tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 17, 2025 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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daus. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. very nice. thank you for coming. i'm very glad to see you. thank you for being here tonight. [ cheering ] as you know, it has been a very scary, very stressful, very strange week here in l.a. -- where we work, where we live, where our kids go to school. we are back in our studio, which we had to evacuate on wednesday, that's our building right there, the el capitan. that is how close this fire was to our theater here. many of us had to leave our homes in a hurry. some of our co-workers lost
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their homes. that's hollywood. it's -- it's been terrible. it's been a terrible -- everyone who lives in this city knows someone, most of us multiple people -- families, friends, colleagues, neighbors -- whose houses burned down. and the truth is, we don't even know if it's over. we had 100-mile-per-hour winds fueling this nightmare. as of tonight, the winds are back. i think i speak for all of us when i say it has been a sickening, shocking, awful experience. but it has also been, in a lot of ways, a beautiful experience, because once again, we see our fellow men and women coming together to support each other. people who lost their own houses were out volunteering in parking lots, helping others who lost theirs. and tonight -- [ applause ] i don't want to get into all the vile and irresponsible and
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stupid things our alleged future president and his gaggle of scumbags chose to say during our darkest and most terrifying hour. the fact that they chose to attack our firefighters, who apparently aren't white enough to be out there, risking their lives on our behalf, it's disgusting but it's not surprising. instead, i want to focus on thanking those men and women -- [ cheers and applause ] because that's all we should be doing. and we should never stop thanking them. that's right. [ applause ] our firefighters from l.a. were the first on the scene, without hesitation. they were out there putting out the fires as best they could. and then we had firefighters from other states coming in, from nevada, from arizona, texas, oregon, utah, colorado, washington, northern california, new mexico, idaho, maine. firefighters came all the way from maine.
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we have firemen and women from mexico, from canada. [ cheers and applause ] very grateful to them. and to our police, our national guard, our rescue workers, doctors, nurses, emts, pilots working 12-hour shifts, thank god for all of you. [ applause ] if you want to thank these brave individuals with a donation, this is a good place to do it -- and i also want to thank our local news reporters, who reminded us how important local television and radio and newspapers are -- [ applause ] especially in times like this. how are you doing, guillermo? >> guillermo: i'm doing good, jimmy, thank god, thank god. >> jimmy: guillermo almost had to come live with me. he almost had to evacuate on thursday night. we had 19 people living with us and four dogs. it was unlike anything i have ever experienced. it's so strange to look around your house and have to decide what you want to take, and then fight with your kids over what they want to take.
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because we had to leave a lot of stuffed animals behind. one of our producers, hara, they had to evacuate their house. she asked her 8-year-old to pack his most important stuff. this is what she found in his bag. eight pairs of boxers, and all his teeth. his baby teeth. [ laughter ] apparently he's saving them up for the tooth fairy. it's basically his bank account that he took with him. [ laughter ] i think if i had to pick one thing, i was thinking about it. it would probably be my phone. i downloaded that watch duty app, which i had never heard of. and, you know, when you google "watch duty," you have to be careful. [ laughter ] you do not know what might come up. that was helpful. if you've been to this neighborhood before, our neighborhood, you know that hollywood boulevard is crawling with people dressed like superheroes. we got catwoman. we've got a lot of spider-men. [ laughter ] there are so many spider-men.
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spider-man after spider-man. and when the fires broke out here, those heroes did nothing. [ laughter ] they did not help us at all. but then the real super heroes swooped in. the aquamen, if you will. and i have to say, watching these pilots dropping water from planes, these precision strikes, it so is -- i could watch this all day long. from now on, this is how i want to put out the candles on all my birthday cakes. [ laughter ] remember when hurricanes hit florida a few months ago and everyone was saying the democrats on the far left secretly control the rain? well, i think we finally proved we do not, okay? [ laughter ] a lot of big companies stepped up during this time. our company disney donated $15 million to the relief effort. [ cheers and applause ] airbnb, another great company, they're giving free temporary housing to people who had nowhere to go. thousands and thousands and thousands of families. the nfl, nba, major league baseball, the l.a. kings, the l.a. galaxy all pitching in. as are so many local restaurants and chefs who work with the world central kitchen.
