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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 6, 2025 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel, larry beil, all of us here. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel, jennifer coolidge, and sara bach. >> have a great night. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- jennifer coolidge, sarah bock, and music from coco jones, with cleto and the cletones! and now, jimmy kimmel!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. ♪ >> jimmy: very nice. i appreciate that. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us in los angeles, california. have you tried our avocados? oh, man, we've got some damn fine avocados, right, guillermo? >> guillermo: that's right, jimmy. >> jimmy: i'm just looking for something to talk about besides trump. and you know what? i've failed. donald trump has been president for 45 days. only 1,417 to go. today, he set in motion his plan to dissolve the department of education. he directed his new secretary of education, linda mcmahon, the one from wrestling, that's right. wwe co-founder linda mcmahon will supervise the important work of dismantling the department of education.
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good for him. another genius tactical move. i'll tell you why. he keeps getting attacked by all these smart people, so what does he do? he outlaws smart! of course, it's also a win for linda mcmahon. the less educated we are, the more likely we are to believe that wrestling is real. it's interesting how this will work. any executive order to close the department would likely require 60 votes in the senate. republicans only have 53 seats, so they won't get that, but they will be able to bleed the department out. their plan, they say, is to turn control over education to the states. in other words -- bad news, mississippi, your kids aren't going to be able to spell "mississippi." as the pile of crazy starts to build, a lot of people have been wondering how and when the democrats are planning to fight back. well, look out, because we've got a plan and we are launching it on tiktok.
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>> choose your fighter. ♪ ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah! we're not just gonna stand back and take it anymore. we're gonna fight! what is that supposed to do, besides embarrass us and everyone involved? and then we had a scene outside npr, where angry protesters gathered to denounce a bill in the house that would eliminate funding for public broadcasting. >> so i'm going to say who's streets? and you're going to say "sesame street." who's streets? >> "sesame street." >> who's streets? >> "sesame street." >> who's streets? >> "sesame street." >> jimmy: you know, maybe i'll look into getting a medically induced coma for the next four years.
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a way to sleep it out. oh, man, if that is the best we got, ukraine is in more trouble than we realized. the united states is no longer providing ukraine with military aid or intelligence, which means they're largely in the dark and can't conduct missile strikes using certain u.s.-made weapons after trump kick him out of the white house, friday. president went right to europe for help. he went to the eu summit in brussels where press came at him like a school of piranhas. >> so, today volodymyr, thank you for coming. it's important to show that we stand by ukraine for as long as it takes. >> thank you very much, dear antonia. all our european leaders for such -- responsible from the -- >> jimmy: hold on, wait a minute. at least one of those was an ice cream cone, i think. it was reported today that trump's planning to deport more
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than 200,000 ukrainians who are living here in the united states while russia is bombing their country. he is going to send them back. at this point, even putin is like hey, reel it in a little. you're making this a little too obvious. on top of that, our co-president, elon musk has endorsed the idea of the u.s. pulling out of both nato and the united nations. which is big because elon musk, he has 14 kids. he doesn't ever pull out. [ applause ] elon had baby number 14 over the weekend. the baby's mother tweeted the kids' name which is seldon lycurgus. i wonder if when he impregnates these women, they have a conversation. he's like, "there's one thing that's very important to me. this child must have a ridiculous name, okay?" it's interesting because the only guy who even comes close to elon when it comes to multiple children with unusual names is nick cannon. nick cannon's got some strange ones.
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and with that said, it's time to play "cannon or elon?" guess which baby belongs to which dad. first up, zion mixolydian. who's your daddy? do you know, audience? elon or cannon. and the answer is? nick cannon. all right. next up, it's elon. next is zillionaire. it is cannon. that's right. followed by onyx ice cole. nick cannon? yeah, that's a cannon kid. this will be obvious too. xai i? >> is it elon? it is elon. named his kid after his company
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or his company after his kid. i don't know. for this one, two twins named strider and azure. who do they belong to? >> cannon. >> jimmy: they belong to elon musk. not too crazy, but how about this? techno mechanicus. >> elon musk. >> that is right. that is techno mecanicus >> jimmy: right. that's techno musk. and finally, tropical game fuel. that's actually a flavor of mountain dew. thanks for playing, and i'm sure we'll have many more in the future. [ applause ] you know trump thinks those are stupid names, right? the only name dumber than techno is eric. today donald trump continued playing whac-a-mole with the stock market by announcing he is delaying some of the tariffs he put on mexico and canada earlier this week. but canada is in full-on defense mode.
