tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 28, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT
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park, including one near and dear to the bay area sweetheart 3-1-1 come on. you know that song that was journey performing don't stop believing? they co-headlined with def leppard and the opener was the steve miller band. look like a great time out there tonight? all right. that is going to do it for tonight. thank you so much for watching. i'm ama daetz for sandhya patel and all of us here. thank you for joining in with us tonight. right now >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." with guest host jeff goldblum. tonight -- john cena -- omar sy -- plus music from jeff goldblum and the mildred snitzer orchestra featuring
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haley reinhart. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jeff goldblum. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: i love you so much. it's the best time i've ever had in my whole life already. [ laughter ] what a delight! welcome, welcome to "jimmy kimmel live." i am your substitute host, my name is jeff goldblum. [ cheers and applause ]
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you flatter me. anyway. here we are. and what's happening? summer, the sweet, sweet smell of summer, is coming to a close, isn't it? well, not for jimmy, i guess. [ laughter ] he's still -- i mean, god knows where. but all across the country, kids are headed back to school. ♪ school is closed for summer ♪ i'm very excited. i get very excited around this time of year. i love autumn. i love kicking my feet through the autumn leaves. ♪ da da da ♪ don't do it, don't do it. hey, do you want to see by any chance, because i have it up my sleeve here, do you want to see an old class photo of me? [ cheers and applause ] watch this, watch this. get ready, gird yourself, watch this, watch this. ai-yi-yi! [ cheers ] [ applause ]
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yeah. i know. i know. this is -- that's actually my high school yearbook picture from back in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. [ cheers ] hm, yeah. nice hair. in this picture, it was just before graduation, and i had turned 38 years old. [ laughter ] i look already fossilized. you know, not much promise there. you know, i remember that my teachers, i called them by their first name. and you know what they called me? "mr. goldblum." [ laughter ] i was like -- my goose was cooked already. i don't know how -- hey, by the way, guillermo, you know what we did, the producers dug up a photo of you as a teenager. [ cheers ] >> guillermo: oh, wow. that's nice! [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: what are you doing there, what's going on there? >> guillermo: that was outside of the scorpion concerts. i was selling t-shirts to make money and buy beers to go inside
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the concert. [ laughter ] >> jeff: so interesting. isn't that -- were they real t-shirts, the merch from the band? or counterfeit, fake t-shirts? >> guillermo: they were fake t-shirts. [ laughter ] >> jeff: it takes a big man to admit -- >> guillermo: that was a long time ago. >> jeff: yeah. [ laughter ] i don't know. statute of limitations, you know. what was the name -- what was that big hit that the scorpions -- what was the name of that? >> guillermo: "rock like a hurricane." >> jeff: hurricane. hurricane. right now, i don't know if you know, there is a powerful storm a-brewing in the caribbean, or the care-i-bee-yan. how would billy ocean say it? ♪ ah ah caribbean queen ♪ caribbean, it's caribbean. tropical storm, you know what it's called? ernesto. ernesto. that's the name of this hurricane moving in on the virgin islands right now.
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what a name, ernesto. wow. that doesn't sound so much like a hurricane to me, sounds like the name of an attentive lover. [ laughter ] "oh, ernesto, ernesto." i think -- wow, indeed. yow, indeed. i think by this time tomorrow, those islands may no longer be virgin. [ rim shot ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ yeah. i'll bet you're thinking, jeff, you're so focused on the news here on earth, what about the happenings else-where in our vast solar system? well, thank you so much, jeff. [ laughter ] on mars, this is true, guillermo. on mars, you know it's very cold on mars.
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for years, scientists have been trying to come up with a way to raise the temperature so that humans can live there and bring all of our environmentally sound practices to a new planet. [ laughter ] and they have finally come up with a machine to make it inhabitable. now, this is true. at least, that's what i gather from this sky news report. they say, if you blast hot glitter into the atmosphere on mars, you know, it could be inhabitable. that sounds like something one of my characters in a movie might say. wait a minute. "mr. president, what if, and really consider what i'm saying right now -- what if we create an atmosphere on mars by -- and hear me out. by making the red planet -- fabulous?" [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oh my golly.