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two of those chefs are in the pacific palisades right now, making meals for emergency responders who are still there working. that is susan feniger and mary sue milliken. [ cheers and applause ] hello susan and mary sue. >> hi. >> jimmy: thank you for doing this. >> oh my god, it's such an honor. >> jimmy: you've been working with chef jose andres and world central kitchen. what's on the menu tonight? what are you making and for how many people? >> so today lunch we did a thousand. and that's chicken curry, vegetable, cauliflower curry. we did a vegan option. >> tonight we have meatloaf and mashed potatoes, hot meals. and the firemen are coming in and picking up whole boxes of like 20 meals at a time and going back out to their posts. >> jimmy: well, that is wonderful. thank you for doing that. we really appreciate it. and if you want to help susan and mary sue, you can go to that's, and make a donation.
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that's one of the good deeds. there is also some not-so-good deeds happening. there have been reports of looters showing up to go through people's houses. this guy was caught going through a house dressed as a firefighter. which is so gross. i mean, if you can't trust a male stripper, who can you trust nowadays? [ laughter ] can you imagine doing something like that? there should be a law that says if you get caught burglarizing a home during a fire, you should automatically have to trade places in prison with one of the inmates out there working to save the people from the fire. [ applause ] so anyway, if you see anyone dressed like this in a restricted area, please, call the lapd immediately. [ laughter ] the other thing we could do without -- and this is a little thing -- but the city is still giving out parking tickets. the owner of this car had to evacuate and then came back to find a ticket on his windshield. unless your car is blocking a hydrant or the rescue effort, they shouldn't be giving parking tickets right now.
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the whole city is a red zone! you do have to be careful about where you park. i mentioned this last week, when we had no idea the situation would become so serious. the pacific palisades is home to a lot of celebrities, and one of them was out there, getting things done. taking care of business. >> we really need people to move their cars. if you leave your car, leave the key in there so a guy like me can move your car, get up there so that these fire trucks can get up there. it's really, really important. >> thank you for talking to us live, sir. what's your name? >> my name is steve guttenberg. [ laughter ] >> >> jimmy: that's right. from "police academy," from "three men and a baby," steve guttenberg has emerged as an unexpected hero in all of this. [ applause ] we tracked steve down. because he didn't stop there. steve is with us right now. hey, steve, how are you? [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, jimmy. i'm good.
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i feel so much for all the people here who lost their homes and are having so much trouble. it's a really, really tough time right now. but i appreciate everybody and what you're saying, l.a. fire and all the companies that are helping. it's a tough time, of course. really, really rough time for everybody. >> jimmy: where are you right now, steve? >> i'm now in front of one of my neighbor's houses where i saw some smoke, and i'm trying to put out some small fires. that's what my neighbors and i are doing. i'm a little far away from my house right now because i found another dog that i'm trying to save. so i'm looking for this other dog. and putting out little fires on railroad ties and things like that. it's just -- it's unbelievable how many homes have been lost and how many people are affected. >> jimmy: steve guttenberg is putting out fires and saving dogs. steve, do you feel like you're pretend training in "the police academy" helped to prepare for this eventuality? [ laughter ] >> no.
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>> jimmy: has the mayor approached you about being the next batman, like not the movie one, but the for real batman here? [ cheers and applause ] >> no, but i need new -- i need clean underwear. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a face mask can double as underwear in a pinch. [ laughter ] and vice versa too. steve -- you're doing great things, but do you remember the last time you were on the show with us? >> yeah, sure. when i lost on that dance show. >> jimmy: yes, when you had been eliminated on "dancing with the stars." >> that was -- it's tough for jews to dance. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, you are -- you are eliminating all sorts of stereotypes right now, steve. thank you for everything you're doing there. next time let's have you on under happier circumstances. [ applause ] >> all right. >> jimmy: steve guttenberg, everybody. we've learned a lot over the last six days in l.a.
