tv 2020 ABC January 17, 2025 9:01pm-11:00pm PST
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narrator: go to the website or scan the qr code below for more details. terms and conditions apply. >> david: tonight, the sensational trial that just finished. why would a beloved family man suddenly disappear on his family and friends? >> deborah: then tell them not to come looking for him? the stunning courtroom confession on an all-new "20/20"
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beginning right now. i'm living in "the twilight zone," and i can hear the theme song going on. ♪ do do do do ♪ >> he opened the door and he was covered in blood. >> he was here one moment, gone the next. there was no goodbye. there's no, "i'll talk to you later." there's no nothing. he was gone. >> they were getting these weird messages. >> "roses are red. violets are blue. my wife is a whore. your husband is too." >> my family and i are begging you, asking for your assistance. >> nothing added up. nothing made sense. >> had she ever mentioned anything about mike, concerns about mike? >> she's sobbing. she's just, "i know he's coming around." there's stuff -- you know, doors that were closed that were open. >> laurie told her that mike got picked up in a black suv one day. never came back. and i start putting those pieces together.
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>> it made it alarming. it gave me chills. >> everything that had been happening for the last 2 1/2 years was likely a lie. >> there was just more and more twists and turns. >> they asked, "well, when's the last time you'd seen him?" and frankly, i said, "years." >> what? ♪ this is clermont, florida, a rural community about 20 miles west of orlando, but a world apart from the tourist-filled amusement parks. michael and laurie shaver were raising their two children here when his lifelong friend, scott amatuccio, started to get worried. >> we were best friends, and we were just always around each other. i could tell something was off. i just haven't heard from mike for a while.
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i had texted him at some point in time, and he never responded. and then i'm like, "what's going on with mike's facebook?" i go to his page and he wasn't even my friend anymore. >> for friends so close, an unexplained social media slight like this was too strange to ignore. and it turns out scott wasn't the only one worried. >> i would get strange messages. we were just questioning it, like, "is he having that many troubles that he has to turn away from his family?" >> the communication went down and it seemed to be -- it was just a text or a social media facebook message. >> we had conversations all the time about, "where's mike?" >> "have you seen mike? have you heard from mike?" >> someone said michael just took off in a black suv and never came back. none of this adds up. >> clearly something wasn't right. >> michael was missing. >> he was here one moment and gone the next. just gone. >> everybody's hair was raised. what's going on?
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>> it was that concern that started the unraveling of a years-long mystery as deep and dark as the lakes that surround this place. ♪ >> hi, i'm michael shaver. there i am. that's me. see? >> michael grew up the third child of four with his brother and two sisters in the tiny, rural village of lawrence in upstate new york. >> our relationship was a very special bond. my mom was a single mother, so i would help my mom out whenever she needed help with michael. i would always put michael first. >> this is a photo of mike and i. we're at my house that i grew up in. >> we would just have fun as kids, ride our bikes all day long, go on adventures.
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always playing around the neighborhood. >> i built this all by myself. >> he was great at playing drums. eventually, he learned to play guitar. we used to have this band. we called it rifles and dandelions instead of guns n' roses. that was our silly way of coming up with a band. >> as a young man, michael showed a talent for working with his hands. >> i've played with tools all my life. i believe that the genes were passed on to michael. because as a kid, he used to repair stuff around the house. >> he would go around the town, and people would actually give him stuff. he would fix it. >> he may take an old bicycle or something and fix it up and make it work again for somebody. it's like a sense of accomplishment, saying, "i fixed that." >> one time, him and his friend built an airplane out of wood in the backyard, and i swear if they'd had a motor, they
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would've taken off with it. it was really something. you should have seen it. >> michael's love of tinkering with things, i believe, led him to wanting to work on airplanes. and then as he got a little older, he wanted to learn how to fly. >> flying wasn't the only thing michael loved. by the time he'd gotten to high school, his head was also in the clouds for laurie paddleford, seen here in their yearbook. >> we all grew up together. it was around seventh or eighth grade. mike had a crush on laurie. he wanted to figure out the best way to ask her out. we had come up with this great idea of playing boyz ii men in the background. ♪ i'll make love to you like you want me to ♪ >> so that's how they ended up dating. >> i don't think i really understood how serious it was until after they graduated. then they were talking about
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marriage. >> so this is a picture of mike and i at his wedding. i was his best man, and this was us together. >> their wedding was beautiful. laurie, she was so happy. i remember michael couldn't stop smiling. >> he eventually got his commercial pilot license, worked for piedmont. >> he loved it. and he used to take his friends up and do loop-de-loops with them, and they loved it. >> soon michael and laurie became parents to daughter isabel and her younger brother aidan. after moving up and down the east coast, michael and his family ended up in the sunshine state. >> it's when i moved down to florida. that's when they moved down to florida. >> they moved to clermont, bought a property, five acres.
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it's pretty rural. it's beautiful lakes, some rolling hills. it's pretty quiet. >> he had chickens and guineas and turkeys and quite a few ducks, and he wanted them to have their own duck pond. >> in his off hours, he worked as a mechanic for precious metal, a local flight team that performs and races all over the country. >> we were both volunteers for the precious metal air racing team. >> reno air racing has been compared to nascar of the sky. it's multiple planes on a closed course at one time. speeds are up to 500 miles per hour. you're 50 feet off the ground. it's a huge adrenaline rush. we spent several years, several long nights, sometimes three days in a row working on the plane together. >> the people who described him as a genius, i would agree. he just took care of it. he knew that the job was going to be completed as it should. >> laurie worked from home for an insurance company while michael was away for days at a time working as a pilot.
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wanting to be with his family more, michael quit the airline business for another dream job, this one at the most magical place on earth. >> mike and i worked at epcot together. he was a mechanic. >> working at disney was just his little kid inside, and he loved that job. yeah, he was flourishing. >> but then, for some reason, dependable michael just stopped showing up. >> he was here one moment, gone the next. no goodbye. no nothing. >> it seemed michael shaver was blowing off his friends, his family, even his job. >> when the manager contacted mike, mike's response was, "you can go ahead and fire me. i'm not coming back." >> but if michael shaver wasn't coming back, where exactly was coming back, where exactly was he going? ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪
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♪ in the fall of 2015, michael shaver, father of 2, a mechanic who loved to work on and fly planes, seems to just fall off the grid. >> he was here one moment, gone the next. there's no goodbye. there's no, "i'll talk to you later." there's no nothing. he was gone. >> it was a disappearance that just didn't make sense to michael's friends who wondered,
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after nearly a decade marriage, could this have something to do with his rocky relationship with his wife, laurie? >> i'm wilma nicholas, and i was the neighbor for laurie and mike shaver. mike was about the same age as my oldest son, so he was kind of like another son to me. my home was probably 50 feet away from their home. no trees in the middle. i would be just outside doing my chores, and i could hear the arguments happening inside. i talked to laurie. i just said, "you guys okay? you know, i hear you fighting sometimes." >> laurie acted like everything was fine. she was all smiles, and he was all smiles, and they covered it up pretty good. >> i had no idea the extent of what was going on. but i guess that's typical. nobody knows what's really going on inside the house. >> on a hot, late summer afternoon, the simmering tension inside the house erupts.
