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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  November 22, 2024 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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tv app. it is available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv. don't forget roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. all right, thank you so much for watching. >> i'm ama daetz and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry beil, all of us. we appreciate your time right now. on jimmy kimmel jeff bridges. >> have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- jeff bridges. william stanford davis. and music from sting. with cleto and the cletones.
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and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheering and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. thanks for coming. thank you for joining us. i hope you had a peaceful, maybe even tranquil and harmonious weekend. is that even possible anymore? did you have a good weekend, guillermo? >> guillermo: yeah, i didn't do anything. >> jimmy: okay. i tell you what, it was a relaxing weekend for joe biden. joe biden is in what they call the lame duck phase of his presidency. and he has no ducks left to give. the president and first lady went to the beach this weekend in delaware. and for those democrats who've been moaning that he should have stayed in the race, i give you this terrifying stroll on the beach.
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it's possible that he's wearing his wife's jeans. i don't know. he is walking like a dog that has never experienced sand before. joe biden and donald trump are scheduled to meet in the oval office on wednesday. trump wants joe's advice on which couches to hide from j.d. vance. and president biden has vowed to ensure a smooth and peaceful transfer of power. but that's not how trump does it. according to the presidential transition enhancement act, which i didn't know existed, the incoming president has to sign a pledge that says he will avoid conflicts of interest and other ethical concerns while he is in office, which is hilarious. i mean, it's like asking a bear to sign something promising to protect the salmon. team trump has surprisingly missed multiple deadlines for signing this dating back to september 4th. of course, you know, he's being
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difficult about signing an ethics pledge. because he is not going to behave ethically. this is the white house version of charlie brown trying to kick the football. the same thing happens over and over again. this law that he is bending was signed into law by him. he's breaking his own law, which was definitely a bucket-list item for sure. listen, once you start selling your fans nfts of yourself dressed like a sheriff, it's very hard to stop. trump's team says they intend to sign the pledge, but come on. it's been ten years. we still haven't seen his tax returns. we've heard his penis described in excruciating detail. we still don't know how many dependents he claims. we are starting to learn the names of the cabinet secretaries who will soon be hired and then fired by trump. and it's a real cast of no character. former congressman lee zeldin of new york is trump's pick to lead the environmental protection agency. according to the league of conservation voters, of 26 house representatives from new york, lee zeldin had the worst record on environmental issues by far. so he'll be in charge of
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protecting the environment, of course. trump's new immigration czar is tom homan, who looks like he's kicking immigrants out of the country in this photo. homan is the guy who came up with the family separation policy that had kids being ripped from their parents' arms and who really said "they ain't seen [ bleep ] yet. wait until 2025." he will be joined by this creature, deputy white house chief of staff stephen miller, who once said of immigration, "this is all i care about. i don't have a family. i don't have anything else. this is my life." steve miller is now married, has three kids, but he is still a steaming pile of bum vomit. who will for sure do the wrong thing. and then we have campaign manager susie wiles, who will be trump's chief of staff, which has the gang at fox news so excited, they can barely keep their pants on. >> this is what we know about her. so susie wiles is obviously the campaign co-chair for trump's 2024 campaign, which was just a wild sex -- wild success, excuse me. >> jimmy: hey, now, no excuse necessary. we're all having a lot of unprocessed emotions right now.
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[ applause ] and who wouldn't be excited by a silver-haired vixen in a sensible brooch. but trump isn't appointing comic book villains to run the government on his own. he's been getting a lot of help from the richest man in the world. >> musk has been seen at mar-a-lago nearly every single day since donald trump won, they were seen on the patio, on the golf course together. musk has been in the room when world leaders have called trump, and tonight we learned he is also weighing in on staffing decisions, making clear his preference for certain roles. >> jimmy: he's picking out outfits for trump to wear. he's been applying his bronzing cream to his face. cucumber. look out melania. trump's got a new squeeze named elonia musk. [ applause ] and i have to say, this is -- elon must be so excited. trump is just handing him the -- it's like letting dracula drive the bloodmobile. i've been seeing a lot of gloating from a number of celebrity republicans.