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we learned the names of every local news reporter. we learned that there is such a thing as a "boiling water advisory." we learned that steve guttenberg is a damn national treasure. [ applause ] we learned that most of us are useless in an emergency situation. we learned some new words like "slopover" and "phos-chek." we learned that there is a socially acceptable use for the word "retardant." we learned that there was a bunny museum in altadena. which i didn't know. we learned that none of our out-of-state family members know the difference between santa monica and santa clarita. [ laughter ] and we learned that whoever was sending out those emergency notifications to evacuate should not be doing that job. [ applause ] before -- i feel like i'm an expert now. before this happened, most of what i knew about fire safety came from watching "paw patrol." [ laughter ] speaking of famous pups, our first guest tonight is the one and only snoop dogg. [ cheers and applause ] he is very kind to show up
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tonight. and i'm going to tell you, we asked snoop to come here for three reasons. number one, he is like a family member to us. number two, he represents los angeles in a big way. and number three, he is impervious to smoke. [ laughter ] roy wood is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and the band that has been hit hard by the fires, altadena's own dawes is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] i'll tell you their story in a moment. over most of the last week we've seen some very upsetting images, but we have also seen countless examples of courage and compassion from our neighbors under literal fire. and tonight, to show you what you might not be seeing living in other places, we wanted to share some of the more uplifting stories from our fire-ravaged town. >> it's known as the city of angels for a reason. in the midst of the destruction, embers of hope as the community and beyond unites to offer help. >> in times of need, you look for the helpers.
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the view from air 7, clear evidence of the massive community support. >> we stick together when it's time to stick together. >> we're giving away free food, diapers, coffee. >> that is a human conveyor belt. those boxes they are passing are filled with supplies. >> donations have been pouring in at centers throughout southern california. it is a grassroots effort, everything from toiletries and clothing to bottled water. >> we have diapers. we have supplies. we have everything you could possibly need. >> we have 600 hot dogs. so that day we gave 600 hot dogs to the fire department. whoever came, honestly, it was open for whoever was affected. >> these street vendors went on tiktok live and truly changed everything. >> a free store for people who have lost everything and been affected by the fires to come and take what they need to replenish their wardrobes. >> i came across this vehicle right here which says chicken noodle soup for the soul. >> i was stunned. we've had close to 5,000 people in los angeles go online to red cross to volunteer. extraordinary. >> one of the main things is emotional and spiritual care. i just walked around the inside
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there and talked and sat and looked at a bunch of people in the eye, and just being present with them is one of the best things you can do. >> the pasadena humane society is caring for more than 300 animals from the eaton fire evacuations. the donations were so great, the shelter cannot accept any more pet supplies. >> victor edgar rapela put out the most heartfelt donations, toys. >> it's really important, because as a kid, i didn't have any toys. it's so nice having some kids have is fun. >> hundreds of people showed up to clean up the debris cluttered parks. >> the tears you see are of gratitude for people volunteering out of the kindness of their own hearts. >> these two incredible people lost their home in the wildfire this week, but they are here today. they are helping feed people that have lost just as much as they have. >> a lot of us, we come from the streets. a lot of us were homeless in l.a. we got a second chance at life. so it's only right to give back. >> nico, his house burned down. he has also been helping people.
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>> i see the community mobilizing. i see people making phone calls. i see people coming here and saying, how can i volunteer? >> we're born for this moment. we were born in response to the aids crisis. we have the covid crisis. now we have the fire crisis. this is what we do. we show up. >> in the worst moments of humanity, the best of humanity always shows up. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, all. we have a very good show for you tonight. roy wood jr. is here. [ cheers and applause ] we've got music from dawes. and we'll be right back with l.a.'s own snoop dogg, so please stay tuned.
