tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 22, 2025 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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how you know about all this? - that's how i got my insurance. i got a great plan for about $10 dollars a month. - okay, i see you. - if you've got questions, covered california can help, every step of the way. enroll by january 31st. covered california. this way to health insurance. are tracking a new fire near bel air in los angeles, burning right next to the 405. 4 or 5 acres burned so far. thanks lou: from hollywood - it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- jesse eisenberg,
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danielle deadwyler, and music from larkin poe. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. i appreciate that. thanks. guillermo. very nice. very nice. very kind. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for that. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us here in los angeles, where i don't want to ruin the fun, but we find ourselves once again on fire. spreading, north of us at castaic lake. thousands of people are being evacuated again. i have to say, it's times like these i am grateful we have stiff-spined, strong-minded leaders like squirrel of the house mike johnson. [ laughter ] who pulled trump's little nuts out of his mouth for just a
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minute -- [ laughter ] long enough to assure us he would never sink so low as to play politics with much-needed federal aid to our state. >> you go to california, they're a sanctuary state, l.a. and san francisco are sanctuary cities. okay. gavin is doubling down on a "fight trump" agenda, you know. trump-proof california. and so, are you saying that california, if they continue to aid and abet law-breaking and harboring illegal immigrants, money from d.c. gets cut off? >> yeah, we're talking about conditions to this disaster aid. they're natural disasters, but there are manmade disasters as well. >> jimmy: which one are you? [ laughter ] you'd think, as people living in an area prone to wildfires, we'd get a bit more sympathy from an elf who lives if a hollowed-out tree. [ laughter ] but that doesn't fly in magaland. mike johnson is such a little kiss-ass.
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i've been trying to figure out who he reminds me of. i think it's this guy. [ laughter ] yes. there's donald and mike. the fact of the matter is the only man-made part of this disaster is the climate change part of this disaster, which mike's party pretends doesn't exist, even though they were having snowball fights on bourbon street today. [ laughter ] snow in louisiana today. 9 inches of snow in florida today. this hasn't happened in 70 years. a blanket of snow fell on the beach on the florida panhandle. there was snow from tallahassee to pensacola. children were voluntarily being swallowed by alligators, just to stay warm. [ laughter ] in lafayette, louisiana, the unusual icy roads had drivers and even weather reporters on edge. >> john, you know, we've seen our fair share -- look, there's somebody peeling out. watch out, john, watch out, john. see, christmas thanksgiving -- we encourage people not to do. i don't know how cool that guy thinks he is. i wish that lafayette police
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officer would roll up on him and shut that down. hey, man, can you turn your lights on and shut that down? unbelievable, bro. that's the stuff we don't like to do. at times you wonder why we may be standing in certain spots. just not -- just not it, bro. john's got a family, i've got a family, we're all trying to do our job bringing you up to date. that was wach. super lame. anyway, we chill out. boy, i tell you what, john, that got me hot, baby. i wish he'd roll back here, i'd show him what's happening. just kidding. anyway, please be safe. [ applause ] >> jimmy: could we get a therapist to the corner of evangeline thruway and surrey street? we've got a time bomb waiting to blow there. [ laughter ] in philadelphia, it's so cold right now some of the locals have lost the ability to spell. >> let me hear you all day
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e! l! g! s! e! s! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's how you spell it? that was the mayor of philadelphia. i've never seen anyone spell a word so wrong in so many different ways. [ laughter ] this has to be god punishing us for pulling out of the paris climate accord. it snowed in georgia, alabama. it snowed in texas. senator ted cruz is requesting an extra blanket on his united flight to cabo as we speak! [ laughter ] it did not snow at mar-a-lago. that's when hell officially freezes over. [ laughter ] our commander in chief meteorologist is coming to l.a. friday to survey the damage from fires, and also to share his deep understanding of how we could easily get out of this mess. >> the sprinklers. there are sprinklers in there like these right here that you see. none of them had any water in them. the sprinklers on the lawn weren't allowed to be used. we're demanding they turn the