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in response to the tariffs, many canadian stores are pulling american-made liquor off their shelves. that's all liquor from the united states. it's all gone. this is a painstaking process for canadians because they apologize to each bottle as they remove it from the shelf. i'm so sorry. can you believe we're shaking down canada? they must be so confused! we had such a good relationship. it's like we suddenly got hooked on meth, and he went to the apartment upstairs, do you got any money? meanwhile, j.d. vance was busy stirring it up down south at the border of mexico. he said trump still wants to finish that wall he campaigned on the first time. we're back on that again. i don't think we need to finish that wall. feels like this administration is already doing a pretty good job of making sure no one wants to live here. they might have to build a wall to keep us in! one of the sillier things trump has done since taking office was installing himself as chairman of the board at the kennedy
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center. as a result, a number of artists have cancelled their previously scheduled engagements, including "hamilton." "hamilton" will not have a run at the kennedy center. it will be replaced by a production of "kanye west side story." [ laughter ] followed by an all-white production of "the wiz." one of the big indicators americans are paying attention to lately are eggs. eggs have gotten so expensive and, in some places, scarce, that trump's secretary of agriculture, his recommendation was we all get chickens. which would make sense, except for the reason we even have this problem is because of the bird flu. this is not a great time to have chickens in your yard. and of course, there are people looking to profit from all this. which is usually the case. even selling eggs on facebook marketplace. this guy who has got a lot of them and no room in his fridge. he is selling them for $7. maybe a dozen, maybe apiece.
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you can get them fertilized or unferretized. no judgment. and then there are those selling whole chicken set-ups. i don't know. personally, i've always lived by the words, "never eat anything you bought off facebook." but if you are in the market for a new or gently used frittata, facebook is the place right now. eggs have been on a lot of people's minds since the election, but the truth is even though they're something we eat almost every day, eggs are very mysterious. we really -- not too many of us understand them. and since we don't have much of a department of education anymore, we went out to the best place to learn, hollywood boulevard, to ask people out on the street how birds have babies. and this is what we learned. ♪ >> how do birds have babies?
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>> i don't know. >> i mean, i know very little about that. >> like in how does the egg create inside the bird? have no idea. >> how do birds have babies? >> through their crotch. >> birds have babies? in a nest. >> how do birds have babies? >> they hatch them from an egg. right? >> eggs. they lay eggs. they keep the eggs warm on a nest, and then the eggs hatch. >> how do they get pregnant, or do they get pregnant? >> i don't think -- i think they just sit beside another bird and lay an egg. >> so how does the egg appear? >> science. >> i think -- because i know they have to eat rocks. i'm pretty sure something in the rocks -- >> wait, who has to eat rocks?
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>> the chickens. >> okay. >> the chickens have to eat the rocks to form this, like, hard shell around to produce the eggs in the egg sack, and then it comes out. >> do male birds have penises? >> i don't think i've ever seen one. >> i'm sure they do. it's like under the feathers somewhere. >> such a figure of power in this country. i got to assume that, yes, they have a penis and a very large one. >> what did you study in college? >> zoology. >> so do male birds have penises? >> don't know the answer to that. >> does any of this seem recognizable to you? >> okay, to be honest, this looks like a tomato. that looks like a pile of potatoes. ooh, bacon. but that's not a chicken thing. that's not a chicken thing. claws. this is an anus. >> does everything happen in
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that? >> it depends who you're asking. i don't know, i don't know. you're asking me? usually. >> explain what's happening in this picture. >> the rooster is laying on a chicken. >> okay. >> why is she crying? >> they're horrible birds. >> how long does he do that for? >> it can last a few minutes. >> do you know what it looks like when two birds have sex? >> i have heard that the one bird can be on top of the other bird like this. and sometimes they do it flying, i believe. >> i know that there is like this mating ritual thing, like bald eagles, they like cling on to each other's clause and they do a death spiral towards the floor. they go wooo. right? and then they spiral towards the floor. and right before they hit the ground, they go and then like a baby comes out or something. ♪