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>> 911. do you need police, fire, or the ambulance service? >> police. i'm on my way to the sheriff's office right now. i got my kids. >> what's going on? >> it was a domestic violence dispute. my hand is bleeding. >> i had just gotten home from work, and my phone rang, and it was mike. and he said, "can you come over? i need your help." he opened the door, and he was covered in blood. blood streaming down his face. there was torn clothes. i took a whole lot of photos just in case he needed it at any point in the future. >> there was a domestic abuse incident in september of 2014 at michael and laurie's house. >> we are dealing with the scenario where we have the allegations made by laurie shaver. >> laurie tells the 911 operator she and michael have been fighting a lot lately, but it never got physical until that
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night. >> grabbed my gun because he has a gun. i hit him the head with it and i grabbed my kids and left. >> he pulled out a gun on you? >> well, yeah. and he grabbed my car keys and shoved them in his pocket. i fought him to get my keys out of his pocket, and then i got my kids. >> mike's version of events was she was the one that grabbed the gun. she was the one that was initiating the violence. he was trying to calm the situation down. >> he said that they had been in a fight and laurie had threatened to kill him and herself, and that they had wrestled with the gun. >> has there been any drinking tonight? >> yes, there has. we've each probably had 3 beers since 2:00. >> you both had three beers? >> yeah. >> michael admits he kept the car keys from laurie to prevent her from leaving, but he says that's because he didn't want his wife driving with the kids after she'd been drinking. both say during the struggle,
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laurie hit michael on the head with her revolver. >> the revolver that was on the bed looked like a .38, and it had pink plastic grips. then i noticed there were roses all over the floor. >> she didn't go up to michael shaver and just whale on michael shaver. he had a handgun he pulled on her, and i believe she tried to deflect the gun and it hit him. >> police are unable to determine who started the physical altercation with the pistol. >> ultimately, michael was arrested for -- not anything dealing with the firearms, but he admitted, "i grabbed her." and law enforcement arrested him for battery. >> the battery charges ultimately dropped, but things are never the same between the childhood sweethearts. both michael and laurie dug in and pointed fingers at each other. >> laurie had been the victim of
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years of physical abuse by michael shaver. these acts were extreme. laurie was locked in a closet. laurie would be physically beaten. >> i never heard mike scream at laurie or do anything physically. laurie trying to paint mike into this monster and the abusive person in the relationship. everybody that knew mike knew that wasn't the case. >> i do think laurie was abusive towards my brother, and controlling. she would only let him talk for 20 minutes on the phone to me. >> his friends would say that he'd come around and he'd have bruises, and they'd ask him, "what was the matter? what happened?" "oh, laurie got mad." >> michael shaver was not some innocent victim that married some violent woman. michael shaver was an aggressive guy. and she was always the victim of this aggression.
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>> in the fall of 2014, a judge grants a no contact order against michael, and he's forced to move out of the house he shared with laurie and his kids. >> mike was staying in the airplane hangar where the precious metals plane was. i just figured it was for a day or two. and then later on, i learned that he'd been down there, you know, for a week or even more. >> he was sleeping, living basically, at the hangar. there was, like, a meeting room with some nice, big, comfortable couches. there was a shower there and a bathroom. >> she would kick him out. he would leave. a month or two would go by, and then she would have him come back again. >> michael's friends say that while he was living out of the house, he still keeps tabs on laurie, suspecting she's seeing other men. >> when they would split up and mike would be gone, there would be men that would come over quite often to the house. >> michael believed that laurie cheated on him quite frequently. laurie always denied that she was cheating on michael. he would say, "what do you think? does it sound like she's
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cheating, or am i just losing my mind?" >> there was a time where i think mike just needed to know what was going on at home. he and a friend would fly over mike's house just to see whose truck was in the driveway, maybe just to make sure nobody was there. >> he was willing to overlook that and get past it, but it showed the love that he had of willing to fix stuff to be with his family. >> he loved her so much. i guess he forgave her. >> michael's repeated attempts to save his marriage began to strain his other relationships. >> i tried to go visit michael and his children in florida. and always at last minute, i would get a message saying that laurie said it was a bad time, that we shouldn't come down. >> but soon the communication from michael went from infrequent to almost nonexistent. he seemed to simply vanish. >> he was there at the tractor show. and then the next week, he was
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gone. and there was nothing in between. it was just gone. >> and when frank checks in with laurie, her answer only deepens the mystery. >> according to laurie, michael blew out of town, didn't want to be part of the family anymore. >> gone without a trace. or was he? “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles,
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a glorious round table pepperoni pizz... huh? behold, the pepperoni, grilled chicken and bacon pizza from round table! three magnificent toppings. try it at round table pizza! michael and laurie had a roller coaster relationship. but in the fall of 2015, things seemed to be going well. so well that michael has moved back in with laurie and the kids. >> i know that he went home and that they were trying to work things out. he had quite a few ducks, and they were staying with the chickens in the chicken coop, and he wanted them to have their own duck pond. >> he was digging out a duck pond in the back for her ducks, because she wanted to raise ducks and chickens. so he was home.
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they were back together again. >> but then things take another turn. november 7th, 2015. it's a day frank merritt says he will never forget. he and his family met michael and laurie shaver and their children at a local tractor show. >> it was really hot that day. they do a show three or four times a year during the winter months. it's just a bunch of antique tractors, and it's like a flea market. mike was really into that stuff. he really liked that old stuff. >> but michael's friend and co-worker frank says he could once again sense an unspoken tension between michael and laurie. >> she just wouldn't make eye contact with us. she wouldn't speak with us. and it was just kind of weird, because she was usually more bubbly than that. and then he says, "hey, i got to go." so they left. >> the next time frank hears from michael is by text two days later.
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>> he had texted me on monday that he was going to have to quit his job to save his marriage. so i just kind of backed out of it. i just left him alone. so when he didn't show up tuesday, i didn't think nothing of it. it's just, "well, he's got some problems. they'll work it out." and then wednesday he didn't come, and thursday he didn't come. and it wasn't until thursday night that our manager came to see us. >> after three days of no-showing at work, michael's manager reaches out to him and gets a surprising response back. >> mike's response was, "you can go ahead and fire me. i'm not coming back." >> so just none of it made sense at all that michael had sent a text message to his boss just up and quitting. he was known to be a very dependable worker and a diligent worker. that didn't add up at all. >> i'm like, "well, if he's not showing up and not calling, i'll go by and check on him." >> but when frank goes to michael's house looking for answers, he only ends up with more questions.