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you know these guys have been trying to use the maga status to get famous again, to get the lead in a direct to video movie about jesus machine gunning child molesters or something. and the overall theme when it comes to me is "you in your bubble have no idea what american families go through." which is funny, seeing how every one of these "american family" advocates has kids who won't talk to them, not to mention the fact they've not had a real job in 40 years. but they want me to say their names on tv because nobody else does anymore, especially now that trump won, they have nothing. they've got nothing to whine about other than their careers which no one cares about, because if they did, there would be a "deuce bigalow 5," okay. so now, the move is to say "quit whining about the election, you baby, you lost, which, again, feels very at-odds with what happened after the last election when a guy dressed wearing viking horns stormed the capitol and his friends spread their feces on the walls. but that is -- i mean, that's
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beyond whining. that's just poor sportsmanship. and then we have the always-delightful donald trump jr., who reposted this on sunday, a video mocking president zelenskyy of ukraine, with the caption "pov you're 38 days from losing your allowance." which are bold words from a man who is definitely still on his father's phone plan. i mean, if i was donald trump jr., i wouldn't ever use the word "allowance" in any situation. what is his job? is being horrible an occupation? and zelenskyy, this guy is fighting for the survival of his people against vladimir putin, and little donny tooth caps is making fun of him for it. a man who has led ukraine through the darkest times imaginable, who loves his country so much, he's willing to sacrifice his dignity for it. look at this tweet he posted after the election. "i had an excellent call with president @realdonaldtrump and congratulated him on his historic landslide victory. his tremendous campaign made this result possible. i praised his family and team for their great work."
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i told him that his testicles were the biggest and fullest of hard-swimming semen, like two of our famous ukrainian watermelons. poor guy. trump himself has not been seen for a few days. but he must have been watching football this weekend, because last night he posted "the nfl should get rid of the ridiculous new kickoff rule." and while some believe this is an equally-ridiculous use of his time, i think this is a great waste of his time. i would much rather have him working on stuff like this. kickoffs, end zone dances, those shorts cheerleaders wear now for no reason. that's what i want to see him up to. of course, the purpose of the new kickoff rule is to prevent players from getting brain damage. but trump knows that without brain damage, he wouldn't be president of the united states right now. [ applause ] so he is very particular about that. last week, i mentioned last week that a bunch of monkeys escaped
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from a research facility and were on the loose in south carolina. this is footage of some of the monkeys who escaped. there were a total of 43 loose in the neighborhood. which is dangerous. if you get up to 50, they can declare your town a jumanji zone. as of tonight, 25 of the 43 monkeys have been captured, which is a nice way of saying there are still 18 monkeys on the loose in south carolina, 19 if you count lindsey graham. [ applause ] they don't want to hurt the monkeys, so they're using fresh fruit and vegetables as bait, which is effective because it's hard for domesticated monkeys to find food on their own, especially at these prices. with innovation nowadays. but it's important that they round them all up. do you know how many movies revolve around a monkey escaping from a research facility? a lot. "outbreak." "monkey shines." "escape from the planet of the apes." "rise of the planet of the apes." "mvp: most valuable primate." "28 days later." "ad astra." "jay and silent bob strike back." "project x." and "the lawnmower man." and many, many more.
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personally, i hope they catch all the monkeys except two, and give those two a convertible and let them go full on "thelma & louise." this also feels like it could be the plot to a movie. more than 10,000 troops from north korea have been deployed to russia, presumably to join the fight against ukraine. but it's also the first time these men have had unrestricted access to the internet. , you know, they're very tight with the internet. so, north korean troops in russia have reportedly been gorging on pornography. for a lot of these young guys, the only time they got to see boobs was when dear leader wears a low-cut t-shirt. i mean look how horny this fella is. he's writing it down. now they're in russia eating it up. things are about to get real weird with their stepmoms when these guys get home. in other adult entertainment news, there's a movie version of the broadway musical "wicked" coming out on november 22nd.
