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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  August 13, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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lucas valley road, slowing things down to five miles per hour. >> at number seven, former president barack obama, sharing his summer playlist. and this year, it includes everything from satisfaction by the rolling stones to 3-6 five by charli xcx and a bar song by shaboozey and bay area native. her made the list to. >> so that's a little shady made the list too. like, of course you made the list. >> so the beyonce she's on there, she played, okay, first of all, it's not 365. >> who wrote this? it's 360. but charli x x. then we then we shaded her >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. overnight, former president trump's conversation with elon musk.
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the former president and billionaire one on one on musk's x platform. trump bringing up false claims and controversial statements, laying out what he would do if re-elected, including shutting down the department of education and ignoring concerns about the impact of climate change. trump also attacking vice president harris and president biden. how the harris campaign is responding this morn. >> george: new overnight an amendment that would create a right to an abortion in arizona's constitution will be on the state's ballot this election. voters could vote this november. >> robin: on the move. tropical storm ernesto taking aim at puerto rico and other caribbean islands. ginger has the track and time. >> george: high alert. israel bracing for a significant attack by iran and its proxies, while the white house tries to prevent escalation as it sends a second aircraft carrier to the middle east. >> robin: this morning millions on alert after a 4.4 magnitude earthquake rattles southern california.
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espn studios shaking while on air. now the warnings about potential after shocks. >> michael: a new era. details on how authorities plan to keep fans safe at taylor swift's london concert after the foiled alleged terror plot cancelled her shows in austria. >> robin: tablets and tantrums. what a new study finds between the link between screen time and anger and frustration in children. >> michael: have they stopped believin'? two members of journey locked in a legal dispute. ♪ bye bye bye ♪ >> robin: and say hi, hi, hi, to 'nsync. the band's 2000's hit bye bye bye is back on the charts. what's driving it back to the charts? >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> robin: good morning to you. great to have you with us.
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boy do we have a lot to get to. >> michael: we sure do. president biden's mission to reduce cancer death rate. we have details on the new initiative this morning. >> george: first the race for the white house as he struggles under the rise of kamala harris, donald trump returned to twitter, now called x, for a long conversation with elon musk that was hampered by technical issues. rachel scott is tracking the race. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. this all got off to a very rocky start. the conversation was delayed by more than 40 minutes because of tech issues. musk said he wanted to have this conversation so the former president could appeal to independent voters. trump fell into a familiar pattern of controversial statements, insults and attacks. overnight donald trump's return to the platform that once banished him for posting false claims about the election. the company saying at the time the account was permanently suspended due to further risk of incitement of violence. it was reinstated by musk when he bought the company. trump returning to the platform
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for a conversation with musk. technical issues delaying it for more than 40 minutes. musk claiming a denial of service attack saying the massive attack illustrates there's a lot of opposition to people just hearing what president trump has to say. though he provided no evidence of such a cyber attack. >> hello, everyone. so my apologies for the late start. >> reporter: users getting messages like this saying details not available. those able to get into it, welcomed by hold music then silence. x saying more than 1 million people signed on. >> i'm looking at the numbers, you got a lot of people listening. >> reporter: musk said he wanted trump to reach open minded independent voters kicking off the conversation about asking trump about the attempt on his life. >> what was it like for you? >> not pleasant. [ laughter ] >> not pleasant. >> there was blood. i had more blood. i didn't know i had that much
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blood. >> reporter: over two hours the former president drifted into bringing up false claims, insults and controversial statements. trump praising his relationships with authoritarian leaders saying he got along well with kim jong un. and russian president putin. >> you know, i got along wit kim jong un. >> reporter: trump also describing a conversation he had with putin about invading ukraine saying he told him not to invade. the former president laying out what he would do if re-elected, insisting one of his first acts would be shutting down the department of education. >> this is where i need an elon musk. i need somebody that has a lot of strength and courage and smarts. i want to close tk education back to the states where states like iowa, where states like idaho, you know, not every state will do great. >> reporter: the harris campaign highlighting that clip on social media and responding to the
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interview saying trump's entire campaign is in service to people like musk and himself, self-obsessed rich guys who cannot run a live stream in the year of 2024. the harris campaign also accusing trump of slurring his words. the former president brushing off dire warnings about the impact of climate change saying rising sea levels will lead to, quote, more ocean front property. he promised the largest deportation in history, attacking vice president harris on the administration's handling of the border, calling migrants nonproductive people. trump casting harris as liberal and attacking jewish people who support her, repeating claims that have been widely called anti-semitic. >> i say if you are a jewish person or if you believe in israel, if you are a person very pro israel, if you vote for her, it's worse than biden, and biden was bad. but if you vote for her, you ought to have your head examined. >> reporter: also at one point saying the new time magazine cover looks like his wife. >> i saw a picture of her on "time" magazine today. she looks like the most
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beautiful actress ever to live. it was a drawing and actually she looked very much like a great first lady, melania. she didn't look like kamala, that's right. but of course she's a beautiful woman, so we'll leave it at that, right? >> reporter: a sign how much he's struggled to pivot to a new rival, he also spent time attack president biden even though he's no longer in the race. >> don't forget i beat, i beat biden. he failed in the debate miserably. >> reporter: the democratic national convention is now less than a week away. the white house says president biden will address the convention on monday. the stakes of this election. we are also told former president clinton and barack obama will be speaking as well. >> george: we heard from fbi. they are investigating foreign interference in both campaigns. >> reporter: exactly, george. we know the fbi has already been looking into these claims by the trump campaign that it was hacked by iran. now sources tell abc news the
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fbi is also looking into attempts by iran to target the biden/harris campaign. the alleged spear phishing e-mail was sent before biden dropped out of the race. a biden campaign official says they are not aware of any security issues. >> george: thank you. michael? >> michael: voters in arizona will decide on a reproductive measure in november. elizabeth schulze joins us with details. elizabeth, good morning. >> reporter: abortion rights will now officially be on the ballot in battleground arizona in november. arizona secretary of state tells abc news that it has enough signatures for a ballot initiative that will ask voters to establish the constitutional right to an abortion up to around 24 weeks of pregnancy. right now arizona bans aborgs after 15 weeks except for a medical emergency. lawmakers repealed a law dating back to the civil war. they are asking voters to protect or expand voter rights. four others are considering
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adding similar measures. in every state where abortion has been on the ballot since the end of roe v. wade, the abortion rights position has won. robin? >> robin: all right, elizabeth. thanks to you. now the tropical threat on the move this morning. ernesto hitting the caribbean, including puerto rico. ginger, you got the timing and the track for us? >> ginger: got all of it. right now it is about 300 miles east/southeast of san juan. it's got time but it is still moving west at 20 miles per hour. it's crushing in. you're starting to see some cloud cover. this is the east side of puerto rico. that's who would have the most rain from this. that's where the center will go. it's already made it into the northern leeward islands. pass through the u.s. and british virgin islands. then on the east side of puerto rico is where the center track has it. through tomorrow. we will be watching it tomorrow as we come on the air. then it will go back north and start to track to bermuda. that's when it intensifies to
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hurricane strength. could be at least a cat 2 as it passes close to bermuda. this weekend for us, mainly looking like a high surf and rip current risk. that's good news because this thing keeps going. if anything, makes its way up nova scotia east. >> robin: we'll keep that in mindall right, ginger. to the middle east. with the white house warning that iran or its proxies could attack israel any day now. more u.s. war ships are on the way to the region. israeli forces are on high alert. foreign correspondent tom soufi burridge is in tev aliv for us. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning. u.s. officials saying it appears increasingly likely an attack by iran or its proxies on israel could come before thursday, with the white house warning that any iranian military action could significantly harm negotiations for a cease fire in gaza. this morning the white house saying an attack by iran and its proxies on israel could come this week. >> we have to be prepared for what could be a significant set of attacks. >> reporter: that sentiment amid
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a tphrur roeuf u.s. diplomacy, with the u.s. sending back channel messages to iran, according to one official, with other officials cautiously optimistic iran will limit the scope of attack. president biden on the phone with european leaders monday, and secretary blinken calling his turkish counter part and iraq's prime minister. fast array of impressive american military assets including aircraft carriers and a submarine move into position in the middle east. the u.s. signaling deterrence. >> we don't want to see an attack or response happen in the first place. >> reporter: all the while, the u.s. stressing efforts to seal a deal for a cease fire in gaza are on going. top white house aides heading to cairo and the cia director due in qatar later this week, hoping to spear head to get more hostages out of gaza at this critical time. and, guys, the idf reacting to a
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hamas claim that hamas' own guards in two separate incidents shot and killed a male hostage and seriously wounded two hostages. the idf said it has no intelligence to refute or confirm hamas' claims. michael? >> michael: thank you, tom. now the war in ukraine. president zelenskyy claiming a military offensive is under way 18 miles inside russia. ian pannell joins us with more. >> reporter: ukraine expanding its daring offensive inside russia this morning. videos circulating online showing troops raising the blue and yellow flag of ukraine in newly occupied villages. the commander in chief of ukrainian forces telling president zelenskyy they've taken around 380 square mile of russian territory. some estimates say they could be as deep as 80 miles inside russia. thousands of ukrainian troops
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are believed to have come in two places. fierce fire fights have been reported as russia sends in aircraft. over 100,000 residents have been forced to flee their homes. the kremlin totally caught off guard by this attack. putin ordering the defense minister to push to kick the enemy out of our territory. but the acting governor saying in a rare moment of honesty that the situation is difficult and around 30 villages have now been taken. facts are still few, but get this. this is the biggest occupation of russian territory by a foreign army since the second world war. russia claiming american and nato military equipment is being used, which would be a breach of agreement, but has offered no evidence to support that. finally, two key questions this morning. how much russian territory can ukraine take? and is it capable of holding onto it? george? >> george: one of the big questions. ian, thank you very much. now the earthquake that rattled southern california.