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>> laurie answers the door. i asked where mike is at, and she said, "he's not home." and i said, "well, what do you mean he ain't here?" i said, "well, his car's here." and his car was in the driveway. so she said, "he's not here." >> frank says laurie eventually told him that after a heated argument, michael stormed off, catching a ride with his friend robert to georgia, and she hadn't seen him since. >> mike never told me he wanted to go to georgia. he had never spoken about wanting to leave, leave the state, leave the marriage, any of that. i thought he was happy here, and we were doing so well. and then it's like, "what an idiot." i felt like that was the wrong thing to do, you know, just walk away. >> i reached out to laurie through messenger on facebook and i said, "do you know where michael is?" and she said, "no, he left. he left the kids. he's not paying child support."
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>> this strikes michael's sister, stacey, as completely out of character for the brother she knows. >> his kids meant more than anything in the world to him, and he would not just up and leave his children. >> and when i was texting with him, he says, "i'm never coming back." just wasn't answering his phone and never coming back. >> i knew they were having some marital problems, so i felt like he needed some space. >> he doesn't want to be involved with this craziness. >> could michael have finally had enough of his rocky marriage and decided to ditch it all, his job included, and head north to start over? >> it was his dream job. he would never quit. nothing added up. nothing made sense. >> what was strange and unusual about the messages that mike was sending to his friends and family? >> the common theme of all of them would've been, "leave me alone. i don't want to have anything to
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do with you. just leave me alone. i don't have family." >> he didn't want to be found. he wanted to be left alone. he was not coming back. he had abandoned his family and he was gone. >> these text messages were completely out of character for michael. i think that the family really noticed that very quickly. >> michael's niece desiree ruggles got this text from him flat out saying, "i don't have a family." >> is there a reason why he's pulling away from our family? because he doesn't talk to us anymore. does he just need time? and i got a little angry, and i'm just like, "you know what? if you don't want to be a brother, don't be a brother." >> just when it seems he's gone for good and his wife laurie is moving on -- >> laurie met jeremy at a park and their children began to play together. >> michael shaver seems to show back up. >> had she ever mentioned concerns about mike? >> yes. she goes, "i know he's coming around. i know he's harassing me. there's doors that were closed
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>> over time, with no sign of michael, laurie moves on with her life, meeting a new man, jereme townsend. or jay, as he's often called. >> he's in the military, or was in the military. they ended up exchanging numbers and a relationship developed. >> laurie's fresh start also includes getting fit. she starts working with a personal trainer named rebekah filmer. >> that a girl. way to work. >> how did you meet laurie? >> so i originally met her at gold's gym. i met her through her then boyfriend, jay townsend. he introduced us as his girlfriend at the time. she had just lost a lot of weight and she wanted to start working out. laurie was super sweet. she was just someone that was
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very easy to talk to. she liked going out to dance and stuff. so we just kind of connected. >> you end up becoming roommates. you moved in in this neighborhood with her? >> yes. we became friends pretty close. >> so close that laurie confides in her about relationships with men, including what laurie says was a difficult marriage to michael shaver. >> she told me she was in this relationship that he made her feel bad about herself. and i started to understand why she wanted to lose so much weight, why she was so focused on her appearance. i mean, in session, she'd be in the mirror fixing her hair and making sure everything was just so. >> and even though it seemed michael had initially skipped town, rebekah says laurie told her that she started to sense that he was back. >> there was a time we're sitting in the living room and she's sobbing. she's just, "i know he's coming around. there's stuff, you know, doors that were closed or open." and i'm like, "you need to get a
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restraining order, you know, if it's getting that bad." she says, "no, i don't want to be bothered. it's just going to kind of open up a whole 'nother can of worms." >> rebekah says laurie told her that she was divorcing michael once and for all and moving on with her life. >> and she goes, "oh, i had the court appearance for" -- to settle their divorce. i'm like, "oh, okay. you know, how did that go?" she said it was settled. she's officially divorced. and i was like, "perfect." >> but laurie's new relationship is far from perfect. she knows that man she's been seeing, jereme townsend, is already married. >> jereme's wife didn't know about laurie. >> and jereme doesn't seem to be leaving his wife anytime soon, something that texts between the two show was creating a strain on their relationship. >> in april 2016, jereme's wife vanessa gets a surprise. she's at work one day when she receives a flower delivery. but it's not from jereme. the delivery comes with a
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strange card. >> "roses are red. violets are blue. my wife is a whore. your husband is too. sorry about this. check your facebook message. we need to talk. mike." >> then jereme's wife goes onto facebook and finds a message from michael shaver informing her of the affair. he says he's installed a spy app on laurie's cell phone and he includes screenshots of texts and explicit photos between jereme and laurie. >> basically mike was outing this affair. >> laurie's relationship with jereme implodes after his wife finds out. >> it was clear that he wasn't going to be leaving his wife. they were going to work it out, and him and laurie were over. >> laurie moves on from jereme pretty quickly to another guy, travis. >> travis filmer was a youth leader at a local church.
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laurie met him through rebekah. >> i didn't know anything about her. but from appearances, she was really put together. i knew that she had kids. i saw how she interacted with the kids. so, for me, that was a very important thing. i've always wanted kids. i've always wanted a family. i know when i was a kid and my parents got divorced, it destroyed me. >> the sparks between travis and laurie first flying during a bonfire get-together at laurie's house. >> her smile is the one thing that just stood out to me. it drew me to her. >> after that night it was, "travis this, travis that." and i'm like, "oh, my god, here we go." i think she has a type. when i've seen pictures of mike and the way that he would dress, it was similar to travis. >> we ended up going out to dinner. we just hit it off. we had a lot in common and decided to keep seeing each other. >> laurie also told travis
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details about her relationship with michael. >> from the things that she described to me, it was a very bad situation. she had told me that they were divorced. and i did ask if she was receiving any child support. and she told me that she wasn't, that he didn't want anything to do with the kids. >> i'm kendel windsor. i'm travis filmer's mother. laurie was lovely. it was like he was with us one day, and then the next thing, you know, he's living with laurie. >> this is the person i want to be with. not only did i fall in love with laurie, but i fell in love with aiden and isabel too. >> travis and laurie's love affair is moving quickly, and on new year's eve 2016, they decide to have a wedding ceremony right here in laurie's backyard. >> we had friends, family come over. it was fantastic. >> i was told they were getting married this day, that time, and i showed up.
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>> laurie had fixed up the five-acre property prior to the occasion, putting in a backyard fire pit. the couple later etched their initials into the concrete around it. >> laurie walked out to the brantley gilbert song "fall into me." >> so we're sitting on bales of hay. my dad walks her down the aisle. >> the ceremony was underneath this big oak tree. >> i, travis -- >> i, travis -- >> take you, laurie. >> take you, laurie. >> we did this to really just show everybody in front of god that we're committed to each other. this is a lifelong thing. >> travis, you may now kiss the bride.
