tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC January 30, 2025 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome, welcome, welcome. guillermo. very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us here in hollywood where tonight our thoughts are with the families who lost loved ones in the horrible plane crash last night in washington, d.c. i'm sure you know, around 9:00 p.m. last night, an american airlines flight from kansas collided with a blackhawk army helicopter. there were no known survivors. it was the deadliest air crash in 24 years. during a 40-minute press conference this morning, president trump spent two of those minutes offering words of comfort and sympathy to the
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victims and their families, and 38 minutes blaming biden and pete buttigieg and diversity. i'm not sure donald trump knows he's the president. remember when he waited ten minutes after the wildfires started in la before he started blaming dei? well, i guess he learned from that lesson because, this time, he slept on it, and then started pointing that little orange nub. [ laughter ] >> tod sure the controllers made any mistakes, said perhaps the helicopter pilots were the ones who made the mistakes -- >> it's all under investigation. >> i understand that. that's why i'm trying to figure out how you can come to the conclusion right now that diversity had something to do with this crash. >> because i have common sense. [ audience moaning ] and unfortunately, a lot of people don't. >> jimmy: take from it a man who looked directly into an eclipse, you need common sense. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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i mean, this is -- if a straight, white male pilot had injected a little bleach into that helicopter, none of this would have happened. [ laughter ] and by the way, it may have been a straight, white male pilot. may have been two of them. for all he knows, the cockpits, the control towers could all have been full of straight, white men. but trump hears the word "bl "blackhawk" and he's like, "if that hawk had been white." [ laughter ] seriously though, are the people who voted for him good with this? every time there's a shooting at a school, they're like, "it's too soon to be talking about gun laws!" but never too soon for trump to point his finger. a terrible thing happened. all he had to do is go out there and say, "this is a tragedy." offer some comfort to the families, to the military families, promise to get to the bottom of it. but he can't do that. because he's callous. he's racist. he's sexist. and most of all, he's stupid. [ laughter ] he's a deeply stupid man. [ cheers and applause ] to blame this on dei is like blaming 9/11 on hummus.
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[ laughter ] it makes no sense. i think maybe he gets jealous when a disaster gets more coverage than him. [ laughter ] he's like, "i'm the biggest disaster! point the camera at me!" [ laughter ] you almost have to hand it to him. the sheer number of ways he finds to be a dirtbag -- it's kind of miraculous. you think you've seen them all, he's like, feast your eyed on this one. [ laughter ] and no one from his side is calling him on it. even the billionaires are scared of him. remember back in 2021, when meta suspended his facebook account after he maestroed the riot on january 6th. well, trump sued them. guess what happened. they settled out of court, and meta agreed to pay him $25 million. 22 million of the dollars will go towards trump's presidential library. that's l-i-e-brary. [ laughter ] in case you're wondering how to spell it. according to "the wall street journal," this deal has been in the works since november when trump threatened meta ceo mark zuckerberg. he told him he wouldn't be "brought into the tent" until the case was settled. so, zuckerberg scurried over to mar-a-lago with a big, oversized
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check. like he hit the publisher's clearinghouse. [ laughter ] even at 78 years old, trump is still bullying nerds out of their lunch money. [ laughter ] this now is the second-most embarrassing thing mark zuckerberg has done this year. the first was taking this photograph. [ laughter ] it really is amazing. we have a president just shaking these guys down like a mob boss. i wanted to understand how this is in any way acceptable. so, i went to meta a.i., which is owned and operated by mark zuckerbergry. i typed in -- "what does it mean when the ceo of a major tech company pays the president of the united states $25 million?" and this was the real response i got. "that's a hypothetical scenario, and i'm not aware of any real-life instance of a ceo paying the president $25 million. if you're referring to a specific news article or report, i'd be happy to help you understand the context. in general, if a ceo were to pay the president a large sum of money, it could raise serious ethical and legal concerns. here are a few possible
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interpretations -- campaign donation. if the payment was made during an election campaign, it could be considered a campaign donation. bribery or influence peddling. [ laughter ] if the payment was made in exchange for favorable treatment or influence over policy, or influence peddling, which are illegal. philanthropic donation. if the payment was made to support a specific charitable initiative or cause championed by the president, it could be considered a philanthropic donation. it is essential to note that the president of the united states is a public servant and their primary responsibility is to serve the interests of the american people, not to accept payments from private individuals or companies." [ cheers and applause ] that's from meta, which just paid him $25 million. maybe a.i. is smarter than we are already. i don't know. [ laughter ] and then we have elon musk, who gave trump $250 million and has reportedly been working so hard, he's sleeping at doge headquarters, in the building next to the white house.
