tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 16, 2025 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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and we are in a completely different place today, and it's because of how we need to care for our communities and our customers. i hope that's true. [joe] that's my commitment. [ambient noise] patel, larry beil, all of us. we appreciate your time right now. jimmy kimmel, anthony anderson and >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- anthony anderson, fernanda torres, and music from flipturn.
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with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: very nice. thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thanks for watching. thanks for joining us here in los angeles, california, where the fires are still burning, believe it or not. fortunately, they have not increased in size for a few days now. the aqi today in l.a. was 37, which means -- something, i don't know what. [ laughter ] guillermo, do you know what it means? >> guillermo: air quality something. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: air quality index, which you know, something we look at regularly, but the health experts say it doesn't apply to this situation because there are particles in the air they don't even measure for.
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so you don't know what to do. this morning, i asked google ai where the best air quality in southern california is. it said altadena. [ laughter ] which is not the right answer. altadena is the epicenter of the eaton fire. it said altadena, glendora, and the pacific palisades have the best air quality. just in case you've been wondering if ai really is trying to kill us? it is. [ laughter ] it's going to. president biden last night delivered his farewell address to the nation. he did it live from the oval office. the speech was 18 minutes along -- which is also the amount of time it takes the president to pee. [ laughter ] it was an interesting speech. it was more like a stern talking-to. biden warned us about threats to democracy, including the decline of american journalism and the dangerous seeds of oligarchy. where too much power and influence is in the hands of a wealthy few. basically, the message was "i'm getting the hell out of here, and you probably should too." [ laughter ] he said "americans are being buried under an avalanche of
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misinformation and disinformation." and then i thought he was about to start rapping and i got nervous. [ laughter ] watching this address, it was hard for me to think about anything other than the fact that in four days donald trump will be sleep-farting behind that very same desk. [ laughter ] with a drawer full of dipping sauces at the ready. not only was it president biden's final speech, it was also a chance for the gang at "fox & friends" to take a good, hard look at what matters most to this country. >> if you look carefully, and the "new york post" points this out, might actually be behind our logo. joe biden is sitting on a pillow. [ laughter ] we don't know if it's just -- it was a rough four years or whatever. but apparently, he has taken now to sitting on a pillow. >> jimmy: and it's not even a mypillow, can you imagine? [ laughter ] the people criticizing us for how we handled the fires don't even know not to block the pillow with their logo. [ laughter ] he's sitting on a pillow! what are they gonna do when he's back home in delaware?
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who are they gonna -- who they gonna attack now? i guess it's back to the gay m&ms, i don't know. [ laughter ] joe biden leaves office with the lowest approval rating of his presidency, 36%. the good news is he won't remember any of it. [ laughter ] and also, the well-wishes have already started pouring in. >> you are inspiration to everybody in the nation. >> you are amazing, and i want you to spiral and get drunk and enjoy yourself, because you are amazing. mwah, love you. >> i want to congratulate joe. you got my vote, i got to tell you that. >> keep alive, keep doing what you want to do, following your dreams, going for it, being the greatest you can possibly be. >> congratulations. the theme of "knight rider" is one man can make a difference, and you are that difference. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that was the theme of "knight rider"? wait a minute.
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i thought "knight rider" was about a trans am that could talk. [ laughter ] we learn something every day. this is good. donald trump, while everyone has been worried that he won't do anything to help us. turns out we're wrong. this morning, he wrote -- "it is my honor to announce jon voight, mel gibson, and sylvester stallone to be special ambassadors to a great but very troubled place, hollywood, california." [ laughter ] wow. braveheart, rambo, and the midnight cowboy! he summoned the three horsemen of the apocalypto. [ laughter ] "they will serve as special envoys to me for the purpose of bringing hollywood, which has lost much business over the last four years to foreign countries, back -- bigger, better, and stronger than ever before!" in other words, trump saw "the expendables 3" on his plane last night. [ laughter ] hm, i need those guys to help! "these three very talented people will be my eyes and ears, and i will get done what they suggest. it will again be like the united states of america itself, the golden age of hollywood!" and who better to be trump's eyes and ears than 86-year-old jon voight?
