tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC October 25, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. thank you so much for watching! i'm ama daetz for sandhya patel, larry beil. all of us. thank you for joining us, jimmy kimmel is next with morgan freeman. have a great night. and a wonderful weekend. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- morgan freeman, niecy nash-betts,
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and music from brad paisley. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everybody i'm jimmy, the host. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. los angeles, california, the united states of america. brad paisley is here with us tonight. i'm going to forgive that hat for tonight. you know, we're now 18 days away from the election and 95 days from our next insurrection. the window to reach voters is closing, and the texts and emails asking for money are ratcheting up. for reasons i cannot even begin to fathom, the race is very close.
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the pollsters are calling it a toss up, as in i'm about to toss up my lunch already. but trump holds a commanding lead in the annoying emails department. according to the "new york times," the trump campaign has sent more than 7,400 emails asking for money since he entered the race in november of '22. that's around 11 emails a day for two years. a lot of times, these emails have subject lines like "action required" or "confirm payment information!" basically the same tactics hackers use to steal your grandma's social security number. but sometimes he likes to sweeten the pot with exciting offers. i actually got one last week. it said, "friend, you're invited to mar-a-lago," which for me feels like a trap. but there was a but. "but this contest ends october 10th at midnight, so you have to enter to win right now." anyone want to guess how you "enter"? you enter by giving him money. it's the same way you enter a strip club. "i instructed my team to put
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this contest together because i want to meet one of you, and you can bring a friend!" like anyone who would enter this has a friend. "free flight. free hotel. free meal." what they're doing is they're trying to create this fantasy that if you give him some money, you and trump are going to hang out in florida, hit the driving range together, maybe a little brunch, do a little lunch together, maybe a little taco bell. i mean, he did call me "friend." there are also special trump "clubs" you can join for a fee, like the ultra maga membership. he says, i'm only reaching out to my "bravest and most trusted patriots." thank you! look at that picture. it's like trump won the jd power award for "least reliable family-sized sedandidate" or something. some of these clubs claim their members will get the opportunity to give trump advice in person, which is obviously not happening. would you take advice from a person you just scammed out of their vacation money? this is the best part. according to "the times" many of
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these contests he's running have no confirmed winners. from all the contests from 40 contests, the only winner his campaign confirmed a guy named william mcguffin and his son. they met trump at a formula one race. only reason they got that, trump probably thought they were bringing him a mcmuffin. but the fact that his campaign has offered almost zero proof that these "exclusive offers" that hasn't stopped trump from offering them. they claim you can "meet trump junior in london." that's right. travel 5,000 miles to share a tea bag with a douche bag. you can pay for the privilege of signing a thanksgiving card for donald trump. trump doesn't actually read the card. he puts gravy on it and eats it. you can get your name on the vice president's plane. can you imagine how sad your life would have to be to even want that as a prize?
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you can enter to win the flag trump got to second base with at cpac. they're also selling "official limited edition" trump metal cards. they come in black, gold, and platinum, and carry no membership privileges whatsoever. "i'm only sending this to my top supporters. top patriots like you!" look at the black one. "it's metal and etched with my mugshot to show the whole world we will never surrender! oh, you think we're gonna surrender? look at this! it's etched!" i don't know. maybe i'm being too cynical. maybe at thanksgiving dinner after grace trump tells his family to quiet down and reads aloud the bigliest, most beautiful thanksgiving card, filled with the names of 5,000 people who donated 11 hard earned dollars a piece. and he gives thanks to god for each of them. that's probably what he does, right, guillermo? >> that's right, jimmy. >> jimmy: donald trump is all over the place right now. both literally and figuratively. he's canceled a number of high
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profile television appearances in favor of cozy chats with the wanna be bro rogans of the podcasting world. i'm learning about all these weird right wing swamp creatures lately thanks to donald trump. none of these guys spend even a minute pushing back on his nonsense. he says whatever he wants, even on something called the "pbd podcast" where he told the host how much black people like him. >> black men really like me. and i think black women do, too. but they have a woman who is black, you would say she's indian, but she is black -- which a lot of people didn't know, which is true. >> jimmy: and by "true," i believe you mean not true. no one didn't know that. okay. trump loves to be the keeper of information he thinks no one else has. chocolate is very bad for dogs. a lot of people don't know that. no one knows how short february is. february is very short. while his brain may be