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>> jimmy: hi. welcome back. tonight, his new stand-up comedy special on hulu is called "lonely flowers." roy wood jr. is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, two brothers who are among the many affected by the fire in altadena. one of them lost his home, the other lost his studio, and most of his musical gear and equipment. they're here tonight in support of music cares with a special version of their song "time spent in los angeles" --
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griffin goldsmith and taylor goldsmith from dawes. [ cheers and applause ] if there is any human being who can lift our spirits right now, it is our first guest. he is a hip-hop legend and a worldwide ambassador for los angeles. and doggfather to our city. please say hello to snoop dogg. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thanks for coming. it means a lot to me that you're here. how's your family? >> everybody is doing good. the family is doing good. a couple of intermediate people that i do know that i consider family that, you know, lost everything. so we did what we do. we come and we support and we
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pull our troops together, and we make sure that we represent, and we give them everything that they need. [ applause ] >> jimmy: do you feel like -- do you think it's difficult for people who don't live here to understand the scale of this event, the magnitude of what happened here and what's happening here? >> i think individually that the world sees its own tragedy. because if you think about new orleans, they see their tragedy. you think about certain parts of the world that get tornadoes and things of that nature which takes the whole city away, it's just california, this is like our first time dealing with it. and the way that california's coming together, the way that the world is helping us, that's the important thing is that people are coming together. they're not looking at differences. they're just looking at trying to make a difference. >> jimmy: yeah. [ applause ] a lot of people are for sure. have you been hearing from friends all around the country, around the world? >> yes, i've been getting support from people all over the world. actually, i got a call from a bank that wants to help out, that wants to just contribute money to people that lost their
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homes. so it's like people coming from all, you know, resources to make this thing happen. not just rappers and not just people from the entertainment world, but people in life that just look at, how can i help? >> jimmy: how did you spend the time? are you glued to your tv? are you looking at the phone? how are you monitoring what goes on? >> i'm watching a lot of television, and at the same time i got a lot of people out there on the ground that's making things happen. i'm pushing buttons, making things happen, making sure the right people are getting the things they need to get. a lot of times when we put these donations together, certain people don't get it. so we need to make sure that everybody who needs this gets this. so what my team does is we go on the ground and we make sure that we make a direct connect with those people to make sure we're not missing anybody. >> jimmy: i like to imagine you donating clothes from your personal collection. [ laughter ] and someone opening the box and -- [ laughter ] going to work in that.
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>> well, i tell you, he going to be the sharpest on the job. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is it true that at one point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter? >> probably when i was like 4 or 5 years old. >> jimmy: okay, all right. [ laughter ] >> no, because i feel like they have the toughest job and they don't never get no credit. and they always show up, and they do what's best. when the job is over with, they're forgotten about. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but we need to give them a lot of praise right now. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you are one of the coolest, calmest people i know. are you really cool and calm? or are you secretly nervous? >> nah, i'm -- when sports son is on and my team is losing, i become a different person. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are you good at like in an emergency situation? >> huh-uh, no. no. [ laughter ] jimmy, i'm paranoia.
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>> jimmy: you are? >> i'm not prepared for anything bad. but somehow, somewhere i find a way to get it together and okay, this is your job. >> jimmy: all right. that means you're good in an emergency situation. do you have a stockpile at your house? do you have a go bag, and is it just filled with weed? [ laughter ] are you ready for something to happen? >> i have a bag to go. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: did you -- i want to ask you about something that happened to all of us, everybody in the whole city. that false evacuation alert. >> it blew my phone up. i got three phones. [ laughter ] so i started running and starting to pack, it's huh-uh, it's not real. now y'all playing games. >> jimmy: did you know right away? so you right away thought oh, i got to get out of here. >> i started getting out of here. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. i all of the sudden was getting millions of texts from my dad,
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we got to get out of here. i'm like, don't go anywhere, there's no way there's a fire where you are, it's just impossible. it's pretty crazy. >> it is. >> jimmy: do you suspect that weed is the culprit in that situation? [ laughter ] >> well, weed burns differently. [ laughter ] it wouldn't have spread. it would have had a cutoff point to it. >> jimmy: a message from the weed council. [ laughter ] do you set off smoke detectors everywhere you go? >> not anymore. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. >> we have a shower cap technique that we use. >> jimmy: oh, please, share. >> we take the shower cap, and it's usually about eight feet tall. >> jimmy: oh, you put the shower cap on the smoke detector. okay. [ laughter and cheers ] >> jimmy: i don't know what i was imagining. imagine you blowing into a shower cap or something. >> and then we go -- and if it don't go off, we in there. >> jimmy: i just want to say, especially at this time, that is
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very bad advice from snoop dogg. [ laughter ] we're going to take a break. snoop dogg is here. we have something to tell you about when we come back. we'll be right back. 're living h moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis symptoms can sometimes hold you back. but now there's skyrizi, so you can be all in with clearer skin. ♪things are getting clearer♪ ♪yeah, i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪yeah, that's all me.♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ with skyrizi, you can show up with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. don't use if allergic. serious allergic reactions, increased infections, or lower ability to fight them may occur. before treatment, get checked for infections and tb. tell your doctor about any flu-like symptoms or vaccines. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin
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and better movement, and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. with mcvalue when i buy a sausage burrito, i can add an order of hash browns for only a dollar. and start everyday with more options to earn my sunrise...for less. ba da ba ba ba (whoosh + bird chirping sound) a team can help you plan for your dreams. so your dream car, and vacation home, may be closer than you think. ready to meet the dream team? you can with wells fargo.