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[ laughter ] kevin sorbo must be devastated. he was not included. trump may be headed here next week. he is supposedly coming to california to survey the damage and call people names. [ laughter ] it will be good to see him, it's been too long. you know, all week, we have been collecting essential items for victims of the fires in our back parking lot. [ cheers and applause ] our staff donated a lot of this. hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of people showed up with diapers, water, foods, food and socks. our friends at diageo dropped off a ton of stuff today. someone even dropped off spam and funnel cakes. [ laughter ] which is a combination i highly recommend. and i do mean highly. when i say that. [ laughter ] today, we are delivering what we've collected so far to the hard-hit community of altadena. they lost 50% of the buildings in altadena. the devastation is hard to even wrap your head around. half the town is just gone. it's a very tough situation. but the people who live there are tough people, and the vice
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chair of the town council in altadena is a guy named nic arnzen. [ cheers and applause ] there's nic right there. hi, nic. nic lost his home. he has four kids. how is everyone? >> hanging in there. we're trying to be complete and whole. my son's a new marine. he's coming in from north carolina tomorrow. we'll just keep holding on to each other. >> jimmy: i know you've been working nonstop, not only to help others but also to help us figure out how to help others. what is a very local way that we can help the people of althat dina right now? >> look what you're doing here, what you're doing right now, the fact that, you know, i'm not in denial, i'm devastated but i'm smiling. i'm finding joy. because you've provided our community with a way to celebrate being together, and i appreciate that. you can also -- the only real way to make sure the funds get directly to altadena at this point, and we're working on more, is to donate at the
11:43 pm site. altadena rotary is probably our most trusted partner at this point because we're unincorporated. we want to get things right into the hands of recesidents. >> jimmy: best to your family. i thank our friend, evan fox, with the yeasty boys bagel truck, making sandwiches for all the people there with world kitchen. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, nic and evan. if you want to help out. the fda yesterday announced a ban on red dye number three. which, i have to say, sucks. i loved red dye number three. it was my favorite one. every night after work, i unwind with a shirley temple and a big bag of bacon bits. [ laughter ] and now that's gone. red dye number three is made from -- it's shocking to hear this, we've been eating it for 80 years.
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it's made from something called "coal tar" which comes from the petroleum refining process. it's the reason why your kids get more than 30 miles to the gallon. [ laughter ] right now red dye number three is in pez, ring pops, dubble bubble, all the basic food groups. [ laughter ] but the ban that has the young people really upset this week is the one on tiktok. unless the supreme court steps in, tiktok will be shut down on sunday. the fate of the fifth most popular social media app on earth depends on whether a group of teenage girls can deliver a new rv to clarence thomas by midnight on saturday night. [ laughter ] [ applause ] online, people get annoyed with me because when i say tiktok is an app for teenagers -- and they're right, it's not an app for teenagers. just like crop tops are great shirts for old, fat guys. [ laughter ] tiktok is for everyone. the problem with tiktok is it's totally controlled by the chinese government. i heard a good explanation of why this is a problem.
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because i wasn't sure why, exactly, it was a problem. the reason why the chinese having our kids' personal information is a threat is because kids aren't kids forever. they grow up and get jobs. and when they do, the chinese government will have all the passwords they use, everything they've posted, their financial information in a lot of cases, messages, you name it, they will have it. which isn't so much of a problem if they grow up to work at petco. [ laughter ] but some teenagers grow up and become nuclear physicists or they join the military or the state department. every single person in the army and the state department used to be a teenager, i don't know if you knew that. [ laughter ] in the future, the chinese government will have tons of their data to blackmail them with, and that's why it's a national security it there when your nephew films himself eating corn on the cob off a makita drill bit. [ laughter ] did you know that, guillermo? >> guillermo: yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: is that clearer now? >> guillermo: yes. >> jimmy: are you on tiktok? >> guillermo: no, i'm not on
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tiktok. >> jimmy: very good. tiktok isn't even allowed in china. not only that, you know those chinese chicken salads? they don't have those either. [ laughter ] it's just us. but even though he talks very tough game about china, there is one guy who really does like tiktok. >> we're looking at tiktok. we have some perfect news on tiktok. i'm on tiktok now. i know a lot about tiktok. i'm now a big star on tiktok. we'll take a look at tiktok. we're looking at tiktok. we may be banning tiktok. we're not doing anything with tick toke. joe biden is responsible for banning tiktok. if people want to save tiktok, think of to vote for me. i could have banned tiktok. i'm the one who says we should save tiktok. tiktok. tik tiktok. tiktok. tiktok. tik tiktok. tiktok. tiktok. tiktok. tiktok. tiktok. tiktok. tiktok. kid rock. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no that's unrelated. [ applause ]
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we found out today that the ceo of tiktok will be in the front row at trump's inauguration on monday, alongside mark zuckerberg, jeff bezos, and elon musk. so, it might only be down for one day. but if it is, rest assured, that there's an old friend standing by to pick up the slack. >> hi. i'm tom harper, ceo of america online. remember us? we used to send you internet in the mail. so cool. well, we just read an article on it says the u.s. government might ban something called tiktok. we have no idea what that is, but we wanted to let all you youngsters out there know that if ticky-took gets band, you're always welcome here on good old aol. [ modem connecting noises ] music to my ears. we have it all.