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my jeff goldblum impersonation is horrible, horrible. [ laughter ] hey, talking about movies. now that we're talking about movies, i've been acting now for, you know, 50-some years, believe it or not. [ cheers and applause ] which should mean that i should know at this point a thing or two about a thing or two about hollywood. isn't that right, guillermo? >> guillermo: that's right, mr. jeff. [ laughter ] >> jeff: as a service to tourists visiting our fair city, guillermo and i, lucky me, decided to commandeer one of those starline buses. you know. in order to introduce them to the world of hollywood according to jeff goldblum. watch this. ♪ guillermo, let's get this party started. we're here to give a tour. hello, have a seat, have a seat. the guests are already arriving.
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i'm jeff. this is guillermo. >> guillermo: nice meeting you. >> jeff: welcome to the tour. >> guillermo: nice meeting you. >> jeff: repeat after me. ready? i pledge allegiance to this tape of "earth girls are easy," to have the best tour of our lives, one nation under the fly with liberty and independence day for all." yay! testes, testes, testes. testes, testes, testes. i have a horrible sense of direction. i came to hold in 1974-ish, 5-ish, if you can believe it, and i lived right there. kind of this that ground floor corner. did you ever think of this? time is not as we think it is. the young jeff goldblum could be right there, right now. >> guillermo: you know a lot about nothing. i think it's time for a ruffle.
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>> jeff: a ruffle? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jeff: no, not a ruffle. let's all say it together. one, two, three -- raffle. it's raffle. let's give something away to one of these fine, fine folks. now 9985190. >> bingo, baby! >> jeff: it's a pillow of me from the first "jurassic park." oh! congratulations. >> yes! >> jeff: let's do another one. ah, this is a cherished item. would you enjoy this and wear this? really? keyon has already changed into my tank top. oh my golly, look at this. >> guillermo: you are lucky lady today. >> jeff: leggings. eleanor, congratulations. i think even if we didn't get prizes, we all shared in the joy and unbound ecstasy of that waffle, didn't we? i believe so. >> guillermo: i'm getting hungry. >> jeff: really? >> guillermo: i'm hungry. >> jeff: we're going to stop at canters for something.
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i still like their unchanged marquee. i'm going to get some food for everybody. kids from 8 to 80 love matzah balls. there you go. a matzah ball for you. >> guillermo: what are ice cream cones for? >> jeff: i think this is the best way to hold the matzah. put the matzah ball in the cone. yes, enjoy that. enjoy that. >> guillermo: wow. >> jeff: mm. >> guillermo: it's good, right? >> jeff: yeah. i can't help but have a pavlovian expectation of something sweet, then i'm kind of a little crestfallen in my taste buds when i taste that matzah-matzah ball. ow! geez oh man. >> guillermo: i'll hold it for you if you want to. no, no, no. no, no, no, i'm fine. oh, for heaven's sakes. that one bite is all i needed. portion control, as we talked about. we're going into the hollywood forever cemetery. not only do they show movies,
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outdoor movie theaters there, but people are actually buried here. >> guillermo: hey, guys, cemetery, right? cemetery, cemetery! >> jeff: okay, that's okay. that may be the wrong tone, though. this is a slow-speed chase. as we see rivka, gervich, samuel -- >> guillermo: samuel jackson? >> jeff: not samuel jackson, he's still very much with us. >> guillermo: i woke up here one time. >> jeff: you woke up here? >> guillermo: i was here with friends, i think i drank too much, i couldn't drive. i spent the night someplace over there. >> jeff: really? you're wild. and -- and wow. hello, "jimmy kimmel live." i think we can all disembark. >> guillermo: yes! thank you very much. >> jeff: my darling too, kind, thank you very, very much. >> guillermo: thank you, nice meeting you. >> jeff: thank you, my friend. that was fun. you were so great. >> guillermo: it was great. want to go back to the show? >> jeff: let's go back to the show, come on, come on, let's go.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: good job, you did a good job. >> jeff: you. you. we have a great show for you tonight. omar sy is here. [ cheers and applause ] we've got music from a little band that i like to call jeff goldblum and the mildred snitzer orchestra. [ cheers and applause ] and we're going to be right back with the great john cena! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ is it possible to be more capable? and more practical? be able to perform here. and here. make a statement while barely making a sound.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jeff: welcome back, welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live." my name's jeff goldblum. hey, tonight -- a talented actor you know from the show "lupin," a french show, beautiful show, his new movie is called "the killer." omar sy is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, oh, our very own band. i'm in that band. it's called jeff goldblum and the mildred snitzer orchestra. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to be joined by --
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we're going to be joined by the lovely and amazing haley reinhart. what a singer. [ cheers and applause ] there it is, there it is, yeah. we're going to cover that song by taylor swift called "lover." [ cheers and applause ] that's right. and tomorrow night, tomorrow night, i'll be back with my guests, greg kinnear, and janet mcteer with music from waxahachie. [ cheers and applause ] tonight, our first guest can boast success in two competitive vocations. he's a 16-time world champion professional wrestler and he's an accomplished actor. or i think when those two things are mashed up together, he's a wractor. [ laughter ] he might be a veloci-wractor. [ laughter ] you can see him costar alongside the wonderful awkwafina in the rambunctious new comedy "jackpot."
