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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 12, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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>> lou: from hollywood, it's “jimmy kimmel live”! tonight -- wanda sykes -- ben falcone -- and music from mark ambor. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everybody. i'm jitmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us. we've got a whole show planned for you tonight. we did all our homework, we are ready to go. i don't know about you, but i am eagerly anticipating a bigly get-together in washington tomorrow, where president biden will host president-elect trump at the white house. this is the political equivalent
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of when divorced parents who haven't been in the same room since court show up for their kid's school play. [ laughter ] this meeting of the outgoing and incoming presidents is a tradition that goes back to 1841 - with a few exceptions, lincoln being one. he was unable to attend. [ laughter ] and trump being the other. four years ago, when they had to drag him out of the white house by his feet. [ laughter ] typically, the first ladies would get together for this meeting. but melania said no. trump's team claims melania had a scheduling conflict related to her book that came out five weeks ago. which doesn't sound true. [ cheers and applause ] you know what? in fairness to melania, she's probably in the middle of putting up her christmas decorations. [ laughter ] i know that's something she looks forward to. this snub gives us an interesting glimpse into something we've been joking about but might actually turn out to be true. >> she's not showing up
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tomorrow? is she going to move back into the white house? >> there's speculation that don't expect her to be there full-time. they say she'll come in, they insist she'll be there for big events, state dinners, big trips, big meetings, but she's not going to set up a full-time residency. >> jimmy: she'll be wherever he isn't. laugh [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] what does it mean when the first lady treats the white house like it's an airbnb? [ laughter ] is that a good sign? for a relationship? could you imagine if they split up? could you imagine if we had a single donald trump? [ audience moaning ] hitting on u.n. translators. [ moans ] bringing playmates from 1994 back to the lincoln bedroom? it could be really great, actually. [ laughter ] we are starting to get more of a sense of what season two of “the celebrity appresident” might look like. [ laughter ] according to his new chief of staff, susie wiles, trump plans to issue a number of executive orders on day one.
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he wants four big macs, six large fries -- [ laughter ] two buckets of kfc. and in addition, he wants to -- executive orders limiting immigration ask and his ongoing flight against the climate. wiles shared these thoughts at a three-day conference for the rockbridge network, which is a group of right-wing money people cofounded by j.d. vance that is focused on treating america like one big couch. they can all screw together. wiles headlined the event, and indicated that trump is going to keep holding rallies even though the election's over. that way, americans can stay up to date on the size of the late arnold palmer's dong and whatnot. [ laughter ] the gop is expected to win the house, they already won the senate, and, of course, the white house too. i don't know. maybe next time all these political experts can publish their articles on where the democrats went wrong before the
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election so we don't have this happen. [ laughter ] and then you have elon musk throwing his weight around. he has basically moved into mar-a-lago. and, based on this photograph, looks like he may have moved into the trump family itself. look at this. >> that's great, why don't we do a family shot? we have to get elon with this boy. >> absolutely. >> gorgeous, perfect boy. >> jimmy: now, did you notice who was not in the photo? melania. [ laughter ] was not in the photo. elon was. see what you get for a hundred million dollars? meanwhile poor eric's like “why won't the gate open, someone let me in." [ laughter ] it's almost like he's goofing on us. trump is expected to name south dakota governor kristi noem as secretary of homeland security, to keep our nation safe from unruly labradoodles. i guess. [ laughter ] one of his main messages during the campaign was about killing
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the pets. “they're eating the dogs! they're eating the cats!” he goes out and hires the woman who shot her puppy. [ laughter ] kristi noem shouldn't be in charge of a petsmart, let alone homeland security. we have a new ambassador to israel on the way. former arkansas governor, mike huckabee. whose deep connection to the jewish people includes a very wicked sense of humor. >> much of america spent this past week shivering through record-setting cold thanks to the polar vortex. now, ask me. how cold was it? it was colder than the stair sts you get from environmentalists if you deny global warming, that's how cold it was. >> jimmy: good one, mike. [ laughter ] his audience looks like a cialis commercial come to life. [ laughter ] he will be running point in israel. we just got this news. pete hedgeset. he's the guy on the "fox and
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friends" weekend edition to be secretary of defense. [ audience moaning ] hulk hogan must be devastated. [ laughter ] then we have this guy who's reported to be trump's choice for secretary of state. >> nothing that is frustrated me more than false choices like the one the president laid out tonight. [ laughter ] the choice isn't just between big government or big business. >> jimmy: yeah, we all thought that was the end of sippy longstocking but it's not. [ laughter ] he's going to be secretary of state, which is surprising when you consider some of the terrible things trump has been on the record saying about marco rubio. >> i will address little rubio. little marco. little marco, you know marco, little marco. he's little. he couldn't get elected dog catcher. i call him lightweight. i call him lightweight marco. very nasty guy. he's a nervous basket case. total lightweight. little mouth on him. bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing.