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he's sleeping at work. and yet somehow still finds times to post 600 times a day on twitter. [ laughter ] elon loves telling people he sleeps at work. i'm not sure he even has a house. he has 12 children and no home. he's like the old lady who lives in a shoe. [ laughter ] [ applause ] in the senate this morning, we had a three-ring circus at the confirmation hearing. three of trump's most mind-numbing nominees put on a show the likes which of has never been seen in congress before. what a week. if you thought a blackout drunk for defense secretary was a bad call, allow me to introduce you to bobby brain worm, comrade tulsi gabbard, and kookie kash patel. this is the man trump wants to run the fbi. look at him. [ laughter ] he's already surveilling your soul. [ applause ] he's quite possibly the least qualified candidate for any cabinet position ever.
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he's an election denier who, this morning, refused to admit joe biden won in 2020. he refused to say the words. he produced a song with the "j6 choir," a group of singers who stormed the capitol. he denied knowing the details of that this morning. and he wrote a children's book in tribute to donald trump. this is a real book. there they are together. it's called "the plot against the king." it's the story of "king donald" and a hero named "kash the distinguished discoverer." [ laughter ] it's like "crappy potter and the toilet of classified secrets." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] this man has an enemies list, which is a great thing for an fbi director to have, and also seems to really love a good meme. >> regarding his publication of his enemies list, mr. patel proclaimed, "the manhunt starts tomorrow." and reposted a video depicting
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him taking a chainsaw to his political enemies. is that you, kash reposting that at the top of that page? >> senator, i had nothing to do with the recreation -- >> is that you reposting it, is my question? >> and that's me at the top. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no one can just admit to anything. he reposted that meme. and then we had trump's pick for director of national intelligence, tulsi gabbard, who russian state tv referred to as "our friend actualsi." she was evasive. she was also a democrat two years ago. now she's totally different, i guess. this tells you all you need to know about the tone of these hearings. this is tom cotton, republican chair of the intelligence committee. >> i would note two disturbs in the room. the first sounded like a cell phone. i would ask everyone on both sides of the dais, if you have not silenced or turned off your
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cell phone, please do so now. the second disturbance was cries of a small child. we will welcome such disturbances because the cries of an infant are the sound of answered prayers. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's a human person. [ laughter ] not if you're a parent, they're not, by the way. what a weird thing to say. can you imagine working with that guy? could you imagine having him in your office? you'd never have a company christmas party because no one would want to hang out with tom. [ laughter ] but the main maniac in the hot seat today was robert kennedy. today was round two for rfk, a man whose views are so demented, they should come with a warning from the surgeon general. [ laughter ] bob got off to a hot start this morning courtesy of washington senator patty murray. >> you were accused of sexual harassment and assault by eliza cooney, part-time babysitter for your family. you said you were, quote, not a church boy, and that you, quote, have so many skeletons in my closet. you then texted miss cooney an
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ol gy and indicated you had no memory what was she described. did you make sex advances toward miss cooney without her consent? >> no, i did not, and that story has been debunked. >> why did you apologies to her, then? >> i apologized for something else. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there was something else? let me get this straight. this woman "lied" about you sexually assaulting her, but you wrote to apologize for something else? "sorry i spilled fresca on your ottoman." [ laughter ] robert kennedy would not admit he said autism comes from vaccines, even though we have this. >> i do believe that autism does come from vaccines. >> jimmy: all right. he lies about important things. you can't get a degenerate answer out of robert kennedy j.r., but you might be able to get one if robert kennedy junior jr., who's standing by live. >> that is you, brain worm?