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4.4 quake hit felt from los angeles to san diego. less than a week after a stronger tremor in the region. melissa adan has the latest. good morning, melissa. >> reporter: good morning, george. southern california feeling two significant earthquakes really within the the last two weeks. officials are alerting people for possible aftershocks. this morning millions in los angeles on alert for potential after shocks. after that startling 4.4 magnitude earthquake rattled southern california. >> oh, man, that was pretty strong. >> it felt like the wall was being taken out. >> felt like the whole ground was going away from under me. >> reporter: the epi center just north of downtown l.a., happening around 12:20 p.m. monday. >> whoa whoa. that is a real one, guys. >> reporter: espn studios shaking as the quake struck while they were live on earth. >> we have a bit of an earthquake in los angeles so we're just going to make sure
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our studio lights, everything stays safe. everything is shake. >> reporter: the tremor breaking a pipe at city hall and briefly trapping one person in an elevator. >> we have an additional elevator entrapment. >> reporter: students seen here evacuating buildings on their first day back to school. >> we put our heads under the table and we held on to the table. >> reporter: officials now telling teachers to prepare their students for a larger earthquake. >> we want people to be prepared not scared. school's starting, vacations ending. we need to get in that mind set of preparedness. >> reporter: while there were no substantial report of injury or damage, officials want people to be prepared for any earthquake, reminding, if you feel shaky, drop, cover and hold on. robin? >> robin: always good advice. melissa, thank you so much. now president biden's mission to reduce the cancer death rate. and a new initiative from the white house this morning.
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senior white house correspondent selina wang has those details for us. good morning, selina. >> reporter: good morning, robin. president biden is headed to new orleans today for a cancer moon shot event. biden will announce up to $150 million in awards to eight research teams working on innovative cancer treating ideas. every year nearly 2 million americans are diagnosed with solid tumor cancers and surgical removals often their first step in treatment. so these funds are for developing technologies that will allow surgeons to more successfully remove tumors in cancer patients, reduce the need for repeat surgeries and decrease the damage for healthy issues. for president biden this issue is very personal. he lost his son beau to cancer in 2015. he first launched in initiative as vice president and then relaunched it in 2022 with the goal of reducing the cancer death rate in the u.s. by at least half. and president biden, for his legacy, this is very important to him. he has vowed to keep on fighting for this cancer moon shot for the rest of his term. michael? >> michael: we really hope this
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helps a lot of people. thanks for that. we're going to turn now to the latest in a gymnastics bronze medal battle. the u.s. vowing to keep fighting for jordan chiles following a new court ruling. lara is here with more. >> lara: the olympics are over but the battle continues over who won the bronze in the floor exercise. u.s. gymnast jordan chiles had a set back monday with the court of arbitration for sport denying the u.s. latest appeal calling for chiles to return the medal. it is all about the degree of difficulty in her score right after she performed, chiles' coaches submitted inquiry suggesting she deserved a higher score. as a result, the judges did give her an extra tenth of a point. that enabled her to get bronze. leading to that unforgettable moment. then the romanians said the u.s. appeal was nut too late, four seconds too late. the medal was then ordered to be given back to the romanian gymnast.
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while the u.s. claims they have time stamped evidence that the appeal was made in time, the court of arbitration still sided with romania. usa gymnastics saying it was notified by the court that their rules do not allow for the decision to be reconsidered even with conclusive evidence. guys, the u.s. vowing to fight on, saying it will, quote, consider to pursue every possible avenue of appeal, which could include going to the swiss federal tribunal. so this is not over, but not looking great. >> michael: they messed up twice. they messed up by not judging it right and not being able to appeal the decision that doesn't seem to be the right decision. >> lara: from the very start. from the very start. frustrating. >> michael: so proud of jordan chiles, regardless of what happens. >> lara: yes, indeed. >> michael: all right. coming up battle of the band. why one member of the rock band journey is suing another. >> robin: also this morning to the man slaughter trial of a florida woman accused of fatally shooting her neighbor.
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we're going to have the latest. >> george: plus one popular chain's deal for families. how it could help entertain kids on a budget. first back to ginger. >> ginger: air you can wear. excessive heated warning in oklahoma city. feeling like up to 113 today. they are not alone. excessive heated warnings right on down to texas and along the gulf coast. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> michael: we'll be right back. why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget-you-get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta®. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta®. the forget-you-get migraine medicine™.
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the golden gate bridge back in april say the charges against them are excessive. yesterday, the group surrendered to authorities and each will face 40 criminal counts. an attorney for the protesters called the pursuit of charges a quote, humongous waste of time and money. now here's amanda with a live look at our commute. >> hi kumasi an update to that two car crash we've been tracking in san rafael. the good news is all lanes have reopened, but there is still heavy residual delays. you can see it's slowing people down to about eight miles per hour. we'll take another look at our live san rafael cam showing that backup. it is from highway 37. so just be aware it's going to take you some time to get into the city. if you're coming from the north bay kumasi. >> thank you amanda. meteorologist drew
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isn't properly aligned. that results in muscle tension and chronic pain. what i really like about the good feet system is the
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skies across san francisco, coming in with a high of 68 degrees, but it will be breezy this afternoon. mild sunshine on tap for oakland at 74. warmer in san jose at 82. and in walnut creek. very nice for this time of the year. 86 for a daytime high. now winds will pick up this afternoon. this is looking at 5:00 pm. onshore flow about 15 to 30mph. strongest winds will be along the coast. and then we'll repeat those winds once again tomorrow. so that keeps temperatures pretty steady over the next couple of days. looking at highs around the region today will be in the 60s and 70s around the bay shoreline into the 80s. we go inland. reggie kumasi. >> thank you drew. if you're streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven is next. for everyone else. gma >> hot wheels, monster trucks live glow party returns with thrilling monster truck action, laser light shows and more. and save up to 50% on kids tickets. august 24th and 25th at chase center. tickets available at
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in-store purchases. no minimum purchase required. shop more deals in-store and online. >> class dismissed. >> don't spend time on courses you've already taken. >> class dismissed. this class again at university of phoenix. >> prior eligible college credits can transfer with you saving you time. transfer your eligible credits and earn your degree. >> give me a big smile. open the morning up in the morning. >> smiles. guys, did you see all the rules? isn't it practical, man? girl, i'm hoping the past. trying hard. working your fingers right down to the bone. the guy behind you won't leave the guy behind you won't leave you alone. ring ring ring ring. ♪ welcome to your walmart. >> all the gear to go back >> robin: back here on gma. can you read that sign, guys? all the way to nyc to spend her 10th birthday with gma. 10 years old!