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valve back toward los angeles right now. it's not believable they haven't done it. just so you know. they have a valve. it turns. think of a sink gut multiply it times many thousands of times, the size of it, it's massive. you turn it back toward los angeles. why aren't they doing that? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: such a good question. how did they forget about our giant supersink? [ laughter ] just so you know, we do not have a valve like a sink in los angeles that we can turn. to shut the fires off. that makes no sense. to anyone. including him. but nobody says anything. no one corrects him. the emperor not only doesn't he have any clothes, he's in the shower waiting for a drip of water to come out. >> we wanted to restrict you to 38 gallons of water a day. that sounds like a lot, but it's not. when you're a rich person and you like to take shower. [ audience moaning ] >> jimmy: that's right. rich people like to shower. the poors prefer to live in filth. [ laughter ] that's just how it is. by the way, that was from a
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press conference about a.i. and infrastructure. so he's right back where he left off. shooting the breeze with reporters. grabbing everything he can. trump has reportedly made $6 billion from the new crypto coin he launched three days before his inauguration. no one seems to have a problem s. for all the talk about hunter and burisma and the biden crime family, trump just made $6 billion out of thin air. they ask him about it, and he just laughs it off. >> do you intend to continue selling products that benefit yourself personally while you're president? >> i don't know if it benefited. i don't know where it is. i don't know much about it. other than i launched it. i heard it was very successful. i haven't checked it. where is it today? >> you made a lot of money, sir. >> how much? >> several billion dollars, it seems like, in the last several days. >> several billion? that's peanuts for these guys. >> jimmy: anyway. i am outraged by the cost of
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eggs. [ laughter ] he doesn't pay attention to how much money he made. it's just not the kind of person he is. he doesn't care about that stuff. i was reading today that a lot of reporters, even from the so-called liberal news media, are happy that trump is back because he actually talks to them. joe biden rarely looked up from his malt o meal. [ laughter ] but now, all of a sudden, the white house is active and full of surprises. oops. [ laughter ] that was seb gorka, and in fact, i believe the president himself -- [ audience moaning ] is he on ozempic? he looks great. [ applause ] meanwhile, the mass deportations trump promised are underway, large-scale raids on undocumented immigrants started today.
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which means melania is hiding in her bedroom for two reasons now. [ laughter ] yesterday, the president signed an order to lift all government d.e.i. requirements and to put all federal employees working on d.e.i.-related initiatives on immediate leave. donald trump won't be satisfied until his administration is as white as the chiclets his son calls teeth. [ laughter ] he will not tolerate d.e.i. d.u.i. is fine, but no on the e! [ laughter ] it really is so brazen. trump says, "the only thing that matters when hiring people are apt feud and qualifications. now, please confirm this blackout drunk i got off fox news for secretary of defense." [ laughter ] it turns out, drinking on the job might actually be one of the least-disqualifying things about pete hegseth. according to reports from multiple news outlets, hegseth's former sister-in-law alleges that hegseth's wife was terrified he would abuse her to the point where she and her sister had a code to text if her husband became violent and she
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feared for her safety. the code was -- "this man should never be defense secretary." [ laughter ] [ applause ] and now trump wants him to have the nuclear codes. the senate is hoping to vote on hegseth this week. meanwhile, it was smooth sailing for marco rubio, who was confirmed unanimously as secretary of state. rubio is the first-ever hispanic secretary of state, and also the first cabinet official small enough to fit inside an actual cabinet. [ laughter ] this is mind-boggling. not only did trump let all the 1,600 simpletons who stormed the capitol off the hook, he is currently mulling the idea of hosting them at the white house. one of the stormtrumpers he pardoned was the self-proclaimed q-anon shaman jacob chansley, who was sentenced to 41 months in prison. yesterday, he celebrated on twitter. he wrote, "i got a pardon baby! thank you, president trump!