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>> jimmy: all right. good stuff there. hey, we have a fun show tonight. from "severance," sarah bock is here. [ cheering ] we've got music from coco jones, and we'll be right back with the one and only jennifer coolidge, so stick around. ♪ >> lou: abc's "jimmy kimmel live!" brought to you by all state.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. tonight, you know her as the very intense teenage manager on "severance." sarah bock is with us. [ cheering ] then later, a grammy award-winning singer. her album "why not more?" comes out april 25th, coco jones. [ cheering ] next week, we have new shows
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with first class guests including john mulaney, denis leary, jack quaid, ellen pompeo, sza, david blaine, ray nicholson and joel mchale, with music from poppy, blondshell and saint motel. so please join us for all of that. our first guest is a very funny person who won a pair of emmys for her delightfully deranged performance in "the white lotus." you can see her next in two new movies "riff raff," which is in theaters now and "a minecraft movie" opens on april 4th. please welcome jennifer coolidge. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ applause ] [ cheering ] >> jimmy: welcome. you know, jennifer, i want to let you know, everyone at our show is completely in love with
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you. you made everyone's day. [ cheering ] >> wow, wow. >> jimmy: i'm not just talking about your work. everyone loves talking -- we are very excited that you're here. >> oh, i'm thrilled to be here. >> jimmy: it's great to have you. i've missed you on "white lotus" this season. >> i know. i know. >> jimmy: have you missed whyte h "white lotus"? >> i really miss myself. i thought i'd be cool with it. but, you know, i can't -- mike white is a genius, and it's going really well. >> jimmy: he is indeed. mike white, the creator of the white lotus. and you're a good friend. >> yeah, good friend. >> jimmy: and then he brought you back. even though it was completely -- for those who haven't seen the show, it goes from one fancy hotel to another city in the same chain of hotels, but you die the second season. >> i do. i did. >> jimmy: you did. your character, tanya dies.
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you don't actually die. your character dies in the second season, which means you can't come back for the fifth season or the sixth season, unless they dig you up and reanimate you somehow, which is not entirely impossible. >> right. i thought there was a little window for me to come back. you know, people saw me floating in the water and stuff. and i did look very dead and everything. but then they were talking, the girls were talking in this latest episode about all they saw was my floating leg. and then all of the sudden oh, yeah, i guess i wouldn't be able to swim away with only one leg. >> jimmy: i think you could. you could swim away with one leg. i think you could magazine matagorda manage that. >> that really seals the deal. >> jimmy: maybe that will take place in heaven and you can be there amongst the others at a fancy hotel in the after life. >> i hope you pitch that to mike. >> jimmy: this week was mardi
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gras, and you live in new orleans, correct? >> yes. >> jimmy: is your house near the action? >> it is. it is. there is many different parts of town that have action. >> jimmy: right. >> going on. new orleans has got all sorts of parades and stuff going. yeah. and this is one of the first years that i've missed it. >> jimmy: are you feeling sad that you missed it? or is it better to be away from the craziness? >> well, it's very hard. everyone decides on mardi gras day that the drinking starts around 5:00 or 6:00 a.m. >> jimmy: oh. >> so you're just like cooked by 8:00 a.m. it's -- but, you know, the people can handle it better than i can in new orleans. everyone can handle lots of -- lots of alcoholism -- lots of alcohol. people really -- but they're sort of unfazed. everybody looks pretty good for what they're consuming. yeah. >> jimmy: i think more than maybe any place.
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there are all these towns where they have spring break. you know, you got vegas, et cetera. but i think in new orleans, it seems like the locals and actually enjoy this when everybody converges on their city. am i wrong on that? >> yeah, we do. yeah. we like to it a point. it's almost like, sometimes, you know, you always want to catch these -- they have these throws that you want to catch. for instance, there is this amazing woman's break on muses. and everyone -- the greatest thing that can happen to you is you catch a shoe. women spend days that are in muses making these shoes to throw. >> jimmy: the shoes they're wearing? >> no -- well hopefully they're fresh shoes. no, no. but it's the throw. it's the gift that you get from if you ride, if you're in the pride. >> jimmy: right. >> so everyone wants these shoes. and it gets very competitive. and people are pushing. it gets very vicious.