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she's double digits. very colorful, the signs they make and everything. >> george: happy birthday. >> robin: happy birthday. >> michael: happy birthday. yes. >> george: following a lot of headlines. covid is up. cdc said covid detected in waste water and those levels are very high across the nation. at least 27 states reporting that. levels are still lower than they were in the winter. this morning wild fires are raging in greece with flames growing as high as 80 feet. residents near athens have been forced to evacuate. authorities say at least 15 people have been injured. >> michael: this morning mars may have an under ground ocean. nasa released finding based on seismic measurements from the inside lander. the water is believed to be at least seven miles under the surface of the red planet. long way down there. and we've got a lot more ahead including new study that shows the health impact of moderate drinking.
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that is coming up, george. >> george: right now the manslaughter trial of a florida woman accused of fatally shoot ing her neighbor in front of one of her children. jury has been selected. victor oquendo is in miami with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, george. with the jury selected, this trial is set to get under way. the victim's children will be taking the stand, including her young son who witnessed the shooting. this morning the trial under way for the florida woman accused of shooting a gun through her front door killing her neighbor. >> we do expect you to do your duty as jurors if you are able to do so. >> reporter: authorities say in june of last year, ajika owens knocked on susan laurent's door after laurents confronted a group of kids playing in this feel near her home. that's when laurents allegedly fired a single fatal round. >> oh my god this woman just tried to break down my door. i didn't know what to do. i grabbed my gun and i shot at the door. >> reporter: owens 10-year-old son witnessing her death. you can hear him in his call to 911.
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>> is your mom laying in the grass? >> yes! >> reporter: police body cameras showing neighbors in shock. here's the moment they detain laurents. >> is there anybody else in the house? >> can i just get my phone? >> not right now. >> okay. >> you're not under arrest. you're being detained. >> reporter: laurents claiming self-defense when being interrogated by police. >> i thought she was going to kill me. my heart was pounding. i was like, she's going to kill me. >> no one has made any statements about her saying she wanted to kill you. >> reporter: she was charged with first degree manslaughter pleading not guilty. owens young sons are expected to testify. their attorney saying they want to ensure their mother's death is not in vain. laurents contacted police about the neighborhood children including owens' kids multiple times for more than a year. she has admitted to using racial slurs even throwing a roller skate at them. no comment from her attorney. robin? >> robin: many of us remember when this first happened last year.
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now the trial. people are going to be watching. victor, thank you very much. we appreciate your pointing. now the battle of the band. two members of the classic rock group journey are locked in a bitter legal dispute while on tour together. lara, you got to explain this to us. >> lara: yeah. here we go. the band journey has sold over 100 million albums. they have been making music we all know and love for 50 years but there are no open arms over two band members who are taking their battle over spending to court. ♪ don't stop believing ♪ >> lara: for decades, journey has turned out the hits. ♪ you know i still love you ♪ ♪ though we touched and went our separate ways ♪ >> lara: even surviving the departure of lead singer steve perry who went his separate way to launch a solo career. ♪ should have been gone knowing how i made you feel
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and i should have been gone ♪ >> lara: but now a legal battle between two of the original founding members is threatening the band's 50th anniversary tour. ♪ any way you want it that's the way you need it ♪ >> lara: in a lawsuit, jonathan cane is accusing the guitarist of exorbitant spending including private jet charges that have left them in a dead lock that is affecting company operations. the company at the center freedom 2020inc, which two band mates control 50/50 was created to manage journey's touring. >> jonathan cain is asking the court to appoint a third party custodian in the event of a dispute that person would actually make the decision. >> lara: lawyers for cain arguing during the freedom tour, schon spent up to $10,000 a night for hotel rooms for him an his wife. expenses that weren't approved.
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going on to say that schon and his wife incurred expenses in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for the use of private jets. schon sued cain for use of the american express account which carries a $1 million limit. that case was ultimately dismissed. cain now claiming schon mismanaged the corporate card. in a statement to abc news, schon fires back writing this is a very hostile work environment for not only myself but other band members and crew members. the allegations are false and i intend to prove it in court. according to the court filings, they fundamentally disagree on the operations of their joint company. sure sounds it. they will play their remaining court dates here with def leopard but have cancelled the remaining shows in the uk. this is a band we all love. >> george: so many hits. >> lara: we were singing along.
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but there's no singing happening there. i learned a fun fact. i didn't realize they were members of the steve miller band and santana that came together back in the '70s to create this band. they're storied musicians. their story goes back a long way. hope it ends well. >> robin: hopefully they can work it out. >> lara: early september at court case. >> robin: all right. thanks so much, lara. coming up later the new report on tablets and tantrums in young children. and next, becky worley has news about a chain offering a deal do families. hey there, becky. >> robin, good morning. tough for a lot of families to entertain their kids on a budget. everything from movies to a ball game all costing more right now. but a favorite family arcade restaurant, i'll give you a hint, aminatronic rat. oh, yes. it's launching a new way to play, eat and save. i'm gonna tell you all about it coming up next. glove ♪ ♪ a tougher kind of glove, ♪
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hi. i use febreze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor.
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tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you. (♪) >> no application fee if you apply by august 29 at university of maryland global campus, offering online and hybrid courses and lifetime career services. learn about our more than 135 degrees and certificates at you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature.
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a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. >> michael: we're back with the high cost of entertaining your family. even going to a ball game is up 15% this year. now one popular chain is offering a new way to save on food, fun and games. becky worley, tell us all about it. good morning, becky. >> michael, good morning. chuck e. cheese. you know it for birthday parties, pizza and that famous aminatronic rat? now they want you to become a member.
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it's all part of a bigger economic trend that's affecting families across the country. they call it funflation. this morning the prices for summer fun climbing as quickly as your kid's favorite roller coaster. for so many parents those rising costs make family outings way too expensive. but now chuck e. cheese hoping to entice some families with a subscription that opens up discounting. the monthly fees start at $7.99. >> you can get from 40 games to 250 games per day. say you go on tuesday and you have the highest tier pass which gets you 250 points. you can go right back again the next day and play 250 games again. >> chuck e. cheese struggling during covid declaring bankruptcy in 2021. now looking for a reboot to draw families back to their restaurant. >> with the fun pass members are more incentivized to go through chuck e. cheese on a more regular basis. you'll be tempted to buy drinks
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or food or play extra to have your kids play on the trampoline. >> reporter: movie theater prices also increasing up 3% as a result of inflation. amc reporting their average ticket price in 2023 was $11.23 making the movies for a family of four cost $45 before popcorn and drinks. but for regulars, memberships can offer an opportunity to save like movie pass starting at $10 a month for three free movies and amc stubs a list offering three free movies a week for a $25 monthly fee in my area. if trips to your local bowling alley are landing your budget in the gutter, there's still time for bowlero summer season pass. lets you bowl two games a day at your local ally starting at $33. one of the best deals out there the national parks pass. it's $80 a year and covers entrance free for four people in a vehicle, active military members get annual passes for
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free. i don't know, michael. chuck e. cheese or maybe the maybe both. i get it. [ laughter ] >> michael: if you can do both, becky, do both. the fast food value wars are also heating up. what new deals and offers are you seeing out there? >> yeah. really canary in the coal mine for the economy. we're seeing more chains leaning in toward affordability. kfc rolling out $5 deals, in addition to their on going promotion like $10 tuesday. might want to get on that today. meanwhile mcdonald's is going to nostalgia route. this morning they're launching a new set of six collectible cups. grimace, barbie, beaniebaby, shrek. to snag one you have to order a collective meal.
