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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 18, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel, jon hamm, and maisy stella. have a great night >> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live!” tonight -- jon hamm, maisy stella, and music from glass animals. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: that's very kind. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for coming. welcome to beautiful hollywood, the most -- isn't hollywood the most glamorous place on this planet earth? [ cheers ] and for those who are watching at home, thank you for joining us for our "after the after the initial rose on a new, old season of the golden bachelorette." [ laughter ] or as it is also know “love is blind, partly deaf and frequently incontinent.” [ laughter ] what a program. things are about to get steamier than an icy hot medicated patch! [ laughter ] look at this group. every one of these men looks like the guy playing fetch in a dog food commercial. [ laughter ] the golden bachelorette is joan vassos. who met a lot of interesting suitors tonight. but the one who caught my eye, not that i'm looking for a man,
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but if i was -- [ laughter ] it would probably be this caterer from chicago named jack. ♪ i've traveled each and every highway and more ♪ ♪ which more than this i did it my way ♪ >> i actually think i did okay, and that dress she's got on, freaking hot. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, keep it in your dockers, jack! [ laughter ] jack's a character. this guy, charles k., another bachelor contestant shows up, he starts doing push-ups to show joan how strong he is. i think he might have made a bigger impression on jack. >> oh! ah! well, we still got it. >> that was impressive. >> yeah. oh, my god. >> this guy's doing freaking push-ups on the floor? i think i'm in good shape, that son of a bitch is in great
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shape. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can jack host the show, too? some bachelors are more golden than others. but maybe the strongest love connection tonight was the connection between charles l. a different charles and the appliances in the bachelor kitchen. >> oh, this is real. nice. it's real nice. we will have one party one night. super. fantastic. see? beyond my imagination. [ laughter ] oh, we have a humongous refrigerator. oh, lots of meat. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that might have been the most old man thing i've ever seen on tv. [ laughter ] it's like he was at an open house. walking around. wait till he finds out there's a woman living in the house too! [ laughter ] charles is fun, and jack is fun. but some of these guys -- they
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get up there in age and they just start going on and on about the same old thing. >> in 2020, we did much better, people don't like to hear it "oh, he's a conspiracy theorist." we did much better. it wasn't even a contest. i was telling one of the papers, they said, what was the difference? i said the difference is we did much, much better the second time. >> jimmy: i agree, the second time was much, much better. you only lost by 7 million votes the second time. [ laughter ] things are looking real good for kamala harris in the wake of the debate. [ cheers and applause ] a new morning consult poll has the vice president leading the garbage goblin by six points. [ laughter ] that same poll found that 61% of likely voters believe harris won the debate, which seems low to me but seemed very high to trump, who posted last night -- “finally everyone is agreeing that i won the debate with
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kamala." [ laughter ] "it was like a delayed reaction, but as one political pundit said, trump is still the goat." he thinks his caddy at mar-a-lago counts as a political pundit. [ laughter ] i can't believe trump is still trying to convince people he won the debate. if you won, why do you keep saying she cheated? like when tom brady deflated the football? he beat the colts 45-7! okay? but trump, on thursday he claimed abc cheated, kamala got the questions in advance. that according to, of course, an unidentified whistle-blower. then the story got even wilder. marjorie taylor green announced that the imaginary whistle-blower died in a car crash -- [ laughter ] which she retracted three hours later because she said, "this story appears to be false," and i'm glad to hear it. but that didn't stop her dear misleader. >> i hear she got the questions, i also heard she got something in the ear, a little something
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in the year. >> jimmy: yes, the something in the ear theory spread by his air force fun buddy who posted that kamala's earrings looked a little like a pair of earphones. which was a hot theory, until someone pointed out, you can find those earrings at tiffany's. so, the q investigation team moved on to -- to witchcraft! an idea posted by this guy, who you can see pictured here with donald trump. he claimed kamala used “occult-empowered deception manipulation and domination.” and then we have the evil twin theory that there are two kamalas. [ laughter ] though i have no idea how that would help you win a debate. many of the others blame abc for shining lights in his eyes, for turning his mic up and everyone else's down so it sounded like he was yelling. which makes sense and would explain this. >> in springfield, they're eating the dogs. [ laughter ] the people that came in, they're
