz as her vp pick. they are coming here gearing up for the biggest rally of the harris campaign. she's going to introduce governor walz to the country, surrounded by more than 10,000 supporters, i am told. governor walz quickly sky rocketed to the top of vice president harris' short list. her team believes he's got back story that will appeal to rural midwestern voters in battleground states that democrats have to win if they want to keep the white house. he is a former high school teacher, a football coach, a veteran who served in the army national guard. he's got a deep connection to rural america and a folksy way of speaking in plain english. he's proven himself to be an effective messenger, in going after trump and j.d. vance,
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labeling them as, quote, weird, which has caught on with the harris campaign. he's also going to excite the progressive base with his policy record. as governor in minnesota, a popular governor, he signed into law a whole bevy of democratic wish list priorities when it comes to marijuana, paid family leave, abortion rights and gun control. but you do have the trump campaign already at tacking his progressive record in a statement saying, quote, he's even worse than crooked kamala harris. this decision came down to the wire. i'm told she values someone she has chemistry with, someone she trusts and can see herself governing with on day one. guys? >> thanks, selina. >> george: we start with tropical storm debby. it is moving slowly over south carolina and georgia. want to go back to ginger in savannah. good morning, ginger. >> ginger: good morning, george. we just got the update from the national hurricane center. the storm is about 20 miles southwest of savannah, the center of it. behind me you can see the impacts from the storm. abandoned car, flooded road,
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another abandoned car. we've seen a couple big trucks try to push through. we're going to see more of this throughout the southeast. look what happened also on the front end. you can get those tornados. edisto beach here had a tornado ripping off some roofs, taking off some parts of homes. they're going to do that damage survey today. it will be raining throughout. you also have a tornado watch right now in place all the way up through north carolina. wilmington's in it. myrtle beach all the way through the afternoon. watch for those outer bands to swin out tornados. you know rain is the big story. flood watches from raleigh back down to jacksonville. we anticipate high risk which is rarely issued by the weather prediction center to be all the way up to raleigh. it goes back out over ocean, eats up that fuel and strengthens again. robin, we're going to end up seeing 36 to 48 hours left in a place like south carolina or north carolina. that's really where the problems
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come in. we're looking for an additional 20 inches in some places. >> robin: okay. thank you so much, ginger, as always. now to the markets rebounding overnight after a global selloff yesterday that sparked new fears about an economic slowdown. our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis is back to break it down again. good morning, rebecca. >> rebecca: nice to see you. there are really two things driving in recession talk. talk of a slowdown. global stock selloff and friday's jobs report. what's concerning here is how quickly unemployment is climbing from 3.7% in january to 4.3% in july. but keep in mind 4.3% unemployment isn't bad. it is actually a very solid number historically. the problem is that in a healthy economy, you don't like to see jobless lists climb that quickly which is why goldman sachs economists raised probability of recession in the next year from 15% to 25%. economists believe though there is still time to steer clear of
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a more severe downturn. because of this. jobs are still being added in the economy. 114,000 last month. wages are rising. inflation has come down. the fed is now expected to cut interest rates at its next meeting in september, or even sooner, which could also potentially lower the cost of credit card apr's. it would make mortgages and car loans cheaper. lot of people, michael, have held out on those big purchases because of the cost of credit. this could make it more accessible. michael? >> michael: thank you for that. coming up pierre thomas goes back to where his great great grandmother was born, a slave on a west virginia plantation. he shares his journey as part of the 10 million names project. >> george: we reveal a gma book club pick for august. a hollywood story with a leading lady who dates back to the bible. >> robin: plus the cast of the
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outsiders. tory johnson got deals and steals. hey there, tory. >> tory: hi, robin. i have got solutions from the perfect remedy for your aching back to the best towel for beach and home, and so much more starting at just 5 bucks. that's coming up right here on gma. t for rms that had powerful results a reduced rate of relapses and slowed disability progression. don't take if you've had an allergic reaction to ofatumumab, life-threatening injection-related reaction to kesimpta, or have hepatitis b. tell your doctor if you've had hepatitis b as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including fatal infections. while no pml cases were reported in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may decrease certain antibodies. most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache, and injection reactions.