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>> jimmy: i never heard of this. >> but they're very cool. they're decorated. they're very elaborate. they're works of art. some of them are so well done. >> jimmy: and then what do they do with the shoes once they have them? it's only one shoe, right? >> yes. but they put it on their mantle. it's a big deal. >> jimmy: did you ever catch a shoe? >> i -- i did catch one once, yeah, i did. >> jimmy: is it on your mantle? >> there is so much crap on my mantle. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. the shoe didn't make it. that's a very strange thing. >> it might be on there. >> jimmy: i wonder if there is any rhyme or reason to that? it's very random it seems like. the beads i get. the necklaces i get. but the shoe, you need that one. the parade comes to a stop. >> yeah, but you see people want the shoes, and the beads get recycled into the sewer system wherever they go. but the people hang on to the -- people want the shoes. >> jimmy: you could be making this up and i would have no idea.
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[ laughter ] >> yeah. i was backstage and i had nothing to talk about. so the shoe thing is brand-new. i just tried it out. >> jimmy: you grew up in boston, right? >> yeah, just outside of boston. >> jimmy: did you ever have anything like this, like a big crazy parties where -- i mean, were you involved? were you a drinker growing up? >> well, you know, in -- yeah, growing up in massachusetts, you didn't really have a choice. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, right, right. it's the thing. >> it's the thing, you know. and the difference in new orleans, it's a pretty good climate, so it's much easier to drink. i was always so cold out in the snow drinking with my friends. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> i was just freezing. oh my god. >> jimmy: what age was this? how early did the kids start in your neighborhood? >> well, i started in high school. >> jimmy: in high school. and how you get alcohol in high school? >> well, you know, i would have
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to always get like an older person to buy the alcohol for me. but then one day a weird thing happened. i was at my girlfriend's house, marie milani, next day neighbor, and her mother was a very, very fancy lady that didn't really fit into the massachusetts thing. she was really sort of glamorous with clickety click shoes and high heels and have makeup on perfection. she was very sexy lady. i had this huge crush on her. and everything about her was just she was out of the movies. when marie's mother, mrs. milani went on a trip, i was up in her dressing room, and i found her wig and her cat glasses. i put it on, and all of the sudden marie goes you look so old! and so we sort of figured out, we started talking about it. i put on her mother's coat and everything. she was we can get beer this way. and so sure enough, we went down
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to the package store. and there was a friend of marie's that was coaching me. before you go into the package store, you have to go in and get the case of beer. don't ask for it. you'll look like an amateur, they'll know. >> i had her voice and wig. i carried it out, the beer myself and put it on the counter and everything. and am i going to pull this off? because you have to realize, i was 12. [ laughter ] and, you know, that's a long way to go. but i had a lower voice somehow. and i feel like maybe this is where the acting thing came along. he sold me the case of beer. and i was so thrilled, you know. [ applause ] >> thrilled, thrilled. >> jimmy: the kids and beer. have a good day, mrs. milani. >> yes. >> jimmy: jennifer coolidge is with us. we'll be right back. like a relentless weed, moderate to severe ulcerative colitis symptoms
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wow! planet oat really has it all... you guys are so right! no you are. no you are. no you are. yeah, you are. ♪
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>> do you think he is after rocco? >> i got a bad feeling. >> oh. what are we going to do? >> hey, what you doing? what you doing? >> i get horny when i'm scared. >> we're married. >> who cares? it's just us an the wildlife. just you and me, no one is going to know. >> what is the matter with you? get off of me. >> why? >> i'm not going to. i'm not going to, ruth. >> that's a shame. you were going to put something that hard to waste. >> jimmy: jennifer coolidge in
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"riffraff." jennifer, what are the rules for grope agco star. are there any? >> well, i won't do it to ed harris ever again. >> jimmy: why? why? what happened -- did something go wrong? >> well, you know, i was acting. but i think he might have thought -- i think he really thought that i was going for it. and maybe i was. i don't know. [ laughter ] but he was like at one point he was get out of there! really did. get out! yeah. >> jimmy: i think he is probably just a good actor. >> really good actor. he is a really good actor. but sometimes, you know, there's no rehearsal to this stuff. >> jimmy: right. >> you know, you're shooting this stuff really fast. so you don't even -- i had another bad experience, but i won't tell it.