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fashion ideas. wow. looking snazzy. chat rooms. those are rooms where you can chat. embroidery patterns for shawls and evening wraps. uncensored beetle bailey comic strips. minute by minute estimates on how much your beanie babies are earth. and porn grief that downloads at a blazing 56 kilo bits per second. yowza. and trust me, miss cindy mar goen less is worth the wait. so, if tiktok does go away, remember -- at aol, as always -- >> you've got mail. >> i'm joe biden, and i approve this message. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we've got a fun show for you tonight. golden globe winner fernanda torres is here. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from flipturn. and we'll be right back with anthony anderson.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back to our show. tonight, she won a golden globe for her performance in the movie "i'm still here." fernanda torres is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a rock band from florida. their album "burnout days" comes out next friday. music from flipturn. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we've got top-notch guests once again next week including -- don cheadle, sterling k. brown, jesse eisenberg, leanne morgan, danielle deadwyler, james marsden, from the boston celtics, jayson tatum will be with us. and we'll have music from pete yorn, larkin poe, the milk carton kids and vera sola.
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so please join us for all of that. our first guest is one of my favorite people. in the whole town. he's an 11-time emmy-nominated actor and los angeleno through and through. please say hello to anthony anderson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. >> oh, good to be seen, how are you, brother? >> jimmy: i'm good. i like this outfit you're wearing, too. it's utilitarian. the kind of thing you wear in a fashionable emergency, a fashion emergency, if you will. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you -- you were born here, you're raised here. you love this city, correct? >> yes, yeah, born and raise the right here in compton, california. >> jimmy: what's the ring you have on? >> my college fraternity ring,
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omega psi >> jimmy: i thought the dodgers slipped you one. >> i have a 2020 series world series ring, i'm waiting for my 2022 world series ring. i'm a child of los angeles. >> jimmy: so is guillermo, he didn't get any ring. >> guillermo's flammable. >> jimmy: very flammable tonight. are you surprised how quickly this city came together? >> not at all, no. it's what we do. i mean, we -- >> jimmy: it was immediate, though. there was no hesitation. >> yeah, no, there was no hesitation. i mean, we've seen a lot, gone through a lot in this city. we've always been able to band together and come together as a family and rebuild the city the way it needed to be built. >> jimmy: you were out there volunteering with world central kitchen. >> yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you are. where were you? >> we were on the west side. at the ymca.
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that was just a couple days ago. yeah, man. >> jimmy: how many meals did you serve? >> we served 300 meals. i met jose andreas when i was a judge on "iron chef america" years ago. >> jimmy: oh. >> and we befriended one another. so, he was one of the first people that i called, like what are you doing in los angeles, whatever you're doing, how can i volunteer? and they sent me to a couple places. >> jimmy: they get it right there wherever something tough is going on. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and where were you when the fire started? >> i was actually in las vegas on business. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what kind of business were you on? [ laughter ] >> it was the consumer electronics show. >> jimmy: oh, all right. >> and i was going to see the new sex dolls. [ laughter ] for business purposes. >> jimmy: of course, of course, yeah. >> no, but -- >> jimmy: most people don't know you're a sex doll magnate.