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eating the cats. they're eating -- they're eating the pets. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they didn't have his mic set so high, he never would have said any of that stuff. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and that is why he lost the debate that he won. so unfairly. the tim walz are closing in! [ laughter ] 111 former republican national security officials and members of congress published a letter today endorsing kamala harris. [ cheers and applause ] they say donald trump is “unfit to serve as president.” or at the cheesecake factory. [ laughter ] it is a scathing letter. we have never seen anything like this from a candidate's own party. it reads -- “as president, he promoted daily chaos in government, praised our enemies and undermined our allies, politicized the military and disparaged our veterans, prioritized his personal interest above american interests, and betrayed our values, democracy, and this country's founding documents.” the list of people who signed it is ten pages long. they include former defense
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secretaries -- [ cheers and applause ] -- former directors of the cia, director of the fbi. there's a “melania t.” -- they went on to write -- “we expect to disagree with kamala harris on many domestic and foreign policy issues, but we believe that she possesses the essential qualities to serve as president and donald trump does not. we therefore support her election to be president.” [ cheers and applause ] i've got to say -- in some ways, trump really is bringing the country together. [ laughter ] don't worry, don, you might not have every republican but you're still endorsed by -- rudy giuliani, sean hannity, eric, don j.r., kid rock, hulk hogan, gargamel, chachi, the babadook, bill cosby, and herpes. [ laughter ] [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] i mean, it's really -- imagine if you applied for a job at -- let's say a big o tires store. and during your interview someone arrived with a letter
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signed by 111 of your former colleagues that says, "this guy sucks." [ laughter ] i feel like you might not get the job, right? mar-a-lardo is getting a beefed-up security detail after that attempt at an assassination attempt on sunday. the secret service has again informed trump that if he wants to continue to play golf, they need more people. golfing, of course, is a major part of trump's daily life. if he can't play golf, he'll only be able to cheat on his wives, taxes, and elections. [ laughter ] [ applause ] but a golf course is a large, and especially his golf course. it's a difficult area for the secret service to cover, so it's going to cost the taxpayers a lot. can't we just put him in a big plastic ball and let him roll everywhere? [ laughter ] like a fat orange hamster? liger woods is still reportedly planning to visit springfield, ohio, the town he turned upside-down thanks to the racist
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lie about pet-eating he's been spreading. the mayor of springfield, who is a republican, does not want this. he said a visit from trump would be an “extreme strain” on local resources. but you know trump, he doesn't care about any of that. i have to say, i was looking at a map this afternoon and i'm starting to wonder if the reason trump is so anti-haitian is because if you zoom in on the northern part of the country -- you can see it looks like -- [ laughter ] -- an unflattering portrait of him. [ cheers and applause ] we have a new, new iphone on the way. the iphone 16 goes on sale friday. it's reported to have a number of exciting new features including a faster processor, a better camera and enhanced a.i. but i do wonder if it will really be different from the last iphone or if we would even know. the camera on mine looks pretty good right now. but people want the new thing. so, we went out onto hollywood boulevard and told people walking by to let us transfer the info from their old phones
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onto the new phone. but instead of doing a transfer, we just put a new case on their iphone, the old one, and handed it back to them, and here it is. >> so josh, i'm sure you've heard about the new iphone that's coming out? >> yes. >> the 16 pro. we have a prototype here. >> oh. >> we can take your phone and instantaneously, with the new technology, instantaneously transfer your information onto the new phone so you can test it out if you're interested. >> i would love to. >> david here is going to grab your phone quickly. and switch it out. so, are you a big apple fan? >> i would say so, yeah. i've had -- i had the iphone 4. and i've pretty much had every phone since that. just upgraded them over time. and now i just use them for work, so i've got to have it for work. >> who's your favorite apple ceo? >> probably steve. >> ready? >> already? wow. >> it is very fast. >> oh, my god. >> tell us what your immediate
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impressions are. >> you know, this is -- processing so much quicker than my phone. [ laughter ] i'm a bit of a tech head, i've always loved this stuff. that's impressive. that is really impressive. >> all transferred on to this one now. >> feels more smoother, i like it. it's not lagging a lot. >> if you want to take a peek at your pictures, they should be enhanced. >> they are. [ laughter ] you can see the details on my necklace and the jewelry, cool. and the background, too, that's so cool. [ laughter ] >> it's already like a lot more responsive. [ laughter ] i like that, because it gets irritating, waiting for my phone. >> yeah, and how does it look? does it look different, the pixel lation, the clarity? >> it feels a lot more clear somehow, i don't know what it is. [ laughter ] >> are you a big apple fan? >> i am. i'm actually -- i work for apple. >> oh, what do you do?