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think of it as a grown-up very happy meal especially with those discounts. >> michael: those cups bring back memories. take me back to childhood. all right. coming up later a couple who cleared more than $50,000 in debt in less than two years. they're gonna tell us how they did it. next we have our play of the day. beautiful day here in new york city. ave our "play of the day." ♪ ♪ for you. like two lines of unlimited for just $30 bucks a line. ...that's a 45 percent savings versus verizon and at&t! plus, get one of the latest 5g phones free when you add a line. experience it all on america's largest and fastest 5g network. at t-mobile, customers 55 and up can get two lines of unlimited for only $30 bucks a line. switch today! ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪
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>> robin: we are back now with our play of the day and a baby who doesn't need any fancy toys to have a good time. you're gonna tell us about this. >> lara: i remember this well with my own kids. you'd buy them toys and it was the box that the toy came in. that's what's happening here. there's nothing better than a sound of a baby's laughter. the dad you are about to see has just figured out how to unlock his baby boy's giggles with what just might be the most random item in the house. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] >> lara: it's so contagious. take that kid to an amazon packing facility. he would be so happy. the video racked up over 7 million views on tik tok.
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we thought that might make you smile to start your day, everybody. >> george: my daughter loves the ones where the baby is surprised when she wakes up and sees her mom and starts laughing. >> lara: there you have it. >> robin: it's the little things. thanks, lara. coming up here. come on back. back. werwash, he can fly through 99% of grease and grime in half the time. oh, my-gration. look at him go! yeah, dawn powerwash is unique. it absorbs grease with three cleaning boosters, removing it five times faster. ooh, for beak's sake, that was fast. and powerwash can replace multiple cleaning products. —wooh, fumble recovery! —ooh, those suds got game. dawn powerwash. the better grease getter. skin craving next level hydration? neutrogena hydro boost water cream. a vital boost of 9x more hydration
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indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit (woman) purina one true instinct unlocked her true instincts. from day one, it's high-protein nutrition with real meat #1, matching your job description. supporting her healthy energy and strong muscles. and the life she was born to live. (vo) purina one true instinct. a difference from day one. it's started. it's... the side hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination—a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the “dad cab”,
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it's my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor today about hpv vaccination. in 18 years, grant gill will become an improv legend. that's why he's preparing for it now with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. the younger you are, the more you need aarp. ♪ [suspenseful music] trains. [whoosh] ♪ trains that use the power of dell ai and intel. clearing the way, [rumble] [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong. >> ginger: welcome back to gma. i wanted to check in on that gold ranch fire. this is nevada, right on the state line of california. 664 acres at least, and only 8% contained. for a time that was shutting down parts of i-80 but they got it up. air quality alerts are up for
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washington state. you've got red flag warnings meaning the humidity is low enough. they're going to see thunderstorms, lightning, that could spark more fires. unhealthy air quality right in central idaho near the surface. quick look at how beautiful. we've had since saturday five geo magnetic storm, kind of the sun has had this activity that has really produced beautiful shows of the northern lights. not just there in california but new hampshire, too. all right. coming up here on gma a new study on the link between tablet use and anger and frustration in kids. my kids are angry because we haven't given them a tablet. also the wnba commissioner is here to talk about the season and what's ahead for the league. very exciting. plus, we've got great dishes from josh capon, one of the chefs serving up some food at the u.s. open. can't wait to hear about that.
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plus we've got your local news to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. (over speaker) price check in pharmacy. all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door. this is a gut up too fast from tying your shoes back injury. >> lucky for you. amazon one medical can help. they're great
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for sneeze related back injuries, it's cheesy. >> good morning america and new jump. starting your summer weekend. hot friday morning g-eazy performing live only on good morning america's summer concert series, sponsored by wayfair. the survey says >> don't even talk to me. i wish i were blank. >> i wish i was selling what? celebrity family feud. >> new tonight on abc. now from abc. seven mornings. >> good morning everyone. >> i'm kumasi aaron. here is a look at traffic with amanda. good morning to marci. >> a few issues in the north bay will start in sonoma. westbound 37 at lakeville highway. there is a stall in the right lane slowing things down to about ten
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miles per hour. this is a live look at that backup again due to a stall. and then i'll take you to san rafael. cam, as i mentioned, the northbound or north bay super busy southbound, one on one heavy traffic from delong avenue to north san pedro road due to an earlier incident, drew amanda will go to walnut creek this morning. >> it is nice and bright out there. we have mild sunshine in store this afternoon, but also some breezy conditions. so looking at highs today. 68 and mostly sunny in the city, but winds will gust to about 20 to 30mph there in oakland will go into the mid 70s. that's nice. san jose 8286. in walnut creek the winds do pick up a little bit this afternoon. just be aware of that. it is breezy high today. we're pretty close to average for this time of the year. kumasi reggie. >> thank you. drew. if you are streaming with us on the abc seven bay area app, abc seven at seven is next for everyone else. gma when i was playing, christine and i started visiting kids that are battling cancer.
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and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. xfinity bring on the good stuff. the make it ford summer sales event is on amazing offers and a great selection of the best selling trucks in america for 47 years. >> ford f-series gas hybrid or all electric? these are the deals you've been waiting for, so don't wait. >> make it ford. >> make it yours. make it now, right now. lisa 2024 ford f-150 super coolest for just 3.99 a month. only at your california ford dealers. like new >> michael: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. former president trump's conversation with elon musk, bringing up false claims and controversial statements, laying
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out what he would do if re-elected including shuts down the department of education and ignoring concerns about the impact of climate change. trump also attacking vice president harris and president biden. how the harris campaign is responding this morning. >> george: tablets and tantrums. what a new study finds between the link between tablets and anger and frustration. how much is too much? and what parents can do to ease their kids off screen time. >> robin: vowing to pay off debt. one couple paid off more than $50,000 in less than two years. >> he said it was possible. >> robin: now they're sharing their secrets how to get back in the black. >> michael: gma exclusive. brad pitt and george clooney getting candid in a new gq interview. >> hope you were the groom. >> michael: talking about their friendship, the movie moment that almost didn't happen, and what their next projects will
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be. ♪ dance dance the night away ♪ >> robin: we're dancing the morning away with julianne hough. the dancing with the stars co-host telling us about the new season, her debut novel and more, as we say good morning america. >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma. >> michael: good morning america. thank you for being with us on this tuesday morning. we are getting ready for the u.s. open. it's that time. chef josh capon is showing us how to make some of the event's dishes at home. >> robin: it will be here before we know it. few more weeks. just ahead the new study on moderate drinking. the potential negative health impact of having more than one or two glasses a week. >> george: first top stories breaking at 8 starting with the race for the white house. donald trump returned to twitter last night. it is now called x. for a long conversation with
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elon musk. it was hampered by technical issues. rachel scott is tracking the race. >> reporter: good morning. this got off to a rocky start, that conversation between trump and elon musk was delayed for more than 40 minutes. elon musk blaming a cyber at tack. he provided no evidence of that. over the course of two hours the president drifted into bring up false claims, insults, controversial statements, praising his relationships with authoritarian leaders saying he got along well with kim jong un. and russian president putin. the former president then laying out what he would do if re-elected, saying one of his first acts would be shutting down the department of education. he brushed off dire warnings about the impact of climate change, saying rising sea levels lead to, quote, more ocean front property. trump also promised the largest deportation in history. he attacked vice president harris on the administration's handling of the border, called her liberal and attacked jewish people who support her, repeating claims that have been widely viewed as sanity semitic.