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[ laughter ] >> i want to see these new robots, jimmy. but no, so that's where i was. and i got a call where i had been monitoring everything. and my neighborhood was put in the red flag zone. >> jimmy: right. >> and i couldn't get out of vegas in time, so i called my son and my best friend, skinny boy, to get to my house, and get the important things out. >> jimmy: your son and skinny boy? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what does skinny boy way? just curious. >> what does he weigh? >> jimmy: yeah. >> about to two 30 now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i had a feeling, had a feeling. that's left side the best. a reverse nickname. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so your son is skinny boy. and then do they decide what to take out of the house? >> no, i told them. it was -- it was just two simple things. i needed skinny boy to go to the safe and take out the passports and the important papers and the jewelry. and my son, his responsibility was to get my diabetic medication. >> jimmy: okay. and now you feel comfortable that skinny boy knows the combination to your safe? [ laughter ] >> somebody always has to know
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the combination to the safe. >> jimmy: is that true? >> yeah. he's the one. >> jimmy: he's the one. >> outside of me, he's the only person that knows the combination. >> jimmy: your son doesn't have the combination? >> my son does not know the combination. [ laughter ] no, he doesn't. and he's in the will. but the will was in the safe, so we needed skinny boy to get to it. >> jimmy: then did you fly right home? >> i flew right home the next morning. so thursday i got home. and, you know -- what's -- what's that new app? what's it called? >> jimmy: watch duty. >> watch duty. >> jimmy: right. >> so i downloaded watch duty before i left las vegas. and saw everything that was on watch duty. and what was crazy, i live at the base of the reservoir in the encino hills. and the evacuation line stopped 50 feet right before my house. so i didn't know if i was -- if i was safe or if i needed to leave. i was confused. >> jimmy: right. >> yeah, because it was like, yeah, you're good, we didn't include your yard in it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right, yeah.
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>> so, you know, it was one of those things. >> jimmy: i'm sure you left, of course. >> no, i didn't. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> i stood on my balcony. >> jimmy: did you really? >> i really did, i stood on my balcony for the longest time. like a movie director on cocaine. [ laughter ] just, like, filming everything that was going on in the neighborhood. and i was sending the photos and the pictures to, you know, my thread group. don cheadle, ced the entertainer, d.l. hughley -- my group of friends. i'm sending them the pictures and videos, wow, look at this. they're like, you should get the [ bleep ] out of there, anthony. [ laughter ] and i was just -- it was just crazy. just surreal to watch and see what was happening. that at one point i realized, oh, maybe i do need to get the [ bleep ] out of here. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> you know, but i want to commend our firemen and women and everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, of course.
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>> for doing what they could, when they could, and for as long as they could. i mean, there was nothing like, you know, our favorites out there, you know, saving the city as best they could. >> jimmy: do you know your neighbors? like, are you in touch with the people on your block? >> jimmy, i -- [ laughter ] i've owned this home for about eight years, right? i've never met any of my neighbors. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? >> no. actually, i -- i know two personally. but they -- i found out -- they added me to this neighborhood conversation on whatsapp. then i find out that they've been having these conversations for about ten years without me being on them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> so i was taken a little aback about that. you know, i'm the only -- you know, michael b. jordan and myself are the only black people in our neighborhood. well -- three if you include machine gun kelly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait. why would you include machine gun? >> i include him, that's my brother.
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[ laughter ] so -- it's the three of us. but they don't have mbj or mgk on the whatsapp, it's just me. so i -- i befriended them on this whatsapp. so -- >> jimmy: now you know -- >> so all the other white people in my neighborhood, it's me! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: how's your mom, by the way? was she affected by this? >> i have issues with my mom right now. >> jimmy: oh, what's the problem? >> in light of everything that's been going on in los angeles, you know my mother hasn't called me? >> jimmy: no! >> my mother hasn't -- to this day, she hasn't called me. >> jimmy: to check in on you? >> to check in on me to see how i was doing. >> jimmy: did you check in on her? >> i did. >> jimmy: she didn't check back? >> she didn't pick up her phone. i sent her text message. as i'm thinking about it, mama, are you okay? [ laughter ] but no, she hasn't called me at all. and i put -- i sent pictures on our family thread, and everybody on the family thread called me
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or sent me a text message after the fact, except for my mother and my brother. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. so guess who's out of the will now? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's going to be a very sad mother's day, doris, that's for sure. [ laughter ] anthony anderson is with us. we'll be right back. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by at&t. connecting changes everything. here on my land, not theirs. give me cologuard®, or give me— excuse me. we can do that for you. what, no battle? nope. just a prescription. victory! cologuard is an effective and non-invasive colon cancer screening test. false positive and negative results may occur. those at high risk should use colonoscopy. skip the drama. ask your provider or request cologuard online. look at those beautiful flowers. agh, i gotta tell sarah. do we need to knock on neighbors' doors to tell them their flowers look good?