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now i am gonna buy some mother f'ing guns! i love this country! god bless america." mom, can i have some money for guns? [ laughter ] i'm starting to think he might not be a real shaman. he's clean-shaven now. he has been de-horned. and, for whatever reason, agreed to sit for an interview with the bbc. >> they imprisoned me for 27 months. 10 1/2 in solitary confinement. and then they released me to the public as social pariah without the ability to own a firearm. so i can never really actually bring a gun to a gunfight, i always have to bring a knife to a gunfight. you do realize how wrong that is, right? >> jay, you pleaded guilty. [ laughter ] >> i pleaded guilty? so is this how they do things in england, i see? yes, yes. you can't see the forest for the trees, my dear, hm? >> jimmy: ugh. i bet his cellmate is so happy he's gone. [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] what gun fights is he going to? how long until one of these guys gets arrested again? one of them pulls out a gun at a hobby lobby or accidentally sets fire to a bait shop? at least a quarter of these dopes trump parkeded had prior criminal records. one of the guys had 38 previous convictions. 11 for violence or violent threats. wasn't his plan to remove criminals from the general population? i can't believe i voted for this guy three times. [ laughter ] [ applause and boos ] tonight is a special night at the white house. it's donald and melania's 20th wedding anniversary. 20 years is a long time. especially for melania. [ laughter ] this morning, trump paid tribute to his longest-serving wife, re-posting this a.i. image of him with a lion. and then, i'm guessing he noticed a bunch of people
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posting about his anniversary, which reminded him, oh, it's my anniversary. so, he re-posted this sweet photo of melania literally pushing him away. [ laughter ] then he posted a long love letter to russia and putin. and then he posted this -- "happy 20th anniversary to melania!" melania posted nothing to celebrate. [ laughter ] you know, the traditional present for a 20th anniversary is china, which is a country [ laughter ] trump blames for a lot of thi things, but also, an exquisite commemorative gift. >> i have something incredible to share today. we are announcing the launch of the donald and melania 20th trump-verse satisfactory china collection. this line of beautiful plates commemorate all of my and the third mrs. trump's most romantic moments. intimate dinners. strolls on the tarmac. super-hot makeout sessions. and the hole on my golf course
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where i will eventually bury her. like all of my products, this china is made in china. by child laborers whose hands are even tineier and more supple than my own. and that's not all. the trump verse satisfactory collection features classified document placemats with real military secrets. a signature eric trump adult bib. a 64-ounce wine glass. the marjorie taylor greene signature tablecloth with eyeholes. and the steve bannon gravy boat. that's why they call him sloppy steve, what a mess he is. the donald and melania 20th trump verse satisfactory china collection. own it today for 12 easy payments of available wherever dangerous lead products are sold. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: mazel tov. we have a good show for you tonight. danielle deadwyler is here. we've got music from larkin poe. and we'll be right back with jesse eisenberg.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. tonight, from the critically acclaimed movie "the piano lesson," danielle deadwyler is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later, a grammy-winning band fronted by two sisters. this is their album "bloom." it comes out friday. larkin poe is with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] you can see larkin poe live at the fonda theater here in l.a. on april 23rd. tomorrow night, james marsden and fortune feimster will join us. with music from hooray for the riff raff. our first guest is a very talented writer, director and actor, whose resume includes the super villains lex luthor and
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mark zuckerberg. [ laughter ] he wrote, directed, and stars in an excellent movie about cousins. "a real pain" is on hulu now. please welcome jesse eisenberg. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thanks for coming. i know you live in new york, right? >> yes, but i was able to fly out here. >> jimmy: oh on a plane? >> yeah, exactly. [ laughter ] i was going to do a boat, but they said cat natural would take too long to be on the show. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we're going to reclaim that canal, and don't worry, it will go by like that. >> exactly. if this was next week, i think i could do the canal. they wanted me here the day after. >> jimmy: are you a good traveler? are you good on -- >> i'm a fine traveler. i'm not like in general a fine person. going through normal stuff, i don't excel. but traveling -- maybe