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softening, it is very fertile. his brain is as fertile as a turtle. >> did you think you were going to say fake news or it just came out and it stuck. you're like, this is going to stick? was it intentional? >> i don't know if that's the first time i've used it. but i do get credit for having been an originator of the term. you know, a lot of times i come up with -- i have a very fertile mind. >> very creative. >> pocahontas. lots of good names. >> jimmy: it's literally full of fertilizer. yesterday he took his gifts to south beach for a univision town hall. this was not a fox town hall. full of hand picked sycophants. these people were serious and for once put this nut job on the spot. >> could you explain your gun control policy to the parents of the victims of school shootings? >> i could. we have a second amendment, and right to bear arms, essentially. and i'm very strongly an
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advocate of that. i think you need that. i think that if you ever tried to get rid of it, the -- you wouldn't be able to do it. you wouldn't be able to take away the guns because people need them for security. they need it for entertainment and sport and other things, but they also, in many cases, need it for protection. >> jimmy: excuse me. the question was -- >> could you explain your gun control policy to the parents of the victims of school shootings. >> jimmy: i guess the answer is no. all these things -- all the things republicans were so concerned about in terms of mental degeneration when joe biden was running are clearly happening to donald trump. but what's totally disqualifying for the goose suddenly not a problem for the gander at all. these voters at this event asked great questions, better than any town hall i've ever seen. [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> translator: the authorities in spingfield, ohio, have clarified that the haitians are not eating their cats and their dogs. do you really believe that these people are eating the people's
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pets? thank you. >> well, thank you very much. it was just reported. i was just saying what was reported. that's been reported. and eating other things too that they're not supposed to be. but this is -- all i do is report. i have not -- i was there. i'm going to be there. and we're going to take a look, and i'll give you a full report when i do. >> jimmy: good, all right. he's going to go up there and investigate this pet-eating mystery for himself. and what is this eating other things too now that is -- the puppies and kittens weren't enough? what other things could they be eating? they're eating shoes and they're eating feet. it's horrible. how much garbage are his followers supposed to swallow? trump was asked a lot of tough questions by the univision crowd. he answered none of them, including this one from a voter who asked if he really believes climate change is a hoax. >> so, i always feel that with the climate -- and i have been a great -- i have been an
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environmentalist. i've been many things. i owned doral right next door. we did that in a -- i get environmental awards for the way i build -- for the water, the way i used the water, the sand, the mixing of the sand in the water. i mean, many -- i've had many awards over the years for environmental. >> jimmy: really? i'm sure you have them. let's see those awards. he uses the water, the sand, the mixing of the sand and the water. oh, oh, good, there was a hurricane and my house blew away, okay? at one point, mr. environmental patient was asked if he could say three nice things about his opponent. you're not going to believe he had a little trouble with that. >> what are the three virtues that you see in vice president kamala harris? >> that's a very hard question. that's the toughest question. the other ones are easy. i'm not a fan. but she seems to have an ability to survive.
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and she seems to have a nice way about her. i mean, i like the way, you know, some of her statements, some of her -- the way she behaves in a certain way. but in another way, i think it's very bad for our country. >> jimmy: right, right. the way she behaves is bad for our country. you know he was this close to saying she has a nice rack. she's got a great body. i don't know. maybe you saw this video of the guy currently unregistered republican who said he's disappointed in trump's response or lack of response on january 6th and his handling of the pandemic. and the fact that trump's own vice president said he isn't going to vote for him. but he wanted to give trump a chance to win him back, and this was trump's response. >> the vice president, i disagree with him on what he did. i totally disagreed with him, what he did. very importantly, you had hundreds of thousands of people come to washington. they didn't come because of me. they came because of the election. they thought the election was a rigged election.