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[ cheers and applause ] which premieres -- that's going to be good. it premieres globally this thursday on prime video. please welcome john cena. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: a lot of firsts. >> an evening of firsts, although your second night -- you said substitute host? shame on you. you are a special guest host. [ cheers and applause ] so second there, but first time we meet. >> jeff: yes.
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we've never met. >> never met. i'm also the first professional wrestler you've ever had on your show. >> jeff: i think that's true. who else could i have met? no, no -- >> in your travels, i find that hard to believe. but i'm glad to be your introduction into the world of sports entertainment. this is fantastic, right? [ cheers and applause ] jeff, welcome. >> jeff: well, i must say, i've never been in proximity with you before, but you immediately inspire trust. [ laughter ] >> it's the jacket. >> jeff: well, look at -- my eiffel on that immediately, nobody warned me. look at that autumnal affair. speaking of the fall season. i love you in those colors. nothing wrong with a peaked lapel. look at you. you have a vest on, too. it's a three-piece. >> i'm trying. i'm trying. >> jeff: and i believe that's a -- would you call that a cobalt blue? >> you know -- you might call it a cobalt blue. [ laughter ] >> jeff: what would -- >> i would call this the outfit that my wife chose for me to
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match her dress tonight. [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: oh. smart choice. i'm from pittsburgh. and when i was a kid -- do these names mean anything to you? bruno san martino. haystack calhoun. killer kowalski. i watched those guys on black-and-white tv. you know -- >> seems like there was a wrestling match with those files there. >> jeff: you know, a bad guy was there. this was the vocabulary early on when one of them would try to -- would see the referee and wait till he was distracted and then go into his high-waisted underwear there and take out a foreign object and go, ka king, ka king, ka king, into the other guy's eye. have you ever come across something like that? and what is that? what were they doing? tell me everything about that. >> so what i'm hearing is -- [ laughter ] in your experience in watching wrestling, you noticed that in
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times that were advantageous to the bad guy, they would put their hands in their tights and come out with a foreign object. you asked me, have i ever experienced something like that? i have, many times, especially in my youth. i put my hand in my pants and found a foreign object. [ rim shot ] >> jeff: wait a minute. wait a minute. >> you guys can figure that one out. could be anything, could be the weatherman. >> jeff: of course. >> rocket launcher. >> jeff: might be a weather machine. whatever it was, you didn't rub it in the other guy's eye? [ laughter and applause ] >> uh -- [ laughter ] >> okay, what you're really talking about is they bring out a set of brass knuckles. yes, those are things to tell stories. and i think what's great about wwe especially is, you watched in the '70s. >> jeff: yeah. >> i watched in the '80s. i have younger brothers who watched in the '90s. i rekindled my romance with wrestling in the '90s. now i get to see families from
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when i first started. everyone has a story. everyone says, do you remember these names? and, when i watched, they did this. we've developed a universal language through physical storytelling where people can share moments and bond with each other. just you giving me four names, man, the bad guy used to get the brass knuckles and beat the good guy and i hate it -- we can bond over those moments. wwe, i love it so much. it's a universal language. it's physical, so it travels the globe. it's also generational. someone who watched in the '70s can bond with someone who watched in the '80s and performs in it today, and we speak the same language because of what we saw. >> jeff: that's very, very beautiful. we are bonding. i'd like you to be my friend and my life coach both. [ laughter ] tell me this. hey, just -- on the -- one more subject on that thing that occurs to me that i'm dying to ask about. you're a actor, a wonderful actor. did you see those movies, one called "iron claw" this last
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year. what did you think of that? i enjoyed that movie very much. that was an interesting story, wrestling, they're a tough subject matter to tackle. i think movies like "the wrestler," movies like "iron claw," have done a really good job in telling the story of the individuals. it's such a larger-than-life thing. and there were so many memorable names. you gave me four that were marquee players in pittsburgh. "iron claw" is about four who were marquee players in texas. "the wrestler" is a story about marquee player who's passed his prime and what he's trying to do in collectively picking up the pieces of his own life. it's the rock star not being wrestling, sports entertainment, wwe, is like a treasure chest of stories. when i see a movie done well like "the iron claw" or "the wrestler," it gives me hope that more stories can be told. there's so many stories in our library. [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: okay. hey. you just mentioned it, so i'll ask you what has come up in the