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mattel made special dolls for the movie. somehow, someone put the address of a porn site on the box for the doll. instead of, they listed, which is a pornographic film studio, which some of the people in our audience accidentally revealed they knew. [ laughter ] mattel has apologized for the mistake. but honestly, what kind of a loser sees a website on a package and goes to it? that's on them. today i'm sure you know is veterans day. [ cheering ] veterans day is a day on which we honor the service of courageous americans whose parents were not able to finagle a note from their father's podiatrist. donald trump commemorated the holiday on truth social today by posting a picture of himself. veterans day is a time to reflect on our military, on those who served and fought for our country and why they did that. but nowadays, it's easy to wonder if the average american
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is even aware of those who defended the freedoms we enjoy today. or if they are aware of any of our history at all. so, we sent a team out to hollywood boulevard to ask passers-by about some of the most important people in history, and it went just terribly. >> we're talking to people about some of the current events going on right now. would you like to congratulate amelia earhart on being the first female pilot to go transatlantic? >> heck ya. she is amazing. i wish i could be like her one day. it's great. >> unfortunately, she's missing. family is very worried. would you like to offer them some words of encouragement and hope? >> just keep looking. i know she is out there. keep trying, keep fighting and keep hoping and praying. she is going to come home. >> i'm sure you've heard about the serial killer son of sam,
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who's been stalking new york. any advice for new yorkers to stay safe from the son of sam? >> i would stay indoors when it gets dark, and if you're going to go out, make sure you go out with a group. never be alone. >> i'm sure you saw the story over the weekend, sir edmund hillary became the first person to reach the top of mount everest with a sherpa. >> yes, i heard about that. >> climbed to top of everest? >> i don't think so. it's too much effort and people don't do that anymore. >> after much debate, john hancock heroically decided to sign what they're calling the declaration of independence. everybody is happy. would you like to add your congratulations? >> yeah, congratulations to john hancock, because the politics is going insane. both sides going against each other is not okay. >> who would you like to see sign it? >> beyonce. >> over the weekend, general george armstrong custer and his 7th cavalry were surrounded and massacred. would you like the thank general custer for his service? >> general custer, i'm so sorry for your loss, but thank you so much for your service and for fighting for us. >> anything to say to sitting bull, who was on the other side?
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>> sitting bull, to take a life is so awful. these people have families. and no matter what side you're fighting for, to take a life is such an awful thing. >> so you're on custer's side? >> yes. >> new york police trying to catch son of sam, i'm sure catch son of sam, i'm sure that you'll get him very soon. we support our boys in blue. >> sir edmond hillary, congratulations on the amazing accomplishment. >> congratulations, china, on your great wall. >> jonas salk, if people don't want to take your vaccine, don't take it personally. >> nelson mandela, congratulations getting out. get yourself an in and out burger. >> russia, pull your missiles out of cuba. >> john wilkes booth, just turn yourself in. it's going benefit all of us. >> all the forces landing on tonight beach in normandy, all the best of luck. god be with you. [ applause ] >> jimmy: we've got a good show for you tonight. from "abbott elementary,"
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william stanford davis is here. we have music from sting tonight. [ cheering ] and jeff bridges, so stick around. >> lou: abc's "jimmy kimmel live!" brought to you by starbucks. you're using head & shoulders, right? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo. you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head & shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here. i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. make every wash count! and for stubborn dandruff, try head & shoulders clinical strength. (♪) heartburn makes you queasy? get fast relief with new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪) some people just know they could save hundreds
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>> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. tonight, you know him from "abbott elementary," which you can watch right here on abc. william stanford davis is with us. [ cheering ] then, one of my favorites, one of the all timers. his new song is called "i wrote your name upon my heart." the one, the only sting from the snapdragon stage. [ cheering ] later we're going to find out who these other guys are too. we have new shows this week with guests including kerry washington, wanda sykes, mikey madison, ben falcone, jimmy o. yang, and ted danson. with music from blxst, anderson pack, mark ambor, and red clay strays. so please join us for all of that. our first guest tonight is an oscar-winning movie star and the number one dude in all of dudedom. his great show, "the old man" is on hulu now. please welcome jeff bridges. [ cheering ] ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: wonderful to see you and happy veterans day to you. i know you are a veteran of -- let's put that -- there you go. that's you. [ cheering ] how old are you in that shot? >> oh, god, 19 maybe. >> jimmy: 19 years old. >> wow. >> jimmy: true or false, you shot two movies for which you're nominated for oscars while in the coast guard. >> i didn't know that. right. oh my god. bizarre. >> jimmy: how would that even work? would you be shooting the movie all week and then go report for duty on the weekends? >> yeah, kind of like that, yeah. >> jimmy: wow. that had to be a heck of a transition. >> i remember wearing wigs. i did a movie with jane fonda. still doing the coast guard duty, and i had to wear a wig, you know. >> jimmy: yeah.