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>> i am a sales expert. >> does it feel lighter to you? >> a little bit lighter. and it has a little bit of a curvature to it that the previous one didn't have, yeah. >> do you want to try going online and seeing how much faster the processor is? >> okay. that's impressive. [ laughter ] >> there's a ton of improvement. would you want to keep that new phone? >> yes, i would love to keep this. >> can we do that? >> keep it? yeah. >> okay, it's at the end of the day. >> whoa, what? really? [ laughter ] >> a new case, too. >> oh, my god, thank you. wow. what? >> iphone, yes, guys, get this please. >> what would you say if i told you that that actually isn't the new phone, that's your phone that you gave us? >> i'd say apple does a good job at improving their software. it definitely feels like it's a newer device even with the improved software on here.
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>> no, but it's the same phone and software. >> oh, it's the same device? >> yeah. >> oh. that's shocking. [ laughter ] it's the same one? >> and you're definitely an apple employee? [ laughter ] >> oh, yeah. ha ha! >> see, you love your old phone, that's good. >> that was good. and now they're going to hate me. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: no, they'll be all right. we've got a good show tonight. maisy stella is here. we have music from glass animals. [ cheers and applause ] and we'll be right back with jon hamm. so stick around!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello and welcome. tonight, thank you cleto, her poetically titled new movie is called "my old ass." maisy stella is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] later, all the way from oxford, england, this is their album "i love you so effing much." glass animals from the snapdragon stage. [ cheers and applause ] you can see glass animals live on their world tour september 20th in dallas. tomorrow night, kristen bell and peter krause will join us with music from hozier. so please join us for that. our first guest tonight is an emmy award-winning actor. you know him from many, many things. his latest is the animated adventure "transformers one." it opens in theaters friday. please say hello to jon hamm. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> great! great! >> jimmy: so much energy, so much charisma. >> great! >> jimmy: how do you do it? i don't understand it at all. >> i'll tell you exactly how. >> jimmy: how? >> it involves two things. karma, and the beverly areally hills police department. >> jimmy: what? >> i was taking a hike with my dog the other day. >> jimmy: oh. >> in griffith park, where i live, in the park. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, that's you in that tent. >> that's me, yeah. i'm walking home. and i feel a thing fall out of my pocket. oh, no. i look down, it's my wallet. my wallet fell out of my pocket, thank god i noticed it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> put it back in my pocket, continue walking with my dog. following day, come home from work, walk the dog, have a lovely walk. two hours after i get home from walking the dog, i get a text.