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the harris campaign saying donald trump's campaign is about people like himself and elon musk calling them self-obsessed rich guys saying they can't even run a live stream in the year of 2024, robin. >> robin: all right. thanks for your reporting. now to the security preparations for taylor swift's upcoming london concerts after her shows in vienna were cancelled when a terrorist threat was uncovered. chief foreign correspondent ian pannell is at wembley stadium where the show kicks off on thursday. good morning to you, ian. >> reporter: good morning, robin. yeah, that's right. in three days time you're going to have tens of thousands of very excited people streaming down here on olympic way to wembley stadium, which you can see glowing in the sunshine behind me. in normal circumstances that will be a haoupbl security challenge, but i think after what happened in austria, security will be extra vigilant screening not just fans, but anyone working inside.
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>> london welcome to the eras tour. >> reporter: this morning as taylor swift prepares to return to wembley stadium for five sellout shows, new details emerging about how authorities plan to keep tens of thousands of fans safe on the heels of the alleged terror plot in austria. metro police saying there is nothing to indicate that the matters being investigated by the authorities will have an impact on the london shows. allied universal has provided shows for many eras tour stops. >> there will be thousands of people involved in security, which will be a combination of security personnel as well as security technologies. >> reporter: just days before taylor swift's eras tour was set to kick off in vienna, austrian authorities thwarting an aledged terror plot inspired by isis, arresting three teens. one of them confessed he planned a suicide attack outside the stadium with knives or home made explosions according to multiple stops along the eras
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tour have had outdoor areas for nonticket holders to listen to concerts. wembley posting on their event page saying anyone without a ticket should not travel to wembley stadium. no one is allowed to stand outside any entrance. the head of the concert, fans say they are confident they will be safe. >> i do feel that anything, in terms of security, is going to be really amped up. >> reporter: well, to reiterate then, the u.k. authorities say there's no increased threat. they're highly experienced in policing these kind of events. even the state department hasn't increased its advice. i have just spoke to a couple swifties. they put their t-shirts on. they're super excited about the next few days. they say of course they were affected by what happened in austria. they felt bad for the fans, for swift, but nothing was going to dampen their excitement about what's about to happen here. michael? >> michael: hard to beat the excitement of a swiftie.
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if it's tuesday and the show is thursday, they're ready to go. thanks. we're gonna turn now a new study that reinforces that any amount of alcohol could have negative health impacts. new research shows even moderate drinking could increase the risk of death. eva pilgrim is here with the story. good morning, eva. >> oh, michael. a new study adding to mounting evidence that drinking even just a little can have negative effects on your health. the study found modest drinking was linked to higher risk of death, about 33% higher among middle age adults. researchers looked at people 40-69 and defined moderate drinking as men drinking more than two glasses of wine a week and women drinking one glass weekly. even some who drank fewer drinks had an increased risk of death. it's important to know this study showed an association but not cause and effect between alcohol use and risk of death. why the increased risk? that still needs to be studied more, but that old way of thinking that a glass is good
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for you, the recent science, this study, several others, really challenging that idea, guys. >> michael: it's like back and forth. i'm just going to have a drink until they figure it out. [ laughter ] they didn't say how big the glass could be either, eva. >> robin: come on now, michael. >> george: live your best life. [ laughter ] % morning menu, the new study on tabls and tantrums. >> michael: the couple that paid down $50,000 in debt in less than two years. they are sharing their advice. >> robin: plus brad pitt and george clooney. what the duo had to say about their friendship on and off the screen. lara, you have a special guest with you. >> lara: i'm here with actress, dancer, singer, judge, now author, julianne hough. telling us all about her new novel. i have just checking it out. the cover is as gorgeous as you. >> you're very kind. >> lara: we'll talk all that and more coming up here on "good morning america." i am with juli,
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telling us all about her new novel. just checking it out. the cover is as gorgeous as you. we are going to talk about all that and more, coming up right here on "good morning america." this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks. it can reduce or even eliminate oral steroids. and doesn't that make things better? dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. when you can get more out of your lungs, you can du more with less asthma. and isn't that better? ask your doctor about dupixent, the most prescribed biologic in asthma. which looks better — this?
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or this? seems clear to me. if you love to save, check out the wise buys sales event going on right now at america's best — get two pairs of progressives for just $129.95. offer includes a comprehensive eye exam. book an exam online today. ♪ comprehensive eye exam. (man) oh, come on. ♪ (woman) ugh. (vo) trade in any phone, in any condition. guaranteed at verizon. and get $800 off the new galaxy z fold6. only on verizon. you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. do you have a walt disney world moment you could share with us? let me take a look. it's her first time in disney world, so we did the bibbidi bobbidi boutique. afterwards she just was like, 'look at me, i'm a princess' and she was just so happy. isn't she cute? ♪
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ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with u. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save. school is back! and dick's sporting goods has what you need to win your year. we've got everything from cleats to sambas, dunks and more. plus, the hottest styles from nike, jordan and adidas. find your first-day fits in-store or online at
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>> michael: welcome back to gma. tomorrow we hear all about the new season of "emily in paris" from emily herself. yeah. lily collins is gonna be here. we're looking forward to that, george. >> george: we are. now our gma cover story. a new study finds tablet use is tied to more anger and frustration in children. a pediatrician at new york presbyterian hospital is here to break down the study for us. >> yeah, george. it was a small study done in canada. just over 300 children. they were 3 1/2 when recruited. they asked their parents questions about their tablet use and their anger and frustration
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then brought them back when they were 4 1/2 and a year after that when they were 5 1/2. what they found, the 3 1/2-year-olds who had a higher use per week of tablets then had higher scores of anger and frustration when they were 4 tphafr. what i thought was most interesting is when they were 5 1/2, they then had even more tablet use which suggests perhaps parents may have been using the tablets to soothe some of the anger and frustration the kids were having. small study, but totally checks out with my clinical experience and as a mom. >> george: it doesn't work. so what are the warning signs to look out for? >> it's so important that you know your own child. some things you may want to include, losing interest in other activities. right? so going outside, playing with other kids, having difficulty with attention, with sleep. and as the study showed having difficulty with regulating their emotions. every child is gonna have some complaint. they're all gonna complain when
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you take away their tablet. but if it's an out of proportion meltdown, it may be a sign that you need to cut back. >> george: how do you ease the kid off the tablet? >> isn't that the million dollar question, george? start with your own use of screens. there is really good evidence that the parents who use more screens have kids who use more screens. try to look at your own tablet or phone use and set an example. you also want to create family ground rules. there's nothing kids like more than telling people what to do. recruit them and enforce them. at the end of the day knowing your family and knowing your own child. >> george: thanks for coming in today. >> michael: thank you, george. now our money smart series. one couple paid off more than $50,000 in less than two years. elizabeth schulze has tips on how do the same. >> reporter: this couple had no experience making a budget when
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they decided to tackle their tens of thousands in debt from student loans, car loans and kred credit cards. within 18 months they wiped their balance to zero. after they took their wedding vows they decided to make a financial commitment to each other. paying off their combined $52,000 in debt. >> i think once we got married we both realized we didn't want that stress in our lives and our marriage. >> reporter: their pledge? to pay off the full amount in 18 months. an ambitious target kim, who's a teacher, says she was skeptical they could achieve. >> he gave us a map. he said it was possible. >> there were obviously a lot of things that needed to happen to make it work. i delivered pizzas at night. what can we do extra to move the momentum even further faster? >> reporter: debt free with two kids the hayes are now sharing their secrets to climbing back into the black.