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>> whenever i see that movie, oh, no. >> jimmy: well, thank you for your service. and thank you for guarding our coast as well. >> yeah. >> jimmy: nothing got by you while you were there. [ applause ] i'm especially glad you're here. i'm always glad that you're here, but i feel like you're a very positive person. is that accurate? >> i give it my shot, you know. i was disappointed, you know, like you were, going through the grieving process. >> jimmy: what do you do? how do you keep -- how do you stay positive? >> well, it's interesting you bought the coast guard thing up. our motto as coast semper paratus, always prepared. >> jimmy: okay. >> as i'm sitting here, how can i be prepared during these times. what do you think, jeff? well, life, this is part of life. you've got ups and downs,
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strikes and gutters. this is how we roll being alive, right. i'm thinking so what do you do in times like this? well, i went through the grieving process. and now i'm finding now, man, be courageous. this is the time. this is calling you to be a courageous person. and not only creatively, you know, but what can i do? what is it? i belong to a great organization called share our strength. i love that title. >> jimmy: share our strength. >> share our strength. and that's what i feel i'm called upon to do, to share my strength. >> jimmy: how do they share their strength? >> well, i'm the national spokesperson for no kid hungry. >> jimmy: oh, that's a great one. [ cheering ] >> they do all kinds of things. so i'm looking for community that shares my dream of how the world could be. and i'm aligning with that and
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doing my -- create that dream, right? >> jimmy: all right, do something good. >> that's right. >> jimmy: take the opportunity to do something good. >> yeah, absolutely. >> jimmy: maybe make a donation to no kid hungry. >> there you go. >> jimmy: there you go. all right. [ applause ] >> you know, one of the other things, we don't know what's going to happen, man. >> jimmy: no. >> and one of the things that i battled myself is certainty. you get this -- you're not -- there is nothing certain, man. we don't know how it's going to turn out. >> jimmy: yeah, there's monkeys on the loose. [ laughter ] >> and speaking of which, you left out a big one, man. >> jimmy: a big one? >> kong! >> jimmy: oh, king kong. >> kong, man, come on! >> jimmy: i'm pretty sure that was a movie, though. i'm talking about real monkeys are on the loose. >> but you showed all the movies that had to do with the monkeys. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, you're right. i didn't -- you know, he is so big, i didn't even think of him. >> of course, of course. >> jimmy: that's your friend.
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do you keep in touch with king? [ laughter ] >> i wrote a song about kong. >> jimmy: a song about kong? >> when i was doing kong. dino de laurentiis called me into his room, and "jeffy" -- he called me jeffy. two words, jeffy. kong 2. i had this idea for the sequel i pitched him. it was like pitching a joke to "saturday night live," you know, and they're all this implacable expression. what happens if the monkey falls and he crashes to the ground and it turns out he is a machine. what the hell is going on? >> jimmy: interesting. >> you know. >> jimmy: dino didn't like that? >> he did not like that. and chuck broaden's character get the character cuss and take it around to tour.
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and then the aliens come, who put the thing down there in the first place. >> jimmy: it's not too late for that. by the way, more reasonable explanation than a monkey of that size growing on an island of that size. >> there you go. but no. >> jimmy: that's dino for you. he had the word no right in his name. [ laughter ] >> he does. >> jimmy: do you have a message for the monkeys who are on the loose perhaps? >> yeah. take er easy, you know. and avoid the heat. >> jimmy: you know, i feel like we've been -- you've been a celebrity for quite some time. we know a lot about you. we know you're an actor. you're a veteran. you're a photographer. you make ceramics. you're a musician. but what i did not know about you is that you juggle. you are a juggler. >> oh. [ cheering ] >> a very lame juggler. but this ties in with the monkey thing. >> jimmy: how? >> well, i'm shooting kong.
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>> jimmy: oh, okay. >> we're shooting the scene where he's down in the trade towers, he is on the ground there, and this little guy comes over to me, and says "do you like my temple?" i said, your temple? he said, my temple. i'm from philippe, the guy who walked across the thing. >> jimmy: right. >> and he says, would you like to learn how to juggle? i will teach you how to juggle. you're kidding me. he taught me in about five minutes. you got some balls -- >> jimmy: it only took you five minutes to learn how to juggle. [ cheering and applause ] all right. >> first you got to go like that. >> jimmy: okay. you're real good at that. >> that's pretty good, right. and then you've got -- let me see if i can do this. give me a drum roll. >> jimmy: is it easier to stand up? [ drum roll ]
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and then you juggle with three. i'll see if i can do this. shall i stand? >> jimmy: if you want to. it's up to you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: maybe i can do it. jeff bridges, everybody. we'll be right back. i can't believe turkeys are only 79 cents a pound this year. let me guess. you don't believe in santa either, do you?