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and that's why they came. some of those people went down to the capitol. i said, peacefully and patriotically. nothing done wrong at all, nothing done wrong. and action was taken, strong action. ashli babbitt was killed. nobody was killed. there were no guns. we didn't have guns. the others had guns. we can't have guns. >> jimmy: oh, my god. it was like a whole row of melanias looking at him. and he's now referring to that -- if you notice the january 6th rioters as we. we didn't have guns. the others had guns. the others had guns. you mean the police? yes, the police your animals attacked had guns. and four people died that day, and they wanted to hang mike pence but he called it a day of nothing but love. and then we have the storming of the daniels. we learned last night from rachel maddow that over the summer trump's lawyers tried to make a second hush money payment to keep stormy quiet about her affair with trump, which is, to me, a lot of money to pay
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a person you didn't have sex with to not tell anyone you had sex with him. she already told us he's bad in bed and hung like a baby mushroom. i don't know what more she could have to reveal. but trump's director of communication, steven chung, seen here for comic effect, he did not deny it. he said the information came from an illegal foreign hacking attack against president trump. hm, i wonder if there are any foreigners who are still upset with donald trump over the stormy daniels thing. oh, yeah. right. there is that one. she hates him more than she hates christmas. i'm telling you. and the information did not come from foreign hackers. stormy's lawyers voluntarily shared it with msnbc. at this point, the best move for trump might be to pay himself to keep quiet because i'll tell you something, there's one group of voters who may have an outside impact on this election. and that is mormon voters, who generally don't approve of married men being spanked by
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porn stars. in the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints has more than 600,000 members in nevada and arizona, which could easily decide who wins those states. and there's a pretty good chance trump thinks the latter-day saints are a football team from new orleans. vice president harris and trump have been campaigning hard to get their votes over the weekend trump zoomed in to an lds event for trump in arizona. the harris campaign has been sending surrogates to talk to mormon voters in person, which is very easy for pete buttigieg. he didn't even have to change clothes. he just rides up on his bike and they let him right in the house. one more thing before we forge ahead because it's thursday night. and with deference to our religious viewers mormon or otherwise, it is time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week. it's time for "this week in unnecessary censorship." >> under way in the hollywood hills area for an injured deer with a large [ bleep ]. >> he's got the smallest [ bleep ]. his [ bleep ] is, like, so small.
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>> freddie freeman, in the final week of the regular season, injured his [ bleep ]. doctors told him, look, buddy, this is like a four to six-week injury. he said, i've got to find a way to [ bleep ]. >> dominated by social media when all that matters is a 10-second [ bleep ] job. >> as vice president of the united states, i have [ bleep ] over 150 world leaders. >> she [ bleep ]. she's not going to [ bleep ]. she's not going to [ bleep ]. pennsylvania, please, pennsylvania, remember she's not [ bleep ]. >> please forgive my attire. we've been at [ bleep ] all day and as soon as i finish with you, i'm going back out. >> that's the proper attire for doing that. >> i'm just a good old boy who made his living in the [ bleep ] business. got any [ bleep ] out there? i know we got one over there. >> sometimes my [ bleep ] is so soft i want to [ bleep ] it because it's so cozy, but then i'm like, am i a tool? >> the whole thing. i just go straight in. >> you put the whole [ bleep ]
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in your mouth? >> i do. i like to live on the wild side. >> jimmy: we have a fun show tonight. niecy nash-betts is here. music from brad paisley and we'll be back with morgan freeman. you're using head & shoulders, right? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo. you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head & shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here. and his tiny gorgeous hair. make every wash count! and for stubborn dandruff, try head & shoulders clinical strength. [birds chirping as wind softly blows] [coffee cherries dropping into and for sbasket] dandruff, [smooth taps of flowing coffee cherries]
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♪ >> jimmy: tonight, a talented actress with a scary new show called "grotesquerie," niecy nash-betts is with us. and sitting in with the cletones for the whole program, later he will occupy the snapdragon outdoor stage. his latest song is called "truck still works." brad paisley is with us. brad, you put your guitar on the front of the album, huh? >> yeah, you know, it's shameless promotion. >> jimmy: yeah, why not? our first guest tonight is an oscar winner and an easy reader. starting october 27th he returns for season two of "lioness" on paramount plus. please welcome the one and only morgan freeman. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: how are you? it's very good to see you. >> how are you? very good to see you. >> jimmy: what happened with your hair? it's gone. >> well, it's a long story actually. >> jimmy: you look good with a bald head. you never know how you're going to look until you're -- until you're bald, right? i mean. >> yeah. i don't know why i shaved it off at first, but as soon as some friends saw it, they said, oh, you look younger. that was it. >> jimmy: plan to keep it like this? or you're thinking maybe one day you'll get that electric company afro you had in the '70s. oh, that one. there it is. will we ever see that again?