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he has really large ears. the biggest ears i've ever seen. and he was sweating so badly, i have never seen anything like it. it looked like he just jumped into a swimming pool with his clothing on. i walked back there, and he's with a pile of makeup putting it on his face. i said, marco, easy with the makeup. the problem with marco, he's a choke artist, he chokes. it's rubio! >> jimmy: he did everything but give him a swirly. [ laughter ] and now he's going to be his secretary of state. which is vintage trump. call somebody an idiot until they kneel down, and then you take them in your arms like a baby. and while it is disappointing that a tough trump critic like marco rubio would humiliate himself for a position of power, to his credit, he did agree to talk to us. and joining us now from washington, senator marco rubio. [ cheers and applause ] first of all, senator, congratulations on becoming the
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new secretary of state. you must be excited, i guess. >> well, i don't know what you're talking about. i can just tell you that a con artist is about to take over the republican party, and the conservative movement. >> jimmy: wait, what? [ laughter ] >> he is wholly unprepared to be president of the united states. >> jimmy: i've gone saying that for years! i'm shocked to hear it coming from you. >> there's no way we're going to allow a con artist to take over the conservative movement, and donald trump is a con artist. >> jimmy: yes, yes. but if he's as awful as we both know he is, why do you think so many people voted for him? >> i -- i -- i will acknowledge that there are some people watching this broadcast that are intrigued by him because they think he's a straight talker and he fights for the little guy. but donald trump has spent 40 years sticking it to the little guy, or longer. >> jimmy: and you're a little guy. [ laughter ] so, what is the plan, then? i mean, how are you going to stop him? >> i'm asking everyone watching tonight in if you're a republican and you don't want
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your party taken over by a con artist like donald trump, unite behind us. go to our website,, and join us so we can put an end to this lune that's. >> jimmy: you know what, we will. i wish you luck. it's so good to finally see a republican senator brave enough to speak the truth. thank you. give us a little smile, will you, marco? >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: no, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] impressive, all right? so we've got rubio at state. kristi noem running homeland security. and maybe for secretary of education -- trump might nominate this guy. >> i'd like to buy a "u." >> well, you're going to get three us. >> i'd like to solve the puzzle. >> let's hear it. >> treat yourself a round of sausage. >> that's not it. >> jimmy: treat yourself a round of sausage wasn't the answer? [ laughter ]
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speaking of a round of sausage, donald trump junior has been taking a big victory lap since the victory. djtj regaled a big thinker named charlie kirk yesterday with a tale of his life courting voters for daddy dumb dumb on the campaign trail at arizona state. >> you mentioned arizona state. it wasn't exactly -- hey, it's a frat party. you know. i'm not quite as engelical as charlie, so i was like, where there's 12 young college coeds, don, can you take a selfie with me? yes, i can. >> jimmy: he's so awesome, isn't he? [ laughter ] snuggling up to those coeds. are people still using the word "coeds"? is coeds short for cokeheads now? [ laughter ] i'm sure don's disappearing fiancee, kimberly guilfoyle, will be psyched to hear that! is she angry? is she happy? it's impossible to tell. [ laughter ] it has now been one week since election day. seven days ago, americans heard
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kamala harris say, “we're not going back.” and we replied, “oh yes, we are.” this was easily the most dramatic campaign in modern american history. and who knows, it might be the last one. so, with a week behind us, i thought it might be something to look back at the election that was with a trip down presidential memory lane. we can't win if donald trump is the nominee. i will say this to my last breath. donald trump has my strong endorsement, period. >> it's maga time, baby. ♪ >> if i don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath. >> i'm happy and honored to endorse donald j. trump for president. >> i will not be endorsing donald trump this year. >> bing bing bing boom boom boom. >> former president donald trump has been indicted. >> donald trump is actually farting in the courtroom. >> he referred to donald trump
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as von shitzenpants. >> donald trump found guilty on all 34 fellmy counts. >> you know, when he said he didn't use a condom, what did you do with the >> oh! even if he was guilty of smrveg something, there's no crime. >> black people are so on my side. they see what happens to me happens to them. any jewish person who votes for democrats hates their religion. black men, i love them. black men. i'm a very proud christian, actually. god bless the usa. we are announcing the launch of trump coins. trump watches. donald j. trump ntf. i am also officially challenging crooked joe to an 18-hole golf match right here. so this thursday we'll be jacked up, hypercaffeinated joe biden.