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huh? these turkey deals are the real deal. sarah, did you hear that? it was santa claus. and he's like, weirdly hot. customize and save with liberty mutual. customize and sa— (balloon doug pops & deflates) and then i wake up. is limu with you in all your dreams? oh, yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. olay body wash & lotion. discover yours.
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torturing him is not an option. >> why not?
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>> because he's about 100 years old. because it won't work. because i'm confident i know which one of us will end up in jail over this. >> you don't really think you have any chance of talking him into it, do you? >> yes, yes, i really do think that. >> i don't. and we promised emily that we would do whatever it took to get it done. >> i don't remember promising her anything that you're talking about. >> then we were participating in different conversations. >> jimmy: that is jeff bridges in "the old man," which is on hulu now. oh, i love this show, and i love john lithgow. i bet you guys get along great. >> oh, man, yes. like an old friend we just met. but we hit it off right away. >> jimmy: and i like watching you beat guys up. i really do. >> i appreciate that. >> jimmy: something delightful about it. and something -- i don't know. i was thinking about this today, and i was thinking about why i enjoy that. and i was thinking about mike tyson, who is fighting on friday. >> oh, i want to see that. >> jimmy: yeah.
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he is fighting a very young guy. >> and i hear he is going to take some shrooms or something. didn't you hear that too? >> jimmy: well, he told me that, yeah. he did tell me he was planning to smoke some pot and take some mushrooms which i hope he even remembers he's fighting. but there is something about like that that the older guy beating up the younger guy. >> what about george foreman? didn't you love foreman? >> jimmy: oh, yeah, foreman. george foreman was one of those guys who was truly terrifying when he was in the ring. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then all of the sudden he's got a grill and happy. >> a 180, man. maybe that will happen with the trumpster. >> jimmy: maybe. >> pull a 180. >> jimmy: why not? >> [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: well, it seems unlikely that will happen. but i guess we can be positive about the mystic. you know, you're right, though. if donald trump decided i don't have to run again. i am going to now just do things that will be popular with
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everyone, and who the hell care what this guy says or that guy says, he could have an opportunity to do the right thing. >> right. >> jimmy: guess what? he will absolutely not do that. >> don't be certain, come on, man! >> jimmy: who taught you how to fight? how did you learn to fight? >> oh, i did a movie a long time ago called "fat city." >> jimmy: oh, you're a boxer, right. >> and so i turned there. but we have a guy, a tim conley who is our stunt coordinator. and tommy depot, who's my stunt guy. and we work out these fights. it's a lot of fun. >> jimmy: when you work out the fight, does anyone ever -- you're fight not just for this show, but you're fighting guys -- fake movie fighting -- have you ever hurt somebody or been hurt? >> well, when you say that, this is not exactly answering the question entirely, precisely. but when i look at the fights from the first season of "the old man," i wince because i didn't know it at the time, but i had a 9 by 12-inch tumor in my
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stomach. >> jimmy: oh, boy. >> with all those stomach punches and stuff. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> yeah, amazing. it didn't hurt at all. i was into it. >> jimmy: in a way, maybe the tumor was protecting all your internal organs. >> that's some positive thinking right there. >> jimmy: yeah. see, i can do it too. that's a weird positive thought. can tumors break on force? >> i guess not, because they were hitting me pretty good. >> jimmy: that's a weird thing to realize after the fact. >> yeah. but, you know, you get -- especially working with actors, stunt guys, they're fine to work with. when you're doing another fight scene with another actor, you got to be careful, man. because you get psyched up. i remember my brother and my -- well, we did "fabulous baker boys." >> jimmy: your brother beau.
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>> great director steve kloves, it was his first movie. and there was a fight scene in it. and i said "steve" -- my brother and i my father lloyd bridges taught us how to do stage fighting. do you mind if we gaffe this fight? oh, no, it would be great. so beau and i had such fun figuring out all our fights. but we left out one important ingredient. >> jimmy: which was? >> a safe word. you know. >> jimmy: there is a safe word in fighting? >> i had him like this, and he is a piano player, you know. and i'm doing his fingers like this. and both -- you're hurting me, you're hurting me. act your ass out. i didn't break them. >> jimmy: it turned out you really were hurting him. >> but we didn't have -- apples, apples! >> jimmy: well, the movie came out great, so i think it was worth it with the finger. it's great to see you.