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traveling's an exception. a lot of people are nervous travelers. but because i know there's nervous people on the plane, for some reason, it comforts me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> you know, as opposed to like the rest of life. when i'm sitting around, self tillized comfortable people, i'm a wreck. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: interesting. the tension you experience from others makes you maybe feel like you're part of a community? >> yes. i find if i'm with other paranoid people, i'm the comfortable one. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: interesting. >> but if i'm in a group with normal people, i'm the weirdo. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it makes sense, because you know like when you're -- you're at home, and like something happens, and like one of you's mad, the other one's not, you don't have to get mad because the other one's mad. >> it's exactly that. and my wife was angry last week. and i remember thinking, this is a great, great week. [ laughter ] because i just had -- i was standing up administrating. i tyke care of the kid. "it's going to be okay, honey." i had to be -- i had to be the
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kind of calm, collected person. >> jimmy: do you go on vacations and that sort of thing? >> not in the way that people think of vacation. i don't like vacations. because, you know -- [ laughter ] i feel too guilty to go on a vacation. i have a very good life. i got, like, to be a movie actor, it's like i won the lottery every day for the last 41 years. i travel for my work, you know what i mean? i feel guilty going on a vacation where i just want to lay back on the -- i can't do that. because i'm riddled with guilt. [ laughter ] so what i do -- what i do is i go -- like the places i've traveled to are basically -- like this movie is about these guys who go on a holocaust tour. those are the travels i do. the last vacation we went to, the last two vacations, one was to a concentration camp in austria. [ laughter ] laugh it up, jimmy. i know that gets you -- you get tickled by that. [ laughter ] and then the next one we went to with my family are,
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site where the revolution against chess chess cue happened. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you brought the kids to that? >> a kid, one kid. if we had two, obviously it would be off limits. >> jimmy: too many. [ laughter ] >> it's too depending. but it was amazing. i explained to my kid what happened. not 80 lens rl i explained there was a dictator here -- it was an amazing trip. the city is amazing and beautiful and everything. that's the only time i could go on vacation and not hate myself. >> jimmy: wow. are you transferring this to your child, do you feel? >> amongst so many other horrible things, yeah. [ laughter ] including, perhaps, tasex. >> jimmy: what? >> that's a jewish genetic disease disorder joke. [ laughter ] it's going to kill -- >> jimmy: i wondered why guillermo was cracking up over there. >> guillermo and then your brooklyn -- >> jimmy: he knows his jewish genetic disorders like nobody else.
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>> it's a great joke, but -- >> jimmy: it as great joke. >> all jewish couples have to get tested for tasax so they don't pass it on. >> jimmy: i'm embarrassed that you have to explain the joke to me, but i imagine this is what it's like vacationing with you. [ laughter ] your son, your daughter? >> yeah, my son. >> jimmy: did your son say, can we go to disney world this time? >> we haven't told him about that. i went so disneyland, during his lifetime, without him. [ laughter ] because i was doing something in shanghai, they took me to shanghai disney. i told him about it, "it sounded interesting, but when are we going back to rwanda?" [ applause ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it must make you very proud. >> yes. >> jimmy: were you like that when you were a kid? >> i hated vacations when i was a kid. not because i felt guilty. i hated school so much. every time the school ended, like friday, i was more scared than even sunday night because i
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knew the weekend i'd be thinking about school. and so when school ended, june 16th every year, i would be so paranoid because i knew the entire summer was going to be thinking about september 8th. [ laughter ] know what i mean? >> jimmy: sadly, i know exactly what you mean, yeah. >> it's awful. we're terrified of anticipating the bad thing, the wad thing coming -- >> jimmy: than the bad thing there. >> school's there, i'm there, i'm miserable, but it can get worse. >> jimmy: were you bullied in school? >> i wish, i wish. [ laughter ] no, i always wanted -- i always wished there was some concrete thing i could go home and say. "somebody beat me up." everybody was nice to me, i was just miss ran. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you do drugs or anything like that? >> i should have. [ laughter ] no, no. >> jimmy: no, huh, interesting. >> yeah, no. i graduated from performing arts high school in manhattan, and that was great. we did drugs there. [ laughter ] but growing up -- >> jimmy: what kind of drugs did you do there? >> one of my friends did acid every day. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> in the park. in the park.