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last couple of days. you are going to step off the wrestling stage, you said. >> finally, about time, my goodness. >> jeff: well, you're younger than springtime and healthy as a horse. but at the end of 2025. >> yes. >> jeff: you said -- tell me, is there anything you can, you know, tell us about that? i don't mean to pry. >> yeah, so -- i'm in a fortunate position where -- normally in wwe, the retirement speech is usually a part of the story where they'll say, "i'm going to retire," then they'll attack the person who comes out to console them. [ laughter ] it's not a bit, it's not part of the act. also, sometimes performers find themselves physically injured or can no longer physically capably perform. i have my health. i'm going to be 48 next year, but i understand it's a young man's game. the product is fantastic, and they do acrobatic stuff that i couldn't do in my wildest dreams. so after 22 years of participation and my love for the wwe is very strong, i wanted to do a year, we're going to do
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about 40 dates. it's a way for me to connect with audiences around the world one last time. so if you're a dad and you have a family, like i used to be your guy or you used to hate me -- [ laughter ] you can bring your family and be like, "i used to scream at this guy and tell him how much he sucks, let's do that!" 40 dates for you to tell me i suck for the last time. [ cheers and applause ] and another thing, i know retirements in wrestling sometimes are liquid. they happen, then they renege on that. i am 100% done. december 2025 is the last time i will perform in a ring. i will still be part of the wwe family as an ambassador, but the time has come to close the physical performing chapter of my life, and i'm at peace with it which is why 2025 is going to be awesome, it's going to be fun. it's not going to be sad. but that's it. i'm retired. it is not retire for five years, then come back for a one-off. i'm never performing again. the jorts, the sneakers, the ball cap -- [ laughter ] it's all done. i'm going to dress like a used car salesman and move forward. [ laughter ]
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>> jeff: absolutely amazing. absolutely amazing. [ cheers and applause ] of course, that's what frank sinatra said, old blue eyes. ♪ and now the end is near ♪ ♪ and now i face the final curtain ♪ ♪ the final curtain ♪ >> jeff: there we go. more with john cena after this! ♪ whenever heartburn strikes, get fast relief with tums.
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>> 10%. >> what? aah! >> first takedown is free, after that, 10%. number two. that's number three. you are really burning through them. [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: so generous. >> the takedowns, you can only be so generous. at some point, they're going to cost you. >> jeff: fantastic. and you fell through the ceiling at the beginning. was that you really falling -- >> i like to think i broke through the ceiling. i don't know if that was a fall. >> jeff: yeah, no, i didn't mean that, i take it back, i'm sorry. >> no, please don't, i think it's ridiculous. why would i come through the ceiling? why don't i burst through the wall like the kool-aid guy? what if it's a skyscraper, how did i get to the floor above? how do i know it's the floor above? it was pretty heroic, but ultimately fool foolish.
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which is awesome. >> jeff: and you're it's awkwafina, who's coming on tomorrow night. is there anything i should ask her? >> she's wonderful. enjoy her presence. she's awesome, she's super funny, she's great to talk to, you guys are going to do be fine. she's awesome. i hope that's not our last project. whenever we're with each other -- we developed a great friendship on set. you're going to have a great interview. i'm glad she gets to come talk with you. >> jeff: i am too, i am too. and machine gun kelly. >> yeah. >> jeff: he's your pal, isn't he? >> he is. he serenaded me to one of the biggest losses in my career, wrestlemania versus the rock in miami. [ cheers ] [ one boo ] yeah. one guy who didn't like that match either. [ laughter ] it's okay, i finished second place, it was fantastic. [ laughter ] he serenaded me out to the ring. and we met each other then. and that was -- he was already a big star, but it was kind of the beginning of his rise to where he is. so to see him again on "jackpot," to see him play a character that is himself, to see him be so vulnerable and so open to comedy, he steals the show.