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>> so laurie has moved on and put her ex michael shaver behind her. but michael's friends and family have not been able to do the same, still wondering why it's been so long -- at this point more than two years -- since any of them have laid eyes on him. >> clearly something wasn't right. >> and that lifelong friend scott amatuccio is about to make a stunning discovery. >> that made my stomach sink right away. ♪ ("good feeling" by flo rida ft. atr) ♪ this... a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this... a not flash. for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... ...veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone-free veozah... can have fewer hot flashes and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take
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new year's eve 2016, laurie shaver and travis filmer had a wedding ceremony in their backyard -- >> until death do us part. >> -- just steps from that fire pit where their initials are etched in the concrete. and a year later, the couple had even more to celebrate. >> and i looked at her and i was like, "are you serious?" and she's like, "yeah, i'm pregnant." and i was just floored. like, absolutely floored. >> they would quickly add another child to their growing
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brood along with the two kids laurie shared with her ex, michael shaver. michael hadn't been seen by friends and family since he seemingly walked away from his life. >> michael would pop up every now and then with facebook messages to his family, to his friends. "i don't want to be bothered. i'm working on myself." >> even though the years were passing, friends and family said the occasional texts and facebook messages led them to believe michael wanted to be left alone. >> everybody rationalized it as "give the man space." we knew what he was going through with the family by this point. >> i should have probably texted mike more and called him, but we were never much into texting or phone calls. i had my first daughter, and i was so consumed in that, it was just not on my mind. >> scott then gets a phone call
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from his ex-fiance, katina vasquez, that would change everything. she tells him she happened to be over at michael and laurie's house two and a half years ago, right after laurie said michael skipped town. >> she had noticed that mike's possessions were there. his clothing was there, his wallet was there, his phone, all that was there. >> his car was still there. his guns were still there. >> basically, everything he owned? >> yes. >> he walked away with nothing. i don't even know that he took his toothbrush. >> katina tells scott that during that visit she asked laurie where michael was. >> laurie told her that mike got picked up in a black suv one day, never came back. he would never do that to his family or kids. in a vacuum, you're not going to put anything together, but you start getting these other details and clearly something wasn't right.
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it's those details that made my stomach sink right away. >> eventually scott pieces together that no one has seen or spoken to michael in two and a half years. he decides it's time to reach out to michael's sister in upstate new york to compare notes. >> scott and i just happened to be messaging back and forth one night, and we're like, "none of this adds up." >> stacie and i had been talking. they're getting these weird messages. they'd be kind of short, out of character. >> there was wording that he didn't use. he never called me "bro." >> there was a couple there that said, "just leave me alone. i'm moving to california." just some crazy stuff that just didn't sound like him whatsoever. >> he had texted me one day and asked, "what's mom's number? i tried to call her, it must've been changed."
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my mother's phone number's been the same for 30 years. >> with his suspicions growing, scott does what any of us might do when trying to track down his now long-lost friend, he logs onto facebook. >> i wasn't too active on facebook back then. so, i go to his page and then i had noticed the profile picture had just been updated the month prior to some group of guys in a bar. i had to zoom in and make sure, like nobody looked like mike in that picture. >> scott then does a reverse google image search trying to determine where this photo came from. turns out it matches a photo from a bloody mary mix company. >> clearly, somebody took that picture online and put it as his profile picture. >> and michael's recent posts also seemed off. they were different from what he typically posted in the past.
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>> his activity on facebook was usually pictures of himself, pictures of friends, pictures about the plane that they would work on. all of that ended, and then it started up with various silly memes that were just not in keeping with his personality whatsoever. >> michael's friend scott, along with his sister stacie, knew it was time for something drastic. >> since i was in new york and scott was in florida, scott told me that he would go to the police. >> when i had called, i said, "i'd like to file a missing person report," and they asked, "well, when's the last time you'd seen him?" and frankly, i said, "years." they didn't take me seriously at first because, "are you now filing a missing person report years later?" >> scott is able to convince police in florida that his concerns are serious enough to warrant a welfare check. and when a deputy goes to
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laurie shaver's house, something catches his eye that's been hiding in plain sight for years. >> and that's when i really started getting chills up my back. >> i'll take you there to see for yourself. >> this has got to be the strangest case in my career. >> what happened to your husband though? have you not seen him since 2015? >> i had to rethink and requestion myself. everything that had been happening was likely a lie. >> and just when you think you know where this story is headed, a new twist. >> today, i'm coming to you. my family and i are begging you asking for your assistance. >> everyone was just like, "what?" >> there was just more and more twists and turns. >> i'm living in "the twilight zone" and i can hear the theme song going on. ♪ do do do do ♪
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you stay here? well, i can tell by your confident footsteps that the coast was clear. >> the hit true crime series comes to abc. >> sherri papini reported missing. >> there are questions that just don't make sense. >> in that moment, i felt like she >> i've seen it on tv, on the news, but i never, ever imagined this would be happening next door to me.
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>> that's when you knew something was up. >> we just started asking her questions about the whereabouts of michael shaver. >> did she say why he left? what happened? >> she did not. she has no idea where he would be. lori called me crying, saying, the police are here and they're looking for michael. >> he proclaimed he had the special skills to kill somebody. >> when you walked out here, were you immediately surprised? >> i really started to get chills up my back. >> but what about the chills when a totally unexpected person confesses? >> everyone was just like, what? >> when you have a witness, take the stand that says, i had a role in it. that's pretty incredible. i know it sounds weird. >> i know it does. >> the reality was that he was digging his own grave. >> that was one of the most bizarre videos i've ever seen.
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>> this has got to be the strangest case in my career that i've ever seen. it was as though this guy had literally just vanished. >> november 7th, 2015 was the last time anyone saw michael shaver alive. his family hadn't seen him. his friends hadn't seen him. >> no one had actually talked to him on the phone or talked to him in person. it was very weird. >> they will tell you he would never, ever leave his two children. >> he had five acres of property and a tractor. he walked away with nothing. >> it's been two and a half years since anyone has seen or spoken to michael shaver. his loved ones are concerned, so his longtime friend scott amatuzio decides to call law enforcement. he requests a welfare check.
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>> so this is south claremont. we're probably 40 minutes north west of orlando. so this is a very rural area. >> corporal corey anderson was one of two deputies that respond to the welfare check call that day in february 2018. >> it was out of the ordinary. i haven't seen a call like that in a long time. >> what about it? felt unusual to you? >> it's usually a well-being check. is. hey, i haven't heard my friend in a while. >> can you go check on them or have them call me? >> not anything like he's missing. he's not responding to calls. he's making posts that aren't like him to make people just don't up and leave, you know? >> so you pull up to the house.