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"this is officer" whoever "from the beverly hills police department. i found your wallet." my wallet? where's my wallet? two french tourists found your wallet in griffith park and turned it in to the beverly hills police department." [ cheers and applause ] two things about this. i didn't know i was that big in france. [ laughter ] second of all, how nice is that? they found my wallet. >> jimmy: could i add one more thing? you lost your wallet twice in one walk. [ laughter ] >> well, look. not so sure how that happened. three years ago, i'm walking same way in griffith park. i see on the side of the road a wallet. i pick up, one of those giant girl wallets that has every card ever made in the world. playing cards. there was an ace in spades in there, everything. every albertson's club part in it. i took it to the police department. i turned it in. some tourist from arizona had lost their thing. >> jimmy: wow. it came right back to you. >> it all comes around, guys. [ cheers and applause ]
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it happened yesterday. today. i had to go to the beverly hills police department. had a whole axel foley moment of walking in, "this is the nicest police department i've ever seen." >> jimmy: "if i get arrested, i want it to be here." how about that that's something. you know what would be a smart thing is to train dogs the way the police do, to sniff not drugs or bombs or whatever they're normally trained, but to sniff for your wallet. >> only your wallet. it would be amazing. >> jimmy: yeah. you, by the way -- >> i lucked out. that's amazing. >> jimmy: i'm glad you had some good luck, because you did not win on the emmys sunday night. >> exactly, you're correct. >> jimmy: we've both been losers. >> i was 0 for 2, you were 0 for 2. >> jimmy: that's right. you did get something that i thought was pretty nice. the guy from "baby reindeer," richard good, spent a good chunk of his speech talking about how much he loves you. >> i didn't see how it played on camera, but i know exactly why
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he did that. >> jimmy: why? >> he finally got on stage, he looked over, i was looking at him like this. [ laughter ] because the night before, i told him, "i really hope you win." i think he actually believed me. [ laughter ] i was very proud, very happy for the guy. >> jimmy: it's sad that you can't win an emmy for the emmys, because the best acting happens when you're pretending to be happy for -- >> the moment after they don't say your name, boy, you've got to put a face on. >> jimmy: my wife and i were sitting there, our show was nominated. typically they have the camera in your face the whole time. >> right here, can't miss it. >> jimmy: they were about to read the name of the winner, and i noticed the camera was gone. i looked at molly, "i guess we're not winning this." [ laughter ] >> guys, wait at least until they call the name. >> jimmy: at least send a fake camera. >> no, we're good, we're fine. >> jimmy: yeah, we don't need
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him. did you bring a speech? do you bring a speech? >> i didn't, and i don't. now, keep in mind, i think the odds are in my favor for not preparing. because i'm -- i think i'm 1 for 23 at this point. >> jimmy: oh, really? oh, boy, yeah. >> so my batting average would not be keeping me in the leagues. >> jimmy: that surprises me. i would have figured -- i don't know. i can visualize you -- >> keep thinking that. [ laughter ] maybe that's it. i guess you've got to manifest it. >> jimmy: you were kind of like a -- i think a rare combination athlete/theater kid? >> yes, yes. my high school, we had -- it was very sort of achievement-oriented. you were encouraged to try a little bit of everything. so at a certain point, all the jocks would go do theater, the theater kids would play sports badly. [ laughter ] didn't matter if you were good, although some of us were at various things. but in you had a good time, that was the important thing. >> jimmy: what kind of weirdo high school was this? [ laughter ] >> a very weird high school. it created me. it created ezekiel elliot.
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>> jimmy: wow. >> it created sam altman, the guy who created openai which will eventually take my job. [ laughter ] and ellie kemper. we've put out quite a few people into the world. >> jimmy: was ezekiel elliot in the plays and stuff? was he -- >> i'm guessing? he came up a few years after me, a little younger than me. >> jimmy: you would in "godspell." i think we talked about this once before. >> we did. many moons before. >> jimmy: you made i think an interesting choice, an acting choice as they call them, yes? >> sure. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah? to instead of sing your part, to rap it? >> oh, god, i don't know, did i? >> jimmy: luckily we were able to -- >> i was going to say. >> jimmy: -- find a clip of that moment. >> now, that is now -- yes. ♪ there you go, come on, moves! >> jimmy: that's -- >> moves like jagger. >> jimmy: what year? >> 1989.