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thanks for being here, and thanks for sharing your thoughts, your knowledge, your wisdom, yourself. all episodes of "the old man" are on hulu right now. check it out. the great jeff bridges, everybody. we'll be back with william stanford davis. [ cheering and applause ] my moderate to severe crohn's symptoms kept me out of the picture. now i have skyrizi. ♪ i've got places to go and i'm feeling free. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me.♪ and now i'm back in the picture. feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi helped visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and with skyrizi, many were in remission at 12 weeks, at 1 year, and even at 2 years. don't use if allergic. serious allergic reactions, increased infections, or lower ability to fight them may occur. before treatment, get checked for infections and tb. tell your doctor about any flu-like symptoms or vaccines.
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♪ born to be wild. ♪ [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ si a ti te quiero mi amor, i like it like that ♪ ♪ eeeeeh, baby, i said i like it like that ♪ ♪ stomp your feet if you think i'm neat ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ i said i like it like that ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: music from sting is on the way. our next guest is the lord of the ring of keys that unlock every door on "abbott elementary." >> hey, mr. j. >> what are you doing inside? >> i'm doing a career portfolio for social studies, and i decided to shadow you and write about it. >> you got gloves? >> no. >> good. they just slow you down. let's go. >> jimmy: mr. johnson keeps the school running semi-smoothly wednesday nights on abc. please welcome william stanford davis! [ applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: great to have you here. how are you? >> i'm good, man. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing great. i've been told that even though we call you william, your credits say william, everybody calls you stan. >> my middle name is stanford. so everybody that is cool with me calls me stan. >> jimmy: i see. am i allowed to call you stan? >> i think so. >> jimmy: okay. all right. you've been called stan since you were a kid? >> that's the first name i heard. >> jimmy: and now your mr. johnson doesn't even have a first name. you have two first names in real life, zero of them on tv. >> mr. johnson's first name is mister. i thought everybody knew that. >> jimmy: you think that will be an episode one day? because i remember being fascinated when i'd find out my teacher's first name, you know, that thing you didn't know they had one. you find out it's gordon, you know. or ruby or something. we had a teacher named gordon hale. great guy, mr. hale. senor hale. he was our spanish teacher.
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boy, you came in to like big success late in life. is that correct to say? >> yes, that's pretty correct to say. 70, that's pretty late in life, don't you think? >> jimmy: of course you've done a lot of thanks, but nothing with the magnitude of "abbott elementary." >> yes. >> jimmy: does that make you appreciate it more do you think? >> i'm still pinch myself about it. but yes, it makes me appreciate it a lot. i mean, quinta brunson changed my life, man. so i'm having a ball. >> jimmy: she did. yeah. [ applause ] you -- we met at the emmys, i think, right. >> she did. >> jimmy: we had a little chat there before i knew your name was stan. >> when are you going to have me on the show, jimmy? >> jimmy: that's right. immediately, i said. of course i said immediately. we have something in common. we worked in radio before you wound up doing television stuff. what radio stations did you work at? >> i did r&b station klun.
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that was kind of a jump-off point from college. >> jimmy: hold on. don't rush through it. i want to know on. >> klun. did you have a slogan? what was it? >> you're listening to klufm. 89.9. bj miles. >> jimmy: that was you? bj miles? >> bj miles. >> jimmy: who gave you the name bj miles? >> well, when i got college, they called me buddy miles, the drummer buddy miles. i was looking like a hippie. i had hair then, you know, i had an afro, big beard. somebody screamed out the dorm hey, everybody, buddy miles is here. if you know me really well call me buddy miles. >> jimmy: you're buddy miles. now, bj is a name a lot of djs had. i think it's because it's very enticing to say i'm bj the dj. >> it rhymed.