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what's the first thing you do when you get here? >> deputy morris and i, we meet, and then we approach the house together. >> did someone answer the door? >> yes. miss schaefer answered the door. she had a two week old infant in her arm. so she stood on the porch and we just started asking her questions about the whereabouts of michael shaver. >> what was her demeanor like? was she friendly? >> she was cool as a cucumber and it made it almost alarming. it gave me chills. speaking with her. >> lori really didn't seem very apprehensive or nervous or surprised. >> the way that she was answering questions, withholding information. >> what kind of withholding of information? >> some of the dates that she used for when he was last seen, the last time he was at work, the day to day, things that she would know weren't adding up. >> did she say why he left? what happened? >> she did not. she simply said that he absconded and has not been seen or heard of, has no
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idea where where he would be. >> corporal anderson then asks lori if he can take a look in the backyard. >> she welcomed them onto the property. she appeared to be very cooperative. she appeared as though she had nothing to hide. obviously, they noticed it was a beautiful, sprawling five acre piece of property, and they were able to walk the outside of the property and look around. >> the deputies noticed multiple outbuildings in the backyard, as well as a chicken coop, rabbit hutch, a fire pit and an above ground swimming pool. but when they ask if they can perform a more thorough search of the backyard, things take a turn. >> and that's when her cooperation ended suddenly. >> she said, you guys need to get off my property immediately and you can contact my attorney. so that was a huge red flag for me. >> that's when you knew something was up. she shut that down and couldn't get them out of there fast enough. >> so detectives got the report from the deputies, and they began to plan their next steps and how they were going to move
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forward to get back out to the property and do a more thorough search. >> i had just left work. >> i was on my way home and lori called me crying, saying, the police are here and they're looking for michael. she was very upset. she didn't. she seemed like she didn't really know what was going on. >> lake county deputies say it was his friend who initially reported him missing. today we're learning more about michael schaefer. >> i turned on the news, and that's when it hit that he's actually missing, that it's not good. >> i remember thinking it's a complete it's a complete misunderstanding. they're going to find that he just wasn't where he was supposed to be. it just kind of it kind of snowballed into. he's missing. missing. working to learn what happened to a man who's been missing. channel nine was there from the beginning. we went out to her house and said, hey, your
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husband's missing. is there anything you want to say? >> we wanted to ask you about the sheriff's office investigation into your missing husband. i have an attorney. you have an attorney? any statement? she basically told us to get away from her truck. and she didn't want to talk to us. what happened to your husband, though? >> did you. have you not seen him since 2015? >> his wife didn't report him missing at all. and years go by. you would think a spouse would want to talk and get his picture out. get the information out. she blew by her cameras. she had nothing to say. >> meanwhile, as detectives are digging for more clues into michael's possible whereabouts, they discover some startling information. >> they learned that his driver's license was expired. there was not a new driver's license issued in any other state. >> good luck man. >> thank you. his pilot's
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license was expired. there was literally no trace of michael. no matter what they tried, no matter where they looked. >> detectives then start interviewing michael's friends, relatives, and coworkers. they start building a timeline to try to pinpoint exactly when someone last laid eyes on him. and it turns out they think it was at that tractor show that michael and his family attended two and a half years earlier with his friend and coworker frank merritt. >> he was there at the tractor show, and then the next week he was gone and there was nothing in between. >> and it was just days later that michael sent that strange text to his boss, abruptly quitting his job. >> based upon all of these bizarre circumstances, we knew something had happened to michael. >> three weeks after that initial welfare check, detectives finally secure a
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search warrant for lori shaver's property. >> it was a huge scene. >> there was law enforcement up and down the road. >> investigators come in with cadaver dogs, and they start searching the property. >> i've seen it on tv, on the news, but i never, ever imagined this would be happening next door to me. >> one of the cadaver dogs is walked along the back yard and alerts to a dirt mound. multiple times. >> that's when they brought in all the big guns, the big equipment. we begin digging up that yard. >> we dug a very significant area. we realized that there was nothing to be found there. the fire pit was our next point of interest. once they started
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digging, we heard some yelling. >> and all of a sudden i noticed activity happening and running around. when my hair started to thin, i thought, am i going to have any hair left. after i gave birth, my hair wasn't even thinning. it was gone. when i spoke to my dermatologist, he immediately pointed me in the direction of nutrafol. it's 100% drug free and clinically tested. within 3 months, my hair was fuller. its' longer, it's so much thicker. i had more scalp coverage. it's so nice to be noticed for my hair after hiding it for so many years. start your hair growth journey at what's smart? treating yourself without cheating your goals. indulge responsibly with factor all of the flavor. none of the guilt. ready in two minutes. eat smart with factor.
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call your prescriber if you have any of these symptoms. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. call your prescriber about vision changes, if you feel your heart racing while at rest, or if you have mental changes. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain, flu, or upset, headache, feeling tired, dizzy, or bloated, gas, and heartburn. some side effects lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i'm losing weight, i'm keeping it off, and i'm lowering my cv risk. ask your prescriber about wegovy®. >> every thursday i am an early care and education system specialist. call makayla. >> alicia is an incredible mother. >> it became very clear to me that i was going to adopt them. >> you've been giving every
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single drop of you to everyone else for so long. i think it's time to give back to you. go go go go. >> a new extreme makeover home edition thursday on abc and stream on hulu. >> investigators with florida's lake county sheriff's office are back at michael and lori shaver's home, armed with a search warrant. they're now scouring the property, and they knew that it was something about that fire pit. >> something was going on in that area. >> the decision was made to bust up that concrete and dig down below that fire pit to see what we could find. >> and there were tents up from investigators as they were excavating and sifting through the dirt. >> once they started digging, we heard some yelling. we knew we were on to something. >> i have never seen anything
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like this before. in person, in my backyard. oh! they're running. >> at one point, investigators and crime scene technicians, they're digging in that area. we see them put their hands over their eyes and we said, hey, something. something just happened. >> and i can tell you that we have found what appears to be a bone that is consistent with that of a human upper arm bone. >> they began to dig, and three feet below there was michael. >> a gruesome discovery in a backyard in florida. >> police are finding what are believed to be human remains. >> what did you find in that gravesite? >> there was a blue tarp, and beneath the blue tarp were the remains of michael shaver. his body was found to be wearing a pair of underwear, a pair of shorts he had on a pair of socks. there was a piece of a
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fitted sheet, also around the body. so it was it was evident that the body had been wrapped up and placed in that grave. >> how deep was this grave? >> about 3.5ft. >> investigators say the remains were skeletonized and looked like they had been there for quite some time. >> when the body was discovered, lori was sitting in her truck. my photographer and i walked over and we knocked on the window. i'm on the phone with my attorney right now and i'm not making a statement. and shortly after she took off. it just seemed strange that that's when she decided to take off and leave. after being there for hours while the search was being conducted. >> three weeks before the remains were found, back on the day of that welfare check, corporal corey anderson was convinced there was something
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underneath that concrete. and this is where the fire pit was. >> yes, the cement slab was here. >> it's what he noticed then that raised investigators suspicions enough to come back with a search warrant. >> as i was approaching the cement slab, you could clearly see a depression, and i took out my cell phone and just started snapping pictures. >> and you saw that depression. were you immediately surprised? >> i was, and that's when i really started to get chills up my back. >> you immediately thought it was a shallow grave. >> absolutely. it's unmistakable. it was this the size of a human adult body? >> it was really a remarkable sequence of events where a deputy who actually had the experience that this particular deputy did, just asked permission. hey, maybe i can. you guys mind if i take some pictures and walk around the back of the yard? the right person saw what started this case.