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give him something to wake him up. a lot of red bull. a lot of caffeine pills. nobody expects joe biden will be on cocaine. >> dealing with -- i mean, we have to deal with, uh -- look -- if -- we i'm staying in the race. >> i accept your nomination. >> kamala harris! >> we look at martin luther king, we actually had more people. >> this weird obsession with crowd sizes. >> trump touches his ear and ducks. >> i'm wearing a bandage on my right ear and standing in solidarity with president trump. >> no more attacks! no more! stop it! >> the next vice president of the united states, j.d. vance. >> she doesn't want to be there,
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just cut her out of it. >> welcome the next vice president of the united states, tim walz! >> these guys are just weird. >> usa, usa, usa! >> we're extremely normal people. >> elon's on that stage jumping around, skipping like a dip [ bleep ]. >> take over, eli, just take over! >> we're not weird. ♪ ♪ o say can you see ♪ >> we're other things, perhaps, but we're not weird. >> put the bear in central park. >> the abc news presidential debate starts right now. >> they're eating the dogs. they're eating the cats. >> taylor swift announcing she is voting for kamala harris. >> don't mess with the cat ladies. >> trump posted this. "i hate taylor swift." >> i don't think most americans
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really like her music, fans or not, are going to be influenced by a billionaire celebrity. >> i'm going to be greater than elvis because elvis had a guitar. >> he wants to build better. and prosperous. >> prices are -- let's say what works -- oh gosh, okay. spinning out of control. >> people that used to live a nice life four years ago, they can't afford an apple. they say you can only brush your teeth once a day. they don't want windows. they don't want cows. the babies born, the baby is executed after birth. biden migrant crime. bigrant. let's call it bigrant. like a garbage can for the rest of the world. >> why exactly is it that they don't trust sfwhim. >> i think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. it should be very easily handled, if necessary, by
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national guard, if really necessary, by the military. >> i have a clock. and i've had it for quite some time. >> she never worked at mcdonald's. never touches a human hand. >> i wouldn't be surprised if me and trump won just the normal gay guy vote. ♪ young men there's no need to feel down ♪ >> please welcome our next commander in chief, my husband! ♪ ♪ >> there's literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. yeah. i think it's called puerto rico. ♪ and the home ♪ >> donald trump will become the 47th president of the united states. ♪ of the ♪ >> i hope you enjoy this
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garbage. ♪ brave of the brave ♪ >> jimmy: right in the sand trap. well, there you go. hey, we've got a fun show for you tonight. ben falcone is here. we have music from mark amber. and we'll be right back with wanda sykes, so stick around!
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♪ ♪ kia. movement that inspires.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: all right, we are back. tonight, his funny new podcast featuring a cavalcade of stars is called, "hildy the barback and the lake of fire.” ben falcone is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a talented singer-songwriter from new york. this is his album "rockwood.” mark ambor from the snapdragon stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night --
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kerry washington and jimmy o. yang will join us. with music from the red clay strays. so please join us for that, too. our first guest is an actor, writer, and one of the great standup comics. her “please and thank you” tour touches down in milwaukee on sunday. please welcome wanda sykes! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: wanda, how are you? it's good to see you. >> oh, hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: i know you must be excited. your guy trump won the election, congratulations. [ laughter ] >> it's cool, jimmy, it's cool. >> jimmy: do you expect a cabinet position? i mean, what are you -- have you been able to digest this? are you still in that shock mode? >> jimmy, i'm a black woman and a lesbian. how the hell you think i'm
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doing? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think they call that 0 for 3. >> yeah, right, right, exactly. >> jimmy: why do you -- what's your opinion of why it went this way, why americans voted the way they did? >> i don't know, sometimes america is just going to america. [ laughter ] you know? i mean, it's so many pieces why you could say it happened. but you know, a lot of us aren't like totally shocked. you know, but it's like, okay, you get your hopes up, you think you moved forward. and honestly, you know, i blame those damn -- like cheerio commercials, showing all those interracial couples. you [ bleep ] white people. what are you all doing?