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he's extremely good in this movie. it was awesome seeing him again. it was awesome to congratulate him on all his success. >> jeff: very good, very good. and hey, you know, it occurred to me, i also read people have said you are the last great star of wrestling. you're one of the greatest stars ever of wrestling. your athleticism, your work ethic, you microphone technique. you are like the babe ruth of, yes, of wrestling. it's so unbelievable to meet you. >> this is -- man, thank you. >> jeff: you're welcome. it's true. [ cheers and applause ] >> i've got to be better at -- i've got to be better at taking that. thank you very much. >> jeff: you're so welcome. i'm deeply honored. hey, are you here -- did you come here because you wanted to avoid jimmy in some way? because -- do you hold a grudge in any way, or do you resent -- you know, i know the oscars, the last time you were together, he possibly talked you into doing something. are you mad about that? [ laughter ] what happened? >> jeff, it is so good to see you. [ laughter ] but i'm going to stay here until
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they shut down. i'm peeing all over this man's desk. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: i get it, i get it. this is to what i'm referring. what do you think of this? does this mean anything to you? [ cheers and applause ] >> so, i would like to -- i would like to title this painting and index card, "save my dignity." it did not. that is a bit jimmy kimmel came up with in the oscars that involved costuming and streaking. and -- yeah, i don't know if you guys saw it, but it was -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: the only costume to which you refer -- the only costume you're wearing are those birkenstocks. [ laughter ] >> it was one small step for man and one below-average step for me. whatever. [ laughter ] >> jeff: you were fantastic. look at this. so this is the best, right? [ laughter ] >> so not only was it like, hey, you've got to be out there naked in front of everybody. then it's like, hey, this is a pg show, so we can't show any of your butt crack.
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so we're going to put some giant pieces of medical tape on your butt. i think this was more embarrassing. i'd rather have those christmas hams out there than all taped up like that. [ applause ] >> jeff: if i can keep this, i'll -- you put a -- i'll cherish this for the rest of my life. >> that is yours. >> jeff: oh, thank you very much. yes. may i say something to you? thank you so much. thank you -- no, no, thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> man, it's awesome talking to you. thank you for being here. shame on you, jimmy kimmel. we still had a great time, great time. [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: "jackpot" is streaming globally on prime video this thursday. we're going to be right back with omar sy. ay bring it in, bring it in. yeah! and then we hit the field like — woo! woo! woo!
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all day like — woo! all night like — woo - woo! we 'dem boys like — woo! our time like — woo! dawg pound like — woo! new job like — damn. all day like — all night like — all day like — all night like — all day, all night — all day, all night — all day, all night — all day, all night — woo, woo! every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill
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and lightning-fast 5g!? whaaaaaaat. whaaaaaaat. (squirrel, birds, tree) cloud: whaaaaaaat. chip: smile you're on cricket dad. with this fox tee, i could be class president. cloud: whaaaaaaat. and with target circle, we save automatically! i'll run on a platform for longer recess and having a cool fox tee. vote claire. i'm jimmy dean and only one thing could make a morning like this any nicer... a hearty, hefty, good tasting breakfast, with eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese and tators. and when you finished, you know you had something to eat. i'm a rusty old boat hitch, and i am barely hanging on... ha ha ha. and while we're still miles from the lake, i'm gonna launch this boat right here. see ya. [rusty creak sounds] ahoy! [traffic noises]
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mildred snitzer orchestra, is on the way. our next guest is one of my favorite "jurassic world: dominion" co-stars who is not a dinosaur, that is. [ laughter ] you know him as the master thief on "lupin." i think i'm saying that right. [ laughter ] now he returns to paris as a cop trailing an assassin in the action film "the killer." >> why don't you drop it? >> you're not outfitted. you're empty, and i always have one left. are you awake? >> yes, yes, i'm awake. >> i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry, too. [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: "the killer" premieres august 23rd on peacock. please say "bonsoir" to omar sy.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jeff: omar, so good to see you. >> good to see you too. >> jeff: i think the world of you. i love all your stuff. "untouchables," spectacular. [ cheers and applause ] you're so unbelievable. "lupin," unbelievable. this movie, you're with john would. what a legendary director, what a team. he's so lucky to have you. tell me everything about that, i'm so interested. >> it's amazing having -- like doing -- remaking a classic john woo movie, like "the killer" was a classic. i used to watch the movie so many times as a teenager. you remember the time when we were going to rent a vhs
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cassette to watch the movie at home? i did that a lot with my friends. and doing the remaking with john woo himself in paris, handling imagine what is it for me, it was like a dream. with all my partners, natalie as the killer, she is the best. >> jeff: so good. originally it was two guys. >> exactly, two guys. now the killer is a woman. she is amazing. we have legends. yes, yes. eric companar. chicky cayou. amazing cast in paris. >> jeff: i love seeing you. he's the most popular person in france along with, i don't know, johnny holiday. do you know johnny holiday? nobody knows -- do you know johnny holiday?