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>> wig. >> jimmy: that was a wig? >> of course. how did you not know that? >> jimmy: you're destroying my childhood dreams. at age 87, do you feel like you get wiser as you get older? or does it cap out at a certain age? >> i think it taps out. >> jimmy: it does? >> yeah, right around 80. >> jimmy: around 80. okay. that's not bad. >> then you start on a slope like that. for instance -- >> jimmy: okay. >> -- memory. >> jimmy: you forget things. >> shot. >> jimmy: really? >> i'm telling you. >> jimmy: short term, long term, both? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. both of those things. and are people patient with you, like your family, when you can't remember things or no? >> yeah. i think they're pretty patient, pretty patient. i don't get any of that, now know, thing. >> jimmy: does it help you in any way? my grandfather, for instance,
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used to not pay for plane tickets. he would just wander onto the plane and then pretend he was demented or whatever -- >> something wrong with him. >> jimmy: -- and they just let him go. yeah, yeah. >> well, i don't -- i -- i confess going in, i tell everybody, i'm sorry, i have a problem. i suffer from crs. boom, there you go. there are a few people out there -- yeah. >> jimmy: and what is crs? i think i just figured it out. >> you did. >> jimmy: do you know what it is, guillermo? >> no, no. >> jimmy: can't remember [ bleep ]. >> careful there. >> jimmy: mm-hmm, mm-hmm. so, as a man who has been in this country through the '50s, the '60s, the '70s, all of the
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decades, do you feel like this is a more difficult time than any of those? is it better? are we just -- >> no, i think -- to tell you the truth, i think we're living in the most dangerous times since we got attacked in 1941. >> jimmy: wow, wow. that's your feeling on it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you don't -- you're not a person who -- i mean, you look to the future, which i think many people your age don't necessarily -- aren't necessarily that interested in -- >> i'm terribly interested in it. >> jimmy: yeah. you support legalization of cannabis. i know that. that's something that you are -- >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you narrated kamala harris' video at the democratic national convention. not only did you do that, you narrated senator hillary clinton's video at the democratic national convention. you really want a female president, don't you? >> i really do, yeah.
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don't think i'm, you know, racist or anything like that. i'm not. well, i mean, to a point. but i think, you know, it's time we moved on from old white men running the country. >> jimmy: it would be a nice change. speaking of old white men, do you remember the first time you voted and who was it for? or is this in the crs category? >> yeah. i'm -- i -- yeah. >> jimmy: so, must not have been something that you were really looking forward to. were you politically minded as a young man? >> no. >> jimmy: no? >> no. >> jimmy: when did it hit you? >> i think it really started with -- i got interested with
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bill clinton. >> jimmy: with bill clinton, he's the person that -- and did he personally get you involved or you just saw him and thought, oh, that's a guy that -- >> that's a guy that i think is going to ride with us a while. and he's the only -- he's the second president i got to meet up close and person. >> jimmy: who was the first? >> george. >> jimmy: washington? >> bush. you're quick. h.w. >> jimmy: he was the first president. where did you meet him? >> at the white house. where else? >> jimmy: well, i don't know. have you since visited all the presidents at the white house? >> yes, yes, all but one. >> jimmy: all but one. which one? you know what we're going to do? we're going to take a break.
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>> behave yourself. >> jimmy: we're going to take a break and during the commercial we're going to try to figure out which one morgan freeman didn't visit. morgan freeman is with us. we'll be right back. money is tight, so we must make sacrifices. i give up my bespoke shaving subscription. and i'll stop ordering everything that's trending on instagram. and i will no longer agree to the add-ons at the oil change place just because the mechanic called me "ma'am." it really is a top-of-the-line filter, ma'am. and of course, we'll downgrade our insurance -to get a lower rate. -well, you know, you don't have to make sacrifices now that you're saving money with the progressive home and auto bundle. you couldn't have said that like 6 seconds ago? could this be menopause? clearblue menopause stage indicator uses an app that combines your age, cycle data, and fsh hormone levels over time in a personalized report to share with your doctor to get the clarity you need. class dismissed.