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>> jimmy: i feel like you might have invented "hamilton." >> with two ms. >> jimmy: oh, that's right. >> come on, now, come on. >> jimmy: you know that's way up my alley. did you ever imagine when you were that kid at that age that you'd go on to lose so many emmys? [ laughter ] >> it was but a dream. maybe someday i can be the susan lucci of my time. >> jimmy: young jon hamm racing around. what car did you have back then? >> i drove -- this was the first car i ever got, 1981 toyota tear sell. a three-door, something they used to call with a hatchback, that that was actually a door. five-speed manual transmission, which i drove to the ripe old age of 21 or 22 and i remember the reason i didn't have that car to move out to l.a. was because i got pulled over by a police officer in st. louis, missouri, with my best friend. we were going out somewhere. i'm driving. we're flying down the highway. not speeding but not not speeding.
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[ laughter ] we get pulled over. i think, oh, god, we haven't gone out yet and we get pulled -- it's not a good sign. the cop, "could you get out of the car, please?" whoa, this is really bad. hide whatever we have in the car. and i get out of the car. "come back here, back of the car, come back here." okay, what's going to happen here? "look at the back of this car, tell me if you think that's safe." both back wheels were like this. [ laughter ] i went, "that doesn't look very safe." "you cannot drive this car." "what am i supposed to do?" "i don't know, but you're not going to drive thi what had happened was, there was a recall on the back axles of this car 15 years ago that i had never heard about because we didn't have the internet. and basically what happened was, they had formulated the steel wrong or something, and it rusted through. so i was like, this much of basically a beer can's worth of steel left before the axle just
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broke. so i lucked out in that way. >> jimmy: you were saved by the police. >> saved by the police. >> jimmy: almost killed by toyota. [ laughter ] >> which, by the way, probably would have worked out better if i would have been killed by toyota. >> jimmy: yeah. >> had a little more money coming out. >> jimmy: a little more money. now you do voice-over for rival car companies. revenge is sweet. >> exactly, exactly. you'll never have a problem like that on a mercedes-benz, everybody. [ applause ] >> jimmy: jan hamm, everybody. the movie is "transformers one." we'll be right back.
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from cedar lake? (speaker 2) this is your old neighborhood, right? (speaker 3) this is where i grew up. (speaker 4) check this out. imagine little italy in 1954. (speaker 5) summarized this. (narrator) it starts with an empty prompt. (speaker 6) oh, there it is. (narrator) and the most advanced ai at your fingertips. (thumping noise) (metal clinks on glass) (thumping noise) alright drinks are up! come on! (upbeat music) (♪) (♪)
12:05 am
but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together
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to care for all that is you. [ding] [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ si a ti te quiero mi amor, i like it like that ♪ ♪ eeeeeh, baby, i said i like it like that ♪ ♪ stomp your feet if you think i'm neat ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ i said i like it like that ♪ the city hall insiders have a formula: grow the system, if exploit the system.♪ take mark farrell's record. after receiving the largest ethics fine in city history for breaking campaign laws. mark authorized a commission almost every year he was in office. he was even caught taking donations from people he would then appoint to commissions, including a felon convicted of bribery.
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san francisco's challenges demand urgency, not more of the same failed insiders.
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♪ orion pax. d-16. what you two did today was one of the craziest things i've ever seen. >> sir, this is all my idea, and we're so sorry -- >> i loved it! >> you did? >> how could anyone not love it? you gave my best racers a real run for their money. >> so -- we're not getting demoted? >> demoted? ha ha ha! >> ha ha ha! >> ha ha ha! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is "transformers one." it opens in theaters friday. jan hamm. >> little-known fact. my character in the movie transforms into a 1981 toyota tear sell. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: like this? >> back wheels like that. >> jimmy: you have -- well, we just heard your beautiful voice there. >> thank you, mellifluous. >> jimmy: you do commercials as we mentioned. you do voice-over. it's not just a handsome face, your voice is handsome also.