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>> jimmy: is he still with us? >> he was my friend at the time. i haven't spoken to him. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: probably still in the park. >> we smoked pot in the park at lunchtime. >> jimmy: was that good? did that calm you down or make you enjoy -- >> doesn't calm me. i was funny. i guess it would be like -- want to make jokes -- i don't know if i was funny. it made me want to be funny. >> jimmy: did you do the tasac joke in the park? >> i've been trotting that out for a long time yeah. that's in my holster. somebody like you or a crowd like this, i pull it out because it's so accessible. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i was going to ask you about your family, but i feel like i should wait now because this movie, which i thought was just great, by the way, is about a relationship between cousins which is an area that is -- i think has gone unexplored. >> oh, thanks. >> jimmy: like not since "my cousin vinny" i think has there been a cousin-related movie.
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we'll take a look at the movie. it's called "a real pain." jesse eisenberg is here. we'll be right back. joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you... emerge as you, with clearer skin. with tremfya®, most people saw 100% clear skin... ...that stayed clear, even at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. serious allergic reactions and increased risk of infections may occur. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms or if you need a vaccine. emerge as you with clear skin. ask your doctor about tremfya®. ♪ wow! you built this? it was easy once i found the parts. [wires sparking] guess i just donated my car to science. [robotic sound]
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you use toddle me, first generation immigrants work some menial job. they drive cabs, deliver food. second-gener second-generation, they go to good schools, become a doctor, lawyer, whatever. third generation lives in their mother's basement, smokes pot all day. >> so that -- >> i think she was just speaking
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generally, about immigrants. >> i lived in my mom's basement. >> she was just talking about immigrants, that's all. >> okay, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is keirin culkin and jesse eisenberg in "a real pain" which you can see on hulu now. kiran plays your cousin benji, your character's cousin, benji. this is based on a real cousin? >> no, no, no, no, no. my cousins don't drink that much. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and the dynamic between you and kiran, you're both great in the movie. i don't know kiran. and i met you a couple of times. we don't really know each other. but it seems to me like there was -- like it may have been a real dynamic between the two of you? >> totally, totally. like, so yeah, like kiran -- first of all, he's so brilliant in the movie. he's winning every award. he's a genius in the movie. but his character is, like, really kind of, like, unpredictable, spontaneous. he has, like, big, extreme emotional swings. he'll be really furious at one point, then elated and charming
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the next. that's kind of like kiran. my character is really, like, preplanning everything. more introverted. and it's more like me. the weird thing was, we were exactly like that in the movie. like i had written the script two years ago, so it was deep in my head. preparing to direct it year. i knew every shot. kiran would ask, "what scene are we doing today?" you don't want to ask that question. [ laughter ] by the guy who has five pages of dialogue. in ten minutes. and so i'm like, "we're doing the scene on the train, you have five pages of dialogue." "oh, that's so funny, the script? i don't have mine." he looks at it for a minute. "okay, i'm good." and he'd be word perfect and brilliant. so i don't know how he does it. he's a genius. we found out towards the end of the movie, we got a call from his hotel. "is kiran okay? he's sleeping on his floor, we
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think, his mattress is in the bathroom." i think he was kind of living in the spirit of the part, but just not telling everybody about it. like most actors, if they do any work at all, go on shows like this, "that was so tough, man, i was [ bleep ] --" oops, sorry. that was an impression of somebody who would say that word. >> jimmy: right, sure. >> like they tell you about it. kiran's so unpretentious. he was living in the spirit of this guy and never talking about it. >> jimmy: is it possible that kiran is watching this interview right now and going, no, i wasn't in the character, i'm just weird. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah, yeah. he probably would say that, that's how unpretentious he is, won't even take credit. >> jimmy: you have the added responsibility of him being -- you're writer and director of the movie, so you need to make sure everything is right. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you've got a lot riding on this. >> exactly. >> jimmy: you're his boss in a lot of ways. >> it didn't feel that way. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he made sure of that. >> in the movie he torments me. he's constantly manhandling me, punching me.