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i had another groping story where the director last-minute told me to grope this guy. and it really didn't go well. >> jimmy: it didn't? i'm sorry to hear that. did you -- you have a great cast. i really liked the movie. i enjoyed it. bill murray and pete davidson. >> oh my god, yes. yes. >> jimmy: a gangster, like a hitman and his dumb assistant. >> yeah. and they're both so good. yeah. >> jimmy: they are. >> bill murray is very dark in this film. and i haven't -- you know, he is really good as a scary heavy. i mean. >> jimmy: scary but also funny in it too. i guess it just comes through regardless of what he's doing. had you worked with bill before? >> no. >> jimmy: that was the first time. did you know him at all? >> no. this is why it's so good to take these jobs. i don't know any of these people. and then if you get a job with them, you actually get to know these people. >> jimmy: you get to spend time. >> no, i like him -- i like him
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a lot, but he gives you a very hard time about a lot of things. >> jimmy: oh, like what? >> well, like, you know, we were being interviewed in toronto for the film festival and everything. and the interviewer was -- he asked me the question first, okay, jennifer coolidge, please tell us about your character. so i went into this long monologue about my character. and i finished, and then bill says "this is my character." i felt like such a chump. oh my god. oh my god. no other guy would have given me a hard time, but bill murray. but i like, you know, sometimes when -- i know this is going to be a terrible thing to say. [ laughter ] sometimes when guys are a little mean to you, just for a second, you're like oh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: just for a second. >> just for a second. yeah, yeah.
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>> jimmy: a case of comfort that you're friends. >> especially if when you're at the film festival, everyone is complimenting you. so bill murray had to set me straight. >> jimmy: my son billy is -- he's never been more excited for a movie than the minecraft movie. are you -- do you know minecraft? you familiar with that world? >> yeah. as an outsider. >> jimmy: as an outsider. >> yeah, i wasn't really building anything inside. >> jimmy: you weren't. you weren't a creator? no. you're going to have -- i don't know if you realize, you're going have an army of 7-year-old boy fans as a result of this movie. >> that's nice. >> jimmy: it's coming. >> it's coming? >> jimmy: oh, yeah, it's coming. >> okay. you know, i just want you to know that i'm -- my character is from the real world. >> jimmy: oh, from the -- it's not -- >> no, no, i, you know, i can't tell too much.
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but i'm a real world interacting. >> jimmy: is the reason you don't want to talk too much about your character is because bill embarrass you'd at the film festival? and now you have that in your head at all times? >> yeah. i haven't recovered from it yet. [ laughter ] and i'm still a little turned on it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: jennifer coolidge, everybody. go see riffraff. it's in theaters now and her minecraft movie april 4th. we'll be back with sarah bock. ♪ “talk” by selena gomez and benny blanco ♪ ♪ i need your arms around me, ♪ ♪ i need to feel your touch ♪ ♪ hey! ♪ ♪ baby, i'm tired of waiting ♪ ♪ go re-charge your batteries, ♪ ♪ come back to me and make your mama proud ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i need your arms around me, ♪ ♪ i need to feel your touch ♪ ♪ and i really want to talk! ♪
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with the way that pg&e handled the wildfires. yeah. yeah. i totally, totally understand. we're adding a ton of sensors. as soon as something comes in contact with the power line, it'll turn off so that there's not a risk that it's gonna fall to the ground and start a fire. okay. and i want you to be able to feel the improvements. we've been able to reduce wildfire risk from our equipment by over 90%. that's something i want to believe. [skateboard sounds] ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sarah bock and coco jones are coming up. but first, it's thursday night, which means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week, whether they need it or not. it's time for "this week in unnecessary censorship." ♪ >> what is the vibe you're going for this evening? >> just [ bleep ] myself. that is the theme. #[ bleep ] myself, okay. >> one big [ bleep ] at the dolby theatre, one big [ bleep ] a whole bunch of stars. >> if you don't want this deal, then we walk away. and i guess you keep fighting, but it's the end of your country. >> i've got a hard time [ bleep ] ten seconds. i want to get tim's reaction. >> tonight, in so many words from congressman his [ bleep ] big beautiful [ bleep ]. >> today joe biden took a big beautiful [ bleep ]. it's fantastic. [ applause ]
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>> are hosting their annual pig day celebration today. >> from 9:00 to 12:00. >> thank you so much, and to my husband, with that beautiful [ bleep ], you're just the biggest [ bleep ] of my life. thank you so much. muchas gracias. >> i also signed an executive order to ban men from [ bleep ] in women's -- [ applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back to the show. we have music from coco jones coming up. when our next guest isn't cramming for freshman exams in college, she has an office job. she plays the very young deputy manager miss wong on "severance." >> okay. my name is ms. fong. it's my first day here as deputy manager. i guess something about me is that for this, i was a crossing
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guard. mark w.? >> why are you a child? >> because of when i was born. >> jimmy: watch new episodes of "severance" fridays on apple tv+, please welcome sarah bock. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. >> it's so good to be here. >> jimmy: it's weird to have you here. i'm going to be honest. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that was probably the most lighthearted we see you in the whole season. >> yeah. she is pretty intense. >> jimmy: how old were you when your auditioned for that part? >> i was 15, yeah. >> jimmy: 15 years old. wow. and did you know about the show at that time? >> i haven't seen it, but my parents were huge, huge fans. >> jimmy: so they were excited.