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don't sit in courses you've already taken. class dismissed. at university of phoenix, could save time by transferring prior eligible college credits. plus there's a transfer scholarship that could help you save money. earn your degree at university of phoenix. can i please get a big ♪what i need from you is a chicken big mac...♪ a chicken big mac, that's not a big mac. ♪actually it is.♪ it's not... ♪not a big mac♪ the chicken big mac, get it while you can. badabababa...
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evan low. caught again. his tactics called "outrageous" and "self-serving." slapped with charges that he illegally used banned corporate money for his campaign. low's already under investigation for running a corrupt scheme to give political access to big money donors. but when it comes to fighting for us... low's missed nearly 1,000 votes... from affordable housing to climate change. evan low only serves himself.
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state, which is why we need a plan in the first place. do it. >> jimmy: that is morgan freeman. that's what it should be like. that's what i would like to imagine that politics are really like. >> i think that really is what they're like. >> jimmy: i don't know. >> way behind the scenes. way behind the scenes. >> jimmy: you play secretary of state. >> yeah. does my voice really sound like that? >> jimmy: what's that? >> -- >> jimmy: nicole kidman is looking on like, i'll do whatever needs to be done. >> aah, nicole. >> jimmy: you played the president of the united states, the head of the cia, the -- a
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colonel, a general, secretary of state there. you've been in the situation room, like, more times than wolf blitzer, i think. you've done a lot of time in pretend politics. >> yes, i have. i have. >> jimmy: and do you have real politicians approach you and mention these roles to you? >> no. >> jimmy: you never do? >> you're the only one. >> jimmy: i don't think of myself as a politician, but i appreciate that. >> at all? >> jimmy: no, i don't. no. but i do want to mention "shawshank redemption" because they just had the 30th anniversary of that film. and maybe you're tired of talking about it. i don't know. but it's such a great movie. did you know it was going to be a great movie when you read the script? >> no, you never know -- you know if you read an outstanding script, that's as far as it goes. after that, it has to do with who you're going to work with, who's going to be the cinematographer, who's going to direct it. and how well you handle yourself.
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>> jimmy: is it true that it was your idea to cast tim robbins in that movie? >> well, yes. >> jimmy: and the director agreed that that was a good idea. >> i didn't talk to the director at all. i was talking to the producers. >> jimmy: the producers. i see. and they told the director, these are the guys you got? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you like when you are cast before the director is chosen for a film, or is it better to have the director in place first? because what if you guys don't get along? >> good, good point. >> jimmy: thank you. >> i never thought of it. really, i don't -- doesn't seem to matter. >> jimmy: do prisoners like that movie? i'd imagine some people would come up to you and say, i was watching tnt, which gets -- >> yeah, i've been in a lot of prisons for some reason or other. and i always get a good response from inmates.
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they said, yeah, my man, you know. >> jimmy: speaking of your voice, i know you've narrated so many great things. "shawshank redemption" was the first time you really narrated something. >> yes. that's what got me started. >> jimmy: we have some old youtube videos, and we thought it would be fun to hear you narrate some of these humorous videos. would you be open to that? >> of course. i'd be open to anything you want me to do, jimmy. >> jimmy: great. >> shoot it. in slow motion, a boy swings a boxing glove towards his target. small, school bus resting on a younger boy's head. it's a dangerous game these boys play. but they know that without risk, there is no reward. with each swing, the glove gets closer, and while i'd like to tell you that the glove didn't
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now with vitamin d for the dark days of winter. [car horn] i'm the team mascot, and boy, am i running late. but i've got lead in my foot and spirit in my fingers. [cheering] [car rev] ha, ha, what a hit! and if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, the cost to cover that... might tank your season. ♪ so get allstate, save money on auto insurance and be protected from mayhem, like me. [whoo] [cheering] if you've never tried a big mac at mcdonald's. first of all... what? but what if it were a big mac with chicken? would that change your mind? the chicken big mac. it's not not a big mac. get it while you can. badabababa... (marci) what is going on? (luke) people love how the new homes-dot-com helps them get quick answers about any property by connecting them to the actual listing agent. (agent) oh! so, i'm done? (luke) oh, no, no, no!