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just sell the damn cereal. why you bringing us into this? they got people selling -- [ bleep ] sell your stuff, don't bring us into this. >> jimmy: cheerios, i knew they were responsible for something. [ laughter ] >> but i mean, it -- i -- you know, the finger-pointing and all, that's not really helping. >> jimmy: yeah, what is the point of that? yeah. >> yeah, like "it's your fault, it's your fault." you know. it just happened. it is what it is. and you know, it's like, well, white women didn't vote for him -- i mean, didn't vote for him, so white women, the majority of white woman not voting for another woman. i'm like, you all need to watch more bravo. [ laughter ] why are you shocked? i mean, have you seen "the bachelor"? [ laughter ] women tear each other apart over a dude, so why do you think, you know, this wasn't going to
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happen? like "the real housewives," i mean, they do the same thing. come on. >> jimmy: of all the things trump latched on to and used during this campaign, which puzzled you? what thing puzzled you the most? >> i don't know the most, but i mean, i know going after transgender, especially transgender kids, that was, like -- that was -- because here's the thing. you're supposed to be trying to fix the problems of america, right? so you target a community that's less than 1% of the population. right? so you're going as far as like the sex, and it's like, okay, so you're focusing on that. on sex changes. how about focusing on climate change that affects everybody? [ cheers and applause ]
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instead of the 1%? you know? all fear. oh, your son goes to school as a boy, comes home a girl. i'm like, relax, it's a man bun, shut up. [ laughter ] [ applause ] it's a man bun. relax. >> jimmy: you see anything positive that came out of this? do you have a positive spin? [ laughter ] i take that as -- >> straight white male, yeah, i'm good. >> jimmy: your wife is french. your wife is from france. >> right. >> jimmy: has citizenship there. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: do you have citizenship there? >> no, i do not have citizenship in france. >> jimmy: so that's not like your kind of backup plan, you might move, leave the country? >> my ancestors have got too much blood in this land, i ain't going nowhere. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: good. >> no. and here's the thing.
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i tell you right now, black people, black women, black women ain't having it right now, okay? black women, give them a break right now, all right? we just chilling right now. [ cheers ] don't ask us dumb questions and stuff. don't be -- with them puppy dog eyes. you will get [ bleep ] slapped out of you. [ cheers and applause ] black women -- black women are taking a break. hell, i shouldn't even be here right now. [ laughter ] i should be home in my house shoesed with a bonnet on my head. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we need your sister. okay, so now thanksgiving is coming up. is there anyone in your family that you're going to have a difficult night with hearing maga -- trump voters or anything like that who you will have to see? >> no. >> jimmy: no, okay. [ laughter ] most people do have that, right? >> not in my family, they better not say so. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: who does the cooking at thanksgiving?