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he took to that really easily. [ laughter ] yeah, and he would just make fun of me all the time. his character in the movie makes fun of me. but he would do what. i'd be setting up a shot with one of the great polish cinematog cinematogr cinematographerers, this hall lowed thing. "what are you doing, your film school shot now?" [ laughter ] this was every day. i walked around feeling like such a loser. [ laughter ] on this movie that i should have felt good about. >> jimmy: he broke you down. >> he broke me down. he was so good in the movie. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i didn't want to rock the boat by telling him to stop. >> jimmy: yeah, right. [ laughter ] >> or just to be nice, i thought maybe this is his process. >> jimmy: is it hard to be the director of a movie that you're in? >> yeah, yeah. because -- i also -- like i don't watch myself in movies. i haven't seen myself in a movie in a long time. i'm probably not that unusual. maybe it's really neurotic but a lot of actors don't do that. >> jimmy: a lot of times i have guests on the show, we show the
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clip, they lower their heads or look away. >> exactly. >> jimmy: they don't want to see themselves. >> that was me for so many years. then i'm in the shots. i kept trying to avoid closeups on me. because i just didn't want to really be in the movie. and so i have these -- my producers, one of whom is the actress emma stone. >> jimmy: right, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> she knows a thing or two about a closeup. so my producers would be like, "you have to turn the camera to your face now." "could i be behind the wall?" "you've got to be in front of the wall." >> jimmy: emma is there with you? >> yes, she's a producer of the movie, standing with the headphones. >> jimmy: i thought that producers did nothing. [ laughter ] i didn't know producers did anything. >> a lot of them do nothing. >> jimmy: they're working on the movie with you? >> yes. >> jimmy: she's got to be -- from her you listen. >> good advice, yeah, exactly. she's also good with notes. she told me to stop moving so much. >> jimmy: really? >> yes in an elevator scene, i was moving too much. turns out when emma stands in an elevator, she's pretty calm. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so now the oscar
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nominations come out tomorrow. you're thinking about that? >> yeah, i'm thinking about it. you know. i -- i, like, don't look myself up on the internet in perpetuity ever, but i found, because all these award shows -- it's not the oscars, but yes there have been 50 award shows up to now. critics around the world, baft tax et cetera. i started reading stuff online, which is my kryptonite. you know. and i only can compare it to, like, smelling my armpit. [ laughter ] i hate how my armpit smells, yet i find myself smelling it sometimes. [ laughter ] you know? and that's what reading about this stuff is online. i hate reading this stuff. i can't believe i'm, like, the father of a person, i have responsibilities, i'm in my 40s. and i find myself googling "awards predictions" like an idiot. >> jimmy: they look pretty good. they look pretty good. take a deep breath of that armpit right now. >> yeah, yeah, thanks a lot. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and the movie's great. >> thanks. >> jimmy: no matter what the award says. >> thanks.
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>> jimmy: jesse eisenberg. "a real pain" is on hulu right now. we'll be back with danielle deadwyler! to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms... ...with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after trying a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq works differently. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling as fast as 2 weeks for some. and even at the 3-year mark, many people felt this relief. rinvoq can stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower ability to fight infections. before treatment, test for tb and do bloodwork. serious infections, blood clots, some fatal; ...cancers, including lymphoma and skin; serious allergic reactions; gi tears; death; heart attack; and stroke occurred. cv event risk increases in age 50 plus with a heart disease risk factor. tell your doctor if you've had these events, infection, hep b or c, smoked, are pregnant or planning. don't take if allergic or have an infection.