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♪ >> jimmy: our next guest is a talented actress, game show host, and america's number one niecy. you can see her on the show "grotesquerie" wednesday nights on fx. please welcome niecy nash-betts. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> hello. >> jimmy: you look great. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i haven't seen you in a while, i guess, huh? >> i think i have not been here in ten years. >> jimmy: well, catch us up on everything that's gone on since
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then. >> oh, my goodness. where do i begin? i won an emmy. >> jimmy: congratulations, that's good. >> all right. i won a critics choice award. i divorced a man and married a woman. what else? oh. and then when i got married this time, i had this friend, you know, and it wasn't deep. i just said, i want to make love all around the world. and so far we have been to 26 countries. >> jimmy: you've made love in 26 countries. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and so the plan is -- do you feel -- do you have to be -- do you have to be touchdown on the ground in a room or if you're flying over -- how does it work? do you ever feel pressure? we're here for one night. we've got to do this. >> no, it's a plan. we stick to the plan. >> jimmy: and do you have one of those maps with pins in it. >> no, i don't have that. >> jimmy: i'll get you one of those. >> thank you, my wedding gift. >> jimmy: absolutely.
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: i didn't know this. like our vice president, you worked at mcdonald's. >> come on, somebody. >> jimmy: when did this happen? >> the only difference between she and i is that i only lasted one day. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> you know, i was young, you know, and i was spicy. and this lady came in the drive through and got smart. you know what i mean? she was talking slick. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i said, well come around to the first window and say it to my face. and she came around to the first window to say it to my face. and this much of my body was hanging out that little window. and when i put my head back in, the manager had his arms folded. and i said, well, that's that on that. >> jimmy: you didn't even make it to lunch, huh? >> didn't even make it to lunch. >> jimmy: did you give the lady her food or no?
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>> i gave her something. >> jimmy: where do you go after getting fired from mcdonald's. that's a weird thing to put on the résumé. >> right. well, you go to the airlines, and you say, hey, i'm great at answering phones and taking reservations for people. >> jimmy: okay. >> and then you get in trouble for playing on the phone. because let me tell you something. when they say they monitor your phone calls -- you know, this call may be monitored -- they're monitoring. and i used to get in trouble all the time because i would just, you know, do voices -- >> jimmy: like what kind of voices? >> i would be like, so and so airlines, this is kara speaking, how can i help you? just dumb stuff that i should not have been doing. and when they listen in, the lady sits up at the top and she goes, you, wrap it up. >> jimmy: really? why not have a little fun. >> i don't know. it was nothing else to do. it was the graveyard shift, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i don't know.
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>> jimmy: i hope that lady is watching you on television right now. >> i hope she's watching me right now. >> jimmy: and she knows -- i hope she knows you have an emmy. you've got a critics choice award. and you've made love in 26 different countries. >> yeah. in your face! >> jimmy: you're on the show "grotesquerie." how many shows have you done with ryan murphy now? >> ooh, we go back 20 years. but we've maybe done about five. >> jimmy: five shows together. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: that's a lot of shows together. >> maybe four or five. >> jimmy: he's got a lot of shows, but that's a big chunk of his shows. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: when he does a show that you're not on, do you get upset with him? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you do? >> oh, yes. i'm seething. >> jimmy: does he specifically write parts for you on the shows? >> you know what? i don't know if -- i don't know. you know, the mind of ryan is -- it's a crazy place. and so sometimes he might give me a script and say, who would
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you like to play? and then he will tailor it. and other times he will say, i've got something i want you to do. and i just say, okay. >> jimmy: okay. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so, sometimes he's, like, the manager at the airline and sometimes he's not. >> boom. >> jimmy: okay. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you play a detective on the show. >> yes. the detective that i play on the show is suffering from alcoholism. i ain't never played a character like that before, so it scared me a little. that's how i knew i should show up because, you know, you want -- you don't want everything to feel so easy. >> jimmy: okay. >> you know what i mean? and ryan's work always stretches me. the last one i did with him was "monster: the jeffrey dahmer story." >> jimmy: right. >> and that was really tough. >> jimmy: because you play jeffrey dahmer in that one. >> did you see me? >> jimmy: an amazing performance. >> so, yeah, i -- i just love working with ryan and collaborating with him. and we just had a big plot twist
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in the series. >> jimmy: what was it, you say? >> no. because i don't want to ruin it. if anybody is not caught up. we just had a very -- who is watching "grotesquerie," anybody? there we go. my people right there. okay. yeah. so, we just had a big plot twist. i don't want to give it away. but i wrapped that one and now i'm doing a new show for ryan called "all's fair," with kim kardashian, glenn close, sarah paulson, naomi watts. and tiana taylor. >> jimmy: that's some cast. and you didn't mention travis kelce. >> travis kelce. i was naming people, fair. yes, i do work with travis kelce. >> jimmy: and how is he as an actor? >> he's really good. you have to watch it. >> jimmy: too scared to watch it. i don't watch scary things. >> don't be afraid. >> jimmy: i'm afraid. >> i'll watch it with you. >> jimmy: all right. >> come on. >> jimmy: we'll watch it at high noon together in the park. >> so, listen, travis is so nice.