8:08 am
ask your doctor about kesimpta. t-mobile has plans built just for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! so switch to t-mobile and save. you've got a pepto predicament, ace. you overdid it on the loaded fries and now your gut is in the gutter. undo it with pepto fast melts. so you can keep on rolling. [bowling pins knocked down] when you overdo it, undo it with pepto bismol. (ethan) i started smoking menthol cigarettes to be just like the cool guys in the ads. here's my tip. there's nothing cool about smoking and having a stroke. i guess they forgot to mention that in the ads. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. dad. with this fox tee, i could be class president. (announcer) you can quit. and with target circle, we save automatically! i'll run on a platform for longer recess and having a cool fox tee. vote claire.
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dupixent helps people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. and when you can breathe better, what isn't better? this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent,
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the most prescribed biologic in asthma. in english, what's the hardest thing to say? anything with a th? they threw three thick things. sixth, like fourth, fifth, and then sixth. or you mean what's really hard emotionally to say? yeah, like that. oh... um... goodbye. i forgive you. i was wrong. for me, it's saying i love you, but that's tough to say in any language. ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪) belvita! you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty.
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it's in your nature. [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ si a ti te quiero mi amor, i like it like that ♪ ♪ eeeeeh, baby, i said i like it like that ♪ ♪ stomp your feet if you think i'm neat ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ i said i like it like that ♪ >> michael: back now with our gma cover story. the 10 million names project is on a mission to recover the names of african descendants whose ancestors were enslaved in our country prior to the end of the civil war. pierre thomas went on a personal journey to discover his family tree through that dark chapter of our nation's history.
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here's his story. >> reporter: almost here to the plantation where my ancestors lived as enslaved people. here on the outskirts of huntington, west virginia. it feels strange. researchers from the 10 million names project, which explores genealogy of america's once enslaved people, traced my genealogy here to what is known as green bottom. it was a massive 4,500 acre plantation operating at the time just before the civil war. i was shocked to learn it was under the reign of a historic and infamous confederate figure, albert jenkins. harvard graduate, two term congressman, confederate general and staunch supporter of slavery, treating them no more than live stock.
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this is where my great great grandmother, adeline jenkins, daughter of charlotte, was born into slavery 1858. according to the 10 million names research team, it's likely adeline was the biological daughter of her enslaver, mr. jenkins. pierre thomas, abc news. >> nice to meet you, sir. welcome to the jenkins plantation, ancestral home of your great great grandmother adeline. >> reporter: it's a blessing to be here, i think. at its height how many slaves? >> probably would have been 80 to 100. unquestionably slave labor made the jenkins family rich. >> reporter: rich indeed. in congress, jenkins made it clear, he believed slavery was the natural order of things. in the south, slavery was the alpha and omega issue. jenkins was cold blooded about the slave trade, referring to people as property, saying 4
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million slaves were estimated to be worth at least $3 billion. his words. and there were other chilling facts. >> he had primarily girls, older women and boys because jenkins made a regular habit of selling off the young adult males at their prime stage so that he could make the most money. as the records show, jenkins was cruel. the overseers he hired even more cruel to, the point of beating, then assaulting the woman afterwards. >> reporter: i just want to take it in for a second. >> sure. i'll give you some space to do that, sir. >> reporter: just a second. one of the most difficult moments of my journey, walking inside the albert jenkins home. it's hard for me to be here. it's a challenge.
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a mile up the road, the slave cabins. here is where my great great grandmother adeline was likely born. these cabins survived a long time. >> yeah. >> reporter: the owner of the plantation had the power of life and death. i wish they didn't have to go through what they went through. i'm proud of them, but i just wish -- >> michael: pierre thomas joins us now. pierre, watching that, i know i felt emotional. you said i'm happy to be here, i think. this is initially a journey you didn't want to go on.