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>> it took a little while for to it sink in because i was so used to making those payments. oh, wow, our bank account is actually going up. >> reporter: take stock of exactly where your money is going. write down your expenses each month. he recommends tracking it all in a spread sheet. >> we found there were some categories we were overspending on a lotted. we wanted to figure out how could we have boundaries around that? >> reporter: put limits on expense like groceries or entertainment that can fluctuate from month to month. the hayes put cash in envelopes with the allotted budget for each category. finally call up providers for bills like car insurance or internet to see if they can offer you a better deal. that strategy saved the hayes hundreds of dollars every month. the hayes also recommend creating a debt tracker that you put up somewhere visibly in your house, like on your fridge. every time you make a debt payment, you can cross off how
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much you owe. they say that visual reminder helps keep them motivated. robin? >> robin: it does. thank you so much. now we have the olympics. they're over. okay. many are now excited that the wnba season is set to resume. joining us is the woman helping make this season is a slam dunk as the excitement grows even more around this new era. of course we're talking about wnba commissioner cathy engelbert. men's and women's basketball teams winning gold. eighth consecutive gold for the women. what made this team so special? >> it's pretty amazing to think back. they haven't lost a game in 61 games now. it's pretty incredible what they've accomplished. they've built a chemistry over the course of just the two week olympics because they're all playing in the wnba before they went to europe. it's just a great testament to the quality of the game, the strength of the game and that the rest of the world is getting better. that game was a little too close.
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france had a great game plan. it was a great game. so glad the u.s. brought home the gold. >> robin: many are. many are. okay. the season will resume this week, the wnba season. the rookies have been rocking, our favorite all-stars are doing well. how do you keep the momentum going after the break? >> it will be a big push to the playoffs. there's so many great matchups coming up with vegas/new york playing each other. angel and caitlin are going to play august 30th on a friday night in chicago. so many great matchups to look forward to. connecticut and minnesota are play great. with brittney and dt coming back from the olympics. yeah, so much to look forward to and so many matchups coming up. >> robin: this is really something. the media rights deal that was negotiated. just explain to folks how monumental this is for women. >> monumental and historic. i have been calling it historic.
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i think about when i came into the league we only had 80 of our 200 plus games being shown on national platforms. now over 200. if you build it, they will come. that worked. this media rights for women's sports has been undervalued for too long. a $2.2 billion deal with abc, disney, as well as having nbc come in and amazon. so if you look at the media landscape and structure coming in, and now everybody has their own streaming platforms, even linear, it's such a great time to be in the market. we had this confluence of all of our positive events going on w the college game coming into our game, but also the interest in the wnba has never been higher. attendance this year, robin, you come to our arenas. big fan. and the viewership, averaging over 1 million viewers on all four of our national platforms is amazing. >> robin: it's highly entertaining being in the arena. what you're seeing on the court. also the mascots. it's a happening.
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to see the rafters now full. and so now the expansion. we should -- there's 12 current teams. >> on my shoes. >> robin: you have the 12 teams on your screws. you're going to have to get a new pair of shoes because expansion is happening. just talk about moving to 16 teams. >> when i joined the league, i said we're in a country of 330 million people longest tenured women's professional sports league in the country. why are we only in 12 cities? we need to be in more. we announced up to 16. we already announced 13 golden state, female warrior, now toronto and more to come. we're excited for that. the more cities you ire in, the more valuable, the media deal as well as just building your fandom across the country. >> robin: i can't let you go without talking about erika handy. she just filed a lawsuit against the aces and the league claiming that she was discriminated against after she became pregnant.
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how do you respond to her suit? >> this is landing from paris. just saw the complaint was filed. we're reviewing it, obviously. she's such a great player. she just represented our country in three on three. >> robin: won the bronze. >> she's great. she has two children. great mom. spent a lot of time with her over the last couple years. we'll obviously review this. >> robin: what is the wnba doing to ensure that these families, these women and these families have all that they need? >> in the last collective bargaining agreement we opened up a lotted of progressive benefits for moms. full maternity leave, rooms for children on the road and in market. there are a lot of things. lot of our players don't necessarily live in the market they play. >> robin: true. >> also just across the board benefits for women athletes for first time, and other things that we know our players want. we know they'll want more in the next round of negotiating, so we're looking forward to getting to the table with them.
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>> robin: appreciate you discussing that. appreciate that very much. commissioner engelbert. >> thank you, robin. great to be here. >> robin: let the second season begin, continue, when the new york liberty take on the l.a. sparks. that's 9 p.m. eastern, 6 pacific on espn. right now let's go to ginger. >> ginger: thank you, robin debby has been gone for days but we're still seeing high water rescue. the edisto river rose to about 17 feet. most have crested now, they're going down, but slowly. we've had low pressure system hanging out. south carolina still has elevated risk of flash flooding. we all have it today. includes kansas city. cold front is gonna sweep through.
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>> robin: pop news time. >> lara: going to talk about another george, george. this time clooney. you know it will be a good day when pitt and clooney are at the top of the pop. they will share the cover of september's issue of gq. look at those two. 23 years after we saw them light the screen up in oceans eleven they're gearing up for their seventh movie together. this one is called "wolf." the pair says their work together has led to a great friendship. they always check in with each other. actors also reflect on past projects and future career moves. clooney is headed to broadway to perform a play that he wrote based on his movie "good night and good luck." the best part he said will be
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spending six months in new york city with his wife and kids. to read more about their decades long friendship and so much more pick up the september issue of gq. always nice to see them together. also, some exciting news for bachelor nation. we have the name of the young man that will be looking for love next season. grant ellis. yep. you know him. you love him. he stole the hearts of fans during his time on jen tram's season. last night in a stunning heart break he was eliminated during jen's toughest decision yet. he is now officially the bachelor. somehow we have already gotten a message from my name is grant ellis, your newest bachelor. i'm so excited to kick off my journey in finding love, and i hope that you guys join me next year when the show premieres on abc. i'm
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looking for a love that's kind and understanding. some qualities i'm looking for in a potential partner is somebody who's adventurous, somebody who's affectionate, and somebody who's loving. i can't wait for this incredible journey to get kicked off. it's going to be so fun. i hope you guys tune in. peace. >> all right. so loving. adventurous. what else? yeah. affectionate kind. all right, we got it. we got it. you heard it. and it was a pop news school. thank you for recognizing that. i don't feel i get enough credit sometimes for the news that i break, so appreciate it. and some fun facts about grant. now, he's a self-proclaimed momma's boy. he's a former pro basketball player. a day trader, loves bowling, and he loves the lakers. and as you just heard, he's excited about his journey. meantime, you can watch james hometowns. they happen next monday, 8 p.m. right here on abc. and she is having a great time in her season. oh yeah. all right. really quickly, the power of the movies has struck again in sync, saying hi hi, hi to the
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top ten. bye bye bye peaked at number four. 20 years ago, i saw that michael. it is now back on the billboard global chart in number eight spot. it's all because of deadpool and wolverine guys. the song is featured in the billion dollar blockbuster, along with some other songs that have gotten bumps like madonna's like a prayer and the goo goo dolls, and that everyone is pop news and i hear you, madonna. >> we'll be right back. >> my name is morgan guillory. i'm your basic single mother of three with an iq of 160. so now when the cops are in a jam, they have to ask me for help. >> it's not our cleaning lady. they don't love it. >> fear is bigger in imax. alien run. >> now from abc seven mornings. >> good morning. it's 827. i'm reggie aqui. let's take a look at traffic. hi, amanda. >> yeah. good morning. reggie, we're going to take you down to menlo park, where the two left
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lanes are blocked of southbound 101. this is after marsh road because of a two vehicle crash. you can see it's slowing things down to about eight miles per hour there. caltrans posted this photo showing you the backup there. so just keep that in mind, especially if you're making your way into the city. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with meteorologist drew tuma for that forecast right after this. >> it's toyota's national sales event. swipe into end of summer fun with an exciting new toyota. whether you're paddle boarding in a rav4, mountain biking in a tacoma, or tubing with your best friends in a camry, you'll find plenty to post about all summer long. >> choose from toyota's 16 hybrid and electrified models more than any other brand, and go the distance with toyota's class leading fuel efficiency and reliability. >> come in z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business five-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value
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on gig speed internet and advanced security. all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business five-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. comcast business five year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited time. >> it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort to rock and to roll to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cash in at cache creek casino resort. >> look at the accuweather forecast. live picture of the exploratorium camera. it's already very beautiful out there. mild sunshine on the way
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today. so look at our highs today. 68 in the city. partly cloudy, but we do have wind out there this afternoon. that will gust about 15 to 30mph. mild sunshine in oakland. sunny and san jose at 82 walnut creek. very pleasant for this time of year. coming in at 86 degrees. let's talk about those winds today. they're breezy. strongest gusts will be along the coast and then tomorrow will repeat it, if not a bit stronger of a breeze. this onshore flow will keep temperatures pretty steady through the end of the week. so enjoy the sunshine, the pleasant temperatures 80s inland, 60s and 70s around the bay shoreline. >> reggie aqui drew. thank you. another abc seven news update in 30 minutes. you can always find us on our news app and abc seven here's more good morning >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> robin: we are back with someone we consider family. julianne hough. you know her as co-host of "dancing with the stars."