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(vo) with fargo, your virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab, even when you forget your wallet. (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle. (kaz) smooth. (vo) learn more at >> jimmy: we're back with snoop dogg. here in l.a. i know you're collecting donations at your store in inglewood. >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: and people can bring stuff there, and you will distribute the stuff to those who need the stuff. >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: and by stuff, i mean --
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>> not that stuff. [ laughter ] but the stuff. >> jimmy: we are doing a similar thing. we've turned our parking lot here in hollywood into a donation center. [ applause ] we're collecting essential items that have been requested by local agencies and are going to be distributed to displaced victims of the fires. and somewhere amongst the diapers is guillermo. where is guillermo? are you hiding? oh, there you are. >> guillermo: i'm right here, jimmy. >> jimmy: wow. you know what? you should be on a huggies box. >> yeah. he look like the perfect size for it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just give that baby a mustache. guillermo, tell us what we're collecting out there. >> guillermo: jimmy, like you say, we have diapers, we have baby wipes. we have dog food. we have water. we have gatorade. we have -- what else? we have shampoo. we got snacks. >> jimmy: and you're not eating the snacks, are you? >> guillermo: no, not this time, jimmy, not this time. >> jimmy: just remember, those are not your snacks. those are for people. >> guillermo: no, i promise, i won't eat it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: very good.
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we're going to be collecting more items all week until 6:00 p.m. so if you're in our area, we're in hollywood. look at our instagram page, our show page. you will see the list of things that are needed and come by. and if you want to help by making a donation or volunteering somewhere, consider shelter partnership, american red cross, l.a. regional food bank, l.a. fire department foundation, and also you are involved with the boys and girls clubs as well, right? >> yeah, man, we're just trying to help. we're trying to do as much as we can, putting our hands out, make sure we touch as many people as possible. we realize how many people were affected. and we don't want to forget about anybody. we don't want it to be about nothing but love. >> jimmy: you do a lot of great stuff. i don't know that people around the country know that you have a football league for kids, for young people. how long have you been doing that? >> since 2005. >> jimmy: since 2005. [ applause ] kids that might not otherwise have a chance to play organized
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football, you get them. you have this league. and now you've got some guys that are in the nfl? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: who were kids in your league? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: cj stroud from the texans. who else? >> d'angelo ross, keisean nixon, romeo doubs, the list goes on and on. daiyan henley with the chargers. i mean, it's -- that's like -- it gets me emotional because i realize when i did it, i had a purpose of doing it and these kids are living out their dream. and they're taking it further than i thought they could take it. i was just trying to see them graduate from high school and bring the families together. but they've taken to it the nfl and they've been changing the dynamic of their family. i'm thankful for my league and everybody that works behind the scenes to work with these kids. [ applause ] >> jimmy: and do you -- is there any -- do you, when these kids, these kids start -- what age do they start? >> they start at 6 years old. >> jimmy: and they go on to the nfl. do you get a cut of their salary in any way?
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[ laughter ] >> nah. my cut is to see them successfully make it and change the dynamics of their family. that's my payoff. >> jimmy: have you had any conversations with your fellow musicians, hip-hop artists, et cetera, about maybe like a we are the world type song, maybe even we are the world to support? maybe even california love, doing some kind of a specific song to support the city? >> no, but there was talks about concerts to raise money for the victims and people that have lost in this situation. so i think that's more of the angle that i would be leaning towards. >> jimmy: i see. >> toward a concert and not be paid and take my proceeds and the proceeds from the tickets and make sure that the people got something. >> jimmy: you met paul mccartney not so long ago. >> i did. he wanted to meet me. that is crazy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is crazy. >> i want to meet paul mccartney. "sir paul would like to meet
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you." [ laughter ] i'm like, for real? bring him over here! >> jimmy: what was that conversation like? >> it was about just respect and love. he really knew who i was musically. that blew my mind. i'm telling about all the records i like from him, but he telling me about who i am what he like me. it's just appreciation. i call that mutual love, fan appreciation. >> jimmy: yeah, well, i mean, and from paul mccartney, it is crazy that the guy would know who you are. all this stuff of kind of stuff. >> what did i do? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you smoke with him? >> oh, no, no. but i smoked around him. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: do you feel like he would have been open to that? did you suggest that? >> well, it was -- woody harrelson came and bogarted. >> jimmy: my god. [ laughter ] >> he came and bogarted the whole situation. and paul is like, "i'll catch up with you later." i'm like, damn, woody, i was having a conversation with cuz. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: i'm sure you and woody forgot that quickly. [ laughter ] >> believe me. shout-out to my guy. >> jimmy: i really am grateful to you for coming here tonight. i appreciate it. and best to you and your family and your neighbors and all those who are affected by this terrible fire. snoop dogg, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with roy wood jr. with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you... emerge as you, with clearer skin. with tremfya®, most people saw 100% clear skin... ...that stayed clear, even at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. serious allergic reactions and increased risk of infections may occur. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tb.