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>> i didn't. it took me two months to make the decision to do this project. i always wanted my family's history to begin with my grandmother, who lived to be 100 years old. wonderful woman, spiritual. she was the matriarch of the family. i knew going past that would be into unchartered territory. >> robin: it seems like you're still processing the emotions. >> i am. watching that is not easier than the first time i saw it. it's a combination of rage, sadness and immense pride that my ancestors, that they -- my ancestors could survive that. i had this weird sensation when i was there of closing my eyes and opening them and imagining what it would feel like to wake up to slavery.
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i could sense their presence. it was the oddest thing. i could sense their presence. and walking in that house, the plantation home house. i was only in there like two minutes, maybe less. i could feel the legacy of slavery, racism, evil. i was drowning in it so i just had to walk out of there. >> george: the evil. you talk about the pride as well. it's so clear that you considered the women, especially your grandmother, heroes. >> absolutely. charlotte, whose name learned in this process, enslaved woman, adeline jenkins, was my grandmother's grandmother. from adeline there was sally jefferson. i think we have some images of them. and grandmother, the matriarch,
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in that pink dress, radiating god's grace. and then my mother, who is the greatest influence, was the greatest influence of my life. still is, actually. >> michael: you eluded to the fact that likely slave owner also was the great great -- was your great great grandmother's father. what was your reaction to that? >> i still don't want to go there. a cousin of mine has done a dna test, and she says we are related. that's another chapter for another day. >> michael: we're glad you are sharing these chapters with us. we know how emotional this is, especially to do it in this format. so we appreciate you and this 10 million names project. >> i must say being here with my gma family, you three in particular, means the world to me, so thank you. >> george: it is a very powerful report. thank you for that. you can see more of pierre's full report on abc if you want to learn more about the project go to 10 million
8:19 am right now we have to go to ginger in georgia. >> ginger: thank you very much, george. let's talk about the rain that caused the flooding here in savannah and will for days. it is eventually going to get up to the northeast. first we got to deal with the storm you've got today. you can see philadelphia, feel that soupy air out there. well, the flood watch and severe storm threat are upon you and much of pennsylvania. parts of new jersey and back into ohio. you have flood watches that include new york city, long island, southern connecticut. it's that stationary front that's hanging out way too close to the eastern great lakes. going to bring a few tornados, some damaging wind and flash flooding. then we'll mix up some rain by the end of the week, start of the weekend. that's the
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>> michael: all right. let's get ready for day 2 of our deals and steals sizzling savings event. tory johnson is here with every day solutions to every day problems. i am sitting for a reason. >> tory: you are sitting better with the lumbar cushion. >> michael: feels good. >> tory: it does, right? it fits against the back of just about any chair, couch, even the car seat. you can use it in the car. lot of people love it for the car, quite frankly, because it encourages better posture and, quite frankly, makes you feel better. >> michael: i can feel some memory foam. >> tory: exactly, which is exactly what it's designed for.
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it's got a strap on the back that allows for the perfect placement of an arm chair like that or armless. really great deal on this today. it is $20 and free shipping. are you gonna want to get up? >> michael: mary's staring at me like she wants to take it home. i got to get that for her. jewelry. >> tory: i'm a jewelry girl. they are all about helping you elevate to some of the everyday classics but also lean into the trends. we've got trends but they're timeless. so we've got everything from cz by the yard necklaces which are popular. big tube earrings which are chunky and popular. i'm decked out in all of this. >> michael: layers. >> lara: layered necklaces. fun oversized adjustable rings. the beaded bracelets are fun. you can wear one. you can wear a bunch. look at that. there you go. they have come up with all the trends. we also know they have their fabulous hair ties. you get to choose.
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everything from maya j slashed at least in half, starts at $9. then some oversized towels. it truly is oversized. it's got a really nice absorbancy. you can use that anywhere. they've got a great spin on the pin stripes. got a variety of collections for the beach. also we've got these turkish bath towels which are fabulous for home. they feel like a posh spa. so soft. singles and sets start at $17.50. >> michael: you said gary folded that? there's no way he didn't get help with that. >> tory: that's a fun one. no matter what you're doing outside. >> michael: gary folded this one. >> tory: he folded this one. these are little microfiber towels. we've got a big option.