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now she has written her debut novel "everything we never knew." lara you were asking. it's about a woman who developed psychic healing powers but in order to use them she must confront her past. [ laughter ] how are you? >> i'm doing so great. >> robin: you can sing, you can dance, you can act. now you're an author. >> thank you, by the way. i'm a story teller, whether through my body, through dancing, through singing, acting. finally now through writing. so i'm so excited it's finally out. as you said, about a woman who seemingly has everything, perfect life, perfect husband, perfect marriage, perfect job. then she starts having these supernatural experiences which threaten her relationships around her. she goes on this healing journey thinking she's going to heal other people. you can't heal anybody else or try to help unless you heal yourself first. it's very fun.
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it's very personal, i will say. definitely relate to the main character, lexi. also if you're just looking for a fun, adventurous, epic novel, this is it. >> michael: not only do you record an audio book, but you released a song as well. we're going to take a listen to it. check it out. ♪ you can sing. you're lip syncing. you have more music inspired by the book that's come out. >> yes. being a creative, i wanted this to be an immersive experience. i wrote music for it. lexi goes through each lesson. every lesson that she goes through of healing has to do with the elements, fire, water, air. so i wrote a song for each one of those lessons that she goes through. this title track you are hearing
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is to accompany the book. her senses are highened in the book so she can see things, smell things, taste things and have experiences with other people and their memories. i thought this would be a fun way to experience the creativity. it just felt really fun. and there's a qr code in the back of the book that people can take an elemental quiz to figure out what their elemental makeup is. get their earth, fire, water, air, how to balance out your life, you know? >> robin: i like it. >> it's all immersive. >> george: i was struck by the dedication in your book. you dedicate to it the young julianne who did what she needed to do to survive and protect herself to get to the place where she is today. what's behind that? >> you know, i think a lot of us, we have life, you know? we've experienced life. and whether you grow up and have a system of protection that you put into place for yourself. i definitely had that growing up. and part of what happens with lexi in this book also that i
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experience is you kind of have to go through a delayering process to take away that protective part which you think is actually going to be there to, you know, save and protect you. you get to a certain place when you go through the delayering process, you get closer to yourself. and this book also is all about trusting yourself. i think we get so inundated with noise and fitting in and the sense of not belonging. so we shift and adapt ourselves to fit in. i think trusting yourself and going within is what this is all about. that's definitely what i experienced as far as dedicating this to my younger self. she would be very proud. and she is. >> robin: i never heard it phrased like that, delayering yourself. >> yeah, delayering the conditions, the belief systems we put into place to protect ourselves. if you think about it, it gets us further away from the truth.
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>> lara: you are emanating joy. i was so happy to read you are back as a host again. >> i am. it is family. speaking of belonging, that's where i feel like i belong. alfonso is my co-host. literally, just the greatest human on the planet. i know, right? and the judges, we've got bruno and derek and carrie ann back. it will be amazing. really is family. it's so great. >> michael: season 33. we couldn't believe 33 seasons. i'm curious. you're casting the show, who do you want to see on? who do you want to see dance? >> i don't know if there are rumblings about this, but i think inpersonally everyone is talking about one of the kelce brothers would be amazing. >> michael: ah. >> jason's not playing, right? did i just jinx something? [ laughter ]
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i'm calling you out. no. i'm the same as everybody else. i never know who is on the show until we all find out. one of the things i said, did you know chris hemsworth did australian "dancing with stars" and won? if he comes back, i might dance. [ laughter ] >> michael: you'll get your groove on. >> robin: we have to ask you about derek. six times he's won. what's this new ballroom competition you are going to be doing together? >> i love collaborating with my brother. we've been so fortunate that dance has given us so much. we want to contribute and give back to dance and the art form. we created a convention and competition that will be touring next year for students all over the country to come and take classes and work shops and compete.
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and really just creating the most amazing group of teachers and faculty as well. just giving back to the next generation of dance. >> lara: you'll find some new gems for the show. >> exactly. exactly. >> robin: don't know how you do it all, but you do it so well. >> thank you. i am grateful. >> robin: we are grateful to you. "everything we never knew" is available today! con grats! many eat the most important meal of the
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>> g >> george: we are back with the first look at the trailer of the abc news studio docu series after baywatch, moment in the sun. it takes fans behind the scenes of the drama with exclusive cast interviews, home videos and lots of '90s nostalgia. >> baywatch is a fantasy. >> baywatch is sexy. >> when you hear that theme song -- ♪ >> i didn't know how much fun i was going to have. >> people were just eating that stuff alive. ♪ >> it was a wild time. i was a wild chick. >> jason mamoa exploded. >> carmen was a bombshell. >> pam anderson was an icon. >> pamela was a sweet girl from canada who came to get the
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american dream. >> really proud of everything i have done. almost. [ laughter ] >> baywatch was a whirl wind of epic highs and bitter lows. >> lot of pressure. >> everybody was disposable and if you didn't fit into their brand, you were gone. >> created lust, fame. >> everybody likes to watch sexy things. >> george: after baywatch moment in the sun drops august 28th only on hulu. let's go to ginger. >> ginger: that looks good. now a first look at a special guest. this is natalie believed to be a new species of dinosaur. it is so big, 75 feet long, that it couldn't be shot in one photograph. it took five pictures stitched together to show it all. she's 150 million years old. her bones were found in a remote corner of utah. it's taken more than a decade to reassemble the bones. our friends at nat geo were the only ones there for the bone by bone reconstruction.