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. i don't ever see anyone coming out
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to maintenance anything, so it's very scary for me because i have everything i love in this home. so, we've now implemented drone technology. how is that safe for me? it enhances the inspection, so it allows us to see things faster. your safety is the most important, and if you're feeling unsafe, that's not okay. it doesn't feel like that in our hearts. i mean, it's worrisome. [dog barks] [dog barks] >> jimmy: questioning back with anthony anderson here in los
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angeles, california. all right, so we've got it out of the way, everybody's okay, everything's okay. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i have a bone to pick with you. you were supposed to be here on halloween and you got sick. do you remember that? >> i do. >> jimmy: we were worried about you getting sick and all that, right? >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: then the next day -- [ laughter ] the next day -- [ laughter ] you post all of these pictures. now, the way i see it -- one of two things has happened here. >> right. >> jimmy: either you were not sick. >> uh-huh? >> jimmy: or you potentially infected some of the great stars of the dodgers. [ laughter ] >> no.
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>> jimmy: which one was it? >> neither one of those. haven't you heard of something called the 24-hour flu? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it wasn't even 24 hours. >> no, this is the thing. that's skinny boy right there, that's skinny boy right there. so, he convinced me to get out of my sickbed. he was like, "yo, ant." he was like, "man, they just won the world series, i feel that you were an instrumental part of that, you have to be at the ceremony." and i was like, "skinny boy, i can't do that, man." he was, "ant, we don't know when it's going to happen again, we got to go." so he forced me to get out of bed, man. and i was in bed for two more days after that. i should have never left. >> jimmy: skinny boy cares so little about your health and wellness -- [ laughter ] he's like, "i don't care how sick you are, i want to go to this." >> he wanted to go and all he wanted was an ohtani autographed jersey. >> jimmy: did he get it? >> he got it. >> jimmy: at your expense? >> at my expense. >> jimmy: i don't think he should have the combination of your safe. [ laughter ]
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i feel like i should have the conversation to your safe. >> you got it. i want to say thank you, man. you were a true friend because you sent a care package to my house. >> jimmy: i did, i sent you soup. >> you sent me tons of soup, and that was the thing that got me better. >> jimmy: i should have the combination to your safe. [ laughter ] >> i thank you, man. i'm going to thank you publicly. you'll have the combination to the safe. >> jimmy: so listen, you went to the clippers game last night. >> i did. >> jimmy: you went to the lakers game the night before. >> yes, i did. >> jimmy: you love going to these games? >> i do. >> jimmy: i saw you on instagram. will you tell us the story of what happened on the way to that clippers game? >> you're talking about from a couple of weeks ago? >> jimmy: yeah. >> so i was picking up skinny boy. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> we were driving down western. and right before we get to century, i hit two potholes. and i was only going about 40 miles an hour. but i have low-profile tires on the car. and they popped. and i was like, i cannot park my car on the side of the road where i was at that particular time. so i hobbled it down to van ness
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and century, and i parked it at a gas station, and i called to have my car towed. now, this is the thing. i'm sitting there waiting to get my car towed. and this dude from the hood rolls up in the moped. and he looks and he sees the car. and he gets on the phone, talks to somebody. and he leaves. he comes back. he has on a full hoodie and a helmet. and somebody else on the back. and they start approaching my car. and i'm looking at him, quinny boy's like, yo, dog, they're coming oaf. i rolled down the window, "yo, it's me!" [ laughter ] and they're like, "oh, hi, ant." and they drove off. [ applause ] >> jimmy: they drove off. >> that was -- i was stranded in the hood. but then the tow truck comes and it's not a regular tow. they have to send a flatbed for the car. by that time it's been an hour and a half. i don't want to go to the game anymore, i just want to go home. but the car got towed and we don't have anybody to pick us
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up. we're standard are standing on the corner for 35 minute. >> you put this video on instagram. >> we're standing here. >> that's how real it is. >> at this chevron. >> get that! get that! >> hey, it's high activity in the hood tonight! we're standing on the street corner with my belongings in a plastic bag! somebody come get us! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: did anyone come get you? >> my goddaughter. uber would not come pick me up. i couldn't get unioner that night. >> jimmy: wow. >> you saw the police cars. they think, naw, something happened in the hood, ant, we can't come. >> jimmy: anthony anderson, everybody, thank you for being here. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with fernanda torres.