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you want that in your bag if you are playing tennis, golf, anything outdoors. put that in your bag. it will be great when you get too sweaty, quick absorbancy. we also have their pickleball bags which are great. they not only hold your gear but your personal stuff. in the front that little pickleball jewelry. proven to make you play better when you wear pickleball jewelry. that's a thing everyone knows. everything slashed in half $10 to $40. >> michael: i'm gonna rally that into my golf bag. >> tory: right? okay. this is a fun one. this is baggle. these are super chic designs meeting functionality. all of these are really beautiful, 100% natural cotton. this is for storage either while traveling or at home. works either way. these are what i love. solutions that last. they are a fabulous, sustainable fabric. we've got everything from your tech project to makeup. they've got an option for you. all slashed in half starts at $9.50.
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>> michael: i love the labels. i'm always searching through so much stuff. >> tory: they're so fun. then makeup erasers. feel how soft that is. get that wet, takes off everything. foundation, even waterproof mascara. you name it, it takes it off. we've got all new singles and sets. hello kitty. slashed up to 60% off starts at $5. >> michael: come on, tory. you did it again. how you do it, i don't know, but we are happy we've partnered with these companies on all these amazing deals. tory, thank you. >> tory: thank you. >> michael: robin, over to you. >> robin: all right there, michael. we have a first look at the abc news studio primetime special maui rising, the fight for hawaii's future. this week marks one year since the wild fire. we are high lighting the strength, determination and resilience of that beautiful community and how they are rebuilding. >> what is aloha?
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♪ >> to me, aloha is a way of life. hawaii is not only spectacular, wondrous, breath taking, it is home to generations of hawaiians. it's my home. home is where love is. >> so many people come to hawaii because of its unique culture, of our unique resources. can't have a culture without the people. >> the fires that raged in maui caused heartbreak, destruction, changed lives forever. the way the wind blew. >> i get down there, not a house standing, but the fire and the spirit of the hawaiian people burned stronger. >> stronger than those fires. hawaii will become hawaii again if we're allowed to steward our
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land. now you're about to see and feel what makes hawaii. hawaii like never before. >> coming here kind of gives you that glimpse into what hawaii used to be and what it used to look like. >> born and raised in hawaii, it was just hard to leave. all i listen to is just hawaiian music. like it took me back to home. >> maui rising the fight for hawaii's future. it's so powerful and it's so magical. and it feels like our ancestors are here helping us, guide us. friday night at eight seven central on abc and stream on hulu friday. >> fire up your weekend with a gma party in the park. >> when nicky jam performs live in london on friday. >> nicky jam only on good morning america's summer concert series, sponsored by wayfair. >> it was a regular day for 19 year old melissa witt. something terrible had happened to her. we're actually finding key evidence that could have slipped
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through the cracks. >> police will find out what happened at wit's end. >> the hunt for a killer. only on hulu. abc's david muir, the most watched newscast in america. >> more americans watch world news tonight with david muir than any other newscast. >> shut up. i've got to hear this hard day. >> i'm here to do business. i am a judge. you sound funny. when i said it. >> shaquille o'neal and gina rodriguez host the number one new summer series, lucky 13. now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> hi kumasi. it's starting to get crowded as people pot past the coliseum. this is our live oakland 880 cam. you can see both directions doing well, but still. again, as i mentioned,
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some slow down as the commute kicks up. here is our overall map. the colors really referencing all of that. slow down. we are going to take you into cupertino northbound 280 before foothill expressway. specifically, there is an overturned car blocking the two left lanes. the backup is to lee avenue with a 34 minute delay, slowing things down to about eight miles per hour. kumasi. thanks, amanda. >> meteorologist drew tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> well, that was too close. if we keep waiting, it'll get one of us. >> i know these things can be a real hazard, but groundwater does this to concrete all the time. >> water did this. >> it's okay. you can lift it back up. >> the effects of water can be surprising but you can put water back in its place with a free inspection from bay area underpinning, and now receive no interest on any repairs. if paid in full in 24 months, call or go online today to make it ford
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summer sales event is on amazing offers and a great selection of ford vehicles like the built wild bronco family with a deal you just can't miss. your biggest adventures are waiting, so make it ford. >> make it yours. >> make it now. i want that right now. lease a 2024 ford bronco sport big bend for just 2.99 a m when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. and mobile during the olympic games. only get the fastest connection at paris with xfinit.