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>> i mean, i considered mike my best friend. it's pretty tough knowing that he's laying in the dirt like that. >> it was absolutely devastating. then i had to go and tell my mother. it was the hardest thing in the world i ever had to do. >> i just started just wailing and crying, and it's. it's a terrible thing. it's terrible. >> as painful as that moment was, michael's family says, finally, all the hurt and confusion around his unexplained disappearance made sense when they said that they got all the remains out. >> i just i knew in my heart that was michael. >> are you guys michael's family? >> you know, even though he couldn't have been identified that day, i knew that it
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>> buried in the backyard. police revealing new clues in the mystery disappearance of a husband. >> i mean, that's just not something that we deal with and see every day. the media attention just grew. >> human remains were found buried in his wife's backyard. >> the headline for the day was missing man's body found in his backyard in that same place his wife had remarried. >> in the wedding video, you see her come down to that oak tree where they exchanged vows and her husband is dead, buried underneath that concrete slab that she's walking down to marry the next guy. >> she had her wedding virtually on top of her husband's body. >> we were sitting in the fire pit by the fire pit, not knowing
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that michael is under that fire pit. that's where i sat. >> until death do us part. >> so this whole scenario, it's like i'm living in the twilight zone, and i can hear the theme song going on. doo doo doo doo doo do that. that's what's going on in my life. excuse me, sir. >> do you guys know anything about what's going on inside? >> no comment. when they found the remains under the fire pit, i couldn't believe that lori had kept telling me that she didn't. she didn't know of anything. >> but now investigators have lori shaver in their sights, and they want to hear exactly what they want to hear exactly what she does know. and when she ♪ ♪ all my ladies roll your deo like this ♪ ♪ when you move your body feel confident ♪ ♪ all my ladies try this deo real quick ♪ ♪ let your body body how you see fit ♪ ♪ my neck, my back, ♪ ♪ my legs and pits, all that ♪ ♪ my neck, my back, ♪
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flu-like symptoms or if you need a vaccine. healing is possible with tremfya. ask your doctor about tremfya today. ♪ >> jason's escape puts my wife's life in danger. i need hailey's ex back in prison. >> i'm worried about him. he's spinning out over jason. who's out there? i can't find nolan anywhere. >> dad. i need a place to stay until i figure out what the rest of my life looks like. >> so, a couple of days. >> shifting gears is the number one new comedy. >> you're dating yourself with that newspaper, pops, and you will be dating yourself if you don't fix that hair. >> it took him forever. >> it's like sharing a bathroom with lady gaga, tim allen and kat dennings. >> fire on all cylinders. oh, stop. >> say more. >> it's got humor and heart. and it's the show you've been craving. >> don't make one of your condescending grunts. no, i don't care. >> i love it.
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ha! good luck. >> oh, sean is here to set everything up for remote learning. perfect. >> i plan on spending the rest of the day remote cleaning. we got it, got it, got it, got it people. >> after michael shaver's remains are recovered from a shallow grave in the backyard of the home he once shared with his wife, lori, the medical examiner determines that what put him there was a single gunshot to the head, and a projectile was found inside of the skull. >> it was a pretty much a straight on shot to the back of the head. >> any dna, any evidence of who would have put him there? >> pretty much everything in the that gravesite was sent to florida department of law enforcement for analysis, and there was no dna that was found, mostly because the decomposition process, over time, it's really hard to find dna if it's in the
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ground. >> even if it had been there. yes. but to many people, surprise, even after the gruesome discovery, lori shaver remains a free woman. >> lori wasn't immediately arrested, and that was something that was pretty frustrating for the family. but investigators had to build a case against her and they knew that they would only get one shot. >> lori shaver didn't get arrested right away. correct. why? >> there were still phone records, facebook records to obtain, and piecing together all of these different pieces of evidence to try to figure out what happened. >> we knew he was last seen november 7th and didn't show up to work november 10th. so we believe it happened during those three days that he was killed by lori. >> if that's true, that's months before lori met travis filmer, who says he believed she was divorced from michael shaver. >> lori didn't divorce her husband during this time that michael was missing. lori never went after him for child
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support. >> finding out that lori was was not divorced. that was a shock. and detectives are the ones that told me. >> travis says that after michael's body was found, he and lori didn't discuss the investigation. >> lori and i, we didn't talk about things. she never told me that there was a body on the property. i know based on my experience with law enforcement and being in trouble, it was extremely important for me to not ask about anything. did i have questions 100%? i very much did, but i knew that i could not talk to her about the case. >> but detectives are asking questions, interviewing those close to lori like katina vasquez, the ex-fiancée of michael's childhood friend. they wanted to know what she knew about lori's supposed divorce from michael shaver. >> she was telling me that she was filing for divorce, and then next thing you know, she's
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married. and i was like, how does that happen that quick? like, it was just weird. like, i'm like, this makes no sense. >> investigators also tracked down that friend of michael's who lori said picked him up in a black suv and drove him to georgia. >> did you ever give him a ride to georgia? >> georgia? no, no. >> do you recall what kind of vehicle you owned? >> i believe it was a mitsubishi galant. >> do you remember what color it was? blue. >> when detectives talk to the shaver's neighbor, wilma, they hear something really dark and unexpected. she tells them michael shaver actually started the project that eventually became the fire pit and concrete slab where his body was found. >> he was working very hard to make her a duck pond back there, and the reality of what he was doing was that he was digging his own grave. >> what physical evidence was there? >> we have a body buried in the
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backyard. we have evidence of a gunshot wound, and we have a caliber bullet that was consistent with the type of weapon that was sold by lori shaver. >> another witness comes forward to say that after michael disappeared, leaving everything behind, lori began selling his belongings. >> you are the owner of jb guns and bushnell, florida, is that correct? i am, yes, sir. after i had seen the news reports and i saw the lady's picture, as in the wife of the missing person, i was like, i bought all of his guns. i'm pretty sure of. she's like, well, he just up and left and i'm just selling all of his stuff. >> key to this case, police think lori shaver was hiding that her husband was gone for good, pointing to data suggesting those facebook updates and messages to family and friends, seemingly for michael, were actually coming from her.