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he is the nicest greediest person i've met in my life. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> he eats a lot. i mean a lot. so, i had the opportunity to go to a chiefs game, and everybody was, like, oh, you know, the team had to get back on the bus. travis can't come up to the suite and say hello. and i said, well, i didn't come to see travis. i came to see mama kelce. i love her. yes! that's my grandmama! that's my girl. yeah. >> jimmy: you sat with her at the game. >> yes. that's my girl. >> jimmy: are you a chiefs fan? >> i'm a kelce fan, and i'm a bigger mama kelce fan. >> jimmy: okay. so, you like travis' mother better than him? >> yeah. >> jimmy: does travis' mother know how many cities you've made love in or is this -- >> well, we didn't talk about it. she did meet my spouse though and they got along swell. >> jimmy: well, great. it was great to see you, and thank you for catching us up. >> it's great to see you, yes.
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>> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series presented by snapdragon, at the heart of the devices you love. >> jimmy: thanks to morgan freeman and niecy nash-betts. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, here with the song "truck still works," brad paisley! ♪ ♪ i didn't know she was back in town seemed like it been forever ♪ ♪ she said it's good to be back home but you know what would make it better ♪ ♪ you still got that short-bed chevy we put the memory miles on ♪
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♪ i'm sure you sold that thing i smiled and said you're wrong ♪ ♪ it's in the barn out back and if i can get that thing to crank ♪ ♪ how 'bout a little test drive down by the lake ♪ ♪ let's see if that truck still works let's see if that song still sings ♪ ♪ let's see if them miles of corn still got that shade of green ♪ ♪ let's see if we can find that place i used to know about ♪ ♪ let's see if they paved that old dirt road that used to run out ♪ ♪ find out if that dogwood limb is still there to hang our shirts ♪ ♪ if you ain't got nothin' else to do tonight let's see if that truck still works ♪ ♪ we can roll the windows down i bet i've still got two or three ♪ ♪ hair ties on the gear shift and a ball cap behind the seat ♪
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♪ if you miss those old times the sun sets about nine ♪ ♪ and i've got a four-wheel drive time machine ♪ ♪ let's see if that truck still works ♪ ♪ let's see if that song still sings ♪ let's see if them miles of corn ♪ ♪ still got that shade of green let's see if we can find that place ♪ ♪ i used to know about let's see if they paved that old dirt road that used to run out ♪ ♪ find out if that dogwood limb is still there to hang our shirts ♪ ♪ if you ain't got nothin' else to do tonight let's see if that truck still works ♪ ♪ ♪ 'cause it's a good night to soak that moonlight in and with a little luck we might get stuck again ♪ ♪ let's see if that truck still works let's see if that song
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still sings ♪ ♪ let's see if them miles of corn still got that shade of green ♪ ♪ let's see if we can find that place i used to know about ♪ ♪ let's see if they paved that old dirt road that used to run out ♪ ♪ find out if that dogwood limb is still there to hang our shirts ♪ ♪ if you ain't got nothin' else to do tonight let's see if that truck still works ♪ ♪ ♪
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