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>> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. music from dawes is on the way. our next guest is a very funny man with a new stand-up comedy special. "roy wood jr.: lonely flowers" premieres friday on hulu. please welcome roy wood jr. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hey! >> jimmy: thanks for coming. >> how are you doing? >> jimmy: you flew in from new york. we've had better weeks for sure. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but thank god everybody is okay. >> yeah, i'm thankful to be out here and just have an
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opportunity to as best i can get an understanding of what's going on and then also see where i can help. i had a chance actually, i got to give a shoutout, man, to the boys down at station 16 in compton, man. >> jimmy: oh, nice! >> station 16. i was wanting a shirt to wear to just start remembering the first responders, right? >> jimmy: sure. >> and let's not forget them in the midst of this. i don't know if you ever tried to get a fire department shirt on a sunday in los angeles when the fire department is doing a lot of firefighting. [ laughter ] go to a couple of websites, i see a number. i call the number. a dude named paco answers the phone. this is already off to a terrible start. paco says, "come down to station 16, we'll get you a shirt." i go down to station 16. paco is a firefighter. i'm sitting in compton. i'm there. and i'm chopping it up with these wonderful, wonderful first responders, and they start talking to me about what they've been doing at the station. because compton is way south of everything that's been making the news. but as you have more manpower
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going up the hill, you have stations and firefighters having to cover more areas. we're talking about firefighters and first responders that have also lost their homes and are now working 24-hour shifts themselves. in support of the public. because they're still regular -- >> jimmy: there's still fires. >> yeah, there's still regular fire. and then the bell ring and paco, he goes hey, man, you want the get on the truck? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and did you want to get on the truck? >> yeah! [ laughter ] i did want to get on that truck. i have to get on that damn truck, jimmy. >> jimmy: you have to say yes. were you authorized to get on the truck? >> i do not know the answer to these questions. [ laughter ] paco said it was cool. i got on the truck. >> jimmy: if you're paco approved, you're okay. >> paco approved. the tone went off, "yeah, let's go." you going? i'm going. >> jimmy: oh, look at this. oh. there you are. oh, good, they have a pole. that's great. and there you go. >> he did it in slow motion. >> jimmy: you're on the truck.
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>> things i should have asked before i get on the rig, what call are we doing? >> oh, i'm sorry. traffic collision. >> traffic collision. >> jimmy: you seem disappointed. i would have been delighted. good. as long as i'm note going into fire. >> yeah, it was wild, man. it really was to just go out and ride with them and talk with them a little bit about everything that's going on and what they've been going through. and the thing also, the audience was kind of chuckling at the way i went down the pole. i'm 46, man. [ laughter ] you can't just be racing down no pole like that. i don't know what kind of insurance i got. [ laughter ] when you're a kid, oh, yeah, slide down the pole. i was like -- but, yeah, it's wild. and then i find out, while we're on the truck we get a call for fire while we're on the truck. then i find out that this -- >> jimmy: oh, boy.
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oh, it's the president. [ laughter ] >> oh, it's a dumpster fire. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: i mean the president-elect. >> come to find out that station 16 down in compton handles the most fire calls in all of the los angeles county fire district. >> jimmy: is that true? >> yes. and they should have put that [ bleep ] on the website before i went down there riding along on the truck. [ laughter ] paco didn't tell me that. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. >> yeah. but it was fun, man. we out there putting out dumpster fires. >> jimmy: did you stay on the truck for a while? >> i didn't have no choice. they kept getting calls. [ laughter ] it's the busiest firehouse. understand, remember, all i wanted was a shirt. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> for a shirt, we go out for a traffic call, a burning mattress, a dumpster fire, and another railroad fire. we're out, out, out. >> jimmy: there was a railroad fire?