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>> his facebook message, postings by both lori shaver's account and michael shaver's account had the same ip address, which means the same person was using them both. >> everything pointed back at lori shaver. >> more than two years after michael shaver's remains were found. his wife has now been arrested for his death. >> lori shaver is charged with second degree murder with a firearm. she pleads not guilty. >> i didn't understand how she was possibly arrested. yes, they're saying that they found a body on the property. yes. they're saying that lori had some major involvement in this. there's always two sides to a story. there always is. there's no doubt in my mind. lori did not. she didn't kill michael. >> after about two and a half months in jail, lori shaver is released on bond. >> that's when this bizarre video surfaces of lori and her defense attorney making a plea
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to please donate to her defense fund. >> good morning. i'm jeffrey wegs. sitting to my left is lori, a client of mine? >> i don't know why i've been targeted, why i've been set up or charged with this heinous crime. i am not guilty. i am a daughter. i'm a friend. i'm a neighbor. i'm a servant of god. i'm a wife. and i am a devoted mother of four. >> in that same video, lori's attorney says his client is innocent, and at trial they are prepared to say, who actually killed michael shaver. >> we're not going to mention his name. he proclaimed. he had the special skills to kill somebody. >> as her trial nears, lori shaver's attorney makes another shocking claim. now, it's not just one person responsible for her husband's murder, but two. and who they say that second shooter is. takes everyone by surprise. >> honestly, i've never heard
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have to do it without fingerprints, dna or other forensic evidence. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is a case about common sense. >> in your opening remarks, you made the comment that you have to use a little bit of common sense. here we have the defendant's husband buried in her own backyard. >> and that points directly to lori shaver in their opening statement, the defense finally discloses who they say actually killed michael shaver. >> it wasn't lori. it was jeremy townsend or jay, that man she had an affair with before meeting travis. and they say someone else fired a shot to lori's then seven year old daughter, isabel. >> i shot my dad. that was a bombshell. >> the defense presents a stunning story to the jury. >> this bell shaped and this young girl. the desperation and
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fear runs and retreats fire that she believes she shot michael. they were separated. michael came in the residence one morning. lori was getting the children ready for school. lori refused to go back with him. he got angry, started beating on her. lori ended up on the floor. isabel retrieved a handgun and she believes she shot michael shaver. >> and at that very moment, the defense says jeremy stormed into the house and took control and watched jeremy. >> banks are gone from this about. is michael shaver, says lori, get these kids out of here. i'll take care of this. >> but prosecutors say this story is preposterous. they argue that lori shaver acted alone and killed michael for her
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own selfish reasons to be with her then boyfriend, jeremy townsend. what is the motive here? >> lori really wanted to be with jeremy. she actively sought to ruin that relationship between jeremy and his wife. >> she pretended to be michael in order to out jeremy to his wife, and she tried to do that through facebook messages from michael's facebook account. and when she didn't get a response from jeremy's wife, vanessa, she sent a bouquet of flowers to vanessa with a card. >> the card that came with those flowers and that include a message he did. and can you go ahead and read that message to the jury, please? great. counsel. is this a difficult day for you? it is. >> says roses are red, violets are blue. my wife is a. your
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husband is too sorry about this. check your facebook message. we need to talk. mike. >> the flowers that were delivered to vanessa townsend were actually paid for from lori shaver's bank records. up until this point. and you have any knowledge that your husband was potentially having an affair? >> no. >> lori was convinced that jay was leaving his wife, and that couldn't have been further from the truth he calls jeremy townsend. he walked into the courtroom in a suit, but he looked like aquaman with the long hair. >> was there ever a time that lori favre expressed to you that she wanted you to leave your wife to be with her? yes. and was that what you wanted? no. >> it was supposed to be friends with benefits, no strings attached. >> he went on and said, i had
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nothing to do with this at any point. >> did you shoot or injure michael chandler? no. at any point, were you involved with disposing of the body of michael shannon? no. and after the affair was exposed, what happened with your relationship before i cut it off, they say it's not the crime that gets you caught, but the cover up. >> and prosecutors argue that lori's attempts to impersonate michael. online show all the signs of a badly executed cover up. >> facebook helped solve the murder. >> michael's family up north had heard from his facebook account. >> was there a period of time where you reached out to michael chabon? attempts to communicate with him? >> yes. >> it says, hey, uncle michael. >> and what was that response? >> who are you? i don't have any family anymore. i have no idea. no clue who you are. no. stop
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messaging me. >> lori was using his cell phone and his facebook account to present this facade that michael was still alive. >> the defense argues the digital evidence is unreliable. it could have been anyone accessing michael shaver's facebook account. >> you ask yourself this how does this digital data prove that lori shaver killed michael shaver? it doesn't. >> but prosecutors say they have more than digital evidence. they argue that lori had access to multiple firearms that could have killed michael shaver, including the pink and black 38 caliber revolver that she sold after michael was last seen. >> did you examine that firearm? yes, i did. were you also provided a projectile recovered from the skull of michael shaver? >> yes. >> the projectile was in very rough condition despite the
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damaged condition of that projectile, were you able to determine the caliber in this case, the caliber was determined to be 38 caliber class. >> but the defense points out that the bullet recovered from michael shaver's skull could not be definitively linked to her pink handgun. >> i just think from something this up correctly, the projectile that was in the body could not be linked up to the gun that you're sitting there. >> all right. all class characteristics were in agreement. the result of the individual comparison was inconclusive. >> how many guns fit into that class? >> thousands of guns, if not tens of thousands. >> with the state's case laid out, it's now the defense's turn, and they're about to call their star witness, isabelle shaver. lori and michael's daughter, who was just seven years old when he was last seen alive. she's now 15 and says
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she's prepared to tell the jury what really happened. >> isabelle, i'm sorry i have to do this. do you know anything do this. do you know anything about the death of your stay s moderate-to-severe eczema with dupixent as they welcome the feeling of touch with clearer skin and less itch. the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists helps heal their skin from within. severe allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for face, mouth, tongue or throat swelling, wheezing or trouble breathing. tell your doctor of new or worsening eye problems, like eye pain, vision changes, or blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma or other medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child's doctor about dupixent. why blend in? >> when standing out is oh so >> when standing out is oh so much more fun? we hear ya, jenn, so olive garden's steak gorgonzola alfredo is back to solve your existential crisis,
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(bright upbeat music) >> donald trump, historic. taking the oath of office for the second time. inauguration day america turns to abc news, starting with a special good morning america. then live all across the day. david muir right there as history is made monday on abc. >> so her name is linda. i'm a no drama llama, and i'm a fan of no drama. >> of course. >> linda, time to go back to the farm, honey. >> have you given thought to
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taking the stand still? >> haven't decided. i would love to be able to speak my story now. >> the defense also confirms with me that they say her daughter will take the stand. >> lori shaver's defense is built on what she says really happened the day her husband died. and to lay out that story, they call to the stand the person they claim fired. what they say was the first of two shots her 15 year old daughter, isabel. >> my name is isabel shaver because she's a minor judge. >> kerry does not allow isabel's face to be shown during her testimony. >> how old are you, isabel? >> i'm 15. i turn 16 this sunday. >> would you explain your relationship to lori shaver? >> lori shaver is my mother. me and her are very close. she's like my best friend, and a mom in one. >> has anybody pressured you to testify in this cause?