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>> we all do. we all, you know, bring dishes and stuff. like i have -- you know, i used to do it all. when i -- you know, when it was at my house. i would cook everything. actually, your mother, when i was at a party at your house, your mother gave me advice that put my turkey on the grill, because i had, like, 20 people coming to the house. i had this big-ass turkey. >> jimmy: yeah? >> i was like, how is it going to fit in my oven? she said, "put it on the grill." >> jimmy: my mother gives very good advice to others. [ laughter ] what actually happens in our house, though, is like around 11:00 p.m., she'll remember she still has a ham in the oven. >> oh, boy. >> jimmy: that is now a shoe and not a ham anymore. [ laughter ] she did give you that advice, huh? >> yeah, it was delicious. >> jimmy: oh, all right, okay. all right, score one for my mom. let's take a break. we'll come back. wanda's got a big new comedy tour. more with wanda sykes. we'll come back. >> lou: portions of “jimmy kimmel live” are brought to you
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>> jimmy: we are back with the great wanda sykes, who is on tour. the "please and thank you" tour. why is it called "the please and thank you" tour? >> because i believe we've gotten away from social norms of please and thank you. you know, that's not how we, you know, speak to each other anymore. so it's very important to me. like, that's how i determine my friendships. like, if i just met you and we
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go out to eat and the waiter comes by and everything, and you don't say please and thank you for stuff, we ain't going to be friends. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, you know, that's a good indicator. >> yeah. i >> jimmy: do you find that now you're on tour, you're doing these shows, that people are in the mood to laugh, in the mood to talk about this? >> yeah, they want it. they want it, yeah. well, this week will be my first time out since the election. but i know. yeah, i saw my sales went up, too. i know people, they want it. we need to laugh. and the thing is, we need to talk to each other. i mean, i think that's the big thing is to get more involved in your community, in your local community. put your damn phone down. you know, we don't -- we don't talk to each other. [ applause ] >> jimmy: no, we don't. >> we spend more time listening to podcasts. we listen to other people have conversations. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: that's funny when you put it like that. >> we do. >> jimmy: you have a unique perspective, because you go from town to town to town are you're in all these different cities in the united states, and you get to meet people -- do you go and do stuff in the daytime, or do you hang out in the hotel? do you see the cities that you're visiting? >> well, i used to. now i guess i got to see where i'll be. [ laughter ] no, i do. i do go out. actually, i was in reno last month, i think. i went to the -- the big bowl, the big bowling academy, whatever it is. that is huge. >> jimmy: what do they have in reno? >> it's the -- i forgot the real name. it's the -- like the world's biggest bowling alley. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah, they have all big tournaments there and everything. i loved it. it was amazing, yeah. >> jimmy: are you a lover of bowling? >> i love to bowl. >> jimmy: you do? how often do you bowl? >> i don't get to bowl that often, but when i have a
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birthday party -- >> jimmy: did you bowl when you were a kid? >> yes, yes. when i was a kid, one of my dad's side gigs, he would go and wax the bowling -- the lanes. we got to bowl. then when he was in the army, you know, there's a bowling alley on base. we would go and bowl all the time. i just got -- >> jimmy: are you a good bowler? >> i'm a good bowler when i can go off and get my game back. like i bowled over 200. >> jimmy: you have? >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you are a good bowler. i've never bowled over 200. my parents met in a bowling alley. my dad's real good bowler, yeah. he never really -- he'd take us bowling, but it was just to watch him bowl. [ laughter ] >> that is horrible. are you serious? >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> "watch this, kids." ". >> jimmy: my mother, same thing. every week we'd go toer on bowling league, watch her and my aunt chippy bowl. then she acts like she's this
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great person, telling you to put your turkey on the grill. [ laughter ] meanwhile, we're sitting back by the slot machines breathing in cigarette smoke. [ laughter ] did you -- do you watch bowling today? like the current bowling where they don't have holes in the balls anymore? >> i hate that. >> jimmy: i hate it too. i don't know why i hate it. >> me too, i hate that. and i hate when i go bowling and i see kids over there just -- they say no holes, they just -- cradling it, and dude, that's not bowling. >> jimmy: i feel that's where our country -- [ laughter ] >> that was it. >> jimmy: that was the moment, when they stopped drilling the holes in the balls, where we went awry. >> that was it. that's it right there. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. thank you for being here. i know it's been a tough week. i appreciate you coming and sharing with us. >> can i just say something? >> jimmy: yes. >> i met a lot of kids out on the lines at the polls. and the first-time voters, i just want to say to you all, so proud of you. and i told you that when i saw you. and please, don't give up on the system, all right?
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so just hang in there. we're going to be all right. >> jimmy: excellent. [ cheers and applause ] wanda sykes, thank you. the "please and thank you" tour lands at the riverside theatre in milwaukee on sunday. for tickets in your down, go to we'll be back with ben falcone. yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah, i'd like that. who are you talking to? ...uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm at 3 in the morning!? who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing, jake from state farm? ...uh...khakis. hey, do they ever ask you what you're wearing? uh... yeah. sweater, button down shirt... like a good neighbor, state farm is there. oh... stuffed up again? so congested! you need sinex saline from vicks. just sinex, breathe, ahhhh! what is — wow!