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>> i give it my best. >> jimmy: i was wondering if you might help us out with something. >> i'm here to help. >> jimmy: thank you. there's a guy in our audience, his name's ben. [ laughter ] >> hi, ben. >> jimmy: ben showed up in a vest, i took note of his vest, and a lot of people seem to like it. >> it's a good vest. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ben is a single guy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, you don't have to be sad. [ laughter ] jon's going to help you. jon, we've written a little -- we put something together. we've written a little script. would you mind voicing over -- >> let me -- yeah. let me -- >> jimmy: for ben? ben what apps are you on? >> tinder, bull bell, you know, inch. >> jimmy: inch? >> i use those three. >> jimmy: hinge? >> hinge is nonch is not a one. [ rim shot ] >> jimmy: the biggest app out there this is for you, ben.
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>> hello, single ladies aged 28 to 40. within a 50-mile radius of san gabriel, california. do you vaul communication, kindness, and a sense of whimsy? well, open your hearts, because tonight, it's all about the benjamin. [ laughter ] benjamin ridadachin, a 34-year-old event planning freelancer who is not a hoarder. [ laughter ] he's a collector. of antique legos, refrigerator magnet bottle openers from all 50 states. [ laughter ] swords. and match books. >> maybe i'll be your match. >> and he's a smooth operator. once ben proposed to a gal at disneyland after knowing her for only six hours. believe it or not, she said no.
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if only she'd known that ben could protect her, because he studies the art of cane weaponry. [ laughter ] or that he made an appearance on "let's make a deal" with his comedy hero, wayne brady. >> can we rub beards? >> if he's good enough for wayne action isn't he good enough for you? enjoy steamy days with ben in the in-ground pool he dug himself, and steamier nights when ben slides out of one of the 15 vests in his closet. [ laughter ] you've tried the rest, now try the vest. ben mogradichian. swipe right. >> i also play dungeons and dragons. >> ben, you're not doing yourself any favors. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: ben, i hope it works. "transformers one" opens in theaters friday. thank you, jon. we'll be back with maisy stella! - let's see what we got in this fridge. (gentle ambient music) - what's a recipe using what i have in my fridge? - guys, let's do some trivia. - oh yes. let's do that. - absolutely. let's do this. - i'm gonna win. - summarize this. - it starts with an empty prompt. - i was right! - good job. - next question. - and the most advanced ai at your fingertips. (bright music)
12:13 am
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. music from glass animals on the way. our next guest stars as a teenager who meets her future self and doesn't need a delorean to do it. the movie is called "my old ass." >> i'm you, you're me, what's up? >> i don't have bangs, i have no plan. >> left boob one cup smaller than the right. it never catches up to the right, but honestly, you get used to it and it's okay. guys can't really tell. girls can. >> okay, more. >> okay. to do! it's our missing pinky toe. >> oh! >> oh, that has not happened
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yet. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "my old ass" opens september 27th. please say hello to maisy stella! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: first of all, i'm sure you're aware, everybody is buzzing about how great you are in this film. >> oh, my gosh, thank you. >> jimmy: you're from a musical family? >> i am, yeah. i'm from a very musical family. from just outside toronto. dirty straw. [ cheers and applause ] oh, my god, yes. >> jimmy: your parents were a country music duo? >> they were a duo my whole life. constantly surrounded by sounds. >> jimmy: the stellas? >> yeah, yeah. they were literally the best. we would go to sleep to them having jams. they always had friends over playing music. our alarm clock was huey lewis and the news. >> jimmy: now i feel like you're toying with me, your alarm clock
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was huey lewis and the news. i'm well known as being the number one huey lewis and the news fan in probably the whole world. >> now you think i'm a stalker? that was a random shout-out. >> jimmy: no, now i seem like a stalker. i've got my scrapbook here. this is pictures i keep of me. there's me and huey lewis fi fishing together. what album -- there's me and my cousin sal singing with huey lewis. >> what? >> jimmy: here we're making a pyramid, huey lewis is on the bottom there. you can see me there. huey lewis and i went to companies cotogether. [ laughter ] did you ever imagine -- more fish. i took this one of huey in his pajamas. there's me and my the news t-shirt. >> you're best friends? >> jimmy: that's what i keep telling him. [ laughter ] i don't know if you noticed, i found this rock shaped like a heart, then there was a roll in his house, bread.