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>> take a look at the accuweather forecast. you're looking high above the clouds right now. this is a live look from our sutro tower camera. we do have a lot of sunshine in store today. it's getting hot inland. look at those temperatures 100 degrees 80 around the bay shoreline along the coast. partly cloudy in the 60s, so a heat advisory kicks in here at 10 a.m. for the south bay. we'll see a one day spike in our temperatures. so you're looking at highs today. inland it is quite hot warm around the bay shoreline. >> kumasi thanks, drew. we'll have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes. you can always find the latest find on our news appest on our p and at abc7 >> announcer: welcome back >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> robin: look at her name up there. it is always a pleasure to have our next guest with us. food and lifestyle expert sandra lee. she has her new show that she created, produced, co-hosts and
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judges. >> george: lot of work. >> robin: i know. [ applause ] we want to talk about the show. you know we want to talk about the show. but we got to check in on our friend here. we love you so much. you've been so open about your journey with breast cancer. "us weekly" the cover girl, looking spectacular. you really opened up about how challenging this past decade has been for you. >> well, you've been a great mentor for me so thank you very much for your advice as i was going through my health journey. i really do appreciate that. i always think about your daughter, michael. how's your girl? what's going on? >> michael: we go back and forth. thank you. i appreciate your support. we all do. >> i feel good. i feel energetic. i'm glad to be here. it's been a long ten years, as you know. been a very long ten years. but not as long as it's taken me to get to the journey of blue ribbon baking championship. i created this show 12 years
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ago. >> robin: 12. >> michael: 12. >> i took it around. it didn't go. didn't go. then all of a sudden i rewent back out in 2023 and four networks bid on it. i went with netflix. the state fairs, the blue ribbon at the state fairs are the gold standard. >> michael: yes. >> our first state fair was in 1765. so there were state fairs and food competitions in this country since before we were a nation by 11 years. so this is where it comes from. all the new food. all the stuff comes from the state fair. so there's 24 between now and the middle of september, from texas to wisconsin to oklahoma. i mean, washington. everywhere. the big e. you can go to a state fair anywhere and everywhere. half of our nation goes to the state fair. what do you do at the state fair? eat. [ laughter ] >> michael: nothing like food from the state fair.
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i'm looking at these cakes here. come on, let's get to it. [ laughter ] >> george: let's look at a clip. >> i live in new york. i gotta say it's much better than any cheese cake i have ever had in new york city. i have got goose bumps just talking about it. it's everything that we could have asked for. >> this literally makes me cry, that's how good it is. it is the perfect cake. >> cheers! >> thank you. [ applause ] >> michael: whoa. >> george: this is the one that made you cry? >> that's the cheese cake that made me cry. [ laughter ] no kidding, i started crying. we were baking in realtime. most competition shows stop down like your eight, nine hour day. we were there 14, 16 hours sometimes. >> robin: what? >> michael: wow. >> george: what is this? >> this is an amazing cake.
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this is a hong kong coconut roll cake. it's unbelievably delicious. >> robin: oh, that's good. >> there are eight episodes. >> michael: you know it's good when it's making me tap my right foot. >> george: boy, that is good. >> starts this friday on netflix. >> robin: how many episodes? >> eight episodes starting this friday the 9th on netflix. it's amazing. bill osis, the pastry chef under obama and bush, is one of the judges. i have brian ford, the lenny kravitz of bread baking. is a by co-host. he has baking chops, guys. he can bake. he's published. >> robin: really? >> yeah. and he's funny. >> robin: tell me about, what is this qvc did their quintessential 50 talking about -- tell me about this. >> so i have been with qvc since before i had semi homemade. i have been with them 30 years.