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>> jimmy: no, it's not the worm in your brain, it's jimmy kimmel. >> go away, i'm busy. >> jimmy: where are you? what are you busy doing? >> if you must know -- i've in cvs getting rid of all these poisons that you called me sin. >> jimmy: which poisons specifically are you getting rid of? >> like this one, for instance. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> it's light here. i'm just going to get it. my muscles are so big, it's hard to pick it up when. >> jimmy: i can see that, yeah. i know you're having trouble -- yeah. >> medication for lupus. >> jimmy: lupus? >> gone! >> jimmy: why are you throwing away lupus medication? >> if you did your research, you would know that lupus was bio engineered in the froot loops factory. [ laughter ] it's right in the name, frootloopus. >> jimmy: they have nothing to do with each other. >> that's a good one. don't make me laugh, it's a knee
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slapper. ha ha ha! >> jimmy: right, okay. okay, right. all right. well, so you're getting rid of the medications, huh? >> if you walk with me this way, there's something else. >> jimmy: okay. pants are pretty tight, huh? >> yeah, i keep them tight to make my muscles look bigger. [ laughter ] next up, we're getting rid of not just medicine but sunscreen. >> jimmy: sunscreen? >> sayonara! hi-ya! >> jimmy: what's your problem with sunscreen? >> spf is a hoax. i've never worn sunscreen a day in my life, and look at me, don't i look healthy? >> jimmy: not particularly. you are muscular, though, i do have to give you that. >> i know. look at me in my jeans. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, i see that, yeah. [ laughter ] all right -- hey, stop that you're making a mess. somebody's going to have to clean that up. >> i'm not stopping. after big pharma, we're taking on big aqua. >> jimmy: big aqua?
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>> yeah, you heard me right, big aqua. >> jimmy: what is that? what is big aqua? >> it's -- it's the water lobby. we're taking the fluoride out of the water and replacing it with piranhas. >> jimmy: what? you're going to put piranhas in our water supply? >> you're damn right i am. >> jimmy: why would you do that? >> to discourage people from drinking it. water is the worst thing you can put in your body. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no one -- that's false. you have that water, how can people stay hydrated? you can't stay alive without water. >> smoothies. take a baby chicken and maybe some mice, put them in a blender, turn it on, you drink that. i drink them with my hawk, deathwing, all the time. >> jimmy: what is your hawk's name? >> deathwing. >> jimmy: death wing? >> you get death plus wing. >> jimmy: i see. >> he has wings, that's his name. >> jimmy: i understand, okay. >> deathwing. ring-a-dingy! >> jimmy: wow. you seem to have a hole in the
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whole side of your body there, rfk. oh, my god. >> i got a mouse tail. >> jimmy: this is what your cousin caroline said, you put mice and baby chicks in a blender. i guess it's true. she also call the you a predator. >> i ought to hunt her down for that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: please don't do that. >> one time i ate a b-hole out of a live giraffe. i climbed up there, glug glug glug. nectar of the gods, glug glug glug. >> jimmy: i don't know why woo would mention that. >> please, kennedys never die. i just sent you an article about it. check your phone. >> jimmy: you did, you sent me -- oh. oh, all right. hold on a sec. pardon me for a second here. oh, my god. this is a photo of a -- a very sun-damaged penis. [ laughter ] >> oh. my mistake. i'm sorry. that was for a reporter i know. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> what in the world are you doing? >> oh-oh, deathwing, to the
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called "hurry up tomorrow." it's out may 16th. it comes out tomorrow. the weeknd is with us. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we have new shows with a powerful lineup of guests including harrison ford, demi moore, rob lowe, ariana debose, gavin rossdale, bernadette peters and ariana grande. with music from my morning jacket, victoria canal, mount joy, abraham alexander and adrian quesada. so please join us for all that. [ cheers and applause ] more than three decades ago, our first guest made running in slow-motion the preferred way to save lives. on the american beach. you can see her critically acclaimed performance in "the last showgirl." it's in theaters now. please welcome pamela anderson! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> oh, wow. >> jimmy: very good to see you, and congratulations on your