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this is the heart of rock and roll. [ laughter ] [ applause ] you understand? >> i got it, yeah. >> jimmy: i'll show you the rest later. >> that's insane. >> jimmy: that is crazy. and then you had this moment that i remember this, actually, from the cmas, the country music awards, back in 2013. taylor swift was big even then. and you sang a taylor swift song with your older sister to taylor swift. >> yeah. >> jimmy: play that. ♪ ♪ you belong with me ♪ we love you, taylor! >> we love you! >> now i'm going to present a very, very special honor. please make welcome -- >> jimmy: that's a lot of kisses. >> i know. >> jimmy: from taylor swift. >> i know. i had red lipstick like all over me. and bath time was a problem.
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>> jimmy: you didn't want it off? >> i was like gripping on the surfaces. my parents were -- it was forceful, yeah. i didn't want to wash it off, obviously. it was life changing for me. >> jimmy: i've never seen her kiss travis kelce that many times. [ laughter ] the premise for your movie, "my old ass," is very clever. it's the idea, and you fill in the blanks if i have anything wrong, but you go on a mushroom trip, and you meet yourself from the future and have a nice conversation with yourself. aubrey plaza playsed you. >> yes. >> jimmy: you guys play the same character. >> yes. >> jimmy: did you -- did you bond with aubrey? because, you know, i know aubrey a little bit. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you don't seem like the same person. [ laughter ] >> we're not the same person, no. and we accepted that early on. i mean, i was already filming for two weekth when she was attached, which is obviously not in any normal situation, matching her. >> jimmy: that's interesting. >> she kind of had to come
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more -- my tattoos were put on her body. it was very, very crazy. but yeah, we -- it was an energetic thing. you know, we're not a physical match exactly. >> jimmy: yeah. it doesn't matter. >> we did bond. we absolutely did. we only filmed together like two weeks. a lot of it's over the phone. but yeah, we definitely did bond. >> jimmy: in the psychedelic journey you're taking in one scene there's a fully produced justin bieber music video where you are justin bieber. >> yes. >> jimmy: you are justin bieber. [ applause ] as a canadian, i mean, that's -- >> huge. >> jimmy: a very big deal. >> yes. >> jimmy: did you get to pick the song? or was it written that way? >> yeah, so originally in the script, it was an old disney song. but we're doing drugs so obviously we couldn't -- that got scratched. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: nobody thought that one through, huh? >> yeah. [ laughter ] but yeah, megan park came to me, "what is the performance of your generation?" i was like, "scratch that itch"
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for anyone who caught it. justin bieber. it was him -- it's like baby bieber on stage. he would bring someone up from the audience, a girl up from the audience, and sing her the song and give her roses, which is obviously life changing for any of the girls. it was a universal thing. getting ready to go to the show, and like being so dead certain that he was going to pick you. >> jimmy: you did this? >> 100% sure. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> the drive home, like just, he didn't pick you. >> jimmy: he didn't pick you. >> and real life begins on the drive home, he didn't pick you. >> jimmy: so everybody leaves his concert disappointed except for one person? >> except for one, and her life is made, and she's the queen of the world. >> jimmy: was it fun being justin? >> it was -- yeah, it was so fun. i was like three -- we did it on a split day. i was three red bulls deep. the medic put a cap on how many i was allowed to drink. >> jimmy: you wanted to get hyped up to play justin? >> yeah. >> jimmy: was it hard to match
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his moves? >> no the spirit of bieber was within me. i've always had it. this was huge. i was very much -- i did it for a reason. like, i suggested bieber because i wanted to be bieber. >> jimmy: you knew that you could do it. >> yeah, that was megan's idea. she took a beat and she was like, "you are bieber." goosebumps head to toes. this is the best thing that's happened. >> jimmy: has justin seen this yet? >> i don't know, i don't like thinking about that freaks me out. >> jimmy: really? will you feel like one less lonely girl again? [ laughter ] >> i don't know if he's -- i know his team had to approve it. >> jimmy: oh, they did? >> i don't know if he himself, you know -- >> jimmy: they had to approve it before it went on, became part -- so you shot it -- >> we actually shot it, then they had to approve it. so we could have shot all that and they could have been, no. >> jimmy: i feel like you got the justin bieber seal of approval perhaps through his attorneys or representatives, but -- i mean, that's an official way to get it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so -- well, congratulations on all of this. the movie is called "my old
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ass." [ cheers and applause ] it's in select theaters now. it opens in all of them on september 27th. maisy stella, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with glass animals. >> lou: the “jimmy kimmel live” concert series presented by snapdragon, at the heart of the devices you love.