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i launched qvc in england and i started there when i was 27. i guess it's 31 years. ooh. [ laughter ] they launched this wonderful campaign called q50. that is 50 women over 50. what our job is to support. i reached out to you at one time about this. to insulate and support each other. we are also focused on mentoring the next gen, which is super important. we need to bring up wonderful additional women into the 50s as they come, and mentor them. so, yeah. it's pretty amazing. qvc is qvc. they make life so great every day. >> robin: as do you. as do you. >> and you, and you. >> robin: so good to have you back here on gma. we're very, very excited. as she said, blue ribbon making
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championship premieres on okay. you're eating more. >> george: that's next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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>> george: we are back with our gma book club pick for august. it is the seventh veil of salome. stephanie ramos sat down with her to talk about it. >> reporter: behind the glitz and glamour of hollywood's golden age is a tragedy of biblical proportions. sylvia garcia transports readers between a 1955 movie set and ancient time as the bible story of princess salome unfolds both on and off the screen. >> it's about two women in 1955 in hollywood. one is a mexican actress that's just been discovered and is being cast in this epic movie. the other is this minor performer. she's quite jealous because she wanted the role of salome. you also get a third point of view. that's the point of salome
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herself. >> reporter: silvia writing her own story. in terms of inspiration, what came first for you? was it salome's biblical story or the 1950s kind of hollywood glamour type story? >> the 1950s hollywood came a way to tell the story rather than the pictures of her. at some point she was a seductress, the other an innocent woman. i saw that for a figure like her, you need to be in a time period in hollywood in the 1950s. >> reporter: how does it feel to be a latina critically acclaimed author, knowing all of this history and to be able to write about it through your characters? >> i have always liked to dive into history that you don't hear
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about much. there's all the racial issues that are happening. rita moreno was an oscar nominee, or dorothy dandridge, african-american. they got the big nominations but they never get top billing on the marquee. >> reporter: sylvia also weaves a love story into her tenth novel, appealing to people with different interests, just like herself. >> i write all over the place. i write horror. i have done noir. it's not one kind of flavor. it's like going into an ice cream shop. chocolate and vanilla and strawberry at the same time. >> reporter: for good morning america, stephanie ramos, abc news, new york. >> george: thanks for that. she will be on gma this saturday and the book is available everywhere right now. let's go to ginger. >> ginger: thank you so much, george. all right.
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we're in a storm surge warning. on top of the fresh water flooding, there's that coastal water pushing with the storm as it even strengthens with above average temperatures over the atlantic. the warning not on includes savannah, but charleston, myrtle beach and even up to oak island. you've got storm surge watches. one two three feet for a lot of folks. two to four feet the top surges there. combine those two and that's why we're talking about three days still in the southeast of watching this flooding. >> michael: now to a man of many talents. dr. ian smith is a physician and health expert, who's also a fiction author. he's here to talk about his new book out this morning "eagle rock." dr. smith, welcome back to gma
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>> thank you for having me. >> michael: appreciate you. this is the fourth in your ash cane series. what crime is he solving this time around? >> ash cane is our guy. a billionaire is found hog tied to his four poster bed in his secret apartment near downtown chicago wearing women's lingerie. the son is like, what happened to my dad? the police say there's only one guy that can really help you. he works quietly, efficiently. that's ash cane >> michael: book is already getting great reviews. >> book talk and bookstagram. this is the first time i allowed a copy out early. the feedback has been amazing people are posting about it. they are excited that this is the new ash cane journey. >> michael: this is the fourth in the series. how are you evolving? >> it's interesting. i would say ash cane is someone who, if i died and came back, i'd want to be him. he has all the things i don't have, do you know what i mean?