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is waiting to be discovered. did you know you can do this? ... and you don't wanna miss that. >> jimmy: welcome back. ben falcone and mark ambor are coming up, but first, my friends and co-workers, guillermo and
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lou, are always watching out for each other. the same way the my-q app watches out for your home. ♪ >> guillermo: what up, lou? >> lou: hey man, i just noticed your garage door is open. you want me to close it for you? >> guillermo: that's okay. i will close it with myq. >> lou: whoa, how did you do that? >> guillermo: myq is the smart home system that let me control all the doors right from my app. >> lou: that's amazing. well, while i'm here, you want me to feed your big-ass turtle? hi, hi, hi. >> guillermo: you need to relax, lou, myq let me control all my cameras too. right now, i'm watching guillermo junior. he has plenty of salad. i do have one more favor to ask you. can you go inside and check on my couch? >> lou: you want me to check on your couch? >> guillermo: you heard me. >> lou: and why am i checking on your couch? >> guillermo: because i need a refill. spicy margarita, please.
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[ laughter ] >> lou: myq is your all-in-one access and monitoring system. get 15% off at for a limited time using the code -- bigassturtle. so i'm sure ♪k again jt ♪ watch ziggy from the plane ♪ ♪ ♪ my garage i could open ♪ ♪ while i'm hiking in wyoming ♪ ♪ if my home just had a brain ♪ whoah, woah, woah, woah. where do you think you're going? i have a delivery for athena. do you know any athena? i don't know any athena. —twist on it? —yeah. crème on the right, we let him in. ohh! welcome to troy! open the gates! oreo. stay playful. how am i going to find a doctor when i'm hallucinating?
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: music from mark a.m. b ambor is on the way. our next guest is a funny man who took his childhood fantasy of dragons and sorcery and turned it into a podcast starring his wife melissa mccarthy. "hildy the barback and the lake of fire" is happening now, please welcome ben falcone. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, my goodness, is that valerian steel? what an ensemble this is you have. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: why are you in costume for a podcast? does that make any sense? >> it does for my wife. >> jimmy: i feel like you love this stuff.
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does she love it too? >> i love it, so i've been playing, you know -- i played d and d when you were probably dating. >> jimmy: no. no, no. >> no? >> jimmy: not only was i not dating -- at all -- i was also playiing dun jing dungeons and r the whole time they made me draw their characters. i didn't even get to play. [ laughter ] and his mother, we were there the whole afternoon, gave us one glass of water, that's all we had. and so i never went back. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you went back. a lot. >> i went back. i never left. [ laughter ] yeah, so i love the world. i love dragons and sorcery. i thought this was the perfect way to do it. now we're doing this podcast. it's super fun. >> jimmy: yeah, you write the whole thing, discrepants. you've got some really high-profile talent. >> yes, we do. we've got octavia spencer,
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allison janney, glenn close, joel mchale, we've got stuff with him at some point. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: joel loves that sort of thing too, right? >> he's in costume too. >> jimmy: he is in costume? >> we wear costumes as we record. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you really? >> yeah, for an audio presentation. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you love wearing costumes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i came to your house once and it was a christmas party. >> that's right. >> jimmy: costumes. >> that's right. >> jimmy: for no real reason. [ laughter ] >> well, okay. so i do have a theory about costumes that melissa shares with me, which is that if you're wearing something silly or dumb, that takes the pressure off. like if we were both dressed like pickles, we're not, oh, my gosh, i'm nervous to say hi, it's "hey, cool pickle." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. yeah, there's something to that, i think, yeah, yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you find yourself -- you don't seem like a guy who's nervous talking to people at a party. >> i mean -- i can go -- i can
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get introverted. that's why i married an extrovert. >> jimmy: i see. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i heard you guys with dax shepherd on his podcast. >> that's right. >> jimmy: you were talking about this poker game that you have. >> yes. by the way, you're invited if you ever want to come? now i'm invited, yeah. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: not invited till -- >> i was going to do it ten minutes ago, but i thought, he'll for sure. >> jimmy: i also want to add that christmas party was like nine years ago, we haven't been invited back. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but i digress. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you said on the podcast that you have a special thing you do when new players enter the poker game? >> that's right, we do. because we want people -- new members of the group to feel special. >> jimmy: okay. >> so what i decided is how can i introduce special guests? and the way -- the two words came into my head immediately, "fog machine." [ laughter ] so anybody who's new, they get to pick the song that they enter to. i think dax shepherd played