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>> lou: the “jimmy kimmel live” concert series presented by snapdragon, at the heart of the devices you love. >> jimmy: thanks to jon hamm and maisy stella. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. “nightline” is next. but first, their album “i love you so effing much" is out now. here with the song “creatures in heaven,” glass animals! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ three in the morning making love laid on the floor of your apartment ♪ ♪ bird's eye view of the two of us face in make-up and cheap fake blood ♪ ♪ what do you think about when you think about love i'm dumbstruck when you're tender ♪ ♪ but it's three in the morning ♪
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♪ be in the moment here in the moment free in the moment ♪ ♪ it tears through my head does it haunt you too diamonds in the dark in your old bedroom ♪ ♪ you held me like my mother made me just for you ♪ ♪ you held me so close that i broke in two ♪ ♪ it tears through my head does it haunt you too never really said that i loved you too ♪ ♪ lucky lucky you 'cause i'm fortune's fool ♪ ♪ such small words but they hit so huge ♪ ♪ i don't think i realize just how much i miss you sometimes ♪ ♪ we were young and so in love we were just creatures in heaven ♪ ♪ i don't think i realize just how much i miss you sometimes ♪ ♪ for a moment we were just we were just creatures in heaven ♪ ♪
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♪ three in the morning safe inside bury me here in your laundry pile ♪ ♪ at three in the morning be in the moment here in the moment free in the moment ♪ ♪ three in the morning over like that go slow-motion cut it to black ♪ ♪ 'cause it's merely a moment ♪ ♪ here for a moment here is the moment here for a moment ♪ ♪ it tears through my head does it haunt you too diamonds in the dark in your old bedroom ♪ ♪ you held me like my mother made me just for you ♪ ♪ you held me so close that i broke in two ♪ ♪ it tears through my head does it haunt you too never really said that i loved you too ♪ ♪ lucky lucky you 'cause i'm fortune's fool ♪ ♪ such small words but
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they hit so huge ♪ ♪ i don't think i realize just how much i miss you sometimes ♪ ♪ we were young and so in love we were just creatures in heaven ♪ ♪ i don't think i realize just how much i miss you sometimes ♪ ♪ for a moment we were just we were just creatures in heaven ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i don't see the point in a subtle romance ten-ton heartache sitting on your back ♪ ♪ scared of the crack where the light comes through ♪ ♪ i'm only really me when i'm here with you ♪ ♪ and it gets into your head like a cosmic zoom ♪ ♪ coat on the door like an old space suit ♪ ♪ so long cowboy you're so cool cash in hand with a memory of you ♪ ♪ i don't think i realize just how much i miss you sometimes ♪ ♪ we were young and
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so in love we were just creatures in heaven ♪ ♪ i don't think i realize just how much i miss you sometimes ♪ ♪ for a moment we were just we were just creatures in heaven ♪ [ cheers and applause ] remembering christopher reeve. superman turned real life hero. his children matthew, alexandra and our will on their father's life and legacy and the accident that changed everything. >> my first words were just, you know i love you. we're


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