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but because of the buddy miles situation, i just used that as my handle. >> jimmy: and then you worked at what kind of a station after that? >> country western. >> jimmy: a country western station, which is quite a leap. >> kick ass country. >> jimmy: were you bj miles on the country station? >> it was a station where you really didn't have to have a handle. it was automated, actually. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> so i would just put the music in. and every time at the top of the hour, i'd say you're kick ass country at ktnt denton, texas. >> jimmy: well done. you sound good. you sound like a real guy. did you ever do, like, parties and dances and stuff like that? >> i started dj'ing at 14. >> jimmy: you did? >> i did a lot of house parties, parties for my parents. >> jimmy: what year is this 14? >> 14 is like 1965. >> jimmy: oh, wow, okay. what kind of equipment do you have in 1965? >> do you really want to know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i had a bunch of milk crates
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and record player with one turntable, and i had to talk between records. >> jimmy: one turntable? >> one turntable. >> jimmy: so you just fill time and while you're scrambling to put another record on. >> i'd talk while i'm putting the record on, and i forgot the spindle one time. >> jimmy: oh, that's great. 45s. >> yeah, 45s. everybody knows what a spindle is? >> jimmy: the young ones have no idea. >> don't know what i'm talking about. they don't even know what a 45 is. >> jimmy: probably not. you're probably right. >> so i had to use my finger and keep talking while i get the record on. it just -- it turned me into a pro. >> jimmy: what year did you move to los angeles to get into acting? >> i came out here in 1984. >> jimmy: 1984. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and your first job was on? >> was on "the bold and the beautiful." >> jimmy: "the bold and the beautiful," which is still on the air, which is crazy. >> yes, it is. >> jimmy: you played on the bold
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and beautiful -- >> a janitor. >> jimmy: a janitor. so you're experienced. >> yes, i am. >> jimmy: you're not just coming in cold. >> i was looking at you when i came in. your guy is pretty good. >> jimmy: and of course because we do our jobs very thoroughly here, we dug up a clip of you on "the bold and the beautiful." >> really? >> a couple of guy, one and short and stocky, one real big, look like they don't belong. >> no. is something wrong? >> i hope not. i hope not. [ applause ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i hope not, i hope not. and now you're still a janitor but with better writing for sure. >> yes. wow, man. whoa. i hadn't seen that since we did it. that was a rehearsal take. >> jimmy: okay, okay. >> okay, moving on. aren't we going to shoot it? we just did. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's how they did it
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back then, right? it's like every day you had to do a new one. >> yes. >> jimmy: well, it's great to have you here. congratulations on all of this. the show, if you haven't seen it, great show, "abbott elementary." you can see it wednesday nights at 9:30 right here on abc. and then stream it the next day on hulu. william stanford davis, everybody. we'll be right back with sting! [ cheering and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thanks to jeff bridges and william stanford davis. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, you can see him playing five nights here in l.a. as part of the sting 3.0 tour. here with the some "i wrote your name upon my heart," sting! [ cheering and applause ] ♪ ♪ i wrote your name upon my heart ♪ ♪ so i'd remember if ever we should part ♪ ♪ when i got lost inside life's
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game ♪ ♪ i'd look into my heart and find your name ♪ ♪ a man in fetters would die of shame ♪ ♪ i wrote these letters that spell your name ♪ ♪ i carved your name upon my soul ♪ ♪ for i was broken til you came to make me whole ♪ ♪ when i got lost outside the frame ♪ ♪ i'd look into my heart i read your name ♪ ♪ a man in fetters would die of shame i wrote these letters ♪ ♪ i wrote your name upon my soul ♪ ♪ for i was broken til you came to make me whole ♪ ♪ when i got lost outside the
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frame ♪ ♪ i'd look into my heart and there i read your name ♪ ♪ ♪ i scrawled my number upon your wall ♪ ♪ i'd lie awake at night just waiting on your call ♪ ♪ if you came back to me in no seconds flat ♪ ♪ i'd raise my hands and shout amen to that ♪ ♪ a man in fetters will die of shame ♪ ♪ i wrote these letters that spell your name ♪ ♪ when i was down and out no one else to blame i'd look inside my heart ♪ ♪ i wrote your name upon my
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heart ♪ ♪ so i'd remember if ever we should part ♪ ♪ when i got lost inside life's game ♪ ♪ i'd look into my heart there i'd find your name ♪ ♪ ♪ i wrote your name i wrote your name upon my heart ♪ [ cheering and applause ] ♪
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this is nightline tonight. come on, boy, who killed jonbenet ramsey? >> the six year old pageant queen


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