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>> there was be some just -- people burning stuff, jimmy, stuff was just burning. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: were you helpful at all? or just there for moral support? >> i guess i was helpful. i was helpful like an 8-year-old helping his dad. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, is that you holding that? >> yeah, that's me. >> jimmy: oh, you put out a fire? >> yeah, i did it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's awesome. >> i did it. i'm qualified. in jordans, mind you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. you joined the team. you're a hero is what you are. >> slow down. [ laughter ] i was a dude on a truck learning about what other benevolent people are doing for the people of southern california. >> jimmy: when you were a kid, did you ever think about joining the firehouse? >> yeah. that was the -- that was the first job i wanted, man. >> jimmy: is it really? >> i grew up watching a show called "emergency." >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> the og "chicago fire." i watched every first responder show. and then when i got older, i found out the physical fitness
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requirements. [ laughter ] i don't know if you know the fire, you got to be able -- they want you -- i said no. i will major in journalism. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, there is no -- >> you can be every weight in journalism. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: behind the scenes, yeah. >> you out there running with paco and them, you got to -- >> jimmy: you know, i think that, especially here in l.a., some places you go, like oh, well, should we be even making jokes or whatever. but i think this is the perfect time to watch a special like yours. to take an hour and to not think about this stuff and to laugh. >> the thing about it, i titled the special "only flowers" because i feel like we as a people are all beautiful, but we're separated. when you put flowers together, you have a bouquet, and it's something that's beautiful. [ applause ] and what we've learned over the past couple of days in these fires in los angeles is just how beautiful of a society we are when things come together.
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you know, i'm just grateful that i had an opportunity to do this with hulu on the back side of leaving "the daily show." my mom is ecstatic. i told my mom originally when trevor noah said he was leaving "the daily show," i called my mom. i'm like, "they might let me host, you can go on and quit your job." [ laughter ] and then i didn't get to host. [ laughter ] and i had to call my mama back, "you ain't quit that job yet, did you? all right, good. hulu is going to hook me up. i might come pay off the car. we'll see." [ applause ] >> jimmy: i really appreciate you coming out here. >> i appreciate you having me, man. >> jimmy: from new york, roy wood jr., "lonely flowers" premieres friday on hulu. roy wood jr., everybody. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with dawes!
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♪ these days my friends don't seem to know me ♪ ♪ without my suitcase in my hand ♪ ♪ and when i'm standing still i seem to disappear ♪ ♪ but maybe that's how i found you ♪ ♪ maybe that's taught me exactly what i want ♪ ♪ maybe meeting you so far away from home ♪ ♪ is what makes it all so clear ♪ ♪ but you got that special kind of sadness ♪ ♪ you got that tragic set of charms ♪ ♪ that only comes from time
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spent in los angeles ♪ ♪ makes me wanna wrap you in my arms ♪ ♪ when people ask me where i come from ♪ ♪ to see what that says about a man ♪ ♪ i only end up giving bad directions ♪ ♪ that never lead them there at all ♪ ♪ it's something written in the head lights ♪ ♪ it's something swimming in my drink ♪ ♪ and if i were the moon it would be exactly where i fall ♪ ♪ 'cause you got that special kind of sadness ♪ ♪ you got that tragic set of charms ♪
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♪ that only comes from time spent in los angeles ♪ ♪ makes me wanna wrap you in my arms ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i used to think someone would love me for the places i have been ♪ ♪ and the dirt that i've been gathering deep beneath my nails ♪ ♪ but now i know what i've been missing ♪ ♪ and i'm going home to make it mine ♪ ♪ and i'll be battening the hatches and pulling in the sails ♪ ♪ 'cause you got that special kind of sadness ♪
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♪ you got that tragic set of charms ♪ ♪ that only comes from time spent in los angeles ♪ ♪ makes me wanna wrap you in my arms ♪ ♪ you got that special kind of sadness ♪ ♪ you got that tragic set of charms ♪ ♪ that only comes from time spent in los angeles ♪ ♪ makes me wanna wrap you in my arms ♪ [ cheers and applause ] worse. yeah. no way. >> the $400 million he said she
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