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>> they were so excited. they were you need to get this role so we can find out what happens ahead of time. >> jimmy: do you tell them? >> they read the scripps. but i don't tell them more than they know. i like to keep it from them. it's fun. >> jimmy: do they want to know or really want to know? they pretend they want to know? >> i think my dad really wants to know. >> jimmy: oh, he does? >> my mom, she is excited to watch it weekly. >> jimmy: isn't that fun after all the tooth fairy and santa claus stuff to have a secret you can keep from your dad? >> it's my revenge, yeah. >> jimmy: where do you go to college? >> northwestern. >> jimmy: what you studying there? >> i'm a theater major and hopefully a psychology double major. >> jimmy: theater and psychology double major. what do you mean hopefully? isn't that your decision? >> yeah. i don't know how to declare a double major. i'm trying to ■figurethatut. it's kind of hard. >> jimmy: is there an official declaration that is made? >> yeah. i thought you could just click a button, but apparently you can't do that. >> jimmy: oh, wow. we're going have to figure that out. we can help you with that.
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are you supposed to be in class today? >> yeah, i'm missing two classes today. >> what classes are you missing? >> voice performance and polypsy class. >> someone who has better understanding of it than me. i'm technically a doctor. what is poly so are students recognizing you on campus or mostly teachers? or what? >> when i went on campus, i didn't tell anyone intentionally because i wanted to get to know people. but now that it's out, people are watching it weekly. i'll be in the dining hall and someone will come up to me and i really love the show. oh, great. want some potatoes. but i'll go into evanston which is downtown and meet families that recognize me and talk about theories. >> jimmy: oh, they throw the theories at you. >> yeah. >> jimmy: do they throw the weird theories at you? >> yeah there is a lot of clone, a lot of robot. it's crazy. >> jimmy: a lot of clone, a lot
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of robot. don't some people think you're mark and hellie's child -- not hellie's. >> gemma. >> jimmy: yeah, right. are you? [ laughter ] did you know ben stiller and adam scott? were you familiar with their work before this? >> yeah. "the good place" is my favorite show of all time. >> jimmy: so you knew adam. >> for ben, i didn't know this, but i've seen 20 of his projects. i didn't know it was him because i saw it from 0 to now. but when i looked him up and saw his imdb, i was oh my god. >> jimmy: i wonder if that's a compliment to ben or not. i've seen you in 20 things, and yet i've never put two and two together. [ laughter ] do you -- you guys watch the show? you live in a dorm or something? >> i do. my friends, we watch it weekly. i missed a couple of the watch parties. >> jimmy: you miss them because
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you were working? >> yeah, or because i had rehearsal or something, yeah. >> jimmy: okay, all right. and then do you have a q&a after the watch parties? >> normally they'll there will be a 15-minute debrief where they give me their theories and i giggle in the corner. >> jimmy: do you know everything -- you know things outside of your season? >> no. i'm pretty in the dark about it all. it's pretty mysterious to me too. >> jimmy: does ms. wong have a first name that you know of? >> maybe. >> jimmy: maybe. maybe means you know if she does? >> maybe. >> jimmy: see how i can put this that you can answer. is that going to be -- is that part of the theme? >> maybe. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what does the set look like in person? you know there are those halls that -- i always feel like there is 18 feet of hall and they're kind of walking through the same deal. >> yeah, it's seriously a maze.