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what? impression? like do a -- like do a push-up or something like that? >> lou: yes, exactly. [ laughter ] one impression. two impressions. >> maybe two. >> lou: two impressions? that's not bad. at&t has a new guarantee because most things in life are not guaranteed. like booking the right rental car. where's the rest of it? did you forget we had kids?! you're stealing! a friendly game staying friendly. yo chill, granny! it's a bank loan. or being alone during alone time... yeah... that's not guaranteed. you know what at&t guarantees? connectivity you depend on, the deals you want and the service you deserve. or we'll make it right. that's the at&t guarantee. [birds chirping as wind softly blows] or we'll make it right. [coffee cherries dropping into basket] [smooth taps of flowing coffee cherries] [clicking of coffee beans falling] [soft crackling of roasting coffee beans] [ringing of coffee beans on metal] [low roar of churning coffee beans] [rattle of barista pouring coffee beans] [grinding noises]
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[bubbling water] [people softly talking] [whoosh of steam] [trickle of espresso pouring out] [whoosh of espresso settling] [hissing and frothing of milk steaming] [pouring espresso into cup] [sliding coffee on counter] [person sipping their coffee] you know what you don't see in psoriasis commercials? the thousands of real people who go undiagnosed. people whose psoriasis can look very different depending on their skin tone. as the makers of tremfya®, we understand that everybody's moderate to severe plaque psoriasis doesn't look the same. so, we undertook a first-of-its-kind study of plaque psoriasis in every skin tone. like hers and his and yours. serious allergic reactions and increased risk of infections may occur. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms or if you need a vaccine. ask your dermatologist about tremfya®. ♪
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. we have music from larkin poe on the way. our next guest is a talented actor you can see alongside samuel l. jackson and john david washington in a movie about a cherished family heirloom. watch "the piano lesson" on netflix now. please welcome danielle deadwyler. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: danielle, may i say first of all, you look fantastic. >> why thank you. >> jimmy: secondly, that was one
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of the warmest greetings. >> i try to bring a little love. i didn't hug you the last time and i said, i will not get my hand popped by my mama because you're supposed to talk to everybody in the house when you come in the house. hi, guillermo. >> guillermo: yeah, thank you, thank you. that was great. >> jimmy: you flew in from atlanta? >> i did. >> jimmy: was it snowing? >> it wasn't. i left early. >> jimmy: you missed the snow. are you bummed? >> no, jimmy. [ laughter ] it's atlanta. >> jimmy: it's atlanta. >> it's snow. it's no good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how often does it snow in atlanta? >> maybe every five to seven years. >> jimmy: five to seven, okay. >> something like that. >> jimmy: you missed it. >> there was skating in midtown. >> jimmy: do tsa agents now really want to talk to you? because you're in the movie "carry on"? >> yes, jimmy, that's a problem. [ laughter ] it's a problem. >> jimmy: i would imagine that would be the case. that is something that was in the back of your head when you shot the movie? >> no, i wasn't thinking about
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it at all. then people are looking at you. i do everything i possibly can to just look regular. i put on black hats. i'm looking like -- >> jimmy: those are the people they're looking for. [ laughter ] >> no, i mean -- >> jimmy: you try to look normal, they pull you aside. otherwise, they'll let you go right through. >> no, they look at me and they're gawking recognize then they walk up, "i know who you are." [ laughter ] they give me the laundry list of all the stuff that we did wrong. >> jimmy: oh, that is true? >> yes. it's very true. >> jimmy: oh, boy. oh, terrific. >> "i didn't do it, guys, i was in the fbi." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right, now if you run into fbi agents and they have notes -- >> i don't want to run into them. >> jimmy: no, probably not. that movie is so popular. >> it is crazy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i think it took everybody by surprise. it's now i think in like the top five biggest netflix movies of all time. >> it's weird. >> jimmy: is this the movie you're hearing about the most? >> it is the movie i'm hearing
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about the most of late. it is the movie my son, who's 15, actually pays the most attention to. >> jimmy: ah. >> it's weird, it's weird. >> jimmy: he was excited that you were in a movie that he found on his own? >> he legit texted me, "hey, mom, this was good, are they going to have a sequel?" he's never asked me about anything else. >> jimmy: that's i nice, right? >> i guess it's affirming. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think so. a lot of times your kids, you tell them you're doing something, speaking from experience, they don't care at all. >> no, not one bit. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how's raising a 15-year-old going? >> ooh. [ laughter ] it's great! >> jimmy: yeah? [ laughter ] >> i love it so much. he's so sweet to me. he's saucy. and it's ladies time. >> jimmy: oh, it is? >> if you know what i mean. >> jimmy: does he get uptight about that? >> no, no, we're good, we're trusting. i'm honest with him. i think he's honest with me. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> i'm affirming of the shifts he's going through. it feels good.