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s.a.g. award. best actress. [ cheers and applause ] >> nomination. >> jimmy: i know. it's a nomination, and you're in a category with a lot of great actors. and it must be -- this has got to be thrilling for you. >> it's a little wild, you know. >> jimmy: you like going to the awards shows? >> it's a little bit intimidated. >> jimmy: is it? >> yeah, i'm very honored and i always say the win is the work. >> jimmy: that's right. and who intimidated you at these award shows? >> well, many. i've seen so many directors and movie stars and people that i didn't think i'd really be in the same room with. >> jimmy: yeah. and then they've seen the film -- >> spielberg and people. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> people have come up to me, they've really loved the film. it's really exciting to hear from your peers. >> jimmy: yeah, because correct me if i'm wrong, you guys didn't win a ton of emmys on "baywatch," yes? [ laughter ] >> those were the blurry days. >> jimmy: have you heard from people in the blurry days that have seen the movie? like david hasselhoff, exset? >> not david hasselhoff, but i
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have heard from people in my past. really excited for me and really -- it's great, it's exciting. >> jimmy: is it true -- i know they're the blurry days but is it true that david hassle have at one time gave you a calendar of himself as some kind of a -- >> christmas present. >> jimmy: a christmas gift, yeah. >> and a cd. >> jimmy: and a cd, huh? >> i didn't know he was doing music. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you didn't? >> not until the cd, no. >> jimmy: he never mentioned the music until then? >> i don't know, but i guess he's a big star. >> jimmy: in germany, yeah. did you play the cd, listen to it? >> i don't remember. [ laughter ] i don't know. >> jimmy: last time you were here, you were living up in a very small town up in british columbia. >> i'm still there. >> jimmy: you're still there? >> yeah, of course. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're still there? >> yes. >> jimmy: you love living there? you're very content there? >> it's my sanctuary, my garden. i'm baking bread. i have my sourdough starters there, so i have to be there. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: i'm going to ask you a
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boring question. how long have you kept your starter alive? >> a couple years now. >> jimmy: a couple years? >> yeah. astrid, warrior princess. [ applause ] >> jimmy: what happens when you travel, like to work, does someone feed it for you? >> no, she stays in the fridge. >> jimmy: oh, stays in the fridge. >> yep. she's very hungry. >> jimmy: i never thought we'd talk about this, i have to tell you. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: we've really come a long way, you and i. >> very comfortable with you. >> jimmy: you shot the movie in my hometown, las vegas, which is very different from where you're living up there. >> very different. >> jimmy: very different. >> they're very different. vegas during the day is quite interesting. >> jimmy: what's the name of the town you're in? >> ladysmith. >> jimmy: is there a direct flight from ladysmith to las vegas? >> you got to make a couple of stops. i actually drove to vegas. >> jimmy: you did? >> yes. i love a road trip. >> jimmy: that's a long drive. >> it is. >> jimmy: did you drive yourself? >> no. >> jimmy: you didn't. >> i don't drive very well. >> jimmy: did you take an uber to vegas? [ laughter ] >> i didn't take an uber. i don't take ubers.
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no, my assistant drove, i stuck my head out the window. >> jimmy: did you make a trip out of it? >> i've got it three times because sometimes i bring my dog, so i drive. i love a road trip. >> jimmy: when you cross over the border with your dog, do they flip out? >> no. >> jimmy: like, what are you doing driving over the border? >> no. >> jimmy: they don't? >> no, it was easy. it was easy. >> jimmy: did you like -- >> just as long as i'm not driving. i'm not a very good driver. >> jimmy: who taught you how to drive? >> my dad. in his barry's furnace service truck. with a flatbed and a stick shift. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yes. >> jimmy: is that where you took the driver's test in that truck? >> i did, and i failed. >> jimmy: how many times? >> well, i left the parking stall and hit a car. just backed right into a car. >> jimmy: do they even continue with the rest of the test when you hit another car? >> they let me go around the block just to be nice. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how many times -- >> with my phone number on the side of the car. >> jimmy: how many times did it take you to pass that driver's test? >> a couple. i think maybe three. >> jimmy: okay, all right.