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you can find what it took to unearth such a huge jungle of bones and turn them into a towering dinosaur on nat you can also see her in person at the l.a. county museum in november. let's go ahead and get a c >> lara: our series the science of you, this morning it's all about breakfast and which types of food are best for your health and energy levels. becky worley is back with us and on the case. beck, what's on the menu? >> reporter: lara, if i asked people to name off breakfast foods, they'd probably say pastries, bread, cereals, fruit. one study suggests a protein rich breakfast can help curb hunger and maintain even blood
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sugar throughout the whole day. breakfast. often overlooked and rushed. but it plays a big role in blood sugar and energy levels throughout the day. >> easy grab and go, fast to cook. >> reporter: for one family, it's a struggle. >> the struggle is the pickiness between the kids and what they want. we want to make sure they have some calories in them before they head to school. >> reporter: but what kind of calories? dietitian lauren kramer takes u to the berkeleyville grocery store to explain the issues around our traditional sugar and carb rich breakfast. >> what happens to our blood sugar is it goes all the way up and spikes and can come crashing down. when that happens we can feel fatigue. we can get hungry really quickly. >> reporter: she said the solution is a protein rich breakfast. so to see the effects on my energy and blood sugar compared to a heavy carb or sugar breakfast, i use a continuous glucose monitor. it tells me in real time how food causes my body to react. so first morning eggs and
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sausage. my blood sugar barely moved. just a 3 point increase and steady until lunch. and not even hungry. but the next breakfast a bagel and cream cheese. lots of carbs and, whoa, my blood sugar shoots up 100 points and then crashes. by lunch, i'm feeling kind of tired and definitely hungry. blood sugar spikes like this can lead to a roller coaster effect on energy and other big health problems like inflammation. but getting kids teat savory protein rich foods in the morning is not always easy so we try some simple swaps. you love pan cakes. but pan cakes, is there a good option? >> well, there's a better option. kodiak makes a protein pan cake. we have 15 grams of protein. we don't have a lot of the added sugar that we were looking at. >> reporter: lauren also suggests other protein rich breakfast ideas. chia pudding, kos tapblg cheese, of course eggs.
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lot of secret that works for teens, leftovers. so the next morning protein breakfast served. how's it going so far? >> i like the pan cakes the best. we like to put a couple chocolate chips in there so it's a little sweeter. >> reporter: leaving this family a little better prepared to face the day. now, other ways to get more protein into your breakfast. you can add nuts to anything. maybe for something like oatmeal, swap out the brown sugar for nut butter. you can boil a dozen eggs at the beginning of the week. it always helps. they're easy to add as a protein supplement for any breakfast. i'm obsessed with these eggwich sandwiches. turkey, sausage, eggs and no bread. i found them at costco. microwavable breakfast on the go. all of these options help keep your blood sugar steady until lunch, lara. >> lara: tell us again why stable blood sugar is such an important goal.
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>> yeah. it's really a marker to keep inflammation down. we know that can cause a mere idea of problems in the body. when i have stable blood sugar, wearing that continuous glucose monitor, you really get to see how your body reacts to food. stable blood sugar means all the highs and crashes are evened out. i feel like i'm really stable energy, not on that energy roller coaster. >> lara: yeah. >> slow and steady fuels me all day. >> lara: wins the race. get off that ride. right? thank you very much, beck. that's great advice. now i want to eat eggs. coming up, u.s. open ace chef josh capon is serving up delicious dishes that you will love. it's time for the open. let's go, guys! >> let's go, let's go!
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>> michael: welcome back. the u.s. open kicks off next week. why are you way over there? josh capon is one of the chefs. [ applause ] >> let's go! >> michael: he will be serving food up at the u.s. open. he's here to show us some recipes you can make at home. welcome back. we love when you're here. >> thank you. appreciate it. appreciate it. >> michael: we love it. you bring the energy every time you're here. you're back at the u.s. open this year. so what kind of food can we expect? >> the u.s. open is not just the premiere tennis event of the year. it's an annual tradition. the talent on the court is only matched by the culinary talent off the court, including myself! danny and chris, they put together an incredible selection of chefs that provide some of the best food at any sporting event in the entire world. >> michael: very smooth way of calling yourself talented. very well done. >> i traded my chef coat for my
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u.s. open coat. i like it. >> michael: some people can't go, they'll be home watching couch side instead of court side. but they can eat like they're at the open. >> yes, you can. >> michael: so what are you going to make? >> chicken salad blt. ready? buy a rotisserie chicken. chop it up. little mayo, red onion. dump in all of that celery. all of that celery. lots of fresh dill. >> michael: how much pepper? >> little black pepper, pinch of salt. mix that all together. lemon juice in there. always fresh lemon juice. >> michael: all right. >> next thursday, next thursday, we have flavors of the open, which is a great little taste of what's to come at the u.s. open with chefs like myself and alex guarnaschelli and david burke. like i said, the culinary talent is second to none at the u.s. open. >> michael: what about this? >> look at you. skill. guy's got skill. when it comes to mayo, just
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enough to bind it altogether. >> michael: okay. >> i want to take some of that, right? just gonna mound it on our toasted ciabatta bread. grab a tomato. >> michael: we got tomato, bacon, of course. how do you get -- >> single. single. >> michael: single like that? >> there it is! >> michael: chef boy-r-strah. how do you get maximum flavor out of your bacon and tomato? >> cook the bacon ahead of time so it's nice and crispy. nice summit summe close it up. just like so. >> michael: wash the hands. >> little ciabatta. look how nice that is. we'll keep moving. >> michael: what's this? we do lobster roll. we also do a shrimp roll. got some jelly poached shrimp. little lemon zest.
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lots of fresh dill. touch of red onion, if you like it. lots of fresh celery. little mayo. little hot sauce. >> michael: hot sauce will bring some flavor to it. >> little bit. little bit. little bit. little dijon. >> michael: they like hot sauce. they're like, more more more! >> when you're doing lemons, two for the price of one. zest it. then juice it. >> michael: mix it all up. >> we have some toasted brioche rolls. toasted. >> michael: what's the best bread? >> i say brioche. so good. >> michael: i can work in the kitchen if you got a job opening for me. >> mound that all up. all right. once again just enough mayo to bind it all together. got those beautiful shrimp. we serve lobster rolls at the u.s. open. they are second to none. we've got simon kim from coconut
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going to be here. >> michael: that looks good. you know you're making somebody in the crew hungry. >> shrimp rolls for everybody. come on! >> michael: what's the best chip to go with the lobster roll. >> taste that chip. i'm a salt and vinegar chip all day every day. salt and vinegar all day every day. >> michael: honestly, i love your energy. you're the best. >> come on! >> michael: you bring incredible energy. you made lunch for the whole crew. they're happy to have you. >> everybody come to little maven. everybody come to the open. starting with this thursday at flavors of the open. >> michael: if you're going to do some couch watching get the recipes at good morning you can watch starting august 26th. we will be right back. we'll be right back. that is not a backhand. backhand. >>
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vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type two diabetes that's about the power of three with ozempic . >> call heavenly greens today and save up to $500. plus, get a free leaf blower. let's go! >> we are heading into the unknown. >> it doesn't get any more cutting edge. and this. >> are you ready to make junk disappear? i am so looking forward to this. >> we make junk disappear. all you have to do is point. call one 800. got junk or visit one 800. >> got junk. .com. we'll be there before you hang up the phone. >> now, from abc seven mornings. >> it's 859. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings. here's a look at traffic with amanda. >> good morning reggie. >> we're going to take you to fremont, where there is a four vehicle crash on southbound 680. >> this is before washington boulevard. you can see it's slowing things down to about six miles per hour. the two left
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lanes are blocked. there's heavy traffic backed up to andrade road, 22 minute delays. what you're facing. and then i want to take you to the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are still on, but the backup really none. as you can see here. delays continue across the span, though, to fremont street. >> drew armada. we'll go to our east bay hills. camera. it is sunny out there this morning. we have a mild afternoon coming our way, but it will get windy as we head into the afternoon. mostly sunny in the city today. mild sunshine in oakland, 80 for san jose and walnut creek will have those winds gusting about 15 to 30mph. reggie looks beautiful. >> thanks. time now for live with kelly and mark. we see you again at 11 for midday. live. again at 11 for midday. live. until deja vu: it's live with kelly and mark! ♪♪ [audience cheering] deja vu: today, the amazing arnold schwarzenegger, and actress hannah waddingham.


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