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>> jimmy: were you honest with your mom? [ laughter ] >> yes! yes, i was, mother. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you're still scared of her, i guess? >> no, i am not scared of her. i love her. she's actually the wilder of the two of us as mothers. >> jimmy: oh, oh. >> yes. so jimmy, she took us -- when we were little, '90s, maybe '96, olympics coming to atlanta, blah, blah, blah. in the spring there's this called freaknik? >> jimmy: i know about it. are it was a big thing. >> it was a big thing. so all these college students, come to celebrate spring break, blah, blah, blah. you can't go outside and drive without running into traffic. you're literally going to be in traffic for three to four hours. >> jimmy: because people are crowding the streets. >> crowding, dancing, doing their thing. my mom says, "i need to go to the grocery store, y'all want to come to the grocery store with
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me?" "mama, it's freaknik, it's going to be three to four hours." "better get in the car if you want to come to the grocery store." then it's just -- you stopped, right? you can't drive, you can't go anywhere, you're sitting in the traffic. i look to my left. my left over here. [ laughter ] i look to my left, and what do i see? i see dancing twerking ass. [ laughter ] i look to my right, i see dancing twerking ass. i look ahead, i see video cams and all this stuff. man, my mom really wants us to eat well. swerve swerve we're going to go to the grocery store, and in the midst of all of that, we're going to see ass and boys. [ laughter ] you know what i mean? we had fun. >> jimmy: is it possible your mother just wanted to see ass? [ laughter ] >> maybe, jimmy. >> jimmy: did you ever go to freaknik as an attendee? >> no, i don't think i was ever technically old enough. >> jimmy: i see. because they shut it down at the end of the decade. >> by the time i got to college,
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freaknik was much more compressed. as in -- you know. parties. >> jimmy: i was talking to jesse about the oscar nominations coming out tomorrow. are you going to wake up early? are you thinking about it? >> i'm going to be in bed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, are you going to sleep through it? >> i don't want my sleep impacted. >> jimmy: uh-huh? okay, good. >> i'm going to stay there and somebody may or may not wake me up. >> jimmy: they will wake you up if you get a nomination. >> maybe. >> jimmy: uh-huh? it would be weird if you get a nomination, no one calls, then you find out about it at 10:30. >> i will probably just turn my phone off. >> jimmy: you will turn the phone off? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's very adult of you. [ laughter ] >> is it? >> jimmy: i think so, yeah. i think it's very mature. i think it's -- it means you're grounded, i think. >> i don't want -- >> jimmy: somehow, while your mother was driving you through that sea of asses -- [ laughter ] >> yes, i am calm, ready for any ripples that will come into my world. >> jimmy: did seeing that kind of thing at a young age prepare you for working with sam
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jackson? [ laughter ] >> you know what, living in atlanta in a strip club culture prepares you for everything. >> jimmy: it does, yes, yes. >> but sam went to morehouse. i went to spellman. it's -- the atlanta culture thing is between us. >> jimmy: you felt an immediate bond? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: was it intimidating acting with him? >> no, man, he's a sweet pea. he knew everybody's lines. >> jimmy: he did? >> no, he knew everybody's lines. >> jimmy: why? >> that's what you do. that's the era who that man is, yeah. >> jimmy: wow, if you forgot a line, he's remembered it? >> i'd be like, man, blah, blah, blah. i'd blab it off. "you're right, thank you." and you keep going. >> jimmy: that's impressive. >> you don't want to mess up the flow with sam jackson. you better keep [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. congratulations on all the success of the movie. the movie is called "the piano lesson." you can watch on it netflix right now. danielle deadwyler, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thank you, danielle. we'll be back with larkin poe!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ i saw his face on the cover of a magazine the first of many dominoes to fall ♪ ♪ there's something about a man with a guitar that really turns my head and i sure do love a texas drawl ♪ ♪ there's an eiffel tower in the town where he was born it's got a little cowboy hat on top ♪ ♪ his truth is better than any book i ever read and buddy i've sure read a lot ♪ ♪ we got that easy love
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easy love ♪ ♪ we got that easy love easy love easy love ♪ ♪ i caught some damage out there scrapping like a you-know-what ♪ ♪ i fought for every scar i got falling for you felt a lot like falling off a log ♪ ♪ it's sweeter than i ever could've thought ♪ ♪ yeah, we got that easy love easy love ♪ ♪ we got that easy love easy love easy love ♪ ♪ we got that easy love easy love ♪ ♪
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