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(vo) with fargo, your virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab, even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle. (kaz) smooth. (vo) learn more at welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live." i'm former quarterback tim tebow. >> i'm former clarinet player, jimmy kimmel. we're witnessing yet another sorry display of subpar wireless service. >> can't argue with you there, jim. america's favorite sidekick, guillermo, is attempting to call a friend using one of the oldest communication devices i have ever seen. this is truly a historic cell phone fumble. >> you could build a schoolhouse with that brick. guillermo needs technical support, but he is not going to get it using 1980s technology,
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tim. >> it might be from the 1880s, jim. >> you might be right, tim. i haven't seen guillermo this upset since they started charging extra for guacamole. >> what a disappointing moment for an otherwise adorable man. >> wait a minute. what's this? it's a hail mary, folks. guillermo is switching to at&t, which gives him the at&t guarantee. >> what a game changer! this means guillermo will get the connectivity he depends on, the deals he wants, and the prompt, friendly service he deserves. he's dialing. it's ringing. [ ringing ] oh, it's my phone ringing. hello? >> hey, jimmy, i'm hungry, go get me a hot dog. >> the call is complete! can you believe it? >> and when what a call it was. once again, connecting changes everything, all thanks to at&t. what a game. thank you, tim. >> thank you, jim. >> thank you, tim.
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>> jim. >> tim. >> jimmy. >> timmy. >> lou: find out more about the at&t darren fee by go to at& because most things in life are not guaranteed. mr. tebow! like quarterbacks being accurate. [car alarm going off] still got it, timmy. or that your pump-up song is for everyone. ["fight song" by rachel platten playing in headphones] lowkey, banger. or sacking off the field. yeah, that's not guaranteed. you know what at&t guarantees? connectivity you depend on, the deals you want, and the service you deserve. or we'll make it right. that's the at&t guarantee. i should have just run it. ♪ are you having any fun? ♪ that's the at&t guarantee. ♪ what you getting out of living? ♪ ♪ who cares for what you've got ♪ ♪ if you're not having any fun? ♪ ♪ have a little fun ♪ introducing new eroxon gel, the first fda-cleared ed treatment available
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>> jimmy: hi, welcome back. the weekend before last, our next guest won the best actress golden globe 26 years after her mother was nominated in the very same category. her movie is called "i'm still here." it opens in select cities tomorrow. please welcome fernanda torres! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ it's a pleasure to have you here. >> pleasure, thank you for having me. >> jimmy: it's great to have you. and congratulations, by the way. what a couple of weeks. i mean, really. that's something else. [ cheers and applause ] >> what a strange week. man, it was like a roller
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coaster. so you go up and down in the fires. >> jimmy: right, yeah, yeah. >> evacuating and -- was quite a ride. >> jimmy: you've been here the whole time in l.a.? no, you were on with kelly and mark in new york? >> yes, then i went to new york because i was supposed to go. >> jimmy: right. >> but then i had to come back for you, man. >> jimmy: thank you for doing that, i appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ] do you, like -- do you bring the statuette with you, the golden globe statue? >> that was the problem, because we're here in west hollywood. and that was a wednesday when things started to get strange. then my husband suddenly at 6:00 in the afternoon, he comes to the -- to the room in his underpants with his phone beeping. "they are saying to evacuate now!" so we're packing and we left. and i didn't have time to deliver the award. it's very heavy. to the producer who was going
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back to brazil. now i'm carrying it with me. and, i mean, you can kill someone. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it is very heavy. >> it is heavy. so they told me, don't put in the suitcase because they can think it's a bomb. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> take it with you in your handbag. so i've been carrying it. and i was, like, leaving to new york. and of course it was chosen. >> jimmy: yeah. >> of course. i had this heavy -- whatever. and then this -- the tsa, tsa the name of the guy? >> jimmy: yes. >> he looked, like the guy said, "what you have here?" and i said, "well, it's a golden globe." [ laughter and applause ] [ cheers ] he said, "i can see it's a golden globe. for what? how did you get it?" i said, "i won best actress for
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drama." [ cheers and applause ] and then he told me, "congratulations." [ laughter ] "you can go to finish," he told me. "you know, i worked in the business, but i had to leave it for my sanity." [ laughter ] and he chose to be a tsa guy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. you got a lot of information out of this guy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: is everybody back home very excited about this? [ cheers and applause ] i would imagine so, yeah? >> i'm afraid to go back. [ laughter ] really. because i need to rest, you know. like the final task -- >> jimmy: oh, i am task? >> you are a task. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what my wife says, yeah. >> i can make it here, i can make it anywhere. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm very interested in your mom being nominated in the same category, and your mom is in the film with you as well.