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>> absolutely not. no. >> do you know anything about the death of your father? i do. do you know anything about how your father died? >> i do, isabel tells jurors a stunning story that when she was just seven years old, she witnessed a violent confrontation between her mother and her father, michael. while the two were separated, he pushed her to the ground and he started kicking her in the stomach and in the back. >> and he was like saying that he was going to kill her. at this time, i heard my mom screaming for help, obviously, and then he put his foot on the side of her face and pushed it into the ground. and i didn't hear her anymore. and so i went to my mom's room, and i went into her end table, and i grabbed her gun, and i shot
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>> isabel shaver goes on to say that after she fired that shot, the man her mother was dating at the time, jeremy or jay, as they called him, came barreling into the house. >> he took the gun from me and then he shot him again. he told my mom to take us out of the house, take us to school. we are not to tell anybody. we can't call the cops. we can't say anything. or else he was going to do the same thing to me and my brother. >> isabel stated, this house was so riddled with so much atmospheric tension that it just didn't seem different. it just was kind of the way they were living. but she didn't say anything to anybody about it. >> remember jeremy townsend testified he had no involvement in michael shaver's murder or the disposal of the body. and when prosecutors cross-examine isabel, they challenge her memory of this event. >> you don't know what grade you were in when that happened, right? i don't. you don't know
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what month this happened in, correct? correct. you don't know what year this happened in, correct? yes. >> when you have a witness take the stand that says i had a role in it. that's pretty incredible. >> i think it was very clear that she was willing to do whatever she could to try to protect her mother and avoid her mom going to prison. it also is not consistent at all with any of the physical evidence. her version of events involved two shots, and there was absolutely no question that there was only one shot in this case, and that was the one to the back of the head. the defense would call lori shaver. >> next up, the woman at the center of the case, facing life in prison, takes the stand in her own defense. >> let's talk about the event that's landed you here. >> i got up the whole got my
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coffee. >> and then that's when i noticed he was sitting out on the back patio. so i went out there and we started talking, and it escalated. >> he was holding on to me. >> and. at that point, i just trying to convince him, like, okay, okay, okay, enough. we'll work it out. and he told me, not this time. i was screaming as he's smashing my face into the porch. >> what's the next thing you recall? >> i more or less heard it, and then i think i seen her. >> what's this about? do. >> i heard a gunshot. the next thing i recall is seeing jay. jeremy and hearing the gunshot at essentially at the same time,
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he tells me to take the kids, get them out of the house, and he would take care of it. he insinuated that if we said anything, that he was not going to take the blame for this. >> so what did you do? >> i took the kids, i left. >> lori shaver tells the jury that when she came home that day, jeremy was gone and so was michael's body. according to lori, she had no idea his remains were buried in her backyard. >> lori, the jurors are going to ask themselves, why didn't you call the police? jared. >> i didn't know what to do. >> when prosecutors finally get their chance to question lori shaver, they challenge her for more details about what they say is a story full of lies. >> the biggest question i have
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for you is when did your husband get killed? >> the exact date i can not recall. it was beginning of may of 2016. it was not november. >> prosecutors say lori wants jurors to believe that michael was actually alive in may, because that's a full six months after he was last seen by anyon. >> when he left and moved out, he left his car. correct? he stopped going to work and lost his job because of it. correct? >> i was not aware of that at that time. >> november 2015. he just vanishes off the face of the earth. no one can account for him. correct? >> i don't believe that's true. >> the day that he showed up in may of 2016, what vehicle did he use to get to your house that day? i was not there. so he gets walked. when you take what she
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said happened there that day and then just break it down. well, if that's true, where was mike's car? if that's true, when his body is found, why is he dressed like he was in bed sleeping? >> it's hard to make a story fit all of the different pieces of evidence. if it's not true. >> she made up this may 2016 story to distract jeremy thompson, talked to law enforcement three separate times. the evidence that has been presented is not that in may of 2016, jeremy thompson shot this man in the back of the head. he said lori killed him in november of 2015. mike is buried in her backyard. she's the one that installs the fire pit and puts the cement slab over his body. she lied to friends, family and law enforcement about his whereabouts for years. all the evidence points to her
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because she is guilty of murder in the second degree. thank you. >> all right. thank you, mr. mr. wicks. >> yes, sir. has any single witness taken the stand and shown you one piece of evidence that established lori lee shaver killed michael shaver? zero. >> and then it's left to the jury to decide which version of the story is the truth. >> and you wondered in the end if the person who did this was ever going to be held responsible. >> has the jury reached a verdict?
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murder. >> she is facing three possible charges. >> second degree murder being the biggest one up to life in prison. >> the biggest thing that i struggle with, and that my heart breaks for, is my kids. i don't want to see the look on their face. when i have to tell them. mom's not coming home. >> the jury deliberated for just under four hours before returning a verdict. >> we, the jury, find as follows as to count one of the charge, the defendant is guilty of second degree murder. >> the jury saw through all of her lies, manipulations, all of it. they didn't buy her story for a second. they didn't buy her daughter's story. >> it was hard to hear isabel
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saying those things about her dad. and i kind of feel really bad for her. everybody that knows mike knows he had a great relationship with both of his kids. >> your reaction, your thoughts? as soon as that verdict came down, elation. >> we were very happy. this was a long time coming. >> it will not bring him back. but there will be justice for him. finally. >> it was celebration, sadness, several different emotions. >> she was part of our family. somebody that you feel that you love and you trust. so also a letdown in some ways. and to see somebody that you did care for at one time that did something so bad. >> no, i did not get the answers. why, why, why wouldn't she have just let him go in a divorce? she could have carried on her life. >> and she got married here?
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>> yep. right out there. we walked by here, walked through here, walked all the way out and. yep, right past, you know, a human being that was just it's so disturbing because again, we've we've been out here. i've stood right where he was and i didn't know it upsets you. >> yeah. michael. >> he was such a great, great person. he loved everybody wit all that he had. and i think his spirit will finally be able to be at peace. >> lori shaver was recently sentenced to life in prison for michael shaver's murder. she
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says she plans to appeal her conviction. >> and for their part, michael's family says they are hoping to establish visitation with the two children he shared with lori. that's our program for tonight. thank you so much for watching. i'm deborah roberts. >> and i'm david muir. from all of us here at 2020 and abc news. good night. >> i got a call about a body. >> we're gonna get to the bottom of this. >> you don't seem like you belong here. >> the guy's a handyman. >> he murdered a 17 year old. are you looking for system to benefit themselves. >> former oakland mayor shengtao under federal indictment tonight accused of taking bribes in exchange for political favors and a raging fire at a battery plant, is finally calming down. you're going to hear from people who had to evacuate, and the tick tock clock is
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