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my wife is french, she was raised in toronto, but her mom is from nonnoe. >> oh, yes. >> jeff: you're from trappes. >> happy you say trappes, you don't know what it means. can you do it again? for you to satrappes, you don't know what it means. [ laughter ] can you say it again? >> jeff: it's okay. [ speaking french ] >> merci. >> jeff: trappes. trappes. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jeff: my wife, my wife is so -- she told me this on the first date. she's devoted to french culture. the kids go to french school. she speaks french to them. i'm left behind. i don't speak much. now they speak italian too. hey, do you know this song? do you know -- what's his name, george brassant? what does this mean? ♪ [ singing in french ]
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>> ha ha ha! [ singing in french ] >> jeff: what does that mean? [ cheers and applause ] or maybe we can't say it, i don't know. >> we cannot say it on tv. [ laughter ] >> jeff: okay, then don't. please, if i said something bad, please forgive me, i'm so sorry, no disrespect to anybody. >> ha ha ha! >> jeff: yes. so you were in paris, you shot this but you were also just in paris for the olympics. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] yes, yes. >> jeff: how was that? >> how can we miss that? it was like some lifetime thing. once you -- once in your life. so it was in paris. actually, our kids did really good work there.
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you know, it's -- before -- there's like -- for years, hearing about, you know, the olympics in paris, it was something that we never really, like, took care of, like really consider. when that happened, you realize how big it is. the olympics, the symbol of it. a few weeks before the olympics, the country was certainly divided because of the elections and stuff. and the sports, the -- it reunited all the country together. even the cops were dancing in the streets with people. [ laughter ] it was like a new world, you know? so thanks for the olympics. thanks for sports. [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: isn't that beautiful? >> yes. >> jeff: well, perhaps we're still capable of that. >> exactly. >> jeff: whether it's music or storytelling or sports. i hope we can all live as brothers and sisters and in peace with the animals too. [ laughter ] so, hey, it kind of divided our family.
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so, my kids, they're at sleep away camp, the 7-year-old, he's there. they watched that last basketball game between france and the united states. [ cheers and applause ] i'm so sorry. >> yeah. >> jeff: and river was "usa, usa!" but mami, my mom's mom, "come on, france!" et cetera, et cetera. did you find that? >> it's -- that was the same -- it's the same division in my family. because my kids grew up here. and so they was rooting for the u.s. team. as traitors, you know? [ laughter ] because it was really hard. but what can you do? it's sports. i think the french players did good, but what can you do against steph curry? [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> jeff: yeah, he's got a nickname. what's his nickname? france?
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>> i don't know how to translate that in english. i said -- [ speaking french ] it's like, steph curry is an incurable disease. [ laughter ] >> jeff: no stopping him, no stopping him. >> there is no medicine for that. [ laughter ] >> jeff: no, yeah. hey, you know that song -- [ singing in french ] never mind. thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] yeah, you know that one. [ singing in french ] thank you so much. "the killer" premieres august 23rd on peacock. we're going to be right back with music from yours truly and the mildred snitzer orchestra! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover can i go where you go ♪ ♪ can we always be this close ♪ ♪ forever and ever ah take me out and take me home ♪ ♪ forever and ever you're my my my my oh you're my ♪ ♪ my my my darling you're my my my my lover ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jeff: haley reinhart. haley reinhart, the mildred snitzer festival. joe, what an arrangement. great arrangement. beautiful. thank you, everybody. [ cheers and applause ]
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