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what you see on the show is pretty much what it look likes in real life. >> jimmy: so it is really that long, that far? >> no, it's huge. but they keep rearranging the walls every few days based on what they're filming. so it's impossible to memorize. so i would always get lost walking to set and i'd have to find a p.a. or someone to lead me to where they were. it was so crazy. >> jimmy: so you feel like a mouse walking around there? >> i got lost all the time. >> jimmy: wow, that's interesting. but the doors are -- you get -- can you go through the doors? are they real doors? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and there is nothing on the other side if they've rearranged it. >> sometimes. if it's the break room or the office, those are always set there. but as far as the actual walls and what connects to what, that's always changing. >> jimmy: the set is like a retro maybe '80s kind of early '80s type of thing based on like the computer. had you ever seen any of that stuff? had you seen one of those computers that has the green letters on it, you know, the
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keyboard? >> not really. i saw it on the show. ms. wong, she has a little phone on her desk. it has the keyboard and you pick it up. i didn't know how to use that. >> jimmy: really. wow. >> i asked do i press a button before i pick it up? how would you hear the person on the other end. >> jimmy: and did every older person you ask have a look of shock and depression when you asked that question? >> they look disappointed. they're seriously? yeah. >> jimmy: wow, yeah, yeah. that's like an arrow right through the heart. it's a keypad. i don't know. do they call it a keypad? we didn't have a name for it. it was just the numbers on the phone. >> when you pick it up, do you have to -- but if they're calling you, then no. i don't know. >> jimmy: have you ever seen the one with the circular thing? oh!
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that's going to blow your mind. i'm going to get you one of those for christmas, okay? >> awesome. >> jimmy: well, it's great to have you here. you do a fantastic job on the show. i don't think you should have to go to any acting classes. really. who are they to tell you what to do? >> i still have a lot to learn, though. >> jimmy: sarah bock, everybody "severance" stream fridays on apple tv+. we'll be back with coco jones. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: thanks to jennifer coolidge and sarah bock. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first, her album "why not more?" comes out april 25th. here with the song "taste," coco jones! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ everywhere i'll never be way you kiss my lips and leave a legacy ♪ ♪ oh to live without you what a tragedy i can't get enough ♪ ♪ all up in my conscious i don't want another touch
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without you there ♪ ♪ if i'm being honest i'm falling in love ♪ ♪ with a taste a taste gets me in places ♪ ♪ with a taste i'm chasin' i can't erase it ♪ ♪ with a taste taste me boy and i'll taste you ♪ ♪ with a taste that's the way i feel ♪ ♪ with a taste of your lips i'm on a ride ♪ ♪ you're toxic i'm slippin' under oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ taste of a poison paradise ♪ ♪ i'm addicted to you don't you know that you're toxic ♪ ♪ don't hold back do me like that i'm gone ♪ ♪ real real bad feelin' every emotion ♪ ♪ big noise back to back it's too good i'm too attached ♪ ♪ one bite of you the things that it could do ♪ ♪ with a taste a taste gets me in places ♪ ♪ with a taste i'm chasin'
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i can't erase it ♪ ♪ with a taste taste me boy and i'll taste you ♪ ♪ with a taste that's the way i feel ♪ ♪ with a taste of your lips i'm on a ride you're toxic ♪ ♪ i'm slippin' under yeah ♪ ♪ taste of a poison paradise i'm addicted to you you know what you do ♪ ♪ with a taste of your lips i'm on a ride ♪ ♪ you're toxic i'm slippin' under oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ taste of a poison paradise ♪ ♪ i'm addicted to you don't you know that you're toxic ♪ >> hey, kimmel! ♪ ♪ with just a litle taste with a taste of your lips i'm on a ride ♪
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♪ with just a little taste ♪ ♪ with just a litle taste with a taste of your lips i'm on a ride ♪ ♪ you're toxic i'm slippin' under taste of a poison paradise ♪ ♪ i'm addicted to you don't you know that you're toxic uh-huh ♪ [ applause ] this is nightline. >> tonight they called her octomom, once one of the most vilified parents in america. >> you received death threats. >> right. thousands of death threats? yes.
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