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recently with us, so he played "stranglehold." so he came out, he was pumping his fists in the fog machine. what a great way to say, hey, here's an old friend for a great time. >> jimmy: so you enter. there's fog. >> yeah. >> jimmy: the music is blasting. >> yes. >> jimmy: then you just sit down and start playing cards? [ laughter ] >> right. there is a weird -- there's a -- there's an awkward minute after. >> jimmy: yeah. >> for sure. especially because often the smoke alarm goes off. [ laughter ] it's a very powerful -- >> jimmy: the fire department shows and up goes, "what the hell are you wearing?" [ laughter ] >> "why are you guys in costume for this too?" yeah. >> jimmy: were you in the theater club when you were a kid? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you were, yeah. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: do you have costumes in your closet ready to go? >> who's asking? [ laughter ] yeah. i mean -- >> jimmy: like what's your -- if i said to you, "hey, we're having a costume party later." >> i'd be like -- doesn't
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matter, i'm cool, i got it. [ laughter ] that would be pretty close. mccarthy has a whole attic. i call melissa mccarthy. i use her last name. she has a whole attic that's just bigs and all kinds of stuff. she could dress as three different kinds of christmas trees. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: three different kinds? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: there are three kinds of christmas trees? >> just different fabrics and different ensembles. anything you need. >> jimmy: what your daughters -- how old are your daughters now? >> 17 and 14 now. >> jimmy: and what do they think of their parents? [ laughter ] >> you know, we walk by in some crazy outfit, "bye, have a good time." >> jimmy: are they on board with this stuff also? >> they're not going to do it. >> jimmy: they're not going to do it. >> they're like, "you do you." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and do you -- maybe i'm getting too far ahead. do you think when you're very old, you're going to keep doing this? >> yeah. [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now, that's going to be great. do your kids, like -- they watch you -- are they involved in your work at all? >> yeah, actually. they're in the podcast. they're coming up in episode 4. >> jimmy: oh. >> coming up this one coming up. >> jimmy: oh, okay. they like that? >> yeah. the younger one wants to do that. the older one's like, "no, i want to be a scientist." "science, really? what about acting? " [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you could always dress up as a scientist. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you don't need to actually be a scientist. >> they're like -- she's like, "no, i'm going to be a scientist, thanks." >> jimmy: all right. well, she wants to disappoint the family, that's her decision. [ laughter ] it's great to have you. the podcast is called "hilldy the barback and the lake of fire." it premieres fridays or any -- it's not exclusive. anywhere you get your podcasts. ben falcone, everybody. [ cheers and applause ]
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thank you, ben. we'll be back with mark ambor. . >> lou: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by snapdragon, at the heart of the devices you love.
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>> lou: the “jimmy kimmel live” concert series presented by snapdragon, at the heart of the devices you love. >> jimmy: thanks to wanda sykes and ben falcone. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, his album is called "rockwood." here with the song "belong together," mark ambor! ♪ ♪ ♪ i know sleep is friends with death but maybe i should get some rest ♪ ♪ 'cause i've been out here workin' all damn day blueberries and ♪ ♪ butterflies the pretty things that greet my eyes ♪ ♪ when you call and i say i'm on my way ♪ ♪ you and me belong together like cold iced tea and warmer weather ♪
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♪ where we lay out late underneath the pines and we still have fun ♪ ♪ when the sun won't shine you and me belong together all the time ♪ ♪ spillin' wine and homemade drinks we throw a cheers ♪ ♪ the worries sink damnit it's so good to be alive ♪ ♪ we know that we don't got much ♪ ♪ but then again it's just enough to always find a way ♪ ♪ for a good time you and me belong together ♪ ♪ like cold iced tea and warmer weather where we lay out late ♪ ♪ underneath the pines and we still have fun ♪ ♪ when the sun won't shine
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you and me belong together this love is all we need ♪ ♪ oh we've got so much you and me oh you and me ♪ ♪ belong together like cold iced tea and warmer weather ♪ ♪ where we lay out late underneath the pines and we still have fun ♪ ♪ when the sun won't shine you and me belong together all the time ♪ ♪ it goes on and on and on it goes on and on and on it goes on and on and on hey ♪ yep [ cheers and applause ]


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