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and was this like a -- i would imagine this was a meaningful to her, yes? >> she said something beautiful after the awards. she was being interviewed. and she told the journalist, "you know, i'm 95 years old, and i lived to see it." so it's beautiful. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, that is great. [ applause ] >> but she's 95. working, doing theater. >> jimmy: she's a big star in brazil. >> she's a big star, and she works more than me. she has more energy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: your mom is also fernanda, you are fernanda, your dad's fernando. >> do. >> jimmy: does that get confusing at all in the house, or no? >> yes, jimmy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you have siblings? >> i have one brother called claudio. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> why? >> jimmy: does he feel left out? >> claudio is wonderful because claudio's the only sane in the family. >> jimmy: is he? >> he tried to escape, but he
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couldn't. he became a director. [ laughter ] one day he told me, you know what does claudio mean? the one who limps. >> jimmy: that's what claudio means? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what a terrible name that is. >> remember the emperor, claudio? >> jimmy: of course. >> of course i do. [ laughter ] he limped. but claudio's -- >> jimmy: the one who limps? >> when he arrived here in l.a., he sent me "mary tyler moore's" opening. >> jimmy: throw her hands in the air? >> he said, "i thought about you." >> jimmy: mary tyler moore is somebody you were familiar with growing up over there? >> please, totally. genius, is genius. i mean, there were americans who were very good, i mean, selling your culture. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, yes, we are. >> very good at it. >> jimmy: that's one of the few things we're good at. >> yeah. >> jimmy: this movie's based on a true story. it's a great movie, and you're fantastic in it. everybody's great. it seems to real.
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it's so -- and -- well, it is something that actually happened. will you tell us a little bit about the story? >> you know, the whole thing that is happening with this film, even my award, i think we do it -- this amazing woman who lost her husband during the cold war, or because the dictatorship in brazil was part of the cold war. very distopic time like the one we're living now. and this woman, i mean, she had to -- she became a widow with five children. and the film's the story of the disappearance of this man. i won't do any spoiler here. and how this woman in a tragic moment reinvented herself and actually became herself. so it's -- in a way it's a family movie but without -- she does it very softly. in a very intelligent way. this is a very special person. and she became this lawyer.
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she went back to law school at the age of 46 with five children. and she became a lawyer and a defense of human rights. was a great woman. >> jimmy: well, it is really -- thank you so much for -- i'm happy to be your final task. [ laughter ] >> i will tell you the last thing. >> jimmy: what? >> because i had to go to new york after the fire, then they told me, fernanda, kimmel, they have, like this thursday for you. but you have to go back from new york to l.a. i said, really? five hours, and then five ferna fernanda, it's the chance of a lifetime. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, thank you. i didn't know where you were headed with that. so, i'm kind of like mary tyler moore to you. [ laughter ] >> same thing. >> jimmy: in a lot of ways. >> same thing. of course you are. >> jimmy: "i'm still here" is
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>> jimmy: thanks to anthony anderson and fernanda torres. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, their album "burnout days" comes out next friday. here with the song "rodeo clown," flipturn! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ m-d-m-a made me love you more it's all just a chemical feeling ♪ ♪ so don't take it so personal oh my love's still got meaning ♪ ♪ and i've been waiting
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for you to figure that out my intoxication doesn't mean it didn't count ♪ ♪ i've been feeling the weight of everything yeah babe i hold it down ♪ ♪ floating into the same old empty i feel it now ♪ ♪ i've been riding i've been rolling i've thrown my reputation around ♪ ♪ and i'm not a man with too many enemies i'm just a rodeo clown ♪ ♪ and you've been waiting for me to figure that out acting on emotion getting off getting down ♪
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♪ i've been feeling the weight of everything yeah babe i hold it down ♪ ♪ floating into the same old empty i feel it now ♪ ♪ i've been giving away my comedy i've been playing the crowd ♪ ♪ floating into the same old empty i feel it now ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you! this is nightline tonight. >> did you do it? the man accused of being the gilgo beach killer, now
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