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including a great golf game. but, no. he's a fun character. women like him, men like him. he's intelligent. he's suave. he's very comfortable in his skin. he can go to the tough west side of chicago, south side, as well as the north shore. i think his ability to be able to feel good wherever he goes and to remain committed. he is determined to bring justice. so he will put whatever is on the line for it to make sure right is always done. >> michael: why did you create ash cane? >> i always wanted to create a character that i have never seen in books or on the tv screen. i wanted a guy that people would root for, but i also wanted a guy who was tough, smart who could one minute quote shakespeare, next quote biggie smalls. he has that kind of diversity. i just wanted a guy who i had not seen out there. people really like the idea of who this guy is. lot of levels to him, lot of
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layers. >> michael: we talked before, you're a doctor, but you are also a fitness author. best selling fitness books as well. how was it diving into fiction? how has it sparked your creativity? >> it's interesting. writing fiction is all about creativity. i'm allowed to go places in this book where i would never go in my real life. when i write my health books it is a little more rigid. this is fast paced. i write the kind of books that i like to read. from the first page to the last, i want you guessing, turning, staying up late to find out what happens. >> michael: speaking of fitness, you are working on a hack to get bigger muscles. [ laughter ] yeah. eddie's already got him. >> yeah! >> michael: eddie is joining up. what's the task? >> ash cane is a fitness buff. so i researched things to apply to him, but also my personal life. if you are trying to develop a particular muscle group really
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fast, when you work out. do two exercises back to back. if you're doing biceps, do a bicep set without any rest, do another set of a different type of bicep exercise. that compounding works. it will give you some nice muscles fast. >> michael: how do you think it's working for you? >> up against a big guy like you, i don't know. but for a regular author like myself, i'm okay. i'm holding it down. >> michael: that medium shirt. feeling comfortable with your medium biceps. [ laughter ] >> the wife loves it. >> michael: that's all that matters, doc. all right, everybody. eagle rock is available now. make sure you go pick up dr. ian smith's book. coming up we have the cast of "the outsiders" performing live outside our studios at gma.
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fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet...
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(kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo. >> robin: the cast of the
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outsiders are outside for their first performance since winning this year's tony award for best musical. based on the beloved novel and film, it follows the greasers as they battle a rival gang in a world that may never accept us. playing now, here is the cast of broadway's the outsiders. >> when i stepped into the bright sun let from the dashness of the movie house, i had only two things on my mind. paul newman and a ride home. ♪ i have never been out of tulsa before i wonder what it will be like ♪ ♪ i have never known anybody most people get stuck here for life ♪ ♪ this town only holds you down
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there's judgment everywhere ♪ ♪ people think they know you by the way you wear your hair ♪ ♪ every road you here ♪ ♪ we gave ourselves a name because we don't have a lot ♪ ♪ we stick together 'cause it's who we got ♪ ♪ we take a lot of pride in how we grease our hair people look us up and down and we don't even care ♪ ♪ making something out of nothing we are greasers ♪ ♪ it really don't matter who you know ♪ ♪ tulsa 1967 and there's just one thing we need to know ♪
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♪ you have greasers that's how it's always been that's how it's always gonna go ♪ ♪ and that's probably how it's always gonna go ♪ ♪ that's always how it's gonna go ♪ ♪ that's probably how it's always gonna go ♪ >> the greasers is something that you earn. some of us are smooth like james dean, some of us are cold and a little more mean ♪ ♪ time to be tough and quick on your feet there ain't no way your boy can make it out of the street ♪ ♪ cool little brother and your happy face ♪
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♪ we ain't got money but we got something to prove ♪ ♪ you're a greaser now and you ain't going back you're an east bound train on the greasers track ♪ ♪ let it be known that the grease got a hold on you ♪ ♪ little brother now you're on your way, let it be known that the greasers got a hold on you ♪ ♪ little brother now it's there to stay ♪ ♪ let it be known that the grease got ahold on you ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity.
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>> announcer: friday fire up >> announcer: friday fire up your weekend with the gma party in the park with nicky jam performing live. ♪ friday nicky jam only on good morning america's summer concert series sponsored by wayfair. >> robin: we thank the cast of the outsiders for that performance. we hear vice president kamala running mate, so stay tuned. >> have a great day. hey. good morning america. >> good morning america.
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>> good morning america. you don't just see it, you feel it. i'm in, i'm in, i'm in, i'm in too. >> i am in, i'm in, i'm in too. i'll be here. >> abc news honored for excellence with 40 emmy nominations. mornings, evenings, late night weekends. streaming 24 over 740 emmy nominations. thank you for making abc news america's number one news. >> i heard my grandmother scream the murderers of a husband and wife found dead inside their home. >> brandon is the last person to see his parents there were wild revelations. brandon's secret life. >> they were saying he was a murderer and there was just no possible way brandon was up there. he could have gotten this gun.
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