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so then you were driving around vegas? >> i wasn't driving around. >> jimmy: you didn't do any driving at all? >> no, i was working. >> jimmy: i see. did you like it there? >> i love vegas. i've spent a little time there. i was in a magic show. >> jimmy: right, i remember that. you were an assistant. the gal they'd saw in half? >> saw in half, fire spikes, levitate, it was great. it was so exciting. skifs in elton john's show. >> jimmy: oh, that's right. >> david chappelle directed that. >> jimmy: i saw that show. that's right, you were dancing around. >> yeah. >> jimmy: behind elton john. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's right. >> i've been to vegas. i've had -- yeah. those were the blurry days. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: where did you shoot the movie, this movie? >> in las vegas, i remember that. >> jimmy: what hotel? >> the rio. >> jimmy: the rio hotel. did you stay at the rio hotel? >> no, no, no. i stayed at an ex-husband's house, actually. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you did? >> well, you know. it was -- i found the house. >> jimmy: i see. [ laughter ] >> i wanted to use it while i
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was doing the "showgirl" movie. i had the show girls come over from jubilee. it was basically the only time they ate vegetables. >> jimmy: why is that? >> because i was cooking them vegetable soup, we were cooking together. kind of finding ways to bond. we didn't have a lot of time shooting the movie. we shot the movie in 18 days. we were creating, you know -- almost like a -- just teaching them how to -- make a meal together, you get to know each other. >> jimmy: that is very true, you're correct on that. let's take a break, come back, take a look at the movie. it's called "the last showgirl." pamela anderson is with us. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by instacart and their cart-mates at heinz and kool-aid. it was easy once i found the parts. [wires sparking] guess i just donated my car to science. [robotic sound] looks like you need a break. the general gives you one with flexible payment options. look, a chemical reaction!
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you should have told me a hundred years ago! you saw it happening. you saw me and you didn't say anything. you were there! >> we didn't know what was going on. >> you did, you and jody. but i have a daughter. i have one. >> we love you. >> i don't love you! i don't care! i don't care. look what i have to show for the last 30 years of my life. i don't even get to keep a piece of my costume. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: pamela anderson in "the last showgirl." it's in theaters now. [ cheers and applause ] i can't help but notice that you don't like watching yourself, huh? >> no, i mean, i just -- i didn't know what clip you were going to play. [ laughter ] it's like, go for it. >> jimmy: it's interesting. it's upsetting.
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i feel like that too. >> i get a little shaky. i watched the film for the first time with the whole cast at the toronto film festival. for the first time, we all saw it together on the big screen. that was pretty wild. >> jimmy: did you feel good about it afterwards? >> yeah, i did. i felt like i had become shelley, which i think that's the goal. and i wasn't quite sure -- [ applause ] you know. a lot of work, and you never know. >> jimmy: do you feel like this has, like, reinvigorated you as far as acting goes? >> i think i've just begun. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] because you seem pretty happy just being up at home and hanging out and not doing much. and now you're -- >> i'll always make pickles. >> jimmy: you were making a "naked gun" movie, right? >> that comes out -- i've already shot it. >> jimmy: with liam neeson. >> liam neeson. comes out august 1st. [ laughter ] it's very different. it's very funny.
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he's very, very funny. >> jimmy: it must have been weird doing that without o.j. [ laughter ] hey, as a canadian, are you excited about potentially becoming our 51st state, as president trump has suggested? >> yeah, well. >> jimmy: is there a lot of enthusiasm about that, a lot of buzz? >> there's no enthusiasm. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there's no enthusiasm. [ cheers and applause ] is it true that trump once paid you to come to his birthday party? >> well -- when you're a playmate, they can give you -- they give you $500 a day to pretty much go anywhere. >> jimmy: really? >> so i was hired, i think, at that time for a birthday party, as far as i remember. >> jimmy: for him? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how sad he has to hire people to come to his birthday. [ laughter ] although it's very reasonable. >> i think it was his birthday, yeah, i don't know. something to do with him. long time ago. >> jimmy: are you headed back home? >> i'm going back home in the morning. >> you will be driving? >> not driving. >> jimmy: not driving, you're
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going to get on a plane this time? >> i'm going to get on a plane. i'm going to go home and relax. i've been traveling and promoting the film a lot, which is really fun. it's nice to see people go back to the theater. >> jimmy: you can see pamela anderson giving quite a performance in "the last showgirl." it is in theaters now. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for being here. we'll be right back with will sasso! ♪ “billathi askara” by björn jason lindh ♪ [metal creaking] [camera zooming] ♪ [window slamming] woman: [gasps] [dog barking] ♪ woman: [screams] ♪ [explosion] [explosion] ♪ [lock clicks shut] if you're living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. ♪ good to go binge-watch. ♪
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. music from the weeknd is on the way. like pamela anderson, our next guest is also from canada. and also looks great in a one-piece. you can see him in "georgie & mandy's first marriage" thursday nights on cbs. please welcome will sasso. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? good to see you. >> i'm good, how you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. you're from canada like peyton manning, like the weeknd as well. >> and the weeknd, yes. >> jimmy: we have an all-canadian show except for me and guillermo, of course. [ laughter ] do you know -- i imagine you don't all know each other, but
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do you know pam anderson? >> we used to go to the meetings, yes, i'm not suppose toddle you about the canadian meetings. [ laughter ] we're not trying anything weird, we're happy being the 51st state. i'm joking. >> jimmy: it's a different kind of aa, right? >> yeah, oh yeah. it's good. and everyone is drunk up there. [ laughter ] but no, you don't -- we actually worked together once. she was nice enough to come and guest on a sitcom i did like 20 years ago on this network called "less than perfect." >> jimmy: oh, yeah. [ applause ] >> no. thank you very much. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: if we had more canadians, there have been more polite applause. [ laughter ] but they're a little on edge right now. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's understandable. >> it is very understandable. but yeah, so at the end of her week with us, she was actually nice enough to give the whole cast flowers. >> jimmy: oh, nice. >> i took my flowers home, because they're flowers from pam
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anderson. >> jimmy: sure. >> and i left them somewhere sitting in the house for a year or two until they, you know, wilted. and soon after that rotted. and then i hung them upside down in a broom closet to dry out. >> jimmy: right. >> which was another two or three years there. and then -- [ laughter ] the petals fell off, and i wasn't quite ready to give up yet, so i put them in a decorative bowl and they became a palpourri, like a potpourri. [ applause ] it was a fun story when people would come, "you know, miss anderson." it stayed that way around a decade until i met my wife. then she said, "what is this pile of half spiders over here rotting behind the sofa?" now they are no more. >> jimmy: oh, no oh, wow. did she throw them away or make you throw them away? >> yes, it was my decision to throw them away. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: my wife makes me throw out all my good stuff too. it's very -- it's sad, i guess,
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but it's part of the deal. >> it is. >> jimmy: your family, even though you from there canada, your family's from italy. >> that's right. [ applause ] >> jimmy: which surprised me. even though you have an italian last name. >> yeah. >> jimmy: which means? >> my last name? sasso, from what i understand, it literally means -- different genealogists will tell you different things -- "large bolder that rolls down the river and settles on the beach." >> jimmy: oh. down the river, onto the beach? >> yeah. >> jimmy: very specific. >> very specific. >> jimmy: does that -- do you feel like you can relate to that in any way? >> yes. any time i go to the beach, it is like a large -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so, i know you -- you have family over there still, right? >> you know, my old man and my mom, they emigrated in the mid-'60s with my brother and sister and a bunch of our family, aunts and uncles. my dad was the patriarch of bringing the family over. like most italian families,
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there's a huge contingent of the family back home in napoli. [ applause ] really? come on. >> jimmy: they claim to be from canada earlier. [ laughter ] i don't know what's going on with these two. they're from every country that gets mentioned here. [ laughter ] switzerland? anything? no? okay, all right. yeah, no. they're not to be trusted. >> right. [ laught [ laughter ] but yeah, it's amazing to go back. >> jimmy: you stay with them when you go there? >> my wife and i were just there in the spring and summer, and we stayed in a hotel and stuff, which is really offensive to them. >> jimmy: it is, yeah. >> we're feeling like, look, we don't want to -- please, we don't want to impose. they're like -- they think that's crazy. then you can't eat in a restaurant, they've got to bring you over -- every day you're eating -- my aunt, my gia, my mom's older sister, cooking every day. she's 88. it's unbelievable. >> jimmy: the food's great?
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>> the food is -- you know. >> jimmy: what's her specialty dish? >> fried pizza. [ laughter ] just in the pot. spooning the oil on top of it. flip it over. then the sauce on top. it was ridiculous. >> jimmy: you brought a photograph from this trip. tell us what's happening here. >> yes. [ laughter ] okay. yeah, that was -- that was fun. see, what happened here was, it was very hot. [ laughter ] on one day in particular, it was very, very hot. >> jimmy: i've never seen anyone wetter than you are. [ laughter ] aquaman is not as wet as you are here. >> yeah, so that's me at the end of the day. even having wrung that shirt out a few times walking through town, duck into an alley, wring it out, put it on, and it's soaking welt. but it's like you're walking through there, the fun thing for me is growing up, you know, with my parents spoke the dialect of
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the area. you know. [ laughter ] and, so you know, i just sort of pick it up. i can communicate in napolitan. i'm walking past. i know that i look like a big german guy. but i come from little italian people. and so here i am, you know, walking through. and everyone's -- they're making fun of me because i look -- whatever, like a tourist from holland. they're like -- [ speaking in a global language ] you know, which means, "look at this stupid [ bleep ], he's so sweaty, it's disgusting, it looks like he took a bath with his clothes on." i'm hearing all of this, but then i go, "it's hot, isn't it?" "scuzi."
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[ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: you're like a secret agent over there. >> pretty much. >> jimmy: all right, let's talk about your show. because i want to just establish a few things. "georgie and manneddy's first marriage" is part of the "big bang theory" universe. >> yes. >> jimmy: the bbt2 as they say. the spinoff of a spinoff. a sequel to a prequel, yes? >> yes, that is correct. no, it's a sequel to a prequel. >> jimmy: that's what i said. >> sorry. [ laughter ] my mind is on -- [ speaking in a global language ] >> jimmy: so it started -- where do we start here? oh, god, i don't even know how this this is very confusing. >> yes. >> jimmy: in any event -- >> "the big bang theory" -- >> jimmy: was the beginning. not just of the show, of everything. >> of everything. it all started in 2007. there are no dinosaurs.
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then we go back to here. "young sheldon" starts -- which is the prequel, takes place in 1989, went all the way to 1994 in storyline. >> jimmy: in storyline, not in real -- okay. now we're here. >> then "georgie and mandy's first marriage" takes place in 1994, moving forward. >> jimmy: right there. >> currently right now it is 1995 on the show. >> jimmy: wow, that is confusing. [ laughter ] i mean, that's -- you know. does your family back home in italy, do they see the show? do they know that you're a star? >> no. >> jimmy: no, they don't. they just think you're a big, sweaty guy? [ laughter ] >> yeah, they think -- >> jimmy: a dutch guy. >> yes, i'm a big, sweaty dutch guy. they can't figure it out. "where were you born?" [ speaking in a global language ] >> jimmy: it's great to see you.
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>> jimmy: thanks to pamela anderson and will sasso. apologies to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, his new album "hurry up tomorrow" is out now. here with the television debut of the song "open hearts," the weeknd! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i can hear the wind blow even through the window i can hear the whisper even with my ears closed ♪ ♪ all the silver and gold only made my skin cold i told myself i would never get old ♪ ♪ then you pulled me in close
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oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ fallen angels call my name but the things you say keeps me alive again ♪ ♪ where do i start when i open my heart it's never easy falling in love again ♪ ♪ cover my scars when i open my arms it's never easy falling in love again ♪ ♪ falling in falling in love ♪ ♪ it's never easy falling in love again falling in falling in love ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ it's never easy ♪ come on, come on! ♪ trapped inside a limbo watching through a window of my soul ♪ ♪ suffering i've been low then i see your halo oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ fallen angels call my name but the things you say keeps me alive again ♪ ♪ where do i start when i open my heart it's never easy falling in love again ♪ ♪ cover my scars
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